#twp s1
margareturtle · 8 months
I made a post on tiktok saying that Kit and Ty are the slowest burn ever.
And someone commented no it’s good omens bc they take thousands of years
But you don’t understand
The good omens book has been out for a while and the show only had like four years between s1 and 2. (Which is long for a show but we’re comparing to twp here)
While on the Kit and Ty timeline Kit thought Ty was beautiful and Ty was mesmerized by Kit’s eyes 2016 when Lady Midnight came out!!
(I hadn’t even read TDA till QOAAD came out but point still stands)
Then their relationship progressed in LOS and QOAAD. Where we were left completely hanging.
And the past fives years we’ve been getting tidbits. We still have two years to go and now the seasons of shadowhunters.
Then TWP we hope will be out by 2025.
But we knowww that they will not figure their shit out in the first book.
So all in all I’ll be so proud of them if they are together by the end of the decade.
Which totals to a 14-15 year slowburn 😭
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thirstworldproblemss · 11 months
It's Mando Monday
So here I am with a bunch of fantastic Mandalorian/BoBF gifs, fanart and other things to share with you all!  <3
Today's Mando Monday will be dedicated to Paz Vizsla because, well.... I have both a lot of art and a lot of feelings about that particular mandalorian today.
As usual, today’s mando hours are 10am-8pm PST and everything will be tagged “it’s mando hours”
🧡 twp
A Note About Spoilers: Any spoilery stuff for the Season 3 of The Mandalorian will be tagged “the mandalorian spoilers” (I am no longer tagging spoilers for s1, s2, or tBoBF)  
[ twp’s Masterlist  |  Author, Fic & Fanwork Recs ]
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rcyaledits · 1 year
this is mostly for me so i know what i still need to go through and gif
roman -tropes, character inspo marzell - tropes amelia - blue wardrobe edit, bedroom aesthetic, trope edit (2.0) other - lockridge fam edit
for amelia
blue wardrobe edit, bedroom aesthetic, trope edit (2.0), master blue wardrobe edit (2.0 edition), 2nd pink wardrobe edit, pink master wardrobe edit
in progress hotd emily olivia-all clips collected (for season 1) for sonya silver skates,  love in chains for dakota  secrets of moonacre, golden compass for alicia becoming elizabeth for amelia  tsp - all clips collected mary & george  for julianne  togo for ceara wot young wallander for connie gladiator for aes damsel brotherhood of the wolf
to do for olivia little fish pixie  slow horses the signal ouija bates motel (later seasons) naked singularity ready player one (?) for amelia emily other rosaline (?) red rose of house tudor
completed  wip
in progress for olivia hotd little fish slow horses for emily hotd for dakota golden compass, secrets of moonacre for ceara wot for julianne  togo elizaveta
to do for olivia pixie the signal ouija bates motel (later seasons) naked singularity for amelia mary & george (?) emily for ceara young wallander
completed tsp, silver skates, becoming elizabeth, love in chains, red rose of house tudor, ready player one,
for roman
in progress twp blood origin young wallander dr who
for marzell
in progress vikings s1 s2 s3 victoria wot
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jodiecomersource · 5 years
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annabolinas · 3 years
OK so we've all been anxiously waiting on *any* new Becoming Elizabeth content so I decided to take a look at TSP and TWP's teasers, trailers, and premieres to see Starz's typical schedule.
The White Princess
The first look for TWP was in January 2017.
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The trailer was released the next month, in February 2017.
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The premiere date for TWP was in April 2017.
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The length between teaser and trailer was one month, and the length between teaser and premiere was three months.
The Spanish Princess Season 1
The first look (both stills and brief promo) for TSP Season 1 were around December 2018.
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The teaser for TSP S1 was in January 2019.
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The official trailer for TSP S1 was in March 2019.
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The premiere date for TSP S1 was May 5, 2019.
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The time between the first look and the teaser was one month, the first look and the trailer four months, and the first look and the premiere five months.
The Spanish Princess Season 2
The first look/teaser for TSP S2 was May 2020.
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The trailer for TSP S2 was September 2020.
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The premiere for TSP S2 was October 2020.
The time between the teaser and the trailer was 4 months, and the time between the teaser and the premiere was five months.
The time between the teaser and the trailer for Starz period dramas has increased significantly since TWP. At current rates, the trailer for Becoming Elizabeth should be released four months later than the teaser, which would place approximate release this month, although with COVID it might be released October or even November.
Once again, though, this is just a prediction and I would advise fellow Becoming Elizabeth fans in the meantime to keep hopes low but their eyes and ears vigilant.
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queenaboleyna · 4 years
Damn I know Catherine sucks in the show but does everyone have to actively hate on the actress?? Like look at what the poor girl had to work with, absolute shit writing. I've unfollowed 2 or 3 blogs now because y'all are just mean.
no one (at least no one i’ve seen) is hating on her as a person, people dislike her acting because it’s bad. acting and entertainment is her job, and we’re the consumers, we’re allowed to have opinions on the way she’s doing her job
i understand she has to deal with shit writing, that’s obviously not her fault, but part of being an actor is making even shitty scripts work. georgie henley deals with the same awful writing yet she still does pretty well. harriet walter in s1 had to deal with an absolutely horrid writing for her chaeacter and she was still one of the strongest actors from that season. so were jodie comer, jacob collins-levy and michelle fairley in twp - and i’ve never seen anyone criticize jodie’s acting, no matter how much they criticized the writing. the writing is bad, there’s no question about it, but when a good chunk of the other actors can still make do and give a decent performance and yet charlotte, who was deemed to be good enough to play the main character, can’t - well, the inevitable conclusion is that she’s just... not that good at acting, shitty script or no. especially when one of the main issues with her acting is that awful accent, and you can’t blame the writing for that.
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cecilyneville · 4 years
the spanish princess ep 2:
once more unto the breach, my fellow clowns
jsyk, i am skipping a lot of scenes bc i have far better things to do with my time (even under stay-at-home orders), and i cannot for the life of me watch the maggie pole/thomas more scenes. like what is the point of keeping maggie around, she is so boring. andrew buchan what were you THINKING signing up for this 
reggie pole looks like a weird cross bw ben whishaw and sam riley
ok i take back what i said about laura carmichael last week - she’s a damn sight more talented than you-know-who. maggie still boring as hell tho
i can’t wait for the catherine/lina friendship blow-up...it’s coming & lina deserves so much better
oveido’s speech about childbirth and war...you been reading the mirror & the light dude?
james iv: i have done nothing wrong, ever, in my life / me: i know this and i love you
as someone with a catherine of aragon icon i just want to say that i really cannot stand tsp’s catherine, she has no redeeming qualities. ef keeps trying to make her likeable by asking oviedo to stay and letting meg keep james’ body but none of it actually gels with her behaviour
[dramatic militaristic music] really just sums up the lameness of this soundtrack
margaret’s prophetic dreams! i wish they’d included the part about her queen’s jewels turning to widow’s pearls
god he’s not even hot what’s the POINT. angus is supposed to be a hot dumbass fool who is just like “hey margaret i know you’re mourning your husband and have just given birth to his posthumous son and are trying to rule the country but are you dtf yet”. what did i do to deserve an ugly angus
i don’t get why they don’t also have meg pregnant at flodden. given that catherine is presumably going to lash out with jealousy at lina, mary, bessie - literally anyone who has given birth to a living son - i think it would have been a good choice, as well as drawing direct parallels between the two women
meg’s costumes are my fave. the colour palette suits georgie and her red riding cap is v cute
catherine’s clown shoes slapping on the floor as she storms off to war
like...it’s supposed to be such a moving scene and i’m just like wow she is literally the biggest moron to have ever lived
oh now she’s going into the enemy tent. honestly can james just kill her on the spot and then the rest of the show can be about margaret in scotland and mary & brandon in france
“he’s fighting for gold from king louis” shock horror! has catherine never heard of the auld alliance or???
like, i know they’re not actually wearing kilts, but the tartan is still stupidly ahistorical - we get it, they’re scottish! 
love how catherine’s trying to do all this shit to rouse support, meanwhile in twp all elizabeth had to say was “do it for me” and all the lords were like yeah sure we love you lizzie
just in case the childbirth/war analogy wasn’t clear enough, we fucking get it emma
i’m not even going to comment about catherine physically fighting and actually killing people, this is the dumbest thing i have ever seen
meg saying james was her “best friend” would be lovely if there had been literally anything demonstrating that. georgie’s performance here is so good though. emotion! actual emotion!
so...catherine rode all the way back to london still covered in blood from the battle...once again i have no comment
also no comment on a very pregnant catherine looking wistfully on at a bird in a cage. i want to die
i know i’ve been going on about how good ruairi o’connor is - and he’s good - but i feel as if he’s a little miscast? idk, he’s just not rowdy enough for me to believe him as henry viii. his appearance and manner is very similar to jacob collins-levy though, which i appreciate
not nearly enough mary this episode imo
still stan the hell out of bessie blount. the strawberry-blonde hair! the rosebud mouth! the eoy vibes!!! (no i am not trying to suggest henry has an oedipal complex, that’s for d*vid st*rkey to do lol)
i hate that all these more interesting characters spend the whole time praising catherine for behaving like an absolute clod
emma frost has no idea how pregnancy and childbirth work (remember rosa’s miscarriage in s1?)
anyway, here’s hoping next ep will have some fun margaret in scotland scenes (lowering the portcullis at edinburgh castle...i can only dream) 
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mermaidsirennikita · 5 years
Yeah it's kinda weird when you look at the Harlots S3 costumes and something like the TWP/TSP costumes and all these shows probably have around the same budget, yet the TWP/TSP costumes are so bad. It's not just that they are inaccurate it's the weird fabrics, the sleeves, the unnecessary lacing, the fit, everything really. Also the TWP/TSP costume designer also did S1 of Killing Eve, amazing costumes, and The Musketeers BBC which had so much better costumes that TWP/TSP, if also inacurate.
Dude the FIT on those shows kills me.  Like, I remember watching The White Princess and--Elizabeth is apparently the queen of fucking England, but everything she wears is weirdly baggy OR has her tits popping out in a way that seems accidental?  To me, even if your costumes are inaccurate, I’m not gonna be THAT mad.  Some of the Looks on The Tudors were very inaccurate, but they still fit really well and looked quality.  On TWP and TSP, they were inaccurate and ill-fitting and often boring or just weird.  (Catherine’s cage skirt thing in TSP.)  
I do agree that The Musketeers had better costumes, especially for the men.  It’s kind of strange that TSP and TWP, which live on being frothy period pieces (and stand-ins for Outlander) have such lame pieces.
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sixofdemigods · 5 years
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Hey guys, gals and nonbinary pals!
I just realised I recently reached 250 followers on this blog and I am so grateful for all of you! It doesn’t matter if we’ve ever talked or if you’re just silently liking my posts, I love and appreciate you. 💞 Thank you for sticking with me through random unannounced hiatuses and long periods of not creating anything, only to then spam you with posts. 😂 In an attempt to give back some love to all you amazing people, I’ll be doing name playlists, blogrates and fandom blogrates!
mbf this mess of a blog
reblog this post, likes are for bookmarks only
optional: check out my creations and my sideblog
send me one or two of these:
🐇 for a name playlist
🐐 for a regular blograte
🕊️ for a fandom blograte (please specify the fandom: hp, pjo, tsc, tgt/soc or skam)
Formats are under the cut!
Blacklist “#maja celebrates 250″ if you don’t want to see these.
Name playlist:
M - “Money On My Mind” - Sam Smith
A - “All You Need Is Love” - the Beatles
J - “Jetzt” (”Now”) - Julia Engelmann
A - “Am I Wrong” - Nico & Vinz
url: 🌟🌟🌟🌟 ⭐
icon: 🌟🌟 ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
mobile theme: 🌟🌟 🌟 ⭐⭐
theme: 🌟🌟🌟🌟⭐
original content: 🌟🌟🌟 🌟 ⭐
overall: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
following?: till the end of the line, pal
compliment: You’re awesome! I love the colours of your theme and all the content you reblog is great 💜
Fandom blograte:
hp edition:
wizarding school: beauxbatons | castelobruxo | durmstrang | hogwarts | ilvermorny | koldovstoretz | mahoutokoro | uagadou
pet: cat | owl | rat | toad
subject: ancient runes | arithmancy | astronomy | care of magical creatures | charms | dada | divination | herbology | history of magic | potions | transfiguration
quidditch position: beater | chaser | keeper | seeker
spell: accio | aguamenti | alohomora | evanesco | expecto patronum | expelliarmus | geminio | incendio | lumos | muffliato | obliviate | reparo
pjo edition:
godly parent: apollo | aphrodite | ares | athena | dionysus | demeter | hermes | hades | hephaestus | poseidon | zeus
weapon: bow | dagger | knife | spear | sword
location: camp half-blood | camp jupiter | labyrinth | olympus | underworld
species: centaur | cyclops | nymph | pegasus | satyr
the seven: annabeth | frank | hazel | jason | leo | percy | piper
tsc edition:
era: tid | tlh | tmi | tda | twp
family: blackthorn | carstairs | lightwood | lovelace | herondale
weapon: bow | seraph blade | sword | throwing knives | whip
species: faerie | vampire | warlock | werewolf
rune: agility | alliance | endurance | equilibrium | fortitude | iratze | mnemosyne | precision | strength | voyance
grishaverse edition:
type of grisha: alkemi | durast | healer | heartrender | inferni | squaller | tidemaker
country: fjerda | kerch | novyi zem | ravka | shu han | wandering isle
gang: black tips | dime lions | dregs | razorgulls
soc character: inej | jesper | kaz | matthias | nina | wylan
tgt character: alina | genya | mal | nikolai | zoya
skam edition:
girl squad: chris | eva | noora | sana | vilde
boy squad: isak | jonas | magnus | mahdi
balloon squad: adam | elias | mikail | mutta | yousef
season: s1 | s2 | s3 | s4
remake: druck | dutch skam | skam españa | skam france
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emiliachrstine · 6 years
Any fandoms I should be encouraging your plot bunnies for? haha.
OmG PLOT BUNNIES!! The only plot bunny I’ve been casually getting more into is my Preacher oc because @darknightfrombeyond has one and I am SO pumped to read her story so it’s been inspiring me to work on mine more (still need to watch s1) I would like to do more with my twp oc but my muse in that has been a little lacking. I’ve been trying to do more with my ahs:coven plot bunny but I haven’t done like anything for her. I don’t even have a name or faceclaim picked out.
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rebeccapearson · 5 years
hi i just found your blog and i just finished the white queen and i'm wondering if you have any recs for other period dramas because i haven't seen any besides the white queen and i want to watch more. thanks!!
hi!! ahhh i’ve been having so many twq feels lately! i want to rewatch so much but i can’t find my dvd and i can’t find any downloads (i also want to gif it but again…downloads :/) ANYWAY do i have period drama recs??
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would be most similar to the white queen: 
the borgias (i’m still on s1 of this, but i enjoy it!) 
the pillars of the earth 
the tudors 
the white princess (follows the white queen - i haven’t watched it but you may be interested! also the spanish princess follows twp and it’s coming out sometime this year!)
world without end
my faves:
and then there were none - 2015
anne with an e
call the midwife
the crown
downton abbey
emma - 2009
north and south - 2004
the astronaut wives club
dark angel
death comes to pemberley
dracula - 2013
the hollow crown
little women - 2017
mercy street
outlander (still on s1, but i would still recommend!)
sons of liberty
i hope i was some help and that you find something you’d like to watch!! let me know! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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wumbo-logy · 6 years
watching that bender montage of bojack s1 while drunk makes SO MUCH MORE SENSE becuase its like SAME!!!!!!!1
i love todd :( 
“maybe i need to stop expecting you t be a good person and then i wont be disappointed” thats really sad but also me af since i basically expect nth from anyone but todd deserves more
you abandoned me and i will never forgive you for that
thsi is all i am and all ill ever be
this is the road i chose
i cant
also when bojack sees diane in snoopy vision is waht i see you like because you’re happy adn you’ve got it figured out and i can imagine you telling me its neevr to late to be ther person i want to be - its proabbly not healthy 
but also maybe i just see you as my charlotte - eben less healthy
harper isa stupif name for a kid bojack you can do tbetter
“daddy?” “harper” “dadyy” “har[er” thats basicaaly how the conversations i had with my baby cousin started and i miss her 
“how things could have been if you had chosen this life” : ( but you didnt adn youre gone - i wih u dnt 
how do you have five theories for 9.11 like i have barely one and hakf
do you think its too late for me
its not too late for me is it
i need you to tell me its not late
i need you tell me that im good
please diane, tell me that im good
fucking john kraskinski is secretariat 
i cant ignore the coincidence
“dear secretariat, when i gro w up and i want to be just like you. my question for you is i am a good kid and i like to paly and go to school but sometike s i get sad but how do i not get sad how fo you not get sAf” “YOU Keep running becuas all that exists for you is ahead” and then he kills himself
just like that
he couldnt outrun himefl
what if i become hat oerson 
“if you cnat be happy tonight you can never be happy” fuck that man
constantly distracted so you dont have to be alone by yourslef - i feel attacked lmao fuck that
im not gonna lie i fot that jacket bcus i know im diane (i got tired of squinting, im sorrry)
the ket ro happiness is to keep yourself busy with unimortante nonsense until you eventually die - same :( 
hello oscar
there’s always later
he;a out with his golden globe so he can remind himself he’s worrth something bcus he wonw it and i get hat i look at pictues of my happy times dso i can remind myself there is somehting tha pmatters
talkedto zhems!!!! finally got to it. i miss hi m and shuo and tiong :( but im happy that i have friends that are fnice. ill make sure i try.
either you know what you want and you dont get what you want or you get what you wnat adn then you dont knw what you want- rhats life isnt it - ita arupid trying becauser you try and everything falss apaert so there’s no poitn trying
there;s alwys later
i really wanted you to like me diane” “inkow” it makes me asd that she only syad i knwo. it reminds me of that stupid call and i feel stupid for aremembering that call i shouldnt eeven think about it but i remember i t hapened and it maeks me sad
ir hurts tso much rhat she dudnt say more. just i kniw, thast fucking nurts. 
he still has his award as he looks acrsos . herb dint forgive him. that usxks but he deserved it. can you feel bad for poeople who drsrved it?
im a kgood kid and i plike to play and l like to good to shcol but sometine i get sad what do you do whan you ge sad
dont sit so close to the tv it’ll make you cruel. i as baeuatiful bevpre i got pregmant; you ruined me boacjl. 
what if i stay liker this forever and nothing gets bretter and i can go ask for help but i only get taht help once a weel pr opnce in twp weeks and thats like 5 times. nth would ceom out of 5 times. but i gues its something. i should try. there’s no harm. unelss its qorse than i pretend it si. what happens tehn
i miss. everythinkg . i wish i had the courage to be laone. but i thikn i actulaly d ont. i want tob e eith u but i dont thin k i do. you’re all smrt nad nice and understanding suddenlt but i know i cant and u sont want this and there’s os much i dont know but i sitll find muself wanting to be w you because you strnegly make me hapy. i havejt mbeen tha happy in a long time. and thad one day with you was the happiest i felt. and maybe tis just projecting ardn msinntepertnig but i felt happy. i want thast again. im tied of being me. i ant to be happy. yuoure; happy. i wnt to be lke you. i ant to be 
not me
i don't thibd I wabt u I just want to be happoy
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thirstworldproblemss · 11 months
It's Mando Monday
So here I am with a bunch of fantastic Mandalorian/BoBF gifs, fanart and other things to share with you all!  <3
Today’s Mando Monday is all about our favorite tin can space man dad, and this green bean son (I love them your honor)! As usual, today’s mando hours are 10am-8pm PST and everything will be tagged “it’s mando hours”
🧡 twp
A Note About Spoilers: Any spoilery stuff for the Season 3 of The Mandalorian will be tagged “the mandalorian spoilers” (I am no longer tagging spoilers for s1, s2, or tBoBF)  
[ twp’s Masterlist  |  Author, Fic & Fanwork Recs ]
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thecatsaesthetics · 7 years
Well it's a drop of about 1 mil live viewers on average. The lowest overnight rating for series 1 was 4.44m, this S2 premiere got 4.01m. But the s1 premiere got 5.70m over night. Also last year Victoria would gain between 2m to 3m viewers each ep by the end of the week so the consolidated ratings for last week's ep will be interesting.
It will be interesting but no matter what a drop happened and really you need to figure out why, if other UK shows are like this, maybe it was the time it aired or maybe it was the competition. I know TWP did horrible it’s first night because it was a holiday but gained more as time went on and then dropped again. 
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jodiecomersource · 5 years
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Jodie Comer as Elizabeth of York | The White Princess 1.01
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It's Mando Monday, Pride Edition!
So here I am with a bunch of fantastic Mandalorian/BoBF gifs, fanart and other things to share with you all!  And since it's the first Mando Monday of Pride Month so that's our theme for today! 🌈❤️
As usual, mando hours are 10am-8pm PST and everything will be tagged “it’s mando hours”  
🧡 twp
A Note About Spoilers: Any spoilery stuff for the Season 3 of The Mandalorian will be tagged “the mandalorian spoilers” (I am no longer tagging spoilers for s1, s2, or tBoBF)  
[ twp’s Masterlist  |  Author, Fic & Fanwork Recs ]
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