#used to be a nomad sol who's just trying to make a living as a mechanic
kingcameacallin · 1 year
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He can't count on his clan anymore, but he's a true nomad. He knows those lands. And he will help you. Won't have a c h o i c e.
@terrorscififest prompt: the ladder
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khoicesbyk · 4 years
The Royal Romance.
Second Chance Romance.
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A/N: I’ve decided to go into my own little TRR/TRH world and create an AU. This will be fun! So; Talley Ho! *in my Sherlock Holmes voice*
Rated: Explicit. | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual from me. 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: Leo Rys and Hana Lee | All Characters and names: (except MC and certain original characters, created by me) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 2,000 words. (more or less. I stop counting after editing and re-editing. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
Prompt Time! Using @wackydrabbles prompt 70: “Not everything is a joke.” It will be in bold in black.
Tag List: @lifeaskim @texaskitten30 @glaimtruelovealways @kingliam2019 @txemrn @pixie88 @choicesfannatalie @lucy-268 @bebepac @choicesficwriterscreations @wackydrabbles
If you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or DM me and I will gladly add you! 😁😘
This is a fun side story that I decided to write. I hope you enjoy the pairing.
Chapter 12.) About Last Night.
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Leo Rys has always done his own thing and lived life by his own rules. He enjoys the freedom to go where he wants, when he wants and for however long he wants. With him no longer Crown Prince of Cordonia, he wasn’t beholden to the responsibility, commitment and weight that the crown carries. To him, that life was more a living nightmare than a dream come true.
Having the lives of Cordonia and all her people in his hands scared him. Which is why he told his father that the crown should go to his younger brother, Marquise. Marquise would be a far better king than Leo could ever hope to be. And he was right.
No matter where his new nomadic life took him, Leo always made sure to come home from time to time. Especially when there was a ball or party being thrown. Like the party for the debut of his soon to be sister in law, Duchess Shanelle Dawkins of Volterias.
The party was great. The drinks were flowing like a river. The people were mixing and mingling. And the dancing was on point. But the best part about the night is that he was home. Even though he was no longer Crown Prince, Cordonia is still in his heart and is still home. And he is home to celebrate his brother and future sister in law.
But that night wouldn’t go the way he’d plan it to go.
After catching up with old friends, rivals and several old flames, Leo was sitting at the bar going on his third whiskey neat, when he saw Hana. She was being tortured by Ambassador Kennett and his endless yapping. Whether it was about politics or worse his penchant for golfing, fishing, hunting or his vintage 1956 Roadster, the man NEVER knows when to shut up. So he had to rescue her from him.
He Interrupted their conversation and successfully saved her from a fate worse than death. And to make sure that they weren’t followed by the ambassador, he took her out on the dance floor. It might’ve been the alcohol in his system but, he noticed how petite and pretty she was. And that she was blushing.
“Maybe she…nah I’m not her type.” He thought to himself as they danced.
After dancing to song after song, Hana’s were getting sore so he suggested that they take a break and go for a walk. When she agreed to a walk, they took a stroll to his favorite side courtyard in the whole palace. It was one designed by Marquise’s mother Eleanor. She would sneak him and Marquise out of their lessons, just to spend time with them there. So it’s always been one of his favorite places to go to.
They sat down on a bench and talked about what their lives were like growing up. What they saw themselves doing in 10-20 years. And what his favorite destinations to visit were. And for her, he was something she never expected. He’s funny. He’s got a great smile. She loved his soft baby blue eyes. And he’s quite the accomplished dancer. She had never had a crush on someone but she felt like she was developing a crush on him.
“How about another drink?” He asks her.
“Haven’t you had enough to drink Leo?” She asked with a teasing smirk.
“Nooooo! Besides I got this killer bottle of tequila that I got in Guadalajara back in my room, that I’m dying to open. Soooo…pretty please?” He asks her, while batting his eyelashes. It made her giggle when he asked.
“Okay. I’m curious about this bottle you have.” She replies.
“Sweet! Follow me m’lady.” He says as he offers her his arm. When they got to his room, Hana was impressed by the size.
“You got one of the bigger rooms in the palace!” She says to him.
“Perks of being part of The Royal Family. I still get to be spoiled even though I abdicated the throne. Dad made sure that I got my favorite bedroom.”
“I’m glad that you and him are close.”
He sat down on the bench at the end of his bed before he spoke.
“Ohhh yeah. He was more disappointed than angry about me abdicating. He was hoping that me becoming king would mellow me out. But if anything it made me hate the throne even more. Which is why I don’t envy my younger brother. He bears the weight of an entire nation. Their expectations, their fears, their anger, their frustration and especially their judgement. I didn’t want that life for myself. I saw what it did to my dad. How it changed him. Made his paranoia even worse than it was before mom’s death.”
“So that’s why you left?” She asks as she sits next to him.
“Yes. Because, I was never meant to be a king. It wasn’t in my heart nor was it something that I wanted to do. I have a temper. Marquise has temperament. He always wanted the throne but, because of hierarchy and the rules behind it, the throne went to me. And believe me Hana, it wasn’t an easy nor overnight decision for me to come to. I knew I’d be disappointing my dad and leaving Marquise to bear the unbearable burden of the crown, but I just knew I’d never be the king that Cordonia desperately needed.” He replied.
Talking to her made him face some of the demons he’d been running from.
“Thank you for sharing that with me, Leo.”
“Nah. It’s the alcohol. My dad calls it my truth serum. Speaking of which! We got a bottle to open!”
He got up and walked to his suitcase and pulled out a bottle of golden tequila.
“May I introduce to you the finest tequila in all the lands? This is Dioses del sol y de la tierra. It is the best tequila I have ever had!” He said as he introduced her to the bottle.
She just shook her head and giggled.
“Let the shots begin m’lady!”
They drank, danced and laughed together. Hana wasn’t like Madeleine. She was a nightmarish robot who was after the crown. She was pure, wholesome, beautiful and sweet. And an absolute joy to be around. Especially when she was drunk.
“I have never had this much fun ever!” She drunkenly squealed.
“I sure have! I have it all the time!” He said to her.
“Of course you have! You’re freeeeee!”
“You gotta try it sweetheart! Freedom is the best medicine for the soooouuuul!”
Hana took a swig from the bottle then spun around but lost her footing and would’ve fallen if Leo hadn’t caught her.
“Whoa! Noble lady overboard!” He said as he caught her.
“Wheeeeeeeeee!” Hana said with a giggle.
With the bottle finally gone, the pair were sitting on his bed giggling at each other.
“Oh my God! Leo! This was soooooo much fun!”
“Yeah I know. We gotta do it again the next time I come home!”
They started laughing at each other again.
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re very very handsome?” She asked him.
“Not really. The ladies usually go for my brother.” He replies.
“Well I think you’re really handsome.”
“That’s the tequila talking. But it’s a good joke.”
“Not everything is a joke, Leo.”
“You’re serious?” He asks her. She nodded her head yes.
“Ohhh…so if I kissed you, you wouldn’t be mad?” He asked. She shook her head no.
“Ohhh well in that case…” he trailed off before kissing her. The kiss was sloppy at first but got hot and heavy fast. When the kiss came to an end, they were breathless.
“Woooooow!” He said to her.
“Was it bad?” She asked.
“Hell no! As a matter of fact, I’d like to do it again.”
“Fine by me.”
He pulled her into his lap as he kissed her again. Her skin was smooth. Her lips are soft and supple. She tasted like tequila. Not that he was complaining about it. There was something about Hana that he couldn’t get enough of. With his arms around her petite frame he deepened their kiss. One thing is for sure, Leo is no slouch when it comes to kissing. He broke their kiss to look in her eyes.
“I’m sorry, Hana. I shouldn’t have done that.” He said to her.
“No you shouldn’t have. But I’m glad you did.” She replies. Every ounce of shyness Hana had was replaced with lust thanks to all the drinking they were doing.
“Is this about to go where I think it is?” He asks her.
“I wouldn’t mind.” She replied.
With that he kissed her again, harder and deeper than before. They were blissfully drunk and horny for one another. He trailed kisses from her jaw to her neck. Eliciting a sound that was a mix of soft moan and a gasp. They made quick work of getting each other out of their clothes. She was beautiful to him and he was hot to her.
He resumed kissing her neck with his hands all over her. When his hands reached her nipples, he ran his thumbs over them making them harden under his touch. She couldn’t help but moan when he touched her. He kept rubbing her nipples and sucking on her neck He let one hand travel lower between her legs. When he reached her center, she was warm. But he was about to make her hot.
He began using his fingers to circle her clit and play with her entrance. The sensation was causing her to grind against his fingers. He wanted her soaking wet for him. Thankfully it didn’t take long for that to happen. When she wanted more, she groaned impatiently.
“I guess that means you want more.” He whispered in her ear.
“Yes! Yes!” She moaned.
He took that as a cue then grabbed a condom out of his wallet and put it on. When he turned back to look at Hana, he was in awe. She really was beautiful naked. She bit her bottom lip as she looked at him. With a crook of her finger she beckoned him to her. With a sly grin he went to her. He climbed on top of her with lust in his eyes and a question on his lips.
“Are you ready?” He asks.
“Hell yeah!” She replied.
She didn’t know what to expect when it came to sex with Leo. But if anything she wasn’t expecting him to be big. But when he entered her, she found out that she was wrong. He was well endowed. He went slow to allow her muscles to get used to him being inside her. She moaned impatiently because she wanted him to fuck her.
Taking that as another cue from her, Leo found his groove and began to really fuck her. Every thrust from him was fast and hard. He was going deep inside then coming almost all the way out, just to slam back into her. Her moans, groans, cries of pleasure, shrieks and whimpers were fuel to him so he would keep going.
He had one hand on the headboard behind her to steady himself and the other rubbing her clit. He wants her to explode with him. The stimulation from him sent her over the edge and crashing into her orgasm. Feeling her muscles squeeze his length sent him to the moon. He emptied himself into the condom then passed out with her.
When Leo woke up later, he was hungover and pretty sure he’d just had in a weird dream that involved him and sex with Hana. The dream became reality, when he saw the empty tequila bottle and the used condom. That’s when he looked over and saw Hana passed out next to him.
“Oh shit! This is VERY bad!” He muttered, before grabbing his phone and texting the person he knew to text: His brother Marquise.
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starsailorstories · 3 years
In other news I finally finished the long, wild, aristocratic-nonsense-fraught history of altamai
The first officially-sanctioned superatmospheric settlement on Altamai broke ground in the year 2190 of the ninth Taregan cycle, and her first official citizens arrived just under a (Taregan) decade later, after a long and dangerous building process largely carried out by the indentured and indebted of the ancient city-state of Solreg. In this early period, the population was scattered between “legitimate” landing sites, fly-by-night towns, and nomadic groups. The planet was a frontier: land changed hands via sword and seduction; criminals held territory with no trouble but the occasional vigilante; and vigilantes operated however they saw fit for good or ill, living in their starships and chasing bounties across the foggy plains.
The supposed descendants of the original Captain-Queens who settled Tarega had long had an informal international council, which became formal in the early years of Altamaian habitation. Gradually, national lines began to be drawn--most of the wars had already been fought, and there was a period of non-violent, albeit not necessarily just, claims and concessions. By virtue of the ancestry of their leadership, the Oghai, Saiven, Solrega, Nadega, Avesian, and Faellran peoples emerged as major powers.
In an oathing ceremony performed at request by a praeceptor-trained priestess, these seven world leaders would become (in addition to the queenly titles most of them brought from their homeworld) the Avesian Maximatas--to this day, the highest offices of Basillan nobility outside the royal family, passed down in a continuous line for over 600,000 planetary years. Here they swore to be mothers to the planet, to care for all of her inhabitants and follow the will of the goddesses. The language of the oath would later become a rallying point for commoners seeking accountability for their rulers, although ruling classes in the Binary have always had the kind of accountability problem that only revolution really solves.
Anyway, for holding to a vow of such profound importance, the priestess exacted a high price--she asked that if, as had been discussed, they chose a High Queen for the planet, it be her own country’s queen, Athaema Seflioma of Aves. They technically could have refused this request, but it would have been, to use the proper terminology, a Whole Thing. To turn down the bargain of a priestess and an oracle, and one sanctioned by the holy city, would be seen as akin to disrespect for the goddesses if it got out that it had happened, and wouldn’t start the new seat of power off on a popular foot. And so, in 10230 19th cycle, High Queen Athaema was crowned by her peers and sisters, and immediately got down to business setting up a royal court designed to serve the entire Sol Jenya system, planning and constructing ten state-of-the-art “civilized” cities to centralize industry and government in the various population centers, placing unaffiliated frontier towns under the jurisdiction of local landed gentry, and bearing over 2,000 children, her successor Aviana among them.
The crackdown on unaffiliated settlements was indiscriminate--lumping peaceful, self-sufficient villages established by poor colonies seeking freedom from the abuses of the feudal system in with organized-crime strongholds rife with violence and exploitation. The decree was presented with a spin that basically guaranteed its popularity with those who had no firsthand experience with the situation--without the care of the nobility, the court instructed its messengers to say, fly-by-nights were vulnerable to extreme poverty and plagued by thieves. A select few hard-luck stories were treated with highly public charity, and the project is still widely understood as a benevolent one by Basilean citizens at the time of the story. In reality, many fly-by-night towns were happy, prosperous, and most concerningly, egalitarian; and these fought tooth and nail to remain free until they could fight no longer. The far left wing of Basilean opinion remembers as martyrs a handful who went down swinging to the last girl standing. During Aviana’s comparably unremarkable reign, others simply vanished into the mists, operating in such secrecy that only the archaeological record attests to their existence. Fairly recently at the time of the story, a colony was discovered who had been living in self-imposed isolation for so long that they had developed a unique dialect of the Solrega Aundell language, a unique projection style adapted to their low-visibility home in the Tonevan cloud forest, and even a few subtle but distinct physical adaptations.
As the 23rd cycle drew to a close, Athaema’s granddaughter Ouriama died suddenly before she could produce an heir. Although an assassination was suspected, no proof was uncovered, and it remains an unsolved mystery and system-wide legend. The crown passed to her wife’s colony (and to another of the seven powers) in Faellra, where a new mother had just been born who could inherit it, and the guardian of this new queen, Analemma Olaean, jumped at the opportunity to make her ward Daemarima the best-connected and most legally powerful High Queen yet. This unwittingly made her a prime suspect in the previous Queen’s death, but from the international council’s centralizing perspective, it was all worth it. High Queen Daemarima commissioned the construction of Standard Altamaian, a single lingua franca for the planet, less than a turn (not that they measured turns back then, but it’s a good way to describe a period that feels like ‘a quarter year or so’ in astraea lifespans) after her coronation. In the ninth year of the twenty-fifth cycle, the planetary government financed the implementation of the new language in schools and other institutions, and in a more sinister move, outlawed the speaking of local languages in a handful of key centers of resistance to the hierarchy. 
The Olaen dynasty lasted six cycles, during which interstellar exploration flourished in this new era of semi-forced international unity. Worlds in the ante-dome and outer disk were “discovered” by Altamaian newcomers on the regular and treated like matrona gifts in potentia for the various queens and aristocrats, although the era of outright invasions was still long to come. A sailor named Via suddenly appeared claiming to have lived on isolated, well-defended Esmrrrder for nearly thirty planetary years, and told tales of an advanced civilization perched high on its planet’s abundant mountains. The dream of crossing the vacuum between galaxies was already being heavily discussed as well, but before an expedition could be mounted, Daemarima’s great-great granddaughter married a commoner and abdicated the throne to her sister Leiliora, who would bring their dynasty to an abrupt end when she challenged Sastiena Fortefemen to a duel in defense of her sister’s honor and lost, dying that same night of an infection from a wound on her side. The Fortefemens had merely accepted the Queen’s challenge, but they stepped obligingly into the power vacuum and proceeded to rule the planet for longer than any other family, effectively controlling a throne they won in a sword fight for like 30,000 years. This is basically all you need to know about the Fortefemens.
It was early in her reign that Sastiena’s former ward Deracoura--named for the scriptural “protector” of the Taregan desert wayfinders--reached out to the leaders of the various Basillan-controlled worlds, as well as those of Sitheria, to spearhead the first intergalactic exploration mission. As you know from my broader historical overview of the Seven Suns, this expedition went in search of sapient life and returned with the first Cadrian delegation, who toured the cities of Ovaiakon, Solrega Nova, Neroka, and Alegia. It was on Altamai that the initial commoner-owned shipyard was founded via Cadrian investment and began exporting to the Maculata (as well as importing from the Elorican asteroid fields) and providing a colony-estate-esque setup for workers who viewed the Cadrian-style wage system with suspicion. As it turned out, providing the bare minimum was more profitable, at the time, than paying workers in flexible currency, and it had the added appeal of letting owners of capital basically act and live like nobility. 
Within the next two cycles, the business interests of commoners continued to grow, and the Union of Commons was formed to protect those interests. They published a manifesto expressing their belief in the right of landholders of low birth to govern their own lands--basically a “hey, we have money, so why don’t we also have power?” directed at the High Court and the nobility. Practically in response, nonroyal nobility from every clan and country began clamoring for international lawmaking power as well. They formed a planet-wide legislative council of their own, and while they declared no hostility to the royal tier of society, they asked no permission from them either. In the middle of all this, while en route from a visit with the Council of Emperors far across the intergalactic sea, Queen Deracoura unhelpfully died. 
Trying to please everyone, keep the peace, and maybe punish her insubordinate maximatas just a LITTLE bit, her heir Felixania Fortefemen ordered the creation of the High Parliament, which included representation from the nobility of each nation as well as for gentry of common birth. She still had the final say on everything no matter what, and it led to the creation of a lengthy court season that allowed the royal family to keep their nobles under close scrutiny, so in a way it was a devil’s bargain. 
In this era, there were clashes of interest between a variety of Basillan and Cadrian notables. In space and even on-planet, business owners enforced their deals like crime bosses and crime bosses did a steady trade. In a climate where the penalty for a breach of contract could be a village burned to the ground, the nobility increasingly styled themselves as the protectors of the people, loyalties strengthened, and divisions grew. Among the common people, favor was split between the common capitalist class--who seemed to offer freedom from the whims of the nobility by offering a relatively secure income, as well as representing the promise of moving up in the world; and the old aristocratic families, who represented tradition, family loyalty (Altamaian nobles overwhelmingly ruled over their own historic colonies and their offshoots, meaning their peasants were all actually related to them--providing, to be fair, accountability that later Basilean aristocratic rule would lack) and a kind of symbolic cultural function--still today conservative Altamaians take the tack that the gentle Great Ladies suffer for their sake and must be defended from (in modern times largely imaginary) outside threats. The nobility was more broadly fractured, with favorites of the one-nation queens and the High Queen defending them stridently while others feared their unchecked power would leave the ancient families destitute to be overrun by the nouvelle riche. Just outside the metropolis of Solrega Nova, a shipbuilding-business billionaire bought a castle, noted for its beauty, built by the Celetorias--an original-lander colony--and announced plans to demolish it to build a complex of vitruvol foundries, giving the entire planet something to throw down about for five seasons straight (she eventually chickened out).
Just as these ideological tensions were reaching a fever pitch, Felixania and High Queen Esthardine of Glasmiri announced that their scionettes were betrothed--an unprecedented consolidation of power in a single household. The marriage of Delianae Fortefemen and Celafina Vividel was the event of the cycle whether you were for the high court or against it: three of the planet’s titled first daughters lost their crowns in duels that day, and three more lost their lives. Scholars took to the streets to warn the peasantry while by and large the peasantry took to the public houses to toast the beautiful young princesses who after all looked so smitten in their official portrait. It was the middle of fiber harvest season in a good market year; people were exhausted and ready for a show.
Following her mother’s death, Delianae laid low (letting the nobility handle urgent matters themselves) until all but the most paranoid aristocrats practically forgot about her, focusing on well-received local historical projects such as the restoration of the first Aivuran temple and a modernized housing for the shrine where the Avesian Maximatas took their oath. Behind the scenes, she reached arrangements with multiple once-hostile Cadrian interests and secured a substantial income from intergalactic trade which was primarily socked away for the use of her daughter Deracoura (styled as Deracoura the second, or sometimes, when she was really feelin’ it, the third). 
Early in her reign, under the guidance of her elder sisters, Deracoura II established the highly profitable Fila Fenaeta swarm, a specialized, state-of-the-art vapor-harvesting operation set amongst the young stars of a resource-rich nebula. While the floating settlement started small, it was destined to grow into a veritable nation of employees of the crown. Almost immediately there was conflict over working conditions in this deep-void environment and the protection of the residents’ few rights as peasant-class planetary citizens (which were still meant to be upheld by the law despite their distance from home, but were not always, particularly with regards to due process in criminal trials and oversight of tribute apportionment--it was common practice for representatives of the nobility to embezzle a great deal of something valuable from a peasant colony and then disappear on a fast spaceship, leaving them on the hook to explain to their rarely-sympathetic lady where all the product went). Repeated uprisings were quelled through mass evictions that displaced families in far-flung space--often with inadequate supplies to get much of anywhere--and forced many to live as outlaws deep in the clouds, gaining the area a reputation as impoverished and dangerous. Dia “Acutri” (Altamaian: sharp-eyed) filia Senema, a second-born mother exiled by her noble sisters, founded a multigenerational pirate colony there that still persists at the time of the story.
The unrest was ultimately no hindrance to the prosperity of the Altamaian throne, and Deracoura continued with zeal the illumination of the galaxy (and beyond) to Basillan and Sitherian travelers that her great-great-grandmother had begun, opening trade routes in the ante-dome that would go on to gradually rob entire cultures blind. The deep roots of the Hyperian empire lead to things sown by the Fortefemens, even if they would later consider themselves rivals.
For two generations now, the narrative that the Old Ways had died with Deracoura I and been buried with the creation of the parliament had been kept at the top of the political toolbox, but no one had used it quite as Siderina Hyperia did from the beginning. With Altamai becoming increasingly inhospitable to its peasantry with the ongoing consolidation of wealth, her appeals to a kind of populist escapism--complemented by her position at the helm of the construction of the Rings and in guardianship of the heir to a little-known but prosperous landed colony--struck a chord with those who saw their planet’s new capitalist class as inadequate caretakers. While she never made any rhetorical attack on the High Queen, she took the angle that the enfeebled royal line now needed to be taken in hand for its own good. With her beautiful ward Estartina, she would revitalize the noble matriarchy of old and lead it to a glittering future in the Rings.
Siderina’s wholesome public image hid the mind of a shrewd general. Weeks after the Rings were announced complete, she commanded her knights to such a decisive victory against the royal guard that she was famously allowed to walk in and kill the old queen (Deracoura II’s daughter Athaema) with a small ivory dagger. In the aftermath she announced that she had acted to protect her world and avenge its integrity, claiming that the Fortefemens had sold information to a hostile Cadrian interest. This may or may not have been true--evidence did materialize here and there, albeit a bit conveniently--but the story was mainly believable because assertions of overfriendliness with Maculatan enemies were not a new thing for the dynasty, and a large segment of the public was willing to accept it. 
Siderina was tried for her regicide in a number of courts, but, by slipping names in the elderly queen’s ear, she had rallied those with judicial power on Altamai mostly to her support, and was never convicted of anything. While the coup had certainly not been a formal duel, the transfer of power was adopted mainly on the strength of the precedent set by the Fortefemens. While Glasmiri was a center of popular resistance, the thrones of the two worlds were still heavily tied together for economic reasons, and the Vividel line remained effectively in Altamai’s thrall. When the Sitherian Archpraeceptor objected to the matter of Estartina’s coronation, Siderina had her ousted, either bribing or threatening practically every organization of priestesses in central Ovaiakon. All of this occurred in the space of two planetary decades--a blink in astraea reckoning. In the twelfth turn of the Rings, Estartina Hyperia was crowned not with the traditional Avesian coronel but with what would come to be called The Diadem of The Empress of the Seven Suns.
At the time of the story, almost two hundred quinturns later, Altamai--the Motherworld of the Basileans, as it is called by the aula--is a place of extremes even beyond its dramatic terrain and climate. Below the cloud line, it is an industrial powerhouse where thousands live in sprawling underground complexes and spend their workdays extracting rapidly depleting natural resources. Above, the last children of the old nobility rehearse the motions of the ancient ways between the pink cloud-carpet and the blue sky. In this dreamlike setting, heavy security, subtle propaganda, and armies of carefully vetted servants work to evoke the memory of a utopia that never existed, tailored to the political predilections and aesthetic whims of the Last Great Ladies. The granddaughter and heir of the deposed high queen, who escaped the coup with her governess as a young child, remains in exile far away in the Perseus Cluster, dreaming, as the old Royalist battle hymn goes, of double sunlight on plumafore fields.
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sol-futura-est · 4 years
Sol was always smug when he talked, but when you found him, he was looking off into the distance wild eyed. As if you were right next to a tiger still in the grass looking down on prey mere yards away. As if he was seeing things he couldn’t move out of his visage.
    “What happens next? After I’m in Suceava.”
    “Not for me to say. More than you at play, my friend. More situations than you will know. Just be well behaved, and do what you think is right, just as you’ve done.”
    This man, this being, was rigid. Rules were rules, and they did not bend for him or I. At least now, there didn’t seem to be much to say, but he sat smiling, as if seeing me was a delight, a reality he was happy in.
    “There’s not much to tell me then, now that the ball’s rolling.”
    “Not much, no. Besides reminding you that you’re not just an anomaly. People don’t remain mystical for long. Before man found the narwhal, the unicorn was an anomaly. Albeit one that didn’t exist.”
    Sol always made good points, but there was no sense in talking. I simply nodded, before walking away. Laughter rang out as I passed, and when I turned, his glinting, shining eyes stared me down.
    “This won’t be our last meeting, Octa. Trust me.”
    Feet didn’t stop for him. Nor for his amusement. As soon as I lent my hand on the door, it ceased, and the guards greeted me all the same. Each stretch of hallway was as pristine as it was the first time I came in. As I entered the apartment, Mortimer was still there, sat on a stool where he was standing just a few hours ago, thinking. 
    “So what happened?”
    “Send a letter to Pescariu. I’ll be there for the winter.”
    “Just like that?”
    “I don’t think there’s a single choice here that will lead to anything bigger than any other. At least here, I’ll end up learning to ride a horse, and I can spend some time in a new place, learning something valuable.”
    “It’s not a bad idea, kid, but I’ll talk to him about it first thing tomorrow. Are you gonna head off to bed?”
    “Not for a few more hours.”
    “Marcus told me to give this to you.”
    When Mortimer reached across the kitchen island, he gripped an old notebook, a date written on the front in old marker, laminated over by hand with clear packing tape.
    September 2199 to January 2204
    “Is this Marcus’ Journal?”
    “He said it was from his time in Damascus as a military attache to local militia, he actually was with Julian when this happened. The consul.”
    “He mentioned some earlier.”
    Morty winced, clear with disgust.
    “He doesn’t skimp on details when you ask him in person, but he doesn’t in there either.”
    Nodding softly, I turned to Mortimer, smiling, patting his shoulder before going off to my room. At first I set it on my desk, and didn’t read it. Part of me was scared to read an account of the great peace, only to see it be painted in a brutal light. Part of me knew, at least when I read a history book, that there were details missing. This was much different; this was Marcus’ life.
"March 9th, 2202
    I have no words beyond rigid facts. Neither does Julian, who even for a skilled member of the espionage corps. I never figured the world would wind up this backward, this amoral, again. I thought we left this behind. I thought it wasn’t possible with our republic holding the reigns of hegemon.
    This warlord, who my interpreter will not utter the Arabic name for, calls himself the Sandstone Demon. Harun will not elaborate much, but the context of the word demon here isn’t exactly a djinn, but something different. Phonetics aside, we call him the Nomad. Not a bedouin, or a pilgrim, or even a caravaner, but a nomad. Without context, simply a wanderer. He bore us gifts of gold inlaid human skulls, that we identified were like Ethiopian, from some thirty or forty years off. Our scouts previously reported every major town in Ethiopia and Somalia to be deserted, desecrated by corpses. Much like the rest of Africa, those who lived after the civil wars retreated to the jungles or the oases. 
    He brought us slaves. Amputees who were supposedly ritually chopped up, and consumed. Those who were quadruple amputees were strapped onto the sides of camels like trophies, some were apparently great warriors who the Nomad defeated or defiled. 
    Our sentries at first repelled skirmishers, but later were offered slaves.
    Whatever is to the south, if anything, has to contend with this man who has made a cult of himself, no doubt from the cesspit of morality that the past was. Formless people striving only toward what is stable, even if barbaric. Malaise was what one of my team leaders said was his first feeling. 
    When I told Julian we can’t risk contact, and that we should shoot on sight any who come within five hundred yards, he shook his head, saying that the senate won’t report this. They’ll just declare the zone uncontested sand, worthless. Our outposts will always remain, but there would be no way the new guys would try to let the image be squandered.
    It came down to optics? What if there’s a would be explorer wanting to see the sand buried city of Mecca, and is instead eaten alive? What then? This is the fact of point, that these creatures lie to the south and they are to be blacklisted? 
    I even saw the Nomad face to face. He was deformed by something, as if his eyelids were melted into some kind of artistic menagerie of lines and swirls. At first he simply sat on his camel, under mounds of white cloth, accented in gold and turquoise, but he told me about how in the deserts both here and in the Horn, the ruins sometimes are filled with places rotten to all life.    
    Could be chemical weapons that went sour, probably not nuclear. Or maybe he simply tried using mustard gas on some unsuspecting village people and was on the other side of the breeze. If it was my discretion, I would’ve killed him, but it’s not under my jurisdiction to do that. Even if I can’t get that girl out of my head, the one who cradled herself on the side of a camel, carved from hip down.
    Each eye was pallid, sunken behind the ridges of the bone. More than mere starvation, it was like her body was decaying whilst alive. As if her soul was bleeding, and each drop of life came down into the veins and sundered everything her creator had deigned hers.
    If I find an excuse, I’m taking it. What good is this senate if justice is unanswered? Perhaps it’s my own discretion that must be requited tenfold. Maybe good men must break the rules."
    Rarely did I let myself be unnerved, disgusted, like I did imagining Marcus in this situation. Marcus had been in his forties here, but before the special treatments that I’m told made him so fierce, full of zeal and eager to see enemies. Was it the treatments? How would enhanced adrenaline, lengthened bones, hyperstrength, and extreme intelligence and reactivity do that? If anything, they would make you arrogant, feeling like a superhuman. What if this was why? Seeing the aftermath of things that were once human, scarred from things normalcy would never allow. Almost viscerally I can see the Nomad in front of my face, the reek of sweat and blood mixed into the sight of a clay figurine disfigured, laid out into the sun where the cracks could fill with grime. Draped in rippling linen, like a bust covered for fear of retribution in the disgust, the shock, of seeing it. Brown eyes eternally made rouge, a single struck hawk perched against the cliff, blush and blank stone marbling behind him. Each breath from under the veil filling you with flustered disgust, knowing behind it was once the same life within you. That your blood could be an object of greed to him. That he would reduce you down to that, despite looking in the mirror and seeing himself. Does he look at himself, imaging his own sweetness, or does he realize, for a moment, that he desecrates one of nature’s greatest works, perhaps for some her magnum opus? That, if we believe there to be a soul within one’s chest, that by defiling their body, he defiles his own soul?
    Shaking my head with vigor, I sat still for a moment, realizing the same shock came over me that Marcus may have been under for weeks, months. What did it all mean to him?
    As I held the journal between my fingers, I looked at my right hand. One of the pages was singled out, like someone had turned to it over and over. I turned to it slowly, flattening out the page and breathing slowly.
    "November 24th, 2203. 
    Julian hasn’t been able to talk to me for hours. I don’t care. No reason to now. I asked nine men from my personal section to join me, the ones I already knew had proven their loyalty to me in combat. Career men who had quashed bigger bugs for less.
    We tracked across the desert through the long night until we found his camp. As grand as the display was, it wasn’t defensible. Not for camel riders who, frankly, couldn’t see in the dark. Even if they could see us, it was fighting a bear with fists. Our plasma against their rifles older than any ruin you could find. Decorated pieces of fashion more than weapons. 
    As we parsed through the wreckage, the fires were a welcome break from the frigid, flowing sand. When we found him, naked, covered in boils scarred over, his face spouting blood from the burning hole in his stomach, he just looked at me. When you take him off the horse, he doesn’t stand half as tall. A glorified cripple who would’ve died to another tribe in ten years time. 
    But seeing his lifeless corpse after I stood on his neck, it was worth it. The only question was the amputees. After we piled the bodies up, some asked for us to take them back with us. The question was where. So of course, we promised we would return, with trucks, and bring them back. 
    Julian stonewalled the order for my drivers, and drug me into a room once I got back. We hadn’t spoken once, but he arrived just in time to belay the order. When I told him to not speak over a tribune of the republic, he told me to hush, that he could have me subject to a war council and imprisoned for what I did. For killing cultist cannibal raiders. But for what he said next it was hot air.
    The senate still wants no word of this, so we agreed to keep the raid under wraps. When We got the camp to see about the amputees, some had died from suicide. Only a few remained, mostly those who could not, but they asked us to kill them anyway. Julian nor I wanted to, but we did. This was pure injustice. Unadulterated madness. 
    We’re both leaving the desert come January. Not to attest anything before the senate, but instead because our time here is up. The sector is stable enough for the consul.
    This world will not break me yet. But I don’t intend to deny myself justice."
    I wasn’t surprised at the cut short ending or the details within, but I realized in the final words that this wasn’t knowledge to most anyone else. I had to question if Marcus intended this journal for me, or another. Was this world he saw, the world that was beyond the borders of the known and civilized places, where human culture was warped against the circus mirror, then painted against the canvas with the blood of an innocent man? Or was it Marcus just getting unlucky? Seeing the worst there was to see.
    Part of me didn’t want to believe I had even half the details. Or even if Marcus had changed or not. All I knew was this man was beginning to make some sense, here and there
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maxismatchccworld · 5 years
Patch Notes June 2019
UPDATE: 6/18/2019 – PC / Mac
Hiya Simmers!
Is it hot outside, or is that just my gland problem? Anyway, let’s not worry about that - we’ve got some awesome new stuff to talk about! With all this Summer heat and with Sims 4 Island Living’s release just around the corner, we’ve got a few new free updates we are so excited to share with you! So let’s slap on some sunglasses, squeeze into that swimsuit, and dive on in...
What’s New?
Randomize Traits Button:
A Randomize Traits button has been added to CAS and in the Live Mode Age-Up Molecule. Oh yes, it’s now just right there, waiting to be clicked. Over and over and over and over. I can’t really believe it either, but here it is. The dark days without this small hero are now just a distant unpleasant memory. From here on out, if you just want to grab-and-go your Sim’s personality and get the heck outta CAS, or if you want to add a little challenge to who your Sims might be, it’s just one click away. Jeepers, this feels good. Seriously, I’ve been wanting this forever.
Lounge Chair:
Everyone (even you) gets a FREE LOUNGE CHAIR! That’s right, we’ve added a delightfully Portable Lounge Chair, so you can now lounge by the pool the way you’ve always wanted: Laid back. With your mind on your Simoleons and your Simoleons on your mind.
It’s Pride Month!
Show your pride with some fantastically colorful new clothing. The rainbow leggings are my personal favorite. Nah, maybe the body suit is my favorite. But now that you mention it, I can’t stop dressing my Sims in the new t-shirts -- created in partnership with the It Gets Better Project -- so I guess I just love it all! In addition, we’ve also included a selection of decorative Pride flags for hanging on your Sims’ walls. Finally, we’ve updated our bathroom door sets in-game so that every bathroom door also includes a gender-neutral version for builders, and includes a full suite of color swatches for mixing and matching to your heart’s content. Happy Pride Month, everyone!
Stilt Foundations:
Or as I like to call them, High Heels for your House. Or House Heels. These things don’t need to be limited to just the tropics. Stilts are a great partner in crime to manipulated and flat terrain alike in any biosphere. You can find them in Build Mode alongside all the other regular Foundation types. Now go get your stilt on.
Further Eaves Extension:
Now you can pull your Eaves… further.
More Door Colors:
Ok, we may have gone a bit overboard here… There are 350 new color swatches spread across all of the doors and arches in the base game catalog. If you’ve ever wanted matching doors in Light Brown, Reddish Brown, Brown, Dark Brown, Gray, White, or Black, then this is certainly the update for you!
A Couple New Lot Traits:
Clothing Optional: This new venue-only lot trait will inspire your Sims to -- you guessed it -- get nude.
Off-The-Grid: Now you can live out your nomadic fantasy on any lot. Applying this lot trait will remove your Sim’s use of power and running water, but on the upside it keeps your bills down. Keep a lookout for existing objects with the “Works Off-The-Grid” note in the Buy Catalog.
More Toddler Diaper Colors:
We added some L’il Swimmies Splashy Diapers! You don’t necessarily have to use them for splashing in the water, but that’s where our brains were at when we made them. We made these not only in anticipation for Island Living, but we also thought you’d appreciate more swimming options for your toddlers to use in the Seasons Kiddie Pool.
Back Float:
A new Back Float interaction is available for Sims swimming in the pool. Click on that water. Try it out. Take a load off.
Fishing Additions:
Brace yourself, we’re about to cast you into a deep dive…
We added several new interactions to allow players to fish in different ways and interact with other Sims around fishing activities.
Sims can perform a few new Fishing-based socials to gain useful info (via UI TNS/Notebook) and push NPCs to Fish.
Fishing is now joinable.
Improved fishing interaction tuning and autonomy to make the interaction more efficient and fun.
Upper skill levels now provide more meaningful rewards, with new Interactions added to Fishing skill levels
New high skill cast interaction “Angle for Big Catch” increases chance of getting rarer fish.
New high-skill VFX visuals on Rare fishing spots.
Ability to now “Mentor Sims in Fishing.”
Fishing UI has improved information, including Notebook info with Bait information.
Tuning for fish that can be caught is unique per world & more fishing spots added to some of our previously shipped worlds.
New bait preference system applied to most existing fish that modify catch chances.
Ceiling Fan Updates:
Ceiling Fans will now cool a room if you have Seasons and the fan is on. Oh yeah, speaking of which, we also added the ability to turn them On and Off. And while we were at it, we figured we’d make them dry off damp Sims too.
Ceiling Objects Build Sort:
We also added a new Ceiling Objects Build sort category to make things like Fans easier to find.
Swimming Things:
There is now a chance for interesting things to happen to your Sims while swimming, like getting a cramp or losing their suit (eek!). Swimming also now gives your Sims a boost in Fitness skill gain.
Part-Time Jobs Update:
And last but not least (you still with me?) all existing Part-Time Jobs are no longer just for Teens. That’s right, now elders could work as Fast Food Employees. Young Adults could be Babysitters if they want. Why not? The Part-Time world is your oyster. Oh oh oh -- and one last thing on that note: You can now have two Part-Time Jobs at once and pick between shifts. Wowee.
And now on to the unintended features…
General Issues.
Toddler’s Needs will now always be refilled while they’re at daycare.
Exterior trim now correctly applies to rounded flat blocks.
Adult Sims will now be able to successfully put Toddlers to bed. I wonder what their secret is. I may need to tap them for tips.
Sims on fire are now able to safely extinguish themselves in a pool. That’s refreshing.
The Dizzy Palms Ceiling Fan’s blades now tilt in the right direction.
Toddlers will no longer be put down from the high chair before they’ve finished eating. Patience mama, they’re still learning.
Gender Preference now affects flirt options.
Teen Sims will no longer spin into their Everyday outfit when going to school. If Randy wants to wear his swim trunks to school, well that’s Randy’s business.
Flirting with another Sim in a group conversation no longer increases the entire group’s Romance with you. That was awkward.
NPC Invites for Talent Showcase and Lounge will now take you to the appropriate venue.
We have fixed that bizarre issue where you’d have your Sims travel home, and then you load into your home lot, and your Sim’s skewer thumbnails are all greyed out like they’re not there, but when you hover over the skewer it tells you your Sims are at home. But like, they’re not at home. You’re staring at this empty lot, unable to play your Sims and you’re like.. “Is this even my home?”. And you start to question whether you selected the right lot on the map, but then you’re like “Wait, yeah - this is totally my home. But where are my Sims? It’s telling me they’re at home, but they’re not here.” Anyway, this should be fixed now.
Ghosts will no longer be obsessively calling you 5-ish times a day to see if you want to come over and hang out. They’ve been working on their self-control and are limited to at most one call per day now.
Terrain Paint now functions properly on Laptop Mode for AMD graphics cards.
NPC Sims will no longer get a sudden need to get nude after waking up if they have traveled off-lot and returned while you are visiting them. This one was weird. I wish I could show you the bug video.
Get Famous
We’ve toned down the amount of excitement that occurs when a celebrity makes an appearance outside of Del Sol Valley. They should be showing up outside of Del Sol Valley less often as well, so that should cut down on the ruckus.
It was a setup! I’ve been framed! It wasn’t me, I swear! You’ll pay for this! You got the wrong guy, it was Wilma! Wilma, I tell you! Celebrity Sims will no longer be falsely accused of stealing things. And for Wilma’s sake, I hope they get over what happened in the past.
Captain Sigma’s Gig costume no longer includes a chicken mask. That was a fowl fashion choice.
Performing “Tell a Group Story” Interaction Goals will now complete for the Fan Meet & Greet Event.
We fixed the issue with Del Sol Valley’s terrain disappearing when View Distance was set to High. Graphics cards (that we know of) that were affected by the issue:
Intel HD Graphics 3000
Intel HD Graphics 4000
AMD Radeon R6 Graphics
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5145
We fixed the Del Sol Valley skyline texture glitch after exiting CAS.
Elder Sims will no longer have the option to retire from the Acting Career, just to be met with a sad, sad reality. Before they were taunted with a TNS telling them they got this big great pension and now they can sit back and relax, but the pension amount was §0. That’s just so dark…
Now, if you travel during a holiday, the holiday decorations on your neighbor’s homes will be removed after the holiday ends. They were admittedly being either a bit overly festive or just a tad lazy. Either way, it’s been dealt with.
Sims will no longer gluttonously guzzle/gulp/slurp/chug water/milk/orange juice during events. No need to be so shellfish.
Jogging Vampires will no longer hold an umbrella while jogging because that’s just silly.
Coffee and Tea is safe to drink again. Sims will no longer receive the “Lethal Heat” buff and die upon returning home after drinking three hot beverages.
Cats & Dogs
Strays can now eat and use litter boxes without having to make the lot a Cat Hangout. You poor poor babies. You’re safe now.
Existing Sims/Saves will once again be able to lecture their pets. Now you can let Biscuit know how you truly feel when she jumps up on the counter.
It’s been ongoing, but we are actively calming those overly excited pets. Your queue should no longer fill up with a stack of a zillion bubbles from your pets when you run certain interactions. We’ve been working on this issue for a while with a few other fixes, but it’s been rearing its head with new repro steps here and there. So hopefully this fish sticks.
Having a puppy or kitten nearby will no longer interrupt your Sim’s bath or shower. We swear they weren’t doing that on porpoise.
Sims are now able to walk through doors with Country Curtains.
City Living
Building pieces in apartments will no longer be invisible when viewing from the upper floor. That must have been very disconcerting to not know what happened to your stuff.
Cleared out some pesky extra plants floating around the Romance Festival.
Your Sims should now be able to buy art from the Street Gallery object during a Yard Sale.
Oh this one’s a doozy. Get this: Talking John and Potty Mouth 2.0 toilets no longer play their sound on an endless loop when a child Sim runs the Use & Massage interaction, even after the toilet is destroyed. Bonus points to SimGuruJill for keeping a straight face writing that one.
Foundations will no longer cut out the floor of a Penthouse.
Get Together
Empty Clubs will no longer linger in your Clubs Panel. They are now self-aware enough to know when the party’s over and it is time to go home.
Get To Work
Coworkers are now spawning for the Science career. Yes, they missed you too.
Breast Feed is no longer available for male Sim parents of non-alien babies. Only alien spawn possess the cosmic knowledge of the most nourishing MANaries.
We fixed some buggy dog-walking behavior in Strangerville.
We shortened up the time it takes to complete the Give Orders Daily Task in the Courageous Captain Rank of the Officer Branch of the Military Career. That was a mouthful.
Jungle Adventure
You will no longer receive countless notifications when you leave your kitten or puppy at home while vacationing in Selvadorada.
Vampire Sims will now once again gain points after they reach the Grandmaster level on pre-April (2019) patch saves.
Your Vampires will no longer be unrightfully chastised by NPCs for drinking their blood after they specifically asked if it was ok. Like, I’m trying to be polite here and you said it was fine, and now you’re like all bent about it… what gives?
Perfect Sun Resistance Vampires will no longer use umbrellas when routing in the sun. Flaunt it, baby.
We fixed the weirdness with trying to add points while drinking the Draught of Reconfiguration. Now you should be able to add points just fine and your options won’t be greyed out.
Cured Vampires will now change body temperature. Why you gotta be so cold?
Laundry Day
Sims will now hold laundry bags the right way. What is the right way, you ask? Trust me, it’s better than how they were holding it before.
And now to wrap it all up, let’s get playing! I hope you enjoy your summer updates and have yourself one wonderful day today.
Stay Cheesy,
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thesims4blogger · 5 years
The Sims 4: New Game Patch (June 18th, 2019)
Remove all MODS and Custom Content before updating your game
UPDATE: 6/18/2019 – PC / Mac
Hiya Simmers! Is it hot outside, or is that just my gland problem? Anyway, let’s not worry about that – we’ve got some awesome new stuff to talk about! With all this Summer heat and with Sims 4 Island Living’s release just around the corner, we’ve got a few new free updates we are so excited to share with you! So let’s slap on some sunglasses, squeeze into that swimsuit, and dive on in… What’s New?
Randomize Traits Button:
A Randomize Traits button has been added to CAS and in the Live Mode Age-Up Molecule. Oh yes, it’s now just right there, waiting to be clicked. Over and over and over and over. I can’t really believe it either, but here it is. The dark days without this small hero are now just a distant unpleasant memory. From here on out, if you just want to grab-and-go your Sim’s personality and get the heck outta CAS, or if you want to add a little challenge to who your Sims might be, it’s just one click away. Jeepers, this feels good. Seriously, I’ve been wanting this forever. Lounge Chair:
Everyone (even you) gets a FREE LOUNGE CHAIR! That’s right, we’ve added a delightfully Portable Lounge Chair, so you can now lounge by the pool the way you’ve always wanted: Laid back. With your mind on your Simoleons and your Simoleons on your mind. It’s Pride Month!
Show your pride with some fantastically colorful new clothing. The rainbow leggings are my personal favorite. Nah, maybe the body suit is my favorite. But now that you mention it, I can’t stop dressing my Sims in the new t-shirts — created in partnership with the It Gets Better Project — so I guess I just love it all! In addition, we’ve also included a selection of decorative Pride flags for hanging on your Sims’ walls. Finally, we’ve updated our bathroom door sets in-game so that every bathroom door also includes a gender-neutral version for builders, and includes a full suite of color swatches for mixing and matching to your heart’s content. Happy Pride Month, everyone! Stilt Foundations:
Or as I like to call them, High Heels for your House. Or House Heels. These things don’t need to be limited to just the tropics. Stilts are a great partner in crime to manipulated and flat terrain alike in any biosphere. You can find them in Build Mode alongside all the other regular Foundation types. Now go get your stilt on. Further Eaves Extension:
Now you can pull your Eaves… further. More Door Colors:
Ok, we may have gone a bit overboard here… There are 350 new color swatches spread across all of the doors and arches in the base game catalog. If you’ve ever wanted matching doors in Light Brown, Reddish Brown, Brown, Dark Brown, Gray, White, or Black, then this is certainly the update for you! A Couple New Lot Traits:
Clothing Optional: This new venue-only lot trait will inspire your Sims to — you guessed it — get nude.
Off-The-Grid: Now you can live out your nomadic fantasy on any lot. Applying this lot trait will remove your Sim’s use of power and running water, but on the upside it keeps your bills down. Keep a lookout for existing objects with the “Works Off-The-Grid” note in the Buy Catalog.
More Toddler Diaper Colors:
We added some L’il Swimmies Splashy Diapers! You don’t necessarily have to use them for splashing in the water, but that’s where our brains were at when we made them. We made these not only in anticipation for Island Living, but we also thought you’d appreciate more swimming options for your toddlers to use in the Seasons Kiddie Pool. Back Float:
A new Back Float interaction is available for Sims swimming in the pool. Click on that water. Try it out. Take a load off. Fishing Additions:
Brace yourself, we’re about to cast you into a deep dive…
We added several new interactions to allow players to fish in different ways and interact with other Sims around fishing activities.
Sims can perform a few new Fishing-based socials to gain useful info (via UI TNS/Notebook) and push NPCs to Fish.
Fishing is now joinable.
Improved fishing interaction tuning and autonomy to make the interaction more efficient and fun.
Upper skill levels now provide more meaningful rewards, with new Interactions added to Fishing skill levels
New high skill cast interaction “Angle for Big Catch” increases chance of getting rarer fish.
New high-skill VFX visuals on Rare fishing spots.
Ability to now “Mentor Sims in Fishing.”
Fishing UI has improved information, including Notebook info with Bait information.
Tuning for fish that can be caught is unique per world & more fishing spots added to some of our previously shipped worlds.
New bait preference system applied to most existing fish that modify catch chances.
Ceiling Fan Updates:
Ceiling Fans will now cool a room if you have Seasons and the fan is on. Oh yeah, speaking of which, we also added the ability to turn them On and Off. And while we were at it, we figured we’d make them dry off damp Sims too. Ceiling Objects Build Sort:
We also added a new Ceiling Objects Build sort category to make things like Fans easier to find. Swimming Things:
There is now a chance for interesting things to happen to your Sims while swimming, like getting a cramp or losing their suit (eek!). Swimming also now gives your Sims a boost in Fitness skill gain. Part-Time Jobs Update:
And last but not least (you still with me?) all existing Part-Time Jobs are no longer just for Teens. That’s right, now elders could work as Fast Food Employees. Young Adults could be Babysitters if they want. Why not? The Part-Time world is your oyster. Oh oh oh — and one last thing on that note: You can now have two Part-Time Jobs at once and pick between shifts. Wowee. And now on to the unintended features… General Issues.
Toddler’s Needs will now always be refilled while they’re at daycare.
Exterior trim now correctly applies to rounded flat blocks.
Adult Sims will now be able to successfully put Toddlers to bed. I wonder what their secret is. I may need to tap them for tips.
Sims on fire are now able to safely extinguish themselves in a pool. That’s refreshing.
The Dizzy Palms Ceiling Fan’s blades now tilt in the right direction.
Toddlers will no longer be put down from the high chair before they’ve finished eating. Patience mama, they’re still learning.
Gender Preference now affects flirt options.
Teen Sims will no longer spin into their Everyday outfit when going to school. If Randy wants to wear his swim trunks to school, well that’s Randy’s business.
Flirting with another Sim in a group conversation no longer increases the entire group’s Romance with you. That was awkward.
NPC Invites for Talent Showcase and Lounge will now take you to the appropriate venue.
We have fixed that bizarre issue where you’d have your Sims travel home, and then you load into your home lot, and your Sim’s skewer thumbnails are all greyed out like they’re not there, but when you hover over the skewer it tells you your Sims are at home. But like, they’re not at home. You’re staring at this empty lot, unable to play your Sims and you’re like.. “Is this even my home?”. And you start to question whether you selected the right lot on the map, but then you’re like “Wait, yeah – this is totally my home. But where are my Sims? It’s telling me they’re at home, but they’re not here.” Anyway, this should be fixed now.
Ghosts will no longer be obsessively calling you 5-ish times a day to see if you want to come over and hang out. They’ve been working on their self-control and are limited to at most one call per day now.
Terrain Paint now functions properly on Laptop Mode for AMD graphics cards.
NPC Sims will no longer get a sudden need to get nude after waking up if they have traveled off-lot and returned while you are visiting them. This one was weird. I wish I could show you the bug video.
Get Famous
We’ve toned down the amount of excitement that occurs when a celebrity makes an appearance outside of Del Sol Valley. They should be showing up outside of Del Sol Valley less often as well, so that should cut down on the ruckus.
It was a setup! I’ve been framed! It wasn’t me, I swear! You’ll pay for this! You got the wrong guy, it was Wilma! Wilma, I tell you! Celebrity Sims will no longer be falsely accused of stealing things. And for Wilma’s sake, I hope they get over what happened in the past.
Captain Sigma’s Gig costume no longer includes a chicken mask. That was a fowl fashion choice.
Performing “Tell a Group Story” Interaction Goals will now complete for the Fan Meet & Greet Event.
We fixed the issue with Del Sol Valley’s terrain disappearing when View Distance was set to High. Graphics cards (that we know of) that were affected by the issue:
We fixed the Del Sol Valley skyline texture glitch after exiting CAS.
Elder Sims will no longer have the option to retire from the Acting Career, just to be met with a sad, sad reality. Before they were taunted with a TNS telling them they got this big great pension and now they can sit back and relax, but the pension amount was §0. That’s just so dark…
Intel HD Graphics 3000
Intel HD Graphics 4000
AMD Radeon R6 Graphics
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5145
Now, if you travel during a holiday, the holiday decorations on your neighbor’s homes will be removed after the holiday ends. They were admittedly being either a bit overly festive or just a tad lazy. Either way, it’s been dealt with.
Sims will no longer gluttonously guzzle/gulp/slurp/chug water/milk/orange juice during events. No need to be so shellfish.
Jogging Vampires will no longer hold an umbrella while jogging because that’s just silly.
Cats & Dogs
Strays can now eat and use litter boxes without having to make the lot a Cat Hangout. You poor poor babies. You’re safe now.
Existing Sims/Saves will once again be able to lecture their pets. Now you can let Biscuit know how you truly feel when she jumps up on the counter.
It’s been ongoing, but we are actively calming those overly excited pets. Your queue should no longer fill up with a stack of a zillion bubbles from your pets when you run certain interactions. We’ve been working on this issue for a while with a few other fixes, but it’s been rearing its head with new repro steps here and there. So hopefully this fish sticks.
Having a puppy or kitten nearby will no longer interrupt your Sim’s bath or shower. We swear they weren’t doing that on porpoise.
Sims are now able to walk through doors with Country Curtains.
City Living
Building pieces in apartments will no longer be invisible when viewing from the upper floor. That must have been very disconcerting to not know what happened to your stuff.
Cleared out some pesky extra plants floating around the Romance Festival.
Your Sims should now be able to buy art from the Street Gallery object during a Yard Sale.
Oh this one’s a doozy. Get this: Talking John and Potty Mouth 2.0 toilets no longer play their sound on an endless loop when a child Sim runs the Use & Massage interaction, even after the toilet is destroyed. Bonus points to SimGuruJill for keeping a straight face writing that one.
Foundations will no longer cut out the floor of a Penthouse.
Coffee and Tea is safe to drink again. Sims will no longer receive the “Lethal Heat” buff and die upon returning home after drinking three hot beverages.
Get Together
Empty Clubs will no longer linger in your Clubs Panel. They are now self-aware enough to know when the party’s over and it is time to go home.
Get To Work
Coworkers are now spawning for the Science career. Yes, they missed you too.
Breast Feed is no longer available for male Sim parents of non-alien babies. Only alien spawn possess the cosmic knowledge of the most nourishing MANaries.
We fixed some buggy dog-walking behavior in Strangerville.
We shortened up the time it takes to complete the Give Orders Daily Task in the Courageous Captain Rank of the Officer Branch of the Military Career. That was a mouthful.
Jungle Adventure
You will no longer receive countless notifications when you leave your kitten or puppy at home while vacationing in Selvadorada.
Vampire Sims will now once again gain points after they reach the Grandmaster level on pre-April (2019) patch saves.
Your Vampires will no longer be unrightfully chastised by NPCs for drinking their blood after they specifically asked if it was ok. Like, I’m trying to be polite here and you said it was fine, and now you’re like all bent about it… what gives?
Perfect Sun Resistance Vampires will no longer use umbrellas when routing in the sun. Flaunt it, baby.
We fixed the weirdness with trying to add points while drinking the Draught of Reconfiguration. Now you should be able to add points just fine and your options won’t be greyed out.
Cured Vampires will now change body temperature. Why you gotta be so cold?
Laundry Day
Sims will now hold laundry bags the right way. What is the right way, you ask? Trust me, it’s better than how they were holding it before.
And now to wrap it all up, let’s get playing! I hope you enjoy your summer updates and have yourself one wonderful day today. Stay Cheesy,
It's not mentioned in the patch notes, but actually yes! That issue should be fixed this patch. Please let me know if it's not! There were way too many bugs to mention every single one 😅
— SimGuruNick (@SimGuruNick) June 18, 2019
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talyn-the-warlock · 5 years
(Little idea I had based on the Chronicon! Let's assume it's mostly true for a moment, shall we?)
MCLXXVII, Forthcoming
Two years and seven months after City-fall...
Talyn was grateful they were moving again. 
The system was on fire. Cabal in Loyalist colors were all over the Sol's celestial bodies and their satellites. They must have consolidated the core worlds by now, Legionaries in shining gold gunning down anyone who stood in refusal of the Emperor’s delighted nihilism. Even without the might of their fleet, the universe’s fate had been sealed. Decided in the end by a single Guardian. The Hero of the Red War, the...Shadow of Earth, was power-mad. They had been fully seduced by the offerings of the opulent Emperor of the Cabal. Shiny trinkets and bits and baubles and wine had been more than the home they had done so much to protect. Regardless, their fury was still undeniable- and they were on a rampage. Ikora Rey had almost destroyed Mars in her blaze of glory, and Zavala had accepted his end in bitterness. Without leadership, with a foe from within, the City had been reduced to ashes in days. Earth was lost. Nowhere seemed safe, but Talyn and the fifty souls in her command had an option they were willing to gamble on. She had been certain if they stayed away from the carcass of the Reef, a freighter of their size would be able to slip by unnoticed in the asteroid fields between her dead home and the Jovians. She was wrong. Calus had sent his hunting parties far wider than she had anticipated. No matter her cunning or her care, they had found her. It embittered her to no end. 
She knew the hounds had her scent. There was no way the Shadow of Earth hadn’t given his new minions every single Tower override frequency, Dead Orbit’s included. Part of Talyn relished the idea of a fight after all this flight. Her Light still burned as bright as the setting sun, but she was alone in it. With only one Lightbearer aboard and limited ammunition for their meager forward cannons, the Fermi Paradox wouldn’t have lasted a picosecond against a heavily-armed Cabal carrier. If it was only her life to lose, she’d have tried. But fifty precious souls with only one death apiece hadn’t the teeth she did. Running and hiding was all she could do to keep them, now. The only way they could evade the Loyalist’s advanced sensor grids was to set down in a hollow asteroid and kill all power except the bare minimum needed for life support. The last ninety-five hours had been a hell of nervous waiting. They were no more than prey. Barely-cycled air hung stiff and thin in the frieghter’s cabins, each breath only just enough to fill the lungs. Slow suffocation had married in misery with tight rationing. Any hope of scavenging the Awoken’s ruins or harassing Fallen skiffs had been dashed by the Cabal’s harsh sensor sweeps. The ship was only stocked with enough food for a week, if each crewman ate one slim meal a day. Each of them had lost a frightening amount of weight, faces growing gaunt and constantly plastered with anxiety. None more than Talyn herself. She refused to partake in any of the freeze-dried delicacies aboard. If hunger took her men, they were a life snuffed forever. If it came for her...she still had her Ghost. Talyn had decided she would starve a hundred times before a single one of her people did. She continued to commit to it, even as the Cabal gave up and warped away to harass other, fatter prizes. 
The clawing pain in her stomach shot through each of her thoughts as she tried to stay awake. Fatigue was a beast the Light had no hope of pushing back. With zero caloric intake and barely a wink of sleep, Talyn was approaching her limit. Even as the engines coughed back to life and her ship limped the long black in search of opportunity, she struggled to maintain her grasp on conscious. Perhaps she was grateful she couldn’t see herself, for she looked just as she felt. Her hair had grown long, unbrushed and knotted behind her head in more of a tangle than a bun. The starlight eyes that used to be bright and full of wonder now barely stayed open, ringed in dark circles. Her fieldweave’s blue had faded, the armor dented and scratched from a hundred thousand final blows she had suffered. Even the cloak laid over her shoulder had grown to fray at the edges. Talyn had grown to rub it between her fingers as a ritualistic comfort, which did nothing to help its state. It was the least of her troubles. So long as she could see the sigil emblazoned on it, she was satisfied. The Broken Nomad had given her this last gift, after all. Her end had sent Talyn away to drift the old paths. Her best friend’s sacrifice was all she had in her knapsack. Perhaps it wasn’t just this piece of herself Soren had given, but the title as well. Talyn certainly felt the namesake. Perhaps she could ask the original Broken Nomad If she was worthy, when she saw her again in her dreams. 
A voice cut the tense quiet just as restless sleep threatened to overtake her. “Captain, we’ve got a vessel on sensors!” 
Talyn snapped herself back to awareness, rubbing one of her eyes with the back of her glove. Where was she? Settled in her captain’s chair, raised just slightly above a dozen or so bridge crew. A bulbous viewscreen showed the night before her, plastering the entire far wall with the light of stars they hadn’t the fuel or food to travel to. It was one of her officers who had spoken, a woman with mousy hair and a dark complexion. She had thrown Talyn a look of anticipation over her shoulder. What do I do now?, it said. These people still looked up to their only Guardian. They trusted her, took her orders, followed her guidance. No matter what state she was in, Talyn would die her last before she dissuaded these people of the last of their hope. She had to speak, even if her voice was cracked and edged. “On screen.” 
The view of the stars before them zoomed in, dialing closer to a vague shape nestled in the Milky Way. As it came into clearer view, Talyn recognized it as a ship. Not just any ship. This was a vessel she knew all too well. One she had ransacked on behalf of a spy order long-dead. One she had visited for game after game of Taken-hunting and Dredgen-slaying. The cylindrical shape and fins on the front making it look like a polyp were all-too familiar. The absence of its peculiar cargo was not. It floated still, hanging suspended in the vacuum like a fly stuck in molasses. Without the Haul, the thing looked so small. A tin can, kicked along dusty sidewalks like a piece of forgotten trash. She sought confirmation for what she already knew. “Is that…?” 
“The Derelict,” the mousy woman assured in a grimace. “Looks like she’s stalled out, we’ve got zero engine readings.” 
Her curiosity piqued. Was he gone? Had he abandoned his little mobile home? It looked next to new, not a ding or scrape in sight. Talyn needed answers for the questions it raised. “Structural integrity?” 
“Hundred percent,” her helmsman piped up in a gruff Exo crackle. “I’m not reading any damage, but...her fuel line ain’t running. She’s running on empty, ma’am.” 
The thought made her smile. It was petty, but the idea of Eli being stranded and out of luck like she was filled her with awful delight. His plan to outrun the end had been for nothing, after all. He’d run out of steam, unable to persist forever in the ways he always postured he would. She hoped he was hungry. 
Just as she was about to inquire further, her comms officer spoke up. “Ma’am, we’re...getting a hailing frequency,” the butch Awoken said. “I'm...pretty sure it's him. Should I put it on screen?” 
Talyn had been so numb since she’d lost everything. Trying only to keep strong for her crew, she’d refused to feel anything but grim determination to see another day. It changed in an instant. Something struck a match inside her, and ignited a pile of long-collected kindling. It turned from a spark to a holocaust of barely contained rage in seconds. He wanted to talk, did he? Why? To make platitudes at her, lay smooth words across a dagger-tongue before running it through her chest? To call her “sister” again and again, even though they shared no kinship? He would act as a snake when at such a disadvantage, plucking her fragile heartstrings like a harp. He would lie, just like he lied to Orin. He would make excuses and play to her sympathies. Talyn could already hear him tell her that he was right. Eli would say that they were all drifters now, and in the end he foresaw they were one in the same. If only he knew this Talyn wasn’t the same woman he’d tried to play all those lost years ago. This one was wiser. Stronger. Angrier. More, this Talyn knew precisely why the City hadn’t been able to stand against the onslaught of Calus and his betrayer Shadow. Any great empire falls when it fractures. Eli hadn’t cared in an iota what lines he was drawing in the sand when he enticed prospective Dredgens with shiny toys. He didn’t give a damn how it had all fallen apart when nobody was there to keep the disillusioned from dropping everything and running. It was all his fault. His selfish hubris had brittled the unity they’d used to slay Crota, and Oryx, and Ghaul. Now he was alone again, and he was a fool to believe he’d find quarter with someone he had stolen everything from. Her eyes grew dark, hands gripping the sides of her chair white-knuckle. Her crew were waiting for orders, and she gave them in a shaking hush. 
“Reject the hail,” Talyn shuddered. “And divert all power to weapons.”
The Exo tapped his console quickly, and a pair of cannons went live and locked on with an alarm flourish. He almost sounded sad. “...say the word, ma’am.” 
She only hesitated as long as it took to try and remember the Broken Nomad’s face. When she couldn’t find it, the words were effortless. 
“Open fire.” 
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hino-has-fiction · 6 years
You Are Not High Enough Level For This Recipe - 99% Failure Guaranteed
Hey there @ruioolee I’m your secret Santa (on my main @hino-of-the-dawn)
I hope you don’t mind what I’ve done, but I tried to write about Hedwyn like you asked!
The recipe laid out before him was a mess. The script was tiny, the lines were crooked, and worst of all, the thing was written in English. Hedwyn sighed, picking up the parchment, holding it close to his eyes as if the proximity would somehow reveal all the secrets he’d been unable to see before, like an epiphany.
Hedwyn had been practicing his letters. He could read things like his name, and little sentences like “The Cur runs. The Cur jumps.” Unfortunately, he hadn’t quite gotten to the level of deciphering phrases like “3/4 cups of Brown Sugar” and “Blend ingredients until light and with a cloud-like consistency.”
The parchment was set down on the blackwagon’s prep table with an irritated sigh as he rubbed at his temples. To be fair, he’d asked the Reader for some recipes of the old Nomad foods that people used to eat, and they had gone to Volfred in search of something.
But Hedwyn had asked for simple recipes and that had gotten lost in translation somewhere. He’d wanted a simple recipe, as in it was written simply. Instead, he’d received a simple recipe written in so many layers of cooking jargon that he was considering giving up on being a cook and instead becoming a full-time hermit, living off the natural flora and scavenging cooked meals from other more linguistically versed individuals.
“Scribes aid me,” he softly mumbled, clasping his hands together in a momentary prayer, hoping in some way that the Eight Scribes would look down on him and grant him the blessings he required to make it through this torturous recipe. At the very least, maybe Khaylmer Rope-Caller would pity him and find it more amusing to let Hedwyn finish this recipe and be subsequently rewarded with even more elaborate instructions.
It was at about the third cup of flour that Hedwyn thought his recipe might be going wrong. So far he’d added only a teaspoon of milk, an entire jar of honey, almost an entire cup of brown sugar, and three cups of flour. There wasn’t a single meal that Hedwyn could think of that required these ingredients, or needed this much flour.
He picked up the recipe again and studied it. The letters were still a foreign jumble to him, although he could pick out the numbers and things like “cups” and “spoon” and “dessicated coconut”.
“Why is the written word so complex?” he softly grumbled, scratching his head on one of the hooks that had been attached to the wall, usually to hold Raiments or weapons to defend against the various wildlife that called the Downside home. It was a feeble attempt to keep his hands relatively clean, and to not waste their precious water in washing them. It wasn’t like the Downside was awfully hygienic, but after Rukey and the Moontouched Girl had tried to cook, along with Ti’zo, and everyone spent their evening picking hairs out of their soup, Hedwyn tried to keep his hands as clean as he could, no matter the means. “This language is so strange.”
“Having trouble, my boy?”
The voice made Hedwyn jump, turning to see Volfred standing in the doorway, holding his pipe. “I hope the recipe isn’t giving you much strife. It is a complex blend of ingredients.”
Hedwyn shook his head, setting down the recipe next to the bowl containing the clusterfuck of ingredients he’d sourced. “Not at all.” A tired smile settled over his lips as he turned towards their meager pantry, taking a moment to compose himself and wonder what the fuck he was going to put in that bowl to get somewhere close to whatever that recipe was meant to be.
“It was a delicacy from my hometown, among the Saps outside the Commonwealth, although we did refine it so Nomads like you could enjoy it too,” Volfred explained with a soft laugh. Hedwyn internally groaned. Sap meals had not been his strong suit. Instead he’d bothered to learn about Harp and Cur diets. From his knowledge, all Saps did was eat sunlight, water, and dirt. Jodariel had once claimed to see Volfred eating an entire handful of dirt. He’d locked eyes with her, and swallowed it.
“Is that so?” Hedwyn asked from within the pantry, gripping the handles tightly in some attempt to not panic and tell Volfred he’d botched the recipe and made something that was bound to taste awful. “Well then.”
A soft laugh came from the Sap as he turned and strode off, leaving Hedwyn to his work. “I am sure you will do fine.”
Hedwyn laughed too. “Sure.”
It just became awful from that point onwards. In a fit of panic from a mix of stress and overly complex instructions, the recipe became a mess. Spices were thrown into the mix, along with eggs, a spoon of salt, and a flamestalk. The mix, somehow, became a total liquid, and Hedwyn threw more flour into it, changing the substance into something as hard as a rock.
“Scribes!” He threw his hands up in irritation and stomped around the kitchen, but very lightly. To him it was an angry stomp. To an onlooker, it was a gentle pacing with a thoughtful expression. This recipe was getting further and further away from whatever it was meant to be.
He took a deep breath, feeling the serene peace of someone who had accepted their fate. It was like going downriver again, except he was landing in a pit of Friendship disappointment as opposed to the Downside. He didn’t even know which was worse, honestly.
“Well,” Hedwyn sighed, “in for a Sol, in for a Lum.”
The substance, for lack of a better word, changed rapidly over the next few minutes as Hedwyn threw caution to the wind, slamming ingredients together in a haphazard mess. He tried to consult the recipe multiple times, but the words it held were nonsense to him. If whatever he was trying to make came out as edible, Hedwyn would call it divine intervention.
When the blend of kitchen ingredients had stopped being a sickly shade of green and instead turned to the soft yellow colour of cake mix, Hedwyn slipped into the oven, cranked the temperature, and prayed. He knelt in the middle of the kitchen, hands clasped in prayer to the Eight Scribes. He even dared to pray to Khaylmer Rope-Caller, and, in a moment of desperation, he prayed to the Greater Titans. Every name he could think of, anyone who ever had an influence on the world as it was, Hedwyn called upon in desperation, in some feeble hope that he could get out of this mess.
At some point during his fourth prayer to Saint Triesta, the sweet scent of chocolate hit Hedwyn like a freight train, knocking him flat on his ass. He had expected fire and charcoal and nauseous scents to come from the oven, housing the abomination he’d concocted. Chocolate had not been the expectation.
Scrambling to his feet, Hedwyn tore open the oven door, slipping on some mitts to retrieve the thing he’d baked. Sitting in the pan was a soft, springy, golden cake. Slowly, in a state of shock, Hedwyn set the cake down and turned off the oven, before gently easing it out of the pan and onto a plate.
Sitting there was a golden cake, covered in a soft drizzle of honey. The chocolate smell persisted though, but Hedwyn couldn’t place it. He hadn’t put any of it in the recipe, so it was an absolute mystery where in the Downside this scent was coming from.
It was in the middle of this that the Reader entered, enticed by the sweet smell permeating the entire Blackwagon. They quickly rushed to Hedwyn’s side, giving him a congratulatory hug for managing to complete the recipe, despite how difficult it was.
“It was nothing?” Hedwyn answered, confused as the Reader retrieved a knife and cut themself a slice. As the blade pierced the thin cake, Hedwyn could see chocolate sauce seeping out from inside. The Reader gasped, cheerfully proclaiming their intense liking for such a clever cooking technique. Hedwyn merely smiled, trying not to make it obvious that he’d struggled so much with it.
With their slice of cake plated and ready, the Reader dove into a pocket of their cloak, withdrawing a piece of paper and handing it to Hedwyn. He looked at it and paled. “I-”
The Reader had faith, and they told him so, calling over their shoulder as they skipped out of the room to enjoy their meal. There was silence, only broken by Hedwyn’s gentle sigh as his entire body slumped, exhausted and stunned. This new recipe had only one word he could read, and that was spoon. Everything else was a foreign jumble, letters making nothing but nonsense.
Hedwyn clasped his hands together again, taking a breath.
“Scribes, if you’re out there-”
Up above, the Eight Scribes grumbled to themselves and tried to draw straws, deciding who would fix Hedwyn’s mess this time.
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snarkysim · 7 years
My Beautiful Dark Twisted Legacy
A modified Differences in the Family Tree challenge.
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My Beautiful Dark Twisted Legacy (MBDTL) is a challenge for The Sims 4. It’s named after Kanye West’s 2010 album of almost the same name (please don’t sue me). There’s no deep reason for this; I was just trying to look for quotes to match each generation’s theme and I came across one of Kanye’s lyrics that perfectly encapsulated the Performer/Musician generation. “I am God’s vessel. But my greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live.” That inspired me to use more of Kanye’s amusing quotes -- sometimes brilliant, and sometimes head-scratching -- for all 15(!) generations. Don’t worry. You can always play a condensed version of this challenge if the thought of 15 generations makes you sweat. Like the original DITFT legacy challenge, there are a number of objectives. I’ve incorporated a number of objectives from the original challenge, but I’ve come up with tons of new ones! Everything from skills, careers, and aspirations down to midlife crises and Sunday dinner traditions. If you’re curious, click below the cut and prepare yourself for the longest text post of your life.
The full version of this legacy challenge can be played for a full 15 generations. Each generation has a theme with its matching career(s), aspiration(s), objectives, and Kanye West quote. In the original form of the challenge created by ArrowLeaf, generations were completed in a specified order, which is still totally fine. However, generations can also be played in random order, and it’ll be up to you to make sense of it for your game/story. To determine the theme and corresponding objectives for each generation, use Google’s random number generator. Or just google ‘random number generator’ and it’s the first thing that pops up under the search field. Allow it to randomly select a number between 1 and 15. The first number generated will correspond to the type of generation played for the legacy founder. Once the founder has a child, the player may randomly generate the next number in order to start preparing for the next generation’s objectives. If the same number is generated within a legacy, the player may choose to use the consecutive number or roll again. 
The condensed version of the challenge can either be played as a 10-legacy or 5-legacy challenge (for those of us with less success completing legacy-style gameplay). Similar to the full version, it can be played in order, starting at any point on the list, or through the random generation of numbers. 
Once a theme is chosen for the first generation, create a character and move them into whatever lot or pre-built house you want as long as there are no money cheats involved. There are optional objectives that will make this choice more favourable to the challenge. 
 You may also choose to play according to classic Legacy Challenge rules, where you choose the largest lot in the the chosen neighbourhood and purchase the Knight of Octagon table decoration costing $8200 and place it in the family inventory. If you are choosing a 64x64 lot, you can buy two Points of Enmity for $2100 and one Von-Windenburg’s Trap for $2000. Place those three items in the family inventory. Either way, the challenge must begin with the sim having $1800. 
Have fun and don’t take anything too seriously, including these rules. No money, mood, motive, or skills cheats. Story progression mods are allowed, but nothing that gives your household an advantage over any other sim in its community. 
Life span set to normal 
Randomly generated traits for heirs unless there is a specified trait they must have for their generation. Use a random trait and aspiration generator for this one. 
 Randomly generated traits and aspirations for known non-heirs. If you’re unsure about which of the children will be heir, you can choose the traits up until they become teens. 
 Choose the heir by any means you want (e.g., random, firstborn, matriarchy, popular vote, etc.) Try to stick to one succession law for the entire legacy. 
Spouses can have jobs and teens can have part-time jobs. 
 When moving sims into the family, you may not keep any funds they bring in with them 
The next generation starts when the heir chosen hits YA. At this point, other family members, including parents, can be moved out; or the heir can move and get a place of their own. If the heir moves to a different lot, he/she cannot take any family funds with them. 
 If you are keeping the legacy within the largest lot in the neighbourhood, the family must stay and build on that lot throughout the legacy. 
“If I were to write my title like going through the airport and you have to put down what you do? I would literally write ‘creative genius’ except for two reasons: Sometimes it takes too long to write that and sometimes I spell the word ‘genius’ wrong. The irony.” 
You begin with a blank slate. Weave together the origin story of your legacy by stringing words along the page, or brushing paints across the canvas. You’re not starting out with much in your pocket, but that’s okay, because there’s never been a time in history when it’s been this cool to be a poor, hungry hipster. 
Have and complete a Creative Aspiration 
Master the writing and/or painting skill 
If the sim chooses to be a writer, join the Author career branch and reach level 10 
If the sim chooses to be an artist, join the Artist career branch and reach level 10 
Write at least 10 books and/or paint at least 5 masterpieces 
Keep at least 5 books in your household’s bookshelves and/or display at least 5 paintings in your house 
Marry, woohoo, have at least two kids 
Go to an Arts Centre, Museum, or Library once a week 
Get 10,000 in book royalties 
Sell 10,000 in paintings 
Be good friends with all members of the immediate family 
Influence at least one child/teen to reach level 5 in painting and/or writing skill before they age up to YA 
Complete two murals 
Decorate an entire wall of your house with a collage of original paintings 
Write at least one book of each genre/type
Provide original titles to all of your books 
If your sim is experiencing an extreme emotion while in the household lot, they must start an emotional painting or start a book in the specialized genre 
Build a painter’s studio or a writer’s office on your lot 
“I am God’s vessel. But my greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live.” 
Self-expression has been deeply ingrained in your psyche since the moment you came clawing out into this world, screaming death metal out of the womb. It’s pushed you into pursuing a musical dream that has yet to be explored. You’re not exactly sure about the fame and notoriety, but you’d sacrifice your privacy for a chance to play your song. 
Have and complete a Creative Aspiration 
Master at least two from the following list of skills: piano, guitar, violin, and/or singing 
Get to the top of the Entertainer career in the Musician branch 
Have at least three kids 
Get married to someone with a music lover or creative trait 
Learn all songs 
License at least two songs 
Go to a karaoke bar at least once a week 
Play for tips at all community lots 
Attend and win three karaoke contests 
Serenade other sims or lull other sims at least once a week 
If the sim needs a shower and the current mood is either happy or confident, the sim must select ‘sing in shower’ 
 Influence at least one child/teen to play an instrument and have that child reach level 5 by the time they age up to YA 
Change your sim’s hair colour halfway into young adulthood; you may switch it back when they age up 
Get a tattoo before becoming an adult 
Have an affair with a groupie (or a stranger who just watched you perform) 
Have a child out of wedlock 
Build a music studio with one of each type of instrument in the room 
“I’ve known my mom since I was zero years old. She is quite dope.” 
You’ve always wanted more stability in your life. Some would even criticize you for craving the normalcy of a nuclear family standing on a freshly mowed lawn surrounded by a white picket fence. It might be eerily traditional, but you swear it’s only because you’ve always fancied that slower pace. 
Have and complete the Super Parent, Successful Lineage, Happy Family, or Soulmate aspiration 
You must be a stay-at-home parent but you may make money at home by gardening, painting, hacking, etc. 
Try for twins until you win, or until your household has reached max capacity. If you have a mod that allows more than eight sims in a household, then you’re SOL. 
Read a story to children at least once a week 
Attend at least two children’s weddings (you may switch household in order to achieve this) 
All children and teens must have straight As before aging up No maids or butlers No divorce 
Marry your highschool sweetheart 
Have at least five kids of your own Help kids with homework every night and assist with every kid’s school project 
Adopt at least one child 
Complete at least one parenting interaction with each child everyday until they age up to YA 
Have every child complete a child aspiration before becoming a teen 
Have every child earn at least two positive character values when aging up to YA 
Throw every child a birthday party 
 Make a sacked lunch for each child every Monday 
Have Sunday dinners with each member of the household in attendance and seated around the same dining table
“If everything I did failed - which it doesn’t, it actually succeeds - just the fact that I’m willing to fail is an inspiration.” 
You know what you want and you already have plan A, B, and C on how to get what you want. You’re always rushing forward with your eyes focused on accomplishing your goals. Ambition is the first step to success and you need to act fast if you want to destroy your competition and make it to the top of the ladder. 
Have and complete the Fabulously Wealthy, Mansion Baron, City Native or Renaissance Sim aspiration 
Get to level 10 in the Business and/or Politics career 
Max the charisma skill 
Max the logic skill 
Earn over 50,000 in family funds 
Get married and throw a big wedding with more than 10 guests, a caterer, mixologist, and entertainer 
Have at least one child 
Move to San Myshuno on your own and live in an apartment that needs TLC until you save enough for a nicer place; then move back into your old home when one of your parents die in order to take care of the survivor. OR Stay in your current lot and renovate the entire house or build a new extension. 
Donate to charity every Wednesday and then update your social media status 
As an adult, volunteer with your family every Saturday. When you return, upload an image to social media 
Become enemies with your parent(s), particularly the previous heir, before entering your career 
Attend every festival you can unless you are at work or engaged in a social event. 
Meet at least four new people while on the festival grounds 
Successfully ask for a small loan or a donation of 1000 from a sim you just met 
Purchase a gift worth more than 500 for your children when it’s their birthdays 
Have 10 good friends 
 Have one rival from your workplace 
 Send flirty texts to someone who isn’t your spouse 
Have a midlife crisis during adulthood and either buy $20,000 worth of decorative objects and/or electronics, or have an affair with a sim younger than your spouse 
“The plan was to drink until the pain is over. But what’s worse, the pain or hangover?” 
Sticking it to the man has been your motto throughout childhood. You’re the true definition of chaotic neutral, representing the freedom from society’s norms and the do-gooder’s expectations. So what if you’re in a club on a Thursday? You’re only here for your girl’s birthday.
Have and complete the Serial Romantic, Master Mixologist, Friend of the World, Leader of the Pack, or Party Animal aspiration 
Join the Mixologist branch of the Culinary career 
Have the noncommittal trait 
Kiss six sims 
Be the boyfriend/girlfriend to two sims then break their hearts (you can be married to one and be dating the other) 
Get married and have kid(s) 
Kill or divorce the first spouse, then get married and have kid(s) 
Throw a party (in any location) at least once a week 
Get at least one tattoo 
Host a gold-rated house party 
Have a gold-rated date 
Go on at least 10 dates 
Public woohoo at least two times with two different sims 
Max the DJ mixing skill 
DJ at a nightclub or party on a community lot once a week 
Max the Dance skill and win three dance battles 
Accept any invitations to a nightclub or party unless it conflicts with work 
Create a club of fellow noncommittal sims and meet at least once a week at a location with a bed and a hot tub 
 “Being fresh is more important than having money.” 
 A life of vice is not for you. You’ve seen what it can do to the body, so you’ve decided to return back to the simple purity of the earth. There’s an honesty and organicness in having your hands digging in the dirt, growing food that nourishes the bowels and the soul. 
Have and complete a Nature aspiration 
 Grow a starter garden using the starter packets from the store 
Grow a garden with Blue Bells, Chrysanthemum, Daisy, Apple, grapes, Plantain, Basil, Parsley, Carrot, Mushroom, and Spinach 
Get married, but no woohoo before marriage 
Have a boy and a girl, and keep trying until you do 
Max the gardening skill 
Max the herbalism and/or fishing skill 
No gardeners 
Complete at least one collection 
Have and maintain a bonsai tree 
Obtain and plant every type of plant 
Grow a cow plant 
Make a death flower 
Go camping in Granite Falls at least once, or go camping in your own backyard during the weekends 
Brew a herbalism concoction while on vacation at Granite Falls 
Marry a sim with the “Loves Outdoors” trait 
Unlock Sylvan Glade and the Forgotten Grotto 
Care for community lot gardens at least once a week 
 “What she order? Fish filet.” 
 Your senses are keenly attuned sights, smells, and tastes of fresh ingredients; but your passion burns in the kitchen. You might have a refined palate, but you’ll need to work on those knife skills if you want to get at the same level as the screaming chefs on TV. 
Have and complete the Master Chef aspiration 
Join the Chef branch of the Culinary career and/or open up a restaurant 
Reach level 10 as a chef and/or reach five-star restaurant ratings 
Max cooking skill 
Max gourmet cooking skill 
Always attend the Spice Festival, unless the sim is at work or already at another social event 
Receive the Chopsticks Savvy and the Spice Hound food mastery traits 
Cook all meals for the family 
Sample at least one item from each cuisine or type of food vendor at all festivals 
Max creativity skill 
Max the baking, mixology, and/or gardening skill 
Take your sims out on dates by taking them to a restaurant or inviting them over for a home-cooked meal 
Serve steak to random sims at a barbecue in the park 
Have Sunday dinners with each member of the household in attendance and seated around the same dining table
 Invite at least four friends over for a dinner party featuring a homemade appetizer, main course, and dessert 
Build a chef’s dream kitchen complete with every type of large and small appliance available 
Cook Ambrosia 
“My greatest award is what I’m about to do.” 
You had your cake and you ate it all, too! All the food you could ever dream of was available for you to sample and devour. Not going to lie, you’ve gotten used to an unsustainable lifestyle. Now, you could get up, work on yourself, and make a change for the better. Otherwise, you’re going to be the forgotten one in the family tree. 
Have an aspiration of your choice but do everything in your power not to complete it 
Do not get a job (the spouse can have a job but the heir cannot) 
Marry a sim of your choice, but elope immediately 
Have as many children as you want while you’re still YA 
Do not teach the toddlers any skills or change their diaper/bathe them 
Do not help the kids with homework or read them books 
Spend your family fortune. Strive to get it just above what the bills are 
Order pizza once a week 
Don’t change dirty diapers 
No dish cleaning or cleaning out spoiled food from the fridge 
No skill that lowers fun is to be learned 
Read 15 books 
Max video gaming skill 
 Watch TV or use the computer for at least four hours everyday 
Flirt with three sims in town (before or after you’re married) 
Complete a post card collection 
No woohoo or ‘try for baby’ with your spouse as an adult 
Wear your pajama outfit(s) every time you are within the household lot, unless there is a social event taking place on the lot 
 “Nike told me, 'We can't give you royalties because you're not a professional athlete.' I told them 'I'll go to the Garden and play one-on-no-one.' I'm a performance athlete!” 
Laziness doesn’t exist in your dictionary; not that you’d know because you don’t even know if you own one. You’re the person at the gym pushing beyond your limits. Your eye is on the prize, and it looks like gold medals and eight-pack abs. 
Have and complete the Bodybuilder aspiration 
Join the Athletics career and reach level 10 in either branch 
Max the fitness skill 
Max the charisma skill 
Go to a gym venue once a week, even if you have your own home gym. 
Have at least one biological child (being married is optional) 
Adopt a toddler or child sim
Have 10 good friends
Max the wellness skill 
Take a weekly gym selfie 
If you ever feel Sad or Bored, take a brisk shower 
If you become Energized, you must energize at least one other sim on the lot 
Go jogging in your neighbourhood every morning, or swim laps in your pool every morning 
Take your sims to dates in the gym or on a lot with a basketball court 
Challenge sim(s) to a basketball competition 
Use either the massage table or chair and/or the sauna once a week 
As soon as you are able to mentor a sim at the gym, choose the most out of shape sim in the gym and offer to mentor them. Frequently invite them to go to the gym just like a personal trainer would 
No eating baked treats, not even birthday cake 
 “My Caps Lock Key Is Loud!” 
 Who wants to move around all day when there’s so much to see and so much to do on the internet? The computer might be a mind-boggling machine to most, but to you, it’s the only way you process the world around you. Programming is your language and memes are your fine arts. 
Have and complete a Computer Whiz aspiration 
Join the Tech Guru or Social Media career and reach level 10 in the chosen career 
Once you meet a sim, you may only socialize with them through the computer or through text (the exception is other sims in your household) until you become friends with them. Once friends, you may travel with and invite over that/those specific sims 
Have at least two children 
Start a social media network and have over 10,000 followers 
Max the programming skill 
If taking the Tech Guru career route, max the video gaming skill 
If taking the Social Media career route, max the photography skill 
Win three professional gaming tournaments 
Earn 10,000 via livestreams / social media sites / apps 
Join the GeekCon hackathon 
Do some freelance work on the computer on top of your current career 
Update your social media status and share an image at least once a week 
Marry a sim you met through chatting on the computer 
Max the handiness skill 
Perform upgrades on your computer 
Host an incognito costume party and dress up as if you and your guests were cosplaying 
Build a futuristic tech room with at least one computer, television, and video game
 “My favorite unit of measurement is ‘a shit load’.” 
You’ve seen the endless pages of code, but now you’re itching to crack the code of the universe. Utilizing all the advances of science and technology, you want to figure out if there’s life beyond the stars. Some people might think you’re kind of a dweeb, but you’d like to think you’re a trailblazer in uncharted territory. 
Have and complete the Nerd Brain aspiration 
Join the Astronaut or Scientist career and reach level 10 in the chosen career 
Max the logic skill 
Max the handiness skill 
Max the rocket science skill and build a rocket 
Have at least two children 
Read and finish the the first volume of a Skill Book for each skill that can be learned 
Have a small garden 
Get married in an unconventional location (i.e., not a park or traditional wedding venue). You may add a wedding arch to the wedding location 
Influence children to complete their homework and to raise logic skill 
Go to a community location with a chess table and challenge other sims to play against you 
Upgrade at least one object in the house every week 
Collect plant, fossil, and/or crystal samples and analyze under microscope 
Make and use every invention and serum 
Use the SimRay to transform a sim Travel to Sixam in the rocket ship 
Complete the alien collection 
Grow the UFO plant 
 “Why everything that’s supposed to be bad make me feel so good?”
Knowledge is not to be used to benefit humankind; it’s to be used for your personal gain. Through nefarious schemes and acts of vengeance, you plan to hold all those who ever hurt you and your family at your mercy. You hold grudges with a deathly grip, so that kid that flicked your nose that one time in daycare better watch his back. 
 Have and complete a Deviance aspiration 
Join the Criminal career 
Max the athletic skill 
Max the logic skill 
Max the charisma skill 
Marry as an adult after at least two failed relationships 
Have one child (you want the perfect evil child) 
Have more enemies than friends 
Perform at least one mean interaction everyday, even to members of your own household 
Win five fights 
Pull pranks on family and neighbours at least once a week 
Marry a sim in the Detective, Secret Agent, or Politics career track 
Have more than two affairs going on at one time 
Have your child earn at least two negative character values when aging up to YA 
When disciplining your child’s behaviour, always choose the punish option if available 
Kill your spouse, either by accident or by your own elaborate plan 
Have one of your enemies be the previous generation’s heir 
 Create an evil lair in your basement 
 “Man… ninjas are kind of cool… I just don’t know any personally.” 
That chip on your shoulder is a result of your parent being the second coming of the devil. You want to take the script and flip it, and remind your neighbours that you’re good people. You stand bravely for the rule of law. And nothing - not even family - will stop you from seeking out justice or saving a kitty from a burning building. 
Have and complete an aspiration of your choice apart from any Deviance aspiration 
Join the Secret Agent, Detective, or Journalist career and reach level 10 in the chosen career 
Max logic skill 
Max athletic skill if you choose to be a Secret Agent or Detective; Max writing skill if you choose to be a Journalist 
Marry a sim with an evil, hates children, hot headed, and/or kleptomaniac trait. Try to influence them not to exhibit these traits as much as possible 
Have at least two children while a young adult 
Donate to charity every Sunday 
 Have a best friend / sidekick, preferably someone you met through work 
Have 10 good friends 
Calm down at least one angry sim encountered in every newly visited community lot 
If going the Secret Agent route, host a Black and White Bash and Incognito Costume Party at lots outside the main household 
If going the Detective or Journalist route, host a Dinner Party and a Weenie Roast, and invite co-workers 
Max photography skill 
Have another baby in the second half of adulthood 
Set curfew at 7pm 
Become enemies with the previous heir and win a fight against them 
Get to know at least two traits of a sim before initiating any romantic interactions 
Have a serious romantic interest while married, but never kiss or woohoo them; maintain that relationship until the end of the generation or until your spouse finds out 
 “So I hope that there are people out there laughing. Laugh loud, please. Laugh until your lungs give out because I will have the last laugh.” 
 Everything was always so serious and by the book, so you never failed to take it as an opportunity to light up the room with your quick wit and irreverent sense of humour. You just want everyone to relax and have a good time; because if you’re external world is happy, then maybe you can forget about what you’re going through beneath your plastered smile. 
Have and complete a Popularity aspiration 
Join the Comedian branch of the Entertainer career and reach level 10 
Max comedic skill 
Max charisma skill 
Be best friends with siblings and parents 
Write at least one comedy book on the computer 
Become partners in crime with your spouse Improvise a routine on the microphone 
Convince four sims to streak in the middle of the day 
Use the Voodoo to poke and/or tickle a sim 
Write 10 comedy routines 
Max mischief skill 
Keep a journal 
Have 10 friends, not including those inside the household 
Never discipline your kids; always encourage their behaviour even when the behaviour may be negative 
Plan a prank during work or school hours 
Use the Cuddle Voodoo interaction to lure a sim to commit infidelity against their significant other 
Get a sim to die laughing during one of your performances 
 “Drug dealin’ jus to get by. Stack ya’ money til it gets sky high.” 
 Laughter may be the best medicine, but not if you’re actually sick. Jokes aren’t going to help you when the Grim Reaper’s right around the corner, popping in to say “omw”. You’re going to need the needles and the drugs STAT!
Have and complete an aspiration of your choice 
Join the Doctor or Veterinarian career and reach level 10 
Max the logic skill 
Max the handiness skill 
Complete at least five house calls (if in the Doctor career) 
Deliver at least three babies (if in the Doctor career) 
Get married and have at least two children but only after the sim becomes an adult 
Go to work with the sim for an entire week’s shifts 
Get married with someone you met at work - either a co-worker or a former patient 
Public woohoo somewhere in the hospital (build an on-call room or a closet if you have to) 
Treat diseases within the household within the hour of the sim presenting symptoms 
Upgrade at least one object in the house every week 
Adopt a pet or a child while still a YA 
Have 10 friends 
Decline any invitations to social events and festivals if your energy bar is not green. You need your sleep.
 Tell the gender of three unborn babies 
Give medical advice to five sims 
Earn the Sickness Resistance trait
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mauiskiesrp-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media
Maui Skies would love to welcome SOLELI ‘SOL’ SANTOS ( KAYLA BRAXTON ) to the island. ( Congrats on acceptance and please send in your account within 24 hrs! )
Face claim :  Kayla Braxton
Name : Soleli ’ Sol" Santos
Age: Twenty Six.
Condo Complex : Katilina Plaza
Current Employment : Lavender Cafe
Job Title : Part- time Barista 
Character Label :  The Free Spirit 
Character Secret : is a web cam model/ Suicide girl Also partakes in a few illicit activities Is a sugar baby
Connections : open for all connections bring them all to me :)
Backstory :
Soleli (So-Lay ) Nichole Santos Her name is French for Sun which seemed to be an omen for the little girl as she was born on a bright sunny morning of  March 17th 1993 in “ Sin City” Las Vegas Nevada.  If you believe in astrology and all that she’s a Pisces. Her home life left much to be desired for the bright and sunny little girl she had the misfortune of being born to a mother who was not capable nor did she have the desire to give the little girl the love and attention that she deserved, this lack of love and attention would lead our heroine down a path of always searching for this even if many of these ways would not be approprate for her nor should the be condoned but we aren’t at point in our tale just yet. Her mother was a junkie in every sense of the word, she knows nothing of the man who is her father just that he bailed out on them a few days after she came home from the hospital if one could really believe her mother’s memory. 
Soleli’s lifestyle is pretty nomadic to say the least well that would be putting it nicely and so as a result she had learned and adapted to the game of lies and deception she’s made up so many stories that sometimes it’s hard to keep them all straight. By the age of 6 after a court ordered rehab for her mother rather than being placed in the system she was lucky and given to her grandparents in Tennessee with them.she had almost forgot that one day she would be placed back in her mothers custody, her grandparents tried to fight and keep her with them, but the courts determined that her mother after completing rehab was well capable of getting her daughter back and them forming their own family once again.  Within a couple of months of them relocating back to Las Vegas, Soleli’s mother fell back into her old ways, which basically meant that she would often many times forget about her daughter depending on whatever drug binge she was on. At the age of 15 her mother did the most unforgivable thing that any mother could do but it would be the first of many betrayals in her life she was given to her mother’s dealer live in boyfriend Zach  in exchange for another quick fix, For better or worse he is the only ‘father figure’ that she has ever known in her life even if his intentions with her are not quite what they seem. 
Soleil  would  attempted to run away from him over a dozen times in the time that she was with him, the most successful one took place a year after she had turned 16, she had made friends with some of the locals who were always at Zach’s they had helped set her up with a fake Id  and a new name and with this came the job at one of the local clubs even though she is under aged. Soleil  works as a “baby doll” these are the girls whose job is just to be eye candy at the club nothing more. Let’s get one thing straight she doesn’t glorify what she does nor does she enjoy when men think that they own her because none of them do but working at the club has it benefits she’s on her own and doing thing her way.  While at the Club Soleil had changed her name but you know what they say the past has a funny way of coming back to haunt you, She had been away from Zach for many months now of course she knew that she couldn’t let her guard down but she had also thought that by this time he would have moved on from her Oh how very wrong she would be about that . One night at work she had came face to face with her past and everything was let out,  The owner of the club who was beyond sleazy just handed her back over to Zach no questions asked. All things considered Soleil knows that she is very lucky the last girl who tried to escape ended up dead. Zach does not understand what causes her to run considering that he has done the impossible for the girl and even if he won’t admit to he does love her, although Soleil can not hide her feelings of not feeling the same for him His “love” for her will be the catalyst that sets up the next betrayal in her life  Soleil was 17 the night her life was changed forever
She is a true chameleon and knows how to blend into the world very well, she is not scared to hide behind various masks and will only break this code for a select few. Soleil can be everything and nothing in between she can be a notorious flirt who do whatever she needs to get her own way. Sinner Saint whatever your fantasy is. On the flip side she can be very cruel, vicious, and manipulative according to those who have had their hearts broken by her. It is not a secret that when left to her own devices she gets into the most trouble and sometimes her partying and drinking only makes this worse, Soleil will not back down from a fight. She  can be a very sarcastic and snarky little shit at times although generally her heart is often in the right place she is loyal to the few that she considers family. Her personality is best described as intense she is quite the little firecracker. Although to most she can appear cold, distant and many times even fickle. Soleil  is a very real person it’s not in her to pretend with her feelings, she doesn’t believe in playing games as to her they are just a waste of time and energy. Emotional bonding is still something that she is trying to learn, she’s still used to hiding her feelings you learn to hurt others before they can hurt you first .
Around the island you can usually catch her at Vibe or if you are one of her “select” few then you can click on that link on your favorite stream. For actual work you can catch her part time at Lavender Cafe as your friendly neighborhood barista 
** Side blog  link here**  https://freckledsxnshine.tumblr.com/
0 notes
gwynne-fics · 7 years
Spoilers again for Becoming Royals replies, so I’ll stick it all under a cut <3
jeonjuns replied to your post “jeonjuns replied to your post “jeonjuns replied to your post...”
Ohh what a big secret is this!!! I'm so glad young do isn't carrying his genes. But this is very risky move. Princes don't look like king, rachel thought that when she saw king first. What if their appaerance were very familiar to their biological father�� I wish nam il wasn't gay in this story so i can ship him with queen kyung ran. She deserves true love too. King is being impotent is reason his hate towards women especially powerful women.
It is such a big secret and the queens are very lucky that the King is too bigoted to think that Nam-Il was capable of fathering children or else everyone would be executed. The boys do take after biological father but since the queens worked very hard to make Dong-Wook see himself in the princes, he hasn’t questioned it yet.
It is hard not to ship them, but they are just very good friends brought together by a few intimate moments ^^;; Kyung-Ran will get a happy ending once the king is dead, even if it is just a quiet retirement as the Queen Mother.
So it is tragicomis he try to marry another women even esther. Chang yi mentioned to jae kyung that gisaeng told her young do familiar to king. After this chapter i don't get their point?!?! Thank you for writing this. They are so sweet i'm happy they found eachother�� i want more
Chang-Yi and Jae-Kyung were trying to find ways to make sure that Young-Do doesn’t suspect he isn’t the son of the king. It could be disastrous if Young-Do believed he didn’t have the right to become king because of this birth secret. So they tried to compare him to Dong-Wook in things that wouldn’t really depress him. Like the king but kinder was supposed to tell him that he was maintaining his ruse of obedience that the king would like to know.
Kyung-Ran, Chang-Yi, and Jae-Kyung have invested a lot in both boys being Dong-Wook’s sons to everyone that matters. They stand to lose their lives if it is ever discovered. Sadly, that means lying to Young-Do and Myung-Soo.
She is so reckless lol So 3 days... can't wait too :D
Heee! She is definitely counting down the hours :D
wei50-blog replied to your post “Spoilers for the special Becoming Royals chapter I posted on Saturday!...”
I am totally blindsided by this revelation! Looking back, I can see the hints you put in, but still, WOW!!! Totally serves the king right, that his line will not continue on the throne. Hmm… can’t imagine that the king could know. This is someone who executed a concubine for not wanting to get pregnant! Would love for him to know, though, maybe on his deathbed!!! Wouldn’t even be a just punishment to die with this truth, but would at least be something.
Heee...as for what Dong-Wook does and doesn’t know...>.>
Now that we know who Young-Do's father really is, changes so much! Queens and Go Nam-Il must have been super careful! No one suspected? Even servants? Especially because queen took so long to get pregnant? Also, how long was it before king, when he was still the crown prince, revealed his cruelty streak? Did his father the king hold him in check as crown prince? Was his father a good king? Yay! Love Go Nam-Il being in a relationship with his own sons! :)
If any of the servants or court ladies suspected, no one thought it was a good idea to say anything. The queens were very careful and only had sex with him when Dong-Wook was out of the palace.
And just to insult him even more, Nam-Il may be gay, but he was a considerate enough lover to make both queens orgasm because that’s a thing I care about ^^;;
The previous king did a lot to prepare Dong-Wook and while he noticed his cruel streak, he did not ever punish it. He was kind of in denial about it and the power of a blood heir was important to him. He was spoiled in a way and allowed whatever he wanted, as long as he fulfilled whatever duty the king put out for him. And he wasn’t cruel to Kyung-Ran or Jae-Kyung until the women had no real way of leaving him. It became worse for Kyung-Ran when she didn’t get pregnant and miscarried easily. It was why she was so open with Jae-Kyung about Nam-Il. She decided to take all of the blame for not being fertile. It only worked for so long because, well, it was too risky to always use Nam-Il as a surrogate.
Some of the concubines also figured this out and used surrogates but since they only had girls, Dong-Wook did not make them queen.
Glad that YD is taking his own promises to R (to protect her from the king and to honor her reputation) seriously. Very important to R as he proves that he is someone she can trust and depend on. Can see why people are talking because he is making it very clear that he is not sleeping with her before the wedding, which is weird to others. That word again! The king does think YD is neglecting R, but YD obviously has a very different definition of the same word!
And Young-Do feels Rachel’s opinion is the one that matters now :D
Queens and concubines must be so relieved! Although can imagine the king taking out his frustrations with his dysfunction on his victims, just adding to the abuse. Interesting that king still threatens Rachel in this way, even though he cannot follow through. It is an effective way to instill the terror that he wants, I guess, along with trying to hit her.
The women are relieved, especially after the first few times, Dong-Wook stopped trying because of the embarrassment, but yes, he did get violent during the times he couldn’t get it up ;_;
But since Rachel doesn’t know about his dysfunction, he can use his threats as a tool to scare her even if he can’t follow through.
Family wanting favors! Both sides, grandfather was Esther’s father, and uncle was the one from the Yoo’s? Opinion on the Yoo side clear, but what about her mother’s side? Does her grandfather’s love and favor towards her mother extend to Rachel too? Since her grandfather is at court, and has influence there, could she try to get him to support her in the palace?
Rachel has a lovely grandfather on the Lee side. He visited Esther once a year and Esther had Rachel practice her writing by sending him letters. He has tried to dote on Rachel since her arrival. In a way, the king is buying the Lee family’s influence with Rachel (since he was unable to do it with Esther). That influence is both Rachel’s weapon and her shield. Lee Jae-Shin has made it clear that Rachel has his full support (he’s been sending donations to her school and quietly advising from the shadows).
Dong-Wook wants Lee Jae-Shin as his Prime Minister. He knows he is weak and his health is waning. Lee Jae-Shin isn’t ambitious enough to steal power from the throne but he does have a firm hand. He was the previous king’s prime minister but retired after Esther refused to become a concubine. Kim Nam-Yoon became Prime Minister instead and then rebelled.
Khitan princess already known to be fertile. Rachel is unknown. If Khitan princess not married now, could come back later as an option, if Rachel takes too long. Wouldn’t that be an issue for the men at court, though? If she is known to have a lover, who fathered a child with her, how to make sure that any baby she has after marriage would be from her husband?
If Khitan is falling apart, the king would still want to ally himself with them? And bad brother Hyun-Jin may want the princess? I guess it would be a step up for him. He seems like an ambitious one, although not willing to work for it. (first younger generation that seem actively on the bad category)
>.> All important things to consider going into this particular plot arc >.>
One of the cool things about Khitan that I learned, is that like most nomadic societies, they are more egalitarian and less restrictive about female virginity. The princess having a baby with her bodyguard is not unusual and it would not be something that could preclude a political marriage on their end >.>
The king probably would want to absorb some of their army in return for stability and noble titles. That’s his goal in accepting the princess into their court and potentially marrying her to Young-Do >.>
You have no cause to whine, Myung-Soo! You were the one who said something you had no intention of following through on, to get a rise out of Rachel! Those words spoken at the first meeting, and never fulfilled just shows that your words can’t be trusted. Haha, Young-Doo is protesting too much! Why even have thought to smack his brother, if his own thoughts were not tending in that direction!!! Love these two as brothers working together and watching out for each other!
Myung-Soo will have to take his lumps for that >.>
And Young-Do definitely protested too much >.>
Contrast between Young-Do and Myung-Soo again. Young-Do is going to marry someone he loves who loves him back, and he will not accept another woman. Myung-Soo has someone he loves who loves him back, but cannot be with her, and he will do whatever necessary to stay on the good side of the king, even sacrificing himself for his brother’s sake.
I hope to show that Myung-Soo’s choice isn’t wrong even though it is different than Young-Do’s. He is also a man of his time but he loves his brother that he would sacrifice a monogamous relationship with Ye-Sol just so Young-Do could have a happy life with Rachel. (And it is important to note, we do not have Ye-Sol’s opinion on this yet >.>)
Even if Rachel would be ok with Myung-Soo guarding her, still think Bo-Na is a better choice! She loves Rachel more and would fight harder to protect her! Impressive that Bo-Na led a battalion! Was it part of her official duties, or did something happen during battle and she stepped in? Does what she did affect how the king views her?
Bo-Na is the best choice!
Bo-Na has been leading troops since she was sixteen. She is a military genius, an amazing warrior, and good leader. The men in the military respect her, even after they found out that she was sometimes a girl and sometimes a boy. The only person who really has a problem is her brother. Young-Do intends to give Bo-Na her father’s army when he retires, a plan that is publicly known and mostly supported.
The king is ignoring her military service for the most part and trying to figure out who to marry her to so he doesn’t have to deal with her without offending the one general who stayed loyal.
Love that Rachel and Young-Do are so excited about the wedding and so open about wedding night! (week!!!) Don’t think lack of sleep is going to hold Young-Do back much ;) Love that people getting tired of all the pda. Just three days! Yes! And also, oh no!!! (things have been too smooth!!! what is Gwynne going to do??!?)
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qaftsiel · 7 years
The Night Watch, part 2
Continued from here. As it has been for the last who knows how many rotations, the Takaoka-REST’s soft blue lighting is the first thing that Dean sees when his wakeup routines reach his sensory cortices.
He has a few moments of lead time before he’s expected to be out of the pod and attending to his rounds; this time, he spends them appreciating the fact that he’s dreamed at all.
Ever since the infusion after the crash had finished its job, dreams have been increasingly rare. Whether it’s a factor of age or structure, Dean isn’t sure, but when there’s no way to reverse anything, he doesn’t much care about the whys or wherefores. Instead, he hoards his dreams like gems-- lately, it feels like the only trustworthy proof that he’s still himself. Still human, somewhere in there.
<Reminder: shift change in 00:15,> Gabe pings.
<Acknowledged,> Dean replies, and flails around behind himself until he can grab his power line and tug it free of its jack.
Gabe’s small, vaguely humanoid body is already linked up to its dock; framed by the huge, arched solar arrays held in abeyance for its orbital activity once they arrive, it looks almost angelic.
Dean knows a hell of a lot better than to fall for the angel trap when Gabe’s out of transit. It’d become pretty clear right away that Gabe had booted up with ‘little shit’ set to max plus one, and its pranks had been infamous throughout the Orla Docks long before Dean had ever arrived. That didn’t stop Benny and Dean from referring to Gabe with any and all manner of affectionately insulting, feather-related epithets, of course. The irony had been pretty delicious, especially when rookies had started their first shifts.
Like every other mech, though, Gabe activates a personality shunt at the time of launch, and then it really does resemble the mythical, winged beings of pre-Diaspora religious lore-- it’s quiet, emotionless, and driven solely by its Watch directives.
Even more reason to give it shit, naturally. <Any trouble, birdbrain?>
In lieu of a response, Gabe uploads its records of its activity for the last six months to the communal chat for Dean’s backup analysis.
Right at the top of the list is a passenger and cargo inventory. <Gabe? Isn’t Benny supposed to run the inventories?>
<B3N-N1 encountered an irregularity in mass driver A3 and required substantial shift time to safely and successfully resolve the problem. Cargo inventory was passed to this unit due to the delay and will remain in place for transit duration,> Gabe replies. <The inventory will be signed and verified when the confirming unit has completed a second, independent cargo inventory.>
Dean closes his eyes. He hates inventory. <Is there anything I need to check in particular?>
The communal chat flips to a map of the RK-NGL. A single passenger berth is flagged; the tag next to the flag indicates that the berth, reserved by one Professor James Novak, doesn’t appear to contain a passenger.
Dean frowns. <Was he missing on the other inventories?>
Gabe flashes its records of previous inventories-- all of them show James Novak’s berth as empty.
It had to happen eventually-- there are empty berths and passenger weirdnesses on every transit, and this one had seemed a little too peachy to be true. Of course it’s a goddamn academic, too; Dean’s seen more absentee academics on transits than nearly any other demographic. He doesn’t doubt that the poor bastard is probably sitting somewhere on Orla B and staring down at a missed-transit fee. Starlines don’t appreciate empty berths. <I don’t think it’s anything to worry about. Just another missed transit.>
<The inventory will be signed and verified when the confirming unit has completed a second, independent cargo inventory,> says Gabe.
Dean turns himself using a wall-mounted handle and pushes off for the goway hatch. <Acknowledged,> he grumbles, and may or may not slam the hatch behind himself. “It’s fucking ridiculous, Sammy,” he growls out almost half a shift later, shortly after reconnecting to the ship’s intranet and submitting his completed inventory. “I mean, what’s the point? It’s a transit. Either you make it where you’re going or you become one with the interstellar medium, and you know who doesn’t give a shit about money or dividends or any a’ that shit? Fucking dust clouds on transit lanes. That’s who.” Sammy’s berth blinks serenely.
“No, I won’t calm down. Two months and twenty-four days of my shift’ve been wasted because of two hundred and fifty first-class asshats, and I’ve still got everything else on my list that needs doing,” Dean grumps. He pats Sammy’s berth gently, then twists so he’s perched against the gangway that runs between the rows of creches. “I mean… I’ll get over it, dude, but seriously. You gotta admit it’s pretty dumb.”
As ever, Sammy’s berth blinks.
Reassured by the steady, reliable marker of his brother’s long sleep, Dean pushes off from the gangway. “Yeah, yeah. Catch you on the next shift, bitch.”
All of the displays are tuned to the same, seemingly unchanging image-- an unremarkable reddish star, centered in a field of hundreds of other stars. The only indicator that anything is in fact changing is an HUD showing three sets of numbers, two of which have been falling slowly but steadily over the past two weeks.
He staggers out of the warmup lounge, still shaking the dregs of berth-sleep from uncooperative limbs, and almost runs headlong into someone just standing there in the corridor. “Dude. What the hell?”
Dean’s first impression is of wide blue eyes. His second is of a gravelly voice rasping out, “Where is this place?”
The man-- scruffy dark hair, tan coat, messed up tie-- looks about as dazed as Dean feels, and a whole lot more lost. Given where he’s standing and that fresh-out-the-berth stare, Dean can only surmise that the poor bastard’s an S-RAE and takes pity. “That’s a long story, but if you wanna grab a drink, I can try to explain.”
The explanation might not stick-- Stasis-Related Adverse Events are nasty shit, especially if the loss of memory or cognitive function is too severe-- but at the very least, he can give the guy some human companionship.
Soon they’re at a table overlooking the starboard observation deck. The guy wraps his hands around a steaming mug of coffee and stares at the swirls of cream like they’re some kind of science experiment. “And this necessitated a departure?” he rumbles, glancing up from his drink to give Dean a questioning look. “Surely this conflict could not encompass so large a system.”
Dean shrugs. “The politics back then had been fucked up for the better part of two centuries by the time war was declared officially-- my brother Sammy always said it started way back in the early 21st century, and I trust him to know. Anyway, by the time the Tharsis Atrocity happened, there were partisan settlements from both sides around Neptune, the farthest planet from Sol.”
A soft klaxon sounds over the ship’s intercom; Dean braces himself and S-RAE Guy as the ship judders through another deceleration adjustment. The moment passes without incident, and soon conversations throughout the deck’s numerous restaurants and shops resume.
“You seem to know a great deal about the matter,” S-RAE Guy rumbles. “Answer me this: if the whole system was caught up in this war for hundreds of years, then how was this craft constructed and crewed? Was this ‘First Starliner’ a partisan vehicle?”
Dean chuckles and shakes his head. “It’s all sixth-form history at this point. That and my brother’s a huge nerd; I’ve taken him to more museums and seminars than you can believe.” He sips at his own drink. “But nah, no one on the First Starliner was partisan. Thing with arguments is there’s always someone stuck in the middle, and The First Starliner was a ‘stuck in the middle’ thing-- it was a nomad project. Settlements belonged to partisans back then, so if you wanted to stay neutral, you went nomadic and lived your whole life on ships and in hidden enclaves. The Sol System is pretty huge, so there was a lot of room for those kindsa groups to roam and hide-- I think there were something like two hundred different communities involved on the Starliner alone, and they weren’t even a tenth of all the groups actually out there. They all knew how to keep moving and keep quiet and make the most of the shit they had, though, and this was what came of it.”
S-RAE Guy turns his gaze to the observation deck displays and seems to think on that for a while. “Does the war continue?”
“Lasted about three hundred and fifty years; ended a little over fourteen hundred years ago.”
That earns Dean a slow, blue-eyed blink. “That is a great deal of time for humans, and yet you speak as if the event is very recent.”
Dean gives a crooked little smile and stares down at his coffee. “For humans, it is a lotta time, but for me? It’s… kinda complicated. See, the First Starliner wasn’t the first ship to get to Proxima, even though it left almost a hundred and forty years before the War’s end. About ten years after the War ended, physicists and engineers with Chevrolet and Ako Si Kalayaan-- that’s AkoSi for short-- made the big breakthrough that enabled high-γ transit. Three starliners with the new Chevy-AkoSi drivers left the Sol System and made it to Proxima in about eighty years-- forty-five years ahead of the First Starliner.
“So the war was over for the people on Proxima, but for everyone on the First Starliner, it was still raw. They’d all seen shit that only a handful on Proxima’d ever had to witness and they’d lived with being hunted because they’d been the only openly neutral people left, so their arrival fundamentally changed the way the War was viewed. A lot of us grew up with First parents, First neighbors, First teachers, and memorials in every city-- some folks called Proxima a history world, and they weren’t wrong.” He laughs, a little sadly. “My Dad was a First. The berths in his block of the ship wouldn’t thaw, and it wasn’t til like two hundred and sixty years after Arrival that they finally got them warmed up. It… wasn’t easy for him, but I think Mom, Sammy, and I made it better in a lot of ways.”
Dean can almost hear S-RAE Guy crunching the numbers. “But if that was…”
“Yeah,” he interjects, not ungently. “Yeah. It’s, uh. Been a long time.”
They sit in awkward, somber silence for a long time.
The ship shudders through another deceleration.
“So here I am spilling my guts, and I haven’t even introduced myself,” Dean says, feeling a little bad for making things so weird for some poor sap with a scrambled head. “I’m Dean Winchester. You?”
S-RAE Guy’s full lips tip up into a smile. “Castiel.”
“Cas,” Dean says, because what the fuck kind of name is ‘Castiel’ even? “Good to met you, buddy.”
Cas’s tilted smile turns into a genuine, fond sort of thing.
“Hello, Dean.”
Continued here.
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hermanwatts · 4 years
Science Fiction and Fantasy New Releases: 1 August, 2020
Discover interstellar cops, cyberpunk agents, and vengeance-driven chi cultivators in this week’s new releases.
Alliance Rising (The Star Guild Saga #3) – Brandon Ellis
The aliens want her dead. Easier said than done.
Ali, archaeologist and expert at cuneiform translation, knows about the long-departed Anunnaki slavers, not just because of the ancient writings she has found in Mesopotamia, but because she has their blood running through her veins.
Now Ali’s found a terrifying truth:
The Anunnaki are coming back.
The powers afforded by Ali’s dangerous mixed blood make it just conceivable she can stop them… once she hooks up with the Space Templars.
Oh, and they have to fix a little problem: the Anunnaki left behind portals all around the Earth through which they can pour millions of troops in a matter of minutes.
So the race is on:
Can Ali kill the portals before the Anunnaki kill her?
Edenet (Singularity Sunrise #1) – Kit Sun Cheah
The 22nd century brings an era of technological wonders—and horrors. Cybernetics and genetic engineering. Mass surveillance and social credit. Full body cyborgs and nanoscale engineering. And the pinnacle of human achievement: machine intelligence.
Edenet is the next generation of the Internet. Designed by Anatol Corporation, it will bring the power of a supercomputer to the fingertips of every user, anywhere in the world. At the heart of Edenet lies a cutting-edge artificial intelligence that regulates all traffic on the network.
And one of its lead scientists has disappeared.
Fearing the worst, Anatol hires psychic contractor James Morgan to track her down. Accompanying him is Eligia Ogrod, the mysterious assistant to Anatol’s CEO. Their investigation takes them through the militarized streets of Warsaw, a corporate fortress in Shenzhen, and the human hives of Hong Kong.
Morgan is no stranger to intrigue. Yet the deeper he digs, the more questions emerge. Who is Eligia Ogrod? What does Anatol want?
And what is the truth behind Edenet?
The Elements (Silver Coin Saga Book 1) – Mark Stallings
Death comes with the Harvest. Salvation lies in the Valley of the Moon, along the path of Martial Magic.
Xan always assumed he would be apprenticed to an herbalist in the sleepy village of Mogu and follow the Path of Peace, just like his father before him. It is the way—has always been the way.
But when his village is sacked by a raiding force of vicious monsters, corrupted by dark Qi, life as Xan knows it is over. Family dead. Villagers slain. His home burnt to ash.
Now, all Xan wants to do is figure out why his people were targeted and get revenge on the merciless creatures sweeping across the continent like a plague of locusts. Spreading their vile corruption. His only hope at salvation and retribution lies in the Valley of the Moon, at the fabled Xing Yi School of Martial Magic. If he is to succeed, he will need to learn to cultivate the energy of the elements, hone his martial and crafting skills, and complete the school’s harsh tests and trials. It will take more than a passing grade at this school, though, and not all that fail survive the experience…
Memetic Drift (Sol Arbiter #4) – J. N. Chaney and Jia Shen
“They call us Arbiters. We arbitrate conflict to keep the peace.”
In 2853, humanity has established a presence across the solar system. Linked by a network of FTL gateways called Boson Apertures, travel between the 7 colonized worlds and thousands of space colonies takes only hours.
The Sol Federation is the final authority, and the Arbiters travel the system to maintain order.
In 2854, Section 9 uncovers the location of an illegal technology that could unmask a member of The Eleven, their mysterious enemy. Tycho Barrett is grievously wounded during a mission to seize this technology from aboard a ship docked in a remote settlement on Europa, his life saved with cutting-edge cybernetic augmentation.
Tycho and Section 9 must now race against both time and a revenant from the past to recapture the ship and its cargo before the trail vanishes and The Eleven once again return to the shadows.
The Last Voyage (Star Smuggler #1) – T. S. Snow
He’s a criminal. She’s far from it.
Together, they’re Earth’s last hope… they just don’t know it yet.
Sinbad sh’en Singh had everything. A thriving smuggling career, his hologram on wanted posters on eleven planets, and plenty of women. Then she walked into his life.
Andrea Talltrees, member of a backwards cult not believing in space travel or anything else invented after the Twentieth Century.
She wants him to find her husband, a fugitive accused of being an Albegensian spy, the planet currently at war with Earth.
He doesn’t want anything to do with an Earther, but a massive culture clash and a heavy dose of instant attraction get in the way, sending good sense flying out the viewport.
They’ll brave some very unsavory characters, maybe even prevent a second interplanetary war…if they can stop arguing.
  The Pulp Mindset: A NewPub Survival Guide – J. D. Cowan
Out with the Old, in with the NewPub
Nobody reads anymore. In an age where audiences consume more art than ever before, books have remained irrelevant to the ever-changing West. Nothing seems to change this unavoidable reality. The industry is over.
Or is it?
A new frontier has opened where anything goes! We live in a pulp landscape now, a place where the past and present comes together to create a better future. In this book you will learn just what this NewPub world is, how to adapt to it, and change the way you think about everything.
The Rules Have Changed!
You can do anything! The Pulp Mindset will help you adapt to this crazy climate and become the best artist you can be. Read on and join the revolution!
They Call Me Princess (The Fallen World Book 8) – J. P. Chandler
When the Corporate Wars destroyed civilization, the coastal city of Eureka, California, found itself cut off from rest of the world by dangerous radiation zones that killed anyone trying to cross them. In the years following the catastrophe, the community stabilized and found ways to meet its needs—and even thrive—despite the constant challenges.
However, while the radiation zones which created the Eureka Bubble protected the area from the worst ravages of the apocalypse, they also caused severe resource limitations which have become more acute over time and, eventually, the Bubble is going to burst.
Sheltered from even the few dangers of life in the Bubble by her over-protective brother Scott, Kelly Ansen grew up with no memory of her parents or the old world. She contented herself with her simple country home, scratching out a quiet and comfortable existence.
But when she learns the truth about her life and how she became a refugee in the little haven, she is faced with an uncertain future. Reviled by some of her neighbors, there’s no way for her life to return to normal. With the Bubble facing the end of its isolation, though, she is given a new opportunity. Can she carve out a fitting role for herself in this Fallen World?
Wizard Watch (Dragon Wars #8) – Craig Halloran
Ousted through space and time, Grey Cloak and Dyphestive quickly learn that the world is in worse shape than when they left it. 
Stranded in the middle of nowhere, Grey Cloak is onset by a sudden and mysterious life-threatening illness. With his brother’s life in his hands, Dyphestive crosses a barren wasteland with blood thirsty nomads hunting him down. He must protect his brother at all costs before time runs out. 
Separated from allies and civilization, the blood brothers must survive at all costs, for a greater evil has swept the world enhancing the omnipotent power of Black Frost and his terrifying minions. 
Science Fiction and Fantasy New Releases: 1 August, 2020 published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
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Basic plot
Basic Plot
Before main story:
The kingdom was ran by a tyrant
A Hunter (Whose little sister was killed by the tyrant) (the Father) hunted down a Djinn (the Mother) and contracted her to help him gain the strength in order to take the kingdom- to kill the tyrant king. 
After killing him, the Djinn and the Hunter fell in love and were urged to rule the kingdom due to their good leadership in the rebellion and the people believed the Djinn would bring good fortune (They were seen as a lower class of angels- there were good and bad ones).
Due to Djinn law, a contract is broken after three wishes have been granted (In Islam, 3 represents the human soul and the human acceptance of mortality)
After the three wishes are granted the Djinn lose all memories of their master and wonder to find a new one.
With 1/3 wishes taken the Djinn and the Hunter are bonded so long as the final wish isn’t made and she would be able to stay with her love until death- if a master dies while bonded to a djinn, they turn mortal (Own interpretation)
Blood is also a vital bond- a djinn is loyal and a bond of blood can unlock enchantments- they are family creatures 
The Djinn and the (now) King marry and have 7 sons 
           (7 in islam represents the seven gates of heaven and hell)
The King longed for a daughter to try and fill the void left by his sister’s death
When he was granted a daughter, she was sickly and small and needed to be cleaned and healed- He asked his sons to run and get water from the courtyard
Some of the younger brothers (who were jealous and simply didn’t like the idea of having another sibling gaining their already divided attention) tried to sabotage the older brothers- stopping them from getting the water so their sister would die.
The king soon realised that the water was not coming, ordering his servants to get the water- in his anger, he curses his children-
          “Curse those boys! I wish they’d all fly away and release me from their idiocy” 
(His bad intentions and psyche were channeled into them- his negative feelings tainting the wish and turning them into something seen as bad- a nuisance like a raven)
Due to the bond that the King shared with his Djinn wife- she had no other choice but to grant the wish and their seven sons were transformed into ravens. 
Djinn are known shape shifters 
The Seer helped the daughter recover 
The couple couldn’t wish for their sons back due to the rules of the Djinn (Three wishes and then they have to be apart) and so continued their life with their daughter- never telling her of her siblings or her Djinn heritage in fear she would hate what her parents accidentally did.
18 years pass

The princess grows up learning from the knights (in secret)- she believed it would made her father happy due to the sad smile he gave the training boys- (He missed his sons and regularly sent his knights into the world to search for his sons- he wanted them back to see if they could shift back due to their Djinn heritage) 
On the eve of the princess’s 18th birthday, the knight party returns but with half of them gone and the survivors near death
They report of shadow riders- seven of them- following them back to the kingdom and wreaking havoc
In the chaos, the princess takes up arms and helps defend her kingdom- coming to blows with one of the shadow knights in the process. But they do not harm her, they commit a mass slaughter- when the sun begins to rise they leave
The kingdom tries to recover- learning that a chunk of their kingdom was damaged- and began to put up a defence
The shadow riders returned every month on the full moon- never did they harm the princess, king or queen
More creatures arrived behind the Shadow riders, tainting the land and wreaking havoc
The princess loses dear friends (and a possible love interest) 
The princess figured out that she was safe from them and determined that she should track them down and end them before they ended her kingdom.
Her parents refused to let her- they didn’t want their only child venturing into the wilderness
The princess disobeyed them and visited the Seer- 
‘Those beasts were not human. Not now at least. I fear you must venture into the lands of the Gods if you wish to find them. That is the only place that such evil could exist’
“How do I get to such a place?”
‘You must travel to the edge- the boundary between our world and theirs. To where the sand hisses and where the stars walk on the clouds.’
She ventures to the edge of the world- to the border between the human world and the land of the Gods 
She takes water (meaning life), Bread (sustenance) and her family ring to remember her family ( she places it on her left pinky due to it being too small for her ring finger- it was from her childhood- shows that she will hang onto her family no matter what)  
Many different Gods inhabit this land, with the excuse that there are many old and new gods- if they are worshipped, they live in this land
She arrives in a market place filled wth an array of gods and creatures alike
She spots a group of lowly creatures (travellers) being harassed for their supplies and puts a stop to their harassment
She ends up staying with them for the night
“we must ask: What is a human doing in this land?”
‘The shadow riders, they attack my kingdom every full moon, killing my people and wreaking chaos. I intend to kill them.’
They are all shocked
“Are you stupid? Those monsters spread death wherever they roam. They are the darkness itself- the physical embodiment of everything bad in existence. They are the night. You cannot kill the night.” 
“We strongly advise against this poisonous journey. You have no place here. Return to the mortal realm while you still hold your life.”
‘I am not looking for advice. Especially from those who appear just as lost as I am- who don’t have a place themselves.’
“That wont be the way for long! Theres a witch that gives orphan travellers and nomads their place in the world! She promises that their deepest desires would be granted!”
“Don’t tell her that! She could take our Wishes!”
‘Look, I don’t want your wishes. I just want to bring justice to the deaths in my kingdom. So, if I wanted to kill the shadows, what would I need?’
(From the quiet traveller) “Light. You need light to destroy the darkness. Venom from the sun itself.”
‘Where do I find this venom?’
“Sol. The sun goddess, her venom would be strong enough to kill anything. Get her venom and you will have your justice.”
The princess is warned to be weary of the creatures in this world- humans are a delicacy and creatures can smell their blood- “Humans have such a unique smell, its potent and stands out. The sun goddess will surely try to eat you- amongst others here.”
The princess ventures across the ice plains to reach the desert plains where the sun resides
She finds the ‘moon’, a huge beast that lives under the ice (glows and a huge fish with ice crystals) 
While up close with it’s mouth, she sees the ice crystals inside- links that up with the ice blast it throws at her
She manages a good fight but gets caught on the edge of the ice- she could barely see what was going on as it was night time
The Moon-fish has her leg- about to deal the final blow- she thinks she is going to die
The stars swing in and save her 
“Humans venture here often and get devoured by the gods. You were lucky it was only in it’s quarter stages as it grows through the month.”
They tell her ‘The moon is angered, just as much as we are. The humans are beginning to fear the Night due to the shadow riders. Creatures may want to eat the humans at such close range- the smell you see? But in the end, you are our creations. We cannot watch over you when you hide from what we arrive with.’
The shadow riders have tainted the night- poisoning the moon
They agree to help her on her quest- Only helping her gather the venom. 
They go in the night- the sun was too powerful during the day and the stars cannot venture out during the day:
The North Star (Polaris)- The guiding star and the leader ordered for the most powerful stars go:
Arcturus- doesn’t make it back
They venture to the desert, to the temple of the sun
The Goddess ‘Sol’ is a giant Naga, one that follows the princess around her temple in an attempt to eat her
The princess uses the moon’s ice crystals to freeze sections of the Naga, shattering them, allowing her to collect the venom of light quickly- but she it still damaged from the fight
The stars and the princess make it back to the Kingdom of the Stars and recuperate- the princess must tackle the shadow riders, she tells them that they do not harm her for some reason. She must go alone- not wanting anymore death
‘A star has withered because of me. No more.’
The North Star tells the princess that a bond of blood- a sacrifice can unlock the door to the glass mountain but it can be forged with a chicken bone (its still a sacrifice)
The princess ventures to the glass mountain and realises that she has dropped the chicken bone. There was no wood to whittle. No animals to kill to replace the bone. - ‘A sacrifice must be given- you are in the kingdom of the Gods after all and blood is the strongest thing there is…’
She saw no other choice and cut off her left little finger (where she wore the ring)
The bone fit the lock and she walked inside, her sword laced with the venom. 
She meets a blind dwarf who bowed in her presence and told her to ‘Wait for the others to return before feasting’ -Creatures can smell by blood
She sees the plates on the table and begins to lace them with venom, not noticing that her hand is bleeding sluggishly, her ring slowly falling off her bleeding finger until it ends up landing in the last plate 
The shadow riders return, all of them sitting down at the table- noticing the trail of blood leading to the cupboard where the princess is hiding- they don’t go on the offensive, they appear to be taken aback- confused and their faces contorting in hope
While the others are slowly encroaching on the cupboard (No Weapons) , the oldest remains at his plate, staring down at the ring.
He slowly picks up the ring and shows it to the others- his armour slowly disappearing into human skin
 “Our sister has come to take us home…”

The other riders slowly lose their armour and the princess exits the cupboard, slowly seeing the human faces of the riders- seeing the resemblances and the family rings around their necks
Her bleeding is too much and she becomes unconscious 
When she wakes up, she finds a jug of water near her bed (Shows a redemption from the brothers- finally delivering the water to their ill sister) 
She still goes on the offensive- taking up her sword and aiming it at her fully human-formed brothers, they get her to calm down and start an explanation:
“I want an explanation! Your evilness- your crimes must have a reason!”
She learns of how her father cursed them in anger- why she was never told of her Djinn heritage
She learns of their time manifesting in their father’s ill will from his curse- they tell her that they were found by a witch- one that granted them their one wish- to be human again: but witch craft and Djinn magic don’t mix and they were transformed into monsters. 
‘Witches twist things you see… We wanted to be human again and return to our world of birth. We did return just not in the way we wanted to.’ 

She remembers the travellers from the market, how they were going to see a witch- she needed to stop her.

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