#unfortunately! we got sushi together and they activated something in my brain
hitoripiledriver · 1 year
I hate ash I hate ash so much. 
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diamictite · 3 years
Bakugou and Deku decided to go out on a date night. With exams coming up it was hard to find time for it just to be the two of them with the exception of study dates, but even then, each were consumed in their study’s and hardly had time to glance at each other so they figure it’d be crucial to carve out time for each other outside of school and studying. Today’s date was Bakugous idea, he suggested going to a local manga store and buying a couple comics then buying cheap sushi from a convince store (that he’d never admit he would like, simply claimed that “since you like it, I guess we can get it”)
Now, Bakugou was aware that his boyfriend was pretty. He wasn’t blind and he knew others weren’t as well, but what happened, was a first for them both. Unfortunately for Deku, from the back he look fairly feminine, especially with how thicc he was 👀. The boys were on their way to a convenient store when they got distracted by another store that was selling hero merch and something happened to catch Baku’s eye. He paused as Daly continued to walk ahead of him a little
“Wait out here a minute Deku” he called as he walked into the store. He saw a figurine that he knew Deku didn’t have and knew it’d make a great birthday gift for him. Deku waited outside as was looking through some of the racks the store had with varies shirts and whatnot when he heard it; a whistle.
At first he didn’t even notice it, but then it happened a second time but he shrugged it off, thinking that whatever it was, didn’t apply to him. Then a third time. Now it was just irritating. He turned around to see two grown men standing a little farther down the sidewalk in the direction he and Bakugou had come from and noticed the two men happen to be ogling at him, looking his body up and down. He could tell they were clearly drunk and on a Wednesday morning of all days.
Deku rolled his eyes at them and turned around. He knew about catcalled from Uraraka as it happened to her frequently and she’d often complain about it. Deku witnessed it first had one day when they were out together and it nearly took everything in him not to Detroit smash the dudes head into the ground for the disgusting things he had said to her. Deku had never personally been cat called so he was a little surprised but got over it pretty quickly. He was simply ignoring them till he heard kissing and clicking noises like someone calling a stray cat to come near them.
Deku turned to once more to find that the two men were walking near him but he hardly feared them. Far from it. He knew he could take both them down before either could blink with their inebriated brains.
“Aw it’s a dude..” one of them drawled out
“Eh, who gives a shit. He’s still pretty cute from behind” the other eyes Deku up and down once more, nearly drooling.
“Fair. You got a pretty cute ass. You’d be a nice play thing” the second said as he started to reach for him. Deku was about to take both idiots down before something, more like someone, interrupted.
“Oi. Deku. The fucks going on?” Bakugou sneered at the two men as he came out of the store with a bag in hand.
“Kacchan, I was just about to ask these two lovely men, to fuck off” Deku’s smile was venomous. If looks could kill.
“Aw don’t be like that pet” the man who was previously about to reach for Deku wined as he glanced at Bakugou “we just wanted a little fun. Hey, why don’t you let us borrow your friend for a little while?” He had a disgusting smile across his face as he and his friend continued to ogle Deku
“The fuck you can-“ Baku started
“Kacchan” Deku interrupted his bf before he could start to blow up on the two asshats
“What?!” Baku snarled. Deku knew it wasn’t at him, but before Baku had a chance to bite the two men’s head off he looked at Deku who was giving him this…look, to which Bakugou immediately knew what to do.
“If you want him” Baku started and nodded at Deku “you’ll have to go through me” Baku gave a devilish smile as he wrapped his arm around Dekus waist to bring him close and promptly kissed him. Bakugou quickly turned it into a public make out session for the two men to watch. After a moment, they pull away, Deku with a bit of a dazed look but Baku quickly turns to look at the men
“If I ever see either of you again, I hope your quick on your feet” Baku sneered as little sparks popped in his hand that wasn’t holding his bf. The two men quickly stumbled away, often tripping over themselves in each other in their drunken stupor without so much as another word
“If anyone else bothers you I swear to god-“
“I can handle myself, but I wouldn’t want anyone else by my side” Deku said with love in his eyes.
The two went to the convenient store, got their cheep sushi, and went and chilled in a park reading and eating while whispering quietly to each other. This had been definitely been one of their favorite dates by far.
So… if any of y’all know me, or have gone far back enough into my blog 😅 you may know, I used to write. A lot. Well I JUST wrote this and my fiancé convinced me to post it, and I’m not personally super active in the MHA fandom but- uh, here ya go. But I’m high key a sucker for jealous/protective S/Os
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Snow or sand? I love the beach, but hate the sand. It literally gets everywhere. I love the snow, though. I wish it snowed where I live. I’ll have to go with snow.
Do you like sour candy? No. I don’t like the sourness and it irritates my mouth. 
If anyone, who did you sit with at lunch today? It’s only 5AM. I’m also not in school nor do I have a job, so I just have lunch at home either by myself in my room or with my mom in the living room or her room. That’s if I have lunch at all. 
What is the last letter of your favorite song? I couldn’t choose just one favorite song ya’ll know this.
Have you gotten any injuries lately? If so, what & how? No.
Are you a clumsy person? I bang my hand and elbow a lot.
How about disorganized? My room is a bit disorganized. I never used to let it get like that, but it’s a reflection of how I feel and have felt for the past few years. I’m a mess.
Have you ever thought about being a pirate? No.
If you text, who were the last three people you texted? My dad, mom, and brother. 
Does today’s date mean anything to you? Nope.
How are you currently feeling? Tired and kinda cold. 
Last male you talked to in person? My brother.
Have you ever had a sunburn? Yeah, many times. I got them a lot as a kid cause I actually used to play outside and spent a lot of time out there. Shocking, I know. I get them when I go to the beach as well. I’ve had some really painful ones. However, they always end up turning into a tan so that’s nice. 
Do you use Firefox or Internet Explorer? Neither, I use Chrome.
Are you thinking about asking anyone out? No.
Pink lemonade or regular lemonade? I’m not a fan of lemonade.
Chocolate or strawberry milk? Strawberry.
Does it annoy you when people answer surveys with “idk”? I know I say “I don’t know” a lot. I try to answer the questions and in more detail, but sometimes I really just don’t know.
What is the current time? 5:08AM.
Should you be doing something other than this? Probably try to go to sleep, but that just wouldn’t be me now would it.
When is the last time you did laundry? My laundry just got gone last night.
What volume is the ringer on your phone? It’s all the way up. 
Have you ever won a contest on the radio? No.
What shirt did you wear to bed last night? It was my Mario Bros shirt.
Where did you get that shirt? I got it from Hot Topic a couple years ago.
Do you hear any music right now? No, but I hear the ASMR video I’m watching. 
Are you a fan of the band Gym Class Heroes? I like some of their songs.
Overall, how was your day today? Like I said, it’s only 5 in the morning so it’s too soon to say.
Silver or gold jewelry? I like both.
In one word, how would you describe your best friend? Fabulous.
Is there a song that reminds you of your best friend? There’s many.
Do you have an alarm clock? Yeah, on my phone.
What was the weather like today? It’s supposed to rain today. We haven’t had much rain this winter, in fact it’s been awhile, so I hope it does. Do you often write on yourself? I don’t do that anymore, but I did when I was younger. For some reason that was like a thing a lot of people did to themselves in middle and high school. *shrug*
Is there writing on the shirt you are currently wearing? Yes. It’s a shirt from a place I vacationed at.
Would you rather be cold or hot? Cold, most definitely. I love wrapping up in a blanket, wearing a sweatshirt or hoodie, drinking hot coffee, or sitting by the fireplace. I love the coziness. Being hot is just absolutely miserable, there’s nothing I enjoy about that.
Frosted flakes or frosted mini wheats? I like both.
Do mushrooms really add flavor to food? I don’t eat mushrooms. 
What about onions? Yeah. I don’t mind if there’s some chopped up pieces in some foods and I like onion rings, but I don’t like onions on my burgers or in my burritos or anything like that.
Are you a fan of Thai food? I’ve never had it.
How about Indian food? I had chicken curry once, which I did like. I couldn’t have it now though cause I can’t eat spicy food anymore. :/
Have you ever tried sushi? Yes, and it was absolutely disgusting. I feel like everyone loves sushi but me.
What is the weirdest food you have eaten? I’m super picky, so I don’t think I’ve had anything all that weird. I’m so particular about my food.
Do you know who LL Cool J is? Yes.
You have a pocket full of change - what do you do with it? Put it in my bag.
Guitarists or lead singers? Lead singers.
What does your mom say about the pictures on your Facebook? She’ll like them and leave a nice comment. 
Where are you? In my room on my chair.
do you know your mother’s birthday? Of course.
do you like texting? Over talking on the phone, yeah. I don’t do much texting, though.
would you run down the street naked if it meant earning $15,000? Could it be pitch black and not a single soul in sight??
how do you feel about the person who texted you last? I love him, he’s my dad.
do you own a pair of skinny jeans? All my jeans are skinny jeans. 
what do the majority of people in your life call you? Steph or Sis.
will your next kiss be a mistake? I hope not? Who knows when my next kiss will even be or who it will be with. 
has a book ever made you cry? Yes.
do you like to cuddle? Sure. I don’t have much cuddling experience, though.
do you automatically check your phone when you wake up? I check the time on it.
are your parents still together? Yes.
Are you missing anyone? I’ll always miss my loved ones who have passed away.
What do you currently hear? An ASMR video.
Plans for tomorrow? No. I’m so sick of this question, it’s like in every survey and my answer is always the same. My life is very routine. I spend all my time at home doing the same things, especially since the pandemic. My plans now just consist of my once a month doctor appointment that I have to go to in order to get my prescription refills. 
What did you eat for lunch today? Like I mentioned a couple times now it’s only 5 in the morning.
Sex ruins relationships, right? No? It can, but that’s not a general statement. 
Where do you want to live when you’re older? My dream would be to live near the beach.
Is your life falling apart or coming together? It’s been falling apart for the past few years.
Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night? No, I didn’t even go to bed until like 6ish.
What color is your hair? It’s dark brown naturally, but I dye it red. Currently, it is a lot of my natural hair cause my roots are quite overgrown as it’s been almost a year since I last got it done. Sigh.
Are you spending the weekend with the last person you texted? Yeah, we live together.
Do you trip a lot? No.
If someone paid you $100 would you dance in the middle of times square? No.
Do you have anyone you fully trust? Yes.
What kind of pants did you wear today? I live in leggings, that’s all I wear.
How old is your television? About two years old.
Do you have a laptop or desktop? I have a laptop.
When did you last talk on the phone with someone? A couple days ago.
Are you currently sleepy? Yes.
Have you ever deleted Facebook friends for a significant other? No. I’ve never even been in the situation where a significant other asked or wanted me to do that.
Have you ever had bad trust issues with someone? Yes.
What accent do you think is the most attractive? British and southern accents.
Are you hot or cold natured? Hot, unfortunately. 
Do you own any television series box sets? I have I Love Lucy and The Dick Van Dyke Show boxsets.
Have you ever been in a fight with your best friend? Yes.
When did you last receive a hug and who was it from? A couple days ago from my mom.
Do you take any advanced classes? I’m done with school.
What is your lucky number? I don’t believe in luck, but my favorite number is 8.
Do you own a book bag? If so, what color is it? No.
Was the last movie you watched a horror film? Nope.
Do you own a lot of tee shirts? Yes. My wardrobe consists of a shit ton of graphic tees.
Do you plan your outfits ahead of time? No.
Have you ever spent the night in jail? No.
Are you a colorful person or quite bland? Bland. Well, except for my hair that I dye like a cherry red. 
List one word to describe your significant other? Nonexistent.
Have you ever been so nervous you threw up? No, but definitely felt nauseous and sick and like I could throw up.
Do you remember the first survey you took? Uh, definitely not. I’ve been taking surveys since like 2004/2005.
How many friends do you have on Facebook? 100 and something. *shrug*
Have you ever watched fight videos for amusement? No. I don’t find stuff like that amusing or entertaining at all.
In high school, were you in trouble a lot? I was never in trouble in school.
Do you enjoy your hairstyle? No. I don’t have the energy or motivation to do anything with it besides throw it up in a messy bun all the time.
Do you have long hair or short hair? My hair is long, it goes past my butt. Such a waste that I do nothing with it.
How much make up do you wear on a daily basis? None anymore. I haven’t worn makeup in almost 4 years.
What is your favorite television show? I have many.
Do you have a leather jacket? *Pleather, but yes.
Do you think anyone dislikes you for no reason? They probably have reason.
Do you have any children? Nooo.
Have you ever been interviewed on television before? No.
Do you have weak upper body strength? I used to have really great upper body strength as a paraplegic who only had upper body mobility and uses a manual wheelchair. When I was in school and had a social life, I was active. I didn’t spend all day, everyday in bed or at home all day doing nothing. I had toned arms before. I lost my muscle mass and now I’m weak cause I’m not active at all anymore.
What is the worst insult someone can call you? I don’t know. I say mean, hurtful things to myself all the damn time. My brain plays ‘em on a loop. 
Are you good at sketching? No. I don’t have any artistic abilities, sadly.
Do you think hugs are awkward? Yeah, they can be.
Do you think facial hair is gross? No. I’m not a big fan of a lot of facial hair, though.
Would you ever dye your hair an unnatural color? I dye it red?
What color was the last cup you drank from? It’s a clear glass.
Ever play Angry Birds? Nah, I never got into that.
Did you think it was annoying, like I did? It just didn’t look like my kind of game.
Have you ever been to the zoo before? Yeah, many times.
What instruments do you know how to play? None anymore, but I used to play some piano back in the day. I wish I took it more seriously back then. I wish I had practiced more and kept up with it because I did enjoy it.
How late did you stay up last night? I went to bed around 6ish. And that’s AM if you’re new here.
How late do you plan on staying up tonight? Well, it’s 5:46AM now...
Whose wall did you post on last?  I share stuff to my mom’s wall sometimes.
Have you ever done hard drugs before? No. All I’ve done is weed.
Has anyone ever been weirdly obsessed with you? No.
Do you own a Snuggie? I do. 
What is your favorite band of all time? Linkin Park will always be one of them.
Would you consider getting a tattoo any time soon? Nah.
Are you afraid someone might steal your identity someday? It’s not something I’ve actively thought or worried about.
Are there any paintings on your wall? Yeah, a few giraffe ones and a couple beach ones.
Speaking of which, what color are your walls painted? White.
Do you have any talents that come naturally? No. :( I’m lame.
Do you have any piercings? Just my earlobes.
What is your favorite piece of jewelry? The ones I have with my birthstone on it.
Is there a place you'd rather live right now? Somewhere with colder weather.
Do you change your bed sheets often? Usually just like twice a month.
Do you go out often? lol.
Have you ever had plastic surgery before? No. 
Are you afraid of airplane rides? I get super anxious beforehand, but once up in the air I start to relax a bit and I’m okay. Well, unless there’s a lot of turbulence. 
How many times a day do you brush your teeth? At least once a day.
Do you consider yourself a sensitive person? Very.
What's the best Valentine's Day gift you've gotten? My mom is so sweet and has always gotten me something like candy and a stuffed animal or something, but I’ve never received anything from a guy. 
If you're reading a book, what page are you currently on? I don’t feel like checking.
Do you think people are intimidated by you? Uh, no. I can’t imagine anyone being intimidated by me.
Do you have a job you like? I don’t have a job.
Do you know how to do your own laundry? I have to have help with that. 
Have you ever lived with a roommate before? No.
Do you like candles? There’s a lot of nice smelling ones, but I’m just not a candle person. Give me a room spray instead.
Would you prefer internet or television? Internet.
What is something you lose often? Patience.
Do you have any classes with friends? I’m done with school.
Do you enter a lot of sweepstakes? No. I haven’t entered any kind of contest in a really long time.
What is your favorite possession in your room? I couldn’t possibly choose one thing. I love all my stuff. What will you be doing in the next ten minutes? Finishing this survey, maybe start another, and listen to ASMR.
How old is your oldest sibling? 37.
Do you consider yourself physically active? Not at all. I explained all that in another question.
How many scarves do you own, if any at all? Zero.
Do you have any cuts or scratches as of now? Not that I know of.
Where did you last sleep? My bed, like I always do.
Do you have Netflix? Yep. 
Are you colorblind? No.
Do you know anyone personally who is colorblind? Yeah, my high school chem teacher.
Favorite salad dressing? Ranch. Unless I’m eating a Caesar salad, of course. A vinaigrette is good, too.
Do you enjoy dancing? I don’t do much dancing.
Have you ever considered writing a novel? I actually have thought about it before.
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itsbigdangofamily · 4 years
Of Telephone Calls and Teacher’s Pets
A/N: Here's a silly little fic about Shinsou and Kaminari. You can also read it on AO3.
“You know I love you, dude, right?”
It takes a few seconds for Kaminari’s words to pierce the sleep-thick veil surrounding Shinsou’s brain. When Shinsou finally does register what Kaminari is saying, he feels an immediate desire to hang up and go back to sleep. As it is, he can already sense a headache starting to form. Biting back a groan, Shinsou rubs his bleary eyes in an effort to keep them open.
“What did you do this time,” Shinsou replies, his voice lacking any sort of inflection.
On the other end of the line, Kaminari gives what Shinsou thinks is supposed to be an indignant huff, but it sounds distinctly nervous to Shinsou’s (unfortunately) well-trained ear. “What makes you think I did anything wrong?”
Shinsou rolls his eyes, although he knows Kaminari can’t see. He doesn’t reply, letting the silence stew between them. Shinsou is perfectly content to stay like this—leaning back against his headboard, face turned towards the poster-covered walls of his dorm room, the phone pressed against his ear—until Kaminari breaks.
It doesn’t take long.
Kaminari gives an anxious laugh, the kind that always spells trouble for Shinsou. He imagines the sheepish expression Kaminari is probably making right now, his hand unconsciously reaching up to scratch the back of his neck.
It’s disturbing how clearly Shinsou can imagine it.
“Alright, so I might’ve gotten into a little trouble . . .” Kaminari’s voice trails off. Shinsou still doesn’t say anything. If Kaminari wants Shinsou to bail him out (again), he’s going to have to work up the nerve himself to ask, because Shinsou sure as hell isn’t going to waste his energy trying to get Kaminari to confess to his misdeeds.
Kaminari clears his throat and coughs slightly. “So, you know Earmuffs? Aizawa’s cat?” he asks, and Shinsou does not like where this is going. Not one bit.
“The cat he found abandoned in the park,” Shinsou deadpans. “The cat he took home and nursed back to health. The cat he let Present Mic name. The cat he only lets students play with when he’s around. That cat.”
“Er, yeah. That cat.” Kaminari laughs again, but nervousness gives a sharp edge to the sound. The throbbing in Shinsou’s head increases in intensity.
“What did you do to her?” he asks, and there’s a part of him that really does not want to know the answer. 
“So, funny story. I wanted to play with Earmuffs, but Aizawa wasn’t around, so I—”
“What. Did. You. Do.” Shinsou bites off his words, launching each one at Kaminari through the phone like a missile. Shinsou imagines Kaminari’s flinch.
“I lost the cat,” Kaminari mumbles. Shinsou fights the sudden urge to throw something at a wall.
“You lost the cat,” Shinsou repeats, perfectly monotone and emotionless.
“I didn’t mean to!” Kaminari exclaims defensively. “I was playing with her, and I turned my back for one second, and she was gone! I don’t know where she is, and Aizawa is going to murder me, and you have to help me, Shinsou! You have to! Do you want my death on your conscience?”
Shinsou is sorely tempted to reply that he wouldn’t lose a wink of sleep over Kaminari’s murder. Instead, he sighs loudly. “Why are you bugging me for help? Don’t you have a literal animal whisperer in your class?”
“Kouda’s visiting his parents.”
“What about that glasses guy? I’m sure he’d love to help you out.”
“Iida’s at the mall with Midoriya, Uraraka, and Todoroki. Everyone else is out, too. I’m the only one in the dorms right now.”
“Now I see what the problem is. Your classmates thought you could be trusted to stay behind by yourself.”
“It’s not my fault everyone decided to go out this weekend! Come on, Shinsou, help me out here!” There’s a definite note of hysteria creeping into Kaminari’s words, and Shinsou is torn between feeling sympathetic and amused.
“And what if it just so happens that I’ve got weekend plans too?” Shinsou asks, the slightest hint of a smirk working its way into his voice. “Wouldn’t that be a shame.”
“Dude, come on,” Kaminari answers exasperatedly. “You never do anything on the weekends. You just hole up in your room and sleep for two days straight. I bet you were sleeping before I called you.”
Shinsou really wishes he could deny it. Instead, he slips back into his absolutely monotone voice.
“You know, sleeping sounds a lot more fun than looking for a cat. I think I’ll do that instead. Goodbye.”
“No, no, don’t—wait, Shinsou! I’ll buy you takoyaki!” Kaminari’s panicked voice crackles loudly through the phone speaker. Shinsou pauses with his finger on the end call button. He brings the phone back up to his ear.
“Go on,” he says. Kaminari breathes an audible sigh of relief.
“Lots and lots of takoyaki,” Kaminari assures him. “We can go to that one shop you really like, and I’ll buy you ramen too. And sushi. And whatever else you want.”—Shinsou politely refrains from mentioning that the last time Kaminari had tried to treat Shinsou to a meal, he’d forgotten his wallet, and Shinsou had ended up footing the bill—“Come on, Shinsou. I’m going to be in such deep shit if Aizawa comes back before I find the cat. Help me.”
For a second, Shinsou contemplates leaving Kaminari to fend for himself. He could hang up, lay back down, and sink back into blissful, wonderful sleep (lord knows, he needs it). He wouldn’t even feel that guilty about whatever punishment Aizawa ended up doling out; it would be well-deserved.
For some reason though, Shinsou finds this option strangely unappealing. Running around campus looking for a cat sounds like the last thing he’d ever want to do on a day off from school, and yet there’s a part of him that thinks it wouldn’t be so bad, if Kaminari is there with him. And sure, he might be an idiot, and really annoying, and prone to bothering Shinsou to help get him out trouble, but he also actively seeks out Shinsou’s company and doesn’t seem bothered hanging out with him alone. Not to mention teasing Kaminari with deadpan sarcasm is undeniably fun.
When Shinsou opens his mouth to reply, he’s only half-surprised to find that the words flowing out of him are “Fine. I’ll be over in ten.”
Over the phone, Kaminari lets out a whoop of relief. “Oh my God, really? Shinsou, you are the fucking best. I love you so much. Seriously, you are the absolute best person in the whole entire—”
Shinsou hangs up on him.
Shinsou slurps his ramen down contentedly, an air of satisfaction settling around him. Earmuffs had been safely returned to Aizawa’s room before her owner had returned (it had been a close thing), and Kaminari had made good on his promise by taking Shinsou out for dinner to his favorite restaurant.
Now, sitting across the table from Kaminari, Shinsou can’t help but notice the slight frown on his companion’s face as he not-so-discreetly checks the contents of his wallet. Oh, well, Shinsou thinks. At least Kaminari remembered to bring it this time.
Setting down his bowl, Shinsou reaches into his pocket. He tosses his wallet across the table at Kaminari, watching it skid to a stop just before it can teeter over the edge. Kaminari looks up at him in surprise.
“We can split the bill,” Shinsou says before promptly going back to eating his ramen, relishing in the taste of the warm, salty broth.
“Really? Are you sure?” Kaminari asks, his brows pulled together. Shinsou doesn’t reply, doesn’t even stop eating, only regards Kaminari with a steady, unwavering look.
Kaminari suddenly breaks into a broad grin. “Thanks, man. Owe you one,” he says before calling the waiter to order a second bowl of ramen.
Shinsou rolls his eyes and takes a big slurp of noodles. As Kaminari turns his smiling gaze from the waiter back to Shinsou, he can’t help the sudden surge of warmth that floods his body—pleasant, comforting, and all-encompassing.
From the noodles, Shinsou thinks. It’s just the heat from the noodles. 
Wherever it comes from, it follows Shinsou all night long. Throughout dinner, smirking at Kaminari’s largely unsuccessful attempts to eat neatly; during the walk back to the dorms, Kaminari yammering at a mile a minute next to him; even as he lays in bed that night, on the verge of falling asleep—he feels the warmth of sunshine inside him.
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empressdrega27 · 6 years
do the ship meme u reblogged a little bit ago with you and akh!!
Bless you Nonny~
How did they they meet?
I met Ahk when some people who aren’t very fond of me sent a very special book of mine to another dimension to spite me. I followed my book and wound up in a museum, and after retrieving said book, the museum came to life. Not wanting to be seen by the inhabitants (as i’m a dragon hybrid creature), I jumped to the second floor to escape. Once there, I heard a horrible scream, and I ran towards it to help. I found that the screaming was coming from a sarcophagus, and even though I was afraid of what might be inside, I opened it anyways. The person inside stepped out and revealed themselves to be a gorgeous man with an amazing voice! He asked to meet his rescuer, but I told him I didn’t want to scare him. He insisted, and so I stepped out of the shadows. He smiled at me, introduced himself, and told me that he wasn’t afraid. He then offered me a reward for saving him, and I told him that all I wanted was to be his friend, for finding someone who wasn’t afraid of me is rare. Ahk said, “My friendship is yours, you had it the moment you set me free”, and with that, he became my best friend, and later, so much more~
Who developed romantic feelings first?
Honestly, I’m not sure. I think we developed our feelings at roughly the same time, so it’s hard to say who actually fell first.
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
To be honest, the whole museum knew that we were hardcore crushing on each other, but I think Sacagawea and Attila are the two biggest shippers! Sac is a mother figure of sorts to Ahk, and she was always trying to gently nudge him into confessing to me, and Attila was super impressed with my strength and we became pretty good friends. He tried to tell me that it was obvious that Ahk felt the same way, but as I’m a dense and oblivious idiot when it comes to feelings, I continued to deny Attila’s advice. Jed and Octavius also were big shippers of us, but they weren’t as actively trying to get us together.
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
Our first kiss happened shortly after we confessed to each other, and it was a moment I’ll never forget. I was so nervous and worried that it was all just a dream and that I’d wake up anytime, alone. Ahk said he felt the same, and he was scared of waking up back in his sarcophagus. We laughed a bit and he scooted closer to me and said, “You are so beautiful, Elizabeth”. And he kissed me! After we pulled apart, I asked if we could kiss again, and we did~
Who confessed their feelings first?
We confessed in a weird way. The entire start of our relationship was weird tbh. I’d been falling into a depression relapse and my dumb brain had been telling me that Ahk would never feel the same way about me as I did for him. I tried to talk my feelings out with Attila and the Huns, but eventually, I broke down. I was crying and pacing and basically screaming at myself saying, “Look at me!! I’m a monster! I’m hideous! Ahkmenrah is perfect, how could he ever love something like me?!” At that, Ahk comes out of the shadows, “You’re wrong”, he says. I jump and try to rub the tears off of my face, and he comes closer. “You’re not hideous. You’re the most exquisite creature I’ve ever known, and you’re no monster. I’ve loved you from the moment you and I retrieved the tablet from Cecil.” I’m shocked, “You…. you love me? You think I’m beautiful?” He nods and leads me to a bench to sit down, where he continues to tell me all the times he tried to confess, only to lose his nerve. He was worried that he was too ordinary to be with me. In the end, we laughed about the whole thing, and afterwards, we had our first kiss~
What was their first official date?
Our first official date was on a Thursday, and it came about when Ahk read about modern dating and asked me what kind of dates I’d been on. I told him that I’d never actually been on a date, and that was when he stood up and said that he was going to take me on one then. We looked for a restaurant that was open, and all we found that was close by was an IHOP. Thus, we went to IHOP for our first date, and it was the best date I’ve ever been on!
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
We love them! So long as we enjoy the company of the people we’re hanging out with, we absolutely love double dates and group dates!
What do they do in their down time?
On our downtime, we usually either hang out around our house, or we visit our friends. When we stay home, we do any number of things, video games, reading in the library, swimming, and horseback riding are all things we do often~
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
Meeting Ahk’s parents was terrifying. And (just as I predicted) they hated me. They wanted Ahk to marry an Egyptian woman of royal blood, and they were convinced that I was using Ahk for some nefarious purpose. They finally figured out that I was genuinely devoted to him and now Ahk’s mother thinks of me as her daughter in law. His father on the other hand still doesn’t approve, but he keeps his mouth shut cuz he knows there’s nothing he can do about it. Ahk meeting my mom and my father figures went amazingly though! Everyone loves Ahk, and anyone with a brain can see that he adores me.
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
Our first fight came about when Ahk was having really bad nightmares about something, and he wouldn’t tell me what the nightmares were about. That was fine with me, I know how hard it is to talk about really bad dreams, but he started getting really short tempered with me every time I asked what was wrong. Finally, the last straw came when I asked yet again if he was okay, and he lost it. He yelled that I had no idea what it was like to die and that I couldn’t possibly understand how he felt. I was shocked, and as I don’t cope well with people shouting at me, I started crying. I told him that I did know what it was like to die and that all I wanted to do was help him. His tone and demeanor were cold and he roughly explained that his past was far too painful to speak about and that I should leave because he needed to be alone for a while. I managed to choke out a “fine”, before making a brisk exit. It was then that he realized that I was crying and he seemed to realize how much of an ass he was being, cuz a few minutes later, he went looking for me. Unfortunately, I’d been called on a mission and I had to leave the museum, and I wasn’t able to return until 3 days later. Ahk believed I’d left for good and had become despondent. When he knew I hadn’t left for good, he was overjoyed and he apologized for acting the way he did, and I apologized for not only pushing him to talk about something that made him uncomfortable, but also for intentionally continuing with my mission to the point of nearly killing myself from exhaustion. Because that’s what I almost did. We got past it because we were both miserable to the point of wanting to die the entire time we were apart, and that’s a pretty clear indicator that you really, really love someone. Ahk understood that he needed to talk about what was bothering him and I understood that I needed to give him the time to actually be comfortable doing that.
Which one is more easily made jealous?
Me. Ahk is a very attractive man, it’s understandable that people would wanna flirt with him. It’s not the flirting that bothers me, it’s when the people completely disregard that Ahk isn’t single, or say things like “that’s your girlfriend? you can do way better, like me for example”. That’s not to say that Ahk doesn’t get jealous too, but it’s mostly me.
What is their favorite thing to get to eat?
Ahk loves fried stuff, candy, cake, and gelato! I have no clue why Ahk has a taste for fried chicken, funnel cake, and onion rings, but he loves that stuff and I have multiple people who will confirm that watching him demolish a bucket of fried chicken is a sight to behold. As for me, I love sushi, pasta, chocolate, and meat. I have a super fast metabolism, so I need to eat often to keep up my energy, and starchy carb filled, fatty, big meals are perfect for me~
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favorite cuddling position?
That would be Ahk! Not to say I’m not cuddly, but Ahk is always leaping into my arms or hugging me, so we’ll say he’s the really cuddly one. His favorite cuddling position is any position where he can lay his forehead against mine. He’s sappy like that (i am too lmao)
Are they hand holders?
We are indeed! It’s nice to be able to hold your lover’s hand as you’re walking or watching a movie or something.
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
Eheh, we waited about a month to take our relationship to the next level. It would’ve been less time, but I’m shy and I didn’t think Ahk would be interested in me like that (I was very wrong lmao). We finally got on with it when I got a sudden burst of brazen energy and took my shirt off in front of him.
Who tops?
Depends on who’s in the mood to top, could be either one. Or both in one night~
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into?
I’m gonna assume this is supposed to say fight, and the answer is the fight I mentioned above. It was the first real fight, and also the worst. Namely though, it was the last really big fight, and we’ve done our best to keep it that way. Neither of us wants to relive the horrible way we felt after being separated in that way and for that long.
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
Me and me again. Ahk helps with both, but I’m the one who does it primarily. Ahk is still learning the ins and outs of cooking with a stove, and he’d get way too distracted at the grocery store if he went by himself. I love him, bu his curiosity gets the best of him at times!
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
Ahk is more organized, while I’m more prone to untidiness. Ahk is more mathematically minded, so he’s naturally more organized and methodical. I on the other hand would much rather just wing it and have things be wherever. If i lose something, I can just summon it. Ahk ends up cleaning and tidying things for me anyways though (bless him).
Who proposes?
I think Ahk would beat me too it, but I would have an ornate dagger to propose to him with if I propose first! He’d probably propose to me with a necklace or bracelet rather than a ring.
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
Separate, but methinks we’d end up getting bored and we’d sneak away to hang out together~
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
My maids of honor would be my friends Anisha and Nocta, along with my three best friends, Kid, Wally, and Simon. Ahk’s best man would most likely be Octavius or Nicky, with his groomsmen being Attila, Teddy, and Sacagawea.
Big Ceremony or Small?
We have lots of friends (and we rule a planet) so a big ceremony is a must!
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  
We do indeed have a honeymoon, and we go on a huge world tour, visiting every city we can!
Do they have children? How many?
We can’t have biological children together, but we will adopt! As for how many, I think we’ll adopt one or two and once they grow up, we’ll adopt one or two more, and we’ll keep doing that for as long as we live or until there are no abandoned children left in the world~
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mikeyd1986 · 7 years
On Monday night, I did my first ever Hot Yoga class at Power House Yoga in Berwick. This studio was recommended to me by a few people and I’ve been wanting to try it for a while now but hadn’t been brave enough until now. I was still feeling quite nervous about it with my anxious thoughts being loud as usual (What if I can’t handle the heat? What if I pass out?). But yoga instructors Jenna, Pete and Mel were all welcoming and reassuring as I signed myself in. http://www.powerhouseyoga.com.au/Yo...
The studio room itself was basically like a giant sauna with white wooden floorboards, a wall mounded electric fireplace, large mirrors and black Sanskrit symbols. I decided to set my yoga mat up early to allow myself to adjust to the room temperature (36-38 degrees). I literally felt like I was sun-baking as I laid myself down. It was a really big class with about 20 other students, both male and female. This was definitely something I wasn’t used to.
Tonight’s Yoga Heat class was a fast-paced Vinyasa flow practice which contained poses including Downward Facing Dog, Plank, Cobra, Pigeon pose, Eagle pose, Bridge pose and a Warrior sequence. It was pretty difficult to keep up with the pace at times because I was sweating so much. I had to cover my yoga mat with towels to avoid slipping. It was absolutely saturated in sweat by the end of the class. Despite the heat, I actually felt quite energised and my heart rate was actually increasing.
The meditation was brief but necessary. Pete read us a quote from Deepak Copra about nothing being impossible to achieve in life. I noticed that the air in the room was cooling down and I sighed with relief, thinking “Thank fucking God”. We all sealed our practice with the chant of one ohm together and in that moment, I felt like I was in a Buddhist temple. http://www.womenshealthandfitness.com.au/...
On Tuesday night, I went down to YMCA Casey RACE for my Water Workout class. There were quite a few people in the pool tonight and we were all making waves literally. Our instructor Suzie was really funny and entertaining, giving us over the top demonstrations of what not to do. The tracklist was a mixture of upbeat classics including The Beach Boy’s California Girls, Billy Idol’s Mony Mony and Lesley Gore’s It’s My Party and I’ll Cry if I Want to. http://www.caseyrace.ymca.org.au/pa...
In terms of exercises, we did a wide variety of movements including jogging, side-stepping, tuck jumps, kicks, ski slopes, jumping jacks and even push ups against the pool edge. Suzie made it really fun, even splitting us up into groups and making us running up and down the length of the pool. We also used the underwater dumb bells and the noodle for some of the exercises. I feel like I’m gaining more confidence in the water every time I do one of these classes and I’m working my muscles at the same time. http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/work...
On Thursday afternoon, I had my one on one PT session with Luke Davey at Breakaway Fitness in Narre Warren. This was a really tough day for me mentally as I made the decision to confront my financial issues and take a break from Breakaway Fitness. I had to be honest with myself and with Luke as realistically I can’t afford it right now. I was literally shaking with nervous energy because I really didn’t know how he was going to react. But thankfully it all worked out.
The warm-up exercises involved three rounds of the following: 100 skips, 10 squats, 10 sit ups and 10 push ups. Honestly, I was already struggling to get through this part of the workout but I kept pushing myself through it. The next part was sadly even worse. Mentally, I just wasn’t in the right mindset at all. I had to push a metal plow across a section of grass both ways and also run that distance 10 times. It didn’t take long for me to break.
I was exhausted physically and emotionally even before I hit round 5. It didn’t help that I was overthinking a lot of shit. I just knew that I wasn’t doing my best today and it really upset me. After I finished the 10 rounds, I sat down on the bench with my head in my hands. I was done. In the moment, I felt like I’d failed and that I’d let Luke down. I broke down emotionally and opened up about my financial issues.
I feel so embarrassed with how much debt I’ve put myself in but I’m starting to make pro-active steps to turn it all around. The one thing that I wanted to achieve out of today is making sure that the door remains open for me to return to Breakaway Fitness when I’m financially ready to. I’m glad that Luke understands my situation and hopefully the last two sessions will be much better than today’s one. https://www.facebook.com/breakawayf...
On Friday morning, I attended the Morning Melodies function at Waltzing Matilda Hotel in Springvale. Mum and I were running late but unfortunately we weren’t really missing much. Today’s entertainer was Davey D who did a tribute to Frank Sinatra. He was dressed in a light grey suit and rocked a black afro hairstyle. He played many Sinatra classics on his acoustic guitar including My Blue Heaven, I’ve Got You Under My Skin, Jack Knife, My Way, Come Fly With Me, Learning the Blues and New York, New York.
Whilst he played and sung the songs pretty decently, he didn’t have the on-stage charisma or the personality to hold the interest of the audience. Most people were clearly looking bored and ready to doze off throughout the performance. On the menu today was a cream of broccoli soup, a roast lamb with seasoned vegetables and a pavlova with cream and passionfruit sauce. https://www.waltzingmatildahotel.com.au/...
On Friday afternoon, I attended my Body Pump class at YMCA Casey ARC in Narre Warren. It was a packed class today which was something I’m usually not used to and I found myself up at the back of the class. Our instructor Nat was really hilarious as always. She decided to alter the tracklist and replaced most of the tracks with Pink songs including I’m Not Dead, Blow Me One Last Kiss and Try.
During the workout, I was actually feeling good about myself. Something clicked inside my brain and I was finally getting the movements including the single rows, clean & press and overhead lifts. I was a little shaky at times during the bench press parts but I had a couple of people near me to follow along with. The single leg lunges and push ups were easily the hardest parts of the workout. I could definitely feel the burn big time. But I walked away from the class feeling great and that I smashed it which was a huge contrast to yesterday’s session. http://w3.lesmills.com/israel/en/cl...
On Friday night, I went along to the Wine and Cheese members evening at Now, Yoga. in Narre Warren South. The usual nerves and social anxiety kicked in when I walked into the studio but slowly these feelings began to dissipate. There was a huge spread on the tables including cheese, crackers, nuts, cupcakes, sushi rolls, salad wraps and sandwiches. For some reason, I always have this unspoken obligation to eat food at social functions even though I’m trying hard to cut back and lose weight.
I started slowly mingling though it was really difficult seeing as though I didn’t know many people there besides the yoga teachers and a couple of students I’ve seen around. But naturally things evolved and I started making conversation. I stayed until the end of the speeches and after the raffle was drawn.
Studio owner Tony gave a heartfelt speech about the history of the studio, the burdens that the business faced and the recent triumphs and successes. In the last few months, the studio has truly flourished and grown both as a physical space and as a community of people. The renovations have really improved the space greatly from a leaf green feature wall to a large mural of a tree with an inspirational quote. I really enjoy attending classes there and I will continue to do so in the future. http://nowyoga.net.au/
“But there’s a scream inside that we all try to hide. We hold on so tight, we cannot deny. Eats us alive, oh it eats us alive. Yes, there’s a scream inside that we all try to hide. We hold on so tight, but I don’t wanna die, no. I don’t wanna die.” Sia - Bird Set Free (2016)
“All smiles, I know what it takes to fool this town. I’ll do it ‘til the sun goes down and all through the night time. Oh yeah, oh yeah, I’ll tell you what you wanna hear. Leave my sunglasses on while I shed a tear. It’s never the right time.” Sia - Unstoppable  (2016)
0 notes