#trying to make studying zoology fun
bogleech · 10 months
Hey about your cartoon vs Real life Animals post, can you elaborate on the lenght of frog tongues? This is the one that shocked me, i study in a Field closely related to zoology and never heard that their tongues are human-like short, unless you were trying to make a point about their shape and not lenght, then Please disregard my inquiry :p
When I say their tongues are "more human-like" than chameleon-like, I mean, this is a chameleon's tongue:
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And this is a frog's tongue:
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A chameleon has an astonishingly long, thin tongue that launches like a grappling hook, and almost all media thinks this is also true of frogs and toads.
The tongues of frogs and toads DO come out farther than ours, especially because they attach at the front of their mouth, rather than the back, and "flip" outward to grab prey:
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But yes, between the two, their tongues are nowhere near like those of chameleons, but broad and flat like ours. The very farthest they can stretch is like this:
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When you google frog or toad tongues, unfortunately, you get many more fakes than the real thing, to the point that even science articles have been known to use them
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And, the first time I ever posted about this subject, someone retrieved exactly this fake photo to try and prove that I was making all this up. Frogs have never done this! Cartoons simply exaggerated it for fun at first, and then I guess confusion with chameleon tongues lead people to believe they worked similarly!
It's such a pervasive misunderstanding that I didn't know about until my teens, and I was a biology nerd well before that too. It felt like a betrayal. I was never made to believe in Santa Claus but finding out frogs Don't Do That felt how I imagine that feels. Frog tongues were my Santa Isn't Real moment.
But, frog tongues are in my opinion just as interesting as chameleon tongues. Besides the weird flip-out structure they are extremely adhesive and also so soft and membranous that they practically "shrink wrap" to the prey! Terrifying!!! Getting got by a giant frog would be like getting wrapped up in a giant stretchy sheet of cellophane covered in glue!
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xerotiny99 · 2 months
Antiserum D // Loving Professor Jeong #1
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Antiserum D (Loving Professor Jeong series #1) Professor/College au.
Pairing: Jeong Yunho x (f) Reader [ft. Choi San & Song Mingi]
Warning: smut, prof!yunho, dom!yunho, sub!reader, student!reader, age gap, teasing and suggestive actions, size kink, big dick Yunho, dirty talk and pet names (master and pup), blowjob/throat fucking, spanking, rough sex, unprotected sex, edging, creampie and dacryphilia.
Note: do not proceed if you're uncomfortable or triggered by the mentioned tags. Also note the age gap tag, here the reader is 21 and Yunho is 32, which makes it 11 years of gap.
Side Note: this series will contain 'hyung line' as the professors and the 'maknae line' as minor characters; except for Choi San and Song Mingi, these men are cheeky so look out for them. Again, as my other series, 'the reader' does have a name, i.e, Lee Sherri. Nicknames are bound to follow, so don't worry. I only write names in my oneshots because it's too annoying to write [y/n] everywhere and it ruins my flow of writing. Anyway, enjoy!
Gist: you had a rival in college, yes you did. It wasn't a student, rather the person you hold your grudges against is one of your professors. Now, you're in your senior year of bachelor's degree, running late for a morning class—knowing well he takes this class, what do you think the consequences would be?
Word Count: 12,164
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 'My dog died.'
No, you don't have a pet!
'My bus was late.'
You live on-campus.
'The coffee shop was crowded.'
You don't freaking have a cup in your hand!
'Umm, I overslept.'
Well, he doesn't need to know the truth. 
He really doesn't need to know the truth to why you were running late to his morning class. As time would have it, you did oversleep; lethargic from last night's meaningless meandering from bar to bar, in search of your sober soul, you surely had forgotten about your morning class the next day. Weekends are supposed to be lax and diverting. They're your only shot at having a good time with your friends. You weren't going to let your fear of being reprimanded by your 'favourite' professor stop you from having the fun you deserved. The weekdays were long, tedious and dull with all the lectures and practical sessions to attend.
You're sprinting up the stairs to get to your department; the science building is supposedly long and encompasses all other departments falling into it. Your department (zoology), moreover, your class was situated on the second level of the building. Meeting with the long hallway on your way, which apparently was the physics department, you turn a corner and are merged with another long hallway leading to yours. The grotesque stench of formaldehyde hits your nose the moment you walk past the junior laboratories of your department; that's where they were trying to preserve biological specimens, the 'tingle-your-spine' kind. There are lecture halls and laboratories on one side of the long hallway, while the other side was an open space with concrete railings and pillars; this space opened into the botanical garden the botany department had been tending to, so it housed large trees, a decent number of shrubs and flowering plants, including a variety of cactus and other succulents. 
Rushing in your steps, holding your tote bag close to you, your eyes scramble past the open space and the garden onto the walking street of your campus; it was borne with trees on both sides, and amidst the thicket of greenery you find the main building of psychology department. You almost heave out a laugh, reminiscing of the last night when your best friend (who studies psychology) was drunk out of his mind and had been making out with a lamppost. You pull yourself out of that daze, increasing the pace of your sprint to get to your laboratory.
First red flag of your day, the doors to your lab were open wide. Second, your supposedly 'favourite' professor was midway through an explanation about the experiment you were going to perform today. And third, you were technically thirty minutes late to the lab.
Quiet on your feet, you try to sneak inside; the structure of your lab was a little different, with sitting desks on one side of it, and workbenches on the other. In retrospect, this was your senior year's class where apparent lectures took place, and the workbenches were designated for less involved experiments. At the very front of your class/lab is a podium, a chalky black board, and a desk for professor. You glance at the front after realising all students had occupied the workbenches, you catch up on the glimpse of Professor Jeong carrying on with his explanation till his eyes meet yours.
"Miss Lee," he grumbles, amidst his explanation, "sneaking in—" mumbling he checks the time on his wristwatch, the sleeve of his coat riding up, "—a total of thirty minutes late. You better have a good reason."
He folds his arms over his chest, and stares down at you. While you halt midstep into the class, standing straighter you clear your throat and feel your mind stutter looking at him. Why did he have to dress so provocatively? And the outfit in concern was his beige coat and matching pants, a white long sleeved turtleneck underneath; you didn't quite like how your heart was palpitating watching him, keenly grazing your thirst-filled eyes across his face, noticing the shine on his black rimmed glasses and the plumpness of his pink lips.
"Miss Lee?" he repeats, only to get you squeaking, "yes, professor—uh yeah, I was late because my alarm did not go off in the morning..."
He hums in contemplation, eyes narrowing on you before he sighs and shakes his head, "occupy one of the workbenches and do not touch anything before I tell you to."
You nod, pressing your lips tighter to prevent any sound from escaping your throat; you were certainly anxious and embarrassed to be late, but more precisely you were humiliated in front of your class for coming up with such a lame excuse. Sighing, you stuff your tote bag in your locker at the back. You quickly slip on a lab coat over your outfit, bubbling with disappointment as it was hiding your nubile outfit. Knowing you were running late, you still made extreme efforts to dress yourself up—the reason was quite overt, because you wanted to dress up for yourself—you wore a white blouse under a pastel blue sweater vest and paired it with grey skirt which rode up till your mid-thighs. The lacy thigh-high socks were just an added accessory to make yourself seem cute considering you also had a blue ribbon in your hair, holding it in a high ponytail.
The only workbench unoccupied is the one situated at the very end and far from either the professor's desk at the back near the lockers and the podium from where Professor Jeong was reading every movement of yours. When you get to your designated place, you glance at the workstation to take note of the apparatus, before glancing next to you, finding the most obnoxious person you could. Choi San, Choi freaking San was offering you a guileful smile, one whose intentions did not appear to be right, or even ethical.
"So, Miss Lee is late because she couldn't hear her alarm go off? Pathetic," he rolls his eyes, folding his arms over his chest, his own lab coat creasing by the elbows with his plaid shirt peeking from beneath. "I don't believe you—oh well, but I wonder what your favourite professor would think about you when he knows you were getting pissed drunk last night with your friends."
You weigh his words in your mind for a second before furling back a reply. "Aww, Sannie. If you're so desperate to get in my inner circle, just say so. I didn't know you would be so jealous of us..."
San's smile turns into a curve of amusement, "jealous of you? Me? Jealous?" he scoffs, "darling, you're dreaming. If I wanted to be in your inner circle, I would've just slept my way through it."
"Really now?" you retort, smiling softly, "slept with whom?"
"An easy prey to seduce would be you—" he clicks his tongue, "—if you can be so impressed by that..." he nods his head toward Professor Jeong, "...then I believe you'd be swept off your feet if I genuinely try to."
"You put yourself on such a high pedestal, Sannie," you muse, shaking your head lightly, "do you really think my standards are set so low to be dazzled by you?" 
"Oh, only time would tell, Miss Lee," he rolls his eyes, keeping his sly smile on. "Maybe, you would get infatuated with me or give into your temptations."
"Ahh, such a dedicated wishful thinker you are," you snide, heaving a low chuckle, "the only thing I'm tempted to do is throw a chair in your fucking face—"
"Miss Lee!" you flinch in your skin, body spasming to the deep and coarse voice of the professor. Hesitant in yourself, you peek up to face him, finding him glaring at you without a twitch on his face. "You certainly are not going to pay attention to my class, then why waste my time? You're free to leave. I don't hold my students captive; the ones passionate about learning find a way to attend my class in any way they could."
Your cheeks heat up, turning a shade of faint cherry red; embarrassment licks your spine and head lowers itself, you won't forget this moment ever. San is busy staring at you, feeling a little guilty but of course he won't let you know that. Shortly after, you glance back at the professor, noticing him staring at you with his lips in a scowl and his eyes piercing through you. That alone, that look alone was enough for you to quiver in your shoes; his persona had always been the intimidating kind, the kind who is self-possessed and doesn't really bother himself with the rest of the world.
Professor Jeong wasn't fazed by anything, not even by the number of female students crushing on him in your department, rather in your class alone. He didn't acknowledge their stupefyingly sexual or overly sensual approaches, turned them down if he thought they were invading his privacy. You took that as a challenge; maybe, maybe not. Your rivalry with him wasn't because he was unapproachable or a forbidden fruit to taste, it was because he always found a way to rattle your senses and make you the fool.
You remember it as clear as a day, at the beginning of your senior year, the very first semester—attending his class on genetics, you were simply taken off by him and his way of speaking. His personality was homely, strict where it should be, however. Amidst his lecture, he caught you talking and joking around with your bench-mate and questioned you about the topic he was teaching.
"If you can yap useless things, then why don't you enlighten me with the working of gel electrophoresis, hmmm...?"
It stung. But not more than him adding, "I'm even surprised you could answer. Maybe you should focus yourself more on your academics than other things."
Other things? You realised he was making comments on your appearance, the way you were dressed, the way you had streaks of gold stitched in your hair, the way you always had playful make up on—he judged you based on that, and thus the profound feud between him and you began. After that, you would intentionally skip his classes and not make an effort to attend them; even the practical sessions, except for the mandatory ones where you would bite your tongue and listen to him demeaning your entire existence for not setting the microscope right.
"Alright, now that I'm done explaining the principle and bits of the procedure, you may follow the same with your partners; if you're muddled with any concern then heed my name." He announces out loud, stepping down from the podium.
You raise your head, further listening to his footsteps dither across the floor to the back of where another table had been put up for teachers' comfort. Though, that's what you thought. The mellow sound of his boots takes an unassuming turn to your row of workbenches, taking you off guard. You're trying to find the meaning behind his detour. Also, you had been oblivious from the start that this practical is supposed to be performed in pairs. And you had no one. Because you were late. Even the slow-witted and stolid transfer student, Reagan Keith had a partner; and her partner was San himself, something you definitely did not see coming.
"Miss Lee," Professor Jeong clears his throat, standing next to you, "I suppose you do not have a partner because of your tardiness, and I happened to pair all my students prior to you, which leaves me no choice but to perform this particular experiment with you. So now, take a brief look at the blackboard and what I've etched on it, try to understand it. Once done, we can surely proceed."
You nod, contemplating, biting your cheek, unable to comprehend the proximity between you two. The dense musk of his scent is wafting all your senses—the redolent scent of vanilla and cinnamon is a deadly concoction to drive you wild. His warmth is superficial, yet the kind which melts your mind with stupefying possibilities, just how he could be—you need to keep your thoughts clean and chaste. Still, you suppress your mind to a corner and peek at the blackboard, studying his neat hand etched on it. The title gave you the rough idea of what you're supposed to do. 
'Determination of blood groups.'
Ahh, the title itself foretells the coming inevitable mishap is going to involve blood and blood lancets; you aren't so fond of the needles—no, it wasn't a phobia, you weren't fond of pricking yourself with the help of those lancets. The blue rounded capsules which compassed a sterile needle underneath was beyond torturous to you.
You heave out a deep breath, understanding the further procedure he had inscribed on the blackboard. Familiar with few terms, such as the usage of antiserums, and principle behind the entire procedure, you were relieved. Way more than relieved to know this wasn't something out of your expertise. The nurturing thought of you actually explaining it to him however was too heavy to bear. You clear your throat, fumbling in your words as you dart your eyes anywhere else but at him.
"Yes, Miss Lee, are you done gandering at the procedure?" he gawks, bewildered as if and continues, "now, please enlighten me with the steps so as to we can proceed with the experiment."
"We—we are determining the blood—blood groups," you stutter, not knowing where that came from, you turn your attention onto him, stifling a gasp upon noticing him leaning close to you.
"Go on, Miss Lee," he prompts you with a soft nudge of his head. "I'm sure having to palaver about for the entire day, you could at least narrate the steps to me. All I need is your guidance."
He's playing you again.
"Alright, I will—" your breath hitches in your throat—you witness him effortlessly shrug his coat off, revealing nothing of his skin but the long-sleeved turtleneck he wore under.
"Hmhm, yes...?" he instigates, putting his coat off to a side while he rolls the sleeves of shirt over till his elbows. "What's the first step?"
"Sterilisation." you mutter under your breath.
"Sterilisation of what, Miss Lee?" he teases, keeping a straight; his pushes his glasses further up his nose, which had apparently slipped off a bit.
"Sterilisation of the subject area."
"Okay, tell me which area is most suitable for this test?"
You nod, swallowing thickly as your eyes never leave his. "The tip of the middle finger."
You weren't going to waver, not even when his soft brown eyes were speaking the unbearable at the moment; how can he do that? How can he momentarily torment you with a sly curve of his lips or by the detrimental facade of his eyes?
"And why is that?"
"Tendon sheath—uh, the middle finger has tendon sheath which only limits it to the fingers; as for the thumb and pinky finger, the sheath extends a little further to radial bursae and ulnar bursae—so in case any infection occurs it'll be restricted to the middle finger unlike the thumb or pinky which can lead to the heart." You try your best to explain, forgetting how to breathe in the process.
"You know your stuff," he murmurs, his voice low and cold, "do you see any sterilisation pads on your table?"
Looking around your desk, almost immediately, your eyes lurk on a beaker full of 70% ethanol and cotton swabs. You bring the beaker close to you and reach out for the forceps placed next to it; extending the beaker toward to him, you clear your throat, hoping he'd get on the cue.
"Miss Lee, I'd very much appreciate if you were to perform all the steps involving this practical."
"Right—okay, so..."
You drag your words into a whisper, holding the palm of his hand in yours, while other picks out a cotton swab with the forceps. The piece of cotton rolls to and fro on his skin, rubbing gently. Hearing him wince at the cooling sensation of ethanol against his skin, you stifle a chuckle and let out a sigh; once you were done with sterilising, you reach out for the blood lancets. Picking out one, you rip the cap off to reveal a sterling needle shining with a sharp point.
"Have you done this before, Miss Lee?" he questions as he watches you hesitate with the blood lancet. "Pricking yourself is quite different from pricking others, isn't it?"
You nod because you knew how different it was. In actuality, you're scared. You always were terrified to prick yourself with the needle whenever you were required to and it was mostly during your practical classes involving forensics. The high possibility of piercing your professor's skin, past the point till where it's necessary, was an untold fear you couldn't overcome. But, as you glance up at his docile face adorning an encouraging smile, in addition to the haughty glint in his eyes, you are much more prepared for the consequences.
"I am absolutely terrified when it comes to pricking myself—what if I..." your glance at his hand, then dart your eyes to his, feeling a breath hitch in your throat.
"You won't hurt me," he reassures you, later on compelling you with his words, "any day now, Miss Lee."
The racking nerve in your head forces you to take a deep breath and you're hauling the pointed tip of the lancet close to his finger. You know it takes one sudden nick to break the skin, and you also know you're supposed to be careful and swift with it. Hesitation breaks your conscience, you're still in two minds, still wondering if this was a good idea. Regardless of your abrupt cold feet, you let the lancet pierce through his skin, drawing out a ceaseless stream of blood; Professor Jeong is heedful of his bleeding finger and proceeds to make three blobs of blood on a microscope slide.
He puts the slide back, the glass clinks against the table but it melts into your thoughts—you were ogling him. You notice his veiny hand trembling softly to the unbridled tremors from the cut on his finger, it was attractive. You wouldn't mind admitting it, he has great hands—and sadly, you had a fetish. Trapping your lower lip between your teeth, you admire the little things about him; the proximity faltered to nothing, gave away how spotless his skin was, how sublimely luscious his lips were, and how the tiny specks of green in his eyes were far too evident in the sea of umber. Though, his hands were all you could think about; his porcelain skin, the bulging veins wrapped around his knuckles while they branched further down his hand—uff.
"Miss Lee?" he calls out, snapping his other finger, "please pass me a cotton swab, I need to clean myself."
You were brought back to the reality, seamless kind, a little vapid where you were impelled to keep a safe and healthy 'professor-student' relationship with him.
Hold up!
Where in the world did that come from?
The thought of having something more than 'professor-student' relationship with him.
You and him?
That's a little...
There was...
There was a way to vex him.
You look back to all the times he's devalued your existence during his classes. The haughty remarks which rolled off his tongue with so much ease to belittle your short-lived efforts in any of his class, or perhaps, in any of the activities your department would plan. A spark in your mind strikes you in a way you couldn't quite explain, but you know you're finding yourself tighten your grip on his wrist. It's oddly satisfying, it's benign in your mind—though, the tiny bulb of tease was going on and off every second you spent staring at him.
There goes nothing.
Without hesitating you bring his hand close to your mouth, your tongue darts out the minute his bleeding finger finds its way in your sight, and you lick up a stripe to clean the blood off his finger. You hear him gasp, a sharp intake of breath which already told you he was bothered by your actions. Continuing to the rhythm of your heart, you wrap your lips around the tip of his finger and give it a soft suckle. Soon, a metallic copper taste slides on your tongue. Such an eerie sight to witness, by your professors and the others too. Especially the spawn of devil who was too busy charming the ditzy transfer student off her feet; if San catches you being this 'type' of friendly with the professor you 'slightly' resent then you probably could never show your face to anyone on the surface of earth. Luckily, San wasn't even sparing a glance at you.
"Miss—Miss Lee?" his voice breaks when he calls out to you again, prompting you to loosen your grip on his hand before you're letting it drop to his side.
"You were supposed to add antiserums to the slide, drop by drop. Now..." he takes a deep breath, noticing your glossy eyes and your plump lips parted; he's definitely resisting his urges. "The blood on the slide is almost..." He glances down at the table. "...it's almost dry. Miss Lee—" he leans in close to your ear, a coarse whisper sending a shiver down your spine, "—I'd like to see you after class."
"Maybe you can justify your actions then."
He leans back and takes a short gander around. Curling his lips up in a riveting smile, he nudges you with a nod. "Add the antiserums now, Miss Lee. All the others have finished performing the experiment."
You're out of your daze, rummaging your eyes around to find many of your classmates are done with their work and had gone to the other side of the lab, where the desks were.
"I'll be checking your practical sheets before you leave, so make sure you complete them all now." he announces out loud in the class, earning muffled groans from his students. "And no excuses."
"You too, Miss Lee," he turns to you, "now, if you will, you have to tell me my blood group. So, go on."
Again, pulling yourself out of the stupor, you nod profusely and proceed to the next step before the blood on your slide is completely dry. You add a drop of each antiserum on the three droplets of blood; waiting for a second, you watch the drop with antisera D and antisera A added begin to clot. To your conclusion, Professor Jeong's blood group is A+ve. All while you did the experiment, his eyes were fixed on you, fixated on your quivering hands and lips every time you tried to do something. In some instances of his mind, he was admiring you and your dedication, and how badly he had rocked your boat into capsizing.
"Good," he muses, his words turning bitter soon, "you sure can do a few things right. Well, all that's left to do is—" he grunts softly as he pulls the sleeves of his shirt back down, while he shrugs on his coat, "—cleaning and writing. Chop chop, Miss Lee.  And do not forget you have to wait after class."
With those spine-chilling words he leaves you stranded to your spot; unfortunately, this time San had overheard your conversation. He slides next to you, eyeing your workstation before glancing over at you.
His lips push themselves out into a pout, and he grumbles, "fucked up something?"
"None of your business," you grit your teeth, "get away before I chop your balls off."
"Oh, I'm shivering," he deadpans, nudging his elbow with your ribs, "come on, Lee. Tell me. What did you do for him to ask you to wait after class? We both know he's never done it—in fact he hates it when someone waits after class to 'talk' to him." he emphasises with finger quotes, rolling his eyes at you. "You fucked up big time then."
You heave out a long sigh, "I—just, shut up, San. You're the most annoying person in my life."
Grumbling, you glance at Professor Jeong, he was sitting on his desk at the back of the class, by the lockers. His stare was on you. It was on you from the moment he sat down. And even though you may not know what he was thinking, or wondering about, the glimpse of him having his teeth scratching on his lower lip was enough to let you know what exactly he intended on doing with you.
"Don't drag it out on me," he mumbles, his pout still intact on his face, "although, you're denying the truth, which means you two had an anomalous interaction..."
As he trails off, you roll your eyes at him. Finding the courage to break your eye contact with Professor Jeong, you glare at San and bite your lip. "Yeah, he made me wait after class. It's pertaining to me being late. Now off you go, make yourself useful elsewhere. Maybe, help Reagan find the remaining of her skirt, pretty sure she left it back at her dorms."  
San muses for a second before leaning over to stare at the said girl's skirt; she was standing by the lockers chattering with someone. His face twitches smugly, his brows creasing as he checks her out.
"Oh, no no! That does seem more important than dealing with you, Lee." he smirks, biting his lower lip, "see you around, try not to get too infatuated with your favourite professor."
Sauntering away from you, he loses his lab coat and then engages himself with Reagan. You project your frustrations into a sigh and begin cleaning your workbench before heading to the lockers to retrieve your bag and other items. Walking past the professor was a challenge in itself because you were too fazed in your mind by everything he did. Though, you could really say you were fuddled over his decision to make you wait after class. Anyone could tell you exactly how much he despised his students waiting after class, 'cause most of the times it would be the absurd number of female students trying to confess their feelings for him. You could sympathise with him, understand where he was coming from because you would find yourself in a similar situation; you were well sought to in your department, endless confessions, profuse gestures of affection, what not.
Regardless, you realised what you wanted in a man. It was the professor himself.
"Miss Lee, I need your practical journal completed." he speaks up as you're walking past his desk with your tote bag on your shoulder and your lab coat neatly folded in your hands. "You know what, I'll go through it after class. Till then, get your write-ups done."
Offering you a redolent smile, he tears his eyes off you. You swallow thickly, knowing well how ineptly stuck you were with him, after class too. And one more fact, your practical journal was incomplete—blank at the most, which was a catastrophe in the waiting. As the fear creeps up your spine, you bite your cheek and stumble onto an empty desk, settling yourself down to catch a breath.
Time passes in a haste, without bounds, and soon the moment you dreaded arrives with a tinkering bell on it. The class is empty, except for you and Professor Jeong. You could listen to him breathe, placidly whistle out a grumble a few times since he was busy with something you didn't feel the need to pay attention to. The clock on the wall ticks again and you're gathering your stuff before 'sneaking' out of the class. If his attention is solely saturated over something useless to you, then he probably won't even notice you gone.
At least that's what you thought.
"Miss Lee, I must remind you of our little parley where I asked you to wait after class." He doesn't even peek from the file he was reading, and continues, "don't think I can't see you sneaking away."
You stop in your steps, right in front of the open door with a few students lurking behind in the corridor. Stifling a groan, you roll your eyes and turn around on your feet. The man is sat poised in his chair, his lips curved in a smirk as he's staring right through you. Your heart skips a beat, yes too cliche, but you felt its arrhythmic vibrations ring your ears.
"Are there any students loitering in the corridor?" he questions and you nod to it, pressing your lips together. "Wait for them to leave and then lock the doors."
Lock the doors?
Why lock the doors?
Now your heart was pounding in that bony little cage of yours. Sooner or later, you would find it either in your throat or your guts that is if he continues to stare at you with the intensity of sun. Quite lost in the trance of his melancholic yet concupiscent eyes, you start nibbling on your lower lip, wanting to squeeze your thighs together to rid yourself of the tension you felt in your cunt. The chatters start dithering outside, ascending to the wind of nothing and it brings peace to your mind; not that it wasn't peaceful before, but now, it's just you and him caught in a void of infatuation.
"Do not take my intentions in the wrong way, Miss Lee. I am not so fond of disturbances during one-on-one student session..." he explains, going back to reading his file. Though, after a while he clears his throat and prompts you, "any moment now, Miss Lee."
"Yea—yeah," you stutter, sensing your throat close up.
Taking a step forward you close the latches on the door. The exhilaration of you being alone with him is sort of distorted in your head when you make your way towards his desk. What does he have in his mind? What does he want from you? Is this one of his many ways to make you feel small and little? Like all the times he does when you're attending his classes or so.
The look in his eyes has a spark of joy, just humming across the field of brown containing his pep. Those same eyes follow you around, till you're in front of him; his face shows no emotion, except for that straight line of his lips.
"Would you need an invitation, Miss Lee? Your binder, please." he asks, peeking up at through his long lashes and the black rimmed glasses. The glare on them makes it hard for you to read his eyes this time.
You clear your throat, and fumble with your bag to take the thick binder out. Pages furled out of it, a few flying off to fall on the ground, while a few remained stuck in amidst the others; you could tell Professor Jeong wasn't too happy with the condition of your binder. To be fair, this binder was your repository for all performed experiments so far. Nonetheless, your binder was...incomplete. Biting your lip, you place your binder on the table in front of him.
He eyes it for a moment before grabbing it in his hands and flipping the pages. You couldn't resist holding him on a high regard; his sleek fingers pinching the edges of the pages, turning them, eyes rummaging along the lines, and his parted lips which could tell he was contemplating.
"I certainly did not expect this from you, Miss Lee." he clicks his tongue, "now that I see it for myself, I can't help but agree with my initial remark about you. I would suggest you focus more on your academics rather than wasting your time with your friends and ambling through your life."
He sighs in defeat, mostly disappointment and slides your binder towards you across the table. Pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose, he takes a deep breath and turns his head to you, his face expressing nothing at all.
"Life's not all about strolling through one club then to another. And while you do that, I can't sit back and watch you ruin your potential, Miss Lee," he sucks his teeth, as he continues to berate you with his words, "you're in the running for most proficient student in our department, alongside Mr. Choi. Now, would you be delighted to bear a consequence where he holds the trophy and not you? All because of what...? Some fiddling people you call your friends whose only job is to drag you out to buzzing clubs and what not."
Listening to him hound your existence, your heart suddenly weighs down in your chest, it grows heavy till it touches your gut. Oh no, you were letting it affect your state of mind. On the verge of tears, you look away from him and fixate your blurry vision on the floor; it was overbearing to hold his eyes, to wallow in the disappointment he held in them. Moreover, you didn't want him to see you cry, or shed a tear for that matter because you know you were close. Very close.
You sniffle softly, lowering your head furthermore to avoid to his gaze.
"Miss Lee?"
You don't care for the concern his voice shows and continue to toil yourself on the contrasting hue of morning sun and the grey tiles. Blurry vision captures the indefinite shadows of lockers, some bookshelves—the sun was crawling overhead, witnessing your derision with your professor. You don't try to pay him any mind, not that you could even if you wanted to. There's a possible reason to why you don't want to, maybe the answer lies in your uncertain infatuation with him, or maybe it does prove your outlandish feelings for him. Which one of it was genuine?
A small moment passes between you two, roiling in tranquil haze before he clicks his tongue and drawls on a breath. "And to speak on your furtive behaviour—"
"Why do you hate me?"
A beat of serenity yanks his attention.
"What do you mean, Miss Lee?"
"I asked, why do you hate me so much?"
You glance up at him, preparing your unfazed mind for his reaction to your reddened cheeks and nose, and the obvious streaks of tears down your cheeks. The muscles on his face twitch even if it was indiscernible to the moment, you study him; he reveals a speck of pity in his eyes, so pathetic for you to think he'd pity you.
His lips quiver so delicately, calling out your name in a sleek yet coarse voice. It was the first time he'd ever called out your name, enunciated each syllable in his utmost trepidation as if he really cared for you. That alone was enough to cause a havoc in your heart, dwindling it further down to your...maybe it was the way he spoke your name out, but you were definitely feeling a spark strike in your pussy.
"I do not despise you, Sherri," he softly murmurs, looking away from you for a long minute before trailing his pitiful eyes back on you. "If my actions have made you—"
"—you always belittle me, humiliate me in front of the class and pretend to act as if you do it all because you care." you ramble, "you don't care about my feelings! All you can think is how to make me fall from my grace. Isn't it?"
You shake your head and bring your hands up to wipe your tears off, which had uncontrollably gushed out of your eyes while you had your meltdown. Your tote bag falls onto the floor with a soft thud, and you pay no mind to it. The hyperventilation soon kicks in, suffocating your lungs with a want to break free from your chest, and your stomach littered with unwanted butterflies fluttering along. More tears slide out of your eyes, and you lose your capability to see clearer.
The dainty streaks of torment on your cheeks, your tears, and your flushed face was a huge turn on for him; he could not probably free himself from his fetish, but his philia for tears or anything remotely close to it, always excited his cock. He shifts in his seat, spreading his legs apart under the desk to free himself from the strain in his pants. Oh how badly he had been aroused, by just watching you cry.
"Sherri, you're mistaking my concern for bullying; fuck! Why would I want to torment or humiliate you in front of the class?" he questions, such dainty voice breaking your heart and making you feel pathetic to sob in front of him.
"Come here."
He lures you in with his soft voice, and a frail tug of his lips; his smile had already proved to be devastating to you and even the slightest of it can make you, his puppet. Without realising it, you're taking short strides around the table to be by his side. He has his hand extended in front of you, something you didn't quite understand until you hold it in hesitation, and he pulls you down on his lap.
You gasp, and then yelp when you land on his lap; at first you find yourself uncomfortable in his embrace but giving it a little time, you relax and settle down, still with a bit of unease. His arms wrap themselves around your waist and he leans close to rest his chin on your shoulder as you sit sideways on his lap. Ambiguous swirls of darkness cover his eyes, and your breath hitches trying to unravel his true intentions. Instead, you were starting to get comfortable with him.
"I do not resent you for who you are, Sherri," he begins with a whispery breath, rubbing your back as he does. "I resent myself for being so helplessly bound under your spell."
Your lips part open, your chest heaves up and down erratically to constrain your wildly pounding heart. Oh, you were gone, you most definitely were.
"Projecting my bitter disposition on you was a mechanism I sought to cope my untamed desire—the ugly desire to taste this forbidden fruit." Mumbling, he turns his head and traces his lips along your neck, kissing and sucking. "Holy fuck, this body of yours...those lips, you don't know how much I crave them."
His hands tighten around your waist, and you gasp for air, "Professor Jeong, this isn't ethical. You're violating the university policy...ah!"
He bites down on your neck, grabbing enough flesh in between his teeth to suck on it. That's going to leave a pretty purple bruise behind, all in its glory, on your neck—so fucking attractive to you.  Pressing down on a moan, you drag your hands to his shoulders, hoping to shove him off to disturb his grip on you. Though you thought. It wasn't easy to make him budge, he wasn't letting you go, and you were gradually falling into that realisation.
"I could lose my job," he whispers, chuckling softly, "I can fucking lose my job if I engage with you, if I make my vile thoughts a reality but I can't control myself any longer, I need you, I need to ruin you—I know you feel the same way about me. Don't you, Sherri?" he nibbles on your earlobe, his hot breath fanning your ear. "Aren't your intentions the same as me, huh?"
"No." you mumble.
You shake your head.
He doesn't believe you.
"Sherri, oh you beautiful liar," he sighs, his lips now curling into a smirk, "didn't you think of something else when you were sucking my finger off, hmm?"
You pout, not wanting to answer or have him the satisfaction of being right; instead, you start shuffling on his lap to get out of his hold. Squirming in his lap, you press your butt against his crotch, accidentally touching his hardened cock. It continues to poke your ass, and his fingers dig into your skin when his hold tightens on your waist. You were making it worse, it was visible on his face in the form of quivering lips and shut eyes.
"Don't move...!" he warns you, pressing your lower body against his lap, keeping you fixed in one place. "You'll make me...fuck. You do this on purpose, don't you?"
You stop moving—well you had no choice but to when his brute strength was holding you down against him. "I don't. I haven't done anything on purpose."
Lying is so easy. But him believing it has to be easy too. Though at this point you knew you were teasing him.
"Sherri, don't lie." He peels his eyes open and takes a sharp breath in, "get on your knees."
You gulp. Knees? He wants you on your knees...? That's...really fucking hot.
Eagerly, you crawl out of his lap as he gives you the chance to, keeping his hands to his side. He repositions his chair in a way to face you, as you're kneeling down in front of him, by the side of the table. There's not much distance between you, and the dithered proximity makes your heart palpitate with anticipation.
What was he going to do?
Your mind raced with the possibilities. Was he going to shove his 'obvious' boner down your throat? Was he going to make you ride him? What was his hauntingly beautiful mind thinking about?
"An obedient teacher's pet, how adorable," he coos, stroking his hand over your head as if to pet you.
"Shush...!" he leans over, closely watching you with his fervent eyes. Out of nowhere the warmth of his thumb engulfs of your cheek. "Not a sound."
Brushing his thumb across, he collects a drop of your tear and brings it close to his mouth. He wraps his lips around his thumb and gives it a good suck; his eyes intently fixed on yours, delineating his intentions. You nod your head and watch him straighten his back to relax against the chair. His eyes glance over at the door for a minor second before he fixes them back on you; with a lilting smirk, he grabs the wooden pointer stick from his table and slaps its tip on the palm of his other hand. The same hand rubs along the length of it until his forefinger traces the tip before holding it in his one hand.
You couldn't help but gulp again, feeling aroused by his hand, and the way it was pumping the stick to and fro. Lowering yourself on your calves, you try to squeeze your thighs together. You wanted to ease your muscles, wanted to rid yourself of the tightness in your cunt because you were beyond wet for him.
"Hands behind your back," he commands, and you oblige without hesitation. "I asked you to be on your knees for me..." he softly mutters, tapping the stick twice on the floor to get you back on your knees.
You do that too; completely unaware of his next move. He drags the stick from the ground to you, to the hem of your skirt and lifts it up—exposing your ruined panties to him.
"Tsk, wet already?" he heaves out a breath, "do I really affect you that much?"
"Yes," you swallow and mumble, "you do."
"Hmm," he muses, humming his words along later, "that makes me want you even more."
With his other hand he takes his glasses off and flings them on the table. He pushes the stick further up till your waist to completely expose your dripping wet panties and your cunt; he licks his lips at the sight, his instincts running wild in his mind. Your hands were perfectly slotted in the small of your back, tightly wound together to appease the tension.
"Ah..fuck," you groan when you feel the wooden stick rub your cunt; he had angled it in such a way that it kept your skirt from falling down and it also gave him enough access to drag it along your slit. "Please, professor, I want you."
Listening to you mewl, his smirk widens, and he slurs his words, "now you want me, Miss Lee? Un-fucking-believable."
He picks up his pace, letting the stick rub itself perfectly against your slit; your cunt clenches around nothing, aching to have something in between, something to fill you up. You writhe in desperation, shifting your weight from one leg to another. Unable to contain yourself, you start grinding yourself against the stick, upon noticing it, he halts his movements and watches you with amusement. Casing his lips into a pout, he traces his forefinger on his lower lip; he's contemplating, mirthfully watching you pleasure yourself on the stick. You bring both of your hands to the front, holding the stick to stabilise it before you increase the pace of hips grinding down.
"Aww, is my little brat getting excited?" he scoffs, shaking his head lightly.
You press your lips together and nod your head, closing your eyes shut to the budding pleasure crawling up your body. Second by second, your sanity shrinks to nothing, making you loosen your grip on the stick. From the corner of your half-lidded eye, you watch him offer you a conceited smile, clearing his intentions out when he pulls the stick from between your legs and slides it up to your chin. Tapping its tip twice to your chin, he gets your attention on him with your eyes wide in anticipation.
He spreads his legs wider in front of you, putting his cock on a glorious display as it tightens in his pants; the outline of his cock figuratively makes you swallow a thick gulp of air. Keeping your head high with the stick, he uses his other hand to palm his crotch, gently wrapping his fingers around his cock to give it a few half-hearted pumps through his pants. With a nudge of his head, he drops the stick to a side and gestures you to come close. Biting your tongue, you crawl towards him, your heart in your throat now. Maybe it was the anticipation, the eagerness to see him bare and under the griming influence of your pleasure, but you were slightly alarmed to find yourself slotted in between his legs.
"Let's get my brat what she wants," he whispers further shifting comfortably in his hair. "Such hungry eyes gawking at the sight of my cock," he grabs your jaw lightly and strokes his thumb under your chin. He tuts, "I get these looks a lot but there's something about you— something about the way you're drooling over my cock."
You let your teeth sink deep in your lower lip, while your lips twitch into a soft smile of amusement. "Am I turning you on, professor?"
You release your lip from your teeth's grip, and he watches it wobble in a daze while you lean close and place your hands on either of his thighs. Rubbing circles with your fingertips on his thighs, you take a deep breath to calm your nerves.
"If that wasn't the case you wouldn't be here, Miss Lee. Kneeling between my legs, ready to take my cock in your mouth, hmm?" he suggestively murmurs, dragging his thumb to your lips till he forces it in your mouth. "Now, open wide."
Using his other hand, he fumbles with the buckle of his belt. While he does manage to get it undone, you decide to suck on his thumb which was still fixed in your mouth; you lick around, blatantly ignoring his rugged skin. You hear him grunt ever so gently to your mouth wrapped around his thumb, tingling with excitement to know what it would be like to have this same warmth around his cock. Everything passes in a haze when he restlessly tugs down on his pants and briefs at the same time; you notice him take his thumb out of his mouth and instead he replaces it with his cock.
The reddened tip of his cock nudges against your lips and you open wide, lowering yourself down on his cock—though, only halfway considering his length would take you long to adjust to while the thick girth already made the corners of your mouth sting. He holds your neck, his fingers delicately splayed on the nape as he pushes you down, however he's mindful of you and how much you can take in. You start stroking the remaining of his shaft—which you would eventually have to swallow deep in your mouth.
"Fuck, you're driving me insane with your mouth, I might..." he trails his words off into a low groan, beginning to thrust himself into your mouth. "I'm not going to last long, am I?"
He taunts, digging his fingers into your skin as he pushes your head further down on his cock; his thrusts become too sloppy, and you don't pay much mind to it. You are too focused on widening your mouth around his cock to fit him fully inside. Feeling the tip of his cock brush against your throat, you almost gag; your throat tightens, and the suffocation starts sneaking up on you, but you push yourself through and sink lower on his cock.
"Fuck, such a good brat, taking me in so well," he whimpers coarsely, "but this little brat needs to be punished for making me break my rules."
You gaze up at him with your teary eyes, softening them as he looks down at you too. Nodding your head, you hollow your cheeks and bop your head up and down after adjusting to his size. Your fingers dig into his fleshy thighs, constraining your moans with his cock stuffed in your mouth, you keep staring up at him till a few drops of tears cascade down your cheeks. He brings his other hand to caress your cheeks, thumb stroking off the tears as he doesn't let go of your head. You're on the verge of gagging on his cock, choking even, but disregarding your gag reflex, he bucks his hips into your face and his cock slides further down your throat. Unable to hold onto your moans and whimpers, you try to make a sound—the vibrations send him reeling from pleasure, he throws his head back and tightens his hold on your neck.
"Can't make a sound because my cock is—your mouth is stuffed with my cock, isn't it?" he teases, closing his eyes shut to relish the wetness and warmth of your mouth. "Don't worry—I won't—I won't cum too soon. My brat deserves a little—a little bit of fun even if she's being pun—punished."
His stutter was absolutely beautiful, it showed how much of a mess he was with your mouth wrapped around his cock, engulfed in the devious warmth of it. Somehow, it gave you a sense of victory, a sense of peace to know you had gotten him on his edge with only your mouth and nothing else. The saltiness of his precum floods your mouth—it makes you retch a bit regardless of that, you continue sucking him off while his thrusts are slow and steady. In the meantime, he pulls his untucked shirt above till his chest and holds it there; he pushes your head further down on his cock, till your nose is pressed against his pubic bone and your skin feels ticklish from his trimmed pubic hair.
His chest is rising and falling at an alarming rate; he surely was a mess, and you liked seeing it. When you peek up at him with your still-teary eyes, you notice sweat covering his forehead, making his hair stick to his skin while his cheeks are flushed with a shade of red. How adorable. How fucking adorable. The ever so haughty and stoic professor was writhing under your touches, with how you lapped your tongue under his shaft and purposely sucked your cheeks in to make it tight.
In actuality, you were really driving him wild; his grip on your neck loosens a bit for a hot second and he uses that time to let his hand entangle in your hair. You didn't realise when you groped his thighs for support, even so, your nails had dug deep enough to leave behind crescent marks on his skin, the kind which would fluster with a brutal purple tint tomorrow. Grasping a proper hold on your hair, he pulls you back and frees his cock from his mouth; a vile 'pop' sound resounds in the room while he does so.
The moment his cock is out of your mouth, you gasp for air, you swallow huge lugs of air through your mouth and glance at him with dazed eyes. His thick and veiny cock was slick with your spit, shining softly under the lights while a few strings of your saliva still connected your lips and his shaft. Your drool had covered every inch of his cock and had also slithered down your chin. The sensation in your mouth was a little sticky and salty from his precum. You keep your mouth wide open and wipe off the drool using the back of your hand; he smugly chuckles, eyes on you like a predator.
"Need to take a break?" he taunts you, belittling your presence and you shake your head to a no. Leaning over, he cups your face in both of his hands and grazes his eyes along your chest and exposed thighs.
"Get up."
Again, his domineering voice forces you to oblige, and you get on your wobbly feet—feeling your throat sore and tight from his cock hitting constantly, you swallow enough amount of spit and try to wash the sting down. He notices it but doesn't say much. His hands slide down from your face and hold your waist as you stand in front him; without any doubt, he pushes your front against the desk and makes you bend over. One hand on the collar of your blouse, and other on the small of your back; he keeps you in that position while he takes his time to shimmy his pants and briefs down till his knees. He positions himself behind you, managing to push your skirt up on your back to expose your dripping wet panties and your cunt. Your wet panties were driving him wild; his breathing becomes even more ragged when he snaps at the waistband and pulls them down to your knees. He swallows thickly when his thirsty eyes lurk over your glistening wet cunt, clenching around nothing for the time being.
"This wet cunt is going to take in every inch of me...fuck," he curses his under his breath while he smoothens his hand on one of your buttcheeks. "But we can't forget about your punishment, can we?"
He flattens his palm against your ass, keeping you pressed against the desk with his hand on your neck; you whimper in anticipation and hold onto the edge of the desk till your knuckles turn while. Anticipation makes you wiggle your ass slightly, as you're on your tippy toes and perfectly bent over the desk.
"No, we can't," you heave out a shaky sigh, not able to control your excitement anymore. "How are you going to punish me, professor?"
You sneer in your seductive voice, slurring your words against your rounded lips to get a reaction out of him. Having your vision limited to the empty classroom and the workbenches, the exhilaration of not knowing what he was going to do, makes you even wetter.
Yunho knows how vile your mind is, he knows the wet patch on your panties continues to grow the more he teases you and honestly, he wasn't complaining. He liked it as much as you did, but he hid it well in his composed speech and relaxed movements.
"There's only one way to punish a brat like you," he grunts, slapping one of your buttcheeks, "count them."
So, you were getting spanked. Such a fitting punishment for a brat like you, by a professor too—why did it feel like you were trapped in a low-budget student-professor porn movie? You can't complain anyway, you were absolutely absorbed in the trance of your pleasure and his hands caressing your butt.
You nod and thus begins the punishment.
"One," you mewl, feeling his hand burn on your skin.
"Two," your breath hitches when you go to say it out loud, your skin stinging from his hand.
"Thr—three!" you groan out loudly, the impact jolting your body against the top of the desk.
This one stung like a bitch.
Without any warning, he adds one more spank to the same buttcheek before moving onto the other. He offers it a soft squeeze first, and then pulls his hand back and flattens his palm over it.
"How many were those, huh?" he asks your mind fiddles with the remaining brain cells—how many were those? Really. How many?
"Si—six," you somehow manage to sputter, your spit falling on the desk in front of you.
"Good girl," he praises, rubbing his hand on your buttcheek before tracing it down to your folds. His fingers press and nudge against your folds until he rams one finger along your slit. Pushing down, wedging his finger deep inside, he watches your juices coat the length of his finger before he brings it to his nose to give it a good sniff. "I wonder if you're enjoying this punishment, pup. Are you? Are you enjoying this punishment...?"
First, your mind goes haywire when he teases you with that nickname. Pup. Well, you were turning out to be his pet, you might as well roll along with it.
Second, you were certainly enjoying the punishment, liking the way his hands were able to engulf your entire buttcheek at once.
Third, you're forced to slip out of your sanity when he aligns his cock with your hole and slowly sinks in. Your aroused juices proved helpful for him to slip right in. You suddenly start feeling full, the stretch of your walls subsiding into a soothing ache and then it sublimes completely into pleasure. Your desires were getting quenched; inch by inch your cunt swallows him whole, the burn on your walls now pacified by him. He doesn't move when he bottoms out, he keeps his cock sucked deep in you. Keeping one hand on the small of his back, he pushes your nimble body further against the desk—your back arches inwards and prodding your ass out for his easy access. 
"Fuck, such a tight cunt. Got no one to loosen it out, Miss Lee?" he smirks, grunting at the way your walls clenched around him and remains unmoving. "Don't worry, I'll fuck it loose—fuck," you tighten around him listening to his wispy words, "do you want me to, huh, pup? Do you want me to fuck you loose?"
"Yeah—yeah, yeah I'd like that," you murmur, your brain turned into a mush and your body shuddering as he slowly, very slowly, starts moving. He doesn't pull out completely, he keeps his cock buried deep in you and slides in and out at a leisure pace.
"Of course, my pup would like to get fucked senseless," he mumbles, slapping one of your buttcheeks again.
You were fully sure his hand was now printed on your skin in a bright red shade; the soreness didn't matter because the thrill was eating you up and turning it into bliss. Biting back a moan, you keep your breathing steady. Though, you feel your chest shatter entirely when he picks up his pace. Your fingernails start scratching at the varnish on the table, a bit of it getting stuck in them.
"Yes, prof—professor..." you groan, stuttering with his thrusts.
"Nuh-huh, for an obedient puppy like you, I'm your master," he slides his cock out, and rams back into you, letting it plunge deep, "what should you—should you call me, pup?"
"Master," you breathe out, exasperated. "Master, please go faster, fuck! Fuck me harder please, breed your little pup." You cry, genuinely letting tears streak down your cheeks; you were weak already, holding out till he would increase the rhythm of his merciless thrusts.
Something goes off in his head, his hips start snapping at an animalistic pace with your body thrashing against the wooden desk; his hands are all over you, touching you, caressing you, leaving his marks on you. Though, at a point he brings one of his hands to the curve of your back, while his other hand winds itself around your thigh. Seeming seconds drag on with his thrusts curt and sharp, his cock reaching deep in your cunt till you could feel it tauten in the pit of your stomach. Yunho could sense your walls clench around his cock, not liking it one bit—his thrusts start faltering, gradually coming to a halt.
Still buried deep in you, he leans over your back—inching close to your neck, he bites down harshly before whispering, "does my pup want to cum?"
You could discern the slyness in his voice, and you nod your head with your mouth agape, drool glistening down your lower lip and staining your chin. Bearing his size, tuning with his blunt thrusts, and the way his tip was abusing your sweet spot, it was all too much, sending you into a sensory overdrive. At this point, you had zero comprehensible thoughts in your mind except for the heinous acts you were weaving into your body: all of them being about your professor and his huge dick.
"Well, then my pup has to wait a little longer," he grunts close to your ear and then straightens himself up, "master isn't done with his pup yet."
"Can my pup wait a little longer?" he presses his hand down on your back, reluctantly making your walls clench around him.
You're left with no choice but to nod your head again, and it satisfies him; his gradually starts moving again, keeping his thrusts steady and slow. He lets you adjust to him again, and eventually increases his pace. Pulling and shoving himself into you, he starts bucking his hips into your thighs, his grip tightening till his knuckles turn white while you hold onto the edge of the table like your life depended on it. Your body oscillates to and fro, colliding and thumping with the wooden table with his every thrust. The sound of clothes crumpling, and the rattling of his belt buckle, makes your heart race harder in your chest.
You had never imagined you'd be caught in this situation; not that you didn't imagine or fantasise it, you didn't think it'd become a reality. Yeah, it's true that you had countless fantasises about your professor, one of them being fucked while you're bent over his desk—but the probability of him actually fucking you was one in a twenty, considering there were twenty female students in your class. Skin slapping against skin, his cock thrashing balls deep in your tight cunt, you were still mewling in your mind for more. The sensation was diabolical in a way, clustering your brain with unwanted thoughts—hell, you had lost it.
A known tightness tangles itself in your gut, your stomach cherishing the last bit of butterflies it felt before knowing you would flood down on his cock soon. Your senses drop, your stomach twists and knots, your heart runs a miles per hour because his thrusts were helping you chase your high. You were so sure he was going to let you take a break, let you ease out the tightness in your stomach; but to your unbridled surprise, he doesn't. His movements dither, slowing down till he comes to a stop again; he's still buried deep in you, and somehow that caused you more pain than his actual thrusts.
"Aww, my pup is too eager to get off," he mumbles, throwing his head back in pure bliss from your walls still clenched around him, but then he feels you loosen, and he starts pounding into you with a gentle tempo. "Not so soon. You're still getting punished."
He drags on for an hour or so, his thrusts stopping completely sometimes, his cock buried deep in your warmth—eventually he would pick up his pace and ram into your tight little cunt as if it was the last thing he wanted. You had been denied your orgasm a few times, counting it, you had been denied three times so far. Though that pleasure was turning into pain, your belly ached with every inch of strain his cock put on your cunt. Your stomach knots itself for the fourth time, your legs trembling and your yearning crossing your threshold to hold your orgasm in.
The familiarity only grows in your gut, your walls puckering around his cock to milk out his own orgasm; but he knows how to play it off well, he wasn't going to cum before you did. Pressing back into your thighs, he remains unmoving for a second before picking up his pace again, his cock plunges into the deeper void of your cunt, almost protruding the walls to your gut. You have lost your voice to make a sound, one thing—but the other thing was you weren't supposed to make a lot of noise. Swallowing your moans and grunts, you feel your high washing over; your walls tighten around his cock one last time before they're coming undone—releasing you juices all over his cock. Some of it squirts around as his cock still keeps plunging deep into you, a few drops stain his abdomen and get absorbed in his clothes, but he doesn't seem too bothered by it.
"My pup made a mess on my cock," he grumbles, closing his eyes shut as he helps you ease your cunt with a few of his concise and brief thrust. His thighs collide with yours, heat growing between your bodies and your skin slick from sweat and your orgasm. "Such a pretty pup, such a beautiful little baby..." he rambles on his own, incoherent and inaudible, but mostly it was him losing his mind over the trickling warmth of your arousal.
His thrusts become sloppy once he knows he's reaching his high; but he doesn't give out just yet. With a couple more longing and concise thrusts, he lets himself drive his cock deep into your warmth—he counts down the minutes with his ambling pokes till it becomes unbearable for him to hold out. Taking a deep breath and arching his back to let his cock plunge deep, he slides one of his hands on your lower back—pressing, pushing, digging his fingers and palm in your flesh, he releases himself in deep in you. With every thrust, he keeps pulling out till he completely slides out of you. He smirks at the sight his eyes behold, twinkling with a yearning no one knows, not even you; his load dribbles down your pussy, staining your skin in stark white shade, as some of it spurts on your inner thighs.
You're breathless, too fucked to understand anything and thus you couldn't register your surroundings quite well when he flips you over. Grabbing your shoulders, he pushes you down on the ground, having you kneel before him with his cock near your mouth. The veins on his cock were less bulged than before, but his shaft was coated in a thin layer of his cum and glints a bit with your juices.
"Clean me up, pup."
His order doesn't go unheard by you, and as the loyal little puppy you are to him, you hold on to the sides of his thighs and lean in to lick his cock off. At first, it's a weird concoction of saltiness and a little bit of sweetness, soon it fades to nothing. You lap your tongue around his shaft, over and under his tip till you've cleared everything off from his cock—you pull back, smiling dizzily because you were delighted to help him out. Half-lidded eyes trace a line up and you find him staring at down at you, his hand in the process to grab your jaw. Caressing your chin, he pulls you up on your feet and helps you sit on the desk before wrapping his arms around your waist to pull himself closer to you.
"Miss Lee," he whispers, "I'm sure the post-orgasm clarity is now sinking in both of our minds, but we certainly need to address the elephant in the room."
You lean forward to rest your head on his chest, closing your eyes shut for a moment, you take a deep breath in and relax your tensed muscles. "Professor Jeong...I've wanted this to happen for a long time."
"So, you have no regard for me losing my job, do you?" he teases, rubbing circles on your back to soothe you, "Lee Sherri, you really are a brat. Making me break my rules."
"What rules?" you grin, peeking up at him as your wrap your arms around his broad chest.
"I don't date my students," he murmurs, pecking your forehead.
"Who's suggesting you date me?" you chuckle, shaking your head, "we can be fuck buddies."
"Is that what you call it nowadays?" he laughs, heartily, pouting down at you as he continues, "we'll have to be really careful, Sherri. Can't have anyone knowing about us—"
Knock knock!
Your eyes go wide, your heart thumps in your chest and your lips start quivering in fear. On the other hand, Yunho is pretty tame, and he only offers you a reassuring smile.
"Straighten out your clothes and relax. It's no stranger, I've been expecting him actually," he mumbles, breaking apart from your embrace to pull his pants and briefs up.
Whilst he is buttoning his pants and buckling the belt, you too tug your panties up and hop off the desk. You try to smoothen out the creases on your skirt and blouse—your white lacy socks were stained with dust at the knees, but you didn't care about it. The clutter of papers on the desk remains as it is, neither of you bothered to organise it. Professor Jeong smiles at you warmly before heading to the door of the classroom, he unlocks the latch and pulls the doors inside to reveal another man with tall silhouette standing there. 
Professor Song.
"Since when have you been locking your doors, Yun?" the latter teasingly mutters and chortles, stepping past his friend and entering the classroom which reeks of sweat and sex. He sniffs the air and along the lines his eyes land on you, "ah. So, you were having "one-on-one" with your student."
Professor Song wasn't a professor from your department, he was the heartthrob of the physics department, seemingly the kind who would definitely not have any sentiments towards his students or anyone younger to him for that matter. Clad in a plaid shirt and khakis, he too had a body worth breaking the laws for; his toned biceps bulged out of the sleeves he had rolled over to his elbows, his thick thighs (which you've fantasied riding on) were defined by his tight khakis, and hazel eyes were piercing through you with curiosity.
"Miss Lee and I were just discussing, weren't we, Miss Lee?" Yunho calls out from behind him, tugging down on the crotch of his pants for some apparent reason.
"Discussing what?"
You shift your weight on your feet, standing an inch away from the desk (where you were just railed by your professor) and you pull down on your skirt, not knowing why you felt the need to. You eye your tote bag fallen down on the floor, then at the mess of your binder on the table, and one thing becomes clear which is you and Professor Jeong did fuck on the table.
"I was chiding her for not completing her experimental write-ups, Min," Yunho adds, scratching the back of his neck as he comes to stand next to him. "Miss Lee, we'll have a proper discussion about your careless behaviour next time, perhaps tomorrow. Now, you may leave."
You nod, "ye—yes professor."
Hastily, you sprint out of the classroom after gathering your things and stuffing them in your bag in a haphazard way; meanwhile Mingi rolls his eyes at his friend and scoffs.
"Lie to someone else, Yun."
"Fuck you," he grumbles before a conceited smirk takes over his face.
"If you keep your trap shut, maybe we can share."
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inbarfink · 1 year
The deaths of all the Finch kids are really so unbearably tragic. It really speaks to the quality of the writing and storytelling in ‘What Remains’. They’re written as so vivid and human and real, but also so many of them died so young. They were children, it’s so much harder for me to do the whole ‘well, let’s appreciate the life they did have’ thing when the majority of them didn’t even have a chance to become the people they could have become. And yet the image of who they could’ve been if they survived is so vivid in my mind. 
Edith had that line about how she always imagined Molly as a girl she could be good friends with. Obviously if she didn’t die back in 1947 they wouldn’t really be at the same age group, but she’d be one hell of a Cool Aunt. I can only imagine her Weird Girl tendencies would’ve only grown stronger and stronger with age. Considering her fascination with animals, maybe she would’ve gone to study Zoology or Biology when she grew older? And since she was dissecting a sea star just before her canon death…
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Sadly, I’m not sure if Barbara would’ve been able to resurrect her acting career. But there’s some subtle hints in her room that in reality she was more willing to move past it compared to her fictionalized version in that horror comic (which can’t be easy when you live in a room your dad themed entirely around your child-star years THANKS SVEN). That ‘horror convention’ seems to be an invention of the comic, Barbara’s actual room has a flier for a ‘Witch’s Ball’ at Orcas Island High School and a dress ready for it. 
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Barbara Finch didn’t actually spend her last day on earth hopelessly trying to revive her dead career, she was hoping to have a fun Halloween party like a regular teenager. Maybe the fact that it was hosted by the Orcas Island High School Drama Club implies she still had an interest in acting and theatre. Maybe she could’ve ended up as a classically trained actress with the child-stardom as just a fun quirk of her past? Or maybe she just wanted to take part in the Witches Ball because she likes Spooky Things? And she could have found her way back into the Horror Scene in a different way, like being a writer or costume designer or something?
Maybe Calvin could’ve become an Astronaut like he always wanted? But I think Calvin might’ve been more enthralled with the fantasy of science fiction than the reality of space travel. I’m thinking a lot about how Sam described Clavin in Gregory’s memoriam as ‘lost in his imagination’. Maybe he could’ve become a science fiction writer or something?
Walter didn’t technically die young, but he still certainly lost most of his years to the Curse. Like, a big thing about the tragedy of Walter to me is realizing his original childhood bedroom was themed after “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” and trains. 
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Lil’ Walter did have an interest in adventure and travel, before his fears took it all away from him. If it wasn’t for the Curse, Walter could’ve actually something with it. Maybe he could’ve traveled around a bit and written about his experiences.
Lewis would’ve probably gone into game design. It’s not just how his fantasies manifest to us the players, but you can actually find books about game design and coding in his room. It seems that the problem was that his crappy job and his depression took away any opportunity he might have had to actually pursue this idea. Maybe if Milton never left, these three Finch siblings could’ve combined their creative skills together to make like, a very cool artsy game.
Speaking of which… man, Edith’s death stings the most because we got to know her far better than anyone else. And it’s not even the fact that she never got to share her all of her thoughts and creativity with the wider world that makes me the saddest. Getting to the end of the game and hearing just how much she was looking forwards to be with her son - even with all the hardships of being a teen mom, she was really looking forwards to it. To meet him, to share her stories with him. But instead, that worn old diary is the only connection between them...
And that’s like… part of what’s so great about WRoEF’s use of its own format. Like, the faux-interactive linearity of the Narrative Exploration/‘Walking Simulator’ is so perfect for selling this tragedy. The way each Death Flashback only moves forwards based on the actions of the Player, but it always moves on the same unchanging doomed path - really highlights both how stupidly preventable so many of these deaths feel and really make the Player wish there was a way to change them. After all, all they need is for Calvin to not swing so hard, for Gregory’s faucet to not turn back on, for Walter to not stand directly on those train tracks and everything would’ve been fine. But at the same time it’s so, so clear to the Player that this is an impossible wish. There is no other way these sequences can go - these deaths have already been written. The most you can you is linger, all you can do is delay the inevitable. 
But it hurts.
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booksbluegurl · 2 months
Day 4/100 days of Productivity
5th April, 2024
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I did 157 questions of Biological Classification. Out of which were 112 correct and 45 were incorrect. There were 229 questions in total, but I couldn't finish them all.
Finished 2 lectures, 2 hours each of Mechanical Properties of Solids. I also read the notes after every 30 minutes of content to remember all of the formulas and relations.
I did an NCERT based flashcards study of Biodiversity and Conservation. There were around 93 flashcards but I did it twice so that it atleast feels to me that I learnt something.
I made a revision sheet of the points I couldn't remember in Biodiversity and Conservation.
Revised biology revision sheets.
Read short notes module of zoology for my test on Sunday.
I'm planning on making short notes of my chemistry content and just revise it everyday. The biggest struggle isn't solving questions, it's remembering the houseful of information.
I'm unable to bring myself to study Organic Chemistry. It's just sooo lengthy and I'd also need as much time to stamp it on my mind as it does to have and understand the material.
I'll also start doing previous year questions, so that I can just be prepared. I realized that what I need for my exam is an extensive revision of all the content matter in the week before my exam.
[I need to share this: I was doing questions about bacteria and had a question on mycoplasma,if the statement's true or false, and I read "mycoplasma is the smallest and way less living organism" instead of wall less. And its so funny to me🤣🤣]
Non Academia
Watched another Mina Le video about how fashion is often discriminatory towards older women. I think that the more we entertain the idea of being scared of aging, the more we're pushing ourselves into a prison we might not be able to get out of. I mean, is aging scary because you have wrinkles and saggy skin or is aging scary because you're body isn't functioning well enough? Or both? I'm just tired of our looks gaining more attention in the battle against aging.
Watched first half of this video, it's a documentry on Ankor Wat.
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We need to realise, especially when we're entangling ourselves into this web of pursuit of success and academic validation, that our everyday live, our fun, our happiness, our rest, are all important. We need to stop ourselves from almost being on the brink of our limits, from falling down out of hopelessness. We do that by attaching ourselves to the present.
Look at the sun, look at the trees. Feel the cool air of your A.C. or your fan. Sit still, eat with patience. Don't try to run when you're doing something which is non productive enough. To give your best at something, you'd need good rest to have enough energy to do your best.
- Tanishka.
Day 3
Day 5
Pictures from pinterest. Credit to the owners.
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sarnai4 · 19 days
College Days (and career plans)
After seeing a really fun Yona of the Dawn AU fanart with the characters in college, I started thinking about the Dragons crew.
Hiccup: Engineering. He's going to become an inventor and has already done some of that. He'll probably have his own company after graduation that makes just about everything. Need a replacement limb? Phone? Cylindrical item that will lead you to various reptiles and the journey of a lifetime? He's got you covered on all fronts. If it can be built, it will be.
Astrid: Law enforcement. She's eventually going to a police academy (cue the movie of the same name), so she wants to be prepared. She'll become a police captain in the future. It'll be very obvious why crime rates are plummeting in whatever city she's in.
Fishlegs: Zoology. He's always been into science, so he's going to become a zoologist to study animals all over the world. He absolutely loves his work and probably brings a few creatures home to study for a little longer before taking them back to the lab.
Snotlout: Drama. He's planning on becoming an actor. His work as Sir Ulgerthorpe has convinced me that he at least could be good on a stage. Plus, he's a drama queen. Maybe he'll get on the screen one day too. He's also considering if he wants to try out screenwriting and/or directing eventually. If he does become a director, he'll be one of the best and most bossy somehow.
Ruffnut: Digital communication and media/multimedia. She's honestly not here for any reason other than it's where Tuffnut and their friends are. That said, the twins are going to become YouTubers, so she figures she might as well become good at making videos.
Tuffnut: Crafts. He missed how Ruffnut's idea will actually be useful in their future job and thought this sounded fun. His reasoning is that he'll make some cool crafts to show off to their viewers. He's probably right, but there are still a dozen sighs directed his way because of this choice.
Dagur: Undecided. He's gone through business to see if he wanted to be an entrepreneur, then wasn't sure if he should just go to an entrepreneurship degree, had a few in between, and the latest one was psychology to try to understand his mind. At this point, he's hoping he sticks with something long enough to graduate on time with the credits. Can't say he isn't getting a well-rounded education, though. Just don't even get him started on career plans. He figures that he'll teach martial arts to pay for bills until he comes up with an idea he can keep for longer than a month.
Heather: Music. She's going to become a singer and probably be a vocal and guitar teacher later on. She's the only member of the group who we've heard sing and not sound bad (minus Snotlout surprisingly in my opinion. Oi oi oi), so I can see her doing this. She's not planing on being some superstar or anything. Just most likely at some venues and on YouTube, so maybe Ruffnut's new skills can help out.
Mala: Doctor of medicine for surgery. She's in the doctoral program (because I'm convinced she is a nice amount of years older than the others) and going to become a surgeon. This is something she's wanted to do for a while since she enjoys healing people. Meeting the others made her want to do this even more since she's sure at least one of them is going to be in a terrible accident one day and will need a good surgeon. Her bet is on Hiccup, the twins, or Dagur.
Throk: Criminal justice. He's already graduated, but he is receiving specialized training to become a body guard. When he gets free time, he comes around to spend time with the others. He's part of the bet with Mala and bets that Ruffnut will NOT need a surgeon because there's no way he's allowing such harm to come to her.
Atali: Women's studies. She's going to run a women's shelter when she graduates. She is also considering getting a master's.
Minden: Physical education. She's following her bestie and going to teach self-defense to the women Atali helps out.
Gobber: Welding engineering. He loved this in his university days and started up his own company. This is how he got Hiccup into making things too.
Stoick: Political science. He joined the marines when he was younger and became a high-ranking officer before coming back home to care for Hiccup.
Johann: Law. He became a slimy lawyer who always gets the really dangerous criminals off and puts away innocent people.
Viggo: Economics. He wanted to be very shrewd with his spending. He owns a company that seems like it's a tech manufacturing company on the outside but is actually smuggling a bit of everything.
Ryker: Criminology. He did this to understand just what risks the criminals who work for/with him could face. He works for Viggo (because of course he does) and is the VP of the business.
Krogan: Business management. On the outside, it seems like he's got a weapons manufacturing company, but he uses it to work with the Grimborns and hurt people.
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stilettomafiosas · 5 months
If you don't mind my asking; how did you develop your art style? I've been trying to work on developing my own style but I don't know where to even start. Your style seems so well developed, and I utterly adore it.
;w; its so kind of you to say so!! thank you!! I wish I could offer some insightful or exciting advice haha but I do have a short and a long answer!
the short answer: its the boring yet tried and true tip youll hear from everyone 😭😭 it all comes from a lot of practice over a lot of time!!
i kind of hate hearing that too because it seems dismissive BUT the practice isnt just drawing as much as possible, its also looking at art from other people, paying attention to the colors n shapes n composition around you, and at times just Thinking...
the long answer: style is ... hard to pinpoint! and in some ways, aiming to have your own very distinct style (and that being your main goal) can be restricting. focusing on that can keep you in a box of what's recognizable as Yours and hesitant to experiment or make changes. Ive seen some people who get hung up on making themselves a Brand draw no differently today than they did 10 years ago because they admit making changes or venturing into new subjects/styles "flop".... (and if your livelihood comes from selling art or merchandise and you rely on engagement to pay your bills thats another thing but as a hobby artist myself im talking more about a goal of just getting better at your craft in a way that makes you, personally, happy and satisfied and proud of it vs making what an audience wants to see and feeling rejected in pursuing other creative endeavors)
a lot of style development just progresses naturally over time as you absorb more art around you and train your mind to distinctly pick out what you like about other artwork and why. :] its all about the influence and how you incorporate that into your own work! so many of my artistic choices come from other artists, and the more you draw and the more you study other art, it becomes something thats a unique blend of You, even if not necessarily something immediately and strikingly unique that anyone could recognize as yours, its You cuz of the choices made in it and all the influences you enjoyed enough to pick up.
for me, it was pretty much doing studies + compiling an "inspiration/reference" folder (for doing studies) :3 ive been doing that since I was in elementary school and just drawing on loose leaf college ruled paper... I started out copying drawings in the funny papers we got on sundays, going to the library to get those "history of disney" kinda books that show a lot of cels or concept art, googling looney tunes screenshots to copy... it was So much copy, copy, copy. in my teen years it was shonen jump, i'd trace panels from naruto and one piece and shaman king, i'd freehand it, i'd redraw pages in my own way... and more recently ive kept it up with other interests (opening a catalog of model cars and filling sketchbook pages with car drawings... taking photos of cool scenery or bugs i see and blocking out the composition to figure out Why it looks appealing... going through an invertebrate zoology textbook and drawing creatures to understand their shapes/distinguishing features so i can anthropomorphize them in fun ways)
it might seem contradictory that spending a lot of time copying stuff leads to something thats your own but it does!! so much of art really does come from that internal library you build up, and building it up happens thru all that observation and exercising your hand to match up movements with the images in your head, and gaining experience + refining memory of how certain things are built or shaped or constructed. thats probably the number one tip i'd give to anyone who wants art advice... get a little sketchbook thats JUST for your eyes, and fill it totally up with stuff you copy. youll learn SO much and feel really refreshed for your own original works!
and if you feel discouraged, keep in mind that things tend to look better from an outside perspective! you see my art as having a developed style, and i very much appreciate that comment cuz to me, it's jumbled haha. i can draw the same character in very different ways in the same day... even the way i draw hands varies depending on what set of ocs I'm playing with. each of my stories presents some different artistic choices, and draws from a few different inspirations, so even if all the characters and the ways i draw them are recognizable as my art, they would still look a bit strange if they were all together because I have multiple "styles" ehehe
so in short, rock on with making art thats enjoyable for you and dont let an idealistic goal of a distinct style hinder you from having fun with the process & being proud of what you make. cuz honestly if you hold out waiting for the moment of realization that youve developed a style, you might never have that moment! not for lack of having anything distinct about your art, but just because its natural to be more critical and lost in the details of your own work than an audience would be. you likely already have aspects in your art that are recognizable as yours! consistency is good in some regards (like animation or comics) but dont be hesitant about trying things that are new or drastically different from your usual!
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frostfall-matches · 21 days
[ matchmaking... ]
@rinthelordofbean : [ match report ready ]
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your match is…
✦ Deuce Spade
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-> [ Deuce can be a bit too blunt sometimes because his brain-to-mouth filter is lax. ] He may come off as a bit tactless or insensitive at times, but he genuinely doesn’t mean to! (The only exception to this is how rude and combative he gets when someone pisses him off… but you’re likely only going to see that side of him from the sidelines, never directed at you). If you ever take offense to anything he’s said to you and it shows on your face, he’s quick to reel back and apologize and beg for your forgiveness, explaining what he actually meant. He doesn’t dare be intentionally disrespectful to his partner.
-> [ He isn’t exactly shy or untalkative, but he sometimes doesn’t always have a ton to say. ] In other words, yap as much as you want around him! Deuce will chime in when he has something he wants to say, but is otherwise happy to let you take center stage. Given that he probably doesn’t know much about zoology, he ends up learning quite a bit about the topic through your discussions - and he grows particularly fond of penguins simply because of your passion for them. He may be a bit forgetful and oblivious, but he’s quick to retain information about those he cares about. Expect the occasional penguin-themed gift!
-> [ Sometimes your puns go right over his head. ] You’ll make one and laugh about it to yourself and Deuce is just standing there, confused, the cogs turning in his brain as he tries to figure out what was so funny to you. On the plus side, if you have to explain it to him he’s likely to still find it quite funny in the end. Deuce makes it a personal mission to try and work on his witty, punny side for you, so he’s able to share in your humor a little easier. At least when it comes to sending funny memes or videos, he’s much more quick to adapt! Side note: he loves your laugh, it always brings a smile to his face.
-> [ The two of you can struggle during class together! ] How fun! While he’s trying to turn a new leaf now that he’s at NRC, he still struggles with paying attention in class and studying for exams. Plus, there’s just his general struggle with understanding complex ideas… He tries so hard not to procrastinate but he’ll still do it here and there. You might be a bad influence on him… But that’s okay, because you two can suffer together. Ace will definitely make fun of both of you as you’re rushing to get assignments done the night before they’re due, or when you do get a lousy grade on an exam because neither of you took down very good notes in class.
-> [ Deuce is the type who wants to sweetly and poetically tell his partner how much he loves them, but ultimately ends up stumbling over the words. ] He loves the idea of lovingly expressing his affection towards someone, telling them that they mean the world to him, but he second-guesses his phrasing a lot and also just gets really flustered trying to put things into words and say them out loud. So, he’s ultimately much more of an actions person - he really likes hugs and helping you out here and there. Though… there are those little moments, when he isn’t really thinking too hard about it, that his words towards you end up being very sweet. These moments surprise him as much as they melt you!
-> [ Though you likely meant that you like to ride bicycles, Deuce is happy to bring you out on a blastcycle. ] He thinks that has to be close enough, right? Bikes are bikes! He’ll have to get his hands on one first, but that’s just a matter of asking a few classmates from Ignihyde very nicely to see if they’ll lend him one. Or, if it happens to be a longer break and you decide to visit him at his home, he has his own. It’s probably a good thing that you’re a little bit reckless - as much as he makes sure that you and him are safe, riding a blastcycle definitely has its risks, and Deuce loves the thrill of it all.
-> [ He would love going out on little nature outings with you. ] Deuce finds that he quite enjoys taking a break from hectic, everyday life and being surrounded by nature instead - a very welcome change of pace. It’s very peaceful, and he doesn’t get to see nature-filled scenery very often in town or at school. And anything in your bright, warm presence is even better! These little escapes end up being like dates for you two. Honestly, if you were up for a weekend camping trip, he’d totally be down for it. He’s not the type to do much research or planning before the trip, though, so it’ll definitely be… an interesting time. But don’t worry, he’ll take care of any bugs you may encounter!
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dovelydraws · 11 months
If you don't mind me asking,
What's art styles ended up influencing .. Well your art style?
Oh, this is a fun question, thank you for asking!
Hmm, I think it's a little hard to say since I've been drawing since I was basically a toddler, lol. Every little thing I've ever enjoyed has had some sort of influence. I'll try to go through the timeline though.
When I was a little kid, I had a special interest in zoology (still do! but it's not as obvious as it was back then.) I used to wake up first in the house specifically so I could turn on the tv to the animal planet channel and just watch documentaries all morning, and I carried a giant animal kingdom encyclopedia with me to school every day to just flip to random pages and read whatever popped up. During this time of my life, I pretty much exclusively drew animals- particularly elephants, canines, and horses. I had no interest in people.
I had no real interest in stylization at this point- obviously as a little kid I was never able to achieve perfect anatomy or anything like that, but I was more interested in making my animals look real than cartoonish- which meant I was never really influenced by the disney movies I was watching, since they stylized their animals so heavily.
I remember the dreamworks movie Spirit held my attention for a very long time, and I think it may particularly have been that way because the horses looked and acted more real than they did in disney movies. They were still stylized of course, it was a cartoon after all, but it wasn't to any extremes. I still find myself wanting to mimic that in my animals now; cartoon, but not cartoon-y.
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I think these two gifs help illustrate my point lol.
After this exclusive animal obsession (followed by dinosaurs, and then dragons) I got really into Sonic the Hedgehog around age 11. Drew sonic characters, and made my own OCs for it, for basically the entirety of middle school. I've pointed out in the past that it seems the way I draw hands was heavily influenced by this phase
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Very round, almost rubbery, where the ends of the fingers tend to flare out a little bigger than they are at the knuckles.
Then after sonic, I got into my first anime, Soul Eater, and this is really where I first started venturing into drawing people and more realistic human anatomy.
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Interestingly, this artstyle seemed to also do the Sonic Hands thing, lol
After this I had a big anime phase, as well as just a general "I want to study actual human anatomy" phase during early high school. I was following a lot of skeletal/muscular system tutorials during this time.
Following that I started getting back into american media, in particular I remember invader zim, steven universe, and tmnt 2k12. I'm not sure I can really tell myself where the steven u artstyle is present in my own, but I've had people tell me they can tell I was into it at some point after saying so.
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Then there was the Rubberhose Boom of 2017, with the release of Cuphead and BATIM very close together; I had a big hyperfixation on that artstyle specifically at that time, and I feel like I may owe some of the loose-ness in my artstyle to that.
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Then, I suppose, we come to Rise of the TMNT. That show ended up being a major inspiration to me, and I think I owe a LOT of recent artistic growth to it. Rise pushed me out of my comfort zone big time. I always liked doing dynamic poses, but rise encouraged me to push things further, and I started drawing more backgrounds and making bolder color choices because of it as well.
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I think my artstyle became just a bit more angular after drawing so much fanart as well.
And I suppose that's where I'm now at presently! Aside from media, I also can't say I'd be where I am artistically today without the influence and support of my many friends. :) I owe a lot of things about my artstyle, particularly specific things like my lineart, to compliments my friends paid me which made me pay more attention to the things I was doing accidentally that they happened to like, then making it purposeful and more refined as a result.
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spadefish · 14 days
Get To Know Me Game
@omgkalyppso tagged me in this game ten million years ago.... sorry for my slowness LOL but thank you for the tag!!!!! I'm gonna tag.... @psycherprince @higurehige @trashdogpenultimate but feel free to ignore if u don't wanna do it!!
1. Are you named after anyone? My deadname is kind of based off of a city from a book, and my current name is a biblical name.
2. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday/today. I listened to Apex of the World + Id (Purpose) and got emotional, haha.
3. Do you have kids? No, and I do not ever want any. I would make an awful parent to human children. I'm kind of scared of kids? I respect them but I'm afraid of like, accidentally impacting them bc they're so impressionable.....
4. What sports do you play/have you played? I used to play on a baseball team before my disability made that more difficult. I also played tennis just for fun. I still miss tennis... (If archery counts, I also shoot recreationally.)
5. Do you use sarcasm? I used to use it a lot more but I think I use it less now...? I try to talk as literally as possible. If I DO use sarcasm, I try to be VERY obvious about it.
6. What is the first thing you notice about people? If they're making an effort to appear friendly or not. If I smile at a person and they don't smile back.
7. What's your eye color? Brown.
8. Scary movies or happy endings? ¿por qué no los dos? I'm a hurt/comfort bitch. That being said, I do like plenty of horror movies without happy endings...
9. Any talents? Eh... I don't think I have any 'talents'. I have things I'm skilled or semi-skilled in, but I don't think I'm just inherently good at anything.
10. Where were you born? St. Petersburg, Florida.
11. What are your hobbies? Drawing. Hiking. Birding/looking for animals + bugs in general. Cooking. I used to garden... I miss that, but I don't have a yard. I'm TRYING to make exercise regular enough to be considered a hobby, but it's not going well...
12. Do you have any pets? Mochi "The Baby" Von Coolwhip (cat), Niles (cat), Dr. Bright (carrot tail leopard gecko), and Corrin (corn snake).
13. How tall are you? 5'5". I wear boots that make me 5'8" when I leave the house, though.
14. Favorite subject in school? I had lots of favourites... English across the board, but in highschool specifically I loved my AP art classes, my law studies class, ASL, zoology, and marine bio.
15. Dream job? Hm. Some kind of field biology. Tagging and studying birds or bugs or something of that sort.
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knywriting · 2 years
Uni Majors {Hashira}
Modern au! What they each major in/general hcs
Kyojuro Rengoku
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He majors in either Theatre or Sport Science
Wants to help people in some form; whether that be temporary escapism through his performance or helping others to improve their own performance
Would always give it 150% with his usual unwavering enthusiasm
Probably got a scholarship to pay it off
Doesn't seem to struggle at all, actually thrives more than anything
Is the student who sits at the front and asks all the questions people are too anxious to ask
Takes on a leader-like position amongst the class
Excels in all his classes with good grades (80% on average)
Tengen Uzui
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He majors in either Music Production or Theatre
Unlike Kyojuro, it isn't for as a sweet reason as his, he simply knows he excels in captivating people and his hearing is a gift and he wants to put it too good use
He's extremely casual addressing his workload but somehow doesn't fall behind
The party animal on campus, who throws the most insane and fun parties for everyone; regardless if he knows them
The student who sits on his phone listening to music midway through the lecture at the back; but seems to understand everything anyway
His grades are nothing to write home about (70% on average), he just wants to pass enough to stay afloat
Obanai Iguro
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He'd definitely major in either Zoology or Psychology
When he graduated highschool, you can guarantee he was absolutely lost and didn't have any real ambitions for life
So he followed Mitsuri and his friends to Uni, and picked whatever looked the most interesting
He makes sure to work overtime in class and use his time well, so he has time to hangout with his friends here and there
Glares at any disruptive students during class and is seen as the teachers pet; even tho it's not his intention at all
Despite his shallow reasoning for studying, his grades are pretty impressive (89% on average)
Sanemi Shinazugawa
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He majors in Sport Science or Engineering
Probably got a lucky break and got a scholarship to pay it all off
Arrives to classes late, but once he walks in he's 100% focussed at the task at hand
Always super duper polite and formal to his professor and brings gifts to show his appreciation at the end of every term
Despises group projects as he finds himself way more reliable, will completely finish projects in one night cause it's eating away at him while he's trying to sleep
Always goes from a run after class and after long periods of sitting down studying; it helps him clear his mind (he dies inside if he sees a cute dog along the way <3)
Sanemi gets scolded for being so cold and rude to his classmates when it comes to group projects, but his intelligence and out of the box thinking is a gift that cannot be denied (85% on average)
Giyu Tomioka
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He majors in Literature or Criminology
Giyu finds beauty in looking beyond the surface and looking at the smaller details of the bigger picture; whether that be in criminal evidence or an abstract metaphor or symbolism
Tends to sit at the front of the class to avoid the troublemakers, and everyone tends to avoid him too
Always brings an ice coffee with him to class or the library when he's studying
Once he returns to his dorm, he tends to listen to crime podcasts while he's making and reviewing notes; it's therapeutic for him
He's hard on himself in every shape of the word, but no matter what grade he gets he's always very fast to bounce back and use this as a way to improve himself (88% on average)
Muichiro Tokito
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He majors in Philosophy or Psychology
Muichiro finds peace and beauty in pondering lifes biggest questions and trying to find a solution; he also finds this peace and beauty in examining the human mind
Sits at the back of the class and zones out, he tends to get held back by the professor for summaries and additional resources to catch him up
Keeps to himself most of the time, but because of his absentminded attitude people talk shit about him frequently; he isn't afraid to roast and humiliate them in front of everyone tho
Lays on his bed and stares at the ceiling in the daze for an hour or so before he attempts to read through all his resources to catchup
Although he is very intelligent and passionate. he simply loses track of assignments and tuning in to lectures so his grades aren't the best but acceptable (65% on average)
Gyomei Himejima
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He majors in Religious Studies or Child Development
Uses his head and figures all his years of experience would help him excel and eventually in the long run help people
Early to class and always very well dressed
Always very polite to everyone despite people finding him rather strange at first
Shares notes and tips with his classmates and is the class favourite by end of first term
He always finds time to meditate after a busy class and go to the gym; probably runs into Sanemi occasionally
Gyomei is adored by his professor and peers equally, there's nothing to pick at when it comes to him, he's always focussed when it comes to his studies too (85% on average)
Shinobu Kocho 
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She majors in either Nursing or Biology
Unlike any of the other Hashira, she wants to preserve her families history of specializing in medicine; in one fashion or another
Tends to sit at the front of the class to avoid the disruptive students, and takes extensive notes with diagrams
Although, she doesn't get visibly shaken, she's most defiantly stressed; so she's more prone to snapping but she just really needs to finish this assignment and a cup of coffee-
Tries her hardest to find some sort of academic and personal life balance by leaving every Saturday as her hang out night with her friends; so she can breathe and unwind
She's really hard on herself both as a med/bio student but as a person in general so she's not happy when it's "only" a 90% and not 100% (90% average)
Mitsuri Kanroji
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She majors in either Graphic Design or Fashion Design
Mitsuri really wants to help people somehow but in the end probably drops out from nursing cause she can't handle the gore; then switches to Graphic/Fashion Design cause it's fun
Has a tendency to fall behind in her studies because she day dreams a lot and gets distracted while studying and completing assignments
Sits in the middle of the room, not at the back but not at the front; takes simple notes and doodles in class
Confides in Shinobu and Obanai for relieving her academic stress, especially around exam season;
Despite the fuss she makes and how many ups and downs she faces she has a pretty solid grade average (76% average)
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jmenvs3000f23 · 7 months
Learning, growing, and sharing the passion🐛🦋(U10)
Reflecting on my journey of developing my personal stance as a nature interpreter, I realize my ethos is deeply rooted in storytelling. While I would absolutely consider myself smart and capable of any challenge thrown my way, I wouldn't claim to be the one to ask for a perfectly articulated summary of a concept, or a history (or stats oh gosh...)) But! I am your girl if you want to talk about animals or nature with the same excitement and perception shifts you had as a kid; when learning about something like dinosaurs or other planets for the very first time and feeling like your mind was blown, or maybe even that the person was just making stuff up because of how wild it seemed.
At it’s core, my passion sings when having the chance to discuss niche topics with open-minds that delve into things like evolution, coming from the perspective that there are so many mysteries out there that could be unraveled if you only cared to look.
Just this week, some of these topics for me and some peers have included trying to understand bird tetrachromacy (how and why they can see in UV), mammals returning to the water like whales and dolphins, or how?? Literally how??? lemurs got to Madagascar.
To me, it's not just about sharing information, but having fun in the process and getting to share what you learn about the animals and their exploits in ways that would rival the wildest fantasy stories.
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[Saw-whet owl wing under UV💡 ]
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[OG whale💪🏻 ]
I've been playfully dubbed the "zookeeper of knowledge" by a friend in this context, after spending far too many hours working on a project because we kept getting side-tracked and discussing things not necessarily needed, but so incredibly interesting. (And it’s probably a title I'd gladly claim if it weren't so corny to be honest.) Regardless, it summarizes my commitment to becoming a curator of the captivating craziness that the animal kingdom has to offer. With a bias but passionate zoological perspective, I strive to share my spark of curiosity. ✨
Beyond my zoology lens, I strive for a focus on eco-consciousness in the work that I do, hoping to bridge the gap between science and the public and to foster stronger connection with Mother Nature.
As for translating these passions to children, I’m a firm believer in both transparency and honesty. While it’s almost guaranteed they won’t enjoy their first climate change lesson, I think forming traits of environmental stewardship and the understanding that actions have environmental consequences in children is critical if we want our passion for nature to be held by future generations. I remember my first lonely polar bear on a drifting ice berg video, and yes I was sad….but it left a vivid mark on my consciousness, shaping my understanding of the environmental challenges we face and it very likely brought me to where I am today.
Speaking of inspiring children, I cannot hold myself back as I have to show you guys what I found last week!
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[Zoologist Barbie!!!!!!!!💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗]
I'm not even that much of a Barbie fan but I think now I have to be! I would have exploded with joy if I had this as I kid! I mean, if Barbie is doing it, I can't even imagine how many little girls will now be exposed to the possibility of studying zoology or similar topics and I won't lie...I could cry 🥹 (not to mention how close the koala is to a lemur and my personal goals regarding that....interesting......verrry interesting 🔮)
Though I still think going outside with curiosity in mind is the number one way to develop a relationship with nature, I’d consider things and representations like this even more important in places like cities, where natural spaces are becoming less and less accessible due to never-ending infrastructure and the digital domination of screens and virtual experiences.
The allure of video games and online platforms often out-win outdoor activities at least in my own anecdotal experience, raising concerns about the disconnect between the younger generation and the natural world. I think environmental educators are becoming more and more important in schools, and I believe they play a pivotal role in counteracting this trend, as they offer opportunities for a child to focus on wonders within the natural world. I had a hard time myself trying to sound reasonable to many of my friends and family as a kid when saying I wanted to study animals and nature since technology was progressing so quickly and I was viewed as looking backwards.
and so I think this doll (or things similar) can reinspire or hold that flame when kids aren't yet to sure if they'll find a nice outdoor spot to explore, an educator excited to answer questions, or a community like Guelph that embraces natural sciences so much.
In my opinion, harsh climate crisis truths can surely be sugar-coated for young minds to an extent, but to completely wait until their old enough to ‘actually understand’ is just providing the perfect opportunity for a child to become a distracted or oblivious teenager or adult. Again, this is my opinion but at this point in time, in a current climate crisis with almost no signs of slowing down, being an adult in a country like Canada and purposely ignoring it is NOT cool!!
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Now, we don’t have to live every moment with the weight of the world on our shoulders, and I don’t wish that on anyone! But I believe the absolute bare minimum is to consider our actions in relation to nature and provide the next generation the building blocks and exposure they'll need to make environmentally conscious choices. Concepts like reusable water bottles over disposable plastic ones, not littering, and realizing our planet belongs to others too aren’t scary things and if anything, promote cultures of care and community. These seemingly simple ideas start to lay the foundation for responsible and conscious individuals to gladly carry the torch of environmental awareness into the future!
Anyways, that's what's up with me, and so I hope you've found at least one thing on my blog that made you think about, reconsider, or learn something, and maybe even want to go hug a tree 💝🐛
Works cited
Johnson, N. A., Lahti, D. C., & Blumstein, D. T. (2012). Combating the Assumption of Evolutionary Progress: Lessons from the Decay and Loss of Traits. Evolution Education & Outreach, 5(1), 128–138. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12052-011-0381-y
Northern saw-whet owl outstretched wing under blacklight, by Seabrook Leckie, Attribution-NonCommercal-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic license, https://www.flickr.com/photos/rustyblackbird/
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Meet the Writer Tag
Thank you to @blind-the-winds
Rules: Use this picrew to make yourself and answer the questions!
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Three fun facts about me:
I am currently learning how to write in proper Scots, which is a lot harder than it looks or sounds. It's not something I was taught how to do at school, but we certainly read enough of it for me to have picked up some basics.
I went to the University of Edinburgh for my degree and I studied Biological Sciences with my Honours year being spent specialising in Zoology. I've never had a job that required it, but I did learn a lot and I like to use some of what I learned about ecology, animal behaviour, genetics and general biology to put some of it into my worldbuilding.
Despite having been formally diagnosed with Dyspraxia (aka 'Clumsy Child Syndrome as it was known in the early 90s) as a child, I have never actually broken any bones or had any injuries serious enough to require hospitalisation *knocks on the nearest bit of wood available*. Do not ask me how I have managed this because my spatial awareness is basically non-existent.
Favourite season: Autumn because it still gets sunny and all the plants have stopped spread pollen everywhere.
Continent where I live: Europe
How I spend my time: When I'm not writing, I'm either playing FFXIV or some tabletop game. I spend two nights a week GM-ing and one night every fortnight playing in another. I also play tabletop wargames, usually Warhammer 40k, but my group are trying to encourage more of us to get into Age of Sigmar and smaller skirmish games.
Are you published?: A few times. I got a poem published while I was in Secondary school and I've been published in the Baby Bestiary a couple of times.
Introvert or Extrovert: Mostly Introvert with some extrovert tendencies that were hammered into me as a kid. My family are all very extroverted so I got dragged into social situations a lot.
Favourite Meal: Tuna Pasta (salad to differentiate it from the casserole bake). I could quite happily live off the stuff if it wasn't so fattening. Otherwise, put pretty much anything sweet in front of me and it will probably disappear pretty quickly.
Tagging, no pressure: @druidx (if you haven't done this already, I can't remember), @ashirisu, @asher-orion-writes and @thesorcerersapprentice
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Happy STS! I’m currently obsessing over this myself, so I’ve decided to infect others with it too~ In a College AU of Phagophobia, what would the characters look like? what are their majors, their study habits, party habits, are they a TA or a professor? Who is trying to find the rumored tunnels under the campus for ghost hunting purposes? Go wild!
Ah, the good old college/uni AU! I've been enjoying reading about your versions of this as well.
I took your advice and went a bit into the weeds with this, so long post under the cut.
Isaac would be a zoology major and TA who's working on his masters or doctorate probably. Partly because he's a nerd, but also because he'd be dragging his feet on going out into the "real" world. Just like in Phagophobia, he's a workaholic due to avoiding emotional issues. His best friend Elfy has to drag him out to have fun by the scruff of his neck.
Renato would be majoring in marine biology...no, wait, too hard. Psychology then. Or maybe a language would be more fun? Well, as you can see, he's undecided, much to the annoyance of his father, Dean Mergus. His grades aren't terrible, but they aren't above average either--yet another point of tension at home. The only subjects Renato truly applies himself to and excels at are being popular and getting invited to every party on campus.
Elfy might go after a history doctorate, and definitely somehow bullied the school into opening parapsychology classes, or at least allowing a club for the subject. This might have something to do with the local ghost/historical tours she's created bringing in a good bit of money. She's currently obsessed with proving there's an entity haunting the anthropology floor of the math/sciences building, and drags Isaac along on many of her spooky stake outs.
Dorian is a paleontology undergrad and the founder of a few popular social clubs. They meet Isaac through Elfy, and the two bond over being meganerds for their particular fields. Dorian has no idea Isaac immediately develops a crush on them, but Elfy helpfully goads Isaac into volunteering for some of Dorian's club events (where he eventually runs into Renato).
Professor Yi teaches cultural anthropology and has a reputation for being tough and intimidating on the outside, but relatively soft and chewy inside. She's the one who allows Elfy to roam around the anthropology floor after hours since she admires Elfy's enthusiasm and ability to get others excited about history. And maybe she wouldn't mind asking Elfy out one of these days for coffee or something. Yi often clashes with the stuffy academia old guard who want things done a certain way, even if it's clear that way isn't effective.
Professor Ott, aka Kinslayer, is the head of the psychology department. Their studies are infamous for leaving unsuspecting undergrads either emotionally shattered or wiser, if haunted. Even more than potentially seeing a ghost, Isaac dreads running into Ott whenever he's in the sciences building since they developed a keen interest in getting him to participate in their studies from the get-go.
As for plotlines, it could go a lot of ways. It would probably start with Isaac being in a rut, just studying, working, and only hanging out with Elfy. Then he gets introduced to Dorian and starts coming out of his risk-adverse routine...only to have Renato collide with his life. Accidently get him in trouble somehow? I don't know, but Renato would screw something up and then proceed to make things progressively worse while attempting to make it up to Isaac. There might be a case of "pretending we're dating to impress my dad" along the way. It becomes clear that just as Isaac's using school to avoid anxieties and dealing with his issues, Renato's doing much the same albeit expressing it differently. Slowly, their interactions become less prickly as they grow to understand each other and themselves better. Not to mention catch some feelings.
Ott would eventually corner Isaac, not on campus but by running into him while out and about unexpectedly. Perhaps during a speed dating event Elfy ropes him into? Isaac is terrified that he's going to be Hannibal Lectered, and Ott does seem to enjoy toying with him a bit. But it eventually turns out that Ott is just a really insightful psychologist with no nefarious intentions. They explain that the freshmen who are supposedly "shattered" by meeting them are just young people who are usually out in the real world for the first time on their own. Of course they're going to have bigger reactions to experiences they've never been exposed to before. Isaac and Ott become friends, hanging out away from school and talking about all sorts of subjects. This culminates in Elfy, Dorian, and Renato barging in to "rescue" Isaac later on because they believe he's been brainwashed by Ott. Misunderstanding hijinks ensue.
At AU's end, nobody would be explicitly paired up, though the possibility for romance in the future between Isaac and Renato, as well as Isaac and Dorian would be heavily implied. The real payoff to the college experience would be bonding with others as an adult, and the characters having more of a sense of who they are and what sort of future they want to make for themselves.
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mystic-for-dummies · 9 months
Meet the Witch
(Saw someone else make a post like this and I thought it looked fun.)
September 2023 Name: Caelan Age: 23 Birthday: October 31st (yes, for real) Pronouns: My pronouns change from day to day. Check my pinned post. Astrological Signs: Scorpio Sun, Leo Moon, Virgo Rising, Sagittarius is the most common sign in my chart. Deities: Apollo, Loki, Lucifer, and Nyarlathotep
Witchy Facts About Me:
The element I feel the strongest connection to is fire.
I usually don't give exact, specific ingredients, words, etc when sharing spells. I feel like it's just going to discourage people who don't have access to certain items, can't perform specific acts, or can't memorize words very well.
I'm very interested in divination, especially astrology, tarot, oracle decks, and scrying.
I actually rarely work with my deities in witchcraft. That's more of a religious thing, and I don't always mix my religion and my craft. I'm more interested in working with my pre-Christian Irish ancestors. Nyarlathotep does give me very useful advice for my craft, though.
I'm not going to hesitate to hex a corrupt politician, an abuser, or anyone who unapologetically makes the world a worse place. No, you're not going to convince me that it's going to come back to me. It never has before, and I don't believe it will in the future.
As a heads-up, if you are a "love and light, never do harm ever" type of witch, this is probably not the blog for you. I don't think that you're any less valid or respectable for being that kind of witch; I just want you to know upfront that I am not that kind of witch and that I will most likely never be that kind of witch.
I try to take potential disabilities into consideration when writing spells, rituals, and other magical activities. It often feels like, when I read witchcraft books, the author will say that you have to do something a specific way. Like, "you have to do a bath ritual for this to work," or "you have to meditate first." And that completely fails to consider that some people aren't objecting to these things because they don't want to do them; they're protesting because they literally cannot do the tasks that the author says that they must do.
My Favorite WC Books
The Crooked Path by Kelden
Besom, Stang, and Sword by Christopher Orapello and Tara-Love Maguire
Of Blood and Bones by Kate Freuler
Weave The Liminal by Laura Tempest Zakroff
Fun Facts About Me
I'm autistic and ADHD, and I have dyscalculia.
My hobbies include reading, writing, video games, drawing, painting, makeup, cooking, worldbuilding, and TTRPGs (D&D, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, Tales of Xadia, City of Mist, World of Darkness, Shadowrun).
My interests and things I study besides WC: medical science, biology, zoology, botany, world history, world mythology, literature, cultures both ancient and modern, folklore, psychology, neurodiversity, and LGBTQ+ history, culture, and current issues.
I have Christian religious trauma and now I'm allergic to most things Christian. Also I'm allergic to pollen.
I'm studying Spanish, Italian, Japanese, and Irish.
My favorite genre of anything (movies, books, shows, games, etc) is Fantasy.
I'm currently writing a novel.
I hope to someday make an Indie animated series.
I have a dog.
My Favorite Books (in no particular order)
The Realm of the Elderlings series by Robin Hobb
The Legend of Drizzt series by R.A. Salvatore
Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles
Stephen King's novels
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
Neil Gaiman's novels
Discworld series by Terry Pratchett
The Hobbit
The Lord of the Rings
The Hot Zone
The Outsiders
My Favorite Video Games
The Legend of Zelda
Kingdom Hearts
Final Fantasy
God of War
Skyrim / The Elder Scrolls
Don't Starve
Fran Bow
My Favorite Shows and Movies
The Owl House
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Fullmetal Alchemist
The Dragon Prince
Errementari: The Blacksmith and the Devil
Annihilation (2018)
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Most Ghibli movies
The Silence of the Lambs
The Last Voyage of the Demeter
The entire Jurassic Park movie franchise
John Carpenter's The Thing
Soul Eater
Black Clover
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Favorite species ever: -no germ layers, no tissues, no organs… no problems! -only one species in the phylum described, unique as hell -a lot of cilia cause those are dope -doesn’t have a mouth, has a “mouth” -actually observed only once by this one dude -probably doesn’t exist
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funfactskiddos1705 · 2 years
My style/bunny/ creek/ South Park head cannons (though no one asked). These are also not all of them . Also I have not finished the TV series and have not watched the movies being new to the fandom. 💚💙
- He had always known that he had feelings for Kyle, especially when Cartman picked on Kyle, but always thought it was just friendship (super best friendship).
- When he gets drunk he always calls Kyle to pick him up, and in turn usually stays the night with Kyle in his bed.
- Secretly always tries to be close with Kyle, and even tries to spoon him when they sleep.
- In college, Kyle and him live together , and adopt a dog named Philip, Stan chose the name.
- Makes the first move in the relationship, hoping that Kyle has the same feelings for him (he does) and kisses him first, throwing up afterwards in Kyle’s bedroom trashcan.
- He is bi but he only truly has eyes on Kyle.
- Thinks it cute when Kyle is angry.
- Has bad grades but never lets Kyle get a bad score on anything that they work on together, knowing how important it is to Kyle.
- Always has snacks on him incase Kyle’s blood sugar gets low.
- Loves to play with Kyle’s hair, especially running his hands through it.
- Celebrates Hanukkah/Chanukah, and other Jewish Holidays with Kyle and his family.
- Stan drives everyone around (except Cartman) in a banged up Ford F-150 that his Uncle Jimbo and Ned helped him fix up.
- He sucks at giving gifts, and usually buys books for Kyle or something that they need for the house.
- When they grow older, they stop wearing their hats, but Stan kept them in the closet and sometimes just likes to touch Kyle’s Ushanka and think about when they were kids.
- He is always trying to bring home stray animals that he says “follows” him home. Kyle believed him at first, until Stan forgot to take the bologna out of his pocket before Kyle washed his jeans. That put a stop to that method, all though they do have a bunch of stray cats that Stan and Kyle named, a possum that lives out by the back porch (named Mysterion) and a raccoon that is sometimes seen in the trashcan that they named Eric.
- Though they had a dog and cat in college, they moved into Stan’s childhood home, after he left Tegridy Farms at 18 in the midst of his parents divorce. Which meant they had more room for pets. They have the original cat and dog from college, with a “few” new friends that Stan picked up along the way. They in total have 3 dogs (Philip, Marshal and Winifred) and two cats(Terrance and Sigmund) plus two ferrets (Sprite and Gib)that Kyle adores to death but will never let Stan know.
- He volunteers at the local animal societies, giving his free time to the dogs and cats that he hopes will be adopted someday… by him.
- In college Stan studied biology and zoology, though he only got his bachelors.
- When Kyle and him got married, he refuses to let his dad attend the service, hating his father, he even decided to take Kyle’s last name.
- Stan has a tattoo of a golf club with a crown of thorns around it (High Jew Elf King), with a kite in the background (human kite) on his left arm, and a green heart on his chest.
- Stan is a stay-at-home dad who loves to do crafts with their kids, trying to teach them when their younger with fun shapes and colors.
- Stan is not the person to go to for homework help, but he is still active in the kids life’s. He packs them lunches everyday, drives them to school, picks them up, and drives them to and from practice.
- He coaches little league, but never makes the team feel bad about losing the game. He always takes them out to pizza afterwards, with Kyle, who is always cheering on the game at the sidelines.
- Was the first to come out, though it was kinda obvious from the start, with him never really holding a relationship with a girl.
- He always wondered if Cartman had outted him out of knowing or just being an asshole.
- Knew that he had feelings for Stan before puberty, but it was confirmed during when he started to only think about him when alone in his room with a bottle of lotion.
- Hates germs unless it’s involved with Stan.
- Is a sweet person until someone fucks with Stan and then all hell breaks loose.
- While living together in college they have a dog and Kyle adopts a cat and names the cat Terrance.
- Stan is the only person that can calm Kyle down when he’s mad.
- Kyle hates to cry, he feels like it’s a sign of weakness and only has cried in front of Stan and Sheila.
- Is obsessed with becoming Valedictorian, and his grades are really important to him.
- Stan used to give Kyle insulin shots (for his Type 1 diabetes) but then convinced him to get an insulin pump.
- Kyle hates his hair, but never cuts it too short because he loves when Stan runs his fingers through it.
- Though he is Jewish, he doesn’t stick to Kosher diet unless it’s Passover.
- Celebrates Christmas/ Easter with Stan and his family, but never really understood the hype. He just wants to make Stan happy.
- When gift giving he always gives something that he know people will use.
- When Stan and him got married, though it was wished that they would have a religious ceremony, they opted to have a courthouse wedding.
- Always has to remind Stan to take his anti-depressants in the morning.
- He had a blue heart in the same place as Stan’s green one, and a tattoo of yellow safety googles and a tool-belt (Tool-Shed) on top of a shiny sword (Stan Marshwalker)
- In college Kyle studied psychology and sociology, getting his masters in both. His concentration was in child psychology and development. (He works close with CPS and helped Kenny win his case.)
- Kyle is the main bread winner as a therapist and the school consular (working closely with Butters) he tries not to bring work home, but sometimes he gets overwhelmed and just cries on Stan’s chest.
- When he has an ounce of free time, he likes to write memoirs about his childhood adventures in South Park and all the crazy things that happened to them. He never thought they’d be published, but Cartman secretly did it for him as a gesture of good faith.
- Kyle is very active in their kid’s lives, taking time off work to watch them play sports/ ceremonies. He is always helping them with school work after work, and makes sure to read them stories before bed.
- Kyle is the parent that always shows up to Parent Day (you know the one where parents talk about their job and things). He is also the first one to talk to the teacher.
- has an undying crush on Kyle and would do anything to have Kyle as his, though of course Kyle doesn’t feel the same way.
- Teases Kyle about being gay but would never come out of the closet. Though everyone knows, he still denies it.
- He can’t keep a relationship so he just decided that being single, and fantasying, is the way to go for him.
- Is jealous of Stan being with Kyle, and will take every opportunity to try and make him jealous, even though sometimes it doesn’t work. Often times going to great lengths, at one memorable point, he even went so far as to send anonymous gifts to their house addresses for Kyle, inside he would find a teddy bear, with I love you on it. (After asking Stan if he bought it and Stan telling him no, he went out and threw the thing away.)
- Though he has confessed his feeling multiple times, it never fails to strike Kyle off guard when he does. He always went to extreme lengths to try to prove his “love” or what Kyle would call obsession to a dangerous point. Which led Kyle to start to try to avoid him, especially at the beginning of him and Stan’s relationship, which just made Cartman want him more.
- Sometimes Cartman has gone as far as to stalk Kyle at home, at work, anywhere to get a glimpse of him, even asking Butters where he might be (thinking maybe he would know since they work together).
- When saying the “I dos” at Stan and Kyle’s wedding, he busted through the courthouse doors, even though he wasn’t invited, and objected. He went on with a whole speech about how he was in love with Kyle, while slurring his words from being drunk, and ended up throwing up in the middle of it.
- Still lives at home with Liane, until she got too sick and he couldn’t take care of her anymore. Eventually he just took over the new house, though he only needed one room.
- While everyone was away at college, he decided that it wasn’t for him. He created his own business, selling stuffed animals, and was a big success.
- He also volunteers his free time at the local animal shelter, only with the cats though, and even fosters them.
- Butter’s and him are still close, usually giving him free stuffed animals for his classroom. (The main reason being maybe to see Kyle in the hallway and tease him.) But he also knew how much stuffed animals helped him through his childhood.
- He keeps all the prototypes of his stuff animals and, especially when he get lonely, still has tea parties with him.
- Has lost contact with almost everyone at school, but keeps Kyle’s birthday in mind and always send some sort of romantic gift. He also sends the kids some of his stuffed animals on Christmas (he never knows if they keep them or not)
- He never lost his unusual gift of immortality, dying often (though no one seems to remember it), yet instead of waking up at his parents house, he wakes up in the two story house him and Leo (Butters) share together.
- He is one of the only people who calls, Butter’s his significant other, Leo.
- He is protective around Leo, from a very young age, and hates Cartman even mentioning his name.
- Went to court after he turned 18 to get custody of Karen to make sure that she had a better life and opportunity than he did. Making sure to attend every “parent” teacher conference and be active in her schooling. With Butter’s and him, they could figure something out, and if not, they would just ask Stan or Kyle for help.
- (I just find this to be accurate but I can’t find a reason why he would be in war/ this happened before he went to college) He also served for a time as a sniper, an expert marksman, though he rarely is seen with a weapon now.
- In college he majored in quantum physics and theology, trying to find an answer to this “gift” that he has. Though he came up with nothing, he did invent the first machine to break the space time continuum, proving his point.
- Though he is canonically poor in SP, you might be wondering how he got into college, he got a full ride to the University of Denver, due to his essay on the space time continuum, stating that there is really no time, just the concept of it.
- The house that Butters, Karen (she moved in with them once Kenny got custody of her) and him share has a basement that is littered with “Kenny’s ramblings” as Butters calls them. The walls are lined with chalkboard paint, and there is equations written all over them, along with bits and pieces of machinery. All of Kenny’s little inventions.
- Kenny hates the Stoches, so much so that he and Butters cut all ties with them when Butters turn 18.
- He has a tattoo on his left bicep of the Ankh and another on his chest (left side next to his heart) of a small lion that Leo once drew him.
- He tries to stay away from alcohol or drugs due to his parents addiction, but ended up getting addicted to Marbol reds. He does drink on special occasions, but limits himself.
- Kenny, Leo, Stan and Kyle are still close friends, even going on double dates.
- Kenny is known to Stan and Kyle’s children as the “fun” uncle, because he’s always trying to get them to invent something. He also loves telling them stories and taking them on “adventures”.
- He calls Kenny, Ken and his angel.
- He is blind in one eye (as seen in Good Times with Weapons) when his eye was pierced with a throwing star. He never got a glass eye though, as he knew that his friends would knock it out, take it and tease him with it. Instead he let the scar symbolize thst he’s not as weak and his friends think him to be (or at least that’s what he told Kenny, when asked about the reason why). Truth was that his parents blamed it on him, never wanting to get it properly treated.
- He attended college and become a kindergarten teacher at South Park Elementary, he loves kids, but doesn’t want any. He also majored in nursing, before deciding where his heart really belonged, getting a degree in both, so he works as a PRN nurse at Hell’s Pass.
- Butters and Karen do most of the cooking, since the kitchen has knives and flames and well anything else that could send Kenny into the hospital.
- He is often times already there when Kenny has one of his accidents, which ends him up in the hospital. Some machine going wrong or just ignoring safety precautions.
- He has a fear of marriage and having kids, so though they live together, and are common law married, Butters is terrified of ending up like his parents.
- Though he fears having kids, he sees Karen as there “child”. He tries his best with her and tries to make sure that she is never neglected, sometimes he tries to hard, but it makes Kenny smile and Karen feel loved.
- Years of emotional abuse and neglect made Butters fear confrontation, which lead him to be scared when Kenny and him got into a fight. Kenny learned how to adapt his behavior to this.
- Sometimes, most of the time, Butters has nightmares about his parents, which will lead to nightmares of him screaming and thrashing. Kenny doesn’t sleep well as it is, so he always holds him and comforts him.
- Butter’s fears being neglected/ ignored, so Kenny does everything in his power to have him included in everything he does.
- He is terrified to go down to the basement due to the mess of it.
- He has on tattoo, an orange marigold (butter’s knowing that marigolds mean positive energy) with a bandaid over it (for all of the times he’d patched up Kenny). Kenny went with him for his tattoo, and though Butters didn’t like the loud noise of the machine, he loves the tattoo. It is in the same place as Kenny’s lion.
- Kenny and Butters often babysit Stan and Kyle’s children if they want a night to themselves. The kids call them Funcle Kenny and Uncle Butters.
- Uncle Butters loves playing “pretend” with the kids, but usually has Kenny try and make it real just for the hell of it.
- Tweek still works at Tweek and Bros coffee company, even after the passing of his father, he inherited the company.
- Tweek and Bros has a secret recipe that no one, not even Craig knows. (Though many assume that it is either a high dose of caffeine or meth.)
- Tweek has severe anxiety, going into anxiety attacks at the drop of a pin, but he has been going to therapy to try and help. His therapist told him that caffeine may be effecting his symptoms, but he refuses to listen, saying that he is nothing with his two C’s, coffee and Craig.
- As a way to cope with stress, Tweek knits, which explains why every single one of their animals has sweaters on in the winter. He even knits them hats.
- If he finds the time, sometimes he will knit sweaters for Craig to wear, usually just something plain, but he loves to make ugly Christmas sweaters.
- Tweek and Craig decided that they wanted baby guinea pigs, which was a huge mistake, and now they have multiple. Tweek got emotionally attached to them the minute they were born, naming them by the second, so Craig had to run to the pet store to buy even more cages and food for their growing family.
- He usually carries around at least one of their Guinea pigs in his shirt pocket when he’s home, but sometimes before work he forgets to put them back, so he will get startled when he feels his pocket move, just to reveal a member of his little family. He’ll smile kiss it’s little head, most of the time people know he has one in his pocket, but if it’s a busy day, he calls Craig to pick up their child.
- His whole body still twitches like when he was a kid, but he has learned to control it somewhat. At least enough to not dump scolding hot spill coffee all over his shirt like before. But he does end up with bruises and scrapes (some people actually believed at first that Craig was abusing him until they started to realize that Tweek was accident prone.)
- He stays up, falling asleep at odd hours, due to the coffee, but only when he stays up past 24 hours does he see the “gnomes”, which Craig has hypothesized is just sleep deprivation mixed with over stimulation from coffee.
- Working with people has helped him with his stutter, but some out-of-towner’s still can’t understand him and complain.
- At Tweek and Bros he sometimes sells pastries that Butters makes. Butters does it to help the shop make a little bit more money.
- Karen works part time (after school). Tweek loves the company (and the help), and will often sit and talk with her about how Kenny was growing up.
- He tries to be a cynical asshole, but every time Tweek is involved he is a big ol’ softie.
- He would do anything for Tweek, ANYTHING, down to him researching how to help with onset anxiety attacks so he can better help Tweek.
- Craig doesn’t work at Tweek and Bros, but he is their number one customer, sitting there whenever he can, drinking coffee or coca-cola that he buys himself and keeps in the mini fridge in the back, watching Tweek at work.
- He calls himself the “complaint department” because if anyone has a problem with Tweek, he’s the one that they have to deal with.
- Craig works as a mechanic and owns his own shop, so he works when he wants and as long as he wants.
- Originally he was running his shop out of their garage, but the noises scared Tweek so much that he moved it away so that Tweek wouldn’t go into panic attacks.
- He always asks Tweek to make him coffee in the morning before work.
- Craig likes the normalcy of his life, but he loves that Tweek is a little adventure. He calls him the spark in his life.
- He always makes sure Tweek knows that he loves him (especially when he goes through anxiety attacks or overstimulation). He’ll whisper sweet things into his ear as he holds him and tells him everything will be okay, and that’s he’s safe. Craig would let nothing ever happen to him.
- It was Craig’s idea to take Christmas photos, with the family, which took over two hours to just get all the guinea pigs in their sweaters and hats. The picture turned out… decent, but that was the last time.
- Throughout high school and college, he through the best parties.
- He moved outta state after college and no one hears from him much.
- He sends Christmas cards, showing that he has a family and 3 children.
- He is married to Nicole Daniels (now Black) who designs app, though mostly games.
- Is soulatorian, even though she strives to be Valedictorian, she knows how important it is to Kyle and even cries at his speech when he thanks her.
- Kyle and Stan always wanted to have children so she became their surrogates.
- Stan and her are good friends, even after the breakup, and she always suspected that he liked Kyle.
- She is actively involved in Stan and Kyle’s children’s life’s, they understand that she is their mother but calls her their aunt, no one bats an eye.
- Wendy and the boys (Stan and Kyle) decided that it would be nice to have two kids, one of them being Stan’s DNA and one being Kyle’s.
- Wendy stayed at their house during this so that Stan and Kyle knew she was okay and they also helped her with her pregnancy.
- Wendy was artificially inseminated, so that she could still be a surrogate but without sex.
- Wendy’s first baby (Stan’s DNA) has Stan’s blue eyes and dark thick locks. The couple names their first child (a boy) Keneth, after Kenny. He grows up to look very similar to Stan, besides having Wendy’s nose. His personality takes more after Kyle, even down to his temper, but his love of sports reflects his biological father, even becoming football and baseball captain.
- Wendy and the boys (Stan and Kyle’s) second kid has Kyle’s DNA. She is a green eyed, curly haired, ball of joy. They name her Sheron, a combination of both of their mother’s names. She takes after Stan with her love of music and animals. She isn’t interred in sports, but always sits at the sidelines with Kyle. She becomes captain of the debate team, thought and wins multiple academic awards. She is more passive that her brother and biological father, and has most of Stan’s personality.
- She never got married, blaming it on her job as a lawyer in Denver, taking time off during her pregnancies.
- Back at her apartment in Denver, she has a cat that she named Meowth Bader, after the Supreme Court justice .
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