#ultimate robot husband
heliopixels · 2 years
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I am not immune
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chubbyminibots · 2 years
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anoddopal · 2 years
Pets, Look!, and Plushies with f/os of your choice? :3 (Yearnin-cryptid)
B/oxman has been on my mind this last week! 🥺 @yearnin-cryptid
Pets: If you have any pets, do they have a 'favorite' out of the two [three,] of you? Who washes them and who takes them out on a walk to let them dry or dries them with the dryer? Who do they cuddle more?
Opal has her crew of 7 critters (as always), but they have the added addition of a robot dog B/oxman made, Double Beat! 
Double prefers B/oxman of course, but she still loves Opal very much. Opal’s male rabbit has a close bond with B/oxy, too! It isn’t uncommon to find B/oxman plotting in his office while his wife’s bunnies hop around; with B/oxy giving scritches to the aforementioned bun as he cooks up evil schemes!
Look!: Do you have any common interests? Or has any of you got or tried to get the other on one of your favorite tv shows/books? Was it successful? Are they now the ones 'annoying' you to watch it with them?
They are both pan as fuck- emphasis on the big “I just want to be loved 🥺” energy. 
Opal can easily rope him into whatever media she likes, as he cares more about getting to share something with her as opposed to whether he actually enjoys said content or not. Opal usually tries to show him games/shows/movies that feature robots and advanced technology- as these themes tend to keep his undivided attention. B/oxy has plenty opportunities to include Opal in his interests, too! She could listen to him ramble about technology and evil deeds for hours as she draws. On one occasion they even collabed on creating robot together!
One interest that they began to bond over once they got together is miniatures! Opal loves the intricacies of dollhouses and dioramas. And what do you know, B/oxman is very good at making little figurines/displays (as seen @ 2:30)! However, while Opal places hers on display to marvel at, B/oxman chooses to destroy his in fits of villainous glee. 😂
Plushies: Do they have any? What about you? Are there any plushies that were a gift from the other? What are they and what's the meaning behind them?
Opal has quite the plethora of them! Most are from her childhood, and others are gifts or customs she has commissioned. These days she’s always on the hunt for rubber-faced dolls and vintage plushies from the 80s.
B/oxy would make her some in a heartbeat, but working with metals is where his talents lie. He usually opts to get Opal whatever plush she’s had her eye on!
One time Opal got him a plush rooster as a reference to one of her nicknames for him. He pretty much takes it EVERYWHERE with him. It’s either stored in his desk or placed on their bed otherwise.
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Transformers Robot Husband Poll (TRUE FINALS)
I didn’t add Soundwave from media such as WFC Trilogy or Knightverse (Bumblebee) because they played such minor parts. Plus, I would have run out of room. If I’m forgetting a major Soundwave, let me know and I’ll restart the poll.
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emily-mooon · 1 month
OK! here's the general idea for this Nordegrim Ghosts AU that has been haunting me:
Stacey, Scott, and Lawrence inherit this big house from a distant great aunt they have never met after she passed of old age. Scott is in debt so he cant take the house like he was supposed to, and Lawrence wants nothing to do with it, so Stacey gets it instead.
It’s perfect though cause her and Neil, who is also her husband now here, were planning to move houses anyways and were struggling to find a good place. Also since the house is super big, they thought about opening a hotel at one point once the house is all fixed up.
What they don't know is that the house is haunted. the ghosts in question are:
Knives Chau: A teenage girl from the 1950s who was a fan of rock n' roll that got pushed down the stairs by a jealous classmate (not Tamara btw that was her gf) at a party
Julie Powers (IDK her married last name yet): An Edwardian women who got pushed out the window by her husband (who is Joseph in this AU btw)
Stephen Stills: A folk singer from the mid 60s who dies in a fire (people confused him with the other Stephen Stills all the time)
Gideon Graves: A music producer from the late 60s early 70s who was poisoned by a rival producer
Lucas Lee: A Victorian lumber guy who was crushed by a wooden beam during the construction of the houses renovation
Todd Ingram: A 90s Rockstar who died while having sex with his bands drummer (which like in the comic, was also cheating on his girlfriend and it is still Lynette and Envy)
Lisa Miller: A somewhat famous 1930s actress who died while filming a scene
Matthew Patel: An early 19th century poet who died in a duel that was orchestrated by a good friend of his
Roxie Richter(she has no last name in this au btw, putting it here cause I put everyone elses last names here): A Viking who was struck by lighting
Ken and Kyle Katayanagi : Inventors/mechanics from the late 19th century who died in a car explosion along with their dog (who is a dog version of robot 0-1 btw). They live in the carriage house as its far more peaceful than the main house
The ghosts overhear the hotel idea when Stacey and Neil are talking about it and they are not too pleased with it. So they try to haunt them so they'll leave, but ultimately fail.
Then either Gideon or Todd, come across Stacey leaning out the window and decide to push her in an another attempt to get them to leave which in turn, almost kills her. Because of this, now Stacey can see ghosts and forms a close friendship with them. Neil, like Mike and I assume Jay in bbc and cbs ghosts respectively, will have a collage of what they all look like since he cannot see them.
So yeah that's my idea so far! I’m still tweaking things but I’m happy with this rn. I’ll definitely make art for it at some point (and if people want it, an ask blog). Feel free to also suggest some ideas for this au if you have any :]
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winterinhimring · 7 months
Post-NWH Raimiverse Headcanons
(These may or may not be relevant to a fic I am writing, but that's some time in the future. For now, I have all sorts of thoughts on how the Raimiverse will change after the cured villains make their return and so I must inflict those thoughts on all of you.)
Oscorp now has the best lab safety regulations of any corporation in the business. Period. They're light-years ahead of the current standards. Depending on who you ask, this was either Norman's last act as CEO before he stepped back for Unspecified Health Reasons, or Harry's first. Both of these theories suggest some interesting things.
Within the company, theories about What Is Wrong With The Osborns run rampant. Norman just sets off people's danger instincts now, because people his age aren't supposed to move like Olympic-level gymnasts - Peter can get away with being inhumanly flexible because he's a teenager and adults tend to expect teenagers to be capable of some slightly inhuman feats anyway; Norman less so. He can also see a little too well in the dark, and he periodically pops up in places he shouldn't really have been able to get to. It doesn't help that he's usually in those places to terrorise people whose lab safety standards are slipping. "Dad, stop scaring the interns" / "I just want to make sure nobody falls into an experiment and becomes a villain" is an exchange that Norman and Harry have had multiple times.
The theories range from "Norman is a vampire" through "Norman was in a lab accident and wound up able to teleport, but can't control it, so Harry stepped up so nobody would see his dad accidentally disappearing from board meetings" to "The Green Goblin was the result of an accident testing the performance enhancers and Norman hunted him down but had to take the enhancers himself to beat him and it broke his health".
(There are also, of course, theories that are uncomfortably close to the truth. Generally, what happens is that an older employee quietly takes the person who has put the pieces together aside and says, 'yes, you think you've figured it out, but think very carefully about whether you want to *say* it in front of the legal team *and* the possibly-not-quite-human former CEO'. The theorist invariably decides that discretion is the better part of valour.)
Harry does not unsettle people in himself. Harry is shockingly normal and while he can be a bit of a brat on occasion, he's usually very nice. However, people are a little scared of him anyway, because he treats his weird freaky cryptid dad like a perfectly normal person.
When Otto Octavius comes back from his little jaunt into another universe and lands in a destroyed warehouse after nearly wrecking half of New York, Oscorp's second defining feature, after the lab safety, becomes their terrifyingly effective legal team. A lot of precedents about the humane treatment of enhanced individuals are set, and ultimately they get Otto off with a pretty light sentence owing to the whole 'four AIs were controlling his brain' thing. Also, Rosie Octavius survives in this world (because she just does, okay? I'm appealing to the butterfly effect because...just imagine her bonding with May and MJ. It's a wonderful thought).
Once Otto has served his time, he becomes Peter's Science Enabler Uncle. They get along like a house on fire and are an absolute pair of holy terrors. Multiple things have been set on fire in the Octavius (and also the Osborn) house because of them. (So, so many things.)
Rosie, May, MJ, and Harry form the 'not a scientist but afflicted with a scientist dad/husband/nephew/best friend' club and stay over at each others' houses when one of their residences is temporarily uninhabitable because Otto and Peter were doing late night science, or Otto and *Norman* were poking the arc reactor that Otto brought back from the other universe and made a fire. Or because someone had the bright idea of cannibalising a small appliance for a robotics project and now the toaster is no longer functional.
Rosie and MJ are especially good friends and get into long, involved literary discussions which Peter and Otto are utterly baffled by. Even Harry, who's pretty well-read, can't keep up with them once they really get going. Peter and Otto are very proud.
At some point, a Conversation is had about Curt Connors. ('WHAT DO YOU MEAN PETER'S PROFESSOR IS GOING TO TURN HIMSELF INTO A LIZARD?' MJ shouts. 'I didn't say he was *going* to, I said we should keep an eye on him.' 'That...is really not very reassuring.')
And everyone lives happily ever after, to the end of their days.
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adventure-showdown · 5 months
What is the Greatest Doctor Who story ever told?
and so we enter the final stretch, just 64 competitors remain, the seedings have been finalised and its time to make some even tougher calls. How long will the EU underdogs last and will your favourite be the ultimate victor (probably not)?
Grand Final: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances vs Midnight
Third Place: World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls vs City of Death
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World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls vs The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances WINNER: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
City of Death vs Midnight WINNER: Midnight
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World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls vs Heaven Sent
Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead vs The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
Fires of Pompeii vs City of Death
Scherzo vs Midnight
rounds 5-7 under the cut
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Remembrance of the Daleks vs World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls WINNER: World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls
Heaven Sent vs The Three Doctors WINNER: Heaven Sent
Turn Left vs Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead WINNER: Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
Vincent and the Doctor vs The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances WINNER: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
Partners in Crime vs Fires of Pompeii WINNER: Fires of Pompeii
Blink vs City of Death WINNER: City of Death
Caerdroia vs Scherzo WINNER: Scherzo
Midnight vs Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways WINNER: Midnight
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Chimes of Midnight vs Remembrance of the Daleks WINNER: Remembrance of the Daleks
World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls vs The Robots of Death vs Children of Earth World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls
Heaven Sent vs Dalek WINNER: Heaven Sent
The Three Doctors vs The Wedding of Sarah-Jane Smith WINNER: The Three Doctors
Alien Bodies vs Turn Left WINNER: Turn Left
Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead vs The Romans WINNER: Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
Vincent and the Doctor vs Captain Jack Harkness WINNER: Vincent and the Doctor
The Husbands of River Song vs The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances WINNER: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
The Curse of Fatal Death vs Partners in Crime WINNER: Partners in Crime
The War Games vs Fires of Pompeii WINNER: Fires of Pompeii
The Natural History of Fear vs Blink WINNER: Blink
City of Death vs Doctor Who and the Pirates WINNER: City of Death
Father's Day vs Caerdroia WINNER: Caerdroia
Zagreus vs Scherzo WINNER: Scherzo
Midnight vs Survival WINNER: Midnight
Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways vs Night of the Doctor WINNER: Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways
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The Chimes of Midnight vs Unnatural History WINNER: Chimes of Midnight
Remembrance of the Daleks vs The Curse of Fenric WINNER: Remembrance of the Daleks
World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls vs The Greatest Show in the Galaxy WINNER: World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls
The Robots of Death vs Children of Earth TIE
Heaven Sent vs The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot WINNER: Heaven Sent
The Green Death vs Dalek WINNER: Dalek
The Star Beast vs The Three Doctors WINNER: The Three Doctors
The Marian Conspiracy vs The Wedding of Sarah-Jane Smith WINNER: The Wedding of Sarah-Jane Smith
Time Crash vs Alien Bodies WINNER: Alien Bodies
The Mind Robber vs Turn Left WINNER: Turn Left
Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead vs Solitaire WINNER: Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
The Romans vs An Adventure in Space and Time WINNER: The Romans
Vincent and the Doctor vs The Five Doctors WINNER: Vincent and the Doctor
The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar vs Captain Jack Harkness WINNER: Captain Jack Harkness
Countrycide vs The Husbands of River Song WINNER: The Husbands of River Song
The Holy Terror vs The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances WINNER: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
The Curse of Fatal Death vs Human Nature WINNER: Curse of Fatal Death
Partners in Crime vs Lungbarrow WINNER: Partners in Crime
The War Games vs The Daemons WINNER: The War Games
Fires of Pompeii vs The Metaphysical Engine or What Quill Did WINNER: Fires of Pompeii
A Death in the Family vs The Natural History of Fear WINNER: The Natural History of Fear
The Happiness Patrol vs Blink WINNER: Blink
City of Death vs Mummy on the Orient Express WINNER: City of Death
Ghost Light vs Doctor Who and the Pirates WINNER: Doctor Who and the Pirates
Death of the Doctor vs Father's Day WINNER: Father's Day
The Curse of Clyde Langer vs Caerdroia WINNER: Caerdroia
Zagreus vs Genesis of the Daleks WINNER: Zagreus
Pond Life vs Scherzo WINNER: Scherzo
Midnight vs The Time Meddler WINNER: Midnight
Survival vs The Temptation of Sarah-Jane Smith WINNER: Survival
Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways vs The Caves of Androzani WINNER: Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways
Reset vs Night of the Doctor WINNER: Night of the Doctor
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zirawrites · 1 year
How would Romanced!Companions react to a Synth version of Sole's spouse coming back?
Cait: “You’re not considering replacing me with a robot, are ya?” Cait asked as if it was an obvious joke. Sole would clasp her shoulder and reassure her that no one could ever take her place. But instead, Sole looked at their feet in shame. “He’s/She’s a synth, for fuck’s sake! I’m a real person!” She shoved Sole. Tears stung her eyes. Cait could hardly speak when she added, “I love you, Sole. This thing does not.”
Curie: “I understand the plight of synths as well as any of us. But Sole... this person is not Nate/Nora. Surely they know this?” Curie listened patiently as Sole explained how their spouse’s synth had memories of their marriage and Shaun. Hell, they even remembered when the bombs fell. “If you must help them navigate these feelings, I support you, my love. I just need reassurance that throughout this journey you remember our own special bond.”
Danse: “That is... disturbing.” Danse understood exactly what it was like to have memories that weren’t your own. A voice sounding like someone else. A body that was created to house a different soul. His veins iced with terror when he thought of what memories Nate/Nora held of Sole. And if that changed his relationship with them. “What are you going to do?” The question made Danse’s belly heavy as lead. He almost didn’t want to know their answer, but ultimately it was Sole’s choice.
Deacon: Deacon sometimes wondered what he’d do if another synth of Barbara came back. He knew she wouldn’t be the original, but the Institute would’ve probably loaded her brain with memories of their marriage and lazy days on the farm and dreams of starting a family. Maybe even darker ones, such as her murder. He truly felt for what Nate’s/Nora’s synth was enduring. Hell, he could only imagine what was going through Sole’s own head. The spy just had one question, and he asked it as he stroked the back of Sole’s neck with a tender touch. “Will you choose me?” Deacon didn’t have it in him to admit to Sole that he’d choose them over Barbara every time. Even the real Barbara. He was afraid Sole would think he was lying.
Hancock: “Does he/she have everything he/she needs?” Hancock knew how dangerous the Commonwealth was for a newborn synth. Their occasional memory lapses and self-doubt made for unsavory scams and itchy trigger fingers. He would worry about any jealousy he harbored after he made sure Nate/Nora and Sole were safe. “Tell them to come to Goodneighbor. Hell, I’ll even bring them home myself.” Sole tried to search Hancock’s eyes for any lingering feelings, but the ghoul stayed stoic and calm. “I know we’re thick as thieves, Sunshine. I ain’t about to let anyone fuck with what we got.”
MacCready: MacCready used to have nightmares about Lucy when he and Sole first got together. He dreamt that she found them asleep in bed; his muscled arm slung over Sole’s body like a security blanket. Even after he woke up, MacCready could still hear Lucy’s soft crying in the birds chirping outside his window or water running as Sole drew a bath. Moving on from Lucy sometimes felt like betrayal. But now Sole didn’t have to move on from Nate/Nora, and he wasn’t sure where that left him. “I’m, um, happy for you. But, I mean...” MacCready anxiously scratched the back of his neck. “Where does that leave us, Sole? Are you gonna leave me for a synth?” Because the truth was, MacCready would never leave Sole for Lucy’s ghost no matter how badly she haunted him.
Preston: “The Institute will really stop at nothing to get you back.” Preston was sure this was the boogeymen’s last attempt at stealing Sole from the Minutemen. Yet underneath his initial anger, there was worry. He wasn’t sure if Sole still loved their spouse enough to leave him for their imitation. “Promise me you won’t fall for it, babe. This has to be a trap.”
Piper: “You know they’re not really your spouse, right?” Piper was terrified at the prospect of Sole’s husband/wife returning. She had no idea if Sole would leave her for them. And if Sole did, Piper worried it meant she’d been a placeholder all along. “They’ll walk and talk like Nate/Nora, but it isn’t them. I’m really me, Blue. Just... remember that when you’re with them.”
Nick: Nick was extremely sensitive to Sole’s feelings when Nate/Nora returned, albeit as a synth. Sole had already been through so much, and he was worried this would rekindle their grief. “Anything you need, just let me know.” He knew Sole wouldn’t leave him. His partner just needed space and understanding.
X6-88: X6 was furious at Father for bringing back Sole’s spouse. Everyone in the Institute knew how close he had gotten to Sole, and he worried their relationship would be thrown away to this... lesser synth. “Be wise about this, Sole. They aren’t who they think they are. That’s the entire point of rogue synths.”
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themadauthorshatter · 5 months
Part 3 of Robots Rewritten, bitches, LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!
Tw for robot gore/violence for this part. This final battle is going to be greasy, as it's said in the original
We pick up where we left off with the outmode crew and Bigweld going to Bigweld Industries, much to the surprise of all witnesses. Bigweld still has Rodney and Cappy wait, but frames it more as a, "Let the adult handle this," and also gives a bit of a parental push for Cappy by encouraging her to stick with Rodney so he doesn't stir up trouble. While Bigweld goes inside, Rodney and Cappy talk, admitting that neither knows what happens after this, but Cappy goes in to tell Rodney how genuinely grateful she is he ever came to the city, as she would never have been as brave as him to make a difference to this extent. The best Rodney comes up with in return, after some self hyping, is asking Cappy on a date, a proper one where he's himself and not wearing a dumb disguise. It makes them both laugh, but Cappy agrees on the condition that they pick what the other HAS TO wear. When Rodney dares her to repeat that, Fender and the others join in by giving odeas for what Rodney could have Cappy wear, i.e. something onutmode-ish and silly, and time's are just fun for a second as they wait a little bit
Ratchet still sees Bigweld and PANICS, and still "charms" his way to the point he knocks Bigweld out, and knocks some screws loose. Things proceed as they do in the original with Ratchet ordering Bigweld taken to the Chop Shop along with Rodney and Cappy, thought Rodney does onject and demand that Ratchet leave Cappy alone, maybe even kicks him and sees how weak Ratchet's upgrades are. The chase still occurs because it's genuinely entertaining, and Cappy shows off her rollerblading
The chase ends the same way, the outmodes go to the Chop Shop to foght, and the final battle starts the same way as it does in the original, with Gasket realizing Rodney is the one causing her so much trouble and revealing the giant Sweepers and that the outmodes are outnumbered. UNTIL PIPER AND THE ROBOTS RODNEY HELPED SHOW UP!!
The fight is very much the same as it is in the orginal, with everyone fighting their own battle, though after saving Bigweld, Rodney does an "awesome, badass nerd" move by swinging in(with a push from Wonderbot) to save Cappy from Chop Shop workers; she got separated from the outmodes and got outnumbered. (A visual gag could be Bigweld high-fiving Wonderbot for added humor. You'll see why it's needed soon)
Gasket ultimately has to retreat from the fight on the Giant Sweepers, and Ratchet gets the Sweepers activated.
Cappy, Rodney, and Bigweld all see it happen, but Rodney gets an idea, though he tells Cappy to stay where she is so she's safe. Cappy obviously refuses, but Rodney begs her to because he doesn't want anything to happen to Cappy; his idea is a dangerous one. There's back and forth, but Cappy ultimately kisses Rodney, who she makes promise her that he's going to come back and take her on that date he offered. He obviously does and moves out
Like in the original, Rodney and Bigweld swing down from a giant saw to knock over the Giant Sweepers, thank goodness too because they were closing in on the outmodes.
Ratchet sees Bigweld and Rodney swing toward him and has momentary panic before throwing himself at Rodney at the last moment, sending the two on a conveyor belt. The momentum also sends Gasket into the same chains Ratchet ends up in, in the original, so she's next to her husband
The Giant Sweepers are taken out and the outmodes rush to get Bigweld and make sure he's okay. Rodney and Ratchet have landed on one of the higher up conveyor belts, but they're also low to the point that Cappy cannot reach either of them. Just explaining that now before we get to what I consider the climax's climax:
Angry beyond all reason, Ratchet essentially flies off the handle, whaling on Rodney with anything he can grab, like a hammer, wrench, thin pipe, whatever, and Rodney tries to stop him and defend himself. Ratchet only shouts about how Rodney ruined everything, being a stupid kid who's slowly falling apart and can't scrape up enough to even build himself into something better. Wonderbot does try helping, but is backhanded away, though Rodney is able to kick Ratchet back and try running. Ratchet only knocks him back down again
Basically put, Ratchet goes Ratigan and just wants Rodney dead. It's nit a completely one sided fight, as Rodney, is getting a few hits in and taking advantage of bith his stronger, "outdated" metal to keep from getting his face smashed in, and the thinner, less reliable upgrade metal Ratchet has, both weakening Ratchet, and riling him up further. At one point in their scuffle, Ratchet has Rodney on his back again with the two having that sort of "push 'contest'" where there's a bar/pipe between them and while one's pushing down two kill the other, the other is pushing up to not die, Ratchet says he should have taken care of Rodney the first chance he had, maybe even thrown him out of the window without his little dishwashing invention so he wouldn't be a problem in Ratchet's city
Rodeny, who's been beaten to high hell, shouts that the city isn't Ratchet's, never has been and never will be, and he does a risky move after saying that, having seen where one conveyor belt meets another, by having the wheels catch Ratchet's arm, just enough to get him to let go of Rodney.
The two have one final stand off, both beaten tired, and with their metal and bodied badly damaged. Ratchet has armed himself with a hammer, ready to smash Rodney to pieces once he moves, but Rodney, is unarmed, refusing to take a wrench Wonderbot is trying to give him, and even looking at a picture of his parents and Cappy and his friends he's got in his arm compartment.
Ratchet admits he probably won't have the city, won't have Bigweld Industries, and won't have every outmode either melted down or looking as shiny as he is, but he can at least have the satisfaction of getting rid of Rodney himself, which is a shame because he really could've used somone as inventive as Bigweld, but easier to push around. Rodney, seeing that the two are DANGEROUSLY close to the flames meant to melt down metal, only tells Ratchet that he'd rather be himself than anything like Ratchet, saying so as he runs forward and tackles Ratchet off the conveyor belt
It leads to the two also smalling into the wall and falling onto the new metal conveyor belt. Ratchet is down for the count while Rodney has enough energy to at least push himself up. AT LEAST, until the conveyor belt doors slam with him caught between them
It causes MANY robots to scream, especially as they see Rodney fall out of the doors once they're open again. Everyone swarms to get Ratchet and Gasket and get the two out and arrested, as they are responsible for mass murder, and to see Rodney, Cappy pushing and rushing through the crowd and shouting for everyone to let her through. Fender stops her, not wanting her to see how badly damaged Rodney really is. Cappy still shouts for him to let her go and let her see Rodney.
Camera poc, there are glimpses of Rodney as people swarm around, all quiet and asking if he's dead or not. Cappy ultimately breaks free and gets to her childhood friend, and freezes once she does.
Rodney is HORRIBLY broken apart, having been nearly been broken in half by the doors. The fight had left one arm broken to the point the covering has come off. Much of his body had been badly dentes, but now it's tenfold. He has had an eye broken in the fight, his mohawk is broken and he's almost completely covered in grease(not blood, relax). His legs were also fairly damaged, but more more than the other; he would have been limping before the door slammed on him. It's enough to make Cappy fall to her knees and hold Rodney close to her, in shock and refusing to let him go as the outmodes try to get the two to move. Camera pov again, Rodney's hand twitches and the screen fades, giving a small hint that he is alive
We see it's true when Rodney comes to in his house, back home, in HORRIBLE pain and having some trouble seeing clearly. He sees his parents sitting close by and when they twarfully ask how he is, he admits he feels awful, having had the most screwed up dream ever and not being able to move very well, so he'll have to call in and try to get a day off. Rodney's mother cries as she holds Rodney's hand, though Rodney's father just looks away for a moment before asking Rodney what he remembers last
Rodney, confused, basically says he left for Bigweld city, but the city was being taken over by someone who wanted to destroy outmodes and make everyone upgraded, but Rodney and the outmodes stopped the robot responsible
Before either of his parents can speak, Rodney is tapped on the shoulder and he looks over to see Fender, who asks Rodney how he slept and if his fabulous new legs were in that dream of his. Rodney realizes that, yeah, NONE of it was a dream and sits up to hug his parents and Fender, crying because of everything that happened and because he's home and ALIVE
Fender, who's getting misty eyed himself, tells Rodney not to get too weepy when he's got some repairs done, including a new eye that they don't want fogging up yet, and he's got a special someone to introduce his parents to, and it's not Rodney's polished girlfriend
With some help getting up, Rodney, his parents, and Fender all walk outside, where Rodney sees both the bots from the city and his friends hanging out when the boys from his hometown, even seeing Bigweld talk to Aunt Fanny because I think they're damn cute. Also out and about, but not talking to anyone is Cappy, who's holding a dejected Wonderbot in her hands. That changes when Wonderbot lights up upon seeing Rodney and flying over to him as fast as possible, maybe even using his wire(?) Arms and legs to hug Rodney before lightly bonking him on the head for almost getting himself killed. Cappy is utterly speechless, even while Rodney fumbles over himself apologizing to her, but Cappy hugs him, which he reciprocates because he really needs a hug
The two only break their hug when Bigweld comes in to check on Rodney and see how he's doing, seeing as he's up and moving. He's asking because he's got an announcement:
He's come all the way to the small town to personally announce the remaking and redistribution of spare parts for all robots and, once he's all healed up and himself again, he's hiring Rodeny to work for him and, when Bigweld retires, will make Rodney his successor, if Rodney would like to be. Rodney asks if that should go to Cappy instead, and Cappy, a little cheery, asks Rodney who he thinks gave Bigweld the idea to hire Rodney in the first place. Bigweld also jokingly chides Rodney and tells him to respect the new leader of his industry, though she'll be acting more as his assistant manager or something
It's all good news, and when Rodney looks to his parents, they're HELLA proud of him and they tell him. Rodney does falter for a second in agreeing, but it's ultimately his parents's approval and the mostly silent encouragement from everyone that gets him to agree(it's not peer pressure, don't worry). It's also some encouragement from Rodney's father that helps, said encouragement being that his father didn't necessarily get to go after what had been his dream, a chance he doesn't want Rodney to miss by any means. When Rodney points out how His father could still have time to pursue his dream, his father only tells Rodney that Rodney himself is that dream, telling his son that he's always made him proud and he just knows that Rodney will continue doing doing great things. The two hug and there is the stipulation that Rodney NOT get himself nearly killed in his line of work again, but still. Happy serotonin all around
After agreeing, it's celebrating all around, though, Cappy pulls Rodney away after a while so the two can get some quiet time. Admittedly, she's a little upset, but more at the fact she almost lost her best friend. Rodney apologizes, as that was one of his dumber ideas, but right as he goes to promise he won't do anything stupid like that again, he stops himself, and he and Cappy kiss. Fender, Piper, and the other Robot City friends see it, Lug trying not to cry, Piper and Crank being fairly impressed, Diesel being shocked before turning to give them some privacy, and Fender giving a, "not bad," at the scene
Diesel does shoo everyone away with Wonderbot's help, but the kiss leaves Rodney with some trouble standing, as he still isn't used to his new legs yet, maybe even asking how Fender got used to his new legs so fast. Cappy just tells him not to worry about it and just stays by Rodney's side, though does remind him that he owes her that date more than ever now. Rodney, remembering their agreement, wishes her well in finding him something that will go with is mish-moshed parts. It's supposed to be a cute, sweet ending where we don't think about the horrible trauma the characters must have from the story's events, and wrap up on a happy note as Rodney and Cappy kiss again, though Rodney surprises her by picking her up and spinning her around, making them both laugh even when they inevitably fall down; Cappy is unharmed because she lands on Rodney, who is also unharmed
In true 2005 fashion, the ending has a dance sequence, because why not, with the characters cutting a rug and being silly, maybe even a cut of Gasket and Ratchet, if he survived, sitting in prison scowling in their defeat while Ratchet's father is dancing along as well
The ending shot is of a picture taken of nearly everyone together, though it does turn into a freeze frame as the credits roll
AND THAT WAS A PG-13 TAKE ON ROBOTS!!! I really hope you guys liked this 3-parter, sorry if this last part got a little intense, I had a certain image in my head that I just had to share with the rest of you, and this was honestly my way of putting context to that image
Not saying what that image was, but I'm sure you can guess😁
Fr, I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading this!!!
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megatronfangirl · 2 years
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Drawing I made last night in an attempt to garner more votes in the Megatron vs. Cyclonus Ultimate Robot Husband Poll on Twitter. Yes, Megatron lost.
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Did some research on the new Personas! Here they are alongside their respective characters.
Notable details:
Instead of codenames, these characters have shortened forms of their actual names.
All three Personas seem to deviate from the “trickster” theme of P5, instead returning to the general “Greek mythological figure” theme seen in previous Persona games.
SEIJI & LEUCOTHEA (rendered 琉科忒亚)
Of the stories regarding Leucothea’s identity, the most prominent relates that she was once Ino, the human queen of Athamas. Ino chose to take in and care for Dionysus, as he was the son of her sister (Semele) and Zeus. Naturally, this angered Hera.
Depending on which source you read, Hera either struck Ino herself or Ino’s husband (King Athamas) with madness. In the latter version, King Athamas is described as flying into a rage and killing the young Learchus, one of Ino’s two sons. Ino proceeded to pick up Melicertes, her other son, and ran for her life, being chased by her husband to a cliff. In both versions, Ino threw herself and Melicertes into the sea. The gods took pity on them, turning Ino into the sea goddess Leucothea and Melicertes into the sea god Palaemon.
Design notes:
Though it’s unclear why Leucothea has a heavily bird-themed design, it may have something to do with Byssa, a woman who was turned into a bird for refusing to worship Artemis, Athena, and Hermes; the Byssa bird is considered sacred to Leucothea. It may also have something to do with The Cantos by Ezra Pound, in which Leucothea is depicted as a seagull.
Despite being consistently referred to as a feminine entity in mythology, this Leucothea has been given a distinctly masculine appearance.
Leucothea’s in-game model is shown dual-wielding rapiers; it’s unclear why this is not included in the official art.
MONT & TERPSICHORE (rendered 忒耳普西科瑞)
Terpsichore is one of the nine Olympian Muses, specifically presiding over dance and (Greek) chorus. She is regarded as the mother of Sirens, and some accounts posit that she is the mother of the Thracian kings Biston and Rhesus.
Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be much mythology surrounding her…
Design notes:
Though not quite visible here, Terpsichore’s design includes ice skates. This, along with her overall “winter clothing” look, is likely due to Mont’s apparent proficiency in ice skating.
The large feather in Terpsichore’s hat may be in reference to her relation to Sirens.
YUKI & STYX (rendered 斯提克斯)
Styx is the goddess of the river Styx, which divides the lands of the living and the dead in Greek myth. In many accounts, the water of the Styx is capable of granting invulnerability to any who bathe in it – one popular example of this is Achilles, whose mother dunked him in the river by the ankle when he was a child.
As Styx sided with Zeus and the other gods during the Titanomachy, Zeus declared that all binding oaths must be sworn on her, and that these oaths absolutely cannot be broken. Of note, Zeus later swore on the river Styx to grant his lover Semele whatever she wanted, which would directly lead to her death…with their newborn child Dionysus then being taken in by Semele’s sister, Ino. Other surviving examples of oaths sworn carelessly on the Styx result in similarly grim outcomes.
Design notes:
Styx’s purple-and-black half-skirt seems to intentionally mimic Yuki’s purple-and-black cape.
Styx’s overall design bears a passing resemblance to that of Persephone, a recurring demon in the SMT universe. IIRC, the last time Persephone appeared in the Persona series was in Persona 2: Innocent Sin.
(This is just my personal opinion, but it kinda feels like she leans more into the pseudo-robotic vibes of the initial/ultimate P2 Personas?)
Styx’s in-game model is shown with a black chain connecting her wrists; it’s unclear why this is not included in the official art.
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quitealotofsodapop · 7 months
One of the most random, albiet comedic, thought came out of my head.
Once Smash!Shadowpeach are old enough and get their version of MK. Everyone thinks Smash!LEM is "carrying the egg" but it's actually Smash!SWK "carrying the egg."
That or they accidentally created their "MK" via Pinocchio-esque ai/robot on accident and now they're freaking out about it.
It would be in character though for Smash!SWK to be the one "carrying" the kid. His beloved LEM is busy making music and going to conventions, while Smash!SWK has grown into the ultimate house husband. So when the talk of kids comes up they decide obvs SWK will "carry" the first one in case LEM gets called away on tour and needs to perform.
They def announce the arrival of their MK via a tweet and only seconds later realize that they forgot to make it a private message to Tripitaka.
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mmikmmik2 · 7 months
How does anyone ever watch W and not become obsessed with Shroud. She’s a brilliant, manipulative inventor who spent years orchestrating the events of the series. She’s a traumatized, wounded woman whose abusive husband ripped away everything she had - her marriage, her children, her home, her life’s work, her ability to ever feel completely safe again. She recklessly handed out super-weapons to the most bloodthirsty people she could find because she believed only rage could conquer fear. She’s a mother who tried to give up on being a mother, who tried to forget her children were ever anything but game pieces, and ultimately could not, but could only find it in herself to express that renewed love by letting them go. She’s a weird forest hermit with a fog machine and a bunch of cute lil robotic sidekick animals she made herself and all her plans keep failing because she’s in a children’s superhero TV show but she thinks she’s the Count of Monte Cristo. I am rotating her in my mind. I am wringing her out like a wet towel.
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the-robot-bracket · 11 months
Emma Matthews propaganda:
She killed an entire bar then committed arson, then she and her husband the Paul clone killed both the original Emma Perkins AND Ted Spankoffsku anyway I support women's wrongs"
"Emdroid's a time traveling android from the future who went back to the past and took the place of her human self, who she and her husband ultimately kill to preserve their life together. Emdroid married Paul23, a clone of the real Paul Matthews."
"She's a murderous robot from the future who killed and stole the identity of someone with her equally murderous and loving husband <3"
"Kills lots of people and looks hot doing it. Played by Lauren Lopez. Need I say more?"
"She is so girlboss."
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ystrike1 · 2 years
I Became the Villain's Mother - By Yulji (8/10)
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Oh boy. Oooohhhh boy. This is a weird one. I think I may have done a short review or a post about it before, but now it has a season two, and it's much weirder. It is not going how I expected it to go. We start out with something unique, but now we're heading towards a well deserved but boring happy ending.
Roselia is a Duchess in a loveless marriage, and she also knows she's in a novel, on the losing side. The Chade Ducal family has always been evil. Her husband Cassis is a brutal, cold killer. The heir, Ein, drinks poison to build up his immunity. He also trains day and night despite his young age. They have alot of enemies. Roselia is the miserable step mother that dies. Cassis is the cold father that dies. Ein is the ultimate villain in this story. He kills both of his parents, and he turns into a yandere because he never received any love in his life. He falls in love with the prince's finance purely because he wants to have love, not because he loves her. In the end he dies to and the prince marries the girl Ein tried to steal from him. They live happily ever after.
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That does not happen this time. Roselia wants to live and she's not a child abuser. She doesn't hit Ein or ignore him. She actually thinks her stepson is adorable, and she thinks he can be saved with love. He's just a small child, and he was clearly the product of his upbringing. She defends him. She tells Cassis to stop feeding him poison, and she plays with the boy. He trains all day like a robot and she thinks that's not right. Children should play, and eat dessert.
She asserts herself and becomes his protector. Cassis feels like the villain in the beginning.
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The Chade family is ultra merciless. Roselia almost dies about a billion times. Her son, and then her cold husband, start protecting her behind the scenes. Her motherly efforts haven't changed much. Ein is still training. He's just hiding it from her, but he does love her. The Duke also wants some of that love now. He eventually starts to believe that Roselia is sincere. He can see her love for her son is true. She's not faking loving the child to get power. The Duke starts wanting um...cuddles and headpats. Also things like sex happen later on with consent which is nice.
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Duke Cassis is a yandere that builds gradually. He does not fall for Roselia because of her beauty. His second wife has always been just a pawn. He also didn't give half a shit about his first wife. It takes about thirty chapters for him to romantically pursue Roselia, and that's great. His growing obsession with her protection makes sense...but god the plot his weird.
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Ein and Cassis unite to protect Roselia, and she catches them. She watches them torture two men with poison as a team. Ein is a child in this scene. Just like in the original novel he's naturally evil, and on the way to being stronger than his father. It should be weird seeing a child kill, but it makes sense with Ein. It's what he was born for, but Roselia cannot accept it. She has a breakdown, and both of them have to leave her alone with her thoughts for a few weeks.
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Duke Cassis literally poisions every noble in court. He doesn't kill them. He infects them with something that makes them cough up blood. It's extremely painful but the victims only suffer. He makes everybody who tried to assassinate Roselia suffer, and also he's frustrated because she wont speak to them. He's convinced that she's going to demand a divorce because....yeah...you poison people with your son as a team. Ein gets sick from stress, because he thinks the only person who ever showed him love will leave him.
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Roselia says she still loves them both, but they have to be honest now. She doesn't want to abandon Ein and she's already in love with and married to Cassis. She's kinda stuck, and so seven peaceful years go by. Ein and Cassis do less evil shit, but they are still the most villainous family by a wide margin. Ein grows into a giant, happy mamas boy. Cassis wants a child with Roselia, but she's wary. Raising a child in the Chade family is dangerous, and they still have to get through the main plot of the novel.
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This is the prince and princess. They are both stupid. I haven't mentioned this yet, but the men of the Chade family have magical powers. Ein in particular has brainwashing powers. The Chade family is an invaluable ally, no matter how amoral they are. The Emperor knows the Empire wouldn't be standing without Duke Chade. The Emperor treats them all with respect. His son is an idealistic moron who thinks everyone needs to be pure and just. When all of the asshole nobles got punished for trying to poison Roselia he got pissy. He told the Emperor Duke Chade shouldn't be so harsh...but...uh...they banded together and tried to kill his wife??? Of course he was mad? Duh? So from then on the prince hated the Chade family... because the Duke dared to punish the people who brought poison into his home. By the way they targeted Roselia specifically because they knew he loved her.
His fiance is even worse at first, but she may be redeemed later. I can feel a very stereotypical happy end on the horizon.
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This is Karina. Obviously, she is Ein's future wife. They become friends because Karina is friends with Roselia. Roselia is really unpopular in court because her husband is an insane madman who gave everyone the plauge after they tried to kill her. So that makes parties awkward. She bonds with Karina because they both like cats. Karina is a lonely girl. She'd love to join a warm family and have a mother like Roselia.
Hint. Hint.
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Cassis softens up for Roselias sake. Ein glares at everybody who disrespects her. Karina fawns over her. The future princess stops acting like a snooty bitch, and hopefully the incredibly stupid prince learns how to think logically by the end.
This was a very enjoyable read, but the art is janky sometimes. Also I didn't want or expect a stereotypical ending. Also Cassis doesn't get much screentime in season two. There isn't that many yandere moments in S2 because everybody is too happy. All of Roselia's scenes with him in S2 are about her being too nervous to have a child, which is understandable. I just wish there was more brainwashing- villain-that-has-the-ability-to-cast-plauges-romance.
I feel like that was glossed over a little too quickly.
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candytoothart · 2 years
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So about the ultimate robot husband…
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