#vice is nominated!
tomorrowusa · 17 days
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The lines at the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse.
The Trump hush money trial has become a public grovelling pit for Republicans wishing to be Trump's running mate. These people have lost any remaining dignity they might have still had.
VP wannabees: Be careful what you ask for.
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ingravinoveritas · 2 months
So what ur thoughts on the bafias nominations David been nomination for best comedy actor while Michael hasn't been nominated for anything and the fan on twitter can't understand why now I personally think after Al aggressive behaviour on a post when they got his name wrong on his favourite radio station and how her stories on ig recently just werid behaviour do u think Al may had sabotaged his chances of getting a nomination for anything
What ur thoughts
Hi there! So I am once again on the road and attending a conference in Las Vegas that just wrapped up, and now I finally have a chance to comment on today's exciting news.
I'm sure everyone has seen by now, but congrats to our lovely David on his first (main) BAFTA nom for Male Performance in a Comedy!
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It seems almost surreal that David has never been nominated for a (main) BAFTA before now, and given the breadth of his other recent TV performances (Des, Litvinenko) nominating him for Good Omens season 2 is certainly a choice...especially in the absence of a nomination for Michael. Looking at the list of nominations, it appears that Best Interests was nominated for Limited Drama, as was Sharon Horgan for Leading Actress...but no nomination for Michael for Leading Actor, either. So very quickly, this starts to look like a visible and intentional snub.
In terms of why Michael would be snubbed, I think there are a few possible reasons, but none of them have anything to do with AL. Readers of my blog know that I am never hesitant to call Anna out when it is merited, but in all likelihood the BAFTA nominations were decided long before now, and in my opinion she would not have any influence on whether Michael is nominated regardless of when her social media posts were made. So it does not make sense to place blame on her in this instance.
My feeling is that the reasons for Michael's lack of a nomination (and really, David's nomination specifically for GO) are likely twofold. One is that I'm guessing Amazon/whoever submitted David for consideration didn't want to pit Michael and David against each other. If they were both competing in the same category, it could split the votes, so only nominating one of them seems the best way of avoiding that. The second reason (again, in my opinion) seems to be political.
I was surprised to recently learn that Prince William is the president of BAFTA--British followers, help me out here, because this is very, very weird to a confused American--and as we know, Michael has spoken out on a number of hot button issues over the last few months: Opening a conversation about Welsh independence. The question of the devolution of the crown estate to Wales. And of course, abolishing the title of Prince of Wales. Not to mention all of the backlash incurred by the release of The Way, which was roundly savaged in the press and accused of promoting anti-English sentiments.
Granted, there have been politically active nominees and winners at the BAFTAs in the past, but it really feels like the combination of all these things is somehow working against Michael. Let's also not forget this epic picture from the BAFTA film awards last month, with Michael giving Wills the side-eyest of Welsh side-eyes:
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All this said, it is difficult (if not impossible) to think of Michael and David's performances in GO as separate things, because they are so inextricably intertwined. The reason that we got David's incredible performance as Crowley is because Michael was there as Aziraphale, and vice-versa. I think David and Michael themselves would be the first ones to say it, as well as to be in awe and so supportive of each other's acting. The response of fans to this nomination news--saying Michael is a better actor, Michael deserved to be nominated instead, etc.--is so perplexing to me, because I think he was probably the first one in line to congratulate David, and would chew out anybody who put down David's acting for any reason.
I also think that if the lack of a nomination is due to the above-mentioned political reasons, then Michael is probably wearing it like a fucking badge of honor. I think he is also happier for David than anyone else on the planet right now (because that's his boyfriend, damn it), and I truly hope the stars align and give us Michael presenting David with an award again like at the NTAs in 2021. (Michael subsequently carrying David off the stage bridal style would be the cherry on top of the already extremely homoerotic cake.)
I also feel that there is no question David is as taken aback by his nomination/Michael's lack of a nomination for GO as much as the rest of us are. While I have no idea what David's chances of winning truly are, I think he would wholeheartedly and enthusiastically share that award with Michael. And I think he will share that night with Michael no matter what, regardless of what happens on the broadcast.
So many possibilities come to mind, really. I can imagine David and Michael re-enacting Every (without the heartbreaking bits, of course) on stage. I've seen people making references to the infamous Slow Show fic/how it parallels to real life, and while I've only read part of it (haven't gotten to finish), the thought of any kiss between Michael and David is beyond gorgeous to contemplate. Not for the sake of "content" or as a joke, of course (because I don't think they would be willing to kiss as a joke, because if they were, they would've done it by now), but because we would see a facet to Michael and David's relationship that's always been there in private become public. And it would be their choice to share it with us.
Those are my reactions to the BAFTAs announcement today. I'd love to hear from my followers as well with your thoughts and comments. Thanks for writing in! x
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nazumichi · 3 months
I’m like if sisyphus was me and that rock was my chemistry group project. I’m like if prometheus was me and those eagles were my group project partners. I’m like
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deadpresidents · 11 months
Who do you think Hillary Clinton should have chosen as her running mate in 2016?
Of the people reportedly on her shortlist, I thought she should have chosen Cory Booker or Tom Perez. Tim Kaine seemed safe and he was certainly qualified, but I never thought he was a good choice and definitely wasn't excited by his nomination. Senator Booker would have been a great pick and a spirited campaigner. Perez wouldn't have been as good on the campaign trail, but he would have been an interesting balance to the ticket.
Outside of her shortlist, I thought she should have picked Admiral William McRaven. At the time I think I was already mentioning my hope that Admiral McRaven actually run for President. I still think he should run for President.
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cockworkangels · 11 months
the state of the politics of this country is so fucking embarrassing rn
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emmymaehereeeeee · 1 year
in my cult leader era
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loud-whistling-yes · 2 years
STEM is a male-dominated field and I'm working a thankless fucking job
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astrxealis · 2 years
why am i nominated for . 4 class officer roles LMAO ??
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asiantimes-world-news · 4 months
Nikki Haley won’t serve as former president Donald Trump’s vice president if he wins the Republican nomination.
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littlemuppetmonsters · 4 months
Oscars predictions bc i KNOW you're all dying to hear my opinions:
Disclaimer i have not seen 90% of these movies and these are not necessarily whom i think SHOULD win its just who i think will. Based on who else is nominated and the academy's history
best picture Killers of the flower moon
best director Justine triet or Martin Scorcese
best actor Cillian Murphy
best actress Lily Gladstone
best supporting actor Ryan Gosling or Robert de Niro
best actress Danielle Brooks
best screenplay anatomy of a fall or past lives
best adapted screenplay poor things or american fiction
best animated Across the spider verse or the boy and the heron
best song I'm just ken or Wahzhazhe
best score killers of the flower moon
best production design barbie or killers
best costuming barbie or killers
The rest of them i dont know enough about to have an opinion. I think oppie will unfortunately sweep all the other technicals.
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tomorrowusa · 26 days
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There are reports that Kristi Noem has been banned by the Sisseton-Wahpeton tribal council from setting foot on their tribal land in northeastern South Dakota. That would be the fifth Native American tribe in the state to do so.
Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate Restricts Governor Kristi Noem’s Access
In a unanimous decision, the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate Tribal Council has passed a resolution restricting South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem's access to their trust lands.  [ ... ] [T]he Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate has decided to stand with the tribal nations in South Dakota by restricting and banning Governor Kristi Noem's access to the Trust Lands of the Lake Traverse Reservation until Governor Noem issues a formal and public apology. The apology must acknowledge the grievance caused by her actions and statements towards the parents of tribal children, the education provided to tribal children, and the undermining of the Tribal Council's efforts to combat the drug epidemic.
Almost forgot: Reproductive freedom will probably be on the ballot in South Dakota this year.
South Dakota abortion rights groups collect enough signatures to advance ballot measure
It may be spring in South Dakota but winter is coming for Kristi Noem and her incessant efforts to kowtow to Donald Trump.
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gurucave · 5 months
Nikki Haley's Bold Move: Rejecting Vice Presidency Bid as Trump Gains Key Endorsement
In a strategic move aimed at asserting her independence, Nikki Haley, the contender for the Republican presidential nomination, made it clear to New Hampshire voters on Friday that she will not be former President Donald Trump’s vice president if he secures the Republican nomination. Despite the tradition of the nominee choosing a running mate, Haley has consistently maintained, “I don’t want to…
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5mcsinatrenchcoat · 8 months
The funny thing is every time I think about it, all my "very female" custom game characters are actually just she/her'd lesbians who grew up in the consequent assumption and are genuinely fine with it in a "whatever" sorta way. Got assigned a role at the metaphorical playground and went "A woman? Sure! Can I play the dad tho."
But then if you like scratch that surface it's. Woman who? Aka every now and then I literally catch myself as mentally not seeing them as part of the female cast of the game 'cause they're just their own category to me.
...which is TOTALLY not reflective of my own experience or whatever.
Anyway don't mind me I'm looking very hard at Vice and Karlach together and THINKING after that one Sam interview.
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deadpresidents · 1 year
Who do you think would’ve been the Democratic nominee in 1940 if FDR decided against a third term?
FDR's two-term Vice President (and former Speaker of the House) John Nance Garner really wanted the Democratic nomination in 1940 and openly spoke out against the idea of FDR running for a third term. Garner actually launched a campaign for the nomination in 1940. Roosevelt and Garner had disagreed on policy a lot by that point, but that was still a unique moment in which an incumbent President was being challenged for his party's nomination by his own sitting Vice President. Now, FDR tried to make it appear as if he was being drafted for a third term and that he wasn't intentionally seeking re-election in 1940, but he absolutely was pulling the strings behind-the-scenes and working to make sure that he ended up with the nomination.
But even if Roosevelt hadn't run again in 1940, I don't think Garner would have been the nominee. He was popular with Democrats, but he was 71 years old (back when that seemed to be too old to be President!) and he was from Texas and the Civil War was fresh enough in memory that the country still wasn't all that open to electing a President from the Deep South. Plus, FDR and his New Dealers would have still controlled the party mechanisms and Garner was far too conservative of a Democrat for their tastes. If Roosevelt hadn't run, Postmaster General James Farley, who desperately wanted to be President and had long been a power in Democratic politics in New York probably would have grabbed the nomination. As it was, Farley did make a bid for the nomination in 1940 because he was under the impression that FDR was not going to seek a third term and that Roosevelt had given him the blessing to run, but he lost out to FDR on the first ballot at the Democratic National Convention.
If FDR hadn't run and Farley had been the nominee in 1940, it's interesting to think about whether he could have beaten the eventual Republican nominee, Wendell Willkie. Farley would have backed all of FDR's New Deal programs, was much more liberal than Roosevelt, and an early and enthusiastic advocate for civil rights. But he was also a Catholic and anti-Catholic sentiment was still a very real thing, as it was even when JFK was nominated 20 years later. A Farley-Willkie matchup would have been much closer than an FDR-Willkie matchup because Farley wouldn't have had the advantage of being FDR and Willkie was an energetic candidate on the campaign trail. Ideologically, there wasn't much distance between Farley's politics and Willkie's, just as there wasn't much difference between FDR and Willkie politically.
In fact, if FDR had made it clear ahead of time that he absolutely wasn't running in 1940, one of the leading contenders for the Democratic nomination actually probably would have been Wendell Willkie himself. Willkie was a Democrat for most of his life and even talked about as a potential future Democratic Presidential candidate in the late-1930s. When it became obvious that Roosevelt wasn't going to definitively refuse a third term, Willkie changed his voter registration to Republican -- in late 1939! That made him available as a compromise candidate for Republicans at the 1940 Republican Convention, but he probably would have been a contender for the 1940 Democratic nomination if FDR had dropped out. And after the Willkie lost to FDR in the 1940 election, he became a vocal supporter of Roosevelt's wartime leadership and acted as an unofficial diplomat for FDR on a couple of occasions.
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Aha - Take On Me 1985
"Take On Me" is a song by the Norwegian synth-pop band A-ha. The original version from 1984 was produced by Tony Mansfield and remixed by John Ratcliff. The 1985 international hit version was produced by Alan Tarney for the group's debut studio album, Hunting High and Low.
In 1984, Andrew Wickham was the international vice-president for Warner Bros Records America, and their A&R man in London. He immediately signed A-ha to Warner Brothers America, after learning several previous attempts had failed to make "Take On Me" a commercial success. The next release was not successful either and featured a very ordinary performance video. He authorised considerable investment in the band: on Slater's recommendation, renowned producer Alan Tarney was commissioned to refine the song. The new recording achieved a cleaner and more soaring sound. It was re-released in the UK, but the record label's office in London gave them little support, and the single flopped for the second time.
Wickham placed the band on high priority and applied a lateral strategy with further investment. Steve Barron directed a revolutionary rotoscoping animation music video which took six months to create, using professional artists. Approximately 3,000 frames were rotoscoped, which took 16 weeks to complete. The single was released in the US one month after the music video, and immediately appeared in the Billboard Hot 100 and was a worldwide smash, reaching No. 1 in numerous countries.
At the 1986 MTV Video Music Awards, the video won six awards: Best New Artist in a Video, Best Concept Video, Most Experimental Video, Best Direction in a Video, Best Special Effects in a Video, and Viewer's Choice, and was nominated for two others, Best Group Video and Video of the Year. It was also nominated for Favorite Pop/Rock Video at the 13th American Music Awards in 1986.
"Take On Me" received a total of 95% yes votes, and is currently the most liked song on this poll blog! 🥳
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wombocombo4x3 · 10 months
Vice News Receives Emmy Nomination For Hit Piece Slandering The Manga In...
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