#ty for the ask lynn <3 <3 <3 <3
andrewknightley · 6 months
For the NPMD ask game! 5, 11 and for 16 are there any small little details you liked/noticed that you wanna nerd out about? 🤓
5. Favorite minor character? 🧍
I guess Paul and Emma don't count cause they are mains in TGWDLM so the bully guy that when Max said "should we left him go with a warning" was like "YEAH!!" and then said he was cool with pete if steph was cool with him too. He was so funny (UPDATE: a nice pal in the notes told me his name is Jason!!)
11. Where do you rank NPMD in terms of the Hatchetfield musicals? 💚
Top 1 this is my fav thing starkid has ever done. I think you can see how they improved in everything and got more experience now! And like I watched this and it made me want to watch all thehatchetfield stuff like the nightmare time stuff, before I have just watched TGWDLM
16. Free space - talk about whatever you want! ✅
And aaaah idk !! I just love how everytime Grace has a plan the lil melody of "bully the bully" plays in the bg!!!
Ask game post
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liverpool-enjoyer · 1 month
hiya max! what was your opinion on yesterday's liverpool match? (thank goodness we freaking won a footy game)
lynn hiiii!!! :D unfortunately i only caught the last like,,, twentyish minutes or so??? idk i turned it on right before son scored. n tbh that mighta been for the better cause watching us not keep the 4-0 lead mighta done me in tbh.
tbh what this game rlly did for me was hammer in the fact that like,,, hes rlly leaving. like soon. its not a distant thing anymore its happening SOON n idk how im gonna deal w that
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kittie1996 · 6 months
what are ur opinions on each saw movie?
i stopped watchin the ones after amanda died tbh all of the movies after 3 are dead to me except for x of course but i just heard it gets super lame after that and i only really watched for her. tbh i think it was made painfully obvious that amanda had been carefully plucked out by john to be groomed into becoming his apprentice like looking at the brutal self mutilating traps others had to get out of compared to hers where she never had to hurt herself or self amputate or anything except prove that she could kill someone “for the greater good” (i use that term loosely). i dont think it ever couldve worked because john and her come from extremely different backgrounds and it’s very obvious in saw x when amanda tries to reason with john and get through to him about gabriellas addiction and he just brushes her off with a “everyone has a choice” and my friend said that in that moment he made it obvious he views amanda as lesser than him because of her past addiction. i think gabriella and amanda are extremely similar in the way they worked for someone evil but at the end of the day theyre just a means for them to attain power and nothing else. cecilia rubs it in gabriellas face by saying “well im not the one addicted to drugs” and amanda looks at john when she says that. amanda saw so much of herself in gabriella and i think seeing john treat her like subhuman filth touched a sore spot. cecilia killing her just salted the wound and amanda had the worst freakout about that. when gabriella is begging for her life at the stairs as amanda and john go up to watch the torture from afar, amanda looks at her with a look of regret or pity or SOMETHING but then looks up at john who stares back disapprovingly. he also guilt trips her a shit ton for these feelings and when she has these lucid moments and feels guilt for hurting people, he goes on a “oh so youre NOT willing to do what it takes to carry on my work?” tangent, trying to make it seem as if his work is something greater than them both and not a self serving narcissistic, sadistic wet dream. and when amanda starts to go crazy because she cares deeply for john and hes DYING so she starts making unbeatable traps and becoming fiercely jealous of lynn, shes flawed. john practically spits in her face and calls her a failure as shes dying. he kidnapped her, groomed her, forced her to kill people, and in the end says he hates her for it after he gets her killed.
ok now lynn time :3 THEIR SEXUAL TENSION WAS OFF THE CHARTSSSSSS this was my favorite saw movie tbh. they had intense hateful sexual tension and it’s when amandas confidence AND insecurity is peaking so ofc disaster is imminent. shes learned to make traps at this point, her body language is much more confident and mirrors how i imagine john would behave if he wasnt. yknow. terminally ill. and by that i mean sassy asf. but now she doubts john and his methods and resents him for prioritizing lynn over amanda and urging amanda to control herself and to stop hurting lynn and i think it’s like a “i dedicated my life to you and she’s just another victim” kind of jealousy. when she walks in on john holding lynns hand and he says “we’re fine amanda we dont need you” and she takes that PERSONALLY. it seems like john wanted a pet more than he wanted an apprentice because he never wanted to put emotional work into amanda and wouldve rather had her killed off than correct her mistakes. anyways. shortly after, john orders her to undo lynns collar and she snaps, holds her at gunpoint and says “you gave her control over me” like NOOOOOO you gave john control over you. she wouldnt be in this mess if she werent so loyal to john. ik abt hoffmans letter to amanda tbh idgaf like i said everything after saw 3 is dead to me after learning it was supposed to end there and Lips can eat my meat
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massivementalitynut · 6 months
hi lynn! how are you? do you and adam have any winter activities you like to do together?
Hi Mira! I am alright (Been dipping into vtuber gaming live streams recently 0.0 which is.. either a hit or miss depending on the game + vtuber but entertaining for the most part ^-^)
We do in fact have winter activities we like to do together! We make it a tradition to spend a bit of the winter season somewhere else (different place each year >w<!) and engage in the winter activities they offer there :D!
Outdoor winter activities we like to do together is build a snow army and forts only to then face off against each other in a free for all snowball fight *clenches fist* >:D (loser makes hot chocolate <3). We also like to go to the winter night market which is chock-full of yummy goodies >///<~
Indoor winter activities involve some light decorating (He aims high and I aim low lol), curling up on the couch with a fireplace roaring and watching some Christmas movies (home alone and it's sequel comes to mind followed by Klaus xD) or read side by side with a blanket wrapped around us x3
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moomin279 · 5 months
🌞 💖 ❌ 🧐
🌞= Do you have a preferred time of day to write? 
I write pretty much whenever I have an idea but probably late at night. 12-3am. 
💖= What made you start writing?
I read the Godfather and thought ‘hey I can do that’ 
❌ = What’s a trope you will never write?
Pregnancy lmao
🧐= Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
Quite a lot bc it has to be factually correct but I never like write it down I just do a quick google and if it's too complicated I just make it up
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kalikoris · 1 year
hiya 👋 for the ask game: 2, 21, 49?
2. lighter or matches?
i use lighters the most but i love the smell of matches for some reason?? i'll say matches purely for the aesthetic(and smell)
21. something you’ve kept since childhood?
i had to really think about this one, honestly aside from pictures i don't have a whole lot. but i've kept the same nightstand since i was 7 years old. also I have a *lot* of notebooks from middle school lol.
49. can you skip rocks?
i sorta can but not consistently. maybe after my 4th try lol. i have yet to perfect the method
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damage-incorp0rated · 2 years
🍍 but also 🍌
🍍 Pineapple: We never talk, but I care about you!
🍌 Banana: You’re fun to talk to!
oh man!! Likewise dude!! I think we oughta talk more man. I’d totally be up for that. I care about you too!!!
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turnipoddity · 3 months
hello :3
i was searching for fanart of my sillies (amanda and lynn teehee) and i came across one that u posted a few weeks ago! the art is very yummers and i was wondering if it'd be okay to use it as matching pfps for my friend and i?
we wanted to use it for our discord and give credit on our bios or "about me" section! with your permission of course :D
that's all i have to ask, and i totally understand if you're not comfy with giving permission for this. but ty for taking the time to read my request! :3
OFCOURSE!!!! you guys can use my art as pfp or anything so long as u give me credit!! yall can print some of my art too if you like (as long as its for your own and not for commercial use!!)
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ajaasecretsanta · 7 months
ty ty sm for putting this together!! i was looking for an aa secret Santa event going on and im glad there is one!! so excited for it!! :)
i want you to know that both me (mod lynne) and mod tai saw this at the same time and dm'd each other like CHECK THE SECRET SANTA ASK BOX RIGHT NOW!!!
this brought us so much joy and we're so happy to hear you're excited!!! we are too <:
<3 mod lynne
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liverpool-enjoyer · 2 months
what made you start supporting liverpool?
ok ik this is like the weakest answer ever but,,, i dunno.
like i literally DONT know. i have no fucking clue what drew me to this team. i was a la liga / serie a guy n i decided that i should start watching the prem cause everyone was talking abt it. n i started thinking abt which team i should support, n every other team jus,,, wouldntve felt right. city wouldntve felt right, as theyre no better than y*nkee fans. arsenal seems like a lovely group of dudes w great fans,,, but it jus wouldntve felt right. chelsea wouldntve felt right. united wouldntve felt right. liverpool,,, liverpool just felt right. like from minute one, i knew theyd be my team. i cant explain it. i dunno why i chose them but i know it was the right choice <3
inbox thing :D
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runwiththerain · 1 year
hey. 4 and 22 for the ask game.
have a good day!
omg ty lynn <3 have a good day/night too xx
4. favourite movie? um. so i barely watch movies because of my attention span but i love anonymously yours, frozen and brave. yes i am a child at heart :D
22. the song i'm listening to rn? 'pretty face' by public!
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hargrove-mayfields · 1 year
🎶✨when u get this put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish, then send this as an ask or tag 10 of your fav followers! 🎶✨
I was tagged by @atomrose (ty mya!!!) and @every-dayiwakeup (ty red! 😘)
1: You’re Looking at Country- Loretta Lynn
2: Tomorrow's Gonna Be a Brighter Day- Jim Croce
3: I Won’t Last A Day Without You- Paul Williams
4: Handle With Care- Tom Petty
5: Where Do I Put Her Memory- Charley Pride
I’ll tag: @eddie-munsons-guitar86 @intothedysphoria @flashwaves @strangebrainrot @martianclown @hephaestn @c0bblenygma @lovebillyhargrove @thinger-strang @monochromegee no pressure y’all!! and apologies for double tags! just playing by the rules of the game <3
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satoruhour · 9 months
I loved your answers to my last questions! 😭❤️❤️ I'll be asking more questions if that's alright with you :D
1.) What is your go-to Starbucks drink? + What do you Satoru’s Starbucks would be?
Ooooo ik! ☝🏼✨️
2.) What are some personal HCs of Gojo that you think would be canon? (It can be cute hcs, sad hcs, etc) 😄
3.) What are your plans for the weekend?
4.) Any book recommendations you would like to share? + Music too <3
5.) What is the # 1 thing that makes you happy? (It can also be a person or place) & why?
of course gigi!! i always love answering questions hehe
1. i always drink a caramel frappe bahaah and ooh im not too knowledgeable about sbux drinks frankly but im sure he’d drink something similar to mine or just something insanely sweet, definitely with a shit ton of extra caramel or choco drizzle!!!!
2. oh i have sooooo many but it would flood this post. i have a hc gojo runs either cold or hot, no in between, but mostly on the colder side bc of infinity and such. i also hc that he uses infinity to hold his hair up and also a crack onw where he doesnt shower bc of infinity and just 😭😭 has very specific food tastes, i mean ofc he would like the sweet stuff but when it comes to fruits too, he can tolerate sour fruits but it cant be TOO sour or hes not eating it 😭 apples have to be the correct consistency too so if it's too mushy he'll push it to u for you to eat LOLOL. thinks about suguru a lot and always goes over what he wouldve done if he noticed sooner, wears his hair tie around his wrist :(( also have kept geto's room clean and neat and sometimes goes in there to just lay in his bed. his scent is far gone but he can still sense cursed energy and sometimes he wonders if the curses his bsf collected were looking after him (ill leave it up to you if you think that cursed energy belings to kenjaku or simply geto's spirit)
3. sleeping innnnnnnnn lol my body clock likes to wake me up too early and im so tired from last week's performance 😭 at least then ill have more energy to do my essays
4. i havent been reading much, but cloud cuckoo land by anthony doerr, any book by cecelia ahern, un lun dun by china miéville, i personally loved frankenstein ngl, daughter of the moon goddess by sue lynn tan (altho it's a classic love triangle and i hate love triangles but i always love me a good book based of chinese mythology. havent read the sequel!), the secret history, P&P by jane austen is pretty good too
5. gojo LIKE. partially true he just fills me w sm joy bc i love him as a character sm! this is intangible but music. i love love love music sm it shapes me sm as a person and i think ill be a very boring person without music. i cant. i love it sm you guys cant fathom 😭. my mom!! i love my mother very much :) she has been nothing but loving to me and im 4ever grateful for that. in regards to place, anywhere quiet. there was a subway near my dance studio before and it was my no. 1 place to stay and study but they moved out :(
ty gigi omg it was so fun answering this i wrote them halfway ytd and i fell asleep 😭😭😭😭😭 <3
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angeltrapz · 2 years
what would u say ur top 5 saw ships are?
oh this is a good question!!! I actually had to think abt this a bit bc it's more... difficult narrowing them down than I thought tbh!!
but uh. #1 is Definitely Chainshipping bc y'all know me,, I care those two so very much and just want them to be happy.
upon doing some thinking I believe tht #2 is actually Adam/Lawrence/Strahm? at least right now (I realized in thinking abt my response to this question tht my fave ships shift around depending on how I'm feeling, though Chainshipping is always first)! there's a lot of thoughts in terms of writing these three in my head still jshjkas head full brain scrampled egg.
#3... honestly? the huge SAW polycule I've talked abt w my bestie adam on here a few times <33 there's so many different dynamics and intricacies but at the heart of it all is love and being with people who you love and who love you. found family and having ppl that Understand, yk?? (also I'm poly myself so tht probably plays into it a bit ksdjka)
#4 is Amanda/Laura!!! I love them so so much!!! the girls!!! to me this ship is abt learning to trust other ppl, realizing that ppl may not be as terrible as you thought even if you have very good reasons for feeling tht way, forgiveness and acts of kindness tht you may be unfamiliar with until experiencing them w someone who loves you. they are very important to me + I Love the idea tht seeing Laura (+ Daniel) in the Nerve Gas House is what kinda gets Amanda to have the realization of Huh, Jigsaw Kind Of Fucking Sucks.
aaand #5, even though I don't rlly talk abt it At All (still trying to figure out what I want to write for them) is Logan/David. this ship kinda like... chose me? in a way?? I read a fic 1 (one) time and I was pretty much sold. this one is especially funny to me too though bc think of it this way: logan & lawrence work in the same hospital. david is an orderly at said hospital. I love the hc that david specs n adam are triplets. therefore adam and david both nabbed hot doctors who KNEW EACH OTHER lmao!!!
but rlly this ship to me is like... somewhat tentative abt the concept of a relationship (logan after he lost christine, david bc I hc him to have had a few shitty relationships in th past) but liking each other enough to give it a shot and finding smth they didn't know they could have again. they feel safe w each other and comfortable and know that they can trust each other w pretty much anything. I love them <3
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myheartwillgrosjean · 3 years
Sebastian Vettel, Jenson Button, Alex Lynn ☺️✨
find me unconscious in my room now that I have to fixate on them
sebastian vettel
Tumblr media
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
In a revelation that surprises no one, I have it pretty bad for a mid-30s german f1 driver. no time for cringe all time for wistful looking
Jenson Button
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Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
there’s a reason @slyther-intowords is accompanying me on a 2009 rewatch, and it’s because I can’t handle it alone. 
Alex Lynn
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Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
He’s half of my chosen FE team, has beautiful vibes, and I just came across a fancam that has me slightly reeling. i like
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
HI NICO !! for the book asks. any five of your choice
yesss thank you thank you
3: What were your top five books of the year? (i'm making the executive decision to only choose books i first read this year, btw)
#5: Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett! It was so chaotic and fun, and the writing style is wonderful.
#4: Meet Cute Diary by Emery Lee! I don't normally read romcoms but this was such a fun, diverse, cute romance and I read the whole thing in one day.
#3: Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas! It's an awesome OwnVoices fantasy story about a trans latino boy who summoned a ghost... but it was the wrong ghost, and now he can't get rid of him.
#2: Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston! I think we all knew this was coming, lmao. I've read it twice since August and am re-reading it right now.
#1: A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab! It just grabbed my soul and won't let go, I love everything about it and am absolutely desperate to get my hands on the sequels.
14: what books do you want to finish before the year is over?
I want to finish all the books i'm reading right now, which is... a lot. Chloe Gong's These Violent Delights, my RWRB reread, Jennifer Lynn Barnes' The Inheritance Games, Adam Silvera's History is All You Left Me, Laini Taylor's Strange the Dreamer, and Leigh Bardugo's King of Scars. (I read a lot of books at once.) I'd also like to reread the first 1 or 2 Skullduggery Pleasant books.
23: what was the fastest time it took you to read a book?
So, not including the 2-ish picture books I read with my little brother (for obvious reasons lmao), I think probably Kayla Ancrum's Darling! It was an amazing book, and I read it in about 3 hours. It was summer and the rest of my family was outside, but I was just on the couch with my eyes glued to the page.
25: what reading goals do you have for next year?
I'd like to read 50 books! That is a lot lower than this year's goal (120), but this year's goal really stressed me out, and I know I won't hit it. Reading is supposed to be fun! I can hit 50 in a year relatively easily (I got there in July this year), so 50 will keep me reading but won't upset me.
9: did you get into any new genres?
Contemporary! Last year 10 out of the 115 books i read were contemporary, and this year it was 36 out of (currently) 92. Also, i don't think it counts as "getting into it" because i read like 4, max, but i realized i like sci-fi!
ty again for the ask and have a great day!
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