#voglio morire
tinxanax · 1 year
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Yes, sir
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omarfor-orchestra · 3 months
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Ordine di uscita Amadeus dice che sarà difficile finire alle 2 io come cazzo ci vado a lezione domani
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uncuorechenonbatte · 9 months
a volte ascolto il mio battito sperando si fermi
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azraphels · 1 year
I figured that since Theo won't be in the movie, and it's been a long time so everyone has their own life and is happy and blah blah blah, then Theo might have moved out of Beacon Hills too, is happy and has changed his life. Even if he's not with Liam, I hope Theo is happy somewhere in the world and that everything he's been through he's gotten over and he can live with himself not feeling guilty about his sister's death anymore. I only hope that Theo is happy because even after all he has done he did not deserve to suffer so much.
I just hope that he no longer sleeps inside his truck, that he has studied, gone to college and found someone who accepts him as he is and doesn't just use him as a weapon to fight evil people as he did with Scott's pack.
I hope he has found what he was looking for, a pack, a family, everything he was deprived of from an early age. I hope he's OK and that he hasn't destroyed himself with guilt, that he's happy, that he has love and that he has someone to fight for and not give up even if that's not Liam.
I just hope he's happy because he's a fantastic character, he's got a story that hasn't been developed much in the series but you can see how much he's suffered and how much he just wants someone to hold on to and not keep it all inside and slowly die from the suffering.
Although Jeff Davis most likely couldn't give a shit about Theo Raeken after they led us on and after they didn't even call Cody Christian.
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Come la spieghi la voglia di morire a chi ti sta vicino e ti ama?
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readytodie18 · 5 months
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"Di questa vita, non riesco a farmene una ragione."
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xmythoughtismyworldx · 11 months
Sei sbagliata dentro, questa è la verità.
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ma perché non posso morire? perché non posso addormentarmi e non svegliarmi più, sono stanca di questo mondo, stanca di persone che dicono di amarmi e poi mi fanno sentire uno schifo, sono delusa da tutti, vorrei poter andarmene e basta, pensavo che stavolta avrei potuto fidarmi davvero e invece ecco le pugnalate una dopo l’altra, vorrei davvero sapere che ho fatto di male a questo mondo per sentirmi sempre così sbagliata, sempre in torto, se ti sto tanto sul cazzo fammi morire e basta, starebbero tutti meglio senza di me lo so bene
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deadinside-mistake · 6 months
Mi sta crollando il mondo addosso e a te non frega niente di me. Le tue promesse sono svanite. Sei una delusione come tutti.
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tinxanax · 1 year
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tempestaneglocchi · 3 months
Gli anni passano ma la voglia di morire resta sempre….
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simply-illy · 8 months
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omarfor-orchestra · 4 months
La delusione per questa stagione indescrivibile io non vi perdonerò mai quando iniziate a girare la terza
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ron3il4 · 6 months
Morirò da solo,
E dopo non rinasco come dentro a un videogioco.
Tutta questa gente non mi aiuta
Mi fa sentire solo,
La più grande sfida è restar sobrio.
-Mille Strade; Night Skinny, Ketama126, Izi
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"sei sempre paranoico pensi troppo" e poi alla fine hai sempre ragione.
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