#virginia augustus
miroana · 9 months
On today’s episode of events I did not in any way expect to occur in Light Bringer:
Virginia Augustus, lionheart, wife, mother, Sovereign of the Solar Republic, flat out dive tackling Apollonius
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msunitedstatesjames · 8 months
I finally finished Light Bringer. Here's my thoughts (obviously, spoilers incoming):
-First and formost, RIP to the king of my heart, Cassius Bellona. The worst part about his death is that you know it's coming the whole book. You don't take a character like him, a former enemy, give him a solid redemption arc, make him the most ABSURDLY likeable character and source of all humor in the book, and then not kill him off. But still, I held out a tiny bit of hope. I really dreaded getting to the end of this book just because I knew it would be coming. But, you had to respect the way he went out at least. Dude's gonna be legend if that counts for anything.
-So, The Abomination was WORRYINGLY absent from this book, aside from a couple of mentions and that (maybe) he's Virginia's mysterious source of intel? Like, everyone is worried about how Atalantia is sitting around building up her power while everyone else is duking it out, but what about the Abomination? I know he's not anybody's most immediate threat in this book, but is anybody else extremely worried about what he's going to get up to in Red God?
-I was happy with the Virginia chapters we did get, but I hope she gets more time in Red God. Also, same to Victra. She was awesome in this book, as always, but like, I want to see you do even more destroying, girl. We love you. I also missed Electra.
-The Bromance in this book was next level, even by the standards previously set in this series. I loved having a little break from the relentless battles and death in Dark Age, to just get the dudes (and Lyria) hanging out and trying to work out their differences. This also helped get back some of the old humor I missed from earlier in the series.
-This was Lyria at her best in my opinion. She was great. I only wish we got to see more Lyria and Cassius because they were just so heart warming.
-Sevro is back! I loved getting to see the old Sevro make his triumphant return for the last third of the book or so. Sevro walking up to Gaia au Raa and just going, "shut up, crone," really made my day.
-Lysander has killed my favorite character of the book two books in a row now. And both times with a gun. I love how this dude talks about how he's secretly really good with a razor, but every time he's confronted with someone who's actually good at using one he just shoots them point blank. I know I've said this before, but seriously guys, fuck Lysander. I mean, even Atalantia is becoming more likeable than him. She may be an evil, power hungry tyrant, but at least she's pretty much honest about it. Everyone knows she's the worst and she barely bothers to pretend otherwise.
-Admittedly, it's been a few years since I've read the other books in the series, but this might be my favorite of the bunch. Pierce Brown really hit every emotional note and character perfectly in this one, and it felt a lot more balanced compared to the (necessary) bleakness of Dark Age.
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wellwhatnowlove · 9 months
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tinasshelf · 1 month
Reaperstang 💞
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sad-endings-suck · 9 months
pierce brown really did end the first red rising trilogy with the female love interest becoming the new ultimate leader and his male protagonist becoming what is essentially her trophy husband, and honestly he’s so real for that.
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virginiaoflykos · 10 months
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I don’t think I ever did it before, so here are @merwild ‘s red rising bookmarks.
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bramblrose · 6 months
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“I live for the dream that my children will be born free. That they will be what they like. That they will own the land their father gave them.”
“I live for you,” I say sadly.
She kisses my cheek. “Then you must live for more.”
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fang-venkas · 6 months
Book 1: The Jackal is a nameless, superhuman creature, no one knows what he looks like, some think he’s not even real, his sole name evokes dread in the protagonist
Book 2: AND he’s got daddy issues!!
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spagh-eddie · 7 months
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my babies. they are sleeping.
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howlljenkins · 7 months
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The First Family of the Solar Republic 💫
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insignificant457 · 8 months
You ever think about how painfully awkward the ride home from the Institute must have been for the Augustus family?
I get the vibe that Darrow declaring his allegiance at the closing ceremony was kind of a rarity, so I assume everyone went home with their families for at least a little bit before they were offered jobs and positions in other houses.
And obviously I know this isn’t how it went down but in my head its just Augustus, mustang, the jackal, and Darrow in a car together. Augustus makes mustang and the jackal sit in the back so Darrow can have shotgun. The jackal keeps glaring daggers at mustang but she’s looking resolutely out the window pretending he’s not there. The silence is oppressive. Darrow tries to turn the radio on but Augustus slaps his hand away. Adrius asks if they can stop by the hospital to get his hand checked out but Augustus ignores him. Hospitals are for winners, he says. Darrow wants to die.
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vices-aand-virtues · 8 months
Red Rising Characters + Reductress headlines
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Victra & Sevro
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Cassius & Darrow – Virginia & Victra
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Red Rising Characters + Reductress headlines (2/?)
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thegorydamnreaper · 8 months
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Sovereign Virginia Augustus
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dualquille · 4 months
Darrow: ugh I hate Cassius and his golden curls and his broad shoulders and his perfect smile and… what was I saying again
Mustang: … you hate Cassius
Darrow: UGH yeah I hate that guy
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sad-endings-suck · 9 months
One of my favourite details from the original Red Rising trilogy, is that no one ever came close to guessing or even suspecting that Darrow wasn’t a gold.
It shows the inherent flaw in their sense of superiority. Octavia had Darrow right there in front of her, with an Oracle wrapped around his arm, and even though she suspected he was a Son of Ares, she never asked if he was anything other than gold, didn’t even come close.
Adrius and Virginia are geniuses, but still, neither of them could have possibly fathomed that Darrow was a red until they had the concrete evidence of his carving right in front of them.
To this day (in canon) the only reason anyone knows Darrow is a red carved to be gold, is because the video evidence of his carving was leaked (initially from Harmony, and later from others).
No one, no matter how intelligent, practical, paranoid, cautions, clever or skeptical, ever figured out about Darrow’s carving through their own suspicion or means of investigation. They were either in on it from the beginning (Dancer, Mickey, Quicksilver, etc) or they were shown video evidence. No one figured it out themselves or “unravelled the mystery” so to speak. Because no one even knew there was a mystery.
And before people say “it was extremely unlikely, they had no reason to suspect” Yes, Darrow’s carving was incredibly difficult and expensive, but the same procedure was performed on Titus not long after, so how rare or hard could it be? We even get a dialogue from Mustang in Golden Son in which she details that different colours go to carvers all the time to have “intrinsic” parts of themselves altered, far more often than the public realizes. So the possibility should have been on Octavia’s radar, but it wasn’t, because she simply couldn’t fathom it. It was too obscure.
How could a red be the spitting image of what gold society idealizes? How could a red be so tall, strong, and beautiful? How could a red graduate top of the Institute, become a peerless scarred, a Lancer, her own grandson’s celebrity hero? Neither her nor Nero or Lorn or even Adrius were capable of even entertaining the idea. It was not a thought that was ever going to occur to them naturally.
And I really love that, from a narrative perspective, because it says so much about how the Society operates and upholds itself. It says so much about how high on their own egos golds really are. It says so much about how the colours are not as different from one another as golds would have them believe.
Cassian Andor: What? To steal from the Empire? What do you need? A uniform, some dirty hands and an Imperial tool kit. They're so proud of themselves, they don't even care. They're so fat and satisfied, they can't imagine it.
Luthen Rael: Can't imagine what?
Cassian Andor: That someone like me would ever get inside their house, walk their floors, spit in their food, take their gear.
Andor (2022-)
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ihavenomoralsss · 4 months
red rising crack headcanons pt. 2
while i avoid studying for my exam tonight
roque's narc tendencies were so strong his siblings couldn't tell him ANYTHING (even what mom was getting for christmas) and this continued well into his adult years
cassius once got so drunk he flirted with a statue for a record 15 minutes and 33 seconds. darrow got it on camera.
victra has to schedule bath nights for sevro sometimes. it gets BAD.
quick's moneymaking adventures have included attempting to sell 'Eau de Reaper' and marketing it as darrow's sweat ('fresh from the battlefield!')
during the longest and epicest of howler parties, darrow was coerced into a striptease. virginia sold the tape for several million. valdir bought it.
in his most insufferable of days (age 14) lysander learned about cassius and darrow's.....fling many years past and refused to speak to him for several days
volga has cried after stepping on an anthill multiple times
sevro once lost a bet that resulted in him getting a tattoo of dancer's face doing kissy lips
mustang's biggest secret is regarding the Room of Doom - blackmail against each and every politico from luna to pluto. sometimes when she's bored she has theodora catfish random senators to see how genuinely loyal they are to their wives. this has resulted in multiple very public cheating scandals
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