#ty to rose for the banana pancakes
magswrite · 2 months
prompt: traitor (april 10th). 189 words. @jegulus-microfic
With the flip of another pancake, a low sizzle sounds through the room, familiar and comforting to Regulus as he relaxes against the countertop. James is flipping the next batch of pancakes, and the two of them have managed to find an easy silence in their morning haze.
Regulus cradles a cup of coffee in his hands while he waits, cautiously eyeing the stove, and James’ movements. He flips the pancakes lazily, a Sunday morning practice that the two of them have fallen into easily. It’s the only time there’s a bit of silence in the house, and they’ve learned to enjoy it while it lasts.
When the next batch is ready, James turns around with the pan and flips them onto a serving platter (one of Effie’s). As if on instinct, Regulus reaches a hand out, only to be pushed away by James.
“Save them for when Harry’s up,” he says, and then turns to pour more.
Regulus, of course, has never taken to listening to James’ orders.
When James turns back around, still-silent, his mouth turns into a scowl at the five-turned-four pancakes on the plate.
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cheshirehatter666 · 4 years
Day 2 of 50 Days of Prompts (Bakugo Katsuki x Reader)
Word Count: 2,629
Pairing: Bakugo Katsuki x Reader (Quirk: Telekinesis)
Prompt: #41 “Why are you always so difficult?”
Date: April 20, 2020
A/N: So I wrote this yesterday but I tilted my stupid laptop slightly and the whole thing was deleted so I’m sorry if this won’t be as good.
Waking up at 6 AM was not a norm for you, in fact it was far from it, but today was an exception. Today was your best friend’s/crush’s birthday and you were determined to make sure everything you had planned for him went off without a hitch. 
Hopping out of bed and getting dressed in a pair of black sweats and tank top, you headed out of your dorm room and started towards the elevator. As you waited for the elevator to come to your floor you threw you hair up into a high ponytail, tying it off with your beloved floral scrunchy, it was a little wore torn but it did the job. 
You had finished tying up your hair when the elevator doors opened in front of you to reveal a tired Ashido, she greeted you with a big yawn and a tired “Good Morning” as you entered the small the metal box, with a small smile you let her lean her head against your shoulder as she tried to get a little more shut eye.
“You know, I could have made the breakfast on my own,” you couldn’t help but giggle as you both entered the kitchen and were met with the sight of a tired Kaminari and Sero both leaning on the counter trying to stay awake. 
“But what kind of friends would we be if we didn’t help with our favorite hot heads birthday breakfast,” Kaminari yawned as you walked over to the coffee maker to brew your ‘magical coffee’ as the Bakusquad liked to call it, “Also, what better way to start the day than with a cup of Y/N’s magic coffee.”
You just rolled your eyes as you got out the personalized mugs you got for them out of your personal mug collection, “I don’t know why you guys like my coffee so much, its nothing special,” you shrugged pouring the coffee and levitating it to them as you dug out the ingredients you needed from the fridge.
“What do you mean nothing special?” Mina questioned as she placed her mug  down onto the counter after taking a big gulp of her coffee now thoroughly awake, “Your coffee is always so good and full of love it would make even the grumpest of grumps a morning person, and these cute mugs you got for each of us just proves you are the bestest friend to have.”
You couldn’t help but blush as Mina gushed over how cute you were for choosing specific mugs for each of them, you whispered a quiet thank you Sero as he put a strip of his tape over Mina’s mouth so she would stop rambling.
“I think what she was trying to say is, thank you for the mugs and coffee,” Kaminari chirped in as he poured himself and Sero another cup. “So what’s the plan for this birthday breakfast.”
After explaining what you had planned to do and what they were all working on you got to work, glancing at the clock to see that you had about an hour and a half before Kirishima brought back Bakugo from their morning workout, which was more than enough time to finish up everything, especially with the help of your three other friends. 
As you were finishing up the last of the banana oatmeal pancakes , Mina had sent the two boys to the dining area to set up Bakugos seat, you were pretty sure the two were going to go above and beyond to decorate the one table for their friend. Smiling at the thought you poured the last of the batter in to the pan as Mina leaned against the counter next to you, “So, is today the day you finally tell him,” she asked as you flipped the pancake in the pan. Caught by surprise by her question you almost drop the spatula into the pan, sputtering out a reply of “I don’t know what your talking about.”
“Oh, come on Y/N, everyone knows how you feel about him, I mean your even making him a a birthday breakfast, when everyone else got mugs,” Mina cooed as she took the now finished plate of pancakes from you, “Not that we don’t love our mugs.” You just sighed and followed after her using your quirk to carry the rest of his breakfast, carrying Kirishima’s mug and the new mug you got specially made for Bakugo in your hands, a small lavender ribbon wrapped around the handle of Bakugos.
As you neared the dining area you could hear Bakugo yelling at Kaminari and Sero, cursing them for making such a big deal about today so early in the morning. When they came into view you could see Kirishima trying to calm his best friend as the other two hid behind the hardened hero in training as tiny explosions left the blonds hands. Glancing behind them you couldn’t help but let out a laugh at the sight of the multiple balloons tired to his usual seat and the banner on the back of the seat that said Birthday Boy.
Turning to the sound of laughter he was about to yell at whoever was laughing at him only for the words to die at his throat as he saw you walking over with two mugs in your hands. Realizing that you were using your quirk to carry some plates with breakfast foods behind you, he couldn’t help the heat that rose to his cheeks when he saw that they were all his favorite breakfast foods. You smiled at him as you started to place the platters down in front of his chair, “Happy Birthday Bakugo!” 
After placing everything down you handed Kirishima his mug full of coffee and went up to Bakugo with a small blush of your own as you held out the mug you had customized just for him. “I’m sorry about the commotion, I didn’t think the boys would go this far with setting the table,” you giggled as he slowly took the mug from your hands, noticing it wasn’t coffee in it, but what looked like a protein shake.  “I know you didn’t want to make a big deal of your birthday, but I figured a big breakfast after training would be okay.” 
At the sight of your smile Bakugo couldn’t help but look away from you to hide his red face, “It’s whatever shitty girl,” he grumbled as he took a big chug from his mug and sat at his spot to eat the breakfast you made him, ignoring the knowing look from the future Red Riot. Kirishima couldn’t help but laugh at his friends awkwardness when it came to the small affections you showed him, blocking off the frustrated blasts the explosive boy sent his way by activating his own quirk. 
Tilting your head slightly, you shrugged at the not so unusual scene with a small wave and another ‘happy birthday’ you started to head back to your dorm room to finish up the plans for later tonight. With a small glance at Kirishima you shared a hidden nod between the two of you that your mutual bestie didn’t notice. 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When you got to your room you began bringing down the boxes you had hid in your closet that were full of decorations you had either mad or bought since you started planning your little surprise for Bakugo, seeing that everything was still in tact and organized you just needed to wait for Kirishima to take Bakugo out of the dorms so you could set up, as you stacked the last of the boxes by your door you felt a small buzz in your pocket from your phone. Checking your messages you saw that it was a string of Happy Birthday texts from your families group chat. Yes, today was your birthday as well, but you didn’t want to make a big deal of it with you friends, being that you were a better giver than receiver.  No one in your class knew today was your birthday and you planned to keep it that way. As soon as you sent out a ‘Thank you’ text to your family there was a knock at your door, you expected it to be Kaminari and Sero to tell you that the birthday boy had left and the plan could proceed, but what you didn’t expect was to be rushed into your room by the entire Bakusquad, sans Bakugo, and the rest of the dormitory girls . 
Before you could even question what was happening you were dragged into your personal bathroom with clothes shoved into your arms, and was told to shower and get changed or else they’d do it themselves. Not seeing another way out you did as you were told, and as soon as you were finished you were rushed again by the girls as they did you hair and makeup. At the end of the entire ordeal you were dressed in a black floral skater dress, combat boots, and a leather jacket, the front parts of your hair braided back in a crown as the rest fell down your back. Looking at your friends in confusion, you were surprised when Sero had wrapped you in his tape and taped your mouth, while Uraraka made you float as they dragged you behind them.  Still confused on what was going on you looked towards Kirishima who walked behind looking at you with a sheepish look. 
“Mina thought it would be better for you to distract Bakugo for the day,” he clarified as you began struggling in your bindings, “I’m sorry Y/N, I couldn’t convince her otherwise, but don’t worry I’ll make sure everything is set up by the time you get back.”
Still struggling against the tape you tried yelling at them through the covering over your mouth as the brought you to the entry way of the dorms. As they let you down and untied you, they all began to quickly run and hide around the corner in the halls as Bakugo approached your figure. You were still in shock at the way Mina turned the tables on you when Bakugo bonked you on the head to get your attention. “Let’s go idiot, I don’t have all day.” You looked at him in surprise as he he walked out of the dormitory not even waiting for you to respond. After sending you group of friends a quick glare you rushed after the hot head as he continued walking on without you.
Bakugo had found out that he shared a birthday with you when he was summoned to the teachers office and had accidentally noticed your school profile on one of the computers.  He had spent weeks trying to figure out what to get you for your birthday but came up empty, so for you, he swallowed his pride and went to the second closest person to him to ask for advice. 
Kirishima was surprised when Bakugo had told him that you shared a birthday with the hot head, but he was even more surprised when said hot head asked him what he should get you. After thinking about it he got the best idea, he suggested to Bakugo that he should take you out of the dormitory and to the mall the day of so that he could see what you’d like first hand and so that they could prep a party for you. It was perfect, because he had to get Bakugo out of the dorms anyways for the party you planned for him.
So now here you both were on the train headed to the mall, oblivious to the red heads meddling. When you got there you had dragged the blond to multiple different stores trying to distract him for a set amount of time, all while said blond was keeping an eye out on what you seemed to like.
You and Bakugo had spent the whole day at the mall together, you were able to find some school supplies and snacks that you were low on, and Bakugo had found the perfect gift for you. It took him forever to get you to leave him alone for a bit so he could by it, but he was finally able too slip away when you were waiting in line at the food court. 
By the time you had both secretly checked for the okay from Kirishima the sun had slowly began to set, by the time the train had hit your station the sky had begun to darken on your walk back to the dorms. When you were about to open the door you felt Bakugo grab hand before you could grip the handle. You turned to look at him confused. “Whats up Baku-kun?” 
You could faintly see a small blush on his face as he pulled you away from the door.  “Before we go on, I wanted to give you this,” he muttered as he pushed a small bag towards you. You looked down at the bag confused, “But its your birthday Bakugo, you’re supposed to be getting gifts not giving.” 
“I know it’s your birthday to dork, just take the bag.” he pushed as you still didn’t take the bag. “No Bakugo its fine, you don’t have to give me anything. How did you even know it was my birthday.” 
“Don’t worry about it, just take the damn gift”
“No it’s fine”
This back and forth continued on until Bakugo finally snapped, “Why are you always so difficult?” 
Taken a back by his sudden outburst you slowly took the gift bag from his extended arms seeing his face turn completely red, you smiled at him figuring that it was so unlike him to even go out of his way to get you a gift. When you opened it you saw the locket that you were looking at in the  jewelry store in the mall, and when you opened it you saw a picture of the Bakusquad on one side, but the other was empty. With slight tears at the sweet sentiment you looked up at him with a watery smile, “I love it.”
Looking at you he rubbed the back of his head a hand in his pocket as he scoffed at your reaction “As I knew you would dork,” glancing at you his expression turned soft. “Let me help you with it.” 
Nodding slowly you handed him the necklace and moved your hair to the side so he could clasp it around your neck. Feeling his callous hands  clasp the lock you slowly turn around and look up at him, not realizing how close the two of you actually are.
Staring into each others eyes you could feel yourself slowly rise to the tips of your toes as he slowly leaned down. And just as your lips were about to meet the front doors burst open, your whole class shouting out a surprise holding up a banner that said 
Surprised you both shot apart turning to your friends as they smiled at the two of you not realizing what they had interrupted. Following your friends inside you couldn’t help but smile at the fact they tricked you into going out so they could set up the party for you too.
Looking around you made sure no one was looking you used your quirk to pull Bakugo down by the front of his shirt and giving him a quick peck on his check whispering a small “Happy Birthday Katsuki.” before skipping away to the group of girls dancing to Jirous playlist.
Placing a small hand to his cheek he whispered a “Happy Birthday Y/N’ watching you dance the night away with your friends.
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sunriseskog · 6 years
Shit Like This- Auston Matthews
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“i could use some auston smut rn!” 
“can you do an auston matthews imagine where he’s taking the game 7 loss rlly hard n you help him through it.” 
“I'm v v emotional after that game so like.. an imagine where auston is rlly down abt losing to the Bruins and he's like crying a little and u basically have to comfort him?? If you'd like to of course!! Ty!!” 
Warnings: Smut, Fluff, Angst, Cursing (the whole shebang)
Word Count: 1999
Notes: i hope you guys like it!! let me know what you think :) || requests are OPEN
When shit like this happened, you and Auston had a routine. Regardless of how each game went, he knew that you would be there to be whatever he needed you to be. This loss was particularly heart-wrenching but you were able to shove that down below the surface in order to take care of your boyfriend. When shit like this happened, Auston got angry. But you knew that Auston wasn’t genuinely angry, he was disappointed and hurt and sad, and when shit like this happened, Auston got angry so that he wouldn’t have to get sad.
As soon as you had closed the front door, he was immediately on you. His hands gripped the side of your face and he slammed his mouth onto yours as he backed you up against the door. His tongue was circling around yours, practically playing a game of tag within your mouth and you went to sink your hands into his hair when he reached up and gathered both of your wrists above your head with one of his hands. His teeth were clashing against yours every now and then but you couldn’t really mind because suddenly it was like he couldn’t get his hands down your pants fast enough. He shoved his hand directly into your underwear and immediately pushed two of his thick fingers into you, huffing a laugh into your mouth at the choked gasp that you let out in response. One of your hands broke loose and you reached down to grip his bicep as your eyes rolled back into your head at how deliciously rough the pace he had taken was. Frustrated with his limited mobility due to your skinny jeans, he released your other wrist and bent down to yank your jeans down below your knees, not wanting to bother with your shoes. With your feet effectively tangled, he quickly rose and threw you over his shoulder and began heading towards your bedroom.
Despite the fact that you knew he wasn’t in his usual joking mood, you couldn’t resist reaching down and pinching the cleft of his ass with a small giggle. If he was going to incapacitate you, the least you could do was entertain yourself. He immediately reached up and smacked you on your ass in retaliation. Humming in satisfaction a the moan you let out as he let his fingers run lightly through your exposed folds. Once the two of you finally reached the foot of your bed he hurriedly threw you from his shoulder, not bothering to let you down gently. As he kneeled down at the edge of the mattress to remove the pants that had become even further entangled in your sneakers you spread your legs slightly in an unconscious effort to invite him to go down on you. As he crawled back over you, he let his bottom lip drag up your leg and across your thigh. He let out a quiet tsk as his chin ran over your hip, taking care to avoid touching anywhere where you actually wanted him.
“fuckfuckfuck,” he muttered, eagerly tugging your shirt over your head. “ I like this one best,” he muttered against your collarbones, looking up at you through hooded eyes as he teasingly drug his finger over the zipper on the front of your bra. “…easy access,’ he growled with a smirk, quickly undoing the zipper and shoving the sides of the bra to rest under your back. He immediately went straight to sucking on your left breast, dragging his teeth over your nipple every few seconds as he ground his hips into your thigh. After a few minutes, he was finally satisfied that he had left enough hickeys to last for the next few days. He slowly started moving lower on your torso, taking his time by swerving to press open mouth kisses against each of your ribs. By the time he had finally settled himself between your legs, you were a complete mess. Your hands switching between running through your own hair at the overwhelming fleeting nature of Auston’s touches and gripping his hair to push him further down your body. Your hips jerked as he let out a cool breath directly on the hot skin of your clit.
“fuuck, babe, you’re fucking dripping,” he moaned out, using his fingers to collect the wetness that had gathered beneath you on the comforter, dragging them up through your folds to rest directly on your clit. As he used his middle finger to viciously rub circles on your clit, he leaned down to press his tongue flat against your opening. You let out a loud moan as his tongue came to replace his finger as he hurriedly pushed his pants to the edge of the bed. he suddenly launched himself back up your body, pressing his forehead into yours as he looked into your eyes for confirmation. You wrapped your hand around the back of his neck as you nodded, going to kiss him but letting your mouth fall open as he slowly pushed into you. You hadn’t had a lot of prep, but you knew that right now he didn’t need to make love to you, he needed to fuck you. Your eyes rolled back in your head as you wrapped your legs around the small of his back, reaching your arm up above you to stop your head from slamming into the headboard as his thrusts picked up speed. With how keyed up the two of you were and the hand job you had given him in the car on the way home, it didn’t take long until he was slamming deeper into you, his thrusts getting sloppier. You pulled at the hair on the nape of his neck and clenched down on him as your abs spasmed and you finally came. The feeling of you coming around him had always been exactly what Auston needed to send him over the edge. He let out a few ragged breaths before he slipped out of you and curled up against your side, pressing his head into the crook of your neck. You reached over into the drawer of the bedside table to grab the baby wipes you had placed there exactly for nights like this. You carefully cleaned the two of you up, taking care not to jostle your boyfriend too much as you knew this night had taken a lot out of him. By the time you had set your alarm and returned to bed, he was already asleep. Once you got situated under the covers, he pressed himself closer to you, humming despite his unconscious state.
The next morning you awoke wrapped tightly in the arms of your boyfriend to the sounds of your alarm going off quietly next to your ear, you quickly shut it off to avoid disturbing the sleeping form next to you. Banana and peanut butter pancakes had become your specialty, and in all honesty, they were the only thing you could get Auston to eat after coming down from a loss. You knew he wouldn’t be in the mood to eat as many as he usually did, so you placed the extras in the fridge for later tonight when he inevitably caved into his hunger. You proceeded back towards your bedroom, carrying the standing tray you had splurged on with shit like this in mind. You set the tray down on the vanity and press a kiss to the top of your boyfriends head as you rub soothing circles into his shoulder in a gentle attempt to rouse him from his sleep. You saw his eyes flutter open and felt your heartbreak as his shoulders dropped when he recalled the events of last night. Rolling him over and coaxing him to sit up against the headboard, you placed the tray over his legs and walked to the other side of the bed to curl yourself back up against his side. He ate slowly and barely managed to finish half the plate before leaning over and setting the tray on the floor next to his side of the bed. Once he had done that, he immediately got up and changed into sweats without saying a word. He grabbed his keys and left with a kiss to your forehead as he headed to the rink. Regardless of whether or not there was practice the next day, he always took every loss far too personally to not force himself to practice past the point of exhaustion the next day. Today was going to be especially bad.
You spent most of the day cleaning and periodically checking in with the other WAGs to find out how the other guys were handling it. At around 5pm you decided it had been long enough and shot Mitch a text, asking him to retrieve your boyfriend. Inevitably, you knew that by the time he got there Auston would already be in the team’s infirmary after having overexerted himself to the point of passing out. About 45 minutes later, you heard a car pull into the driveway and you shut off the TV to go wait in the doorway. Mitch had Auston’s arm slung over his shoulder as he helped him up the steps, you quickly took over and shot Mitch a grateful smile as he proceeded back to his car. You walked Auston back through your bedroom and into the bathroom as you rested him on the closed seat of the toilet while you turned on the shower and began slowly peeling his sweat-drenched clothes off of him. As much as it hurt you to see him like this, taking care of a pliant and genuine Auston had a tendency to make you feel better, knowing you could look after him any way he needed you to. You take his hand and lead him into the spray, using your hands to shield his eyes from the water as you wet his hair and squirt a small amount of the 2-in-1 shampoo/conditioner he insisted on using. As you moved on to cleanse his torso with the stress relief body wash you had purchased, you firmly worked your thumbs into the knots that had formed along his shoulders and back. You quickly rinsed yourself off, making sure to keep him under a majority of the spray so he wouldn’t grow cold. As you were rinsing out your hair, you felt his arms snake around your waist as he pressed his chin into the crook of your neck, knocking his head against yours gratefully.
You carefully dried him off and helped him into a pair of shorts and the softest and most worn out t-shirt of his that you could find. You coaxed him over to the couch in the living room and rested your body parallel to the cushions as you leaned up against the armrest. You spread your legs until your foot touched the ground as you pulled him by his hand to come to lay on top of you. He situated himself so his head rested just above your belly button and childishly snatched your wrist and placed on top of his head in a plea to get you to play with his hair. After a few moments, he wraps both of his arms around your waist as he burrows his head further into your stomach. You ran your fingers across his damp scalp and hummed a little to yourself, rubbing circles across the sparse of his back as you felt him let out a few small sobs. He gripped you tighter and you could feel the few tears he was willing to let fall soak through the cotton of your shirt. You reached for your phone and connected to the speaker across the room, playing some music quietly in the background while continuing to console your boyfriend. This was what you were here for, to help each other get through shit like this.
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the-queen-unitato · 7 years
Heyo I was tagged by the bae @casandsip because let’s be real who else tags me in things? Thank you dear! <3
Edit: And @theowletqueen so I shall add thier question and answer it too sorry dear just saw it
Rules: Answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
1. Coke or Pepsi: I do not like soda and they? Taste? The? Same?
2. Disney or Dreamworks: Disney because Alice in Wonderland 
3. Coffee or Tea: Depends I require coffee to live but I prefer the taste of tea so???? 
4. Books or Movies: I mean... Manga???? Does that count as books???? Cause Tokyo Ghoul is currently my shit and I would like to have time to sit down and read all of them kthx but I’m only on 10 I think :(
5. Windows or Mac: windows
6. DC or Marvel: neither
7. Xbox or Playstation: Neither I’m boring
8. Dragon Age or Mass Effect: see above but i have a friend who loves dragon age for Gay Reasons and i always vote with my gay <- I’m gonna leave this cause I have no idea what either of those are
9. Night Owl or Early Rise: n i g h t o w l my favorite thing in the world is to go on a jog at like 3 in the morning when everything is quiet and everyone’s asleep and it’s quiet and pretty and stars and yes a++++++++++++
10. Cards or Chess: cards I haven’t played chess in approximately 11 years and I don’t remember how to play
11. Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla
12. Vans or Converse: converse but I have a pair of vans I love so? But converse
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar: I have no idea what this si
14. Fluff or Angst: angsttttttttttt
15. Beach or Forest: forest I hate sand bye
16. Dogs or Cats: CATS but I love my doggo a lot but... Cats. Especially my kitty Loki she a precious baby I love her
17. Clear Skies or Rain: I don’t mind, no I don’t mind, I don’t mind the rain ... I hate myself... but ye rain 
18. Cooking or Eating Out: cooking I love cooking
19. Spicy Food or Mild Food: I love spicy but? I? Can’t? Eat? It?
21. Would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot : A little to cold I hate being hot then there’s sweat and everything is terrible and no. I’m like always cold anyway so it w o r k s 
22. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Mind reading cause tests and anxiety and like.... mind reading.
23. Animation or Live Action: Animation I would never be able to give up anime like I cannot Haji means too much to me
24. Paragon or Renegade: i don’t know what these are in reference to but renegade is a good styx song <---- leaving this yes Rose I am proud of you
25. Baths or Showers: showers
26. Team Cap or Team Iron Man: Nope 
27. Fantasy or Sci-Fi: fantasyyyyyyyyy
28. Do you have three or four favourite quotes? If so, what are they: "THERE WILL ALWAYS BE PEOPLE WHO DON’T UNDERSTAND YOU, IN THIS CRAZY WORLD. THERE WILL ALWAYS BE FOOLISH PEOPLE FILLED WITH HATE THAT WON’T ACCEPT OTHERS, BUT I’LL MAKE THEM UNDERSTAND AND I WILL A L W A Y S PROTECT YOU” BLOOD FUCKING PLUS MY FUCKING SON KAI EPISODE 50 NAN-KURU-NAI-SAH (it might be  the end of 49 I don’t remember but I like nankurunaisah more so I’m sticking with it)
29. YouTube or Netflix: Youtube I would literally die if I had to give up watching the Queen she is too important I’d rather never see Ty again than stop watching her you can’t make me
30. Harry Potter or Percy Jackson: harry potter
31. When You Feel Accomplished: When I can help a Friend feel better about something they’re stressed about
32. Star Wars or Star Trek: ....................................I’veneverseeneither
33. Paperback Books or Hardback Books: paper backs cause I’m a piece of shit and fold them over also most manga is paper
34. Handwriting or Typing: typing my handwriting is atrocious also I cannot spell
35. Velvet or Satin: saaaaaaaaaaaatttttttttiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnn
36. Video Games or Movies: movies
37. Would you rather be the dragon or own the dragon? BE THE DRAGON ONLY IF I CAN BREATHE FIRE otherwise own cause I wanna ride her around like a BAMF
38. Sunrise or sunset: Sunseeeeeeeetttttttt
39. What’s your favourite song? .......Unravel but also Skillets new album like???? That’s all I’ve listened to for???? Weeks????? 
40. Horror Movies yes or no: Y E S VIOLENTLY YES
41. Long hair or short hair: I plead the fifth 
42. Opera or Theatre: Theatre I suppose
43. Assuming the multiverse theory is true and every story ever told has really happened somewhere, which one of the movie/book/tv show/game/etc worlds would you pick to travel to first? ......Do I haaaave to? Can I just say Supernatural so I can go to purgatory and snuggle a vampire? ........ SoulEaterIwannapunchMakaintheFace
44: If you had to eat only one thing for the rest of your life what would it be?  Green peppers 
44: Are you scared of thunderstorms? Why? I am not I love thunderstorms more than anything cause they’re perfect and comforting and I like curling up with a book and tea and listening to the storm and hi I’m a stereotype 
45:  What instrument would you like to learn? Viola, I used to play but I quit and when I was trying to relearn my shitty ex-friend made fun of me and I stopped and yeah I want to get super good out of spite cause he was a super shitty friend and made me feel terrible about every relationship I was in because he was a typical fuckboi and just generally making me feel Bad all the time and I really regret wasting so much of my life trying to be a good friend to him (there were some good times I’m not that stupid I didn’t stick with his bitchass for 15 years for no reason we had fun and I miss the fun but f u c k him)
46: If you had to be an animal for the rest of your life, what would you be? Does it have to be a R E A L animal? Cause sloth because me but like .............. Hainu 
47: What toppings do you put on pancakes? I don’t actually like plain pancakes that much but???? I like banana pancakes with whipped cream???? *insert dick joke and Gabriel eyebrow waggle here* 
NEW QUESTION 48: How do you take your coffee?
Idk I’m not tagging 47 people like no fuck off but obviously the usuals @blueeyedcastiel and @yesmyqueen of course my princess @thesongsmithtumbles <3 uhh.... @thinkdouble-pink @your-ebil-twin @lafitte @lili288 (hi yes I saw that note spam hello we should be friends) @dat-targaryen-tho @thegrimmwolfhufflepuff @destielisjohnlocked (saw your spam too we should be f r i e n d s) @samgirl2552 ... idk who am I missing uhh @wonder2neverland and @meomeiko 
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hauteculturefashion · 4 years
You never quite know what wonderful thing is going to happen on tour. Whilst visiting Chiang Dao on our Thailand: Hill Tribe Textile Tour in 2019 we were lucky enough to be invited to an intimate Dara Ang wedding ceremony. Ly, the bride, is the daughter of Pacam, one of the women we work most closely with through our projects with the Dara Ang cooperative. I first met Ly in 2015 on a visit to her family’s village at the foothills of the mountains of Chiang Dao. On that visit, 16-year-old Ly tried on her mother’s wedding outfit so that I could take a photo of the traditional dress. I never thought then that I’d be attending her actual wedding, with her wearing the same outfit for real! 
I have been good friends with Pacam, Ly’s mother since I first starting visiting the Dara Ang as part of my exploration of the hill tribes of Thailand. Pacam is one of the elders in the community and quite exceptional; an extroverted matriarch whose personality is as flamboyant as her traditional dress. Although she speaks no English, and I speak no Dara Ang or Thai, we have managed to forge a close relationship and I always stay with her when I visit the village. When I told her the dates for our textile tour, she had the beautiful idea of inviting the participants to her daughter’s wedding after our weaving workshop. The resulting experience was one of the most insightful and heartfelt I’ve had on my many visits to the Dara Ang.
All photos by Noel Besuzzi.
I have been visiting the Dara Ang for four years and this was our third textile tour to the village. We helped the community establish their backstrap weaving workshop for tourists and part of our community work and fundraising is for the women’s cooperative in the village. We arrived at the village the day before the wedding and preparations were well underway. Unfortunately, the preparation of the pig had been placed next to our backstrap weaving workshop. Although it wasn’t ideal, it was a gentle reminder of how different life is in the community compared to life in the west. The sacrifice of an animal is the most day to day reality of life for the Dara Ang; why should it interfere with a weaving workshop? The Dara Ang are very connected to the animals that they live with and rely on for many aspects of their lives. Thankfully, they are also hugely accommodating and were happy to move the preparations to a different part of the village whilst we wove. The workshop itself was lovely as we all worked individually with different artisans to choose colours, finish weaving a bag and then hand sew and embellish the finished piece. This also meant we had a custom Dara Ang bag to wear to the wedding the next day!
Weaving sparkly rainbows as only the Dara Ang can
Momtaz managing the delicate tension of her backstrap loom with the support of Noi
Kerry immersed in her weaving
Checking the weft threads are the correct tension
Maylot hand stitching a freshly woven bag together
Our group walking through the village after our weaving workshop.
Our home for the night, a simple but sufficient bamboo barn.
The homestay doesn’t have mains electricity so we have to eat dinner and shower by candle light.
Young girls of the community prepare a bonfire and sing local songs
After the workshop, we headed to the bamboo barn where we were to stay the night. It is the simplest of all the homestays on any of our tours – there’s no electricity so we rely on candles in the evening – but it is one of my favourites. Young girls from the village visited us to make a bonfire and sing traditional songs. We rose early the next day so as to be ready for the ceremony and ate banana pancakes in the fruit orchards next to the river, with the hills and the jungle behind us. Pacam had told us that the wedding officially started at 4 am: this is when the Shaman would begin to make his preparations for the wedding by visiting the spirit house to connect with the ancestors before bringing their energy to Pacam’s house, ready for the ceremony to start at 9 am.
Sprit house
The basket of offerings the local shaman prepared for the ancestors
The shaman sits chanting quietly in the corner of the room
Ly before the wedding, waiting to start the ceremony
Ly’s traditional outfit was handed down from her mother Pacam.
Back in the heart of the village, it was all systems go: everyone was running around preparing food and there was a lovely sense of joy in the air. We entered Pacam’s house where we found Ly in her amazing wedding outfit, dressed in all the family’s very finest garments with newly woven fastenings and a newly embellished jacket and traditional head wrap. The Shaman was also already in the house; he was sat facing the corner, communicating with the ancestral spirits and throwing rice over the top of a basket of offerings. Inside were different ceremonial items: water; rice wine; parts of the flesh from the recently slaughtered pig; fruits; money; incense and different leaves.
When he was finished, Imcam (Pacam’s husband) came in and spoke with his daughter and son-in-law to be. He gave them an envelope filled with giant old silver coins from Myanmar: family heirlooms now passed on to the young couple. They put their hands together over their hearts whilst prayers were readout. Then, the couple made a prayer with one hand each and the traditional hand-tying ceremony began. Imcam and Pacam placed money in between the bride and groom’s palms, gave their wishes and intentions, and then began wrapping cotton threads around them to join their hands together. 
The ceremony begins with Imcam and Pacam offering their blessing and giving the couple an envelope of large silver coins.
The couple receives the blessing from the Shaman with their hands in Wai, the prayer position.
Imcam and Pamcam, Ly’s father and mother, are the first to bless the couple in the hand-tying marriage ceremony.
Hands are bound together with cotton yarn, each wrap represents the guests well wishes and advice for the newlyweds as well and gifts of money.
Coins passing between the husband and wife’s mouths was traditionally used as an icebreaker for the newlyweds who would have only met on the day of their wedding.
The whole community then began to take their turns to bestow their good wishes on the newly married couple. One by one they came into the house, gave money, offered their matrimonial advice and continued to entwine the couple’s hands together with yarn. Some people also placed a coin in the groom’s mouth; an old tradition that used to encourage intimacy between the couple as the woman took the coin from his mouth into hers. It used to be common for the bride and groom to have never met before the ceremony and this was a way to break the ice, but Ly and Jaturaporn had already been together for about six months. After about an hour, it was our turn to wish them well. 
Each tour participant had prepared a message for the couple: ‘we wish you many happy children’, ‘we wish you a peaceful marriage’, ‘may you always go on adventures together’. These sentiments were shared with the couple and their hands bound together even more tightly with each wish. By the end of the ceremony, their hands were full of envelopes, cards, coins and solidly bound together. Once upon a time, the young couple would leave the ceremony to unwind the yarn together and consummate the marriage. Although this no longer happens, it was still joked about many times! 
Here I am offering the happy couple our gift and well-wishes on behalf of the group and our team. Our guide Fon (on my left) was able to translate for us.
Children watching the ceremony through the window
The newlyweds enjoy hearing their guests well wishes and advice
The groom wore a bright yellow shirt and bright blue trousers with a very clean, pink hand towel wrapped around his head, similar to the ones worn by the Dao of Tinh Tuc in Vietnam. He was also wearing Pacam’s temple bag: a very important part of the Dara Ang traditional dress. Ly jangled every time she moved as she was adorned in real silver: coins hung from her back, there were diamond-shaped silver patterns down the front of her jacket, an embossed silver belt and huge silver necklace and bracelets. The fringing on her jacket was aluminium and from a haberdashery shop in Chiang Mai, but everything else was part of her mum’s personal collection of silver jewellery from Myanmar.  
It was an extremely intimate ceremony and very beautiful for everyone to be able to connect with Ly and Jaturaporn and to share that sacred moment with them. It was really quite emotional; for a westerner, it’s normal for guests to be situated far from the actual ceremony and to have very limited contact with the bride and groom throughout the day. But we were right there with them, sitting only a foot away as the whole community came and expressed their love, support and guidance for the couple. 
After the ceremony, we all went out to enjoy the feast. There was nothing fancy, no formalities or rules, just a joyous celebration in the community. Ly and Jaturaporn even went and changed into their normal clothes. We feasted with them and then went on our way, grateful for the unique opportunity to have shared this authentic ethnic minority ceremony. Although I have visited the Dara Ang many times and will continue to for years to come, this was really something I will never forget.
Our group were welcomed into the ceremony for a truly unique and insightful experience. Left to right: Pamcam, Me, Shannon, Kerry, Maylot, Noi, Charis, Margret, Sarah, Noi, Lamorna, Momtaz and the newlyweds, Ly and Jaturaporn in the centre.
Pamcam and I share a happy embrace after a successful day
Group hug! One weaving workshop and wedding complete!
Our spectacular group of ladies on the 2019 tour
Noel, Maylot and Pacam
Suggested further reading for Thailand
The intimate details of a Dara-Ang wedding You never quite know what wonderful thing is going to happen on tour. Whilst visiting Chiang Dao on our…
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