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[Kokomi, Furina and Nilou] 🫧 AQUA DREAMS🫧 「𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒐𝒇 𝒑𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒔」
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Kaveh | Love at first sight -continuò-
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Pairing: Alhaitham x [f]traveler/Lumine x Kaveh
Genre(s)/theme(s): fantasy, angst, slow-burn romance, mild comedy, Kaveh's POV, crush at first sight, love rivals
Summary: Kaveh saw an unfamiliar girl talking to Alhaitham while peeping behind a bookshelf...
Word count: 1.0k+
A/n: inspired by the aftermath scene of the Sumeru Archon quest, where Kaveh and Alhaitham met at the Akademiya library. This is the continued story of Kaveh | Love at first sight. Hope you all enjoy this fic! | Masterlist
Kindly help me reblog pls. Thank you :)
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“Who was the guy you were talking to? Just a moment ago…” she tilted her head slightly to her left, blinking her curious gaze at him.
His light-turquoise eyes widened. Astonished that she managed to take a glance at Kaveh before he left.
“Just somebody who was an acquaintance of mine,” a corner of his lips curved up.
He has no intention to introduce him to her just yet. It was unnecessary, which was what he had thought in his mind.
“I see…” turning her gaze away from him and sighed, “that means I wouldn’t get to know who he is then,” she mumbled softly.
Vigilant to his surroundings as he always did, his ears caught those mumbling words that just came out from her lips. 
His gaze darkened immediately.
“Are you…interested in him?” 
After hearing his words, she turned her gaze back to him. Before she could respond, her hand was grabbed by a force. He pushed her backward, pinning her back against the bookshelf nearby. A few books fell onto the ground after the impact. She squeezed her eyes, sensing a pain tingling from her back.
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Kaveh panicky tried to hide his entire self behind the bookshelf after noticing them coming over.
His sweaty hands grabbed tightly onto the shelf plane as he slowly moved his head closer to the rear.
A loud impact hit onto the shelf.
His body trembled. Wiping away the droplets of cold sweat from his head with his white sleeves. He clutched his chest, trying to calm his struggling rapid-beating heart down.
He then glanced through the books from the rear of the shelf. Taking a deep breath and sighed softly. It was a relief that the bookshelves were able to block the views from both sides.
“Why are you interested in him?”
A low stern tone reached his ears. He quivered. Sensing a burning rage within his tone.
However, his question kept resounding repeatedly inside his head. 
Eventually, it blew up his mind.
His face immediately leaned closer to the rear of the shelf as his ears were craving to hear her reply.
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She lifted her head, gazing at his light-turquoise eyes. Noticing anger and sadness were stirring in his gaze. 
She then lowered her gaze. 
Her cheeks blushed lightly. Her lungs tried to gasp for air. Beating sounds emitted from her chest were getting louder, and louder.
That masculine chest of his was just an inch in front of her sight!!!
Even the distance between them was nearly a footstep apart.
“I-I was just curious… b-because I have never seen him around before!” shutting her gaze tightly as she turned her head away.
She tried to use her arms to block his chest from getting nearer. But his strength was stronger. He pinned his body against hers. A sense of heat touched her skin. Her cheeks have become redder, and redder in every moment.
He lowered his head, drawing close to her ears.
“There isn’t a need to know everyone else,” hot breath emerged from his lips, brushing her flushed ears while he whispered.
Her body twitched as she squeezed her eyes. 
“I am enough for you...”
He then moved away from her. 
Thinking that he was probably no longer moving closer toward her, she opened her eyes a bit. Trying to take a peek at him.
Her eyes widened.
He was drawing his face closer, and closer to hers while gazing at her glittering amber eyes before shutting their eyes the next moment…
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‘I wonder why it suddenly feels quiet…’ Kaveh tried to move his head even closer.
“OUCH!” he exclaimed.
Immediately, he covered his mouth with his hands after his head got knocked onto the shelf. A few drops of tears ran out of his eyes while enduring the pain that just exacerbated.
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She opened her eyes.
That anonymous scream has awakened all of her senses. Her eyes widened. The rose coloured on her cheeks became deeper. Her skin was burning with heat.
His heated lips have touched hers lightly.
She pushed him away. Covering her lips with her hand. Fleeing from his arms as she rushed her way toward the direction of the main entrance, disappearing from his sight.
He stood still. Not moving a step while touching his lips with his fingers. Curving a corner of his lips, reminisced about that moment earlier. 
“How long more do you intend to remain hidden?” he turned his gaze to the bookshelf, crossing his arms.
His red eyes widened. Unable to believe that he has been discovered by him, even after his struggling effort to conceal himself.
“Did you think I’m unaware of my surroundings?” 
Biting his lower lip, he stomped out of his hideout. His cheeks flushed.
“IF YOU KNEW I AM HERE, WHY DIDN’T YOU CALL ME?!!!” pointing his finger at him.
He smirked.
“Didn’t you see that I was having a conversation with another?”
“Oh!” putting down his pointed finger, “Who is she? The one that you just had a conversation with…” his tone calmed down a little. His eyes glittered as he searched for her, who was no longer within his sight.
His light-turquoise eyes widened after noticing his glittering gaze, then narrowed his darkened gaze. This was not the kind of reaction that he was expecting. A feeling of dissatisfaction began to stir within him.
“If you would like to get to know her, you should have stepped out since the beginning,” he walked away.
He glared at him.
“JUST YOU WAIT!!! I’LL DEFINITELY FIND OUT ABOUT HER!!!” raising his voice as he watched him getting further, and further away. He then turned and walked in the opposite direction.
‘Look like I have another rival to fight for her…’
This was the thought that they had when they walked away from each other…
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‘Did I forget about something…?’ furrowing his brows as he tried to search through his mind.
His red eyes widened. Kneeling on the ceramic floor and letting out a soundless scream.
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Published on 28/05/2024
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yukikathesnowflower · 7 months
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★ 【ttosom】 「 furina 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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yukikathesnowflower · 7 months
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★ 【Cotta】 「 furina 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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yukikathesnowflower · 10 months
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yukikathesnowflower · 10 months
Kaveh | Love at first sight
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Pairing: Alhaitham x [f]traveler/Lumine x Kaveh
Genre(s)/theme(s): fantasy, angst, slow-burn romance, mild comedy, Kaveh's POV, crush at first sight, love rivals
Summary: After the Grand Sage and the Sages involved in the incident had been stepped down, Kaveh rushed to Alhaitham to clarify this fact. But what he saw after seemed to change his life…
Word count: 500+
A/n: inspired by the aftermath scene of the Sumeru Archon quest, where Kaveh and Alhaitham met at the Akademiya library. Hope you all enjoy this fic! | Masterlist
Kindly help me reblog pls. Thank you :)
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Angry footsteps echoed through the Akademiya library. His gaze darkened as he headed toward the direction of the majestic door. The unconvincing facts that he had discussed with his vexatious roommate minutes ago, were making him itch to clarify with the rest of the scholars. Those facts came out of his lips confidently without any tone of wavering echoed in his mind.
‘I can’t believe the Grand Sage and the Sages would step down! Just what the hell happened during my absence?’ his brows furrowed.
‘Alhaithiam?! The NEW Grand Sage?! I can’t believe that annoying guy is appointed to be the Grand Sage! Although he is indeed SMART, yet calculative…’
Overwhelming thoughts have been flooding his mind, unable to shake it off as it concern his country’s future. The position of Grand Sage holds one of the highest authorities, and it affects the rules of this land and its people. Though he does has some faith in his capabilities, even if he despised his attitude. 
‘The number of people who stepped down from their position was not small either…? WAIT!!!…’ his red eyes widened. 
A blow struck his mind.
Something wasn’t right during their conversation.
‘DID HE JUST MENTION THAT I AM GOING TO BE A SAGE TOO!!!!!’ his throat tried to let out a silent scream with his hands clutched his own head.
He finally realised this crucial part was mentioned.
He quickly turned and rushed back to where he was, sensing his comfort lifestyle was threatened to be changed.
Becoming one of the Sages has never once crossed his mind as he felt that its responsibilities would hold back his architectural works. Those exquisite designs of his satisfied him with a sense of accomplishment.
He walked, and walked at a fast pace as his gaze searched around until he spotted a glimpse of his grey hair and muscular back gowned in the dark green half-covered coat.
‘Thank Archon! He is still here!’ his eyes sparkled. He was relieved that he did not miss the chance to change his decision.
He opened his mouth, eager to shout his name out of his throat. But he hold back when his gaze noted a piece of white cloth was fluttering in the air, coming out from his shadow. 
His eyes widened. His mouth gaped. Bewildered by what he was staring at this moment.
A girl was standing in front of him!
He immediately hid behind a bookshelf far enough for him to eavesdrop and peep at them.
Her blonde hair was glittering when the soft lights shone onto her as if she was a goddess descended from the moon. Her amber eyes gazed at him gently while her luscious pink lips called out his name.
His cheeks flushed. Her voice sounded angelic to his ears. Her appearance was pure in his eyes. He was totally captivated by her charm. 
She was his preferred type of girl that he would like to have as his life partner.
“What’s the matter?”
He looked at him. His gaze had turned soft after his name was called out of her lips. His tone also sounded gentler, compared to their heated conversation earlier.
He smirked.
‘Hey…Alhaitham…looks like our opinions may not always be different from each other after all…’
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Published on 08/08/2023
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yukikathesnowflower · 11 months
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It's 200!!
Alhaitham | his private documentary
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Pairing: Alhaitham x [f]traveler/Lumine
Genre(s)/theme(s): fluff, fantasy, romance, hug.
Summary: Reading was what he does during his spare time. But something new has begun to change in how he uses his time...
Word count: 900+
A/n: I'm writing this because I was inspired by the way he sat in the game. As well as some memes of his sitting posture posted around. Anyway, hope you all enjoy this fic! | Masterlist
Kindly help me reblog pls. Thank you :)
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A fresh scent diffused from the grass and flowers, tickling his nose as the morning breezes blew across. Sitting on the stone-carved bench in his usual sitting posture, his light-turquoise eyes focused on the pocket-sized book in his hand. 
Researching anything that gained his interest was one of his priorities, which was what most of the scholars from the Akademiya do. 
Gaining new knowledge. 
To fill up his thirst for knowledge, he would read a comprehensive collection of books during his spare time after his missions assigned by the Akademiya had been completed. No one would be able to disrupt his attention, once he engrossed himself in his books. 
However, something new has begun to change the things he usually does during his spare time.
As his gaze continued fixating on his book, he sensed a faint floral scent gradually fusing into the fresh scent in the air. That scent was unique as none of the flowers that existed in all continents of Teyvat had a similar scent. No record of this foreign flower could be found in the archives, books, or canned knowledge capsules from the Akademiya either. 
Nevertheless, he already perceived its name and its origin after an encounter with her.
The corner of his lips curved up a bit as the faint scent was turning stronger, and stronger every minute passed…
She’s here.
He remained seated on the bench without moving an inch, pretending to read his book in a studious manner.
“Alhaitham!” her lips curled up brightly with her hands at her back, standing in front of him.
Her blonde hair was glittering as soft sunlight shone upon her, appearing like a moon goddess in his eyes. The flowers pinned on her hair remain blooming in their prime, diffusing a pleasant scent that has kept stirring up his sense of smell. 
He closed his book with one hand, softening his gaze as he turned to face her.
“You’re here.”
“Reading again?” her amber eyes shone with curiosity at him, “what book are you reading today?”
One side of his lips curved slightly.
“Why don’t you take a seat here first?” patted his lap.
Her cheeks blushed immediately after taking a peek at his muscular lap. Astonished, yet bewildered by his alluring action at the same time, she took a few steps away from him.
“Isn’t here your favourite seat whenever you want to get a glimpse of my book that I’m reading?” he smirked.
The pale redness spread further to her face. She shut her eyes tightly, covering her flushed face with her hands. Hiding away her awkwardness from his piercing gaze.
Well, indeed she often sat on his lap to get a glimpse of what he was reading. Though that was to tease him for being overly attentive to his books all the time. 
Unexpected that a day he would use this fact and tease her in return by referring to his lap as ‘her favourite seat’.
‘AHHH…I shouldn’t have teased him THAT much!!!’ her mind began to crumble with embarrassment after realising what she did.
He placed his book aside, stood up from his sitting posture, and walked leisurely towards her. 
Her ears could hear his footsteps getting closer, and closer as every second passed. Her heart pounded faster, and faster at the same time.
‘H-He is getting c-closer?!’ squeezing her eyes shut under her palm as she could not bear to face him.
A sudden warm sensation touched her back and legs.
“A-Alhaithiam?!” she squeaked in shock.
He lifted her up into his arms, carrying her like a princess as he walked back to the stone bench. He sat down with her on his lap, then picked up his book before opening its page to read. His right muscly forearm was hugging her slender waist, keeping her back close to his well-built chest.
Her heart skipped a beat as she could feel his strong broad chest touching her skin.
‘Was his chest always this muscular?’
“Aren’t you going to read my books?” he whispered onto her left ear.
His hot breath tickled her flushed ear, burning it up while she squeezed her eyes tightly, trying to bear the ticklish feel.
She released her hands from her face, and slowly opened her eyes, taking a glance at the book in his hand.
“Eh?” she blinked her eyes.
An empty blank page was placed in front of her. Nothing was written in his book this time, not even a word.
“T-There's nothing written in the book…?” slurred her words, unable to articulate well after staring at his book. Shocked.
“Well…” he took out a pen from his pocket, “there is from now,” filling its ink onto that clean page.
The record of the Inteyvat Flowers
`Isn't this the name of the flowers pinned on my head?’ her eyes widened.
The Inteyvat flowers consist of five petals. Four of them were white and one was light blue…
“And the smell…” he sniffed the flowers on her hair, leaning closer to her.
“A-Alhaithiam!” her cheeks blushed again.
She could feel her heart pounding when he leaned toward her.
“I’m writing down my findings in this book.”
She turned to him, staring incredulously.
“Isn’t my job as the Scribe of the Akademiya to record my findings?” he grinned.
“Well, that is correct! But…why does the topic have to be the flowers on my head?” she fixed her baffled gaze at him.
He gave a chuckle.
“Because…the owner of these flowers has gained my interest.”
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Published on 18/11/2022
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yukikathesnowflower · 11 months
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★ 【Ducartoon】 「 Starlight and Midnight🌃🌠 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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Look like Dan Heng has never done CPR before too!~ 🤣🤣🤣
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these two have most definitely never taken a first aid class
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sumeru 📚 🌱 #GenshinImpact #原神
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This dude reads something that ma brain can’t understand
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Let's debate.
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★ 【knmoca】 「 1 // 2 // 3 」 ☆ ✔ redistribution permitted (1.8.23) ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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★ 【wboss】 「Celestial Throne|高天王座(1) (2)」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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