serenagaywaterford · 4 years
@volatilelovers​ replied to your photoset “ok so like i had a totally other purpose cos it was about me walkin...”
Ok 1) bra deets 2) I want ur dog I'm sorry I just I want to steal him 3) is this like no make up challenge? Hashtag real lesbian bodies? The airbrushing drives me nuts and soooo much so called lesbian content on tumblr is not realistic and therefore kinda lame imo but it's better than nothing. An embodiment person I follow started a series where ppl send in photos of different parts of their own body and idk this remind me of that. That and thirst trap obviously lmao
1) Puma! from Winners lol. It is SO comfy, ngl. The cups are those annoying bikini type removable ones and they can shift a bit but it’s nice and tight, but not too tight. I mean, Puma don’t make the most long-lasting, durable undies but they’re nice while they last. 
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Puma fits small tho. Like this was a medium, and it’s a bit small. And I’m just a regular 34-B/C (depending on the damn company ofc). 
I actually bought it cos of what we were talking about the other day and I was like “i need more sportsbras. sore boobies need gentleness, no more underwires.” (and i gotta say it has helped a lot it seems.) i honestly haven’t really worn sportsbras regularly since...like high school...... so this is all new haha. altho i’m now in the state where if i don’t have to wear a bra at all i won’t. (very different to even 5 years ago when i’d never NOT wear one, even to bed.)
2) he is stupid you can have him lol he has bad breath and won’t stop snuggling and licking toes. he’s a toe licker. he won’t give kisses anywhere else but if you have bare feet watch out. it’s disgusting lol
3) honestly i think that should be a hashtag. i mean so much of the “lesbian content” i post photowise is these perfectly shaped, photoshopped, etc women. probably most of whom aren’t even gay half the time. (the older ones i believe, and they tend to show more real bodies in older women. cos older women aren’t meant to fit in the ~tumblr aesthetic~ anyway.) but with the exception of one or two selfies, i don’t often see actual lesbian bodies here. lots of heavily filtered, posed, aesthetic photos of 18 year olds with perfect bodies. which is like... not most of us?  and to be totally frank, it took me so fucking long to be ok with my body and it wasn’t until i really accepted who i was (AND be around other women consistently naked and had it not matter to them) that i even was comfortable with it. like i’ve always been so, not ashamed, but shy. (and i know if you saw photos from when i was 19 and walking around in like no clothes you’d be like “are you sure? cos you look pretty confident in that teeny bikini or dress.” but inside i was very much not confident. i did it to fit in and be popular lol. sweet sweet (fake) validation, babey!). the self love that comes with being with other women is incredible.  anyway yeah so like i know how my body DOESN’T fit into the ideal aesthetic (and i’ve had plenty of comments in the past irl about my lack of “womanly”/”child bearing” hips, skinny arms, etc etc. the hip thing always kind of made me laugh tho cos i am always like “well, nature knows! good thing i never want kids then if i don’t have the hips for it!!”) but i think it’s important for people to see regular bodies around. like yeah? a little tummy? i used to be devastated by that (and doctors thought i had an ED cos of it) but i’ve come to accept that it ain’t going anywhere cos i’m a female and that’s just how it’s meant to be. esp as we get older. (and my wife insists it’s cute. cos i was skinnier when i met her and she’s like “you look so much better now”, which is similar to the time i lost a lot of weight to get rid of that tummy specifically cos it’s used to be a Big Thing I Hated, and once i put back on some weight my granny was like “oh thank god. you looked really sick before”.) and esp when you come from a culture that doesn’t have more body acceptance. like the first time i went to iceland and to the pool and all the women were just wandering around naked, in all ages and forms, and with zero shame, i wa slike WHAT IS THIS WORLD??? it was baffling to me. cos even in change rooms here it’s quite i dunno hush hush (altho not men’s locker rooms cos i’ve spent a lot of time in those when i was the only girl on the hockey team and they’re just boldly naked and don’t give a single fuck. but women’s lockerrooms? always a bit more...i dunno.). except old ladies who don’t give any shits whatsoever. but all ages there, just going about their business--and i STILL felt insecure which is crazy. i was stared at more for NOT being buttnaked. even the kids were like “wtf”. i want that sort of casual, easy body acceptance and lack of fear of judgement. and i didn’t even shave my pits here (it’s been weeks)... and i forgot until i posted the photos... and then i realised, it seems really obvious to me irl but then i look at the photos, and i’m like “shit, it’s not really noticeable is it? i’ve been freaking out all this time over nothing???” that was pretty stunning tbh. i didn’t realise til i took the photo that it’s not this massive deal. anyway i’m just sort of sick of the “young, thin, hyper-feminine so-called lesbian with long straight hair and sexy undies” ideal (esp when softly touching other young, thin, feminine so-called lesbians). my god just searching “lesbian” on this hellsite is 95% that exact content (that isn’t a comic or illustration which is the only way to see real bodies lol how ironic). god forbid there’s a butch in sight, even a soft butch, or normal body, or natural bush/hair, or tomboy that isn’t super feminine. (the only tomboys allowed are the cute ones with the hipster shirts and backwards ballcap with long hair and perfect eyeliner). we get the occasional professional athlete but that’s it. (where are the regular athletic women, the sporty, muscular women, not hyper-feminine tomboys? where are the stone butches and big old ‘i don’t give a shit bout anything’ dykes? the women who exist outside the ideal BMI and age range? nowhere. cos it doesn’t fit the virgin tumblr aesthetic. it’s not “pleasing” to the majority of users here cos they’re so accustomed to only seeing one type of “lesbian”) but beggars can’t be choosers. and so i reblog the slight bit of shit we do get lol. i dunno, if i was an 18 yr old lesbian i’d be so worried cos i don’t look anything like these girls and no one else i know is either. so just a regular ole boring lesbian body here and it’s imperfect by social standards but it’s fine by my own. tbh i think it’s pretty cool that normal people send in photos of their bodies, just regular, imperfect, everyday people to counteract the mass of bullshit on social media where everyone is so fucking fake. (i assume that’s what you mean by the blogger you mention. i’m guessing it’s not photos of perfect, filter-heavy body parts etc.) and i think in a weird way, being seen --not necessarily validated for it tho-- helps your own ability to appreciate yourself. like not hiding it. just taking that step and posting “this is my leg” esp if you’ve been insecure about it. and you don’t even need the “omg what a beautiful leg! leg power!” sort of social media cheap validation stuff. just the act of posting it. (and i mean...i don’t mean porny, thirst photos to get likes. just... you know normal shit. although i would TOTALLY post my bush if it was allowed just to knock it home that it’s natural. and NICE. and we need to see it more. and i don’t mean in a porn way either. but in the way we see women in art or science books. nonsexual. like that goop episode LMAOOOOO) just as a “this is what it is”. and we all need a little more bodylove i think. and it’s hard to do that when all you see is the insta and tumblr ideal aesthetics absolutely constantly. but i mean i really did just want to show off the bra ...which then turned into showing off the dog lolololol cos he’s ridiculous.
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awaybacktothen · 4 years
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volatilelovers replied to your post: “first eurovision, now the tonys, @ coronavirus why do you hate joy”:
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stumblebee83 · 5 years
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#TeaserTuesday #VolatileLove @danireneauthor Cover reveal: 11/21 Release date: 12/05 Vote Now >> http://bit.ly/35gfXJj TBR >> http://bit.ly/VL-TBR Blog Tour >> https://forms.gle/SfkiwL43doNupTSw8 #VolatileLove #ComingSoon #GildedSovereign #GildedSovereign #ComingSoon #Goodreads #EtienneAndRukaiya #NewAdultRomance #BookTwo #DaniRené #addictedtobooks #amwriting #authorgram #author #authorlife #teasertuesday #becausereadingissexy #bookboyfriend #bookbuzz #booksofig #newromance #newbooks https://www.instagram.com/p/B3XCSYJAI2v/?igshid=2md0j6o0llrh
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bnaz · 4 years
7 comfort movies (tagged by @volatilelovers​)
1. Gone Girl (2014)
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2. Moulin Rouge (2001)
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3.  Some Like It Hot (1959)
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4.  The Others (2001)
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5. I Can’t Think Straight (2008)
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6.  The Stepford Wives (2004)
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7. The Mummy (1999) / The Mummy Returns (2001)
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tagging anyone who wants to do it, just say I tagged you!
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warningsine · 4 years
Top 7 Albums meme
(Link here.)
Tagged by @volatilelovers​. Thanks. <3
So, I’m going with the current faves. According to spotify:
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1. Shostakovich: Complete String Quartets – Dmitri Shostakovich, Borodin Quartet 2. Handel: Ariodante – Handel, Marc Minkowski, Les Musiciens du Louvre, Anne Sofie von Otter  3. Penderecki Conducts Penderecki Vol. 1 – Krzysztof Penderecki, Warsaw Philharmonic 4. Bitches Brew – Miles Davis 5. Boulez Conducts Zappa: The Perfect Stranger – Frank Zappa, Pierre Boulez  6. Filmlets – Lite (I have Contemporary Disease on repeat atm.) 7. Unsuk Chin: Violin Concerto / Rocaná – Unsuk Chin, Kent Nagano, Viviane Hagner, MSO 
Tagging: @wehadfaces​, @oceansinmychest​, @keypix4​ (yes, I know volatile tagged you <3), @itsperfectlyreasonable​, @deertiger​, @missolitude​, @lost-your-memory​ and anyone else that is interested. As always, feel free to ignore this.
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scullyeffect · 4 years
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I won’t apologise for any of my music taste eat it bitches
@o6666666 tagged me. Here’s something to do if you’re bored (although me on my iPhone 5 nearly had a breakdown not accidentally posting this to my story) @volatilelovers @gillianaunofficial @viceversawrites @impressionsdefrance @snowqueens @psychotichvt
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joyffree · 5 years
#NewRelease #KindleUnlimited Title: Volatile Love Series: Gilded Sovereign #2 Author: Dani René Genre: New Adult Romance
From USA Today Bestselling Author Dani René comes the second book in the bestselling Gilded Sovereign Series. A new adult romance filled with violence, blood, and a lot of steam! I want to be Rukaiya’s hero, but she’s made it clear she can take care of herself. Her fire burns me. Her fierce nature lures me in. She’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and I want her to devour me. She enjoys defying me and I love to taunt her. I always get the girl. Every. Single. Time. And this time is no different. He’s trying to be my knight in shining armor, but I don’t need him to be. That’s what I tell myself, anyway. Etienne doesn’t give up easily. He’s adamant to change my mind. Only, he doesn’t realize that being with me could get him killed. As I push, he pulls, and one of us is about to get wounded. Secrets. Desire. Violence. Our love is volatile. When secrets are spilled, nobody is safe.
#VolatileLove #DaniRene #GildedSovereign #Goodreads #EtienneAndRukaiya #NewAdult #Romance #Books #BookTwo @DaniReneAuthor A Wonderful 🌍 of Words
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⭑☆⭑ Cover Reveal ⭑☆⭑
Releasing 12.5 from Dani Rene ➜ Volatile Love (Gilded Sovereign #2)
Vote Now on #Goodreads ➜ http://bit.ly/35gfXJj
#Giveaway ➜ http://bit.ly/VL_CRGiveaway
⭑☆⭑ Blurb ⭑☆⭑
From USA Today Bestselling Author Dani René comes the second book in the bestselling Gilded Sovereign Series. A new adult romance filled with violence, blood, and a lot of steam!
I want to be Rukaiya’s hero, but she’s made it clear she can take care of herself. Her fire burns me. Her fierce nature lures me in. She’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and I want her to devour me. She enjoys defying me and I love to taunt her.
I always get the girl.
Every. Single. Time.
And this time is no different.
He’s trying to be my knight in shining armor, but I don’t need him to be. That’s what I tell myself, anyway. Etienne doesn’t give up easily. He’s adamant to change my mind. Only, he doesn’t realize that being with me could get him killed.
As I push, he pulls, and one of us is about to get wounded.
Secrets. Desire. Violence.
Our love is volatile.
When secrets are spilled, nobody is safe.
#CoverDesign ➜ Jay Aheer, Simply Defined Art
#Photographer ➜ Christopher John, CJC Photography
#CoverModel ➜ Brock Aaron
⭑☆⭑ In the Series ⭑☆⭑
Cruel War (Gilded Sovereign #1)
US: https://amzn.to/2ZtSDDH
CA: https://amzn.to/2Po6SKy
UK: https://amzn.to/2PhN9vY
AU: https://amzn.to/2ztECeF
#VolatileLove #ComingSoon #GildedSovereign #GildedSovereign #Goodreads #EtienneAndRukaiya #NewAdultRomance #BookTwo #DaniRené #addictedtobooks #amwriting #authorgram #author #authorlife #teasertuesday #becausereadingissexy #bookboyfriend #bookbuzz #booksofig #newromance #newbooks
Hosted by Enticing Journey Book Promotions
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serenagaywaterford · 5 years
volatilelovers replied to your photo: this is it.  the worst thing i have ever tasted.
Is it… supposed to be edible?
it’s rubber. 
but then, anything is edible if you eat it. whether it’s digestible and non-poisonous is another story.
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awaybacktothen · 4 years
Kasia @captainjanegay tagged me in a ‘ use >>this site<< to share my Top 7 albums’ thingy, and it was painful, thanks <3
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tagging @adaar-i, @butimnotasexyrussian, @iaimtomisbehave, @keypix4, @ohsillytwigg, @tevos​, @volatilelovers​
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stumblebee83 · 5 years
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Coming December 2019! 💙 Dark & suspenseful 💙 Angsty & steamy 💙 Secret Society 💙 Twisted secrets Cover reveal: 11/21 Release date: 12/05 TBR >> http://bit.ly/VL-TBR Blog Tour >> https://forms.gle/SfkiwL43doNupTSw8 #VolatileLove #ComingSoon #GildedSovereign #GildedSovereign #ComingSoon #Goodreads #EtienneAndRukaiya #NewAdultRomance #BookTwo #DaniRené #addictedtobooks #amwriting #authorgram #author #authorlife #teasertuesday #becausereadingissexy #bookboyfriend #bookbuzz #booksofig #newromance #newbooks https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Gexu8A7qx/?igshid=5h8bmpdkbwlk
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bnaz · 4 years
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tagged by @volatilelovers ☀️
9 images that describe you
I tag literally anyone who wants to do it. just say I tagged you, no one has to know
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warningsine · 4 years
Book meme
hardcover or paperback / borrow from library or buy / reads in silence or reads with music (depends on the mood/book) / standalone or series / annotations or pristine pages / ebook or physical copy / dog ears or bookmarks (Used to dog ear my books as a teen though.) / mismatched series or complete set / cover matters or you don’t judge (I mean, I will still roll my eyes if the cover is particurarly unfitting, but it won’t stop me from buying/reading it either.) / lend books or keep them to yourself (I’ll make exceptions for beloved friends, though.)  / enjoys/enjoyed lit classes or despises them / browses shops or orders online (Well, this year is an exception of course.) / reads reviews or goes in blind / unreturned books or clean library record / rereads or once was enough / fanfic enthusiast or a stickler for canon (Those aren’t mutually exclusive.) / deep reader or easily distracted / must read the book before seeing the movie or order doesn’t matter / neat bookshelves or messy bookshelves (Well, not always.) / skips ahead or resists temptation / reads aloud or in your head / guesses plot twists or never sees them coming  
Tagging: @wehadfaces, @deertiger, @volatilelovers, @keypix4, @oceansinmychest, @itsperfectlyreasonable, @lost-your-memory and whoever else wants to do it, consider yourself tagged.
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serenagaywaterford · 5 years
volatilelovers replied to your post: all your 3.01 reblogs made me think of that tv...
I onlh heard about that recently. How. I feel like they had a little candle hidden somewhere and are like yup it was a real fire…….
Right? Like... I just don’t buy it. Nobody stands that coolly in a burning room, right next to a bed that is literally on fire. Like, I let it slide for the show itself cos ~poetic license~ or whatever, but I remember thinking in reality, Serena would be sweating and hacking up a fucking lung cos ...fire is......hot. Like really hot. That’s sort of its whole thang. It burns your throat especially in an enclosed space. And that’s not even talking about the smoke inhalation! That is DEADLY. And there’s Serena, just standing around, no biggie. There are literal pieces of the house falling on her head lmao.
I don’t care how many cigarettes you’re used to smoking or if you are perfectly capable of doing one of those hits off a 3 foot long bong, that shit is not easily breathable. But on the show she and June are just lazing around a burning house like it’s not burning HOT, taking their time to slowly gaze at each other and lethargically take each other’s hand, and well at least Serena hurries a little once she snaps back to reality but June is a human slug on MDMA. 
I have an incredibly hard time believing that was real fire at all. A candle burning in one corner of the room, now THAT is believable lol.
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serenagaywaterford · 5 years
volatilelovers replied to your post: I've been racking my brain trying to make sense of...
Lol im crying thinking about serena having one phone call and wanting to call june lmaoooo #thingsthatdefinitelyarenthappening
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serenagaywaterford · 5 years
volatilelovers replied to your post: i am outrageously angry that “heaven is a place on...
That last tag is very 212 serena screaming at fred. (Also omg i wish san junipero was better that it was)
lmao what can i say, i feel the mean crazy lady in my bones rn ;)
(also me too! i was, how to put it nicely....? underwhelmed. i’m maybe an awful person but i don’t know why people go so crazy for it? i only watched it cos tumblr was going wild for it...)
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