#tumblr/Scotia Bank
galleryyuhself · 5 months
Galleryyuhself - Scotiabank Trinidad and Tobago | Customer Faves | Great Customer Service.
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gamerfreakathon · 1 year
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Why did tumblr give me a Chinese ad for Scotia bank
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marketstracker · 2 years
BNS – The Bank of Nova Scotia
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irclay · 3 years
#repost @lifestylesoftheartisan Shooner Ruth Barbados - this classic Grand Banks Schooner was build in Barbados right on Carlisle beach, as we say, under the shadow of the church. She is a 100ft ship built of steel and was designed by naval architect Thomas E. Colvin. The design is inspired by the Bluenose of 1921 a Grand Banks schooner built in Nova Scotia and a proud example of the Canadian Maritimes design. Her sails, blocks and hardware were all all handcrafted in Nova Scotia.The stays (ropes, wires, or rods ) are covered with New England pine tar and her wooden hatches are oiled with Barbados beeswax. Schooner Ruth provides "International Yacht Training" (IYT) seamanship and sailing courses for young adults aged 18 to 25. She is a cargo ship and is actively involved in sailing events and inter-island trade.Although she has a 275hp engine it is used sparsely to minimize environmental impact. Solar and wind electrical systems supply power for lights and refrigeration. Related @schoonerruthbarbados @allatseacarib @schoonerruth @bedsonboard #roguesinparadise IYT appoints “S V RUTH Limited” as a training provider for sailing courses up to Yachtmaster Offshore Sail level in Barbados. #schoonerruthbarbados #allatsea #grandbanksschooner #schooner #ruthschooner #barbados #bedonboard #GrandBanksSchooner #bluenose #novascotia #IYT #InternationalYachtTraining #sailingcourses #seamanship #SVRUTH (at Barbados) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUFd2ZNg8sL/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jasonparis · 3 years
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It’s not said much anymore, but King & Bay used to be called “The M.I.N.T.” after the four chartered banks on its corners. That is Montréal (BMO), Imperial (CIBC), Nova Scotia (ScotiaBank) and Toronto (TD). • • • #igerstoronto #toronto #ontario #canada #torontophotography #urban_toronto #architecture #internationalstyle #lookup #financialdistricttoronto #bmo #tdbank #cibc #scotiabank #edwarddurellstone #miesvanderrohe #impei #wzmh (at Financial District, Toronto) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPUVlRUNBAx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wonderland-irwin · 4 years
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Dear Ashton Irwin,
This is an odd place to put a letter. A few others may be hanging around here somewhere (she says like her tumblr is a desk with messy notes scattered about or shoved in random drawers. Which is a fairly good analogy now that I think of it...), but this day is a special day. It is your birthday.
Ashton Fucking Fletcher Irwin. That’s how Calum said your name when I saw you at Scotia Bank Arena in October, and I loved it so much. It seems fitting to add the word Fucking to your name. Simply because they way I see that word is an extreme amount. How much no? Fuck no! Ashton Fucking Fletcher Irwin. Like an abundance of heart and soul. There is no other word to describe you.
And I kinda really love that.
This is the sixth birthday I’m celebrating with you. It was literally the first thing I did once I learned of your band. It was July 7th 2014, and I distinctly remember sitting on my bed reading a birthday post for you. And I remember just sort of being like “aw it’s his birthday. Happy Birthday Ashton.”
Here we are six years later, and I feel like you’re my best friend. You may or may not know of my existance... I would confidently say at this point you do, but... we don’t have to talk about that (*laughs awkwardly*). I really truly feel like you’re my best friend. You push me to be my best self and strive for greatness. You tell me to be confident in who I am and what I do. You teach me to love and be compassionate, to learn and allow mistakes to occur, but only if growth is closely followed. You teach me to care and be kind. You motivate and inspire me. And when all else feels like it’s lost, you send me small orange fluffs like signals that it’s going to be okay. That it’s going to get better.
You mean the world to me, sIR. You are my favourite person. I am honoured to have become a fan of your band and your music, but also just simply you. Do you know how helpful your smile or your laughter is to a bad day? It flips the whole world around.
You’re contagious, Ashton Irwin. And I love you for that. I know things get rough, but they always get better.
You have my soul, Ashton. To infinity and beyond; to the moon and back; always and forever.
Sorry this is kinda mushy, but I’m in a mushy mood.
I hope 26 treats you well.
All my love,
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“Sepenggal Cerita Dari Pulau Safe Haven”
-British Virgin Island-
Road Town, Tortola
Mostly orang awam seperti saia tak pernah tahu ada sebuah pulau pelarian yang sangat aman dan terproteksi bagi para pelaku bisnis dan pengusaha. Sering menjadi Headline di muka surat-surat kabar dunia. Sayangnya, bukan karena biodiversity yang ditawarkan pulau ini, melainkan karena banyaknya pengemplang pajak yang secara tertulis menjadikan pulau ini sebagai base address dari bisnis-bisnisnya. Ya, karena kita Sapien sangat tergantung kepada realita imajinatif yang  ditanamkan oleh revolusi kognitif sejak awal manusia belajar mengenal bahasa, makanya dimensi legal dan sistem perekonomian menjadi hal yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan sosial kita sebagai masyarakat global, padahal apa itu dimensi legal dan perekonomian pun masih kita perdebatkan sampai sekarang tentang bentuk dan kebaikannya untuk bersama.
Mari kita tinggalkan terlebih dahulu persoalan pelik itu kepada para cendekia yang belajar hal tersebut dibangku-bangku universitas.
  Ini postingan saia yang pertama pada Tumblr dan saia tak ingin membuatnya Spoiled hanya karena perihal serius yang tak kunjung sampai pada akhirnya. Saia mulai bekerja di sebuah perusahaan kapal pesiar pada awal tahun 2013 yang lalu ketika saia berumur 22 tahun. Memilih untuk bekerja di luar negeri adalah sebuah pilihan yang tak mudah bagi warga Indonesia yang belum punya pandangan kehidupan yang mandiri, kebanyakan dari kita masih bergantung pada isupport orang tua hingga menikah dan bahkan ada yang hingga punya anak sendiri. Karenanya, seperti pemuda Indonesia kebanyakan, saia pun hidup dengan mengandalkan support dari orang tua hingga saia mempunyai pekerjaan hidup sendiri. Ini merupakan hal yang memalukan bagi kebudayaan eropa dan amerika sebetulnya, akibatnya saia pun harus merasa cukup dengan perasaan minder, jika mendengar anak-anak muda seumuran saia sudah sejak umur 16 tahun mengurusi hidupnya sendiri. Hah! Let’s Skip it.
Desember 2013 yang lalu, kami berlabuh di pulau British Virgin Island (disingkat BVI).  Sebuah pulau yang memiliki populasi hanya kurang lebih 30.000 orang, terletak secara geografis masuk kedalam gugusan pulau Virgin Islands di laut Karibia, sebelah selatan dari benua Amerika kalau di peta kita lihat. Di pulau ini banyak ditemui kedai-kedai minuman lokal, masyarakatnya menurut sensus 2003 : 83,4% ras Afrika, 7% ras Eropa/caucasian, dan 9% ras campuran. Pulau ini terdapat pelabuhan penting pada era bajak laut, kalau kalian pernah menonton atau mendengar kisah cerita era kejayaan bajak laut dari film Pirates of Carribean pasti tahu tentang sebuah pelabuhan yang bernama Tortola. Yap, Tortola adalah pelabuhan yang dulunya dihuni oleh kumpulan bajak laut terkenal Blackbeard dan Captain Kidd. Kebayangkan se-Outlaws apa kehidupan disini zaman itu? 
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Sekarang sudah tentu hanya keindahan saja yang bisa ditemukan disini, hamparan alamnya seperti lukisan terkenal pada kanvas terbaik. Gunung-gemunung saling berdekatan dan bersanding tangan, seperti guratan takdir yang diciptakan untuk dinikmati oleh jutaan mata yang memandangnya secara langsung. Belum lagi air lautnya yang jernih, jauh dari jiwa-jiwa polutif yang kita alami dibanyak kota-kota pelabuhan Indonesia. Di ujung hamparan daratan, kita akan dicumbui dengan buaian angin yang mengalir lembut dari puncak gunung Sage, titik tertinggi Road Town, Tortola. Puncak itu dimandikan awan yang menggantung rendah, seperti gula kapas yang ada dalam tiap-tiap kenangan manis masa kecil kita.
Saia bersama rekan berjalan-jalan menelusur setapak taman pier Tortola, dari pelabuhan menuju jalan Waterfront dan melewati Scotia Bank dan Maria’s By The Sea hotel. Sekilas arsitektur bangunan-bangunan pulau ini seperti kilas balik diera 1850′an, layaknya bangunan-bangunan era kolonial dulu, jendela-jendela besar dengan Verandah menghadap ke lautan. Dinding-dinding pilar bangunannya banyak yang terbuat dari kayu maupun campuran semen dan bebatuan. Berjalan-jalan di tengah Road Town, memberikan kesan kepada turis seperti kami bahwa inhabitans sangat bangga dengan tanah mereka yang subur dan eksotis. Rumah-rumah dan bangunan dicat dengan warna-warni seakan menjadi simbol keberagaman. Secara garis besarnya, arsitektur bangunan yang berdiri diatas tanah pulau ini, banyak dipengaruhi oleh gaya arsitektur Caribbean Vernacular. 
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Pancaran mentari kala itu cukup hangat, tidak menyengat. Berjalan-jalan ditengah kota Tortola membuat kami cukup merindukan segarnya tenggorokan yang dialiri minuman dingin, karena itu kami memutuskan untuk berhenti sejenak disebuah kedai lokal. Dari kejauhan tampak dekorasi ala Cuban Pub menghiasi papan nama besar tua dari kayu. “Bamboushay Lounge”, tertulis seperti itu. Walaupun dari kejauhan tampak lokal ternyata makanan yang disajikan cukup internasional. Saia memesan Cola dengan es batu yang dituang kedalam gelas kaca Manhattan, sangat aneh memang. Kedua rekan saia memesan bir dingin lokal bernama Carib, sangat umum dikepulauan karibia untuk didapat di kedai-kedai lokal.
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Hubert dan Kate adalah rekan kerja sekaligus teman dalam perjalanan kali itu, kami sengaja turun sebetulnya hanya untuk mencari kawanan lumba-lumba yang kerap terlihat dari ujung dataran pulau ini. Hubert berasal dari Filipina dan Kate berasal dari Jerman. Pergaulan saia memang terkesan sangat internasional, perbedaan dalam keyakinan dan pandangan sosial membuat kami saling memperkaya wawasan masing-masing, tidak untuk saling menciderai dengan pemaksaan keyakinan ataupun perspektif individu lainnya. 
Ketika sedang enak-enaknya menikmati minuman kami, lantas ada seorang ayah dan seorang anak lelakinya yang masih kecil, yang kemudian diketahui datang untuk membeli sebuah eskrim cone yang relatif terkenal disana. Anak itu sedang riang-riangnya, dunianya hanya keluarga, eskrim, dan mungkin hewan peliharaannya dirumah. Sungguh dunia yang ingin saia miliki setiap waktu. Siapa pula yang tak suka dengan eskrim? :)
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Buaian angin laut yang lembut dan hangat melepaskan penat dan lelah kami dari perjalanan, sampai-sampai rasanya tak ingin beranjak dari tempat duduk. Namun, perjalanan pencarian peliharaan para duyung ini harus segera kami selesaikan. Dari jalan Waterfront Highway kami menuju jalan Sir Francis Drake hingga terlihat Sea Cow Bay, disini lah sering terlihat kumpulan-kumpulan ikan lumba-lumba bermain selepas mencari makan, dari kabar burung yang kami kumpulkan dari masyarakat lokal. Dengan harapan yang besar kami pun memaksakan diri untuk melepaskan kenyamanan dunia yang ditawarkan oleh Bambouhsay Lounge.
Sejauh mata memandang, jika kamu menyukai bagaimana alam menopang kehidupan kita manusia sambil mensyukuri sifat-sifat natural yang ada pada tiap-tiap makhluk hidup, saia yakin kamu akan takjub melihat kekayaan-kekayaan biota laut dan bioma pulau ini. Saia anjurkan untuk datang berkunjung ke pulau Tortola dengan catatan, perbanyak lah minum air putih. Karena akan membantu mu untuk memenuhi keinginan terbesarmu tentang mempelajari biodiversity gugusan pulau ini. Deretan pepohonan Mangrove seakan mengiringi perjalanan kami, walaupun setapak demi setapak waktu seakan cepat berlalu. Menikmati keindahan alam yang masih alami adalah nikmat yang diberikan Tuhan pada saia, detik demi detik saia pun menikmatinya dengan senyuman, dan harapan. 
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Akhirnya kami pun sampai ditujuan, Sea Cow Bay ternyata hampir-hampir telah mencapai tingkatan pelabuhan modern. Banyak Marina Port sudah dibangun disudut-sudut pantai Sea Cow Bay. Dan kami pun harus menerima kenyataan bahwa hari itu kumpulan lumba-lumba tak sampai hati untuk menunjukkan keseruan permainan mereka pada kami. Pupus memang, namun pantai dengan pasir seperti berlian ini tak bisa kami tepis keanggunannya. Saia pun sampai-sampai lupa untuk mengabadikannya dengan kamera. Terakhir, saia ingin mengajak teman-teman traveler untuk mari bersama menghidupkan kembali kampanye kebersihan laut dan pantai, karena plastik telah merenggut banyak nyawa hewan maupun manusia. Saia mengharapkan ada khususnya dinegeri Indonesia gerakan untuk merevitalisasi garis-garis pantai yang ada. Dan juga jangan kalah dengan resort-resort yang dibangun hanya untuk kepentingan ekonomi namun menggadaikan kehidupan ekologi bawah laut, biotanya, maupun bioma pulaunya.
Max J, Tollenaar.
Road Town, Tortola
British Virgin Island
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monarchrealty · 2 years
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Construction work continues at the site of a condominium development in downtown Toronto on Oct 18, 2021. The last time the Bank of Canada embarked on a series of rate increases was after the 2016 real estate boom in Toronto and Vancouver. The Bank of Canada’s decision to raise interest rates on Wednesday is not expected to cool the country’s frenzied real estate market, with homebuyers still able to get cheap mortgages to compete for properties. Economists said it will take multiple interest rate increases – not just Wednesday’s 25-basis-point increase to 0.5 per cent – before borrowing costs rise meaningfully. (A basis point is one-hundredth of a percentage point.) “I don’t think 25 basis points alone would have much of an impact on the housing market. It will take a series of rate increases to achieve that,” said Jean-François Perrault, chief economist with Bank of Nova Scotia. (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CapNIIRLrvH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hanspoppe · 2 years
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Viola Irene Desmond (July 6, 1914 – February 7, 1965) was a Canadian civil rights activist and businesswoman of Black Nova Scotian descent. In 1946, she challenged racial segregation at a cinema in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia by refusing to leave a whites-only area of the Roseland Theatre. For this, she was convicted of a minor tax violation for the one-cent tax difference between the seat that she had paid for and the seat that she used, which was more expensive. Desmond's case is one of the most publicized incidents of racial discrimination in Canadian history and helped start the modern civil rights movement in Canada. At the Roseland Theatre, Desmond requested a ticket for a seat on the main floor. The ticket seller handed Desmond a ticket to the balcony instead, the seating generally reserved for non-White customers. Walking into the main floor seating area, she was challenged by the ticket-taker, who told her that her ticket was for an upstairs seat, where she would have to move. Thinking that a mistake had been made, Desmond returned to the cashier and asked her to exchange the ticket for one downstairs. The cashier refused, saying, “I’m sorry but I’m not permitted to sell downstairs tickets to you people.” Realizing that the cashier was referring to the colour of her skin, Desmond decided to take a seat on the main floor anyway. December 2016, the Bank of Canada announced that Viola Desmond would be the first Canadian woman to be featured by herself on the face of a banknote — the $10 note released on 19 November 2018. Viola Desmond was named a National Historic Person by the Canadian government in 2018. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: “Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination.” The Canadian Museum of Human Rights is featured on the back of the bill. In 2017, Desmond was inducted to Canada’s Walk of Fame under the Philanthropy & Humanities category. In January 2018, she was named a National Historic Person by the Canadian government. #BlackHistoryMonth #AfricanCanadian #HansPoppe #HansPoppeArt (at Mississauga, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZe5BglJ3PS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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galleryyuhself · 5 months
Scotiabank Trinidad and Tobago | Customer Faves | Scotia Insurance
Galleryyuhself - I am so pleased with this approach to Scotia Bank’s purpose. Finally, I am seeing ‘real’ acting people talking about their experiences.
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inukphotography · 2 years
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#blackandwhitephotography #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephoto #sharecangeo #nikon_canada #nikonglobal #NovaScotia #canada #cangeo #exploreyourworld #eastcoast #eastcoastliving #photography #atlanticcanada #maritimes #monochrome #Tranquility #halifaxphotography #explore #discover #haligonia #discovercanada #Architecture #landscape #Cityscape #halifax #emptystreets #classicalarchitecture #bank #restaurant (at Nova Scotia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CYl8AbBs-lw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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thechasefiles · 3 years
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‘Nefarious act’ PLOT TO DRAIN PENSIONER’S ACCOUNTS, THEN SCARE HER OFF REVEALED Stealing a returning national’s hard-earned pension off her bank account was not enough for two men. They also concocted a plan to hire a drug-addled “hitman” in the hope of scaring her from going to police when she discovered the theft. That plot came to light as Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions Alliston Seale revealed Kirk St Clair White’s role a decade ago to the No. 4 Supreme Court, presided by Justice Laurie-Ann Smith-Bovell. White, of Jackson Main Road, St Michael, admitted to unlawfully and maliciously endangering the pensioner’s life by shooting at her on August 24, 2011, placing her in danger of death of serious bodily harm. An emigrant to England in the 1960s and then to the United States to work as a nurse, she returned to Barbados on her retirement, the court heard. She was receiving a pension from the US which she had transferred to the Bank of Nova Scotia. According to the prosecutor, she lived comfortably and had no reason to trouble her savings account which eventually amassed a quarter-million dollars. She also had a checking account at the bank and went to check on her balances, only to discover that one account was left $28 and the other some $40. An investigation led to the discovery of an inside job at Scotiabank in which a male teller was charged with theft. The probe also led to White and to the conspiracy. It was during the detectives’ theft investigation that a report was made to police of the shooting of a female. It turned out that the target was the same woman whose money had been stolen from the bank. Police discovered that the woman had gone home accompanied by a friend and found a note stuck to her house with a telephone number and name asking her to call. The person who answered identified himself as the one who took her money and declared that he wanted to repay her. But the woman’s friend who was listening in on another line insisted the thief approach the bank. Read the rest of the article below 👇🏾 https://www.instagram.com/p/CV49yvULIcGX12A9jcQWpe0Vj3fJCUFVMSXw-U0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Meet Chef Lukas, accustomed to luxury establishments he was the chef for a party for Lakshmi Mittal owner of Queens Park Rangers who bought Formula 1 founders home Bernie Ecclestone for $128 million in London, did his rounds with luxury hotels and now is Chef of Signature restaurant at Scotia Bank Arena. If you going to Toronto Maple Leafs game or Raptors come visit this amazing restaurant where the culinary art of the chef will not disappoint you. You know who going there during Raptors game? Yes man on the move @realmovernie @lukasvyhnal @scotiabankarena @mapleleafs @raptors #f1 #signaturerestaurant #chef #food #drinks #scotiabankarena #mapleleafs #raptors #wethenorth #drinks #bar #toronto #ontario #canada #fun #instalike #likesforlike #like4likes #liketime #follow4like #followmeto #travel #photooftheday #mondaythoughts https://www.instagram.com/p/CVdDSz5g8OW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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megacityblog · 3 years
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🚨 GIVEAWAY ALERT 🚨 🦖 Giving away 2 @raptors tickets to a Megacity Basketball family and friends fundrsisier game at the Scotia Bank Arena. Win a chance to welcome the Raps back home as they take on @shai, @luthebeast and the @okcthunder on Wednesday December 8th 🏀 To enter: 1. Follow @megacitybasketball @megacitybasketballyouth & @wmba_ 2. Tag a @raptor fan you would bring to the game (unlimited entries) 3. Repost this post on your story GOOD LUCK! Want to join us anyways? Fundraising tickets will be on sale $40 with $10 of your ticket price going towards @Megacybasketballyouth programming Limited spots available! Please DM us or email us to reserve your spot! #MegacityBasketball #MB #Megacity #WLDYPF #MBAllDay #MBAdvanced #MBNeverStops #Toronto #Basketball #TorontoBasketball #TorontoRaptors #RaptorsBasketball #CanadaBasketball #WeTheNorth #RTZ (at Scotiabank Arena) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVVZjmnl9d6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wamae · 3 years
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We Unplugged ourselves from city life & communed with nature for this week of our new moon 🌚 in Libra transition~ . Shifting Psyche . Psyche: The soul, mind, spirit, or invisible animating entity which occupies the physical body. . . . . . Spent time with cranberry spirit . We found them growing in extraordinary abundance along the banks of our favourite inland lakes marshes and wetland. These low, creeping plants feature wiry green stems, clusters of pink flowers resembling the profile of a crane, they were initially called “crane-berries” . Cranberries have one of the highest concentrations of antioxidants of any fruit or vegetable. outranking superfood staples like strawberries, spinach and broccoli. They are also an excellent source of additional vitamins and nutrients, including Vitamins C, E and K, as well as manganese and fiber. Also a rich source of essential fatty acids, cranberries treat skin dryness, boost radiance and improve the look of elasticity. . . . . Featured in the last slide is our cranberry rose soap. Handcrafted with foraged wild Local cranberries . . #offgrid #outdoor #fall #camping #boat #explore #forage #wildcraft #forager #cranberry #antioxidants #lake #fire #love #beauty #berry #forest #inspired #meditation #communication #createcommune #breathe #ground #local #localbusiness #smallbatch #skincare #apothecary #living #labratory (at Nova Scotia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUvuwDCJ-s8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kryptobia · 3 years
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Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS) Ex-Dividend Date Scheduled for October 04, 2021 https://kryptobia.com/bank-of-nova-scotia-bns-ex-dividend-date-scheduled-for-october-04-2021/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_campaign=bank-of-nova-scotia-bns-ex-dividend-date-scheduled-for-october-04-2021
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