#transformer headcanon
Transformer Prime Theory: The Optics
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It’s interesting how, in TFP, the characters all have a variety of optics sizes and shapes, instead of everyone having plain solid colours like in G1 and most other continuities. And I personally believe there is some more biological reasons why some of these optics look the way they are (some big, some small, some solid colours and others not, and some having rings and others not).
TW: starvation mention.
The size of the optics is determined by how well fed and healthy the transformer is.
Firstly, we can see that most Transformers with big optics are Decepticons, who we always know have more Energon mines and supplies than the Autobots.
Secondly. Megatron has a big optic that take over the entire frame, and he is totally someone who would have a feast himself first before feeding his subjects. On the contrary Optimus have one of the smallest optic in the show, probably because, unlike Megatron, he would only eat himself when he knows his subjects are well fed. (Poor Optimus)
Thirdly, Breakdown and Bulkhead also have some of the biggest optics in their teams. Breakdown is one of the few in the show whose optics are complete solid colors, and, although Bulkhead’s optics are not solid colours, or completely take over the frame, they are still much bigger than most other Autobots. This is probably because they are both the muscles of the team so they must have been fed more so that they can be stronger and fight better. (Cliffjumper might have been one, too, because he also got a huge optic, but we never hang around him enough to know for sure)
Fourthly: Bumblebee also got big optics, probably because he is the youngest Autobot, and is probably still growing in a way, so everyone would want to make sure he got enough nutrients to grow up big and healthy.
Fifthly: I think this is the best proof of all. So throughout the show Starscream’s optics are always quite big and round (though it is not always obvious in bright lightings).
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(“Partner”, Season 1 Episode 20)
However, in the Orion Episode, while Starscream was sneaking into the Nemisis to steal energons, his optics suddenly fill the whole frame
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(“Orion Pax Part One”, Season 2, Episode 2)
This is likely because, since Starscream had gone rogue at this point, and we know that in “Rock Bottom” (Season One Episode 19) Starscream has been hiding energons for himself, perhaps Starscream hasn’t yet learned how to manage supplies sustainably on his own, and quickly drained his resources that he’s hide for himself before. Thus, more energons in the eyes. That’s probably also why he has taken the risk to go back to the Nemisis to steal Energon cause he was out of it already. He was living feast or famine at this point.
Now, there are some bugs in this theory, such as why Knockout have such a small pupil despite not having any reasons to starve. However, knowing Knockout and his obsession with his appearance, I believe he would totally put himself on a diet to look even more fabulous. I don’t think Transformers can really gain weight from Energons, though, at least not in the way we think, but Knockout could also just love the look of a small optic and think it fits his beauty, so he starved himself to achieve that.
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One question you might have for the theory, “But it has been going around that Ratchet starve himself to save the supplies for the others, but his optics are big?” Now. Ratchet, I believe, is a different situation, which leaves us to theory #2.
The ring around the optic signify how intensely the optic was used.
Firstly, like mentioned above, Ratchet have a special optic: his centeral pupil itself is pretty small, similiar size with Optimus’s, but it got a big ring around it, making it look big. Now I think the ring have nothing to do with how well fed the Transformer is, like the theory above, it is there to supply more Energon to the function of the optic, and making it sharper basically. Knockout also have one, probably for the same reason as Ratchet.
Secondly: Bumblebee also have one. Understandable. He is the scout, he need to look afar a lot.
Thirdly: if you look closely you can see that Optimus got these colorless, metal ring around his optic, too, which no one else have, but it doesn’t have Energon in them. This is probably because he probably used to have them, as Orion Pax, who was an archives working in front of computers all the time. But over the years of not using it in the same way as much as the Prime, Energons left the ring and left the area, leaving the empty ring behind.
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Now, there goes my theories and how I think the optics works, kind of. There is still a lot that I am still working on and might make another post off in the future, such as why some of them had a white ring/circle in their optics (I don’t think white rings work the same as blue rings, cause Bulkhead have a white ring but he doesn’t have any reasons to need good vision more than others.) and why their optics are different colors.
I hoped you enjoy this
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devilbeez · 5 months
Heyyyu if your still doing requests, I've got one for Transformers if your still into it.
Cyberverse wavewave.
Preferably not just straight up smut... it's fine to have of course if you want just like... most wavewave cyberverse stuff is pure smut...
But anyway! Have a great day/night/evening!
Oh they are— my top favorite ngl if I swap their names I’m sorry—
I feel like Shockwave and Soundwave are your usual enemies to lovers or like old divorced couples
I can see them in the first part of the relationship they just keep butting head and correct each other at the little things like— no matter how small it is they will correct it just to be petty.
Then the second part of their relationship where they become friends they start finding out that they’re interested in the same field or that their research lead to the same conclusion where they have to work together. Occasionally they gonna have those thought like “holy shit this finding is cool as hell but I can’t tell him that!”
The first person who fell was shockwave and it very much a “heh, I guess he’s not that bad…..maybe when he’s excited it’s admirable……….wait…..FUCK WHY—“ moment and he hate it but there’s no turning back now. So begrudgingly he just start doing subtle things in a way that would get Soundwave excited— maybe a research he know Soundwave would love to find first, or him winning an argument, anything really. he just never admit that he did it for that reasons “please it was just luck, I could’ve find those discoveries” “don’t get cocky just because you won one argument” etc
When Soundwave fell was when he was walking around and some other bot were gossiping like “man why can’t Shockwave go easy on me too?” And practically snitch on Shockwave. He was being like “haha what an idiot doing something so dumb….it’s…it’s kinda feel nice having someone do that for you……huh…..well fuck me”
When they finally get over their pride and get together they just keep that banter going. Just on and on. During work time they still try to out do each other and blow each other lab but when they’re off the clock they just— sit together and do science shit for their entertainment. Just cuddling yet denying that they’re cuddling
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lovinglonerhybrid · 23 days
Optimus prime becomes a western highway ghost story.
If you’re driving in the dead of night along those long stretches of highway in the western US you might just encounter a lone big rig who will drive along side you for miles. The truckers will blow their horns as they recognize his custom paint and trailer the truck will slow its steady speed to match them. Those truckers with cbs say that there’s someone to talk to in there but he seams sad and lonely. No one ever sees him stop. Some say he’s an angel who will lead rescue workers to crashes at the dead of night. Those unfortunate enough to wander the highways at night tell story’s of the truck that stopped and got them somewhere warm and safe for the night only to wake in the morning with large sums of money in there pockets and a small note apologizing for the low sum. Children and parents smile as he always honks his horn when asked. The people of the western highways know when you see big red you’re always taken care of no matter who you are or where you came from.
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polygonal-trees · 6 months
I love the headcanon that Cybertronians flare their armour when feeling angry or threatened, but it doesn’t make much practical sense - surely raising it away from their protoform leaves them vulnerable to attack?
so may I suggest that Cybertronian threat displays have two phases: the armour-flaring intimidation phase, followed by the actively threatening I'm-literally-about-to-attack-you-now phase where all their armour clamps down at once. It's loud, unmistakable, and a clear sign that shit's about to get violent if you don't back off
i just think it would be dramatic :p
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futuristichedge · 3 months
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Disability headcanons
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michaela-o · 5 months
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N-n-not in loove baby it's just luuuust~
( everybody needs this kind of hookup with prowl 😵‍💫❤️ )
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snarkystarseeker · 10 months
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Short headcanons and individual pics below 👇💕🎉
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Starscream will only drink fancy and expensive energon. Usually strong or bitter but honestly he has a little sweet-tooth.(He wants to keep up his bad persona hehe) He usually prefers anything that originated from his home on Cybertron (Vos)
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Windblade's taste is exotic and unique since she comes from another colony (Caminus), she likes tangy, savory, and bittersweet energon.
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Bumblebee drinks literal sugar. He likes to add candies, syrups, basically anything tooth-rottingly sweet.
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suitsofarmour · 10 months
Perceptor with Layton voice
(Audio: Professor Layton and the Unwound Future)
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doctorsilverhead · 4 months
Heal Me! (Bayverse Optimus X Human Reader) Headcanons!
To set the mood: Trailer
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At first, Optimus was hesitant and did not trust you, either because you were a complete stranger or because he had been betrayed many times before. However, as time passed and you and the Autobots became closer and worked together, you became great friends with both the Autobots and Optimus.
You would always leave Optimus being inspired by your acts and words. He would show a lot of respect for you.
Whenever Optimus or the other Autobots were harmed, no matter how slight or severe, you would become extremely anxious, and Optimus would find it adorable.
Optimus really wouldn't get any time to talk to you, either because of him being busy or you being busy but when he does, that is during midnight, you both would engage in a rather in conversation talking about your private lives or past. Him sipping his energon and you sipping your coffee would talk for hours and even cry on each other's shoulder.
He loves it when you touch him during your regular check-ups. He fantasises about you caressing him out of affection.
He would even go so far as to fake his injuries or intentionally injure himself in order to meet you or be touched by your small fragile hands.
Poor Optimus cries on his knees every night, because he knows you would not love him in the same way he does or at least he thought you wouldn't. :)
It would be difficult for him to resist the want to simply hold you securely close to his spark, kiss you, or touch you and have his way with you. But he would fight them while remaining in control of himself.
Everyone knew Optimus was in love with you since his entire attitude changed around you,from being a prime, a protector, the great leader of the Autobots to a soft,shy and nervous robot. 
Despite everyone telling him to express his feelings to you, he would hide them inside himself and never say or admit anything to you. He was too afraid of what the consequences would be.
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Transformer Prime Details I’ve Noticed
The Autobot’s computer keyboard keys are short, small and squarely.
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maybe cause it’s built with Ratchet’s square fingers in mind:
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The Decepticon’s keyboard keys is long and sleekly:
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Probably cause it’s built with Soundwave’s long and sharp fingers in mind:
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pat on the back for the designers who considered this
(Orion Pax trying to type on the Decepticon’s keyboard with his giant wide square fingers)
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devilbeez · 8 months
Random ass headcannon about transformer because your girl spiral so fucking far down the drain;
Because how Starscream and the other seekers look similar in term of build and models in most series and the only things telling them apart are their voices and colors so it just my personal belief that they all like to pull a twins trick and fuck with everyone else.
Like Megaton would be commanding his army, tell Starscream to do something without looking at him and Starscream go “eh no” and when he turn it’s some other seeker that just happen to be there.
The mind fuck Decepticon have to face every damn day with these seekers looking like an army of twins
When the seekers feel extra chaotic they find ways to use the camouflage and voice recording tech to add on to the prank. Are you talking to Starscream or are you talking to a seekers with possession of camouflage, voice recording and way too much spare time? Only the Allspark will know
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lovinglonerhybrid · 24 days
Starscream becomes an omen to the navy/airforce.
Around the early 2000s after 9-11 the navy and air force started to notice this lone fighter jet that wold set off there proximity alarms. Every time they sent a squadron after it the plane would fall in formation and just fly with the pilots a while. No one could get close enough to determine the pilot inside and some said the plane had no pilot. The higher ups where worked that it was some kind of new spy tactic but the sailors and pilots began to hold this lone jet as a kind of good luck charm. Especially after it saved a bunch of rookies who accidentally flew into an ambush. They called him ghost and would always talk to him on long flights if he joined them. As more and more people met or heard the stories of this ghost jet it became almost like a mascot to the men. One day some bord kid on a carrier decided to open a radio frequency and see what happened at the same time the ghost jet flew over and the young solider herd what he could only describe as mechanical bird song after that the pilots wold turn on a recorder and open the radio channel whenever the jet flew along with them and they wold play it on long lonely flights or when they where all stuck inside during a bad storm and it would help soothe them. Anywho just running my moth again sorry
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shockbot · 5 months
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changed a few things that were bothering me, think this ideation came out pretty well
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withered-tears · 4 months
June walked into the main room to find Ratchet staring at various humam anatomy diagrams displayed through the monitors.
Bones, muscles, nerves, etc.
All of them focused sorely on the arms, wrists, and hands.
"Doing some human research, Ratchet?"
The autobot hums in affirmation.
"I believe Rafael's arms to be damaged. I'm researching possible treatment."
"What!? Raf is hurt?! What happened? Where is he?"
"Relax, he's not injured, just damaged. I suspect it is either an old injury acting up or poorly maintenance."
"He shouldn't have any old injury like that, I believe. Is he in pain?"
"No to my knowledge. But I've seen him manually recalibrate his servos way too often for it to be healthy."
June blinks, confused.
"Recalibrate his servos?"
Ratchet scoffs. "You know, when he," Ratchet holds his hands in front of his body, and after a slight pause, he flaps them in a quick (and loud) motion "does this. If Rafael was a bot, the only reason to do that would be to loosen up rusted joints and recalibrate his motors. It's not a particularly bad habit, but Rafael does it multiple times a day. His joints, human or not, should NOT de-align so fast. Something is clearly wrong, so -"
"Ratchet." June interrupted, sounding relieved.
"Raf's arms aren't damaged. He's just stimming."
Ratchet resets his optics, baffled. "What's stimming?"
Later that night, Ratchet finds himself working side to side with Optimus on the main console.
"I learned something new about humans today."
"Oh?" Optimus intoned, optics still focusing on his work, but voicing his curiosity.
"You know that thing Bee does, where his doorwings will flap in place when he comes back from a mission to find Rafael in the base? Or how Smokescreen's wheels start spinning when Ultra Magnus makes him stay in place too long for a lecture?"
The way your headlights would start blinking in sync with your voice, as you excitedly explained to me a new document you found in the archives, before you trained yourself out of it, because it was unsightful of a Prime.
"Turns out humans have a word for it. They call it stimming."
Optimus eyes brighten with interest. And as he starts babling theories about possible evolutionary needs for this stimming (a release of excess energy caused by low activity? or perhaps a smaller body than usual, or maybe it had nothing to do with energy and was instead a way to signal other nearby humans about their emotional state?) Ratchet couldn't help but steal a glance towards the Prime's headlights.
He couldn't help but feel disappointed to see them completely dark all through his tirade.
@quetzalpapalotl dunno if you recall but i made a lil post talking about this, that you liked, and i turned it into this lil thing!
(Btw, i hope its okay to keep @ u when i write this lil things that i think youd like? I dont wanna come off as spammy kydkgdkgd)
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michaela-o · 7 months
First Contact brainrot😭❤️ ft. Rodimus since i see him very often in this au.
(another self-insert <3)
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emelinstriker · 6 months
May you share your TFP Decepticon headcanons 👁️👁️
If you want specifics, then their domestic lives? (Or what one can achieve akin to a domestic life in time of war 💀)
I did NOT expect to see any ask regarding TFP- Or at least till I switch fandoms again- So like I can't really think of many X Reader headcanons right now. So I just wrote down like 3 for each. I'm also not quite sure how to condense domestic points, cuz I suck at general fluff when my hyperfixation is elsewhere- So sorry if these don't feel like they're really in the domestic direction fhgnfhg
Only doing some Decepticons though-
☆ ~ Headcanons ~ ☆
☆ Megatron
He do be a busy mech, so he doesn't have too much time on his servos. Therefore he cherishes it whenever he gets to have private moments with just his human and no interruptions.
Likes to carry you around on his shoulder pad- It just generally makes it safer for you, in his opinion, and more comforting for him.
Any that would merely look at you weirdly would face the wrath of Lord Megatron. You can tell him not to punish the other Cybertronian though. He does listen... sometimes.
☆ Starscream
Mans refusing to show affection towards you around other Decepticons, especially Megatron. But he's just melting around you when in private.
He prefers recharging with you lying on him. It's oddly soothing having his human on his chassis.
Tends to look for you as comfort whenever he had a bad day with Megatron.
☆ Soundwave
Despite the amount of work he does and how busy he is, he doesn't really fail at also paying attention to you. He's truly a multi-tasker.
Would let Laserbeak play with you though if his extra appendages and music can't keep you busy.
Very loving towards his human. He may not talk, but he uses emoticons on his visor to display how much he loves you.
☆ Shockwave
Just don't play with whatever materials he needs to conduct his experiments and you're good to go. Play with his antennae and ear fins while on his shoulder pad instead.
He gets easily distracted by his human. He knows it's illogical with the major size difference, and how he should just be able to ignore you. But he can't help it nor explain this phenomenon.
He also also can't explain why he has this urge to gently pat you with a digit.
☆ Knockout
While he does buff himself on his own, or has Breakdown help him, he does enjoy it when you're buffing him instead as well. Especially when he's in his alt mode.
Speaking of which, expect drive-in theater dates. Just don't get his interior dirty with snack crumbs.
Worries a lot about your health. If you're sick, he'll keep you close to him to make sure you're actually alright. But no kisses from him till you're no longer coughing and sneezing. He just buffed himself and doesn't need your sickly fluids on his frame.
☆ Predaking
Tends to pick up you up whenever he wants attention. You were talking to Steve? Nah, now you gotta give you giant mecha dragon pets and kisses.
He also enjoys carrying you around on his frame whenever he can. At least he won't have to look where he goes this way.
While he has to go on missions from time to time, it's not a common thing due to his value, so a lot of his time is spent protectively watching over his human.
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