#wake up babe.. back at it again with the stupid captions </3
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# now that's what i call a glow up (vol 67)
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Time Heals....Epilogue
She paused in front of the large photo occupying the back wall of the living room and pressed her hand to her cheek. Without warning, large arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her against a muscled chest, “you ok, Baby?”
“I’m good. Just looking.”
“You stare at that picture a lot.”
“It is a nice picture.”
“You stare at it like you waiting for something to disappear from it.”
“Huh? No. It’s just shocking but a good kind.”
“After five years.”
“After twenty years, I’m probably still gonna be standing in front of it in shock.”
“I never expected this but I love it.”
Chris smiled as he kissed her cheek and swayed her side to side, “I love it too. What’s shocking about it?”
“That it exists. That you really got me to have three more babies in five years. I mean.”
“Well technically we had another set of multiples so it only counts as one pregnancy. You trying to make me sound bad.”
Robyn laughed as she reached back to brush her hand along his cheek, “speaking of multiples, where are our babies?”
“They are sitting in their high chairs, enjoying their lunch.”
“What did we make? I forget.”
“They are eating some mashed potatoes and shredded chicken. That pregnancy brain is still getting to you.”
“They are only 10 months old besides pregnancy brain doesn’t quite go away.”
“I’ll just have to take your word for it. Erin, Erica, and Elijah are outside playing in the treehouse.”
“I’m surprised they let their little brother in there with them.”
“Considering you put them on punishment last time they didn’t, I don’t think they wanna act like they have too much of a choice.”
“That is true.”
“Are you ok, really? I know that last set was a bit challenging.”
“I’m fine. Just admiring my family, that’s all.”
“Well in that case-“
“No. Nope. Nada. Not gonna happen. Don’t even think about it.”
“I didn’t even say anything.”
“You didn’t have to, VA. I am not having anymore babies. You can forget it.”
“Not even if you’re already pregnant.”
“Why would I be already pregnant? And how would I not know?”
“You didn’t know about Ebony and Emin until you were already 3 months. You sure you wanna play with it?”
“If you got me pregnant again, I’m gonna kill you, bring you back to life then kill you again. One for each possible baby.”
“You are so violent.”
“And you are so damn fertile, Christopher.”
Chris grinned and Robyn playfully elbowed him in his ribs, “I hate you.”
“You love me, Baby.”
“Why would you think I’m pregnant again anyway?”
“You didn’t mark your period for the last two months.”
“Yes, I did. I have an app on my phone.”
“That is synced to my phone and I can see that you did not mark a period.”
“That is not true.”
“Check your phone then.”
Robyn and Chris walked into the kitchen, where Ebony and Emin were still eating their lunch. Robyn kissed each of their chubby cheeks as she walked past them to grab her phone off the charger. She scrolled through her apps and pressed her period tracker. She scrolled through the last two months then turned her phone to Chris, “I did mark my period.”
“Last month. What about this month?”
“It just ended.”
Robyn huffed as she moved to the hall closet and dug into the top shelf for a box.
“I’ll be right back,” She hollered back towards the kitchen.
“I’ll be here,” Chris yelled back with a chuckle. He turned towards his son and daughter, “your mommy is about to be so mad with me.”
Ebony and Emin both giggled and stuck their fingers back into their food to keep eating.
  Fifteen minutes passed before Robyn stormed back into the kitchen. She rolled her eyes as she moved to put her phone back on the charger.
“Sooo…what’s the verdict?”
“Inconclusive. Had to move up my doctor’s appointment.”
“Are you upset?”
“Not yet but guess who’s gonna have to buy us a bigger house.”
“I’ll just clear the acreage in the back and expand. No big deal.”
Robyn sucked her teeth, “easy for you to say, you super sper-“
Chris cut her off before kissing her deeply. After a few moments, he pulled back and her eyes fluttered open, “you really need to work on your anger issues.”
“You are getting a vasectomy, pregnant or not.”
“Whaa….wait a minute now.”
“Ain’t no wait a minute. Mother Nature will take care of my fertility. Your sh-,” she glanced over at the younger twins, “your thing never stops working. You are getting a vasectomy. I will not be a damn TLC special, Mr. Brown.”
“But what if I want to have more babies down the line?”
“More babies with who? Not with me. You planning on divorcing me or something?”
“What? No. What if you die-“
“What If I what? Trust me, if there is any justice in the world, you are going first.”
Chris laughed as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into his chest, “I know you’re only acting like this because you’re nervous and you’re scared but you have nothing to worry about.
“Chris, I just had two babies.”
“I know. I was there. Through every difficult and beautiful part. I was there when you had to eat through a feeding tube. I was there through your c-section. I was there in the hospital with you and our babies for a whole month. I was there and that’s why you don’t need to worry because pregnant or not, I’m here.”
“Why are you so happy about this?”
“Because nothing makes my life more than watching you swell up with my babies. Than helping you take care of them. Than you allowing me to take care of you.”
“Just when I was about to get my birth control started again.”
Chris kissed her forehead, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault. I’m the one who keeps having sex with you.”
“Because you like me.”
“I like him. Not you.”
Chris frowned and Robyn laughed as he glared at her, “Oh my god, don’t be so sensitive.”
“Sometimes I don’t think you’re joking.”
“When you’re getting on my nerves, I’m not but honestly, I love you. I really do and if there is another baby, hopefully it’s just one, we will adjust and make it work as we have been for the last five years.”
“Can’t believe you don’t want to give me my own set of Jacksons.”
“You ain’t Joe and you definitely ain’t Michael, so you can hang all of that up.”
“Mommy. Daddy.”
They both turned to the Ebony and Emin, who were holding their hands up in the air, their sign for being done with their food.
Chris grabbed Emin as Robyn grabbed Ebony, “we make some cute babies, though.”
“Yea, we do.”
  Joyce and Monica sat on Joyce’s porch with two glasses of tea.
“Does Robyn know you’re back in town?” Joyce asked.
“Nope. I wanted a little time to myself before I get overrun by my grandkids.”
“Aww…those beautiful little rascals.”
“They really are so cute. Erin and Erica have definitely grown into the Chris side of their gene pool.”
“They did. It was like overnight.”
Monica laughed as she took a sip of her drink. Joyce’s phone vibrated and she grabbed it to look at the screen, “speak of the devil, Robyn’s texting me now.”
Joyce slid open the message and laughed hysterically, “Monica, you have to see this.”
Monica took the phone and laughed at the image, “Another one?”
“Another one.
On the screen was a photo of a pregnancy test result with the caption, “I hate your son.”
 “Ok Chris, pick a kid. We need to get them ready for school,” Robyn said as she sat down on the couch. Chris sat down next to her and pointed at Erin to sit on the stack of pillows in front of him. Erica moved to sit in front of Robyn as Elijah moved to sit in front of the TV with Ebony and Emin beside him.
“Ok Erin, Daddy can only do ponytails. Anything else you gonna have to wait on your Mama,” Chris said as he took her hair out of the two French braids it was in.
“That’s fine, Daddy. I just want a bun on the top”
“Cool. That I can do.”
  Robyn sighed as she grabbed a basket of dry clothes to sit on the couch beside her. Just as she grabbed out a shirt, Chris took it out of her hands, “what are you doing?”
“I’m folding laundry. What does it look like I’m doing?”
“You need to go rest. Go lay down.”
“You will not start-“
“Don’t make me spank you. Go lay down. Now.”
Robyn huffed, “fine. Help me up.”
Chris grabbed her hands and gently tugged her up off the couch. He hugged her to him then pecked her lips, “must you make me worry every pregnancy.”
“You deserve it for getting me pregnant in the first place.”
Chris chuckled, “but you’re happy.”
“Of course I’m happy, why wouldn’t I be?”
Chris shrugged.
“Don’t start getting all emotional on me now. You know I’m happy. I was in shock but still happy. Listen, I knew it was a possibility especially so soon after the twins. I’m not stupid, Christopher.”
“I’m not saying you are.”
“So why you being so sensitive? I always pick at you like this, I’m just joking. Am I being mean? Because I’ll stop.”
“No, it’s not mean. I just worry about you, that’s all.”
“There’s nothing to worry about, isn’t that what you’ve been telling me?”
“So how about you, my gorgeous fertile husband, take your own advice and relax?”
Robyn smiled and tugged on his chin so she should kiss his lips, “I love you and our new baby and all our old babies too.”
Chris laughed, “So since you were just joking, do I still have to-“
“You don’t have to, I would like you to but you don’t have to.”
“Well if I do it, you have to too. Even if Mother Nature will take care of yours.”
“Kind of like our piercing deal, huh?”
“Exactly like that.”
“Then yes, If you will get a vasectomy, I will get my tubes tied.”
Chris held out his pinkie, “you promise?”
Robyn entwined her pinkie with his, “I promise.”
“OK, go get some rest. I’ll finish the laundry and cleaning up the kitchen then I’ll be upstairs.”
“Babe, I can help you.”
“The best thing you can do for me is relax and let me take care of you, ok?”
“Yes Husband.”
“Thank you Wife.”
“And I’m not having sex with you anymore.”
“You say that every pregnancy yet somehow I wake up with you straddling my lap at four months gestation. We’ll see.”
Robyn stuck her tongue out at him, “I don’t like you.”
“But you like him, remember,” Chris playfully thrust his pelvis at her and Robyn threw a decorative pillow at him, “so crude.”
“You like it, Robyn Rihanna Brown.”
“Goodnight Christopher.”
“Goodnight Bajan Girl. I’ll be up there in a minute.”
When Chris made his way upstairs a little while later, Robyn was sitting up on the side of the bed.
“Hey Sweetie, you ok?”
“I’m good.”
“So why are you still up?”
“I didn’t want to lay down without you.”
Chris smiled as he walked over to kiss her, “let me change clothes then we’ll go to bed.”
“Wait, I wanna talk to you.”
“Oh,” Chris replied as he sat down next to her and grabbed her hand, “what’s the matter? Do you need something?”
“How’d you know I was pregnant? It couldn’t have just been the period app.”
“Well, it was little things.”
“Usually by the time you’ve been postpartum a few months, your body tends to shift back to its normal shape but it wasn’t doing that. Your hips were still spread and your stomach was still a bit hard even though it wasn’t distended or anything at first. Also when during the first few weeks of your pregnancy, you tend to favor the right side of your body more like your left side is sore or something. I just- why are you looking at me like that? Are you crying?”
“I’m sorry, I just- I didn’t know you noticed things like that,” Robyn said softly as she wiped her eyes, “God, I hate crying.”
“No Baby, it’s ok. It’s ok. Your hormones are still sensitive, don’t feel like that.”
“I wish it was hormones. How’d you even remember any of that? It’s so small”
“Because it’s you. Robyn, there’s so many things I observe about you and I just soak it all in because I want to know you inside and out. I want to be able to do for you without you having to ask or even say anything. That means something to me.”
“But my hips spreading like-“
“Well, that’s just because I like watching you from behind and when your butt really plumps up, I notice.”
“Pervert,” Robyn said with a giggle and playfully shove of his shoulder.
“Honestly, I notice everything because for me everything about you is important to notice. Like when you get frustrated and your left brow jumps. How your left breast is slightly fuller than your right. How you always tilt your head to the side when you’re listening really hard. How watching our children makes your face light up and you smile so bright. The way you drink your tea with your middle finger bent against the glass. I see it and I love watching it happen.”
“Drink my tea? How in the hell do you even see that? I didn’t even know I do that.”
Chris chuckled, “I’m watching you, Mrs. Brown. I’m always watching. And protecting. And caring. That takes skill and time and focus.”
“Now you making me feel like I’m not doing enough.”
“If you did anymore, I might have to learn how to birth children just to keep up.”
Robyn laughed.
“You’re perfect to me. Your presence in my life has been my saving grace since I was a lanky fourth-grader with an irritating stutter.”
“Aww….I thought your stutter was cute.”
“You were about the only one.”
Robyn brushed her hand against his cheek before grabbing his hand and placing it on her barely rounded belly, “we’re having another baby, Christopher.”
“We are and it’s one of the greatest blessing I could’ve ever asked for.”
“What do you want this time?”
“Another boy. Just to even the household out.”
“I think I’d like that.”
“Me too. So anything else you need?”
“No but one more question.”
“Could you have imagined this years ago?”
“I dreamed it. I just got lucky it came to life.”
“Me too. Me too.”
“Ok, my very pregnant wife needs her rest so my baby can be all healthy and ready for the world.”
“We got a long time to go.”
“We thought that with the last set and they still came 3 months early.”
“That is very true.”
Chris pulled back the sheets on Robyn’s side of the bed and helped her climb in. He carefully shifted her pillows for more back support before turning off the lights and climbing in the bed next to her, “if you need anything, wake me up, ok?”
“You tell me this knowing that, that is not gonna happen.”
“Five babies in and still stubborn as hell.”
“You love me.”
“I do. Goodnight Bajan Girl.”
“Goodnight VA.
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lousimusician · 5 years
Drunk Part 2
Pairing: Fuckboy!Tom x Reader
Summary: You realize that going out and partying may be more fun than you originally thought, but Tom seems to disagree
Warnings: Language and sexual themes
A/N: This part is more of a setup to part 3, so it isn't as eventful as the first part
Growing up with Tom and Harrison was hard. You lived in their shadows. They were the popular one's while you were always cast to the side. They were outgoing and promiscuous while you stayed introverted and innocent.
But you were okay with it, you told yourself. You were the smart one, you kept the two idiots level headed.
And day after day as you grew up you kept telling yourself you didn't need to be popular, you didn't need to have attention, you didn't need to be desired by boys.
Because you were the smart one.
You completely believed that until this very moment. Where you sat in front of your mirror, hunched over your phone scrolling through every post you were tagged in from last night.
You had woken up snuggled into Tom when everything last night came back.
You remembered going to the party. "Helping" Tom. Drinking with Jonathan.... kissing Jonathan. Dancing all night. Grinding against guys... Kissing even more guys (and that one girl). Losing your dress. Body shots. Tom finding you. And finally breaking down because that guy insulted you and you thought you had dissapointed Tom. 
You had crawled out from under Tom's arm to look at yourself in the mirror, and the sight was shocking. Your hair was a mess, you had smudged mascara under your eyes, your lips were raw and you had hickeys, bruises, and scratches all over.
It truly was a sight to behold, you could only imagine what everyone from your highschool would have to say, seeing what had become of the most innocent girl once she reached college.
Your attention had been pulled when you heard your phone vibrate. You reached for your phone to quickly check the notification, when the number of them shocked you. 
You had 30 notifications from instagram just from last night to this morning. You sat down across from your mirror and with shaky hands, had unlocked your phone.
You were tagged in photos and videos, every single one of them with you being the center of attention. There were videos of you dancing, people taking body shots off you, you taking body shots off others, playing drinking games (Where you figured out that that was how you lost your dress, after losing a particular game.) Photos of you drinking and kissing guys.
But the captions were what really got you.
Every single one of them praised you.
Captions that read.
"One of the lamest parties until @yourinstagram showed up."
"Never knew @yourinstagram had it in her."
"Literally the life of the party. @yourinstagram"
And one of your personal favorites. (Though you'd never admit it.)
"One of the sexiest girls at last nights party. @yourinstagram."
And the comments were just as good. People saying that they wish they had come just to see you and others wanting to meet you.
Going to last nights party and doing what you had done went against everything you convinced yourself that you weren't and that it was something you didn't need.... but now you weren't to sure.
Last night was fun. It was exciting. And yes maybe you could've toned down the alcohol intake, but you had never had that much fun before. 
You were starting to understand why Tom and Harrison went out so often now.
Speaking of Tom, you got up and headed towards your bed, laying on top of him to wake him up.
He grunted underneath you. 
"Tommyyy you're never gonna believe this. It's about last night's party."
Tom was wide awake with that, as he sat up. "Shit, I forgot about the party. Are you okay?" He asked as you rolled off him, sitting next to him now.
You looked at him with wide eyes, grinning ear to ear looking excited. The sight making his stomach do backflips. "I'm more than okay- well actually I'm kinda sore and my head hurts, but other than that I feel great. You need to read these!" You yelled, shoving your phone in his face.
Tom took the phone from your hand and started scrolling through your notifications. His eyebrows furrowed and the more he scrolled a frown etched its way upon his face.
You pouted. "Why do you look upset? Isn't this a good thing?"
Tom glanced at you, then looked down at the phone. "I'm- I'm just a little confused. Last night you were crying and apologizing for what you did last night, and now you're... happy?"
"Well I mean, what I did last night... it was different." You said sheepishly rubbing the back of your neck. "I was actually having a lot of fun but then you punched that guy and he called me a slut and I dunno.. I was drunk and I thought I dissapointed you so I started crying."
Tom looked at you skeptically. "And how do you feel now?"
"I feel good. Last night was the craziest thing I've ever done, and it felt good not having to worry about anything. And now that I'm sober I know I didn't disappoint you, like you do crazier things than what I did last night."
Tom looked at you in bewilderment. "Okay, who are you and what have you done with my best friend? You're one of the least sexual people I know, how can you be so excited over this?"
You narrowed your eyes at him. "Should I be offended?"
"No, it's just." He paused. "You are (Y/N) (L/N). My best friend since diapers. You are a sweet and innocent girl who's in love with acting and film just as much as I am. You've never even had a boyfriend before let alone sex. And now after last night you aren't phased in the slightest over what happened?"
You sighed. "Fine I will admit that what happened was crazy and very unlike me, but honestly all those things that I was so scared to try isn't that big of a deal. I mean like look at you and Haz. The two of you have been sleeping around since you guys hit puberty and plus... it's kinda nice to have the attention on me for once." 
Tom bit his lip as he gazed at you quietly. "...What do you mean?"
"Oh c'mon Tom!" You exclaimed, standing up from your bed. "Ever since highschool started you and Haz became popular with everybody and I was just your weird little friend that girls used to get a date with one of you two. And then college started and I thought maybe I'd have a fresh start and the stupid hierarchy of popular kids would go away but then high school ended up repeating itself. I'd stay in my dorm room while the two of you were invited to every single party but now." You took the phone, and showed him three new dm's. "Look! I was invited to three different parties! People love me now!"
"Well of course they love you, you stuck your tongue down most of their throats."
You rolled your eyes. "Give me a break, you do worse. I'm just tired of you and Haz having all the fun, while I just watch my life pass by."
Tom was getting increasingly more annoyed the more you spoke about this. "So your solution is to start getting trashed at parties and what, fucking every guy you see? Be realistic here (Y/N), this isn't you."
You groaned in frustration. "You just don't get it Tom."
"What exactly don't I get then?"
"You've never been put down, no one has ever not wanted you. I actually have people wanting to be my friend now! I have guys that find me attractive!"
Tom stood up now. "Jesus Christ (Y/N), you want to feel attractive fine. You are one of the prettiest girls I have ever met. Now will you stop it with this stupid idea?"
You rolled your eyes at him. "Don't patronize me. I had fun last night and if I want to do it again, I have the right to. I thought you'd be the least judgmental about something like this. Cause guess what babe, I'm not the only one with hickeys on my neck right now."
Tom shook his head. "Fine. If you so desperately want to feel wanted by these insignificant people then I can't stop you. But don't come crying to me when this bites you in the ass." He said, before heading towards the door and sliding his shoes on.
"Where are you going?"
He opened the door now standing in the doorway. "Back to my dorm. I was gonna stay after everything that happened last night but you seem completely fine now, so you clearly don't need my help." He spat out. "I'll talk to you later. Hopefully you will have come to your senses by then." He grumbled before slamming the door behind him. 
Tom walked across campus, heading for his dorm. He was frustrated. He couldn't understand what had gotten into you, since when did you need to feel approval from everyone else. 
You were always the innocent and shy one who never needed anyone else to validate you.
But what was worse was that Tom couldn't understand why he reacted that way.
Sure your innocent but Tom was far from it. Why should it matter to him that you started doing the same things he did in his free time. Why did the thought of you all over another guy make him so fucking mad. 
He shook his head trying to rid himself of his thoughts as he roughly swung the door to his dorm open then slam it shut behind him.
Across the room Tom saw two head's pop out from the covers on Harrison's bed, which were Harrison himself and some girl he was with.
Tom nodded to them. "Haz, Alexis-"
"It's Amber." The girl said impatiently.
Tom rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He said, laying on his own bed.
Harrison studied him for a moment. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." Tom grumbled.
"No you're not. What happened?" Harrison asked, sitting up in his bed now. 
"Nothing happened Haz, drop it." 
Harrison rolled his eyes. "If it's about (Y/N) I deserve to know. She's my best friend too y'know?"
"How did y-"
"A friend told me you went to stay with her for the night. Now what the fuck happened."
Tom was silent for a few moments, debating on whether or not he should tell him. "...Fine. But kick Alexis out."
"Amber." The girl insisted.
"Whatever." Came his reply.
"You heard him Amber." Harrison said. "Get out."
Amber huffed. "Fine. Call me later." She said before gathering her things and leaving the two friends alone.
"Okay spill."
Tom clicked his tongue and sighed. "Do you know what happened last night?"
"Yeah, I saw on Instagram. Shit's pretty crazy, if I knew she was gonna come by I wouldn't have ran off with Amber. Why weren't you watching her, I thought after that incident in high school you would've never let her drink again."
"I didn't know she stayed. I ran off with some girl." He said pulling the pillow out from under his head and covering his face with it.
"Well is (Y/N) okay?"
"Yeah. More than okay actually." Came his muffled reply.
Harrison furrowed his eyebrows. "What do you mean, 'more than okay'."
"I mean, she actually had fun last night which means she's gonna want to go to more parties."
"Really? Huh, I wouldn't've expected that from her. But if she had fun why are you so pissed."
Tom groaned. "Because it's (Y/N)!" He exclaimed suddenly sitting up in bed, throwing the pillow off his face. "Could you imagine her sleeping around with guys like us! It's completely mental!"
Harrison paused, narrowing his eyes at Tom as he studied him. "Why do you care so much?"
"Because it's (Y/N)!"
"Stop saying that, that's not an answer. If she had fun last night she should be able to go to more parties. The girl's still a virgin let her have some fun for once."
"Why does she need to have that kind of fun?"
"Did you expect her to never have sex Tom?" Harrison scoffed.
"I-I don't know! But I know these guys aren't good enough for her!"
Harrison paused as something began to click. "Hold on a second Tom, do you- do you like her?" He asked.
Tom looked at him in shock. "Of course not! It's (Y/N) for chrissake! I just care about her a lot."
Harrison's eyes suddenly widened in realization. "Holy shit! You do like her! That would explain why you've always been so protective of her all these years."
"What- I have not-"
"Oh come on Tom! I've seen the glares you've sent to guys that have so much as looked at her- and you've always been rather touchy with her."
Tom immediately felt his face begin to burn up. "No I'm not"
"Quit fucking denying it, yes you are. You always have your arm around her and you always have your hands on her in some way- and you're always looking at her."
"I-" he paused. "B-but I can't." He weakly said as the truth started to dawn on him.
It would explain everything. Why he was so angry seeing everyone all over you last night, that possessive feeling he had, and why he didn't want you going to any more of those parties even though you enjoyed it... And technically it would explain why he found you so goddamn attractive.
"Fuckin' hell, I do like her!"
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Drunk Taglist:
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prettytoxicrevolver · 5 years
Date Night | Eben Franckewitz
Requested? Yup! I hope you like it :) 
Warnings? Nah 
Word Count: 1,424
“Do we have to go out tonight?” You ask when Eben comes back into the green room. He was just about to go on stage for the night and you two were in the middle of deciding what to do for date night.
“I mean we don’t have to.” He says shrugging his shoulders. “What do you want to do?”
“Have a night in? We could chill on the tour bus and watch movies or something.” You answer while sitting up. Eben sits in front of you and takes your hand in his, playing with your fingers.
“Please?” You ask dragging out the e and when he gives you a half smile you cheer. “You can pick the movies!”
“Sounds good to me.” He says and you smile widely. He leans down to kiss you and just as he straightens back up his name is called to go on stage. The two of you head out of the room and you give Eben one last kiss before he heads up there.
You loved watching Eben perform his heart out every night on stage. Watching him give it his all and his response to the crowds insane energy always made your heart glow. He had come so far and you were so proud of him.
“How was I?” Eben asks as he steps off of stage.
“Amazing.” You say and he pulls you towards him. Every night on tour you always waited on the side of stage for Eben to finish and every night he asked the same question.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it.” He whispers before leaning down and placing a long kiss on your lips. He goes to move away but you’re quicker and you pull him back towards you. The kiss is deeper this time and Eben lifts you off the grown as he pulls your bodies flush together.
“Mmm let’s go back to the tour bus before someone sees us yeah?” He asks and you nod.
After his set is finished, the two of you wait until the boys are on stage and already a few songs in to head back to the tour bus. You decide to make food first, a simple dinner because after singing Eben was usually starving. The two of you sit at the small “dining room” table and talk about the events of the day.
“I’m so glad you’re here with me.” He says setting down his spoon and resting his elbows on the table. You can’t help but blush and smile before reaching out and taking Eben’s hand in yours.
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” He smiles and leans forward to peck your lips making you smile into the kiss.
“So. what movie do you want to watch?” You ask as he stands to do the dishes.
“Sandlot?” He asks and you smile widely. The sandlot was one of your favorite childhood movies. You always watched it on snow days as a kid and you haven’t seen it in years so when Eben suggested it you were excited.
You head toward the back of the bus and search around for your movies. Upon finding the small black case filled with your favorites, you picked out the sandlot and placed it into the DVD player. Eben comes back a few minutes later and just as you start it up, he wraps and arm around your waist and leads you to the couch.
You instantly snuggle into Ebens side as his arm comes around your waist and pulls you closer. Nights like this were always your favorite with Eben. Of course the two of you could spend every night going out but nothing beats hanging out in each others arms.
About halfway through the movie, you hear a noise coming from the front of the tour bus. Before either of you can get up to see who it is, the boys come bursting into the back room. They’re talking adamantaly about the show so you pause the movie and wait for them to settle down.
Usually after their set, the boys are always wired for a good half hour to an hour afterwards. They talk about things that happened on stage, how the crowds reacted, experiences meeting fans before the show, the whole nine yards. After getting that much of an adrenaline rush you couldn’t blame them though.
After most of the boys change and talk it all out, they all take seats around you and Eben who haven't moved since they came in.  You also knew that after a show it was useless talking to the boys or having a conversation with others if it wasn’t about the show. It was really the only thing on their minds for awhile. Which was again, understandable.
“What were you two watching?” Jonah asks gesturing to the paused screen.
“The Sandlot.” You respond. “It was a date night until you clowns interrupted.”
“Ouch.” Zach mutters and you smile and nudge him. As cheesy as it was the boys had become like family to you and you acted just like it.
“Babe?” Eben asks and you turn to look up at him. “Look at this.” He holds his phone out to you and you take it.
A video pops up, the new spongebob meme with the caption ‘When it’s 2010 ad you wake up at 3 am in a cold sweat.’ In the background the George Lopez theme song rings out and you lean forward laughing loudly.  
“Oh my god I saw one the other day that reminded me of Zach.” You say whipping out your phone and pulling up twitter. That was the other benefit of being close to the band, their fans were fucking hilarious.
You pull up the video and hand your phone to Eben and watch as he cackles at the meme. You two go back and forth like this, trading phones and making each other laugh with the newest meme for practically an hour.
“Oh god Daniel what did you just tag me in?” You ask when you see the notification at the top of your phone.
“Just go look.”
You click on Daniel’s profile and check out his instagram story. It was a video of you and Eben curled into each other with the caption “they’ve been laughing at videos together for an hour.” While normally you hated being on the boys instagram stories because they always caught you doing the most embarassing stuff, this was kinda sweet.
“You too Jonah?” Eben asks and you lean over to see Eben clicking on Jonah’s instagram story and another video of you and Eben laughing at a video shows up.
“Well if you two weren’t all over each other we wouldn’t post about it.” Daniel jokes and you roll your eyes. The four of you end up taking stupid videos of each other and posting it everywhere.
You got great reactions from the fans and even better embarrassing videos of the boys you could use later on. After taking one last dorky photo of Jonah, you put your phone away and cuddle back into Eben. You watch as he mindlessly scrolls through his phone.
Eventually, you grow tired and your eyes slowly fluttered shut. Just as you’re in between a deep sleep and awake, you hear the boys talking. Well the ones that were still awake.
“Is she asleep?” Zach’s familiar voice questions.
I feel Eben shift to look at me before responding. “Yeah she’s probably tired from the show.” His fingertips lightly brush back my hair before cupping my cheek with his hand.
“You love her don’t you?” Jonah asks and I feel Eben moving again.
“More than anything in this world.”
“And you haven’t told her?” Daniel asks.
“Not yet. I want to make it special ya know?” You desperately wanted to sit up and profess your love to Eben too but knew it’d be better to stay quiet and wait to see what they say.
“I don’t know man. I think she’d be happy with whatever way you tell her.” Jonah adds. “Besides, I’m pretty sure she already knows.” Jonah must have gestured to you cause you feel Eben’s eyes on you again.
Your eyes slowly open and you realize that throughout the conversation you had to started to smile. You look up at Eben and a grin dances across his features.
“I love you.” You whisper and he chuckles quietly. The sort of laugh that meant you were so happy you literally couldn’t contain it.
“I love you too.”
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authenticaussie · 7 years
“okay i get it you’re a great thief and don’t want to go to jail but i’m the exhausted af detective that’s assigned to catch you i stg if you let me bring you in so i can sleep i’ll get you a good deal” au (James/Bastet :p)
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Okay so like First of All no WAY would Bastet e v e r agree to that, she is Miss where's waldo / catch me if you can extraordinare but she takes a look at James' sleepless eyes and the wavering grip he has on his gun and sighs and flicks her wrist and goes "how about I give you a deal,"
"I'm??? the one holding a gun???" James goes, and Bastet snorts at him and goes "yeah but I'm basically bullproof and you're exhausted and are probably going to miss me and besides man do you really want to do all of the paperwork shooting at me will require and James looks like he's wilting at the thought and Bastet smirks even more, knowing she has him backed into a corner.
She coughs politely and looks pointedly at his gun and he sighs and puts it away and she just grins and bounces a bit on the balls of her feet and goes, "Okay so like I saw this in a show and it looks awesome and I mean honestly thieving's been kind of boring lately because everyone's so far from catching me, (James, crying in the corner, tries not to look like someone's punched him because he thought he was getting close) so !! I'm going to give you hints and clues to my next thievery
Oh btw what's your phone number
"I- what??" goes James, literally about two seconds from rattling it off tiredly before common sense stops him
"So I can send you the notes?? duh???"
(well I mean I could track her via the phone??? James thinks, forgetting that that Literally Hasn't Worked any other time but at this point basically desperate)
Slides his phone across to her because he literally Cannot at this moment in time, he's too exhausted for this shit,,,,,
Basically backflips off the roof and blows James a kiss and HE basically just wants to lie down and maybe not move for like??? a week??? maybe two, that sounds Super Good
He gets his phone back and for a week he doesn't hear from her and works overtime and tries to figure out what her plan is and what he's supposed to do and how to get through knowing s H E HAS HIS PHONE NUMBER??? WHAT WAS WRONG WITH SLEEP DEPRIVED HIM???
The phone number is enlisted under someone who doesn't even exist and James wants to scream
She put herself into his phone as "The Best [cat emoji]" and he doesn't find out until she texts him with this string of love heart emojis and a riddle with so many puns and look okay he was usually level headed but he swears to GOD he's going to ACTUALLY SHOOT HER
Or at least be a lil bit more brutal than is really called for when he arrests her because she's SUCH AN ASSHOLE OH GOD
James + the taskforce Bastet has figures out her stupid punny riddle and race off to where she's planning to steal her next artifact and she's laughing like crazy as they all chase her and James is like oh my GOD you're CRAZY and you literally just want us to chase you don't you???
She does a backflip and blows him a kiss and basically James wants to die
His partners rib him about it but also....aren't super pleased with him. Because he technically let her escape and look they're all tired too, and exasperated by this crazy lady who does whatever she wants???
Bastet texts after the heist and is like "awww, soz beau, better luck next time" and James is like "why do you text like a pre-pubescent girl I hate you"
(Bastet, holding her phone, bursts out laughing because she thinks this is hysterical and James is really fun to annoy)
James + Bastet + Texting = Nerds
Bastet is Sarcastic AF and loves teasing James w/ hints to how she steals things and information about herself but she's super clever and doesn't drop anything she doesn't mean to
She mentions loving Egypt and James stares at his phone and then is hit by realisation and rolls over and tries to suffocate himself with a pillow he's in agony, of fucking course, how could they not pick up on this before???/
And he texts his team and he's like dude she only steals egyptian things and they're like
James who keeps getting pushed out of the group bc of his involvement w/ Bastet but she'll only talk to him and seems to know when someone else does it, and that just leads him to being more involved with Bastet and one day he complains explicitly and she just goes "want to know some place that isn't lonely??? By my side" and James is like WHAT THE HELL DID A THIEF JUST FLIRT WITH ME
all he manages to text back is "FRATRINISATION"
"I think that only applies if we work together?? Tho i mean we do work together in that i keep you in a job"
"no you dont??????????? i have literally three thousand other things i could do ????? I could help cats out of trees??? Help old ladies cross the street?????????????????????? LITERALLY ANYTHING???"
"Ah, but you LIKE chasing me. It's EXCITING"
"Come sleep in my arms ;3"
"Because it's hilarious??? omfg????"
James spends months being flirted with and sent selfies of Bastet posing with valuable objects before she steals them with captions like 'im stealing this...like you stole my heart ;3" and "dont open this one at work babe you'll get in trouble ;333"
James Officially hates the ";3" emoji. Like. Every time anyone uses it now he LITERALLY is like do NOT
James is Dying (tm)
He starts sleeping a bit better tho. Bastet always warns them before heists now and he's still trying everything he can to find her but at the same time it's been months??? she obviously has an informant or someone who helps her escape that he has to find and it drives him c r a z y???
Oh ye of little faith
He catches her turning into a cat after a year and basically faints and wakes up in an apartment he doesn't recognise and sighs at him and is like "if you yell about kidnapping i swear to god I will give you a concussion"
"uh no??????????? you can leave whenever?????"
James Does Not leave whenever, James sits on the chair at stares at her and eventually goes "hahaha lol okay sure. Question tho Im not crazy right. Like. Bc i thought i saw you turn into a cat hahahaha hAHHA"
-Bastet, literally shapeshifting into a cat right in front of him-
James, laughing hysterically and going Super Green and almost passing out yet again (This poor boy is Suffering (tm)) but manages to stay awake and breathes out super slowly and looks at her and she looks back at him and he basically says "explain" and she turns back into a human and kind of (super badly) does and James ends up staying all day and talking to her and not  even realising where all the time has gone....
by the end of it he has more of an understanding of Bastet, and she's thrown like, three bangles at him accidentally and put shit on him bc she got restless while talking and he walks out of her place to catch her escaping over the rooftops and covered in jewelry this is Not how he expected this day to go
Bastet texts him when he gets home and is like "i want those back you know" and James is like
"Well looks like you'll have to steal them off me ;3″
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