#uncle Henry
lavend3r-stardust · 5 months
the mcu's favorite uncle :D
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he's perfected that pissed-off-parent stare lmaoaoa got it down to a t
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gastrophobia · 3 months
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I updated my cast page again!
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fashioninpaper · 25 days
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I love these costume designs for The Wiz by Matthew LeFebvre (more to come)
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Return to Oz (1985, Walter Murch)
Return to Oz is a 1985 film directed by Walter Murch, an unofficial sequel to the famous film The Wizard of Oz directed by Victor Fleming and produced by MGM in 1939. The film earned an Oscar nomination for best special effects.
Several months have passed since the events of The Wizard of Oz, and Dorothy Gale is melancholy because she continues to do nothing but dream of her magical adventure, and that Uncle Henry and Aunt Emma don't believe her.
Later, Dorothy discovers to her horror the Yellow Brick Path in ruins and, running along it with Billina, finds the Emerald City, Grey, desert, largely destroyed and with petrified inhabitants, including the Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion.
The film was produced by Walt Disney Pictures without the collaboration of MGM, or Warner Bros., the studio that currently holds the rights to the 1939 film.
The film's screenplay is based on L. Frank Baum's second and third novels, The Marvelous Land of Oz and Ozma of Oz, both sequels to The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
George Lucas, Murch's friend and colle8, had to personally intervene, guaranteeing the studio that he would act as executive producer or even director in case of problems.
The soundtrack of the film was entrusted to the composer and musical writer David Shire, also know for numerous TV soundtracks, theater musical and for many films including Saturday Night Fever. The entire musical sequence from Dorothy's Theme to the Rag March of the final scene is accompanied by the London Symphony Orchestra.
The Italian dubbing of the film was directed by Renato Izzo, Gruppo Trenta.
On home video, in Italy, the film was released in VHS format by Walt Disney Home Video in 1986. The DVD was released in 2013 in the Disney Family Classics series.
Writer Joan D. Vinge adapted the film's screenplay into a novel.
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alice-racchelle · 6 months
So I was thinking about the song "Somewhere other the rainbow" and then a readom thought came into mind. You know the part of the song where Dorothy says " there's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby". Well, I was thinking about that part and I just thought, who tell Dorothy? Who was the one that sang the lullaby to her? Was it her parents, Aunt em and Uncle Henry, or was it even her three companions! Who knows!!! The way I see it was that her parents were either from oz or knew of oz and in their last moments with Dorothy, they sang the lullaby to her. Saying that one day they will all meet again in oz and be a happy family, or that Dorothy's real home is in oz, something like that. And years later, although she loves Aunt em, Uncle Henry and her friends, she can't help but to think of what her parents said and wishes she could go to the land her parents talk about. Which makes the song like 10x more sad, like even without this little theory of my, you can't help but to feel bad for Dorothy when she sings the song.
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Aunt Em: your wife, Henry.
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elijones94 · 6 months
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👠 Dorothy and Toto 👠🌪️
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cryptocollectibles · 7 months
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Speed Racer 3 Issue Complete Set (1999) by Wildstorm / DC Comics
Written and drawn by Tommy Yune.
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fedorahead · 5 months
i feel like i have some vague tween memory of thirsting after a wizard of oz character
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chronivore · 2 years
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Aunt Em & Uncle Henry
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Could you maybe leave eventually when you grow up. Listen we love you Dorothy, but we don't want you to live with us forever.
-Auntie Em and Uncle Henry
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sidneypoindexter · 2 years
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I’m writing an Oz adaption. Here’s characters from Episode 1: “The Great Gray Plains.”
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hitchell-mope · 1 month
Truly one of the greatest movies of all time.
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rainbowjay20 · 11 months
After The Wizard
available on Tubi
Great. With better writing and acting, it would have been Oscar worthy. Nothing personal against the actors or writers. It just wasn't the best that it could've been.
I found it at a great time personally for me. I had just watched Return to Oz. I then felt compelled to continue on to both Tin Man and Emerald City. I am a bit of an Ozophile.(The Wizard not the Country, although I have nothing against UK South.*she says jokingly.)
I had been wondering if, other than reference at the beginning of Return To Oz, anyone had done a Wizard of Oz movie that discussed the psychological ramifications of Dorothy's incident. I am referring of course to what happens after the original movie/book.(Yes, nerds don't yell. I'm aware the 1939 movie is a general fanfiction of the books.)
When Dorothy comes home in the novels, it isn't a dream. In the movie(WOO 1939) it is treated as such but that can be even more psychologically damaging than agreeing she went to a make believe land where animals talked and magic existed. There really isn't a good solution to this conundrum of what to do with Dorothy.
In the books, Dorothy is almost sent to an asylum. Her aunt is the only one who believes her. Not to mention Dorothy would have one hell of a case of PTSD. She is only 10 or 11 years old, not the full 16 years that Judy Gardland had under her belt. (Rumors abound the Studio heads wanted Shirley Temple. Better Age but not the right fit.) Can you imagine the psychological trauma of a child that age(even at 16!) having been accused of murder, then fleeing only to murder someone else?(Yeah, okay, she kills the Nome King too. After she kills the Wicked Witch by Melting.) She is also facing the ordeal of making an overland journey across a strange land, accompanied by people you've only just met. All of this while fleeing because someone is trying to kill you, and you don't feel you did anything to deserve it! I know adults that would be in therapy for years if that happened to them, but this was a young, vulnerable, nieve child?
In Return to Oz, we see a small window into this. They had been sending Dorothy to get EST, electroshock therapy. This is prevented by a girl who is later revealed to be Ozma. It is never addressed fully in RTO if Oz is a dream or a real place.
Tin Man and Emerald City although the both start with a trip from "our"(for lack of a better word) world. But both miniseries play out solely as Oz as a real world. Both worth watching if you can.
An also add, if you can find it, it was recorded on PBS, I think. The Dreamer Of Oz with John Ritter. It's not about the Oz story but about the life of Fraunk L. Baum.
In this movie however, we see a slightly different take. Dorothy is in an orphange, Aunt Em and Uncle Henry dead. Or so it seems. The Scarecrow and Tin Woodsman are looking for her to help Oz which is suffering some undisclosed problems.
Usually, I can get a feel for the "dream cast" that the producers were attempting. I didn't have a sense of that. It seemed like it was just bad producing and casting.
As far as the acting, you work with what you have. The actor can't make a bad line good. It was stilted and uncomfortable. The best way to describe it was that they looked like they were acting.
One obstacle worth noting, the costumes. The choice was made to use practical costumes instead of digital, I assume for money constraints. The Tin Woodsman(I assume a copyright was involved there? They never called him the Tinman, always the Tin Woodsman) I don't need to describe them. I found a photo. It was just crappy. They all were.
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However, given all the obstacles it was still a great movie. I can think of spots it would have been better with some tweeks. It was worth watching as a different take on the same story.
I have a soft spot in my heart for Oz stories. I own the limited edition 3 disk DVD of the 1939 Oz.
My next look out is Dorthy and the Witches of Oz if I can find it.
After I finish my current DVD pile and a Tubi movie that looked interesting. It's called Walt before D*sney. I just started it and it's so sugar coated I'm gonna need two insulin shots! I read The Disney Story. They missed a hell of a lot.
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beyondthefold · 6 months
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HENRY CAVILL as SOLO The Man from U.N.C.L.E. (2015) | dir. Guy Ritchie
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rooolt · 5 months
also can we talk about Kristen living with her ex’s uncle. I know we love jawbone, but truly nightmare scenario
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