januscorner · 2 months
It really sucks being trans sometimes, like I want to dress in pink and where skirts and makeup but the dysphoria stops me and the only way I know to counteract it is a big tight undershirt that is very visible under my clothes and has to be taken off after seven hours
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moonsfantasyworld · 12 hours
God dammit
The girl I got beef with on Twitter joined tumblr
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polyamquackity · 8 months
"You can't just decide to be a lesbian" Yes you can. You can do whatever you want forever shut up
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emita-ita · 7 months
golly I just LOVE it when big search engines get worse and worse! and give me less accurate results to show me unrelated popular and clickbaity things!
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I'm gonna fucking walk out of english tomorrow I don't give the tiniest shit about all your stupid projects you're honestly such an asshole is it not possible for you to not make your students want to fucking die your so unsupportive towards everything and you don't have any way to comfort your students when they're stressed because they don't have ENOUGH FUCKING TIME FOR YOUR BIG ASS ASSIGNMENTS
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tumblingxelian · 7 months
I'm locked in a house for the foreseeable future with two people who think Covid is just a minor annoyance.
One of whom, allegedly a trained nurse, insisting it only kills people in "Third world countries and the US."
They also are not making any effort to social distance or lower contamination because "You both probably already have it."
I have avoided Covid for god damn years and because those two decided to dick around I'm no potentially infected and they don't even have the fucking decency to treat Covid like a fucking disease.
I fucking HATE this and I want to be somewhere else, I want my own space, for gods sake, I fucking hate this!
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re-ikrmso · 15 days
trying to not forget that people want be around me vs the feeling of being not real just a veneer if a prrson
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little-miss-mash · 3 months
Had a shower thought of "i hate my body" and it snapped me right out of my funk fog into a frustration fog because i dont hate my body. I dont have body dysphoria and i have a banging body. Like the type and shape of body that tells teen girls to wish for.
But i hatw it because if i was uglier, less attractive, i would at least have a better explanation for why im so fycking lonely and unable to find and keep someone to love and cuddle and fuck. (Honestly crave the cuddles the most)
But im hot as shit. So here comes me hating on my personhood instead. I cant say that it would be easier to hate my body but when im hating anything about myself it feels like it would be easier to hate something else
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hello there!
I'd like to ask how you got the inspiration for Identity Crisis.
thank you!!!
I partially write in order to vent any frustrations with irl issues I'm experiencing, so almost all my stories' themes correlate with something I'm struggling to process at the time of publishing in my personal life (ie. Grief, issues with discernment of personal identity, complex relationship with chronic/mental illness, familial communication issues, etc.). I don't always realize this when I'm in the process of writing, as the parallels aren't usually immediately obvious or direct, but with almost every work I've produced I'll end up looking back at some point and go. Ah. That emotionally/thematically mirrors the point in my life I was at while writing it exactly. Interesting.
I wrote identity crisis during my first semester of college. I won't go into all the parallels bc that'd be hella boring and tmi, but the actual plot of the work was definitely secondary to the themes I was attempting to approach with it/the ways it emotionally interacted with my real world experiences. I wanted a work that would allow for exploration of the identity/independence/family/social/health/etc. issues I was experiencing and the plot of identity crisis fit the bill.
The idea came to me stressed as hell at 3am the night before a big paper was due, and I wrote it down in my notes app thinking it might make for some good angst. There wasn't really much thought to it other than the desire to write something personally relatable involving my favorite characters, though I do really love to play with the mental aspect of ofa for the obvious thematic implications it carries.
Sorry if this was unhelpful lol, I don't think my motivations for writing are very similar to most writers' on a conscious level, so this probably isn't what you were asking for. Regardless, I think it's always helpful to explore themes and experiences relevant to your own life; it's probably the primary thing that motivates my writing
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cheolhub · 1 year
just ate a protein bar my coworker gave me for lunch bc i forgot to pack mine before leaving and she’s sitting in front of me, but i want to spit it out so fucking bad bc i can literally taste the protein in it…
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swallowtail-ageha · 6 months
The categorizing of personality types with clothes is a cancer to society
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grubbylilgoblin · 1 year
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darlingpassion · 8 months
Human Poppy is 4'10. Human Shiny is 5'6 (5'7 in heels). And she's strong too.
Shiny doesn't lean over Poppy to fluster her. She lifts her up to eye level to not just make Poppy only focus on their height difference, but also how easily she could pick her up and do whatever she likes with her. Like a doll. (Her doll, as Shiny would put it).
Basically, they're this meme.
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stonerzelda · 8 months
i think my life would improve so greatly if i could justtt and i mean Just move out lol
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littldolli · 10 months
i hate myself
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memeing to cope
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