#transfem jiang cheng
piosplayhouse · 2 months
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truly-morgan · 9 months
[Transfem JC, feat. protective WWX and JL]
MingCheng | Mo Dao Zu Shi Modern AU 20-06-2021
[Modern #mingcheng with trans woman jc]
What if trans!JC in her early 30's wants to start dating again after being single and alone for so long? (Raising jl isn't easy and her last relationship didn't finish well). She tries dating app, wwx at her side doing commentary on the guys they're seeing.
Really, no one seems interesting.
Then a familiar face pops on her screen and they are both surprised. "Isn't that nhs brother/lxc friends?" They both comment at the same time, looking more closely at the profile.
Jc has to admit, nmj is really handsome and well, his description wouldn't have caught her eyes normally, but already knowing him make her swipes right. They keep looking at profiles and messaging those who already matched jc (nothing really impressive tbh) until a notification tells them nmj matched with jc.
Jc is pretty happy and excited about it if she has to be honest and the chatting goes pretty well. They have a couple of things in common, have similar tastes and jc really enjoys talking with him.
It doesn't take long before they settle on a first date (and of course wwx helped pick up a cute outfit with the help of jl). The date goes well and others quickly follow up, often messaging each other in the day. Officially dating comes after a while of flirting and meeting up.
As the relationship starts to be serious, jc starts to be a bit nervous.
They never went farther than cuddling, kissing and making out a bit and nmj clearly doesn't know she's trans.
Jl and wwx enter in protective mode because they /won't/ allow anyone to hurt jc again. Jl absolutely loves his aunt and she deserves the best and he won't ever let anyone hurt her now that he is a bit older. He cannot understand how anyone could see jc as bad for who she is.
On the other hand, wwx has been by jc side since she came out to him as trans and never let her down even when shit went really messy and hard. He is happy to see her doing so well now and being happy, he won't let any other jackass break her heart.
But they also both know jc cannot exactly keep this a secret from nmj forever.
So jc invite him over because she want to talk about something important (while jl and wwx are here, they both refused to let them alone, jc is secretly relieved about that stubbornness of them). Nmj is worried something might have happened but doesn't force her to tell him, instead coming over to hear what is the important thing she has to say.
when he get there, jc pushes wwx and jl to another room, not wanting for their presence to make nmj nervous (but close enough to hear and be ready to come if the worst outcome were to happen).
she makes some tea to calm her nerve, finally sitting down with nmj at the kitchen table. she doesn't say anything at first, searching how to say it, ending up with going for straightforward (nmj prefers straightforwardness and she doesn't want to dance around the subject).
"So, there's something I haven't told you yet, but feel would be important to tell you if we continue with this relationship" jc starts, hand fiddling with the handle of her cup, "I didn't want you to discover from someone else or by accident, so I wanted to tell you myself before things get farther".
at this point, nmj is a bit confused as to what could be so important to tell him that could make him want to /break up/ with jc. He offers a small smile, hoping it can reassure her as she gathers her courage.
"I... am trans" jc finally says.
she wants to have more, but the lack of actual reaction makes her nervous and tense up, fiddling more with the teacup. "I-I get it if you don't want to stay with me, am used to it don't worry you can just tell me, at least it will hurt les-" she starts to ramble nervously before jumping as a hand grabbed hers gently.
jc then looks up to meet nmj eyes, the man smiles softly at her with no hint of disappointment and disgust, just reassurance and love.
"I won't leave you simply because you are who you are" he assures her first, "I love the jc I met and you being trans won't change it, I will be there to support you too".
jc finally manages to calm down, laughing a bit she tears up, happy that nmj isn't like her exes and is clearly more than fine with her being trans. she lets him pull her into strong and reassuring arms, letting herself fully calm down from this subject that had made her more stressed than usual.
jl and wwx eventually come out from their hiding, which does make nmj a bit curious because he didn't expect for them to be hidden (maybe not jl since he lives here, but wwx yes).
jc mentioned they wouldn't let her stay in the apartment alone because of bad past experiences (tho she doesn't go much on those past experiences and nmj doesn't push her to do so).
They end up talking a bit more, nmj wanting to know what were things he shouldn't do or say to make her uncomfortable if she ever needs his help for anything trans-related. jc is a bit curious as to why he seems so used to it and nmj admits that his brother is also trans.
"Wait, he is?" wwx asks surprised
nmj I suddenly a bit nervous that he might have outed his brother (he saw nhs often talking about it with other friends, so he assumed he had told them).
after a call to his brother nmj is reassured to hear nhs is alright with it (he thought he had told them actually and is surprised neither of them really caught onto it).
so everything is fine, jc gets a nice and supportive boyfriend and everyone is happy (tho it doesn't stop wwx and jl from testing nmj like before to make sure he won't break jc hearts too).
I dunno why, but I want nhs and jc to have self-care nights (nhs suggestion after seeing jc so stressed) and they talk about anything and sometimes trans thing while nmj is just sitting next to them, helping out with whatever they are doing while being a bit confused as to what they are talking about (but it's fine, he also learn more like this).
I just wanted trans lady jc to have a good boyfriend and now she has, no one can ever hurt her with a little protection squad (which now also includes lxc and jgy because they ain't gonna let anyone hurt their friend's girlfriend)
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clementinecoastline · 2 years
modern au transfem jin ling my beloved. jiang cheng who is at a loss when it comes to raising a girl. he finds himself referring to his memories jiang yanli when she was a child and it hurts so much. jiang cheng who has never given much thought to the gender binary but now wishes he could fight it and punch it with his fists because that would be easier and make his niece happy. jiang cheng helping jin ling with her hair... they both look at her in the mirror and she looks so much like her mother that jiang cheng tears up. they go shopping. they both hate it. meng yao has to help with that part. he’s soft spoken and effective. if jin ling wants to officially come out, he’ll arrange for it. he’ll handle the paperwork. talk to her school. talk to her doctor. somehow it works out. and in the end, jin ling is happier.
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theninthnoah · 8 months
I love trans headcanons for characters who are forced into very strictly gendered roles by virtue of their job, or their place in society, or their family
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Trans fem Jin Zixuan is soooooo perfect and awesome okay??? Like omg, someone who is raised with all the privilege but still somehow isn’t awfully spoiled in a mean way like everyone else around them? Being extremely socially awkward and having nonexistent relationships with any male peers despite his status and the “friends” it would bring. Not understanding his attraction to Jiang Yanli and being angry at her for not only their engagement but for being what he wants to be!!!! And not to mention the amazing fallout of this where he figures it out with her and he loves her forever and they have Jin Ling and then he transitions and they live happily ever after completely severed from the Jins while also having like ten million brothers and sisters!!!! Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng would be like “okay 🤨🤨🤨 you are still pompous and you were mean to Shijie so. You are now the Peahen.” Give it thought, look how cute she is!!!
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owltaills · 1 year
Jiang Cheng's post canon wife is 40yr old Transfem!Lan Xichen. And he is extremely proud of it
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quirkylilcumlord · 1 year
i have only seen two posts abt transfem jiang cheng, both as mostly jokes but i am so here for it more please
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lilnasxvevo · 1 year
My headcanon for both/either transfem Huaisang and/or transfem Jiang Cheng in the context of sangcheng is that their partner very lovingly calls their high-maintenance boyfriend “princess” one day and it cracks their egg so hard that it’s almost audible
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stilburning · 2 years
NAME: fable/bren
PRONOUNS: any. all. mix it up! have fun with it!
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION:  telepathy would be dope but failing that i guess messaging here on tumblr. i did just add a discord but i'm not used to checking it
NAME OF MUSE(S): wen ning, xiangli, and lan fan are probably the ones i have the most muse for at any given time. wen qing is here but i haven't actually written much for her, and kell is my dnd-verse oc whom i included more out of love for them than any expectation that people would want to write with them.
RP EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?):  brand spankin' new! i've written meta and little odds and ends for different fandoms over the years, but this is my first time actually rp-ing.
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: i had a livejournal back in the day, though i didn't use it for rp. and an old friend and i used to have a dinky little chromebook we would trade back and forth as we wrote truly terrible smutty fic for each other.
BEST EXPERIENCE:  honestly the chromebook days were pretty fun, and i love going back through my own texts to see all of the #bespoke content that fawn and i have yelled at each other about. nb transfem jiang cheng my beloved creation...
RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: i feel like i haven't really been here long enough to develop pet peeves? um. i guess the only thing is that i can take a while to write replies, bc of brain things and also just the fact that i work 50-60 hrs a week, and being pressured to write faster would be pretty not fun and anxiety-inducing for me.
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT:   all, all, all!
PLOTS OR MEMES: i'm new to memes but i especially like the ones that let you ask for more detail about other people's muses, bc it helps me know which ones i might like to write with, and also gives me the chance to babble about my muses in ways that may not come up in plotting. but for general writing purposes, i'm much more of a plotter! i like to know the dynamic we're working with and where this particular thread is going for them- it helps me know how to write with you!
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: from me? it's probably going to be at least a little long, because i never met a sentence i didn't want to add some parenthetical asides to. from others? whatever makes them the most comfy!
BEST TIME TO WRITE: whenever my brain cooperates and i also have a computer in front of me, which coincides less often than i would prefer
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S):  *vague hand wave-y sounds* eeeeeeh i mean i have ~identity issues~ so it's pretty easy for me to get wrapped up in character's headspaces (or at least my interpretation), and i Do love to project certain things onto my muses. but overall there's none that i would say "yes, they are like me!"
TAGGED BY: @hongdiwang
TAGGING: @brushbun @farginen @titansaints (sorry if any of you have already done this! haha! i am awkward! ✌️😎)
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piosplayhouse · 1 year
Au where transfem Jiang Cheng gets her egg cracked by drag queen Wei Wuxian dressing her up for shits and giggles as a prank
Imagining this in an au where everyone is like late 30s- early 40s -- cssr and wcz are alive (and they do crazy genderplay shit every day well into their 60s ok) so JC and jyl and wwx are just close childhood friends. wwx came out as bi in his teens to very supportive parents, but gets looked at weird by the mildly homophobic Jiang parents after that, leading to wwx and jc spending most of their time together skipping school and slipping out by paying NHS to cover for them.
Eventually Jc makes it thru high school and uni as a business major and makes it up the company ranks. her parents are happy that she's "normal" unlike wwx , who majored in theater and became a drag queen during uni, but JC still feels distinctly unfulfilled in typical JC fashion. Wwx and JC end up losing contact for a while just bc of adult things, wwx and lwj get married, JC becomes increasingly a workaholic, jyl has jl, y'know. Eventually wwx finds out JC is going to be in NYC at the same time he's doing a show so he invites her over for drinks to catch up and she doesn't rlly have a reason to decline (jyl has been to all of wwx's plays and always gushes to JC about how amazing they are and how she should come sometimes).
JC doesn't realize it's a drag show at first until she gets there and is kind of ruffled about it at first but stays out of pride and bc she doesn't betray promises. Wwx invites her backstage after and they have a little banter as he dresses down ("Wow, Jiang Cheng! Look at you, uni really paid off huh? All dressed up in that fancy suit for lil ol me?!" "And I see uni made you... A transvestite..?" "Yep!!!") and then they have a few drinks. While tipsy JC gets dared into getting a drag makeover courtesy of wwx, on honor of her manhood (hahaha).
When she gets all dressed up and looks in the mirror she gets all quiet and feels like the world stops. It's like there's no wwx, no dressing room, no show. Just her and a bold red lip and mascara and a long silky black wig and the realization that for all those times she'd stared in the mirror hating herself before she'd wanted to see this. This face staring back at her.
Wwx gets kind of nervous like 'uhh JC I can take it off if you're not cool with it haha, it's ok if you're not like even tho lwj doesn't mind the crossdressing he's not really into the heavy makeup and such so I get it and' and JC is like. I have to leave immediately.
And so begins a long overdue process of JC trying to find herself after always just finding what other people wanted of her
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sakyira · 6 months
Jiang Cheng is so woman coded. She is transfem to ME
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clementinecoastline · 2 years
been too busy to post on tumblr much but. just so you guys know, jin ling and his jiujiu have never left my mind. canonverse. modern au.
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cinnamonandpancakes · 3 years
Nie Huaisang and Qin Su don’t kiss on-screen, but they kiss in my brain and that’s more important :3
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peerlessbellbird · 7 months
wip titles meme
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
tagged by @crimsonrainseekingflower 🐍💖 I'll sort these by fandom, and I'm leaving out anything I truly don't think I'll come back to.
ningcheng epistolary
t4t sangchengs
suyao and they were roommates
ningwangxian something
jiang cheng interrupted
jiang cheng can't dunk
ningcheng (rework needed)
clown shoes mdzs edition
I Think It's Okay (fxmq) (this one's like five separate documents for the same wip)
Xie Lian parents fic
TGCF Circus AU
Lesbian Beefleaf Gone Girl
beefleaf time loop
beefleaf role swap AU
zzl &lbh
transfem sqh lesbian cumplane pwp
cumplane trans sqq
t4t bingyuan
precanon transfem egg sy
moshang frost giant au
mingling fuck or die
mingling doghoused
cumplane gymfic
shinnoi (dorohedoro)
gumshoe kissfic (ace attorney)
klapollo trans thing (ace attorney)
ushiiwaoi angst (haikyuu!!)
I absolutely cannot tag as many people as I have wips so... I'll tag @mengyao @emdashingly @carriecmoney @yardeens and anyone who wants to do this!
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owltaills · 7 months
Could you explain some of your different MDZS AUs? (Is that rude? I'm sorry if that's rude) I have trouble keeping them all straight
It only seems scattered because I do most of the explaining on twitter. But overall these are my main aus. If I were to explain them all here it would take us all day sadly ^^;
1. A/B/O Au
O!Lan Xichen x A!Jiang Cheng
2. Transfem!Lan Xichen x Cis/Bi!Jiang Cheng
3. Transman!Lan Xichen x Bi!Jiang Cheng
4. DragonHuan x Panther/NyanCheng
5. Nyan AU
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alexseanchai · 2 years
江山如有待 | It Seems the Hills and Rivers Have Been Waiting (295959 words) by ScarlettStorm
Chapters: 31/31
Fandom: 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV), 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín/Original Female Character(s)
Characters: Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Characters, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn, Wēn Qíng
Additional Tags: Slow Burn, Post-Canon, (mostly), jiang cheng deserves a hug, and he gets one eventually, a whole host of female OCs, we stan a burly woman, transfem character, my kingdom for a competent woman, it's 2020 we write mary sues with no shame, just a wuxia girl in a xianxia world, she cultivates these guns, canon-typical shitty dudes, who get what's coming to them, the sexy adventures of my OC Jiang Pushups, the inherent eroticism of watching a woman stab a boar to death, Wēn Qíng Lives, because fuck canon is why, fighting as flirting, Fighting As Foreplay, jiang cheng has feelings and doesn't like it one bit, yunmeng bros reconciliation, fan dingxiang bringing class consciousness to the jianghu, qin su also lives, demisexual Jiang Cheng, sex disaster jiang cheng, Femdom, switch rights, Eventual Smut, when i say slow burn I mean we're all gonna hate me for it
“Are you a cultivator?”
“No,” she says, steadily. “This one doesn’t possess the core for it.” She pauses and raises her eyes to his, so boldly he finds it a little startling. “I believe that I can be of use to the Jiang sect in spite of that, and I have brought a gift to prove it. May I show you?”
Fully intrigued now, Jiang Cheng nods. The girl unslings the bundle from her back, unties a couple of straps, and unrolls it on the floor in a smooth motion.
Jiang Cheng is on his feet before he even consciously realizes it’s happened, and the reaction murmurs out through the hall. There, on a blanket that belongs on the back of a horse, are five Wen cultivator swords, offered to him by a girl who looks like the word “bumpkin” was invented specifically for her. What the fuck.
“Where did you get those?” he asks, instead of asking “What the fuck?” out loud, because that would be unbecoming of his status as sect leader.
The girl meets his eyes again, lifts her chin, and says simply, “I killed the men who carried them.”
Or: Fan Dingxiang cultivates the swole path. Jiang Cheng doesn't know how to handle that.
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