#wait 'til you see half the things i haven't written yet
ranger-kellyn · 5 months
someone: so why have you spent the last 10 years obsessing over a niche pairing that was only recently on screen for a few seconds???
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nonexistent-introvert · 10 months
THE BACK TO DECEMBER FIC FOR JAVI WAS FOUL 😫 I NEED 4-5 WORKING DAYS TO RECOVER OVER THAT ONE 🧎‍♀️ anyways if you accept fic requests can i request another speak now inspired fic for javi? it would be based of I Can See You… Like tell me that song isn’t Javi coded 🤓 I just know that song was written for him like the pining from the office romance and stuff 😩😩😩 ok ill shut up and i hope you have a great day/night and I hope you find a dollar or something in your back pocket ily
Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader
Word Count: 3.2k
Content: Javier notices you and sees you for who you are despite you thinking he would never. Based of well, this ask and the song!! VERY MILDLY SUGGESTIVE
A/n: I HAVE BEEN INACTIVE IM SORRY. I had severe writer's block and i was stressing because guess who procrastinated too much and is not very off track when it comes to work.
 You brush past me in the hallway
And you don't think I, I, I can see ya, do ya?
I've been watchin' you for ages
And I spend my time tryin' not to feel it
  “Excuse me.” the sound of your voice caught Javier off guard. He watched helplessly as you brushed past his shoulder and headed for your desk. A smirk formed on his lips, Javier stared helplessly at you. He met your eye contact too many times from across the office to know that you stared at him as much as he stared at you. “Who caught your eye now?” Steve patted his partner’s back, his eyes following Javier’s gaze. Javier turned his head away from your direction, focusing on Steve instead. “Nothing.” He shrugged. Steve sent him a knowing look, raising his eyebrows with a look of disbelief. “You have been awfully distracted, buddy.” Steve said. “I just got a lot of matters to handle,” Javier stated plainly before walking away. 
   Javier Peña had one rule, he never gets involved with coworkers. 
   Like a traitor, his eyes drifted to your workstation a few desks away from him. Your hand covered the lower half of your face as you stifled a yawn, your eyes fixated on the files before you. Your head slowly lifted from the files and your eyes instinctively found his. Your eyes widened ever so slightly upon meeting eye contact with him while you tried to look past him, pretending that you were trying to look at something in the distance instead. He chuckled softly at your antics. This happened between the both of you multiple times already. How did Javier know? Because he spent his time admiring you from afar too. 
And we kept everything professional
But something's changed, it's somethin' I, I like
They keep watchful eyes on us
So it's best that we move fast and keep quiet
You won't believe half the things I see inside my head
Wait 'til you see half the things that haven't happened yet
   Javier kept a poker face when he received news that he was being partnered up with you instead since Steve had to travel overseas for another mission. “Agent Peña” You greeted him while shaking his hand. “Javi.” Javier corrected you, he didn’t know what made him introduce himself with the nickname he only let the people closest to him call him but he continued to grin at you. “Right, Javi.” You repeated, testing his name on your lips. Javier had never felt his heart leap in his chest like this before. “That’s perfect cariño” He assured, his words falling easily from his own lips. Your cheeks turned pink at the nickname, while you cleared your throat. 
    “I look forward to working as your partner Javi.” You told him, your eyes turning into arches.
      His heart fluttered in his chest at that smile. 
    “Coffee for you, hermosa.” Javier greeted while placing a cup of coffee on your desk. You hummed upon tasting the coffee. “Thanks, I need you to look through these files.” You replied casually to him with a smile. It had become a routine for Javier to buy you coffee before he headed for work after noticing how sleepy you get in the morning. Javier leaned down, his arm that was beside you bore his entire weight while his eyes scanned the files on your desk. His pointer finger tracing the words on the file. His body was incredibly close to you, till the point where his cologne engulfed you and yet it didn’t make you feel out of place. 
    If the both of you paid any mind to your surroundings, you would have noticed the stares of everyone in the office and the chatter that sounded around you as they stared at the both of you. The both of you have gone from only talking to work to buddies who drank together after work and had lunch together. It was a rare sight to catch one of you without the other. Things have changed significantly since the day you were assigned to be his partner. 
   “Are we up for dinner?” You asked him nonchalantly, Javier glanced at you, humming slightly as he thought about his plans for the night. “I promised to have drinks with Steve.” Javier groaned, “How about you join us?” He suggested instead. You grimaced at the thought, not because you had anything against Steve but because you didn’t want to intrude. Plus you doubted it would only be Steve at the bar on a Friday night, you weren’t keen on spending your night under watchful eyes, eyes who are constantly trying to guess if you were Javier’s latest plaything or if there was something more beneath the surface. You massaged your temples at that thought, you had enough headaches from the case, relationship issues seemed redundant at this point in time. Javier sighed disappointedly at your reaction. 
   “I’ll see you at your place then?” Javier’s eyes bore into yours, his eyes shining under the lights in the office. A small pout sat on his lips, his heart hoping that you would let him see you. “Mmm sure,” You agreed, you could never say no when he gave you that gaze. He grinned proudly. His hand subtly moved on top of yours, giving it a small squeeze. “Gracias cariño” Your eyes widened at his gesture. “W-what the” You replied flusteredly, Javier had never touched you in the office, he knew that you didn’t like the spotlight that was already above the both of you. “See you.” He simply said, giving you a small wave as he returned to his desk not that far from yours. You gave him a flabbergasted look, still taken aback at his actions. 
     If only you knew what was in Javier’s mind, what he truly wanted to do. Javier had to physically hold himself back and fight the urge to press a kiss to your forehead. It’s not like he hadn’t done it before, he always did it as a form of gratitude. Especially when you cooked him meals or brought him coffee when he drove you to work in the morning. He just never did it in public before, because he knew how much you hated the speculations and gossip that was already surrounding the both of you. 
   Deep down, he wondered if it was actually as bad as you made it out to be. Would it be really that dire if people thought that the both of you were together? The only speculations that he wanted to openly shut down were the ones that said you were his next plaything. 
   You were definitely more than that. 
   He wanted you to be more than a friend, although, he wasn’t sure if you felt the same way yet.
 I could see you in your suit and your necktie
Passed me a note saying, "Meet me tonight"
   Javier has been loitering near your desk for the past 15 minutes, making frequent trips to the evidence room for no apparent reason since he always seemed to go in and come back with the same file in his hands. It was hard to focus when his frame kept drifting in and out of your hindsight. Especially when he’s in a full-on suit today for the meeting with the ministry. He wore a white button-up that was actually buttoned up properly, finished with a red necktie. The same tie you had picked for him, a gift for his birthday. 
   When Javier made his way back into the evidence room for the umpteenth time, you found yourself getting up from your seat, picking up a file on your desk that you had to return before following him. Javier’s breath hitched upon seeing you enter the evidence room after him, his entire body went stiff when your eyes locked with his. “What is so interesting here that you need to keep coming in here? I thought you were screwing someone in here.” you teased, your eyes scanned the room for any possible reason. Javier scoffed at your comment, a small laugh escaping him. “You know very well I haven’t done that for months now.” You shrugged at him, “You said you were going to quit smoking but I caught you multiple times smoking too so I don’t really know.” Javier flinched at your words. It was a poor excuse but he figured that smoking was the only thing that was keeping him sane in this job. “What’s stopping you from going back into your old ways?” You continued on, totally oblivious to his internal conflict.
   Just like how you were totally oblivious to his feelings toward you. 
   You. Javier’s mind urged him to tell you. Tell you that you’re the reason he’s changing for the better. You’re the reason he wants to be a better person. He wants to be someone you can be proud of, he doesn’t want you to see him for the mess of a person that he is. A smoker who sleeps with a new girl every night, he didn’t want you to know him as that asshole. 
  Javier fiddled with the corner of the post it he had pasted on the file nervously. He has fiddled with it so much that the post-it note was losing its stick. His mind and heart urged him to just get it over with but he just couldn’t seem to move his muscles. “Are you ok?” You asked worriedly upon seeing the dazed look on his face and how he nervously chewed on his lip “I-I’m fine.” Javier shot a glare to Steve who had entered the evidence room as well. His glare was enough to make Steve stumble slightly, as though he could hear the string of curses Javier was throwing in his direction internally. “Did I walk in at the wrong time?” Steve asked, eyeing the both of you. You gave him a judgemental look before shaking your head. “Read this,” Javier muttered, pushing the file he had been holding into your arms. You let out a gasp at his sudden movement, your eyes following his figure as he strode out of the evidence room. 
  “What’s up with him?” Steve asked. Your eyes were fixated on the file he had given you. The bright green post-it note catches your eye instead. 
   “Meet me tonight. P.S. It’s a date.” 
   Your heart paced, a dreamy smile appearing on your face while you rushed out as well, leaving behind a dumbfounded Steve. 
Then we kiss, and you know I won't ever tell, yeah
And I could see you being my addiction
You can see me as a secret mission
Hide away and I will start behaving myself 
    Everything had gone wrong. There was an error in the reservations at the restaurant Javier booked, causing everyone to be served according to the ‘first come first serve’ policy. You claimed that you didn’t mind waiting but Javier knew you well enough to know that the unhappy crowd was already making you uncomfortable. You always went for lunch 10 minutes later just to avoid the crowd, he doubted that making you queue next to a bunch of unhappy customers would be fun for you. So, he settled for having pasta at some commonplace that was filled with students. Having affordable meals and student deals was very attractive to most broke college students in the area. Albeit the both of you looked very out of place, dressed to the nines while the others wore school-based t-shirts. However, you seemed content, much happier than when you stood outside the expensive restaurant. As much as you tried to hide it, he noticed the grimace on your face when you saw the outrageous prices on food that you don’t even like that much. He is a DEA agent after all. 
     “I’m sorry. It wasn’t supposed to turn out like that.” Javier apologised while he walked with you back home. His car just had to break down today too. His thumb played with the straps of the heels that you were wearing at the start of the date. Now, you were in slippers, bought from a random shoe store beside the pasta restaurant. He remembered the horror and panic that rose in him when you casually adjusted your heels to find out that the heel of your foot was bleeding from the friction. “Ah, shit.” You simply cursed with a grin, having long gotten used to being injured because of heels due to the number of events you had to attend. “It was fun.” You admitted genuinely, a carefree smile on your face as you walked with a bounce in your steps. His suit jacket had found its place around your shoulders instead while he walked with his white button-up whose first few buttons were now unbuttoned. The necktie you had bought him safely tucked away in the pockets of his suit jacket. 
   “I wanted it to be romantic,” Javier admitted, eyeing the flower stand on the street, contemplating whether it was too late to buy you flowers as an apology for how badly everything had gone. “Romance is subjective.” You simply replied, your grin shining in the night. He smiled back at you despite the growing regret in his heart. He should have planned better, maybe he should have had backup plans or something. “Can I be honest with you Javi?” Your eyes eyed him expectantly. “Yeah, of course. I hope you are.” He scratched the back of his neck nervously. What if the truth and honesty hurt him a bit too much? 
     “I wouldn’t have enjoyed the date you planned.” Javier flinched visibly at your words that seemed to stab him right in his ego. “Not because it’s bad or anything but as I said, romance is subjective.” You quickly explained, eyeing him for his reaction. Javier forced a smile despite the way his heart clenched. “The expensive restaurant, I was horrified by the prices. Might have lost my appetite just looking at how it would probably cost like a quarter or more of our salary. The cheapest thing there was a salad! Can you believe it? It almost costs 20 dollars for a bunch of green veggies.” You scoffed in disbelief. Javier chuckled, knowing your distaste for vegetables. “And if your car didn’t break down today, I would never have known about the amazing ice cream place that serves incredible soft serve.” Your eyes seemed to light up at the thought of the soft serve he had bought with you just minutes ago while the both of you walked back. “Plus, if I was in the expensive restaurant I wouldn’t have been able to take off those heels.” You gestured to the heels he was holding for you. “Oh, plus the affordable pasta? It was a win and I didn’t have to stress over which spoon or fork I should be using to eat it. I never did understand the need for the different sizes of cutlery they provided at those restaurants. You may think everything went wrong but I enjoyed this date more than anything.” You confessed, a shy smile tugging on your features as you looked at him. Javier couldn’t help the way his heart fluttered as you opened the door to your apartment. Time seemed to have passed so quickly with you. “Thank you, Javi. Honestly, you could have just asked me over to your home for this date and I would still enjoy it.” You leaned against your doorframe slightly. 
    At that moment, all Javier could see was you in all of your beauty. His heart threatened to leap out of his chest at all the overwhelming emotions you made him feel. His hand reached out to brush a strand of your hair away from your face. He was testing your boundaries, but you simply let him do so. He could be delusional but he swore that there was adoration in your eyes when you looked at him again. 
   Then he gave in to the intrusive thoughts in his head. 
   His hand caressed the side of your face as he slowly brought your face closer t his. Your breath hitched at his sudden movement but you tip-toed to better reach him and Javier finished the job by pressing his lips against yours. 
   You could have sworn there were fireworks going off, all the emotions finally being let out in one simple action. Your heart soared as you clutched onto the fabric of his button-up, wrinkling the material in your hands. You pressed yourself closer to him, Javier’s hand moved to your hips to push you closer to him, like a man fighting for oxygen to survive.
   You were everything he liked about smoking and more. He felt his emotions slowly coming to a halt, everything seemed to slow down. A calm serenity overcame him as he focused on you only. Then his grip on your hips tighten as he searched for more of this emotion. Like you’re some kind of drug he was addicted to. 
   When he broke the kiss to catch a breath, you started laughing lightly, overwhelmed with happiness. Javier cleared his throat, straightening his posture, as though he hasn’t been melting into your touch just a few seconds ago. 
I can see you waitin' down the hall from me
And I could see you up against the wall with me
And what would you do? Baby, if you only knew, oh
That I could see you throw your jacket on the floor
I could see you, make me want you even more
What would you do? Baby, if you only knew
That I can see you, oh, I can see you
  “See you tomorrow cariño.” he said breathlessly. You bit on your lip, not wanting him to go just yet. Javier had already started walking backward, to his apartment that was just opposite from yours. He waved with a boyish grin to you, as though telling you that he was open to spending more time with you. 
   Javier had to force himself to walk away, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to leave if he stayed any longer in your company. His fingers subconsciously traced his lips, he could still taste the peach-flavored lip balm you had put on. His mind drifted to the various scenarios of what would have happened if he didn’t stop himself, things would have gone further. He would have you against the wall, he would remove the jacket that was around your shoulders and trace his lips on the curve of your shoulders. Javier shook his head, riding himself off those thoughts. 
   “I didn’t think you knew I existed before.” Your words from your dinner with him echoed in his head. You didn’t think he knew of your existence before you were his partner. How could he not? He noticed you the moment you were introduced to the department, especially being the rare few female agents in the building. The bright smile on your face was enough to capture his attention. 
   If only you knew that he sees you everywhere. His eyes are always on you the moment you enter the same room as him, if not, his mind would be thinking of you. 
Javier definitely sees you for who you are, he also definitely sees you way too often than he has to, he just can't help how his eyes seem to drift to you every time. Even now, his eyes drank in the sight of you as you hesitantly closed your door. Ending the night for the both of you and hopefully allowing possibilities to blossom between the both of you.
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beefromanoff · 8 months
Going Under Ch. 21
summary: a whole 21 chapters in…they finally go on a first official date. it’s only fitting that this is the longest chapter yet. enjoy 🖤
characters: Bucky Barnes x OC
soundtrack: i can see you - Taylor Swift
warnings: fluff, pop star fantasy x love story, set in an AU where the Avengers reunite after Civil War, pre-infinity war, slight angst, hurt/comfort, lonely reader/OC.
author’s note: longest chapter yet WOOOOO! i know it ends on somewhat of a cliffhanger, but next chapter will have some flashbacks and fill in gaps. thanks for reading, xo!
chapter list
The sun was barely beginning to peek over the horizon, but Gianna was already out at the lake. She couldn’t sleep. All night, she’d tossed and turned and played the previous night over and over in her head. Finally, around 4:00am, she just got up. Luckily, the shift change for the night crew was around 4:30, so the grounds weren’t completely empty. She still felt a little spooked from time to time, and wandering around alone in the middle of the night didn’t do much for her nerves. 
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She scrawled lines in her notebook, having written almost a whole song in the time since she’d been up. Looking over what she’d written, she sang softly to herself. 
And we kept everything professional
But something's changed, it's somethin' I, I like
They keep watchful eyes on us
So it's best that we move fast and keep quiet
You won't believe half the things I see inside my head
Wait 'til you see half the things that haven't happened yet
But what would you do if I went to touch you now?
What would you do if they never found us out?
What would you do if we never made a sound?
'Cause I can see you waitin' down the hall from me
And I could see you up against the wall with me
And what would you do, baby, if you only knew?
“Let me guess…it’s about Sam.” 
Gianna jumped as Steve’s voice interrupted the quiet morning. She turned to see him walking down the dock towards her, grinning. 
“It’s about Natasha, actually.” She rubbed her forehead, heart pounding. “You scared me.” 
“Sorry, I don’t mean to interrupt. I was just finishing up running. I can leave you to it.” He smiled sheepishly.
“No, no, this was good. I usually don’t have heart palpitations until my third cup of coffee, so you’re saving me time.” She stood to her feet as he chuckled. “Speaking of which, cup number two is calling my name.”
“I’ll walk with you. Long night?” Steve always found the balance between teasing and being kind, which Gianna appreciated. 
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“Couldn’t sleep.” 
“Something tells me you weren’t the only one.” 
Gianna glanced up at him, eyebrow raised. 
“Bucky passed me an hour and a half ago, he was finishing up right when I got started. Which isn’t exactly late in the day. I’m guessing he’s in the training room now.” 
“Is that a good sign?” 
“Let’s just say he hasn’t been on a first date in…a while. He’s just nervous.”
“He has nothing to be nervous about, we spend every single day together. Literally. Every day for the past four months, with the slight exception of me being unconscious in the hospital, we’ve been together.” 
“He was there, too. In the hospital.” Steve smiled. “He left before you woke up. But he was there.” 
Gianna frowned. “See? I don’t want him to feel stressed, I feel bad, this shouldn’t be something upsetting.” 
“No, trust me, he’s not upset.” Steve laughed, waving her concerns off. “He just gets in his head. For a guy who doesn’t get too enthused about much, he actually cares quite a bit about doing things right. It’s endearing, once you get past the grouchy exterior.” 
“If you say so,” she smiled. “The last thing a semi-stable one hundred year old man needs is added stress.” 
“Hey, watch it. Age is just a number.” 
“Now you sound like Tony.”
“Don’t insult me.” 
For the rest of the morning, Gianna followed her normal routine. Get coffee, make herself slightly (only slightly) more presentable, chat with whoever happened to be in the common area (today, it was Sam), and then head down to watch Bucky train. With their evening plans hanging in the air, she felt a strange flurry of nerves in her stomach as she walked down the trail to the training building. 
Since it was a Friday, they’d be going over weapons out on the range. After a week of getting their asses handed to them in combat training, Steve and Bucky liked to end the week on a more positive note. Rounding the corner to the shooting range behind the building, Gianna spotted the duo standing near a rack of weaponry. The recruits weren’t set to begin for another ten minutes. 
“Good morning, Buck! Good morning, again, Steve!” Her voice was cheery as she greeted the super soldiers. 
“Good morning, again.” Steve smiled, stepping off to the side. 
“Morning, sunshine.” Bucky’s smile had a hint of orneriness to it. “You look cheerful this morning.” 
“I have a hot date tonight.” She winked. 
“Oof,” Bucky put a metal hand over his chest. “Don’t make me jealous.” 
“Don’t be too upset, I’m just planning on using him for his body.” Gianna kept a straight face as she shrugged. 
“Ah, I see.” He grinned. “Something tells me he won’t mind.”
The activity around them picked up as the group of SHIELD agents began to file around the corner. Gianna stepped back and began to walk towards a shady tree a few yards behind them, the perfect place to watch without being in the way. 
“Oh, Gianna,” Bucky called after her. “Be ready at 7.”
She did a mock salute as she slunk down at the base of the tree. Suddenly, her mind filled with questions about the logistics of the evening. Where the hell would they go? What should she wear? Was she even allowed to leave the compound? She whipped out her phone.
Gianna: WANDA. SOS. 
Wanda: ???? what’s wrong?
Gianna: Bucky asked me to dinner. TONIGHT. 
Wanda: omg - it’s about time! i still need deets about last night!
Gianna: deal, but I need help! I don’t have any clothes here that aren’t sweats! I don’t even know what he’s planning! 
Wanda: meet me at my room in an hour. 
Gianna: my hero!
Looking up, Gianna went back to observing the class. The gentle fall breeze provided a welcome calm in contrast to the butterflies in her stomach. She sat, hazelnut latte in hand, and focused her attention solely on the training area, not all her questions about the evening. She admired how effortlessly Steve and Bucky moved as they demonstrated each technique, their years of experience evident in every precise movement. Seeing Bucky at work, channeling years of horrific experiences into something good, it couldn’t be beat. 
Especially since his training attire was more on the snug side.
As she watched, Gianna couldn't help but marvel at Bucky's rugged charm. His dark hair was tousled from the wind, his large frame commanding even in a group of elite agents. His focus was unwavering as he instructed the recruits, his voice calm and authoritative. Ever so patient, he took a pistol from one of the recruits and demonstrated proper hand positioning before handing it back. She smiled to herself. 
I am a huge Bucky Barnes fan. 
However, Gianna's admiration was interrupted when her gaze landed on a dark-haired female agent among the recruits. The agent seemed to be going out of her way to catch Bucky's attention, a subtle flirtatiousness in her actions as she showcased her skills with the weapons. Every time she’d hit a target, her eyes flicked back to see if he was watching. Gianna couldn't deny the twinge of jealousy that washed over her. Narrowing her eyes, she tried to see if she recognized the girl. 
She was taller than Gianna, which wasn’t saying a ton, and had a long, lean stature. Gianna made a mental note to ask Nat who she was. 
Bucky, to his credit, remained focused on the task at hand, offering equal attention to all the recruits. He provided constructive feedback and demonstrated techniques, his professionalism unwavering. But even he couldn't help but notice when the female agent made a particularly daring move, doing a front somersault into a defensive position, firing the gun straight into the center of the target. 
When she inevitably glanced towards him, he gave her a nod of approval. Not exactly a warm and fuzzy reaction, but it made Gianna’s stomach turn just the same. 
As the training session continued, she shifted her focus back to the demonstration as a whole. She watched as Bucky effortlessly disarmed one of the recruits, his movements fluid and precise. There was a deep sense of respect and admiration in the way the trainees looked at him. 
Except for this bitch. I know that look. She’s undressing him with her eyes. Gianna recognized it because it wasn’t exactly unfamiliar for her. She set her jaw, reminding herself who he had the date with that evening. Pulling out her phone, she sent Wanda another text. 
Gianna: def gonna need something sexy. 
As the training session came to a close, most of the new recruits filed off to the side, discussing their progress and exchanging stories. The brunette agent, however, hung back, her gaze fixed on Bucky, determination etched across her features.
He was gathering his training materials, unaware of the lingering presence nearby. He tucked his hair behind his ear, oblivious to the brunette's intent. She took a step closer, her smile just a touch too friendly as she spoke, 
"Sergeant Barnes, that was an incredible session. You really know your stuff, not that anyone’s surprised. I’d love to get some follow up instruction sometime, maybe after class next week? I have a few techniques I’m having trouble perfecting."
Before Bucky could respond, Gianna decided it was time to make her presence known. With a confident stride, she approached the pair, fueled by the little ball of envy in her stomach. She stopped right in front of Bucky, a warm smile gracing her lips as she tilted her head to look up at him, her back to the brunette as if she didn’t exist.
"Bucky," Gianna purred, "I can't wait for tonight."
She stood on tiptoe, her lips finding Bucky's in a sweet, lingering kiss. Her hand wrapped around the back of his head, feeling his soft hair in her fingers. Bucky was taken by surprise, but as their lips met, he felt a rush of warmth that left him momentarily breathless. He smiled into their kiss. 
The brunette agent, however, was far from pleased. Her eyes widened in shock, and she took a step back, clearly annoyed that her moment had been so abruptly interrupted. She cleared her throat and shot Gianna a rather icy glare.
Pulling back, Gianna turned to the agent as if seeing her for the first time. “Oh, I’m so rude! Hi, I’m Gianna.” She held her hand out to the agent who reluctantly shook it. 
“Agent Allison.” 
“Nice to meet you.” She gave her most innocent, America’s Sweetheart smile before turning back. 
Bucky, still somewhat dazed by the unexpected kiss, managed to find his voice. "Tonight. I can’t wait.” He had that adorable half-grin she adored. 
Gianna's smile widened. "Great! See you later, Buck.” Turning, she let her hips swing just a little more than usual when she walked away. Fully aware of both sets of eyes on her, she smiled to herself. I got a little territorial, so what?
As she walked away, Bucky barely glanced back at Agent Allison, who was still standing there, fuming and forgotten. “Yeah, uh, good work. See you next week.” 
He walked back toward the training building, catching Steve’s eye. He raised his eyebrows and shrugged as Steve chuckled. 
“I think Gianna just marked her territory.” He clapped a hand on Bucky’s back.
“I guess so.” Bucky shook his head, still grinning.
Gianna sat cross-legged on Wanda's bed, surrounded by a sea of outfits that had been meticulously pulled from her wardrobe. Clothes were strewn across the bed and even scattered on the floor, creating a colorful and slightly chaotic scene. 7pm was rapidly approaching, and she hadn’t even brushed her hair yet.
Wanda, perched on the edge of a chair, regarded Gianna with a knowing smile. “I don’t want to brag, but I’m kind of a fashion connoisseur. Just about anything in here would knock Bucky off his feet, especially with you in it."
“Ugh, thank you so much, seriously. I haven’t even had to think what to wear since I got here, it’s basically just sweatsuit city. I didn’t think I’d need date attire.”
Wanda raised an eyebrow. “Really? You didn’t think this would happen?” 
“I don’t know…I guess I hoped it would. I just, I didn’t know how he felt. We worked together, then I kissed him at the party, then everything went to shit, and now I’m here.” 
“Well,” Wanda stood to her feet, pulling three outfit options from the bed. “I’m glad you’re here. Until we can have an official shopping spree in the city, what’s mine is yours. Try these.” She thrust the clothes into Gianna’s arms. 
Gianna nodded as she examined the options. She wanted something that would look pretty, sweet, but also sexy. Especially after the encounter with the brunette agent who had been eyeing Bucky a little too closely.
As she slipped on the first dress, Gianna couldn't help but vent her frustrations to Wanda. "You won't believe what happened earlier during the training session. Agent Allison, the brunette one, she was practically throwing herself at Bucky. I mean, I could practically see the hearts in her eyes!"
Wanda smirked, a hint of amusement in her expression. "Really? What did you do?"
"Well…I kissed Bucky, told him how excited I am for our date tonight, and then shook her hand.”
“Damn, subtle. You're not one to hold back, are you?"
Gianna grinned. "Nope. Not when it comes to something I want."
Wanda giggled. "I can see why. But remember, Gianna, you don't need to compete for his attention. Bucky cares about you, and he's chosen to be with you. Girls have been fawning over Mr. Dark and Mysterious since he got here a few years back, I don’t even think he notices."
Gianna sighed, smoothing the fabric on the dress as she looked in the mirror "You're right. It's just hard not to feel a little possessive when someone’s basically throwing themselves at your…well, I guess he’s not my anything yet.”
“Oh, shut up.” Wanda looked over her shoulder in the mirror and fluffed Gianna’s hair. “Have you seen the way he looks at you? He’s yours.”
Blushing, Gianna fought back a smile. “I’m really glad you’re here. It’s been nice to have a friend. Like, a real girl friend.” 
“Don’t make me emotional.” Wanda waved her hand. “We have work to do.” She winked, handing another dress to Gianna to try on. 
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That was the time Bucky knocked on her door. 
He’d waited as long as he possibly could. Living with Natasha and Wanda, and having grown up with a sister, he knew it was a severe offense to rush or interrupt the getting ready process. But here he was, standing outside her door with flowers in his hand, a whole five minutes early.
After training, he’d struggled to find ways to kill the rest of the afternoon. Gianna was nowhere to be found, Steve could only handle his nervous energy for so long before he made Bucky go for another run, and it took less than an hour to set up for the date he’d meticulously planned. Even though he’d only officially asked her last night, Bucky had asked the girls to help him round up some supplies as soon as he noticed Gianna’s favorite place at the compound. 
He ran a hand through his hair, taking a deep breath as he heard her footsteps approaching the door. “Hi.” The door opened and there she was. Gianna Cruz, waiting for him to come retrieve her like she’d done so many times over the past few months. Except this time was different. This time, he wasn’t working. He wasn’t here as her security, ready to escort her to her real life obligation. He was here as her date. Finally. 
“Hi,” She was grinning from ear to ear when she opened the door, eyes crinkling even more when she saw the flowers in his hand. Her hair was loosely braided, a few imperfect curls falling into her face. She’d kept her natural hair, something he’d always loved but couldn’t remember if he ever vocalized. “Two days in a row? James Buchanan Barnes. Ladies’ man extraordinaire.” 
“You ready?” He smiled and held out his arm for her to take. 
“Mmm, you could give me another two hours and I’d still be changing my hair. So it’s best just to call it.” She brushed a curl out of her face. 
“I don’t think you should change a thing. I always liked your hair like that.”
“Messy?” She looked at him sheepishly. 
“Natural.” He reached up and touched one of the curls hanging beside her face, sending a shiver down her spine when his fingertips brushed her ear. “It’s so pretty. You don’t even have to try.” 
“I try really hard, actually.” 
“You don’t have to. Not with me.” He pressed the button to the elevator button and let her step in first when the doors opened. “Do you know how amazing you look tonight, or should I go ahead and tell you?” 
Her face contorted as she fought back another smile. “You should probably go ahead and tell me.” 
“Ah, okay,” He grinned, putting a finger beneath her chin and looking straight into her eyes. “Gianna Cruz, you look so unbelievably good tonight. I cannot believe I get to call you my date.” 
The smile broke through, her face warming under his touch and attention. Just as the proximity started to cloud their minds, the elevator doors slid open. Bucky offered his left arm to her, the flowers still held in his right. Wrapping her hand around his bicep, she felt the cool metal through his long sleeve. They crossed the lobby and stepped out into the cool evening air. The sun was beginning to set, casting a golden glow across the entire compound. 
It was suspiciously empty on the grounds, but that was the last thing on Gianna’s mind. The path before them was sprinkled with rose petals, illuminated by single floating candles spaced every few feet along the way. Looking up, she saw that it followed the oh-so-familiar walk down to the dock. 
Wordlessly, she looked up at Bucky, her face showing a kind of happy he’d never seen before. She still fought back the full smile, so much so that her cheeks ached. They walked down to the lake in comfortable silence as Gianna took in every bit of the scenery and Bucky took in every bit of her reaction. The trail took a short curve through the thick woods before opening up to the clearing where the dock began. It made for a more private setting, mostly shielding it from the rest of the compound. Tonight, the element of surprise was exactly what Bucky had been counting on to help with the final reveal. 
They turned the final corner, warm sun hitting their faces as the trees cleared. 
“Bucky,” Gianna breathed, eyes widening. 
“Come on.” He slid his hand down to hers and led her to the end of the dock. There was a table with two chairs, complete with candles, wine, and full dinner setting. 
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Gianna could hardly believe the moment she was living in. Mouth slightly open in awe, she didn’t even know where to look as they reached the end of the dock. Bucky pulled the chair out for her to sit. 
“I don’t even…Bucky, I…” She looked from the table to the sunset and back to him. “I don’t even know what to say. You did all this? How did you -” 
“I had a little help.” He half-smiled, pouring wine into both glasses. “After the first few days here, you kept saying how much you liked the lake. I knew you came down here as much as you could. I told Wanda what I had in mind and she found all this stuff, had it shipped to the tower. They brought it with them when they flew in a few days ago.”
“But, we just made this plan last night…?” She felt at a loss for words in the best way. 
“I know. I thought I was going to have to hide 500 candles in my closet until I finally got the balls to ask you out.” 
Gianna grinned. “I’m glad you got the balls sooner rather than later.”
“Me too.” Bucky passed her a wine glass. “To you never realizing how far out of my league you are.” 
She raised her glass to his. “To you, having the balls to ask me out.” Their glasses clinked together and they both took a slow sip of wine, neither one breaking eye contact until the glasses were back on the table. 
A low hum filled the air. Looking up, Gianna saw a midsize drone hovering across the lake, carrying silver serving platters. 
“I didn’t know there was room service at the Avengers’ Compound.” She raised an eyebrow. 
“There is if one of the programming agents in the robotics division is afraid of you.” He shrugged. 
“Ah, I’ll keep that in mind next time I go to intimidate a SHIELD agent.” She laughed, faltering when she remembered the run in from earlier. “Bucky…about earlier.” Her eyes were wide, equal parts embarrassed and amused. 
“Mhmm?” He took the dishes from the drone and set one in front of each of them, lifting the lids off to reveal the most incredible looking pasta Gianna had ever seen. 
“Oh, my God…this looks insane. Bucky! How did you do this! Last time I checked, the cafeteria doesn’t serve gourmet food.” It smelled heavenly. 
“Tony’s here for the next week, he usually flies his chef out when he’s here for too long. I just asked for a couple extra servings.” He tried to hide his grin, seem casual, but her excitement was contagious. 
“I can’t even think straight.” She took a sip of her wine. 
“I hope that’s a good thing. It’s been a while since I last went on a date, so I’m a little out of practice.” 
“It’s a good thing.” Gianna leaned forward, resting her chin on her hands. “A very, very good thing.” 
As the sun slowly sunk below the horizon, dinner conversation flowed effortlessly. Bucky told stories from the past few years as an Avenger, including how Peter’s first words to him were about how cool his metal arm was - during a fight, no less. Gianna gushed about all the situations she’d been stuck in throughout her stardom where she wished she had someone to share it with, someone who saw it all and could laugh about it on the drive back to the hotel every night. It was easy. It was natural. 
Laughed lulled as Bucky finished a story about how Tony had once gotten way too drunk at a party and announced to the entire crowd he’d peed in the Iron Man suit. 
“Oh my gosh, ow.” Gianna leaned back in her chair. “My stomach hurts. I laughed too much. I definitely ate too much.” 
“There’s no such thing.” Bucky leaned forward, splitting the last of the wine between their glasses. 
“Mm, yet another reason I like you.” She winked, raising her glass towards him before taking a sip. 
“So,” Bucky grinned. “How am I doing?”
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“Are you seriously asking for feedback in the middle of our date?” Gianna giggled.
“Hey, like I said, it’s been awhile. I just want to make sure I’m on the right track.” He put his hands up defensively. “Plus, Wanda may or may not have shown me photos of your last few dates. Tough acts to follow.” 
Rolling her eyes, Gianna set her glass down. “Which photos did you see?” 
“Helicopter ride with that football player?” 
“We were paid by the helicopter company. We’d only spoken twice before that and once after.”
“Dinner on a yacht with that actor?” 
“Horrible. He only talked about himself. I’m also pretty sure he thought I was someone else. He told me I was shorter than he expected and then asked me if I was allowed to eat dessert since the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show was coming up.” Gianna groaned. “I thought it was a really weird thing to say, but when I thought about it later I realized he definitely didn’t think I was me.” 
“His loss.” Bucky gave her a half-smile. “Okay, last one…what about the guy who rented that restaurant out for you? Didn’t you…weren’t you pretty serious?” 
“No.” She smiled, but it was somber. “That was a PR stunt. He had a big movie coming out, they used two of my songs on the soundtrack, it was supposed to be big for both of our careers. And it was, I guess. It’s just, sometimes it can be hard to pretend without forgetting what’s real and what’s work. It gets messy.”
Bucky watched her, spinning the stem of his wine glass between metal fingers. 
“It was also a long time ago.” Gianna continued, giving a reassuring look. “I was very young. I didn’t really know how things were done in the industry and that made me vulnerable. That’s why I haven’t really dated over the past couple years…I wanted something real.” 
She reached her hand across the table, replacing the wine glass in his grip.
“I still do.” 
“I’d assure you that this is real, but truth be told, I’m still waiting for someone to pinch me.” Bucky squeezed her hand ever so lightly. If she ever felt strangely about his vibranium hand, she never showed it. 
She met his eyes, relaxing in his gaze. “You and your lines, Sargeant.” 
He stood to his feet, still holding her hand. “Is it too old-fashioned if I ask you to dance?” 
“Maybe,” Gianna slid out of her chair, letting him guide her to the center of the dock. “But that doesn’t mean I want you to stop.” 
The soft music that had been playing throughout dinner was paired with the quiet creaking of the dock and the crickets as they swayed slowly. 
“Shh!” Wanda hissed. “You know sounds carry across water!”
Peter shut up and retreated to the back of the balcony. The group had gathered on the patio, claiming to want fresh air after dinner, but secretly all hoping to catch a glimpse of the date they’d all helped facilitate. 
“See anything, Rogers?” Natasha called, taking a sip of her drink. 
“I told you, I don’t condone spying.” He looked up from his chair. “They’re dancing.” 
Grinning, Nat stood to her feet and walked to the railing where Wanda and Sam stood. 
“You think they’d notice if I sent Red Wing over there? I could get us some live footage.”
“Sam, if you give Bucky any excuse to rip that thing out of the sky, he’s not going to hesitate.” Steve reluctantly joined them, thankful the dock was far enough away that it took super soldier vision to really see what was going on. 
“They’re hopeless.” Wanda said. “So in love.” 
“Are you saying that as a mind-reader?” Peter asked, wide-eyed. 
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“I’m saying that as someone who talked to them both today.” She rolled her eyes. “And as someone with eyes.” 
“Okay, alright. Let’s give them some privacy. If you want to watch someone on a date then put on that trashy show you’re always watching.” Steve ushered them inside. 
“Steve, you know the Bachelor is only on Monday night.” Sam elbowed him, walking through the door. “What, a man can’t enjoy quality reality television?!”
When he was the only one remaining on the balcony, Steve took one last glance down at the dock just in time to see Bucky raise Gianna’s hand and spin her around. Grinning, he stepped inside and shut the door. 
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bradshawsbaby · 11 months
Rules: Claim a Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) song for your fic pairings!
Thank you for the tag, @whisperofsong 🥰 This was so fun!
Pairings and songs below the cut!
Bradley & Mrs. Bradshaw - Enchanted
This one makes me think of those early days when Bradley and Mrs. Bradshaw first met at The Hard Deck!
Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?"
'Cross the room your silhouette
Starts to make its way to me
The playful conversation starts
Counter all your quick remarks
Like passing notes in secrecy
And it was enchanting to meet you
All I can say is, I was enchanted to meet you
Hangman & Phoenix - I Can See You
This song was literally written for Hannix during their FWB Era!!!
And we kept everything professional
But something's changed, it's somethin' I, I like
They keep watchful eyes on us
So it's best that we move fast and keep quiet
You won't believe half the things I see inside my head
Wait 'til you see half the things that haven't happened yet
Rhett & Honeybee - Long Live
Classic childhood friends to lovers!
You held your head like a hero
On a history book page
It was the end of a decade
But the start of an age
Long live the walls we crashed through
How the kingdom lights shined just for me and you
I was screaming, "Long live all the magic we made"
And bring on all the pretenders
One day we will be remembered
Bobby & Peach - Timeless
Again, Taylor Swift wrote this song just for them!
And, somehow, I know that you and I would've found each other
In another life, you still would've turned my head even if we'd met
On a crowded street in 1944
And you were headed off to fight in the war
You still would've been mine
We would have been timeless
I would've read your love letters every single night
And prayed to God you'd be comin' home all right
And you would've been fine
We would have been timeless
Gallus & Sabina - Electric Touch
They need each other 🥲
I've got my money on things goin' badly
Got a history of stories ending sadly
Still hoping that the fire won't burn me
Just one time, just one time
All I know is this could either break my heart or bring it back to life
Got a feelin' your electric touch could fill this ghost town up with life
And I want you now, wanna need you forever
In the heat of your electric touch
Rooster & Miss Honey (Coming Soon 😉) - When Emma Falls in Love
A little hint at the new upcoming series!
Emma met a boy with eyes like a man
Turns out her heart fits right in the palm of his hand
Now he'll be her shelter when it rains
Little does he know, his whole world's about to change
Tagging: Anyone who would like to participate! I know not everyone is necessarily a T. Swift fan and that a lot of people have been tagged already, so take this as your invitation if you haven’t done it yet and would like to!
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taylor-on-your-dash · 3 years
This is gonna be long. I'll edit this post a lot.
Songs in red are not leaked but some of them are circulating (EDIT: as of 2024, no songs are widely circulating)
2003 - 32 SONGS: A Little More Like You; A Place In This World; Baby Blue; Beautiful Days; Brand New World; Can I Go With You?; Christmas Must Be Something More; Cross My Heart; Didn't They; Don't Hate Me For Loving You; Fire; Firefly; Gail's Song; Go Slow; Half-way To Texas; Houston Rodeo; I'm Only Me When I'm With You; I Wished On A Plane; Kid In The Crowd; Lucky You; Mary Jo; Not One Day; One More Day; One-Sided Goodbye; Ride On; Someone Loves You; Smokey Black Nights; Today; What Do You Say; Why Do You Tell Me?; You; You Walk Away; Your Heart's Somewhere Else; Your Picture.
VOLUME TWO (2003) - 16 SONGS: My Turn To Be Me; I Used To Fly; Same Girl; Never Fade; Point Of View; Honey Baby; Spinning Around; Sugar; This Here Guitar; Live For The Little Things; That's Life; American Boy; Mandolin; For You; In The Pouring Rain; Tennessee.
According to this article she had written 84 songs by July 2, 2004.
Demo CD produced by Robert Ellis Orrall (June-September 2004) - 10 SONGS: The Outside, Your Face, I Heart?, Crazier, Beautiful Eyes (August 9th), What To Wear, Better Off, Invisible, Just South of Knowing Why, Need You Now, I'm Every Woman.
Others Demos signed with Sony/ATV (Jan 17, 2005): - 4 SONGS: Closest To A Cowboy; Bein' With My Baby; Songs About You; Teardrops On My Guitar.
2004 - 26 SONGS: A Perfectly Good Heart; All Night Diner; Angelina; Check Out This View; Dark Blue Tennesse; Heaven; Her; Look At You Like That; Love They Haven't Thought Of Yet; Made Up You; Mary's Song; My Cure; Never Mind (Spring/Summer); Rain Song; Scream; Songs About You; Sweet Tea & God's Graces; The Outside; Thinkin' Bout You; Wildflower; What To Wear; Who I've Always Been; Your Anything; 3 unknown worktapes written with Orrall.
Songs Recorded with Sony/ATV aka Sony Songs (Early 2005) - 11 SONGS: Brought Up That Way; Me & Britney; Nashville; R-E-V-E-N-G-E; Ten Dollars & A Six-Pack; That's When; This Is Really Happening; Til Brad Pitt Comes Along; Under My Head; Wait For Me; Welcome Distraction.
September 1st, 2005: Taylor signs with Big Machine Records.
2005 - 26 SONGS: By The Way; Cold As You; Don't You; Down Came The Rain; Fall Back On You; Gracie; I Know What I Want; Long Time Going; Love To Lose; Making Up For Lost Love; Matches; Need You Now; None Of The Above; Our Song; Perfect Have I Loved; Permanent Marker; Picture To Burn; Pretty Words; Stupid Boy; Tell Me; Thirteen Blocks; Tied Together With A Smile; Tim McGraw; You All Over Me; You Do; We Were Happy; Unknown Mac McAnally Collab.
2006 - 10 SONGS: Come in With The Rain; I'd Lie; It's Still You; The Other Side Of The Door; Should've Said No; Sparks Fly; Superstar; You're Not Sorry; You Don't Have To Call (ringtone); White Horse.
2007 - 14 SONGS: Acting Like A Boy; Best Days Of Your Life; Breathe; Bye Bye Baby (aka The One Thing); Fearless; Fifteen; Change; Christmases When You Were Mine; I'm Looking Out For You; Tell Me Why; The Best Day; The Way I Loved You; Too Beautiful; Unknown Craig Wiseman Collab.
2008 - 11 SONGS: Drama Queen; Forever & Always; Hey Stephen; Love Story; Jump The Fall; Someone Just Told Me; This One's Different; Today Was A Fairytale; Two Is Better Than One; You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home; You Belong With Me.
2009 - 20 SONGS: Better Than Revenge; Bother Me; Castles Crumbling; Enchanted; Foolish One; Haunted; His Lies; I Can See You; If It Was A Movie; Mine; Last Kiss; Let's Go; Monologue Song; Mr. Perfectly Fine; Never Grow Up; Ours; Superman; Thug Story; Timeless; Wonderful Things.
2010 - 9 SONGS: All Too Well (10 min version); Back To December; Dear John; Mean; Innocent; Long Live; Speak Now; Stay Stay Stay; The Story Of Us.
2011 - 14 SONGS: All Too Well (minute version); Begin Again; Better Man; Eyes Open; I Almost Do; I Bet You Think About Me; Red; Sad Beautiful Tragic; Safe & Sound; Starlight; State Of Grace; The Moment I Knew; Cannonball; Unknown T-Pain Collab.
2012 - 18 SONGS: 22; Babe; Come Back... Be Here; Everything Has Changed; Holy Ground; I Knew You Were Trouble; Nothing New; The Last Time; The Lucky One; This Love; Treacherous; We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together; Run; Message In A Bottle; Unknown Ryan Adams Collab: Unknown Harry Styles Collab:
NOTE: Titles are missing from Red. She had 25 songs by October 2011 and the total count for Red in 2012 was 35ish.
2013 - 8 SONGS: All You Had To Do Was Stay; I Wish You Would; How You Get The Girl; Out Of The Woods; Say Don't Go; Sweeter Than Fiction; Wildest Dreams.
2014 - 10 SONGS: Bad Blood; Clean; I Know Places; Is It Over Now?; New Romantics; Now That We Don't Talk; Shake It Off; Style; You Are In Love; Welcome To New York.
2015 - 2 SONGS: Unknown Ed Sheeran Collab for his album; This Is What You Came For (aka The Reason Why).
2016 - 9 SONGS: ...Ready For It?; Delicate; Don't Blame Me; Dress; Gorgeous; I Did Something Bad; I Don't Want To Live Forever; Look What You Made Me Do; King Of My Heart.
2017 - 8 SONGS: Call It What You Want; Dancing With Our Hands Tied; Family; Getaway Car; End Game; New Year's Day; So It Goes...; This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things.
November 19, 2018: Taylor signs with Republic Record.
2018 - 9 SONGS: November To December: Afterglow; Daylight; I Forgot That You Existed; It's Nice To Have A Friend; ME!; Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince; Only The Young; The Man; You Need To Calm Down.
2019 - 14 SONGS: January to February 24th: All Of The Girls; Beautiful Ghosts; Cornelia Street; Cruel Summer; Death By A Thousand Cuts; False God; I Think He Knows; London Boy; Lover; Need; Paper Rings; Soon You'll Get Better; The Archer. Christmas Tree Farm.
February 6, 2020: Taylor signs with Universal Music Publishing Group.
2020 - 31 SONGS: august, betty, cardigan, Carolina, champagne problems, closure, coney island, cowboy like me, dorthea, epiphany, evermore, exile, gold rush, happiness, illicit affairs, invisible string, ivy, it’s time to go, long story short, mad woman, marjorie, mirrorball, my tears ricochet, no body, no crime, right where you left me, seven, the 1, the lakes, the last great american dynasty, this is me trying, ‘tis the damn season, tolerate it, willow
2021 - 2 SONGS: Gasoline Remix; Renegade: High Infidelity; Would've Could've Should've; The Great War; Hits Different. Maroon; Anti-Hero; You're Losing Me; You're On Your Own Kid; Midnight Rain; Bejeweled; Paris.
UNKNOWN YEAR - 2 SONGS: Anymore; Goodbye Butterfly.
2022 - SONGS: Glitch; Lavender Haze; Bigger Than The Whole Sky; Unknown 1975 Collab.
Songs Taylor didn't write: Am I Ready For Love? (2002); I'm Every Woman (2004); Diary Of Me (2005); Both Of Us (2012); Highway Don't Care (2013); Birch (2021).
FAKE SONGS: 1989 title track; Boys And Love, Break Burn Inhale (real, but doesn't feature Taylor), Going Louder Folks, Keep Going, Party Like It's 1989, reputation title track; Sunshine, The Reason Why (It's just an alt title for This Is What You Came For).
Maybe Fake, Maybe Not: Favorite Scott song off of reputation (it can be Family, but we don't know); Original Sparks Fly Demo; You Need To Calm Down Demo with different bridge; Second Version of R-E-V-E-N-G-E recorded in 2008.
There are some songs which I'm not sure I've placed correctly.
Everything I wrote has a source or at least a reasoning, if you want to know what it is, just send an ask.
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