dzvr4jahrvu · 1 year
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You’ve been organizing for social change your whole life. How do you deal with a future that feels so bleak?
For someone my age who was in the civil rights movement, and in other struggles of the 1960s, I’ve seen miracles happen. I’ve seen ordinary people do the most heroic things. When you’ve had the privilege of knowing so many great fighters and resisters, you can’t lay down the sword, even if things seem objectively hopeless.
I’ve always been influenced by the poems Brecht wrote in the late 30s, during the second world war, after everything had been incinerated, all the dreams and values of an entire generation destroyed, and Brecht said, well, it’s a new dark ages … how do people resist in the dark ages?
What keeps us going, ultimately, is our love for each other, and our refusal to bow our heads, to accept the verdict, however all-powerful it seems. It’s what ordinary people have to do. You have to love each other. You have to defend each other. You have to fight.
… The base for a more activist, more aggressive, but also more strategic left politics exists. Students in inner-city high schools in California are a sleeping dragon. If you measure things by opinion polls, this generation is more leftwing than the 1930s. A huge number of people under 30 say they’re in favor of socialism or they’re prepared to listen to arguments for socialism. That’s astonishing.
… There is so much unmobilized love out there. It’s really moving to see how much.
– Mike Davis, California’s ‘prophet of doom’, on activism in a dying world: ‘Despair is useless’
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elwenyere · 11 months
“Our ruling classes everywhere have no rational analysis or explanation for the immediate future. A small group of people have more concentrated power over the human future than ever before in human history, and they have no vision, no strategy, no plan...
What keeps us going, ultimately, is our love for each other, and our refusal to bow our heads, to accept the verdict, however all-powerful it seems. It’s what ordinary people have to do. You have to love each other. You have to defend each other. You have to fight...
There is so much unmobilized love out there. It’s really moving to see how much.”
-- Mike Davis’s last interview, in The Guardian
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freespeechwyngro · 2 years
I've noticed that the website has become very unmobile friendly, I can't access any of the tabs and need to know the names of a few upgrades
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Character Designs
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Here are 2 sketches of character design of how the main character will look with a colour palette of what colour it may look like.
However, while making the model I spotted the character needed a hand for it and a few changes with the hands and a few extra detailed changes.
I love how the art style can be suited nicely, but the character is a bit too unmobile as it moves which makes movements not smooth and clumsy
Overall, I love how the character came out but definitely need more practice.
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womenshockeydaily · 3 years
So this seems to be how the Toronto Six organization is responding to extremely valid criticism of their head coach (and I think also /president/gm) being involved in a transphobic group (For context: post 1 post 2)
They started by posting this tweet
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Then they got called on using the term 'transgendered' and then deleted the original tweet. There are also other problems with the tweet. They claim all are welcome to play, which clearly isn't true when your head coach thinks trans women are a danger to women's sports. They then deleted, edited, and reposted the tweet.
Then they followed up with this tweet.
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Hey, Toronto Six, i got news for you: it's not complex. Trans women are women. That's it.
Want fans to believe the Toronto Six core values are about inclusion, empowerment, and education? Fire Digit.
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y4mmyb0y · 3 years
Tumblr plus will get put on twitter and ig and advance the revolution by inciting personal hatred for corporations for the the currently unmobilized.
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mrs1starfucker · 3 years
Ich sollte anfangen nachts zu schreiben. Und zwar immer dann wenn mein Gehirn nicht überflutet wird mit Ablenkungen aller Art.
Heute ist ohnehin anstrengender als sonst. Gerade jetzt während ich versuche die Zeit zu nutzen um zu Schreiben nervt mich einfach alles. Oben rechts ist ein violetter Button den ich UNBEDINGT AUSPROBIEREN MUSS. Am besten jetzt gleich. Was ist es denn… gnah. ja ein neuer Eintrageeditor. Danke. Jetzt nicht. Aber ausstellen kann ich diese Scheiße auch nicht. Irgendwann habe ich, im Eifer des Gefechts, hier eingestellt dass die Sprache Englisch ist. Seither ist hier jedes Wort unterstrichen, sofern es nicht zufällig auch ein englisches sein könnte. Ich weiss nicht wo ich das umstelle und gerade jetzt bin ich nur 3 unterstrichende Wörter davon entfernt lieber kiffen zu gehen. Aber ich habe ja andere Plane für den Tag. Also sitzen bleiben und nachher mal in den Einstellungen, also den ganz grundsätzlichen, nachsehen ob sich das wieder umstellen lässt.
Das ist jetzt das ungefähr 10te mal das ich diesen Text neu schreibe. Jedes Mal ein wenig wütender. Ungeduldiger.
Egal. Impulskontrolle. Genau. Darauf wollte ich hinaus. Woher kommt der/ein Impuls? Wodurch wird er ausgelöst und bezieht sich dieser Impuls direkt oder indirekt auf die gegenwärtige Situation. Darin versuche ich mich gerade zu üben. Der Bibelspruch, dass man Gelassenheit empfinden sollte. Gelassenheit Dingen gegenüber die halt SO SIND. Die sich jetzt auch mit meiner schlechten Laune nicht ändern würden, so zu aktzeptieren wie sie sich gerade darstellen. So neutral es irgendwie nur möglich ist. Das verlernen wir zunehmend stelle ich fest. Und, ich stelle fest, wir sind so stark mit unseren Impulsen beschäftigt das wir überhaupt nicht mehr fragen was das eigentlich soll. Kaufimpulse sind damit unter anderem gemeint. Die Werbewirtschaft hat sich das Thema Psychologie stark zu nutze gemacht. Diese tiefe Leere in unserem Leben, die Suche nach Sinn und das irre hoffen, es könne darauf eine einfache Antwort geben. Das Leben in Superlativen und stets auf der Suche nach irgendeinem Kick. Ein Klick ein Kick, ein Kauf, eine Buchung ein irgendwas. Und viele machen sich abhängig von diesen Impulsen. Und wenn sie fehlen, fallen dann doch einige in ihre sinnleeren Löcher.
Was macht das Leben sinnvoll? In einer Welt auf der das menschliche Leben, gar das "zivilisierte, moderne" Leben, nichtmal einen Wimpernschlag in der Geschichte der Erde darstellt, bilden wir ein in besagten Superlativen zu sprechen. Dinge die "immer schon so waren" werden eingefordert als wäre es das natürlichste (einmal im Jahr auf Malle in den Sand zu kotzen, alle 3 Jahre einen Neuwagen anschaffen und bitte stete verbesserung....kein Fiat wie zu Anfangszeiten, gell? und und und) Es ist alles derart absurd. Würden wir heute allem nutzlosen Luxus (eine Kreuzfahrtreise NÜTZT KEINEM. PUNKT) entsagen, ja phasenweise sogar stromlos, unmobil, uvm sein... ich sage sogar da: das kann ja garkein Rückschritt sein! Solange wir den größten Schatz hegen und pflegen, unsere Fähigkeit zu Denken! Wir könnten modern und hochinterlektuell und hochfortschrittlich sein, könnten wir uns doch nur von diesem materiellen Bullshit verabschieden der uns derart ablenkt und auf der einen Seite Impulse auslöst aber auch viele Impulse veröden lässt. Unsere Instinkte, unser Gefühl... langsam erkennen Hirnforscher, dass sie mit den Spirituellen, mit den Philosophen viele Schnittstellen haben denn das was da vom Bewusstsein und Unterbewusstsein, vom Ich und Über-Ich, vom Großhirn und Kleinhirn spricht...ist alles das Selbe. Vielmehr gehört alles zusammen. Die Frage nach einer Seele, was uns Menschen eben den Impuls zum Atmen/Denken/Fühlen gibt... das ist alles da und alles für sich genommen ein Universum an Wissen welches sich offenbaren könnte wenn nur jeder jeder jeder offener wäre, dogmen ablegen könnte.
Ich empfehle ganz klar Vera Birkenbihl. Sie war eine hochinteressante Managertrainerin. Und das was sich erstmal nach Erfolgschoaching für die Chefetage liest, ist in Wahrheit ein Segen für alle Skeptiker*innen! Sogar die größten Leugner, können nicht leugnen, dass weltliche Firmen sich gewisse valide, evidente Erkenntnisse aneignen um zb besser auf Geschäftspartner oder Kollegen eingehen zu können. Es geht ja immer um Beziehungen und alle funktionieren in gewisser Weise ähnlich. Es ist kein Schi Schi wenn man über Wahrnehmung spricht und Achtsamkeit. Es hat nichts mit esotherischen Schwurbelthemen zu tun wenn man Selbstliebe, Selbstreflektion und das Unterbewusstsein in sein tägliches Handeln einbezieht.
Und je mehr ich mich damit befasse umso sinniger wird alles. Wäre meine Gabe eine mathematische, so wäre ich dankbar für diese neuen Rechenwege mit denen ich auf einmal unendlich komplexe Gleichungen lösen kann. Meine Gabe werde ich mir auch zu Nutze machen. Das ist vielmehr ein Versprechen das ich mir selber gebe. Jeder Tag ist ein neues Geschenk und macht mir Mut. Ich erachte es heute als großartig das ich mich damals schon nicht festlegen konnte/wollte. Ich hatte selten eine absolute Meinung einer gewissen Thematik gegenüber. Es war immer etwas das mich abwägen ließ oder Verständnis für die Gegenseite haben ließ. So cool.
Warum schreibe ich das eigentlich so oft? Hm. Ich schätze, um auch anderen Mut zu machen. Wenn wir nicht alles verstehen was passiert liegt es oftmals einfach daran das es nichts zu verstehen gibt an so manch zwischenmenschlichen Unsinn. Wir sind manchmal richtig wie wir sind. Nur die Systeme, von denen wir stur annehmen sie wären schon immer so, stellen aber alle samt auch immer fest das wir heute nicht mehr die selben Thesen vertreten wie im Mittelalter und auch die 50er Jahre haben wir weitestgehend hinter uns gelassen. Aber täglich müssen wir uns den Scheiß anhören das dinge schon immer so waren. Blödsinn. Bleib du dynamisch in deinem Denken.
Ich erlebe das so oft. Leute die überhaupt nicht betroffen sind von gewissen Themen bilden sich ein über diese Reden zu können bzw noch besser: für andere urteilen zu können. "Mich stört es auch nicht Kartoffel genannt zu werden, dann brauchen die anderen sich auch nicht anstellen wenn se zigeuner genannt werden!" Das ist derart ignorant, arrogant und zeigt sehr traurig auf: Der durchschnittsmensch ist: selber hochtraumatisiert, denn er wuchs auf mit Sätzen wie "ein Indianer KENNT KEINEN Schmerz! Sei ein echter Mann! Verhalte dich mannhaft! Sei nicht so weibisch! Du bist ja eine Memme!" Dann kommt dazu, diese Nullachtfufzichleute fühlen nicht sehr stark. Hinterfragen dämliche Dogmen nicht und geben diese unreflektiert weiter und können darum tatsächlich nicht verstehen warum Dinge für andere eben anders sind.
Der Mensch verlernt sich in einen anderen Menschen hineinzuversetzen. Darum gibt es Menschen, die halten ihre eigenen Kinder fest im arm, können aber sehr wohl klatschen wenn irgendwo ein Flüchtlingsboot unter geht. Es ist paradox und wird immer paradoxer. Und ich sitze hier und habe mich vor einigen Tagen von meinem Ehemann getrennt.
Diese Trennung sieht aber anders aus als vermuten lässt. Wir lieben uns. Wir lieben unsere Familie. Jedoch wiegen Depression und Trauma enorm. Heilung, Rehabilitation sind wichtig. Doch ich kann jetzt nichts mehr für meinen Mann tun ausser ihn gehen zu lassen. Alleine. Er braucht das. Und ich bin da. Ich werde wieder da sein wenn er es aktiv möchte. Ich musste mir die Frage nach der Zuständigkeit beantworten. Ich bin nicht für seine Themen zuständig. Ich habe sie gesehen und alle Mühe aufgebracht und nun ist er in einer Therapie. Er will. Aber noch erwartet er das ich auch diese Hürde mit ihm nehme. Es ist der Moment gekommen, da muss er sich selber etwas zutrauen, alleine Laufen. Stolz auf sich werden. Tippelschritte machen. Ich bin da. Meine Hand immer bereit zu halten falls was zu halten wäre. Aber ich ziehe nicht mehr und ich schubse nicht mehr wie es bis vor eine Weile notwendig war. Ich kann diese Episode unseres Lebens sehr gut ertragen. Viel besser als ich dachte. Aber auch das ist ein Lerneffekt. Ich habe gelernt: Wenn ich mir sicher bin in dem was ich tue, ruht eine Gelassenheit in mir. Ich kann jetzt nichts mehr tun. Nur warten. In Liebe. Sich freuen wenn mein Mann eines Tages wieder da ist. Also "da" im Sinne von: Nichts wird mehr von seinem eigentlichen Wesen überlagert.
Ich bin hier. Und weiß, dass alles gut werden wird. Auf die eine oder auf die andere Weise. Ich spüre, dass es meinen Kindern besser geht. Das sich innere und äußere Konflikte verändern. Alles verändert sich und ist im Wandel.
Und ich will ganz ehrlich sein: Ich bin sehr froh keine Wünsche zu haben wie sie viele andere haben. Kein Drang nach einem anderen Auto... Kein Drang nach Shopping. Es wirkt befreiend und manchmal auch amüsant. Lässt sich vielleicht vergleichen mit dem Kumpel der im Club einfach nur Wasser trinkt und sich damit echt begnügt. Alle paar Augenblicke fragt wieder jemand ob der Kumpel irgendwas hat...irgendwas MUSS doch sein...weil er ja keinen Schnaps will. Da stimmt doch was nicht... Felix (Hallo Felix!) meinte neulich doch tatsächlich die Midlife Crisis ins Spiel zu bringen. Ich habe laut gelacht. Ohne überheblich wirken zu wollen: Was eine Midlife Crisis ist, warum und bei wem sie sich besonders bemerkbar macht....darüber würde es lohnen zu reflektieren. Die Frage ist eher: Was hat mich früher davon abgehalten Bücher zu lesen, meinen Idealen zu folgen? Vieles erschien mir damals Vorwand genug um als Ausrede zu dienen. Felix zb musste damit leben, dass ich ihn beschuldigt habe das ich nichts aus mir mache weil ich mich ja immerhin stets und immer auf der Autobahn befand um ihm nach zu fahren. Der Punkt ist nur: Weder wurde darum gebeten, noch wurde es befohlen. Es war meine Entscheidung meine Priorisierung zu legen. Diese Entscheidung fußt auf gewissen Umständen und auch auf damaligen Geisteshaltungen. Alles ok. Ich finde es heute oft schade wie viel Zeit ich verstreichen ließ, aber ändern lässt es sich heute nicht mehr und alles war zielführend, sonst würde ich das hier jetzt nicht schreiben. Wenn man sich aber bewusst macht, dass alles im leben auf eigenen Entscheidungen beruht die hoffentlich alle klar sind und nicht nebeltrüb wahrgenommen... dann ist man im Leben schon einen Schritt weiter.
Vieles wird einem schwer gemacht. Als Tochter einer depressiven, alkoholabhängigen Narzistin, nach der Flucht aus der DDR, immer pleite...hatte ich sicher auch seltsame Startvoraussetzungen. Aber das kann ja nicht immer und ewig mein Leben bestimmen? Ich bin heute scheisse weil meine Mami damals.... woot? no! Ich möchte gerne selbstbestimmt leben. Handeln. Lieben. Dazu gehört: Verantwortung übernehmen.
Selbstreflektion. Achtsamkeit. Damit beginnt alles. Man kann nur selbstbestimmt leben wenn man wirklich Frau/Herr über seine Gedanken und Gefühlswelt wird. Ehrlich zu sich selber sein. Verdammt ehrlich sein. In den Spiegel sehen und einfach mal restlos ehrlich sein. Wer hat die Scheiße mit verbrockt? Sind es wirklich immer nur die anderen?
Wird euch klar, dass man so oft die Schuld woanders sucht? Die Ausrede woanders sucht? "Wir sind nur für so und so viel Emission verantwortlich...wenn wir jetzt...dann wird das ja..." Das ist so typisch und eigentlich so leicht durchschaubar. FFF demonstrieren und man hört nur "aber das die kinders hinterher nur selber keinen müll liegen lassen!"
Stolz und Vorurteil. Ein geniales Buch. Allesamt zu stolz, zu eitel, zu dogmatisch und höchstwahrscheinlich hochtraumatisiert. Herzlichen Glückwunsch Menschheit. Du bist eigentlich der "Fliegenschiss" der Erdenzeit. Und es ist schade das zu denken. Aber in Gänze sind die meisten nur noch zu retten wenn noch übleres Geschieht als eine Pandemie. Die ganze Erde müsste gleichzeitig überall beben, wüten, schreien! Wir hier merken nicht was in Indien gerade los ist oder in Alaska oder auf Grönland. Darum sind wir dumm und denken nichts von dem wäre so schlimm. Dummes Denken. Wer nicht hören will muss wohl fühlen. Ich hoffe da ist noch ein Restgefühl vorhanden.
Wie Greta schon sagte: WE WANT YOU TO PANIC
Worum ging es jetzt eigentlich? Ah. Impulskontrolle. Ja. Dazu müsste ich auch mal was schreiben. ^^
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quirkwizard · 5 years
Hey,Wiz! I have an interesting question. If someone with a mutant type quirk gets hit by one of those weird cancelation bullets (is that the name? I forgot) what exactly happens? The mutantion is gone? Do they have the mutation but it's useless now?? Like imagine Ojiro,will something happen to the tail or he'll just have a useless unmobile tail? (Though in another case like Hagakure's she probably would become visible... Mutant Types are weird...)
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If used on a certain kinds of Mutant type Quirks, such as those that only effect one part of the body like “Iron Claws” or are just the medium for another effect like “Engine”, I believe the body part would just stop functioning as intended. As the effects of the Quirk Destroying Bullet are similar to “Erasure”, I think it is reasonable to assume they would have similar results. So it’s likely that changes like Ojiro’s “Tail”, Jiro’s ”Earphone Jack”, and Mei’s “Zoom” would just stop functioning as intended, leaving each person with what seems to merely be an Aesthetic Mutation or an extreme case of body modding. That or it would just fall off entirely.
For other Mutant types, that is a bit trickier since we don’t have any comparison with them. It could be that, since the Quirk Destroying Bullet seemingly regresses the Quirk Factor, certain traits will eventually fade without the Quirk Factor being there to affect the body. This could be what happen with the other Mutant Quirks as well, but I feel more confident using the “Erasure” comparison in that case. So if it was used on Hagakure, it’s likely that her invisibility would fade over time without the Quirk Factor affecting her. Kind of like when that one guy last all of the weird protrusions on his body after All For One removed his Quirk. But that may not have been a Mutant type, as it was stated that his Quirk was mutating, imply what we saw was not a natural part of the Quirk.
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samesongxox · 4 years
Savior: Chapter 2 (Falling Fast)
Summary: (Hellboy 2019) AKA Turning a New Leaf AKA Good Samaritans Need Love Too. The B.P.R.D is tasked to infiltrate a black market creature trafficking ring led by a powerful warlock. Hellboy rescues Phyrra who is found being held hostage, a slave for her magic. He must protect her as she is hunted by her master and his gang of monsters. (AU where Broom isn't dead/Abe wasn't found)
It will be rated M, it will include violence, swearing, smuttiness, all the good things in life.
I've just used an LOTR elven translator for Phyrra's language, I wanted her to start off disoriented enough to revert back to her old language and it was the simplest way I could make that happen but I won't use too much of it.
Also, for those wondering, I wrote down Phyrra into a text to speech and the way her name sounded to me was Pier-Rah, I know with phonetics PH makes the F sound, so saying it like Fear-rah, I think could also be correct.
Disclaimer: Hellboy belongs to Dark Horse Comics/Mike Mignola, I don't own anything except the AU and my OC's.
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 Meanwhile, in a corridor not far away…
Running full tilt down this damp, dark and fucking horrible smelling hallway, Hellboy could think of at least 10 other things he wanted to be doing right now instead. He ran round the corner, stood at the end, and waited for the big bastard who was chasing him to come around it. He had no one to blame but himself, for the situation he was in; the creature stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of his target, giving Hellboy the proper momentum to swing his stone hand into the stomach of an ogre.
When dear ol’ dad had said in his usually chastising tone: 'This isn't some simple run and gun mission Hellboy! Our operatives have intelligence that says this ring holds over hundreds of different species and creatures!" He hated when his father looked at him like that, the disapproving glint in his eyes. 'We have no idea what you could find in there, this requires a lighter touch than you're used to.'
The argument had ended the usual way they did, Hellboy stomping away petulantly, ignoring the protects from Ben about his father being right, as always, blah blah blah. Sometimes he wished they never recruited the Major, sure he had chilled out considerably since the whole Nimue debacle, he even accompanied Hellboy and Alice to the local bars on occasion; he never joined in the karaoke, but he gave Hellboy a run for his money in a round of pool.
"You're gonna die today demon!" The ogre gloated, grabbing Hellboy by his jacket. Hellboy grimaced at the stench of its breath, being thrown against the wall was preferable. He crumpled to the floor, shaking off a daze. Charging towards him, Hellboy saw his advantage and swept the creature's legs, bringing it to the ground. Hellboy stood up and brought his arm down on the Ogre's head, rendering it unmobile with efficiency.
It wasn't that he didn't agree with his dad, Hellboy thought, shaking the goop left behind from the head of the Ogre. He knew he dealt better in the aggressive tactics used by B.P.R.D, there was a reason the times they needed to attend some charity function or government funded mixer, Alice accompanied the Professor. She had turned into quite the little agent his Alice Monaghan and Hellboy didn't care for any of that bureaucratic shit anyways. And since the incident, he had been trying his best to see his father's side of things more often.
Hellboy didn't want to admit to anyone he was scared.
He was still had nightmares about it, the sight of his father lying dead had been a shock to his system. For so long he had held so much anger towards the Professor, it coming to a head at the knowledge Lady Hatton had given him. It really sucked to find out your purpose in life was to bring about the apocalypse, and Hellboy was still dealing with the news being something he feared for so long, meanwhile that wasn't even the worse bit.
Still Baba Yaga's curse loomed on his shoulders, he didn't know the details of the curse, he sure as shit didn't want to go back there and ask the witch.
Professor Trevor Bruttenholm was pronounced dead, for 12 whole minutes.
Hellboy thought it was morbid when the agents that rushed in brought a defibrillator, ripping the shirt off of his father's body, placing the charges on his chest. Hellboy protested greatly, bring held back in a surprisingly strong embrace by Ben. So when his father's eyes popped open, to say Hellboy was surprised was a great understatement.
Now things were back to normal, well as normal as there dynamic had been before. Dad always there with a less than kind word with nothing but good intentions towards his 'son'.
The presence of Alice and Ben on the team had cooled them both down considerably, the workload now sectioned off between the four of them, and someone was always there to get in the middle of them and be the voice of reason.
It wasn't like they held interviews for the kind of team that they were, it just kind of happened. Alice was insistent on sticking around with her new found abilities, wishing to hone them, be able to research in the vast codex of ancient knowledge B.P.R.D possessed, but Hellboy knew that what Alice wanted more than anything was somewhere to belong again, and she did at the B.P.R.D.
Major Ben Daimo, after being caught with his curse of the Were-Jaguar, simply realized he was with much better company than M11.
Hellboy, having wiped his arm clean of the gore, took about three steps down the hallway when a "Stop!" Made him growl in exasperation. He turned and was just as surprised when they arrived at this giant fortress like building, this place just kept getting fucking weirder.
Hellboy had never seen a Centaur before, he could check this off the list. The half-man half...appeared to be …. A ram or a bison or something if the horns were any indication. 
Hellboy was being charged at again, this time with a much quicker adversary. Hellboy was at a disadvantage of only having two legs as he turned tail, pun intended, and ran once again from a foe.
These were some The Shining level of creepiness hallways, Hellboy deduced, being chased by a Centaur, he called for backup but they had all conveniently split up in the warehouse; but it was hard to hear oneself think in that veritable zoo of mythical creatures. Father was not lying, this Warlock was bad news bears.
The Centaur was rapidly gaining on Hellboy, it was inevitable when he felt himself being lifted by his tail, rude pal, and tossed him into the wall. Hellboy hated being thrown around like some ragdoll, it didn't help that the Centaur obviously had more weight to his throw than the Orge, and Hellboy was left staring at the twinkling lights above him, knowing he was gonna hurt in the morning.
Rhys huffed, adrenaline breaking out into his coat in a thick sheen of sweat. He picked up the currently incapacitated creature and examined him. It seemed to be some sort of demon or other. Rhys was disgusted at the creature to see his shaved forehead where horns should be, Rhys prided himself on his own, and considered any creature that would try and hide his features like that weak and embarrassed at his own lineage.
He threw the impostor creature onto his back and took off in hurried clomps to Elias' office, needing to let his master know about this invasion. Where did this thing come from? Rhys called for Mordecai begrudgingly, but was left with a true silence that meant he was not hiding in some corner somewhere. He was most definitely already with Elias.
His suspicions were correct as he entered the masters domain, seeing the two figures speaking in a quick, long dead language Rhys didn't understand. He hated when the two of them did that, he knew he was out of the loop for a lot of things, but it wasn't like they had to rub his face in it, he was a powerful creature, stronger than both of them combined. He couldn't think like that though, even in his darkest thoughts; he was owned by Elias for the rest of his life, nothing could be done to change that.
What was worse was that Elias didn't even acknowledge Rhys had stepped in the room, or that he had dropped an intruder at the front of his desk. Almost as if he already knew.
"There are intruders in our home Rhys. Go with Mordecai to holdings and deal with them accordingly, leave this with me."
Those were the only words spoken to him, Rhys nodded gravely trotting out the door, knowing at once he had messed up allowing whoever these people were to break so easily into the property.
Elias' eyes trailed down to the pathetic looking creature at his feet, he was having the most awful deja vu. Taking in the tail, shaven horns and red skin, Elias knew who was breaking into his home. B.P.R.D. This had to be the Cambion known as Hellboy.
Elias growled, this meant serious trouble. How did he have such rotten luck, his dejected attitude continued as the beast stirred on his floor. He had to get ahold of this situation.
Hellboy regained consciousness quickly, one minute he was in a haze of pain, the next he flew up from the floor so quickly he thought he'd blackout. Hissing in a deep breath, Hellboy touched his stomach gingerly, diagnosing himself a cracked rib. Standing in front of another mythical nutcase no doubt, Hellboy took in the room.
This dude was seriously fucked in the head. He thought the Osiris Club was bad enough mounting giant heads on their walls, but this room had that one beat clean. Wall to wall the heads of creatures were hung, along with various ferocious animals were on proud display. Dead fairies and pixies beside butterflies and beetles pinned in glass coffins. He realized he was standing on the fur of a Cerberus, Hellboy gasped, stepping ungracefully away from the awful sight. Hellboy glanced at a bowl filled with what looked like mints, and gagged to see that they were teeth.
"Goblin Teeth. A little hobby of mine. As you can see, I am an extensive collector." Hellboy hated him already. The smooth, calm voice, the power he emanated even behind the desk, this was the warlock, no doubt. The owner of this little auction house.
"A demon, how quaint." Elias scoffed in the most condisenting fashion, looking the epitome of ease, fiddling with the golden staff adorned with amethyst from the dwarven royalty. A present for dealing with their little dragon problem so long ago, when species of all kinds were allowed to walk on earth. A time he sorely missed.
"Half-demon, buddy. Get your facts right." Raising his arm to bust the desk, Hellboy was unsuspecting of the staff being more than just for show, he was proven quite mistaken.
A blast of magic so focused hit him, Hellboy was thrown out the room. The magic was a tidal wave of white-hot wind that blasted multiple doors opened in the hallway, tearing wallpaper from the walls. Hellboy was stopped only by the brick at the end of the hallway. Living an indent of his body, Hellboy groaned and peeling himself off the wall. He was bleeding from his head, he realized swiping at the blood that dripped into his eye. Probably concussed.
At the door to his office stood Elias, arms crossed with the staff perched on his shoulder, he didn't have a care in the world. This demon was nothing compared to a being of magic such as himself, and it was laughable the demon got back up, as if he had a chance from this distance.
"Are you as dumb as you are strong, demon? My name is Elias, this is my home and you have most aggressively broken into it. I plan on taking the necessary steps to protect my property."
Hellboy collapsed in half real agony, gritting his teeth, listen to this asshole posture on like some sort of movie villan. Hellboy tried to shake the pain, biting his cheek to focus himself, distracting the warlock enough to grab for his weapon. He took a deep breath and with a reserve of strength he had, pulled and shot off all 6 rounds in the chamber, a special design by the eggheads in the labs, with barbed edges that exploded on contact, shredding the flesh of whatever unfortunate being was on the receiving end of his little gift.
One bullet would of incapacitated him, maybe all 6 of them was an overkill, if the gruesome sight of the warlock gasping wetly from a pile of guts. Better safe than sorry Hellboy always said. Elias attempted to speak, choking on the mess in his mouth, and his eyes slipped closed. An odd, peaceful aura enveloped the area around him, the half-demon went to investigate.
He heard the sound of agents arriving on the scene, there voices calling for him from afar. Obviously brought by the sound of his gun going off.
Hellboy just seemed to keep getting distracting in this place however, for no sooner had he begun to walk towards the body, when a lump on the floor of one of the rooms caught Hellboy's attention.
It was a girl. With a towel haphazardly wrapped around her. Hellboy turned away sharply as his eyes automatically glanced at the slight curve of her breasts peeking from the top with her slow breathing. He didn't mean to do that, it just happened, but Hellboy was left surprisingly winded. Embarrassed.
"Uh.. Alice? You out there?" He called desperately out to the woman in the hallway, distracting himself by looking at the room. It was simple, compared to the rest of the place; stone walls and wooden furniture, a large four poster bed with white sheets. Nothing caught his eye of any interest, and he felt his eyes pulling towards the girl on the floor. Aw Crap. He reasoned he just felt bad if she was injured to just keep her in this position. He gave one last attempt at an "Alice!" Before he turned completely back to the girl.
She was young, that was his first thought. She was petite but she wasn't a little girl, her body, small but obvious curves were any indication. Hellboy felt his stomach clench in horror as the towel slipped further as he came forward, as if it had a mind of its own and was torturing him for looking. Awkwardly one-handed, he knotted the front of the towel more securely as carefully as he could, if his knuckles brushed her skin, he didn't think about it.
Finally finished his difficult task, Hellboy glanced at her head, noticing the long upward slopes of the tips of her ears peeking out from her hair, an elf. She also had some of the strangest markings Hellboy had ever seen, gold swirl like tattoos covered her body, on her face all the way to the tips of her fingers and toes, in an intricate, almost tribal fashion.
Hellboy glanced up to see a large robe hanging from a hook and shot up like a rocket, grabbing for it grateful for his find; he felt very guilty for continuing to just crouch here and look at her, he felt like a real pervert.
It also occurred to him he never even tried to wake her up. Well he had to deal with the towel falling off, he reasoned with himself, he knew in her position he would be very unhappy to wake up like that. It was much easier to get the robe on her, the distraction of the towel dealt with, and Hellboy felt a kind of accomplishment tying the sash at her waist; He had never had to play caretaker to someone. The whole time she did not awaken, left in some sort of unconscious state, Hellboy gently gathered her up in his arms easily and checked the back of head, pulling the long tawny strands apart, vaguely thinking about their softness, but mostly looking for blood.
Jostling her caused the elf to groan, Hellboy was taken aback when he pushed her away to see her eyes opened. They were very pretty, Hellboy thought stupidly as she glanced around blind in his clutch, before locking her gaze on the one who held her up.
"Cin're hi na rad-nin?" Her voice was a light questioning tone, her breaths quick and pained. Hellboy didn't know how to reply to her, he was struck dumber by her being awake than when he could move about her without that icy gaze focused on him it seemed.
"Uhh...Whatever you say, sweetheart." Hellboy blatantly realized the endearment he mumbled out, but didn't give it much thought, after all it seemed they were speaking two different languages, literally. He really needed to get her out of here, if not to get her checked for a possible concussion but just because this room was creeping him out, it was too clean, to… Much like a prison cell if he was being honest with himself.
"Mui mellon Binx?" At least she wasn't freaking out in his hold, cause she's still weak from the blast, he chided himself. He stood up and was about to cross the threshold with the elf in his arms, she kept saying something: blinks? When he heard Alice down the hall, her voice getting rapidly closer.
"Were you callin' me HB? I thought I could hear-Oh!" Hellboy felt himself flustered as the medium appeared in the doorway, the girl quicker than Hellboy could react to, jumped out of his arms, only to cower behind him, further placing Hellboy in one of the most awkward situations he could recall.
The girl was obviously hurt however, as no sooner had she hid herself behind Hellboy that her clutch had weakened and Hellboy could see her going down again, barely managing to catch her by her waist, again thanking his thinking in getting her into the robe as he pulled her once again into his arms.
Alice watched the whole interaction with a little surprise and much glee, tickled positively pink by Hellboy playing prince charming it seemed, saving this damsel. Alice thanked her internal romantically inclined side, one that she rarely showed, it was hard being the only female on the team at times. She tried to have a friendship with some of the agents, but the women in the B.P.R.D were professionals through and through, not a whole lot of interest in the fun times she could get into with HB, sometimes even Ben, or Major Stick up his Arse, as Alice sometimes called him, always with affection.
"Who's this then?"
"I don't know. I was dealing with Stinky, Hairy and Moe out there and then I just found her. She's an elf." He finished lamely,
Swift as a hummingbird, a creature the same size flew into the room. The ball of light honed onto Hellboy's face, making contact with his cheek. Hellboy stumbled back and looked at the attacker. A Pixie. 
Between the Ogre, the Centaur and the Warlock, he was grateful for the size of this one. The thing was speaking a quick lilting pixie speak that Hellboy never understood, they had a textbook of Fae languages back at headquarters, he just never got around to reading it.
The Pixie seemed to know the Elf, she slowly took stock of the girl before pillowing herself on the chest of the unconscious girl, glancing up at Hellboy in a wary gaze.
"I found the little thing down the hall, think she knows her?" Alice chuckled.
"Let's get her to the helicopter. None of the others were put into rooms like this, she must be important." Alice was already at the doorway when she turned around, a typical cheeky Alice expression on her face. "You handle carrying her hero?"
Hellboy snorted derisively at the comment, turning away from Alice with her intense gaze. He ignored the curious gaze of the Agents and met up with Ben in the hallway, the Major raised a questioning eyebrow.
"Don't ask." Hellboy said simply, not wishing to explain the whole crazy turn of events that transpired since they arrived here.
"You guys get that warehouse cleared out?"
"Yes they're loaded into the trucks, on there way to headquarters. It's gonna take weeks to catalogue all these species. Hope you're ready for some paperwork." Hellboy knew Ben was joking, even to the outside it seemed like no humour was coming from the man. You just had to know him enough.
"How dare you touch her!" Hellboy jumped at the screech that came from the puddle that was Elias in position on the floor of his office, he thought for sure he had died. "Unhand her demon, she is not yours!"
Hellboy didn't scare easily, but he would be lying if he said the way Elias was looking at him wasn't causing goosebumps to break out on his arm. It was half crazed, desperate. Very different from the cool, assured master he was not 10 minutes ago.
"Phyrra wake up!" That must of been her name, Phyrra. It suited her, sweet, gentle and exotic, her name sounded like the purr of a cat, Hellboy always liked cats. He didn't like the way Elias was saying it though, the ownership plain, like he was commanding her to wake up.
"So I guess I was right, eh? She important to you? Well you won't mind if we just take her for awhile do ya? Thanks mate," Alice took the warlocks sudden invalent state as an opportunity to tease.
Phyrra also took the moment as a great opportunity to wake back up, as if even in her injured state, she was conditioned to listen to Elias' demands. She glanced around in even more confusion than the first time Hellboy watched her wake up. The warlock brightened at the sight of Phyrra awake, his voice quickly turning into butter, Hellboy cringed at the way he spoke to her.
"Phyrra, pet. Come and help me."She seemed to understand her name, if nothing else. She fixed her gaze on Elias as if she didn't know him from any other stranger currently in the room. Everyone seemed to be waiting for her to make some kind of decision, why none of them could really gather, but they didn't have to wait long for a response.
Phyrra didn't listen, what she did instead was wrap her arms around Hellboy's neck and bury herself in the crook of where his neck met shoulder, refusing to look at anything else; Hellboy was left with an elven woman clinging to him. The Pixie flew displeased at losing the perch on her elf.
"Tul-nin awaui o hi near." Hellboy involuntarily shivered at the obvious plea was whispered delicately in his ear. He didn't know what she was saying, but he wanted nothing more than to get her away from Elias fiery gaze, which was getting darker by the second.
"Binx! Don't you let them take her! I'll rip your fucking wings off myself!" Everyone looked on as the Pixie flew over to the warlock, and Hellboy couldn't stop the bark of laughter as the tiny creature, now Hellboy realized what Phyrra had been saying back in her room. Binx threw herself into Elias' forehead, he grunted at the contact, then glared at the tiny thing spitting no doubt terrible insults in its language.
Elias gasped in hysteria as Hellboy began to walk away from him. Getting out a last: "You're going to regret this you devil!" Before Ben did him a service of tasing him, silencing the man before his head popped clean off in his fury.
At that moment, Rhys and about a group of 20 creatures: Goblins and Ogres mostly, crowded into the space, some climbing over the backs of others to fit into the room.
Chaos broke. Fires were shot from the various machines carried by the Agents, tearing through the creatures scrambling to reach them.
"HB, the window!" The gazes of the three main team members individually sought out the broken window to their left, Alice shooting off a quick round from her pistol, cleaning the rest of the glass from the opening, before jumping off confidently. Even in the moment, Hellboy recognized he would have to tell her how badass she'd been in that moment. Before jumping himself out the four story window.
He broke his fall with his body, hoping this was the last time he was going to hit a hard surface today, he didn't know if he could take another one. Hellboy quickly checked to make sure he also broke Phyrra fall, it would be a shame to go through all this to end up squishing her himself. The trio ran towards the helicopter, the blades whorrling signaling its readiness for take-off.
Ben was clipping off the goblins crawling out of the window they just vacated as Alice and Hellboy dealt with the new cargo. Ben jumped in the last minute, yelled to the pilot to get them the fuck out of there and into the air they ascended.
Safely in the chopper, Hellboy's arms felt rather empty after Phyrra was placed carefully into the seat beside him, Alice taking over and strapping the girl in as her head lolled in delirium, she seemed to be coming to again, but only got those glacier depths of her eyes opened before the slumped again. Alice sandwiched her in between the two of them, placing Phyrra's head against Hellboy's arm and he looked at his friend in question.
"What? You won't mind watching to make sure her head doesn't move too much, would you?"
Alice snickered in delight at the cautioning way HB looked at her in the moment, as if begging her to stop teasing him so, which only spurred her on even more he had to realize. 
They didn't know anything about this girl, but Hellboy was obviously taken with her.
Alice had been with the B.P.R.D for almost a year now, she'd never seen Hellboy act this way before. Hellboy was a badass motherfucker, he drank hard and fought even harder. It wasn't irony one of his arms was made out of stone, he was tough, inside and out.
That didn't mean Alice wasn't aware of his sensitive side, he saved her as a baby, she owed HB her life. The fact he was a loyal friend was just a bonus. He loved the Professor, Alice could see that plain as day, they were father and son to her, actual parentage didn't matter. Even then, he wasn't exactly the kind of friend you had long soul searching conversations with, except those times one of them got too into their feelings, and too into a bottle of tequila.
So Alice knew HB had the capacity to love, that she was certain. But as far as she knew, Hellboy had never even attempted to go out on a date before, she saw how the female agents of B.P.R.D looked at him, he was a pure specimen of a man. Muscle and stoicism, half-demon be damned.
Alice had asked Lloyd one night, who had been working there for ten years, if Hellboy ever dated anyone or anything, she wasn't gonna discriminate. Agent Reese had asked her in reply if they were an item, on their own date of all times! Alice was annoyed and had answered the same way she always did to the inept question. Disgusting! Like if I wanted to fuck my own brother! Which was correct, but she didn't think she'd see Lloyd again. Lately she had her eye on Agent Colter, she liked men of all shapes and sizes, but it was the blondes viking types that made her weak, which Colter fit to a tee.
Alice tried to slow the matchmaker in her head, immediately writing their names together in the notebook of her mind. First the girl had to wake up.
Elias opened his eyes slowly, feeling the pain immediately. His body was twisted in a most uncomfortable position and as he looked down he realized in a daze his leg was broken. On instinct he called out for Phyrra, before the recent events came back to the front of his memory. She left him. He did nothing but care for her, dress her in the finest things, held her to the highest standard above his advisors and this was how she thanked him?
First Lazarus sends him some would be assassin, and now to have lost his most precious trophy? His Phyrra? Elias felt helpless, something he hadn't felt for many centuries, it was maddening. It simply would not do.
So in his awful, disoriented thoughts, he didn't take notice of the Vampire and the Centaur stepping towards him, one expression of dispassion, one of stunned concerns.
"Master, drink from me." Elias wild eyes swung to the undead man, not for the first time Elias was grateful towards Mordecai, his oldest companion. He sucked in the old blood in thick gulps, feeling it buzz through his system, he will heal much quicker than normal, although his old friends blood did speeden his recovery, it was Phyrra who had the most wonderful touch for mending wounds and broken bones. What to do about Phyrra? It was quite simple Elias didn't have to think for a second about it.
He would get her back.
She will learn, he would teach her, as he always did, the hard lesson he had himself long ago been made perfectly aware of, that she was born to be his pet. That her life before him, the loss, the pain, the agonizing loneliness he knew she felt was because his story began the same. He was meant to teach her everything there was to know about life, about love.
Distracted, he heard Mordecai explain the lost of his inventory, but Elias heard none of it.
Elias instead, felt himself seeth at the memory of her in the demons arm. He would take great pleasure in harming it, peeling the skin from its arms for even daring to touch his Phyrra, he wouldn't stop till he got to bone. Yes, the demon, the whole B.P.R.D, were going to pay greatly for playing with him.
1)"Cin're hi na rad-nin?" (you're here to find me?)
2)"Mui mellon Binx?" (My friend Binx?)
3) "Tul-nin awaui o hi near." (Bring me away from this place)
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theo-raekeno · 6 years
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Title: Blue and Bloody
Theo Raeken Imagine
Word Count: 2.4 k
Requested: “Can I have a long Theo Raeken imagine but includes the pack a little too, where it’s like in the episode where Theo is chained to the wall but the rest of the pack are as well, and they have all been taken by hunters, reader isnt with them but can hear her screams. They take her to the room where the pack are and they all see the wounds and blood and scars over her and chain her up, really sad, almost death but wakes up in hospital with theo by her side and they confess feelings and cute and fluffy.”
Suggested Song: Hold on by Chord Overstreet
Theo’s head sat forwards, he was knocked out cold as the rest of the pack was, they had made the mistake of walking into a trap. Lydia was the first to walk up, she had heard something, almost a high pitched screech, she tried to rub her eyes until she saw her hands chained to a fence. Stiles was right next to her, he was still out cold, all of the pack was there, but Y/N was missing.
“Stiles. Wake up!” She whispered loudly, Stiles started to stir humming under his breath, “Dad, just an hour more.”
Lydia rolled her eyes, and tried Malia, who was on the other side of her, “Malia, wake up!”
Malia opened her brown eyes, shock wiped on her face as she turned to look at her friend Lydia, “what the hell happened?”
They looked around, Theo was next to Scott and a large open spot next to Theo, “Y/N is missing.”
Lydia nodded at Malia’s comment, they needed to find a way out, another scream came from the other room, it echoed in the hollow damp space they were placed in. “I don’t have a good feeling about this.”
“Where’s Y/N.” Theo had woken up when they were distracted, he was hard to see in the lack of light through the room, but he knew Y/N wasn’t next to him. His heart was racing at the thought of you missing, he coulda figured why you weren’t taken, you were a mere human, nothing of a threat.
Stiles looked up, his eyes cloudy from the knocked out state he had been in, he looked towards Lydia, “Lyds, did you stay the night?”
Lydia had a bright red blush come to her face at her boyfriends comment, but the rest of the pack couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable, “Oh. you all stayed?”
After his silent comment, Stiles realized he was stuck in the same place as everyone else, chained to a fence, hands and feet unmobile and fear spread quickly onto his face. “Are you kidding me!”
Theo kept looking for you, smelling the air hoping he could trace down your scent, “where is Y/N?”
A loud scream broke the silence, the pack looked towards a large door, it had been closed, but sounds of pain still broke through the air. Theo went to an instant worse case scenario, all of the pack did, whoever had you, which they figured it was hunters, they were hurting you. Scott tried to use his strength to pull him off the fence, but nothing was working, he just looking to be struggling profusely.
“It’s no use.” A voice called from the door, there was little light seeping in, a shadowed figure stood in the door, “all of those who are a threat have mountain ash surrounding you, even if you were to escape, you are stuck in place.”
The eyes of the pack looked down, it was true, Malia, Theo and Scott all had a circle of ash surrounding them, they couldn’t escape even if they wanted to. “Where’s Y/N?!”4
Theo spoke up, struggling against the chains as he tried to push himself forwards, the pack knew of your feelings for each other, but neither of you did. You were clueless as Theo was ,you didn’t know about his feelings just as he didn’t know of yours, but the pack could read the signals.
Another shout of pain filled the room, it was louder since the large door was open, “ahh, there she is.” The hunter stated while walking farther into the room, “what better way to torture a pack than to torture the one they all love.”
Theo’s eyes turned yellow as the man walked past him, he tried to reach for him, but the man stood to far from the angry beta. “Seems as if this one cares the most.”
Lydia looked at Theo, the hunter was right, everyone in the pack cared for Y/N as if she was the little sister, but Theo on the other hand cared for her as a lover. The whole pack had been angry they were using Y/N against them, “wanna see something fun?”
The hunter pulled out a walkie talkie from his pocket, he looked towards Theo with a grin on his face, “Bring her in.”
The walkie cut out as he put it back in his pocket, he pulled out a large taser, he pressed a button and the low hum of electricity roared into Theo’s ear. He put the front of the stick against the fence, causing an electric wave to go through Scott and Theo, they both winced and let out a cry of pain.
“Tell me everything I need to know.” He stated as he removed the taser, Scott and Theo leaning forwards from exhausted, burn marks appearing from where the chains had been placed. The sound of footsteps came from the lighted hallway, they hoped it had been you, that you could have gotten out. But when the figure appeared in the doorway, carrying body, they thoughts of you being dead filled their minds.
He tossed your body towards the pack, you landed with a thud, your hair laid in front of your face, but that didn’t hide your blood stained clothes. You looked like hell, laying on your side, eyes barely open, you were covered in cuts, and even marks of where they used a brand to try and get information out of you.
One large cut on your stomach stood out, blood started to seep onto the floor, you had your hand on top of it, trying to stop the bleeding as you applied pressure. Theo tried to examine you from afar, there were 2 large cuts on your face, and deep cuts that filled up your arms, but the biggest one was the deep one on your stomach, it was obvious that if you didn’t get help soon, you would bleed out.
Lydia felt her heart drop, voices started up in her head as she couldn’t take her eyes off of you, you were gonna die, she could tell. She opened her mouth and let out a large scream, sending the two hunters flying against the fence that held Scott and Theo, the fence fell to the ground.
Scott quickly pulled the chains off, he rushed towards the hunters, his eyes a bright red, he had expected Theo to help but when he looked back Theo was standing over you. His eyes went from yellow to his regular blue, his chemo signals read immense signs of pain, he slowly kneeled down towards you, his heart on his sleeve as he dropped his walls around you.
The pack was freed, surrounding you, Lydia had wanted to tell them what she heard but she wanted to save you, not wanting to accept that you might die. “Her heartbeat is faint.”
Theo looked towards you, moving your hair out of your face, your eyes closed as you breathed very lightly, you had started to fade, the chances of you waking up started to slim. “We need to get her out of here.”
“Y/N, I need you to be strong.” Theo whispered to you, he picked your body up, bloody staining his shirt as he did, but he didn’t care, he wanted you to wake up, losing a shirt for you didn’t matter.
He held you close to him, he tried to listen to your heartbeat as best he could, Scott had called 911, you weren’t like them, you wouldn’t heal like him, it was a matter of life and death, and he wanted you to live.
When the medics showed up, he wouldn’t leave you, he placed you on the gurnee and jumped inside the ambulance with you. The pack stayed behind as they watched the large ambulance drive off, Theo watched silently as the medics worked on you.
“She had no heartbeat.” He stated while his hands were placed on your throat, the other medic pulled out a large defibrillator, they used scissors to cut open your large sweater, revealing a white tank top underneath it. They pressed the cold hard plates against your chest, sending an electric charge surging through your chest, your body jumped upwards, but no response, your heart rate didn’t pick up.
Theo kept his eyes on you, now noticing the bruises marking up your face, you had a large black eye and a busted lip, another bruise on the base of your chest. The man yelled once more, “bring it up a level, charge!”
The defibulators pressed against your chest once more, you lurched upwards, the electric pulse awakening you. Your heart started up once more, a wave of relief washed over Theo, He had the fear of losing you, but when you were brought back he felt at ease. “Can you save her?”
“We’re doing the best we can.” The ambulance came to a stop, the gurnee rolled forwards, and the back of the ambulance opened, “18 year old female, major cuts on forearms and one on the stomach.”
They lifted the gurnee out of the ambulance, Theo following closely behind as the medics surrounded you. His chest started to hurt as he lost sight of you, a nurse pushed him back as they wheeled you into the surgical room, “sir, you can’t go in unless you are family.”
Theo stopped in his tracks, pacing back and forth as he waited for you to be out of surgery, the pack approached him watching him as he spoke silently to himself. “Why didn’t I just tell her when I had the chance.”
“You didn’t know the chance might be taken away from you.” Scott put his hand on Theo’s shoulder, trying to comfort him as he waited for you to be out of surgery.
“She is gonna be okay Theo.” Lydia walked in front of him, it wasn’t hard to know that the pack hated Theo, but they still loved you, and you loved him. “You heard the voices didn’t you?”
Lydia nodded but looked towards the surgical room you were placed in, “I haven’t heard them since, she is gonna be okay, and it seems like she is getting right out of surgery.”
Theo looked to see them wheeling you out of the room, you were out but he could hear your heartbeat, you were gonna be okay. “Anyone in relation to Y/N Y/L/N?”
His heart sank once more, they weren’t gonna let him see you, all due to the fact that he isn’t related to you, Lydia spoke up, “this is her boyfriend.”
She pushed Theo forwards, the nurse looked him up and down, but nodded, “follow me.”
Theo followed closely behind the nurse, his heart raced, he wanted to see you so badly, he wanted to know that you would be okay. He walked around the corner and looked into the room, you were laying on the back, needles sticking out of your arms, and your cuts stitched shut. “Its gonna be a few weeks of fighting blood loss, but she should wake up soon.”
Theo thanked the nurse and walked into the room, he pulled a chair up to your bed, looking at you, you had looked to peaceful when you slept. Your eyes shaking as you started to stir awake, he held your hand tightly, looking at the large cuts that were on your arms, he wanted to kill those hunters for what they had done to you.
Your eyes fluttered open, you looked to see Theo sitting right next to you, his hand in yours, but he wasn’t looking up. You started to freak about how you looked, you always wanted to look your best around Theo, he was your crush after all.
“Y/N?” His blue eyes looked into yours, he quickly removed his hand, but you wanted it to be around yours once more. “You are awake.”
You nodded and looked at him with guilt in your eyes, “don’t ever do that to me again. I thought I was gonna lose you, I can’t lose you, Y/N.”
Theo was spilling his feelings for you, you always felt the same but you only imagined this happening in your dreams, you never thought he would tell you how he felt. “Theo, I-”
“You don’t have to say a word, Y/N, i know you may not like me the way I like you. But, I - just, I care for you so much.” Theo started to tear up, he had the fear that you didn’t care for him, you reached for his hand, “Theo, I care for you so much.”
Theo looked up at you, he was in shock that someone as special as you could actually care for him, “I am nothing..”
You knew the pack hated Theo, but you dind’t know that they made him feel like he didn’t matter, that he was nothing. You reached your hand up towards his face, you winced in pain and shook slightly as your cold hand touched him, “You are everything to me.”
He stood up, his face coming closer to yours, his soft lips pressed against yours, you smiled and closed your eyes as he kisses you slowly. He pulled away slowly, his eyes opening, looking into yours, “I care about you so much.”
“FINALLY!” Lydia started from the doorway, the rest of the pack waved as both of you turned to look at your friends.
“Not a very good first date tho.” Malia crossed her arms at the setting around you, she was right, a hospital room wasn’t a good place to claim feelings. Theo shrugged and sat back down, holding onto your hand tightly, “I’ll take you on a real date when you are in excellent health.”
You smiled and leaned forwards, kissing his cheek, fuzziness buzzed through your whole body when you touched him, it was a good feeling when you were in so much pain, “I can’t wait.”
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exitthoughts · 6 years
Früher warn wir doch so frei unser Limit war die Sky
Denk zurück an diese Zeit
Ich vermisse dich
Komm doch wiedermal vorbei auf ne Kippe oder zwei
Haben gelacht und hatten Streit
Vergiss mich nicht
Eigentum, brauch ich nicht
Teure Zigarillos, brauch ich nicht
Eigenheim, macht unmobil
Das ist der Grund warum ich mich so unwohl fühl
So unwohl füüühl
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rockinrollsart · 6 years
Your like the unmobile thing? I mean Sans or Tori can be like that?
I can get down with some immobile once and a while, but honestly my fav is the phase just before immobility: Big, waddles around, and sometimes needs help getting dressed/bathing
I like a big soft Tori but still able to get around and run her school. Sans however, is the lorge one who lets himself get carried away once and a while.
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moodyspoodys · 6 years
Moody! I have so much respect towards McCree's mains. I'm bad at offense, so I've tried to learn how to play him but wtf. Please tell me how can you play him? He seems so slow and unmobile, since he has only that short roll WITH 8 SC COOLDOWN WTF. He's revolver does a big dmg, that's true, but it recoils in a weird way??? Right mouse skill is so wild, I cannot controle it, like????????? Flashbang is cool but I really don't feel it, always throwing to far or to close... How can u play him? D:
Can't believe someone actualy asked me for an advice haha! Much obliged, Nonnie!I have been playing him since my very beginning, of course it was rather pathetic but well, beginnings were never easy!Mccree is good for a bit longer distance, as you said, he isn't very mobile, cowboy gets tired of rolling quickly. Don't throw your bullets everywhere, try to aim the headshot and shoot! I learnt it on the training area (or how is it called, these lil robots). Try to shoot and don't miss a headshot. And uprising! This event was perfect for practicing aim. The right click, Fan the Hammer is good on a closer range, like... Right in their face. It's hard to control but every bullet will hit the mark if you're right in front of the enemy. Use flash to stun them and then HIT THE RIGHT CLICK! For tanks there is a combo: flash, hammer, roll, hammer! Playing McCree is fun, I will always love my cowbae 🍩❤ i wish you good luck!
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nickyfantastic · 4 years
On the decline of voter participation
Voter participation [in the 70′s], which had been relatively stable for more than twenty years, suddenly underwent a sharp decline. Studies of voting behaviour during the 1970s uncovered the astonishing ‘drop-out’ of 18 million former voters (as distinguished from the never-voted segments of the potential electorate).64 As Table 5.8 reveals, the most dramatic significance of this decline was its heavily skewed class bias:
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Viewed from the standpoint of other popular categories, this voter falloff appears equally calamitous. Despite the historic travail of the Southern voter rights campaign, national Black voter registration during the 1970s reached scarcely more than half its potential. Hispanics remained equally unmobilized, while only a quarter of the unemployed—of all races—bothered to vote. In spite of the new liberals’ buoyant optimism that the 26th Amendment, enfranchising 25 million 18–20 year olds, would create a left-liberal electoral majority, only 23 percent of potential voters under thirty participated in the 1970 mid-term election (the first under the broader franchise). Overall, the effect of this increasing abstentionism was approximately the same as if a property-franchise limitation had been introduced to guarantee a middle and upper-class electoral majority. Walter Dean Burnham invokes a telling example to make just this point: ‘In 1978 … turnout for the gubernatorial election in New York State reached a 150-year low, 38.5 percent of the potential electorate, even lower than it had been in the gubernatorial election of 1810, when nearly three-fifths of the potentially eligible population was disenfranchised for failure to meet a property qualification.’
Mike Davis, Prisoners of the American Dream  
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biomedgrid · 5 years
Biomed Grid| Cleaning Up of Contaminated Soils by Using Microbial Remediation: A Review and Challenges to the Weaknesses
The use of microbial bioremediation in recovering polluted soils is not a new technology based on many review reports and studies on its efficiencies and on how to increase the effectiveness. In this short paper, we reviewed the advantages and weaknesses of microbial remediation in cleaning up the polluted ecosystems. Based on the identified weaknesses/disadvantages or incompleteness of the microbial remediation by Sharma and Reddy (2004), future studies should focus on how to increase the effectiveness of the bioremediation technology that should further reduce environmental stress on the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Overall, strategies in the future studies for improving the microbial remediation are discussed.
Keywords:Microorganisms; Remediation; Microbes
Introduction to Bioremediation
Cleaning up of chemical pollutants from contaminated soils is a worldwide problem nowadays. The presence of elevated levels of chemical pollutants in the soil environment has contributed to soil pollution [1]. This is a potential threat to the ecosystem health that has a strong connection to the health of wildlife and human life quality ultimately.
The contaminated soils have been a result of
I. Mining of raw elements/materials,
II. Industrial waste due to production,
III. Vehicular transportation,
IV. Disposal or accidental spills of chemicals.
The use of bioremediation by using microorganisms have been found many in the literature [2-7]. Microbial remediation can be simply defined by employing microorganisms to lower the bioavailability of pollutants (especially organic contaminants) so as to make less toxic to the ecosystem. These microorganisms are capable to break down (or metabolize) contaminants by using them as a food source. Introduction of specific competent strains of microorganisms has been widely used in the bioremediation of soil pollution [1]. According to [6], bioremediation is an environmental friendly technology for cleaning up or recovering the polluted soils.
Table 1: Advantages of bioremediation over conventional/ traditional soil remediation methodologies.
According to [1], it is important to use suitable bioremediation technologies because of the site-specificity of most remediation methods. The weaknesses of conventional remediation technologies are presented in (Table 1).
Based on Table 1, there are apparent advantages of using bioremediation when compared to conventional methods (Table 1). For example, the biodegradation by using bioremediation is non-invasive and cost-effective in the removal of Petroleum Hydrocarbon (PH) pollutants [1].
Advantages and Disadvantages/Weaknesses of Microbial Remediation
According to [10], the advantages and disadvantages/weaknesses of microbial remediation have been summarized in Table 2. According to a good review conducted by [11], the use of microbial remediation such as bacteria and fungi are useful for cleaning polluted soils. This is because the microbial remediation can effectively remove soil pollutants. From soil quality point of view, microbes can able to help limiting growth of plant pathogens, increasing nitrogen fixation, and causing lower bioavailabilities inorganic and organic pollutants in the soils. Microbe-assisted bioremediation (microbial remediation) offer many ecological and cost-associated benefits [5].
Challenges to the Weaknesses/Disadvantages of Microbial Remediation
Based on the weaknesses or disadvantages of microbial remediation in (Table 2), five challenges can be highlighted:
Table 2: Advantages and disadvantages/weaknesses of microbial remediation [10].
    To decrease the bioavailability of incomplete breakdown of pollutants
Since there is possibility of incomplete breakdown of organic pollutants by using microbial remediation, the challenge is to study a complete breakdown of those contaminants. If complete breakdown of these pollutants is not possible, the bioavailability of these pollutants should be decreased. Studies should continue to increase the effectiveness of the microbial remediation technology. This includes how to control the processes so that the organic contaminants can be fully metabolized. This is important to immobilize and to reduce the bioavailability of the organic contaminants in the soils. [12] found that linear correlations between the Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH) and alkane degradation rates and the population and activity increases of TPH and alkane degraders (microbes). [9] critically reviewed the bioavailability of the pollutants during the degradation of PH process by microorganisms [13] reviewed the commercially available microbes in the bioremediation depending on factors affecting the biodegradation process of PH [13].
More studies on specific species of fungal and bacteria should be documented
that the process involving these microbes are tolerant and insensitive to the levels of toxicity of the environmental soils. From a review by [8], they mentioned successful bioaugmentation of aromatics- contaminated soils by single strains or mixed consortia. Regular application of herbicides may lead to their accumulation in the soil and at elevated concentration changes the physico-chemical properties of soils, microfloral composition and their activities and consequently the crop yields [2]. Microbial remediation is related to relationship of plant–bacteria that is applied to improve crop yield [14]. This plants obtain benefits from their associated-bacteria that possess the capability to biodegrade hydrocarbon. This enhances lower bioavailability of PH in terms of phytotoxicity and evapotranspiration of volatile hydrocarbons. Synergistic response between relationship of plants and microbes is recognized as an effective in situ method to clean up the polluted soils [7].
Regular monitoring of the effectiveness of microbial remediation is needed
Regular check and field biomonitoring of the rate of biodegradation of PH by the microbes should be conducted to reduce the unmobilized organic contaminants to be leached into the ground. If an ex-situ process is used, methodologies on how to control problematic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the soils should be provided based on field and laboratory studies. Since incomplete breakdown of pollutants into non-toxic compounds is sometimes possible, the persistent and toxic residual levels should be managed properly to reduce further environmental problems to the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. This could result in toxic by-products in the soil that could be more mobile and toxic when compared to the initial contamination.
If an ex-situ method is used in the microbial remediation, monitoring and controlling volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is not easy [10]. Therefore, field monitoring of VOCs on the efficiency of microbial remediation is necessary.
Shorter treatment period of microbial remediation
Although low-technology equipment is required, treatment time could be shorter. This could involve genetically engineered microorganisms for the microbial remediation. The efficiency of microbial remediation can be improved by genetically modified microbes [5]. Hence, further studies on the biodegradation process by the microbes are needed. Enhancement of bioremediation technologies by using transgenic plants and microbes has also been reviewed by [15]. This is important in the mitigation of associated ecological risk assessments of the polluted soils.
Microbial remediation should include a wider range of contaminant clean up
Future studies should focus on wider range of contaminants that can be effectively treated. These compounds that to be metabolized and degraded should include those of non-biodegradable in addition to biodegradable pollutants. Although the advantages of microbial remediation include minimal secondary pollution and preservation of topsoil quality [3], the usefulness in treating a broad range of environmental contaminants is questionable. [4] focused on phytoremedial plants that are able to deal with this type of complex pollution. This involves not only species that tolerate the joint effect of heavy metals in the soil, but also those that can take advantage of associated bacteria to efficiently break down organic compounds.
This has been the subject research area of [4] who focussed on phytoremedial plants that can tolerate the combination effects of heavy metals in the soil, in addition to the advantage of associated bacteria that can efficiently break down organic compounds in the soils.
Concluding Remarks
The use of microbial bioremediation in recovering polluted soils is not a new technology based on many review reports and studies on its efficiencies and on how to increase the effectiveness. Based on the above-mentioned six weaknesses/disadvantages of the microbial remediation by [10], future studies should focus on how to increase the effectiveness of the bioremediation technology that should further reduce environmental stress on the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. These challenges should be considered a trial and error research niche in the betterment of microbial remediation technology in future studies.
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Read More About this Article: https://biomedgrid.com/fulltext/volume2/cleaning-up-of-contaminated-soils-by-using-microbial-remediation.000589.php
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