#twin tailed marra
moni-in-trolberg · 6 months
guess who, instead of working anything actually important, decided to do incorrect quotes? a surprising number of these are incredibly in character-
(p.s. I don’t know if anyone remembers Sophie, but all you need to know for this is that she’s Gerda’s niece)
(p.s. Audrey is the twin tailed Marra)
Hilda: Hey, do you know anyone who can teach me to play the trumpet?
Johanna: Why?
Hilda: I wanna wander around playing it to annoy Audrey.
Johanna: Technically, you don’t actually need to know how to play it to do that.
Hilda: …Mum, you have opened my eyes.
Hilda: you’re not my friend anymore.
Audrey: I was your friend??
Hilda: *about to do something incredibly stupid*
Sophie: I know I can’t stop you, but I won’t let you go by yourself!
Sophie: Seriously, Johanna, how many people would you have killed if we’d asked you too??
Johanna: that’s not important.
*at the Patrol headquarters*
Gerda: hi, I’m here for Johanna.
Officer: who’s Johanna?
Gerda: ah, you must be new.
Audrey: I ran into Tontu in the kitchen at 1 am and when I asked him what he was doing, he just shrugged and said, ‘these are my roaming hours,’ and wandered off, strumming vaguely on a guitar.
Alfur: an apple a day keeps the doctor away!
Audrey: an apple a day can keep anyone away if you throw it hard enough.
Gerda: I’m convinced Johanna and Hilda share a brain cell.
Audrey: and it’s not in use very often, it seems.
I’m working on Sophie’s story, but it’s confusing so I needed a break lol
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littledigits · 5 months
What's Twin-tail Marra's name?
dunno ! I dont think any of them had official names besides Kelly. I wasnt involved in the script process of season 1 though so its possible they may have had names suggested or popped up but throughout my time I cant recall any official names. ya'll can name those paralysis demons whatever you'd like lol
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thesealanterns · 2 years
My brain was thinking of the theory that twin tail and gerda are mother and daughter
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Then my brain thought gerda was a Marra and taught her daughter to use that magic only for emergencies and is unawares her kid is scaring people
So now I give you Marra gerda
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therubymute · 1 year
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2023 vs 2020.
Can you do something great?
Yes, you can, Almost three years ago I decided to pick up my stylist and drew Her, because I made one choice I spiraled up heel and began to improve more then I ever have. In life it might not seem big at first but one small choice can make you into someone you never thought could exist.
Leader Marra, Twin-tails, whatever you know her as, but for me her name is Hope and will always be Hope no matter what happens, this character means the world to me and has give me exactly what her namesake is. Hope, she’s been my driving reason for drawing and improving. I’ve meant so many amazing people because of her as well, such as Sadie who’s become one of my favorite people to talk to and just joke with at times.
So yeah just go with your gut sometimes and even if you think it looks bad at first that’s ok, just live in the moment and it’ll take you further then you could ever imagine
She’s my sweet gremlin child and if anyone tries to take her, you’ll see how well you fly
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jutsei · 10 months
Fffffffffuck. Lmao
I really liked the Marra episode, it was the right kind of scary for the vibe the show has, and all the ideas pitched were interesting. I liked how the Marra acts normal to scope out places, how they’re telling stories to the other Marra, how they actually talk like normal people
The Rat King sharing secrets is also an interesting idea as well? And how all the team worked together twice to get her was really neat.
ANd lastly getting a glimpse at what really scares Hilda was great, I enjoyed the hell outta that episode.
Unsurprisingly, I really liked the Twin Tailed Marra’s design bc I love twin tails. I hope we see more of her in the future.
I really hope she’s not a time release blorbo but I already like her...
My laptop battery’s almost spent so
Break time!
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penny-in-trolberg · 2 years
The twintailed Marra is Gerda Gustav’s niece.
Her name is Audrey.
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loving-hildas-world · 3 years
So what can you tell me about this AU you got?
Alrighty! (Warning: long post)
So this is a monster au where everyone (aka humans) are a creature of some kind (like sirens, fairies, etc.) all the others like the elves and woffs are the same. This takes place the same timeline and place in the show. And even though there are human-like figures like mermaids and fairies, there is no such thing as humans in this world, humans are a myth.
It also has the same ‘we believe it does not exist’ kinda thing like: the beast in cauldron island and the witches in the library. No one knows those exist (well until Hilda investigates it).
Everyone also have powers/abilities! Some can fly, some can breathe underwater, etc.
Fun Fact! I was originally going to have Twig as a Cerberus (or an Orthrus, since they would only have two heads) but instead of having a lion, goat, and snake (or just doggos) it would just have one head of a fox and the other a deer. But I scraped that idea because I realized that I would have changed all the other creatures like the elves or trolls. (Basically the reason why I kept them the same) I couldn’t find the old beta art of what Cerberus/Orthrus Twig so here’s a redraw of what he’ll looked like
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(Pretty weird ik)
Hilda is a half Forest sprite, half Gargoyle. Powers/abilities: she can control plants and glide. Fact: she learns how to glide but she doesn’t know how to control plants yet, and due to how she’s living in the city, it's much harder to possess it.
Johanna is a forest sprite. Powers/abilities: she can control plants, trees, anything nature. Fact: one of the reasons why they live in the wilderness besides that it’s her dad that builds the shed is to teach Hilda how to control plants and such. She also has a bit of an anger problem, whenever she rages, her nature powers start acting up and she may turn into a plant monster (kind of like the hulk) so she’s been hiding her anger from Hilda because she doesn’t want to scare her.
Kaisa is a cat folk (black cat). Powers/abilities: she’s a witch. Fact: she’s a black cat because I thought why not, black cats are hella adorable and some witches have black cats as pets/familiar so..
Frida a centaur. Powers/abilities: she’s a witch as well. (Plus unicorn magic) and can run as fast. Fact: whenever she use magic a unicorn horn appears on her forehead, and the more she uses her witch magic the more the unicorn horn stays. (In the future she became full unicorn centaur) she’s also the tallest out of the trio.
David is a bug folk (Moth). Powers/abilities: Could fly (but due to his fear of heights he barely does it at all). Fact: there are rumors about his family that they are related to a cryptic that’s known as Mothman.
Trevor is a faun. Powers/abilities: could run fast but not too fast. Fact: he can change his eyes to look more goat-like.
Kelly is a gorgon. Powers/abilities: she’s a marra so she has marra powers. Fact: gorgons can change people into stone but it’s really hard to unleash so Kelly had a hard time pulling that, but then she became a marra, and marra powers can replace someone’s current one. (Example: it’s like a trade, a soul for a soul kinda like)
Twin tails/ David’s Marra is a Vampire. Power/abilities: marra powers. Fact: she’s still a vampire so she can still burn in daylight.
Here’s a small sketch of her
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Bell keeper is a Gargoyle. Powers/abilities: gliding. Fact: from my little head canon he likes to sleep a lot (or barely sleeps at all) and since he’s a gargoyle, stone will patch him up a lot so when he wakes up and breaks out of his stone cocoon he will always be covered in stone dust. If you see him really dusty that just means he just woke up.
Eric Alhburg is a bug folk (Fly). Powers/abilities: Flying. Fact: buzz buzz. Actual fact: when Frida cast him the ‘invisible spell’ he just became smaller but would act like a regular house fly.
Here’s a drawing of Monster! Eric
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That’s all I probably got to say about this au, thank you for reading and I’m so so sorry for the late reply and the lost post.
Here’s a 2009 year old or so meme po-ta-toes
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therubymute · 3 years
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The Marra’s Big 3! The scariest girls around!
Kelly, Hope, And Rebecca! Try to sleep with them in the neighborhood I dare yea
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