#valentina sokolov
Team Japan/Adlers/MSBY
Celebrate Pride
Team Japan x GN! Reader; Schweiden Adlers x GN! Reader; MSBY x GN! Reader
Warnings: one tiny mention of Bokuto and Hinata potentially suffocating YN, literally pure fluff
A/N: This is a request from Gen Z anon!
🏳️‍🌈 Please Like, Share, Comment to support my writing 🏳️‍🌈
Team Japan
Coming out can be extremely nerve wreaking, exciting and scary all at the same time
Legit as much as you hope for support, it's unfortunate that sometimes we just never know 😔
Good thing you won't have to worry about this with this team YN!
Seriously support system overload
Like almost too much support 😬
I personally don't think one can ever have enough support, but when you are being smothered by giant men 👀
Potentially 😅
You were nervous to tell the team
Not because you about how they would react but because you were nervous they would make a huge deal out of it
And you weren't wrong....
Because they can and they will 🤣
Honestly the most chaotic of the three groups today
You decide you want to tell them during pride month
It seems fitting
So you just rip it off like a bandaid
After a meeting, Aran asks if anyone has anything to say
And you raise your hand
Everyone looks at you 👀
You get a little nervous now
But just breath YN and do it
"I JUST WANTED TO SAY THAT IM APART OF THE LGBTQIA+ COMMUNITY"- you shout and then quickly sit down
Please Atsumu literally says "and this is my friend Valentina, she's an ally. Talk Valentina!"
And Bokuto screams "ALLY" 💅🏼
Ok calm down Hinata Junior 🤣
Then they realize, it's not a tik tok... 😅
Everyone just stares at you 👁👄👁
"Umm congrats YN. Thank you for feeling safe to share that with us"- Iwaizumi
Then the world explodes
"OMG YN"- Bokuto says hugging you 🫂
Please this man has zero boundaries and we all know it
"Bokuto don't hug people unless they say it's ok!"- Yaku
"YN what part of the community are you if you don't mind me asking"- Ushijima our mindful king
You tell them as they continue to ask questions
"Well I for one always knew YN"- Atsumu
You 👉🏻🤨 you did
"You absolutely did not"- Sakusa 🙄
"Weren't you literally just asking why YN wouldn't date you?"- Komori
"It's because I knew I wasn't YN's type"- Atsumu
"😐 You most definitely aren't my type"- You
Atsumu 👉🏻😱 offended
"YN am I your type?"- Bokuto
"If Atsumu isn't YN's type why would you be?"- Hoshiumi
"What about me YN?"- Hinata
"YN definitely doesn't like gingers"- Kageyama 🙄
This is going great YN 😃
"YN seriously look what you did"- Yaku
"Hinata, Bokuto get off the floor!"- Iwaizumi
You 👉🏻👁👄👁 literally just existing
Congrats YN, you've somehow caused more chaos 😅
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These guys are so chill YN
Honestly they love how much you support them and they will give it back 110%
Probably the team you feel most comfortable bringing it up to right away
They are totally willing to help you in any way they can
Will ask a MILLION questions
Kageyama- Kageyama will asks a million questions
Will totally use you being apart of the LGBTQIA+ community to one up MSBY 🤣
You decide to tell them at a team meeting
But unsurprisingly, they already know 😅
"So I just want to let you guys know I'm apart of the LGBTQIA+ community"- you
"😐 Yeah we know YN"- Hirugami
You 👉🏻👁👄👁 you do-
"Seriously YN we are Profesional volleyball players, we are observant"- Heiwajima 🙄
"But- but-" you, too stunned to speak
"YN seriously give us more credit ok"- Romero ✋🏻
You 👉🏻 ok then 😐
"So what part of the community are you YN?"- Kageyama
You tell him and he listens intently
"Wait so do you have one of those cool flags too?"- Kageyama
"Yep! I have one hanging in my room!"- you 😊
"Omg wait- we should totally decorate the gym!"- Hoshiumi says
"MSBY is coming this week"- Sokolov says
"Exactly! We can show them how not only do we have the coolest Manager ever but that we are SO MUCH COOLER than they are!"- Hoshiumi
"Hey that's a great idea! I can't wait to shove it down Hinata's throat!"- Kageyama says grinning evily 😼
You 👉🏻👁👄👁 ummm
"I could totally rub how supportive we are in Meians ugly face!"- Hirugami says
"YN can you get us like 50 pride flags by tomorrow?"- Heiwajima
You 👉🏻 👁👄👁 I'll see what I can do-
"Good good excellent-" Romero says smirking 😏
Honestly we love the support 👏🏻
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Bokuto, Hinata and Atsumu
Need I say more??
Much like Team Japan, MSBY is chaotic on the best of days
You actually didn't plan on telling them about your part in the LGBTQIA+ Community
It just happened 😅
One day, you just happened to wear your favorite pride shirt to practice
You honestly didn't even know you grabbed it
Your first fatal error YN 😅
When you walk into the gym, Sakusa instantly notices
"Oh YN Happy Pride" he says as he walks past you
It's simple, quiet and sweet
You look at him, then look at your shirt and say "�� crap"
Before you can say anything the three idiots are on you
"Are you an ally YN?"- Atsumu asks
"I'm actually apart of the community"- you say
"YN 🥺 REALLY"- Bokuto is so excited
Just accept it YN it's already happened
"Yes Bo, I didn't want to bother you guys by saying anything but I guess my shirt gave it away"- you
"YN you're never a bother!"- Barnes says
"Yeah YN, if it's important to you, then it's important to us"- Meian adds
You 👉🏻😐🥺🥲 really-
"Of course YN! You are our manager and we will support and love you no matter what!"- Inunaki adds
"Cuddle puddle!"- Bokuto shouts before he jumps on you, joined by Hinata and Atsumu
"You guys are going to kill YN! Get off them!"- Joffe shouts
"Pretty sure it's a hate crime if you suffocate YN during pride month"- Sakusa
"OMG YN DONT DIE ON US"- Bokuto screams
"😐 please don't I'm fine"- you say
Please YN 🤣 remember you signed up for this
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crowlore · 6 years
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the sokolov fall catalog
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huntsthemoon · 7 years
So I got tagged to do this for FFAD but I wasn’t around so here it is....
1. Which oc most reflects you?
That would be my pop culture quoting, band tee wearing, smart ass baby Nora. Not all me but allot of me
2. Which oc has a storyline so dark it makes you feel guilty?
Again some of the shit I put Nora through makes me cringe. But tough cookies come from adversity so that’s my excuse. And she’s the toughest cookie I write!
3. How do you name your oc’s?
Nora was literal months of grappling and researching. I wanted a name that made sense with their french heritage and had significant meaning. It’s a french name meaning light, moon. And her cover last name is German for hunter. I always pictured Victoria being Eastern European in descent. 
4. Which oc do you write most for?
That would be Nora again. I’ve done quite a few one shots and peaks at Gabriel. And my poor babies Frankie, Ben, Lenny & Myra get left in the dust.
5. What do you like making most: posters, aesthetics, gifs, playlists, manips, etc?
I enjoy making gifs. They’re fiddly and time consuming but I just love them when they’re done so much. I wish I was better at things like posters and manips though.
6. Do you have an oc that’s for a super obscure fandom?
Not really.... I used to have OC’s for Beyblade and Degrassi back in the day but that’s it.
7. What are some fun facts about your oc’s?
hmmmm..... not sure..... Gabriel likes to drink even though it doesn’t effect him. He likes feeling the burn and then the healing immediately after swallowing a good bourbon. 
8. I dare you to spoil a huge plot point in your current story (only if you want, I’m serious only if you want)
Way more Laura x Nora BROTP to come.... that’s all you’re getting
9. What’s your favorite fandom to write oc’s for?
I had allot of fun creating the little bit of Lenny I’ve done so far for Arrow just because that world flips back and forth so much you can basically have two different characters in one.
10. Did someone in your life inspire a certain oc?
Gabriel is loosely based on an ex-boyfriend lol except he’s nicer than said boyfriend.
11. How do you choose a faceclaims for your oc’s?
I have an idea in my head of what their features are then google that. And once I find one I like (now that I know more about gif sets etc.) I search to make sure it’ll be easy to find materials. But I also try to have a FC that there isn’t ten million of just because it gets confusing some times.
12. Is there a specific song that fits one of your oc’s so well it’s insane?
Right now I’m all about “I’ll Be Good” by Jaymes Young for Nora. A good listen for sure.
13. Where do you mainly post your fics?
I have them on ff.net, ao3 and wattpad.
14. Do any of your stories have polyamorous relationships?
I have one in the back of my mind that’s sterek with an OC but I haven’t written much of it and it’s been forever.
15. Do you have any queer oc’s?
I wouldn’t describe Nora and Gabriel as queer but they’re both for what feels good regardless of labels when it comes to sex. ;)
16. Do you have an poc oc’s?
I’m fleshing out Ruby the waitress in TMH right now. Her FC is going to be Nathalie Emmanuel. I was going to have her be a background character but I’ve really enjoyed writing her and want to expand her more.
17. Is there a common trait all your oc’s share?
They all have my sense of humour and enjoy a good smirk?
18. Is there an oc you’ve never posted anything for?
Lenny and Myra have no stories just plot bunny stuff... and Gabriel technically hasn’t entered TMH yet....
19. Have you ever had a dream where one of your oc’s was in it?
ALL THE FUCKING TIME!!! I think it’s because I lay in bed and think about story ideas.
20. What is something you’ve been dying to tell someone about concerning a fic or an oc?
I’ve been dying to tell you all how amazing you are and how much I enjoy your characters. 
Thanks for the tag @toalltheocsivelovedbefore 
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skimblebaby · 4 years
Hi hello :) hope you're having a good day! Could we possibly have the Mungojerrie photos from the Moscow vers?
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here you go various Moscow Mungojerries Andrey Glushenko, Alexander Bocharov, Konstantin Sokolov, Evgeny Chekin Rumpleteaser - Victoria Kanatkina, Valentina Rubtsova
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yateshq · 4 years
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Fright Night, aka the Stanley Retreat, was created to foster unity and harmony between the societies, right? Well, the founders thought it would be a lovely idea if each hotel room was randomized. That’s right, you don’t get to pick your roommates in Colorado. They’re assigned to you. Please find your rooming assignments below: 
Room 1:
Henrietta Peters
Brennan Kingston
Elizabeth Aldenkamp
Elias Salvatore
Room 2:
Carmen Peck
Bones Cunningham
Liviana Alvarez
Malcolm Smith
Room 3:
Aisling Warren
Aurora Clark
Florian Henneberg
Syre Salinger
Darby Albright
Room 4:
Bowie Lesser
Stanley Peters
Shelby Carrigan
Tanner Isaacs
Room 5:
Eleanor Albright
Charles Kennedy
Genevieve Maxwell
Romeo Sokolov
Darcy Woodrow
Room 6:
Juliette Barnett
Ophelia Sokolov
Francesca Wilde
Jade Vassar
Fitz Montgomery
Room 7
Sawyer Maxwell
Felix Lesser
Anita de Jesus
Malaki Collier
Room 8
Valentina Lucas
Kristine Navarro
Harrison Hadlee
Cordelia Stone
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qqueenofhades · 5 years
Dear Madame, I am completely enamored with the Sokolov brothers. Who wouldn’t love an adorable, hulking, GOOD RUSSIAN BOY who respects women, fights for the good side, and can dish the sass right back to snarky vampires? Are either of them single? I am willing to learn Russian and even spend quality time with Baba Yaga if necessary. Please advise, oh wise one.
Dear correspondent,
The Sokolovs have been fan favourites back since the days of Starlight & Strange Magic, where similar enquiries about their singleness were often put forward. We are pleased to confirm that they are both, to the best of our knowledge, currently single. Your application will be enhanced not only by learning Russian and being willing to spend quality time with Baba Yaga, but also:
1) Developing a taste for tea, vodka, borscht, black sausage, and other hearty cooking of the motherland. Especially vodka.
2) Being willing to HEX PUTIN at drop of hat, and really good hex, because fuck that guy.
3) Going to visit Valentina and Vasily Sokolov at their apartment in St Petersburg, where Valentina will ask approximately eighty-seven times if you eat enough, she does not trust these Americans. Please just eat third helpings to stop her from worrying.
4) Being good with cold temperatures. It is Russia. Fur hats and overcoats should also be acquired.
5) Learning how to kickbox. They will absolutely break all the heads necessary for you (you can apply for one or both brothers), but this will give you a fun bonding activity and you will all eat hearty meal afterward.
We wish you all the success, and possibly some strong blond Russian children.
Very sincerely yours,
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ocappreciation · 7 years
~*~Mobile Friendly~*~ ocappreciation DCTV OC Masterlist
Abigael Allen // Fic: Ruby // The Flash // by: missjanuarylily
Aella Wayne // Fic: Homecoming //  by: randomestfandoms
Alex Fletcher // Fic: Time & Again // by : seize-the-droid
Anastasia Wayne // Fic: Badlands // Gotham // by: warrioreyess
Averey Moore // Fic: In a Faslh // The Flash // by:  purple-and-red-ribbons
Braden “Brady” Nash // Fic: Flash Fire  // by: purple-and-red-ribbons
Cadence Nash // Fic: Flash Fire // The Flash // by:   purple-and-red-ribbons
Clara Wayne // Fic: Good Intentions // Gotham // by: susiesamurai
Daisy Allen // Fic: Volatile // The Flash // by: warrioreyess
Darcy Donovan // Fic: Electric Heart // Titans // by: perfectlystiles
Georgie Lark // Fic: Turn Back Time // Arrow & Legends of Tomorrow: by: itscapokaybye
Greer Wayne // Fic: Holding Out For A Hero // Gotham // by: missjanuarylily
Haven Hendrix //Fic: The Cheshire Cat Chronicles // The Flash // by: comealonpixie
Illyria Drury // Fic; Acolyte // by: twofacedharveydent
Karen Starr // Fic: To be Human // The Flash // by: hogwarts-is-my-wonderland
Livvy Allen // Fic: With Lightning Comes Thunder // The Flash & Legends of Tomorrow // by: the-writer-in-blue
Marion Leigh // Fic: Private Traps // Gotham // by: mangleocs
Molly Dawson // Fic: Push The Limits // Gotham // by: deviantsendbyreallife
Natalie Lance // Fic: And the Canaries Sing // Arrow, The Flash, & Legends of Tomorrow // by: chantelroyal
Riley Wayne // Fic: Fallen Angel // by: curious-kittens-ocs
Rose Parker // fic: Believe in the Impossible Series // by: fiercefray
Starling “Bird” Wayne // Fic: We Were Born Sick & Wasteland // Gotham // by: twofacedharveydent
Valentina “Lenny” Sokolov // Fic: Untitled // Arrow // by: huntsthemoon
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mafiashq · 7 years
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The following characters have failed to meet our activity requirement and/or have failed to contact the main or post IC within the last 24 hours:
@dvoynoy - Inessa Sokolov
@scarlett-singh - Scarlett Singh
@carina-romano - Carina Romano
@siibella - Sibella PIerce
@iinvctus - Jonathan Hale
@effleurs - Bonnie Valentina
@tara-rawal - Tara Rawal
REOPENED FCS: Jessica Chastain, Priyanka Chopra, Willa Holland, Tatyana Maslany, Keanu Reeves, Ana de Armas, Deepika Padukone
NOTE: Anyone listed here are always welcome to come back to the RP and reapply, should anyone wish it :)
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oosteven-universe · 6 years
Fathom Vol.7 #2
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Fathom vol.7 #2 Aspen Comics 2018 Written by Ron Marz Illustrated by Siya Oum Coloured by Peter Steigerwald & Valentina Taddeo Lettered by Zen     The NSA revealed to Aspen Matthews that her brother Finn was abducted during a struggle.  Aspen, weary of another branch of government, decided to forego their attempt to control her and left of her own accord in search of Finn…     What this creative team is doing with this story so far is fantastic. Honestly I haven’t been this excited over Fathom in a long time. Not only does it feel fresh and new it is new reader friendly so for anyone who has wanted to try Fathom but felt intimidated this is truly the perfect time to pick it up. Also that while Ron acknowledges Fathom’s history this is a new combined universe so there have been changes that we and Fathom aren’t aware of yet. It is these changes that make it feel so fresh and exciting.     The way this is structured is utterly sensational. Aspen has a lot on her mind and her plate at the moment. Being watched and having a handler isn’t something she likes nor will really tolerate and the fact that some unknown organisation has kidnapped her brother isn’t helping matters any. The characterisation here is also top notch I mean I love seeing the inner struggle that Aspen is going through and it really helps the reader to connect with her on a personal level. Not to mention during her own musings she feels like while she is a part of both worlds she belongs to neither. That too is something folks can relate to, as well any other water based hero alive today.     The opening is utterly gorgeous and while the musing is going on and we see Aspen encounter a giant squid the work that Siya and Peter do there is breathtaking. Siya really went that extra mile to make it feel as authentic as possible in her depiction and the end result is not only one of the most visually but emotionally effective opens around. If this doesn’t draw you in to see more of what’s happening you have no appreciation for beauty. Then how that transitions to the what is next is something Ron can do in his sleep and it’s so nice to see how smooth it is.     Having talked about the opening let’s hit the rest of the interiors here. The attention to detail here is phenomenal and to see how much is not only spent on the characters themselves, their clothing or armour but in the backgrounds as well showcases what those backgrounds are capable of. They expand the story they give it a sense of size and scope and the manipulation through varying weights make things like facial expressions, hair and even people in pods feel like more than mere props. The utilisation of page layouts and how we see the angles and perspective in the panels shows a beautiful and seasoned eye for storytelling.     Also I like that Ron is able to show us Finn and in his childlike manner cooperate with his captures because mentally he really isn’t there. With Doctor Sokolov and Comrade Red Kite we see such different ways of seeing Finn and his potential use. Sokolov is madman and maniac in my opinion and as a Doctor he fails miserably. Though the army he’s supposed to be making may come to fruition I don’t think he’s going to have Finn much longer but then that’s supposition on my part. Plus that Ron throws in a Pinocchio reference that’s totally suited to the moment and it shows why I am such a huge fan of his. ​     Muria is seen once more and it’s a place Aspen doesn’t recognise. Why and how is for you to find out and next issues review will go into that more but I don’t wanna spoil the fun. Suffice it to say that with this level of writing and illustration Fathom’s newest volume is not only accessible to everyone but is by far the best one in years to be reading!
0 notes
huntsthemoon · 7 years
1. Your first OC ever?
It was a vampire in the Beyblade universe, her name was Tru Darling and I was 14, don’t judge me lol
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
I have a personal soft spot for Eleanora ‘Nora’ Argent obviously. She’s the first fully fleshed out character I’ve created and I thought about her for a year before I started writing. I’m just super proud of her.
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
The same beyblade fic I had made friends with some folks on ff.net and basically added them as characters. By the time I was down there was like 20 OC’s in the story and it wasn’t finished. It was a mess lol.
4. A character you rarely talk about?
Mika Parker, she’s a poly-sterek fic I started to work on but she never got very far. I might still write her some day. She helps spark!Stiles control his magic and come to grips with his attraction to one Derek Hale
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
Ooooo it’s hard to pick, but I think I’d have to go with Nora. Just because I’m like 18 chapters in and I just really want to see people love my little broken bird.  
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
The only ones who aren’t related that look somewhat alike would be Gabriel and Valentina and only because they’re blonde and blue eyed. Not really anything other than that.
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
Eleanora and Gabriel are part of The Moon Huntress (latest chapter here)
Frankie and Ben Connelly are part of Above All Else which is in the process of being written. (learn more about them here and here)
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!
I don’t RP sorry
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
I’m willing to allow crossovers or fan works but I would like to be asked first although those who’ve already made me stuff no they have full permission ;)
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design? 
All of them lol I love writing complicated characters what can I say? 
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”? 
Not sure what’s meant here, but Frankie is all smiles and sweetness on the surface...
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
I can’t pick just one lol.... a few OC’s that I’ve read so far are and they’re all great. If I miss someone I’m sorry.... Ellie Connor, Piper Dean & Merikh Amor by @lady-baratheon Fred Ackerman by @susiesamurai Emery Duran, Diana Chang & Bianca Larson by @dubonet Maddie Hayes by @anarchxst Arianna Patrakis by @fraysquake and there’s so many more my brain is just not functioning right now.
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs? 
My biggest troublemaker would be Gabriel from TMH, he’s not even fully introduced into the fic as a real person and he’s causing all kinds of problems ;)
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory 
Eleanora Argent thought she was tough as nails, but being back in Beacon Hills hunting a rogue alpha werewolf throws her world for a loop. And the addition of Derek Hale in her life only helps to complicate things. Her family has a code, but what's her code?
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
Like it? I love it! And I love hearing about others OCs as well. Anything you wanna know ask away and I’ll try my best to answer.
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)? 
Probably Frankie, she’s super smart and not afraid to go after finding something out she doesn’t know about. Unfortunately she doesn’t have much time to study.
17. Any OC OTPs? 
Obviously Eleanora x Derek for sure..... my OTP ride and die.
18. Any OC crackships?
A few Eleanora paired with @lydamartin‘s Oliver always has amazing things. And I have a feeling her with @dubonet‘s Will Martin would be interesting as well. And I also love her with @susiesamurai‘s Kevin ;)
I’ve always thought Gabriel and @papermoon262‘s Alex would be really interesting if they could survive each other lol.
Frank with @dubonet‘s Dylan Larson has been interesting lately as well. And Ben could be interesting with either @catgrant‘s Gwen Lodge or @lady-baratheon‘s Piper Dean  
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
The one that would probably sing would be Valentina and it’d be a soft sweet voice singing something in Russian
21. Your most artistic OC
Nora for sure, if she was in AU she’d be finishing art school and have a thriving career illustrating graphic novels or something similar. She draws allot to try to sort her mess of a head out.
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how? 
Nora again, I sometimes get the feeling people think of her allot like Kate but I hope that the more you read the more people realize they couldn’t be more different.
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
Frankie has changed allot but it has to do with development as she doesn’t have a story fully yet. Also watching the first episode of Riverdale changed some things in my head.
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
Probably Nora so I could give a hug she wouldn’t take ;)
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
There’s allot of myself in Nora, hard to write some of the traits without including myself or having personal experience but I feel each of my characters has a small part of me in them. Yes even Gabriel... :D
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will? 
I changed Nora FC after joining tumblr and realizing that I wanted to learn to edit and it was just to hard to find good stuff to makes edits with her original FC. 
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song? 
I’m one of those people who writes with my entire music library on shuffle so there’s probably some crossovers from my favourite songs but not inspired exactly no.
28. Your most dangerous OC? 
Definitely Gabriel, there’s nothing more dangerous than a man with no morals, he’s the true definition of beast when it comes to werewolves.
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
Pretty much all of them... they’re all pretty much lone birds if you know what I mean.
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection? 
I wanna say Gabriel because it’s just too funny but probably more like Frankie, she wants to be mature but she’s just a small child inside.
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
Frankie’s would be lots of pink, sayings reblogged and lots of fashion and hipster blogs reblogged.
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why? 
Nora.... girls got skills!!!!
33. Your shyest OC?
Probably Frankie, she’s shy to go after what she truly wants.
34. Do you have any twin characters?
No I don’t
35. Any sibling characters? 
Well Eleanora is Allison Argent’s sister
Ben & Frankie are siblings.
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)? 
Eleanora is paired with Derek Hale and Gabriel and is siblings with Allison Argent and daughter to Chris and Victoria, Niece to Kate, Granddaughter to Gerard and Friends with Stiles, Isaac, Erica and Boyd.
Gabriel is paired with Eleanora.
Valentina is paired with Oliver Queen.
Frankie is paired with Jughead Jones and becomes friends with the gang. Sister to Ben.
Ben is paired with Ms. Grundy and is friends with FP. Brother to Frankie.
Mika is paired with Stiles and Derek and Friends with Jackson.
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human 
Mika is a talented spark and emissary from England that is a member of the pack Jackson ends up in. She meets Stiles through Jackson and then Derek through Stiles. She’s a fun loving but no nonsense when it comes to magic kind of girl.
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer? 
Valentina is very good on her feet and could whisk you away ballroom style.
39. Introduce any character you want 
Valentina has climbed the ranks of the Bratva for the past five years. All without a care about what Oliver Queen had been doing since their last meeting. The last time they spoke one of them was laying on the ground bloody and beaten and the other stared coldly down. 
She had been 20 at the time and full of rage and a need for revenge. Now when Church is busy destroying Star City the Bratva bring in their best enforcer and assassin to take him down. Her mission is to strengthen their holdings in the city and it’s not long before she runs into it’s new Mayor.
Seeing her again brings up questions for Oliver and gives his new team more reasons to question his methods. But can he stop her from adding another name to her ever growing list of regrets? Or is she too well trained by the Bratva for even Oliver to stop her when she gets her target.
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
The fact that Nora is basically the reason I’ve gotten to meet all you amazing people, love ya.
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
No I haven’t had any drawn I’ve had many awesome other edits made for my characters and I love them all.
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods? 
Probably Gabriel ;)
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
I don’t think I do.... 
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
I love that they’re all fun to write for in different ways...
45. A character you no longer use?
That original OC lol.
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?
A few times teehee....
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child? 
A few times teehee....
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
None of my characters are pure......
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
Probably Frankie or maybe Gabriel in a weird way....
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
I just want to thank everyone who continues to support me and my OCs I love you all. Even if it’s just reading these and not comment or liking or anything I still love that you take that time. I just want everyone to love my children like I do :D
Wow this is a beast, sorry some of my answers aren’t longer... 
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huntsthemoon · 7 years
A/B/O Dynamics Character Ask
Send me a characer/pairing and I’ll explain where they fall in the A/B/O (Alpha/Beta/Omega) Dynamics Spectrum (roughly described here) and write a snippet of them in an AU A/B/O verse.
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huntsthemoon · 7 years
✿ for Lenny please!! :)
Sex Head Canons for Valentina Sokolov
Owns more pretty lingerie than your average Victoria SecretHeels belong in the bedroomKnows her way around a good set of ropes and chainsSafe word? Who needs a safe word when you’re in controlBubble baths and candles would go a long wayBut a good white wine and chocolate and she’s your’sSecretly wants some one to put her in her place in the bedroom
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mafiashq · 7 years
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The following characters have 24 hours to contact the main or post IC or their roles might be reopened:
@scarlett-singh - Scarlett Singh
@carina-romano - Carina Romano
@tara-rawal - Tara Rawal
@frcmashes - Alise Drake
@effleurs - Bonnie Valentina
@iinvctus​ - Jonathan Hale
@dvoynoy - Inessa Sokolov
@siibella - Sibella Pierce
Note: The first four mentioned characters’ hiatuses/semi-hiatuses have been up, some have their hiatuses up about two/three days ago now and initially, I thought I could give them all some more time before doing an activity check but I figured it’d be best to stick with the rule I have set for the roleplay. Nevertheless, anyone listed here should never hesitate messaging me if they need to extend their hiatus and/or want to request for one! I'm hoping no one’s going to be reopened tomorrow and am hoping to hear something from the players! :)
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huntsthemoon · 8 years
OC Asks Game Randoms and Favourites Edition
drop a number and a character name in my ask box and I’ll answer. 1. First name meaning? 2. Do they have a middle name? If so, what? 3. Last name meaning? 4. Favourite guilty pleasure food? 5. Favourite fast food item? 6. Favourite dessert? 7. Dream getaway destination? 8. Favourite item of clothing or jewellery? 9. Favourite flower or plant? 10. Favourite drink? 11. Favourite animal? 12. Favourite subject in school? 13. Favourite TV show? 14. Favourite book? 15.Favourite musical artist? 16. Favourite song? 17. Favourite movie? 18. Favourite sport? 19. Favourite place? 20. Who they’d be with other than their OTP? 21. Favourite super hero? 22. Favourite cartoon? 23. Favourite Disney princess? 24. Favourite smell? 25. Favourite real life hero?
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huntsthemoon · 8 years
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Plot Bunny: Valentina 'Lenny' Sokolov (OCxOliver Queen Season 5 Arrow)
Valentina has climbed the ranks of the Bratva for the past five years. All without a care about what Oliver Queen had been doing since their last meeting. The last time they spoke one of them was laying on the ground bloody and beaten and the other stared coldly down. 
She had been 20 at the time and full of rage and a need for revenge. Now when Church is busy destroying Star City the Bratva bring in their best enforcer and assassin to take him down. Her mission is to strengthen their holdings in the city and it’s not long before she runs into it’s new Mayor.
Seeing her again brings up questions for Oliver and gives his new team more reasons to question his methods. But can he stop her from adding another name to her ever growing list of regrets? Or is she too well trained by the Bratva for even Oliver to stop her when she gets her target.
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