#wacky world of sports
thewigglingrng · 2 months
I'm shouting once again! give me tomodachi life on switch, give me dragon quest IX remade on switch, give me a new or remake of wacky world of sports, give ma a remake or port of Lost odyssey!
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ur-mag · 7 months
Gwen Stefani’s ‘worst’ looks on The Voice as coach is ripped for ‘obnoxious’ and ‘wacky’ outfits | In Trend Today
Gwen Stefani’s ‘worst’ looks on The Voice as coach is ripped for ‘obnoxious’ and ‘wacky’ outfits Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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alpha-mag-media · 9 months
Nicolas Cage invades people’s dreams in wacky trailer for bizarre R-rated horror comedy Dream Scenario | In Trend Today
Nicolas Cage invades people’s dreams in wacky trailer for bizarre R-rated horror comedy Dream Scenario Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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tarjapearce · 10 months
Prey Game
Miguel O'Hara x Spider person! reader
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WARNINGS: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Mild nsfw, research about spiders, sexual tension, needy and reactive Miguel. Wacky behaviors of spiders.
Summary: Miguel discovers what your venom can actually do. The Hard way.
Requested here
Miguel had seen his fair share of Spider agents parading in the HQ. But in all honesty, never on his life thought than an actual Black Widow would be the catalyzer for a new agent to be born. You. Spider Black. Or Widow as some nicknamed you.
The bright red hourglass emblem on your chest, sent a clear message. Danger. At first, Miguel thought that you had been venomized by the overall type of suit you sported. A suit that for some reason was almost leathery-like, made out of an enzyme that melded like a second skin to you, thanks to the scientist in your world.
Your dimension was... Chaos itself.
It made sense for him that a Spiderwoman as equally brutal appeared to contain the spiraling mayhem your city was drowning in. A form of twisted balance. Even Jess had her own concerns when you were first introduced to the Spider Society TF.
You were the last resource to contain anomalies that turned out to be a real challenge even for seasoned Spiders, with the condition of doing it solo.
Not because you thought yourself invincible, no. It was to avoid any potential collateral damaged agents in your wake. You were vicious, just like the young and radioactive black widow that had bit you. Sometimes you couldn't help it, your DNA had been modified to the point of you adopting some qualities proper of the species.
You were a loner, not that you didn't get along with the rest, the constant chatting and bustling inside turned to be quite overwhelming to your senses. Your fingertips, had tiny, almost invissible little pointy slits that served as receptors. You could feel someone's heartbeat with them, along the rush of blood pumping through their bodies.
But the wackiest things you actually had in your repertoire, was your venom, nested in the natural talons you had for nails. Awfully painful and mind shattering.
Miguel had seen you fight, and when your mating season started, he'd noticed you'd stalk your enemies, patiently in the shadows preying on them with hunger and the outcome, was surely not for the squeamish.
Sometimes Jess thought that you were too much.
Had he made a mistake in taking you in? No. Surely no. You were one of the best. A force to be reckoned with.
You just watched him from the shadows. Ever so nimble, quiet and secretive.
His senses were thrashed. Hands trembled, trying to hold on the handles of the door. It was painful, but why it felt good?. It fucking felt too good and he didn't like it one bit.
He glared at you through hazed eyes, shivering mouth, panting softly. Fangs prickling his bottom lip, bared at you. The small punctures of your nails in the base of his neck, bleeding softly.
You smirked at his state.
But oh his groin. You licked your lips. Mating season was still on, and for some reason, your ever stoic serious and grumpy Boss, was now on the floor, a mess of raged breaths, some whimpers escaped him as he tried to stand.
"What's wrong?" Your voice soft, sultry and laced with sarcasm and something else. Hunger.
Even though sexual cannibalism wasn't a feat proper of the Latrodectus species, it still could happen in a 2% ratio. But you wouldn't actually eat him, no. Right?
His body reacting so different to everyone else, made him the exception, but not the rule. Your pupils wide blown as he slumped in the wall, talons out, growling in anger.
"Don't" He hissed as you approached him. Slow, deliberate. Prowling over him with a satisfied smile on your pouty lips.
He gasped for air as sweat started to ooze from his forehead, he felt so out of himself. Out of his character and element. He wasn't in control for once, instead he was slumped against one of his office walls, trembling like a rabid dog in need, raging boner between his well sculpted thighs.
"I mean it." He grunted through clenched teeth, trying to put his senses in order. You kneeled next to him, the alpha-latrotoxin, your venom, rushed through his bloodstream, came out as a delicious pheromone to your senses. You licked your lips again and gently ran a hand through his neck. Pulse quickening, just as his heart.
Powerful and rhythmic beats echoed beneath your fingertips. God he was delicious.
"You wanted to see what my venom could do. Why are you complaining?" You'd chuckle and nuzzle his neck. The contact sending a violent shiver down his spine.
"Can't handle it?" You licked the flesh of his neck. So tender and thrumming in gentle spasms.
"Want me to do something about it?"
His Adam's apple bobbed and his fist clenched. Eyes flashing red, but not in anger. Your mouth salivated at the sight of him. Slowly, tortuous seconds stretched too long before you gave a feathery kiss in his neck, right above the jugular. He shuddered.
You bit softly, relishing the texture of his skin between your teeth. To your surprise, he took a hold of your hair and pushed in further. A quiet 'keep going'.
Giggling playfully, you licked and kissed between the base of his neck, teeth sinking in further with a little more force. An involuntary pleased groan escaped his lips, your smirk widened.
Soon, you were biting his neck, leaving marks, marks that he'd surely have to explain later. But for now he didn't care, the new sensations although making a muddle of his senses, were slowly wiring him into a unexplainable urge to be bitten. Devoured.
Cause in reality, some black widow males spiders just wanted to be eaten. Even going to the extent of placing themselves in the maws of the female spiders. He wasn't from your same species, but his reaction had surely made your hunger enhanced and your body receptive.
None would actually believe you if you'd tell them that your venom made Miguel a needy mess.
"I... I fuckinghate.. you." He slurred in between hefty breathings.
"Your body loves it, though. It's quite the feat to see this... side of you, Boss." Your hands trailed down his groin and he shut his eyes tightly. A sharp inhale as you squeezed.
"But don't worry, it only last for a hour." You whispered in his ear, and removed yourself from him. He gulped, hand lingering in the air.
"See ya, Boss" You swayed your way out to your dimension, leaving him there. A jumbled and hard mayhem.
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txttletale · 11 months
I really agree w/ all your Hades opinions! I played that one first and then went back to all the other SG games, and was surprised at how much better the storytelling was in Transistor and Pyre. Hades is really fun and clearly high quality, but its world and characters feel so much shallower compared to its predecessors, and I really despise Hades himself, so the "reconciliation" stuff falls flat for me. Since you like Pyre, I wondered if you would maybe want to talk about your general feelings on it a little bit--what you like about it, what you don't? It's the least popular of SG's portfolio, which is so sad to me because I think it's the weirdest and most interesting one of the bunch, both story-wise and gameplay-wise (even though my personal fave is Transistor, which is still excellent, I think Pyre does more things I admire).
pyre is one of my favourite games of all time so i would love to talk about it! i mean. where to begin. i love its world. i love the very clever decision to make all the proper nouns and fantasy stuff hoverable hyperlinks so that you, the player, can be filled in on important background information about the world without the need for stilted expository dialogue:
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i love the world of pyre. it's genuinely beautiful, it's my favourite of any of supergiant's worlds: the downside looks genuinely unique, it looks at once forbidding and electrically pretty.
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like god damn. but what i love most about pyre is the story and characters, and how they're both not just communicated to you through the traditional methods this game employs (dialogue, flavour text) but in a way that's woven into the gameplay.
like, pyre isn't a game about fighting, it's a game about sports. it's a very high-stakes sport, but it's a sport -- for those who haven't played it, the plot of pyre is that you and your band of wacky misfits have been banished to a secret underground world. from time to time, the stars align and one person can escape this exile by winning a game of fantasy baskebtall -- and because it's a sport, the game's happy to let you lose. you can lose and that can just be part of the story. on two different occasions, i chose to throw plot-critical matches in pyre--once because an NPC on my team asked me to and once because i felt like the other guys deserved to win more than the protagonists did. and the game treats that as a valid choice, a valid thing to happen in the story! it lets the game explore opportunities and feelings and situations that a more traditional game where the player 'has' to win in the 'canonical' ending isn't capable of and it does it really well
and similarly there's something very very clever done with the character writing. getting to know characters better -- finding out why they were exiled, what's at home that they want to return to, why they want to get back to the surface -- is the same process as improving that character's stats and skills in the basketball games. the result of this is that the characters you know best, the ones you're most emotionally invested in getting to escape exile, are also the ones who you've been relying on to win your basketball games! it's by far the best iteration of the 'switch up your playstyle or else' mechanic that supergiant obsessively puts in their games because it ties directly into the emotional stakes of the story and can make it a genuinely difficult choice to liberate someone who's an essential part of your team but you've just learned has a desperate need to escape before something terrible happens to their loved ones outside.
also its got the best romance route of any supergiant game. i dont give a shit about meg or thanatos when i've got sandra the unseeing
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luvhughes43 · 1 year
soccer royalty | trevor zegras x reader
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luvhughes43 masterlist🌷
request: Trevor Zegras x Latina!reader where she’s the daughter, sister, and granddaughter of three famous soccer players from Mexico but when her dad retired they moved to the states to raise their family. Maybe shes very private with her life due to how famous her last name is in the Latino community, and when Trevor announces that they’re dating everyones freaking out because he’s dating soccer royalty and he’s just like “huh?” Because she never brought up who her family is. 
note: i know nothing about how soccer works
word count: 0.8k
soccer was in your blood. your father, grandfather, and brother were all accomplished and famous players. when your dad finally retired from the mexico national team, after helping mexico secure their first world cup win, your family name became cemented into the latino community. 
you grew up playing soccer in california, which came to no surprise to anyone. however, after an injury in your freshman year playing for the california golden bears, you were forced to quit the sport. after your injury, you sort of dropped of the face of the earth. you had felt so much pressure from your family, and families fans to be good at soccer, that now that it was all over for you, you were glad to just take a step back.
therefore, when you started dating pro athlete Trevor Zegras, you didn’t rush to tell him who your family was. he knew about your injury, and that your brother was on the mexico national team, but he didn’t know how famous your family was in the soccer world. 
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trevorzegras night out🌃🔥
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ynuser ❤️❤️
trevorzegras ❤️❤️
fan2 does he even know who she is…
jackhughes congrats man🔥🔥
trevorzegras thanks jacky wacky
fan3 jacky wacky??😭😭
jamie.drysdale where was my invite??
ynuser you’re coming next time
jamie.drysdale next time where ditching trevy and going out on our own liked by ynuser
trevorzegras jamie.drysdale 🤔
fan4 hard launching yn ln is crazyy😭😭
Trevor sat next to you on his couch scrolling through his insta comments. he read through all the comments talking about your family and how famous you were in the soccer/latino community. 
“hey … yn” Trevor started, tilting his phone so you could read his comments. you froze, completely unaware of how Trevor was going to react now that he knows the truth about your family. “why didn’t you tell me about your family?” he asked, switching over to google so he could search your family name. 
“I was going to tell you I just… i dont know” you trailed off which made Trevor snap his head in your direction and drop his phone on the couch.
“oh baby i'm not upset!” he announced, grabbing onto one of your hands. 
“i just, my whole life i’ve been attached to my familys name and i just… i don’t know. after my injury and everything i’ve just wanted privacy away from it all” you explained, and Trevor nodded along to your every word. 
now that he knew, you explained everything to him. the pressure you felt, the injury, your family's fame. he listened and understood, holding onto your hand the whole time you were talking to him. you weren’t ashamed of your family by no means, you loved them and you loved your community, it was just nice to have privacy. 
a few days later you walked into Trevors room for your weekly movie night. 
“what are you watching?” you asked as you laid down next to him.
Trevor set his phone down but you still heard the audio. 
“are you watching my dads soccer highlights?” you laughed, succeeding in grabbing Trevor's phone from him. on the screen was a twenty minute compilation of your dads “best moments”. 
you laughed again and Trevor huffed, grabbing his phone back from you. “what? he’s good?” Trevor said as he lightly gripped your waist and pulled you in to cuddle with him. 
“you’re cute” you smiled, pulling away to place a kiss on Trevors nose. Trevors smile lit up his face and you felt butterflies rising in your stomach.
“You’re cuter” he replied, pulling you down to place a kiss on your lips, his hands trailing down your sides. 
“mhmm, and by the way my family wants to meet you” you pulled away from Trevor who looked at you with wide eyes.
“they what?” he asked a little frantically which made you giggle.
you hummed in response, “yeah my brother is playing a game in a few weeks and since it’s off season for you…” 
“oh my god i'm going to meet your family,” Trevor said, pulling away from you and sitting up. “AND we’re going to a soccer game? what do i wear to a soccer game? do you think they’ll like me? where’s the game at? okay but what if-” Trevor went off on one of his tangents, nonstop asking you questions about your family, and how meeting them would be like. you answered his questions once he slowed down, happy that he was excited to meet your family.
ynuser just posted !
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ynuser trevors first pro football (soccer) game🫡⚽️
tagged: trevorzegras
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yourbrother trevorzegras so cool to finally meet you!
ynuser yourbrother you have to come up for a hockey game now!
yourbrother ynuser i’m down
trevorzegras yourbrother it was cool to meet you too! loved the game⚽️💯
fan1 trevor meeting the family🔥
jamie.drysdale looking good trevorzegras
trevorzegras had the best time! thank you so much for bringing me! I love your family❤️
ynuser i love you😭❤️
trevorzegras i love you more❤️
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atlaculture · 2 years
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Avatar World Tour: Omashu
Welcome to Omashu! I have some observations/opinions I’d like to share about this wacky city:
Like Kyoshi Island, Omashu strikes me as isolationist. Part of the Earth Kingdom in name only; for all intents and purposes, it is its own city-state.
For one, Omashu is incredibly difficult to get to. You can only get there by flight or through traversing a [secret~] tunnel where you’ll mostly like be lost forever. It’s no coincidence that the Fire Nation was only able to capture Omashu after their military began utilizing war balloons.
No one in Omashu sports a typical Earth Kingdom hair bun. The only locations where this is normal are other isolated places like Kyoshi Island, Ba Sing Se, and the Foggy Swamp.
They have their own king.
Said king literally dresses up like a war lord from the Three Kingdoms era of Chinese history. As the name implies, this was a time period where China was divided into three separate kingdoms.
In short, Omashu is very much like its king: Independent, individualistic, and unconventional.
Like what I’m doing? Tips always appreciated, never expected. ^_^
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yakourinka · 2 years
(late post-guide ahead musings, kind of a long rambly post, part 1?)
I feel like Laterano being peaceful and its residents' wacky wild wild west uwu antics has caused some people to miss just how fucked up Laterano actually is - it's the most fucked up place on Terra in my opinion.
There are the more obvious reasons: racial supremacy that is implicit in their religion, "lesser" races practically serving as adoring errand people and soldiers for the Sankta:
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What I can only call as racial segregation: Shit Sucks Everywhere At All Times for the Sarkaz but this is (to the best of my knowledge) the first time we've seen a government officer/cop go I SPOTTED A SARKAZ, GIT'ER at a person who, as far as they know, is a street peddler.
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Also they hunt Sarkaz in the wild for sport apparently. (I'm aware that the Sarkaz also fight them, but you'll notice that Sarkaz are in a lot more disadvantageous situation than the Laterans.)
KFC Pope also brushes upon this with the fire analogy in the last chapter (if you give out too much of Laterano's light the place will burn out etc.), but Laterano refuses to share its resources with other nations (despite, hilariously, trying to pull a United Nations shit on their land) because:
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(This is also Andoain's Joker moment.) Now consider that they have the resources to waste to the point that you can blow shit up everywhere provided you fill the paperwork and it will get fixed, and the entire city constantly smells of sugar and vanilla.
Putting all of this against the background of Shit Fucked Everywhere that is Terra and you get what is essentially a resource-hoarding ethnostate full of nice, wacky people.
It's also no coincidence that there's a noticeable emphasis on sweets - you might remember a similar thing from Dossoles (and other real world examples cough South America) with coffee and sugar: 1) it's a luxury 2) it keeps people happy and content and wanting more. Which brings me to the next point: The emotion sharing thing.
Everything about Laterano is socially engineered in a way to keep its people content in this proverbial cage. The people here can't even tell when they're in danger, which is simultaneously funny and fucked up:
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See, you live in the Saved Land. Your feelings are not private because you're all hooked up on the Holy Hivemind. You feel rather encouraged to keep feeling content and happy and not think too much because your distress will be detected and shared by other people. You are now an anomaly. Ezell returning home after letting Cecelia go is some twilight zone shit because he's seen some fucked up stuff, is confused and in distress and everyone he meets on his way home is like hey man why don't you have a little snack and relax? why don't you have some cake and coffee my guy ha ha? And he has no way of processing his own mental state or articulating himself to anyone, despite the hivemind.
(completely my personal opinion here but I ended up liking Fia and Mos substantially less after the event because Laterano and its weird as fuck extreme collectivism are uncomfortably fucked up to me. like I respect a single-minded to the point of idiocy, rage-filled woman usually, like them even, but Laterano's just way too fucking weird and Fiametta being like yeah so what bitch? to everything Patia and Andoain was saying was, while funny, also unlikable. also Mostima is drinking buddies with the Pope! what the fuck)
I've seen some more positive/funny interpretations of It, the god in the Papal Basement, but what with the hivemind thing I can't help but think of the only other case of hivemind+singular god in Arknights, the Seaborn. Why did It let the incident between Mostima, Lemuen and Andoain happen, but swiftly cancelled the "shoot someone else and you're out" rule the moment Andoain and KFC Pope were shooting at each other? Is it because Andoain is/was essentially a cultish missionary spreading Its word, and the Pope is kinda essential to keeping Laterano stable? Assimilation by consumption versus assimilation by faith?
There's probably a lot more shit you can say about Laterano, like Adnachiel being ostracized because his halo is kinda not straight, what about the infected Sankta, etc., but I'll stop. Laterano's fucked up, man.
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scepterno · 8 months
i love ur fic so much ive been hyperfixating on it for like two weeks 😢😢 can i have some little trivia facts about some of the characters please i need to know silly stuff u haven't told us!!
omg.. ty... this is the sort of message that gives me life I LOVE SILLY TRIVIA
gwen and trent probably hang out the most from the original cast (minus anyone living together or dating). gwen has her own room in her parent's house dedicated to painting and trent will chill there on a bean bag in the corner writing music while she paints. now that she and courtney are dating, courtney visits way more to study in that chair while gwen works (they take breaks to make out and cuddle very often) gwen's little brother thinks trent is a huge loser and wishes duncan would hang out around the house more instead (courtney bullies him on trent's behalf)
cody lives in a dorm room on campus at his college. sierra goes to the same college but still lives with her mom (she has an hour long commute) she and cody hang out on campus and hang out in a lot of the same clubs and friend groups (mostly nerdy stuff)
harold is a speedrunning streamer and video editor for popular youtube channels. they make music for fun but wants to make professional music for indie games one day.
leshawna really loves to do community service (canon in the show) but i like to think she somehow managed to drag duncan into it too (his parole officer approves) so they get really close through that. he also ends up being dragged to a bunch of family events and parties with leshawna. like an honorary brother who acts like he doesnt want to be there but is super good with all the kids and is never actually disrespectful to the adults. leshawna's parents adore him. he's never been more well fed in his life.
zoe mike and cameron are all living their best lives with the all stars money zoe/mike earned. mike and cameron live together but zoe lives in an apartment with 5 roommates near her community college. they live within 10 minutes of bus so distance isn't an issue at all. they're practically inseparable.
scott and courtney are actually pretty good friends still (they never dated in all stars in this fic) and text regularly. scott moved back home after the show so he's not really near anyone else from the casts, but that's more of a blessing than anything considering the wacky hijinks everyone gets into on the regular.
i think ezekiel lindsay beth and tyler probably hang out a lot when lindsay and tyler aren't traveling around the world to fashion shows and whatnot. zeke got super into thrifting fashion because of lindsay. he's like. bowling alley employee fashion. you know. and although he's not really good at sports, tyler still likes to have "boys nights" and take him to games. they have a tradition of buying and rating the hot dogs at every stadium they visit, and buying souvenirs for lindsay.
alejandro really wants a lizard tattoo but he's very sensitive to pain and would definitely cry, so he's avoided getting one until he can find a tattoo artist who won't judge him for sobbing in the chair. he learned his lesson the hard way when he got his nose piercing and nearly broke carlos's hand because he was so scared (it didn't really hurt that bad, but nerves make everything worse).
josé has a quarter collection (like, the united states quarters, because there's a different one for every state). it's a good excuse to travel and get out of the house (or country) for a weekend retreat.
okay that's pretty much all i have in me right now (i have a meeting to go to at work) but if you want to hear anything for a specific character or headcanon, i would LOVE to share my thoughts!!!!
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thewigglingrng · 3 months
When Silksong?!? when Silksong!?!
Shush it will be here I'm here waiting for
Wacky world of sports remake/port, Elite Beat Agents remake/port, Lost Odyssey remake/port, Tomodachi life for switch
Will these ever come back, I can only hope
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ashtxeman · 3 months
I promised a lot of information about why I like Glass Joe so I wrote this in an hour with no plan, no proof reading, completely improvised. If I planned this it would probably be WAY longer lol but I'll spare you all the pain of that. SO. ENJOY MY REASONING.
Glass Joe. Glass Joseph. Fragile Joey. It’s a name that’s been uttered for centuries in many different forms, given many different explanations. Critics, theorists, philosophers alike have carved away at their lives trying to solve the answer to the universe's greatest question. And that is:
Glass Joe, good why?
I can answer that, absolutely.
I swear to God this man was hand-crafted by the hands of an incomprehensible deity because HOW is he this flawless. He’s 5’10, great height honestly I’m 5’3 I don’t want to be dating a skyscraper you know. He’s a skinny bastard but that’s okay, more on that later. His hair, oh my goodness gracious, lord above, help me Jesus. HIS HAIR. IS SO GOOD. If you put that skateboard ramp ass hairstyle on literally any other character they would look like a dumbass, but here, on this man alone, it’s the most delicately poised series of ginger strands I ever did see.
His hair looks SO soft. It’s unbelievable. It’s such a lovely shade of auburn with hints of burgundy. It must smell like cinnamon. He must take great care of it. A real Head and Shoulders, coconut oil, double wash kinda guy. A real bougie kinda guy. Yeah he’s not great physically in SPORT terms but in PUBLIC terms he’s absolutely stunning and stronger than anybody else. I wanna run my fingers through his silky locks so bad it’s insane and to understand this desire I’ll have to be strapped down and operated on. DONATE MY BRAIN TO SCIENCE GO AHEAD. THEY NEED IT. 
Not to mention it is SO fun to draw. SO SO SO FUN. Maybe I’m just lucky it’s such a wacky and dynamic hairstyle it transfers quite well into my artstyle, but it’s so fun. It’s easy, it’s fast, it creates an absolutely iconic silhouette, I love colouring it because it’s so damn pretty and ginger/red is such a broad colour scheme that can be put into a gradient so well (i love doing gradients with hair cause i hate when its just a block of colour). Nobody could understand the sheer joy i get putting that dumbass ahoge between the bridge of his fringe and the rest of his hair. That little ‘ right at the top ITS SO FUN. i love him his hair is great.
His face. Carved like the works of the finest artest. He’s a canvas of quality that can rival Van Gogh, for god sake. He’s got the jawline of a man on a lifelong mewing streak, STOP IT HE’S SO GORGEOUS I CANT EVENNNN. He is seriously so good looking. His eyes, the little pink-tinted eyebags that show he doesn’t need sleep because he’s so hardcore on caffeine, his gorgeous big ol nose i wanna kiss so bad, his super dynamic chin i wanna kiss so bad, his face i wanna kiss so bad. I wanna kiss him so bad. He is genuinely such a beautiful man its stunning, im literally a lesbian but if they somehow brought glass joe into the real world looking exactly how he does in those GOD DAMN CUTSCENES OOOOO i’d be bisexual so fast it’s crazy. He’s just that great. He’s got that power. I love his nervous little grin and the little creases on his face, cause he’s OLD AND SENILE. He’s 38 for god sake he shouldn’t look this good and sure, you can see his age slipping in a little with the eyebags and the wrinkles but that only ADDS to how stupidly divine he is in appearance. Stop that handsome man officer!! He’s breaking the laws of BEAUTY. GIVE IT TO MEEEEE. MEEEE.
His fashion sense although odd (ive never actually seen anyone wearing red trousers) just works. It wouldnt work on anyone else but it works on HIM. this is a theme. THINGS DONT WORK ON OTHER PEOPLE BUT THEY WORK ON JOE HE’S SO COOL LIKE THAT. his turtleneck kills me its so good it highlights what little figure he has and it contrasts his red hair so well cause its a really deep blue. SIGH. i wish. I have a turtleneck thats exactly the same but let me tell you i dont even breath the same air of fashion that he breathes. He’s so far ahead of the game he’s on an entirely different runway. He is not gonna sashay away anytime soon. On a constant shante. Unstoppable.
Cats out of the bag, joe is a french stereotype. But. and dont quote me here. I find it very admirable HOW he is a french stereotype. Because he kind of.. Isn’t? He uses the characteristics of that stereotype sure, but he doesn’t engage with them the same way an actual french stereotype would. He likes coffee, he likes bread, he loves France like its his child, sure. But he doesnt have a twirly moustache, he doesnt wear a beret, he doesnt galavant around in black and white mime clothing. Even if that would be funny yknow it just wouldnt be as good. 
His admiration of coffee and bread is so relatable cause hell, I LIKE BREAD AND CAFES AND STUFF! He needs that coffee to keep him going you dont understand. If he misses a dose of caffeine he’ll deflate like the pyramids did in despicable me 1. He’ll be a puddle on the floor, he’ll quite literally cease to exist. Coffee is his golden idol, his hand of midas, his treasure. He has great willpower (more on that later) but coffee is that secret weapon he uses to push him just a little bit further. Plus he just thinks it tastes good and is happy to express that, you cant blame the guy for that. A good drink is a good drink. Even though i dont like coffee he’s so happy with it i respect it. He makes things i dont like respectable. Thats whats so real to me. What a goat. As for bread, bread is just great. Baguettes are yum. All the french bread i know about is usually close to white bread and autism behold thats like the only bread i can bear to eat so its alright with me man. You can go to joes house and he will have one of those fancy bread cupboards. He’ll pull out baguettes like he’s at a renaissance fair and they have a sword shortage. He’s on the case. You will NOT leave his house on an empty stomach. Like a very caring grandma, he will get you fed with the most immaculate 5 star meal you ever did eat. French food is great and theres no doubt about that, thats why he loves FOOD. I TRUST HIM. HE KNOWS WHATS GOOD. if mr glass joe turned around to me and said ‘broken glass is good food’ you bet your ass id be smashing windows and munch munch crunching all day long. 
Maybe his admiration of his country is a little over the top to some. You know the french landmarks in the back of his cutscenes, the ‘vive le france’ and singing the national anthem. But no. i dont think its excessive, i think its passionate. This is undeniably a man that is SO passionate about his culture and the lifestyle he’s grown up around, he’s not afraid to express it to other people until they cant stand it anymore. He’ll take as many hits as he needs to in the name of france. He is an embodiment of everything endearing about being foreign, honestly. An extreme love for the things his country has: food, landmarks, fashion, language, culture. EVERYTHING IS ON HIS LIST. NOTHING IS LEFT OUT. HE LOVES FRANCE AND I LOVE HIM. YES SIR!! VIVE LE FRANCE!! YES!!! 
Also he single-handedly convinced me to start learning french. I seriously didnt care about it before but after i started to like him more and really get into punchout i downloaded duolingo and i still have a streak going AND im actually convinced to try hard in my french lessons and exams because yknow.. I want this fictional french guy to be proud of me. :] 
OHHHHHH BOY. okay right im gonna get inspirational here. Play some dramatic orchestral music or something. 
The thing about Glass Joe is that he never. Gives up. Never. There is nothing in the world you could do to this man that could possibly stop him from boxing. They call Kaiser a fighting machine but boy have they not seen Joe. once that man stepped into the ring for the first time, he’d found a second home, and i think thats evident. 100 times this man has fallen down, brushed it off and gotten right back up. He’s had hardships, ups, downs, tumbles, falls. But everytime, no matter what, he’s back on his feet and ready to try again. And there is something so admirable and inspirational about that kind of approach being written into a CHARACTER THAT IS MEANT TO BE A FRENCH STEREOTYPE. ‘GHHHH FRENCH PEOPLE ALWAYS SURRENDER ACSHUALLY’ SHUT UP!! NOT THIS ONE!! I like to think Joe’s motto is ‘never surrender’. Yes he’s a little self aware how ironic it is thats hes french and doing all this but shhh. He knows whats hes doing and he’s happy to do it. Because like ive said again and again, theres nothing that can stop him. 100 kos, 200 kos, 300, 400… you keep cranking that number up and he’ll keep cranking the punches. Keep those lights up, keep those gloves on, you knock Joe down and eventually, no matter how long it takes, he’s back for more.
Now dont misinterpret that, he’s not a masochist like aran ryan, no sir-ee. He doesnt enjoy losing, nobody does. But the thing is he pushes past that disappointment and those hardships because he knows that eventually, if he keeps on going, things are going to change. He knows that if he lays down the gloves and walks away, there’s no possibility of succeeding. You could drop Joe off on the other side of the world and just like that immortal snail, he’s gonna find a way back. Even if it takes forever. Cause he is weak but determined, he isn’t threatening but relentless, he is stoppable but unstoppable. Glass joe has the strongest will out of any character i know. Cause if any of my other favourites went through 100 whopping losses like he did, they’d retire on a tropical island and never interact with the world again. But not joe. Never joe. My king.
Come on. How can you look at his smile, his lovely little, subtle smile with those shy old eyes, and not immediately fall in love with him. He’s got some many little subtle things. Like the way his pupils dart around or his little sway back and forth when he’s knocked out or the way he bounds back and forth on his legs like an old-timey guy about to have a squabble. The way his mouth goes :0 so very subtly when he’s breathing. The way he always looks either shocked beyond repair, completely zooted or very confused. It’s all so perfect. IT’S ALL THESE THINGS THEY MAKE HIM BRILLIANT.
Im seriously looking for scraps here but i love finding meaning in otherwise meaningless things. I love analysing every detail until there is literally nothing else i could possibly say about it. He is perfect for this.
His fucking VOICE. OHHH MY GOD. it was so damn funny the very first time i heard his voice, because honestly it feels deliberate how they put his humble cutscenes before his first bit of dialogue so you expect this soft-spoken kinda light-voiced french guy only to be greeted with CHRISTIAN BERNARD’S DEEP ASS VOICE. OHHH KILL ME HE SOUNDS SO HANDSOME I WANNA SINK INTO THE FLOOR AND CRY WITH JOY. i wouldnt even mind if he was a soft-spoken light-voiced french guy but they really had to amp it up a little and give this lowly frenchman the most eloquent unnecessarily deep and silky voice ever. HE DIDNT NEED THAT. BUT THANK YOU FOR GIVING HIM THAT NINTENDO CAUSE ITS ONE OF HIS GREATEST QUALITIES. Plus french is just a really fun language to listen to. I could honestly sit listening to joe’s voicelines on repeat for hours on end and be fine with it. They’re so good. He’s so beautiful sounding. Its absolutely hilarious considering his voice in comparison to appearance. COME ON!!! AAHAHHGGHGHGHGHGHGHGHAGHGHS I LOVE CHRISTIAN BERNARDS VOICE I WISH I COULD HEAR HIM SPEAK IN ENGLISH. I NEED MORE OF HIS VOICE. AGGGGGHHHHH. 
I erm i erm i just wanna say i love joe so much. The way he’s constructed, appearance, personality, physicality, dialogue, culture inspiration, story. EVERYTHING about him is just so cool and fun to think about and in my head it all weaves perfectly together to create the best character in all of fiction. It has now been over 2 unapologetic years of me yapping on about this guy. Whether it be his canon self and the things he does or the fanon version of him thats ive sourced from other peoples awesome HC’s or forged from my own lore. Any excuse i get, i talk about joe. Because it is so utterly fun. Yeah, he’s not the only boxer i love!!! Not at all!! I have several other favourites persay, but on the punch-out tier list joe is so good he has his own category thats about 4 ranks higher than what S rank is. And that is deserved. 
He loves his culture, he never gives up, he’s arguably a weakling and an absolute screwup but he never lets that get in his way because of her persistent he is, he’s gorgeous, he’s cool, he’d be a great friend, dad, boyfriend, husband, EVERYTHING. He’s got a weird hairstyle and weird fashion sense but somehow he looks great with it. He beat NICK BRUISER CANONICALLY?!?! He’s french, he’s ginger, which in a joking sense makes him the worst but against all odds he is the best. The french are lucky to be represented by him because he’s so utterly and unapologetically awesome and cool and fun and nice and inspiring and all that jazz. There is not a single thing that could stray me away from the path of Joe. my lore for him is SO deep. My admiration for him is INFINITE. Ive read through his wiki a pagillion times. Ive beaten him over 80 times in-game simple because i like seeing him so much and.
Well. i have entire shrine dedicated to him. let me know if you wanna see that....
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n1ghtm4r3-p01s0n · 1 year
What Video Games I think Jigsaw and the Apprentices would play
Adam - Grand Theft Auto series. He regularly plays GTA Online with Amanda (he is better skilled at driving and Amanda is more skilled at shooting). Sometimes he convinces Lawrence to join. Adam switches between Michael and Franklin when in story mode the most. Adam likes using mods, ReShade and taking far too many screenshots.
Lawrence - Animal Crossing: New Horizons. After a tough day at work and knowing what John does, I doubt Lawrence is big into violent video games. Even then, video games aren't his thing. He only picked up AC:NH cause he likes the cozy vibes. Sometimes, when Diana misses him, he visits her island and they hang out together.
Amanda - DOOM Eternal and the Hitman series. This is the reason she's a sharp shooter in GTA. She loves DOOM and Hitman cause you get to shoot up bad guys to awesome music while bettering the world. Also, she loves doing wacky challenges with the Hitman games (kill everyone while wearing a clown suit also her only weapon is a giant tuna fish).
Lynn - Nintendogs and Cats for the 3DS. She got it originally for Corbette but became infatuated with it herself. It's part of the reason she really wants to get a pet. She got Amanda a 3DS and forced her to make a Mii so that when Lynn takes her virtual pet for a walk she sometimes stumbles into Amanda.
Peter - Hitman series, Metal Gear series and Detective Grimoire series. Peter has always loved media about detectives and stealth and shit. Where Amanda is silly with Hitman, Peter is dead serious. Metal Gear was the series he played as a kid, and Detective Grimoire was just a random flash game he found one day and became shocked to learn it had its own series of video games.
Mark - Party Hard, Dead by Daylight, GTA 5 and Outlast. Mark likes games where he plays as a killer, much to everyone else's concern. He plays mainly as Trevor in GTA 5. He mains Leatherface in Dead by Daylight. He mains them both cause they are both "berserk psychos with crazy weapons".
John - Pokemon, Animal Crossing: New Horizons and The Sims. John doesn't like violent video games. Period. In Pokemon, he usually sticks to Pokemon that look like cats and dogs. His favourite AC villager is Sprinkles, and he cries whenever one of his Sims dies.
Jill - Like Lawrence, she's not a big video game person. However, Corbette and Diana have both convinced her to play games with them. As their adoptive grandma, she obliges. She prefers stuff like Wii Sports, Wii Fit and Wii Sports Resort. Just cause it's nice, chill and casual.
Diana - Love Nikki, Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Untitled Goose Game. She likes being creative and causing chaos. Her favourite AC villager is Sable. She loves dressing Nikki up into fantasy princesses (but has also done like rockstar criminals). She likes Untitled Goose Game cause "look at the silly goose".
Corbette - Star Stable, Littlest Pet Shop (DS), Zoo Tycoon, Planet Zoo, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Pokemon etc. She really loves animals. Ever since her brother's death, she collects plushies and it was what spawned her love of animals and creatures. She has also played Nintendogs and Cats (3DS) and Breath of the Wild.
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14thcommander · 10 months
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she lives in daydreams with me | chapter two
summary: A flashback to what life is like in Trost, and why you have been avoiding your friends in the first place. Mikasa flies too close to the sun, and might just burn herself in the process.
cw: 18 PLUS ONLY! internalized homophobia, queer angst, mutual pining, break ups, mentions of sex and jealousy.
author's note: hi everyone! this chapter is basically to give context and answer to a few questions from chapter one: what reader was up to in college and why they became distant in the first place. i hope you enjoy it, please don't forget to leave feedback
chapter one
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Trost, a year before. 
Everything seems pointless.
Your world is blurry, a variation of shades of gray — the floor against your bare feet is cold and the windows aren’t even open.
You’re making no sense, you think. Somewhere in your apartment, your phone – that you once thought was long gone – vibrates relentlessly, most likely with the calls of your friends and loved ones — even though you can’t help but wish it was Pieck Finger.
Hopelessly, you drag your feet down the hallway, towards your small kitchen. What were you about to do, again? Right, coffee… black, no sugar. It’s time to aspire to new things, you figure. It’s time to explore the world around you a little bit more.
The boiling water stares at you in a funny way. Perhaps you should get a coffee making machine soon, given the fact your ex girlfriend wouldn’t be a part of your everyday life anymore.
You’ll attempt to forget her, yet you’re not fully convinced it’ll work. Eventually, you’ll go to clubs and kiss a girl who has a similar hairstyle to Pieck, and perhaps even the same eye as hers. You’ll forget what she sounds like, yet you won’t forget how she likes her coffee — a short espresso with cream on the side. Life will go on, with new endings and new beginnings.
Yet it still feels like the end of the world, like nothing will matter anymore — not that it ever did, honestly. 
“Are you seriously watching a crappy tv show again?”
Reiner’s annoyed tone seems to fall upon deaf ears, as you barely grumble a response. 
You’re laying on a beatdown sofa that you and your roommate Petra picked at a local vintage store when you first moved. There’s a hideous green blanket wrapped around your body, and a sock covered foot peaks through it. 
The coffee table in front of you looks like a disaster – paper plates long discarded, as well as one or two empty ice cream boxes. Your phone buzzes, vibrating against the table, yet you still ignore it. 
You should have put it on do not disturb mode, anyway. 
“You can’t keep doing this.” The blond walks in front of the television, blocking your view – it’s whatever, really. You’ve been binge watching this show for the second time in a single week. “It’s been two weeks.”
Braun’s voice sounds more annoying than usually, and you roll your eyes at his words.
“It’s been 10 days, to be exact.”
He huffs in response, placenta a large hand on his hip. 
“It’s a breakup, not the end of the world.”
Your eyes shut, and you take a deep breath. This whole thing is a lot more complicated than it seems, which Reiner doesn’t understand – not fully, at least. 
“I know, I know. Just feels like it, though.”
Sighing for the thor time in a row, your friend approaches your sulky frame on the sofa. He takes a seat on the arm rest, allowing you to remain in your comfortable position. For some reason, it reminds you of what it was like back then – attending high school in Shiganshina felt like a nightmare, long forgotten. You still have night terrors, though. 
“Listen, I know it’s terrible. All of it.” His gaze falls upon the wacky medical TV show playing on the outdated television. “I, uh, I had a boyfriend, you know. Before moving to Shiganshina.”
You know the basics of Reiner’s story: moved to your hometown from Marley, during freshman year. He was big, broad – even more so now – which helped him fall into sports. A good tactic to remain unnoticed, you believe. A mere acquaintance – that is, until you ran into him at a gay bar, near Trost University. Despite the initial shock, it made sense. You became friends not long after that. 
“It’s not the same thing, I think. Quite the opposite actually, but the feeling of having something and then losing it all of a sudden… yeah. I know what it feels like.”
Pieck was a friend of a friend, who you met at a house party. She was shorter than you, with dark hair beautifully framing her face, pale skin often becoming rosy at your touch, and big brown eyes looking at you like you hung the moon. 
She reminds you of somebody else. 
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Is all you can come up with, your brain feels foggy from thinking too much. The last few weeks have been hell. 
“It mostly sucks cause you can’t ask your friends for support, right?” He says between what sounds like a huff and a chuckle, hazel eyes still glued to the television.
“Yeah I can. You’re my friend, Reiner.” Your words sound silly as you yawn, mismatched sock covered feet poking through the blanket covering your frame. 
“You know what I mean.”
You do. 
“I guess.”
There’s a lot that goes unsaid between you and your new friend: the hiding, the pretending and the masks you use on a daily basis are not part of the unspoken truths. Reiner is, at the end of the day, the same as you. 
“I can’t just call home and tell them I’m queer, can I?” You say, as a joyless laugh. “Can you imagine how that conversation would go? ‘Hey guys, yeah sorry I haven’t reached out. Like, I realized I’ve been pretending to be straight for my whole life, even got a girlfriend and all that. Yeah, we were together for six months, the exact amount of time I’ve been ghosting y’all’”
Truth is, rust was growing on your telephone from the lack of getting in touch with your friends. At first, it was accidental – a mere need to focus on school and your life in Trost. After you started seeing Pieck, you realize they couldn’t ever meet who you became (or who you have always been). There’s something in your chest, deep and ugly, that claws mercilessly at your broken heart. Tears stream down your face, repeatedly painting your cheeks in a glowy light. The blond’s gaze softens, and he realizes he got it all wrong.
It wasn’t just a breakup. 
A sob leaves your lips, as your head hangs low in between your hands. Your brain is clogged with memories: scenes of Pieck making small talk with you for the first time, or how her lips felt against yours when you grabbed coffee together later that week, the sounds she made when you kissed the sweet spot on her neck, how her voice dripped with sorrow when she finally stated “this isn’t working.”
Even if she was the one to break up the relationship, you couldn’t bring yourself to be mad at her: perhaps this is what hurts the most. It was all your fault. 
Reiner’s arms snake around your frame, as gentle as he could be. The silence that falls upon you isn’t uncomfortable, or filled with facts you wouldn’t like to address at the moment. No, it feels familiar – it almost feels like home, even though you don’t know what that word means yet.
There wasn’t a specific moment you realized you are attracted to girls. There was, though, a specific moment when you realized you are different from those around you. 
It started innocently enough: first, you realized how the boys are gross phase took longer than usual for you to grow out of. Then, friendships with other girls grew into this intense, homoerotic thing you can’t quite name – it took you years to be able to talk to Mina Carolina after a fall out due to her getting a boyfriend. 
And then, after coming to terms with the fact that you’re queer, you decided to move away – far from Shiganshina, where you would be doomed to pretend to be someone else for the rest of your life. You have heard the stories of those, just like you, who could never come to terms with what they were. 
“Ready to order?” A nameless waiter approached your table, menu in hands and a nice smile plastered around his face. His voice snaps you out of your thoughts. Bertholdt kindly dismissed him, saying you needed more time to think.
Reiner took his lover’s hand, fingers intertwining in each others’. A kind smile bloomed on the brunet’s lips, as he placed a kiss on his partner’s face. No one batted an eye, as this is Upper Side Trost, surrounded by diversity and freedom – lots of it. 
“Sorry again for crashing on your date, guys.” You sheepishly said, feeling like sinking on your chair. In reality, Braun was the one to force you out of your apartment.
“Don’t worry ‘bout it, it’s nice to have you here.” Hoover stated, flashing you a grin. 
“Yeah, we’re just glad you finally left that rat’s nest you dare to call an apartment.” Reiner stated, gently raising his hand to call the waiter back to your table – he was the last one to order, as indecisive as ever. “Seriously, you need more gay friends.”
At that, you sighed. It was true, but not for style reasons.
“I know.”
Bertholdt took a swing of his beer, eyes still glued to your face. He’s always been quiet, according to Reiner. The perfect combination with his boyfriend’s talkative self.
You felt like dying.
It’s been a month since you and Pieck broke up, and although it doesn’t hurt that much anymore, it still sucks. You miss falling asleep next to her, cuddling against her warm body, being fingered by her at a movie theater-
“A fuck buddy, too.”
“Oh, shut up Braun.” You groaned, hiding a smile from him. At least he made you laugh. 
“Actually, I take back what I said. You don’t have a single casual bone in your body.” The blonde pointed out.
“That’s true.” Bertholdt agreed. 
“I thought you guys invited me for dinner, not a roasting session.” Your words are dripping with fake venom, playfulness clear in your voice. Rolling your eyes, you scoff as Bertholdt makes a heart symbol with his hands. “...it is true, though.”
As your food arrives, and you eat in mostly silence, your mind is filled with mixed thoughts – memories or the past and fantasies of the future, realizing how lonely it is to exist as a twenty something year old, queer nonetheless. And, at the end of the day, that’s the exact reason why Reiner made sure to spend time with you after the break up: naturally, you shared some friends with Pieck, however they met her before you did. It was only natural they would rather hang out with your ex, instead of you.
Reiner and Bertholdt were good company, though.
On the train ride home, your headphones keep you company. 
Soft, slow music plays. It’s shortly after ten, but the city is still alive – from your seat by the window, you can see couples returning from dates, families coming back from their daily outings… but mostly, you can see people like you. 
“Nice badge.” A girl says when walking past you, towards the end of the train wagon. You look down at your bag, confused, and realize what she was talking about. 
Wearing a pride flag on your bag has been a silly, tiny dream from when you were in high school. The dream meant something bigger than just a badge, of course: wearing your heart on full exposal meant freedom, even if it meant to merely exist in a city like this. 
“Thanks.” You offer her a smile, noticing a similar pattern on the material of her jacket. “I like yours too.” 
A soft smile blooms on her lips, as she nods and silently moves towards the end of the wagon, looking for an empty space to sit. You turn your head back to the window, watching as the city comes alive before you once again.
Armin Arlert was your first kiss. In the summer between seventh and eighth grade, you went to the movies together along with your friend group, who meticulously architected a plan in which you would sit by the blond boy. It worked perfectly: you got your first kiss, and your friends had enough gossip for a week or so.
Although you wished it was someone else, something else. When you closed your eyes, and your lips touched, you couldn’t help but wonder where were the fireworks people told you about. You thought to yourself, this couldn’t be the reason why people wrote love songs and poems. There was this sinking, aching feeling that there was something wrong with you – you were broken, doomed, ever since you were born. 
It wasn’t until, in your freshman year of college, that you discovered the expression compulsory heteronormativity. 
You hate feeling like this, till this day. It’s not as intense as it used to be, but the claws of self hate still manage to rip your heart apart every once in a while. Truth be told, you’re doing your part, actively trying to get better: therapy, gym, medicine. Still, it seemed like nothing could mend a permanent broken heart. 
The train is quiet, and you think about your past – about your hometown, your former friends, and your family. What were they doing on a Saturday night?
And, for some reason, you think of Mikasa Ackerman. -
A few cities away, surrounded by imaginary walls and constant judging stares, Mikasa stares at her phone. 
Her hair is wet, sloppily wrapped in a towel. She lit up a candle, not even ten minutes ago. Levi had left for the night, probably spending the weekend at Erwin’s place. There’s a rolled joint in between her fingers, already lit up as she brings it to her mouth. The window is slightly opened, welcoming the wind inside of her small room. Ever since joining Shiganshina Community College, the Ackerman girl got a part time job that, believe it or not, helped her rent this place with her cousin Levi. 
Her finger touches one of Reiner Braun’s highlights on social media, on his private account nonetheless – the title of said highlight was just an aesthetic emoji, and Mikasa wonders what the fuck is she doing. It’s a Saturday night, and she is lying in bed all alone, checking one of her acquaintances' social media.  
“No way.” She whispers to herself, finger forcefully pressed against the cracked glass of her cellphone. “No fucking way.”
Behind Reiner and Bertholdt, you could be seen with an arm wrapped around the waist of a really pretty girl – you were both laughing, foreheads pressed against one another’s. Mikasa notices a few things: this story was posted 20 weeks ago, she doesn’t know who that girl is, and you’re definitely too close to be just friends.
Taking another hit from her joint, Ackerman digs a bit more, chipped nails rapidly working against the screen of her cellphone, and she eventually finds out who the mystery girl is: Pieck Finger, gymnastics athlete and chemistry student at Trost U, bisexual and plant lover-
Mikasa throws her phone to the other end of the bed, shutting her eyes and taking a deep breath. From her social media bio, she seems like a nice girl. It wouldn’t take much digging to find out who she is, and that you follow each other. Hell, there was even a story highlight in which you were making a kissy face towards the camera. She shoves what’s left of her smoke in the ashtray, watching it burn along the ashes.
Her insides burn, with a sick feeling she hasn’t felt before – not when she broke up with Eren, not when her cat passed away, and not even after prom.
Mikasa Ackerman falls asleep, and for some reason, she dreams of you.
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
I can definitely understand why folks love convertibles. The feeling of the wind in your hair, the feeling like you're part of the world instead of just travelling through it. It's great. What I don't love about convertibles is fixing holes in the top, greasing elaborate mechanisms, or wondering where that windshield latch leak is coming from this time.
There is also an inherent flaw in convertibles. Cutting the roof off makes the car a lot wobblier, so you need to add bracing or the whole thing will flap around like a sailboat. And if the car rolls over, it will kill the occupants, so you need to add some rollover protection. More weight.
This is why a lot of automakers nowadays are making hardtop convertibles. This is like that wacky baseball stadium where the top slides open, exposing the contestants within to the judging glare of the sun god. Of course, this makes a convertible even heavier, and the heavy-duty retraction mechanisms even more elaborate. As a result, you don't really see too many of those suckers running around past the warranty period.
Wait, the cars are heavier, perform worse, and wobble a lot for some reason? Sounds like a certain big-three automaker I know. Of course, Mopar was also interested in convertibles. They made what I consider to be the epitome of the genre: the Dodge Dakota Sport convertible. It's a pickup truck with no roof! You can pull the vinyl top down and roll around town in style, assuming that you don't mind the interior smelling like wet dog. Or the leaks. Or the wobbly pretend roll hoop behind your seat. Sounds perfect to me.
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ir0n-moon · 9 months
Army of the Doomstar spoilers.
I wrote all this for post-AOTD fanfic purposes. You can totally disagree and go in an entirely different direction for your own, of course. Go nuts.
Been thinking about the klokateers post-AOTD. We don't see any of them during the final battle, iirc. Just regular people, no hoods.
I think it kind of mirrors the season 1 finale where the army of Klokateers battle against Crozier's army while the boys are unconscious. Except this time during AOTD we can clearly see it's a diverse group of people from all walks of life.
Obviously this (+ Nathan's speech at the end) is a representation of the band coming to view their fans and employees as real people with real lives, and not just a matched set of disposable minions.
However I'm curious if 1. There's any Klokateers left in the world at all, 2. Will there be people willing to join the ranks of Dethklok again, and 3. If so, how different life as a Klokateer might be after the Metalocalypse.
So for no. 1, I do think there's still Klokateers out there. Sure, the "official" Army of the Doomstar was killed by Salacia & co., but I don't think Mordhaus was destroyed (the boys return to an intact home after the Aortic Desecration cataclysm, iirc). I'm willing to bet their regular staff must still be there. They might only be a fraction left of the millions they once were, but they remain as loyal as ever. They might have in fact been present during the final battle, simply not in uniform for storytelling purposes.
Number two. It all depends on what Dethklok will do post-Metalocalypse. I like the open world of possibilities the ending left us with. We don't know if they'll continue to make music, we don't know if they'll retire, I think the only thing we can say for sure is that they will remain together. So they could totally return to Mordhaus. Or they could downsize if they see fit. They've reached a... slight level of maturity after the events of AOTD. Perhaps this could mean them realizing that while they like their luxury just fine, they don't actually need that many rooms and fancy gadgets they once demanded on a whim.
So they might still need employees. And I'm sure plenty of people would be willing to work for them. They're the saviors of the entire planet, after all. But life as a post-apocalypse Klokateer might be very different than it was before. Which brings me to number three.
If post-AOTD Dethklok is really willing to continue learning and changing their ways, I doubt they'd continue to enjoy witnessing their employees' inhumane living conditions, no matter how "brutal" they think it is. People *might* be willing to live under such conditions for them, mind you! But I want to have faith in the boys and believe that they'd now fully interiorize how wrong that is.
After Salacia's been defeated, after the apocalypse has been mostly averted, there's no need for their employees to sacrifice their wellbeing, no matter how devoted they might be to their bosses. There's no need for them to go through a deadly hiring process. There's no need for Dethklok to continue being the meat grinder their Klokateers willingly enter into, knowing they won't make it out in one piece.
Post-AOTD Klokateers could just be regular employees, if only the kind to sport a wacky uniform and be proud of it. There'd be no need for them to be as many as there once was. Just enough to keep Dethklok safe (they'd still need bodyguards, after all), do their jobs as roadies and sound technicians, and regular everyday staff who keep the band's home running smoothly. Whether that's Mordhaus or anywhere else.
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wolfgabe · 9 months
Super Mario Bros Wonder Direct Impressions
After having a day to digest the Super Mario Bros Wonder presentation I think I can properly give my two cents. I don't think I have been this excited for a 2D Mario game in a long time. It's quite insane really how many new ideas they have managed to cram in here. It practically makes New Super Mario Bros look like a prototype by comparison.
In terms of visuals, I seriously don't get where some people are coming from claiming Wonder still looks generic and bland. In what we have seen so far this game absolutely obliterates NSMB in terms of art direction and visual variety. There are also some neat twists on familiar Mario level themes. Fluff Puff Peaks looks like they went and combined the ice and sky worlds into one which is a much more interesting take on the usual Mario world tropes. You can really tell how they are embracing some of the inventive wackiness found in the recent 3D Mario titles.
The playable character roster on display here is just insane. We got the whole NSMB gang plus Peach, Daisy, Toadette 4 Yoshis, and even Nabbit. I know people will dump on Yoshi and Nabbit for basically being the "You Suck." mode but I think it's great to have them for less experienced players. There is just something very surreal about seeing Daisy fully playable in a Mario game that isn't a sports game, or a spin off. I hope this marks the start of Nintendo actually making her a genuine part of the core Mario cast going down the road.
The powerups my god the new powerups. Elephant Mario is such a neat twist on the usual animal costume power up Deviantart jokes aside. Bubble Mario I am surprised they didn't come up with sooner especially considering it was in a ROM hack beforehand and I love how they basically brought back the Spin Drill from Super Mario Galaxy 2 and translated it into 2D.
The Wonder Effects are a perfect way of keeping things fresh in the event people thought 2D Mario was getting too boring and predictable. I have a feeling we are only scratching the surface with what Nintendo has shown us.
The badge system feels like a natural extension of the 2D Mario formula. Nintendo has essentially taking the modern game design philosophy of allowing people to customize the game to suit their play style and applied it into 2D Mario. The speedrunning potential of some of these badges is likely gonna be nuts.
Okay I really didn't have Nintendo giving Super Mario Bros Wonder its own Dark Souls style multiplayer mode on my bingo card. Honestly, I think making online play more focused on assisting and helping other players rather than competitive co-op was a smart move given how much of a mess online co-op has been in previous Mario games that had it. I really get the sense the Mario dev team applied a lot of the lessons they learned with online multiplayer in previous Mario titles to create an experience that was better suited for 2D Mario.
After seeing everything new about Super Mario Bros Wonder I think I can see why Nintendo felt the need to give this game it's own dedicated Nintendo Direct presentation. This truly feels like the proper next generation of 2D Mario in ways the later New Super Mario Bros games never did.
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