#wait let me clarify I just like his design
romance-rambles · 3 days
[modern] cael | red dress, white dress
After Cael picks up a new hobby relating to your latest work, the two of you discuss weddings and wedding dresses. It ends with a proposal, from you to him.
1.8k, set after qixi [+ some spoilers for his whisper], romantic fluff + super self-indulgent, reader is mc, sequel to this cael fic [but you don't have to read it in order], series: none
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IN THE TIME SINCE THE night of the QIxi festival, Cael has discovered an amusing new hobby with which to occupy himself with, when he's with you.
The words that the painter and the spirit speak—particularly towards end of your oneshot—are, evidently, not unrelated to your relationship with him. That much is obvious. And it'd be rather difficult to claim otherwise, given the faces they wear.
You haven't tried to, either.
Between the two of you, there is an acknowledgment, implicit, that they are a reflection of your innermost thoughts and desires. That they are the kind of daydreams that even someone eloquent as him would find difficult to describe, domestic and loving—just tumultuous enough to describe their standing, with the sort of fairytale ending most would wish for. That they are memories, transformed only in setting and time—only this time, they are not newly acquainted or on a time limit.
He thinks of the quaint little moment where the painter promises to make sure that no one will bother his lover. Had he not done the same for you, once, long ago?
He remembers the casual affection the spirit showers upon her love too, the way she finds herself with her head on his lap underneath the wisterias, and if that ever stops feeling familiar, it must be because he's lost his mind.
After all, you've always been an affectionate person. How can he miss it when the evidence remains in the lingering heat left by your touch? Through the way you so easily take his hand, or throw your arms around him—
When your lovesick gaze isn't boring holes into his body, that is.
He's no better in that regard. In some ways, he thinks he might be worse, with the way his loving gaze seems incapable of following anyone but you. But you might turn it into a competition if he brings it up, so Cael—well aware it won't end well for him—keeps his mouth shut.
Still, it's clear that you never expected him to start quoting your dialogue back at you.
It reminds him of one of the first times he'd properly let his mask down. The way the gears turned in your head, your deer-in-headlights expression betraying your panic before he'd clarified his joke. You'd stared at him—half-relieved, half-surprised, sitting in the silence a bit longer before you laughed.
Today, when you stare at him, there is a hint of defiance peeking through from underneath your flustered mien.
You're dressed casually, in a yoga pants and an oversized t-shirt with one of your favorite cartoon characters. Jagged lines run across the drawing, signaling its age. Some parts of the design have entirely vanished, but it remains one of your most faithful companions still.
With your head on his lap and legs thrown over the armrest, you're sprawled across the couch. In your hand is your phone, and before he dropped his line of the day on you, you'd been showing him a red dress that you really liked—one you intended to buy with your next paycheck.
"Thank you." The effect of your haughty tone is greatly lessened by the scarlet hue painting your cheeks. You clear your throat. "Does that mean you'd like to see me in a red dress?"
Cael chuckles, brushing your hair gently. "To me, it seems like you're the one who wants to be seen in a red dress."
"Of course, I do," you reply, your hand reaching out to play with his hair. "But red or white, it's not the dress that matters. As long as there's a certain someone waiting for me at the end."
For a moment, his quick-thinking mind betrays him, offering him nothing but static. He puts down the book in his hand down and carefully adjust the bookmark until it looks neat. His attention had left its crisp pages when you'd sat down beside him, but it remained in his hand still.
Occasionally, he would flip to the next page, then remember that he had absorbed none of the words on the previous page. So, he would go back, a fact that had not escaped your keen gaze—you'd teased him plenty for it, and who was he to stop you?
"I wonder who that certain someone is," he murmurs.
"I think he knows who he is," you answer, holding onto the end of his now braided strands. After a moment of digging around in your pockets, and the sofa as well, you managed to find a hair tie. "Or, he should, by this point."
"Indeed," Cael says, earning himself a wry smile from you. "It would be difficult to miss."
Enamored by your smile, he sifts through his memories, searching for the line that had left every single reader in desperate search of their own painter.
You'd been rather pleased when you went scrolling through the comments, with a smile so big it bordered on evil. So pleased, in fact, that you made sure to show him every such comment. The underlying meaning to your words was clear—you'd already found your painter, after all.
You'd have a big ego if you were dating someone so pretty too, you'd said, when he'd commented offhandedly on it.
He remembers responding with:
Then I'm certain I have the biggest ego out of anyone.
Though, his words ended up only disarming you for a brief second. It wasn't long before you were throwing your arms around him and calling him a liar ". But for the time being, the comment section was forgotten, and it was just you and him—and Beanie, watching you both from his favorite spot underneath the round table in the corner, seemingly miffed at being excluded.
He had snuck in a few extra treats for him.
Then, all was well in their relationship once more.
"'If that day ever comes, no matter what you want—'" Cael smiles helplessly, remembering the way you'd so easily captured his expression on the painter's face. "'I'll do everything in my power to bring you the most elegant wedding in the entire world.' Though you said the dress itself doesn't matter..."
You inhale sharply, seemingly forgetting—for a moment—that you're in the middle of braiding another section of his hair. When you look back at him, having looked away, your eyes are shining with poorly-disguised affection and your voice is painfully soft.
"When," you correct. "When that day comes. That's what I should've written down."
Letting go of his hair, you pull yourself off his lap and draw your knees closer to your chest. You rest your head on his shoulder. And as loose dark hair begins to tickle his cheek, his hand seeks out yours, pinky finger brushing against the back of your hand.
"When that day comes, we'll get married."
His gaze softens when he looks at you, in the midst of murmuring his agreement. Your wedding is something he's thought about often—his own is not. But now, the groom at the altar is no longer a blurry figure, devoid of any recognizable qualities and having only an aura of happiness that befits a day so celebrated.
It is something he'll ponder over until the day comes, all so that you're the happiest bride to ever live, whether on Earth or any other world.
"Good." You squeeze his hand gently. "Consider it a proposal then."
"It's the first time I've ever been proposed to," he comments offhandedly.
"Really?" For some reason, you sound surprised. And though your words sound like they could pass for a joke, the thoughtful note to them makes it clear that they are not. "Alright, I'm taking it back. I'll make sure to come back with a ring next time."
Cael smiles helplessly at you. "I'm not sure if you can take something like that back so easily."
His breath catches in his throat when you lift your head slightly to meet his gaze. Because in that moment, you're smiling at him brightly, It is blinding. While he's distracted, you lean in close and steal a quick kiss from his lips.
"Temporary measure," you respond, squinting at him in faux annoyance. "You're not getting rid of me so easily."
In a voice so soft that he's half certain you'll miss it, he says, sincerely, "I would never dream of it."
Judging by the way your smile widens into a grin, you don't miss it at all.
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"YOU KNOW, YOU MISSED IT BEFORE," you point out unexpectedly, long after they've moved on from the topic of weddings and wedding dresses.
Cael catches onto the context immediately.
It's past dinner time now. The dirty dishes in the sink wait for you and your yellow rubber gloves patiently for their turn. He'd been the one to make dinner, something quick and easy, per your request. Your wish for the day had been "a lazy day together", so your initial intention was to order to takeout.
But halfway through the day, you began to crave his cooking.
Once he'd made sure the ingredients were there, getting them both out of a trip to the supermarket, you had no reason to refuse his offer. So you'd scrapped your plans and followed him into the kitchen to help.
"I'm not sure it would've been very appropriate to point out," he says, from where he sits at the dining table.
He'd expected nothing to come out of it, so he simply never brought it up. There were more important things to worry about at the time—your presence in Godheim, and all that came after that. His heart aches at the memory of your tears, particularly because he'd been the one to cause them.
They'd never properly spoken of it—of the day Peter Pan understood, but could not bring himself to make peace with, the fact that Wendy would have to leave him one day.
"After all, you were a teenager," Cael adds, remembering what he'd told your friend Natalie. "It would be no different than taking advantage of you."
His words, however, go in one ear and go out the other. You're rather specific about what you choose to pick out from his words, your next words discarding all but the subtext.
"So, you did know about my crush on you."
Though your words are undeniably a conclusion, a statement and not a question, they carry with them an expectation of a response. You crane your neck to fix him with an equally expectant stare, as if the weight behind your words isn't enough.
"Yes, I knew about your crush on me," Cael admits wryly. A helpless sigh accompanies his words. "What brought this on?"
You hum strainedly, returning to your dishes. "Nothing."
For the time being, he leaves it at that.
It is only when the two of you happen to encounter Lars while on a date that he discovers the truth, after some coaxing on his part. That you'd been under the impression that your crush on him was a secret kept carefully under wraps. That it'd been Lars who'd guessed otherwise—after some advice on how to handle Cael's new hobby—and subsequently been proven correct, leaving you to sulk on your own.
Unsurprisingly, Cael does not manage to stifle his laughter before you notice.
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20 notes · View notes
kimaisalloren · 11 months
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It’s the PK Psychic Trio on the case!
Well some psykids and Toritsuka 🤢
103 notes · View notes
They Help You Practice
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Task Force 141 asks you to be the bait for a secret assignment. So, they make you audition for the role. You end up getting gangbanged by the whole team and loving it!
TW: gangbang, vaginal sex, anal sex, oral sex, gay sex, degradation, explicitly consensual, spit? please check AO3 link at bottom for full tag list
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You let yourself into his office, shutting the door behind you, and stood before him at a sharp parade rest, waiting to be informed about your fate. 
“Sergeant, thank you for coming. There is no need for formalities. This is just a chat.”
You moved to a more relaxed rest and nodded. 
Price continued,
“This is going to be quite the ask. Would you be willing to perform duties which are…outside of your current scope?”
“Yes, sir,” you responded just as you should have, as you were trained to, but Price was hoping you would understand exactly what you would be getting yourself into. 
“I need you to go undercover to a Konni restaurant cover in Minsk…as bait. Am I making myself clear?”
A pause. But, to your credit, you didn’t flinch. You did raise an eyebrow and ask a clarifying query,
“What kind of bait, sir?”
“Our next target, Dimitri Sokolov, will be at the Black Pearl bar in Minsk tomorrow, and we won’t get a better chance to lure him away from his bodyguards. He almost never makes public appearances, so he must be making an exception. Sokolov has,” he paused for a moment, trying to find the words, making general, suggestive motions over his own chest, “particular tastes in his women. You just so happen to have the right profile for the job. Again, this is not an order, Sergeant. I need to know if you’re willing to accept.”
“Yes, sir,” you tried to appear fully in control. You knew your breasts were large, but you had never been asked to use them as a weapon. There was a first time for everything, you supposed. You would do anything to help the team.
The captain loved your composure. He knew you would be perfect for the job. 
“Good. Let's brief the team.”
Price walked with you down to the meeting room at the end of the hall and found Soap, Ghost, and Gaz sitting in the desk chairs every way except the way they were designed, lounging over the furniture like big cats, melting into the various surfaces they encountered. They fixed themselves when the captain walked in. 
“Gentlemen,” Price opened, “this is our bait. Her code name is Rabbit. Rabbit, this is Soap, Ghost, and Gaz.”
You nodded politely and resumed a semi-formal rest position. 
The men had noticed you around the base but hadn’t been formally introduced. You were a desk rider, but still, you were hard to miss. The baggy military clothing had almost managed to conceal a bounty of soft curves, but your lush body persisted beneath it, and the outlines of your feminine form made heinous suggestions in the fabric. Unfortunately for them, you didn’t hang around the gym or the common area enough for them to have generated a fully accurate image of your enticing body, but they were certain it was delicious. They watched you like peckish wolves. Waiting hungrily, shifting in their seats in anticipation. For what, you weren’t sure.
“Rabbit is going undercover for us to take down Sokolov, Vladimir Makarov’s new shipping controller. He has a particular penchant for,” Price paused just long enough for anyone to understand his true meaning, “certain types of women. Rabbit fits the mold, so all she needs is the gear and the training.”
Price cut open three large cardboard boxes to reveal slinky dresses and a number of questionable garments. 
“I’ll need to try them on,” you offered, “Do you want me to get changed, Captain?”
“Sounds good. Come back in when you’re all set,” he smiled, enjoying the view as you left the room. 
Ghost crossed his arms, clearly with quite a mouthful to share and but refusing to. Gaz stared down at the knife he was playing with, bashful. But Soap would not be cowed, and as soon as you left, he said,
“Feeding her to the sharks like bait, Captain? I dinnae ken any of us was so expendable.”
“Soap,” Price warned, “the sergeant is more than capable of handling -”
“I wasnae askin’ about the lassie’s capabilities. Send her in to slit his throat with a knife in her hand, for all I care. But to send her in unguarded, unarmed? No. It’s not right,” Soap crossed his arms. 
“He’s got a point, Captain. Why take the risk of losing an operative?” Ghost spoke coldly. 
Price furrowed his brow at their short-sightedness,
“And do what, exactly? Have the Russians scurry back underground at the first hint of an assassination attempt? We’ve failed that mission three times, boys. I’ll not have this go south again.”
“I’m sure she is capable, Captain. But, is Rabbit committed to this plan?” Gaz asked. 
“Sure,” Price tried to sound reassuring, “we spoke in my office. She agreed to come down here. Besides, she’ll have you three as backup. You won’t let anything happen to her.”
Gaz did not seem convinced. All three soldiers wore a scowl on their faces, and even though Ghost’s was obscured by his mask, his body language communicated his displeasure. Price carefully ashed his cigar to renew the glowing tip, taking a long drag while they waited for you to return. 
You were back without too much of a delay, but when you walked in, your colleagues were visibly stunned. They didn’t recognize you at first. A short black dress had replaced your camouflage fatigues, showing off miles and miles of smooth, shining skin. Your thick thighs stretched the silky fabric, and your ass threatened to escape from the edge of the dress with every step you took. Your new heels clacked sharply against the cold concrete, making your legs flex and tense, showing off your well-formed musculature. You did not miss squat day very often, apparently.
But, the assets you were trying to use for this particular mission were the real stars of the show. Your heavy breasts battled against the low dip of the dress, providing a deep display of cleavage, hinting at pink perky nipples hidden just below the line of the black silk. Your tits jiggled as you struck the floor with each careful step, making the room full of men breathe a little heavier at the sight. 
Soap’s big mouth betrayed them all,
“Christ in Heaven. There you are, bonnie.”
Ghost backhanded him hard on the shoulder. Price glowered.
You had put on a little more makeup than might be socially acceptable in an office setting, making the suggestive outfit complete. Finally, as you stood at the head of the meeting table, you took out your task force regulation braid and pulled your fingers through your hair, breaking up your long waves as they spilled down your neck and back. 
You smiled,
“Well, do I look the part?”
Price coughed, inhaling too much smoke on accident. Gaz hadn’t moved since you walked in the room. He just stood there, dumbfounded, arms held at an odd angle as if frozen in time. Ghost cleared his throat to save them,
“Yes, Rabbit. You clean up very nicely, don’t you?”
“Well,” you sighed, “this is sort of the raunchiest outfit I found in the box. I was going to go with something a bit more casual, but I thought I’d better be noticeable if we’re going to nail this asshole.”
Gaz finally came out of his locked state, aghast,
“Noticeable? Sweetheart, this is more than noticeable. Goddamn.”
“You think it’s too much? I don’t really know what would get his attention,” you shrugged, looking shy as you confessed, “I don’t get asked out very often.”
“You could go out with me, lassie,” Soap edged his way closer to her, slinking around the table, “We’d have a hell of a time, so we would.”
“Don’t listen to Johnny,” Ghost stood in front of him a bit, snaking an arm around your cinched waist, “He thinks takin’ his birds to the dog races is a good date idea.”
“Well, isn’t it?” Soap protested.
Gaz grabbed your hand tenderly, examining your fingers like they were a precious work of art,
“Maybe you could come with me to Berlin next weekend, babes. There’s a killer music festival going on, and we could have a really good time. How does that sound?”
“Boys,” Price interrupted, “I’m sure she has plenty of work to finish here; can’t just be galavanting off with you muppets. In fact, why don’t you stop by my office after this mission, bunny rabbit, and we can work on your projected shipment dates together? You know, I used to be a logistics man, myself.”
Ghost rolled his eyes at the Captain,
“Please, logistics? You drove a truck back and forth on base delivering food to the canteen twenty years ago. I’ve read your file.”
The men all started talking over each other, forgetting your presence in favor of coming out on top of the dog pile. You smiled to yourself, eager to push more of their buttons. 
Slipping one skinny strap down your shoulder, you spoke through the din,
“You know, this dress can be strapless. Do you think Sokolov wants it up…” you locked eyes with Captain Price, seeing his throat swallow hard as he watched you in the silence you had created, “or down?”
The other soldiers were stunned, unable to look away as you slipped both straps off of your shoulders and tucked them into your dress. One strap was still partially visible, and Ghost slowly moved one gloved finger up your arm, tracing your skin lightly, and finished tucking it in for you. He lingered, caressing the side of your breast as he removed it. 
“You gonna be able to seduce this Russian bastard, Sergeant? Or, do you need some practice?” Price asked with a low, threatening tone. 
The whole room held its breath waiting for your answer. The four men towered over your short frame, casting shadows over you like black spells, hoping you would relinquish your control over them. All of their eyes watched as you slowly, achingly lifted a hand and traced it up Gaz’s canvas pant leg, stopping when you discovered the heavy head of his cock, hardening down toward his knee. With the back of your hand, you pet it like a skittish animal, reveling in its smoothness and warmth. Your eyes found his as they fluttered, blood rushing through his body in a panic,
“I think I could use some practice, Captain.”
You felt Gaz’s rod leap at your answer. He bent down to kiss your mouth, slanting his lips fiercely against you. 
Soap came up behind you, gripping your ass through the silk of your dress roughly,
“We’ll help you, lass. We’ll help you practice, won’t we, boys? Jesus, you smell so good,” he buried his face in your neck and sucked against your skin. 
Ghost found your other hand and held it tightly, using it to steady you from Soap and Gaz’s assault. Price moved Gaz out of the way, earning himself a glare, and peeled the dress off of you in one fell swoop, revealing the expanse of uncovered skin underneath. 
“Holy shite,” the captain breathed, whispering his lament, “Sergeant, where are your knickers?”
“I guess I forgot them, Captain,” you blushed, batting your eyes up at him, doing actual damage to his psyche.  
He didn’t have much time to savor the moment though because Ghost was shoving him out of the way to pick you up by the thighs to lay you on the table. The giant knelt between your legs, pulling you by the knees until your ass was hanging off of the low wooden planks. He lifted his mask just enough for you to see him lick his lips over sharp, white teeth before feasting on your wet folds, letting the cloth of the balaclava hide most of his efforts. 
Ghost created a soothing, yet electrically wet warmth in your core which made you keen loudly, only to be muffled by Price’s smoky kiss. You could taste the burned tobacco on his tongue and your skin was scraped by his thick mustache. 
Gaz’s voice got your attention. He had freed his cock from his pants and started to stroke it, standing by your side and playing with your breasts with his free hand as Price savaged your mouth. He tugged on your nipple and told you,
“You know, Rabbit, you’re going to have to really put yourself out there tomorrow. Show him these gorgeous tits of yours. Make him think you’re hungry for his cock,” Gaz rubbed his head, hard and hungry for you, “Can you do that? Let us see how good you can be, princess. We need you to ace this mission”
You felt Ghost dip his hard cock between your pussy lips, distracting you from Price’s tongue in your mouth. You broke the kiss and looked up at Ghost, dazed, into his masked face,
“I promise, sir. I’ll be good,” you looked around at all four of the men, reaching out to grab Soap’s cock that he was stroking for you, “Will you show me how?”
You didn’t give Soap time to answer. The Scot gasped as you devoured him, sucking him down into your throat, making yourself gag as he fucked your throat in and out in long thrusts. He tangled his fingers in your hair. Ghost matched his rhythm below you, pounding his cock into your wet hole. You thought you could feel something on his dick. Was he pierced? You could see your slick gleam on his lips and chin where his mask was still askew. 
“Yeah,” Ghost smiled haughtily, “you like those piercings, don’tcha baby?”
You didn’t have a chance to respond. Price pulled your head away from Soap’s dick, kissing your mouth lewdly again before giving you an order,
“Open your mouth wide for me, love.”
You obeyed. Then, he spit onto your tongue, warm and bubbling, before shoving your face down onto his own fat rod. It made your lips burn with its cruel girth, even though it felt relatively soft, and you thought fleetingly that there was no way your poor little cunt was going to be able to take him, Ghost was big enough to be filling, but the captain was carrying around a true weapon. 
He pulled your head off of him roughly, watching as the strings of drool connected your tongue to his cockhead, growling in short, lustful breaths. 
“Alright, boys. Make sure she’s good and ready for me. You know the drill,” Price barked, and then he was gone. 
The drill? You looked for him, confused, and only found Gaz, who was now slapping his long dick on your cheek, knocking for entrance. He let you take his head into your mouth, having a much easier time than you did with your captain. You bobbed your head up and down dutifully, not realizing just how long his cock was until he tried to force it into your throat. He held you down for a moment, moaning shamelessly, before releasing you to let you breathe. 
“You alright, babes?” He laughed.
You nodded, moaning. Ghost took himself out of your wetness and pulled you off of the table. Soap hopped up to lay where you were, and you moved to ride him, making sure to get right to the edge with him to let Ghost back in. You’d never taken two men at once, much less four, but there was a first time for anything, and you were a quick learner. 
Spearing yourself onto Soap felt like someone had created a warm, custom, living dildo just for you. He was a perfect fit, and you both cried out in pleasure from the sensation. Ghost slapped your ass, hard, and you screamed, clenching around Soap’s cock. Soap moaned darkly. 
“Keep suckin’ that big cock, baby. Need to teach you how to multitask,” Ghost threatened as he bent to eat your asshole, wiggling his tongue into the tight rim to gain entrance.
He started to fuck you with it, his long wet muscle moving in and out as Soap thrust himself up into you, hitting your g-spot every single time like magic. You took Gaz back into your mouth and tried your best to take him deeper into your throat. Every time you did, you would gag, and your muscles would involuntarily clench, and the whole room would moan. You started to come, feeling yourself flood around Soap, whose mouth had latched onto one of your nipples, suckling like he was trying to feed from you. 
You could see Price out of the corner of your eye. He had lit another cigar and was smoking it, stroking himself, still not at his full capacity. You were scared of him. He looked like some sort of demon, breathing fire, as big around as your forearm. He wasn’t as long as Gaz, nor as delightfully curved as Soap, but he made your legs shake without even touching you. When he did touch you, rising from his chair when he wanted to fondle you, pinching a nipple, pulling your hair, forcing your head down on Gaz, it lit you up like you were kerosene and he was the match. 
Suddenly, Ghost’s tongue was gone, only to be replaced by his heavy head. He was going to fuck your ass, and there was nothing you could say to stop him. You’d only done anal once or twice before, and you knew it might hurt. He went so slowly that you could feel each and every piercing as he popped them into you, one by one. Then, as he pulled back out, you felt them pop as each one went through you again, raking himself in and out gently, as careful with you as he could be. When you were more pliant, he began to throw his weight into each thrust, and Soap started to groan below you from the sensation. 
“Don’t you fuckin’ dare, Johnny boy,” Price threatened, his voice full of stern warning. 
You weren’t sure what he was warning him about until Soap pulled his cock out of you and came all over your stomach, Ghost’s thrusts making the fluid smear between you two, rubbing your bodies together. Ghost pulled out next, and you felt his hot, thick ropes spray onto your ass cheeks, melting down your thighs. 
Gaz abandoned your mouth and took over for Soap, feeding himself inch by inch until he found your end, leaving some of his cock out in the cold. He fucked you faster than the others, not caring to move out of the way as Soap rolled off of the table, whining like a whore the whole time. 
Captain Price came around to your face, holding your chin in his hand, looking down at you without pity,
“Garrick’s got a long cock, don’t he, love? You’re being so good for my men, such a good girl. Sweet little slut, hm? You’re going to do so well on this mission. Those areholes won’t know what hit ‘em.”
He grabbed your hair fiercely, hurting your scalp, forcing you to turn and look back at Gaz. Price took a long puff from his cigar, blowing it past your face, 
“Baby, he could fuck you for a hundred years. He’s not gonna come until you scream his name.”
You heard Gaz moan louder at Price’s suggestion, so you did. You screamed for him over and over, not caring who might have heard you, begging for him to come in you. 
“He’s not allowed to come in you, love,” Price kissed your open panting mouth, “But, don’t worry. It’s about to be my turn, and you’ll be feeling my fuckin’ come drip out of your cunt all night long.”
Price’s voice made your blood run cold with fear. He wasn’t making threats. Those were clearly promises. Predictions of the future. His cock was tucked back into the band of his pants, but it lay in wait there like a serpent, eager to strike.
Your heart pounded in your chest as Gaz pulled his long shaft all the way out of you, his come shooting onto your lips and ass, feeling him use his hand to rub it into your skin, making you sticky. Your captain gave him a warning look, and you realized they had done this sort of thing before. Perhaps many times before. As you watched Soap and Ghost comfort each other, breathing close together, touching themselves, you wondered if they ever fucked each other as well. Picturing the four of them rutting into each other made you hungry, deep in your belly, starving to witness such an act. 
Finally, it was your captain’s turn. The look in his eyes made you tremble. You knew he wouldn’t be cruel, not on purpose anyway. He wasn’t a heartless man, but he wasn’t one to hold himself back from what he wanted either. You knew that he would fuck you the way he wanted to, as hard as he wanted to, no matter how much complaining you might do about how his cock would stretch you out - even to the point of pain. 
“On your back, love. Legs up. Spread that pussy open for me,” he commanded. 
You did as he told you, opening yourself up shamelessly, letting your folds spread wide. 
He walked around the table to gaze upon your form, staring at your pink flesh like it was a hot meal, and he was starving. He moaned, rubbing his hand across your sticky mons, 
“Mm, that’s my pretty little Rabbit. Now…” he paused for effect, sinking three fingers into your hole roughly but ever so slowly, twisting his arm as he did, corkscrewing his knuckles into you, “...I want you to understand that there’s a reason I’m last in line, love.”
You cried out from the pressure of his huge hand. It felt like you were going to tear. Then, after a few hard thrusts, he released you. The emptiness you felt was heartbreaking. You looked for him, pleading with your eyes for him to return to you. He pulled his cock free from his waistband, unable to connect his finger to his thumb as he wrapped around it. You whined involuntarily, something animal in you recognizing its fate. 
“Shh, baby, I know,” he drug out his voice, “I know…”
He positioned the heavy shaft on top of your body, measuring himself from base to tip, reaching your navel. As he slapped it against you, it made a loud thudding noise, slamming into your muscles like a fist. Price was so heavy. You’d never even imagined a man could feel like he was pure, warm, thick marble. Your pussy seemed to understand the panic you were feeling, flooding itself, preparing for the upcoming invasion. 
“I’m so fuckin’ eager for you, love,” he slapped you again, quick taps right to your swollen clit.
Then, he put his head inside of you, squeezing himself in. He left it inside of you and started to pump himself with his hand. Between the vibration from his fist and the fact that it felt like you were sitting on the end of a steel bat, you couldn’t hold back your keening, loud and high-pitched. 
Price began the steady, slow march forward, swelling harder and harder by the moment, making your walls feel like they might break. It seemed as if all the blood in your body was rushing down your belly and up your legs, hurrying to your core. 
Your eye were wild, full of your fear, tears forming at the corners of your eyes,
“I can’t, please! I can’t. It’s too big, fuck…”
Price didn’t stop. He just kept feeding himself in and pulling himself back out, wetting his cock’s skin with your soaking hole. 
“You can, and you will, love,” the captain growled, “Now, shut that pretty mouth and take it.”
Your cheeks were wet and your eyes burned, he was so deep within you that it felt like he was thrusting into your throat. You couldn’t breathe.
Suddenly, Soap grabbed your hand, kissing your palm, using his tongue to lick your skin,
“It’s alright, bonnie. I’m here, lass. Breathe with me, lass.”
He bent down to kiss you, but he didn’t quite connect, letting his lips graze yours featherlight. Soap breathed in and breathed out in steady, measured beats. You felt yourself begin to relax. It had such an immediate effect that you heard Price groan, able to slip himself a bit deeper than he had done. 
It was like a chain reaction, the more relaxed you became, breathing with Soap, feeling him suck and lick your nipples softly, the more Price was able to squeeze himself in. 
Finally, you felt his hair at the base of his cock, thick and curled, and as he sighed, he settled inside of you, impossibly pressing against your whole body, making a clear outline of himself in your lower belly. He rubbed it, almost fondly, and you felt every inch of him throb against your walls, his head bullying your womb.
You cried out again from the strain. Ghost and Gaz joined Soap. Gaz began to suckle from your breast on your left side, fondling himself as he did so, getting hard again. Ghost was at your head on the end of the table, and he bent to kiss you, upside down, his tongue running all the way down your throat, long and slippery against your own. 
He pulled away, petting your cheek as Price began to grind himself into you,
“You alright, Rabbit? You enjoying your captain’s cock, hm?”
“Mm hm,” you whispered, whimpering through your tears.
Ghost smiled, and his straight, white teeth looked menacing as he did, sharp, wolf-like,
“I know you are, babe. You’re doing so well. Look at him. You can see him inside of your cunt.”
He lifted your head by your hair, showing you the grotesque shadow of Price’s heavy rod as it shoved itself into you. You reached your hands down to it, feeling it through your skin. It was so unique. His size wasn’t like anything you’d ever experienced, and your body was sending confused signals of passion, your orgasms coming in shattered, broken waves. Feeling incomplete. Too powerful, and yet drawn out like the last note of a symphony. 
As you touched him from the outside, Price moaned aloud for the first time. It shocked you. You looked up at him, managing to meet his eyes.
“Fuck,” you moaned, “You feel so good inside of me, Captain.”
“Mm, yeah?” He replied, using his hands to press yours down onto his cock, making you gasp, “You like it, baby? I’m gonna make sure you never want anybody else.” 
Price reached down and grabbed you by the throat, scaring away Soap and Gaz. He lifted you up, making his dick fit inside of you that much tighter with the change of angle. Then, he began the true performance. He thrust himself in with fast, punishing strokes, slamming himself into you. You were sure you would bruise, and you felt dizzy, almost like you’d pass out. 
Soap was at your side again, holding your hair away from your face,
“Look at you, lassie. Such a good girl for your captain. Takin’ that cock so damn well. Can’t wait to be back inside you, girl.”
He kissed your cheek, palm massaging his dick which was back to full mast, eager again. 
“Alright, Johnny,” Price grinned, “Since you asked so nicely.”
Without any strain whatsoever, Price lifted you up by your hips and held you in the air as he fucked you, bringing you around the table so that Soap could position himself at your asshole. Ghost’s earlier efforts had made it ready for him, and you could very acutely feel how much he was throbbing to be inside of you, pulsing as he fit against Price. 
“Ungh, fuck, lass,” Soap groaned as he began to thrust into you, pistoning with the captain, “He’s got you so tight for me.”
“Yeah? It feels so good. Mmm…” you whimpered, feeling more full than you’d ever been. 
Johnny was holding your breasts as Price lifted you up, brutalizing your pussy. Every thrust felt like an electric pulse, making you cock-drunk and mindlessly pliant. 
They worked in tandem for what felt like eons, pistoning in and out with each other. Eventually, after he had felt you come, Soap addressed his captain directly,
“Sir, I’m…please, sir, can I?”
“Can you what, soldier?” Price grunted through gritted teeth, testing his sergeant.
“Can I come, sir? Please, Cap…”
“Yeah, Johnny. C’mon, mate. Let her feel it.”
“F-fuck! Fuck…” Soap groaned, pushing himself flush against your asshole, pumping his come into you. 
He caught his breath while he was still in you, kissing the nape of your neck, and then he pulled away slowly. He helped Gaz replace him, holding your ass wide apart so his comrade could position himself inside. And just when you thought your poor pussy would have room to breathe, Gaz’s incredibly long shaft was piercing your hole again. 
You felt him sigh, his breath against your neck. He took over holding you up, and Price praised him,
“That’s it, Garrick. She’s all yours. Take it.”
Gaz reacted to his words in a way that made you rethink their entire dynamic. Then, you remembered how he had come when you said his name. He seemed to get harder and harder the more Price praised him, and you wanted to give him that same validation. 
“Gaz,” you whispered, leaning your head back to rest on his shoulder, “It’s so big, baby. It’s like I can feel you in my throat. Oh, Gaz. Gaz!”
“Mm,” Price put his mouth to your neck, groaning, “That’s it, love. Tell him how much you like that long cock.”
“So much, Gaz. It’s so good,” you added. 
Then, Price took his left hand and wrapped it around the back of Gaz’s neck in a moment of surprising intimacy. As Price kissed the front of your throat, Gaz kissed your shoulder and nape. You felt like a peeled fruit being shared between them, a ripped rind, your juicy flesh being split in two; two halves of a ripe orange. 
Gaz lasted longer than Soap had when he fucked your ass, but Price’s attention seemed to spur him on. His movements were slippery, and you could feel the remnants of Soap’s come frothing around your entrance, easing his efforts.
“Captain,” Gaz whined, desperate for more of that approval. 
“C’mon, Kyle. She’s ready for you. Good lad.”
The use of his first name made Gaz thrust up into you with a feverish pace. He cried out as he came, hard, into you. Feeling him fall back out of you made you imagine the tendrils of a giant kraken, seeming to travel forever just to remove himself from your body, slithering out of you with a terrible squelching noise. 
Gaz let Price hold you again, and you turned, expecting Ghost. Price laughed at you, chuckling softly,
“Missing your masked man already?”
You looked at Price, feeling raw and used, waiting for an explanation,
“He’s a little…preoccupied.”
Price laid you back on the table, letting you turn your head to see Ghost, buried in Soap’s asshole up to the hilt, furiously jacking him off, slamming into him a little too roughly for your liking. It was violent, but Soap seemed to be enjoying himself beyond measure. 
Your pussy, though, disagreed with your assessment, clenching around Price’s cock while you watched Simon abuse his friend’s hole. 
“Mm,” the captain moaned, feeling your muscles react, “You like that, love? You wanna be fucked rough like that?”
He didn’t give you a chance to answer. Price wrapped your legs beneath his chest in a full mating press and wrecked you, pounding into your body like a giant fist. You felt your bones shudder beneath his behemoth form. Just when you thought you might puke from how overstimulated you were, you felt him pause. Then, your pussy felt like it was leaking, and it was. Price’s come just kept milking its way out of you, his cock pulsing inside, making your walls throb. 
When he finished, he kissed you on the mouth, almost lovingly, reverently. He started to slide out of you, being extremely careful, and you’d never felt so empty in your entire life. It was as if you’d never be full again. You found yourself whining, whimpering for Price to return. 
“That’s right, pretty girl,” Price smiled, “Never gonna want anybody else, are ya?”
You smiled, shocked and in considerable discomfort. Gaz scooped you up off of the table, cradling you, sitting down with you in his lap in a large chair. He reached down for some water and handed it to you, helping you recover. 
Price was standing with his hands on his hips, panting from his exertion. Ghost and Soap were connected like two hounds, locked together, the Scot cock warming his tall lover, groaning on every exhale. 
“Well, what do you think, lads? Do we have a winner?” Price asked.
“Yeah, we fucking do, Cap,” Gaz pet your head, moving your sweaty hair out of your eyes. 
“Fuck yeah, mate,” Ghost growled, pawing at Johnny again, rabid for him. 
“Hear that, bonnie?” Soap managed to ask, still moaning in little breaths as he was being speared by Ghost, “Got  yourself a new permanent assignment.”
Price walked over to you, grabbing you by the face and kissing you once more,
“You belong to us now, love. Perfect little slut.”
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your geto fic is super cute 🥰 if you're taking more requests, may I request a sukuna fic please? maybe in an au where he's a gangster and reader is of a classy, rich family so reader's parents don't agree, but then sukuna appears in one of their events in a suit and looking dashing as ever!
ooooooooo it's 3 am but i have to write this down!!!!!!!!!
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shadows and silk.
summary: sukuna shows you and your parents that he is absolutely the right and the only man for you (whether they agree or not) genre: angst/fluff pairing: gangster!sukuna x female reader warnings: cursing, modern day au, not a great parent-child relationship, ooc sukuna
your father doesn't even bother to hide his disapproval. "he has tattoos on his face. what if he's in the mafia- what have you brought our family into?!"
"i am," sukuna clarifies, "in the mafia. my father is the leader. and one day, it'll be my time to lead."
your parents gasp in shock, surprised by sukuna's brashness.
"that wasn't a threat," he clarifies again, holding your hand. "i love your daughter, and i'd like to have a good relationship with you both. because it's important to her."
you smile appreciatively and grasp his hand, looking at your parents with hope.
"you're fucking insane."
it was probably not the wisest decision to ask for your parents' approval, knowing what kind of people they are. being one of the richest families in the country, it's hard to have... any kind of life outside of what they had planned for you. like a pawn in their game of chess, your choices have been made for you since the very beginning.
unlike sukuna, you grew up "perfect". you aced your piano lessons, easily graduated from your violin school, and got straight As in all your grades. every day was the same for you; wake up, school, extra lessons, homework, sleep, and repeat.
that's actually how you met sukuna. one day, there was something wrong with the traffic so your driver was late. you'd been waiting for an hour, and sukuna just happened to finish his detention.
"hm?" his eyes caught you standing by the gate. "aren't you that rich kid?"
you looked up at him and analyzed his face -- high school student with face tattoos, you don't see that very often. "who's asking?"
"tsk, tsk." he chuckled, "so much attitude for a little person." he ruffled your hair before walking in the other direction. "wanna come? i'm gonna go have some fun."
fun... the word was so unfamiliar to you. you'd never talked to him before, and though it really was probably dangerous to just go with someone whose name you didn't even know, you couldn't help yourself. especially not when he turned around with a smile, urging you to come with him.
he took you to places you've never been before and made you feel things you've never felt. you felt free from your parents' chains, for once you felt like you could do whatever you wanted.
and sukuna was glad he could make you smile. you, the girl who always kept to herself in class, quiet, polite, almost scared. you made him feel things, too.
you got an earful from your parents that day, but the cute keychain sukuna won you from the night market was worth it.
now, the keychain hangs on your favorite bag, one that he also got you a few weeks ago. though you already have multiple designer bags that are much more expensive, the bag sukuna gave you was priceless.
"morning, baby." sukuna greets you, kissing your cheek.
"morning," you smile at him. "i'm sorry for how yesterday went. my father, he's-"
"let him be," he says. "nothing can keep me away from you, understand?"
you smile at his words and nod, "you better keep it as a promise."
sukuna smiles and kisses you, "i swear it."
he wonders what he could've possibly done to deserve someone like you.
"what do you mean i'm getting married?"
your father sighs. "don't be difficult. the gojo clan is the most powerful, you should be thankful they're letting you marry their son."
"but father, i have a boyfriend, and i just graduated college! i- i can't marry, i still have so much i want to-"
"enough!" he yells, "you're marrying gojo satoru by the end of next month and that's final."
you're lucky that you have your own apartment. dialing sukuna's number, you get into your car and drive home where sukuna says he's waiting for you.
"ugh, unbelievable!" you throw your keys on the table, letting it slide off and annoying you even more.
he grimaces and sits you down, handing over a glass of water. "so it didn't go well..."
you sigh, "...they're arranging a marriage. with the gojo clan."
sukuna's jaw clenches, anger evident, but then it disappears. "that makes sense. they are the strongest and the richest."
"they're not giving me an option, like always-"
"gojo satoru is pretty handsome," he continues, "blue eyes, tall, quite built.. he's not a bad bachelor."
you squint your eyes at your boyfriend who seems like he's talking nonsense... or not really. "what are you trying to say?"
sukuna sighs. "we should break up."
the words that come out of his mouth after that are all blurry to you. something along the lines of...
"we've been together for years."
"it's time to get a fresh start."
"aren't you curious what it's like to date other people?"
"i'm getting bored to be honest."
and it all just seems like bullshit. bullshit because why is he looking at you like that when he's breaking up with you? why does he look like he's still madly in love with you and saying all that stuff is killing him?
why does he look like he's lying?
"tell me you're joking."
sukuna, unfortunately, doesn't humor you and leaves you alone in your apartment without saying anything else.
the rest of the month feels like hell. you tried running away from your parents, the guards they sent after you, but to no avail. somehow, they've repurchased your apartment and now you're back to living with them.
you met gojo satoru once throughout the entire month. he's decent, and actually a good guy like sukuna said, but he's not sukuna. he doesn't leave a random flower he picked up on the way to your place, he doesn't shower your hands with kisses when he sees you, and that's all expected -- because it's not supposed to be a loving relationship. it's a contract. once you marry him, your parents' company will merge with the gojos and become even richer.
today's the engagement party. your mother has chosen the perfect red gown for good luck, and she's made all the preparations for the party -- you, like always, never had a say in anything.
you feel like an object for them to trade with. compared to the gold bars sitting in their safe, you're probably worth less.
"i know you also didn't agree to this," gojo satoru whispers as you're both sat down in the middle of the ballroom while everyone else enjoys their meal. "but you look beautiful."
you offer him a polite smile, which turns rather sad. hidden in your sleeve is the keychain sukuna got you. your mother managed to throw away every cherished memory you had of him except for the keychain.
you wonder what sukuna is doing right now... if he's enjoying his life, if he maybe has a new girl by his side...
"sorry to shit on your party," your head snaps up the moment you hear that familiar voice, and a gasp escapes when you see the even more familiar tattooed face with pink hair. "but i'm going to have to kidnap your fiancee for a bit. maybe forever."
"..ryo." you stand up abruptly, letting your chair fall and hit the ground. he's dressed in a white suit, black vest, black shirt, and a matching black tie. he looks like he's ready to be your groom.
giving you the smile you miss most, sukuna stands in front of you and grabs your hand. "hi, princess."
"what are you doing here?" you whisper, tears about to fall from your eyes.
"saving my damsel in distress." he softens when he sees your lip tremble, kissing you gently. "i told you nothing can keep me away from you."
"but you-"
behind you, gojo satoru clears his throat, motioning to the many guards surrounding both of you, ready to pull you two apart by force.
"let my daughter go right now." your father demands.
you grasp sukuna's arm tightly, not planning on letting him go any time soon. in return, he has his arm around your waist, pulling you to him gently before he snaps his fingers, revealing rows and rows of armed men ready to fire.
the guards immediately stand down, obviously outnumbered. they let you and sukuna leave without a fight, and you stop for a second to spare a glance at your parents, looking at you disapprovingly.
you're sitting on sukuna's bed. you've only been to this place a few times, considering he moves around a lot. he's helping you with the infinity amount of hairpins you have stuck in your hair while you take off the red gown you're wearing.
"ryo," you call him.
he hums to acknowledge you, mouth full of hairpins.
"...why did you break up with me?"
taking out the last piece of hairpin (he thinks it's the last), he throws them away before sitting behind you, arms snaked around your waist, his head resting on your shoulder.
"i... i thought i was doing you a favor," he admits, "with my job... it's not easy being with me, you know? i'm scared you'll think i'm a monster for what i do - it still terrifies me."
"so i thought if i just pushed you away, it'll make things easier for both of us," his grip on you tightens, "but it didn't. at least not for me. and i know i'm being selfish here by wanting you back, i know i don't deserve it, but i just... i can't imagine living without you. i'm sorry. i'm so sorry."
you turn around to face him, straddling his thighs and kissing him softly. "if being selfish means i'm stuck with you, then you need to be more selfish."
he grins, arms wrapping around you. "i love you."
"i love you more, ryo."
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mrsensitive · 1 year
4 times everyone else caught on before the 1 time you and quinn finally did
a good old 4+1 ft. best friend beau & a couple other cameos, some mutual pining and also reader is a costume designer . kind of an elaboration of a lil blurb i wrote a while ago so if it seems familiar no it doesn't 😋
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You’d never been more grateful for Friday to roll around. You’d had what felt like the longest week from hell and just wanted to take your mind off everything, so when your new neighbour turned best friend Beau texted you to meet him and a couple friends at the bar, the thought that you wouldn’t know half the people there wasn’t enough to dissuade you from joining.
When you arrive, you’re quick to spot the group - Beau hadn’t lied when he said it wasn’t just the team, but he might’ve stretched the truth when he said you already knew some of the guys. A quick once over is enough for you to realise the only other person you really know is Brock. Sure, you had heard of the others from Beau’s stories and the fact that you sometimes watched the games, but you were starting to wonder if you should’ve just gone home to your bottle of wine instead.
Beau is quick to welcome you though, flooding you with the names of everyone you’d yet to meet and pushing you into the seat he’d just vacated.
“Wait here, I’m getting the next round,” he beams at you, a good few drinks in already. “Brock come give me a hand, bud.”
You try to get your bearings a little, looking around trying to commit names to faces since the only two people you knew had left, and you realise mostly everyone is in their own conversations save for the guy on your right. You pause, staring at him trying to remember his name as he watches you struggle, clearly bemused.  
“It’s Quinn,” he offers after a moment or two. He’s laughing lightly and you relax in your seat a little. “Don’t sweat it.” 
You breathe out a smile, “Thanks. I was getting there, y’know.” You pause, taking a moment to get a better look at him. “Hughes, right? I’ve seen you play before. You’re a great skater.”
“Oh uh…thanks.” He shifts a little in his seat. “Beau’s talked about you a couple times actually. So it’s nice to meet you finally.”
You can’t help your eyebrows from shooting up, both of you are equally surprised and amused that you’re even aware of the other. You’re half expecting Quinn to elaborate, scanning his face for any hint that what Beau’s said about you was any level of incriminating, but somehow, you find yourself a bit distracted by the way his hair is curling over his forehead. 
Before either of you can say anything, Beau’s dropped a glass in front of you and inserted himself back in the conversation.
“So what was so terrible about work this week? What’s the drama this time?”  
You let out a sigh, remembering why you’d dragged yourself here in the first place. “Oh, nothing new. They just decided to reschedule all our fittings so we barely had the right costumes prepared - which is just an embarrassing look for me, you know, even if it literally wasn’t my fault. I was running all over the place trying to make it work - and then on top of that I find out they’ve put our costume truck about three states over from where the set is so I’ve got to hassle someone about that and-”
“Costumes?” Your rambling is cut off by Quinn who looks much more interested than Beau, who, to his credit, has heard some variation of this story just about every other week.
“Oh, yeah. I’m a costume designer,” you explain, “I’m working on a movie at the moment.” For some reason you feel rather embarrassed that you didn’t clarify this to him before and you’re hoping the dim lighting is hiding the way you’ve started blushing. 
“I’m going to take this as my cue to leave.” Beau says, already standing up to move across the table, “You tell Quinn the whole back story and I’ll come back when you’re done with that, okay?”
Beau, in fact, does not come back for the rest of the night but you’re so wrapped up in your conversation with Quinn that you don’t particularly notice anyway. Usually you hate talking about yourself, but the drinks have loosened you up and he seems so genuinely curious and intrigued about you. He asks how you met Beau, so you tell him the story of how his 7’s look a little too much like 1’s and you ended up getting so much of his mail that you had to go and confront him about it. You try to ask him about hockey but he seems rather adept at deflecting the conversation back to you every time. You can’t help but bask in the full attention he’s giving you and the more drinks you have, the more you find yourself quietly admiring his bone structure. You’re a little surprised to hear yourself laughing so much and how easily the conversation moves that you can’t quite remember how you ended up discussing how you both think roses are overrated. 
You’re so caught up in each other that neither of you catch Brock nudging Beau and nodding his head towards you across the table.
“You reckon?” Brock asks, a cheeky grin plastered on his face.
“Oh, easily. I’ve been watching them all night.”
You pick up Beau’s call almost immediately.
“Hey, what’s up? Do you need something?” There’s a tinge of confusion in your voice.
“What? No, I just- I have an extra ticket to the game tonight and I was going to offer it to you if you weren’t being so snappy.” Beau teases.
“Oh,” you let out a chuckle, “Sorry, you just never call. I do happen to be free tonight though, if the offer’s still on the table...”
“Great, I’ll send you the ticket,” you can hear him smiling through the line. “Don’t drive, I’ll give you a lift if you wait a little after the game. Stick around and say hi to some of the other guys too.”
“Sure,” you reply, “I’ll see you later then. Maybe score or win or something? I dunno, make it worth my night?”
“Yeah ok,” you can hear him laughing now, “Will do, just for you. See you soon.”
And even if you were only joking, the team does deliver on your request. You hang by the exit as you wait for Beau, congratulating some of the other guys on the win as they start to trickle out. When Quinn catches sight of you, he can’t help the way the corners of his mouth quirk upwards and you can’t help the way you mirror it.
“Hey Quinner, congrats on the game,” you greet him, “Big win!” 
You’re mildly aware of the way your heart rate has picked up slightly since he stopped in front of you. You want to believe that it’s just because the handful of times you’ve seen him now have always been aided with a bit of liquid courage, even if you’re currently fixating on his slightly damp hair and the way his bag is slung over his shoulder. Quinn, however, is severely aware of the way his heart rate seemed to stop upon hearing the nickname leave your mouth.
He clears his throat, “Yeah, thanks. I didn’t realise you were going to be here?”
“Beau said he had an extra ticket last minute - enticed me with a ride home, so I’m just waiting for him now.” 
“Yeah, he should be done with the interviews soon - you know, three point night and all,” he laughs, glancing back at the doorway in search of a sign of his teammate.
“Coming from you, mister record breaker!”
Quinn whips his head back around to you, eyes wide as he starts to mumble something to try and downplay his night. He knows he’s blushing from the way he can feel his cheeks burning but he’s hoping it could be disguised as some sort of postgame flush.
You can’t help but let out a laugh at how off guard your comment seemed to catch him. “Surely you’re going out to celebrate?”
“Oh, I don’t know… we’ve got an early start tomorrow…” He rubs a hand at the back of his neck and your eyes flicker to his bicep briefly.
“Hmmm boring,” you tease, “All work and no play I guess.”
Something in your tone has him grinning now. “No rest for the wicked,” he quips.
Unbeknownst to the two of you, you’ve had an audience for just about all of your conversation.
“Is this what he looks like when he’s trying to flirt?” Petey asks, raising his eyebrows.
“I guess. Or trying to, at least,” Brock answers, still eyeing the scene in front of him. “How long do we think til they do something about it?”
Beau’s appeared next to them at the door now too, smirking as he watches you and Quinn completely oblivious to everyone else.
“Wanna take bets?”
Quinn’s nervous. He’s already texted you to let you know he’s arrived but he’s expecting that you’ll have to turn him away last minute. He’s still in disbelief that he’s even here, despite the fact that you’d offered to have him visit you on set several times already, but he always thought it was just a throw away thing you would say to be nice. He only tells you this about the fourth time you’ve asked, the arrival of the post season working out with one of the quieter days of your schedule, and you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing in his face about it.
“Quinn. I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t mean it. Most of our conversations are about movies, so I just thought you might find it cool to see what it’s like,” you shrug. "I've watched you play games before so it feels kind of fair, right?’
As much as he protests that it’s different, you are kind of right, naturally. He thinks it is extremely cool that this is what you do for a living, and even cooler that you’d even considered to bring him along and show him a part of it. At least, cool is what he’s trying to convince himself he’s feeling about it all. 
When he sees how excited you look, running out to meet him, he once again can’t help the grin that weasels its way onto his face. He holds out the second coffee cup in his hand to you.
“Hey,” he greets, “I brought you a coffee. I stopped on my way here but I didn’t really know what you usually get or if you prefer, like, hot or iced? So I just got you what I get which is-”
You’re pleasantly surprised and amused, letting him ramble a little before you cut him off, thanking him and groaning when you take a sip. “God, thank you. I’ve already had one today but I truly needed this.”
He’s relieved to hear it, immediately relaxing. “Hectic day then?”
“Kind of, but like… A controlled hectic you know?” You pause, giving him a once over, realising he’s a little less jittery than a minute ago - and also that he looks good. You’ve only ever really seen him in very weak bar lighting, or after a hockey game - but definitely never before lunch. The sun looks good on him you think, and you’re rather charmed by the outfit he’s picked out for the occasion but you’re quick to snap yourself out of your thoughts.
“Let me show you around!”
You give him a tour of the set, proudly pointing out how you managed to convince them to move your trailer closer, talking him through your designs you have pinned up and showing him some of the final costumes.
Quinn’s already wide-eyed, kid in a candy store at all of this, staring and asking if he can touch things. He almost doesn’t believe you when you say he can watch them film a scene or two. He’s amazed by the whole set up of it all, the cameras, the monitors, all the people who seem to be constantly walking places very quickly with a lot of purpose. You lead him to your little costume camp in the corner, letting out a chuckle at how impressed he is. 
“Okay, look so I do kind of have to do my job and leave you alone here, but just stay where I tell you to, don’t get in the way and you’ll be fine.” You’ve barely finished your sentence when someone calls your name, so you’re pushing Quinn into an empty chair, wincing a smile at him and scurrying away.
You don’t really get a chance to check back in on him for a good hour or two, but Quinn’s barely noticed the amount of time that’s gone by. He’s shocked at the fact that he’s so close to actors who he actually recognises, but he’s even more in awe simply watching you in your element. He knew you’d downplayed your role to him but even so, he’s mesmerised at the way you’re handling everyone’s questions, how you’re there in between takes to fix collars and ties and things he hadn’t even noticed, at how almost out of nowhere, you suddenly seem to have this commanding yet gracious air of authority around you. He’s never seen or even pictured you like this but he’s completely caught up in it, not realising that one of the makeup artists has been watching his laser focus on you this whole time and sidled up to him.
He doesn’t quite hear her at first.
“I was just asking if you were the boyfriend?”
Quinn’s immediately blushing furiously and he’s only glad that you aren’t there to see it. “No- no, um. Just, uhh, just a friend is all.” 
His response appropriately earns a raised eyebrow.
“Ahhh, okay. Gotcha. Sorry, was just asking,” she pauses, entertained by his spluttering, “She’s rather amazing, you know? Really great at her job and just incredible in general.”
“Yeah, I, uh- I know,” he answers, glancing at you briefly. There’s something in this stranger’s tone that has him slightly confused, wondering why he’s being told this.
She only hums in response before walking away, leaving him to try not to overthink the interaction. He quickly pushes it aside when he sees you making your way over.
“Hey,” you grin, coming to a stop in front of him, “Been having fun?”
“Oh yeah,” he perks up immediately, “Heaps.”
“Great, because we’re starting to wrap up. I’ll take you back out to the entrance, save you all the boring stuff, y’know?”
Quinn’s surprised that it’s already heading into the late afternoon when you exit the studio. He turns to look at you, shoving his hands into his pockets and mustering up as much sincerity as he can.
“Thanks again for having me. It was, um, it was really cool watching you do your thing.”
“Well thanks for finally taking me up on my offer,” you counter, “and thanks for the coffee. I’m glad you had fun, really." You pause, cocking your head slightly, “We’ll go watch the movie together when it’s out.”
This, Quinn is sure, is a throw away line, at least he thinks. You’re not completely sure if you meant it either, but you know you only said it because you knew he would take it as one.
A couple days later you get a text out of the blue from Beau, and then Brock.
Brock: I like movies too :))
For whatever reason, Beau’s apartment had become the designated gathering spot. You’d already found yourself there a couple times already with the rest of the group, so you didn’t really question it when he ropes you into the games night he’s hosting, claiming they need another person to even out the numbers. It doesn’t occur to you to ask why he couldn’t have asked literally any of the other guys instead, so you don’t realise he has a whole catalogue of excuses ready to cover the fact that he’d been orchestrating a reason to get you and Quinn in the same room again.  
If anyone were to ask Quinn why he was late, he also had his own list of excuses ready to rattle off before he’d admit the truth. He’d spent an embarrassingly long amount of time switching between three shirts knowing that he’d see you - and so what if you’d done the same, as long as nobody else knew? 
Currently, you’re all way too many drinks in, lining up along the couch in preparation for the final tie breaking round of charades. Beau’s couch is definitely not big enough to fit six of you but you all squish in anyway, mostly too drunk or too determined to win to care. You should have expected this level of competition from a group of professional athletes; you've done a good job of keeping up all night, but you’re suddenly very acutely aware of how close Quinn is sitting next to you. You take another hard swallow from your drink before turning your focus onto Beau flailing his arms in front of you.
You manage to keep your cool through several rounds, but eventually you realise Quinn’s thigh has, at some point, ended up pressed firmly against yours. Immediately your whole leg is tingling and your face is flaming up, but Quinn doesn’t seem to show any signs of pulling away, or simply even realising. You blink, trying to refocus, but the only thing your brain seems capable of processing at the moment is the feeling of Quinn’s leg against yours through your jeans. If it weren’t for Beau’s overly dramatic reaction, you probably wouldn’t even have noticed that your team had already lost. 
You move to lean back against the couch - which was a mistake, considering now your shoulders are brushing too, and someone might as well have set your entire body on fire. Your head is starting to spin - must just be the shots catching up, you try to convince yourself - and you’ve drawn your lips into a thin line in an effort not to combust. 
Brock lets out a laugh, clocking your expression. “Alright, no need to be such a sore loser, princess.”
You can feel Quinn turning to look at you, even if you’re desperately avoiding his eye contact. Beau is looking at you now too, eyes flickering over the way you and Quinn are pressed into each other’s sides. He grins, gears already turning in his head.
You hope your laugh sounds convincing. “Yeah, didn’t realise I’d get so into it, huh?”
“We’ll just have to have a rematch another time,” Beau reassures you, well aware losing wasn’t the reason why you looked so distressed. He fakes a look at the clock as you stand up from the couch, having decided you wouldn’t have survived much longer if you didn’t move.
“Well I guess it’s getting a bit late. I think we’re all pretty far gone at this point so everyone’s welcome to crash for the night if you want," Beau offers.
“Dude,” Quinn pipes up, “There’s no way you have enough space for all of us.”
“Well, lucky a certain someone just so happens to live not so far away!” Beau is already shepherding the two of you out of his apartment, still wearing the biggest grin on his face.
Before you can even begin to protest, you’ve already found yourself standing next to Quinn in the hallway. A beat passes, the two of you staring at the shut door incredulously before you finally catch Quinn’s eye, both unable to help the fit of giggles that escapes when you catch each other’s expressions. 
In hindsight, you think this is the exact moment where you lose the ability to deny to yourself that you see him as just one of Beau’s friends. His eyes are a little glazed over from the alcohol, and his lips are flushed the prettiest pink to match his cheeks which are pulled into the widest smile you’ve seen him wear to date, and for the first time you notice exactly just how full his eyelashes are.
“I guess I do have a free couch,” you breathe out once you’ve both calmed down. 
“No it’s fine really, I can just get an uber home, don’t worry about it,” Quinn argues, the slight awkwardness of the situation finally hitting him.
“Quinn, don’t be ridiculous. Your car’s still here, isn’t it? I literally live down the hallway,” you pause, “... like Beau said.”
He swallows, blinking at you for a good while. “Yeah, okay. If you’re sure then.” 
He waits for you to tell him that you’ve changed your mind, that actually the boyfriend you’ve never mentioned before wouldn’t like it if he stayed, or anything along those lines - something that would make the whole thing feel a little more believable, but instead, he just finds you looking at him. He doesn’t think he can handle that much longer without buckling at the knees, the way your eyes are searching his face, so he turns and starts walking down the hallway. He goes to ask what number your apartment is when he suddenly feels your soft hand slip into his.
You don’t know what it is. Maybe how nervous he suddenly seemed, maybe the way his hair looked perfectly dishevelled, or maybe in your intoxicated state you’d just finally decided to throw caution to the wind.
“I’m back this way, idiot,” you laugh at him before tugging him down the other way to your door. 
Quinn is sure that his heart is thumping so loudly that you can hear it echoing through the silent hallway, or that you can somehow feel it where your fingers are laced through his but you’re being nice and saving him the embarrassment by not saying anything about it. He’s also hyper aware of how you didn’t drop his hand until you were both inside, even when you were rummaging in your pockets for your keys.
He glances around your apartment, following suit as he watches you kick off your sneakers. He’s overtly aware of the quietness compared to the chaos of just earlier, and the overwhelming sense of domesticity as he trails behind you into your home. 
You watch him as he looks around, trying to find something to do in order to not get distracted staring at his nose. “Want some water?”
“Yeah actually, thanks,” he feels like he’s whispering, like if he speaks any louder you might realise that he is, actually, in fact, standing in your apartment and decide to kick him out. 
He watches you reach on your toes to grab an extra glass from the cabinet and he finds himself endeared by it all - the way your shoes were lined up in the hallway, the sweater left draped over the couch, the lone mug left on your kitchen counter by your coffee machine.
He gestures at what he’s guessing is an open script left on the table next to an array of pens. “New project?”
“Yeah, I’m almost done reading through it,” you answer, “I won't be working on it for several months still, but I haven’t completely decided yet.”
“Is it shooting here as well?”
“Only bits of it. Looks like it’ll be mostly in LA though. And a couple other locations but it’ll be fun,” you shrug, handing him the glass.
“So you’re gonna do it?” 
“Yeah, I think so. Script’s pretty good so far, and it’s an exciting team. Kind of like why not, you know?”
Quinn only manages to mutter out some sort of agreement. He’s surprised by his own disappointment at the idea that you could be moving out to LA, when in the grand scheme of things he’s only known you for about half a year. Thankfully, you interrupt him before he can think about it much more.
“Anyway, I’ll go get some blankets for you. Bathroom’s down that way, there’s extra toothbrushes in the first drawer.”
When he’s back, he almost crumples at the sight of you in your pjs setting up the couch for him. He notices you’ve refilled his glass before you turn around and shove a pile of clothes into his hands.
“Sweats for you, they should fit, I think,” you crinkle your nose. “My room’s down that way, just let me know if you need anything.”
He only manages to get out a small thanks in response. He’s staring at you, he knows that, but he can’t help how soft you look in the dim lighting.
You tilt your head, giving him a small smile. “Night, Quinn.”
“Yeah, goodnight,” he mumbles.
He makes a mental note to both punch Beau and then thank him in the morning.
+ 1
Nothing ever happened after that seemingly eventful night. It’s now well into the next season and you’re thinking that this is just what the dynamic of yours and Quinn’s friendship is like. You’ve gone back to trying to convince yourself that it’s normal - like you also think Beau’s good looking, right? You had a bit of a crush on him too when you first met him, even if that came and went awfully swiftly and you don’t get anything even close to the same kind of head spinning giddiness when he talks to you. Quinn thinks he’s been less subtle about it all, and you think you’ve been dropping hints but apparently your efforts have only been evident to everyone else but each other.
You know that the team has a gala coming up soon. Beau’s mentioned it to you a couple times in his attempt to gauge how you would feel if he forced Quinn to take you as his date. When he tells Quinn his master plan to finally get the two of you together, Quinn almost chokes on his own spit.
“Ask her as my date?! You’re kidding right?” he practically screeches.
Quinn stammers, trying to formulate some kind of reply. “I don’t- We’re not- … I’m not doing that.”
Beau groans. “You guys are both such idiots, I’m sick of it. It’s so obvious that you like her and I don’t know how you can’t see that she’s head over heels for you too!”
Quinn only stares at him in response.
“Why won’t you just ask her? The world isn’t going to implode.”
There’s a good minute of silence, the two of them staring at each other waiting for someone to break. Quinn finally sighs, taking a seat on the couch.
“Isn’t she leaving for LA soon?”
“Are you being serious right now? Please tell me you’re not actually this stupid.”
Quinn blinks. “I don’t know. Vancouver and LA are pretty far apart.”
Beau is just about ready to physically knock some sense into him.
“You’re not even in Vancouver half the time anyway. Plus she’s not moving away forever. Don’t be such a drama queen.”
When Quinn doesn’t say anything in response, Beau doubles down.
“If you don’t ask her, I will for you. I’m not lying but you can test that out if you’d like.”
Beau doesn’t believe that Quinn will do anything, but he doesn’t give him much time to prove him wrong anyway. He’s calling you that evening.
“What are you doing Saturday night in two weeks time?”
“What? Nothing, I don’t think.”
“Okay, great. You’re coming to the gala as Quinn’s date then.”
“I’m what?!”
“You heard me.”
There’s a pause.
“Are you home right now?”
You hang up on him before he can finish the syllable and you’re storming down the hallway until you’re banging on his door. He looks rather calm when he lets you in, but you don’t miss the mischievous twinkle in his eye.
You point an accusing finger at him. “Explain it to me again. You want me to do what now?”
Beau rolls his eyes. “You’re free. Quinn’s free. Why not? It’s painfully obvious that you have this massive crush on him.”
You huff, crossing your arms over your chest. “No I don’t. And you’re asking me instead of him because?”
“Because he’s being an idiot, like he has been for almost an entire year now.” Beau looks at you and he can tell you could be convinced. “Just say yes. I’ll be there, the other guys will be there, there’ll be free food and drinks. Plus you’ll get to dress up! You’re always telling me you want to have an excuse to dress up yourself instead of other people!”
You can’t deny his last point. Literally just the other week, you’d sent him a link of this drop dead gorgeous dress you’d found whilst sourcing for your next project and complained to him about how you wanted to get it for yourself but had nowhere to wear it to.
You narrow your eyes at him. “What’s the catch?”
“There is no catch. Just say you’ll come as his date. That’s it.”
You pause. Beau finds himself in his second stalemate of the day, but he knows you’re going to give in more easily. He listens to the tick of the clock in his living room, patiently waiting for you to cave.
You don’t give him a chance to properly react before you’ve flung open his door, marched back to your own apartment and screamed into your pillow about what you’ve said yes to.
Beau should’ve known you were going to be insufferable leading up to the actual night. You spend the entirety of the next week pestering him about what the dress code is, how you have nothing to wear, what to expect, who else is going to be there. He gives you the same answers every time you ask and he promises to go dress shopping with you on Thursday. You’re only the slightest bit more relieved at this, but as soon as you agree, Beau’s texting Quinn that he has about a week to deliver.
Quinn had called you as soon as he saw Beau’s message, apologising and saying that he wished Beau had given him a little more warning so he could have asked you himself (he knows he wouldn’t have) and telling you that you don’t have to go if you didn’t want to. You were barely done freaking out about it yourself, but the way he sounded so completely flustered about it all through the phone was somewhat reassuring. 
When you make your way up the stairs to your apartment on Wednesday evening, you find yourself actually excited to go pick out a dress the next day. You would be lying if you said you hadn’t pulled together some inspiration images, but in your defence, you were just good at your job. Your steps falter a little when you notice a package at your door, but as you get closer, you notice there’s a post-it note over it. 
Been a minute since our mail got confused again :)
– Beau
You’re confused because you don’t remember ordering anything, but it’s definitely been addressed to you. You head inside to open it, brows furrowing when you start to recognise the fabric. Needless to say, your jaw is definitely on the floor when you pull out the same dress that you had sent Beau not too long ago. You’re scrambling to grab your phone to yell at him when you remember they’re currently playing a game at the moment, so you settle for a borderline blasphemous string of texts instead.
Hours later, when you’re still reeling, you get one single message in response.
Beau: Wasn’t me. Was all huggy :)
It feels like the last days left until the gala had gone all too quick yet also taken way too long. You felt like you’d been pulling your hair out about it nonstop, and it didn’t help that the guys had gone away on a roadie in between. 
You’d started getting ready way too early. You couldn’t do up the clasp of your necklace since you weren’t used to having your nails done, leaving you too much time to start wondering if you’d maybe gone a little overboard with it all. You’d been pacing around your apartment for the past half hour trying to occupy your hands with something else instead, waiting for a more appropriate time to get changed. You think you must look like a deranged housewife, washing your dishes and folding your laundry with a full face of makeup and maybe too much diligence.
You’re so caught up in distracting yourself that the buzzer ringing makes you jump. 
“Hey, come on up. I’ll unlock the door, I’ve just got to get changed,” you say over the intercom. 
You run back to your room to pull on the dress you’d been fawning over for weeks, still not entirely sure how either Quinn or Beau had managed to work out the right size for you. You hear the door being opened and Quinn calling out your name just as you’re spraying your perfume. 
“In my room!” You yell back, “One sec!”
When he rounds the corner and lays eyes on you, Quinn’s certain he’s turned completely into putty. He’s never seen you so dressed up and you look so breathtakingly stunning that he almost drops the bouquet in his hands.
You’re equally breathless when you turn around to face him. You didn’t realise that he’d gotten a tie to match, and you wouldn’t know that he’d dragged Petey to help him pick a new suit in an attempt to impress you. You’re both staring at each other for what feels like forever before either of you can manage a word.
“Um, hi,” he breathes, barely audible, “You look- you look really beautiful.”
You can’t hide the blush that’s creeping up your neck, but you don’t try to anyway considering his cheeks have gone a rosy shade to match. 
“Thanks, Quinn. You look really good too.” You don’t notice how he flushes even deeper because you’ve finally noticed the flowers he’s holding, and even more so, how there’s not a single rose in the bunch. “Are those…?”
Quinn suddenly feels embarrassed about the fact he got you flowers. “Yeah, I um, I got- they’re for you.” He feels like a school boy all over again, mentally kicking himself for not being able to get a proper sentence out. He looks down at the stems, rubbing at his stubble. “Did I overdo it?”
You laugh, you’d been fidgeting with your nails the entire time.
“No, I think it’s really sweet.” You take the flowers from him, laying them down on your vanity when you remember your necklace.
“Oh, can you help me with this? I can’t seem to get the clasp.” You hand him the chain and turn, moving your hair out of the way. 
You can smell the waft of his cologne and feel his focus on the back of your neck, suddenly incredibly aware of how close you’re standing. Your mouth has dried, you're pretty sure your ears are ringing and you think you’re fully frozen in your spot.
“There,” Quinn mumbles, barely even able to get the word past the lump in his throat. He’s still thinking about how unreal you look and fighting the overwhelming urge to spin you around and kiss you right then and there. 
You’re both snapped out of the moment when his phone starts ringing. It’s Beau, asking what time you guys are going to arrive.
“Yeah, we’re just about to leave. See you soon, dude.” Quinn answers, turning his attention back to you. “Ready to go?”
On the way there, you’ve somehow recomposed yourself to manage a somewhat normal conversation. You’re not sure exactly what it is that sent your nerves into haywire in the first place. The fact that you’re so done up, that you’re technically his date, or the fact that he seems just as antsy as you. He tells you he’s a little nervous about the speech he has to make, so you squeeze his hand in reassurance and try to reel your nerves in for both of you.
It’s a lot easier when you get there and see everyone else. You’re reminded that they’re your friends and that this is just another time you get to hang out, even if it’s a lot more fancy and official than what you’re used to. But when you finally go to take your seats after doing your initial rounds of mingling, you still manage to somehow knock your fork to the floor. You bend over to pick it up and you don’t realise Quinn’s covered the edge of the table with his hand until you bump your head into it. Before you can even say anything or just thank him for it, he’s offering to swap forks with you.
“Oh, don’t even worry about it,” you laugh a little breathlessly, “Five second rule, right?”
“Yeah, sure,” he replies, but he’s already replaced the fork next to your plate with his anyway. 
Brock and Petey have watched the whole exchange and share knowing smirks from across the table.
Everything else seems to go smoothly. Maybe it’s the soft touches on his arm or on your back, the blushing smiles and longing glances across the room, but something about tonight feels like tomorrow you won’t be able to pretend nothing happened.
Quinn’s speech goes well, and now everyone is up and moving around again. You hang back and let the long line of teammates and attendees go to congratulate him first.
Beau approaches Quinn, interrupting his train of thought.
“Now that the business part is done, you gonna finally make a move or what?”
Quinn’s eyes almost pop out of his head at the idea of this and also the volume at which Beau is speaking.
“Shut up,” he hisses, “She’ll hear you!”
“Doesn’t matter - she’s going to notice anyway with how hard you’ve been staring all night!”
“No I haven’t,” he mutters, rolling his eyes.
“Yeah ok, sure buddy. Just- no time like the present!” Beau claps him on the back and leaves Quinn to shift his gaze back to you. He’s starting to get lost in how at ease you look, talking to some of the other wives, when he realises Beau is right and you’ve caught him staring.
You make your way to him, prodding him gently in the shoulder.
“Told ya you didn’t need to be so worried.”
He’s blushing again. He can’t seem to get a handle on the effect you have on him.
“Yeah, it went alright, I guess. Made it out alive.”
“Well I, for one, think you spoke really well.” There’s a slight teasing in your voice, but you hope he can tell you mean it.
Quinn finds himself lost for words in front of you for what feels like the hundredth time that night. He’s scanning your face and tries not to think too hard before he opens his mouth again.
“Can I kiss y-”
His hands are quick to find your waist and pull you closer as your hands find a place against his chest. The kiss is quick and rushed and almost all teeth from how big you’re both smiling, but you don’t mind it. You feel like the ground’s been pulled out from under you in one fell swoop and you’re free falling but somehow it feels like exactly what you needed.
When you pull away, Quinn’s wearing the goofiest lopsided grin you’ve ever seen and you can only imagine that you look the same.
“I, uh-”
“You’ve got lip gloss on you.”
You’re both giggling as he swipes over his lips with his thumb. 
You’re so lost in him that you almost don’t register all the hollering and clapping from your table. Usually you would hate the idea of so many eyes watching you, but it all feels like such a long time coming that you can’t seem to be even remotely embarrassed about any of it.
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homelanderbutbig · 1 month
A Quaint House With a White-Picket Fence (G/T Homelander x Reader)
1139 words. Pure fluff. Homelander is 8 feet tall. Reader is non-descriptive. Established relationship.
You teach Homelander about Animal Crossing.
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With a rare day off, you decided to spend your afternoon doing something you haven't been able to for a while, play Animal Crossing. Homelander has never played a video game before, and he has made it perfectly clear to you that he has zero interest in doing so. He is also not shy at showing his jealousy at how engrossed you get playing your silly games instead of paying attention to him. As a result, you usually only play for short periods of time when you're alone.
Today was different. You have been doing nothing all day except play Animal Crossing, just like you used to do before moving into the Tower. You don't even hear him storming into the penthouse, in one of his signature grumpy moods. Grumbling irritatedly seeing you lounging on the couch, he can't believe you aren't acknowledging him and inviting him over for a cuddle like you always do. It's not like he's easy to miss.
Homelander walks over in front of the couch, attempting to make a point with his purposefully loud footsteps. And yet, you still don't even look up as he looms over you. Rolling his eyes, he places his hands on his hips as he taps his fingers on his belt. He can feel his anger bubbling to the surface, with the annoying little beeps and boops coming from the game only serving to aggravate him further.
Finally, he's had enough at watching you ignore him. With a motion so fast you barely even register what is happening, he picks you up so he can lie down on the couch, keeping you on top of him. His arms are wrapped immovably around your waist while his big head is snuggled firmly on your shoulder. He lets out a deep huff from his nose, making certain that you know how exasperated you've made him.
You stay there for a moment of tense silence, waiting for him to say something first. You feel bad for not even noticing him, but you want to see where he is mentally before you make a move.
"What is this?" he eventually asks you, contempt dripping from his voice. If you won't stop playing this dumb thing, he may as well learn what it is.
"Animal Crossing," you tell him, laughing as you practically feel him rolling his eyes. Ah, he's in one of these moods.
"It's a game where you get to play in this cute village and just do whatever," you try to clarify. "You can fish, catch bugs, decorate your house, and make friends with your neighbours. It's relaxing."
"…Why?" he retorts. He is baffled at how doing things in this game that you could do in real-life would have you so fixated.
"I dunno, it's hard to explain," you respond. "There's no stress in this world, no time-limits or deadlines. It's like… an escape."
Homelander is hushed as he contemplates your answer. The appeal still doesn't make a lot of sense to him.
"What… are you playing as?" he enquires, brow furrowing slightly. Your tiny avatar appears to be a boy with slicked-back blonde hair, wearing a blue shirt with an eagle design.
"I tried making you," you answer honestly, with a brief giggle. You click a mysterious button on your gaming device, and suddenly this character is smiling wide back at him.
"You… made me?" he ponders, rubbing his head into the crook of your neck.
"Yeah, I normally just make myself but… I wanted to see how you'd look too," you smile, returning his nuzzle. "You turned out cute, right?"
He sighs, not dignifying you with a response. This facsimile is nowhere near his level of perfection, but at least you tried.
"What's that noise?" he mumbles. "It sounds like a bug."
"What direction is it coming from?" you respond. "It might be a mole cricket, I haven't caught one of those yet."
"To the left," he guides you, using his super hearing to easily discern the origin of the bug's droning call. "Under that rock."
Homelander watches as you pull out your shovel and hit the rock, causing a cricket to pop out which you swiftly catch with your net.
"Look at that! We caught a mole cricket!" you exclaim.
"…Now what?" he queries. He doesn't understand why you seem to excited over this, it's just a disgusting, insignificant insect.
"Now we take it to the museum, so Blathers can put it on display," you reply.
"And what, we get a reward for it?" he asks.
"No, it's just for fun!" you attempt to explain. "We can get a golden net if we catch all the different kinds of bugs though!"
Once again, he feels flabbergasted by your reasonings. This is just one of those weird human things of yours that he figures he will never understand, no matter how many questions he asks.
Homelander decides to stay quiet for a while, simply observing as you go about your activities. Seeing you run around this confined space, pointlessly catching more bugs and fish. Listening to you tell him which animal villagers are your favourites, showing him your house and how you decorated every room.
Strangely, the longer he watches you play, the more relaxed he starts to feel. It's weird, seeing your miniature caricature of him running around this fake town. He's just spending his days trapped in this virtual world, living in a quaint house with a white-picket fence, surrounded by friendly neighbours… without anybody staring at him like he's a freak… without a care in the world.
He's living the life Homelander always wished he could.
"Do you think we could ever live in a place like this?" he contemplates in a somber voice. The genuineness of his thought takes you by surprise.
To be honest, you don't have an answer for him. Vought has such a tight grip on every aspect of his life, you aren't sure if he'll ever be able to be free of their influence. He's never known what it's like to be 'normal', his entire existence has been dictated for him, his every opinion pre-calculated for what's best for the company.
"Hey, why don't we spend the weekend at your cabin?" you suggest, trying to pivot the heavy conversation away to something more tangible. You put your game down to caress his cheek, feeling him angle his head into your touch. "Just the two of us, no schedules or worries."
You can feel a little smile spread across your shoulder at your proposal. Homelander tightens his hold on you ever so slightly, cherishing the feeling of your small stature in his arms. He's glad you aren't able to see his face right now, letting him hide the fact that he's blinking away forming tears.
"Yeah," he whispers. "I'd like that".
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sixleggedboar · 1 year
I love your König design!! Do you have any other thoughts on what he's like on leave?
I am always glad to hear when people like my design of him!!! Thank you so much! I put my thoughts behind the cut!
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So generally I probably need to clarify that I think König is kind of a dick and leave for him means Me-time. Which translates to working out in his home gym and playing video games. If the days of isolation in his house make him go a little too crazy he might go for a hike. But thats a rather rare occasion. Bro is running on energy drinks to calm him down and terrorising game lobbies since he cannot do that with his men or enemies. To me he appears insecure af and we know how insecure men can be. A lot of his time on leave is actually just spent waiting until he can go back to work.
HOWEVER he loves and adores his cats. Originally I was planning on giving him a roommate to take care of them when he is not home but now with his rank reveal I do not think he would bother with another human in his space. So I have yet to figure out how he takes care of his cats when he's gone. Suggestions welcome. He might just pay someone to take care of the house and his cats for that time. Although trusting a stranger with that also doesn't feel right.
The cats are the only party where he feels like he can let his guard down, relax and does not feel the need to constantly proof himself. He can just be. They are the only purpose he has outside of his job.
I drew him grocery shopping so I also have some thoughts on his general survival in everyday life. He does not enjoy shopping in any way shape or form, its a necessary evil kind of thing. In, out, noise cancelling earbuds in. For errands he really does not bother to dress up or anything, he does not want to engage or deal with anyone so does his best to appear as unapproachable as possible.
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On the Road
Rockstar!eddie x Fem!Reader
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: Swearing, allusions to sex. SFW. Use of Y/N
A/N: Please go easy on me for this. It’s been a very long time since i’ve written anything so excuse any poor writing or dodgy use of tense,  but i just had this thought one night and said fuck it, lets share it. Enjoy. Feedback is appreciated and so are likes and reblogs 🙂
The squeaking of the brakes and crunching of gravel was enough to slowly bring you out of your slumber. It had been a few hours since you’d passed out on the scratchy sofa of their tour bus, but it had seemed needed after the past week of late nights and long journeys that had robbed you of energy. The heavy hand that had been stroking across your shoulder, squeezed your upper arm, “We’re here sweetheart.” Eddie’s voice sounded, laced with tiredness. 
After years of blood, sweat and tears, Eddie had finally managed to make his childhood dreams real. He and the boy’s of corroded Coffin had made it to the big leagues, miles away from dingy bars and drunks that couldn’t care less who they were. They had been talent spotted and offered a small regional tour which, after completing last summer, had proven their name in the industry as one to look out for. Their success led them to now, their first leg of their national tour filled with multiple sold out shows. Eddie could have sworn he’d never felt more alive than he did when he got to perform to thousands of people every night, seeing how their music touched each and every one, much like he’d been affected by his own music heroes growing up. Getting to witness his dreams being fulfilled every night, had been a privilege, seeing new towns and cities that you probably would never have had the chance to before felt like the greatest gift you’d been given. You’d joined him on tour as support at first. He’d spent nights begging for you to join him. ‘Babe, please come! The boys all want you with us, plus i’ll miss you so much that i’ll combust if i have to spend too long away.’ He’d state each time you’d give a reason as to why it wouldn’t be possible. Eventually he’d pestered enough that you broke, agreeing to join him for the first 4 stops on the tour and then head back home, however that soon changed when you joined the guys selling merch and even creating items to sell,  leading to your position in the group being upgraded from supportive girlfriend to executive roadie. 
Blinking your eyes open, you were faced with Eddie's big brown eyes staring lovingly back into yours. They were now accompanied by dark undereye shadows, telling the story of a man who’d been working his ass off. “Morning sleepy girl.” He smiled. You reached up a hand to rub the sleep out of your eyes. “It’s morning?” You croaked. 
“Only just, It’s gone 2am.” Eddie clarified glancing to his watch. 
“Ugh, can i not just stay here?” You whined, tucking your face away and attempting to drift back to sleep.
Eddie chuckled softly, sliding his hand down your arm to grasp your hand, “Unfortunately not, we’ve got a nice big bed waiting for us and quite frankly i’d like to be in it right now.” 
Just the mention of a bed, had you moving to get up. Despite having spent a good month on the road and being treated to a fairly comfy tour bus with all the amenities the guys could need, stopping at hotels and getting to sleep in a bed that wasn’t continually being rattled by the vibrations of an engine or having disturbances by people shuffling around in the night was a god send. You and Eddie had been lucky when given bunk assignments, seeing as you were the only couple in the group, you had been designated the only actual bed on the bus, whilst the rest of the guys had to make do with a single bunk bed that could just about house a small grown adult. ‘You guys can have the bed but just don’t make too much noise if you’re gonna fuck. Don’t really need to hear ‘how eddie is rocking your world’ or ‘how good my princess takes me’ is.’ Gareth had warned you two on the first night on the road, very much to the embarrassment of you but the humor of Eddie. 
“Where are the guys?” You asked as you stretched out your muscles, hearing a satisfying click in your bones.
“They’ve already headed in. Jeff barely waited for the bus to come to a stop before he’d leapt off claiming he needed to pee.” 
You smiled in response watching as Eddie gathered up both his and your overnight bags to bring into the hotel. He took your hand in his free one, leading you out the bus and towards the hotel reception. You were met with the rest of the tour party standing with bleary eyes and no energy, all ready to finally get some rest. Eddie nudged you in the direction of Gareth and Jeff who were standing resting against the wall, struggling to stay awake, whilst he went to source your room key. 
“My eyes feel like they have papercuts.” Gareth grumbled. 
“I could sleep right here.” Jeff responded. You gave both the boys sympathetic smiles.
Throughout the tour you’d grown closer to them, becoming almost like a sister to them. They’d come to you with all sorts of issues, from wardrobe help to romantic advice. Like any man that had an entire world of women at their feet, Gareth and Jeff made the most of being single and having their pick, resulting in plenty of one night stands and the occasional double hit. 
“You seemed to have slept ok y/n, you were totally out.” Gareth remarked.
You sighed softly, “God I must have been shattered, I don't actually remember laying down.” 
“You didn’t, I laid you down in my lap cause your head was hanging off your neck.” Eddie responded as he walked back over to you, this time with keys in hand. He handed Jeff and Gareth their keys each before swinging his arm to rest over your shoulders. “Couldn’t have my love waking up in pain.” he said as he pressed a kiss to your hairline. 
Your heart swelled in your chest. Eddie had many ways of showing his affection for you, but his physical touch and care is the category he really shone in. From the gentle touches on the base of your back as he guided you through crowds of fans, to the all enclosing, full of love and affection, cuddles he’d provide whenever you wanted, the love eddie had for you couldn’t hide from his physical touch. The gesture of him adjusting your sleeping position on the bus purely to help you, was just another example of his love. 
Eddie slid his arm down from your shoulders to connect your hands as he gently led you towards your bedroom for the night. Stepping into the elevator, he reached over to press the floor number, he didn’t even wait for the doors to fully close before he was encasing you in an embrace and guiding your lips up to meet his. Although gentle, his kiss was full of love, speaking all the words he could ever say. 
He pulled back slightly, keeping your noses touching. “Thank you baby for coming with me. I know it isn’t easy, jesus, its fucking exhausting.”
You smiled in agreement, “It is. But it’s worth it.” You pushed back into him to connect your lips again. “I get to see my gorgeous rockstar boyfriend, singing and playing his heart out in front of screaming fans every night and know that at the end of the night, he’ll be in my bed, kissing my lips, giving his whole being to me.” 
Eddie brings his hands to hold your cheeks as he kisses you again, however just before he can deepen it, the elevator doors re-open. Quickly he takes your hand again and pulls you along as he heads towards your room. He swiftly slips the key into the door, and pushes it open, gesturing for you to enter before him, ever the gentleman. As you take in the room, which is a mark sight better than the cramped bedroom on the tour bus, the door behind you shuts as two thick arms slide around your waist, and the warm breath of your lover fans down your neck. 
“You are right.” He whispered as you tilted your neck to the side granting him space to pepper your skin with kisses. “Having a stunning woman, watching from the wings of the stage as I sing for her, knowing that I also get to be in her bed, kissing her and showing her pleasure that has her screaming my name every night is what makes this all worth it.” 
His words send shivers down your spine, making you turn to face him. All feelings of tiredness fade from your body and are replaced with desire. Looking up into his eyes, you see that he is sharing the feeling. “Then come and show me.” You whisper just as you reconnect with his lips and walk him towards the bed. 
He was right, touring is exhausting, but so were you. It’s all worth it for nights like these.
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I'd just like to clarify that i do NOT know how old nightmare was when he ate the apple, i simply assumed he was older. like not a minor if he indeed is a child then please tell me i will take this down
god i am so sorry >.<
Blood tw!!
Bad Apple
dreamtale belongs to jokublog
cross-posted to ao3! -> https://archiveofourown.org/works/51085057
As Nightmare finished off the last apple, his painful shriek split the air as four great tentacles burst from his back: thrashing, physical manifestations of negativity, his body too full of hate, anger, envy, and...
He loved you, he realized. Loved you a lot more than he thought he did. And when he realized he finally had enough power to scare the townspeople and have you all to himself, he was ecstatic.
* * *
He was just a boy. He just wanted friends, he just wanted people who cared about him.
They shunned him. Called him a monster, called him the devil.
Then you came along. You talked to him, you played with him, you sat with him, you smiled at him — and all these things combined would have made his SOUL flutter if he had one. He treasured you, savouring the moments when your eyes met his, the short seconds when his rough bone met your soft skin, those special times when the sun would hit your eyes just right and make them sparkle in the sunlight.
You were delicate.
Day after day he would talk to you — talk to you until the sky grew dark, until the only sound was your voices — until sleep took over and you dozed off in each other's arms. He would talk to you about the stars' grace in their eternal dances across the night sky, their steps never halting; about the moon's beauty, her soft glow guiding travellers in the night, protecting them from harm; about the sun's light, ever shining, bringing warmth to your world — about how nice it was, just the two of you.
Sometimes, he would take a black apple from the tree, place it gently in your hands, and let you marvel at it. The apples had such intricate swirls, designs so winding that you could get lost in them — like a maze — if you stared too long.
He'd let you sit by the tree with him, the both of you tracing the ancient bark's ornate patterns with your fingertips under the moonlight, admiring its beauty.
He'd tell you stories of his mother, the original guardian; he'd tell you of how he remembered her face, her eyes full of kindness, a smile gracing her lips. Her hands were always warm and welcoming, almost beckoning, and her touches were ever so gentle.
The memory was vague and distant.
And as the leaves fell from the tree and the sky grew dark, Nightmare looked at you. He looked at you with sockets open wide, regret and guilt swirling within them; he stared at you, right through you, gripping the once-golden apple in a hand clenched too tight, held by a form too tense.
The townsfolk were angry. After all, why wouldn't Nightmare do something like this? Why wouldn't he doom them all? They were practically waiting for this to happen, practically waiting for an excuse to kill him.
So as a last-ditch attempt to stay alive from the violent townspeople, Nightmare listened to that voice. He sank his teeth into the black apple in his hand, the perfect blend of sweet and sour flooding his senses — he became addicted to them, like a drug, eating them one after another.
But as he bit into apple after apple, the townsfolk started to back away as things started to happen to him.
Black muck as thick as tar began to pool and flood from any openings they could, blocking his right eye, coating all the surfaces it touched. The substance itself had a putrid smell, like a rotting carcass or spoilt fruit.
His emotions started to distort, hate and anger being prevalent among them, souring his mood. He could feel himself getting bolder with each bite he took, his confidence soaring, his mind unhinging.
But even though he had such hatred to the townsfolk, he never once had a negative thought about you. You were someone who cared about him, someone who kept him company when his brother went off to help the townfolk, someone who talked to him, someone who would love him. You alone had done more to help him than all of the town combined, and he wasn't willing to let that go unrewarded.
As Nightmare finished off the last apple, his painful shriek split the air as four great tentacles burst from his back: thrashing, physical manifestations of negativity, his body too full of hate, anger, envy, and...
He loved you, he realized. Loved you a lot more than he thought he did. And when he realized he finally had enough power to scare the townspeople and have you all to himself, he was ecstatic.
Vaguely, Nightmare could see their scared faces, eyes wide and fearful, or hear their screams, full of terror — but it all seemed far away to him.
He was thinking about you. How you were too soft, too easily broken; how your skin seemed to glow in the gentle light of the moon, the way you would smile contentedly, — and how he would protect you from this moment onwards.
What could they do that he wouldn't?
They never talked to you, they never helped with you, they never even looked at you, too disgusted by the fact that you talked to Nightmare, the living embodiment of bad emotions.
Not like it mattered.
He could love you, alone, and you wouldn't need anyone. You wouldn't have to work, you wouldn't have to cook, you wouldn't have to do anything.
He would do it all for you if you loved him.
He ran to you, tentacles eager to feel your skin, hands reaching for a warm embrace — but the closer he came to you, the more scared you got, tears starting to pool at your eyes as your whole body tensed.
When Nightmare realized you weren't running to him, he stopped, his wide grin dropping, outstretched arms and tentacles falling. His change of emotion was near instant; he bared his teeth, almost growling, his shoulders raising while his single socket narrowed, crumpling into a look of utter rage.
"WHY WON'T YOU COME TO ME!?" He roared, voice echoing and hackles raising, hands balling into fists. Fear and anxiety were climbing up your throat, threatening to spill — your body was shaking as you struggled to keep your knees from quaking, your eyes too wet with tears blurring your vision.
This wasn't him. You both knew that.
Still a little far from you, he reached out a jet-black hand — and almost immediately his tentacles surged towards you, black sludge falling off them like rain from clouds. They wrapped around you, tightening, suffocating you while pulling you towards Nightmare faster than you could react — stopping just in front of him, inches away from his outstretched hand.
It was when he lowered his hand that you saw that his glowing teal pupil was a SOUL, looking straight through you.
Upon seeing you up close, his grin widened, showing one too many teeth and splitting his face in half. He was quiet for the longest time, just staring at you, greedily drinking in your fear as the tentacles wound about your skin uncomfortably, though softly — as if you were made of porcelain — leaving trails of black sludge.
The villagers, curious about the silence, came from where they hid. They found the perfect excuse in front of their eyes: a horrible monster, primed and ready to kill an innocent civilian.
You whirled around (what little you could, at least) to face the villagers who said those horrid things, begging them to stop. He didn't hurt you! He's fine, really! Don't make it worse!
They paid you no heed.
When you turned back to what was once Nightmare, sweet Nightmare, he was livid. His eye socket was brimming with anger, his teeth were bared, and his hands were balled into tight fists.
The tentacles first released you, gently — stilling for a moment — then shooting out in all directions, elongating, killing any villager in sight in all the ways you could name. Tears pooled at your eyes as your hands covered your mouth in shock.
"What's wrong, darling?" A voice sounded, smooth and collected. Calm. It was him who spoke.
When you looked back at him, you saw that thing staring at you through, SOUL-shaped eye light almost appearing to beat, his grin thin and sly.
You couldn't speak.
"Is it not beautiful?" Holding your hand, he gestured with his free one, surveying the village: the strong smell of copper in the air, the blood staining the green grass red, the countless severed body parts littering the floor. You could hear cries of pain and shouts for help, begging for the pain to stop, begging for their families back, begging for forgiveness.
"Did they not get what they deserved?"
You looked into that socket, brimming with madness, hatred, anger — but also love, adoration, infatuation — as if he expected you to be proud of him for punishing those who had wronged him. He looked at you expectantly, awaiting your answer.
"Th-this isn't r-right." You stumbled through your words as your soft voice wavered, your cheeks wet with tears.
"Oh? And why is that so, my love?" He leaned into you, pulling you closer to him, tentacles caressing your skin. You were soft — so soft — and no matter how many times Nightmare touched you, he could never not be awed by your delicate skin. You grow uncomfortable, and try to put some space between the two of you to no avail.
"Th-they didn't h-have to die." You tried, in vain, to keep your voice steady and to stop hiccuping.
He glared at you, single socket narrowing.
"What did they do that I didn't to garner this much attention from you?" You could tell that he was becoming aggravated by the way he tightened his grip on you, his teeth grinding, a voice that wasn't Nightmare's struggling to get out from behind them.
"A-ah! Um..." You stutter, tears falling to the ground as you squirmed uncomfortably in his grip. You pointedly avoid his gaze, opting to look at everything else, making you cry even more.
"ANSWER ME!" Tightening his grip on you, you could feel the black sludge staining your clothes, weighing you down.
"I-I don't like them m-more!" You weren't lying; you didn't like them more than you did Nightmare (what with all the things they've done to him, done to you), but whatever he was now... It was a different story.
Still, he seemed to believe it, judging by how he visibly sagged, loosening his grip.
He pulled you into him, trapping you against his body in a web of arms and tentacles, promptly sitting down on the grass and pulling you with him. Bringing you into his lap and caging you against him, he kissed your head more times than you could count, muttering and mumbling sweet nothings into your hair. He basked in the scent of you, a sweet, alluring fragrance, and relished the fact that now, if only for a moment, you would smell like him.
You could feel a rumbling from within his ribcage getting louder and louder the more he kissed your head to the point where it was all that you could hear.
Then, a strangled,
"You drive me mad—" Then he was squeezing you, his arms wrapped firmly around you, pinning yours to your sides. Preventing you from leaving. He continued to kiss your head softly, murmuring, when a shout came from behind:
"Leave her alone!" It was quite clear that it was Dream that spoke, judging from the voice and by Nightmare tightening his grip on you as he halted his affections.
When Dream spoke again, asking to let you go, Nightmare growled. The sound echoed through his hollow ribcage, reverberating through yours from where you were pressed up against him, sending shivers down your spine as footsteps approached.
"This isn't you." That was clear, alright; the voice was close enough that you knew for certain it was Dream, and you could tell by the tone that he wasn't all too pleased.
Nightmare got up, tangling you in his tentacles, impeding your escape.
"Your brother is gone." The way that Nightmare uttered those words sent shivers down your spine, your skin tingling as goosebumps rose from beneath your skin.
Dream summoned something — it was hard to tell, black sludge coated your vision — but then you were gently put down on one of the taller cottage's roofs, allowing you to both not be hurt and to be able to observe what was unfolding before you.
They were fighting.
Truly, if it was to be attempted, their battle could not be captured by words, no matter how hard one could try.
Although it won't be easy, there will be an attempt to describe what cannot be described.
Nightmare was the graceful one — he was almost like a dancer, feet barely touching the bloodstained grass, his form never still: every one of his movements smooth and calculated. Dream, on the other hand, appeared inexperienced — his motions were hesitant, too fast here, too slow there — and though he could dodge the sharp black tentacles that came for him, slicing through the empty air, the way he moved didn't look nearly as effortless as his opponent's motions.
The fighting went on for quite a while, from what you could tell, but you weren't really paying attention. You were mostly praying that Dream would be the winner, since he would likely have some way to fix this, and who knew what Nightmare wanted with you.
You were sitting down on the roof comfortably, your crying having subsided, when the fighting noises abruptly stopped. You tried to see who won, craning your neck, before a glowing teal eye light looked right through you.
There were no signs of Dream.
Nightmare smiled at you, his thin grin splitting his face in half.
"There's no one left."
His low baritone rang out through the quiet village, the only sound for a thousand miles; confirming your suspicions as you choked back sobs, Nightmare making his way towards you, his grin victorious, his stride prideful.
He scaled the cottage wall, tentacles grabbing at each and every little imperfection, using them as grips to get closer and closer to you.
He lowered himself onto the roof, gently making contact.
His grin impossibly widened before he slowly walked towards you, each step making the wood creak as your anxiety heightened.
You looked behind you — the drop wasn't far enough to kill you, but it definitely was enough to leave you with a broken leg or two. Seeing as you had no other choice, you turned on your heel and bolted.
"Oh, I do love a chase."
You couldn't see what Nightmare was doing, but you didn't hear any footsteps as you leapt from where you stood.
The fall was quite quick.
There was a wet crack when you collided with the ground, but before you could register what it was, you heard something behind you. Adrenaline can be powerful, you realize as you get to your feet, barely feeling any pain as you made a break for it.
Where you were going was secondary, the strong urge to get away overpowering your senses and clouding your judgement.
Occasionally, you'd hear his laughter, full of mirth, and would glance at him for only a second. A grin split his face every time he caught sight of your's, his tentacles' movements growing erratic, almost excited.
You'd face the front again quickly.
You ran for at least an hour before you couldn't anymore, intending to stop for a short break to get your energy back.
Looking behind you and seeing that Nightmare was gone, you made your way into one of the abandoned houses, sitting down on the floor. Your legs were burning, feeling like they could give out at any moment, and you were so thirsty that you couldn't think straight.
I'm just going to lie down for a while...
Nightmare looked through the broken glass and peered at your form, sound asleep.
Now was the perfect time to go in there and take you. But...
He had heard something when you collided unceremoniously with the ground.
Ah. You had broken a bone, most likely your tibia on your right leg, judging by the way you slept on the cold, hard floor.
That was no good.
He turned, calmly, and made his way to the clinic to collect bandages, water, and a long piece of wood.
He walked through the empty town, surveying the area with a lidded eye socket for anyone who was still alive.
He regarded the felled tree with little emotion as he cut it up even further, carving a piece into the exact length of your leg to act as a crutch to make sure your it healed right.
Once he got the supplies he needed, he walked back to the cottage you were sleeping in and slowly opened the door, careful not to make too much noise, lest he rouse you from your slumber. Kneeling beside you, he gently took your injured leg and put the piece of wood next to it, securing it tightly with the rolled-up bandages.
He leaned back to inspect his work, humming in approval.
His eyes drifted to your sleeping face, wanting nothing more than to feel it under his phalanges — to caress your delicate skin. You were so pretty, just like a doll, soft skin almost glowing as your chest rose and fell.
He took in a breath through his teeth.
His tentacles itched to feel your skin, soft and smooth; his hands twitching to hold yours, small and breakable.
He stared at you again, watching, as you adjusted your position and felt the wood on your leg. Your face scrunched a little, brows furrowing and mouth pressing into a thin line as you tried to move your broken leg before failing and grimacing.
Your eyes shifted beneath your lids before they slowly fluttered open, hazy eyes looking everywhere before settling on him. You just languidly blink your sleepy eyes before looking down at your leg, noticing the wood, and waking up a little bit more.
Your hands slowly came to the plank tied to your leg, before you quickly retracted them, whipping your head up to look at Nightmare.
You were more awake now, evidenced by your wide and fearful eyes looking up at him while he drank it all in, single socket open wide, staring into you.
Stars above you were cute.
Your face went through several emotions in a few seconds before you ultimately decided that your best course of action was to try and get away from him again. Before you could make any moves, though, Nightmare's black, bony hands gripped at your upper arms tightly, grin widening and waning as his one eye socket narrowed in delight.
"Where are you going, love?" Your eyes widened, form stiffening as his intense teal eye light bore into you, the SOUL shape it had taken appearing it beat, like a cheerless imitation of a heart.
You swallowed.
"You are aware that resistance is futile?"
He said those words with such glee, such elation that it made your stomach drop.
His eye light flickered down to your injured leg.
"You are in no condition to walk — let alone run — my dear." He brought his hand up, gently brushing a sludge-covered finger across your cheek before promptly shoving the ink-black hand beneath your knees, the other snaking behind your back.
He lifted you with ease, black, slimy hands gripping your soft body as he began walking, ignorant of your struggles. He was very gentle — gentler than you thought he would be. The way he handled you reminded you of how one would treat a porcelain doll: with tremendous care, like you would break if he so much as breathed on you wrong.
He walked through the village with little difficulty, occasionally checking on you, peering into fearful eyes with a fondness too great to describe.
He made his way to somewhere near the tree, although it had already been cut to pieces smaller than a hair. He stopped, and his tentacles came forward and picked a large stone from the ground, and upon closer inspection... It was Dream, petrified, a look of terror forever etched on his grey face.
You held back tears as Nightmare nonchalantly picked up the statue without any of the care he had given you, and you watched in horror as the pain became too much and things started getting fuzzy, eventually making you lose consciousness.
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gingerjunhan · 7 months
Hello there! I would like to tell you I rlly like all the things you write! They're so cool! I rlly enjoy all of them! And I would like to be another anon! "🌺" it will be that emoji <3
And I would like to do a request too! Is about
How XH react if they have a s/o who's insecure about using their glasses
☆彡 ahh such a sweet idea 🌺anon :( I love it. Welcome to my anon list! Happy to have you here, and thank you so much for the love! 🩷
word count: 957 | pronouns used: none | genre: fluff, established relationship | cws: insecurities, reader is called “beautiful” a lot (my bad), if I missed anything lmk
goo gunil
Gunil, as a glasses wearer himself, might know where you’re coming from with this insecurity
so I think he would be great at helping you out!!
“I love your glasses! They draw more attention to your beautiful eyes!”
he would make jokes about it, but not rude jokes
stuff like:
“You can see me in all my glory!”
or, “I look better in 20/20 vision!”
silly stuff to make you feel better
but it’s not all unserious
if he can see that you’re really insecure, Gunil will absolutely take initiative to do whatever it takes to make you feel better
he doesn’t wear his glasses often, so maybe he’ll wear his with you so you don’t feel like you’re drawing attention to yourself?
he always compliments you so if you’re feeling down, so get ready for compliments galore
“I think you’re perfect no matter what, my love. I think your glasses look lovely on you.”
kim jungsu
I think Jungsu would absolutely SWOON for someone in glasses!!
imagine you’re sitting across from him, and you have to push your glasses up your nose, and he would just melt
he thinks you’re so cute, and the glasses only add to that cuteness
“I love your glasses! They look so nice on you honey :(“
I can totally imagine Jungsu cleaning your glasses for you every night before bed so they’re clean for you the next day :( ugh, it’s the little things
if you opt to wear contacts instead he would understand why, but he absolutely will not let your insecurities win!
so the next time you put your glasses on, it’s nothing but praise
“You look so good in your glasses! I think you should wear them more often!”
he truly believes that nothing can hinder your beauty so the fact that you think that is crazy to him
kwak jiseok
Jiseok strikes me as the type to also have a thing for people who wear glasses!!
we all know Jiseok is smart, but I can’t help but to think a goofy part of him links glasses to intelligence in his head
so when you tell him you feel insecure about wearing your glasses, he’s just like,
“But, they show people how smart you are!”
“Oh, so you think I look like a nerd?” (☝🏻🤓)
“Wait, baby, no!”
after clarifying over and over again that you don’t! look like a nerd, he’s back tracking and starting over again
“I don’t think you look like a nerd! I think you’re hot! Have I ever told you I have a thing for people who wear glasses? Is it hot in here?”
he’s blushing and tripping over his own feet
truly fighting for his life to get his point across
now any time you feel insecure about your glasses, you just think of Jiseok making a fool of himself because you flustered him too bad, and it makes you smile
so- in his own strange, roundabout way- he replaced a bad feeling with a good one!
oh seungmin
Mr. Fashionista, Oh Seungmin looks at glasses as the ultimate accessory
if you tell him you feel insecure about your glasses, he’s got it covered
he’s styling outfits that he thinks would look great with your glasses
and obviously, you’ve seen how he dresses, so you trust him
he knows it won’t fix your insecurities, but it can help with them!
so you dawn your outfit that he’s laid out for you, and once you start accessorizing?
he’s gone from fashion designer to cheerleader
“See! Your glasses are the perfect finishing touch to tie this outfit together! They look so good on you baby!”
you look in the mirror and you gotta admit…
you look pretty good!!
you’re grateful for his help, and he would gladly do it again if it meant slowly helping you gain confidence
han hyeongjun
quick side note to say that I absolutely 🩷adore🩷 Hyeongjun’s white frames! they look so good on him!
Hyeongjun knows insecurities can suck, especially if they’re ones you can’t really get around
like, you need to wear your glasses or else you can’t see. no ifs, ands, or buts about it
so he makes sure to tell you how good you look!
so maybe Hyeongjun isn’t the best with vocal praises, but he tries!
he’ll tap the frames of your glasses and say something like “looking good!” with a simple smile
you won’t be able to tell if it was a compliment, a pun, or both- but you appreciate his efforts
maybe he would suggest you both buy matching glasses?
that might sound silly, but if you love his glasses I think he would just suggest that you wear them lol
he just wants to help you feel comfortable or find something you feel comfortable in
lee jooyeon
I hate to say this this way, but Jooyeon wouldn’t get it
you tell him you feel insecure and he just goes,
“🤨 why?”
he just doesn’t understand how you could feel bad about yourself???
you’re literally the most gorgeous human he’s ever seen so how could you possibly feel bad about yourself?
“I love your glasses, sweetheart! They look so cute on your face!”
if he notices that they’re crooked or something on your face he would fix them and go, “Gotta make sure my baby looks good!”
if he can tell you’re having a really bad day with your insecurities, he’s right there to help you
standing with you as you look yourself in the mirror, pointing out how good your glasses look
“They compliment your face shape so nicely. They make your eyes pop, and I love your eyes!”
he would be so sweet to you because he knows you deserve to be sweet to yourself :(
taglist: @dazzlingligth , @mini-mews , comment to be added!⁎��˳✧༚
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edensbuttercups · 1 year
Adding a little continuation to this for @toothhurtyam because I love you and you deserve more Fanboy content 💕
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(Sorry but Ash is still my peak cosy Danny Ramirez look) ---
A week had passed since your dinner date with Mickey, and the two of you had been texting almost every day, still meeting at the Hard Deck whenever you worked.
“Hangman, I think they’re waiting for you at the pool tables.” You said playfully, rolling his eyes at him when he groaned. “As much as I love kicking ass, I quite enjoy talking to you.” He hummed, flashing you his signature grin and taking a sip of his beer. Surprisingly, you and Hangman ended up becoming fairly good friends, if you could call each other that, fairly quickly, just like it happened with the rest of the squad. You looked at him, then let your gaze fall behind him, seeing Fanboy looking over, downing his beer and standing up, approaching you and Hangman with a grin. He placed the empty bottle on the counter and narrowed his eyes at Hangman, before giving you a warm smile. “Hello, Bartender.” He muttered, leaning his head in his hand, “Fancy meeting you here,” He said, just like he had when you showed up at his place. “We keep meeting, Garcia.” You teased, reaching for another bottle and placing it in front of him with a smile. “You’re stealing my attention.” Hangman pouted, looking at Fanboy, then at you, shaking his head when he decided that there likely wasn’t gonna be a conversation for him to join in here, if how you and Fanboy were looking at each other was anything to go by. “Gonna go show Coyote how to properly throw a dart. He might learn this time.” He hummed, standing and tipping his beer towards the two of you, walking back to the tables. “Jealous?” you teased, watching Fanboy’s shoulders relax as Hangman walked away. “Not quite. I’m pretty sure Hangman can’t cook as well as I do.” He grinned confidently at you. “I can find out.” You joked, pretending to raise your hand to call Hangman, smiling when he pulled your hand down, shaking his head and chuckling. “Nope. But you can find out if we have a similar taste in movies.” He said, sighing at his own words. “Not my smoothest way of inviting you to watch a movie at my place, so I’ll just clarify. Want to come over to my place tomorrow for movie night?” He asked, scratching behind his neck. “I’ll bring snacks.” You agreed, smiling when his smile matched your own, nodding contently before walking back to the squad, turning around to look at you just before reaching them to send you another smile, clearly happy that you’d be coming over. 
You arrived at his apartment, arms loaded with snacks and drinks, struggling to knock on his door and chuckling when he somehow heard you, opening the door for you and inviting you in. You took him in, an old comfy t-shirt that you had seen once before, when he came to keep you company during your shift on a day off, and you couldn’t help but smile at how good he looked, the dark cotton and bright-colored design making his skin glow.  "Hey, you made it!" he called, stepping in and closing the door behind him. "What did you bring? Please tell me you got some sour patch kids." You chuckled, holding up the bag of candy. "Of course, I did. And I brought some popcorn, chips, and soda too." "Yep, spotted the popcorn, and the chips," he grinned, leading you to the living room where he had set up a cozy little movie-watching area. “This looks good.” You hummed, sitting down as you waited for him to grab a few bowls for all the snacks and some glasses, leaning back against the pillows. He smirked, setting the snacks down in front of you, “tried my best”, he murmured. You munched on some popcorn as Mickey cued up the movie. It was an old romantic comedy, and you found yourself laughing and snuggling up to him as the story played out on the screen.
About halfway through the movie, there was a particularly funny scene, and you found yourself laughing, leaning into him as you did so, his arm squeezing you gently as he laughed as well. You looked up at Mickey, who was staring at you with an amused expression. "What?" you asked, trying to stifle your laughter. "You snorted," he said, grinning. You rolled your eyes, swatting at him playfully. "Shut up." He chuckled, pulling you closer to him. "It's cute," he said, looking down at you, his concentration no longer on the movie. You felt your cheeks flush at his words, but you couldn't help but feel flattered. "Thanks," you said, snuggling into him even more. "I'm glad you think so." Mickey smiled, his hand moving up to gently stroke your hair. "I always think so," he said softly, his eyes locking with yours. "You're beautiful and funny and so damn charming. It's hard not to be completely smitten with you." You felt your heart flutter at his words. "I could say the same about you," you said, reaching up to run a finger along his jawline, gently tilting his face towards you. He leaned in, his lips brushing against yours, soft and gentle.
You melted into the kiss, feeling his arms wrap around you as you sighed against his lips, feeling all the tension of the week slip away. "You know, that movie wasn't nearly as good as this," he joked, gesturing to the two of you sitting on the couch. You laughed, feeling warm and happy. "I have to agree." He leaned in and kissed you again, deeper this time, his fingers threading through your hair. You lost yourself in the sensation, feeling completely content and comfortable in his arms.
After a few minutes, he pulled back, his forehead resting against yours. "I have something for you," he said, reaching over to grab something off the coffee table. He handed you a small, intricately folded paper crane. You recognized it immediately as an origami, remembering when he had mentioned that he enjoyed doing it in his free time, starting it as a small hobby back when he was at the Academy. "I made it while I was waiting for you," he admitted, his cheeks turning slightly pink. You carefully examined the paper crane, marveling at the precise folds and intricate details. "It's beautiful," you said, looking up at him with a smile. "It's not much, but I wanted to give it to you," he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's lovely," you said, feeling touched by the gesture. "Thank you." He grinned, looking relieved. "I'm glad you like it." You set the paper crane down on the coffee table, reaching up to pull him closer, pressing a delicate kiss on his lips, feeling his arms wrap around you again and hold you close. 
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yukikathesnowflower · 10 months
Kaveh | Love at first sight
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Pairing: Alhaitham x [f]traveler/Lumine x Kaveh
Genre(s)/theme(s): fantasy, angst, slow-burn romance, mild comedy, Kaveh's POV, crush at first sight, love rivals
Summary: After the Grand Sage and the Sages involved in the incident had been stepped down, Kaveh rushed to Alhaitham to clarify this fact. But what he saw after seemed to change his life…
Word count: 500+
A/n: inspired by the aftermath scene of the Sumeru Archon quest, where Kaveh and Alhaitham met at the Akademiya library. Hope you all enjoy this fic! | Masterlist
Kindly help me reblog pls. Thank you :)
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Angry footsteps echoed through the Akademiya library. His gaze darkened as he headed toward the direction of the majestic door. The unconvincing facts that he had discussed with his vexatious roommate minutes ago, were making him itch to clarify with the rest of the scholars. Those facts came out of his lips confidently without any tone of wavering echoed in his mind.
‘I can’t believe the Grand Sage and the Sages would step down! Just what the hell happened during my absence?’ his brows furrowed.
‘Alhaithiam?! The NEW Grand Sage?! I can’t believe that annoying guy is appointed to be the Grand Sage! Although he is indeed SMART, yet calculative…’
Overwhelming thoughts have been flooding his mind, unable to shake it off as it concern his country’s future. The position of Grand Sage holds one of the highest authorities, and it affects the rules of this land and its people. Though he does has some faith in his capabilities, even if he despised his attitude. 
‘The number of people who stepped down from their position was not small either…? WAIT!!!…’ his red eyes widened. 
A blow struck his mind.
Something wasn’t right during their conversation.
‘DID HE JUST MENTION THAT I AM GOING TO BE A SAGE TOO!!!!!’ his throat tried to let out a silent scream with his hands clutched his own head.
He finally realised this crucial part was mentioned.
He quickly turned and rushed back to where he was, sensing his comfort lifestyle was threatened to be changed.
Becoming one of the Sages has never once crossed his mind as he felt that its responsibilities would hold back his architectural works. Those exquisite designs of his satisfied him with a sense of accomplishment.
He walked, and walked at a fast pace as his gaze searched around until he spotted a glimpse of his grey hair and muscular back gowned in the dark green half-covered coat.
‘Thank Archon! He is still here!’ his eyes sparkled. He was relieved that he did not miss the chance to change his decision.
He opened his mouth, eager to shout his name out of his throat. But he hold back when his gaze noted a piece of white cloth was fluttering in the air, coming out from his shadow. 
His eyes widened. His mouth gaped. Bewildered by what he was staring at this moment.
A girl was standing in front of him!
He immediately hid behind a bookshelf far enough for him to eavesdrop and peep at them.
Her blonde hair was glittering when the soft lights shone onto her as if she was a goddess descended from the moon. Her amber eyes gazed at him gently while her luscious pink lips called out his name.
His cheeks flushed. Her voice sounded angelic to his ears. Her appearance was pure in his eyes. He was totally captivated by her charm. 
She was his preferred type of girl that he would like to have as his life partner.
“What’s the matter?”
He looked at him. His gaze had turned soft after his name was called out of her lips. His tone also sounded gentler, compared to their heated conversation earlier.
He smirked.
‘Hey…Alhaitham…looks like our opinions may not always be different from each other after all…’
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Published on 08/08/2023
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they help you practice
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Team 141/Reader - Gangbang TW: explicit consent given, polyamory, vaginal sex, anal sex, face-fucking, double penetration, spitting, come as lube, bulging, Ghoap sex, bukkake, degradation, orgasm control. Let me know if I missed one, I'm sorry. Proceed with caution, please.
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You let yourself into his office, shutting the door behind you, and stood before him at a sharp parade rest, waiting to be informed about your fate. 
“Sergeant, thank you for coming. There is no need for formalities. This is just a chat.”
You moved to a more relaxed rest and nodded. 
Price continued,
“This is going to be quite the ask. Would you be willing to perform duties which are…outside of your current scope?”
“Yes, sir,” you responded just as you should have, as you were trained to, but Price was hoping you would understand exactly what you would be getting yourself into. 
“I need you to go undercover to a Konni restaurant cover in Minsk…as bait. Am I making myself clear?”
A pause. But, to your credit, you didn’t flinch. You did raise an eyebrow and ask a clarifying query,
“What kind of bait, sir?”
“Our next target, Dimitri Sokolov, will be at the Black Pearl bar in Minsk tomorrow, and we won’t get a better chance to lure him away from his bodyguards. He almost never makes public appearances, so he must be making an exception. Sokolov has,” he paused for a moment, trying to find the words, making general, suggestive motions over his own chest, “particular tastes in his women. You just so happen to have the right profile for the job. Again, this is not an order, Sergeant. I need to know if you’re willing to accept.”
“Yes, sir,” you tried to appear fully in control. You knew your breasts were large, but you had never been asked to use them as a weapon. There was a first time for everything, you supposed. You would do anything to help the team.
The captain loved your composure. He knew you would be perfect for the job. 
“Good. Let's brief the team.”
Price walked with you down to the meeting room at the end of the hall and found Soap, Ghost, and Gaz sitting in the desk chairs every way except the way they were designed, lounging over the furniture like big cats, melting into the various surfaces they encountered. They fixed themselves when the captain walked in. 
“Gentlemen,” Price opened, “this is our bait. Her code name is Rabbit. Rabbit, this is Soap, Ghost, and Gaz.”
You nodded politely and resumed a semi-formal rest position. 
The men had noticed you around the base but hadn’t been formally introduced. You were a desk rider, but still, you were hard to miss. The baggy military clothing had almost managed to conceal a bounty of soft curves, but your lush body persisted beneath it, and the outlines of your feminine form made heinous suggestions in the fabric. Unfortunately for them, you didn’t hang around the gym or the common area enough for them to have generated a fully accurate image of your enticing body, but they were certain it was delicious. They watched you like peckish wolves. Waiting hungrily, shifting in their seats in anticipation. For what, you weren’t sure.
“Rabbit is going undercover for us to take down Sokolov, Vladimir Makarov’s new shipping controller. He has a particular penchant for,” Price paused just long enough for anyone to understand his true meaning, “certain types of women. Rabbit fits the mold, so all she needs is the gear and the training.”
Price cut open three large cardboard boxes to reveal slinky dresses and a number of questionable garments. 
“I’ll need to try them on,” you offered, “Do you want me to get changed, Captain?”
“Sounds good. Come back in when you’re all set,” he smiled, enjoying the view as you left the room. 
Ghost crossed his arms, clearly with quite a mouthful to share and but refusing to. Gaz stared down at the knife he was playing with, bashful. But Soap would not be cowed, and as soon as you left, he said,
“Feeding her to the sharks like bait, Captain? I dinnae ken any of us was so expendable.”
“Soap,” Price warned, “the sergeant is more than capable of handling -”
“I wasnae askin’ about the lassie’s capabilities. Send her in to slit his throat with a knife in her hand, for all I care. But to send her in unguarded, unarmed? No. It’s not right,” Soap crossed his arms. 
“He’s got a point, Captain. Why take the risk of losing an operative?” Ghost spoke coldly. 
Price furrowed his brow at their short-sightedness,
“And do what, exactly? Have the Russians scurry back underground at the first hint of an assassination attempt? We’ve failed that mission three times, boys. I’ll not have this go south again.”
“I’m sure she is capable, Captain. But, is Rabbit committed to this plan?” Gaz asked. 
“Sure,” Price tried to sound reassuring, “we spoke in my office. She agreed to come down here. Besides, she’ll have you three as backup. You won’t let anything happen to her.”
Gaz did not seem convinced. All three soldiers wore a scowl on their faces, and even though Ghost’s was obscured by his mask, his body language communicated his displeasure. Price carefully ashed his cigar to renew the glowing tip, taking a long drag while they waited for you to return. 
You were back without too much of a delay, but when you walked in, your colleagues were visibly stunned. They didn’t recognize you at first. A short black dress had replaced your camouflage fatigues, showing off miles and miles of smooth, shining skin. Your thick thighs stretched the silky fabric, and your ass threatened to escape from the edge of the dress with every step you took. Your new heels clacked sharply against the cold concrete, making your legs flex and tense, showing off your well-formed musculature. You did not miss squat day very often, apparently.
But, the assets you were trying to use for this particular mission were the real stars of the show. Your heavy breasts battled against the low dip of the dress, providing a deep display of cleavage, hinting at pink perky nipples hidden just below the line of the black silk. Your tits jiggled as you struck the floor with each careful step, making the room full of men breathe a little heavier at the sight. 
Soap’s big mouth betrayed them all,
“Christ in Heaven. There you are, bonnie.”
Ghost backhanded him hard on the shoulder. Price glowered.
You had put on a little more makeup than might be socially acceptable in an office setting, making the suggestive outfit complete. Finally, as you stood at the head of the meeting table, you took out your task force regulation braid and pulled your fingers through your hair, breaking up your long waves as they spilled down your neck and back. 
You smiled,
“Well, do I look the part?”
Price coughed, inhaling too much smoke on accident. Gaz hadn’t moved since you walked in the room. He just stood there, dumbfounded, arms held at an odd angle as if frozen in time. Ghost cleared his throat to save them,
“Yes, Rabbit. You clean up very nicely, don’t you?”
“Well,” you sighed, “this is sort of the raunchiest outfit I found in the box. I was going to go with something a bit more casual, but I thought I’d better be noticeable if we’re going to nail this asshole.”
Gaz finally came out of his locked state, aghast,
“Noticeable? Sweetheart, this is more than noticeable. Goddamn.”
“You think it’s too much? I don’t really know what would get his attention,” you shrugged, looking shy as you confessed, “I don’t get asked out very often.”
“You could go out with me, lassie,” Soap edged his way closer to her, slinking around the table, “We’d have a hell of a time, so we would.”
“Don’t listen to Johnny,” Ghost stood in front of him a bit, snaking an arm around your cinched waist, “He thinks takin’ his birds to the dog races is a good date idea.”
“Well, isn’t it?” Soap protested.
Gaz grabbed your hand tenderly, examining your fingers like they were a precious work of art,
“Maybe you could come with me to Berlin next weekend, babes. There’s a killer music festival going on, and we could have a really good time. How does that sound?”
“Boys,” Price interrupted, “I’m sure she has plenty of work to finish here; can’t just be galavanting off with you muppets. In fact, why don’t you stop by my office after this mission, bunny rabbit, and we can work on your projected shipment dates together? You know, I used to be a logistics man, myself.”
Ghost rolled his eyes at the Captain,
“Please, logistics? You drove a truck back and forth on base delivering food to the canteen twenty years ago. I’ve read your file.”
The men all started talking over each other, forgetting your presence in favor of coming out on top of the dog pile. You smiled to yourself, eager to push more of their buttons. 
Slipping one skinny strap down your shoulder, you spoke through the din,
“You know, this dress can be strapless. Do you think Sokolov wants it up…” you locked eyes with Captain Price, seeing his throat swallow hard as he watched you in the silence you had created, “...or down?”
The other soldiers were stunned, unable to look away as you slipped both straps off of your shoulders and tucked them into your dress. One strap was still partially visible, and Ghost slowly moved one gloved finger up your arm, tracing your skin lightly, and finished tucking it in for you. He lingered, caressing the side of your breast as he removed it. 
“You gonna be able to seduce this Russian bastard, Sergeant? Or, do you need some practice?” Price asked with a low, threatening tone. 
The whole room held its breath waiting for your answer. The four men towered over your short frame, casting shadows over you like black spells, hoping you would relinquish your control over them. All of their eyes watched as you slowly, achingly lifted a hand and traced it up Gaz’s canvas pant leg, stopping when you discovered the heavy head of his cock, hardening down toward his knee. With the back of your hand, you pet it like a skittish animal, reveling in its smoothness and warmth. Your eyes found his as they fluttered, blood rushing through his body in a panic,
“I think I could use some practice, Captain.”
You felt Gaz’s rod leap at your answer. He bent down to kiss your mouth, slanting his lips fiercely against you. 
Soap came up behind you, gripping your ass through the silk of your dress roughly,
“We’ll help you, lass. We’ll help you practice, won’t we, boys? Jesus, you smell so good,” he buried his face in your neck and sucked against your skin. 
Ghost found your other hand and held it tightly, using it to steady you from Soap and Gaz’s assault. Price moved Gaz out of the way, earning himself a glare, and peeled the dress off of you in one fell swoop, revealing the expanse of uncovered skin underneath. 
“Holy shite,” the captain breathed, whispering his lament, “Sergeant, where are your knickers?”
“I guess I forgot them, Captain,” you blushed, batting your eyes up at him, doing actual damage to his psyche.  
He didn’t have much time to savor the moment though because Ghost was shoving him out of the way to pick you up by the thighs to lay you on the table. The giant knelt between your legs, pulling you by the knees until your ass was hanging off of the low wooden planks. He lifted his mask just enough for you to see him lick his lips over sharp, white teeth before feasting on your wet folds, letting the cloth of the balaclava hide most of his efforts. 
Ghost created a soothing, yet electrically wet warmth in your core which made you keen loudly, only to be muffled by Price’s smoky kiss. You could taste the burned tobacco on his tongue and your skin was scraped by his thick mustache. 
Gaz’s voice got your attention. He had freed his cock from his pants and started to stroke it, standing by your side and playing with your breasts with his free hand as Price savaged your mouth. He tugged on your nipple and told you,
“You know, Rabbit, you’re going to have to really put yourself out there tomorrow. Show him these gorgeous tits of yours. Make him think you’re hungry for his cock,” Gaz rubbed his head, hard and hungry for you, “Can you do that? Let us see how good you can be, princess. We need you to ace this mission”
You felt Ghost dip his hard cock between your pussy lips, distracting you from Price’s tongue in your mouth. You broke the kiss and looked up at Ghost, dazed, into his masked face,
“I promise, sir. I’ll be good,” you looked around at all four of the men, reaching out to grab Soap’s cock that he was stroking for you, “Will you show me how?”
You didn’t give Soap time to answer. The Scot gasped as you devoured him, sucking him down into your throat, making yourself gag as he fucked your throat in and out in long thrusts. He tangled his fingers in your hair. Ghost matched his rhythm below you, pounding his cock into your wet hole. You thought you could feel something on his dick. Was he pierced? You could see your slick gleam on his lips and chin where his mask was still askew. 
“Yeah,” Ghost smiled haughtily, “you like those piercings, don’tcha baby?”
You didn’t have a chance to respond. Price pulled your head away from Soap’s dick, kissing your mouth lewdly again before giving you an order,
“Open your mouth wide for me, love.”
You obeyed. Then, he spit onto your tongue, warm and bubbling, before shoving your face down onto his own fat rod. It made your lips burn with its cruel girth, even though it felt relatively soft, and you thought fleetingly that there was no way your poor little cunt was going to be able to take him, Ghost was big enough to be filling, but the captain was carrying around a true weapon. 
He pulled your head off of him roughly, watching as the strings of drool connected your tongue to his cockhead, growling in short, lustful breaths. 
“Alright, boys. Make sure she’s good and ready for me. You know the drill,” Price barked, and then he was gone. 
The drill? You looked for him, confused, and only found Gaz, who was now slapping his long dick on your cheek, knocking for entrance. He let you take his head into your mouth, having a much easier time than you did with your captain. You bobbed your head up and down dutifully, not realizing just how long his cock was until he tried to force it into your throat. He held you down for a moment, moaning shamelessly, before releasing you to let you breathe. 
“You alright, babes?” He laughed.
You nodded, moaning. Ghost took himself out of your wetness and pulled you off of the table. Soap hopped up to lay where you were, and you moved to ride him, making sure to get right to the edge with him to let Ghost back in. You’d never taken two men at once, much less four, but there was a first time for anything, and you were a quick learner. 
Spearing yourself onto Soap felt like someone had created a warm, custom, living dildo just for you. He was a perfect fit, and you both cried out in pleasure from the sensation. Ghost slapped your ass, hard, and you screamed, clenching around Soap’s cock. Soap moaned darkly. 
“Keep suckin’ that big cock, baby. Need to teach you how to multitask,” Ghost threatened as he bent to eat your asshole, wiggling his tongue into the tight rim to gain entrance.
He started to fuck you with it, his long wet muscle moving in and out as Soap thrust himself up into you, hitting your g-spot every single time like magic. You took Gaz back into your mouth and tried your best to take him deeper into your throat. Every time you did, you would gag, and your muscles would involuntarily clench, and the whole room would moan. You started to come, feeling yourself flood around Soap, whose mouth had latched onto one of your nipples, suckling like he was trying to feed from you. 
You could see Price out of the corner of your eye. He had lit another cigar and was smoking it, stroking himself, still not at his full capacity. You were scared of him. He looked like some sort of demon, breathing fire, and his cock was as big around as your forearm. He wasn’t as long as Gaz, nor as delightfully curved as Soap, but he made your legs shake without even touching you. When he did touch you, rising from his chair when he wanted to fondle you, pinching a nipple, pulling your hair, forcing your head down on Gaz, it lit you up like you were kerosene and he was the match. 
Suddenly, Ghost’s tongue was gone, only to be replaced by his heavy head. He was going to fuck your ass, and there was nothing you could say to stop him. You’d only done anal once or twice before, and you knew it might hurt. He went so slowly that you could feel each and every piercing as he popped them into you, one by one. Then, as he pulled back out, you felt them pop as each one went through you again, raking himself in and out gently, as careful with you as he could be. When you were more pliant, he began to throw his weight into each thrust, and Soap started to groan below you from the sensation. 
“Don’t you fuckin’ dare, Johnny boy,” Price threatened, his voice full of stern warning. 
You weren’t sure what he was warning him about until Soap pulled his cock out of you and came all over your stomach, Ghost’s thrusts making the fluid smear between you two, rubbing your bodies together. Ghost pulled out next, and you felt his hot, thick ropes spray onto your ass cheeks, melting down your thighs. 
Gaz abandoned your mouth and took over for Soap, feeding himself inch by inch until he found your end, leaving some of his cock out in the cold. He fucked you faster than the others, not caring to move out of the way as Soap rolled off of the table, whining like a whore the whole time. 
Captain Price came around to your face, holding your chin in his hand, looking down at you without pity,
“Garrick’s got a long cock, don’t he, love? You’re being so good for my men, such a good girl. Sweet little slag, hm? You’re going to do so well on this mission. Those areholes won’t know what hit ‘em.”
He grabbed your hair fiercely, hurting your scalp, forcing you to turn and look back at Gaz. Price took a long puff from his cigar, blowing it past your face, 
“Baby, he could fuck you for a hundred years. He’s not gonna come until you scream his name.”
You heard Gaz moan louder at Price’s suggestion, so you did. You screamed for him over and over, not caring who might have heard you, begging for him to come in you. 
“He’s not allowed to come inside of you yet, love,” Price kissed your open panting mouth, “But, don’t worry. It’s about to be my turn, and you’ll be feeling my fuckin’ come drip out of your cunt all night long.”
Price’s voice made your blood run cold with fear. He wasn’t making threats. Those were clearly promises. Predictions of the future. His cock was tucked back into the band of his pants, but it lay in wait there like a serpent, eager to strike.
Your heart pounded in your chest as Gaz pulled his long shaft all the way out of you, his come shooting onto your lips and ass, feeling him use his hand to rub it into your skin, making you sticky. Your captain gave him a warning look, and you realized they had done this sort of thing before. Perhaps many times before. As you watched Soap and Ghost comfort each other, breathing close together, touching themselves, you wondered if they ever fucked each other as well. Picturing the four of them rutting into each other made you hungry, deep in your belly, starving to witness such an act. 
Finally, it was your captain’s turn. The look in his eyes made you tremble. You knew he wouldn’t be cruel, not on purpose anyway. He wasn’t a heartless man, but he wasn’t one to hold himself back from what he wanted either. You knew that he would fuck you the way he wanted to, as hard as he wanted to, no matter how much complaining you might do about how his cock would stretch you out - even to the point of pain. 
“On your back, love. Legs up. Spread that pussy open for me,” he commanded. 
You did as he told you, opening yourself up shamelessly, letting your folds spread wide. 
He walked around the table to gaze upon your form, staring at your pink flesh like it was a hot meal, and he was starving. He moaned, rubbing his hand across your sticky mons, 
“Mm, that’s my pretty little Rabbit. Now…” he paused for effect, sinking three fingers into your hole roughly but ever so slowly, twisting his arm as he did, corkscrewing his knuckles into you, “...I want you to understand that there’s a reason I’m last in line, love.”
You cried out from the pressure of his huge hand. It felt like you were going to tear. Then, after a few hard thrusts, he released you. The emptiness you felt was heartbreaking. You looked for him, pleading with your eyes for him to return to you. He pulled his cock free from his waistband, unable to connect his finger to his thumb as he wrapped around it. You whined involuntarily, something animal in you recognizing its fate. 
“Shh, baby, I know,” he drug out his voice, “I know…”
He positioned the heavy shaft on top of your body, measuring himself from base to tip, reaching your navel. As he slapped it against you, it made a loud thudding noise, slamming into your muscles like a fist. Price was so heavy. You’d never even imagined a man could feel like he was pure, warm, thick marble. Your pussy seemed to understand the panic you were feeling, flooding itself, preparing for the upcoming invasion. 
“I’m so fuckin’ eager for you, love,” he slapped you again, quick taps right to your swollen clit.
Then, he put his head inside of you, squeezing himself in. He left it inside of you and started to pump himself with his hand. Between the vibration from his fist and the fact that it felt like you were sitting on the end of a steel bat, you couldn’t hold back your keening, loud and high-pitched. 
Price began the steady, slow march forward, swelling harder and harder by the moment, making your walls feel like they might break. It seemed as if all the blood in your body was rushing down your belly and up your legs, hurrying to your core. 
Your eye were wild, full of your fear, tears forming at the corners of your eyes,
“I can’t, please! I can’t. It’s too big, fuck…”
Price didn’t stop. He just kept feeding himself in and pulling himself back out, wetting his cock’s skin with your soaking hole. 
“You can, and you will, love,” the captain growled, “Now, shut that pretty mouth and take it.”
Your cheeks were wet and your eyes burned, he was so deep within you that it felt like he was thrusting into your throat. You couldn’t breathe.
Suddenly, Soap grabbed your hand, kissing your palm, using his tongue to lick your skin,
“It’s alright, bonnie. I’m here. Breathe with me, lass.”
He bent down to kiss you, but he didn’t quite connect, letting his lips graze yours featherlight. Soap breathed in and breathed out in steady, measured beats. You felt yourself begin to relax. It had such an immediate effect that you heard Price groan, able to slip himself a bit deeper than he had done. 
It was like a chain reaction, the more relaxed you became, breathing with Soap, feeling him suck and lick your nipples softly, the more Price was able to squeeze himself in. 
Finally, you felt his hair at the base of his cock, thick and curled, and as he sighed, he settled inside of you, impossibly pressing against your whole body, making a clear outline of himself in your lower belly. He rubbed it, almost fondly, and you felt every inch of him throb against your walls, his head bullying your womb.
You cried out again from the strain. Ghost and Gaz joined Soap. Gaz began to suckle from your breast on your left side, fondling himself as he did so, getting hard again. Ghost was at your head on the end of the table, and he bent to kiss you, upside down, his tongue running all the way down your throat, long and slippery against your own. 
He pulled away, petting your cheek as Price began to grind himself into you,
“You alright, Rabbit? You enjoying your captain’s cock, hm?”
“Mm hm,” you whispered, whimpering through your tears.
Ghost smiled, and his straight, white teeth looked menacing as he did, sharp, wolf-like,
“I know you are, babe. You’re doing so well. Look at him. You can see him inside of your cunt.”
He lifted your head by your hair, showing you the grotesque shadow of Price’s heavy rod as it shoved itself into you. You reached your hands down to it, feeling it through your skin. It was so unique. His size wasn’t like anything you’d ever experienced, and your body was sending confused signals of passion, your orgasms coming in shattered, broken waves. Feeling incomplete. Too powerful, and yet drawn out like the last note of a symphony. 
As you touched him from the outside, Price moaned aloud for the first time. It shocked you. You looked up at him, managing to meet his eyes.
“Fuck,” you moaned, “You feel so good inside of me, Captain.”
“Mm, yeah?” He replied, using his hands to press yours down onto his cock, making you gasp, “You like it, baby? I’m gonna make sure you never want anybody else.” 
Price reached down and grabbed you by the throat, scaring away Soap and Gaz. He lifted you up, making his dick fit inside of you that much tighter with the change of angle. Then, he began the true performance. He thrust himself in with fast, punishing strokes, slamming himself into you. You were sure you would bruise, and you felt dizzy, almost like you’d pass out. 
Soap was at your side again, holding your hair away from your face,
“Look at you, lassie. Such a good girl for your captain. Takin’ that cock so damn well. Can’t wait to be back inside you, girl.”
He kissed your cheek, palm massaging his dick which was back to full mast, eager again. 
“Alright, Johnny,” Price grinned, “Since you asked so nicely.”
Without any strain whatsoever, Price lifted you up by your hips and held you in the air as he fucked you, bringing you around the table so that Soap could position himself at your asshole. Ghost’s earlier efforts had made it ready for him, and you could very acutely feel how much he was throbbing to be inside of you, pulsing as he fit against Price. 
“Ungh, fuck, lass,” Soap groaned as he began to thrust into you, pistoning with the captain, “He’s got you so tight for me.”
“Yeah? It feels so good. Mmm…” you whimpered, feeling more full than you’d ever been. 
Johnny was holding your breasts as Price lifted you up, brutalizing your pussy. Every thrust felt like an electric pulse, making you cock-drunk and mindlessly pliant. 
They worked in tandem for what felt like eons, pistoning in and out with each other. Eventually, after he had felt you come, Soap addressed his captain directly,
“Sir, I’m…please, sir, can I?”
“Can you what, soldier?” Price grunted through gritted teeth, testing his sergeant.
“Can I come, sir? Please, Cap…”
“Yeah, Johnny. C’mon, mate. Let her feel it.”
“F-fuck! Fuck…” Soap groaned, pushing himself flush against your asshole, pumping his come into you. 
He caught his breath while he was still in you, kissing the nape of your neck, and then he pulled away slowly. He helped Gaz replace him, holding your ass wide apart so his comrade could position himself inside. And just when you thought your poor pussy would have room to breathe, Gaz’s incredibly long shaft was piercing your hole again. 
You felt him sigh, his breath against your neck. He took over holding you up, and Price praised him,
“That’s it, Garrick. She’s all yours. Take it.”
Gaz reacted to his words in a way that made you rethink their entire dynamic. Then, you remembered how he had come when you said his name. He seemed to get harder and harder the more Price praised him, and you wanted to give him that same validation. 
“Gaz,” you whispered, leaning your head back to rest on his shoulder, “It’s so big, baby. It’s like I can feel you in my throat. Oh, Gaz. Gaz!”
“Mm,” Price put his mouth to your neck, groaning, “That’s it, love. Tell him how much you like that long cock.”
“So much, Gaz. It’s so good,” you added. 
Then, Price took his left hand and wrapped it around the back of Gaz’s neck in a moment of surprising intimacy. As Price kissed the front of your throat, Gaz kissed your shoulder and nape. You felt like a peeled fruit being shared between them, a ripped rind, your juicy flesh being split in two; two halves of a ripe orange. 
Gaz lasted longer than Soap had when he fucked your ass, but Price’s attention seemed to spur him on. His movements were slippery, and you could feel the remnants of Soap’s come frothing around your entrance, easing his efforts.
“Captain,” Gaz whined, desperate for more of that approval. 
“C’mon, Kyle. She’s ready for you. Good lad.”
The use of his first name made Gaz thrust up into you with a feverish pace. He cried out as he came, hard, into you. Feeling him fall back out of you made you imagine the tendrils of a giant kraken, seeming to travel forever just to remove himself from your body, slithering out of you with a terrible squelching noise. 
Gaz let Price hold you again, and you turned, expecting Ghost. Price laughed at you, chuckling softly,
“Missing your masked man already?”
You looked at Price, feeling raw and used, waiting for an explanation,
“He’s a little…preoccupied.”
Price laid you back on the table, letting you turn your head to see Ghost, buried in Soap’s asshole up to the hilt, furiously jacking him off, slamming into him a little too roughly for your liking. It was violent, but Soap seemed to be enjoying himself beyond measure. 
Your pussy, though, disagreed with your assessment, clenching around Price’s cock while you watched Simon abuse his friend’s hole. 
“Mm,” the captain moaned, feeling your muscles react, “You like that, love? You wanna be fucked rough like that?”
He didn’t give you a chance to answer. Price wrapped your legs beneath his chest in a full mating press and wrecked you, pounding into your body like a giant fist. You felt your bones shudder beneath his behemoth form. Just when you thought you might puke from how overstimulated you were, you felt him pause. Then, your pussy felt like it was leaking, and it was. Price’s come just kept milking its way out of you, his cock pulsing inside, making your walls throb. 
When he finished, he kissed you on the mouth, almost lovingly, reverently. He started to slide out of you, being extremely careful, and you’d never felt so empty in your entire life. It was as if you’d never be full again. You found yourself whining, whimpering for Price to return. 
“That’s right, pretty girl,” Price smiled, “Never gonna want anybody else, are ya?”
You smiled, shocked and in considerable discomfort. Gaz scooped you up off of the table, cradling you, sitting down with you in his lap in a large chair. He reached down for some water and handed it to you, helping you recover. 
Price was standing with his hands on his hips, panting from his exertion. Ghost and Soap were connected like two hounds, locked together, the Scot cock warming his tall lover, groaning on every exhale. 
“Well, what do you think, lads? Do we have a winner?” Price asked.
“Yeah, we fucking do, Cap,” Gaz pet your head, moving your sweaty hair out of your eyes. 
“Fuck yeah, mate,” Ghost growled, pawing at Johnny again, rabid for him. 
“Hear that, bonnie?” Soap managed to ask, still moaning in little breaths as he was being speared by Ghost, “Got  yourself a new permanent assignment.”
Price walked over to you, grabbing you by the face and kissing you once more,
“You belong to us now, love. Perfect little slut.”
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mysterybooks-world · 3 months
what the hell man
I set one rule myself
That I respect any kind of fan story or fan art and I respect their opinion
But if there is something I don't like
I Simply comment (I don't like it) That's all. Because I don't want to cause problems or hurt their feelings
for example
I like Frowny Fox But they hate him
Who do I mean they?
@darling.kia..fandoms on TikTok
I was looking for AMV or TikTok about Frowny Fox
When I found this Videos
Usually I don't make wars on the fandom Rather, I stop fighting on the fandom BUT darling.kia..fandoms made Frowny Fox a bad person
Oh yes poor dogday And I was like what WHAT…
Yes, I know there are characters, some people like it and others they don't like, however
I would like to ask them: Did you even witness the episode?
first: Good design on they characters gacha I give them that
second: It wasn't funny to make this kind of video about Frowny Fox Yes we get it, you don't like Frowny Fox
I will be honest I'm not very interested in smiling critters. I was interested in game poppy playtime
And let me say poppy playtime 3 the playing was crazy I was literally ready for all sorts of jump scares
For example, if I heard a sound or anything in the shadow, I became prepared mood
How many times have I had to lift my heart from the ground because of this tension in the halls?
And Don't get me started on the radio
It was like someone was talking to me on the radio
when I saw catnap I was like Oh no, here comes the nightmare.
I didn't have a favorite among them Even though I read the fans story About them and like the fan art About smiling critters.
but when GameToons made Frowny Fox
He has become my favourite smiling critters.
So yeah I guess what really bothered me They made Frowny Fox seem like a bad person.
Even though Frowny Fox is the victim in the first place
The REJECT CRITTER… (Cartoon Animation) REVENGE of the REJECT CRITTER… (Cartoon Animation) HAUNTED by the REJECT CRITTER… (Cartoon Animation)
I have read comments on (REVENGE of the REJECT CRITTER& HAUNTED by the REJECT CRITTER)
You want a new episode about the smiling critters apologize to Frowny Fox and And they become his friends Like the episode of (The REJECT of BANBAN)
But there is a difficult thing to forgive people for what they did to you
Why do I feel Deja vu؟
Let me clarify some things
I don't think Happy is not true friend to Frowny Fox
Yes I know
I know what you're going to tell me
Happy was the only person who cared About him But is this really the case?
Happy She wanted to throw the cupcake at dogday because he hurt her friend Frowny Fox. but dogday use Frowny Fox as a shield
Did you see dogday's face, how happy he was behaving?
and he supposed be the leader of the smiling critters. If he behaved like this, he does not deserve his title as a leader
Yes I know it was an accident. Happy Didn't mean for this to happen. she Didn't want him to fall in incinerator
But she didn't do anything Like how she knows he's dead, he might be alive there and he's injured
For example, turn it off the incinerator And check it If he is still alive But no She just cried and said sad words and left
And did you see a reaction of DogDay & KickinChicken
They did not care that they killed him, but rather they cared about themselves. They were afraid they would get into trouble
not only this. In this scene
KickinChicken: we have to destroy frowny Fox again
DogDay: but there's no way to destroy him without destroying hoppy too
They don't care about him
And after they locked him in the vacuum.
hoppy: yeah thanks, guys I can't believe I fell for frowny Fox's trick
KickinChicken: it's okay hoppy we're safe now frowny Fox won't bother us ever again
Okay, wait a minute, why is this a scene?
Why do they say this as if he is an evil person here.
They bullied & Abuse him but When frowny Fox wants to fight back Suddenly they act like victims here
in the REVENGE of the REJECT CRITTER In this scene (4:59/8:17)- (5:43/8:17)
Did you notice the sweating on frowny Fox head?
I don't think he wanted that either.
He doesn't want to hurt anyone, but he is angry and lost because of the betrayal of his only friend
But maybe if hoppy did jump in the incinerator
frowny Fox will come to his senses And saves her
He says sorry hoppy, I don't know what happened, I was blinded by my anger. I'm sorry.
I know some of you ship Frowny Fox with Hoppy But hear me out
And Don't get me started on hoppy behavior.
in the REVENGE of the REJECT CRITTER 3:29/8:17
her behavior was right to be angry Both of them
But her behavior was wrong in (HAUNTED by the REJECT CRITTER) in the scene from 1:14 to 1:20 She was really sad for him
But what shocked me?
this the scene 1:33 suddenly she became happy to play with KickinChicken
The same person who hurt her friend
The same person who bullies her friend
She didn't even do a Grave for Frowny Fox
They did a grave for catnap Because they care about him
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and in episode: The SMILING CRITTERS are DEAD
catnap did funeral for them
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But did happy perform a funeral for Frowny Fox? No, she did not
She was simply sad for him and moved forward In her life
Not even a day has passed and she simply forgot about him And play with people who hurt him
I mean come on If you had the same friend as this, would you forgive them that easily?
I don't know why Frowny Fox give me vibes like Villainess Manga Character
I read some of the comments about Frowny Fox for example
He was rushing to judgment. hoppy didn't mean to do this
Frowny Fox is a Emo
Frowny Fox is exaggerating things Just Get over it.
And I want to respond to all of them this:
ME: Let me remind you guys In the episode The REJECT CRITTER
the leaders of Playtime Co decided to come up with a brand new smiling Critter one that went in a New Direction
(In an advertisement)
you've seen other cheery smiling Critters like Dog Day and Bubba Bubba but you've never seen anyone quite like FrownyFox the brand new smiling Critters or should I say unsmiling Critter
while the others Giggl and play FrownyFox rests alone contemplating life's big questions unlike others he's sensitive a great listener and more than anything longs to be understood
FrownyFox cuz you can't have rainbows without a little rain
they were sure that he would be a valuable new member of The Smiling Critters Lineup a bold innovation that would allow them to tap into a whole array of human emotions.
It's not his fault he's made like this
FrownyFox is supposed to be sensitive
His name literally starts with Frowny
I think I know what's really bothering me about @darling.kia..fandoms videos
they Make him like an evil character in a gacha video.
but Frowny Fox is the victim here, not Smiling Critters
What do you guys think about that
Tell me your opinion in the comments
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threadandlace · 1 year
Blue Jean Baby- seamstress for the band series part five (13.0k)
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Masterlist- to start from the beginning
You watched Sam disappear down the stairs of the bus and stood in silence for a moment, letting the last few minutes replay through your head. “Are you ready to go back there?” you heard Albert call back. You shouted back your approval before grabbing your phone and immediately calling Jen.
“This better be good, it’s after midnight,” Jen mumbled as a greeting. “Jen, you’re never going to believe what just happened…”
You quickly recounted the events from the last few days, ending with the awkward kiss with a very inebriated Sam. Jen was quiet for a moment, soaking everything in. “Well, I don’t want just a historical recollection of everything, I want to know how you feel! Your thoughts!” Jen exclaimed. “Oh, I definitely don’t like him. I don’t think,” you replied, chewing on your lip as you thought. There was something somewhat magnetic about Sam, but you couldn’t imagine yourself being with him. “Yeah, no. I don’t think he’s a good choice for me. And now I don’t know how to go about explaining that to him,” you conceded. “Well, given his reaction, I think he knows he fucked up. And you said he was drunk, right? So odds are, he may not even remember it,” Jen replied quietly. “Jen, I feel like that is definitely not something you just forget. Even if you’re drunk. And he wasn’t like, trashed,” you clarified. “Well, there’s not much you can do about it tonight, you’ll just have to gauge him in the morning. What are you working on?” Jen asked, changing the subject.
You went into detail about the project currently laid out in front of you- another one of Jake’s jackets. You were carefully sketching out a floral design on the back in chalk, which would serve as a guide for various fabrics you’d layer to finish out the design. It was going to be your main project for the night, although you’d want to get some rest too. Albert had mentioned that the drive would be about 12 hours at what he called “tour bus turtle speed.” Jen gave you a few suggestions for your design before ending the conversation. “If you don’t let me go to sleep, I will personally drive to Pennsylvania  and commit crimes against you,” Jen said, her voice raspy with exhaustion. “Fine. Sleep well,” you said, waiting for a snappy remark. There was none, so you hung up the phone and laughed to yourself. Sure, Jen could be a true character, but she brought joy into your life, and that was all that mattered.
The next four hours were spent alternating between being hunched over your sewing machine and sprawled out over the scraps of fabric on the table. You finished the jacket quicker than you’d thought, deciding sleep would be your reward. Brushing your teeth and washing your face on a moving bus proved to be slightly difficult, but not impossible. You couldn’t help but notice how quiet the bus was without the group, a constant stillness present. You changed into your pajamas before heading up to check on Albert. You’d grown quite fond of him, and you were incredibly thankful for his ability to get you from point A to B quickly and safely. You found him focused on the drive and in good spirits, listening to a comedy podcast play on his phone. “Do you want any snacks or water?” you asked him. “I’m all good, hon. You go get some rest!” he replied, giving you a wide smile, his face crinkling. 
You crawled into your bunk and rolled to plug your phone in. A message popped up on your phone as you were setting your alarm. You opened it.
Danny: Are you and Albert doing okay? 
You couldn’t help but smile at the text. Danny truly was a sweet guy, and you knew the text was genuine. 
Yes, we are good! How are you guys faring? I figured you’d all be asleep by now! 
Danny: I’m the last one up, got sucked into my book. Wanted to check in before I went to sleep and figured you’d be up.
Hmmm, a book? I haven’t seen him read at all during this trip. Must be boring on their bus. I wonder if Sam told him what happened… 
I’m headed to bed too. See you in the morning!
Danny: Good night! 
You finished setting your alarm, choosing 10:00 am as a decent wake up time. Six hours didn’t seem like enough sleep, but you had run on a lot less and should be close to the destination at that time. The quiet hum and swishing of the road noise had you asleep in mere minutes, the day’s events making you more exhausted than you had thought. ___________________________________________
Your alarm woke you, and you rolled to grab for your phone. You checked your home screen and saw you had no messages, a good sign that nothing was amiss. Rolling out of the bunk and onto the floor, you realized that the bus was still moving. A quick check of your phone told you that you were still in Ohio, a ways to go from the venue in Pennsylvania. You grabbed a change of clothes and your toiletries before heading to the bathroom to do a quick morning routine and change. As you brushed your teeth, the events of last night came flooding back into your memory and you cringed. Hopefully he won’t even remember what happened. He was pretty drunk. You finished in the bathroom and returned your stuff to your suitcase before walking up the hall to check in on Albert.
“Good morning!” Albert greeted you, a smile on his face as he took a sip from his reusable coffee mug which was plastered with pictures of what you could only guess was his family. You gave him a smile and pulled down the small seat that was attached to the front divider of the bus. “How’s it going?” you inquired, looking out at the road as you waited for his answer. “We hit some traffic due to construction during the night, and then we were just in traffic,” he replied, giving you a sigh. “That’s frustrating,” you said, watching as he continued to sip on his coffee, his eyes never leaving the road. He nodded. “We are running behind, that’s for sure. I think we will be stopped for a late breakfast, early lunch. Dean, the other driver, said that the boys are mostly awake and ready to stop.” You nodded again and smiled at the fact that he called them “the boys.” You pointed to his cup. “Who are all these lovely people?” you asked turning it in the cup holder to examine it. He gave you a smile and began to tell you about each person, giving you funny stories along the way.
You and Albert talked for about 45 minutes. You listened to him as he told you about his family, occasionally interjecting bits and pieces about your own. Eventually he pulled into the parking lot of a Cracker Barrel, following behind the other bus. You stood and stretched as Albert parked. Jake was the first one off of the bus, making a beeline towards the restaurant. Josh and Danny were next, immediately heading towards your bus. You walked down to greet them, both of them giving you a grin. “Good morning,” you said as Josh reached out to pull you into his side, linking arms with you as the three of you walked into the restaurant. 
Jake was standing by the hostess booth and turned to face the group as you approached. “The wait is going to be about ten minutes,” he said quietly, giving you a big grin in greeting. “Did you get any sleep?” he asked softly. “Oh yeah, a few hours,” you replied as you all followed Josh as he wandered around the store, inspecting the various gifts and gadgets that they had for sale. “What about you guys? Good drive so far?” you inquired, wondering where Sam was. “Not too bad. Sam was up all night, sick as a dog. He drank way too much last night and the motion got to him I think,” Danny replied, swiping his curly bangs out of his eyes. “I slept great,” Josh cut in, turning to show you a tiny sewing kit he’d found on a shelf. “Yeah, Josh here sleeps like a log,” Danny cut in, rubbing his face. “I, however, do not. So I was up most of the night with Sam. Making sure he was hydrated and everything.” Jake elbowed his side and laughed. “Danny’s the modern Florence Nightingale if she was a drummer in a band. The mom of the band for sure. Do you guys remember that one time in Germany when we were all drunk and high off of our asses and somehow Danny still got us back to the hotel? Part nurse, part tracking dog I swear,” Jake said with a laugh as Josh turned to show you another trinket, this time a little bird carrying a thread in its mouth. “Look, it’s you,” Josh said, a twinkle in his eye. Danny pulled a mouse holding a comically large piece of cheese from off the shelf, presenting it to Josh. “And this is you, Josh,” Danny chuckled. Josh gave him a jab with his elbow and placed the bird back on the shelf. 
A voice over the loudspeaker called Jake's name and the group headed to claim your table. You passed Albert and Dean sitting together on your way to your table and you gave Albert’s shoulder a light squeeze. You took the seat at the far end of the table and Josh pushed Danny out of the way to take the seat next to you. “Nuh uh, I don’t want to sit next to Jake, he stinks,” Josh said, pushing Danny towards the other side of the table. Danny shook his head, but went to sit across from you, next to Jake. Your waitress handed out the menus and took your drink orders, all four of you ordering coffee. 
Josh leaned over towards you. “What are you going to get?” he whispered. You turned to look at him and chuckled. “I don’t know… Why? Is it a secret?” you whispered back from behind your menu. He glanced over at Jake and Danny, who were both absorbed in reading over the options. “We may or may not have placed bets over what you’d get. But I think they may have forgotten,” Josh replied, turning the page of his menu. You couldn’t help but laugh and shake your head as you continued to read the many options. They placed bets on what I’d order… which means they talked about me when I wasn’t there… hmmm… 
Your waitress came back and placed a steaming cup of coffee in front of each of you before taking your orders. Jake ordered some sort of hash brown casserole, Danny chose some sort of sandwich and Josh chose pancakes. They all turned to look at you expectantly when it was your turn. “I’ll do the pancake breakfast with scrambled eggs, no meat please,” you said before handing the waitress your menu. Josh grinned widely and held his hands out to Danny and Jake, who were digging in their pockets for their wallets. “What can I say? I am a girl who loves pancakes,” you confessed as Jake and Danny each handed Josh a $20 bill from their wallets, grumbling the whole time. “A girl after my own heart,” Josh said, stuffing the bills in his pockets as he nudged you. 
The food came quickly and everyone busied themselves with eating. After a moment, Jake spoke up. “Did anyone text Sam and ask him what he wants?” Josh and Danny shook their heads, but Danny picked up his phone to send him a text. You all spent the rest of the meal chatting and listening to stories from everyone’s various travels- theirs to various countries to perform, yours to various locations for fashion shows and shoots. “Favorite place you’ve been, go!” Josh asked, gesturing to you first. “India, by far. I’ve only been once, but it was amazing,” you answered honestly before turning to look at Jake, signaling his turn. “Probably Germany,” he answered. Danny agreed with his answer. “I think India has been my favorite too. The culture alone is just… amazing,” Josh answered, a sense of amazement in his voice. 
Your waitress came back by to check on your group, and Danny checked his phone. “Sam hasn’t responded, any ideas what he’ll want?” he asked the group. Josh thought for a moment before turning to the waitress who was waiting with her pen held above her notepad. “Can we get a baked potato? No meat, but the rest of the toppings on the side if you could, to go” Josh requested. She wrote it down and nodded before making her way towards the kitchen. “Good call,” Danny acknowledged as he finished his coffee. 
Jake got up first to go pay the bill while the rest of you waited for Sam’s food. “Hopefully he’s not dead,” Josh joked, before looking at Danny. “He seemed real out of sorts last night, didn’t he? Any idea what has been bothering him?” Josh asked. Danny shook his head before answering. “I have no idea. I think being stuck in that elevator threw him for a loop.” You nodded in agreement, knowing only you must know the real reason for his behavior. “Whatever it is, I hope he gets his shit together. I’m tired of him acting like an ass,” Josh replied, shaking his head. 
Sam’s food came out soon after and Danny grabbed the bag to carry it out. Josh turned to you as you all walked out towards the buses. “Can I ride with you? I need some quiet and I have a feeling they,” he pointed to Danny and Jake, who were goofing off in the parking lot, “are not going to be quiet.” 
“Of course! I may be running the sewing machine but I can promise no jam sessions,” you answered, giving him a grin. “Absolutely perfect. Let me go grab my bag and make sure Samuel is alive and at least somewhat well,” Josh said before jogging to the other bus, pausing only to jokingly kick out at both Jake and Danny, who both tried to grab him before he ducked and ran past them, onto the bus. What goofballs, you thought to yourself as you laughed, their shenanigans bringing a smile to your face. 
Once back on the bus, you checked your phone.
Jen: Any updates? Lover boy say anything?
You grimaced at the term, but shot her a reply. 
Nope, he was apparently sick for most of the night. Didn’t come to brunch. They think it’s because he’s hungover but I’m not so sure…
You pulled out one of Josh’s jumpsuits for a future show, laying it carefully on the table in front of you.
Jen: Well, he’ll have to face you sooner than later. Maybe he really is sick, forgot the whole thing.
You wished. You picked a stray fuzz off of the jumpsuit before replying.
We will see. Hoping for the best. 
Josh climbed on board, giving Albert a squeeze before walking back into your work area and plopping down onto the bench across from you. “Y’all ready back there?” you heard Albert call back. You and Josh both yelled your approval before turning back to each other.
 “I’m guessing that’s mine,” Josh said, shooting you a grin. “Well, you are the only one who wears a full jumpsuit, so yes, this would be yours,” you answered. He walked over to the table and ran his hand across the soft fabric, taking care not to snag any of the rhinestones that you’d applied. The burnt orange fabric was the perfect shade for him and you knew he’d love the deep cut of the neckline. “I can’t wait to wear this one,” Josh said softly as he inspected the various elements. You pulled out your pattern to show him. “I need to finish applying the rhinestones and then it should be ready for a test run. Hopefully at the end of the day at the latest,” you explained as you gestured to the areas that still needed some work. He nodded and went back to his spot on the bench, pulling out his journal and an assortment of colored markers. 
You both worked in comfortable silence until Josh fell asleep, his journal face down on his chest. You were able to complete all of the outfits for the next state and had laid down on the bench opposite Josh to rest when you felt the bus come to a stop. You turned to look at Josh, waiting for him to rouse, but he didn’t. He looked so peaceful laying there, his curly hair framing his face which was completely relaxed, his pink lips slightly open as he breathed deeply in and out. Walking quietly, you went to gently place your hand on his arm to wake him. He unconsciously reached out and put his hand over yours, rubbing his thumb against the top of your hand slowly. 
“Hey Josh,” you whispered, lowering yourself to get closer to him so he could hear you. He still didn’t stir, clearly deep in a dream as he mumbled softly to himself and maintained his grasp on your hand. The doors of the bus rattled open and Jake suddenly appeared, glancing back and forth between you and Josh. “Help?” you whispered, gesturing to his hold on your hand. Jake chuckled and walked towards his twin, smacking his leg a couple of times. “Josh, let go,” Jake commanded, reaching out to lightly pop his hand. Josh jolted awake and turned to glare at Jake, clearly irritated with the rude awakening. He looked down and realized he was still holding onto your hand and he instantly let go, turning to face you. “Sorry, I uh…” Josh stammered as he pushed himself up and started to pick up his pens and markers. “He sometimes just reaches out and grabs hold of whoever is next to him. He used to do it all the time when we were little. Luckily he didn’t pull you on top of him. He’s been known to do that too,” Jake said with a laugh, Josh shooting daggers at him. 
Danny and Sam appeared in your work area, Sam sporting a dark pair of sunglasses. “Looks like you’re alive!” you teased, hoping to gauge Sam’s reaction. He responded with a shrug. “Well, we have the rest of the day off, what shall we do?” Danny asked before taking a seat next to Josh, helping him finish putting his art materials into the small canvas bag he had. Jake had pulled his phone out and was scrolling. “Phillies game?” Jake suggested and Josh clapped his hands. “I want a hot dog!” he exclaimed, suddenly very awake and back to his animated self. Danny turned to face you. “Will you come with us?” he asked. Josh chimed in. “Yes! Come! It will be so fun! You said you were done with the next set of outfits, so you should have time! Right?” You nodded slowly, weighing the options. You wanted to go- you loved baseball and hanging out with the group was so much fun, but you did have some things you should get done and were unsure of where you stood with Sam. You glanced over at him but he was caught up in his phone. 
“Why not? I do love some baseball,” you agreed. “I’ll double check and see if any of the crew wants to go too,” Jake added, pulling out his phone to send a group message. “Let’s take everything up to the rooms,” Danny added, gesturing towards the hotel. You grabbed your suitcase and backpack before making your way off of the bus, you and Jake inviting Albert on your way out the door. “No, I have a date with my bed. Y’all have a great time though!” Albert said, giving you a wink. 
Emily met you in the lobby of the hotel, handing everyone their keys. “Y’all have fun tonight. Please stay out of the media, and be ready to head to the venue at 11 am for soundcheck.” The group nodded and you all headed up to the floor you all shared, once again. “Alright, the game starts at 4:30, it’s 3:00 now, so leave at 3:30? Is that enough time for everyone?” Jake asked before the group broke up. You all agreed and went your separate ways to get ready for the evening game.
The hotel room was nice, albeit small. You threw your suitcase onto the desk and opened it, knowing you needed to pick an outfit and probably shower. You settled on a pair of ripped, dark-wash jeans, a plain white v neck and your trusty jean jacket. A quick shower refreshed your mind and body. You quickly applied a light layer of makeup and added some product to your hair so that it’d dry in a more controlled pattern of natural waves. 
You knocked on the twin’s door, hoping they hadn’t left yet, but there was no response. You checked your phone- it was only 3:26. You moved on to Sam and Danny’s door and knocked quietly. The door opened almost instantly, Danny greeting you with a grin. “Come on in, Sam is finishing up. The twins are probably running late, like always,” he said as he backed up, letting you walk in. 
You walked past Sam who was bent over the counter, picking at something on his face in the mirror. “You okay?” you asked and instantly froze. “Yeah, I’m fine. Why?” He shot back defensively. You held up your hands. “Just checking in on you. I know you weren’t feeling good earlier,” you said, hoping you were hinting that you cared about him, even if you didn’t in the way he wanted. “He’s fine, just a baby,” Danny joked as went to sit on the foot of one of the beds, bending to slip on and tie his shoes. You sat on the other bed, watching him as his long fingers worked to quickly throw the laces over each other and tie them quickly into a bow. He finished and sat back, grinning at you. “So, you like baseball?” he asked. You nodded. “I used to play softball in high school. I was a pitcher,” you responded, giving him a grin. “Damn, you’ve been holding out on us! A woman of many talents,” Danny replied. 
You both jumped at the sounds coming from the door. It sounded like someone was trying to knock the door off of its hinges. “Jake and Josh,” Danny said, answering your question of who the hell would be knocking that loud. Sam opened the door and the twins filtered in. “Are we ready?” Josh asked. He was dressed in a casual jumpsuit he’d actually commissioned from you before you’d been brought onboard to work on their stage outfits. It was the first project you’d worked on for him, when you knew that you both had an artistic connection. You smiled as you walked over and gently reached out to run your hand along one of the pockets you’d embroidered the sides of. He turned to watch you, grinning. “I guess you recognize this, huh?” Josh said, giving you a somewhat shy grin. That’s new. I’ve never seen this man shy before. Ever. You smiled and nodded, the memories of the first time you ever heard his voice rushing into the forefront of your mind.
A year earlier…
“Hi, uh, my name is Josh Kiszka. I am calling in regards to some, uh, design work I’ve seen? That you’ve done? I was given your name by Jim Jackson of the Ivys. I loved the jumpsuit you made for him and wanted to see if you were taking on new clients. I’m in a band called Greta Van Fleet and we are looking for someone new who would be willing to take us on. I saw your portfolio and I’m just… blown away by your work. Truly just, ethereal. And the mixed media work is just something else. Truly groundbreaking. Anyways, give me a call back at…”
You still had the voicemail saved in your phone. You had googled Josh and the band the moment you got the message, falling in love with the premise of their band, the message behind the music and, of course, the fashion. Something about the frontman’s presence really sold you on wanting to work with this band. You had immediately called Josh back and gotten to work on your first trial project for him.
Present day
“Alright so I’ll text you guys your tickets. The uber should be here in about 3 minutes, so we should head down to the lobby. There’s a couple other roadies that are gonna meet us there- it should be Jack, Damion and then Olivia and Ava. They’re just now getting into town so they’ll need to stop here first,” Jake explained, giving you an overview of the game plan. You knew Jack was one of their other tour managers, Damion was his assistant, Olivia did social media and Ava did both social media and marketing and helped Emily as a part-time assistant. You’d met them in passing and were excited to get to spend time with them. The camaraderie among the tour group was something you really were starting to enjoy, even if you were typically alone while you worked. 
The uber pulled up outside of the lobby and you all got in, the group letting you sit in the front seat. The drive to the park went quickly as you all listened to your driver recount the crazy things he’d seen throughout the day in the city. 
You’d pulled up your ticket on your phone as you all walked in, each person scanning their ticket before walking through the security process. You all met up on the other side, taking a moment to try to get your bearings. “I think our seats are over that way,” Danny said, gesturing to the left. “I thought they were that way,” Jake countered, pointing in the opposite direction. “I would’ve figured you guys would have a box or something, being rockstars and all,” you jested. Sam shrugged and finally spoke to you for the first time that day. “We could probably pull some strings.” Jake shook his head. “I just want a normal experience for once. We will be fine. Let’s get some beers first and then we can find our seats.” “Ah, yes, because alcohol makes everything easier to find,” Josh said with a chuckle. You couldn’t help but laugh, knowing there was some truth. “Oh, you know all about not being able to find things, don’t you, dear brother,” Sam taunted. The group got silent and you knew Sam had once again hit a nerve. Does he mean… sexually or literally? Either way, what a shitty comment Sam. Josh waved him off and linked his arm in yours on one side, Jake’s on the other before pulling you both along with him towards the bar.
After everyone had their respective drinks, Josh was able to find a worker and ask for directions, much to Jake’s chagrin. The group followed the slightly confusing directions and you were able to find your seats after a few minutes and many flights of stairs. You filed into your seats and sat. You turned to realize Danny was sitting on your left, and Sam was on your right. 
This won’t be awkward at all. 
You all sipped on your drinks as Josh flipped through a program, leaning over to show the group various things he found of interest. “I don’t even know what their mascot is supposed to be. Is it a dragon? Or like, a muppet-type thing?” Josh asked as he showed you a picture. “I think it’s supposed to be a bird,” Danny answered, his eyes trained on the field below. “He freaks me out,” Sam added, giving you a grimace. You nodded in agreement. “Look, he’s got a weird little tongue too,” Josh said, pointing to another picture, his face pinched in disgust. 
You stood for the national anthem and listened as a local singer belted out the words, rather poorly. “Should’ve asked me to do it,” Josh joked after you all had sat back down, “at least I would’ve been on key.” Jake snorted. “Have you ever sung the national anthem for anything like this?” you asked Josh. “No, I actually haven’t,” he replied as he took another sip of his drink. “They don’t typically want someone wailing for the national anthem,” Sam joked and Josh rolled his eyes. “I’d like to hear you do it. I think it’d sound pretty good,” you countered. Sam shifted beside you. “Don’t praise him too much, his ego is big enough already,” Danny warned and you laughed in response. 
“Well, it looks like the other group won’t be able to make it. They ended up getting in a fender bender just outside of the city and have to deal with that,” Jake announced. You all grumbled, sad they wouldn’t be able to join you. “Everyone is okay, right? Nobody got hurt?” Danny asked, clearly worried about the group. Jake confirmed that everyone was fine, albeit annoyed. 
“I don’t know about you guys, but I need a refill,” Sam said, rising from his seat. Danny nodded, his eyes never leaving the game. Jake and Josh agreed and you stood too. “I’ll come help,” you said, figuring you needed to clear the air and that it was now or never. Sam’s face went still and you could tell he was panicking ever so slightly. “Uh, yeah, okay,” he replied as you both turned to descend the steps to the main part of the arena. 
“Look…” Sam started as soon as you were away from the noise of the crowd. You waited for him to continue. “I messed up last night. I completely misread the situation and I’m really sorry. Can we just pretend it never happened?” Sam asked, his voice drenched in anxiety. You nodded, placing your hand on his shoulder. “I’m really sorry Sam.” He shrugged. “It’s fine, really. It’s nothing,” he replied as he turned to continue walking in search of refills.
I don’t think it’s nothing, but at least it’s been addressed.
You followed him up to the counter of one of the park’s bars and listened as he ordered another round. He paid for the drinks, making sure to leave a decent tip. You grabbed your drink and Danny’s and Sam grabbed the other three. You made your way back to your seats in silence, following Sam as he weaved through the crowds. You both sighed with relief when you’d made it back, both of you unconsciously tense. Whether it be from the crowds, or the awkward silence between you, being back with the group eased the tension. 
You handed Danny his drink and he gave you a bright smile. The way the skin around his eyes crinkled when he smiled and his freckles bounced was truly gorgeous. 
Chill out, he’s just a man. 
You sat back down, Josh leaning over to fill you in on what had happened while you were gone, Danny translating when you couldn’t discern what Josh was talking about. You all laughed as you listened to Josh’s versions of events, including a recount of his spotting of the mascot. “Shit’s terrifying,” Josh said, gesturing to the green bird-like creature that was down on the field. 
You all made it to the bottom of the fourth inning before the drinks were gone and everyone was hungry. Josh offered to make this trip down to the concessions and you agreed to go with him so you could use the bathroom. “I can come help,” Danny offered but Josh waved him off. “Someone has to stay, watch and be able to update us,” Josh replied, gesturing at Jake, who was on his phone, and Sam, who was too busy watching the crowd to watch the game. “Text what you guys want in the group chat. And text me if that bird makes a move,” Josh instructed before taking the lead down the stairs. 
Once you had made it into the stadium, you pointed to the bathroom. “I’ll catch up with you!” you promised before darting into the bathroom. 
Josh was waiting for you outside of the bathroom when you emerged. He waited for me. “I only got asked for a picture once,” he chuckled as you walked towards the closest concession stand. “Really?” you asked and he nodded. “Super sweet group of girls! They’re in town for the concert tomorrow!” he said with a smile. He clearly loved the group’s fans, even if they could be intense. 
Josh pulled out his phone and read off the order to the concession stand worker when you arrived at the window. Everyone got hot dogs, except you and Sam- you’d opted for a pretzel and Sam for nachos. Josh paid for the order and you both carried the food back to the seats, Josh letting you walk first as he followed. 
You’d settled back into your seats and Danny was updating you on the game as Josh scanned the field for the mascot. “Is he actually scared of that thing?” you whispered to Danny. He gave you a look and nodded. “Ah, there’s the fucker,” Josh mumbled, pointing. You couldn’t help but laugh. “Josh, it’s not like he’s going to come up here and get you,” you reminded. He turned and gave you a serious and terrified look. “Don’t even say that,” he hissed, “you’ll manifest that shit.” The rest of you were in tears as you all laughed at his seriousness. “He’s always been like this,” Jake interjected and you stopped to look at Josh. “Josh, it’s a common fear! Something about not being able to see someone’s face is kinda scary,” you replied, reaching out to place a hand over his. He rolled his eyes and continued eating his hot dog.
Sam bought another round of beers from a vendor walking the stands at the top of the seventh. “I forget how long these games are,” Sam protested, handing you a beer. You cracked it open and took a sip before nudging him. “At least the home team is winning. I’m sure there’d be more people watching if they weren’t though.” He nodded and laughed before pointing to show you someone’s funny hat that he’d spotted earlier. Maybe we are okay. 
“Oh shit,” Danny grumbled, nudging you with his knee. You looked up towards where he was pointing and saw yourself on the big screen. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw the caption on the screen- Kiss Cam! The camera was trained on you and Danny, the crowd egging you both on. You both shook your heads, but the crowd was relentless. You turned to look at him and he gave you a smile and shrugged. You nodded and you both gave in to the overwhelming peer pressure as Danny leaned forward to kiss you. 
He kissed you gently, his lips softer than you could’ve imagined. The kiss was only for a second, more of a peck than an actual kiss. He pulled away and turned to wave to the camera, you copied him as you forced yourself to laugh it off. 
The truth was that you hadn’t taken a breath the entire time and had to remind yourself when you began to feel lightheaded. “You okay,” Danny whispered. You nodded and took a sip of your beer, playing it off as you watched another couple fall victim to the camera. Sam had grown incredibly still beside you, clutching his can of beer. “Shit,” Jake mumbled and you all turned to look at him. He held his phone towards the group and Danny reached forward to take it. He tilted the screen towards you and you saw a tweet featuring you and Danny’s faces on the jumbotron with a caption that read “GVF is at the Phillies game?! WHAT?!” You had a sinking feeling in your stomach. “Shit,” Danny muttered before turning to Jake and Josh, “we gotta get out of here.” 
You grabbed your trash and headed down the stairs quickly. Jake pulled a security guard aside and tried to explain the situation to him, but it was too late. People around you had pulled out their phones and a group had gathered at the bottom of the stairs. “Oh, shit,” Josh said, eyes wide. The security guard called over the walkie and received some instructions, ushering you towards a different exit. You followed him quickly, the group moving behind you. The guard swiped his key card and escorted the group into a room, telling you to hang tight and that someone would be with us in a moment. 
You realized where you were when you turned around. The guard had brought you to a private box. You walked over to the glass wall overlooking the field. “May as well watch the game,” you said as you sat in one of the cushy chairs facing the field. Josh and Danny nodded in agreement and took chairs on either side of you. Jake continued to pace near the front of the room, talking on the phone to someone. Sam was walking around the room, looking in cabinets and examining the framed pictures and memorabilia. 
A few minutes passed and you all turned to face the door when it opened. A woman and man walked into the room, moving to shake Jake’s hand and then Sam’s. You, Josh and Danny walked over to join the conversation. The woman shook your hands when you approached and introduced herself as Samantha, the PR person for the team. The man with her was a social media representative and introduced himself as Jack. You all exchanged pleasantries and you introduced yourself since you knew they likely wouldn’t know who you were.
 “We were wondering if we could do a PR-type thing for our social media? We will talk over the details with your management if you have their information,” Samantha inquired. Jake nodded and Sam butted in, “we were actually on our way out. We have a show tomorrow and…” Samantha cut him off, “oh, yes, we totally understand. But we think this could be a really good opportunity.” Jake pulled a business card out of his wallet and handed it to her. “Give our tour manager a call and let us know what she says,” Jake said before sending a few texts. Samantha nodded and left the room, Jack following closely behind her. 
“Fuck, I wish we could just go,” Sam complained, sinking into one of the plush seats. “I texted Emily and told her to decline on our behalf. Hopefully she can turn this woman down,” Jake countered, sitting down in the chair next to Sam. “They probably just want a couple of pictures. I’m sure it’ll be quick,” Danny offered, patting Sam’s shoulder. 
Samantha and Jack came back into the room carrying a few jerseys. “So we talked to your manager and she agreed that a picture would be good PR for both parties. So, we brought you guys some custom jerseys and if we could just get one picture, we will get you guys out of here,” Samantha said. The group had switched into their PR mode and willingly accepted, putting the jerseys on over their clothes. The door opened and a photographer walked in, holding the door for none other than the mascot that you’d seen walking the field. 
You turned to look at Josh, whose face had gone pale, eyes wide with panic. The other boys had started to laugh, but you realized Josh was barely holding it together. You quickly walked over to him and placed yourself between him and the obscenely large green fuzzy “muppet-looking thing”. You placed both hands on Josh’s shoulders and gently reminded him to breathe before playing off the move like you were straightening his jersey. He gave you a panicked look and Jake came over to stand next to Josh, finally realizing how freaked out he was. The photographer motioned for the group to move in front of the glass, and you grabbed everyone’s stuff to hold. Jake put a protective arm around Josh, making sure to keep himself between Josh and the mascot. The group lined up for a photo, Josh pulling out his acting skills to instantly relax his posture and pose for the photo. As soon as the flash went off and the photographer gave the okay, Josh darted over to you. He stood slightly behind you and you turned to play off the interaction as you giving him his jacket back. The mascot waved before being ushered out of the room, Josh sighing with relief once it was gone.
Samantha had arranged for an escort out of the box to an uber. You all prepared to step out of  the box, multiple security guards standing around you, although you still believed it was all overabundant caution. As soon as the doors opened, you realized you probably needed more security guards than you had. There was a huge group of people surrounding the box, all holding phones and yelling. They lined the walls as far as you could see, no break to be seen as you started to panic. 
You felt a hand intertwine with yours and you looked down to see Josh’s hand holding onto yours for a moment before he squeezed and let go, giving you a reassuring smile. Danny came up on the other side of you, putting his arm over your shoulder and pulling you into his side protectively. The group began walking forward, leaving the safety of the private room, the noise level rising as soon as you stepped into the hall. 
Josh walked closely on your other side, Danny pressed against you on your other, Jake and Sam taking up the rear. The guys waved and smiled as they walked, occasionally moving closer together when the surrounding force of security was pushed inwards by over-excited people. You heard shrieking and turned to see a girl absolutely bawling as she pushed against the human security barricade, reaching out for Jake as he passed. He gave her a smile but continued on. 
The walk seemed to take forever, but you finally made it to a set of doors that led to the stadium’s back hallways. Once you made it through the doors, you felt yourself relax and Danny released his hold on you. “You okay?” Josh asked and you nodded. You really weren’t, but you knew you needed to put on a brave face. He reached out to squeeze your hand again, rubbing his thumb against the back of your hand as you walked, returning some of the comfort you’d given him earlier. 
You made it to the back exit and Danny put his arm over your shoulder again as you emerged from the building. There were flashes of light from what you guessed were more fans before you all climbed into a waiting uber. You felt yourself breathe again when the car moved forward, security helping clear the way. 
The drive back to the hotel was quiet, everyone likely a little shaken up over the experience. “So much for a quiet night,” Jake muttered and you all laughed. 
Luckily the hotel was devoid of fans and you were able to get in without issues. “I’m starving. Do you guys want to order something?” Sam asked on the ride up to the seventh floor. Everyone agreed. “We have the biggest room, do you guys want to head there?” Josh suggested. Everyone once again agreed and you headed to their room once the elevator doors slid open. 
Once inside the twin’s room, you were able to fully relax, releasing tension you hadn’t even realized you’d been holding. “I don’t know how you guys ever get used to that. It’s freaking scary,” you reflected as you took a seat at the table in the corner of the room. Jake chuckled, “it’s still a little nerve-wracking. But then I remember that they are all just excited and wouldn’t do anything to hurt us.” Josh nodded in agreement. “I don’t know, I think that kiss cam may have painted a target on our backs,” Danny joked, giving you a nudge as he took a seat next to you. “Yeah, I’m scared to see what twitter thought about that,” Jake added. “I’m sure people won’t even talk about it. Like, what a stupid thing to focus on,” you said. “I don’t know. There’s some groups that will absolutely spiral over anything. I have a feeling they’ll think you,” Jake pointed at you and Danny, “are an item. And we all know how that tends to go.”
The room was silent for a beat before you continued the conversation. “And what does that mean?” you asked, giving Jake a look. “He’s just being cryptic. It’s fine,” Danny answered, shooting Jake a look. “I hate to say it, but Jake’s right,” Sam added. “Look, can we just order some food? I’m hungry now and ready to get to relaxing,” Josh interrupted. He pulled up UberEats and you all decided on Indian. The order was placed and Jake flipped on the TV to find something for you all to watch while you waited. Josh immediately took over the remote, choosing an obscure movie none of you had heard of to watch.
About an hour later there was a knock at the door and Sam went to answer it. He brought the food in and set the bag on the table. You reached forward to help lay everything out, your hand gently grazing Sam’s for a split second before he jerked it away quickly. You brushed it off and  popped open your order, the smell of your favorite dish soothing you instantly. “I love Indian food. I think malai kofta would be my death row meal. If I could only choose one,” you revealed. Josh nodded intensely before giving you a grin. “It’s my favorite too. Indian food is,” he clarified. 
You all ate in silence as you continued to watch the movie. Jake groaned quietly and shifted to show Josh, who was sitting next to him on the floor, his phone. Josh made a disgruntled face and shook his head. “What is it?” you asked. Jake shook his head. “It’s nothing,” was all he gave you as a response as Danny and Sam both reached down to check their phones simultaneously. “If something is going on, I’d like to know about it,” you countered. Jake sighed deeply before giving you an answer. “People are pissed. They think you and Danny are together and that’s why you’re being seen in all these different places with us.” 
You scoffed at him. “There’s no way. A couple of people are upset because I work for you guys? I think these people need to take a step back from social media,” you replied, taking another bite of your food. “It’s not just a couple of people,” Josh said quietly. You turned to look at him and stopped mid-chew after realizing the look he was giving you meant this was serious. “What,” you questioned. “People are… pissed,” Jake replied. “It’s just because people are jealous. They like to think they know our lives when they don’t. They see a single snippet and just run with it,” Danny said as he stood up from his spot near you, clearly exasperated. “Well, I’m not worried about it,” you waved their concerns off. “Maybe you should post something. Clear the air,” Jake suggested. “Clear the air of what?” you questioned. “That you and Danny aren’t a thing,” he clarified. “Oh, yeah. I can do that. What should I post?” you replied, trying to remain casual. 
Jake patted to the spot on the bed next to him and you went to sit by him. He helped you pick out a few pictures from the ones you’d snapped earlier. He put them in order on your instagram- first one of you with your pretzel standing in front of a railing overlooking the game, next one you’d had someone behind you take of the whole group, followed by a shot you’d taken of your beer in your hand with the field in the background. “Perfect. Caption it something about work,” Sam said as he leaned in to check your progress. “What about ‘work outing’ or something? You have pretty simple captions so that should work, right? Not too off-track from the usual?” Danny offered. You nodded and added the caption. “Do I tag you guys or what?” you asked. Jake nodded and you added the tags to the picture of the group. You posted and collapsed back on the bed. “Social media sucks,” you said quietly. Josh enthusiastically agreed as he threw his phone onto the bed, making a funny noise and flipping it off as it bounced, causing you to giggle. 
Danny and Sam walked you to your room after the twins kicked you out. It was about 1 am now, the events of the day were finally catching up to you. “Promise me one thing,” Danny said as he leaned against your door frame, catching the door before it closed behind you. You turned to face him, realizing he was standing very close to you. “Stay off social media tonight. Please,” he gently insisted. You nodded before telling him and Sam, who was standing over to the side, goodnight.
You went through your nighttime routine quickly, ready to climb under the fluffy hotel duvet and forget the day. Flipping off the bathroom light, you changed into your pajamas before slipping into bed, the cool sheets quickly warming with your body heat. After setting your alarm for 9:00 am so you could catch the end of the hotel’s breakfast, you placed your phone on the nightstand and shut off the lamp. Your phone called to you and you couldn’t push aside the overwhelming feelings of curiosity- what exactly had the boys seen that made them so concerned?
You wished you hadn’t looked. Sitting up in bed, you had tears falling down your cheeks as you clutched your phone to your chest. Danny had been right to tell you not to look online- twitter, instagram and even facebook were filled with a sea of disgusting comments and threats. There were comments about your body, your looks, the way you talked, the way you kissed, your art, even about the beer you’d drunk. Everyone had something negative to say, all of them angry at you. 
Work outing? As if she isn’t fucking all of them for the fame… gross
Is she their social media person? It’d check out… I figured it would be someone who is the epitome of a hot mess.
Danny’s really lowered his standards with this one.
All you would see when you closed your eyes were the nasty comments and awful edits people had made of you. Your face was plastered all over the fandom, not a single person willing to stick up for you. 
You cried yourself to sleep, the exhaustion from the past few days and the mental toll of so much hate eventually knocking you out.  
As soon as the alarm went off, you groaned and slapped at your phone, begging the noise to stop. The memories of the previous night came rushing back, hitting you like a slap in the face. You rolled out of bed and headed into the bathroom, knowing you needed to hurry if you wanted to make breakfast.
You did as much damage control as you could, your face and eyes still exceptionally puffy and red from the night of crying. While brushing your teeth, you started to check the notifications on your phone before stopping and turning off notifications for everything but texts and calls. No use giving in to the hatred. They’ve done enough damage already. You slipped on a comfy two-piece set, grabbed your backpack and headed to breakfast. 
The dining room was mostly empty. You made a plate and found a seat in the corner before pulling out your sketchbook. May as well turn this negative energy into something positive. You’d started to design a final element for Jake’s Florida suit when Josh materialized in front of you, carrying a plate and his journal. He gestured to the seat across from you and you nodded. 
Josh sat down and looked at you, searching your face. Josh took a bite of his bagel and chewed for a second before speaking. “You looked. Didn’t you?” was all he said, his tone quiet and gentle. You were still looking down at your sketch, but nodded. Suddenly the tears came back, leaking down onto the drawing you’d been working on. Josh reached over and gently removed the pencil from your hand and pulled the sketchbook away from the splash zone. He took your now-empty hand in his and ran his thumb over the back of your hand, comforting you. “I’m so sorry,” was all he was able to choke out. You looked up at him. He wasn’t crying, but he was clearly hurting for you. 
Josh shook his head before continuing. “I love them so much. Most of them, at least. Most of them, they’re good people. They really take being a part of the Peaceful Army to heart, stand for what we stand for. But some of them are just…” he trailed off, lost in thought. “They’re just not good people. I almost wish we could just cut them out. All the hate, it’s just too much sometimes,” he finished quietly. You nodded and wiped your face. 
Sam walked over and pulled a chair up to the table, interrupting the moment. He started to eat, completely unaware of what was going on. It was only when Jake sat down across from him and put a caring hand on your shoulder that he realized something was wrong. 
“What’s up?” Sam asked, still slightly oblivious. Danny pulled up another chair and set his food down before putting an arm around your shoulders and giving you a squeeze. “I’m guessing you didn’t follow my request,” Danny said quietly and you nodded. “Oh shit,” Sam interjected, “how much did you see?” 
You wiped your face and decided to be brave. “Enough. People really have nothing better to do, huh?” you said with a stiff chuckle before taking a bite of your eggs. Jake, sensing your want to change the subject, pointed to the sketch you’d been working on. “Who is that for?” he asked, although he likely already knew the answer. “You, for sure. Who else would wear something like this?” you asked and he nodded in agreement before launching into a series of questions about the design and the elaborate beadwork you’d outlined for the back panel. 
You all headed back upstairs to pack up your belongings before boarding the buses and heading to the venue. Packing was getting easier and you were able to get loaded onto the bus quickly. You spent the extra time checking the outfits and making sure they were ready for their debut that night. 
Albert came back to check on you a little before 11 am. “Did you have fun last night?” he asked, clearly unaware of the drama that had ensued. You filled him in on the events from the night, leaving out the part about social media and the kiss. He listened, completely intrigued. “I’m so glad you have those boys to keep you safe from the crowds. I’d hate to see you get hurt.” He paused. “Well, get hurt again. Although I know that,” he gestured to your cheek, which was no longer as swollen, “was an accident.” You nodded in agreement and he headed up to the front to prepare for “take off” as he called it. 
You weren’t surprised to see Danny board your bus, but you were surprised to see Sam. “We figured we’d ride with you,” Sam said, giving you a smile. “If that’s okay,” Danny added, waiting for your confirmation. “The more the merrier!” you agreed. 
The venue staff had met you at the bus to help you get the wardrobe off. You’d placed everything into each member’s dressing room and were sitting in the sitting area outside the dressing rooms answering emails when you saw Josh. He came over and sat in one of the large chairs positioned next to the loveseat you sat cross legged on. “How was sound check?” you inquired. He shrugged and leaned back in the chair, uncharacteristically still. A few moments later, you heard his breathing slow and his leg twitched, a sure sign he was asleep. I wonder why he came out here. His dressing room furniture must not be very comfortable. You continued to work on emails, sending Jen a text update as you worked.
You saw Emily for the first time that day as she hurried by with a few members of the venue staff, carrying large trays of sandwiches. Emily nodded towards Josh and you nodded back, understanding the message. You leaned over and jostled Josh’s leg, hoping he’d wake up more easily this time. Sure enough, his head popped up and he gave you a questioning look before looking around the room. “I can’t believe I fell asleep,” he said, running a hand through his loose curls. “I can. It’s been a long day already. You sat down and instantly fell asleep,” you explained. “They just brought in sandwiches,” you pointed out, gesturing to the end of the hall. That was all it took to wake him up completely and he was on his feet in a second. “Come on,” he garbled, reaching for your hand and pulling you behind him gently. 
You and Josh made your sandwich selections and Josh chatted with some of the venue staff. “Can you go find Sam and send him down, please?” Emily asked you quickly as you walked by. You nodded and headed to find his dressing room. 
Sam’s door was closed and you knocked lightly. You waited, but there was no response besides some slight shuffling. You knocked again, this time a bit louder. “Uh… just a second!” you heard Sam call from behind the door. Shrugging to yourself, you took a seat in the chair outside his room and waited. 
A few minutes later, Sam popped his head out. “You okay?” you asked, noticing that his hair was sticking to trails of sweat on his face. “Oh, uh, yeah. What’s up?” he shot back, shifting uncomfortably. “Well, they brought sandwiches and Emily asked me to let you know. You’d better make a move, they’re going quick,” you informed, gesturing with your plate towards the end of the hall. “Okay, thanks,” Sam said quickly before shutting the door. That was weird. Shaking off the odd interaction, you headed back to your seat to continue with your email, which had gotten seriously backed up. 
Someone sat down in the chair next to you, so you looked up. “Hey, Danny,” you greeted with a smile, which he easily returned. “These are really good,” he replied, lifting his sandwich. You nodded in agreement and had just opened your mouth to respond when Sam’s door flew open. You and Danny both turned to watch a girl walk out quickly before a beat passed and Sam walked out behind her. She scurried down the hall and out of sight as Sam walked towards the sandwiches. Instantly, your eyes met Danny’s. He gave you a befuddled look and shrugged. 
Sam returned to your area a moment later, taking a seat on the other side of Danny before taking a bite of his sandwich. You and Danny both watched him, waiting for him to explain. Sam looked up from his sandwich and caught you both looking at him. “What?” he asked, his mouth full. Jake had made his way to the group and sat across from you, next to Sam. Danny shot Sam a look and he shrugged in response. “I don’t know what you guys are being weird about,” Sam shook his head, taking another large bite. Jake looked from Danny to Sam and then to you. “What’d he do?” Jake asked, taking a bite of his own sandwich. Josh walked quickly down the hall and took the chair on your other side, sipping from a paper cup as he assessed the group. “Who was that girl Sam?” Josh asked quietly.
Leave it to Josh to ask the million dollar question. You all watched him and waited for an answer. “Just some girl who works the venue,” Sam said casually. Jake rolled his eyes and sat back, “I thought you were going to quit doing this shit. Especially after what happened last tour.” The air grew incredibly tense. You stood, gathering your stuff, “I’m gonna go search for some help and get the wardrobe brought in.” Danny stood and followed. “I’ll come help.” You nodded and he followed behind you towards the back doors. 
Once you’d made it outside, Danny cleared his throat and ran a hand lightly over his curls, clearly uncomfortable. Once you’d input the code on the bus door, it opened and you both stepped inside, closing the door behind you. Danny leaned against the table, watching you as you gathered everything. 
You turned to face him. “Is everything okay?” Danny nodded and you turned back to your task. “I should probably explain,” Danny said as he reached out for the box of shoes you had pulled from the closet. You turned back to face him. “You don’t have to. Clearly there’s some history and an issue there. It’s none of my business.” He shook his head. “No, it’s not fair for you to be around the arguing and have no idea. Basically, at the end of the last tour, Sam had just broken up with his girlfriend and he went a little crazy, hooked up with a couple of girls, pretty irresponsible. It almost got him in some big trouble, especially from a PR standpoint.” 
Danny paused briefly before continuing. “Anyways, he spent time working on himself and we all figured he was coming into this tour really solid. As you can tell, he’s been really off. I think the whole thing is just a lot for him at the moment. Something really sent him for a loop, but I have a feeling he will get over it. Jake and Josh will lay down the law and it’ll be fine.”
You nodded slowly as you took everything in. I definitely have made everything about ten times worse. “That’s just… crazy,” you replied. I should just tell Danny. He’ll know what to do. “Actually, I feel like I may know what…” you started before you were interrupted by Jake storming onto the bus. 
“He’s an idiot. Doesn’t even see why he shouldn’t just be hooking up with random girls. Especially when we need to be focused,” Jake said, sighing with exasperation. You and Danny both turned to look at him as he took a seat on one of the benches, arms crossed. “Was he at least safe and…” Danny started. Jake nodded but pressed his pointer fingers into his temples as he did so.
The three of you stood in silence for a moment as you quietly pulled the night’s wardrobe from the rack, Danny taking pieces from you to hold. Danny cleared his throat once you’d gathered everything and Jake turned to look at him. “We need to get back inside. Let’s just try to focus on giving this group a good show, doing what we do best,” Danny said, giving Jake a tense smile. Jake nodded and grabbed the box of shoes and jewelry from the table before heading back to the venue.
You worked to quickly deliver the outfits to each dressing room, Jake and Danny recruiting venue staff to help. The three of you walked into Sam’s room last and found him laid out on a couch in the middle of the room, Josh sitting on the end. Josh gave Jake a look that, to you, looked like whatever conversation Jake had walked away from didn’t end well. Sam turned to look at the group. “What is this? Some kind of weird intervention?” Sam asked.  
Sam started to laugh, at first just chuckling before it turned into full fledged gasping for air. Clearly he found himself hilarious tonight. Sam pointed at you. “She didn’t even tell you guys, did she?” he asked between pants. “Tell us what?” Danny asked as he came into the room, assessing the situation. You looked at Sam and shook your head, trying to let him know that he really didn’t need to do this right now. “You know what? Never mind. Now, can I get dressed without an audience?” Sam finished, taking another sip of his drink. Everyone filed out, clearly having more questions than answers.
You found yourself back in the seat you’d sat in earlier, working on yet another project. This time, it was the side of one of Sam’s suits that you held in your lap as you applied beadwork around the embroidered flowers that decorated the fabric. Jake was the first one dressed and he came to show you. “Looks great, Jake. How does it feel?” you asked as you finished the flower you were on. He beamed at you as he inspected the dark blue suit adorned with light blue, lightning-type designs. “Feels great. I keep thinking that I’ve found my favorite suit, but each time you give me something new, I’m proven wrong.” 
He moved to sit next to you. “Do you know what Sam was talking about earlier?” Jake whispered. It’s not really my issue to tell. Obviously it’s affected Sam, and therefore it’s his embarrassing story to tell. “No idea,” you lied, turning back to start a new line of beads. Jake nodded, although you could tell he didn’t believe you. 
Danny came out next, finishing the prep on his drumsticks as he came to show you his outfit. “I like this one a lot,” Danny added as he finished placing the electrical-type tape around the bottom of the stick, ripping it with his teeth. He looked great in his slightly sheer cutoff shirt and dark blue pants that you’d painstakingly applied hundreds of rhinestones along the sides of. “I don’t know how you don’t rip your teeth out,” Josh said with a shiver as he came to stand in front of you, doing a little theatrical twirl. He looked stunning in his latest jumpsuit. It wasn’t as ornate as his other ones, but the light blue fabric with shimmery overlay and rhinestone swirls looked perfect on him.
Sam was the last to join the group, his outfit your favorite of the lot. This suit didn’t have a wing like some of his other suits, but the feather and wing-type application of lighter colored threads on the lapels still gave a nod to birds. His dark blue lame-type pants completed the ensemble. You’d been a little worried about putting men in pants adorned with glitter and sparkles, but everything tied together flawlessly. “You guys look great. Have an amazing show,” you grinned as venue staff ushered them towards the stage. 
There was no monitor backstage, so you could only discern what was happening based off of the crowd and music you could make out from behind multiple walls. Your hands moved quickly as you worked to finish Jake’s jacket for Georgia. No idea why I’m working on this when I need to finish Sam’s jacket for the next show. Georgia is in like, 3 weeks. You decided to get out of your own head, remembering that bead work takes longer than the other types of embellishment you’d be using. 
Time flew by as you worked, your hands cramping from the repetitive movements. You snapped a picture of your progress and sent it to Jen, who had been incredibly busy on a new project. You were hunched over, fingers moving furiously when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You nearly jumped out of your skin, arms flying up and making contact with the person standing over you as you lurched backwards. 
“It’s just me! I’m sorry!” Danny exclaimed, instantly removing his hand. “Shit, sorry Danny!” You instinctively reached out to place a hand over his side where you’d smacked him. You felt him start to move away at your touch before he stopped, letting your hand rest on his side. You felt him breathe in steadily, your hand moving with his side. Breaking from your trance, you removed your hand before smiling shyly. 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to whack you. You okay?” you asked. Danny gave you a grin and nodded. “It takes a lot more than that to hurt me. I grew up with the Kiszkas, okay?” he joked. Josh appeared next to Danny, giving you a wide smile. “How’d it go?” you inquired, both of them shrugging. Josh turned to look behind him before whispering his answer. “We were a little off. Jake’s still pretty pissed and Sam was just… off. Like he’s been.” 
Danny nodded and continued, “it still went pretty well though, considering. The crowd was really great.” Jake walked up and poked Josh in the side, causing him to jump sideways into Danny. Josh shot him an annoyed glance before turning to head back to his dressing room. “That looks great,” Jake panted, still slightly out of breath as the adrenaline wore off. “It’s coming along!” you replied, turning it to show him. You saw Sam head into his dressing room, luckily alone. Danny and Jake gave you a wave before heading in their respective directions to shower. Time moved quickly and soon you were loaded back on the bus, Josh seated on the floor scribbling furiously in his journal while Jake plucked away on a ukulele he’d shown up with. 
“Can we ride with you?” Josh had asked as you’d all been whisked out to the back door of the venue. “Of course,” you had replied, grabbing Josh’s bag from his shoulder as he headed over towards the group of fans gathered by a fence surrounding the backlot. Jake held his bag out for an assistant helping you all out, nodding towards you before following the group towards the fence. The assistant followed you onto your bus, a small group carrying the wardrobe behind you. You orchestrated where all of the various bits and pieces of the outfits went while placing you and Josh’s stuff on the main table, everyone moving quickly.
Now a hush fell over the bus aside from the scribbling of Josh’s pencils and gentle melodic plucking from Jake. You liked when the twins rode with you- their energies mellowed out as exhaustion fell over them and they brought positive, creative energy to your space. You’d finished Jake’s jacket and moved on to finishing stringing beads and embellishments on Sam’s jacket. You never really worried about the weight of his jackets because he almost always shed the jacket after the first song or two, opting to go bare-chested. 
The strings of glittery material made slight tinkling noises as you added them to the jacket, stringing them carefully in various patterns. You were using a form to hold the jacket upright and were having issues with the angles. “Fucking hate these things,” you muttered to yourself after sticking yourself in the same finger for the third time that night, turning to fumble in your bag for a bandaid as your finger started to bleed. 
“Oh god, are you okay?” Josh asked, standing up and coming over to you. He grabbed a tissue from a box sitting on a table by the bench and took your hand in his, inspecting your finger. “I usually don’t prick myself this hard, but I’ve hit the same damn spot like, three times,” you said, exasperated as he pressed the tissue onto the spot. He took the bandaid from you and carefully applied it before looking up at you. “You good?” he asked and you nodded. “Thanks,” you replied quietly as he threw the trash in a bin and went back to his spot on the floor, resuming his coloring as if nothing had even happened. 
You inspected the bandaid. He had wrapped it carefully around your finger, ensuring that you had full mobility of the joint so you could continue working. You looked over at him, blissfully unaware of how touched you were at his gesture. Jake’s phone started to ring and he answered it, having a quick conversation with whoever was on the other end. He hung up the call and sat up, turning to face you and Josh who were watching him. “We are going to stop and get gas in a few minutes. There’s a couple of places in the same complex where we can grab dinner,” Jake updated you. “Should I go tell Albert or does he know?” you asked. Jake shrugged so you headed up to the front of the bus to check in with Albert.
“Hey honey, what’s up?” Albert asked. You smiled at the name. “Did you hear from Dean? I think the other bus is planning to stop.” He nodded and pointed to the walkie talkie he had placed on his dash before giving you a wink. “Oh, I should’ve figured,” you laughed and he gave you a grin. “I appreciate you coming to check on me though. We should be stopping in about,” he paused and looked at the GPS attached to the dash of the bus, “ten minutes.” “I’ll let them know,” you said as you turned to head to the back of the bus. 
“We are about ten minutes out,” you let Jake and Josh know before you continued your project. You were able to get a few more strings onto the jacket before the bus came to a stop. Your group of three filed off, Albert promising to pick you up in the same place after he got gas. Danny and Sam walked over to you and your group headed into the gas station. 
“Well, I guess our options are Wendy’s and… gas station burritos,” Sam said, gesturing to the ‘closed’ sign on the door to the adjoined Taco Bell. Josh made a face at the suggestion of a gas station burrito, taking off in the direction of the Wendy’s. Everyone followed behind him and lined up to order. 
The food came out quickly and Jake checked to make sure the orders were split up correctly before handing Sam and Danny’s food to Danny. Jake headed out towards the bus without another word, carrying the rest of the food. Danny and Sam looked at each other and headed out behind him. “Well, I guess you’re stuck with us for the rest of the night,” Josh joked, putting his arm through yours as you followed behind everyone else. “I’d more so say you're stuck with me and my tinkling,” you laughed as Josh bumped hips with you. Everything seemed more fun with him around, so you didn’t mind at all that he’d be joining you, likely overnight. 
You got back on the bus and checked in on Albert, who was eating what looked to be a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, before heading back to find your food laid out at what had been designated as “your” spot at the table. Josh sat to your right and Jake to your left at their respective spots. 
You all ate in silence as the bus headed back onto the interstate. Jake cleared his throat and looked over to you, waiting a moment before speaking. You watched him carefully as you waited. “Thanks for your help today. I know you didn’t sign on for all this. But I, we, appreciate it.” Jake spoke quietly, but you knew his words carried a lot of meaning. Jake was the quietest of the group so when he spoke, people were sure to listen. A man of fewer words than his twin, you knew he chose to speak with deliberation. You gave him a sincere smile and nodded. “I just hope things are okay.” Josh brushed Jake off with his hand. “Things will be fine. We just needed some time away from Sam. He hasn’t been making the best choices lately and we miss his goofiness. We’ve been missing that a lot this tour, but he will get it back.” You nodded and turned back to your potato as you all continued to eat in now comfortable silence.
Josh fell asleep on the bench again, journal rising and falling on his chest as he breathed deeply. Jake had made his way to the top bunk in the back shortly after 1 am, choosing comfort. You continued to work until about 3 am before checking in with Albert, who let you know you were still about seven hours from your destination. You warmed up his coffee for him in the microwave before brushing your teeth, changing into comfy clothes and making your way to your bunk, careful to roll into the bed quietly so as not to disturb Jake. You fell asleep to the swooshing of the tires on the road, hoping things would get a little easier. 
Little did you know things were going to be getting a lot messier.
Taglist: @eyelinerjake @radmads-gvf
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
Highlights from (finally) watching the SDCC Trek Panels
Farragut era Kirk (“levity” was a word choice that made me think pre-Obsession trauma) being a definite thing next season
Paul Wesley’s birthday cake and general vibes were immaculate and humble in both SNW panels
Anson referring to his hair as though it were it’s own person and higher on the call sheet than himself, and that one fan calling him Johnny Bravo XD
The promise of two episodes even more insane than The Elysian Kingdom according to Chong and Gooding which makes me think 1) Runa will be back and/or 2) Musical Episode Please For The Love of God
Pretty much every time Celia Rose Gooding opened her mouth (I love hearing her talk about Uhura and that legacy soooo much).
The implications that DS9 (specifically Sisko) is essential and may affect SNW which makes me RABID because I am a Benny Russel/Debra is a Prophet Truther and I NEED Pike & Sisko to meet.
The promise of a deaf main character being in one of the two under wraps up and coming Star Trek shows.
Everyone going out of their way and being super excited for the costume designer of SNW being at the panel (she deserves it, the costume design is one of my absolute favorite things about the show)
Everyone immediately reacting like the interviewer just asked Wesley if he had a crush/about his new boyfriend when Spock & Kirk became a topic (Bonus points for Ethan Peck saying Spirk not-so-under-his-breath)
Anson being immediately pinned as the biggest Trekkie in the SNW cast and then immediately clarifying that Tawny Newsome is the BIGGEST Trekkie of any cast member currently involved in Star Trek.
Nothing could have EVER emotionally or mentally prepared me for the fact that there is no personality difference whatsoever between Tawny and Beckett. I thought I was losing my mind. And I thought Anson and Chris were similar?! Holy shit!
C R A N C H (just the whole concept of Boimler getting hunted for sport in general).
Peanut Hamper will be back!!
Newsome being really legitimately MAD that her character wasn’t gonna be in the DS9 episode of Lower Decks so they wrote in a part for her near the end lmao
The SDCC panel vibes were absolutely immaculate and promising and I can’t wait for S3 of Lower Decks to drop!! Let’s GOOOOO!!!
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