#uchia clan
comicweek · 9 months
Uchiha Sasuke Birthday PV
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belit0 · 10 months
 The Edo Tensei we all need - Indra
Izuna loves to play with Tobirama's scrolls just to make him mad. Indra is an alcoholic.
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Fuck.... He hasn’t felt this tired since... since... since...
Yeah, it’s hard to even remember.
What happened last night? Indra wonders as he scratches his long hair and dusts it off.
How did I end up on the floor?
No news that the most fearsome villain on earth has an unbridled passion for alcohol, but he can’t seem to recall the last time he was so drunk as to end up like this. Maybe when he finally assassinated Ashura?
Who knows...
Indra gets up from the ground as several joints pop, feeling as if he spent millions of years sleeping in a tomb. His head hurts and his eyes barely stay open, an icy hand goes to his temple trying to calm a throbbing sensation that has been attacking the area since returning to consciousness.
He shakes his robe and eliminates all the dirt he has on him. Where did he go to wind up like this? What exactly happened last night? As he activates his Sharingan and scans his surroundings, he realizes he’s in a room he doesn’t recognize.
Yes, when he fled and travel the world to end up murdering his younger brother, the Otsutsuki took his time before deciding where to live. But once he did, he chose the largest palace he could find, filled with so many rooms that he didn’t even have the heart to walk through them.
It was not uncommon to wake up in an unfamiliar space, full of furniture he had never seen before and peculiar scrolls. Indra doesn’t even know how much furniture his house has, nor does he plan to find out.
With no concern other than his aching head, he walks to the door and exits, kicking over some candles placed oddly on the floor as he passes. How strange... he really hopes he recorded with his eyes whatever it was he did last night because he can’t remember anything. Absolutely nothing.
As he leaves the room, he finds himself in a... peculiar setting.
This doesn’t look like his palace.
He walks down the corridor, leaning against the walls and looking for support, fighting what he considers being the strongest hangover he has ever experienced. Loud sounds of voices booming in a nearby room reach his ears, and he hopes he doesn’t have to fight anyone because that would be a great annoyance.
At least in this state. Especially not knowing what happened last night.
His feet drag heavily as occasional grunts are born from his lips, squeezing his forehead with a hand too cold to be natural, trying to seek relief.
Finally he reaches the door from where the noises are originating and slides it open carelessly, causing all eyes to fall on him instantly. The laughter dies without anticipation, conversation dries up and suddenly everyone pales.
Tobirama Senju speaks first.
“Izuna... did you... sneak inside my laboratory... again?”
A thin, unsure voice answers, as Izuna Uchiha tries to hide behind his brother, seeking protection from the male newcomer everyone is watching.
“N-No! Of course not!...”
Indra Otsutsuki looks at them all in disbelief, not acknowledging any of the four faces present in that room. He holds on to the door frame with effort, struggling not to fall to his knees in the face of such insignificant presences.
Until suddenly, a certain chakra signature makes his blood boil, not giving him a second to think clearly.
“Ashura... Ashura!”
Hashirama Senju is on the verge of tears, holding the sleeve of his younger brother’s yukata too tightly for him to be the one who is called Hokage.
But before the chaos explodes, it is Madara Uchiha who jumps to the rescue, standing in front of Indra and bowing his head in respect.
“Grandfather, that’s enough! Tobirama... Who gave you permission to experiment with my family’s graves?!”
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happypanda101 · 1 year
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I'm not the only one who reacted to this pic like this right?
Some conflictions on the battlefield lmao Kaia has fallen for the Uchiha genes and is having a panic/tantrum about why this old ass fuck bastard is hot Itsuki's like "honey I know my clan has good genes but please." And Deidara is back outta spite to prevent his sister from marrying an Uchia XD
Just a dumb idea that I wanted to draw out.
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akamichisan · 6 years
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Finally, they are acting like a team!!! 
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miruevm · 6 years
Sweet smile, baby 💥🔥✨
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farfromart · 4 years
His name is Akemi Uchia I got inspiration from the uchias
Hope you enjoy!
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a-mature-weeb · 3 years
A compliation of pictures i found funny..
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misslittleangel · 3 years
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Like and reblog 🤍❤️
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The Uchihas
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rosieramen · 5 years
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Playing around with microns again.
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itachiuchia524 · 2 years
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Haven’t posted in awhile been a rough 6 months
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k3roseneee · 3 years
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doodling a lil
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moongirl-miki · 3 years
Kisses and Hugs
with Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Kakashi, Neji and Lee
Naruto Uzumaki
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Naruto loves to kiss his (s/o) on the lips and cheeks
when he must go somewhere quick he would kiss you there or on the forehead
like Tsunade did
his kisses are gentle and sweet
also are his hugs
it doesn't matter if your in public or private, he would come up to you and cuddle or kiss you
when you talk to some or are working on something, he would come up behind you, kiss your lips first then neck and hides his face in your neck
loves to lie on your lap with his face in your stomach or face looking up to you
his beutiful god/goddess he would call you
because you are his light in the darkness and makes his life so much better
loves to play with your hair or hands
do the some to him and he melts
so cute
this boy deserve every attention from you
Sasuke Uchia
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loves to kiss his (s/o) on the lips and neck
he loves it and can expresion his emotion to you
his bresure angel
don't give kisses or hugs in puplic
because he is a shy guy
but his kisses are gentle and soft
before a mission he kiss you a little bit rough, because he don't know when he sees you again
in his hugs you feel save and protected
he holds you thightly, because he don't want to lose you
like his whole clan
if you play with his hair he melt
he just find it some relaxing when you do this
totaly softy for you only
when he is stressed out or tired, he would come to you and cuddle you for the rest of the day/night
he is very clingy to you because of his past
so give him all your attention you have for this cutie
Shikamaru Nara
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loves to kiss his (s/o) on the hands, knuckles, neck and chest
we all know he is the lazyst ninja in the whole village
he's not so much into PDA, but gives his best for you
like when you working on something, he would come up to you, take your hand and kiss your knuckles or hand with his eyes on you with admire
his hugs are heaven
on of the best huggers in Konoha
because his favourite time of the day is to be with you
his beautiful/handsome pillow
loves to cloud watching with you, his arms would be ariund you with your head on his chest or in his neck
when you going to sleep he would pull you close to him with his face in your neck or hair
also loves to play with it before he goes to sleep
Kakashi Hatake
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loves to kiss his (s/o) on the cheek, forehead and hand
he just loves the feeling his lips on his, with or without his mask
because their so soft
his kisses are slow but rough
would also surprise you with kisses here and there
he loves when you get flustered because of him
in his hugs you fell save from any harm in the world
he would never let you go
he hugs you tightly because of his past, so you hug him tightly back
would hug you from behind, nuzzling his face in your neck or hair
he loves how you smell like (f/s) ( favourite scent)
when your sleeping next to each other at night, his past would come and haunt him, he pulls you closer to him, hold you thightly to his chest with his face in your short/long hair
please hug this guy because he loves you so much and would never leave you
Neji Hyūga
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loves to kiss his (s/o) on the hands, knuckels and forehead
because this guy is a gentlemen
would kiss first your knuckles with his eyes on you and next moment he gives you the sweetest kiss ever
he is a shy guy when it comes to PDA
so he would only hold your hand, give you a peck or kiss on the cheek
but behind doors he is completly diffrent
would cuddle you with his face on your shoulder, give long passionate kisses and much more
loves to play with your short/long (h/c) hair
also loves when you play with his
it's calm him down
he's so a softy for you
because he is a jonin he dosen't have so much time, but when he haves time he would be with you
Rock Lee
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this guy just loves to kiss his (s/o) everywhere posible
would kiss you evrytime he sees you
i'm completly serious
when the day begins, first thing he does is kissing
for good luck he says
everytime he does sits-ups he would kiss you everytime he comes up
he loves to cuddle with you so much
give you bear hugs
would hug you thightly but not to much
you are his beautiful/handsome flower and no one's other so he hugs you protectly
would pick you up and kiss you then
isn't that cute
would also pick you up bride style and walk around with you
would some times play with your fingers
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
RAY! For the combustion au, blackkkat’s uchia (I can’t spell) r and d fic is so integral to my personal imagery https://archiveofourown.org/works/10347030. Also I can just imagine sasuke and naruto cackling like stitch in that scene when he crash lands.
as always @blackkatmagic is an absolute gift to us all
but yes, yes to this entire vibe for the AU
Sasuke starts digging through the Clan Archives and starts finding all these old, chakra intensive jutsu that he already knows he'll be lucky to have the chakra for as an adult but Naruto? Oh Naruto can absolutely do these. It just furthers Sasuke's resolve to tie Naruto to him in as many ways as possible.
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incrediblequality · 5 years
Great I am going to think about Naruto on my 14 hours of travel today aren’t I
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secret-engima · 4 years
Snippet of Hiashi’s POV of Calling for Rain chap 6
(Long snip! Couldn’t resist tho. Here’s a look on that Hiashi POV I’m working on, I decided to show some of the LAST snip but from Hiashi’s POV rather than Hinata’s).
     “She’s a good student, not to mention a fellow classmate and friend,” Sasuke-kun agreed. That was not how Hiashi would describe his daughter, as much as he would wish otherwise, but Hiashi kept that thought to himself.
     His father, however, did not. He scoffed, “Hinata-sama does not have the talent or will for the ninja arts. She has always done poorly during training.”
     Sasuke-kun’s smile sharpened, and in his black eyes anger turned to fury, “Hinata-chan is a good listener and eager to please. She is open to corrections and very diligent in her training and I’ve never had a problem teaching her. Talent is a faulty crutch without hard work, and Hinata-chan has always worked hard during our lessons both inside Academy and out.”
     His father scoffed again, but Hiashi could hear the hidden accusation, and it made his hackles rise, “What are you implying?” That wasn’t really his question, his words were a chance for the boy to back down before his youth and inexperience got him in trouble with his elders and betters.
     The boy did not back down, if anything his smile grew fangs, and at Hiashi’s side, Hinata tensed like she was bracing for something, “In my clan there was always a saying, ‘if the student is diligent yet continues to struggle, then it is not the student’s fault, but the teacher’s’.”
     The insult to the clan was all but offered on a silver platter, so thinly veiled it might as well have not been at all. She isn’t a bad student, he was saying, all of you are just failures at teaching. Hiashi didn’t give the boy the satisfaction of a reaction. He was just a child, for all Hiashi was rapidly coming to the conclusion he was a lot more of a prodigy than Fugaku-san had ever given his youngest son credit for, but Hiroto’s fists clenched in fury, “You dare insult the Hyūga Clan-!”
     Sasuke-kun didn’t even blink. He was watching Hiashi expectantly, waiting for his reaction, “You are implying,” Hiashi asked in a flat voice, “that Hinata’s own clan is failing her?”
     The boy picked up the teacup and sipped it like the action might help hide the way his hands were all but shaking with rage —rage … for what? On behalf of … Hinata?— and when he set the cup down, he didn’t let go of it. The smile grew, full of teeth and a glitter of danger that made Hiashi’s instincts bristle more out of surprise than actual belief in the unspoken threat, “Hinata-chan overreaches with her strikes when flustered, like she instinctively expects her opponent to have a much longer reach and leg range than her and is trying to compensate, she pulls back her strikes at the last second because she expects them to fail and for her wrists to get trapped if she fully commits, she flinches from even light strikes like she expects to gain bruises and lacerations -which I’m sure has nothing to do with how often she wears long sleeves even in the middle of summer-, and she struggles with in-battle confidence because she has this wild idea that no matter how many hours she practices she is automatically a failure. But no, I would never dream of implying that her own family that she trains with far more often than myself or the other Academy students has anything to do with that.”
     Hiashi had no time to form his own reaction, because his father surged to his feet and loomed over the boy with a pulse of Intent that was just shy of actual Killing Intent. It wasn’t enough to count as a threat against a fellow Konohan, but it was definitely meant to force the boy into submission as Hiroto roared, “You rude, insolent little child! You should be thrown from the Compound-.”
     Instead of cringing like Hiashi’s daughter was doing, or crumbling into a crying mess like more than a few clan children had when disciplined with Intent —a practice Hiashi had never approved of, or used, considering how often it had been inflicted on him, but it was a traditional punishment of the clan dating back before Konoha’s Founding—,  Sasuke-kun turned his smile on Hiroto. Killing Intent spilled into the air, contained and definitely subconscious, but sharp enough that it made Hiashi itch for a kunai and something cold grip his throat. The Uchiha’s Killing Intent swatted aside Hiroto’s like it was nothing, and when Sasuke-kun spoke, there was no sign of an unsteady child, there was just the venom of contempt, “I am not a little child, nor am I insolent. I stopped being a child when our gracious and wise Lord Hokage decided that, as the head and last of my clan, I was to live in my compound on my own.”
     Hiroto stilled, both from the Killing Intent and the implications. No one had asked what had become of the Uchiha, he still lived in his compound and they had all assumed it was because he had insisted on staying in his family home. Hiashi had assumed Lord Hokage had chosen a caretaker to look after the boy outside of Academy, to look after the empty clan grounds, and yet he apparently had not. And yet Sasuke-kun had apparently been living completely on his own for months, and what was the Hokage thinking, leaving an Uchiha —a prodigy Uchiha, how anyone had missed the boy’s prodigal intelligence and maturity was a mystery— alone with his thoughts and ghosts —did the Hokage want the Village’s last Uchiha to go the way of his brother and snap into a bloody rampage?—.
     Sasuke-kun continued, unaware —or just not caring— of how his words had made Hiashi flinch, “I have come here as the Clan Head of the Uchiha, to speak facts with Hiashi-san, as a fellow Clan Head, about a fellow Konohan, a fellow classmate, and a future fellow shinobi. The only person to be rude in this room has been you, for insulting me, the head of the Uchia. The only person in this room who has been insolent has been you, for speaking out of turn without the permission of your Clan Head, Hiashi-san.”
     The Last Uchiha let that sit in the air between them, heavy as a stone and unyielding as steel, and Hiashi stopped thinking of him as a child or a boy. There was no childishness left in the person before him, no timidity or naivety. There was just hard steel, the likes of which he usually only saw in those who had survived their first A-rank. It should not have been something he could find in an Academy student.
     But it was, painfully and clearly, something he could find in the survivor of a massacre.
     The Uchiha’s smile dropped and he turned cold, furious eyes on Hiashi. The faint Killing Intent in the air turned expectant, demanding almost. He’s your clansman and you are his clan head, black eyes said, control him.
     Hiashi stared back and refused to give a reaction as he raised his hand toward his father, “Sit down, Hiroto.”
     “Sit.” His tone brooked no argument, no nagging, or insolence. This was not the time for his father to act as the former Clan Head who could nitpick at his son’s choices. They were in conversation with another Clan Head. Hiashi would be obeyed in front of an outsider.
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