#varokaa heikkoa jäätä
its-emimi · 1 month
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Muistakaahan varoa heikkoa jäätä! Beware of thin ice, everyone!
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kattiperkele · 24 days
Äänet päässäni. Tööt tööt.
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etuusdominaattori · 1 year
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anirobot · 6 months
Nyt on taas se aika vuodesta, jolloin ihmiset horrivat heikoille jäille!
Vasta viisi senttimetriä paksu teräsjää kantaa ihmisen!
Jäävaroituksen ohje pelasti pikkusiskon
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shapeofmetal · 2 years
Hi uhhh, can I get G1 Sky Lynx in the style of the iconic Varokaa heikko jäätä (Beware Thin Ice) short animation from Pikku Kakkonen? Link for reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkIJ2UUOlWk
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kinuskikakku · 4 months
Varokaa heikkoa jäätä.
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janmu · 2 years
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Varokaa heikkoa jäätä // Cold Bath
Pikku Kakkonen 4ever!
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puuvillaa · 6 months
"varokaa heikkoa jäätä" ei pelottanut???? 😱 Onko tässä maailmassa mitään mitä pelkäisit 👻👻👻👻👻👻
No täytyy kyllä myöntää et mörköä pelkäsin, et ihan en pelottomana selvinny lapsuudestani kuitenkaan
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kivikunnas · 1 year
Varokaa heikkoa jäätä!
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seinaet · 2 years
couldn’t find this classic horror film from search so here you go
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its-emimi · 1 month
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I also made a shirt so I can relive my childhood trauma everyday 💀
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captainsigge · 4 years
"Ice, Santa Claus has come, now there is ice."
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wintersoldeer · 3 years
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yeah yeah its really Not A Good Show, i probably shouldnt care that much, but ohhh my god this is making me hilariously genuinely mad 😂😂😂 if you are on ice thats breaking you do not just keep standing and walking!!!
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saa-na · 4 years
This thin ice warning that would show before the children's show in my childhood will forever be wild to me because these people really were like "which sounds made by these animals would be the most terrifying ones?" the "varokaa heikkoa jäätä hmm.." "watch out for thin ice, hmm..." is equally as traumatising as the car horn sounds coming from the bear when he falls into the ice
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returquoise · 4 years
Things TV, movies and books do wrong about winter
Ice on the ground - actors and directors and animators do not take this into account. If there's snow on the ground, there's also ice. And if it's a street that has not been salted or added gravel, then you're going to be walking carefully. Like walking on normal shoes in an ice rink, with uneven ice - sometimes while wearing a blinfold because you can't always see the ice - careful.
Hats and gloves. Head releases a lot of heat and every character in winter environment, complaining about being cold, should be wearing a hat and gloves. Gloves because fingers are tiny extremities with no insulation aka fat and thus need protection from the cold.
Slush. It exists, especially on roads that encounter a lot of car traffic - it's half melted, slushy, greyish-brown and will hop inside your shoes if you step too hard into it. Just imagine streets full of inedible midway through the movie melted ice slushie that will wet your socks at the first opportunity.
Cold acting - ie moving around a bit, tugging at a scarf or collar of the jacket to protect cheeks, neck and chin from the cold, stomping feet to get feeling back into toes...
Everyone fucking scene ever where someone falls through the ice at a river or lake or something. If your characters live in a place where that can happen, they WILL know how to act on the ice. My country has had an animated short for kids since forever and if a Finn does not know it, then there has been a failure in child rearing. In short: you DO NOT stand on the ice, you tummy crawl and distribute your weight.
Open jackets. You do not keep your jacket open and complain it's cold, you close that jacket and dress in layers because it insulates warmth. And if you must keep it open, at least wear a huge woollen scarf.
Skiing is not just downhill. My mum loves to ski on frozen rivers and those are flat. Personally I hate skiing but can do it on flat surfaces.
If it is cold enough you can freeze your nose hairs and eyelashes.
Layering is the key in dressing. Layers, man. As a kid I wore three layers of clothes for playing in the snow. Nowadays I wear two in winter because climate change and I don't really play a lot in the snow. If I do play in the snow, it's still three.
Feel free to add more. This was inspired by that Through the Ice episode in Dragon Prince because the Princes had a fucking winter lodge (with sledding and snowmen) next to a river and SHOULD have known how to act on ice but for some reason didn't.
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