#twixt icons
fromfilms · 2 years
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spooky season, icons.
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parasiteicons · 3 years
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women in horror
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the movies in order: ready or not, us, twixt, scream, suspiria, bird box, the vvitch, jennifer’s body, the blackcoat’s daughter
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roughrudesea · 3 years
top 5 Shakespeare monologues?
1. Richard II 3.2
No matter where; of comfort no man speak: Let’s talk of graves, of worms, and epitaphs; Make dust our paper and with rainy eyes Write sorrow on the bosom of the earth, Let’s choose executors and talk of wills: And yet not so, for what can we bequeath Save our deposed bodies to the ground? Our lands, our lives and all are Bolingbroke’s, And nothing can we call our own but death And that small model of the barren earth Which serves as paste and cover to our bones. For God’s sake, let us sit upon the ground And tell sad stories of the death of kings; How some have been deposed; some slain in war, Some haunted by the ghosts they have deposed; Some poison’d by their wives: some sleeping kill’d; All murder’d: for within the hollow crown That rounds the mortal temples of a king Keeps Death his court and there the antic sits, Scoffing his state and grinning at his pomp, Allowing him a breath, a little scene, To monarchize, be fear’d and kill with looks, Infusing him with self and vain conceit, As if this flesh which walls about our life, Were brass impregnable, and humour’d thus Comes at the last and with a little pin Bores through his castle wall, and farewell king! Cover your heads and mock not flesh and blood With solemn reverence: throw away respect, Tradition, form and ceremonious duty, For you have but mistook me all this while: I live with bread like you, feel want, Taste grief, need friends: subjected thus, How can you say to me, I am a king?
WHAT CAN I SAY. I heard a friend do this monologue in an acting class almost a decade ago and even with zero context, I thought about it for years. Finally reading the play only made me love it more. 
2. The Tempest 5.1
Ye elves of hills, brooks, standing lakes and groves, And ye that on the sands with printless foot Do chase the ebbing Neptune and do fly him When he comes back; you demi-puppets that By moonshine do the green sour ringlets make, Whereof the ewe not bites, and you whose pastime Is to make midnight mushrooms, that rejoice To hear the solemn curfew; by whose aid, Weak masters though ye be, I have bedimm'd The noontide sun, call'd forth the mutinous winds, And 'twixt the green sea and the azured vault Set roaring war: to the dread rattling thunder Have I given fire and rifted Jove's stout oak With his own bolt; the strong-based promontory Have I made shake and by the spurs pluck'd up The pine and cedar: graves at my command Have waked their sleepers, oped, and let 'em forth By my so potent art. But this rough magic I here abjure, and, when I have required Some heavenly music, which even now I do, To work mine end upon their senses that This airy charm is for, I'll break my staff, Bury it certain fathoms in the earth, And deeper than did ever plummet sound I'll drown my book.
A solemn air and the best comforter To an unsettled fancy cure thy brains, Now useless, boil'd within thy skull! There stand, For you are spell-stopp'd. Holy Gonzalo, honourable man, Mine eyes, even sociable to the show of thine, Fall fellowly drops. The charm dissolves apace, And as the morning steals upon the night, Melting the darkness, so their rising senses Begin to chase the ignorant fumes that mantle Their clearer reason. O good Gonzalo, My true preserver, and a loyal sir To him you follow'st! I will pay thy graces Home both in word and deed. Most cruelly Didst thou, Alonso, use me and my daughter: Thy brother was a furtherer in the act. Thou art pinch'd fort now, Sebastian. Flesh and blood, You, brother mine, that entertain'd ambition, Expell'd remorse and nature; who, with Sebastian, Whose inward pinches therefore are most strong, Would here have kill'd your king; I do forgive thee, Unnatural though thou art. Their understanding Begins to swell, and the approaching tide Will shortly fill the reasonable shore That now lies foul and muddy. Not one of them That yet looks on me, or would know me Ariel, Fetch me the hat and rapier in my cell: I will discase me, and myself present As I was sometime Milan: quickly, spirit; Thou shalt ere long be free.
I’m honestly shocking myself slightly by not listing “We are such stuff,” but even thinking about this part of the play gives me chills. I love the journey Prospero goes on in this: watching him give up his magic and decide to forgive his former enemies is so engaging--and the language is completely unmatched.
3. The Tempest 4.1
You do look, my son, in a moved sort, As if you were dismay'd: be cheerful, sir. Our revels now are ended. These our actors, As I foretold you, were all spirits and Are melted into air, into thin air: And, like the baseless fabric of this vision, The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces, The solemn temples, the great globe itself, Ye all which it inherit, shall dissolve And, like this insubstantial pageant faded, Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff As dreams are made on, and our little life Is rounded with a sleep. Sir, I am vex'd; Bear with my weakness; my, brain is troubled: Be not disturb'd with my infirmity: If you be pleased, retire into my cell And there repose: a turn or two I'll walk, To still my beating mind.
Okay I lied -- had to include “We are such stuff.” How could I not? I’m a Tempest and a Prospero stan. How could I NOT list this one when it is like *THE* iconic monologue?
4. Hamlet, 3.3
O, my offense is rank it smells to heaven; It hath the primal eldest curse upon't, A brother's murder. Pray can I not, Though inclination be as sharp as will: My stronger guilt defeats my strong intent; And, like a man to double business bound, I stand in pause where I shall first begin, And both neglect. What if this cursed hand Were thicker than itself with brother's blood, Is there not rain enough in the sweet heavens To wash it white as snow? Whereto serves mercy But to confront the visage of offense? And what's in prayer but this two-fold force, To be forestalled ere we come to fall, Or pardon'd being down? Then I'll look up; My fault is past. But, O, what form of prayer Can serve my turn? 'Forgive me my foul murder'? That cannot be; since I am still possess'd Of those effects for which I did the murder, My crown, mine own ambition and my queen. May one be pardon'd and retain the offense? In the corrupted currents of this world Offense's gilded hand may shove by justice, And oft 'tis seen the wicked prize itself Buys out the law: but 'tis not so above; There is no shuffling, there the action lies In his true nature; and we ourselves compell'd, Even to the teeth and forehead of our faults, To give in evidence. What then? what rests? Try what repentance can: what can it not? Yet what can it when one can not repent? O wretched state! O bosom black as death! O limed soul, that, struggling to be free, Art more engaged! Help, angels! Make assay! Bow, stubborn knees; and, heart with strings of steel, Be soft as sinews of the newborn babe! All may be well.
3.3 is my favorite scene in Hamlet. I LOVE the tableau of Claudius praying, and Hamlet right behind him, ready to strike. Hamlet the character obviously has some incredible speeches, but this Claudius monologue is the one that always stands out to me: it is such a juicy glimpse into his inner psyche that is more carefully guarded for the rest of the play, and I love this moment (however brief) of unraveling.
5. Macbeth 5.5
She should have died hereafter; There would have been a time for such a word. To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day To the last syllable of recorded time, And all our yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more: it is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.
Forgive me for being so basic but I would really be lying to myself if I didn’t list this. Although this one, more than others, really depends on the actor. I have seen some renditions of this monologue I really do not jive with, but when it’s done well, it is top tier. 
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felix-wyatt · 3 years
☠ & ✴
☠ What does someone have to do for an instant unfollow from you? A: I don’t do them often, but it would usually be because a person’s being transphobic or bigoted in any way, etc.  I usually do my best to search through the mun’s blog for anything that might be a tell-tale to avoid that sort of interactions.. ☼ How long do you stay mad? (At least I think that’s what the secondary icon is for. I couldn’t tell between how it appears on my laptop browser and it didn’t show up in the list on my app due to the difference in emojis twixt the two!) A: I usually don’t stay mad long for when it comes to rp stuff.  In my day-to-day life, I try to not hold onto anger for long.
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adleryoung · 5 years
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"Well, if that's going to be your attitude then I'm not giving it back," I sneered.
"Sure an oi'm sorry, boyo," Estvan whimpered.  "But oi NEED me stick.  Please give it back."
"It's a nice stick," I mused.  "I'm starting to like it.  I think I might just keep it for myself."
"NO!  Ye can't do that at all, at all," Estvan gekkered feebly.  "Please oh please boyo, give it back.  Oi'll waste away an doie without it.  Come on now, sure an if ye give it back oi'll teach ye the Saint Reynard Course o' Dynamic Japes!"
"Self defense, already I am teaching him," Sam interjected.
"The Saint Reynard Course is boy no means self-defense," Estvan protested.  "But sure it's cram packed with all the voital skills an elf o' distinction would need!  Are ye toired o' lettin' lowfolk boss ye around?  Oi can show ye -"
"If you want your shillelagh back, you have to promise not to hit me," I demanded.
"Sure lad, sure, oi won't hit ye," Estvan groveled.  "Just give me back me wee shillelagh."
"You have to SWEAR it," I insisted.
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"Oi just told ye oi wouldn't hit ye," Estvan growled, giving me a dark look.  "Elves do not loye, boyo, or would ye be afther doubtin' me word?"
"You have to SWEAR that you won't hit me or otherwise harm me," I persisted.  "Or you'll never touch this stick again."
"Swearin o' the oaths is un-elfly," he protested.
"Guess I just got me a fine new shillelagh then," I scoffed.
He glared at me for a long, uncomfortable minute.  I could see anger and resentment in his eyes .. and behind them, something else .. pain?  Fear??  I had never noticed how OLD Estvan was.  I guess I had never really looked that closely at him before.  The realization began to disturb me, a little.  I crossed my arms and turned away, trying to play it cool.
"Foine," Estvan sighed.  "You win.  Oi swear before Fuma, by oak an' by thorn, that oi won't harm a hair on yer head -"
"That you won't harm ME in any way," I corrected.
"That oi won't harm ye in any way," he concluded with an even darker glower.  "Are ye satisfoid?"
"That's binding," I said, as I handed Estvan's shillelagh back to him.
As soon as he touched it, his eyes brightened and his ears perked up.  He grasped it with both hands and hauled himself to his feet.
"Everything that's happened," I said, cautiously.  "It wasn't my fault."
"Sure, oi'm willin to believe twas all just a horrible accident," he shrugged wryly.  "But me next question is, what is it yer plannin' to DO about it?  How is it yer gonna make amends, boyo?"
"I haven't been idle since the disaster at Albric Tor," I stated proudly.  "Remember how you saw the Duchess fleeing in such a panic that she didn't even notice you?  Well, that was entirely due to my efforts.  You see, what she was running from was a Shrub army which was coming for me, but I tricked them into attacking her and disrupting her operations in Percysthorpe."
"Sure an' would that be the same verdant army that surrounds yer prison roight now?" Estvan quipped, looking around.  "A fleein' Duchess isn't exactly a defeated Duchess.  Meanwhoile you, me lad, are trapped.  Oi can't say as that's a foine job at all, at all."
"Look," I sighed.  "Things were going well.  I had some lowfolk lackeys and an almost foolproof strategy, but it all fell apart when I nipped back to Faerie to make some explosives, and experienced a teporal discrepancy which had me returning here a year after the battle was over!  If I had been here to supervise, things would have gone a lot better!  But as it was, no sooner had I turned around than my minions had gotten married and the forest had surrounded me!  These time jumps are a problem!  Is there any way to avoid them?"
"Sure, boyo," Estvan explained.  "Just don't travel between worlds an' ye'll have no problem with 'em at all, at all."
I looked crestfallen at him while he snickered.  "Seriously?"
"Aye, that's the foolproof method," he chuckled.  "Sure there's another way, but it involves a bit o' math, an oi never had a head fer figures.  An oye fer figures, sure, but that's an entoirely different subject." he added with a wink.  "If ye must travel twixt worlds, it helps if ye Pook rather than usin' the Gates."
"Gentlemen," Sam interrupted as he held two steaming cups of tea out to Estvan and myself.  "Glad to see I am that your disagreement you can overcome.  Some tea, please have.  Mend your wounds, it will."
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I sipped the tea and almost gagged.  "UGH!  What is this?"
"Ham, all is," Sam intoned mystically.
"Soup, is what oi would have called it," Estvan opined as he savored the brew's salty, meaty taste.
"Drink up," Sam insisted.  "All better, your boo-boos it will make.  When healed you are, then time it will be to move past your past mistakes, and upon defeating your mutual enemies, your efforts focus."
"Have we a mutual enemy?" Estvan mused aloud.
"The Duchess, maybe," I suggested.  "You seem to have an old grudge with her, and she's the one who gave me the Plague of Battles in the first place."
"Aye, but twasn't the Duchess that put me sweet Sofie up to the task o' trappin her dear old Papa in a tree at all, at all," Estvan muttered with a scowl.
"And it wasn't the Duchess who actually showed up to distract me and make me toss the vial of Plague onto the battlefield," I said, with a glare at my Ixies.
"It wasn't the Duchess who paid most of our contracts," Typantronn explained nervously.  "The majority of our work at that time was from ..."
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"VULPITANIANS," we all declared simultaneously.
"Enemies did I say?" Sam waffled.  "Goals I meant!  On achieving your mutual goals, time it is to focus!"
Hey y’all, I could use a morale boost.  Tumblr doesn’t count page views; the only stat I get to see is the number of likes .. so, for all I know there’s only three people reading this thing now, which doesn’t really justify the effort of updating it every week.  If you’re enjoying the Ballad I would appreciate it if you’d let me know by clicking the little heart icon.  It only takes a second and it doesn’t hurt at all, I promise!
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heerogonkenobi · 2 years
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This girl has the most perfect most iconic most juiciest most yummiest most longest and most sexiest bear legs I have ever seen she can twixt my nick with her perfect iconic juicy yummy long sexy bear legs anytime
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beautifulballad · 2 years
Elle Fanning Honors Francis Ford Coppola
Elle Fanning Honors Francis Ford Coppola
Elle Fanning helped honor Francis Ford Coppola in Hollywood yesterday, March 21. The actress spoke before the director received his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Fanning worked with Coppola back in 2011 on his film, Twixt. Coppola has directed a number of iconic films over the years including The Godfather. I love that Elle got to help honor him yesterday. That must have been an honor for…
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I wonder what Jade is doing nowadays... She was the most iconic model in ANTM History. But she has been so private with her life lately and I really hope she does an interview with Oliver Twixt.
Same, I would love to see how she's doing
From what I heard, she's having her own company for biracial people and still does modeling (?), I hope she's having the best life possible though.
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bunchoffaceclaims · 7 years
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Alden Ehrenreich
Gender: Male
DOB: 22 November 1989
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Ashkenazi Jewish
Gif Hunt tag RP Icons tag
Alden Caleb Ehrenreich is an American actor. He made his feature film debut in Francis Ford Coppola's independent film Tetro and appeared in Coppola's subsequent film Twixt. He appeared in Woody Allen's Blue Jasmine, Park Chan-wook's Stoker and starred in Richard LaGravenese's Beautiful Creatures. He also starred as Hobie Doyle in the Coen brothers comedy Hail, Caesar! and as Frank Forbes in Warren Beatty's Rules Don't Apply. In 2018, he will star as Han Solo in an as of yet untitled Star Wars spin-off film revolving around the character's younger years.
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talesofwight · 7 years
The First
Another story I wrote up! This time focusing on expanding on Rufus’s first gladiatorial bout, and also his very first relationship, doomed to be lost in the fires of the Calamity. Under the cut for lengthiness! Some NSFW involved!
Darkness clung to the room like it was made of pitch, an all-encompassing abyss surrounding him as he lay back in his bed, in his home. The night was silent. He heard his thoughts with crystalline clarity. Such things were not uncommon. Often did he reflect on his life as he lay in bed, though of late such thoughts tended not to haunt him as they used to.
He shivered slightly as the hearth had long since died out, the room filled with cold. His body was bare 'neath the sheets, as he almost always slept. He pulled his quilt up around his neck, revelling in the warm embrace it offered. When did that start? He pondered, as he quietly rustled the sheets and raised his right hand to his chest. Thereupon, he gently grasped a small pendant hanging from a silver chain around his neck. The room was dark, but he could still picture the image in his mind. He brushed a thumb gently over the contours and shapes of the surface. A wolf's head lay profile on the face, arced up as though howling at the moon. It belonged to his mother - his one and only keepsake of hers. One day, he intended to give it to the woman whom he was to marry, though that day continued to elude him yet.
Ah... probably back then... His thoughts continued as his thumb finally ceased tracing the pendant, the image in his mind of the trinket was suddenly replaced by the visage of a young, vibrant midlander girl with peach-coloured skin. Short-cut, fair hair that suited her tomboyish looks.
It had been some time since he last thought of her.
Amelia... what would my life be like if you were still here today? The thought nagged at him for a time, his face scrunching into a soft frown. A sigh bubbled up past his lips as he fluttered his eyes closed, shuffling his body in vain purpose to find a more comfortable sleeping position. As the minutes wore on, he quickly began to surrender himself to the siren song of sleep, the darkness enveloping him...
Rufus had slept well the night before, all things considered. He understood the pressure mounted upon his shoulders for the following day well, he had been training for it practically all his life. His father demanded no less of him, and “demand” was the kindest word to call it. Sunlight streamed in from the window opposite the bed in his simple, rustic room. Wooden floors and walls, with little to decorate them, and suitably bland furniture to match. The big day... He thought to himself, letting a quiet yawn escape him as he tried to will his body to rise. It didn't respond. He felt something heavy, stuck to his right arm. It was warm. It was... moving? He blinked in the dim light, a moment passing in utter silence as he recalled to mind his situation. He rolled his head to the right, and his gaze was met with the face of a sleeping woman. Young, freckled, with short, blond hair. She breathed softly beside him, having not yet been stirred from her peaceful slumber.
He almost stopped breathing himself as he recalled to mind the events of the night before - what led him to being weighed down by this cute, tomboyish girl... bereft of clothes. As he was. A smile slowly crept across his lips as he rolled to his right, laying on his side and opposite to the yet-dreaming woman. His left hand deftly slipped forward, until his fingertips met flesh not his own. Her thigh. She was muscular, and yet... so soft. So enticing. So intoxicating to his young mind. His fingers moved as if controlled by another, drawing lazy circles in her flesh. He watched as her expression shifted slightly, registering the touch. She let out a little moan. He smiled still. Those fingers began a languid ascent up the toned muscle of her leg, following the shapely curve of her body, coming to rest upon her hip. She stirred again, her head tilting so that the greater portion of her neck was exposed to him. He wasted no time and leaned his head in, plying his lips to the exposed skin and peppering it with a series of feathery kisses. 'Mmm... Rufus...?' She breathed sharply, swiftly followed by a long, delighted exhale. He offered no verbal response, though a guttural 'mhm' noise flowing past the lips that had locked onto her neck and sucked as though a child with a comically-sized lollypop. 'Your first match is today... shouldn't you be getting ready...?' 'I think we still have some time... Could use some... encouragement.' He chuckled, and she chuckled in response. His teeth trapped a section of skin between them and pressed firmly, eliciting another moan from her. 'You make it hard to say no, Rufus. But I don't want to be the reason you're late...' 'Just a little longer,' he argued, his exploring hand slowly ventured south as it sought what lay between her legs, 'I'm sure we can spare a few minutes...' 'We only became lovers last night, Rufus... don't be so hasty.' She chimed in a tone that held teasing, as her hands found his beneath the sheets, playfully halting him in his tracks. He let out a childish huff from his nose, reluctantly disengaging from her form and rolling onto his back again. 'Oh, don't pout you big baby. You'll see me again, after the match. I'll be there to celebrate your win... or nurse you back to health. Either way, I win.' She cracked a toothy grin at him, brighter than the burgeoning daylight coming through the window, he thought. 'Bah... alright! But if I lose, I'm blaming it on my love not seeing to my needs. The Mythril Eye will report it, and you'll look like you're soooooo mean to me.' He flashed a mirthful grin back at her, as she laughed and rolled out of the bed. There, for a good several moments, she stood in her all - her nothing, turned to face him. He couldn't help how his eyes wandered in that moment, so greedily drinking in the sight. She was shorter than him, as most midlander women tend to be, but she was also powerfully-built. Strong arms connected to firm shoulders, which led south to her surprisingly well-endowed breasts, swaying softly with every little breath. His gaze remained on her chest for what felt like a bell. Tearing his gaze away and further south still, her toned abdomen belied her many hours spent working on her fitness. Her abdomen gave way to wide hips, that surely indicated a firm and plump rear. A streak of dark hair caught his eyes as he marked what it was 'twixt her legs. Groomed, as though she knew the night before was certain to happen. Her thighs were thick and strong, and looked easily capable of crushing a man's head between them - how blissful that would be were it his own.
She was perfect to his eye. It was all he could do not to pounce her then and there. Before his gaze could linger any longer, she swiftly and cruelly snatched the quilt from the bed and wrapped herself in it, faux-coyly hiding away the beauty he was so in awe of. 'Careful, your eyes will pop out of their sockets if you stare any more.' She chided playfully. Ironically, it was her eyes that now took the time to stare at his own bare form. He was larger and stronger than her in almost all shapes and aspects. His body trained to the peak of physical fitness by demand and necessity. Few things there were to catch the eye outside of his doubtlessly impressive musculature, though always there would be the ugly, misshapen symbol burned into the back of his right hand - the three spears that symbolised Halone, Goddess of War. One drunken night his father somehow convinced himself that if Rufus was marked by the Goddess's icon, it would infer to him greater combat prowess. Not a night that Rufus looked back on fondly. Aside from that was little out of place. Though he noted her own longing stare at what hung 'twixt his own legs, amidst a field of brown hairs. To his pride, he stood at a respectable size when all was said and done, and it seemed to do the job very well in the night prior. 'Careful yourself.' He teased, moving his hands to cover his groin in a playful gesture, as though a shy maiden. 'Now I'll never wear white at my bonding!' His words were met by a laugh from Amelia, who was now skirting around the bed and making for the door with a train of bedsheets following her. She didn't even attempt to pick up any of her belongings from the clothes-stewn floor. 'I'm going to make my champion-to-be a nice, big breakfast, while you go and bathe. You can look as handsome and masculine as you like, but it'll do you no good if you smell of sweat and sex.' Amelia laughed, pausing only briefly on her way to the door to look at him as he forced himself up and out of bed, running a hand through his messy, parted hair that framed his face so well. She strode over and leaned up on the tips of her toes, as she pressed her lips to his own in a greedy, loving kiss. She reached a hand up to stroke his jawline, her own hardened fingertips brushing the fluff of hair beneath his chin. 'I love you.' She whispered, breaking their kiss. Her eyes stared warmly and lovingly into his own, piercing right through him like an arrow. 'Love you too, sweetheart.' He rumbled, and leaned forward to entwine his lips with hers once more, not quite satisfied just yet. Rufus cared not for the passage of time whilst locked in intimacy like that with her. She was his everything.
He could hear the crowds outside the Guild, all abuzz with excitement. Today, those people were going to watch him fight another man - possibly to the death. All for their own excitement. Something about it twisted his gut in an aggravating way. Yet, this was the line of work that he was born to do - or so his father had told him. The progeny of two renowned Gladiators, what else would he be suited for? Cooking, was the first thing to his mind. 'Rufus! It's time!' A rough voice called him from across the room at the top of the stairs which led down to the arena. He shifted his head and regarded a blue-skinned roegadyn man waving emphatically at him. He sighed. Showtime. He thought, and turned his attention to his equipment for one final pre-fight check. He wore very little - such was the custom of the field: He wore a galerus that covered various vital spots on his shoulders and neck, and very little everywhere else on his torso, black, fingerless gloves with metal plates attached to the knuckles to enable more painful punches, a pair of breeches that exposed his thighs, and pair of plated caligae that probably offered the most protection of all that he wore, save for the final piece - a steel barbut that covered his entire head. It was already hard to see from inside, even with the visor lifted. He checked the sword hanging at his left hip, his right hand grasping the hilt and drawing it some few ilms out of the scabbard. Just a precaution. The buckler he had strapped to his left wrist seemed sturdy enough, though he couldn't help but wish to have been outfitted with something a tad larger. Nonetheless, now was his time, and he would not keep destiny waiting.
Down there, stood before the gate that led to the arena floor, the crowd was even more deafening. They screamed, cheered, and bristled with anticipation. Rufus felt a cold sting run through him. Yes, he had trained for a long, long time for this moment. And yet... butterflies still raged in his stomach. He felt like he wanted to be sick. He forced the sensation down, just in time to jump in surprise as the metal gates let out an ear-splitting screech and began to rise upwards. Slowly. It was as though an eternity had passed in the time it took for it to grind to a halt. The crowd roared as he stepped out into the wide, circular floor. His neck craned upwards, scanning the spectator booths lining the walls. He didn't recognise any in the first two. Then his eyes caught a familiar sight. In the booth to his north and west was a lone figure - a tomboyish lass, so familiar now to his eye, was leaning on the edge of the stone, screaming something from the tops of her lungs. Whatever words she spoke were lost in the din of the crowd. Nonetheless, he lifted his hand and gave her a wave, then treated the rest of the audience to the greeting. Before long, he found himself stood near the centre of the arena, facing down his opponent - a highlander male with a fiery red mane of hair, bearing a shock of white in it that belied the aged face beneath, garbed in brown leather armour. He wore a confident smile as he sized up his opponent, patting the hilt of the sword at his hip. 'Yer about to curse yer ma an' da fer birthin' ye, lad. Yer facin' The Claw of Ala Mhigo today! Rhalgr have pity on yer soul.' His voice was so... large. So fierce, that Rufus had no problem hearing him over the baying crowd. He frowned, lifting a hand to clasp shut his visor. No words were necessary. Above the two, an equally commanding voice rung out - one that silenced the spectators as they turned their eyes to him. The roegadyn he had seen before. He was announcing the fight. 'Good people of Ul'dah! Welcome to the coliseum! Today, we have a special match for you all to witness, I'm sure you heard. Today is the first match of the progeny of Drystan and Selene Miller - Thal rest her soul. Today we see Rufus - Blood of the Iron Wolf - begin his career on the Bloodsands! Will it begin with a bang, or a whimper? We'll certainly see, as he is pitted against The Claw of Ala Mhigo - Sigmund Bloodbane!' The crowd once more erupted into a cacophony of cheers for the two warriors who were now about to do battle - Rufus could almost swear he felt the bloodlust radiating from them. 'Now, without any further adue,' the roegadyn boomed 'let the battle begin!' The Claw of Ala Mhigo lunged.
Years of training - almost two decades. And in this moment, Rufus felt that naught could have prepared him for what he was experiencing. His opponent was pressing his clear advantage, using his height and strength to force Rufus onto the defence. Blow after blow came towards him - he just barely managed to parry them. His skin blazed with small nicks where he hadn't managed to avoid Sigmund's blade in time. His back was nearing the wall. He would soon be trapped if he didn't find a way to break the onslaught. Sigmund swung again, the arc of the blade would've easily cut open his chest if Rufus hadn't ducked beneath the swing and tumbled past his opponent, converting his momentum into a roll and springing back onto his feet. 'Ye'll not win if ye run forever, pup!' Sigmund called tauntingly. Rufus swore behind his helmet. He knew that much. 'Fine! I'll be glad to say I kicked the arse o' the wee, snivelling coward yer ma and da made! Just stand still!' He stepped forward three times, spun, and aimed another strike at Rufus's head. Enough. Rufus thought, moving his left arm into ready position, he shoved his shield outwards, catching the incoming blow, and to the surprise of his enemy, pressing forward to knock Sigmund off balance. Pain seared through him with every motion he took, but he was not about to give up without fighting. No. Not after all he had been through. He would look upon his father's face as a victor, and show him that for all the pain and suffering he endured, he had come out on top. He would not be broken.
The tables had turned. The crowd roared at the dramatic twist, as Rufus launched his own assault on the highlander. Using his smaller size to his advantage, he danced around Sigmund, nicking him with each stroke he landed - wearing him down with each cut. His ears tuned out the world around him, only able to hear the blood rushing past. The adrenaline pumping in his veins. He backed off to avoid a flimsy counter, wasting no time as he ran at a circular angle back towards the Claw. He was slowing down. Blood loss does that to you. He was now worse off than Rufus was. The strike that came was easily avoided - a step, a pirouette, and a thrust to the hip. His blade bit deep, eliciting a cry of pain from Sigmund, and a roar of approval from the crowd. That was it. Or it should  have been it. Doubtless the highlander is a hardy specimen. Even with steel embedded within him, Sigmund turned his head towards Rufus. The pain and rage that  twisted his mein was a true horror to behold. Before Rufus could respond, a massive hand reached out and grabbed his barbut. He struggled, trying to break free of the grip, but it was as a vice. With a violent pull, his helm was all but ripped from his head and tossed to the side. He was in shock. He stumbled backwards, letting go of the sword which clattered to the ground. He caught his own feet, and fell to the ground.
Move! He willed himself. But he wouldn't respond. Move! He tried again. Sigmund was raising his sword. MOVE! The third time did it. He began to shuffle back to avoid the strike.
It was a vain effort.
The coliseum was filled with the sound of a scream then - a long, baying howl. Absolute and consuming pain burned from his face. His eyes were hazy, and they stung. Flecks of red fluid clung to his lashes. The crowd sounded like garbled nonsense, muted as though they all spoke from behind a wall. He blinked furiously, trying to clear his eyes. They wouldn't. Crimson dripped from the newly-formed gash, a hideous cut from right to left diagonally, profusely bleeding. He felt like he was going to pass out. Like he was going to scream. That he wanted to tear the man who had done this to shreds. A whorl of emotions churned within him. Before he even knew what he was doing - as though a marionette, moving by the machinations of another - he rose and, through a haze of red, grabbed his blade from the floor and rose. This time it was Sigmund who was too slow. Before he could react, the Claw of Ala Mhigo felt the sting of Rufus's blade as it carved from his belly up to his chest. It wasn't a deep cut, but it was the final one he needed. With a sigh, the highlander's body went limp, as he fell to the hard ground with a heavy thud. He breathed still, albeit faintly. Not that Rufus noticed. He panted as though having just ran a marathon in full plate, his body was numb, his vision darkening. He thought he heard the crowd screaming - in terror this time. The booming, distorted voice of the announcer was the last thing he heard before darkness overcame him.
It felt like the nightmares were unending. He felt feverish. Every time he tried to sleep, he saw Sigmund's fiendish visage in the backs of his eyelids. He woke every time with a start, and a yell, and a flash of pain as he reminded himself where he was. Being treated for his wounds by an alchemist in a bland, white and beige room in the Scholar's Walk. The bandages on his face felt hot. Itchy. He wanted to take them off. How bad could it have been? Every time he rose a hand to attempt to do anything to the pesky bandages, a strong, feminine hand reached over to grab his. Amelia. She had been watching over him for days and nights at a time. She looked sick with worry. It pained him, more than any physical hurt ever could. 'Sweetheart... you should go and rest...' He spoke, and it was as though his throat was lined with sand. She shook her head and smiled at him. 'No... No, Rufus. I can't leave you like this. I want to stay.' Tears clung to those large, emerald eyes. 'You can stop looking at me like that... I won the match, didn't I...? My first match...?' 'Technically, yes... But what a way for it to happen. The alchemists say you'll be fine. Though you may be left with some scarring...' 'Yeah...? Like... sexy-scar or ugly-scar...?' The attempt at a joke hurt, and he let out a hacking cough, sending spasms of pain throughout his body. Amelia just smiled at him. She opened her mouth, ready to speak, but abruptly found herself cut off as the door to the room opened with a whine. Both of them looked. Both eyes went wide.
The aged, dark-skinned man limped into the room, using a cane of some sort of wood - Rufus couldn't tell - to support himself. He looked frail, almost as much as Rufus felt himself to be. But his eyes were still bright and attentive. And if you looked closely - squinted even - you could see that he was probably quite a statuesque man once upon a time. 'Son...' The man spoke, finally. '...Father.' Rufus whispered back. Amelia was as quiet as death. 'I... saw your bout today. You did well...' '...Thank you.' 'Training paid off...' 'Yeah...' The silence was palpable for the next few moments. Both men looked away, then slowly back to one another. It was the father who spoke first. 'What the announcer said -- your ring name... "Blood of the Iron Wolf". They meant your mother...' 'I know. What about it?' The withered man lifted his one free hand. From around his neck, the father produced a pendant, hung on a silver chain. He limped forward and held it out to his son. 'This... was your mother's. She wore it in every fight. Including when I met her. I... well... with your name, and all... I thought you should have it...' Rufus was speechless. His tired eyes simply scanned the face of the necklace. A wolf's head, howling at the sky. He reached a hand forward, palm-up, to accept the treasure. The father took another step forward and dropped the necklace into the awaiting hand. 'I'm sure... if she were here today. She'd have been proud of you, son. Like I am.' '...Thanks... dad.' 'I'll leave you two be... you've got to rest.' 'Right... thanks for coming. 'Bye.' His father gave him a cursory nod and, for the shortest of moments, he thought he saw a look of gratitude directed at Amelia, who simply nodded in return. With that, he turned and limped his way back out of the room, closing the door behind him and leaving the two remaining in a manner of stunned silence.
It was Rufus who broke the silence first. Lifting the pendant closer to his unfocused eyes, seeing it more clearly. 'That's a very special thing, Rufus...' 'Yeah... I know it is. The only thing I've got to remember her by... Even if I didn't know her.' 'I'm sure she'd be as proud of you as I am, my champion.' Amelia leaned over the bed and plied a gentle kiss to Rufus's lips. Hers tasted so sweet and soft. His felt dry and cracked. Truly perfect. She settled back into the chair she had pulled beside his bed after a moment. 'Will you keep fighting?' Amelia asked in a small voice. 'Hmm...' Rufus muttered, squinting and frowning until it hurt at the pendant. 'I... suppose it wouldn't be very legacy-worthy if I was to quit after my first, wouldn't it?' Amelia smiled, nodded, and kissed his hand - his inscribed hand. Considering what awaited him after the bandages came off, he was glad she wasn't repulsed by scars.
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haroldgross · 7 years
New Post has been published on Harold Gross: The 5a.m. Critic
New Post has been published on http://literaryends.com/hgblog/song-to-song/
Song to Song
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Calling this a movie is a bit of a stretch. It is more of a tone poem than a traditional story, which is somewhat appropriate given the title and Rooney Mara’s (The Discovery) comments in her voice over. There is a tale to be gleaned from the visuals, dialogue, and brief scenes, but it isn’t straight forward. The result feels like an extrapolation of Eyes Wide Shut, but with a more complete result.  At 2+ hours, that is both an impressive achievement by writer/director Terrance Malick (Knight of Cups) and a lot of effort for the audience. I’m not sure it is effort that is well reimbursed.
Whether or not you like Terrance Malick’s style, he can surely put a cast together: Michael Fassbender (Assassin’s Creed), Ryan Gosling (La La Land), Natalie Portman (Jackie), Cate Blanchett (Carol), Holly Hunter (Top of the Lake), Bérénice Marlohe (Skyfall), Val Kilmer (Twixt), Benicio Del Toro (Sicario), Linda Emond (3 Generations), Tom Sturridge (Far From the Madding Crowd). Then there are music icons like Iggy Pop (Gimme Danger), Florence Welch, Patti Smith, and others.
In other words, a whole heck of a lot of talent went into the creation of this piece. It is also down to Malick’s editing of the moments that the story becomes at all apparent. But as a movie it is middling and as an entertainment it is lacking. Basically, you have to love these actors or Malick to want to spend over two hours to get to the point and resolution. So this one is up to you…I had to respect the film making, but I can’t say I really enjoyed the experience enough to recommend it unreservedly or even with enthusiasm for anyone who isn’t more interested in craft than they are experience.
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rocksbackpages · 3 years
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The RBP Podcast
In the new episode of the RBP podcast, hosts Mark Pringle, Martin Colyer & Barney Hoskyns invite David Kamp to reminisce about The Rock Snob's Dictionary, already 15 years old but still wonderfully droll and still very on-the-money about people like, well, Mark, Martin & Barney. We ask David to explain the origins of Rock Snobbery and to revisit his epic Vanity Fair pieces about Sly Stone and the unlikely friendship 'twixt country icon Johnny Cash & producer Rick Rubin.
The week's overaching theme of 1971 — inspired by Asif Kapadia's new Apple TV series — leads to discussion of Sly's dark masterpiece (and rock-snob staple) There's A Riot Goin' On, and then on to the Doors' redemptive swansong L.A. Woman, released three months before Jim Morrison's death in Paris. Clips from John Tobler's 1983 audio interview with surviving trio Ray Manzarek, Robbie Krieger & John Densmore prompt discussion of the Doors' legacy & status in the rock pantheon, after which Mark & Barney talk us through their highlights among the new articles in the RBP Library. These include great pieces on Bob Dylan, Mad Dogs & Englishmen, Rough Trade, Some Bizzare's Stevo & the Stones' Keith Richards, plus a lovely 2008 conversation between Simply Red's Mick Hucknall and the mighty Bobby "Blue" Bland.
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nemolian · 4 years
Val Kilmer's 14 Greatest Genre Movie Roles
Kilmer finds he’s no fan of Mars in Red Planet.
Image: Warner Bros.
Val Kilmer has made all kinds of movies throughout his long career, and many of his most high-profile performances (think Top Gun, The Doors, Tombstone, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, and his groovy debut in Top Secret!) can be found in drama and action films. But when the Juilliard-trained actor—who’s had some health problems of late—goes genre, he makes some intriguing choices. Here are our 14 favorite Kilmer sci-fi and fantasy projects.
Kilmer as Bluntman.
Image: Saban Films
14) Jay and Silent Bob Reboot
The erstwhile Batman plays silent stoner superhero Bluntman in Bluntman V Chronic, the reboot-within-a-reboot that drives the plot of the 2019 Kevin Smith meta-comedy. In a movie stuffed with cameos, Kilmer’s is one of the funniest, just because it’s one of the most unexpected.
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Kilmer’s version of KITT enjoys a day at the beach.
Image: NBC
13) Knight Rider
We’re mostly focusing on Kilmer’s movie roles here, but how could we leave this truly random entry off the list? The iconic 1980s TV series about the talking car has been brought back a few times, including an NBC reboot that ran for one season starting in 2008. Kilmer supplied the voice of KITT, probably the only notable thing about this short-lived series.
12) Planes
Disney’s spin-off of Pixar’s popular Cars franchise is mostly about a crop duster voiced by unfunny comedian Dane Cook, but Kilmer and his Top Gun co-star Anthony Edwards do pop up to voice a pair of U.S. Navy fighter jets. No doubt that’s a little in-joke for adult viewers, since Planes’ target audience likely would not get the reference.
“I like you, Clarence. Always have, always will.”
Image: Warner Bros.
11) True Romance
True Romance, directed by Top Gun’s Tony Scott and written by Quentin Tarantino, is not a genre film; you’ll find it categorized under “crime” or “drama” or “extreme 1990s kitsch overload.” But it does have one fantasy element besides Patricia Arquette’s improbably hot n’ nerdy call girl with a heart of gold, and it’s Kilmer’s barely glimpsed yet still totally memorable appearance as the “Mentor” to Clarence (Christian Slater)—a guy who requires guidance and confidence-boosting from time to time and conveniently receives it in the form of a guardian angel who looks and sounds an awful lot like Elvis.
10) Twixt
Though he more or less retreated from Hollywood in the late 1990s, legendary writer-director Francis Ford Coppola made a rare big-screen return in 2011 with this ghostly tale starring Kilmer as once-successful horror author Hall Baltimore. His latest book tour takes him to a small town with a serial killer problem; a good portion of the movie takes place in a monochrome dream world populated by maybe-vampires (Elle Fanning, Alden Ehrenreich), Edgar Allan Poe (Ben Chaplin), and other gothic types. Eventually, Baltimore’s dreams become entangled with his waking life, much in the way that the events of the movie become entangled with the comeback novel Baltimore’s in the process of crafting. Twixt is, sadly, nowhere near as good as the sorta similar In the Mouth of Madness, but Kilmer’s performance as a writer wrestling with reality is not among its weaker points.
9) The Saint
Kilmer dons a series of questionable wigs and an array of accents to play iconic character Simon Templar, the benevolent but slippery master thief who can claim any prize for the right price. Really, seeing Kilmer adopt all those different corny identities (the sultry Spaniard! The leather pants-clad South African! The German with the pouffy mullet! The dowdy Russian housekeeper! The tweedy, spectacled man with the Doc Holliday twang!) is the main attraction here. Even with the character’s pedigree driving the story, without all the disguises and Kilmer’s charisma, The Saint would be just a middling mid-‘90s thriller with the Sneaker Pimps on the soundtrack, involving a formula for cold fusion that Simon seduces out of a gullible scientist (Elisabeth Shue) on behalf of some politically ambitious Russian mobsters.
Special Agent Kilmer of the FBI’s time-travel unit.
Image: Touchstone Pictures
8) Déjà Vu
Kilmer has a small role in this 2006 thriller that once again reunited him with director Tony Scott. Déjà Vu is mostly all about Denzel Washington’s character, ATF agent Doug Carlin, who’s among the first on the scene after a terrorist bombing in post-Katrina New Orleans. Kilmer plays the affable FBI agent who invites him to be part of a cutting-edge new task force that’s using some very timey-wimey high tech to solve the case. Though Kilmer—who played a very different sort of New Orleans law enforcement type opposite Nicolas Cage in Werner Herzog’s Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans, a non-genre movie that’s still chock-full of excellent weirdness—doesn’t get to do a lot, his presence adds dramatic heft to the supporting cast. Also, his character is the kind of cool boss who looks the other way when Carlin decides the only way to save the day is to risk his own life by testing the human limits of time travel.
7) Red Planet
I can’t be the only person who consistently confuses Red Planet with Mission to Mars, which both came out in 2000, but for the record: Mission to Mars is the one directed by Brian De Palma where Gary Sinise gets to hang out with aliens; and Red Planet is the one where Kilmer and Carrie-Anne Moss inexplicably bring a robot with an easily-triggered “kill mode” on the first manned journey to Mars. Red Planet is not a very good movie, but Kilmer gets to play a wild-man engineering genius (for some fashion flair on the long trip, he dons what very may well be his True Romance Elvis sunglasses), a character that exactly plays to his strengths—he’s almost like an older version of Chris Knight from Real Genius.
6) The Prince of Egypt
Kilmer plays Moses and God in DreamWorks’ 1998 animated musical retelling of the Book of Exodus, bringing appropriate levels of wonder, gravitas, and grief to his performances. The Prince of Egypt manages to infuse actual drama into the familiar story—with its burning bush, “let my people go,” plagues, parting of the Red Sea, Ten Commandments, etc.—by emphasizing Moses’ clash with his adoptive brother Rameses II (Ralph Fiennes), and even though it’s, you know, Bible stuff, The Prince of Egypt never gets too preachy. However, the movie also shows that even the great Kilmer has his limits; like several of the movie stars in the cast (and despite his totally serviceable crooning in Top Secret!), he doesn’t do his own singing.
5) Batman Forever
Kilmer plays the first post-Michael Keaton Batman opposite villains Two-Face (Tommy Lee Jones) and the Riddler (Jim Carrey), as well as Nicole Kidman as Bruce Wayne’s love interest and Chris O’Donnell as Batman’s new sidekick, Robin. Batman Forever, released in 1995 and directed by the great Joel Schumacher, is a sort of a midline Batman flick with forgettable details (remember Drew Barrymore was in Batman Forever? No? Neither did we, until a recent re-watch) that has been pushed to the back of all Batman-centric discussions. But you know... Kilmer’s fondness for bringing little eccentricities into his performances made him kind of perfect to play a reclusive billionaire crime-fighter with a bat fetish. (He also had the best Batman lips.) Too bad he only put on the cowl once, and then Batman & Robin happened.
4) The Island of Doctor Moreau
John Frankenheimer’s famously troubled 1996 H.G. Wells adaptation has a lot going on—a wild cast that includes Marlon Brando as Wells’ mad scientist, and Fairuza Balk, Ron Perlman, and Temuera Morrison, among others, as his human-animal hybrid creations—but somehow Kilmer still makes an impression as Montgomery, Moreau’s right-hand man. He’s soft-spoken and only vaguely menacing at first, but like everyone in the movie, he grows way more unhinged as the plot progresses. After Moreau dies, Montgomery attempts to ascend to his former overlord’s white-wardrobed place of dominance, but even the former “brilliant neurosurgeon” can’t survive the island’s rapid spiral into furry, toothy, claws-out lawless mayhem.
3) The Fourth Dimension
This three-part anthology film, which you can watch in its entirety above, opens with Lotus Community Workshop, a segment directed by Harmony Korine featuring Kilmer as “Val Kilmer”—an alternate-reality version of the famous actor who’s turned to new-age motivational speaking. You can’t not love this performance, which sees Kilmer devoid of any vanity whatsoever (just behold his wardrobe choices: beret, polo shirt with an oversized bolo tie, old-man shorts, and a fanny pack) prowl a roller rink that’s been turned into a meeting room, bellowing into a headset mic about the “awesome secrets” he’s going to share with those assembled. His wackadoo monologue is great fun, but for my money the real prize is seeing Kilmer pedal along on a BMX bike, bursting with the sort of joy one can only discover, presumably, within the utopian fourth dimension, a place “Val Kilmer” himself describes as “a kind of world like cotton candy, almost.”
This 1985 comedy, Kilmer’s second big-screen outing, made it very clear that Top Secret! was no fluke. He plays Chris Knight, a college senior whose science smarts have taken a back seat to chasing girls and other campus shenanigans—at least until he meets his awkward new roommate, Mitch (Gabriel Jarret). Mitch desperately needs a cool mentor to help him break out of his shell, while Chris needs an ally to help him take down the jerky professor who’s been exploiting students to create what the kids don’t realize is dangerous, futuristic military tech. Chris is the ultimate blend of party-guy slacker and nerdy supergenius, but Kilmer brings actual dimension to a character who easily could’ve just been there for comic relief.
1) Willow
Obviously, Kilmer’s turn as the charming rogue Madmartigan, who lends a hand (and his sword) to Warwick Davis’ unlikely hero Willow, had to top this list. Ron Howard’s 1988 fantasy comedy has become a classic, and even if Madmartigan isn’t part of the long-discussed future Disney+ TV series, he’ll always be one of our favorite characters in a movie filled with brownies, trolls, fairies, sorcerers, and evil queens. Plus, there’s the added bonus of getting to see Kilmer and future spouse Joanne Whalley fall for each other in real life as their characters are falling in love onscreen.
For more, make sure you’re following us on our Instagram @io9dotcom. 
via:Gizmodo, June 24, 2020 at 12:27PM
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Need For Velocity Release Date, Cars, Trailers, Gameplay And All The most up to date Headlines.
Placing a twist on an R & B or rap tune works well, states Port Frimston, 23, from three-piece London buskers The Tailor Made, who use the Underground and on the Southbank, as well as this set is actually recent, well known and also poppy good enough for folks to know the words. Motors that take the cars and truck with ease additionally assist listed below, which includes the entry-level 1.0-litre petroleum model. Hennessy simply packed in a strong motor right into a light automobile while Bugatti made use of an amazing motor matched to a luxurious automobile. Extra operational in comparison to the majority of the cars and trucks on this listing, the Emphasis Electric will not have anybody stargazing about its own appeals, however this normalises the electricity car in such a way that is actually important if they are actually ever to come to be the planet's prevalent form from motoring. Yet in the building world, the contrary holds true: city dwellers are actually wealthier as well as more likely to own cars and trucks, as well as unless everyone could be taught in the merits from sustainability and areas are generated that aren't car-dependent, there will be actually rapid development in automobile ownership and also consumption. The checklist (featuring its label or even summary) promotes unlawful activity, or even includes hate pep talk or advertisement hominem attacks on a fellow Goodreads member or writer. There is actually also the very funny view from NPCs aiming to enter into the very same vehicle as you, running across one another in the process. After returning she began her creating job while operating at the fine art facility from a local area college. These big auto providers can easily haul five or more autos at once, making it the most affordable procedure from transporting an auto. For instance, the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome will have the ability to acknowledge and also notify the vehicle driver that an automobile is pulling out of a side road, even though the chauffeur hasn't already observed the vehicle but. If white individuals break away coming from challenging their own racist propensities, racial discrimination will certainly survive. The unit is tough when white colored folks think they excel as well as perform certainly not wish to hear or else. Odor's larger-than-life personality has actually helped to push his firm forward in the notoriously particular market of luxury automobile companies. Unless you are actually one hundred per-cent certain from exactly what you are actually carrying out, do not seek to deal with vehicle fixings yourself. CarPlay plus all from these screen-based app/navigation/music operations, apart from MAYBE GPS maps, should certainly be actually somehow locked, a minimum of to the chauffeur, while the automobile resides in movement. Oppo's heavily custom-made user interface is actually full and also old-fashioned of childish icons, plus it is actually obsoleted and just managing atop Android 5. If you're ready to find out more in regards to http://margo-health.info look into our own internet site. 1.1. When Android 7.0 is actually arriving this summer, that's certainly not excellent sufficient. Brown had actually previously submitted an online video to YouTube which appeared to show the Auto-pilot attribute saving his car off colliding with a lorry. This took place many years after the show - and also after considerable outside job - yet one auto burst right into fires. We are actually 100% over the pollution limitations however persuading individuals certainly not to utilize their autos is hard," he said. Thus, supposing a power auto won't work with you, deciding just what to get next is actually definitely a situation from exercising the smaller of pair of miseries. The one thing I really love about Kia's navigating feature is the capability to enter addresses and also look for sights when the auto is actually moving, therefore my guest can easily utilize this. The car does display a liability warning each opportunity you begin the car, yet you are actually totally free to do as you wish when the vehicle relocations. While I had not been straight recommended in order to get unwanted repair services, the manager's failure to advise me from the dangers on a lengthy travel after an inspection from my old auto led me in order to get unnecessary repair works to take the journey, which led to my auto's breakdown. Folks buy cars and trucks to own them - if you eliminate the passion from being at the tire at that point you may too use Uber. Takedowns (as in, smashing other automobiles off of the street) are additionally favorably urged; damage the very same auto over enough races and also it'll be uncovered for purchase. Evaluation internet sites can easily give you insurance coverage quotes in an instant - that's merely a concern from providing your zip codes and you'll after that be actually routed to a page with a list from automotive insurers along with their matching insurance policy coverage/policies. A lot of extra safety and security features are being included, also, that mirror those built right into the most up to date cars - such as sensing whether you're deviating away from lane or ready to strike the automobile in front - yet these may not be a requirement. This's not hard to visualize a greater level of integration twixt smartphone as well as car if both discuss an Operating System. This needs to be capable of recognising and also differentiating between vehicles, bikes, people, pets as well as various other items as well as the road surface, where the auto resides in relation to integrated maps and manage to react to a typically uncertain setting. And all absolutely free - for which Polytopia is worthy of to control your Android game opportunity for an excellent long although. This is one from the finest auto motion pictures ever committed to movie if you are actually at all a vehicle fetishist.
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tonireavis · 7 years
As an athlete Alberto Salazar was willing to delve more deeply into the dark raging corridors within than any athlete I ever encountered.  That do-or-die spirit is what elevated Al to iconic status as a runner, but it also brought him to the edge of the abyss. Twice he ran himself to the precipice of a serious medical crisis, once at the Falmouth Road Race 1978 (hyperthermia), again at the 1982…
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