#trilance fanfic
dxncingwithastrxnger · 11 months
OKAY SO. New Trilance story coming soon!!!! I know I haven’t updated my other two yet, but don’t worry, I will be doing that soon!!! I just took a little break from writing for a few weeks, but I’m coming back!! And I’m bringing a new story or two with me as well 😌 This is just a little sneak peek atm, I’m still working on the first chapter, but here’s some of it!!! I’m not actually gonna put all the song lyrics throughout the chapter (unless y’all want me to? 👀), but I just couldn’t help but do it in the sneak peek cause it all just fits so well. Like, you cannot tell me that Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey ISN’T a trilance song. But anyways, lemme know what y’all think and if you want me to tag you when I finally post the actual chapter, please let me know!!!! Tagging @darkelf-7 as promised 💖✨
Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?
Lance takes a step towards Tristan and grabs his left hand, holding it up beside them. Tristan turns his hand and intertwines their fingers together, giving Lance a slight nod afterwards.
Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul?
The blonde then reaches for Tristan’s right hand, taking it and placing it onto his left shoulder. The silver-haired prince gives his shoulder a squeeze, smiling at the other boy reassuringly.
I know you will, I know you will, I know that you will
Then Lance reaches forward and gently places his free hand on Tristan’s side, right at his waist. Now Tristan’s breath hitches, and he gives Lance an almost shy look. Lance gives the silverette’s side a slight squeeze, just as Tristan had done to his shoulder, and the blonde watches with eyes of wonder as Tristan gasps slightly, the spark between them crackling in the air like a tangible thing.
Will you still love me when I'm no longer beautiful?
After one beat, two, like an unspoken signal, they both started stepping. One step, two steps, three steps, the two of them move around each other in the empty room. Almost like a slow, deliberate game of chase. Lance trying to catch Tristan, only to stop and move away as Tristan comes towards him instead.
Dear Lord, when I get to heaven
Tristan was breathless. Not from the exertion of dancing, no. This was nothing compared to sword training and running obstacles. This was something else entirely. How could he ever catch his breath when Lancelot was looking at him like that? All he could see in the other man’s eyes is love, affection, and a simmering heat that was slowly building. The prince was certain that he was giving the same exact look back to the man in front of him.
Please let me bring my man
Lancelot lifts their joined hands and spins Tristan around and away from him. As Tristan is pulled back into his arms, he gives Lancelot a coy smile, looking up at him through his long lashes. Lancelot’s pupils widened slightly and his lips twitch up slightly, a bit of his usual arrogance coming back into his expression.
When he comes, tell me that you'll let him in
A few moments later, as they come back to the middle of the room, Lancelot suddenly pushes forward and a small yelp escapes Tristan’s lips as he’s pushed back, both of his feet just barely on the ground. He looks at Lance, hovering above him with a slight smirk, his entire arm around Tristan’s middle section, holding him up, the other still holding his hand.
Father, tell me if you can
Whereas before he was breathless, now his lungs were in overdrive, his breath coming out in short, shallow puffs of air. Then Lance takes his hand out of Tristan’s and starts trailing it slowly along the other man’s arm. The touch is light and soft, just there enough to leave a burning trail of goosebumps in it’s wake. Up his arm and then across his shoulder until he’s reached Tristan’s side. The prince held his breath now as Lance starts trailing his hand down further, towards his hip.
Oh, that grace
Lance locks eyes with Tristan as he brings his hand to the silverette’s hip, slotting his thumb into the line indent there. The blonde-haired man watches with rapt attention as the prince’s eyes widen, the black of his eyes slowly growing over the blue and green, and he chokes on his next breath.
Oh, that body
The blonde continues his hands original path, trailing gentle fingers past Tristan’s hip and down along the outside of his thigh. Tristan’s chest heaves, his breath quickening as he waits for what Lance is doing, filled with anticipation. Lance slides his hand underneath Tristan’s knee, pulling up and bringing it around his own hip, bringing the two of them closer together than before. Tristan immediately locks his leg, keeping it there.
Oh, that face makes me wanna party
They’re so close now, their bodies almost entirely pressed together. Lancelot leans down and presses his forehead into Tristan’s, allowing them to feel each other’s heartbeat against their own chest. Lancelot brings his hand up from Tristan’s knee and instead presses it to his cheek instead, cradling his face tenderly. Tristan mimics the action with his free hand and the two of them stay just like that, holding each other without a care in the world.
He's my sun, he makes me shine like diamonds
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arttye06k · 4 months
Just some story of trilance i wrote
But it's in portuguese, so just translate it, don't be that lazy
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Percival tinha acordado no meio da noite. Por mais que o seu primeiro dia em Liones tivesse sido extremamente longo, não conseguia voltar a dormir. Talvez fosse a recente excitação que esquentava seu sangue que estivesse o mantendo acordado.
Na mesma hora em que abriu os olhos depois de várias tentativas de cair no sono, decidiu levantar, avistando Lancelot na porta.
— Sin? — Perguntou enquanto esfregava os olhos.
— Ah, achei que estivesse dormindo.
O loiro deu meia volta.
— Não consegui — Percival sorriu. — Mas por que você está acordado?
— Eu ia chamar vocês para ir comer algo. Mas como estavam dormindo...
— Eu posso ir comer com você! - O garoto imediatamente se levantou, ficando de pé na cama. — Sabe, eu estou morrendo de fome.
Lancelot soltou um riso fraco e baixo.
— É melhor você dormir. Foi um dia cansativo.
— Aah...! — Percival resmungou, a expressão suavizando enquanto ele esperneava.
— "Ah" nada. Vai dormir logo.
— Ei, Sin — O esverdeado voltou a deitar-se na cama, encarando as orbes vermelhas do loiro. — Por que não nos contou antes sobre ser um cavaleiro do apocalipse? E sobre Tristan?
O loiro suspirou, percebendo que devia ao menos tê-lo dado alguma explicação prévia. Bem, agora já foi.
— Por nenhum motivo... que eu já não tenha te falado.
O loiro se escorou na porta.
— Você não gosta do Tristan? — Percival foi direto. Estava curioso sobre muitas coisas: Principalmente a relação do príncipe com Lancelot. — Ele parecia muito feliz em te ver.
— Percy... não comece com esse tipo de pergunta — Lancelot desviou o olhar. Não queria se abrir. Ainda não. — Durma. Eu também já estou indo dormir.
— Eu ainda quero saber.
O garoto se deitou com um suspiro pesado. A curiosidade não o deixaria em paz.
Enquanto isso, Lancelot deu uma curta risada. Ele estava indo para um encontro secreto. Mas não poderia dizer aquilo para Percival.
— A verdade é que eu realmente gosto dele.
O loiro pensou em voz alta enquanto se aproximava de uma rua próxima ao castelo.
— Gosta de quem, Lance?
A voz por trás de si lhe pegou de surpresa. Só existia uma pessoa que fazia isso.
— Já está aqui, Tristan. Pensei que iria chegar atrasado como sempre faz.
— Haha, não dessa vez.
O de cabelos prateados deu um sorriso.
— E então? O que quer fazer?
— Quero te levar em uma taverna! — Tristan gostava de andar na linha, mas de vez em quando, apenas com Lancelot, gostava de dar algumas saídas pedagogicas.
— Taverna? Tem certeza que é uma boa ideia? — O loiro estava sério. — Acho que sua mãe não vai curtir te achar em algum lugar assim.
— Não se preocupe, é um pouco longe do castelo. Eles não vão descobrir — Tristan deu um sorriso perverso, fazendo Lancelot perceber que talvez fosse uma péssima influência para o prateado, este que por sua vez, lhe puxou até o tal lugar.
Era discreto mas parecia decente. Mais do que pensava.
— Tem certeza?
O loiro perguntou novamente ao ver Tristan tremendo.
— T-Tenho... — Ele gaguejou. — Claro que tenho!
— Ah... Sério, cara? Vamos embora logo.
O loiro puxou Tristan, que reclamou de início mas parou na metade do caminho.
— Vamos voltar lá!
— Você não tem coragem, aceita isso.
— Como sabe se eu tenho ou não!? — Tristan emburrou a cara. — E não adianta vir com o papo de que me conhece melhor do que eu mesmo!
— É meio óbvio que eu te conheço melhor do que você mesmo.
— Argh! — O prateado se estressou. — Esquece, melhor eu voltar.
Talvez fosse por puro impulso, mas Lancelot decidiu, naquela hora, se declarar. Apenas saiu de sua boca, não era sua intenção. Detestava demonstrar demais. Ou falar demais.
— Você não percebe?
O prateado se virou quase de imediato, a expressão surpresa e confusa pairando em seu rosto. Os corpos quase grudados.
— O quê? Eu não percebo o quê?
O loiro cruzou os braços.
— Você vai ter que descobrir sozinho.
— Sozinho? — Tristan voltou a se aproximar de Lancelot. — Lancelot, do que está falando!?
O de olhos heterocromáticos sempre fora muito curioso.
O loiro não respondeu no mesmo instante, suspirou profundamente antes de dizer qualquer coisa. Precisava pensar bem antes de cogitar a ideia de abrir a boca.
— Eu... gosto de você — Disse, por fim. — E não só como amigo.
Tristan emburrou o rosto, estava mais confuso.
— Como irmão? Eu também, cara!
Lancelot quis bater na própria testa, mas deu outro suspiro pesado.
— Não, seu idiota! — Emburrou o rosto. — De forma... romântica.
O prateado nem acreditava nos próprios ouvidos. Será que a pessoa de quem gostava estava realmente se declarando para si? Era confuso.
De repente seu corpo começou a esquentar e as bochechas ruborizaram.
— Ah... Lance, eu...
Tristan não sabia o que dizer. Estava surpreso demais, perplexo demais. E então, num ato impulsivo, num reflexo, depositou os lábios nos do loiro, iniciando um beijo.
Era tranquilo e suave, o hálito de morango de Lancelot parecia um entorpecente, junto de sua aura de fada que parecia ter gosto de doce.
O maior obviamente ficou chocado, o sentimento era recíproco? Não deveria pensar muito sobre isso agora, então apenas aproveitou ao máximo aquele momento.
Lancelot tinha suas mãos apertando a cintura do prateado, que sentia seu corpo esquentar mais a cada toque.
— Talvez seja melhor pararmos por aqui.
O loiro se afastou.
— Só porque estava ficando bom?
— É melhor se seus pais não descobrirem. Quer dizer, você nunca contou para eles sobre suas preferências... não é?
Tristan ficou chateado por um momento, mas ficando feliz pela compreensão do amigo, agora talvez namorado.
— Bem, isso significa que nós estamos namorando então?
— Não gosto de como a palavra "namorar" soa — Lancelot disse fazendo o prateado soltar uma risada. — Prefiro "compromissados".
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oh-myluckystars · 1 year
happy valentine’s day trilance nation 💕
Lancelot’s Arrow | read on ao3
“And shoot!”
Percival let out a breath as he released the arrow, narrowly missing its target and hitting a tree branch. The arrow ricocheted off of the now fallen branch, flying straight for Donny. He yelped, hiding behind Lancelot who caught the arrow for him.
“Well you didn’t hit your target but that was a hell of a lot better than last time,” Lancelot said, dropping the arrow. “You’re making good progress, Percy.”
Percival cheered and Donny scoffed. “Good progress?! He almost hit me!”
”Like I said, better than last time.”
Lancelot had gotten up extra early that morning to get some time to himself but those plans were swiftly interrupted by Percival and Donny. They wanted Lancelot’s help to learn how to shoot an arrow and he agreed, they were all Holy Knights now so it would be helpful for them to know to shoot an arrow properly.
“Your turn, Donny.” Lancelot handed over the bow and an arrow to Donny.
Donny got into position and pulled the string back, aiming at the target. The arrow shot forward, missing the target completely and landing somewhere in the bushes.
”Nice one, Donny!” Percival clapped his hands. “That was way better than last time!”
”Not really,” Lancelot said bluntly. “Go get that arrow and try again.”
Donny grumbled, going over to the bushes to fetch the arrow. He bent down, peering into the bushes to find the arrow.
“Where is that thing?” Donny grumbled, annoyed.
”Looking for this?” Tristan asked, twirling the missing arrow between his fingertips.
”Prince Tristan!”
Tristan smiled, handing the arrow to Donny. “I thought I might find Lancelot here. Wasn’t quite expecting to see you though.”
”Lancelot’s training me and Percival to shoot an arrow! Are you any good?”
“I’m pretty good with an arrow but Lance is definitely better than me. He’s a really good teacher too.”
Lancelot paused his conversation with Percival to look at Tristan. He hadn’t expected to see him so soon. Tristan liked to sleep in so it was odd to see him up so early, especially here where Lancelot always came to be by himself.
“Good morning, how’s the training going?” Tristan said.
Lancelot looked at Percival and Donny who were already slacking off again. “Let’s just say we’re gonna be here a while.”
“Why don’t you do a little demonstration? It might be better for them to learn the technique that way.” Tristan suggested, giving Lancelot his arrow.
“It couldn’t hurt.” Lancelot said.
The blond called out to the two friends, expecting them to pay close attention. He glanced at Tristan who gave him a thumbs up. He got into position, feet planted onto the ground and he pulled the string back with sweaty fingers, which he just figured was because of the morning sun. He shot the arrow and it went straight for Tristan’s chest, right in the heart.
Lancelot’s eyes widened.
”Tristan!” Percival exclaimed, worried.
“I’m okay, there’s no need to worry,” Tristan swiftly pulled the arrow out of his chest, replacing it with his own hand. When he took his hand off, it was like Lancelot had never hit him in the first place. “See? All better.”
”Oh yeah, you can heal yourself.” Donny said, having seemingly forgot. He looked back at Lancelot smirking. “But man I thought we were bad. Maybe you need some more training yourself, Lancelot.”
”Lancelot, what happened?” Percival asked.
”I—I don’t know…” Lancelot said rubbing his chest. What was wrong with him? Was he getting sick? “I just got distracted, I guess.”
“I’m really sorry, Tristan. I have no idea what came over me.”
”It’s okay, really. It was just an accident, right?” Tristan insisted, holding Lancelot’s hands.
”Right.” Lancelot looked at Tristan’s hands and seemed disappointed when he let go of them.
Besides, how can I stay mad at you when you look at me like that. You’re so cute when you’re worried, Lance…
“What?” Lancelot asked, blinking.
Tristan didn’t seem to hear him. “Well, I better get home before my parents get worried. Oh, and before I forget, Lance, my dad wants to talk to you so when you have time come by the castle to see him.”
Lancelot didn’t say anything, didn’t move a single muscle. Those words he had heard in Tristan’s heart had put him in a trance. Had he heard that right?
”Lancelot, are you okay?” Donny asked for the third time in a row. It was only this time around that he heard him.
“I don’t know…”
Lancelot wasn’t worried.
He couldn’t deny the words he heard in Tristan’s heart but he was certain it didn’t mean anything. This was their thing. Lancelot teased Tristan and now he was playing literal mind games with him.
But it was starting to concern him that Tristan was deciding to drag it on for so long. He couldn’t really be in love with him, could he?
There was only one way to be sure.
“Retinance has the best pies!” Tristan exclaimed, a big smile on his face as he enjoyed the berry pie he and Lancelot were splitting.
“They’re okay,” Lancelot said, taking a bite out of his slice. “A hell of a lot better than your dad’s, that’s for sure.”
“You’re right about that,” Tristan chuckled. He notices that Lancelot is staring at him. “Do I have something on my face?”
“No, I just noticed that you’re quite cute.”
Tristan’s face turned red instantly and Lancelot smiled.
Everything was going according to plan.
It’s weird having your friend call you cute isn’t it? What do you think about that, Tristan?
But to his disappointment…
Oh, Lancelot you’re the cute one…
Lancelot frowned. Oh, is that how you wanna play? Fine, let’s play.
“…So about what happened the other day with my arrow…” Lancelot started, scratching the back of his head.
“Oh, Lance, you don’t have to worry about that. It wasn’t a big deal. Besides, now we’re even!”
“Did you get a scar?”
Tristan shook his head. He actually had hoped he did so he and Lancelot could have matching scars but his chest was clean, all things considered.
“Then we’re not even,” Lancelot said plainly. He picked up Tristan’s hands and looked him directly in the eyes. “Ask me for anything, anything at all and I’ll give it to you.”
“A-Anything? But I…” Tristan muttered, looking away.
I already know what I want but I can’t just ask for it. That would be too embarrassing! But then again, he has been flirting with me. Maybe a kiss wouldn’t be too much to ask for?
A kiss? On the lips? Then… does that mean that Tristan really is in love with me?
It didn’t make any sense. How could Tristan possibly be in love with him? He would’ve noticed it sooner. He didn’t start showing any signs until after he got with his arrow and it’s not like getting hit with an arrow could make him fall in love with him.
Unless that’s exactly what happened.
When he shot that arrow, Lancelot had been a little distracted. By Tristan, that is. He always looked good but he looked extra good that morning. Lancelot couldn’t help but look. That’s how he got hit in the first place. Lancelot must have unknowingly enchanted his arrow with magic and when Tristan got hit with it, that made him fall in love with him.
This was bad, very bad.
Lancelot had tried everything.
He tried to dispel the magic on his own but it didn’t work, it just made Tristan confused. Lancelot had tried avoiding him for a few days, hoping that the effects of the magic would wear off on its own but Tristan always ended up finding him.
Now there was only one more option. To come clean.
“Tristan, we need to talk.”
”Is everything okay?”
”Not quite,” Lancelot rubbed his arm subconsciously. “How have you been feeling lately?”
”I feel fine. What’s this about, Lancelot?”
Lancelot really hoped this would work. He didn’t want his friend to live with these artificial feelings inside him for the rest of his life. It had to been done.
“Listen, Tristan… the other day when I hit you with my arrow… I did something,” Lancelot admitted, rubbing his arm subconsciously. “Without meaning to, I put magic into my arrow and now… you’re like this.”
”Like this?”
“You know what I mean… You’re in love with me…”
“I’m sorry, I’m confused. Do you think that you used some kind of magic to make me fall in love with you?”
Lancelot nodded slowly. “That’s exactly what happened.”
“I disagree.”
Lancelot knew that it might take some time for this to sink in with Tristan but he didn’t think he’d outright deny it.
“Even if you did cast some sort of magic on me, it didn’t work. Because I was in love with you way before you hit me with that arrow.”
Lancelot’s face flushed. “…What are you saying?”
“I’ve loved you ever since we were kids, Lance.” Tristan admitted, blushing profusely. Lancelot looked back at him in disbelief but he could tell he wasn’t lying. And if he was, this had to be the most convoluted lie he had ever heard.
“I know it’s not what you expected but it’s the truth. Or maybe you would just rather believe that you did this to me than believe I really like you…” I guess I was wrong. This whole time you didn’t have feelings for me.
Lancelot wanted to tell Tristan that he was wrong, that he had feelings for him too but the truth was that he didn’t know. What did it mean to be in love anyway?
He could admit that Tristan was cute, cuter than any girl he had ever seen. He liked spending time alone with Tristan too, teasing him especially. And whenever he got too close, it felt like his heart would be ripped out of his chest.
Did all that mean he was in love with him?
“I don’t know if I love you. I’m not sure what all that means if I’m being honest.” Lancelot said quietly, a little embarrassed. It was strange to admit to not understanding feelings, especially his own when he spent so much time reading other people’s hearts. Maybe he misinterpreted their feelings too. “How do you know when you’re in love?”
Tristan took his hand and interlocked their fingers. Tristan seemed deep in thought as he held his hand.
“Your hand’s sweating.”
“Sorry.” Lancelot pulled his hand back.
Tristan leaned forward, pressing his head against Lancelot’s chest. He closed his eyes, listening to the quickening of Lancelot’s heart beat. Tristan looked up at him and his face was red. It wasn’t often that he could make Lancelot react like this.
”If I kissed you what would you do?”
“…I don’t know.”
”May I…?” Tristan asked and Lancelot nodded.
Tristan cupped his cheek, pressing his lips onto his. Lancelot closes his eyes, holding onto Tristan. He kisses him back, squeezing his hand. His heart is pounding so heart that he’s afraid that it’ll explode. But he would rather die than stop kissing Tristan.
”So?” Tristan asked, putting his arms around Lancelot’s shoulders. “…How was it?”
”I think I’m in love with you.”
Tristan smirked. “I knew it.”
Then Lancelot kissed him and he would do it again anytime he wanted. Because he was in love, they both were.
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2. now that you have me, do you want me still?
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A/N: Tada!!!! Chapter 2!!!! I've spent all day writing this because I kept getting distracted 💀💀 But I just wrote almost an entire 5,000 words in one day, I think that might be a new record for me, tbh, lmao. But lemme tell you guys, I absolutely love this. I think this is actually both the best and my favorite smut that I've ever written. It's slightly different than how I usually write it as well, but I think it's better this way, tbh. I hope you guys like it, too!!! Please read all the tags before diving into the chapter in case there's something in there that you don't wanna be reading!!! Enjoy!!!
Pairing(s): Tristan x Lancelot
Summary: Tristan and Lancelot go home together and finally take action on all the tension that's built up between them for the last 8 months.
Tags: Aged up characters (somewhere around 21-24), cheating/infidelity sorta (again, depends on how you look at it), smut, explicit sexual content, blowjob, anal, anal fingering, discussion of how gay sex works (you'll see what I mean, LMAO), I think that's it, but if I missed something that you think should be/want to be listed here, please let me know!!!!
Song Inspiration: Shameless By Camila Cabello
Word Count: 5,747
Not beta'd, all mistakes are my own.
[Series Masterlist]
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9]
[Read on AO3]
[Author Masterlist]
As soon as their lips are touching, he's completely gone. Lance usually isn't one for sweet things, but Tristan is an immediate exception to that. The other boy's lips have the faintest hint of strawberry on them and he vows to start appreciating the fruit way more than he used to. Tristan immediately slides his hands into Lance's hair and leans into him, trying to get closer. He can barely believe this was happening, that they'd finally gotten to this moment. He doesn't think he's ever enjoyed something as simple as a kiss as much as he's enjoying this one. This is a completely new experience for him. What surprises him the most is Tristan. If anyone has ever tried to claim that Tristan Liones is a bad kisser, they're sorely mistaken. Not like Lance himself is an expert or anything like that, but he's most definitely experienced some bad kissers. But Tristan is the complete opposite of those.
His lips are firm against Lance's, insistent. When Lance swipes his tongue across his bottom lip, he's instantly granted entrance. There isn't a single hint of hesitation in Tristan's actions. He knows exactly what he's doing and he's not at all shy about it. Lance tries his best to give the same thing back. His hand that was on Tristan's cheek now slips back to tangle in his long, silver hair, something that Lance has wanted to do since the moment he first laid eyes on the prince. He rolls his tongue over Tristan's and is rewarded with a quiet moan against his mouth. Tristan gives a slight tug to Lance's hair and he groans softly, his head tilting up slightly as the other man deepens the kiss. Before either one can do anything else, though, they both hear someone clear their throat loudly somewhere close by, causing them to pull apart and quickly turn in the direction of the person. Lance instantly relaxes upon seeing who it is, however.
"Oh, it's just you two." He says a little breathlessly. "Hey, guys." He says in a casual tone that he doesn't at all feel.
"Lance? You know them?" Tristan asks hesitantly. Lance looks at him. He looks nervous, his eyes flickering between the two other men standing right in front of their booth. He gets it. The two of them are both technically in relationships, as far as most of the world knows, and now they've been caught all over each other by people that Tristan knows as complete strangers. There's so many people that could use this information against them and that wouldn't be good for either of them. But luckily, Lance knows they wouldn't ever do such a thing.
"Yeah. These are my friends. Nasiens and-"
"I'm Percival!" Percy blurts in his usual loud, bubbly voice. "But most of my friends just call me Percy. It's so wonderful to meet you, Tristan!"
Lance watches as Tristan tilts his head in confusion and he chuckles. "Sorry," He whispers in Tristan's ear. "Percy tends to act very familiar with people even if he's just met them, it's just the way he's always been."
"O-oh." He replies. And then the most brilliant smile spreads across his face. "It's lovely to meet both of you! You're the first of Lance's friends I've gotten to meet and I can't wait to spend more time with you both in the future." He shoots Lance a look full of meaning and Lance feels a slight flutter in his chest, finding himself smiling back at him.
"We'd love that. But that can wait. It seems you two have somewhere else to be right now, yes?" Nasiens is giving Lance a look that's half knowing, half teasing, with a hint of something soft. Lance grins at him.
Percy looks confused and is about to question Nasiens but Lance turns back to Tristan and speaks up first. "Yes, that's right." His eyes question the silverette silently, making sure they're both on the same page. Tristan nods once, a smirk curling his lips.
Both of them slide out of the booth and stand up as Percy and Nasiens move back to give them room to do so. "I'll catch you guys later, yeah?" Lance playfully flicks Percy's forehead and then ruffles Nasiens hair slightly.
The black-haired man just huffs while Percy beams. "Of course!"
Lance and Tristan walk towards the lounge's entrance before stopping, turning to each other. "Your place okay?" Tristan asks, reaching forward to brush his hand against Lance's.
Lance catches his hand before he can pull it back and intertwines their fingers together. "Yeah, that definitely works. What are you gonna tell Isolde?" He asks curiously.
Tristan takes a step forward and reaches up with his free hand, placing it on Lance's chest. "I'll just tell her that we're gonna have a guy's night." As he speaks, his eyes leave Lance's face to instead watch his own hand as he slowly trails it down Lance's chest and toward his stomach. "You know. Get a bit drunk, play some games," Lance stops breathing as Tristan's hand moves down his torso and over his stomach, stopping right about the waistband of his jeans. Tristan looks back up at him as he finishes speaking, his eyes absolutely burning with heat. "Get to know each other." And Tristan pulls his hand away and takes a few steps back, grinning.
Lance sucks in a deep breath, nearly choking, much to his embarrassment. But Tristan has a knowing twinkle in his eyes, his expression one of mischief. He's a fucking tease. Noted. He shakes his head at the man. "C'mon, the guard at the back door owes me a favor." He smirks, leading Tristan out of the lounge with their still twined hands and to the stairs, both of them breaking apart as they go down them. Tristan then follows Lance through part of the crowd until they reach the back entrance to the club. Usually only employees can use it, but he did a favor for the guard usually posted there once and now it's time to ask for one back. He catches the guard's eye and gestures to the door and then both Tristan and himself. The man nods once and then steps to the side, letting them slip through. They were in the employee parking lot now. Lance looks around to see if anyone else is around before taking Tristan's hand again, seeing no one but the two of them there.
"You're a favor guy?" Tristan asks him, amused.
Lance looks at him and shrugs. "Are you complaining about me already?" He asks teasingly. As he walks towards the chainlink fence leading into the parking lot everyone else uses.
Tristan gives him a look full of mock-offense. "Oh, I would never."
Lance laughs. "You better not." Tristan steps forward and opens up the door in the fence, letting out a giggle that warms Lance all the way down to his toes. So many new sides he's seeing of the Prince now that neither of them are having to hide.
Tristan holds the door open for Lance, letting him go through before following him and closing the door behind them. "I assume you didn't bring your own car?" Lance asks, an eyebrow raised.
Tristan's cheeks turn slightly pink, like he's embarrassed. "No..." He trails off while giving Lance a sheepish smile. "Guess I really do tend to live up to that "prince" nickname, don't I?"
Lance's brows furrow and he steps forward, bringing his hand to Tristan's cheek. Tristan leans into his touch immediately. "Hey," Lance says seriously. "That's not a bad thing. I happen to really like Prince Tristan, I'll have you know." He smiles softly at the silverette.
The prince's mood lifts immediately. "Good. If you didn't, we'd have a lot of problems." He teases. "Now, I assume unlike me, you do have your own car with you, Sir Lancelot?"
"I do. And my apartment is about 10 minutes away." He leans down closer to Tristan. "And once we get there, we can continue getting to know each other." He says quietly, his voice taking on a huskier tone.
He watches as Tristan visibly shivers, his eyes darkening. "Lead the way." He says just as quietly. And so he does.
His car isn't too difficult to find and the car ride goes by quick. Soon enough, they're making their way down the hall of the 4th floor of Lance's apartment complex, stopping right in front of his door. As he pulls out his keys to unlock the door, Tristan wraps his arms around one of Lance's, leaning into him. He does it much in the same way that Guinevere does, but unlike with her, Lance doesn't mind it one bit. He likes it, even. He swings the door open and lets Tristan go in first, reaching in to turn on the light to his living room as he follows close behind, the door closing behind them.
As soon as Lance places his keys on the hook by the door, Tristan's lips are back on his again. Lance groans as one hand returns to the mass of silver hair on top of the prince's head while the other wraps around his waist and pulls him close. Tristan seems to purr as he wraps his arms around Lance's neck, his hands tangling in the hair at the back of his head. The prince nips at his bottom lip, seeming to demand entrance rather than ask for it, and Lance couldn't say no even if he wanted to. He pulls Tristan as close as he can with their current position, but it's still not enough.
As their tongues roll together and start to explore, Lance moves both of his hands down until he can grab Tristan's ass. Tristan lets out a whine and tugs on Lance's hair harder than he did before. Lance moans as he suddenly pulls up, bringing Tristan with him as he stands to his full height. Tristan wraps his legs around Lance's waist, pulling back from their kiss to start trailing his lips along his jaw and down to his neck, nipping and sucking at each spot his lips touch.
"Marks?" He asks breathlessly, lips moving against Lance's skin.
"You definitely won't hear me complaining." He grunts softly as he squeezes the prince's backside.
"Good." Tristan moans.
He then goes back to what he was doing before, paying extra attention to a spot on Lance's collarbone until Lance is sure he'll have a bruise there for at least a week. Lance moans, one of his hands moving up and under both the shirts Tristan is wearing, his hands sliding over the smooth bare skin of his back and sides. Tristan arches into him, his forehead leaning against Lance's jaw.
"I think now would be a good time to head to your bedroom, yeah?" Tristan asks, pulling back to look at him, bringing a hand to Lance's face and tracing a thumb over his lips.
Lance opens his mouth and nips at the tip of Tristan's thumb, the silverette gasping quietly at the action. "I was just gonna say the same thing." He grins.
"And yet, you're still just standing here." Tristan says with mock exasperation, leaning forward until their lips are grazing.
"So impatient." Lance mumbles playfully before closing the distance between them once again and starting to make his way toward his bedroom, thankfully only stumbling once or twice despite his lack of attention on where his feet were landing.
His bedroom door was already open and he pushed past it, closing it behind him with the weight of his shoulder. He makes his way over to his bed and leans over it until Tristan's back is pressed against his comforter. Tristan relaxes against the bed and Lance pulls away from their kiss in order to move down and suck on the pulse point on his neck. Tristan groans and trails his hands down Lance's sides, running them back up under Lance's shirt. He keeps moving his hands up until Lance has no choice but to stop his assault on the man's neck in order to pull back and let Tristan take his shirt off, the dark red henley being tossed to the floor somewhere.
Lance sits back on his knees, looking down at Tristan. The prince looks absolutely delighted, sitting up until he's also on his knees, trailing his hands up from Lance's stomach all the way up to his chest and shoulders. "What's that look for?" Lance asks him curiously.
Tristan grins. "Oh, nothing. It's just that, I knew you worked out, I just had no idea you worked out this much."
He runs his nails down the abs on Lance's stomach and Lance lets out a long hiss between his teeth. "You been stalking me or somethin'?" He asks as he starts unbuttoning the black dress shirt Tristan is wearing overtop something blue.
"Oh, it doesn't take much to find out, really. The internet really does know everything about you, don't you know?" And then the prince leans forward and wraps his lips around one of Lance's nipples, sucking hard on it.
"Shit." Lance moans in surprise.
Tristan pulls back and lets his now fully unbuttoned shirt fall off his shoulders and down his arms, revealing that the blue underneath is a tanktop. "Well, maybe not everything." He says. "The rest is for me to figure out myself."
Lance pulls the tanktop over the silverette's head, the piece of clothing getting lost along with the rest of them. "You don't seem too bothered by that fact, your majesty." He points out, amused.
Tristan starts planting kisses down the blonde's chest. "The first thing you should know about me, Sir Lancelot, is that I'm always down for a good adventure. Especially if it involves exploring." And then he pushes Lance to the side, making him land back against his pillows.
"That's definitely good to know." Lance grunts as he watches Tristan from his new position, the Prince moving closer.
His mouth goes dry when Tristan's hands immediately go to the button of his jeans, undoing it and pulling the zipper down. And then he slips his fingers underneath the waistband of not just his jeans but his boxers as well and tugs them down, getting them off with only a little help from Lance. Those are also added to the floor and now Lance is completely naked in front of the prince, his cock flushed red and hard against his stomach. Tristan bites his lip as he moves forward and straddles Lance's thighs, reaching down and wrapping his hand around him. Lance groans, bringing his hands up to run them up Tristan's thighs.
The prince pumps his hand along Lance's cock once, twice, then rubs his thumb over the head, precum dribbling out in response to his actions. But Tristan's eyes were on Lance's face, watching his reaction. "You're more reactive than I expected." Tristan admits, his voice husky and thick.
"That a bad thing?" Lance asks, trying to catch the breath that seemed hellbent on leaving him completely.
Tristan lets out a little giggle. "Not at all. The opposite, actually." And then the prince is leaning down, his body sliding down Lance's body slightly, his tongue shooting out and licking up Lance's cock from base to tip in one quick motion.
"Fuck!" Lance's hips buck up as he curses. One of his hands immediately tangles into the prince's hair again as he looks down at him. "You know, you sure do look pretty like that." He admits.
Tristan's eyes shoot up to lock with Lance's, a bright red flush blooming across his face at the compliment. Lance smirks at the obvious effect his words had. Definitely good to know. And then his train of thought completely shatters when Tristan's lips wrap around him, the silver-haired man not holding back one bit as he moves his head further down. Lance lets his head fall back against his pillows as he pulls on Tristan's hair, receiving a moan from the other man that Lance feels more than hears and he returns it with one of his own.
Tristan starts bobbing his head up and down and Lance lets out another curse. "Tristan." He groans out. Hearing his name spill from the blonde's lips seems to be something he greatly enjoys, as it only spurs him on, the man's mouth moving a bit faster now.
Tristan's free hand runs up and down Lance's thigh a few times before stopping to settle on the dip of his hips, running his thumb over the spot in a way that's almost the complete opposite of what his mouth is doing. Lance is panting now, his free hand gripping the fabric underneath him as Tristan continues his ministrations. He was getting close now, eight months worth of built up tension between the two as well as their make out session combined with Tristan's clearly well-practiced mouth on him, it was all too much and he wouldn't last much longer. And then the hand Tristan had on his hip trails up his torso and reaches for one of his nipples, pinching it between two of his fingers at the same time that Tristan stops at the head of his cock and sucks hard on it, and that's all it takes. Lance cries out as he cums, his entire body tensing and his body arching upwards. Tristan hums against him, sucking softer and then stopping completely as Lance's body finally relaxes again.
As Lance's eyes finally open again, Tristan's face is hovering right above his. Lance immediately wraps his arms around the prince's waist as his weight settles over him, his legs on each side of Lance's waist. Tristan slams his lips against Lance's and neither of them have to prompt it this time, their tongues immediately finding each other and Lance realizes that Tristan had saved the taste of him on his tongue, sharing it with Lance now. Lance bites Tristan's lip and then sucks on it slightly as he pulls away, causing him to let out a whimper as his still clothed cock pushes down against the blonde's stomach.
"Do you have lube?" Tristan pants.
"Yeah," He points at the dresser across from the end of his bed. "Top drawer. Condoms in there, too."
Tristan is standing up before he finishes speaking, walking over to the dresser and opening the drawer. Lance sits up and moves back, leaning against his headboard. Tristan quickly finds the bottle of lube and a couple of condoms, taking one of them and tossing both items to Lance as he turns back around, who catches them. Then he unzips his own jeans as he walks back towards the bed, Lance watching him the whole way.
"You look nervous, Lance. Don't tell me you aren't gonna finish what you start." Tristan says with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh, I fully intend on seeing this through, don't you worry." He assures before letting a slightly sheepish grin form on his lips. "Just never actually been with a guy before." He says honestly.
Tristan looks genuinely surprised at this, but he recovers quickly, his expression returning to what it was before but with, dare he say it, a hint of affection in his eyes. "Well, I don't think I ever would've guessed." He says, taking a moment to remove the rest of his clothes, leaving himself completely bare as he gets back on the bed. Lance's eyes look over his form, enjoying every single part of the view.
Tristan continues the topic. "But in that case," He says, placing himself in Lance's lap. "I'll just have to teach you a thing or two, won't I, big boy?" He whispers.
Lance swallows thickly, the nickname doing exactly what he's sure it was intended to. "Oh, you're kinky as all hell, aren't you?" He blurts out.
Tristan smirks. "You have no idea."
"Of course. What have I gotten myself into?" Lance asks teasingly.
Tristan lets out that damn giggle again. "The best lay of your life, duh." He rolls his eyes playfully.
"I could say the same to you." It was Lance's turn to smirk now as he grabs Tristan's hips and pulls the two of them flush together, rolling his hips against the silverette's.
Tristan gasps and moans, mimicking the motion. "Clearly you're ready to go again." He comments.
"With someone as stunning as you in my lap, how could I not be?" Lance questions.
That wonderful flush comes back, turning his already pink cheeks into a bright red. His expression turns into that same shy one as before and he doesn't respond, instead reaching out besides him, bringing his hand back between them, the lube now in it. "Gimme your hand." He tells him quietly, clearing his throat right after.
Lance holds back a snicker and does what he says, holding his hand out to him, palm facing up. Tristan holds his hand in place, leaving his fingers out and his palm empty. He flicks open the cap on the lube and turns it over, squeezing some of it into Lance's hand before closing it and tossing it onto the bedside table closest to them.
"Now," Tristan starts, dipping two of his fingers into the lube and then trailing them along Lance's fingers, slowly spreading the liquid. "I suppose it's not too different from fingering a girl. But boys don't have g-spots or a-spots or anything like that. There's just the-"
"The prostate, right?" Lance interrupts.
Tristan continues his slow covering of Lance's hands with the lube as he looks at him his head tilted and eyes amused, just as Lance's are. "Yes, that's correct. However, I would appreciate it if you raised your hand next time, Mr. Antin." Tristan scolds jokingly.
"My apologies, Mr. Liones." Lance jokes back.
Tristan gives him a small smile. "Yes, the prostate. It's not always the easiest to reach, but trust me, you'll know once you've found it. Okay?"
"Okay. I think I can handle that." Lance says, looking down at their hands as Tristan pushes the rest of the lube onto his fingers and intertwines his own fingers with Lance's, using it as a way to spread the lube the rest of the way over his hand.
"Good." And then he catches Lance's eyes and starts guiding Lance's hand down and around his back, moving down until he's pressing the tip of one of Lance's fingers to his entrance. "Start with one finger. Go slow at first." He instructs quietly, biting his lip yet again.
Lance keeps his eyes trained on Tristan's face as he slowly pushes his finger up and into him. The prince gasps softly, both of his hands coming up to grab hold of Lance's shoulders. He keeps pushing his finger in slowly, all the way to his knuckle. Then he pulls it out just as slowly, before repeating the process a second time. Tristan's lips part in a silent gasp, his entire body starting to quiver.
Lance pushes his finger into him a third time. "You doing okay?" He questions uncertainly.
Tristan nods quickly. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. It's just been awhile." He admits.
Lance nods as well in response, his hesitation gone. They stay like that for a few more minutes, Lance keeping his same slow pace, before he decides to speed up a little bit. Tristan groans, leaning forward and kissing over Lance's shoulder until he reaches the junction between his shoulder and neck, working on adding another mark to the blonde's skin.
After a few more thrusts of his finger, Tristan starts rolling his hips back to meet him halfway. "You can add another finger now." Tristan breathes, sucking on the spot right below his ear. Lance does just that, pulling his finger out and going back in with two. He reaches for Tristan's chin and tilts his head up so that Tristan is looking at him again. His eyes are cloudy with pleasure, his lips are chapped and swollen, his face is flushed red, and his hair is already an absolute mess. He looks incredible.
"Hey there, gorgeous." He says softly. The red on the prince's face darkens, just as Lance expects it to.
"You know, if you're already trying to g-get a second night," He rocks his hips back onto Lance's fingers with a moan. "It's w-working." He informs him.
"Is that so? Is Prince Tristan really that easy?" He wonders teasingly.
Tristan moves his hips faster and Lance speeds up to match his pace. "Oh, not at all. O-only for y-you." He says matter-of-factly.
"Well, I'm honored." Lance replies, watching Tristan in wonder. The other man is now riding his fingers and gripping his shoulders tightly, and when Lance adds a third finger, he lets out a low hiss.
"Ooohhhh, yes." The word is drawn out as the silverette's head falls back, his face towards the ceiling. And then Lance pushes up right as Tristan comes down and the prince cries out, his nails digging into Lance's shoulder.
"R-right there, you f-found it." Tristan gasps out.
Lance repeats his actions, then, making sure he keeps the same angle and pushes just as deep as before. The man on top of him pants and squirms as he keeps meeting his fingers. "S-so good. Ngh, you're so g-good." He praises.
Lance keeps on hitting his prostate, watching as Tristan becomes a wanton mess of pants and whines. Lance feels his own body shaking with need, the sight Tristan makes very quickly becoming the only one he ever wants to see. None of his past sex partners could ever even compare to the man with long, silver hair and blue and green eyes crumbling right before his eyes. If something were to interrupt them right now, he doesn't think he'd even care. If the world started to end right outside his window, he'd never even notice. His eyes are unable to look anywhere else but right at Tristan.
"H-hey, Lance?"
"Yeah?" Tristan is looking at Lance again now.
"I n-need you inside m-me. Right n-now. P-please." He urges pleadingly.
"Don't need to tell me twice." Lance groans, pulling his fingers out of him, causing him to whimper at the loss. The blonde reaches beside him to grab the condom off the bed. He tears it open and tosses the packaging onto his bedside table, rolling the latex over his now aching cock.
He looks back up at Tristan. "Where do you wanna be?" He asks him.
"Just right here, sir." Tristan says, looking at him through his lashes just like he did earlier that night, and his cock twitches, a wave of heat spreading over his entire body. Oh. Oh. Putting that away to figure out later.
"Works for me." Lance says, his words a bit shaky. He runs his hands down Tristan's back and over the curve of his ass, squeezing and then pulling him up.
Tristan falls forward against his chest with a gasp, reaching down to grab Lance's cock and line it up with his own entrance. "Ready when you are." He says breathlessly.
Without responding, Lance slowly pulls Tristan back down. The head of his cock pushes its way into him and the prince shudders against him as they both let out a long moan. Tristan inches his way down onto Lance's cock until he's fully seated before he stops, giving them both a moment to adjust and get used to the feeling. Lance, needing something to do with his hands, reaches in-between them to wrap his hand around Tristan's neglected cock. It's bright red and leaking, precum dripping onto Lance's stomach.
Tristan's hips buck slightly as the blonde pumps his fist a few times. "Fuck."
"I agree." Lance rasps, flicking his eyes between what his hand is doing and the expressions on Tristan's face.
Tristan's hands come up to cup the sides of Lance's face and he leans forward to connect their lips, the kiss slow and deep. Lance returns it without hesitation, bringing his free hand up to slide across his cheek and into his hair. Their tongues slide against each other and for a moment, Lance gets lost in the kiss. And then Tristan starts to move on top of him and he nearly chokes.
"Oh." Lance moans as Tristan pulls himself up slightly and then back down again, repeating the motion but moving higher as he does. "Oh, fuck."
"Been awhile for you, too, huh?" Tristan asks in a strained voice, going for teasing but it's half-hearted.
"Something like that." Lance replies, only partly paying attention.
Tristan kisses his jaw. "Well you better not make me do all the work." He remarks.
"Wasn't planning on it. Just letting you set the pace." Lance swipes his thumb over the head of Tristan's cock as he speaks.
"The pace I'd like to set is you fucking me." He groans out.
Lance breathes out a small laugh. "Your wish is my command, your majesty."
Lance takes his hand that's between them and wraps it around Tristan's waist, holding him close as he pulls on the silverette's hair hard enough to tilt his head back. As he trails kisses down his neck, he starts thrusting up into him, each thrust building up to a steady pace. Tristan wraps his arms around Lance's back, his nails digging into the backs of his shoulders. Lance mouths along Tristan's collarbone and down his chest, the prince's hands sliding up and into his hair as his head moves down. The blonde flattens his tongue over one of Tristan's nipples before sucking on it, his teeth grazing it slightly.
"S-shit, keep doing that." Tristan demands, his hands pulling at Lance's hair as he moves against him. Lance does as he's told, switching to the other nipple and doing the same thing to it a few times before pulling away. He leans back and slides down the headboard slightly, allowing him to change the angle of his hips slightly. On his next thrust up, he pushes in deeper and hits that same spot as before, his prostate.
"Ah, fuck! Lance!" Tristan nearly sobs, his forehead pressing into Lance's, their lips grazing with every pant and moan.
"Fuck, Tris." Lance growls, picking up his pace as he keeps that same angle. He was getting close again and he could tell that Tristan was nearly there as well. The man looked absolutely wrecked and Lance wanted nothing more than to see him completely fall apart above him.
"You're close, aren't you?" Lance asks him.
"So close." Tristan gasps, bouncing on his lap.
Lance speeds up, pounding up into him. "Yeah?" He reaches between them and grabs his cock again, pumping his fist in time with his thrusts. "You gonna cum with me, baby?"
"Ngh, yes. Gods, yes." Tristan whines loudly.
"Good." Lance grunts.
The two of them are moving together in sync and after a few more thrusts, they both come undone with a shout of each other's name, Lance forcing his eyes to stay open through his orgasm so that he can watch Tristan. The prince's eyes are squeezed shut tightly, his mouth open in a silent cry and he's gripping onto Lance hard enough to leave bruises in his skin, not that he's complaining. His entire body is tensed up, much like Lance's own, and his back is arched. Once function starts to return to his body, he gives a few more soft thrusts as they slowly come down from their high.
"Shit." Tristan curses shakily under his breath. Lance doesn't respond. Instead, he connects their lips in a quick, rough kiss, despite the lack of oxygen in their lungs currently.
They both pull back again as Tristan slowly lifts himself up and off of Lance's now softening cock. Lance pulls the condom off of himself carefully and ties it, placing it in it's previous packaging and then throwing it away in the small trashcan beside his bed. Tristan reaches down and grabs something off of the floor and when he sits back up, Lance sees that it's the blue tank top he was wearing earlier. He uses it to wipe his own cum off both of their torsos and then Lance takes it from him and tosses the shirt in the direction of his laundry basket.
Lance lifts his hips up in order to tug the comforter free from beneath him, the both of them adjusting until they can get underneath the covers. Tristan gives Lance a kiss that's slow and sweet before settling with his head against the blonde's chest and his arms wrapped around his waist. Lance wraps his own arms around the prince and their legs tangle together. He runs his hand through Tristan's hair a few times and the silverette makes a happy little sound as he leans into the touch, causing Lance to lean down and kiss the top of his head. Both of them are exhausted, and soon enough, they're drifting off into a deep sleep.
A/N: How was it??? Please tell me your thoughts, I love hearing them sm!!!! I'm super happy with how this chapter came out and I hope you guys are, too!!!
Do you want me to continue this as a series?? If so, what would you guys like to see in this AU going forward?? What situations would you wanna see?? What would you want me to focus on?? Etc.??
UPDATE: I will be continuing this series!!! But please do let me know what kinds of other things you’d like to see in this AU going forward and I’ll do my best to make it happen (As long as the story allows, ofc)!!!
[Lemme know if you'd like to be added to the taglist for this series and any other stories relating to it!!!]
23 notes · View notes
1. it’s been a secret for the longest time
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A/N: Hey, guys!!! I've been working on this story for about a week or so, I'm so excited to finally be posting it!!! A couple of weeks ago, I became absolutely obsessed with the song inspiration for this and eventually my brain started applying it to Trilance and I'd say the result is absolutely beautiful. This is actually Chapter 1 out of at least 2 (though I might continue with more than that if people really want me to). Originally this was going to be much longer, it was actually going to include a whole smut scene which would've almost doubled the word count at least, maybe even fully doubled it, but my laptop needs to charge and I need to go to sleep, lmao. So you guys get part one now and part two sometime tomorrow!! Imma have to go back through and do some proofreading later on, but for the most part, it should be good to go!!! Happy reading!!!
Pairing(s): Tristan x Lancelot
Summary: For months now, Tristan and Lancelot have played a game of secret flirting, lustful longing, and maybe even something a bit more. But now that a certain date has finally been set, they're running out of time to decide what they want and Tristan decides he's going to finally make a move to advance things forward.
Tags: Aged up characters (somewhere around 21-24), alcohol, sexual tension, slight Guinevere bashing (💀💀), cheating/infidelity sorta (depends on how you look at it, I guess? But people have tried to come at me for not tagging cheating in the past, so, lmao)
Song Inspiration: Shameless By Camila Cabello (Highly recommend, btw)
Word Count: 4,883
Not beta'd, all mistakes are my own.
[Series Masterlist]
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9]
[Read on AO3]
[Author Masterlist]
Lancelot holds his breath as he waits. It's time. This is when he always shows up. Well, when they always show up, but he could care less about her. It's only him that he's concerned about. And there he is. Right on time. He watches from across the crowded club as two people come in through the front entrance. The flashing lights of the paparazzi that have followed them here were barely noticeable thanks to the heavy door blocking the club from the outside world quickly closing behind them.
A pinkette and a silverette make their way through the dancefloor slowly, stopping and talking to people, going by the bar to get their first round of drinks. Both of them are the closest thing to royalty you can get in their country, and in this club that means they are royalty as far as anyone is concerned. And they definitely live up to the title. A prince and a soon-to-be princess.
They're both beautiful. Stunning, even. They're shining stars, a picture perfect couple. The ultimate couple goals. Their life is perfect and nothing could be better. Everyone wants someone to love them like those two love each other. All anyone wants in life is to find someone who treats them as well as the prince treats the princess. That's all according to the world-wide media, anyways. But again, Lance doesn't care about anyone but the prince.
Finally, after a few minutes, they make their way over to where Lancelot is. Because of course. If they're the prince and princess, then he's a nobleman, his father being the royal advisor to the King himself, after all, if he were to continue his kingdom metaphors. He could even go so far as to say he was a family friend, though he's personally never spent much time with any of them.
"Lancelot, hello!" The princess addresses him kindly. "How have you been?"
He meets her eyes reluctantly. Not because he's afraid or intimidated by her, quite the opposite, in fact. There's just better places for him to look at right now. "I've been well, and you, your majesties?" He tacks on his little nickname for them with a playful grin.
She flushes slightly, but just shakes her head at him with a roll of her eyes while the prince beside her lets out a deep chuckle that absolutely lights Lance up inside. "We've been very well, isn't that right, my love?" The prince looks from Lance to the woman beside him as he speaks.
"Oh, yes, so much has happened recently. We must catch you up once we've finished making our round of greetings." The princess looked to be positively bursting with excitement. She then looks to the rest of his booth with curiosity and confusion, seeming to just now notice the lack of a brunette beside him. "Both of you. Where's your princess, Lance?" She questions, a mischievous spark in her eyes as she teases him with his own nickname for her.
Oh gods, don't let her hear you call her that. She would never let any of us live it down and then we'd have some real problems. He thinks with a mental sigh of exasperation. "She had a business call to attend to, I'm sure she'll be back by the time you two are." He states politely.
They both nod. "We'll be off then, see you in a few." Is called back at him as they turn and walk away. He shakes his head and turns back to the table, downing the rest of his drink in order to keep himself from staring at the Prince's backside as he walks away. He sets his glass back down and tilts his head back, closing his eyes and sighing as he sags in his seat.
The prince and princess. Tristan Liones and Isolde Connors. Son of Meliodas Taizman and daughter of Chester Connors. Chester is someone who started out as nothing more than average middle-class and managed to work his way up the ladder and into the livelihood of the rich after finding a way to create a new piece of technology that allows people to rediscover long lost memories.
Meliodas is the Mayor of the city of Liones, the capitol of our country and the biggest and most populated place in all of Britannia. He's married to the previous Mayor's daughter, so some like to say that he didn't rightfully earn his place as leader of the people, but the truth is, he had already started making a name for himself before he'd even met his current wife, through his connection with the Sin Committee.
They were a group of activists who came from out of town. They're an interesting mix of people. Each of them have their own individual cause that they wanted to focus on the most, so they'd be in charge of that topic, situation, idea, etc. But whenever there was a protest or a meeting or a vote, all the other members would gather to help out. There was 7 of them, so they each chose one of the seven deadly sins to use as a code name, which is also where their official group name came from. They gathered for all kinds of stuff. Protests, uprisings, voting polls, they made speeches and outed assholes who tried to make themselves look good. And they didn't just do it in Liones, they did it all over Britannia. Danafall, Edinburgh, Benwick. They were changemakers and they were damn good at it.
They were planning on eventually traveling out of Liones and continuing on, but then Meliodas met the mayor's daughter, Elizabeth Liones. And he decided to stay so that he could be with her, settle down and actually grow out some roots somewhere. And the rest of his group followed suit, each one finding some reason or another to stay here and build an official life for themselves. Eventually Meliodas and Elizabeth got married and not long after, Meliodas ran for Mayor as Elizabeth's father stepped down.
So, the prince. Yeah, Lance thinks it's a pretty fitting name, considering the whole damn city is named after his family. That choice of nickname definitely doesn't have anything to do with the fact that if told to, he would immediately fall to the man's feet and do whatever else was asked of him without hesitation. It definitely doesn't have to do with the fact that for months, the only constant thought in his mind is what Tristan's skin might feel like and how his lips might taste. And it definitely doesn't have anything to do with the fact that Lance has never wanted any man, any person, more than he's wanted Tristan Liones. Definitely not.
"What's up with you? Tired already?" A voice breaks him from his thoughts as the brunette slides into the booth next to him, having finished up with her phone call.
The only thing making me tired is you, Lance thinks wryly. "No, just lost in thought, thinking over some stuff." He replies, flashing her a quick half-hearted smile. "Isolde and Tristan stopped by to say hi. Isolde says she wants to tell us about some things. They should be back anytime now." He informs her.
"Oh good, it's been awhile since we've seen them, it'll be good to catch up." She states, smiling as she loops her right arm through Lance's left one and leans her head on his shoulder. Lance suppresses a sigh and places an arm around her shoulders out of obligation more than anything else, the girl under his arm sighing contentedly and snuggling closer. He grimaces, glad she can't currently see his face. Luckily, he's saved from having to linger too much on her, as Tristan and Isolde take that moment to appear once again.
"Oh, Guinevere, you're back! Lance said you would be back before we were, but I was worried when he mentioned it being a business call." Isolde admits to the woman at his side.
"Oh, it was nothing, everything is fine now." Guinevere waves her hand in front of her with an air of nonchalance.
Lance stops focusing on the women's interaction as he finally gives in to his urge that's almost instinct by now to look at Tristan. Tristan, who currently appears to be burning holes into Guinevere's arm with his eyes, glaring directly at where her arm is looped with his. Oh. Jealousy was not something seen often on the prince, but Lance is just now realizing that it is a very good look on him. Especially when it's about Lance himself.
Tristan must've felt Lance's eyes on him because his multi-colored eyes were suddenly meeting bright red. Lance's breath hitched. He was suddenly pinned by the hot spark in those green and blue irises of his. Something had changed, had finally shifted in this long game of theirs. He knew right then that tonight would be different. He didn't know how yet, but he was excited to find out, and he made sure to hold his realization and how he felt about it into his expression, with a hint of questioning. The silver-haired prince shook his head with a quick wink, just the tiniest of movements that no one would notice unless they were specifically looking for it. 'Not right now, you'll see.' Is what he was saying. Lance gave a nod in acknowledgement, another barely there movement, and smirked. Tristan is the only reason he really even continues to come here and he never disappoints, not that Lance has ever expected him to.
"So," Tristan speaks up then, clearly having paid enough attention to the other conversation happening to know when to interrupt. "Shall we head up to the lounge? It's so much easier to talk privately up there." He suggests, looking away from Lance and between the pinkette and brunette.
"Oh, yes, that sounds like a wonderful idea." Guinevere says, already getting up with her drink in hand. Lance follows suit as Isolde chimes her own agreement and the four of them head up the club's spiral stairs, the prince and princess leading the way and Lance swears that Tristan is swaying his hips slightly. Gods, he'll be the absolute death of me, Lance groans inwardly.
They enter one of the VIP lounges, the one they enter completely empty except for the bartender at the bar in the back of the room. Lance orders a second drink as the other three go sit down and he walks over to join them soon ever. When he reaches the table that they chose, he freezes for a moment. The place that was picked to sit at was a round, single booth with two spaces to enter it. On Lance's right, he could easily sit down right next to Guinevere, just like he always does, just like he should. But next to Guinevere is Isolde and next to Isolde is Tristan with an open spot right next to him and for a split second, Lance genuinely considers turning to the left and sitting next to the prince. But he catches himself and dutifully takes the spot to the right.
As he slides into his seat and places an arm across the top of the booth behind Guinevere's head, he looks to Tristan with nothing but a deep longing, finding the same emotion reflected back at him. He swallows and turns away from him, afraid he might do something stupid if he continues looking at him in that moment.
"So, Isolde? What's all this exciting news you guys have to tell us?" Lance asks as he looks at her, an eyebrow raised as he takes a sip of his drink. He notices out of the corner of his eyes that Guinevere also turns to her as she leans into his side again. He forces himself not to shift away from her.
Isolde suddenly gives out a quiet squeal. "Okay! So," She looks at Tristan for a moment before turning back to them, Lance watching as the positions of the prince and princess mirror almost exactly Lance and Guinevere's. But he doesn't think much of it as Isolde continues talking. "Tristan and I have finally gotten a date for the wedding figured out!!" She exclaims happily, positively beaming. Guinevere gasps and shares in Isolde's excitement, the two women taking a moment to ramble together.
Tristan gives out a low chuckle and Lance turns to him again, something off about the sound that escaped him. The prince seems tense, his expression tight, and it becomes clear to the blonde that his chuckle wasn't born out of any kind of amusement, though it could easily appear that way to the two others in their party, as they were barely paying him any attention in this moment. Lance's brows furrow, a slight tilt of his head asking Tristan what his reaction was for. Yeah, so they figured out a date for the wedding already. Not ideal for Tristan, he was sure, but-
"Yes!" The fakest smile he had ever seen to date plasters itself across the prince's face. "August 28th." He states. "Of this year." And right there was the answer to Lance's question. Four months. Tristan and Isolde were getting married in four months. The public had only known them to be engaged for three.
"Ohhh, an end of summer wedding will be beautiful." Guinevere says in awe.
"Oh, won't it?" Isolde coos, her hands clasping in front of her.
"In just four months, huh? That's a lot sooner than I would've expected." Lance pipes up, his eyes not having left Tristan's at all yet.
"Yes, well, Isolde just couldn't wait any longer." Tristan states. "And apparently neither could my parents. August was supposed to be a completely unavailable month. But upon hearing that August was ideal over September or November, he completely canceled all matters of business for the month. That way we could have "the pick of the lot", he said." Tristan spat out, his words getting colder as he continued, and this time it didn't seem to be for a reason that he cared to hide.
Lance's suspicions were confirmed when Isolde spoke up next. "Oh, Tristan, cut your father some slack. I know you were excited for that trip, but your father just wants to help us in any way he can." She tells him, her voice on the verge of scolding. The tone made Lance almost scoff.
Tristan looked down at Isolde with a much softer expression than he had just a moment before and smiles at her. "You're right as always, I'm sorry. Forgive my thoughtlessness." And then the prince lays a soft kiss on the princess' lips, and the young nobleman has to look away quickly at the sight. Lance takes a long drink from his glass as he surveys the rest of the lounge outside of their booth, seeing it still empty as it was before. He's about to excuse himself for a moment, needing some air, when he's stopped from doing so.
"Isolde, do you mind if I talk to Lancelot privately for awhile? Most of the rest of your announcements have to do with the wedding more than anything else and Guinevere seems a lot more interested in those details than Lance does. Plus, I feel like I should finally get to know a bit more about the man. His father is practically my uncle and yet I feel I've barely spent any time with Lancelot himself." Tristan explains to his fiance, looking at her with casual questioning.
Isolde smiles at him, believing his explanation entirely. "Of course!" Suddenly she lights up even more. "Oh! Anne should be here soon, too! Guin, have you met Anne yet? You would absolutely love her!" Isolde gushes as she looks to the brunette.
Guinevere shakes her head. "Oh, I don't think so, but if she's a friend of yours, then I have no doubt that we'll get along." She states warmly. Isolde beams at her as Tristan exits the booth to let Isolde out and Lance follows his lead, letting Guinevere out. Isolde and Tristan share a peck on the lips and Lance turns to Guinevere to do the same, knowing she'll expect it.
"Take your time, don't rush, okay? I want you to have fun with your friends. We are here for that purpose, after all." Tristan points out to Isolde.
Isolde grins and throws her arms around him in a quick hug and for a moment, the smile on Tristan's face is back to being genuine, obvious affection on his face for the woman before him. Just not the kind that it's supposed to be. "Thank you. Have fun with your new friend, Trist." Isolde says before turning and looping her arm with Guinevere's, dragging her away as the brunette waves at Lance as she goes. Once the two of them have left the lounge and headed down the stairs to go meet up with Anne, Lance turns back to the booth, seeing Tristan already sitting once again. Lance sits back down as well, both of them choosing spots that allow them to be exactly across from each other.
They both stay silent for a few minutes, simply staring at each other, both seeming to be in quiet contemplation. Then Tristan breaks the silence first. "So, when are you and your fiancé going to make an announcement? The public doesn't even know that you two are engaged yet." He points out.
Ah, yes. His fiancé. Not by his own choice, of course. He doesn't have a single romantic notion towards her. In fact, he doesn't really have any platonic ones towards her, either. Guinevere is too arrogant for her own good and has way too big an ego, not to mention her whole I-know-everything attitude. It's all just a big turn off for him. But he's stuck with her. For now, at least. She's the person that his parents chose for him. Just like Isolde is the one that Tristan's parents chose for him. Some people have said recently that arranged marriages are way too old school and going out of style, but in reality, they're just as common now as they were 200 years ago.
"I'm not an actor like you, Prince Tristan." Lance tells him with a wry smile. "Guinevere is well aware that I'm not in love with her and she doesn't want to start up the wedding process until I do fall in love with her, because, apparently, she's absolutely certain that I will eventually."
Tristan tilts his head to the side slightly. "And how do you know that I'm acting with Isolde?" He asks, a hint of teasing in his tone.
Lance raises an eyebrow at him and he chuckles softly. "Considering you look at me in ways I've never once seen you even consider looking at her, I'd say you're more likely to be in love with me than with her."
Tristan's eyes widen as soon as the words leave his mouth and Lance's do, too, once his own words register in his mind. That right there was territory neither of had even dared go into before. There's never been any communication of feelings besides lust, passion, and curiosity. There couldn't be any romance between the two, could there? He was frozen, unsure how to recover from his own suggestion.
"Well. You certainly are observant, that's for sure." The silverette seems to have recovered faster than him, though his voice is much softer than it was before.
The topic switch definitely helps. Lance locks eyes with him, pouring every ounce of want he has for the man into his eyes without a single bit of shame or hesitation. "Yes, but you already know that, don't you?" Flashes run through his mind of all the times they've checked each other out or sent silent flirtations towards each other.
From the way Tristan bites his lip, he's thinking of the same thing. But instead of replying, he slides further into the booth, until he's in the middle of the half circle. He pats the spot right beside him. "Come over here." He orders.
Lance hesitates for a moment. Not because he doesn't want to be closer to Tristan. He knows that once he moves closer, it'll be the turning point of whatever this is between them. All of this is completely new. As he noticed before, he makes note of it again. Something is different about tonight. And he has a feeling he's about to find out exactly what it is. But he hangs back a little longer. It's like when a roller coaster reaches the top but then stops for just those extra few seconds, building up the anticipation so that you feel it just that tiniest bit more when the ride finally dips and takes the drop down. And it seems his decision was the right one.
When Lance doesn't immediately come over to him, Tristan bows his head down slightly, then looks back up at Lance through his lashes, an almost shy look on his face. "Please?" The single word comes out as half whisper, half purr and Lance suddenly feels the need to adjust himself. Fuck.
Lance slides across the booth until he's right beside the prince, only about an inch of space between their bodies. He's tense now. He doesn't know what to do with himself, where to put his hands. Eventually he decides to just place them on the table in front of him. He left his drink across the table, so he just lays his hands flat on the dark wood. Then Tristan places his hand on top of Lance's and he startles slightly, sucking in a deep breath at the contact. He can hear Tristan's breath hitch beside him and he knows that he must've felt it, too. The bolt of lightning that struck through to the very core of his being as soon as their skin connected. But Tristan continues despite it.
"Just take a second to relax, okay?" He says casually in a low voice. And then he starts moving his hand across Lance's wrist and over his arm slowly, causing Lance to do the opposite of relax. It felt like electricity was coursing throughout his entire arm, spreading out from where Tristan's hand was. He watches with wide eyes as the silverette's hand reaches the crook of his elbow and starts making it's way up.
"Relax, remember?" Is whispered into his ear as he feels the slight brush of hair against his cheek. He closes his eyes as his whole body shudders.
He tries his best to follow the instruction, urging his body to relax against the seat. Then Tristan changes the position of his hand slightly, pressing the tips of his nails against Lance's shirt and then lightly dragging them against the skin over his collarbone and Lance melts. His head falls back against the top of the cushion behind him and bites his lip as the other man's palm presses flat to the spot where his neck meets his shoulder, sliding up the side of his neck and over his collarbone, until his hand finally stops, resting gently against Lance's cheek. The electricity has followed his hands path, leaving a pleasant burn in it's wake, every part of him that's been touched feeling so warm.
He slowly opens his eyes as he sits back up, looking at Tristan. The prince has a look of pure awe on his face as he stares at him, as if something Lance just did has absolutely amazed him. Lance reaches up and threads his fingers into some of the hair at the top of the prince's head and runs them through it gently. Tristan's eyes flutter closed and he hums, a pleased sound. Once his fingers reach the tips of his long hair, he brings his hand back up and mimics what Tristan did, his hand curved around his cheek. When Tristan opens his eyes again, the blue and green in them is barely visible with how wide his pupils are blown.
"Lance." He whispers, his voice shaking slightly now. "I don't exactly know what it is going on between us. What all these feelings are and what they'll lead to. I know that I want you. I want you more than I've ever wanted anybody or anything in my entire life. But," He brings his free hand up to wrap around the wrist of the hand Lance has on his face, tracing small circles into his skin with his thumb. "I feel like it's something more than that. Like even if I finally have you, I won't be able to let you go." He admits, giving Lance that same shy look as before, but with a hint of fear in it this time. Fear of what, he wasn't sure.
Lance swallows before answering. "I think I know what you mean." Is all he whispers back. He has his own theories of what it all was, but he isn't sure he's ready to confront that just yet. Tristan runs his eyes over Lance's face a few times, like he's searching for something. Then they lock eyes once again and Lance suddenly realizes that it's not Tristan's voice that's shaky. Tristan himself is trembling. Before Lance can question him, he speaks up again.
"I don't know what it is," A fierce determination sparks in his eyes and Lance is both surprised and entranced by it. "But I want to." He says just barely above his breath. "I want to-" He cuts himself off, like he's afraid of what was about to come out of his mouth.
"What is it?" Lance asks him. "What do you want to do?" He brings his other hand up to cup Tristan's other cheek gently, looking at him pleadingly. Somewhere deep down, he knew exactly what the prince wanted, because he wanted it, too, but he needed to hear him say it first.
Tristan leans into his touch and lets out a sound close to a whimper. "I want to find out together. You and I. We could do it, you know. Because you were right. Of course you were. Isolde has never been anything more than a sister to me, a friend. I hate the idea of marrying her and everything that's meant to come with it. Tomorrow, I can break things off with her. Tell my parents that there's someone else. I don't care how mad they get at me. And then you and I, we can take this however far it goes, as long as you do the same. We can make our own choices for once instead of just always doing what everyone else wants us to." His own eyes are pleading now and the fear is even more evident. Lance realizes that the fear is of rejection. That his proposal will be brushed off and turned away from.
"And what would your choice be, Prince Tristan?" He asks, his own voice trembling.
"As of right now, my choice would be you, Sir Lancelot." Tristan says with certainty.
"What if I don't want that?" Lance asks him. Not because he's considering no. Not at all. Only because he's curious as to what the alternative is.
Tristan leans in slightly, taking his hand from Lance's wrist and reaching up to run a thumb down his temple and over his cheekbone before his hand lands on his jaw and stays there. "Then we won't continue this any further. I couldn't handle doing anything more if you don't want the same as me. But it's your choice. Kiss me right now and I'm yours. Walk away from me right now and we'll never be this close again, everything we've been doing will stop."
Lance looks at him. The answer was clear as soon as the idea left Tristan's pretty pink lips. Leave Guinevere and the stupid arranged marriage behind in order to pursue Tristan and see where the feelings between them go? It wasn't even a question. Lance gives him a grin. "Stupid of you to think that I could ever walk away from you." He tells him. And then Lance is crashing his lips against Tristan's.
A/N: So, how is it so far??? Did you guys like it?? Cause I honestly loved writing this. I love these boys sm and this AU was really fun to come up with. You guys will get the rest tomorrow!!! Please, lemme know all your thoughts on this!!! I hope you enjoyed it!!!! Love y'all 💜💜💜
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9. interlude: possibilities
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A/N: Chapter 9 and the third interlude of this story!! Most of the chapters after this will be quite a bit longer than the others, I think, so I apologize if they take a bit longer to get out than usual, but I’ll still try my best to get them out as soon as I can!! I really enjoy writing these little snippets, they’re really fun, tbh, so I hope you guys like them, too. Not much to say in my little note right now, so onto the chapter!!
Pairing(s): Tristan x Lancelot (kinda)
Summary: It’s not always our fault if we choose the wrong possibility. Sometimes, it’s the only one we’re able to make. Even if it means you take one step back instead of one step forward.
Tag(s): Breaking and entering (mention), breakdown
Song Inspiration: N/A
Word Count: 796
Not beta’d, all mistakes are my own.
[Series Masterlist]
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9]
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They say the world is full of possibilities. Anything can happen, anything is possible, nothing is impossible. Is the teacher going to give a pop quiz or announce a new project? Is dinner going to be turkey or chicken? Is that present going to be a new book or a new lego set? Some possibilities are connected to your own choices, but most of them aren't. Most of them are provided without anyone's say but that of the universe itself. There are those who claim it's unfair and try to force their own possibilities. People try to force control where there can be none. And in doing so, they actually push themselves farther away from the possibilities they want so much in the end.
Then there are some people who aren't even aware that they have possibilities in the first place. Some people just see one possible choice, one possible outcome, and nothing more, when maybe there's actually four or five of them. And when they choose the wrong possibility, they feel guilt, as if they did something wrong. At times it is, for those so blinded by their own mind that they aren't allowing themselves to see what's right there. And for others, it's the opposite, other people blocking their view or the path they've led up until that point not allowing the other possibilities to even be visible in the first place. The man frantically searching the dark house he had forced his way into is experiencing the latter.
"Tris!? Tristan!?" The blonde-haired man cries out for another. Around another corner. Back up the basement stairs. Through the kitchen once more. Up to the second floor. He's quickly dissolving into hysterics, despite how much he's trying not to. The two women in the house with him, waiting by the door, exchange looks of deep worry and concern. A hint of sadness to them both, slouched shoulders and dull eyes.
The blonde goes through every single room in the house, every single floor. He looks in each closet, in each cupboard, just in case. He presses at the walls and moves every bookcase as if expecting some secret door to be at each one. His breathing is quick and heavy, way faster than it should be, but he can't find it in himself to care. The women gasp as he throws a fist at the wall with an angry shout at the one who's caused his despair. The one who took his love away.
A sob escapes his throat and he falls back against the now broken wall, sliding to the floor as he curls in on himself. The pinkette and bluette move to his sides immediately, hoping to provide whatever comfort they can, even though they know it won't really help the man. He breaks down. Fully and completely breaks down. He's sure he's not done so in over a decade. He breaks down because the house is empty. In fact, the whole place is covered in a thin layer of dust, as if no one had been in it for weeks before they'd came and disturbed it. And he knows for certain now that he cannot live without the man he's lost. It's...impossible. How could he ever be without a person when it hurts this much to be? Or, a better question, how is it even possible to be this attached to one single person? How can someone, after just months of being in his life, carve such a large place for themselves inside his heart?
He knows now, without question, that he is in love with the man. It's the only explanation for how much pain he's in, as if his ribcage is being forced open and with every snap of bone, he's sinking deeper and deeper into dark, cold waters. And he has no idea if the snapping will ever stop or if it'll just continue until a hand can wrap around his heart and squeeze, stealing his entire life away from him. The man has no idea if he'll ever find his love again. Because this house is the only possibility he knows of. He doesn't know about the large weapon of a house hiding away in the middle of the woods. He doesn't know about the dark, soundless room or anything around it. He doesn't know that there's another possibility just hours away from him. Because his path never allowed him to. And now, because of that, all he can do is sit and cry in this barren living space, hoping that the man will return to him one day.
A/N: What do you guys think?? Everything’s gonna start connecting together real soon!! Lemme know your thoughts on this chapter!!
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4. let’s run away and don’t ever look back
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A/N: Only 5 days since I posted chapter 1 and we’re already at chapter 4!!! That’s a whole new record for me and I’m already starting chapter 5 as well, I have a good feeling about the rest of the story, tbh 😌 There’s a big Trilance fluff moment right in the beginning, but after that, it’s mostly some other character interactions and plot movements!!! Also, you get introduced to quite a few headcanons of mine in this chapter that I very much enjoyed writing out!! I hope you guys enjoy this one!!!!!
Pairing(s): Tristan x Lancelot, slight Meliodas x Elizabeth
Summary: Tristan and Lance part ways the next morning and Tristan takes the time apart to talk with both Isolde and his parents about his new decision while Lance does the same.
Tags: Aged Up Characters (21-24), fluff, lots and lots of fluff, both platonic fluff and romantic fluff, prescription medication, discussion of characters’ mental disorders, coming out, I think that’s it 
Song Inspiration: Teenage Dream By Katy Perry
Word Count: 6,946
Not beta’d, all mistakes are my own.
[Series Masterlist]
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9]
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[3 Months Earlier]
Tristan wakes up feeling like he's on a cloud. Physically and emotionally. A steady heartbeat is heard right below his ear and he smiles, turning his head to nuzzle against the bare chest he was laying on. He hears a snort and lifts his head to look at its origin, the still sleeping blonde man he's tangled up with. He takes a moment to observe Lance. He was so still and quiet, yet even asleep, his face was full of life. His cheeks were colored a soft pink and his lashes fluttered against his skin delicately. His lips were parted slightly, his breathing slow and quiet. Tristan couldn't help but compare him to an angel. A sleeping beauty. Tristan bit back a giggle. Maybe I'm not the only prince. He thinks to himself.
He shakes his head at himself and rolls over, onto his back and off of Lance. He gives a full body stretch, his back arching as he does so. His entire body feels sore in the most pleasant way and he gives a contented hum as he settles back down on the bed. He blinks up at the ceiling, noticing a plain white ceiling fan resting still above him. He pushes himself into a sitting position, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and planting his feet on the floor. The floor is made up of wooden floorboards that are a natural, light brown color. He looks up to look around the room more, curious to learn more about his mysterious Sir Lancelot.
The first thing he sees is plants. There's a large window in the wall in front of him, a cushioned, white bench along the wall right under it that has cupboard doors along the front of it. The window sill looks to be about 5 or 6 inches wide, making it the perfect place for the many potted plants that are placed on it. Tristan stands up and walks over to them, leaning one knee on the bench to observe them closely. There's six plants in all and there's only two that Tristan can really identify at all. A medium size fern and a gathering of peace lilies. The others are all flowers in various colors, ranging from purple to orange to yellow and white. Tristan smiles softly.  He stands up and turns around, only to spot more. Some of the same potted purple flowers are on his left nightstand and there were 4 little succulents lined up along the top of his dresser, something he hadn't noticed last night. Tristan looks to the man still sleeping on the bed in the middle of the room, his head tilted slightly. He definitely never could've guessed Lance for a plant dad, especially with this many. But he wasn't complaining, not at all. He was just even more determined to learn more about the man now.
Tristan hummed to himself softly as he looked around the room again, looking for his clothes. He grimaces at the scattered clothes around the room. In the heat of the moment, he doesn't really care, but seeing it now, he feels the immediate urge to clean up. And so he does. He gathers their clothes from the night before and puts them all in the laundry basket he finds in the corner with the exception of his jeans. As much as he hates having to re-wear anything like this, it's a necessary evil since he'll have to go back out in public before he can get anywhere that has a proper change of clothes for him. He might not have to wear the same shirt, though. He looks between Lance and his dresser, considering. Finally, he decides to just go for it. He walks over to the dresser and rummages through it, snatching a pair of boxers and a red short sleeved shirt. It was definitely going to be too big on him but an oversized shirt was way better than oversized pants. He just hopes that Lance doesn't mind too much and if he does, then Tristan will just buy him a new one of each to make up for it.
He gathers up his clothes and scans the room once more. There's three doors in the room. He knows the one almost directly across from him is the main entrance to the bedroom. That left what he assumes is the closet and a bathroom. All he can do is guess, so he walks over to the door closest to him and swings it open, thankfully finding that it's the assumed bathroom. He steps in, closing the door quietly behind him. He quickly relieves himself and then gets dressed, enjoying just how large Lance's shirt is on his shorter frame. He walks over to the sink, looking at himself in the mirror on the wall behind it. His hair is a mess, as expected, and his neck is covered in hickeys. He blushes, bringing a hand up to press his finger to one of them, shivering as he does so. He pulls the collar of the shirt down slightly, noticing a few more littering the top of his chest. He bites his lip and adjusts the shirt to cover as many as possible without looking weird, but there was no way for him to cover all of them. Seems he'll have to borrow more from Lance then he originally planned to.
He sighs softly and washes and dries his hands before reaching into his back pocket to pull out the comb he knows is there and runs it through his hair as best he can. He isn't able to get all the tangles out, he'll need a full-sized brush for that, but he does manage to get it looking decent enough to be seen in public with. After placing the comb back in his pocket, he turns the facet back on and splashes some water over his face a few times, patting his face dry with a washcloth he finds on a towel shelf afterwards. Lastly, he pulls the tube of strawberry lipgloss out of his right pocket, smiling down at it as he does so. It wasn't his usual brand or flavor, but it was a gift from Isolde and he cherished it greatly. While he may not love her as his parents intended, he cared about her deeply. She was his best friend, the sister he never had, even if he's pretty sure she's in love with him. He just hopes that when he breaks things off today, he doesn't hurt her too badly and that they can still be friends afterwards. He isn't sure if he could handle losing her. His smile turns wobbly and he feels a burn in the back of his throat in reaction to the direction his thoughts have gone and he shakes his head rapidly, blinking his eyes a few times.
He quickly returns to the task at hand, applying the lip gloss to his lips and pocketing it once more afterwards. He blows out a long breath before turning away from the mirror and walking back into the Lance's bedroom, staying quiet in case he was still sleeping. As the door closes with a soft click behind him, he sees that the blonde is indeed still asleep. He smiles at him briefly before heading for the door to the hall. Right as he's about to step out of the room, he freezes and then backtracks a few steps. He stands there for a few moments, his eyes on the two pairs of shoes on the ground, one his own and one Lance's. Don't do it. Just leave them. Just go. He tries to demand, but his own brain was working against him. He growls as his body moves without his say so, grabbing both pairs and walking over to the door, placing Lance's shoes on the left side of the door frame, toes pointed towards the wall, and doing the same with his own shoes on the right side. Ignoring the instant relief the action brings, he quickly leaves the room, closing the door behind him.
He walks down the small hallway and enters the living room, enjoying the amount of natural light in the room. And he's only a little surprised to see more plants. The living room has a similar window and bench setup to the one in the bedroom, but this one was bigger in order to match the bigger room. In the two corners of the wall holding the front door to the apartment is two potted trees, both around the same height as Tristan himself. The window sill had eight pots lining it, each one filled with soil but no plants sprouting from any of them yet. In the right top corner of the window, there was a hanging basket of what Tristan recognized to be flowering jasmine, his fifth favorite flower. And finally, two more taller plants, one on each side of the window bench. These were nearly as tall as the trees, but they were both growing big, bright yellow flowers. It was a color that Tristan absolutely adored and he walked over to one of them, reaching out to touch one of the blossoms gently.
"Try to be careful with those ones." A soft voice calls from behind him. He whips around in surprise, eyes landing on the tall blonde standing in the open space between the hallway and the living room. Lance smiles at Tristan as he continues speaking. "They're real delicate flowers, they can rip easily." He informs him.
"Oh." Tristan says simply. He turns back to the flowers and traces a single finger over one in a featherlight touch just once before pulling his hand back. He then turns around and heads to the open kitchen area attached to the living room. Out of the corner of his eye, he catches a glimpse of Lance eyeing him carefully. Tristan suddenly has the feeling that he was just put under some sort of test, though he was confident that he had passed whatever it was. He notices more succulents in the kitchen and gives an amused chuckle.
"What's so funny?" Lance asks curiously as he also steps into the kitchen.
Tristan looks at him with a raised eyebrow. "Plants, huh?"
Lance's expression softens into understanding as he snorts softly and nods. "Uh, yeah. You can blame my mom for that. And my uncle, too, I guess." When Tristan gives him a questioning look, he continues, smiling softly. "Where they grew up was mostly just woods and after moving to the city, they couldn't help but keep as much of the outdoors with them as possible. I grew up surrounded by all kinds of plants and I guess I came to love all of them, too." He admits, his cheeks darkening slightly as he runs a hand through his hair.
"That's actually really cute." Tristan tells him honestly.
"Psh, sure it is." Lance immediately brushes off the compliment and turns away from him, but Tristan sees the red that spreads to the tips of his ears and he smirks at the sight.
Tristan feels the urge to start teasing him, but he decides to resist it for now. "Where are your cups?" He asks instead.
He opens up a cupboard next to the sink that's the same color as the floor of the bedroom and living room. "Right in here." He moves back to allow Tristan to see inside the cupboard. "If you're looking for water, though, I also have bottles of water in the fridge." He informs him.
Tristan smiles. "I'll take one of those, then. Thank you." He takes a step forward to peck Lance on the cheek. As he pulls back, Lance starts to say something before he freezes, his eyes widening slightly.
Before Tristan can ask what caused his reaction, he gets an answer. "I-is-is that-" He chokes out before stopping to clear his throat. "A-are you wearing lip gloss or something?" He asks.
Realization dawns on the silverette. Oh. So he hadn't noticed last night. "Yeah, I am. I usually am." He admits. "Is...that a problem?" He asks uncertainly, trying not to let the sudden jolt of fear that runs through him show on his face.
Tristan can almost see the gears turning in Lance's head as he processes, his face becoming one of understanding and then quickly shifting again as his eyes darken slightly, leaving Tristan very confused, his brows furrowing. Lance then kisses him fiercely, the action filled with desire and leaving Tristan burning all over when he pulls away a few moments later. "Definitely not a problem." Lance assures him quietly.
"So I've noticed." Tristan mumbles back, his cheeks warming over with a light flush.
He then turns around without another word and walks over to the fridge, seeing multiple water bottles lined up along the bottom shelf of the fridge door. He leans down to grab the fifth one in the row, closing the fridge as he opens the bottle. He swallows down about half of it before setting it down on the island in the middle of the kitchen as he hears Lance turn on the kitchen faucet. He reaches into his left pocket and pulls out his little pill capsule, popping it open and dumping the three pills inside into his hand. He pops them into his mouth and swallows them down along with the rest of the water in his water bottle. When he pulls the plastic away from his lips, he freezes, seeing Lance staring at him again. He has a glass of water almost to his lips, hovering there as he looks at Tristan with curiosity. Upon seeing Tristan looking back at him, he nods his head towards the blue pill capsule Tristan still has sitting on the island.
Tristan gives him a smile, but it's more sarcastic than anything else. "Actual meds, not a drug problem, just in case you were questioning that." He jokes half-heartedly, grabbing the pill capsule and closing it before putting it back in his pocket. "Two for Bipolar Disorder and one for OCD." He says quietly. The only way to let someone know you're open to trusting them is by being honest right from the start. That's what Dr. Dreyfus says, anyways.
Lance sets down his water glass and turns to him with a soft, affectionate smile that makes Tristan feel all fluttery inside. The silverette watches as he walks over to the opposite side of the sink and opens up another cupboard, pulling something out and placing it on the counter. It's an orange prescription bottle. "ADHD." Lance tells him.
"Ooh." Tristan says slowly. "Well, that's good to know." Tristan returns his smile.
Lance shrugs. "It's not too big of a deal." He then gestures a hand behind Tristan. "The shoes - back in the bedroom - that you?" He asks.
Tristan gives him a sheepish little grin, rubbing the pads of his fingers over his palms in a nervous habit. "Yeah. Sorry about that. I tried not to." He admits.
"Hey, no, you don't need to apologize for something like that. You lined up some shoes, it's not like you rearranged my entire apartment or something. Just not something I'm used to someone doing after I've spent the night with them, that's the only reason I really even noticed in the first place." He says sincerely before picking up his abandoned water and downing it in a few gulps. Tristan gives him a grateful smile when he's able to catch his eye again.
Tristan spots a trashcan in the corner and tosses his water bottle into it. "Hey, do you, uh, have anything I can use to cover, you know," He gestures to his neck. "All this?" Lance walks over to him as he speaks and he places his hands on the other man's chest, looking up at him. "As much as I'd love to show off your handiwork, the paparazzi are probably already out and prowling the streets and if my parents find out I hooked up with you last night through the internet before I even get the chance to talk to them about my decision, then there's going to be some problems."
Lance wraps his arms around Tristan's waist. "Is that what I am to you? Just a hookup?"
Tristan would've started to worry if not for the teasing glint in the man's red eyes. "Of course not. You're quickly becoming much more important than that." Tristan says shyly, ducking his head and looking at him through his eyelashes.
It's true. He's not stupid. He knows what's going on between them is anything but platonic, and it's way more than just sexual. He wants to know every single thing there is to know about the man in front of him, everything he's willing to tell him. He wants to know more about his childhood and meet more of his strange friends. He wants to know about his favorite places in the city and why he grows peace lilies instead of daffodils. And with how comfortable Lance's arms are around him, he's convinced he wants to be held by them forever.
Lance observes him with soft, tender eyes. "Yeah, I know what you mean." He whispers, and he kisses him again, slow and sweet. It feels like some sort of unspoken promise that neither knows the meaning of yet. Lance pulls away from the kiss only slightly, his lips hovering right above Tristan's. The silver-haired man's eyes stay closed, lingering in the moment just a little longer.
"You can take the black jacket by the door when you head out. It should be big enough on you to keep your neck covered up. I'll toss on a hoodie as well. It's a good thing it's supposed to rain today." Lance says quietly and it takes Tristan a moment to process what he's talking about. When he does, he sighs in relief. 
"Thank you so much, seriously."
"You're welcome. Though I'm sure you would've managed just fine without me telling you." He quips, grinning and gesturing to the t-shirt Tristan is currently wearing.
Tristan blushes, remembering exactly where the t-shirt came from. "I can go ahead and give it back if you'd like. Wearing my button up from last night isn't exactly ideal, but I'd do it if you preferred I not take your shirt with me.' He says.
Lance leans forward and nips at his ear, causing a gasp to escape his lips. "Don't you dare. You're not giving that back to me until after I've had the chance to fuck you in it." He whispers. Tristan whimpers softly at the thought. But before the silverette can respond, the place where Lance was is completely empty. "I just gotta get dressed real quick and then I can drive you home. I'll be right back!" He calls from the hallway.
Tristan stands there sputtering for a moment, face completely red, before he recovers enough to yell back at him. "Rude!" All he hears in reply is Lance laughing loudly from his bedroom.
Four hours later, Tristan is showered, freshly dressed, walking up to Isolde's doorstep. She lives in a quaint, little, brick townhome on the south side of Liones. He walks up to her front steps and slips through the door, closing and locking it behind him. He had asked her if it was okay for him to come over today and she had told him that it was and that she would leave the front door unlocked for him as always. He pushes his hands into the pocket of the large jacket he's borrowing from Lance, fiddling with his car keys.
"In the kitchen!" She calls out to him.
He smiles and walks through the house until he reaches the kitchen. She's bustling around the whole space, the light pink apron she's wearing covered in flour and other powdered baking ingredients. He doesn't see anything wrong with the scene until he notices the smell of the room as well as the batch of already baked cookies out on a cooling rack. A strong scent of cinnamon and nutmeg. A bowl of cinnamon sugar resting off to the side. She's making snickerdoodles. His absolute favorite. His brows furrow and he looks at her, finding her standing completely still and already staring back at him.
"What's wrong?" They both say at the same time.
"Wait, what?" Tristan blinks.
Isolde sighs and grabs a kitchen towel from the counter behind her, using it to wipe off her forehead. "Tristan, you've been acting weird since yesterday. You were so quiet all day, you spent way more time than usual getting ready just to go to The Rogue, of all places, you were so tense the whole time we were there, and then you just ditched with Lance so quickly, I just-" She throws her hands up in a frustrated gesture. She looks his form up and down as if just now actually looking at him. "What's with that big jacket? See, you're acting weird!!" She exclaims exasperatedly.
Oh, Isolde. Always working yourself up. Tristan takes in a long, deep breath, wishing there was a way he could stall this conversation a bit longer, but he knows there's no point in pushing it away. He and Lance agreed that they'd break things off today and he was still planning on talking to his parents after he finished talking with Isolde. "Isolde. I'm ending our arrangement." He breathes out, holding his breath.
"Oh, thank gods." Is the first thing out of Isolde's mouth and the thing he expected to hear the least.
"Excuse me?" He coughs.
Isolde walks over to him, reaching out and grabbing both of his hands in hers. "Tristan, I love you to death, but marrying you would be the equivalent of marrying my brother." She makes a disgusted grimace and he can't help but mimic her expression for a moment.
"Yeah, that's exactly how I feel about you. You're amazing, Isolde, but I really couldn't ever see you that way and I'm really, really glad that you don't see me that way, either." He tells her sincerely.
She smiles softly. "No worries, Trist. You're honestly not even my type anyways."
At Tristan's questioning look, her smile turns shy. "It's not just you. No guy is my type." She admits.
The silverette's eyes widen. "Oh. Oh. Wow. I...never even realized. That's...wow. Of course, I accept you, you know that. Well, at least, I hope you know that, cause if you don't, then that would be a problem that I definitely need to fix because I'm-I'm rambling and I need to shut up." He takes a deep breath.
Isolde giggles, letting go of his hands. "Everything's okay. I know what you mean and I do know that you accept me, I've never thought anything different. I am curious, though." She studies him closely. "After all this time of just going along with it, what's gotten you to finally switch things up?"
Tristan's face blooms into a brilliant fire hydrant red, making Isolde look at him with great interest and curiousity. "Alright, this is gotta be good. Spill it." She demands.
Tristan chews on his bottom lip. "Okay, first of all, I have to apologize. Because I totally lied to you about what I was doing last night." He admits sheepishly.
Her eyes narrow and one of her eyebrows raises, her arms crossing over her chest. "So you didn't go spend the night with Lancelot?" She questions.
"Oh, uh, I, uh, definitely spent the night with Lancelot." He says, clearing his throat as the heat burning across his face spreads to the tips of his ears. Rather than try to explain outloud, he decides it best to rid himself of the jacket. It's getting a little stuffy wearing it since he's inside now, anyways.
He avoids looking at Isolde completely as he unzips it and pulls it off of his shoulders, folding it over his arm. He studies the floor for a long minute or two before finally looking up to see Isolde's reaction. All he's wearing under the jacket is Lance's red t-shirt, which he had slipped back on after his shower, which means that all of the dark bruises on his neck are still on full display. Isolde is looking at him about how he expected her to. Her eyes are wide, staring directly at his neck, her mouth open in surprise. She looks the definition of shock.
"So, you-. But you-. And he-. His apartm-. I-I mean-" Isolde shakes her head rapidly. "J-j-just wait a second, let me get this straight." She stutters out finally. "Lancelot..." She looks at Tristan again now. "And you. You guys-" She cuts herself off, gesturing to the man's neck.
Tristan chuckles nervously. "Y-yeah, we did. Lance and I. We slept together. Last night. At his apartment." He confirms.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got that part now." Isolde starts pacing back and forth in front of him. "I mean-" She stops and gives him a skeptical look. "Lancelot?? Really?? Isn't he supposed to be getting engaged to Guinevere??" She questions.
Tristan's eyes harden slightly at the mention of Guinevere. "Yes, he is, but he doesn't have any feelings for her. Like, literally. They're not even friends, based on what he's said." He informs her.
The pinkette in front of him looks at the counter she's standing next to, lost in her head. "Huh. Weird. The way Guin talks about him, you'd think the two were all in."
Tristan scoffs and crosses his arms. "Not even close. It's all one-sided. She just likes to think that she has some claim over him when in reality, he wants nothing to do with her, which is exactly as it should be." He says, irritation seeping into his tone. He couldn't help it. He doesn't like Guinevere at all, never has. There's just always been something about her that makes him feel uneasy, though he's not quite sure what. Not only that, but she was always clinging to Lance whatever chance she got and Lance was clearly uncomfortable each time she did it, yet she either didn't care or wasn't paying enough attention to him to even notice.
"...Tristan, was that a hint of jealousy I heard just now?"
Tristan's eyes shoot open. "What? No! Why would I ever be jealous of Guinevere?" He immediately denies her claims.
Suddenly, Tristan's vision is filled with nothing but Isolde's face, the woman grabbing his shoulders lightly and leaning down so that her face was level with his. "Trist, what aren't you telling me?" She asks him gently.
Tristan immediately deflates and groans as he steps over to one of the kitchen island stools and plops down onto it. "Lance and I have been flirting with each other for the last 8 months, pretty much ever since we first met. For awhile, it was just attraction, but eventually it started to change. Or maybe it had been like that the whole time and I'd just never noticed. But suddenly it wasn't just that I wanted to sleep with Lancelot, I...wanted something more than that, I thought. And that thought solidified more as time passed and then we'd settled on a date for the wedding and I just couldn't take it anymore." He runs his hands over his face. "So, last night, we talked before we went back to his place. I told him how I feel and he feels the same. We made an agreement that I would end my arrangement with you while he ends things with Guinevere, and then him and I are gonna get to know each other, see where this whole thing goes." His voice is quieter as he finishes talking, a small, warm smile spread over his face as he looks down at where his hands are resting on the island counter.
"Tristan Nathan Liones, is that the look of love I see on your face?" Isolde gasps playfully.
Tristan turns to her, sputtering. "What- I- No!" He looks down as he nibbles his bottom lip. "Not yet, anyway..."
Isolde squeals and pulls Tristan into a tight hug that Tristan gladly returns. "Oh, Trist, I'm so happy for you!! This is amazing!!"
Tristan laughs. "Thank you, Isolde, I know it is." They pull back from the hug, Isolde holding him at arms length. "I think he's really great so far." He pauses for a moment. "...this morning, he told me that I'm becoming important to him." He whispers, gaining another squeal from Isolde in reply.
He laughs some more as she coos at how cute that is while walking over to the fridge and pulling some things out, starting to get back to her baking. He sits and watches her mix and knead and bake for a couple more hours, the two of them talking the whole time. Tristan is so glad that things have worked out between them like they have.
"Hey, Thetis, is my mom busy right now?"
"I wouldn't know, Tristan, she's not here. She's working with your father today." His mother's assistant tells him formally.
"Oh, okay. Well, thank you for letting me know." He thanks her.
"You're welcome." She says before hanging up. He sighs. Same old Thetis.
He switches lanes, then, heading for city hall instead of his parents' house. The difference in drive time isn't much, thankfully. He pulls into the outer parking lot that the public used. It wasn't very crowded at the moment and he's hoping as much as possible that he won't be here for very long. He locks his car behind when he gets out before stopping a moment and making sure his jacket is adjusted correctly. He doesn't even want to imagine what would happen if his parents saw any of those damn hickies.
He enters the building, relieved that it doesn't seem to be too terribly warm inside. He waves at a few people as he walks through the halls. He's a familiar face and he knows all the passcodes to the staff only rooms and elevators, so it's not too much trouble getting to his dad's office. He spots Rose at her desk, as usual. She's his father's secretary. From what Tristan's heard, his dad didn't actually want one at first, but everyone else convinced him to, eventually. Rose has been around for nearly ten years now, ever since he was a preteen, and she's about that much older than him by now.
"Hey, Rose!" He greets warmly.
"Mr. Liones! It's been awhile since you've been around here, how have you been?" She asks just as warmly.
He sighs inwardly. For the longest time, he tried to get her to just call him Tristan, but he gave up on that ages ago. "I've been good. Really good. And you?"
"Oh, I've been wonderful, thank you. Oh, and your parents are right through in the office." She informs him.
Tristan is about to open his mouth to thank her when he suddenly realizes what his mom and dad together in a close space with a lockable door might mean. His face scrunches up into a look of disgust that Rose seems to notice immediately. "Don't worry, Mr. Antin is in there with him. I believe they're discussing this year's Pride parade." She says with a laugh, knowing exactly why he'd pulled that face.
He visibly relaxes. "Okay, good. Thank you so much." He tells her as he walks forward, seeing her nod as he pushes the office door open and walks through.
"...I don't know, I just don't think we should do all that without getting a confirmation back from 'em first." He hears his Uncle Ban say.
"It's really no problem. They'll come through for us, just like they do every year." His mom.
"See? It'll be perfectly fine, Ban." His dad.
As he enters the room, he observes them. Uncle Ban is leaning his back against the right wall of the office with his arms crossed over his chest while his parents are standing in front of his dad's desk. His dad is looking at the papers scattered all over his desk, his hand under his chin and a thoughtful look on his face and his mom is standing right behind him, peeking over his shoulder.
Uncle Ban mutters something along the lines of, "Why do I even bother?" before the door finally closes behind him with a heavy thud, drawing the attention of all three people right to him.
"Oh, Tristan!" His mom comes rushing towards him with open arms and he returns her hug without hesitation.
"Hey, ma." He greets her.
As they pull away, a warm hand is placed on his shoulder. "Hey there, Trist." His father says with a grin.
"Hey, pa." He replies, returning his grin. Then he turns to the other man in the room and greets him as well. "Hey, Uncle Ban!"
"Yo, kid, how ya been? It's been awhile." He points out.
"That's true, actually. The last time you came to my office was nearly a year ago." His dad says, walking back over to his desk.
Tristan walks towards the desk as well. "I've been really good. And I wanted to talk to you guys about something, actually." He tells them, looking pointedly between both of his parents.
Both of them look at him with furrowed brows. "Oh, okay. Would you like Ban to step out for a few minutes?" His mom asks him gently.
"Oh, um, no, he's fine to stay in here. I don't really plan on taking very long, there's just something I want to tell you both in person." He explains, his nerves flaring up now that he's actually at this point. He just can't say anything about Lance. Not like he had been planning to, anyways.
His dad sits down in his chair and his mother leans against the front corner of the desk. Even Uncle Ban comes over and stands next to Tristan's dad, a grin on his face and a mischievous glint in his curious eyes. The eyes of all three adults are now on him and he holds back a nervous squeak. "So, what is it?" His dad prompts.
"Is everything okay?" His mother questions, her eyes worried.
Tristan isn't sure if he's even breathing or not anymore. He quickly forces the words out, afraid that if he takes too long to say it, then he'll end up bolting out of the room before he gets the chance to. "I'mnotmarryingIsolde." He forces out.
"Um, what?"
"Excuse me?"
"You're gonna have to repeat that, sweetie."
Tristan mentally slaps himself and huffs slightly, his cheeks puffing up as he lets out a deep breath. He shakes his head at himself and straightens his shoulders. "I'm n-not marrying Isolde." He wanted the sentence to come out sure and confident, but in reality it came out small and quiet, barely above a whisper. He looked at his mom, not wanting to see the look of disappointment his dad was undoubtedly sending in his direction.
"What?" The silver-haired woman questioned. "Why? Did something happen between you two?" She questions, her concern growing.
"Oh, no, nothing like that at all!" He reassures. "Isolde and I are perfectly fine, great even. Nothing's happened between us." He finally looks to the two older men behind the desk. His dad's face is completely blank and his Uncle's face is skeptical. He looks down for a moment, thinking of Lance. A blush comes to his face and he can't help but smile as he remembers his morning with the man just earlier. The two of them had left Lance's apartment and stopped for a quick breakfast together, Tristan learning that the blonde prefers his coffee with plain creamer but no sugar, and that he favors biscuits over croissants.
He gets lost in his thoughts for a moment and is suddenly brought back to reality when his mother speaks up again. "Oh. I see." Tristan's head shoots his head up as his mother steps closer to him, reaching her hands up to tuck his hair behind his ears before cradling his face gently.
"Ma...?" He asks uncertainly at the same time that his dad says, "Elizabeth...?"
His mom has a warm, knowing smile on her face. "Tristan isn't going to marry Isolde because there's someone else he has feelings for instead."
Tristan's blush deepens slightly upon realizing how quickly she was able to figure him out, but he returns her smile, nodding in confirmation. "Yes. Things aren't very far along, yet, but I think I'm going to fall in love with him, ma." He admits softly.
"I think you already are." She tells him and his stomach flutters. Is that true? He wonders. Have I really started falling so quickly? The knowing in his mom's eyes only grows as she watches the emotions swirling in his eyes and she kisses his forehead before stepping away from him.
He finally looks to his dad, his nerves returning. His father is still looking at him with that same blank look as before, but suddenly, he grins widely and lets out a small chuckle. "Okay, Tristan. As long as this guy is treating you right and makes you happy, then I'm perfectly okay with your decision!" He tells him brightly.
Tristan stands there blinking at him. What? He waits for the blonde man's expression to change, for it to be some sort of joke, but his dad's grin was completely unwavering. Tears spring in Tristan's eyes and before he even realizes what he's doing, he's behind the desk and throwing himself forward, hugging his dad tightly. The man doesn't return the embrace right away, instead staying completely still at first, before slowly wrapping his arms around his son.
"He's treated me wonderfully so far and he makes me feel like I could do anything." He admits quietly.
"Good." His dad says. He reaches up and pats the top of Tristan's head a few times. "Good."
"Man, first Lance and now Tristan. What even is today, huh?" Tristan perks up at hearing Lance's name as he pulls away from his dad.
"What about Lancelot?" His dad asks the other man.
"The kid called Elaine and I up this mornin', says he isn't gonna marry Guinevere. Wouldn't tell us why, though." His Uncle Ban tells them. Tristan bites back a victorious smirk at the news. "But it's whatever. As long as he knows what he's doing. Anyways, do we get to know anything about this guy of yours, Tristan?" He asks with a grin.
Tristan shakes his head, nibbling at his bottom lip. "No, not yet. There's still a lot that him and I need to figure out first." The silverette tells his uncle honestly.
The tall man's shoulders slouch. "Aw. That's no fun."
"Don't worry, Ban, I'm sure Tristan will share more once he's ready to." His mom reassures. Tristan nods and turns to smile at his mom gratefully.
Soon after that, Tristan is leaving his dad's office and heading back out of the city hall. He feels so much better than he did 24 hours ago and he can't wait to see where this new path takes him. Right as he steps through the front entrance and out into the light drizzle that's falling from the clouds overhead, his phone buzzes in his pocket. He pulls it out and sees a text from Lance. He beams and unlocks his phone, pulling the message up to read through it.
'Just finished talking to Guinevere and already talked to my parents this morning. No other strings to cut. I believe this means I'm all yours, your majesty 😉'
Tristan bites his lip, giggling softly. He walks over to his car slowly as he types out a reply.
'I believe it does, Sir Lancelot. But only if I can be all yours, as well 😘'
Tristan falls into the driver's seat of his car, feeling giddy and warm all over. He has a feeling that this will be one of the best decisions he's ever made.
A/N: What did you guys think?? Please let me know!!! There’s gonna be lots of more characters in the next chapter, most of them being introduced in this AU for the first time!!! A few more ships as well!!! ALSO!!! In the series masterlist, I’ve added the names of all upcoming chapters, so if you’d like to take a peek at those to try and see what kind of hints you can find, you can now do so!! 
[Lemme know if you'd like to be added to the taglist for this series and any other stories relating to it!!!]
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5. i know you get me, so i let my walls come down
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A/N: Chapter 5!!!! Guys, lemme tell you, I changed the events of this chapter soooooo much. Honestly, I’ve made a lot of changes to the chapters, I’ll probably be writing out some extra drabbles and scenes later on that didn’t end up in the main story, ngl. But for now, the story continues!!! I will say, the smut in this chapter was totally unplanned. At first, I didn’t want to cause I already have smut planned for both chapters 7 and 8, but this scene wasn’t that long and I figured you guys wouldn’t complain much, lmaooooo. Anyways, this chapter is pretty fun, I hope you enjoy it!!!
Pairing(s): Tristan x Lancelot, slight Nasiens x Percy
Summary: Lance’s friend group likes to spend the occasional weekend at Percy’s grandpa’s beach house over in west Britannia and this time around, they invite Tristan and his friends to come along.
Tags: Alcohol, smut, explicit sexual content, handjob, slight dom/sub dynamics, sir kink, shower sex
Song Inspiration: Teenage Dream By Katy Perry
Word Count: 4,398
Not beta’d, all mistakes are my own.
[Series Masterlist]
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9]
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"Percy!! We need to figure out room assignments, everyone else is gonna be here soon!!"
"Hey, does anyone know what we're gonna do for dinner?"
"Somebody better plan on restocking the pudding while we're here."
"Why don't you just do it yourself, Gawain?"
"Lance, do you think there's enough left in the kitchen for you to whip something up for everybody?"
Lance shakes his head, chuckling to himself as he sets his bag on the floor by the hallway leading to the bedrooms and heads towards the kitchen. He'd missed his friends and all the chaos that came with them. "Lemme take some stock in here and I'll see what I can do, Anne." He tells the bluette standing in the middle of the kitchen, hands on her hips.
"Oh, good. I hope there's enough, I really don't feel like going out in public again today." She admits.
"Rough week?" He questions.
"You have no idea." She groans. "I seriously needed this weekend away. Plus, it's been awhile since we've all gotten together here, I've missed it." She sighs.
Lance nods, walking over to the fridge and opening it up. "Definitely." He agrees. He grimaces at the near empty fridge and opens up the freezer instead, looking over the items inside thoughtfully. "Hey, can you look and see if there's any flour and baking powder in the cupboards?" He asks Anne over his shoulder.
He hears her move to look as he pulls out a package of frozen sausage and tosses it onto the counter, closing the freezer back up as well. "Full bag of flour and half a tin of baking powder. Little bit of sugar in here, too." She informs him.
"Alright, cool. I think I got something in mind." He says, pulling out his phone as he leans against the counter. Just gotta see if Tris is willing to make a pit stop.
'Hey, how far out are you guys?'
'About 10 min'
'Do you think you'd be willing to do me a favor?'
'Does that mean you'd "owe me one" afterwards?'
'Why of course'
'Alright, fine, what is it?'
'Stop by a store and grab some milk and butter, pretty please? Doesn't matter what kind or brand'
'Ugh, okay. Only cause I like you so much ;D'
'Thank youuuuuu. I'll make it up to you, promise'
'Oh, I know you will'
Lance snorts, pocketing his phone and looking up to find Anne staring at him with a smirk. "You talking to your new friend?"
He rolls his eyes playfully. "They'll all be here in about 15 minutes or so." He informs her. "Once they get here, I'll have everything I need to start on dinner."
"Great!" She exclaims. "In the meantime, we should probably make sure that the idiots out there haven't made a mess of things already." She points her thumb over her shoulder and in the direction of the living room before turning around and walking that way. Lance shrugs and follows her, having nothing better to do while he waits.
Seventeen minutes later, Lance is in the process of defrosting the sausage when he hears exclaims from the living room. "Hey, uh, Lance?" Donny calls.
Lance walks into the living room, eyebrow raised. "Yeah...? What's up?" He questions.
"What the hell are Tristan Liones and Isolde Connors doing walking up to the house!?" He exclaims, half panicked.
Anne gasps. "Isolde is here!?"
"Oh, they finally got here, then." Lance says, a smile spreading over his face as he tries not to seem too excited.
"Oh? "Oh"?? That's all!?"
Lance doesn't answer Donny, instead walking closer to the clear glass wall making up the front of the house and watching as four people come up the stone steps. He spots Isolde and Tristan at the front and two men behind them that he doesn't recognize. He doesn't pay much attention to them, his eyes going back to Tristan almost immediately. It's only been about a day and a half since they'd last seen each other, but Lance was excited to see him all the same. In the past week, they'd spent the night together three more times and gone on two dates. They texted everyday and called sometimes, too. Lance didn't think it was even possible to be so attached to someone after so little amount of time, but the proof is right there in front of him that definitely was. He's been wearing a smile all week and all he can think about half the time is when he'll see the man again.
He's found out so much about the prince of Liones since that first night. He now knows that Tristan's favorite color is yellow and his favorite baked good is cinnamon rolls. His OCD was first diagnosed when he was 9, his Bipolar Disorder was diagnosed when he was 15. He'd had one girlfriend and two boyfriends in the past, all before him and Isolde were revealed to be dating to the public at age 19. When he was a kid, he'd had a dog named Monspeet that was first given to him by his Uncle Zeldris and Aunt Gelda, and the dog passed away when he was 17. He currently only models men's clothing, but he's considered asking to try out some women's clothing as well. Not only does he wear lip gloss, but sometimes more than that. He loves everything to do with the beauty and fashion industry and hopes to one day start his very own line of makeup and beauty products. He's obsessed with space and stars, has been for as long as he can remember. He has a deep passion for learning new things, becoming fascinated whenever he finds out a new fact he'd never known before. Whenever he comes to Lance's apartment, he has a new question about the plants he's growing and the crystals Lance keeps around his living space. Lance happily answers each one.
And so, when Percy calls him up and tells him that he wants to get the gang together for the weekend at his grandpa's beach house, the question of bringing Tristan along tumbled from his mouth before he'd even realized what it was. Percy, of course, said he could, and mentioned that he could bring a few friends along with him since the house was so big. Percy's grandpa's beach house has 8 bedrooms total and with their usual group there, only 4 of the bedrooms are taken, leaving the other 4 completely vacant. Tristan immediately agreed, saying he was sure his three best friends would love to come. One of which is, of course, Isolde, and if Lance remembers correctly, the other two are Jade and Chion.
Lance never told Donny, Anne, or Gawain about him and Tristan. They only know that he invited someone who he's getting close to, which they know in translation to mean dating. He technically didn't tell Nasiens directly, either, but he's certain that Percy told him who he was inviting and the both of them already know a little bit about him and Tristan anyways since they'd caught the two men making out back at the club a week earlier. It's just now that Lance realizes there's something else he's never told them. Tristan is the first guy he's ever dated, and he's never really tried to dig too deep into his own sexuality in the past. He's been attracted to plenty of guys, he's just never acted on any of it. So, given all of that, not only is Donny freaked out by the literal celebrities walking up, he's probably also extremely confused. Anne would most likely be just as confused if she wasn't so happy about Isolde being here. Oh, well. They'll adjust.
Lance walks over to the front door, opening it up as the group of four reaches it and holding it open. Percy comes rushing into the room and stops beside Lance. "Hey, everyone! Glad you all got here okay!" He greets cheerfully.
"Oh, Percy, right? It's wonderful to see you again!" Tristan exclaims with just as much cheer. "These are my friends, Isolde, Chion, and Jade." He points to each one as he introduces them.
"Great!!" Percy shakes hands with each of the newcomers, waving the rest of Lance's friends over. "This is Anne, Donny, Gawain, and my boyfriend, Nasiens! And-" Anne barrels into Isolde with a squeal, interrupting Percy.
"Anne!? I didn't know you'd be here!!" She exclaims as the two embrace quickly before pulling back.
Percy smiles at the two before continuing. "And then there's Lance, of course!"
Lance steps back into view after closing the front door and locking it, sending a wave at the new people in the room. "Hey, guys." He says casually.
Before anyone else can answer, Tristan comes right up to him and plants a kiss on his lips. Lance immediately wraps his arms around the silverette and returns the kiss without hesitation. He hears a choked gasp and a "What!?" from his group of friends and he internally snickers. Tristan pulls away slightly, giving him an amused smirk. "I got you your stupid butter and milk." He whispers, his arm coming up to show the grocery bag he's holding in one hand.
"Well, thank you very much, your majesty. I appreciate the hard work you put in, in order to do so." He whispers back, taking the bag from him. "Now I can make dinner." He says in a normal volume this time.
Tristan gasps dramatically, placing a hand over his heart. "Am I finally getting to taste the Lancelot Antin's cooking?"
"Oh, don't get too cheeky now, maybe I'll change my mind." Lance quips.
The prince narrows his eyes at him. "You wouldn't."
Lance sighs. "You're right, I wouldn't. Only cause Anne would kill me if I made us go out for something, though." He points his thumb at the bluette.
"Damn right." Anne grumbles, arms crossing over her chest.
"Huh. Good to know." Tristan has a mischievous glint in his eye as he turns away from Lance. Lance just shakes his head, chuckling at the prince's antics.
Tristan starts introducing himself to the rest of Lance's friends and people start to mingle, so Lance takes the milk and butter into the kitchen, putting them away for now. He then finishes his process of defrosting the sausage and then sets it aside for the moment. He then gets out the flour, baking powder and sugar, setting them on the counter as he gathers up other things he'll need.
A few minutes later, he's just starting to flatten the biscuit dough he made when arms wrap around him from behind. "That's kinda hot, you showing off all your muscles like that. Definitely a view I could get used to." Tristan comments.
Lance snorts. "Is that so?" He asks, folding the dough over and then flattening it down with his palms.
"Mm-hm." The silverette nuzzles his face against the man's back and Lance feels butterflies take flight in his stomach at the simple affection. "Your friends seem really fun and this house is gorgeous. Thank you for inviting us." Tristan says sincerely.
Lance stops what he's doing for a moment to place his hands over Tristan's on his waist. "Of course. A lot of good memories have been made here, I'm glad I can add some with you to the mix." He admits.
Tristan doesn't reply, but his hands start to tremble slightly in his grasp. He's about to question why, growing concerned with the man's silence, but then Tristan just tightens his arms, hugging Lance tighter, and buries his face in his back, humming softly. Lance smiles softly and squeezes his hands before focusing back on the biscuit dough in front of him.
"Dinner's ready!!" Gawain swats a spatula against the living room doorway multiple times to get people's attention.
Lance shakes his head at her with a chuckle as he passes another full plate of food to the pinkette beside him. Isolde has insisted on helping him every opportunity she gets, including taking food from the kitchen to the dining room. Lance had an inkling that she was trying to get him to like her, which was confirmed when Tristan whispered to him to just go with it. Truth is, he has no problems with her. Tristan already explained to him that she doesn't see him in a romantic way and that they're just friends and nothing more, that Isolde is glad their arrangement is over now. And Lance believes them both, he has no reason not to. Not only does he trust Tristan's word, he trusts Anne's as well, and Isolde is a really close friend of Anne's. And so, he lets her do her thing, not like he's complaining about the help.
Lance passes the last plate to Isolde before making sure all the burners are turned off and putting all the dishes he'd used into the sink. He'd made biscuits and gravy. It was simple and about the only thing he could've made with what they had. He'll go out and do some grocery shopping tomorrow morning, making sure there's some good freezer stuff stocked up for next time they come.
"Hey, do you know where the corkscrew is?" Donny asks him as he walks in, heading straight for the wine cart. Which was completely empty save for the wine and champagne glasses on it.
"Yeah, right here." Lance says, grabbing it out of a nearby drawer. "Whatcha need it for?" He asks curiously.
The redhead starts gathering champagne glasses, sending a wide grin Lance's way. "You're boyfriend brought us the wonderful gift of alcohol!" Lance chokes at the title Donny gave Tristan. Boyfriend. Lucky for him, Donny isn't paying much attention as he tries his best to balance all ten champagne glasses. "Hey, think you could bring that in yourself?"
"Y-yeah, I got it." Lance coughs. Donny then walks through and into the dining room, leaving him alone in the kitchen.
He'd be lying if he said he hasn't considered the title at least once. He has. Just yesterday, in fact. But...is it too soon? They've known each other for 8 months, but they've only been dating for a week. One single week that's been incredible. And when he imagines giving that kind of title to Tristan, and Tristan giving that same title to him in return, it just feels right. So maybe it isn't too soon for Lance, but what if it is too soon for Tristan? He just isn't quite sure what the right move here is yet.
He shakes his head to clear his thoughts and leaves the kitchen, finding that he's the last one to enter the dining room. There's a spot open for him right in between Tristan and Tristan's friend, Chion. The purple-haired man has eyes on him as soon as he enters the room, scrutinising his every move as he walks over to the empty chair. Lance just tries his best to ignore the distrust radiating from the man as he takes his seat. Tristan is currently chatting animatedly with the green-haired man on the other side of him. Lance smiles softly at seeing the two getting along so well.
"Alright! Who wants a drink?" Donny calls, drawing everyone's attention as he picks up the corkscrew that Lance had set on the table.
"Please be careful, Donny." Nasiens pleads.
"Don't worry, I got it." Donny waves him off.
"Yeah, don't worry, Nasiens. Donny learned his lesson from last time, when Anne damn-near beat the shit outta him." Lance teases the man, Gawain, Anne, Nasiens, and Percy snickering at the comment.
"Oh?" Jade raises an eyebrow in amusement and curiosity.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Donny grumbles, pushing the screw into the top of the champagne bottle and pointing the bottle in the direction of the kitchen, holding it close to the doorway. Everyone in the room winces at the loud pop as the bottle is opened. Donny then proceeds to fill everyone's glasses halfway, setting the bottle in the middle of the table and sitting back down.
"Oh! Does this mean we can do a toast?" Isolde says from her spot between Anne and Gawain.
"You should do one." Gawain suggests, elbow on the table and her head resting on her chin as she appears to admire Isolde, a look on her face that Lance hasn't seen in years. Well, that's new. Lance makes a note to keep an eye on that.
"Oh, well," Isolde looks around the table, receiving encouraging looks from everyone. "Well, I guess we should toast to new friends. I think I speak for all of my friends here when I say that we're very hopeful for the rest of the weekend. You all seem so wonderful already and this whole place is beautiful. So, thank you." She finishes speaking with a shy smile, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear.
"Cheers!" Tristan exclaims, reaching his glass out to clink against hers and then everyone else's as they all do the same.
From there, everyone begins to eat and dinner is anything but quiet. Everyone's chatting and having fun, though Chion seemed a bit uneasy the whole time. Halfway through dinner, Tristan's hand grabs his under the table and Lance intertwines their fingers together. Tristan turns and beams at him, bringing their hands up to his lips and kisses the back of Lance's. Lance then proceeds to look away and act as if the blush growing on his face isn't there as he continues eating, swearing he hears the prince snicker quietly beside him.
The next day, almost everyone sleeps in, unsurprisingly, and that includes Tristan. Something else Lance has learned about the man is that when he doesn't have anything to do the next day, he really likes to enjoy his sleep. Lance went and got groceries early on, returning with breakfast for everyone, though it ended up being more like lunch for a lot of them. And then it was collectively decided that they would all head down to the beach, as one does when staying at a beach house.
"So, you remember how you owe me one, right?" Tristan comes up to him and crouches down, his hands resting on his knee and his chin resting on his hands.
"Of course I remember. Why?" Lance asks from his place in the sand, leaning back on his hands and his legs stretched out in front of him to allow the water to run over them. His fingers tap against the sand as he stares back at the silver-haired man. 
Tristan gives him a shy smile. "I think I know what I want you to do."
He tilts his head at him. "Really? Ready to cash in already?" He jokes and Tristan giggles, nodding his head. "Well, what is it, then?"
The prince bites his lip, his body doing a small wiggle motion that Lance finds extremely cute. "Be my boyfriend?" He asks quietly.
Lance's breath hitches and he stares into his eyes, searching them for any hint of joking. All he saw was a mixture of anxiety, hope, and affection. "Is that all? Cause if that's the case, then you really don't need to use your favor to get me to say yes." He says, sitting up and reaching out to grab one of Tristan's hands in his. "I was plannin' on askin' you the same question already." He tells him.
Tristan's eyes light up. "So, is that a "yes", then?" He asks.
"Yes, your majesty, I will happily be your boyfriend." Lance grins at him, the sentence making his heart soar.
Tristan squeals slightly, jumping at him and tackling him into the sand, giving him a kiss that takes his breath away. Lance laughs against his lips and wraps his arms around the shorter man's waist, kissing him back with just as much enthusiasm. The silverette holds the blonde's face with both hands and deepens the kiss, swiping his tongue over the other man's bottom lip. Lance accepts him, delving into his mouth and sucking on his tongue, drawing a moan out of the prince.
He pulls back and looks down at Lance. "I think I need a shower. Come help me clean up?" He asks coyly.
"Sounds like a good idea to me." Lance whispers. Tristan climbs off of him and stands up, Lance following suit, and Tristan grabs his hand, intertwining their fingers as he leads them back up to the beach house, leaving everyone else to their own fun.
The two of them quickly make their way to their shared bedroom for the weekend, going straight to the connected bathroom. Tristan turns on the shower and adjusts the temperature as Lance goes up behind him, planting kisses down his bare back as he reaches for the waistband of the silverette's swim trunks and pulls them down, sucking and nipping until a mark is left at the base of his spine. He stands back up as Tristan turns around, stepping out of the trunks pooled at his ankles and running his hands down Lance's sides and over his hips until he's pulling Lance's swim trunks down as well. Lance leans down and kisses the prince as Tristan starts walking backwards towards the shower, pulling the other man with him as he steps inside under the spray of water.
Tristan reaches down and grabs Lance's cock, rubbing his thumb over the tip and drawing a groan out of the blonde-haired man. Lance bends down to grab the backs of both of Tristan's thighs, pulling the man up and placing his legs around his waist in one quick motion, causing Tristan to let out a small squeak as his hands latch onto Lance's shoulders. Lance chuckles as he presses Tristan's back to the shower wall. The silverette arches into him, his body instinctively reacting to the cold tile touching his skin, and the action causes his cock to rub against Lance's. Both men moan into the kiss, pressing closer to find that same friction again.
Lance grabs his bodywash from one of the shower shelves, pulling back from the kiss. "I'm supposed to be cleaning you up, right?" He says huskily as he pours some of the soap into his hands, blindly putting the bottle back on the shelf as he keeps his eyes on Tristan.
"Yes, I do believe that was the intention of this shower." Tristan says, smirking as he runs his nails down Lance's chest lightly.
"Thought so." Lance says as he reaches down and wraps his soap covered hand around both his and Tristan's cocks, holding them in a firm grip and giving one, single tug before stopping and Tristan bucks his hips up, trying to get a continuation of the motion. Lance tsks and changes his grip on the prince, instead grabbing tight hold of his hip and pinning it in place.
Tristan gasps and bites his lip. "I love it when you take control." He comments.
Lance gives another tug, this one quicker. "You implying that I usually don't, little prince?" The pet name slips out, something he'd never called Tristan before, but it gets a very noticeable reaction from the other man.
"N-not at all, s-sir." He stutters out, his eyes wide and dark, the absolute furthest thing from innocent.
That flash of heat runs through his body again at being addressed as such and he pumps his fist as he growls out, "Say it again."
"Sir. P-please." The silverette tries to move his hips again.
"Stop squirming, little prince, and I'll give you what you want." He breathes out. Tristan whimpers, but stays still, looking up at him with pleading eyes. "Good." The blonde whispers, before making good on his promise, pumping his fist and continuing the motion instead of stopping after just one pass.
Both of them groan and Lance starts moving his hips in time with his fist. Tristan lets out a whine and Lance digs his nails into the prince's hip, a warning for him not to move yet. Lance speeds up the motions of his hand a bit, groaning. "L-Lance. Sir." Tristan's voice is strained and Lance presses their foreheads together.
"Almost there, sweetheart, just wait a bit longer." He pants.
He jerks them both off quickly now, chasing both their highs but his main focus is Tristan in that moment. They both moan together as they get closer, the hot water beating down on them without much notice from either one.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." Tristan chants, his back arching forward more with each curse and his body starts tensing up, like a coil getting ready to spring, and Lance is feeling much the same way.
"That's it, little prince, let me see you cum." The taller man encourages, and that was all it took for the silver-haired man to fall apart in his arms.
"Oh, Lance!" He shouts, body locking up completely as he cums hard. Lance tries his best to keep watching the beautiful sight unfolding before him, but his own orgasm takes over and his vision blurs as he cries out Tristan's name in return.
Tristan comes down from his high with another whimper, Lance with a soft groan, and both of them become still finally except for the heaving of their chests as they try to catch their breaths. "Damn." Lance says.
Tristan giggles. "I cannot wait to do some more exploring with you."
A/N: What do you think?? Did you guys like this chapter or no?? Tell me your thoughts, I wanna know!!! I actually got this chapter finished last night but afterwards, I was so tired and felt like I was about to pass out from exhaustion, so I just waited to post this chapter until after I woke up but I woke up much earlier than I planned and Imma prolly go right back to sleep after I finish posting this, ngl. BUT whenever I wake up again, I’ll be working on chapter 6 and chapter 6 will definitely, 100% be out later today, so watch out for that!!! Ily, guys, thank you for reading!!!!
[Lemme know if you'd like to be added to the taglist for this series and any other stories relating to it!!!]
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in the middle of the darkest night (Trilance) [Series Masterlist]
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Pairing(s): Tristan x Lancelot
Summary: Tristan and Lance have spent months pining over each other and finally get the opportunity to explore the relationship between them and see where it goes. But the past has a tendency to linger and if it’s left to fester for too long, it’ll come back, clinging like dust to a broom. Will they manage to vanquish the shadows clawing at them or will they both be dragged down into the abyss?
Tags: Aged up characters (somewhere around 21-24), a single instance of cheating/infidelity sorta (depends on how you look at it), smut, explicit sexual content, I’ll add more as I add chapters, each chapter will have it’s own list of tags as well
Song Inspiration: Rescue By Lauren Daigle
[Read on AO3]
[Author Masterlist]
Chapters List:
1. it’s been a secret for the longest time - Posted 04/12/23
2. now that you have me, do you want me still? - Posted 04/13/23
3. interlude: choices - Posted 04/14/23
4. let’s run away and don’t ever look back - Posted 04/16/23
5. i know you get me, so i let my walls come down - Posted 04/19/23
6. interlude: illusions - Posted 04/19/23
7. little bit of poison in me - Posted 04/25/23
8. you’ve reached the end, you are the winner - Posted 04/29/23
9. interlude: possibilities - Posted 05/07/23
10. just come home
11. if you're scared, i'm on my way
12. interlude: karma
13. if i told you this was only gonna hurt
14. i will hold you in the depths of your despair
[Lemme know if you'd like to be added to the taglist for this series and any other stories relating to it!!!]
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7. little bit of poison in me
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A/N: Hey guys!!!! I’m finally getting out a new chapter!!! Sorry this took so long, my brain started acting up and wouldn’t let me focus much for these last few days. Then I realized that I wasn’t multi-tasking enough and then I was finally able to actually get this chapter fully written out!!! And with this chapter, we’re officially halfway through our story!!! And as a celebration of us being halfway, I would like to announce that there will be a sequel to this fanfic after it’s finished!!! I have everything all planned out and I’m excited for the rest of this story as well as the continuation. Also!! I would like to say that if any of you feel like we’ve learned a lot more about Tristan than we have about Lance, that is being done on purpose and we will 100% learn more about Lance as well, we’re just learning more about Tristan right now!!! I really hope you guys like this chapter, please enjoy reading!!!
Pairing(s): Tristan x Lancelot, Meliodas x Elizabeth
Summary: Our couple enjoys a nice evening with Tristan’s parents, but Tristan can’t shake the feeling that someone has been watching him. If only he could’ve been proved wrong.
Tags: Makeout session, smut, almost panic attacks, home invasion
Song Inspiration: Tag, You’re It By Melanie Martinez
Word Count: 5,719
Not beta’d, all mistakes are my own.
[Series Masterlist]
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9]
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[Author Masterlist]
[2 Weeks Earlier]
"Lance, what are you doing??" Tristan whisper-shouts at the blonde currently trailing searing kisses down his neck. The silverette has one hand wrapped around the back of the man's shoulder and the other tangled in his hair, his body sitting on top of his old desk in his bedroom at his parent's house. He pulls on Lance's hair in warning when he starts sucking and biting at Tristan's collarbone, but it's only half-hearted and Lance must know it since he only continues his actions.
As Lance finally pulls away to meet his eyes, Tristan looks up at him, face red and lips formed into a pout. "Why'd you have to go and do that?" He huffs.
Lance just chuckles at him. "You're the one who had to wear that damned ponytail. Leaving all this skin on display without any pretty marks on it is a damn shame." Lance whispers huskily and Tristan's flush deepens at the hungry look in the taller man's eyes.
"I cannot go to dinner with my parents with fresh hickies on my neck, you jerk." He insists.
The other man grins at him and pulls his ponytail forward and placing it so that it covers his collarbone. "Problem solved."
Tristan rolls his eyes but smiles softly at him. "What am I gonna do with you?"
Lance leans in closer and brushes their lips together before answering. "I've got a few ideas considering you've been gone all week." He says before pushing his hips forward and pressing them against the silverette's.
Tristan gasps, instinctively returning the motion as heat spreads throughout his body. "Lance." He tries to sound bothered by current events and fails miserably when the name slips through his lips as a moan. Truth is, he missed Lance as much as Lance clearly missed him. He'd been in Danafall for a week, going through a few photoshoots as well as a runway walk. Him and Lance had planned to go to dinner with Tristan's parents after he got back, which was only that morning, and the first they'd seen each other since then was when Tristan was picking Lance up to head where they are now, at his parents' house.
"You know, next time, you should just come with me, that way we don't end up with problems like this." Tristan says pointedly as he wraps his legs around Lance's waist tightly, grinding against him, an action which the blonde-haired man returns without hesitation.
"Oh, I'm definitely going to." Lance moans, nipping Tristan's jaw.
Tristan rolls his hips forward with a groan. "You're gonna get me in so much trouble one of these days." He remarks.
The other man runs his hands under Tristan's shirt and up his sides, causing him to give a full-body shiver. "Says the troublemaker." Lance whispers hotly in his ear before sucking on the patch of skin right behind it.
"Fuck." Tristan pants. Only a week apart and he's already this worked up. It shouldn't be too much of a surprise. The two men have been nearly joined at the hip for the past two months, seeing each other almost everyday even if only for a few minutes.
"My place tonight or yours?" The blonde slides his hands over the silverette's chest and pinches one of his nipples, pulling a whine from him.
"Yours. We can go to yours." He replies, pulling hard enough on Lance's hair to pull his head back and expose his neck more, the motion causing Lance's hips to buck forward and let out a sound that Tristan would almost describe as a whimper. Tristan feels a smirk tug at his lips. He's just recently discovered what kind of reaction the motion draws from the man and it absolutely delights him. It's the first sign of genuinely submissive behavior he's witnessed from Lance and he thinks he might bring it up to him soon, see if he'd be willing to try switching roles at some point.
"Shit." Lance breathes as Tristan kisses along his collarbone before pulling his shirt collar back and creating a mark at the top of Lance's chest.
The two of them are moving in sync, rubbing against each other and pushing higher and higher. Tristan pulls Lance's lips to his, moaning into his mouth as Lance does the same back. It's the easiest way to try and keep their volume down as they get closer. Tristan bites down on Lance's lip and the blonde-haired man's entire body tenses up, the silverette swallowing his groan as he, too, reaches his peak, his toes curling and his eyes squeezing shut. Lance pants, his head falling against Tristan's neck and Tristan buries his face in the man's hair, both of them working to catch their breath as they come back down again.
After a few minutes, Lance pulls back and Tristan opens his eyes as he feels hands cup his face. The taller man is looking at him with a tender smile and warm, affectionate eyes. Tristan returns the look, reaching up and placing his own hands over both of Lance's, turning his head to the left and kissing the palm of that hand before turning his head to the right and doing the same thing.
"We should probably clean ourselves up a bit." Lance points out quietly.
Tristan snorts softly. "Yeah, you're probably right. I'll use the bathroom in here. You can use the one down the hall and I'll meet you in the kitchen?" He suggests.
Lance gives him a small peck on the lips. "Sounds good to me."
Tristan hums softly to himself as he walks into the kitchen, heading towards the fridge with plans to get himself something to drink, but he stops. Pinned to the fridge with a magnet is the ripped off front of a magazine from last month. The picture taking over the entire front cover is of Lance and Tristan, the two of them sharing a kiss at Liones' pride parade. Tristan had worn his hair up in a bun and had on an off the shoulder t-shirt in the colors of the pansexual flag while Lance wore a shirt that had 'I like kissing guys' printed across the front. Both of them wore matching rainbow bandanas in their hair and had the word 'Pride' painted across both of their cheeks. In the shot that had been taken of them, Tristan had his arms around Lance's neck, Lance holding Tristan up so that his feet were off the ground, and both of them were smiling widely against each other's lips. It had instantly become Tristan's absolute favorite picture as soon as he'd seen it. He smiles happily at seeing it on display in his parents' home.
He opens up the fridge and reaches in to grab a bottle of fruit punch when the hairs on the back of his neck raise up. Goosebumps appear on his skin and he shivers, but it has nothing to do with the cold radiating from the machine in front of him. The bottle he's only just grabbed is hovering over the shelf, shaking in his now trembling hand. Not again, he thinks. The feeling running through him, the reason for his body's reaction, is that of being watched. A human's instinct allows them to know when someone's eyes are on them, even if most people don't pay attention to it. It's also not hard to figure out whether or not those eyes on you are wanted or not. Tristan has experienced many people looking at him when he's not looking at them. When Lance looks at him, his bright red irises fill him with nothing but warmth and happiness. When paparazzi look at him, he feels a prickle of annoyance and exasperation. But what he feels right now...
He gulps. His body won't move, rooted to its current spot. This isn't the first time this has happened. He's had this feeling multiple times over the past month and wants it to just stop. He squeezes his eyes shut, willing the feeling to go away. It's nothing. Just some twisted feeling of anxiety. But his brain was not convinced. Because everything in him insists that it is something. That someone is right there, watching his every move, or lack thereof. But it isn't just that. Whoever is watching him isn't doing so kindly. Whenever he feels these eyes on him, he feels nothing but ill intent aimed at him.
The silverette hears a strange sound then. Crick. Tictictic. It's similar to that of someone trying to open a combination lock, but not quite the same. Something is off about it. Whatever it is, it makes Tristan even more uneasy than he already is. The man starts to feel that if he were to turn around right then, someone would be right there, waiting. And then, just like that, it's gone. He no longer feels those eyes on him, no longer hears anymore strange sounds. It's as if it never even happened. Just like that. He blinks. What?
"You okay, Tris?"
"Shit!" Tristan startles, immediately straightening up and turning to see Lance beside him. His brows are furrowed and he looks concerned, but when the shorter man swings around to face him, his eyes widen and he reaches out to touch Tristan's arm.
"Hey, hey, it's just me. What's the matter?" He quickly reassures.
Tristan takes a deep breath and breathes it out as his shoulders sag. "It's nothing, it's just-" His voice comes out quieter than he intends and he clears his throat. "It's just that feeling again." He tells him. Lance's eyes immediately harden and narrow as he looks over Tristan's head and behind him, towards the kitchen's only window. His eyes seem to be searching for something as he does this, the silver-haired watching them move back and forth, but Lance just looks back at him with a frown.
It's just like always. No one there and not a single thing to suggest anyone ever was. Tristan feels tears prick at his eyes and does his best to force them back, reaching forward and wrapping his arms around Lance's waist, burying his face in the man's torso as he stays silent. He hears the fridge door shut as the other man's arms wrap around him and hold him tightly, his previous task to quench his thirst long forgotten. He's not sure how long they stay like that, he doesn't really care to count the minutes. He just enjoys the comfort as his shaking eventually stops and his body slowly relaxes.
"You guys ready to go?" Tristan hears his mom ask. He slowly pulls away from Lance, remembering the mark on his collarbone at the last second and quickly making sure his ponytail is in place before they both turn around. Tristan's parents are standing a few feet away from them, his dad wearing a soft smirk on his face and his mom smiling at them brightly.
"Yes." Tristan smiles, looking to Lance who nods his head. What happened a few minutes ago is not forgotten, but now in the back of his mind to be mulled over later. "Lets go!" The group of four then collectively leaves the kitchen and heads outside to the limo waiting out front to take them to the restaurant they'd be having dinner at. Tristan is sure that if either of his parents could actually successfully cook, they'd have dinner at the house, but he knows from past experience that going out to eat is definitely the much better option.
Each of them settle in as the limo pulls away from the house and onto the street and Tristan's mom turns to him. "Tristan, how was Danafall? Did everything go well?" She asks him curiously.
"Oh, yes, everything was wonderful and the runway this time around was really fun. And," He taps his fingers on the seat below him, a shy little grin making its way to his face as he looks at the three people with him. "I have some news." He says, trying to contain his excitement.
"Oh?" His dad raises an eyebrow and his mom clasps her hands in front of her chest, both looking at him expectantly. The blonde beside him is looking at him with his head tilted in curiosity.
Tristan giggles in his excitement as he makes his announcement. "I finally talked to Gowther about doing some modelling for some more...feminine clothing," He pauses simply for the dramatic effect and nothing more. "And I'll be making my official debut as a model for his next Magick Heart line!" He exclaims.
"That's amazing!"
His parents speak at the same time, both looking at him with proud smiles and he can't help but beam at their reaction. Then his head is turned and his chin lifted up as Lance places a soft kiss on his lips.
When he pulls back again, his boyfriend is looking at him with pride as well, but a different kind of pride than what his parents showed him. The look in his eyes is more of a possessive sort of pride that makes the silverette flush slightly and a layer of heat is simmering there as well that Tristan can't wait to ask about later. "Congratulations, baby. You've earned it." Lance tells him sincerely. He can't help but give him a shy smile, but before he can actually reply, someone clearing their throat draws their attention.
"We're here, lovebirds." Tristan's dad says with a cheeky grin as his mother giggles. Tristan blushes at the comment and he can see Lance do the same out of the corner of his eye and instead of answering, he just reaches for the door to the limo, stepping out first with Lance right behind him.
Flashes instantly blind him and he internally groans. Of course they're already here. Lance grabs his hand and intertwines their fingers, squeezing reassuringly and both of them walk forward side by side. Tristan looks around him as he walks to the restaurant entrance, something feeling off that had nothing to do with the paparazzi surrounding him and he can't tell if it's because something genuinely is off or if it's just a feeling leftover from what happened at the house. His brows furrow slightly, but he does his best to shake it off, looking forward again as they reach the doors.
He breathes a sigh of relief once they're inside the building and he leans his head against Lance's shoulder, Lance letting go of his hand to wrap an arm around him. He watches as his dad steps forward and gives the name attached to their reservation and the four of them are soon lead to their table.
"This place is gorgeous." Lance comments quietly, looking around the open space.
"I may or may not have suggested a place I thought you'd like." Tristan admits with a grin up at the man.
Lance snorts and grins back at him. "Of course you did."
Tristan shrugs and straightens up as they reach the table, pulling out a chair and then looking to Lance, an eyebrow raised expectantly as he gestures to the chair. The blonde shakes his head and rolls his eyes playfully as he sits down in the chair and the silverette beams, taking the seat beside him. The table itself is round with four chairs evenly spaced apart from each other. Lance is on Tristan's right, his mom on his left, and his dad directly across from him.
Suddenly, his mom leans closer to him and presses something small into his hand. "This usually comes in handy." She whispers to him before pulling back again. Tristan looks at her in confusion and then looks down at what's now in his hand. It looks to be a small tube of liquid foundation. He looks to his mom again and she glances at him briefly without turning her head before clearing her throat quietly and casually running her fingers over her collarbone. Tristan's eyes widen and he chokes slightly as he reaches up and finds that his ponytail had moved and was no longer covering the mark Lance had left on him, leaving it in full view of anybody who looked at him. How long has it been visible? Who else saw? Did any of the paparazzi?
He feels his face heat up, completely mortified. He quickly ducks his head and looks down at his lap, unscrewing the cap on the foundation, pouring a little bit into his hand, and reaching up to spread the makeup over the mark, trying his best to make the action seem as casual as possible. He twists the cap back on and shoves the tube into his pocket, taking a deep breath. He finally looks up and turns to see Lance looking at him, the smirk on his face telling Tristan that he clearly knew exactly what had just happened. Tristan narrows his eyes at him Lance's smirk turns into a boyish grin, the blonde winking at him before turning back to the menu in front of him. The shorter man bits back a giggle at his boyfriend's antics, embarrassment forgotten for the time being.
"So, Lance, what have you been up to? Working on any big projects?" Tristan's dad speaks up, looking at Lance.
Lance looks back at him, his eyes lighting up suddenly. "Yeah, actually! Aunt Diane just recruited me to this big mural project of hers that she wants me to be one of the lead artists on." He says excitedly.
"Oh, the empowerment murals, right?" Tristan's mom asks. "She told me about those. I think it's a wonderful idea."
"Empowerment murals?" Tristan asks curiously, looking between the two. His dad has a similar look on his face.
"Woman empowerment. She wants to put up a bunch of murals dedicated to different women in power, both in the past and present. It's gonna help promote her new series focusing specifically on women's influences on the history of Britannia." Lance explains. "Next week, I'm supposed to be meeting up with her so that she can introduce me to the rest of the artists I'll be working with and then we can figure out when we'll be able to start the first one. It'll be dedicated to Matrona Dacks."
"Oh, wow." Tristan says.
"Diane has always looked up to her a lot." His dad says thoughtfully.
"I can't wait to see how they turn out. With you working on it, I know they'll all be beautiful." Tristan's mom tells Lance.
"Mom's right. Your artwork is gorgeous, babe." Tristan agrees. Lance blushes under the praise, looking almost bashful. Tristan grins and grabs Lance's hand. Bright red eyes find his and then lips are pressed against the top of his hand and Tristan's heart flutters with emotions he can't even begin to explain in that exact moment.
About halfway through dinner, Tristan gets up to use the bathroom, giving Lance a quick kiss before walking away from their table. Everything is going fine, not that any of them expected otherwise. Lance knows Tristan's parents well, they're almost family to him. Considering that, Lance probably should've expected the look Tristan's dad throws his way once Tristan is gone.
"What?" Lance asks, bite of food halfway to his mouth, an eyebrow raised in the other blonde's direction.
Tristan's mom, who was looking around the restaurant with a soft smile, turns back to the table and looks at Lance. She then follows Lance's eyeline to her husband and the intense look he's sending Lance's way. "Oh, Meliodas. It's just Lancelot, isn't the intimidation a little unnecessary?" She questions, frowning.
The man narrows his eyes at Meliodas even more and Lance actually starts to worry. But then he laughs. "Nah, I'm just messin' with you, Lance. I know you're a good guy and that you'll take care of Tristan exactly how he needs to be." He reaches forward and pats Lance's shoulder before going back to his food. Lance shakes his head at him.
"He's right, you know." Tristan's mom speaks up. Lance glances to her and sees her looking down at her plate, that frown still on her face. "He doesn't like to admit it, but our boy is a lot more sensitive than he lets on. But I've seen how you work with people like him. I know you'll always give him the patience he needs no matter what kind of relationship the two of you have." She looks back up suddenly and gives him a bright, watery smile, her eyes glistening.
To say that Lance is confused would be the understatement of the century. 'But I've seen how you work with people like him.' What the hell is that supposed to mean? His brows furrow. "What do you me-"
"Hey, uh, L-Lance, baby, c-can-can we go ahead and get the rest of our stuff, you know, to go? I'm-I'm just not really feeling at my best after such a...such a long week, you know, can we just...just go? R-right now? Please?" Tristan appears right next to him. Lance locks eyes with him and sees nothing but fear. The blonde is immediately standing up and grabbing his hand.
"Yes. Yes, of course, whatever you want." He tells him without hesitation.
"Wait, what?"
"Tristan, is everything alright?"
Tristan ignores the questions from his parents, or maybe he doesn't hear them, as he looks over his shoulder and behind him, in the direction of the bathrooms. Lance sees the prince gulp and before he has the chance to see whatever it is he could've been looking at, Tristan is suddenly grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the table and towards the entrance to the restaurant. "On second thought, let's just go ahead and leave without the food." Lance stumbles forward, quickly doing his best to keep pace with the shorter man as they leave, whispers and exclaims from other people in the restaurant being heard behind them.
Once they're out, Tristan lets go of Lance's hand but keeps his fast pace, Lance now beside him. "Tris? What's wrong? What happened?" He asks.
"I'll explain once we're in the car. I messaged Jade and asked him to come give us a ride back to my place since he's only a few minutes away, he's meeting us out by the street. I'll pick up my car from my parents' tomorrow."  The man is practically jogging through the parking lot and he's visibly shaking, looking around them every so often, as if checking for something. Luckily, there isn't many paparazzi around and the ones that are there seem to be keeping their distance.
Lance stays silent the rest of the way to the street, where Jade was waiting for them, just as Tristan said he'd be. Tristan immediately gets into the backseat, Lance sliding in with him. Tristan doesn't bother buckling up, instead pulling his knees to his chest and curling up, facing forwards. "Just start driving, please. My apartment." He tells Jade quietly.
"Oh, okay." Jade says slowly, catching Lance's eye in the rearview mirror and all Lance can do is return his questioning look with a frown and shake of his head.
Jade looks back to the road and pulls away from the restaurant, starting the drive to Tristan's place. Lance turns to his boyfriend and reaches out a hand, gently putting it on Tristan's knee, completely unsure if the touch would be welcome or not. The silver-haired man jumps slightly but quickly grabs Lance's hand when he starts to pull it away. He pulls Lance's hand to his mouth and starts placing light kisses over the top of it before he stops and just rests his face against it. He stays like that for a few minutes, eyes closed, and Tristan as the prince's stops shaking as much as before, though it doesn't go away completely, and his breathing slows down compared to his quick pants from before. Then, he opens his eyes and lifts his head, looking at Lance. His eyes are still wide and frightened, filled with barely unshed tears, and Lance's heart breaks at the sight.
He immediately takes his hand from Tristan's and cups the man's cheeks. "Baby. What happened?" Lance asks him, desperately wanting to know the answer so that he knows how to make things better.
Tristan's eyes close again as he leans into Lance's touch, one of those unshed tears finally falling. "When I went to the bathroom, a man followed me in. I'd passed him on my way there, in the little hallway, but I hadn't paid much attention to him. But as I was washing my hands, he walked in and started washing his hands, too, in the sink right beside me. He asked if I was Tristan Liones, and I said yes, because people recognize me and that's normal. I don't think it would've changed anything anyways. He seemed to be well aware of who I was without me confirming it for him." His voice took on an angry tone towards the end that Lance felt himself resonating with.
"What did he do?" Lance asks. "He did something, didn't he?"
Tristan nods once. "Right before I got through the bathroom door, he came up behind me and blocked me i-into the corner." The prince's lip wobbled and his breathing started to pick up again. "H-He started asking me all these qu-uestions and t-telling me things. He was t-talking about things. Th-things that he..." Tristan sobs. "Things that he shou-shouldn't know-ow." He whispers the last part and Lance isn't quite sure what he means by it, but he pushes it to the back of his mind for later. What's important right now is comforting his boyfriend.
Lance pulls the silverette into his lap and wraps his arms around him tightly. Tristan clings to him and sobs, burying his face into Lance's neck. "I got ya now, sweetheart. He's not here anymore, it's just you and me. Just you and me." He tells him reassuringly.
The car comes to a stoplight and Lance watches Jade look back at them through the rearview mirror again, his eyes sad and concerned. "Not to intrude or anything," He says quietly as he turns back to the road and pulls forward. "But Trist should probably talk to the cops about that. The guy didn't do anything to get arrested as long as he didn't actually touch him, but maybe they'll know who he is or someone else has had a similar experience. Better to do it just in case, you know?"
Lance nods. He had a good point. "Yeah, that's a good idea. What do you think, Tris?" He asks the man in his arms softly. Tristan was still crying, Lance could feel his tears hitting his neck, but he wasn't sobbing as hard as before. The only response Lance got was a small nod against him and the blonde just tightened his arms around him, nuzzling his face into the silver hair atop the smaller man's head.
They finally reach Tristan's apartment and Lance helps Tristan out of the car, both of them watching as Jade drives away and leaves them alone. Tristan huddles as close to Lance as he can, arms wrapped around the bigger man's waist and head resting against his torso. It makes walking a little slow, but Lance doesn't complain, just keeps his arm around him and leads them into the building. As they start walking through the lobby of the building, someone comes rushing out of the elevator, head down and speaking quietly to someone on the phone pressed to their ear. Lance just barely moves out of the way to avoid getting run into by the person who was clearly in some kind of rush.
As they walk towards the door, something falls out of their pocket without their notice and Lance tries to call out to them. "Hey, you dro..." He trails off as the person pushes through the front door and leaves, never even turning back in his direction. His brow furrows and he looks to Tristan, who just looks up at him and shrugs. He does the same and bends down to pick the item up. It seems to be some sort of folded-up handkerchief. He puts it in his pants pocket for now. Maybe they'll come looking for it again. He'll give it to the front desk tomorrow morning when someone's actually working.
The two of them get on the elevator and ride it up to Tristan's apartment on the 4th floor. They walk down the hallway to his door and Tristan unlocks the door, allowing them both to step inside as the door closes behind them. Lance steps forward, intent on heading to the kitchen for something to drink. "So, I'm thinking tomorrow morning we can head over to the police station. Donny's uncle is a cop and I know he'd be willing to sit and listen even if-"
"Lance." Tristan's voice makes him stop. It's similar to how it was when the silverette had first come back to their table from his trip to the bathroom. Lance turns to him.
"What is it?" He watches as Tristan slowly looks around the room, his mouth moving like he's speaking, but whatever he's saying is too quiet for the blonde to hear.
"Tha-tha-that lamp." He points a shaky finger at a lamp on the end table on the left side of his couch. "Th-that lamp wasn't on when I left." He swings around and points to a stack of mail on the table and Lance notices that there was a letter that had fallen onto the floor right below the stack. "Th-those were all on the table and they we-were in th-the-the-" Tristan seemed to be losing his ability to speak in his fear and he walked forward and poked his finger at the left corner closest to the couch, the opposite corner the mail stack was in. "H-here, I had them right h-here." He swings around and faces the kitchen. He points at the bar counter separating the kitchen from the living room. "...And that e-envelope wasn't th-there." He finishes.
Lance gulps, some of his own fear starting to creep up. "Tristan a-are you saying that-"
"S-someone was here. In my ap-partment." Tristan looks at him with wide eyes filled with horror and Lance is sure he's giving him a similar look in return. Tristan then looks away from him and slowly walks over to the bar where the envelope he'd pointed out before is. He picks it up with shaky hands. "I-it just has m-my name on the fr-ront. Handwritten..."
Lance walks over. "I'm gonna call the police, baby. I think maybe we should leave that alone until they get here." He says softly, pulling out his phone.
Tristan shakes his head. "I wanna know what's inside." He says, picking up the envelope.
Lance hesitates for a moment. "...Okay, but be careful, please." He nods and Lance turns back to his phone, pulling up his keypad to dial 911.
"911, what's your emergency?" The phone operator asks.
"My name is Lance, I'd like to report a break in." Lance explains the situation to the person on the phone and he's in the middle of giving them Tristan's address when a shrill scream fills the apartment.
Lance rushes over to Tristan, who's now backing himself into the wall and shaking his head, looking down at something on the ground. Lance follows his line of sight to the envelope, what appears to be a bunch of photos spilling out of it. Lance crouches down to look closer, the operator's questioning on the other line going unnoticed to him. Each and every picture has Tristan in it. There's dozens of them. Tristan with Isolde. Tristan with Lance. Tristan walking to his car. Tristan taking pictures with fans. Tristan looking over his shoulder. Lance's hand shakes as he picks up one of the pictures. It was of him and Tristan kissing, looking like it was taken from outside a window in Lance's apartment. Then, another picture catches Lance's eye and as soon as he sees it, he knows it's the one that made Tristan scream.
This last picture shows only Tristan. It looks like he's standing in front of his kitchen sink, washing dishes or filling something up. There's a window right on the wall above the sink in Tristan's kitchen, his first thought is that it was taken from outside of it. But as Lance looks at it more closely, he realizes that isn't possible. The angle is all wrong. The picture is taken as if the camera is angled up at Tristan, not down. And there was no look of glass over the picture, no reflections or outside shadows. And it seemed too close. Almost as if the picture had been taken from inside the apartment, not outside of it.
A/N: What do you guys think?? Things are getting intense. And just a general warning, as I’m sure you guys have already realized, things only get worse from here. For now, at least. Things will get better eventually, but, you know, that’s awhile into the future of our boys. Please lemme know what you think!!! Chapter 8 shouldn’t take as long to write, so expect it in the next couple of days!!! Thank y’all for reading!!!
[Lemme know if you'd like to be added to the taglist for this series and any other stories relating to it!!!]
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oh-myluckystars · 1 year
4KOTA Week
Day 5: Memories/Soulmates [Trilance]
It was on Tristan’s 10th birthday when the red string of fate appeared.
“Happy birthday, Tristan,” Lancelot said from the top of the stairs. Tristan looked behind him and immediately got kicked in the face.
Tristan fell down a few of the steps before he caught his balance on one of steps and tossed himself down the rest of the flight.
“Heh, you thought had me, didn’t you?” Tristan smirked triumphantly.
“Don’t act all cocky,” Lancelot said, sauntering down the stairs. “You didn’t even see me coming.”
“Only because you snuck up on me.” Tristan argued.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Lancelot stuffed his hands in his pockets.
He looked away, catching his mother’s gaze. She gave him a knowing look, one that she often wore when Tristan and Lancelot got together. She was telling him to play nice.
But he didn’t always listen to his mother. “Hey, Tristan, wanna spar together? It’s been a while.”
“Oh, sure! Let me teach you what my dad taught me!”
“Your demon powers? Aren’t you scared of getting in trouble with your mommy?” Lancelot lunged toward Tristan.
“Nope!” Tristan grabbed onto Lancelot’s shoulders, using it to push himself up into the air.
“What? No wings yet?” Lancelot asked, watching Tristan land gracefully in front of him.
“I could ask you the same thing.”
Lancelot hurled his fist toward Tristan’s face but Tristan caught it before it could reach him.
“Nice one.” Lancelot said.
“Why thank you.” Tristan smiled, pulling his hand back.
But when he did, they both noticed something odd. Around their fingers was a red thread that connected them to each other. Tristan and Lancelot stared at each other, unblinking.
“What did you do?” Tristan started.
“Me? What about you? Your the one with goddess powers!”
“What do those two things have to do with each other?” Tristan asked, exasperated. He shook his head, sighing. “Let’s just get these things off.”
They both proceeded to attempt to untie the string but it was seemingly tied too tight. They then tried to break the string by tearing it off with their teeth and even pulling it but the string only expanded.
“Well, this is definitely a goddess magic thing,” Lancelot said with a sigh. “Let’s go tell your mom.”
“No, wait, Lance!” Tristan grabbed his wrist, stopping him. “We don’t have to tell her… We can figure it out on our own! I’m a goddess, after all. If I did it, I’m sure I can undo it.”
Lancelot stared at Tristan blankly. “Scared of getting in trouble?”
Tristan’s face flushed and that told Lancelot all he needed to know.
“What should we do then?”
When Tristan looked back at Lancelot with black, demonic eyes he knew they should’ve gone to see Elizabeth.
“Which one of you can explain to me what happened?” Elizabeth asked.
Tristan and Lancelot glared at each other.
“He started it!”
“No! That’s not true, that is not true!”
“Yes, you did! And I have a scar to prove it!”
“So what?”
Elizabeth should’ve known that wouldn’t work.
“Tristan, you aren’t in any trouble okay?” Elizabeth put a hand on Tristan’s shoulder. “Just tell me what happened. Please.”
“…Well we were just playing and then we noticed this red string,” Tristan lifted up his hand, putting their shared thread on display. “We tried everything to get it off but nothing worked so I um… well you know.”
“Thank you for being honest, Tristan.” Elizabeth smiled, reaching for Tristan’s hand. “Just be more careful when using your powers from now on, okay? You should never use them on your friends, especially when you don’t have control over them.”
Tristan lowered his eyes. “I know… and I’m really sorry. I know I shouldn’t have used my powers… I was just scared. I didn’t want you to get mad at me…”
“Mad at you for what?” Elizabeth asked.
“Tristan used his Goddess powers to tie us together with this string.” Lancelot said, pulling at the string.
“It wasn’t on purpose!”
“Actually about that. That’s not a goddess thing,” Meliodas said, stopping the two of them before they got in another argument. “It’s called the red string of fate and you two are the only ones who can see it, which means you’re soulmates.”
“What does all that mean?” Tristan asked.
“The legend goes like this,” Elizabeth said. “If you touch your soulmate for long enough, the gods will reward you for finding them by tying a red thread around your fingers so you can never lose them.”
“At least that’s the version I always heard.” Elizabeth added.
“What’s a soulmate?” Lancelot asked.
“It’s… well there are all kinds of soulmates,” Meliodas paused while in thought. “There are soulmates like your parents who love each other but there are also soulmates who are just friends, some are even enemies.”
Lancelot’s face grew pale. After tonight, he definitely didn’t want to be Tristan’s enemy.
“Meliodas,” Elizabeth scolded and he put his hands up in surrender, hiding behind Tristan. “What he means is that a soulmate is a person that you are meant to find in life. What kind of soulmates you want to be to each other is up to you.”
“What she said.” Meliodas agreed.
Lancelot made a disgusted face. “If we’re soulmates like our parents are does that mean we have to kiss and stuff?”
“Good idea, let’s do it now!” Tristan leaned forward to give Lancelot a kiss. This was Tristan’s interpretation of the phrase “kiss and make up”.
“Gross no.” Lancelot said, dodging his kiss.
Fine, I didn’t want to kiss you anyway…
Lancelot took offense to that. “You liar! You just tried to kiss me!”
“What are you talking about? What am I lying about now?”
“You said you didn’t want to kiss me but you—”
“I never said I didn’t want to kiss you,” I only thought it. Wait…
“Yes, you did! I heard you!”
“No, I didn’t!” Tristan insisted. “I only thought about it! That means you read my mind, Lance!”
“Wait, really?” Lancelot asked.
Tristan nodded. Really. You can hear me right now, right?
“Wow, maybe being soulmates won’t be so bad.”
“Something on your mind?”
“Just thinking about when we found out we were soulmates,” Tristan said, looking at the strings that brought them together. “It’s a little embarrassing actually. Whenever people ask about it, I feel so judged.”
“They’re not judging us, trust me.” Lancelot squeezed Tristan’s hand.
“Liar.” Tristan said.
“Are you reading my mind now?” Lancelot chuckled.
“It’s only because we’re soulmates. I just know you that well.”
“Well, I don’t think it’s embarrassing. I actually think we’re lucky.”
“Lucky?” Tristan wouldn’t put it that way.
“Most people don’t find their soulmates until they’re already in a relationship,” Lancelot explained. He was right about that. Tristan couldn’t think of many people their age that knew they were soulmates before they started dating. “If we had never fought that day, we would be like the rest of these clueless idiots..”
“Lancelot.” Tristan couldn’t help but laugh at his boyfriend’s crudeness.
“What? It’s true.” Lancelot said.
“You’re right… but you shouldn’t say it.”
“Make me then.” Lancelot challenged, leaning forward.
Tristan smiled and grabbed his face, kissing Lancelot.
He was right, Tristan would take fighting Lancelot to find out they were soulmates over not knowing for years and missing out on moments like this one.
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8. you’ve reached the end, you are the winner
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A/N: Hey, guys!! This chapter took a little longer than it should have because I’ve been a bit sick, so I haven’t had much energy for writing, but I’ve started feeling a lot better and I finally got this done!! This chapter is actually a bit short compared to the past ones, but after this, we have a short interlude and then the rest of the chapters after that, I expect will be much longer than the past ones, so I feel that leaving this chapter so short will be okay. I also wanna say, the only therapy experience I’ve had was an almost year long period in which I had therapy that never helped me a single bit (I used to think it was just me until I realized the therapy I thought was completely normal is actually really bad therapy according to the rest of the world 💀💀), so if the therapy session I have written out for this chapter is completely wrong and not good, then I apologize for that, I tried my best!!! I hope you enjoy this chapter either way!!
Pairing(s): Tristan x Lancelot
Summary: Tristan attends his first therapy session since the break-in at his apartment and Lance has an unexpected family emergency.
Tag(s): Therapy, vague mention of past events, lmao, fire, hospital and injury mention
Song Inspiration: Tag, You’re It By Melanie Martinez
Word Count: 3,712
Not beta’d, all mistakes are my own.
[Series Masterlist]
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9]
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"Dr. Dreyfus is ready for your session now, Mr. Liones." Miss Guila tells him, popping her head into the waiting area.
"Okay, thank you." Tristan thanks her quietly, standing up from the chair he was curled in. He walks out of the waiting area and down the hall towards the fifth room on the left side of the hallway. As he reaches the door, he knocks twice before turning the handle and going inside.
"Tristan, welcome!" Dr. Dreyfus greets him, standing up from his office chair and walking the few short steps over to the couch and two chairs taking up most of the room. "Choose whichever seat you like, as usual."
Tristan gives him a half-hearted smile and then chooses the couch, sitting all the way to the left and tucking himself into the corner. He specifically chooses the spot because it allows him to see the entire room, including the front door. He smooths his shirt down with slightly shaking hands, wishing more than anything that he could pull his feet up and curl up into a ball, but he didn't want to mess up Dr. Drey's couch. He tries his best to take in a few deep breaths, letting them out slowly. He could keep himself in check. He will. He's in control of the situation. He can see the whole room, he can leave whenever he wants to, Dr. Drey is not here to bring me harm. This place is a safe space. He just keeps repeating all of it in his head until it's the only thing he can think.
"Tristan." The other man in the room calls softly, lightly tapping a cup against the table beside the chair he's now sitting in.
Tristan sucks in a breath, blinking at him. "S-sorry, Dr. Drey." He whispers.
Dr. Drey sets the cup down, frowning. "There's no need for an apology, Tristan, you're perfectly fine." He tells him. The silverette just nods, not sure what else to respond with.
The brunette sighs softly and folds his hands in his lap. "So, what do you want us to talk about today?" He asks.
Tristan doesn't want to talk about anything. But he knows he needs to. He refuses to go backwards, and right now, he's at risk of doing so. "I want to talk about what happened two weeks ago." He whispers.
"And what happened two weeks ago, Tristan?" Dr. Drey looks at him with kind and concerned eyes, his full attention on Tristan and not in a "I'm studying your every move" kind of way.
It's one of Tristan's favorite things about the man. He always makes sure that you know he's listening. And he never takes his notes during a session like Tristan expected him to when he first started going to therapy. Dr. Drey says that lots of therapists actually do take notes during a session in that stereotypical way you always see in media, but he isn't one of them. He explained that he feels it just makes patients more uneasy and can distract them, and sometimes it can even mess with the focus of Dr. Drey himself. 'I've never been a very good multi-tasker, anyways.' He'd laughed. Right in that moment is when Tristan officially decided that he liked the man.
"Two weeks ago, I found out that I was being wa-watched." Tristan is sure that the doctor has seen or heard at least a little bit about what happened. The media knows that something happened - Lance leading a hysterical Tristan outside of his apartment building shortly before multiple police vehicles show up there doesn't exactly go unnoticed when one is followed around by paparazzi on an almost constant basis - but they don't know what it was. But besides that, Dr. Drey is a family friend nowadays and Tristan doesn't know if he's talked to his parents recently or not. "S-someone broke into my apartment while I wasn't h-home and they left an envelope filled with p-pictures they had taken of m-me. There was," Tristan takes a shaky breath as he feels the tears start to return to his eyes. He feels like all he's been doing for the past two weeks is cry. "There w-was also s-signs of them going thr-through my stuff." He stutters out.
"Were you at home when this break-in happened?" When Tristan looked at him, it appeared this question was not just to get the full story but also because the man is genuinely concerned.
"No, no, I wasn't home when it happened, don't worry." Tristan reassures. "I was out having dinner with my parents."
"So you returned home alone, then?"
"Oh, no, I had Lance with me. He was at dinner, too." He tells him.
"Lance?" Dr. Drey questions. "You're still seeing him, then?"
Tristan flushes slightly. He had forgotten that the last time he saw Dr. Drey was back before Lance officially became his boyfriend. "Oh, yeah. Uh, we're officially together now, actually. He's my boyfriend. That became a thing the weekend after the last time I saw you." The silverette explains, smiling softly for a moment at the thought of Lance. The blonde had been there for him as much as he possibly could over the last couple of weeks and Tristan was beyond grateful for him.
"Oh, well congrats, then. That's good to hear." Dr. Drey smiles at him. Tristan nods and Dr. Drey's smile drops as he continues the previous topic. "So, Lance was with you when you found out what went on in your apartment. You said an envelope of pictures was left behind. Did you look at the pictures?" He asks.
Tristan nods. "Yes. I, uh, I started getting the feeling that someone was watching me about a month ago, and then the envelope had my name on the front. Whoever it is wanted me to see it. I just felt the need to look inside the envelope. But the pictures..." Tristan's lip wobbles and he feels the fear rise in him, his eyes automatically beginning a glance over of the entire room, searching for secret cameras that he knows he won't find. "Th-they weren't just pictures of me o-outside and a-around town, like what the p-paparazzi takes. There was pictures of me inside people's h-houses, taken through w-windows. Th-they know wh-where everyone l-lives, everyone that I've gone to-to see in the last month at least. B-but then-" Tristan pauses, rubbing the palms of his hands against his jeans. "Th-there was a p-picture o-of me at my kitchen s-sink but it w-was t-taken from i-inside my a-apart-partment. It w-wasn't through a w-window. L-later on, the police ended up finding a c-camera inside the switch for my g-garbage disposal and that's where..." He trails off as his voice cracks and he clears his throat. "Wh-where the pictures was t-taken from."
"Was that...all the police found in your apartment?" Dr. Drey asks, brows furrowed.
Tristan shakes his head. "N-no. They-" A burn starts building in the back of his throat and his vision blurs as tears threaten to fall. "Th-they found nearly a d-dozen c-cameras-"
"Breathe, Tristan. Take your time, there's no need to rush the story out. Just take a moment to breathe." The doctor interrupts him with a gentle voice.
Tristan sucks in a deep breath, the breath he then lets out turns into a halfway sob. He is not doing this. He is not going to breakdown again right in front of his therapist. He squeezes his eyes shut and his fists clench as he spends a few minutes collecting himself. When he finally opens his eyes again, he sees Dr. Drey looking at him with concerned eyes and a disapproving frown at Tristan's actions. He shouldn't be so surprised. We've been doing this for 8 years now. Tristan thinks bitterly. It's not that he has anything against the doctor. Dr. Drey is awesome and he's helped Tristan through so much in the past. He just hates how screwed up his brain is.
"Lance and I actually ended up leaving the restaurant early that night. We never even finished our food." He speaks up suddenly, looking down at his lap and picking at the threads hanging from the holes in his jeans. "I got cornered by someone in the bathroom. I got scared, so I asked Lance if we could leave and Jade gave us a ride back a few minutes after the whole thing happened. The police don't think the incident was related to the break-in because there were signs that whoever it was left in a hurry which means they probably weren't expecting us to come back when we did." He tells him.
"What happened when the person cornered you? Did they hurt you?"
"No, he didn't hurt me. Not physically..." Tristan gulps. "But he knew things that he shouldn't. He started saying things to me about...about what happened when I was a kid." Tristan gives the man across from him a meaningful look. He doesn't need to spell it out, the doctor will know exactly what he's talking about. It's the event that first led to Tristan coming to see him in the first place, after all.
"He knew what happened?" The brunette gives him a surprised look.
"He did. And it...almost seemed as if he was taunting me. He kept asking me questions, but the way he spoke made it sound like he already knew the answers or something. He asked things like, "How did it feel?" and "How much do you remember?" but then the last question he asked was strange..." Tristan's brows furrow as he recalls the last question he'd heard from the man before he'd pushed him away and ran out of the bathroom. "He asked me if I felt guilty for framing Dustin for what happened."
"Wait, what? Dustin. Isn't that the one who-"
"Yes. Dustin is the one. And this person came to me and tried to claim that I framed that horrible man for what happened." Tristan scoffs and shakes his head. He's angry at the thought. He hasn't thought much about it between when it happened and now, if he's honest. But he feels disgusted that anyone could think of a man like Dustin Pendragon as anything but evil.
"Do you know how this man could've found out about things with that much detail? Was he someone you've met before?" The doctor asks.
"No, I've never seen him before as far as I can remember. He was a total stranger. I have no idea how he found any of it out, the only ones who should have access to any of that information are my family and the police." He says. "But it doesn't matter. That's not my main concern right now since he isn't working with whoever broke into my house. The police can't do anything about him anyways."
"Okay." Dr. Drey says slowly. "Have you been in your apartment much since things happened?" He asks.
"No, I...haven't even slept there since that night and if I ever need something from there, I always make sure at least one person is with me. I've been staying with Lance for the past two weeks."
"And what has Lancelot's reaction been to all of this?"
"Oh, he's mainly been worried about me, I think. He's been really protective and cautious. And he's always checking in with me no matter what we're doing, he always wants to make sure that I'm feeling safe. It's pretty nice, actually." Tristan admits.
"Does he know about what happened when you were younger?" Dr. Drey asks curiously.
Tristan frowns, looking at him. "No, I haven't told him yet."
His therapist nods. "Okay. I was only wondering. The two of you have only been together for a few months, I'd be surprised if you had told him already. I just didn't know if he'd heard anything from others or not."
"No, I've asked everyone I introduce him to not to mention it. But..." Tristan chews on his bottom lip. "I've actually thought about telling him."
"Oh? You really trust him, then?" The other man looks surprised again. Tristan isn't exactly very good at trusting new people. That's why up until three months ago, he only had all of three friends, one of them being his own cousin and all of them being people he first met when he was only a child. Tristan likes to think he can now call at least a couple of Lance's friends his own friends, too. Not close friends, not yet, but still friends.
"I do." Tristan admits. Lance has been a special case from the beginning, he knows that. When Tristan first realized just how much trust he truly has in the man, it scared him. It still scares him. For Tristan, trusting people so much is absolutely terrifying. But the entire time he's known Lance, all the man has done is prove again and again that he is exactly the person that he presents himself to be and nothing more. "I don't know what it is about him, but I just...feel safe with him. He makes me feel really, really safe." When he looks at Dr. Drey again, the man is smiling at him, a knowing look in his eyes. It's similar to a look he's received from his mother multiple times in the past and Tristan still can't quite figure out what it means yet.
He's about to ask his doctor to clarify the look when his phone rings. He pulls it from his pocket just enough to press the lock button and ignore the call, not looking at the caller ID. "So what-" He's cut off when his phone rings again and he frowns, doing the same thing as before. He then turns back to his therapist. "What does that mean?" Tristan questions. His phone pings a couple of times then, whoever was calling him now messaging him instead, he assumes.
"What does what mean?" Dr. Drey asks.
"That look that you just-" His phone pings a few more times and it's starting to irritate him. He supposes he should've put his phone on silent before coming into the room, but all these notifications in the middle of a session usually isn't a thing. "Sorry, I just need to put my phone on silent real quick." He says apologetically. Dr. Drey nods at him with an understanding smile.
He pulls his phone out of his pocket completely and wakes up the screen, intending to just silence his phone and nothing more. But as his lockscreen shows up, he ends up scanning over the messages waiting for him before he manages to do anything and his eyes widen. "I'm-I'm sorry, Dr. Drey, b-but, I, I really need to go." Tristan tells him, immediately standing up.
Dr. Drey stands up as well, looking at him in confusion. "Why? What's the matter?" He questions.
Tristan tears his eyes away from his phone for a moment to look back at the other man. "It's Lance, something happened a-and he's freaking out, I need to go call him. I'm so sorry, I really am, but I've never seen him like this, so I'd really rather just cut this off for now and reschedule if that's okay." He unlocks his phone and pulls up his contacts, already backing away towards the door.
"Of course, of course. I hope everything's okay, just call the office to reschedule whenever you're able to." Tristan barely hears him, turning and quickly walking out the door and down the hallway as he presses call on Lance's contact and puts the phone to his ear.
Lance speeds down the highway, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel anxiously. Thank gods I'm in front of the work rush. He thinks. His phone rings and when he sees Tristan's name, he quickly reaches over and answers, putting the call on speaker before putting his hand back on the steering wheel.
"Lance? What's going on? Are you okay?" Tristan asks him, worried.
"Uh, well, not really. I'm really sorry to bother you in the middle of therapy, I didn't really think much about that before I called." He apologizes. His mind's been a bit scattered since the moment his dad called him.
"No, no, it's fine, therapy can always be rescheduled, you're what's important right now." Tristan says seriously. Lance can't help but give a small smile at the man's care for him, but it quickly drops again. "Your messages, I didn't really understand much of what you were trying to say, you said something about your mom?"
Lance switches lanes, swallowing before he answers. "Yeah, uh, my dad called me a little bit ago. Tris, there was a fire at my parents' house, dad says it was really bad. Both of them made it out but mom's in the hospital, she got injured real bad, her whole torso is all burned up." Lance's face twists at the thought of how much pain his mom is in right now and just how close to death she came, according to what his dad told him.
"Oh no, that's awful!" Lance hears a car start on the other end that he assumes is Tristan's. "And your dad, he's okay? Is he injured, too?"
"He's got a few burns but none of them are nearly as bad as my mom's, he was never even checked into the hospital like mom was." He turns off the exit towards Benwick, where his parents had moved about 3 years ago. "This all happened last night, he didn't get the chance to call me until about three hours ago." He explains. Tristan had spent the day with Chion, Jade, and Isolde, so Lance spent the day catching up on some artwork, but everything was disrupted after he found out what happened.
"Three hours ago?" Tristan asks, surprised and confused.
"Yeah, um, I'm sorry, baby. I don't mean to leave you all alone. But I gotta go see my mom and do whatever I can to help out my dad. I left for Benwick as soon as I got off the phone with my dad, I'm almost there now. I would've called you way earlier but it didn't even cross my mind and then by the time I remembered, I'd forgotten about you going to therapy today and-"
"Hey, hey, Lance, baby, it's fine, it's okay. I understand, you gotta go be with your parents. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. You take as long as you need in Benwick." Tristan tells him sincerely.
"I'm probably gonna be here at least a few days, sweetheart, are you gonna be okay by yourself?" Lance asks him uncertainly.
"Yes, I'll be fine, I promise. I think I'll talk to Howzer, he's Donny's uncle, right? Last I talked to him, he told me that if at any point I felt unsafe, I could call him and he could stay nearby for awhile, make sure nothing happens. I think it's mainly a favor kind of thing since I know Donny., honestly, but I'll take it." His boyfriend says.
"Well, Howzer's also just that kind of guy. He's the police chief for a reason, after all. Of course, you being friends with Donny certainly doesn't hurt anything." The blonde says thoughtfully. "But if Howzer says he'll watch over you, he'll definitely put his best into doing so."
"Good. That's good. I-I think I'll call him and see if he'd be willing to stand by tonight, at least for a little while, since this will be my first time back in my own apartment since everything."
"Yeah, yeah, that's probably a good idea. Just be careful, okay? And if you get scared, just call me, no matter what time it is." Lance intructs.
"Yes, I will, and if you need me at all, then it's the same thing. Call me no matter what time it is." Tristan tells him.
Lance nods even though Tristan can't see it. His heart swells for appreciation and affection for the other man. "I-" He pauses, not quite sure what words his mouth is trying to form. He shakes his head, brows furrowed, and he decides to try again. "I...I-I'll miss you." He says softly.
Tristan stays silent on the other line for a long moment before he answers. "I'll miss you, too. Don't go meeting any boys that are prettier than me while you're gone, okay?" He replies just as softly.
"That's impossible, your majesty. You're the prettiest prince in all of Britannia." Lance intends for the comment to come out flirty and teasing, but current situation doesn't allow it to land the right away and he grimaces.
"Good." Tristan doesn't seem to mind, he knows how Lance meant it. "I'm gonna go ahead and hop off. Message me once you get there, okay?"
"I will. Be careful once you get home, Tris."
"You know I will. I'll talk to you later, Lance." And then he hangs up and Lance is once again left in the silence of his car. With nothing better to do, his mind wanders to all the possibilities surrounding his parents' situation and he sighs. The last hour of his drive to Benwick is going to be a long one.
A/N: How did you guys like it?? What do you think about our random new character name drop? 👀 How do we like therapist Dreyfus?? Also, as clarification, Guila is also a therapist, not a secretary. But anyways, please let me know what you guys think!! I would love to know!!!
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3. interlude: choices
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A/N: So I’ve been planning things out more and I’ve got a pretty good idea on how I want this all to go and now Imma prolly spend all day writing again, lmao. But surprise!!! I know this is super short, but it counts as a whole chapter and it is VERY important!! It may be called interlude but it is not at all a filler, I promise you. I’m really excited about this, I can’t wait for us to get further into the story!!! Enjoy!!!!
Pairing(s): N/A
Summary: They say that change is everywhere. That it happens all the time. Every second, every minute, every hour. But it's our own choices that decide what those changes are and how they affect us and the people around us. And while sometimes those choices can lead to absolute joy, they can just as easily lead to complete devastation.
Tags: Police, ambulance, body bag, crime scene
Song Inspiration: N/A
Word Count: 464
Not beta'd, all mistakes are my own.
[Series Masterlist]
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9]
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He pushes past dozens of people. None of them are who he's looking for. He steps through the yellow and black barriers without much thought to it. His eyes scan the scene before him as he jogs forward. There's so much noise. So much chaos. Flashes of red and blue take over his vision every few seconds. A rattle catches his attention. His head turns to face the doors of the building as he stops in his tracks, right in the middle of everything. The doors are opening and his breath hitches.
It's something you really only see on tv, not in real life. And he suddenly wishes it could've stayed like that for him. But this is very much real. The rattling he'd heard was that of wheels. His eyes roam over the large black bag being carted off and he tries not to imagine what kind of shape the person within it could be in. He was grateful for the zipper that blocked anyone from seeing them. He swallows around his now dry throat, his eyes following the bag on its journey to its ride, leading him right to who he's here for.
He immediately heads over to the man, calling out to him as he does so, but he receives no answer. He stops when he's standing right in front of him. The man with golden blonde hair and bright red eyes. But something's off with him. He's completely still in his spot on the cold, concrete bench. His clothes are wrinkled and out of place. His hair looks like it's been ran through and pulled at almost to the point of being ripped from his head. And his eyes. They were usually so full of life, sparkling with mischief and amusement. But there was none of that now. Now they were just dull, vacant, unseeing orbs.
He waved his hand in front of his face with another call of the man's name, but there was nothing. No reaction at all. The blonde just kept on staring straight ahead with no expression on his face, not even blinking. He frowned, taking in the items in the man's hands. A pen and a clipboard. Looking closer, he realized what the clipboard was for. The man in front of him was holding paperwork for a witness statement. He swallows, trying not to panic at what that could mean. He looks back to where the body bag was now being strapped down, getting ready to head to its next destination. Who is that? What happened to them? He looks back to the one sitting in front of him, his brows furrowed in confusion. And what does it have to do with him?
A/N: Soooo, what do you guys think happened?? Very mysterious and vague angst 👀👀 Do you enjoy the puzzle I’ve now sprang on y’all?? Cause I sure do 🤣 But seriously, I hope you guys liked it!! Let me know your thoughts, as usual!!!
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i’m gonna make this place your home (Trilance) [Masterlist]
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Pairing(s): Meliodas x Elizabeth, Tristan x Lancelot
Summary: The night before his 19th birthday, Meliodas meets Elizabeth, mysterious bartender and owner of the Boar's Hat tavern, and also the most beautiful woman that Meliodas has ever seen. From the moment he meets her, the Prince of Liones can't seem to keep her off his mind or manage to shake the feeling that she's familiar to him somehow. Things get even weirder when the feeling of familiarity also shows up with her son and the prince isn't quite sure if it's safe to get close or not, but he finds himself unable to stay away.
Tristan enjoys his life. Loves it, even. He works as a waiter at his mother's tavern and he gets to meet all sorts of people and learn all kinds of fascinating things as they travel throughout Britannia. He's happy with the life he lives and for the most part, he wouldn't change a thing. He's surrounded by family and the occasional friend. He doesn't need romantic love. Despite how much he loves his parents and longs for them to finally be permanently together, he's seen the pain they've been forced to go through just because of how they feel for each other. Tristan doesn't want that. He couldn't take it, he knows it. But one day, he stumbles upon a strange boy with hair like gold and eyes as deep as roses and Tristan suddenly finds himself in trouble.
The life Elizabeth has lead for the past 3,000 years hasn't been an easy one, but she's already gotten this far. And she wouldn't have, had it not been for her sister and dear friends, and eventually her son. She never wanted her own child to go through the pain of this dreaded curse between her and his father, but she’s also so glad that she has him. Even after all these years, the wounds for them both cut deep and Elizabeth just hopes that she can find a way to end her family’s torment soon.
He may not look it, but Lancelot is a romantic. He loves life and he loves love and at the ripe age of 18, he wants nothing more than to find someone to love the way that his mother and father love each other. Not only that, he’s bored. He craves an adventure, something new. And then one day, he gets exactly what he asked for. He stumbles upon a certain silver-haired beauty that flips his world completely on his head and he can’t wait to see what happens next.
Tag(s): Panic attacks, angst, fluff, slow burn, sexuality crisis, coming out, first kiss, makeout sessions, canon-typical violence, flirting, more tags will be added as the story continues
Song Inspiration: Home By Phillip Phillips
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Chapters List:
1. time won’t fly, it’s like i’m paralyzed by it - Posted 04/27/23
2. i wanna be so much more - Posted 05/05/23
(More Chapters To Be Added Later)
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6. interlude: illusions
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A/N: The 6th chapter of this story overall and our second interlude!!! You’ll get two more of these as the story progresses!!! I actually really like adding these, it’s a different kind of story setup than I usually do and I think it’s really cool, plus these are short little snippets that I can get out pretty quickly for you guys, even if the next or previous chapter takes awhile to get written out for y’all. I hope you enjoy this one!!!! And PLEASE read all the tags before reading the chapter, as this one is a pretty rough one despite how short it is and I really want you guys to be warned ahead of time.
Pairing(s): N/A
Summary: Do you ever find it funny how something can appear as one thing, but then turn out to be the complete opposite? Sometimes it’s a purposeful appearance, sometimes it’s an accidental illusion. Dogs can appear frightening but actually turn out to be one of the most lovable creatures you’ll ever meet. A human being can seem kind and incapable of harm until they turn around and stab you in the back, sometimes literally. And a house can seem completely normal and peaceful on the outside while hiding the greatest of horrors inside. Illusions are funny in that way, aren’t they?
Tags: Terror, darkness, shackles/chains, panic attack, isolation.
Song Inspiration: N/A
Word Count: 568
Not beta'd, all mistakes are my own.
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The large house is completely silent, not a single insect or animal outside even daring to make a sound. Even they can tell there's something terribly wrong with the place. There has to be. There's no other reason for it to be so desolate and dark. So separated from the rest of society. But even the creatures of the forest can't fathom the terror the house can bring. Truth is, the house itself is much like a weapon. In the right hands, it can be used to do many good things. To protect and give shelter. Just like a house should. But in the wrong hands, the place becomes a prison. A trap. A black hole made up of nothing but the fear it brought others. Deep into the house, there was a room completely devoid of light. No matter how much one's eyes adjust, nothing will ever be seen except pitch black. Unless, of course, someone has a light with them. But no one ever brings light into that room.
The creatures outside of the house twitch and shift, the air around them even more tense than it was before. Something happened just then. Something even their acute senses couldn't quite pick up on completely. But whatever it was, it made them uneasy, many of them relocating themselves further away from the unsettling structure. They'll never know what it was that made them move away. They'll never see it. They'll never hear it. That's how it was meant to be, afterall. Because down inside that dark, little room, a scream rips through the silence. And not a single living being hears it.
"Let me out!!" The cries and sobs do nothing more than echo off of the walls made up of dirt and stone and return back to the one who made them. "Somebody!!"
The clink of chains and a yell as they try to dislodge the shackles holding them down by sheer force alone. The air around them is hot and thick, completely suffocating. They're trying to draw in air but it's like their lungs are rejecting the oxygen being given to them. A heaving chest. Panicked eyes moving left, right, up, down in quick succession, trying to lock onto something, anything. Upon failing to do so, they began approaching a brand new level of panic.
"Let me out, let me out, let me out, let me out." They whispered over and over, hands reaching up and pulling at their own hair roughly, the pain not even registering over their fear.
Eventually, the inability to catch their breath led right into a lack of oxygen and had they been in a place with light, black spots would've formed in their vision. But they aren't, so they didn't, and they had no warning at all save for the fog clouding over their brain as unconsciousness greeted them once again.
The man with the long, silver hair and the multi-colored eyes slumps to the dirt floor, passing out yet again, not a single person aware that the prince is now locked up in the villain's fortress of terror except for the villain themself and their partner. He lays there, face red from his cries and wet from his tears. Unfortunately, this is only the beginning of the very long nightmare ahead of him.
A/N: What do you guys think happened to Tristan?? Our poor boy’s got a big storm coming and y’all are gonna have to wait a little bit to get the full story, but you will get it eventually, I promise!! I know this one was short, but you still got two chapters in one day!! I’m pretty sure chapter 7 is gonna be pretty long, so you’ll get it tomorrow or Friday, probably!!! Hoping for tomorrow, but we’ll see. Either way, thank you guys for reading!!!
[Lemme know if you'd like to be added to the taglist for this series and any other stories relating to it!!!]
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dxncingwithastrxnger · 2 months
Do you ever plan on updating your trilance fanfics?
I definitely do!!! I know it's been awhile, but no matter how long I take to update a fic, none of them are ever abandoned or discontinued unless I specifically say so and I don't plan on doing that anytime soon.
I've actually recently started going back and reading through what I have so far for a couple of my Trislance fanfics so that I can remember where I left off and get to work on updating them again!! I'll probably update my Trislance + Melizabeth AU first, as I've been feeling the urge to write for that one specifically so far, but others will follow after that!!
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