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doomdoomofdoom · 2 months
I'm a guy. I'm a woman. I'm a dude. I'm something in between. I'm something entirely else. I'm all of these things. I'm none of these things. I'm a secret third, fourth, and fifth option. I am every gender and no gender simultaneously. no mortal words can contain me. i have become too powerful.
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sure, it’s a “heterosexual relationship” but, I mean, their characterization is extremely bi & aro/acespec , respectively. girlboss x malewife transcends gender.
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kibosartcorner · 1 year
‘kibo’ has become a verbal stim for me now. My tism and gender-ness have fused.
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fried-berries · 6 months
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ally <3
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transtalesofdoom · 2 months
The Ghost in the Mirror: Coming out to Myself
continued from here; long post about realizing I was trans all along. It's a good read, 4 out of 5 stars, recommend.
During the second half of 2023, I tried a different name. Just with my close friends and online, to see how it felt. Not even really for gender reasons, just because a strained relationship with my mother made me dislike my given name. At least that's what I told myself, and to this day I don't know if that was true or not.
Christmas that year was stressful. I spent it at my grandmas and interacted way too much with my family. On the 28th, in between Christmas and New Years, I was up in the guest bathroom, brushing my teeth way too late at night. I looked up at the mirror - and the person I saw was a man.
This had never happened before. There was nothing different about my appearance. I'd had short hair plenty of times before, and the current haircut wasn't recent, either. I had always seen myself in the mirror, and every flaw that came with it. The weird, mostly cis woman shaped blob of mismatched features. But not that night. Not in that very moment.
The person in the mirror was, undeniably, me. But a guy. A dude. A man. I was scared to blink or look away, just in case the moment would pass. I tilted my head. Turned it left and right. After a while, I dare to pull faces and ruffle my hair to change the perception of myself. It stays a dude. At the most extreme, I manage 'genderless bog witch caught at unflattering angle'. But it's still a guy.
And as I look at this version of myself, that looks no different than I usually do, and yet is completely different, it all falls into place. The new name I've been trying, it's the wrong one. The guy in the mirror has a different name, the other name I had been considering. The more masculine of the two.
But what's really, truly astounding, was my face. The same face I had scrutinized in the mirror so many times. The nose too big, the eyes too slim, the mouth too droopy. Until now. Now, out of nowhere, my face made sense. Everything had suddenly come together. This was my face. A guys face. And it looked exactly the way it was meant to be. It just made sense.
And that was the first time I felt gender euphoria.
Of course, finally realizing you're a dude brings a whole new set of questions. Especially if you're not of the binary variety. I'm going to fast-forward you to the conclusion of the next few months of questioning: Gender is unknowable, I trans-cend all mortal labels, but if I have to explain it, I typically go for "trans masculine" and/or "genderqueer", and yes I can still call myself "gay" when looking at women. Everything's gay with the right attitude.
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howlingwolf23 · 28 days
Easter is on trans visibility day this year because Jesus trans-cended
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nicosraf · 11 months
Dina is my favorite bean and I love him a lot! I hope I see more with him and Lucifer!!! I love their interactions together!!! Also, do angels have genitalia? I’m wondering since Lucifer came up with the words “c*nt and c*ck”. I was wondering if they have either one or the other or both or Lucifer just invented having a junk! These are important questions 👀
!!! I'm really happy you like Dina! Dina is a fav of mine that'll get a lot of development as the story goes along, including with Lucifer! I hope you'll enjoy :) <3
Also, I'm actually shocked it took someone this long to ask about angel genitalia skskssk. But sure, I'll try to answer normally:
I made two things about sex organs vague in ABM: 1. Whether the angels have always had genitalia or whether it was created at some point in the book, 2. What the genitalia actually looks like.
For 1, it's because regardless of whether sex organs were there from the start, its complete absence from the angels' consciousness means they might as well have been genitalia-less. The Interlude actually tells the story of the creation, or discovery, of sex organs. So, did Lucifer, afterward, physically create the sex organs of other angels or just make them aware of cock/cunt? I don't think there's a difference really. I like that it's unknown. I like this uncertainty about whether Lucifer can create or not. (Is it creation just to name??)
2. Again, this is one of those things where I don't think it matters. Michael and Lucifer are gay no matter what they have going on between their legs. I use incomprehensible language when I refer to their genitalia because it's meant to be incomprehensible. You're not supposed to totally understand. (Though angel genitials (and sex) will be discussed a lot more in the sequel).
And it's hard to answer this without going on a big rant about the nature of God's complicated gender and how angels are reflections of him. I'll try to just be simple.
Functionally, angels, like God, are intersex, but you can imagine their sexual organs to be any manifestation of that or otherwise. They can be whatever. They can have a cock and a cunt like Lucifer said, or some way to switch between the two, or another option. They might be intersex but intersexuality has always presented itself in different ways!!
(And I want to mention that I wanted to leave room for a trans imagination (that phrase is a bit weird but yeah). Maybe Lucifer only has a cunt. Maybe the 'intersexuality' is less about biological functions and more about an angel trans-cending gender in a way very 1-to-1 with human trans people. Maybe all angels have top scars.)
If you're asking because you want to make NSFW art or write something NSFW, you have my blessing to literally give them whatever AHSKSHS They're angels. They're gay. That's all that matters.
Also, sorry I always have these weird, interpretative answers. I promise I'm not usually like this. ABM is just a weird book aha
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autumnimagining · 1 year
This is a video I found on reddit, taken from a segment of ITV News on transitioning when over 50. It sheds some light on legitimate concerns for the elderly, but also just lots of trans joy. Every interviewee they had seemed to be truly happy.
@trans-advice @trans-cende i feel like you folks might particularly enjoy this and have good audiences for it
There's also this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xvu-_PnV_3o which I found on Youtube.
(edited to provide the link to the reddit post! thank you @fenrir-kin for pointing out there was no link)
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spoopy-fish-writes · 1 year
I guess I have to hike up the amount of puns I make before you trans cend the rb limit
(This is going to become the only reason I'm active on tumblr again happy Halloween)
Dhsifhsirhs I'm waiting forward to the day that this is trans scribed along side my entire spam to be watched over like forgotten history
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kadkadduwa · 1 year
pisha is sapphic. and trans(cends gender)
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im trans-cending messages to your MOM
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im kind of like starving for socialization right now so if anyones got some fun trans-cended  discord communities in their back pocket lemme know
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actual-trend · 1 year
Plano de Contas Contábil
O Plano de Contas Contábil é um document o ess en cial para qual quer em p resa que des e ja real iz ar su as opera ç õ es de form a prof ission al e e f icient e .
É um document o que cont é m to d as as inform a ç õ es so bre os dad os finance i ros da organ iza ç ão , for ne cend o u ma vis ão g eral da cont abil id ade da em p resa . O Plan o de Cont as Cont á bil p ode a jud ar a em p resa a redu z ir cust os , mel hor ar o contro le de ca ix a e a ument ar a e f ici ê nc ia oper ac ional .
O Plano de Contas Contábil é a base de to dos os relat ó ri os finance i ros , po is ele é us ado para class ific ar to dos os lan ç ament os cont á be is e regist rar as trans a ç õ es finance ir as da em p resa . Ele é divid ido em se ç õ es , com o at iv os , pass iv os , rece itas , desp es as , pat rim ô n io l í qu ido e out ros .
C ada se ç ão cont é m cont as es pec í f icas de ac ord o com a nature za de c ada trans a ç ão . Os relat ó ri os finance i ros s ão ger ados a part ir do Plan o de Cont as Cont á bil , que for ne ce inform a ç õ es so bre os at iv os , pass iv os , rece itas , desp es as e pat rim ô n io l í qu ido da organ iza ç ão .
Um Plano de Contas Contábil be m des en vol vid o t amb é m p ode ser us ado para o tim iz ar o flux o de ca ix a da em p resa . Ele a jud a a control ar os pag ament os , control ar a liqu ide z da em p resa , g eren ci ar o r isco finance iro e plane jar as finan ç as da em p resa .
Ele t amb é m é ú til para ident ific ar qu ais cont as de ve m ser pag as , qu ando e com o . O Plan o de Cont as Cont á bil é ess en cial para que a em p resa al c ance se us obj et iv os finance i ros .
Ele é um document o important e para control ar e anal is ar as finan ç as da em p resa e for ne cer inform a ç õ es prec is as so bre su a cont abil id ade . Ele p ode a jud ar a em p resa a to mar dec is õ es finance ir as m ais ac ert adas e a ument ar a e f ici ê nc ia oper ac ional .
O que é um plano de contas contábil?
Um plano de contas contábil é um conjunto de contas, ou rubricas, que serve para classificar todas as informações financeiras e contábeis de uma empresa.
É um dos principais instrumentos de controle financeiro e contábil, e sua utilização é fundamental para que os gestores possam acompanhar adequadamente as finanças da organização.
Um plano de contas contábil permite que uma empresa faça uma análise contábil precisa dos seus resultados, do seu ativo, do seu passivo, dos seus lucros e das suas despesas.
Além disso, ele pode fornecer aos gestores indicadores de gestão importantes, como a rentabilidade dos produtos, os custos unitários, a gestão de pedidos , a gestão de estoque, entre outros. Portanto, o plano de contas contábil é uma ferramenta essencial na administração financeira de uma empresa.
Tipos de planos de contas contábil
Um plano de contas contábil é uma estrutura que organiza e identifica, de maneira hierarquizada, as contas e os saldos, sejam de débito ou crédito, de acordo com as normas e princípios contábeis. É uma ferramenta necessária para a elaboração e análise das demonstrações contábeis e para a realização de auditorias. Além disso, essa estrutura de contas é exigida pelo Sped Contábil , que é a Escrituração Contábil Digital, e é obrigatória para as empresas que se enquadram na Lei Geral das Micro e Pequenas Empresas. O plano de contas contábil possui como característica a hierarquização das contas em grupos, classes e contas, e é responsável por gerenciar os saldos de ativos, passivos, receitas e despesas.
Diferença do plano de contas contábil e gerencial
O Plano de Contas é um instrumento essencial para que as empresas possam registrar corretamente as suas operações contábeis. Ele pode ser dividido em dois tipos principais: o Plano de Contas Contábil e o Plano de Contas Gerencial.
O Plano de Contas Contábil é responsável por registrar, controlar e classificar as operações contábeis da empresa de forma a permitir que sejam feitos os balanços patrimoniais e a elaboração dos relatórios contábeis. Ele é composto por contas classificadas de acordo com a natureza das operações efetuadas pela empresa, permitindo ao contador a análise da saúde financeira da organização.
Já o Plano de Contas Gerencial tem como objetivo principal auxiliar na tomada de decisões estratégicas, fornecendo informações relevantes para orientar os administradores das empresas. Ele é composto por contas específicas para cada departamento ou setor, auxiliando os gestores a identificar os custos e gastos, bem como os lucros e as rentabilidades geradas por cada área.
Diferentemente do Plano de Contas Contábil que é obrigatório para empresas que seguem a Lei das Sociedades por Ações (Lei nº 6.404/1976), o Plano de Contas Gerencial é adotado a critério da empresa. No entanto, a sua utilização é extremamente importante para que a organização possa obter informações relevantes para a tomada de decisões estratégicas.
O post Plano de Contas Contábil apareceu primeiro em Actual Trend .
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yourfriendphoenix · 2 years
Of course I'm trans. I've trans-cended gender
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hohnoni · 7 years
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so I came out to my brother, and it didn’t exactly go smoothly.
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