#triad thursday
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"Are you flirting with Hawk... for me?"
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movietonight · 1 year
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Even more vintage button mash!
Bonus for the wonderful @onekisstotakewithme
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our-lord-satanas · 2 months
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Hecate is a Goddess of magic and witchcraft, as well as the guardian of boundaries and crossings. She is often depicted as a triple-headed woman, representing her role as a gatekeeper between realms. Hecate is a powerful and mysterious Goddess, and she is often associated with the moon, the night, and the Underworld. She is also known for her connection to the spirits of the dead, and she is revered as a protector of orphans and wayfarers. As the Goddess of magic and witchcraft, she is also an expert in magic, astrology, and other arcane arts.
Appearance: Hecate is traditionally depicted as a tall and powerful woman with a distinctive appearance. She is often portrayed as having three heads, each with different facial features, such as eyes of different colours or expressions. She is also described as having black hair and wearing a dark cloak, which further lends to her mysterious and dark appearance. In some depictions, she was said to carry a torch, a crescent moon, and a key, which is a symbol of her power over the boundaries between life and death.
Personality: Hecate is a complex and multi-faceted deity, representing the trinity of magic, knowledge and wisdom, as well as the boundaries between life and death. Her personality reflects that complexity and is a combination of contradictory traits, embodying both dark and mysterious aspects, as reflected by her position as Goddess of the Underworld, while also being a bright and benevolent figure, representing light and wisdom. She is often depicted as a three-headed woman, symbolizing her association with the crossroads and the triad of magic that she encapsulates.
Symbols: paired torches, keys, crossroads, dark/triple moon, wheel, dagger, rope, dogs, serpents, knives, and strophalos
Goddess of: Witchcraft, necromancy, ghosts, the night, boundaries, and crossroads
Culture: Greek
Plants and trees: asphodel, mugwort, lavender, rue, garlic, yew, cypress, aconite (also called hecateis), belladonna, dittany, mandrake, mint, sage, laurel, and cedar
Crystals: schorl, blue alexandrite, smoky topaz, anorthosite, morion quartz, blue john, larvikite, chevron, jet, spessartite garnet, Dalmatian jasper, indicolite, smoky quartz, labradorite, and super seven
Animals: dog, mare, serpent, cat, bats, and polecat
Incense: frankincense, rosemary, myrrh, and patchouli
Colours: black, grey, silver, gold, violet, green, red, and white
Tarot: The High Priestess, The Hermit, The Moon, and Queen of Pentacles
Planets: Mercury, Moon, and Mars
Days: Thursday, Wednesday evenings (new moon celebrations are typically held on Wednesday evenings), Tuesday, the full moon, Samhain (Oct 31st), and the new moon
Parents: Perses and Asteria
Siblings: none known
Partner: Apollo and Mormo
Children: Empusa and Scylla
• The triple moon: which represents the phases of the moon and balance between the material and the spiritual, as well as the duality of light and darkness.
• Keys: which represents power and knowledge and can be used to unlock doors and paths to knowledge and power that are hidden or restricted.
• Torches: which represents guidance and illumination in dark times or when clarity is needed.
• Wolves: Hecate is sometimes depicted with three heads, which is one reason she is often associated with wolves. Wolves also symbolize strength, loyalty, and protection and can be a natural source of inspiration for your prayers or rituals.
• Black cats: commonly associated with Hecate, mostly due to her connection to the Underworld. Black cats represent protection and wisdom, and they can be an excellent source of inspiration for your prayers or rituals.
• The triune Goddess: which represents the trio of maiden, mother, and crone and the power of the feminine.
• Crossroads: where people would often seek wisdom from Hecate when they faced difficulties or had questions.
• Magic, occultism, and witchcraft: as Hecate is the Goddess of magic and spells, and she is often invoked during rituals and magickal practices.
• Name: the name Hecate comes from the Greek word "ekatid," which means "the one who has power over the road."
• Relationships: Hecate is associated with the night, the Underworld, the moon, and the spirit world. She is also connected to Demeter and Persephone, both of whom are associated with the fertility of the cycle of life and death.
• Symbols: the symbols of Hecate include a three-headed dog, a key, and a torch.
• Role: Hecate is a mysterious and powerful Goddess associated with sorcery and magic, often depicted as a triple-headed or triple-bodied figure.
• Associations: Hecate is often associated with crossroads, magic, prophecy, mystery, spirits, night, ghosts, and the Underworld, serving as a protector and guide for those who have died. She is also the patron deity of witches and magic-users, and is also associated with the night.
• History: Hecate is a minor deity in Greek mythology, but she has become a prevalent figure in modern times. Hecate's origins are linked to the Greek Underworld and the female deity Selene, and she is also connected to the Roman goddesses Artemis and Diana.
• Role in Witchcraft: Hecate is widely associated with magic and witchcraft, and many witches and Wiccans revere her as a source of power and knowledge. Some witch traditions worship Hecate as a three-way Goddess who represents the past, present, and future.
To worship Hecate respectfully, you should approach her with a sense of reverence and respect. She is a powerful Goddess and should be treated as such. You can offer prayers, libations, and offerings to her, and it's important to speak to her in a respectful manner, as you would to any other person of authority. Hecate has a strong connection to magic and the Underworld, so you can also use magic or other rituals to communicate with her. It's important to have an open mind and a respectful attitude when approaching Hecate and seeking her guidance.
To begin, you could address her by name and say something along the lines of:
"Oh Great Goddess Hecate, I come to you seeking your guidance and wisdom. I offer myself to you, my heart and my spirit, and I ask for your blessing in this prayer."
"I thank you, great Goddess Hecate, for listening to my words and for your guidance and protection. May you walk by my side always. Hail Hecate.”
Yes, it is possible to contact Hecate at a crossroads. This is a traditional method of invoking the Goddess that has been used for centuries. To do this, you should prepare a offering (bread, honey, and herbs, or any other items that you feel would be suitable for her) and then go to a crossroads during the witching hour between 12 a.m. and 3 a.m. Place your offering under the crossroads sign and say a prayer to invoke Hecate. Speak with sincerity and humility, and ask for guidance and aid in whatever aspect of your life you feel most in need of support. Remember to listen for signs and messages that Hecate may bring you.
If your request to work with Hecate has been accepted, you may notice the following signs:
• Feeling drawn toward witchcraft, magic, or spiritual practices
• Seeing her symbols, such as the moon, keys, dogs, etc.
• Feeling a connection to animals, nature, or the Underworld
• Feeling a pull towards the crossroads or areas with a strong sense of the occult
• Having vivid dreams or visions in which she appears or speaks directly to you.
• Seeing or feeling her energies in your environment
• The number 13 keeps popping up everywhere
• You hear dogs howling at night from nowhere
• Hecate’s symbols are repeating: the key, crossroads, torch, dagger, Hecate’s wheel
• You’re drawn to graveyards and cemeteries
• You’ve had a spiritual experience (either positive or terrifying) at a crossroads in the woods
• You’re new to the craft and need guidance but don’t know who to turn to
• Hecate comes into witches’ lives who are pregnant and dying (during major transitions in life)
• You’re seeing a white dog(s) everywhere you go (in real life or on TV, etc.)
• Hecate’s name keeps showing up in your daily life (in random conversations, books, TV shows, online, etc.)
• You love working with animals, in particular dogs
• Stray dogs tend to find you and want you to take them in
• You were born under a Dark Moon or on Hecate Night
• Spirits communicate with you and have your entire life
If your request to work with Hecate has not been accepted, you may notice the following signs:
• Getting a strong impression or intuition that she is not interested in working with you.
• Getting a reading or divination that indicates Hecate is not willing to work with you at this time.
• Feeling a strong resistance or dissonance when you attempt to connect with her or her energies.

Overall you need to be respectful of deities denying your request.
• Fire
• Three-headed candles
• Bones or skulls
• Poetry
• Chanting
• Herbs and flowers
• Food and drinks: such as grapes, almonds, garlic, red meat, water, milk, eggs, fruit, dishes with garlic, sweets that are crescent-shaped, pomegranates, dark chocolate, red wine, bread, and honey
• Painting
• Dancing
• Incense
• Olive oil
• Wands
• Keys
• A cauldron
• Crow feathers
• Respect the boundaries of others and yourself
• Practice self-love and self-compassion
• Take care of yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually
• Cultivate an open mind and open heart
• Follow your instincts and trust in your guidance
• Nurture friendships and relationships that are healthy and beneficial
• Learn to balance pleasure and work
• Live each day with purpose and intention.
• Doings Things in 13’s: offer thirteen flowers to her, give elaborate offerings or do ritual on the thirteenth of each month in her name, say your prayers thirteen times, etc
• Take care of our canine friends, do so in Hecate’s name. She will bless you AND your dogs or any dogs you care for. If you can’t have a dog, donate your time OR old blankets, dog food, etc. to a local animal shelter. And tell Hecate you’re doing it in her name. This doesn’t just go for dogs, but for any kind of canine species.
• Doing spirit work in the cemetery
An offering given to her is thus infused with the energies of the Underworld and may have a powerful impact on the consumer, if eaten. To avoid any potential discomfort, confusion, or negative effects, it is generally recommended that you avoid consuming offerings dedicated to Hecate and instead pour or bury the edible offerings into the earth.
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taeghi · 10 months
triad of hearts || (m)
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RELEASE DATE : thursday, july 13th, 2023 @ 10pm EST
⁂ pairing : boyfriend!jake x reader x boyfriend's bestfriend!heeseung
⁂ summary : what happens when your boyfriend finds out you have feelings for his best friend?
⁂ warnings : SMUT, pure filthy smut. fingering, oral, double penetration, dirty talk, choking.
⁂ word count : 5,600
⁂ taglist : ?
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odinsblog · 9 months
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ROME — What a difference a few months can make.
Ahead of Italy’s election last fall, Giorgia Meloni was widely depicted as a menace. By this summer, everything — her youthful admiration for Benito Mussolini, her party’s links to neofascists, her often extreme rhetoric — had been forgiven. Praised for her practicality and support for Ukraine, Ms. Meloni has established herself as a reliable Western partner, central to Group of 7 meetings and NATO summits alike. A visit to Washington, which takes place on Thursday, seals her status as a valued member of the international community.
But the comforting tale of a populist firebrand turned pragmatist overlooks something important: what’s been happening in Italy. Ms. Meloni’s administration has spent its first months accusing minorities of undermining the triad of God, nation and family, with dire practical consequences for migrants, nongovernmental organizations and same-sex parents. Efforts to weaken anti-torture legislation, stack the public broadcaster with loyalists and rewrite Italy’s postwar constitution to increase executive power are similarly troubling. Ms. Meloni’s government isn’t just nativist but has a harsh authoritarian streak, too.
For Italy, this is bad enough. But much of its significance lies beyond its borders, showing how the far right can break down historic barriers with the center right. Allies of Ms. Meloni are already in power in Poland, also newly legitimized by their support for Ukraine. In Sweden, a center-right coalition relies on the nativist Sweden Democrats’ support to govern. In Finland, the anti-immigrant Finns Party went one better and joined the government. Though these parties, like many of their European counterparts, once rejected membership in NATO and the European Union, today they seek a place in the main Euro-Atlantic institutions, transforming them from within. In this project, Ms. Meloni is leading the way.
Since becoming prime minister, Ms. Meloni has certainly moderated her language. In official settings, she’s at pains to appear considered and cautious — an act aided by her preference for televised addresses rather than questioning by journalists. Yet she can also rely on colleagues in her Brothers of Italy party to be less restrained. Taking aim at one of the government’s main targets, L.G.B.T.Q. parents, party leaders have called surrogate parenting a “crime worse than pedophilia,” claiming that gay people are “passing off” foreign kids as their own. Ms. Meloni can appear aloof from such rhetoric, even suggesting unhappiness with its extremism. But her decisions in office reflect zealotry, not caution. The government extended a ban on surrogacy to criminalize adoptions in other countries and ordered municipalities to stop registering same-sex parents, leaving children in legal limbo.
It’s a similar story with immigration. The agriculture minister, a longtime ally of Ms. Meloni’s who is also her brother-in-law, has taken the lead in appealing for resistance to “ethnic replacement.” Hardly averse to the slogan — she used it to successfully oppose a 2017 bill that would have granted citizenship to children born in Italy to noncitizen parents — Ms. Meloni has avoided employing the phrase herself since taking office. But her call for “births, not migrants” expresses the same sentiment, and aggressive opposition to migration has been the centerpiece of her administration. A law passed in April forces asylum seekers to live in state-run migrant centers while their claims are considered — a process that can last up to two years — all without legal advice or Italian-language classes. In recent weeks, Ms. Meloni spearheaded a European Union deal with Tunisia, whose authoritarian regime promotes the great replacement conspiracy theory, to curb migration in exchange for financial support.
(continue reading)
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It had started with a rivalry. No, before that, it had started with a meeting. A simple tea party on an innocuous Thursday afternoon, when she’d been introduced to the Count’s son and distant cousin-turned-adopted daughter. They’d all gotten on like that infamous and ill-suited metaphor, and then they hadn’t seen each other for months and what was she to make of it? When she finally arrived at Prufrock and suddenly they weren’t friends at all.
But she hadn’t misremembered that first meeting. She didn’t misremember any of the subsequent ones, either.
Beatrice had friends, and money, and talent, but most importantly, she had the spotlight, and she couldn’t bear to share even a little of it with some girl a year younger than her from no particular family or relevance. But Esmé had worked. She’d already had an in with Olaf, and so she worked tirelessly to create her own little group of admirers, to build herself an immaculate reputation, to hide her own intellect because they had already assumed it was all but non-existent. That was the real way in, in the end. That was the way to convince everyone that she wasn’t a threat—that group of pretentious children, all quoting books she’d never be bothered to read. They all thought that reading was the same thing as intelligence, and who was she to correct them? So she laughed, and didn’t have to pretend to understand the literary references they made, but did have to feign ignorance when they used those infuriating quotes and allusions as a paper-thin veil to insult her right in front of her face. But as long as she wasn’t a threat, they let their guard down around her. Enough that she found out about the tattoo they all had on their ankles, enough that she identified the triad of initials that wormed its way into every conversation, enough that she could begin to formulate a plan.
Beatrice was never truly convinced, though. And so, when she showed up to their headquarters after bluffing her way through the recruitment process, Beatrice was the only one who didn’t try to fight it. Others argued that she wasn’t clever enough, but they’d been too well-trained to do so within earshot of anyone important. And so, she stayed. And so, the rivalry grew.
Two actresses with accents, both vying for attention and recognition. Both with dedicated admirers, both with a passion for theatrics even when they weren’t treading the boards. It wasn’t hard to see how rival could easily turn to friend. And, as they got older, just how naturally friend morphed into something else. Beatrice wasn’t her first, and she was almost certain she wasn’t Beatrice’s, but even so… they were never public. Never quite private, either. Attending an event at the same time but with different men on their arms, disappearing at staggered intervals but reappearing together after fixing their hair and makeup as best they could under the circumstances. Some people knew, some people didn’t. Most pretended they had no idea, because really, who would possibly accuse Beatrice Baudelaire of stooping so low?
They’d had fights, of course. Ones so vicious that Beatrice’s lions would flinch away, preferring to press themselves as far away from them as possible. They’d spit cruel, angry words—Beatrice always staying perfectly calm while Esmé screamed and threw things and lived up to exactly the kind of person everyone expected her to be. As she got older, she didn’t stop getting angry like that, but she did stop doing it by accident. She always used to think that Beatrice’s way was best, but there was certainly something to being the unpredictable one, the one people felt the need to tiptoe around, just in case they set her off.
Then she got married. Esmé attended the wedding, and Beatrice didn’t look at her once. That night, she went home with someone else, made sure she was seen doing it. She was seen doing a lot of things. Then Beatrice had a baby, and Esmé wasn’t seen interacting with her, not once. No reporter saw her hold her unofficial niece, cooing at her with an audience of the only person that mattered. No one saw their beloved Beatrice Baudelaire sneaking around, in dressing rooms and cast parties and a thousand others places she had every right to be. Even though she had other reasons for being there.
Things were still different, though. And when she had a son, Esmé wasn’t allowed to meet him. Later, after she’d broken that rule, on the rare occasion she allowed herself to think about it, she knew it was because she’d have seen too much of his father in him. Would have been the only one to say what other people must have been thinking. And so she was no longer an aunt, but she was most certainly a mistress.
Until one unusually warm autumn day, when Beatrice broke every rule and came to see her in her office. It had just been redecorated. After Beatrice left, she’d made the call to redecorate it again. Her family had been outside, but that hadn’t stopped her from pressing Esmé up against the shelf full of books she hadn’t read, from doing exactly what they always did whenever they were alone together. And then she’d asked for a favour.
It’s what they always did; sex first, difficult conversation after, using the chaos of trying to find their clothes and straighten their hair to get the other to slip up and agree. Except this time Esme didn’t. Not in the way that they always did—lying and saying they wouldn’t before conceding, tallying up another favour owed or repaid. No. This time, Esmé wasn’t being playful or pedantic. She was horrified. She remembered it so clearly, the memory coming to her unbidden for the rest of her life, over and over and over again. Perhaps, if she’d responded differently, so many people wouldn’t have died.
But her former distaste for death was what had led her to make that choice in the first place, and she knew she couldn’t have done any differently. Not for anything, or anyone. Not even for Beatrice.
So when Beatrice invited her to the opera, casually, as she was reapplying her lipstick, Esme had said no. But she hadn’t just said no. Perhaps it would have ended differently, if she’d been casual, or non-committal, or played Beatrice’s game like she usually did. But she’d been caught off guard—when she thought back on it, she assumed that had been rather the point. And she’d done what nobody ever did. She’d said no to Beatrice, and she’d meant it. She’d warned Olaf, and he hadn’t believed her. And later that month, when Beatrice had attended her garden party, she’d thought perhaps the matter was settled. Until afterwards. When the rumours began to spread about her loyalties lying elsewhere, when her lifelong friends refused to take her calls.
She was down a sugar bowl, down a reputation, down a friend and lover and, most importantly, down an organisation. She was down, and Beatrice was decidedly up. One of them In, the other Out. Just like it had been at the start, from that first day at Prufrock Prep. She’d had no choice but to prove the rumours true, or risk being alone in the City with no protection—still, she had tried to stop the opera. But Beatrice had new help, now, people to manipulate that wouldn’t question her like Esmé had, wouldn’t dare. And then there’d been a fire, which she’d had to read about in the paper the next morning, never learning who had set it, or why, or how. Even though she could guess. Had guessed. Had never been proved right, but was never proven wrong, either. And the rivalry had ended exactly the way it had begun.
Like a house on fire.
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devildom-moss · 5 months
1 Year Anniversary Flash Requests
The blog is turning 1 on December 14th. Although I still have other requests to work on, I thought I would try to do a flash request event. Flash requests will be short (~500 words), focusing on one relationship (one character, ship, or triad).
I'll be opening requests all day on Thursday, December 14th (12/14 0:00 AM - 12/14 11:59 PM PST). Update: extended until Friday, 12/15 11:59 PST. Over the following two days, I will work on them and try to get as many as possible done. I'll offer 12 SFW and NSFW prompts each. The days will be separated by prompts type.
Friday, December 15th - SFW prompts
Saturday, December 16th - NSFW prompts
I will only work on/post SFW on the 15th and NSFW on the 16th. If I can’t get through them all, I’ll try to get to them between regular requests. Flash requests will be completed first come first serve. So, please don’t send in requests until the 14th PST. I'll schedule a post to let you know when the requests open.
SFW prompts
Surprise hug
Rainy day
Stolen kiss
First date
Your choice
NSFW prompts
Food play
Your choice
[Rules under the cut. PLEASE READ. If you don't follow them, your request will not be fulfilled]
Requests must be formatted to include:
Prompt and/or prompt number
Character selection
You can request:
Character x MC/reader (gn, if not specified)
Character x character x MC/reader (gn, if not specified)
Or character x character (yeah, I’ll indulge your ships)
specify dom/sub/switch and top/bottom/verse
specify MC sex and/or gender
Other rules:
If you choose #12, prompts must be general ideas (you should be able to summarize it in less than 5 words).
Since this event is mostly romantic, no Luke requests will be allowed for this event.
I probably won't do duplicates of the requests, so if two people send in the same requests, I'll group them together and write one post.
I don't know if I'll end up writing headcanons or short fics, so I might just feel it out (I hope you don't mind).
You can submit one SFW and one NSFW request, but please send them in separately.
Any request that includes two character names must mention "MC," "reader," or "threesome" if you want character x character x mc/reader content. If not, it will be assumed to character x character.
If you can't decide, you can offer one alternative (ex: Satan or Solomon; Satan x Solomon or Mephisto; MC x Thirteen x Asmo or MC x Lucifer x Mephi; MC x Levi or Beel x Diavolo)
All other normal request rules still apply.
NSFW. prompt 12, cockwarming. Top!MC x bottom!Diavolo
SFW. Rainy day. Barbatos and Mephistopheles.
NSFW. M!dom!bottom!MC x dom!top!Thirteen x sub!bottom!Belphie. #2 Bondage
I hope you all are looking forward to it!
If you want to leave me a tip: ko-fi
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fiction-pod-recs · 6 months
For this week's Fiction Podcast rec Thursday,
The Soft-Boiled Detective
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[ ID/ The cover art of The Soft-Boiled Detective. It shows a flat colored, short, black hat with a gold band going around the base of it. It is outlined in gold. The background is black with a design mirroring that of a computer chip also highlighted in gold. In the middle "The Soft-Boiled Detective" is written in all caps in white text. /End ID]
Summary as given, “In 2420, HBD, a soft-hearted detective, teams up with Tiffany, a sardonic crematory operator who is targeted by the triad, to take on an organized crime dynasty to solve the murder of his childhood friend.”
There are currently 7 episodes out, averaging around 20 minutes each. Those 7 episodes make up the first season. The casting call for season 2 was finished in August so I think it is safe to assume a second season is in production. Content warnings are available but I don’t believe there are transcripts.
I love the soft boiled detective, it is just so! I love the way each of the characters is characterized and just everything about HBD. He’s just amazing! Its almost similar to the penumbra podcast, but its more lighthearted (though it can also get kind of heavy in some places). HBD fills all the tropes for a detective even in the future and it is amazing
They do have a Tumblr: @thesoftboileddetectivepodcast
Thank you for coming to this installment of fiction podcast rec Thursday! Apologies for this one also being later (and shorter) than usual, but I’m starting to work ahead so hopefully this won’t be a problem anymore.
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favourite thing about BJ and Hawkeye is that you can read it as a love story, but this is a story where they love each other, but they both love Peg more.
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melodious-tear · 19 days
🩷🩷🩷 Thanks @moonstone-vibe for tagging me for WIP Wednesday Thursday *cough*, so here are some new words from wild card
A laugh was obviously not what Su Mengzhen had expected as a reaction to his proposal.
"It’s funny?" he asked wonderingly, perhaps a little sulkily. "I imagine Di Feijing has something similar in mind, but still..."
"He actually suggested something like that, but that's not why I'm laughing." It wasn’t a surprise, really – what else could any of them want from him? Turning his back to the bustling city, Bai Choufei leaned casually against the railing and watched the waiters clearing the table and setting a new pair of glasses and plates.
“About two days ago, I promised Wang Xiaoshi that you were not some kind of triad boss. Do you want to prove me a liar?"
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misscammiedawn · 1 year
Charmed! 2023 Recap - (Day 2: Thursday)
Part 1 link
Part 2 (you're here)
Part 3 link
Part 4 link
Part 5 link
As before this is an edited version of my personal therapy journal tailored for public posting. All scene names and stories included are done with permission. - This entry was half written at the con and edited for internet so there will be times where the tensing refers to events in the future and in the past. Apologies for that confusion
I slept from 1:45am-7:30am, my heart raced as the narrative of a scary dream pulled me to wakefulness.
Not the kind of heart racing I was hoping for to begin my day, alas. But the timing was *perfect*. Daja had just at that moment sent a message that she was starting her route. She was less than 5 hours away.
“Come to me.” I softly commanded, extending my presence far across the distance.
My heart ached, my lips could feel the air where they desired her lips.
“I am here, waiting for you. Come to me, my dear.”
And so the countdown begun.
I took a few moments to hug my plushie familiar who goes where I goes and come down from a dream which should not have terrified as much as it did. My boyfriend, Copper, and I were to share a coffee before he went down to the museums.
I had a coffee date! It was time to change!
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Charmed! Outfit 1: Sunrise's dress.
Perfect for being plugged into brainwashing devices and reunions with long distance loves ~<3
While I did that my COVID test pinged negative. I grabbed a snapshot.
I maneuvered to add my gender dysphoria protection, my “chicken cutlets” but a somft voice in my head scolded me for the effort. “This is me.” It insisted.
We're going in to the con on our own esteem then? No augmentations? Good to know.
I went to grab my badge and got the 4th one. Nath, one of my metamours, was 2 spaces ahead of me so got a brief hug. Nath is a good friend, though I tend to be shy around my metamours. A little bit of that old programming from a life before keeps insisting that any love I take from a partner is taken away from their other partners and I should feel guilty about that.
Life doesn't work that way. Love doesn't work that way. But the thought persists. That's mine to deal with. I try not to burden other people with my baggage until they ask for it.
There was not enough time to do a full reunion though as Copper and I had our coffee date–
A playful and bouncy panda billing itself as "Panda Express" which is both adorable and charming.
It was so lovely! Drip coffee with a smooth flavor that lingers pleasantly!
Happy chats and calm comfort!
There was talk of plans and recounting of the prior night’s fun, including the plane ride. Hair coloring. Hopes and fantasies and the relief of feeling Seen.
I had long awaited my moment to meet with Panda and the Triad that it belonged to. I am overjoyed that it didn't disappoint.
But it had plans, Copper had a trip and there was a convention to begin!
Everyone scattered and I thought about diving into the con--- but perhaps first some weekend prep!
I was too excited to get started and went straight to outfit and mild make-up without a super grooming session. Checked my phone for the temporary GPS of Daja's car. A countdown I could follow for her arrival. She's not here. Not even close. Not yet! I couldn't begin all the fun stuff we had prepared and negotiated. The plane scene was only the start.
I couldn't do the fun stuff, but I could do a ton of ironing to save time for when I was able to enjoy things a bit more!
While I ironed I had a big conversation with my Counterpart Puppet and Sleepyhead. I got emotional about my inconsistencies and volatile personality. Started crying for no gosh darn reason for I am a silly Kitty x.x;
Sad to say this would be the first of a ton of times my emotions caught me off-guard this weekend x.x;
Don't worry, I'm editing the meltdowns out for the public facing recaps! Y'all know where my BPD tag is <3
With ironing done there seemed to be less than an hour until the promised arrival. A morning well spent and a heart full of cheer, I moved on to greet Daja!
The original plan was to do the dommey “come to me!” moment but my heart was too explode with joy so I just glomped. Daja woke up early for me! “You’re the only Sunrise worth waking up for!”
I am squishy melty squee! So so happy!
It was a short-lived reunion as her trance card had other names on the list above mine, but she was sure to show me all the ways I would later be doomed. Mind melting VR headsets and hypnotic orange chocolate. As well as a surprise tool which we may need later.
The afternoon was fairly lowkey. I found some familiar faces in Turq and Mazirian in the common area and took some time to discuss simple things like anime and wrestling. I was introduced to some of the more flavorful acts and some of the feats of incredible strength such as picking talent up by their ankles and hammer throwing them like Miss Trunchbull. Made me think about the fact that people picking me up is one of those horseshoe things. Right on the border between ABSOLUTELY NOT red and ...please....? green...
Only one person is allowed to pick me up. I am Excalipurr.
Turq and I have a decent enough relationship as metamours. I share the same shyness with him that I work hard to conquer with Nath and Puppet. It's a shame because Turq and I have a *lot* in common. We can talk about anime/manga and focus on the classics. We enjoy wrestling, Transformers, video games and we both are quite fond of a certain lass.
Maz is someone I have had very limited contact with. We flirt online openly, which is fairly rare for me, but he is firmly in the circle of people I have marked as Trusted. He's vouched for by my Goddess, my girlfriend and is partners with one of the fleeting few connections I had with the hypnosis community in the 2000s. He's fantastic with hairplay and---
--if I may be a little self-obsessed in my self-obsessed journal? ...he makes me feel attractive. His compliments on my hair, the genuine flirting... it makes my gender dysphoria go away. I present myself as an attractive woman a lot, especially in these spaces. I don't know how he does it, but he makes my mind forget that it's something I'm presenting as. It's just something that I am.
It was nice to just enjoy some gentle social energy and try to get added to the trance card of a lovely friend who worked with me briefly at Beguiled. I also finally got to meet Glitter-Spiral who is a very important human that I have evaded meeting for 3 years worth of events.
Glitter-Spiral has not let up on complaining to Daja about the fact that I have been RIGHT THERE for all this time and we keep missing one another. It was nice to finally meet her the energy that she exudes is so bright and forceful. Sassy and flooded with color. I could see instantly why she was scheduled to teach bratting.
As I enjoyed breaking street-date and hugging GS, Turq looked at his phone and audibly responded to the message “She’s sitting right next to me and I can ask for you.” Apparently Daja asked her spouse, Turq, if she could use the room to spend some time with me.
So I rushed upstairs and we worked a little on a couple things.
Firstly, practice for the Presence class. We ran some drills on the Big Moment we had discussed as an endcap to the hypnotist side of the demonstration. Something flashy and showy that I just needed practice with and we discussed blocking for the showy end of the hypnotee segment.
I had run many of these drills over and over with Sleepy but the script was not sticking to my mind and my nerves kept me from embodying my Top Space. I kept telling myself "we'll just read the script and do it live." "Trust that performance will give you the push you need." - another case of that dysfunction where my brain cannot accurately or coherently visualize the future and so lets all that hard work and practice disintegrate.
That used to be a big issue for me when I was a coder, but that's a story for another time.
The reason I mention it is because after running those drills with Daja, I finally felt prepared. I finally think I can teach a class!
Second on the agenda was working on an amnesia suggestion which will come up later and lastly installing a kiss summon trigger– because kiss summon triggers are my thing.
Daja returned the favor by plugging me into a 20 minute custom VR session to add in a few suggestions and gently scrub perception of them away.
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During the session Daja installed two suggestions, both of which I shall lose memory of the moment I finish typing, the first is that when I nuzzle her I will drop deeply into trance and the second is a return of the summoning trigger from Beguiled.
(Future Cammie edit!: I now have full memory of this. As part of my therapy I journal daily and this was written on the day. I will make notes in the text when I am typing from after the convention)
There was a point where she heavily reminded me of Goddess’ control and that no hypnosis at all would work without my collar. I was told I reached for my collar and held it as I drank in that suggestion.
The aftercare for the scene progressed and triggers were tested and promptly forgotten once more.
From here on I type from after the convention. My memories of the above session remain with me both while working on the journal, for Daja ensured I could always journal reality, no matter what my mind perceived in a hypnotic compulsion (especially if I allowed myself to forget again afterwards) - but more crucially those memories will go with me back to Minnesota.
My hope is that by typing these words they may not fade as far too many tend to.
After the wonderful scene had been completed and sweet Cammie was puddlified and programmed, we agreed that it was a good time for food. My room contained myself, Sleepyhead and Puppet. Daja's room was her and Turq. We agreed that the two rooms should be a bubble for both COVID safety and meal sharing when appropriate.
The original plan was to connect Daja and Cammie rooms so we could just Kramer in to one another’s space all weekend. I feel that may have been a benefit to all had it have happened.
Alas. We had to walk a *whole flight of stairs!* Unacceptable.
Dinner for the night was a local Italian restaurant’s pizza. For Puppet a pasta dish (which required Daja and I to run over to Oikos Prime (remote) and grab cutlery, while saying hello to my Goddess Lady Ru’etha as well as other Oikos household members Jukebox and Copper… as well as sweet Timbit, the most adorable floof in the world) Sleepy got a 14” and for Turq, Daja and I we split a 16”. Sleepyhead had AGDQ on and insisted on showing Turq the AIRBOAT run, a modded Portal run that used Half-Life 2 objects on spawn to proceed through the testing facility instead of the normal portal guns.
The meal was well enjoyed and ended with Turq heading off to mingle and Daja had some more time put aside for scenes with other partners.
I decided that if I were going to get into a headspace less puddlified and a little more casual for the night then perhaps I would need to stop wearing my Sunrise dress, which was typically used for subby bliss scenes, such as the mind melting machine.
But my Dawn outfits were booked out for later in the weekend… so I made a quick change based on my proposed Travel Day outfit:
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Charmed Outfit 2: Cozy Camden Winter-wear
For after brains have had time to be melted and one wants to drink coffee and see some familiar faces for no reason beyond socializing.
Socializing, as intended, was not as simple as I had assumed it would be for the majority of the time. In fact I felt quite overwhelmed. I am told that Pre-Pandemic Con Lifestyle involved a lot of group lunches and comfortable hangouts which were more accessible to making connections and melting shy exteriors. As it stood, I had a number of people do the “hey, it’s Cammie!” Moment and I never really worked out how to capitalize on it.
My own fault, really. Shyness is a crippling affectation and I cannot always be a forceful personality capable of running movie theatres or mingling on command.
But all too soon, Daja let me know that her personal jewelry commission from one of our lovely vending friends (whose I will edit in a name for if I get permission) was finished.
The commission was a blue bottle. A blue bottle because of a conversation the two of us had from when the vendors were showing off their wares. 
As I typed on the final day of our last meet-up:
We did clean up. She packed away the summoning trigger and any other things which may have been picked up. I put away the blue fire, which I hadn’t intended to become a trigger, but Daja’s eager and clever brain picked up on it without hesitation. It was placed inside a glass bottle, waiting to be revealed again.
Blue Fire. The gift of perfect obedience. A trigger I had worked with in our last meeting, based on a story from the Tammy Pierce books Daja and I each love. A finger to the forehead. A magical blue fire. Then the enchanted individual would awaken having completed a single command. Whether it be as simple as climb down a tower or something unthinkable.
We had placed the magical blue fire which could melt her mind away inside a blue bottle, a reference in itself to Ocarina of Time.
We had agreed to unbottle the fire and return it on the night of the Soiree and use it to get Daja all nice and dressed up for the event while I offered her “my heart”, knowing she would return it in time. Theoretically it could be used in mingle with another scene we had that weekend, though.
Daja wanted to break street date and get to enjoy the blue flame for the entire weekend. I told her I was willing to go ahead and do that for her, but only if she was certain she wanted it.
Now, Miss Dawn is a Fae. This has been true since the days she was simply an expression of gender euphoria in tabletop scenes and LARP. She was not going to accept a simple “I’m sure” as a method of consent.
“Please, Miss Dawn. Uncork the bottle.”
You must say it of your own volition three times. Uncoerced and unbound by a fractionated mind. Say it three times and I shall uncork the bottle and unleash the spell which effortlessly bewitches your mind and engulfs you in the flame of Pure Obedience. Knowing that once that spell takes hold and melts your mind away there will not be a single thing you will not do for me when I command you under its enchantment.
“Please, Miss Dawn. Uncork the bottle.”
I lowered myself and took her arm and kissed her fiercely. Looked her in the eyes and held her gaze. I reminded her that she would act without any memory of her actions, that she would be giving me complete control of her and doing so without a long thought was simply unwise.
“Please, Miss Dawn. Uncork the bottle.”
Utilizing a previously installed trigger I commanded her to kiss me and enjoyed the moment. My fingers laced around the bottle. If she were to ask me one more time then I would be bound by my Fae Contract to comply and control her.
Was this really? Truly? Deeply desired?
“Please, Miss Dawn…”
I gave her hair a tug and looked her in the eyes.
“Please uncork the bottle.”
As you wish, my love.
What else could a Fae say when bound by a contract? I followed the pre-negotiated scene, which had some lovely amnesia laden suggestions hidden within. Because I am a tricky Fae and if the airplane ride and the MMM scene had not already proven, Daja and I studied for this test and had written a dissertation on how to make these scenes work.
I am also editorializing a little bit because I have a broken brain that doesn’t remember things and imagines things between the gaps.
“Hand me the bottle, my dear.”
And it was at this point, Daja learned that her arms were hanging loose at her side. She couldn’t reach up. She couldn’t unclasp it. If she couldn’t unclasp it she couldn’t hand it to me. If she couldn’t hand it to me, she couldn’t receive my gift of Perfect Obedience.
Daja noted her inability and I teased the chain. “I need you to offer it to me, my dear.”, my honey sweet voice taunting with my knowledge that she simply could not obey.
“Please, Miss Dawn. Please.”
Energy flowed between the pair of us and the Perfect Obedience trigger was tested. A finger to the forehead and Daja’s mind was set ablaze by blue fire. Her eyelids rolled up so beautifully and she would do *anything* I asked.
I am particularly proud of the two times I was able to show it off for an audience.
With the Obedience trigger installed and some more fun had, it was time to prepare for the morning. We were to go to Nath’s class, Daja and Tenn’s and then mine.
In order to go to mine we needed to have me ready to spend the night. So I masked up and rushed back to my room to perform the Walk Of Shame. Which I find lovely and amusing, given Nothing Was Going To Happen. But I got my pyjamas and tomorrow’s outfit and transported them to Daja’s room so I could Spend The Night. <3
I was still a lil’ bit overwhelmed and frazzled and made some silly mistakes like forgetting(?) my Precious. Precious is supposed to go with me and I forgot her!
It’s okay though. Miss had Faithful, Precious’ twin, and let me hug him while I slept…
And curled up with Miss and Faithful… I did sleep.
Part 3 link
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apocalypticavolition · 7 months
Let's Play Book of Hours! Up & In
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Monday April 20th
In my dreams, the Wood fell away to stranger places, closer to Nowhere. I wandered empty landscapes, searching for a way to consciousness but finding none. When it seemed there was no way left to go but down past the threshold of the abyss, a terrible wind picked me up and carried me away, presenting me with gray robes. Whispering in my ear, the breeze said that Solomon Husher had worn these when first he came to the library. I knew at once upon waking what I must do. It may be some time before I return; I dare not let this journal leave the library.
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Friday April 24th
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I have received a true boon. A week on the wilderness, fasting, camping under the stars, sacrificing some rabbits for nothing else was on hand, and it has paid off. In the hollow of a tree, I found a strange package. Clearly it had meant to be sent in the post, but how it had wound up in the wilderness I cannot fathom. I shall take to battle and cut it open tomorrow in a fashion deserving of the belongings of the great Solomon Husher. Tonight I shall bathe and thus cleanse myself in preparation.
Saturday April 25th
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I don't want to talk about it. What on Earth was someone's laundry basket doing upon the moors?
Sunday April 26th
Between my excursions for the past week and yesterday's rather depressing debacle, I decided to spend today at The Sweet Bones, helping the proprietor clean the back storage area. I'm not sure what were in the boxes there but I imagine that it at least belongs.
Monday April 27th
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I turned my attention today to one of the other two manuscripts that had been left behind in the Keeper's Lodge. This one was much more recent, written within my own lifetime. Again, much of my day was dedicated merely to preparing a new cover that I might be able to recognize it on sight. Due to its connection to the Lantern-light of Glory, I elected for a charming yellow. It was The Locksmith's Dream: a Light through the Keyhole" by Teresa Galmier. If only her examination of parallels in the mystic dreams of artisans had been available to me before, I might have realized my own dream was building to disappointment. Alas, hindsight is everything.
Tuesday April 28th
I finished my cataloguing of what had been left in the Keeper's Lodge with the third book, which was a little older as it belonged to the Curia period. That said, it is an updated version of an older work: Kerisham's heavily censored manuscript on The Three and the Three. It describes operations of the Chancel and the Calyptra, two triads of Hours with subtle, far-reaching powers and responsibilities, though most of the original's juiciest details have been excised for political reasons. Nonetheless, I suspect that there are secrets that might be revealed by Moon-light or similar machinations.
Wednesday April 29th
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I spent a good deal of time at The Sweet Bones today. The miners are warming up to me a little, but I soon concluded that none of them were up to the task of helping me repair the Watchman's Tower. I barely know what I'm doing; architecture is far too mundane an art to be recorded in my journal. In the end, I posted a notice that I was hoping for assistance. I must make progress quickly; people in the pub were complaining about the prime minister's plan to increase taxes to pay for defense. War comes.
Thursday April 30th
Though I still have had no reply to my advertisement (I checked at breakfast and dinner), I have done what surveying of the top floor of the tower I can. My work here is sadly quite limited: a leak developed in these past seven years and the ceiling of the first floor study is sagging noticeably. I dare not wander freely for fear of plummeting back down! Thus, the various covered instruments - and they are immense - remain a mystery to me, though I have my hopes based on the large windows. All I've been able to do so far is determine that the leak definitely isn't directly above the door to the stairs.
Friday May 1st
I have had luck at last! This morning at The Sweet Bones I met Thomas, a traveling performer of sorts. Though these days he makes his living traveling the Isles and getting tips in pubs and on street corners, he explained that he had once been part of an orchestra. It seems he fell out of favor after getting into a fight with the conductor shortly before a performance; something about a woman. Though it has been some years since Thomas has visited the capital or other large cities, he remembers well the theaters he once toured. He says he enjoyed wandering the backstage and seeing how the fascinating architecture of large buildings was held up from within. I hired him at once.
We have spent most of the day laboring away upstairs, first testing the floor with the safety of a second pair of eyes and then moving a ladder about to gain access to the roof. We patched several holes and will be ready to continue tomorrow.
Saturday May 2nd
Another busy day. We finished our survey of the roof and I think we've taken care of everything. I suppose there's no way to be certain until it rains. We then spent the day ripping out the damaged wood. Neither one of us is much good at this, but I suppose I am only going to get better.
Sunday May 3rd
Much too tired to keep writing. Lugging the new wood up the stairs quite exhausted me. We are done though.
Monday May 4th
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Today I was finally able to appreciate the Observatory. Baron Silence had it constructed just in time for the passage of the Great Comet of 1577. I nearly squealed in excitement when I pulled away the massive sheet covering the telescope and got to enjoy it in its full glory. (Later I would use the sheet to wrap up the laundry basket I found on the moors that I might never be taunted by it again.)
My regret is that today was a little too cloudy for any sustained observations. I am certain that with a fuller understanding of the stars my progress may make leaps and bounds. I may even be able to create something, if I could deduce the recipes. For now I contented myself with a brief examination of the waxing moon, which was visible for an hour after sunset before disappearing behind the sky.
Tuesday May 5th
I returned to The Sweet Bones once again in the hopes of finding good jobs to do. Until the Trust sends me another annual stipend, I fear that I am going to be struggling making ends meet.
Wednesday May 6th
I examined the door on the far side of the Cloistered Garden today. It is covered in many strange sigils and signs that my diary has few notes upon; I was always a man of more conservative tastes when it came to painting. Until I understand them, I dare not open the door, for what little I can recognize carries a warning against disturbing the sanctity of the library. I went down to the pub again to place another advertisement.
Thursday May 7th
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Success! Today I met Olivia, an experimental painter of some sort. She showed me her catalog and frankly I'm not certain if she isn't a bit deranged, but her work has been displayed at several minor exhibitions in the isles, so clearly someone appreciates it even if it's not to my tastes. In truth I'm uncertain if she'll be able to make any headway at all, but she was quite enthusiastic to hear that I was the new librarian. She'd expected she'd be painting the library from afar, but I've agreed to let her spend some time on the premises if she makes serious progress - and while there is little of the library to show off, I gave her a tour of Hush House to get started. She promised to return Saturday and begin in earnest.
Friday May 8th
I spent today cataloging one of the books I found in the Watchman's Tower. Another work of Forge, I think.
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Saturday May 9th
Olivia returned today. She spent the day in the garden asking me strange questions. I wonder if there is more to her than there seems or if she simply is so ignorant of the occult that she has no fear of asking preposterous questions. She wanted to know the age of the rooms, whether they had ever been built in a different fashion, what I thought the house might look like if the Watchman's Tower had never been built, and so on.
Sunday May 10th
Unfortunately, I spent the day indisposed. I think I caught a cold passing around the village. I hope Olivia didn't catch it, but I saw no sign of her.
Tuesday May 12th
My fever broke today. Still no sign of Olivia. I spent the time cataloging The Book of the Centipede. Unlike most of the books I've catalogued so far, this one is written in Greek. I suspect it pertains to that strangest of Principles: Rose, which contains all hopes and possibilities within.
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Wednesday May 13th
Olivia returned. As I feared, she'd caught ill and needed slightly longer to recover. I left her to her work while working on another book from the Curia period, which I suspect might refine my Knock, that principal which opens and allows passage. Serendipitously, Olivia revealed the fruits of her labor: still feeling a bit ill, she elected to paint the hall doors and all the sigils on them, entirely obscuring them. I was uncertain, but she passed through the doorway without incident. I will check on her tomorrow.
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Thursday May 14th
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Olivia was fine. Finally able to enter the Entrance Hall, I spent today appreciating the glorious collection of statuary present. Much of the history of this library is captured within. Two busts of the Dewulfs - Hendrick and Valentine, first and last of the barons. A full statue of the first Eva, Lady de Braose who donated generously to the Abbey in the thirteenth century, an odd statue of the protector of the House Lady Rowena (none have ever seen her, but either she is real or someone is pretending to be her through St. Rhonwen's Trust), and a truly ancient bust from the Dawn labeled "Sister". Two of the abbots: the early Thomas and the later Geffrey, who built a tower to house a Jewish surgeon. Another bust, St Melancthe, the alchemist, inscribed "The cross died not but passed within."
There are other wonders here as well. A homey fireplace for visitors to warm themselves beside as they put on leather gloves and slippers, soothing paintings of trees, the crook Authority (no doubt left behind by the Suppression Bureau), and gloomier paintings too. One is of the beach at high tide, the other is called "The Boy Prays" but I see no boy in the picture and nothing resembling prayer. Finally, an ancient wood sits over the fire. I cannot imagine simply burning it however.
Friday May 15th
Truly I must be a fool. Once again I have had a strange dream brought by the winds. They led me down into the depths of the Earth, following after the Cross, so far down that the caves around me became like shifting seas with every step uncertain. They coiled around themselves and spiraled down and down and down. I shall set out on the moors at once.
Wednesday May 20th
I returned from my excursion late today. I circled the island many times, perhaps seven times seven, eating only bread and drinking only water. I followed the winds as they blew me, listening in to the rumors of war they foretold. On my last circle, my foot stumbled and I nearly fell headfirst into a little pit in the earth. I reached in and pulled out this single viper's egg. I am still far too low on resources to have a pet at the moment, but I think I shall hatch it once I can.
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maxiewolfe · 1 year
imo this episode was better? loved the drama tbh still couldn't care less about the teachers, but I'm finding out that obie is not as boring to me when he's with julien, also heidi bergmann I'm free on thursday night if you would like to hang out!!! LOVED the bit of Luna and that dude, I desperately need to see more of her and also I'm obsessed with her friendship w max ofc, I do have things to say about the triad but that's for my next post, in general I liked the episode
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daddybiff · 1 year
Part 2. I know it is long, I truly thank you.
In May 2021, T&B invite us to join them on a trip to Tennessee in July. Miggs (@dirtylittlebookworm) likes to 'joke' that B likes to "collect" popular Fetlifers. My understanding is that one of B's biggest sources of BDSM info during her early exploration in late 2018/early 2019 was a podcaster based out of TN. Over time, she connected with this person (T running into him at an unrelated conference helped also) and she began to develop a friendship with this figurehead and some of his local followers, especially during COVID through their Discord group.
The relevance is that this trip was a week long road trip and vacation for T&B that would culminate in her finally getting to meet all these people. T&B invited us to join them, with the expectation that we pay for our travel since they were renting their AirBnB either way. The offer was generous and we were glad to accept. But more on the trip later.
As May and June progressed, we continued to meet up with the couple, both in public/vanilla settings for dinner and private for play. Around this time, T is starting to frequently mention and discuss the subject of a quad/poly type dynamic amongst us, with comments not subtly thrown into convos. Almost immediately when we were asked about our thoughts at dinner one night, we made it clear that wasn't of interest to us. Miggs had dabbled in a triad shortly before meeting me with rather disastrous results and it simply wasn't an idea she (and I by proxy) cared to explore. But even after that initial discussion, T would continue to bring it up, essentially ignoring our boundaries.
In Mid-June, T&B invite us over to their house for dinner and to discuss the upcoming trip to TN. We would only be in town from Thursday-Monday of that week, while they would be there the whole week. During that weekend we were down there, there was going to be a meet & greet at the rental house on Friday night and on Saturday we would attend a 'Taste of Kink' and Play Party at a recently opened space. The objective of the meeting was to set expectations, boundaries, limits, etc. for the trip overall, but especially the party.
We went to their house for dinner, sat around and had drinks while discussing the trip. During this period, a convo struck up about a "new hairpulling technique" T was using on B *eye roll*.
B asked me if it was okay if T showed/demonstrated on Miggs, which I allowed. Shortly after, T and Miggs went into the kitchen and w/o hesitation B began to brat and whine as she wanted attention and hair pulls also. B craves attention, I later learned from Miggs, B may have been quite fond of me also. We would at times refer to B as being a "needy slut w/ a greedy pussy". She asked (or begged) that I pull her hair. I went into the kitchen and asked T if this was okay as I wasn't sure if we were "playing" that evening. T stated he was okay with it and turned to ask Miggs if she was okay with it. Miggs hesitantly stated it was okay, so long as it took place in the kitchen.
I admit, I enjoyed putting B in her place when given the opportunity. I went and got B and lead her into the kitchen by her hair, instructed her to sit on a stool and behave, while I pulled her hair and teased her. Now I will admit, despite my good long term memory, sometimes I may confuse a thing or two...
If I recall, I noticed Miggs was uncomfortable and began to withdraw from the whole situation. Following dinner and the intended convo, the night concluded w/o further engagement in a kink/sexual sense. On our drive home, Miggs informed me that she was very uncomfortable as she had been lead to believe the evening was not going to involve play of any type and understandably was not happy as she had not been in the mindset for what occurred. She began to divulge that she was becoming increasingly uncomfortable with the dynamic (the four of us) as a whole. Speaking up was a struggle for Miggs back then and she admitted she hadn't spoken up before or even that night, but had felt at times the concept of us playing together as couples came rather quickly and though she enjoyed it most of the time, other times she felt conflicted. Now, the occasional talk and what she felt was a growing pressure to further things in a poly sense, had heightened these feelings and made her uneasy.
We discussed this at length (even had an argument) and debated whether we should still go on the trip. Airfare had been bought, plans/arrangements were made, a lot had to be taken into consideration. We eventually agreed to still go, but emphasized the need to communicate and understand we can withdraw or not participate if we don't wish to. Days later, I reached out to T and explained what had happened so he and B could be aware. T is good at appearing to sympathize and "hear you" but you come to learn he doesn't. While he acknowledged our concerns, he did something I would come to realize later was very common. He deflected by adding his recent feelings about Miggs presenting as 'jealous' at times. This did not sit well with me, as I knew and went through jealousy often with my ex-wife. Miggs was not jealous.
This convo happened to run parallel to another convo in the same time frame with T&B, in which I reached out for some advice about mine and Miggs future and my intent to propose to her. While talking to T, B interjected that I better hurry as she knew that Miggs was "getting antsy". This was weird, as Miggs and I had a very clear understanding that we wouldn't do anything until after my divorce was official, which wouldn't happen for almost two more months. I later asked Miggs about this and learned it was not true and she confirmed that as we planned I needed to be divorced first and back on my feet with work. Miggs didn't even want to live with me until I was divorced, let alone be engaged.
A lot was happening in my personal life at this point. I tragically lost a good friend at the age of 30, I would go on to quit my job after the 4th of July and just before our trip to start a new career and of course our trip to Tennesee.
Things definitely got Rocky on 'Top' of everything...
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Hi hi, fellow BruDick shippers! On Wednesdays, it's time for some comfort! This is a day for works rated for General Audiences, so you can have a sweet time enjoying the works below <3
[Art] Morning Kisses by @captainlordauditor for @anoonie
Rating & Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, General Audiences
Relationships: Talia al Ghul/Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Coparenting, Polyamory, Domestic Fluff, Triad, Fanart, Sleepy Cuddles, Baby Damian Wayne
Summary: Talia makes sure each of her boys gets a kiss in the morning.
[Fic] A Little Pollen Never Hurt Someone by @anoonie for @withthekeyisking-writer
Rating & Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, General Audiences
Relationships: Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd
Additional Tags: Platonic Cuddling, Cuddle Pollen, Hurt Dick Grayson, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Jason Todd is Robin, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Dick Grayson Needs a Hug, Dick Grayson Gets a Hug
Summary: Dick hasn't seen Bruce in months, not after he was fired from being Robin, and now the new kid he had adopted appeared out of nowhere to annoy him.
[Fic] Cupcakes and romance by Mistress_of_Vos for @ivychankasumi
Rating & Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, General Audiences
Relationships: Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson, Background Ra'sTim, Background Clex
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Bakery, Bakery and Coffee Shop, Bakery, Sweet, Short & Sweet, Fluff, Idiots in Love, Misunderstandings, Best Friend Ever Tim Drake, Cute Ending, Corny Bruce Wayne, Weddings, Male Homosexuality, Gay Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson-Centric, No Capes AU, Feelings, Love, Flirting, No Beta
Summary: For months, Bruce has been visiting Dick's bakery every monday and thursday at the same hour. All what Dick and Bruce do is smile and repeat the same short talk they always have, but that hasn't stopped Dick from crushing hard on Bruce and sighing like a teenager.
Tim thinks Dick should do something before someone else steals Bruce away.
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death-transcrypt · 1 year
This passed convention week/weekend:
Thursday: helped pack out stuff for the con, met a cute shy girl
Friday: worked my shift at the con, walked around, met up with the girl, pulled her into a bathroom to make out, then later went up to her room and made out more. Was about to do more but my friend called to ask if I could cover his shift, he's the only person I would leave what I was doing to cover a shift.
Saturday: walked around more. Shy girl had even more social anxiety. Went to the night market, she had to work her shift. Spent a few hours co-domming a cute shy sub in the corner. They left for.the night. Made out with a triad of lesbian that included 2 puppy girls.
Sunday: hung out with shy girl, the sub and domme from Saturday night and another sub. Had the the shy girl and the sub I dommed get their fill of my boots and feet. Lead them to realize they also like each other. Made out with the domme because I found her interesting. She eventually tells me she wants to bottom for me (and maybe sub for.me??). We all go to burger King. Get back to hotel, domme has to bring her other sub to train, so I had shy girl and sub to hang out with. Went to the hotel room and they sucked me off under my instruction. Had them swap my cum while making out. Saturday night, the domme and sub got invited to the staff after party. The four of us all cuddled on a bed in the party hotel room, making everybody low-level horny. Eventually had another girl ask for me to hold her leash while she say on the floor by the bed. Things got hot and heavy.
So yeah it was a good convention 🤭
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