murdering-time · 2 years
(// i love jervis so much, but I stg he needs to stay 15 feet at least away from alice until he has his shit together holy shit-)
(// ALSO THank you thank you thank you thank you-)
-- ☎️
// Oh I fully agree
And I think once he has the sensabilities to recognise when this ... isnt healthy and is an issue he can probably learn some form of self discipline
I just cant wait until he's a miserable sod behind arhkam bars
THAT and THEN he'll meet the rogues and I have a few head cannons about who helped him with that wonderful dream machine uhehehehe
... Ive just realised that this is basically an AU and I can play god and make that head cannon happen. //
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Mmmmmmmmm jerry's lap
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wolken-himmel · 3 years
seeing "Teletubbies" &"twst" mostly on my dashboard made my mind go to "Barney & Friends" and "twst" crossover...lemme just drown myself with the thoughts of barney & friends as the first year squad or the dorm leaders... huh, wouldn't the teachers/staffs+ramshackle's ghosts be also a good fit as barney & friends characters...uhehehehehehe
Have you seen this yet, fam?
Sadly I never watched Barney and Friends tho 😭
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nolongeravalidhuman · 3 years
Uehehe, i feel so evil >:). Wrote a short SquidwardxMr. Krabs story and sent it to my family's gc. My brother stopped reading at the first indication. Uhehehehehehe
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commoncoral · 5 years
Recollecting 2/2 (Jevil x Seam)
Seam asked the kings whether he could visit Jevil since Seam was afraid of Jevil being lonely, even in his current state. Or maybe Seam was afraid of being alone.
However, the spade king yelled at Seam and accused of him making up plans with Jevil to overthrow the court. So Seam denied the accusations and swore to the kings he'll never visit Jevil after he finishes locking up Jevil.
Seam carefully holds Jevil as he walks the long flight of stairs, with his hands shaking every step he goes down. After reaching the door, he places Jevil inside the prison and locks the door with the magical key. Seam stares at the giant door and had a faint temptation to unlock the door to hug Jevil one last time. As Seam turns away to walk to the stairs, he hears a laugh coming from the door.
"Uhehehe! You foolish magician, you locked up everyone else from freedom! You gave me freedom!"
Seam would've asked what caused Jevil to create the whole mess he got himself in but he knew that it didn't matter in the end. Jevil was already locked up.
"you're starting to understand magician, aren't you? Uhehehehehehe!"
Seam started to walk away from the laughing jester. As the laughs were starting fade away, anger grew in his chest as he was helpless to do anything to make things better. Seam started blaming the kings for not trying harder to stop Jevil peacefully and not allowing him to see Jevil in prison, Seam blamed Jevil for not listening to him and destroying his eye, lastly he started blaming himself for being helpless, indecisive, and weak.
The grip on the key grew tighter and he grew frustrated with the lack of sight on his left side so Seam snapped the key into pieces in a fit of anger. Afterwards, he lay in his bedroom in the castle for a few days, not bothering with sewing himself up and playing solitaire.
Instead of thinking about Jevil, Seam just observed what went on around him. He noticed that everyone was fearful of him, especially the spade king. He suspected it was because of Seam being the only one able to defeat Jevil, which would make Seam the strongest in the kingdom.
That would explain the missing button and sewing kit, they wanted him in poor shape as much as possible in case he went mad. But Seam wasn't going to use it anyways.
He noticed that the spade king asserted himself more often and spoke over the other kings, he became aggressive and selfish. One night, Seam walked through the halls of the castle and overheard the spade king talking to a man who spoke strangely and said similar things Jevil spoke to Seam about.
The next day Seam was called to court and in front of him was the spade king with all the other kings standing behind, looking fearful of the loud and commanding voice of the spade king.
Seam was fired from being the court magician and is exiled for suspicion of allying with Jevil. There was no evidence proving this statement, he didn't try to visit Jevil in his prison, he didn't want to anymore.
In the corner of Seam right eye, he spotted the strange man standing by and looked back at the king. Corruption and chaos has already entered the court and no matter what Seam did, the results will be the same. His efforts were for nothing.
His choices don't matter. He finally understood what Jevil said, not fully however. He didn't want to know what drove Jevil to his imprisonment.
As Seam was being dragged out of the court he was laughing softly. Seam kept on walking and walking, exploring the underground until he memorized every location and knew anyplace like the back of his hand.
Seam was lonely.
Eventually, after all of those isolated years, he settled down and made a little store for himself. Seam stuffed body became worn and tattered, he was often tired and stayed in his shop for most of his days. Sometimes he had dreams that he was still performing with Jevil at his prime, sometimes he had nightmares of seeing and hearing Jevil laugh from when Seam attacked him off guard, except Jevil started fading away.
Seam mostly woke up with tears in his eyes.
Eventually Seam stopped dreaming, stopped caring. Years passed and Seam sometimes forgot Jevil name.
When the heroes came back and defeated Jevil, Seam gave a smile and knew that the heroes were sure on a huge journey if they thought they can do anything about changing the prophecy. Seam felt a sense of relief when he knew Jevil was put out of his misery, who knew how long Jevil was down there? Seam stopped counting the years.
Seam was old and all he wanted was a nap most of the time. So he passed out on his makeshift bed, but he didn't dream of nothing this time. He was on a familiar dark field and there was a familiar person in the distance.
Seam thought to himself that it was finally the end of the line for him here. "Finally here to get your revenge, Jester?" He asked.
Jevil giggled softly and turned to Seam with a sad expression. "...Old shopkeeper, what is your name again? I forgot."
Seam woke up and with a tight feeling in his chest. He headed to where the stars don't shine, there he saw that little man with a gloomy expression which looked at Seam empty eye and Seam stared back at his guilt-ridden ones.
"...Seam, spelled s-e-a-m"
"I guess you own what you call a shop, spelled s-e-a-p"
They both chuckle.
"Jevil you actually didn't forget my name, didn't you."
Jevil turns his head away from Seam and giggles. "You haven't changed a-"
Seam stopped walking closer when he spotted tears on Jevil's face. Seam knew that he was trying to hide his sobbing with laughter "You don't have to forgive me."
Seam had no words, he both felt anger and happiness at the sight of Jevil. He wasn't sure he was able to forgive Jevil after all those years of suffering and pain but even so, Seam leaned in to give Jevil a comforting hug. He wasn't exactly forgiving him but however he felt a huge burden being lifted away when he saw his love again.
Jevil cried into Seam shoulder and with a muffled sob Jevil repeated "I'm really sorry Seam" over and over. They stayed that way for a while, feeling warm in each other embrace, finding comfort and a long-lost happiness.
Jevil sniffled then wiped his tears from his face a pulled a button from his pockets. Seam gave a warm laugh when he saw that his button eye was held together with glitter glue, Seam thought about how fashionable he can look now. Seam went to hold Jevil's hands. "Let's go to my seap, I'm sure we have plenty of unfinished games to play." Side by side holding hands they walked together, telling each other jokes they made up over the past long years they've been separated.
They both knew that no matter what their choice was, it would all lead to the same ending. But without happiness or love, that's when nothing else matters.
Jevil and Seam would go into a long sleep after they played their games. Giving each other a goodnight kiss and Jevil holding Seam arm, their eyes fell gently and with a smile on their faces, they finally had a good comforting sleep after long years of unrestfulness.
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linguaxe · 4 years
アカリがやってきたぞっ/Akari xa chegou
Letra (todo onomatopeas!):
ドゥンぱーぱーぱーぱーぱーぱーぱーぱードゥンぱーぱーぱーぱーぱーぱーぱー ドンおっタンドンドッお?ドッディンドンドッお〜!ドッパッドンドッドンパッパードンぬん!ドンおっタンドンドッお?ドッディンドンドッお〜!ドッハッディンドン(ドゥンぱーぱーぱーぱーぱーぱーぱーぱー)うんシャキーンYeees ガタンゴトンガタンゴトンガタンゴトンガタンゴトントンガタンゴトンガタンゴトン キュピーンあは ガタンゴトンガタンゴトンガタンゴトンガタンゴトントンガタンゴトンガタンゴトン YoYo失礼しますガチャッサササッしゅしゅしゅシュッしゅたっしゅびっデデーンほっズドーン!ドカーン!じゃーん!ゴロゴロデーンじゃん!タンタンんー?コソコソちらってくてくちらっえ〜...っと!ね〜ぇねぇってばえい!やっ!とう!シュッしゅびっしゅたっシャンシャンササッじゃん!シュッササッしゅびっほっほっしゅたっふん!シュッへっぷし!!!シャンシャンササッディシッにへへへへ(アッアン)ポチッとてい!だばぁえ!?ゴロゴロデュクシドカどぼーんぶくぶくぶく...グルグルボーンしゅたっやったぁ ガタンゴトンガタンゴトンガタンゴトンガタンゴトントンガタンゴトンガタンゴトン ガタッ ガタンゴトンガタンゴトンガタンゴトンガタンゴトントンガタンゴトンガタンゴトン ドキッタンタンへっぷし!!!ゴロゴロじゃん!ララララララララー(コーラス以下略 詳しくは歌詞下※にて) Let's goキラキラギュイーンピカピカピコーンもふもふなでなでにこにこグルグルデーンゴロゴロデデーンわくわくうずうずバタバタノロノロあ〜?ウロウロあってくてくコソコソガサガサすんすんお?ペロペロおっいただきますもぐもぐキラキラギュイーンピカピカピコーンもふもふなでなでにこにこグルグルデーンゴロゴロデデーンわくわくうずうずバタバタドコドコシャンタンタンシャーンぎゅんぎゅーんカッドンドッじゃーん!あははね!Yeahもぐもぐ×4もぐもぐ×4もぐもぐ×4おかわりもぐもぐ×4もぐもぐ×4もぐもぐ×4もぐもぐ×4うまーい! ガタンゴトンガタンゴトンガタンゴトンガタンゴトントンガタンゴトンガタンゴトン ごちそうさまでした ガタンゴトンガタンゴトンガタンゴトンガタンゴトントンガタンゴトンガタンゴトン ドキッタンタンへっぷし!!!ゴロゴロじゃんララララララララー(コーラス以下略 詳しくは歌詞下※にて) ハイ!×56(フェードアウトする無音ハイ×4) LALALAー(Super Chorus Time) Are you ready?ララララララララー(以下略 ※にて) Let's goキラキラピカピカもふもふなでなでグルグルゴロゴロわくわくうずうずノロノロウロウロてくてくコソコソすんすんペロペロにこにこバタバタキラキラピカピカもふもふなでなでグルグルゴロゴロわくわくうずうずノロノロウロウロてくてくおっいただきますもぐもぐキラキラピカピカもふもふなでなでグルグルゴロゴロわくわくうずうずノロノロウロウロてくてくコソコソすんすんペロペロにこにこバタバタドコドコシャンタンタンシャーンぎゅんぎゅーんカッドンドッじゃーん!あはは ひとつの光が(Yeah)輝いて 言葉選んで紡いだの 辛いときも 寂しいときも 私がいるから 続く物語 星の絆で繋ぐから ずっとずっとずっと 私たちと貴方で 進み行くよだから 見ていてね YoYo ガタンゴトンガタンゴトンガタンゴトンガタンゴトントンガタンゴトンガタンゴトン うへっうへへへへw ガタンゴトンガタンゴトンガタンゴトンガタンゴトントンガタンゴトンガタンゴトン YoYo あー!
Transliterado con Google
Do~un pa ー pa ー pa ー pa ー pa ー pa ー pa ー pa ̄do~un pa ー pa ー pa ー pa ー pa ー pa ー pa ̄ don ottandondo~tsuo? Doddindondo~tsuo 〜! Doppaddondoddonpappādon nun! Don ottandondo~tsuo? Doddindondo~tsuo 〜! Dohhaddindon (do~un pa ー pa ー pa ー pa ー pa ー pa ー pa ー pa ̄ ) un shakīn Yeees ga tan go ton ga tan go ton ga tan go ton ga tangotontongatangotongatangoton kyupīn a wa ga tan go ton ga tan go ton ga tan go ton ga tangotontongatangotongatangoton YoYo shitsureishimasu gachassasasasshi ~yushushu shusshi ~yutasshubi~tsu dedēn hozzudōn! Dokān! Ja ̄ n! Gorogorodēnjan! Tan Tan n ̄ ? Kosokoso chirattekuteku chira~tsue 〜... Tto! Ne 〜 ~ene~ettebaei! Ya~tsu! Tō! Shusshi ~yubisshuta~tsu shanshansasajjan! Shussasasshi ~yubihhohhosshutaffun! Shuhheppushi! ! ! Shanshansasaddishinni e e e e (a~tsuan) pochitto tei!Daba ~ae! ? Gorogorode~yukushidoka do bo ̄ n bu ku bukubuku... Gurugurubōn shi ~yutayyatta~a ga tan go ton ga tan go ton ga tan go ton ga tangotontongatangotongatangoton gatagga tan go ton ga tan go ton ga tan go ton ga tangotontongatangotongatangoton dokittantan heppushi! ! ! Gorogorojan! Rarararararararā (kōrasu ikaryaku kuwashiku wa kashi-ka※ nite) retto' s go kirakiragyuīnpikapikapikōn mo fumo fu nade na de nikoniko gurugurudēngorogorodedēn wakuwaku uzūzu batabatanoronoro a 〜? Urōro attekuteku kosokosogasagasa sun sun o? Peropero o~tsuitadakimasu mogumogu kirakiragyuīnpikapikapikōn mo fumo fu nade na de nikoniko gurugurudēngorogorodedēn wakuwaku uzūzu batabatadokodokoshantantanshān gyun gyu ̄ n kaddondojja ̄ n! A wa hane! I~ēi mogumogu × 4 mogumogu × 4 mogumogu × 4 o kawari mogumogu × 4 mogumogu × 4 mogumogu × 4 mogumogu × 4 uma ̄ i! Ga tan go ton ga tan go ton ga tan go ton ga tangotontongatangotongatangoton gochisōsamadeshita ga tan go ton ga tan go ton ga tan go ton ga tangotontongatangotongatangoton dokittantan heppushi! ! ! Gorogorojan rarararararararā (kōrasu ikaryaku kuwashiku wa kashi-ka※ nite) hai! × 56 (Fēdoauto suru muon hai × 4) rarara ̄ (Super kōrasu ontaimu) Are you ready? Rarararararararā (ikaryaku※ nite) retto' s go kirakirapikapika mo fumo fu nade na de guruguru gorogoro wakuwaku uzūzu noronorourouro tekuteku kosokoso sun sun peropero nikoniko batabatakirakirapikapika mo fumo fu nade na de guruguru gorogoro wakuwaku uzūzu noronorourouro tekuteku o~tsuitadakimasu mogumogu kirakirapikapika mo fumo fu nade na de guruguru gorogoro wakuwaku uzūzu noronorourouro tekuteku kosokoso sun sun peropero nikoniko batabatadokodokoshantantanshān gyun gyu ̄ n kaddondojja ̄ n! A wa wa hitotsu no hikari ga (i~ēi) kagayaite kotoba erande tsumuida no tsurai toki mo sabishī toki mo watashi ga irukara tsudzuku monogatari hoshi no kizuna de tsunagukara zutto zuttozutto watashitachi to anata de susumi yukuyodakara mite ite ne YoYo ga tan go ton ga tan go ton ga tan go ton ga tangotontongatangotongatangoton u he~tsuu e e e e w ga tan go ton ga tan go ton ga tan go ton ga tangotontongatangotongatangoton YoYo a ̄ !
Tentativa de tradución ao inglés (comentarios de YouTube)
アカリがやってきたぞっ/Akari has arrived
bang! oh! tang-bang-donk- ooh?
donk-dink! bang! donk- oh~!
donk! poof! bang! donk-donk!
poofpaah- bang! nooh-
bang! oh! tang-bang-donk- ooh?
donk-dink! bang! donk- oh~!
donk! pah-donk-donk!
yeah! clink-clank!
clinkety-clank, clinkety-clank
clinkety-clank, clinkety-clank-ank
clinkety-clank, clinkety-clank
GLE-AM!- aha
clinkety-clank, clinkety-clank
clinkety-clank, clinkety-clank-ank
clinkety-clank, clinkety-clank
Yo! Yo!
Excuse me~!
click! shuf-shuf-shuf.. puncha-puncha-punch-HIT!
and land! woosh! ta-daa! hup! BAM! bwooosh! ta-daaaah!
chop chop!! oooh..?
creeping away~..turning...walking steadily~...turning
well..hey...i said hey...
shingshing shuffle tadah!
hit! shuffle! woosh!
hup-hup! and land! foo..
hit! ACHOO-!
shingshing shuffle and final pow!
nihehe..ahem. click! splash! ack! eeeh!?
dunkadunk.. punch! whack! diiive~
spinspin, jump & LAND! hooray!
clinkety-clank, clinkety-clank
clinkety-clank, clinkety-clank-ank
clinkety-clank, clinkety-clank
clinkety-clank, clinkety-clank
clinkety-clank, clinkety-clank-ank
clinkety-clank, clinkety-clank
ackk!! chop-chop-ACHOO-!
dunkadunka TADAH!!
[la~la~la] LETS GO!
glitter! SHI-INE! flash! eureka!
fluffy! stroke! smile!
spin! ta-da.. roll! tadah!
excited! eager!
flap-flap!! mm..slowly.. huuuh?
loiter.. oh! walking steadily..creeping away…
rustling..no. hmph. oh?
lick! oh?! thank you for this meal.*** nyam! glitter! SHI-INE! flash! eureka!
fluffy! stroke! smile!
spin! ta-da.. roll! tadah!
excited! eager! flap-flap!
bippity bip! shing! chop-chop! crack!
round-and-round! kya! boomf donk tada!
ahaha! (www) hey!
nyam-nyam...nyam-nyam...woo! seconds!
nyam-nyam...nyam-nyam...so good~!
clinkety-clank, clinkety-clank
clinkety-clank, clinkety-clank-ank
clinkety-clank, clinkety-clank
What a wonderful meal! clinkety-clank, clinkety-clank
clinkety-clank, clinkety-clank-ank
clinkety-clank, clinkety-clank
ackk!! chop-chop-ACHOO!
dunkadunka TADAH!!
la~ la~la~ [x26] hey! X60
la~~ la~~ la~~ [x12]
Are you ready?
[la~ la~ la~ x26] Let's go!
glitter! flash! nyamnyam! bippity-bip!
spin! roll! excited! eager!
slowly..loiter...steady..creeping away
hmph! lick! smile! flap-flap!
glitter! flash!
fluffy! bippity-bip! spin! roll!
excited! eager!
thank you for the meal. nyam-nyam-nyam!! glitter! flash! fluffy! bippity-bip!
spin! roll! excited! eager!
slowly..loiter...steady..creeping away
hmph! lick! smile! round-and-round!
kya! boomf donk tada!
One light~ yeah, it shines~
The words I chose, spun their own tale~
For when it’s hard, when it’s lonely~
Because I'm here!
Legends still continue on~
The star’s bonds, they’ll connect~
Always, always, always
With us and you~
We progress, we move on, therefore
Just please watch me! (hey!)
Yo yo
clinkety-clank, clinkety-clank
clinkety-clank, clinkety-clank-ank
clinkety-clank, clinkety-clank
clinkety-clank, clinkety-clank
clinkety-clank, clinkety-clank-ank
clinkety-clank, clinkety-clank
Yo yo-AAH!
*"gorogoro" means "to roll", but it seemed like she was trying to recreate the sound rather than say what she's doing, so instead i put "dunkadunka" as if she were a tire of a car on a road **"deen" and "jan" come from "dede-en" and "jaja-an", which both can be translated to "ta-dah!", just to explain why there's only one word there.
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masstersword · 6 years
Hee hee 💗
Oh! Uhehehehehehe😇 (scooby doo laugh 😇)
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zanmetsun · 12 years
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3 variations of Kasugasm.
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