hoonvrs · 2 months
TRAINEES — l. heeseung smau
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PAIRING heeseung × fmr
SYNOPSIS heeseung wasn’t known as ‘the ace’ for nothing, constantly ranking number one after every monthly evaluation. then suddenly a new name takentakes over first place — baek ‘Rin’, and heeseung doesn’t take lightly to competition.
GENRE smau, fluff, crack, more to be added
FEATURING ( enha ) all, ( fromis9 ) chaeyoung, jiheon, ( txt ) yeonjun, ( newjeans ) minji
WARNINGS swearing, kys/kms jokes, friendly bullying, sex jokes, loser heeseung ( more will be added if necessary )
STATUS ongoing
S. NOTE new smau and as the queen of loser!enha that means loser heeseung agenda dun dun dunnn ( let’s completely ignore timelines cause if i keep switching between new and old pics don’t clock me.. )
noot hee you will always be famous
also please don't spam like as it shadowbans me and lessens engagement <3
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flower boys | hybestars
01 bang sihyuk count your days.
02 ain’t that ur rank
04 i purple you heh
05 she gagged you omg
06 meeeeee :3
07 u pack of slags
08 Woah, calm down jamal
09 rupaulations 4:20
10 is somebody gonna match my freak
11 isn’t she so dreamy ( + 0.1k wc )
12 Donatella VERSACE
13 go train with your other bitch then
14 yare yare heeseung kohai
...more to be added
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copyright © hoonvrs 2024 all rights reserved
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s0fti3w1tch · 5 months
scared for us both.
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[Image Description: Digital drawing of a slightly smaller Tentative Devotee AU Leo/Trainee sleeping against Casey (Cass), who looks at him with her face obscured. They're sitting in a blacked out void except for two grave holes in the forground. Trainee's scarf leads into one of the graves. /End ID]
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nowwheresmynut · 8 months
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Be the change you want to see in the world ig
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separatedleoau · 10 months
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This is how they tied in the semifinals, you can't change my mind
Gemini Twins AU @tangledinink
Tentative Devotee @s0fti3w1tch
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idiot-mushroom · 8 months
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@moss-and-marimos i had to
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bonefall · 7 months
Bramblestar being really proud that he came up with Spiderbite as a dishonor title, up until he realizes just how into it Spider is. It gets on his nerves to the point he also takes his dishonor title away early, this time everyone supports it
Bramblestar: "It is time to forgive the sins of the past, and I think Spiderleg has proven his devotion to the clan, so I will grant him his name back, any objections?"
Spiderleg: "Well I-"
Bramblestar was SPEEDRUNNING through undoing their Dishonor Titles. Not a single one of them worked. Stupidhead was wheezing. Spiderbite liked it too much. Shredbloom, EXACTLY as Squirrelflight predicted, just felt even more ostracized.
Complete and total backfire. In general, Dishonor Titles for Dark Forest Trainees didn't work because they didn't actually address the underlying problems that drove these cats towards training there. The "true believers" in Tigerstar's agenda died fighting for it-- most of these cats survived BECAUSE they turned tail.
But by the time Bramblestar was backpeddaling, the damage was done. Blossomfall fled to join The Kin in BB!AVoS, along with several other cats who found the cult's message of true family and unity appealing.
Like mice into open jaws.
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potahun · 7 months
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i kept thinking about office!au li lianhua and his digusting brownies can't offer anything polished with my current rl schedule but eh. some more ideas. i like the idea of fang duobing gifting a baby hulijing to li lianhua in this au. and everyone booing him because aaaaaay that's cheating, fang duobing, the secret santa gift's maximum price was 20 bucks and he's like BUT SHE'S A RESCUE SHE TECHNICALLY COST 0 BUCKS but um it's my intention (heart) that counts ... li lianhua verbally complains that fang duobing is adding to li lianhua's living costs and he doesn't have a salary that allows this but he is secretly very touched
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pinkyjulien · 7 months
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Valentin & Mitch | 645/?? | Lifepath AUs 🌵🌆💻 ▶ Lifepath template by @arcandoria 🧡
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strqyr · 3 months
as per roman holiday, the vale huntsman guild is a thing, so i've been playing around with an idea of changing the academies more into guildhouses for huntsmen and huntresses, where they still train future warriors, just more in an apprenticeship kind of way rather than a proper school way, since every student is unique with their own weapons and semblances—as such, you're going to need personal guidance to get the best out of them.
the headmasters would still be at the top as guildmasters, but just about everything else would get tweaked a bit; there would be no teams or partners—at least, not until the trainees go on missions, but even then these teams and partners will change over time, to ensure everyone is capable of adapting to changing condition; while most huntsmen and huntresses might work alone, still, there can be situations where you end up working together with strangers (see: the grimm campaign) so having at least decent people skills is important, and throwing trainees into teams randomly is a Great™ way to ensure they get used to it.
(teams can still be formed on their own, between those who become close enough friends to do so; then, it becomes not about chance, but choice.)
these guildhouses, like beacon, would also offer just about everything you could possibly need; living quarters, mess halls, dust shops, armorers, weaponsmiths, libraries, infirmaries... memorials for members lost to grimm. if you're a guild member, you wouldn't need to own property anywhere else or even travel somewhere to upkeep your weapon: the guild is your home.
which, admittedly, also creates an even greater barrier between huntsmen & huntresses and civilians, living in these old castles and what not, secluded away from the common folk.
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kpop-kitkat · 2 years
I Think You're Cute | K
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pairing | k x trainee f!reader
genre/cw | friends-to-lovers, idol au, trainee au, crush, crying, body shaming, mention of physical abuse, featuring &TEAM
wc | 1.6k
notes | none
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“Five, six, seven, eight, left, hop, turn around, no! Y/n you’re doing it wrong,” the dance instructor scolded. 
“Sorry Mrs. Yang,” Y/n bowed her head. She glanced around to see that all the other trainees were watching her intently, causing her to flush unintentionally. 
Mrs. Yang sighed deeply. “If you want to debut, you’ll work on the choreography twelve hours a day! Do you hear me?” She crossed her arms.
”Yes, Mrs. Yang. I was busy, I-“
”Your excuses mean nothing to me,” she scoffed. “You either debut with Hybe or you don’t debut at all. I doubt any other entertainment company would train you. You’re not even worth the time.” 
“I’m sorry,” she closed her eyes tightly and bowed her head. She couldn’t even bring herself to look up. “I promise to work harder.”
”You best do so,” she sighed angrily. 
Just then, the clock chimed. It was break time.
”I suppose I’ll see you all tomorrow for your monthly evaluation along with Mr. Won. You’re dismissed,” she said, gesturing them all to leave. 
All of the girls picked up their duffel bags and exited. But Y/n was stopped.
”Y/n,” Mrs. Yang called.
Y/n squeezed her eyes shut before turning around. “Yes?” 
“Start eating less. Your gaining weight, I can see it in your face,” she frowned. “Minyeon and Jinri never had trouble with their diets.”
Oh how Y/n hated being compared to the other girls. Especially regarding weight.
”Yes Mrs. Yang,” she whispered, tears stinging her eyes. 
K smiled to himself when break time came. As a part of the pre-debut group &TEAM, he had a lot on his plate. Breaks were lovely. But he also did a little happy dance on the inside at the thought of seeing his crush, Y/n. The two had known each other for two years, ever since Y/n was street casted. They weren't exactly friends though. Heck, they never really did anything but acknowledge each other's existence. But he saw her around enough to develop feelings for her. She was the brightest, kindest, cutest person he knew. How was he to admit it? Maybe soon. But not just yet.
 "Y/n!" EJ waved Y/n over to sit with his members. 
She shyly brought her lunch over, which consisted of spicy ramen, and sat between EJ and Yuma, the only two she really knew in the group.
 "I should introduce you all. Guys, this is L/n Y/n," Yuma announced, and they all greeted her warmly. "Y/n, this is Fuma, Harua, Jo, Taki, Maki, Yihsiang, and K," he explained.
 "Hi," she waved. 
 "Nice to meet you Y/n. I hope we can be friends," Taki smiled.
The rest of the members said kind things to Y/n, yet K remained silent. In truth, he wanted to officially meet her on his own, not with Yuma's help. It would be a terrible first impression on his crush, at least in his mind.
The clock chimed yet again, signaling it was vocal and rap practice time.
 "See you later," Maki waved at her as he and the guys left to their respective rooms.
Y/n collapsed on her bed in her apartment room and sighed. Her back ached terribly as she stretched. It had been a long day. Sitting up, she glanced at the mirror on the wall. She played with the strands of her messy hair and squished her cheeks, seeing how chubby they really were. And they weren't, at all. It was simply Mrs. Yang scolding Y/n every chance she got. And while Y/n didn't understand her reasons, she had grown used to it by now. Used to being humiliated in front of her trainees. And while known of these rude comments and scoldings were true, they got to her head. "What am I doing wrong," she whispered to herself before breaking down in tears.
It was another night of listening to depressing music as tears streamed down her cheeks.
~~The Next Day~~
 "Bro just tell her! I'm sick of seeing you give her puppy eyes 24/7 and not saying anything!" EJ frowned. "And I'd bet she likes you back. I mean who wouldn't? Look at you," he teased.
 "I'm not completely sure. I really want to tell her. I just don't know how," K admitted.
 "It's not like you're getting down on one knee with a diamond ring for heaven's sake! Just find a time when you're both alone with an hour or more to spare," EJ suggested.
 "Okay. Thanks EJ," K fist bumped him before going up to his room. 
 He immediately began surfing the internet using key words: confessing to my crush. And after an hour, he had a long list.
"Okay. Be expressive, be confident, compliment her, and don't bore her. Get straight to the point," he spoke just above a whisper as he kept reading the short list over and over.
It all seemed like a good idea until the time actually came. He stood at the door to Y/n's practice room, unable to open the door.
"Just do it!" EJ shouted from around the corner.
 "I'll kill you if you mess this up for me!" K seethed.
With a newfound confidence, he knocked on the door. But when it opened, a crying Y/n brushed past him and went down the hall. He stood there, confused, dropping his list on accident as well. He decided to follow her for about a minute. And just when he was about to give up, he heard sniffling in his own vocal practice room. He opened the door and saw her, curled up into a ball, leaning against the same wall K had always used for physical support on the bad days. He quietly closed the door behind him and knelt beside her. 
"Hey, you okay?" He asked softly.
 "I'll never be good enough K," she suddenly spoke. "I don't even deserve to be here."
 His gaze softened. "What? Of course you do! You're so talented Y/n."
 "Mrs. Yang she... she," she choked on her own words.
"She what Y/n?" K became curious. 
 "She told me to leave the company, and that I'm not good enough to follow my dreams," she explained.
K could tell she was hiding something still. "What else? Just tell me the truth Y/n, it won't hurt you."
 "She got angry with me so she... hit me. She pushed me to the ground and my wrist is most likely fractured," she cried. 
"What?!" He exclaimed, quickly getting up and running to the other side of the room. He opened a cabinet and brought out a shoulder sling. "Here," he helped her put it on, clasping it behind her back. "Try not to move too much, okay? I need to speak to Mr. Kim."
She nodded in response as he quickly exited the room.
 "Mr. Kim?" K knocked on his studio door.
 "Yes K?" He looked up from his desk with a smile.
 "Mrs. Yang needs to be fired. She pushed one of your trainees, Y/n to the ground and told her to leave the company," he explained, breathing heavily. "She's no good for the company."
 "I'm sorry that has happened. I'll deal with it as soon as I can. Thank you for telling me K," he smiled again before going back to his work.
~~The Next Day~~
Y/n loved having Mrs. Yang gone. She felt much more free. And her replacement, Mrs. Kwon, was an angel. Strict enough to be a good dance instructor, but as sweet and understanding as they come. But she had someone to thank for it.
"K?" Y/n knocked on his apartment door. It soon opened and she smiled at the occupant. "Hey."
 "Hey umm, would you like to come in?" He gestured to his couch area, and she accepted with a nod and a simple "thank you". 
They both took seats next to each other before she spoke. "I just wanted to thank you for yesterday. You have no idea how grateful I am that she's gone now."
"You're welcome. Nobody deserves to be treated the way you were."
"Yeah," she smiled, before falling into silence. It looked like she still had something she wanted to say, and K read her mind.
 "You're probably wondering why I showed up at your practice room yesterday, so I might as well get straight to the point," he took a deep breath. "I think you're cute and I uh... I've had a crush on you for like a year now. I was wondering if you wanted to go out?"
 "Wow, I was going to ask you first," Y/n laughed.
"You were?"
 "Yeah, I guess you were oblivious to my obvious stares in the past year."
 "I guess I was," he chuckled.
Had K not had the bravery to confess, he wouldn't have been where he was right now. Sitting on top of his car, watching the sunset, with his girlfriend's head on his shoulder. "To think, today would've been our second anniversary if I said something right when I knew I liked you," K sighed.
 "At least we have each other now. Better late than never I say," Y/n picked her head up off his shoulder to see his eyes. "And I for one, wouldn't have it any other way."
 "Make it two," he smiled, before planting a short and sweet kiss on her lips.
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zerobaseonefics · 11 months
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blooming day . . . day seven
note . . . nothing to say kiss <3
taglist open <3 (if you want me to add you, send an ask so i can make sure i saw it!!) . . . @cherriegyu @kpoprhia @vhshyk @hikyeom @mins-fins @juyomiao @dwcljh @invuwrld @beomibeom @sulkygyu @lycheae @huipinkhair @luvseok1e @haesunflower @big-uwu-stan @harus-simp @zhounauts @jiaant11 @articxari @jebiwon @mashihope @taerrrrrae @ilovechanhee @ahnneyong @seok02 @honghongbri @justemalove @mposkyje @zhanghaoed @ihrtgw @partiallyderived @hanbinzfile
previous day | masterlist | next day
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was mashiro trying to trap him? was she running a human trafficking business? hanbin doubts were eating him up as he made his way to the spot lee jeonghyeon told him to meet him at. the unknown boy seemed a bit too defensive for hanbin, and he was also asking himself who could be the 'pair' he mentionned.
finally, hanbin arrived around the area given by jeonghyeon, and he noticed him pretty quickly, sitting on a bench with a boy that seemed familiar. seeing jeonghyeon waving to him, hanbin got closer to them, squinting his eyes trying to see better who was the boy with him.
"kim taerae??"
"yeah...that's my name..."
hanbin and taerae used to be very close friends when they were in high school. after graduating, they fell apart like most people do. unconfortable, taerae scratched the back of his neck, while jeonghyeon looked at the two boys in confusion.
"well, i guess you guys know each other." getting no response from the two guys with him, jeonghyeon sighed. "this is awkward, get it together, we have business to talk about."
jeonghyeon tapped on the bench to incite hanbin to sit down with them, and he does.
"so... what did you mean by 'working in pair', jeonghyeon?" hanbin started.
"basically, i'm not y/n's ex. taerae is."
"what? but mashiho told me it was you... what were you if it was taerae dating her?"
"okay, this is gonna be humiliating" said taerae, hiding his face in his hands.
"i'm his ghostwriter." jeonghyeon deadpanned.
a silence fell on the trio. forget about the humain trafficking business, mashiro might be running one, but it was definitly not what was happening right now. hanbin felt like taerae and jeonghyeon were pulling some pranks on him, but the way jeonghyeon seemed serious about it and the way taerae was as red as a tomato was concerning. hanbin coughed to clear his voice.
"what do you mean?"
"have you ever heard of edmond rostand's play called cyrano de bergerac?" jeonghyeon asked.
"hum... yeah, i think matthew mentionned it once."
"you see, in this play, christian is too much of a loser to court the girl he likes. so, he asks his friend cyrano to write love letters in his place."
"are you telling me..."
"i was taerae's cyrano de bergerac back when he tried to get with y/n."
this is when hanbin understood why mashiro told him to talk with this guy. she was advicing him to do the same as taerae, in other words, to ask jeonghyeon to be his cyrano de bergerac. "what happened to you, hanbin? you used to be a perfectly capable man and now look where you at for some girl.." he thought. was it better to just drop the project? were you even worthy of all of this? just when hanbin was thinking of just not courting you anymore, his eyes met your figure that was going out of the college hall, walking slowly with your earphones on, heading somewhere alone. at this time of the day, you were probably going to work. looking at you from afar, hanbin couldn't help but think of the things that attracted him to you. sure, he didn't know you that much now, but he had the feeling that you might be the someone he could at least be very good friends with. it was not just about his ego being hurt by the rejection, he genuinely wanted to know you more. in eyes, you definitly worth it.
seeing hanbin lost in his thoughts, not even looking at them, jeonghyeon and taerae exchanged a confused look before looking in the direction hanbin's was staring. taerae was the one to notice you first, looking back to hanbin. he gently hit jeonghyeon with his elbow to tell him to follow their plan, unknown to hanbin. his partner in crime jumped, before understanding what taerae meant.
"well, hanbin. if you want it, we can help you with that. hire me freely as your cyrano de bergerac and i'll get you to talk with y/n in a way that she will like. even though i don't really understand what you see in her, and i would recommand you to find any other girl-"
"i don't need you to understand what i see in her, this isn't about your feelings for her but mines." hanbin said, cutting him off.
"i was just advicing you, man. you don't have to react like that."
"keep them to yourself if you're gonna speak ill to people i like in front of my face."
jeonghyeon restrained a smile as he gave a quick look to taerae, before focusing back on hanbin. he raised his hands to tell the boy he was giving up on debating this topic, and hanbin sighed.
"look, i really appreciate you guys taking your time to meet me for this, but i don't think this is gonna work." hanbin got up, giving them a polite and awkward smile before leaving with quick steps. the duo still on the bench looked at him from afar, waiting for him to be far enough.
"it seems like he passed the test, right?" taerae said.
"and i'm glad he did that fast, it was hard talking bad about y/n. let's dm mashiho and hao."
. . . ᥫ᭡ . . .
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hoonvrs · 23 days
11 isn’t she so dreamy ( + 0.1k wc )
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the sound of clapping hands almost made heeseung jump out of his own skin, turning around to see a girl standing at the door of the practice room, “you’re good, you just need to pace your breath a bit better.”
he felt every muscle in his body lock into place as the new comer smiles at him. usually he wasn’t intimidated by anyone but you was a different case.
maybe staring at you without saying a word wasn’t the way to go, forcing his body to bend forward slightly to bow, “thank you. theres still a few weeks until the eval so hopefully i get it right by then.”
you sent back a quick bow, smile on your face as you walked in slowly.
“i can help teach you?”
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S. NOTES this is so short forgive me😣
SYNOPSIS heeseung wasn’t known as ‘the ace’ for nothing, constantly ranking number one after every monthly evaluation. then suddenly a new name takentakes over first place — baek ‘Rin’, and heeseung doesn’t take lightly to competition.
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TAGLIST ( OPEN ) @dazed-hee @dammit-jjk @jaeyunluvr @faerinini @jlheon @enhaz1 @satsuri3su @bywons @isoobie @massivecrusadephilosopher2 @cy8erpunkz @defnotfertilizedtoesw @junissy @rosas-in-the-garden @seongclb @yeokii @dimplewonie @splat00z @drunkhee @frvrluvrei @lhspeachie @wonibunnii @leaderwon @fakeuwus @saursoob @wonxlvr @hoondiors @deluluriddhi @en-dream @yenqa @strawblvr @arizejkt19 @h4918ymc @hees-gf @ar1suu @heelariously @pkjay @lycxee @boyfiejay @woninluv @tocupid @enharts @xyxlyn @reallyspaghetti @kkamismom12 @eclipse-777 @iselltulips @teddywonss @heeseungspookie @lee03yumin @ashy1um @letmein2urheart @river-demon-slayer @youresolivlie @en-kays @ramenoil
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s0fti3w1tch · 1 year
I finally made some content for the ROTTMNT Sep AU crossover Bathtub Arc™
A Segment from Trainee and Red's Argument
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Context: Set right after the events of @red-rover-au's fic Red Rover, RR!Leo/"Red" is recovering after the Shredder.
(further context: TL;DR, Fuller Explanation + text of the beginning part of their argument)
Red, a.k.a. bathtub boy Leo, is @red-rover-au's, and the Leo currently not bleeding out is Trainee, my Tentative Devotee AU Leo :)
Something incredibly funny about the TMNT AU competition was that it came about after the sep AU discord discussed the Bathtub Arc™ with 6 of our Leos. So basically we decided that Tentative Devotee Leo, Life Mission Leo, BloodBath Leo, The Night Leo, and SLAU Leo all went to the AU competition right after this meanwhile Red was in the tub.
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aissadraw · 1 year
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I'm done! I had complications when saving the drawing lol
It's not an AU, I guess it's a Risesona, he barely believes it so I haven't done much, but in my head I call it Sunny/Sunkey (It is a representation of the sun literally)
And congratulations on the 2k! I love your drawings <3 @s0fti3w1tch
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moss-and-marimos · 8 months
gimme doodles/character designs for ur tmnt iteration NOW
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(no actual pressure i just want to draw them and need ur designs for them)
okay so I dont have much actual art of them bc I have had no time to draw lately, but ill try to like summarize their vibes or give doodles at least Donnie- hes a very anxious angsty guy, is in his lab almost all of the time, always seems to look a bit sad or tired, doesnt really like other people, kind of has similar vibes and shape language to tm(n)t donnie if that helps at all, hes a hybrid spiny soft-shell turtle and spotted turtle, hes got spots on the back part of his shell like this:
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and spiky bits at the bottom edges of his shell like this:
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so I imagine hes like a dark green kinda grey color mostly besides the yellow spots on his shell, his hands and forearms and legs are always bandaged up and if theyre not covered he has a lot of scars from assorted causes, he usually wears either like black shorts or baggy sweatpants, sweatpants more often, on occasion a hoodie and that becomes much more frequent after the events of the shredder apprentice arc, I forgot to put them in the doodle but he has stretch marks on his thighs and upper arms and is the tallest of the guys but hunches over so much that you wouldnt know, he has scoliosis but not very severely, you can just barely tell if you look at his shell from behind that its a bit misshapen
Raph- Raph is a bog turtle, so is Mikey, this is an older drawing and isnt the most accurate but its like the only good drawing I have of him, usually he does not look anywhere near this happy, the markings around the back of his neck and on the shell are still accurate but otherwise its kinda up to interpretation so do what you will, he also wears hoodies and pants sometimes but not always, his mask tails vary in length bc he chews on them so sometimes theyre short when he doesnt want to or longer when he does want to
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Mikey- Mikey is also a bog turtle, raphs markings are a bit more red and his are a bit more yellow/orange, my Mikey wears a more yellow mask than bright orange, its kinda that yellow-orange shade, I think he has freckles but theyre more like small scale patches that are darker green than real freckles, has the same neck markings and similar shell markings to raph, has either one dot above his right eye that looks like a circular eyebrow or has it on both eyes, for now I'll say just the one though, his mask tails arent as long as Leo but go to about mid-back and the ends are frayed Leo- Leo is based a lot on 2012, all of my turtles are more based on 2012 than any other iteration, his mask tails are very long like all the way down to his waist, theyre cut at diagonals like at an angle at the end and are not frayed, he has more yellow colored stripes that go over his eyes (like rise Leo a bit) but then they run down to his shoulders and down his arms, sides, and legs, and theres also shorter segments on his shoulders that are pretty much just yellow patches. He's a black knobbed map turtle, so just imagine kinda realistic stripes like theirs but stylized. When he uses his powers they glow a really intense blue color and it looks really cool. After the events of the shredder apprentice arc he has a big X scar across the back of his shell
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mirisss · 8 months
My Bad-boy
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Park Hanbin x afab!reader
Wordcount ≈ 900
Warnings: Mentions of food, mentions stereotypical bad-boy hobbies (smoking, fighting, etc), actually really fluffy, 
Please reblog! Requests are open!
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Third person POV
(Y/n) sat with one of her close friends, Lee Jeonghyeon, as they ate lunch in the school cafeteria. The two were having an argument over which one of them was most likely to pass a test without studying for it, a somewhat normal argument between the two as they often tried to compete against one another. All friendly though. Outsiders watching them would probably assume that they were dating because of the way they acted, those outsiders would be very wrong though. (Y/n) and Jeonghyeon were good friends, best friends even, but they weren’t dating and probably never would. Nope. (Y/n) was dating someone else. 
Suddenly, the doors to the cafeteria flew open, and in walked Park Hanbin. A boy that most girls and some boys had a crush on. Most people assumed that Hanbin was a bad boy, the kind of bad boy who smokes, drives a motorcycle, skips class, fights, and whatnot. It was the way he dressed and the way he walked that created these rumors. Hanbin often showed up with bruises on his arms and sometimes even on his face, and thus the rumors of him fighting people were born. 
As Hanbin walked into the cafeteria, he was pouting, his eyes scrunched into a glare as he scanned the room, looking for a certain person. Everyone in the cafeteria froze, wondering who the bad boy was looking for. Just who had made Hanbin so angry? Once he had found his victim he walked over with hasty steps. His biceps clearly showed in his black tank top, making the people around him swoon. The violet bruises on his arms add to his charm, his black and red dyed hair really played into the bad boy visual. 
The onlookers in the cafeteria gasped as they saw who Hanbin had stopped by. (Y/n) and Jeonghyeon both turned to Hanbin with smiles on their faces. “Hi, Binnie,” (Y/n) said with a cheery tone. “What’s up, Hanbin?” Jeonghyeon said as he stood up and moved to the other side of the table so that Hanbin could sit down beside (Y/n). Hanbin sat down the second Jeonghyeon had moved from (Y/n)’s side. “Mmm, I wanna go home,” Hanbin whispered as he leaned against (Y/n). 
“Bin, we still have two more classes to go through before we can leave,” “Mmm, I’m tired, and I just wanna cuddle,” “Can you hold on for one more class? I can work on my project for History at home so I don’t mind missing that class for today,” “I love you, you’re the best,” 
Only Jeonghyeon could hear the couple’s interaction leaving the audience in the cafeteria wondering what the so-called bad boy was doing leaning on and talking with (Y/n) and Jeonghyeon in such an intimate way. 
“Why are people staring at us?” Hanbin asked as he stopped leaning on his girlfriend, looking towards his friend on the other side of the table. Even though pretty much the entire school knew of the rumors concerning Hanbin, Hanbin himself, did not. “They’re staring because they can’t wrap their heads around why the notorious bad boy is being lovey-dovey with Miss Sunshine (Y/n) over here,” “Huh? Bad boy? Is that you or?” “Hanbin, you are so oblivious, the so-called bad boy is you. And, right, people might also be confused cause most people assume (Y/n) and I are dating,” “WHAT?” At Hanbin’s outburst, the attention of everyone in the cafeteria was brought back to him and the table he was sitting at. 
“People think I am a bad boy? Why?” “Because of the way you dress, the fact that you show up with bruises almost every single day, you’re often seen skipping class, you dye your hair often, this to them all equals to you being a bad boy,” (Y/n) explained to her boyfriend. “Oohh, I get that. Don’t they know I am an idol trainee? Wouldn’t that be more reasonable?” “Probably, but how should they know that the bruises are from dancing? And that the constant skipping class is for your other schedules,” Hanbin laughed it off until he remembered another detail that Jeonghyeon mentioned. 
“Wait, why do people think the two of you are dating?” “Probably because we spend a lot of time together and people assume boys and girls can’t be just friends,” Jeonghyeon said as he shrugged his shoulders. Hanbin nodded his head to show his understanding of the situation. Hanbin turned his head toward (Y/n), as their eyes met, he gave her a mischievous smile. He leaned in closer to her and kissed her on the lips, to prove that (Y/n) was dating him and not Jeonghyeon. After the kiss was over, Hanbin had a cocky smirk on his face as he glanced around the room, making all others feel slightly intimidated, resulting in them removing their attention from him and his girlfriend. 
“Oohh, my bad-boy, what would I do without you?” (Y/n) said in a teasing tone as she, Hanbin, and Jeonghyeon all laughed. Hanbin might look like the stereotypical bad boy all dressed up in his idol persona, but really he is the embodiment of a golden retriever boyfriend. 
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