scintillyyy · 22 days
if you're still doing this meme: ☕️ villain you'd use for a new Tim arc, either pulled from past Rogues or designed fresh?
hehe ofc!
let's see:
if i wanted to pull from a past arc, i think i'd honestly bring back king snake--honestly given he was the villain in robin i, i think he'd be a good choice to orient tim as an adult clashing with him again--(and by my quick look on the dc wiki, they really haven't used him so extensively and changed him so much that you couldn't quietly bring him back for tim). do a story that calls back to that tim he was killing people & putting them in robin suits. except whereas his first story had lady shiva & when king snake returned tim had bruce, now tim is old enough that he can finally handle king snake on his own.
if i were to create a new one? well, my first idea would call back to my firm belief that if tom taylor was going to create a villain who learned to kill because of dick's parents' death that should have been a solid dick & tim story...how you gonna do a dark mirror of tim's origin story & not go into how meaty that could be for all three of them? so i find i like the idea of a villain, somewhat like heartless, that shares a point of commonality of tim but goes in the opposite direction (dare i say....someone like hush my beloathed. but doesn't suck?). like, oooh. i almost like the idea of another circus goer who, just like tim, took a picture with dick that day, who also figured out who dick was but kept it to themselves. but whereas tim's life went the route of the extraordinary, this kid's life didn't. & as they they both get marked by increasing tragedy--parental strife due to witnessing a death at the circus, death of a parent (this would also be a good place to showcase how and why the drakes' marriage started to fall apart & look into tim's past a bit). there'd be increasing bitterness at tim stealing what should his mind starts twisting into what should have been his life he starts to get more bitter and personal about it.
or like. hm. a villain who starts targeting old classmates of tim's? a couple of strangers show up dead--tim investigates & realizes they were in the same class at gotham heights, then someone brentwood, then louis grieves...so on and so forth. in his investigation of the deaths, tim has to come across his old friends & we can then reintroduce them as tim realizes the killer is following his trajectory through his high school career. and it turns out it was a teacher who got shuffled through gotham's various schools with all the messes that went on & was just targeting random old students. or something. so tim has to save his old friends, we successfully re-introduce them...
i just like the idea of a villain bringing tim back to basics + going from there, clearly lol.
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tallochar · 21 days
☕️ also, hopes/wishlist/expectations for the next DC cinematic universe, if that's something you think about at all?
I honestly tuned out of DC fairly soon, for the longest time I was more of a Marvel girly (until Marvel burned me out and now I go but I do not emotionally invest into it anymore), and I still have to see ... ugh, so many of their movies.
I went to see the first Aquaman in 4DX (back before my back pain made it so that 4DX is not a viable option for me, first world problems I know but it bums me out that I cannot go anymore without ending up in crippling pain) but that was because it had both Jason Momoa and Temuera Morrison and I am a long time fan of both (and also Jason Momoa going around mostly shirtless and wet? Always going to watch) though I actually skipped the second one because it happened in a moment in RL last year while I wasn't paying attentions to movies AT ALL and so I managed to miss that it was coming out.
I know I should watch if not all of the old movies at least the Flashpoint one (can't remember if it's the correct name or not but I know I will at some point because the unholy squeaking sounds I made when Michael Keaton showed up in the trailer, I can't even begin to tell you).
I have yet to watch anything with Affleck!Batman in it and I kinda want to see his take on the character, but I don't have the spoons in me. I have seen 1 Superman!Cavill movie and it didn't really make me want to watch more.
I have also seen Wonder Woman 1 and from what I remember it was pretty enjoyable as long as I did not engage my brain, but when I did it had some plot holes that bugged me and some stuff that did not fully jive with me but I could not open my mouth about anything less than absolutely blindingly loving it lest I be crucified for it because it was Directed By A Woman [or that was the impression fandom gave me at the time] so I just kept my mouth shut and peaced out.
I had a blast watching the most recent Harley Queen movie, but it's not a BOP movie and it's definitely an Elseworld movie kinda deal to me because that's the only way I could watch it without screaming vengeance over their treatment of Cassandra Cain or most other non-Harley characters involved. Otherwise I would just scream and hate and rage.
I have not watched Joker yet because it strikes me as the sort of movie I need to be in a specific sort of mood to watch or it might really fuck with me in a bad way so I don't know how I feel about Joker Folies Au Deux (or the fact that it seems, from the trailer, to be painting Joker as the one exploited and manipulated into things by Harley rather than the other way around) but like, it feels like A Serious Movie That Might Hurt Me Emotionally because Joaquin Phoenix and it being definitely an Elseworld movie and also I am no, generally speaking, a big Joker fan so -- *shrug and raise hands emoji*
I deeply enjoyed the more recent Suicide Squad right until they killed Rick Flag and then I gasped in pain and wanted to beat Peacemaker's face in (I know his series is good, according to people whose tastes I trust, but HE KILLED RICK FLAG, I am NOT watching it [yet], yes I can absolutely be petty like that) so I am tentatively trusting James Gunn.
I know it's considered more of an Elseworld sort of movie, but I did really love The Batman with Robert Pattinson and I am looking forward to see what they do with a sequel to that and how they move on from how the last movie ended (here's to hoping we don't get too big of a timeskip, I would really love if they picked it up from where it left off rather than jumping ahead).
I am not sure how I feel about the "current canon" Batman movie in the works going with Damian as the Robin in it, but I am being tentatively hopeful about it, because my brain (possibly stupidly but hey I am allowed to dream until I get jossed) keeps thinking it is actually a genius idea if instead of going from Dick forward you jumpstart things by having Damian there and possibly referencing the other former Robins as Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Spoiler / Batgirl, maybe throw in Black Bat too etc. and then you can just introduce them with their own movies without having to go through things chronologically.
It is very much NOT encouraging to me that it's based upon the Morrison storyline, though, because I am a Tim fan and Morrison did their best to excise him and treat him from non-existent to pretty much an outsider.
I don't know if that's Gunn's vision or if it's just my own take on doing things, but it could be cool? Maybe? Here's hoping.
I went and took a look at the list of upcoming movies (this one) because I wasn't keeping up with it and seeing The Authority on it makes me hope a tender hope that it will not completely fucking suck and that it might actually be interesting (please please please do them all justice, I am begging here).
I am flabbergasted Keanu Reeves agreed to come back as Constantine, but I liked the first movie (which I saw before I read any comics with constantine in it) so hey, maybe it will be another interesting movie again. I do like Keanu as an actor, though he is very much an Elseworld Constantine and has nothing to do with pre-Flashpoint canon Constantine, which is the one I know.
Seeing a Nightwing movie being talked about makes me think I might be right about the upcoming Batman movie introducing Damian but also having the other former Robins in the background and that would be honestly a relief.
I'd love to see a Lobo movie doing the Main Man right but god, that would be so tricky to pull off, especially in the current socio-political climate and with the cancellation culture and everything else going on that I've seen fandom wise.
Everything else I am seeing on that list either doesn't excite me or is not really a character I know so I'll take it with a grain of salt.
Sorry if this was more rambling about past projects than upcoming ones, I tried to balance things out and hope this answers your curiosity :D
Thank you for sending in the asks!
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silverwhittlingknife · 6 months
WIP ask game
<333 thanks for the tags @beatriceeagle and @zahri-melitor !
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Oof, I think I’ve made no progress since the last time I did one of these dsfdsfs
Batfam WIPs:
it’s like a body-blow, looking at him
rld organization hell (+ various other red letter day documents)
copy of copy of new cruise fic maybe
dick in disguise coming to bail out ‘alvin draper’
tim dies in rr 12
prodigal 2
the jason one
Other WIPs:
untitled 99
*squints at dash* uhhh okay who hasn't been tagged yet? @birdchildsnest @fantastic-nonsense @daringyounggrayson @shoalsea @river-bottom-nightmare @forestlingincorporated @sohotthateveryonedied @umbrellacam here's a tag if you'd like to play <3
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intermundia · 4 years
Hmmmm didn't Sidious consider himself the sith'ari after killing his Master, I wonder where Solon was hanging out before his holocron ended up in the Sith Temple (or was deliberately placed the for Anakin to find??), HMMMM. Super loving both the plottiness and the smut of LT so far, A+
Tumblr media
Now, I’m not commenting on where Darth Solon has or has not been over the last five thousand years and who in the story believes/are the Sith’ari, BUT let me say that I’m so looking forward to when Palpy-Sidious enters the story in person. I love writing villain/morally-complicated characters (aka LT in general) but i’ve never written him because I’ve been intimidated. 
Like, he’s such a great phantom menace to be lurking and pulling strings, I can totally understand why Lucas kept him back for an entire movie. He’s almost scarier off-screen, you know? How can I hope to capture the most evil and clever evil evildoer who ever did evil? I’m not sure!! But he’s in the outline for chap 12 so we’ll see soon enough!! ❤️
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@umbrellacam replied to your post “So,about Miller's clone wars books, you mentioned you might have some...”
I just read Stealth recently & it's actually gratifying to read your opinion. I mostly enjoyed the melodrama and whump (and shipping, lordt, the shipping) in Miller's books, but was definitely making a face like I smelled a bad odor during the scenes with the scientist, & rolled my eyes a bit at the consistent overreactions to even light interpersonal conflict. I enjoyed them by consciously putting myself in the mindset of "this is fic, really," but I get not liking them
I do think I would’ve had less of a problem with it had it been a canon-divergent fic I came across on AO3, instead of an official, supposedly canon-compliant novel. Because I can’t separate it from the context that this is supposed to be happening during the first season of TCW, that the author apparently legitimately believes that this characterization is consistent with how the characters act there - but if it were a canon-divergent fic, while I still wouldn’t be the biggest fan of the characterization, I could at least interpret it as the author taking things in a different direction by introducing this traumatic experience (Zigoola) and exploring the consequences of that, rather than saying “this was actually all happening behind the scenes in TCW”. And I appreciate the transformative nature of fanwork, of people changing things to make it more personal to them - I generally prefer characterization that’s close to canon but I’m open to more deviation when it comes to fanwork, especially if I know that the author understands what they’re changing and why.
But yeah I can see how others might get something out of this book. Especially the shipping side of fandom, because it is...pretty damn shippy, even if ostensibly that wasn’t the author’s intention.
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atelier-dayz · 4 years
Star Wars Asks: 1 and 23! :)
1. do you find force users or non-force users more interesting?
Gut reaction, force users. And adjacents, like the Guardians and Disciples of the Whills, who believe in the Force but might not all be able to access it! But I also find interesting the way non-Force users react to Force users! Like the Mandalorians (You can deflect blasters? Okay, here’s some old school slug throwers instead. LOL)
23. what’s your favorite star wars musical piece or theme?
Oh no this is SO HARD. I have a top four list in no particular order?
Duel of the Fates - John Williams
The Guardians of the Whills Suite - Michael Giacchino
Departure of Boba Fett - John Williams
The Mandalorian - Ludwig Goransson
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robo-cryptid · 6 years
for the prompt meme - McHanzo 15? :3
15. A Hope We Don’t Get Caught Kiss (how about several?)
It was new still, what they had. They hadn’t talked about it, exactly, but they had sort of silently agreed it shouldn’t be public knowledge until they were a little more certain, a little steadier on their feet. 
Besides, Hanzo thought, however inappropriately for a man approaching his forties, it was fun to have a secret only the two of them could share. There was a thrill that ran through him every time he caught Jesse’s eye across the room, every time someone nearly noticed that Jesse had made him laugh. 
It became a game, of sorts, to see what they could get away with. 
He kissed Jesse in the locker room after a practice, fast and careful, and he left him there gaping like a fish out of water.
Jesse kissed him outside on the sky bridge, pulled him just inside the shelter as the sun set and covered the flavor of sake with whiskey and smoke instead.
He kissed Jesse again during a practice, watched him hit six clean shots practically at once, then grabbed him before he could reload, dragged him down by the beard and licked the taste of gunpowder from his mouth.
Jesse kissed him in the kitchen by the coffee pot, a quick, shy thing that should have gone unnoticed, were it not for the little click of Hana’s camera.
She, of course, immediately sent it in a mass message to the entire team. It seemed the time for secrets was up. 
Jesse shrugged, and Hanzo kissed him again to the music of the coffee pot singing and Hana pretending to wretch.
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claroquequiza · 6 years
I read the Weed’s blog post earlier this week & I had you in my thoughts. It's hard to know what to say. I hope the news gets out as much as possible to those who need to hear it in spite of the church's deliberate radio silence & that the couple's existence at least loses some effectiveness as an oppressive weapon. I know the damage is already done and, cynically, this will still be spun as the couple's moral failing. But at least their perspective shift is now out there for anyone Googling. :(
For sure! That’s all we can hope for, really. I’m super glad they had the decency and the courage to announce this, because a lot of what they’re saying is a 180° turnaround in their worldview and runs directly against their church, so I’m sure that must be incredibly difficult, especially at their age and with four daughters to consider as well--but as you say, the damage is done.
I just hope that Mormon LGBT+ children especially are able to Google and find the help and support they need to endure the church meetings on Sunday, and Family Home Evening on Monday and Young Men/Young Women once a week and seminary every day at school in middle school and high school--as well the occasional but well-publicized edicts from the Mormon prophet and apostles that do things like issue directions for LGBT+ Mormons in same-sex marriages to be excommunicated and for their children to be barred from all church rituals until they turns 18 and disavow their parents’ relationship in writing.
They already have the deck stacked against them, and this news will only be allowed to trickle to them, if they hear about it at all.
It almost makes me want to go to my parents’ ward/congregation on Fast Sunday, which happens to be this Sunday (it’s the first Sunday of every month). On Fast Sundays, members of the congregation are encouraged to stand up and share their testimonies of Just How Correct the church is--I almost want to go and just read the blog post word-for-word, just to make sure my former neighbors and clergy hear it because the vast majority of them sure aren’t gonna hear it on their own--or even want to hear it.
I want to do this partially because my dad is currently a Sunday school teacher for 9-10 year old boys, and I’ve asked him what he would do, in the light of what happened to me, if one of them approached him and told him he was gay, and his first response, his very first response, was that he would send him to the bishop. I was dismayed, and he waffled a bit and said that he didn’t know what he would do.
I don’t know if he’s heard about Josh and Lolly Weed, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he has and was thinking of them when he gave his first answer. I texted him their blog post so that he would at least be somewhat aware of it, but that’s one reason I really wish that there was a more concerted effort to spread this among the Mormon faithful--or at least as concerted an effort as the effort to hide it from them. 
I’ve even sent a letter to the editors of the Deseret News--I have no expectation whatsoever that it will be published, but I want to reach out to the people who won’t hear this more than anyone else, and that’s a frustrating feeling.
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freebooter4ever · 6 years
>.> *pssst* Your link for 'The Rift Between Us' by kembrelu seems to actually go to 'Liminal Space' by LeftHand?
oh nooooooooooo!!!!!! I must have clicked the wrong bookmark thank you!!!!!
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obiwanobi · 4 years
In the Senator!Obi-Wan AU does Palpatine want to get rid of Obi-Wan like in the canon?
OF COURSE Obi-wan is still the bane of his existence because he keeps Anakin in the Light (Palpatine screams ”BUT HE’S NOT EVEN A JEDI” at least twice a week) but he’s also part of the triumvirate with Padmé and Bail here to fuck every political plan he has while looking effortlessly handsome at the same time  
And I just saw @umbrellacam‘s tags and it’s a perfect representation of Palpatine in this AU:  #imagine Anakin early on lamenting his romantic woes to Palpatine#and Palpatine being like ohohoho Opportunity Strikes#and sympathizing about Obi-Wan's soft rejections like 'I'm afraid the Jedi Order still wields much influence over Senator Kenobi'#and 'I don't want to say this dear boy but I'm afraid he may be leading you on to garner your support for his political causes'#and 'Senator Kenobi is very... high minded of course -'#'-he holds himself to such high standards that it's perhaps inevitable that he views other people as falling short...'#'-OH not to say that these looks of disappointment that vex you so mean he's looking DOWN on you oh of course not...'#so in the beginning Anakin gets all wound up and angsty#but of course this just leads to him spending MORE time with Obi-Wan trying to win him over#and as they get to know each other better and become more affectionate he gets less and less receptive to backhanded slights#against Obi-Wan#until eventually he's like 'urgh I do feel guilty about dodging the Chancellor's calls but he's such a DRAG though...'#'oh wait is that Obi-Wan on the comm? HELLO HI OBI-WAN YES OF COURSE I'D LOVE TO GO OUT TO DINNER'
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scintillyyy · 8 months
For the DC ask game, #7? 👀
7. One DC death you’d like to make permanent — or alternatively, one you’d erase so it never happened?
i'll answer both. idk if this will be as spicy as expected!
as far as one i'd like to make permanent.
barry allen. if he had stayed dead, he wouldn't have flashpointed the universe. forever bitter.
as far as erase, so it never happened.
lian harper's. it was dumb and completely unnecessary. did absolutely nothing for anyone.
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tallochar · 21 days
☕️ musicals!
I loooove musicals so much!
This is going to be rambly, I apologize in advance.
I do my best not to cram stuff down people's throats and of course I have yet to see or listen to Every Musical Ever, but musicals just make the happy part of my brain that thrives on music and narrative sit up and bounce in my seat.
(I am currently listening to Celebrate from Elegies for Angels, Punks and Raging Queens on repeat and will be for some hours still unless something happens)
I tend to hyperfixate on specific songs out of each musical and then play them on repeat until my family (my mother as we currently live together but it used to be my brothers too) is heartily sick of them and then I put my earbuds in and listen to them some more, because it is very much a mood thing.
I think that that is because I grew up in a non-English speaking country and did not learn enough English to translate lyrics until my early teens so a good chunk of my formative experience with english-spoken music was more about vibes and mood than the lyrics itself.
Of course lyrics add a ton now that I do understand, but music always hits first and deepest for me. In some cases, some songs won me over because of the music first and then got archive as 'guilty pleasure' songs because the lyrics made me go Wait What.
(See: Sincerely Me from Dear Evan Hansen, which creeps me out if you go by lyrics but will listen to just because it's so goddamn catchy, or Shiksa Goddess from The Last Five Years, that I managed to listen to for hours without taking in the lyrics and then once I did just made me very disgusted at Jamie)
(These are also both musicals I cannot bring myself to go see in person because the first one is violentlly upsetting to me [the protagonist and his actions are repulsive to me and no I don't care that he doesn't get to go to college at the end, is that supposed to be punishment enough for what he did?] and for the second one I saw the movie and listened to the songs and it just makes me want to stomp on him and pop a bottle for her at the end and tell her she's well rid of him and that I'm sorry she sunk so much time into him and I end up virulently angry)
(I have absolutely nothing against people who enjoy them, more power to them and go and enjoy it, which is my general policy about most things, but I am not one of them and I think both things are valid, so please no one come after me for not liking them!)
I have been listening to musicals since I was a toddler!
Not just Disney, because like, one of my first ever musicals was Jesus Christ Superstar, as mom was a fan and she both had the VHS for it (with Italian subtitles rather than the cast singing in Italian) AND the cassette tapes as well and we also had Rocky Horror Picture Show also subbed English.
[Don't know if it's different now, but when I was growing up everything media available in Italy was dubbed, including anime and tv shows and movies {with some actors often voiced by the same voice actors to create consistency between performances, so Al Pacino always sounded the same but it wasn't actually Al Pacino, it was his Italian VA, to make an example} and so it was a rarer thing to have a musical that was in actual English with subs]
I used to go to musicals and I have seen the Italian versions of a fair few (Cats, Notre Dame de Paris, West Side Story, JCS with a sub electrical board on stage because apparently it was never translated in Italian, The Sound of Music just off the top of my head) but since I have moved cities and countries, I have been going whenever I can save up enough money for it (I am in London now so there is A LOT available to me)
And like the songs are GOOD but there just is something MORE about being able to see them being staged and the choices that are made for costumes and set and dancing and it's like an instantaneous pick me up and a guaranteed good night out for me if I am going to watch one :D
Sign me up every single time for one!
I love animatics of musicals as well, that's one of the ways I can get into new musicals (it's how I got into Sincerely Me, there's one by Szin on YouTube that is incredibly charming, despite the inherent creepiness of the song) and whenever I hear new songs or see a new musical then I go exploring YouTube for animatics.
It's just ... someone sits down and writes a story and it's a SUNG story and then more people get together and make MUSIC of it and they ACT IT OUT but they are also DANCING and SINGING and it's all so intensely done and felt and expressed and you can bring it with you when you are going around and evoke those vibes by listening to it and you can sing it at home or like, if you go to a cinema that does a Sing-Along show (if anyone is in London, look up the Prince Charles cinema schedule for that, they do it and it BLEW MY MIND) then you can go in a public space with a lot of other people who love it as much as you AND SING ALL TOGETHER!
It makes me *vibrate* in my seat just to think about it! Musicals are just ... amazing to me *wide sparkly eyes and fisted hands under my chin because O M G YES!*
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thank you @river-bottom-nightmare for the tag!! <333
WIP Files Game
RULES: post the names of the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! tag as many people as you have WIPs
The Jason fic
the Damian one with amnesia
Tim dies in RR 12
Dick in disguise coming to bail out “Alvin Draper”
New 52 characters meet old universe ones
the Ra’s al-Ghul + archeology one
Prodigal 2
Trainsurfing adjacent
Pre-earthquake? Hate to think you deceived us then
No Man’s Land: Tim moves to Central City
GK [before Last Laugh] Panic attack
Battle for the Cowl / Red Robin
photograph finale
rld ch 8 + 9? tim&dick + alfred & damian
a bunch of Damian drafts
rld organization hell 2
[also bunch of "untitled" documents, some of which contain fanfic but i'm not sure which ones because i haven't organized them sdfdsfs]
also I'm combining because @ev-arrested tagged me in a different game (hi, nice to meet you!) where you post an excerpt from one of your wips so here is a bit from "Untitled 52"
Dick can be really stupid about injuries, it’s scary, he’s almost as bad as Bruce and just as stubborn.  But saying so wouldn’t go over well, so Tim shuts up as ordered and lets Dick give him ragged and unnecessary stitches.  Dick’s breathing heavily by the end because he shouldn’t be sitting up, and Tim curls his hand into a fist to stop himself from trying to make him lie back down.  
i am bad at tagging uhhhh @bitimdrake @flybynightwing @upswings @birdchildsnest @forestlingincorporated @havendance @scintillyyy @umbrellacam @wufflesvetinari hi! any projects you feel like sharing? no pressure lmk if you'd rather not be tagged <3
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I was tagged by the lovely @anakiin 🥰
rules: tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better
top 3 ships: bellarke, finnpoe, walkerson. at the moment. idk they popped into my head
lipstick or chapstick: lipstick
last song: right now by haim
last movie: currently rewatching rogue one if that counts?
reading: fanfic. isn’t it always?
tagging @bisinatra @carryonstarkid @finlaure13 @petals-to-fish @dammitsammy @taardisblue @bam-bellarke @hermioengarngre @umbrellacam
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tsumeghost · 6 years
Sid/Geno Recs - Hidden Gems
I’m glad I had time/motivation to get this second list finished by the end of July for @pensmonthly ‘s “Rec Lists” theme this month​.  I picked an arbitrary and sliding kudos cut-off and collected some of my favorite fics that won’t show up on the first 10 pages when you sort by kudos on ao3. I particularly tried to focus on older fic and ones not in recent exchanges because those are most likely to be missed! 
My categories (Very AU, Slightly AU, Get Together, Sex, Quiet/Domestic) have a decreasing level of priority - no matter the topic if one doesn’t play hockey it is under “very” au, if there are biology changes but its totally sex focused, it still qualifies as “slightly” au, etc etc.
If you want a specific content warning/character check beyond the authors tags, please message me specifically related to a fic, I’m including no warnings here.
Errors, typos, bad links etc - lmk please!
Very AU - one or both do not play professional hockey or hockey does not exist in the AU
For the Roses by ionthesparrow (2014) A still more glorious dawn by i_claudia (2014) let this road be mine by pollyrepeat (2015) elastic heart by cathedralhearts (2015) let me be your skyline by agirlnamedfia (2015) Feather by elareine (2015) Coach's Corner by torigates (2015) The Emperor’s Humility by itsacoup (2016) Keep Calm and Marry On by umbrellacam (2016) Nesting Instincts by MapleMermaid (2016) Bloom by omelet (2016) Sparked Under Pressure by itsacoup (2016)
Slightly AU - both play professional hockey but there are significant world-building differences such as magic, altered biology, large societal structure changes
the laws of gravity are very very strict, and you're just bending them for your own benefit by spuffyduds (2013) The Gentlest Chains by LadyJanelly (2013) this is my heart, it's on the line by bropunzeling, nebulia (2014) A Curse, and a Blessing by brutti_ma_buoni (2015) Switch Hitter by Snickfic (2015) the moon like an animal by snoozingkitten (2015) i can't feel my face when i'm with you by hauntologie (2015) Aftermarket Peripherals by siegeofangels (2016) Full by soixante (2016) Almost as Bright by Snickfic (2016) two kids, you and me by myownremedy (2016) I'm So Full of Love by neveranygoodupthere (2016)
Get Together - these fic include the beginning of a relationship
Cold Days in Hell by nebulia (2013) a better way to fall by morphosyntactic (2013) miles to go by hauntologie (2013) Save Some Face by dedougal (2014) A Foreign Familiarity by spinel (2015) don't even know what i'm looking for (but at least i know what i'm gonna throw away) by nebulia (2015) Sing Your Praises by itsacoup (2015) March Into The Sun by o_contrary (2015) You Don't Get an Alibi by coricomile (2016) The Problem with French-Canadians by pinkish (2016) an uncharted country by flamingo_sex  (2016) little steps (getting there;being there) by onceuponamoon (2016)
Sex - the primary focus of these fics are sex and sexuality in established/developing relationships
Then It's Yours by liophael (2014) Put It On Me by o_contrary (2014) soft around the edges by crosbutt (authocracy) (2014) Everything You Can Do (I Can Do Too!) by Dangereuse (2015) she exhales vanilla lace (of sugar and ice i am made) by thescrewtapedemos (2017) Always for the First Time by GovtDarling 2018
Quiet/Domestic - established/developing relationships
Your hand in mine by i_claudia (2013) Let Steep for 4-7 Minutes by mriaow (2013) Name the Name by red_crate (2014) Mustard Can Be Magic by james (2015) i am never without it (anywhere i go you go) by coricomile (2017)
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@umbrellacam replied to your post “So real talk I love clone culture and Mandalorian culture but I ADORE...”
Anon this is exactly how I've been feeling, glad someone else asked, lol. I've got Traviss's Republic Commando books on my eventual reading list for Mando/clone development but I'm like, "eeehhhhh but the Jedi..... ;_;"
Well, I hope everyone’s input can help you both~
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