#uncorrect fallout quotes
sassenashsworld · 1 year
Danse : Here, my heart
Nora : It's a fusion core...
Danse : ... ... ... yeah
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lothrilzul · 5 years
Father: I am... disappointed. Sole: Hello, Disappointed, I'm dad.
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teacherintransition · 3 years
Go it Alone?
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During this transition of life from teacher to seeker of dreams, it is very much a solitary trek fraught with missteps and rethinking.
If you’re just heading for the rocker, your choice, easy... if you are making a life change, the supportive partner from the old life is a valuable treasure.
The day in Nacogdoches is magnificent; 73 degrees, brilliant sunshine, bright blue sky, a gentle ten mph breeze making the leaves engage in a graceful dance ... it is an almost perfect day. Unlike the two previous days of gray, gloomy rain which did nothing to motivate the writer in me to put pen to paper; that phrase is antiquated, but sounds so much more lofty in tone than, “putting keyboard to screen.”
My thoughts these last two days have been occupied with what I would usually be doing as a teacher for the previous 30 years. The closing down process of a school year is almost instinctual at this point, except I’m not doing it this time. I feel very out of place missing the emotional state and process that is so memorable to a teacher. No, not the obligatory jamming of Alice Cooper’s, “School’s Out for Summer” out of every school PA system nationwide, which is pretty damn cool. It is one of the reaffirming times that a teacher loves, the visible achievement of making it through the year, seeing kids meet goals and surpass them, the establishing of bonds with young people that will last a lifetime, the camaraderie with colleagues, the farewell to those moving on or retiring ... retiring ... the transition. Truly feeling out of place and time. Despite the braggadocio of so many who proclaim, “I ain’t ever lookin back” ... go forth I suppose, but if you were in education for the “right” reasons you can’t help but look back and wonder. If you don’t ... even just a little, why did you become a teacher in the first place? Ah, I digress... onward and forward with ye vaunted transition.
Many wonder, I did, what makes the transition easier? I’ve discussed ad infinitum the need for a plan, activity, a purpose... of being able to rest (a little bit) on your laurels and find yourself. As a means of a cooperative, communal working through being a dedicated educator to a retired seeker of self actualization; I feel that all aspects are up for examination. I cautiously broach this topic because it somewhat treads upon the grounds of relationship advice. I’m happily married and it was NOT an easy road without potholes and obstacles. Painful, difficult, heartbreaking, frustrating at times yes; but any successful point is only achieved through such struggle. Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Brent and Kim Rich... you’ve overcome raising three boys, a mortgage, being overdrawn, personal struggles and you’ve reached your 34th anniversary... smooth sailing here on out. Except the arduous process of getting “mature,” empty nesting and the sad passing of family from the previous generation.... AND ... Brent is retiring! Instant gut check. All I have is personal experience, anecdotal observations and arbitrary wisdom that may or may not apply to you the reader.... it also falls under the umbrella of “MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!”
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The relationship with your partner is a vital consideration; in for a penny...in for a pound. If your marriage(s) have made it this far, the “R word”... retirement is a joint venture, and, for that matter, a venture that your kids will have input regarding. You might be thinking, “I ANSWER TO NO ONE,” or “I’VE EARNED THIS ... I DESERVE THIS!” Silly rabbit... to quote Clint Eastwood (I love doing that), “deserves got nuthin to do with it,” as you’ll find out.* As I write this, there are three friends whose retirement plans have just become victims of a monkey wrench. I’d be foolish as would my wife if we didn’t know that destiny turns on a dime. “No man is an island entirely of itself. Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind,” brilliantly stated by John Donne. ** Now that the intangibles have been addressed, let’s delve into more concrete realities.
You and your spouse, partner, soul mate, fellow traveler must be somewhat on the same page and hopefully have been for a number of years leading up to this decision. If you are uncompromising... then expect fallout from spouses, children, friends and family... not total or irrevocable or permanent... but maybe. Being uncompromising with the intangibles is pointless... being uncompromising with the others in your life; expect a price to be paid. We are all in this together and friends and family are often by choice. On the other side of the coin, friends and family should be somewhat accommodating to your dreams... fate and destiny may not give a whit ... but you’re loved ones should as you should to them.
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Let’s move away from unpleasant, confrontational possibilities to those built on a partnership that didn’t grow apart but grew together. Long before you hit your 50’s, this path of common goals should have always been the objective. Raising a family and navigating careers should be an enriching experience, but all too often it can be the reason a couple grows apart. Hisham Matar’s book, A Month in Siena, continues to be a treasure trove of wisdom. He offers this warning for couples and people in general who allow themselves to grow apart:
Growing apart has a consequence which will surely follow. What lies beyond are longings in nostalgia and this needs to be accounted for what it is.... if, what the people thinking here is a true hell is not; the true hell is realizing you are not being recognized by those closest to you.***
If you intentionally keep the commonality of each other’s goals, dreams and objectives in mind, you shouldn’t discover a stranger when retirement decisions come around. The relationships with family and friends and relating to oneself introspectively are to be visited often. You can become a stranger to yourself as well as those close to you perhaps even shutting to yourself off to everyone. Again from Matar:
We met at a place they like appearing to be standing there with the optimism of successful people. An unexpected turn in the conversation began to confess such inconsolable disappointments regarding their lives and careers; veiled sentiments that seemed to conceal powerful criticisms of one another. Each listed with the head of blame and quiet violence that some couples are capable of, all the missed opportunities, the roads not taken and now uncorrectable regrets****
That bleak outcome can be turned inward all too easily. Be open ... to those in your life, many heartaches can be avoided.
So, let’s say that the work has been put into relationships and an understanding and respect of one’s goals have become shared goals or visions; you’ve not only avoided conflict, but obtained support and encouragement for what can be a risky set of plans. My wife has been able to read me sometimes better than I can read myself... with the shared effort given. Without trying, we started to share common dreams; we didn’t plan on that 20 years ago (truth be told 20-25 years ago was a rough patch)... we started sharing what we hoped to achieve, helped each other on the difficult steps we were then experiencing and talked ... who’d have thought? This is our path and is not a guarantee that both sides will depart at point A and arrive at the same point B; but the odds improve even though neither can anticipate those rascally intangibles. You chose each other for a reason, you raised a family together for that reason... don’t hide what you want from each other or from your friends for that matter. Do Kim and I share a common general outlook? Absolutely. Does that outlook appear identical to each of our visions? No... c’mon nothing worthwhile will come that easy. Are we facing compromise? Sure, and is it worth it? To have someone to share dreams, to encourage you when roadblocks appear, to validate your vision... it absolutely is worth it. Go it alone? Not the most desired outcome... we are social creatures, we need each other ... as long as “give and take” is understood, it will be ok in the final picture.
But, I will live in Italy ... you’ll see you will all see ...(end with maniacal laughter)
*Eastwood, Clint; The Unforgiven
**Donne, John; No Man is an Island
***Matar, Hisham; A Month in Siena
****Matar, Hisham; A Month in Siena
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sassenashsworld · 1 year
Nick : I just realized if Nora hadn’t been cryogenized, the Minutemen would be destroyed, Shaun would never have become director of the Institute, so the Gen IIIs wouldn’t exist, if the Gen IIIs didn’t exist, the Rail Road wouldn’t exist, the Brotherhoods would never have come to the Commonwealth…
Deacon :
Preston :
Piper :
MacCready :
Danse :
Nora : Okay! We said we weren’t giving Nick the nano-techno beer anymore! Who gave him?
Hancock : Guilty, but I have nothing to do with his overthinking
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sassenashsworld · 1 year
Nick : What did you just do! What did you just DO?
Nick : Come!
Danse : NICK!
Piper : I hear Nick is reprimanding Dogmeat again…
Deacon : Not Dogmeat
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sassenashsworld · 1 year
Nora : Look Nick! I fly!
Nick : How's Hancock?
Nora : How do I know?
Nick : Because you hung with him again
Nora : How do you know?!
Nick : You're on a staircase
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sassenashsworld · 1 year
Piper : It's can't be true. I don't believe the General of the Minutemen, the new hope of the Commonwealth, the girl who beat raiders and gunners all over the map, forget this often to buy bullets
Danse : Actually, she does
Deacon : Yup
MacCready : I got used to always having a stock just for her
Piper : It's really hard to believe. Hey! Nick and Nora are back from the Glowing Sea!! Nick! I wanna know, you're still Nora's most usual companions. Is it true she always forgets to buy ammunition?
Nick : If you dare to ask me again, I'll show you for myself, I have plenty
Nora : I told you I'm sorry!!!
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sassenashsworld · 1 year
Nora : It was brought to my attention the Valentine’s Day festivities had somewhat derived in April 1st Pranks
Hancock : [menacingly] Thank you Preston for snitching
Nora : Since I can’t punish all offenders, I’ll just make an example of the person who instigated the events
Nick : Uh Nora...
Nora : Wait a minute, Nick. So I intend, as leader of this community, to bring respect back to our ranks by making a very harsh example of the first to have made a prank. I want to know who it is.
Piper : It’s you, Nora...
Nora : Excuse me?
Preston : With all due respect, General, it’s you going after Nick
Nora : But I... no! It wasn’t...
Nick : A very harsh example, huh?
Deacon : Prepare the pillory!!
Strong : We could fry puny human?
Danse : No, Strong, she’s already boiling enough...
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sassenashsworld · 1 year
Nora : Nick, can you light me this cigarette?
Nick : No problem
[crack a match]
Nora : Oh! I just found-
Nick : NO!
Nora : A perfect match!
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sassenashsworld · 1 year
Nick : Did you settle your account with the municipality? Nora : Settle my… accounts? Nick : Yeah, your dividends, your rent, your taxes Nora : Wait… is there fisk in the future? Nick : Diamond City, yes. And since you own the Home Plate… Nora : Call my accountant Nick : There’s no accountant anymore Nora : Call my lawyer Nick : There’s no lawyer… and you’re a lawyer Nora : Criminel law, not finance Nick : A lawyer is a lawyer Nora : What do you mean? Nick : [cough] bullshitter
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sassenashsworld · 1 year
[Silver work in her workshop]
Preston : General! A Settlement need assistance!
Nora :
Preston : General?
Piper : Blue! I have the investigation of the year! I need you to come with me to recover a holodisk from a raider camp!
Nora :
Nick : Nora, you know this story about James Whitefield? I have a new trail, wanna track it down?
Nora :
Danse : Outstanding! There’s no way to distract her!
Hancock : New booze and shit!
Nora : Where? What? I come!
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sassenashsworld · 1 year
Deacon : You know you should never trust a train?
Nora : You know there a pack of ferals ghouls nerby
Deacon : They have loco motives
Nick : What about use Deacon as a bait?
Nora : That's might work...
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sassenashsworld · 1 year
Nick : Ok Jenny, now for the last part of your driving test, you see a kid and a old man. What do you hit?
Jenny : Euuuh... the old man?
Nick :
Jenny : I mean, the kid have his whole life ahead of him!
Nick : The brakes, Jenny, the brakes...
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sassenashsworld · 1 year
Strong : Strong want know when puny human and Strong look for milk of human kindness Nora : Soon, my big friend, really soon [Strong move away] Nick : You didn't find yet how to deal with? Nora : True... Nick : Maybe you can just keep your power armor... Nora : He already crash my power armor
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sassenashsworld · 1 year
Danse : I don't understand womans Nick : Back in time, there were pizza. They has round shape in a square box and you use to eat them in triangle Danse : The point? Nick : If you get why, you can get woman Danse : And... you get that? Nick : Why do you thing I don't date?!
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sassenashsworld · 1 year
Preston : She’s so beautiful
Deacon : No doubt, she’s beautiful
MacCready : But keep your distance
Preston : Yeah, I know, she doesn’t like to be touched
MacCready : Oh, nothing to do with that. I mean… you know she found garlic and onion seeds in a vault?
Preston : Gar… I know she found seeds but no idea what is it
Nick : The worst mix a psychopath could find to keep the quiddam at bay
Deacon : Wait, she mixes them?
MacCready : Every meal. The other day I saw her making spreads to put on her toast
Nick : A psychopath I’m telling you…
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