#toxic femslash madness
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henghost · 9 days
Twig Liveblog for Arc 17
what an obsenely horny arc... not that i'm complaining. you've got sy being incorrigible with lillian, sy thirsting over mabel to a concerning degree (i think he literally starts sniffing her sweaty clothes), the lingering jessie tension (this one is more than acceptable, and they kiss!!!!!!! yippeee!!!), egregious amounts of helen cleavage/tongue/etc., and of course the sleeping dragon. my little bro needs to get laid more than he needs oxygen 💀💀💀💀
twig gets so much more electric when the full lamb party is around. all their little interactions are so full of character and life. every time sy talks to lillian it scratches that YA itch so good. i love mary/lillian yuri! i love ashton!! and there's duncan too. all the weapon children in their perfect toxic symbiosis 🥺 sad that it didn't take up more of the arc!
i love big neph too. with size like that i think he's playing for the wrong kings 😂😂😂 i bet it feels so good to be inside that stomach pouch....
and then there's more fighting... yay.... the way awful coaching talks about basketball coaches is the way i talk to wildbow in my head. you do NOT need a chapter devoted to banal logistical concerns!!! you do NOT need play by play descriptions of every minute detail of every scene!!! cut those paragraphs!!! those ten paragraphs could very easily be two paragraphs!!! and they would be much better paragraphs!!!!
wildbow has such a powerful fascination with Factions who need to have Tense Discussions. this is simply not very interesting. i want characters to interact with each other. there is lots of cool stuff included in this portion of the arc -- there's that great scene where sy thinks helen is dead and phantom!mauer starts quoting the bible at him, for instance, as well as plenty of cool new experiments -- but all this cruft drowns it out. i do not care about what bea thinks of sedge. i do not care about the mad baker. sorry.
the lillian interlude was very good. lillian is such an interesting and ambiguous character. she enthralls me even if i don't like her very much. watching her try and achieve her goals, and being affronted when she does not, feels so heartbreaking and real. getting a commendation but not an accolade, even after sy has revealed to her the dark secret of the nobility, even though she knows the real purpose of the academies is to prop up and puppet this evil regime who has done nothing but abuse her and her closest friends -- it still hurts her. in fact it gives her newfound determination to become an even more powerful despot. is it ego? to get back at her parents? then an aging technocrat explains to her that she'd be better off being a mail-order bride, and follows this up by telling her half the country is lost to plague. it's so relevant it's painful.
i'm going to write so much mary/lillian femslash you have no idea....
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Before we go into the final round tomorrow, the notes on some of the posts from the last few rounds have gotten a little toxic so I just want to say please don't get actually mad at each other over these polls!
I just wanted to have some fun and I love the friendly competition and joking around, but there is no need to actually get upset over results or what other people are voting for. Everyone is pretty much just voting for what they personally like more, this is not an actual debate on which ships are better representation or more impactful or anything else.
Nothing is being canonized or decanonized, we should all just be having fun and talking about Star Wars femslash ships! All the ships that lose will still be there, nothing is actually gained by winning this bracket. It's just a fun Tumblr poll. That's it!
So have fun promoting your favorite ship or playfully shit-talking, but there is no need to get actually mad or discourse about anything. Okay?
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sanguchito · 1 year
remember that femslash twitter poll that got utenanyhy vs supercorp and when tumblrinas started voting and screaming the other got mad saying utena gans are so toxic and mean 🥺
normal one
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mybodywakesup · 6 years
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      Favorite Fictional Relationships: Faye Chamberlain & Melissa Glaser       “If anything had happened to you, I don't know what I would...”
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veridium · 4 years
fuck it, queer meta.
About a year ago I wrote one of my first and largest meta posts about why I consider Cassandra a prime example of queerbaiting despite her being a character who explicitly says she is heterosexual. This lead to quite the day of inbox hate mail from people throughout the fandom. Most were upset I used the “q slur” and left it untagged as such in the big DA meta tags. I can imagine for those folks, the substance of what I had to say mattered little as a result. 
I deleted most of those messages and my responses soon afterward. They upset me greatly even as I took it all in stride. However, given that it’s been about 365 days since that fiasco, and some interesting events have happened with regards to current and former DA writers, I thought it would be “fun” to write a recap and reflection on why, generally, I still feel the way I did when I wrote that post. With some changes and growth, of course. 
The gist of it is, as we have come to learn in past, recent, and ongoing discourses in fandom, that much to the chagrin of a lot of folks in this fandom: BioWare, and in this instance DA writers, are not your SJW Icons. Furthermore, they never should have been, or should be, considered as such. 
The gist (part two) for me, is: for as much as diverse characters, worlds, and societies are being uplifted by Games these days, the counterbalance of bullshit is still there. And I think it survives most sturdily in the kind of logic the BioWare writing culture throughout the years. This sense of egalitarian, “of course” logic, that appears to make socially deviant identities normalized but really just falsely positions those identities as meant to be in lock-step with the norm. Representation to gaming, and most of media writ large, all-too-easily falls into the trap of “we want what the privileged have,” which it to say, we want our existence to be a no-brainer, even if it means we lost the essence of why our stories are so profound, important, and necessary to do justice. 
I really can’t imagine accepting the way characters like Cassandra were written because I don’t accept the writer(s) who wrote her. Why?
Come with me, and we’ll be, in a world, of pure fuckery...but with citations...because I’m an Academic and that’s my roll.*
*Please see tags for pertinent content warnings before clicking.**
**if you reblog and tag this shit with “q slur,” I will take all the reserves of understanding I have as a DA fic writer for all of the enraged womxn in the series and express it accordingly. And, as a femslash-oriented author, I can promise you: that expression will be consumptive. 
Hm, I wonder, what with the predominant writer for her character inquires on Twitter for “lesbian fanfic porn” recommendations for writing “research,” but seems to be unable to hire appropriate creatives to write, consult, etc. for the project. 
Or that the writers room made, and continues to make, space for a writer who continually does Black and queer characters dirty with his mediocre-at-best work, in both game and novel form (because, plot twist, he’s a shit writer) (1) (2) (3). 
Or that the writer’s room, and specifically Ga*der, attesting that the development of the Qunari was based on Arab cultures around the time of “Medieval Europe,” which is somehow his way of getting out of the thematic botching of the Qunari language, social structure, etc. from Islamic tradition. 
Or, the writers who intentionally shaped the story so that Vivienne, one of the limited number of Black women characters in the entire series to have a role as an ally, to be a red herring of an distrustful and conceited antagonist, to the point where her treatment by fandom has been incredibly racist, heinous, and lazy for years.
These are a few of MANY reasons, with thorough exposition, why the veneer of “progressive inclusion” studios like BioWare claim to be authentic. Having “diverse” writers in the room -- and I’m using that word incredibly tenuously here -- didn’t change the result of any of these harmful scenarios. In fact, it created them. This, combined with the tale as old as time: toxic fandom culture with white, anglo-centric, cisheterosexual masculinist ideals at the fore, have gotten us here. 
So, do I hold all of the reasons why I am angry about Cassandra’s character writing the same way now, as I did then? No. Certainly not. In fact, there are parts where I would correct myself. On the other hand, the thesis for me remains largely preserved: I revile G*ider, I revile that he gets the accolades he does by fandom for his “diversity” of characters when he exploits, erases, and uses slippery morality to get out of admitting he has shortcomings in his work. I hate that the exaltation for representation still funnels itself onto the heads of white writers and predominantly white-staffed studios. 
And, underneath it all, I am mad that some of ya’ll see no problem with that. Because what does it matter, if you do not come from communities, cultures, and coalitions that get the brunt of this misrepresentation? What does it matter if it angers a lesbian fan that the writers who have a long history of misusing and conveniently copping themselves out when they write women and queer characters, seem to use that “expertise” as permission to do what they are supposedly combating?
G*ider, the hero himself, is on written record saying that it should not be second guessed as to why Cassandra is straight, just as he thinks it should not be second guessed that Dorian is gay. Yet, when he asked on Twitter if there was some moral significance to people modding character’s sexuality (in this specific instance, Dorian, actually), G*ider said that in the end, people’s mods “do not change” what he wrote, and that unless they claim their changes “supercede” canon, there’s no harm done. 
So, really, I’m just over here like -- is this ya’lls hero?
Why in the fuck would someone be modding a gay character to be bisexual or heterosexual, if they didn’t somehow believe that version “supercedes” the canon rendition? Secondly, where is the attention to the fact that, in an ensemble of multiple romanceable characters, Dorian has to be the one that has to be sexually and romantically accessible to those outside of his canonical realm of attraction?
I mean, for fuck’s sake, it’s the whole virtue grounding his companion side quest, the fact that he is estranged from his Father who tried to magically change his orientation! This is a crucial part of Dorian’s entire journey to serving the Inquisition, and serving Tevinter as a dissident.
But, you know, it doesn’t change what G*ider wrote. And he’s correct, it doesn’t change what he wrote, which he got credit, money, and esteem for. It doesn’t change that if you load up the base game, Dorian’s gay. In G*ider’s head, that is the protective force: the parts where he has ties, and not the culture of the fandom, the culture the fans who helped fill his pockets from that game have to dwell within. This isn’t revolutionary, this isn’t good-faith representation. This is getting a piece of the rotten-sweet pie and saying “let bygones be bygones, you toxic, funky heteronormative assholes!”
But, where are my manners. I’m getting heated, aren’t I?
Basically, if you condemn queer fans for calling out queer bating -- or any marginalized fan for throwing up the alarm for bullshit -- and your first reaction is to side with folks like G*ider who got theirs and said screw everything else, fuck off. Literally, fuck off. I call Cassandra’s circumstance queerbaiting because she’s one example of writers getting their cake and eating it, too. If they are so aware of just how much of their fanbase is marginalized folks, they don’t get to say they don’t have fingerprints on things like queerbaiting. You don’t get to be acclaimed and excused for the shit you say you are combating, which is the source of that acclaim. And if your claim is happy ignorance, then you definitely don’t get to blithely equivocate when fans do ask you why the story happened the way it did. 
I also just want to keep in mind here that there’s a deductive conclusion to be had about this, given how La*idlaw explicitly stated they endeavored to make Cassandra extremely hot, “really enticing.” That conclusion is: 
(1) Either they aren’t/weren’t nearly as attuned to their queer audiences as they generally claim to be, or 
(2) They were, and had no intention of developing compassion or empathy passed G*ider talking out of his ass about why Cassandra was developed as straight. Which, ultimately, does coincide with conclusion (1) more than not. 
No matter what, the contour to the conclusion is: wow, a taste of nauseating objectification, in the BioWare writer’s room. Who knew!
It’s no wild accusation to make to a writer like him and his colleagues, that they don’t know how to handle sapphic, wlw, and/or queer-related storylines, especially with women. Especially when the answer seems to be, “well, it was decided before I took the lead, and in any case, why question it! You wouldn’t question a gay character’s orientation!”
But that’s just it, you complete and utter turnip. People did question Dorian’s sexuality. People do question Dorian’s sexuality. That fantasy world of equal bearings is as insincere as it is out-of-touch. And why not, when, as you said, 
it doesn’t change what you got paid for.
The ethos seems to be crudely reflexive: people’s phobic interpretations and alterations of the canon do not matter, but then again, why would you even question why a character is straight? Why would you question my narrative vision, in all of its beautiful shittery?
It’s all a game of dodge, ya’ll. Dodge, dodge, dodge. With a strong and acidic dose of vanity. 
So. In summation, folks: I could care less for your false equivalences. I could care less about my contribution of queer content fucking up your good time in the meta tags. Obviously you aren’t there to actually engage in creative, exploratory thought, so why bother reasoning. There is more to the possibilities of queerbaiting than stringing along a could-be, would-be, should-be queer storyline directly. There’s knowing your audience enough to exploit your good graces with them. There’s benefitting from a charade of liberal progressive clout. There’s the ability to foresee that queer people will cathect to a given character, and not only denying an experience they could have, but denying it so harshly that the character says they can’t love yours because you’re female. 
And I am so, so, so sick of these people continually enriching themselves off of the “nobody’s perfect” grace. To me, that grace is the promise of good faith, and the intention to do right by people. When that isn’t there, the grace isn’t going somewhere where it’ll be appreciated, that it will be nourished by. I mean, fucking hell, people, this is rainbow capitalism: don’t you taste it?
That’s that, then. “Cassandra and Queerbaiting Rant,” one year on. An extra dose of salt, just for the haters. 
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gritandoengay · 6 years
differentstarlightsublime mentioned you in a post
@fuckyeahhayleywilliams​ and @dontwantthenextcommanderiwantyou​ and @gritandoengay​ I have not seen homophobic remarks from any Bellarke stans and if so, very few. No one is erasing the fact she was with Lexa. Hell, no one should be erasing the fact they loved each other. In fact Clexa was overcoming my Bellarke love but the fact that they had so little time made Bellarke my final ship.
Ok @differentstarlightsublime​ seeing as you made this asinine post pop up in my notifications again I’m going to make you a list of reasons why I have no reservations calling the Bellarke fandom lesbophobic and a toxic environment for wlw:
Preface: I don’t care what you say you’ve seen or haven’t seen, I’ve seen more than enough on Tumblr and Twitter in the past almost two years to form my opinion.
Section A: Metas 
1. Popular metas circulated and widely accepted in the Bellarke fandom describing Lexa with language literally used to be homophobic towards lesbians:
Toxic, creepy, predatory
Only caring about “getting in Clarke’s pants” and obsessed with Clarke to the point of deliberately keeping her away from Bellamy 
Only caring about maintaining her political power and not caring about anything or anybody else, not even her own people or Clarke (somehow, despite point 2)
Manipulating Clarke into falling in love with her 
Using Stockholm Syndrome to make Clarke fall in love with her. It should also be pointed out that the Stockholm Syndrome metas would imply Stockholm Syndrome is a byproduct of rape, and that Clexa therefore had non-con under/overtones.  
A cyborg that was never truly human 
2. Popular metas circulated and widely accepted in the Bellarke fandom with biphobic language describing Clarke as: 
“Confused” when she kissed Lexa or fell in love with her 
Having to be separated from her friends and mother to fall in love with Lexa
Going through a “phase” when she kissed or fell in love with Lexa 
Using Lexa purely for political purposes 
Section B: Reaction to Lexa dying/Bury Your Gays/Queer Baiting
1. Arguing that Bury Your Gays:
Is not a big deal because straight characters die too
Is not what happened with Lexa 
Is only Bury Your Gays if the character is explicitly killed off for being a lesbian
Is not an issue anymore because there are like 5 other shows with popular wlw pairings 
2. Arguing that Clexa wasn’t queer baiting because:
Clexa got together and was canon
Everybody should have seen it coming and not been surprised
Ignoring that Shawna Benson went on a wlw online forum to literally lie to fans and tell them to go seek therapy (classy) over the trust issues 
3. Defending/downplaying/straight up mocking Lexa’s death because: 
It had to happen for plot purposes! There’s no way she could have lived!
Alycia is on FTWD (their schedules haven’t overlapped since)
She was just a guest star (as if guest stars are limited to two seasons)
“I want to make dead lesbian jokes and if you get offended it’s because you don’t have a sense of humor sweaty” 
Lexa was a bitch in their eyes so no sympathy for the people that liked her
She deserved to die as well as die a more painful and gruesome death
Being killed off by her father figure, who was trying to murder her girlfriend bc he didn’t approve of the relationship, somehow does not echo real world violence faced at the hands of homophobic parents
Complaining that Lexa and her death to this day are still getting attention from the media
Resentment that Lexa has become such an iconic character and is so important to wlw viewers 
4. Defending Jason Rothenberg because:
We should be thankful he gave us Lexa and Clexa to begin with (he also gave you Bellamy and Octavia and is responsible for her beating him up)
It’s his show so he can do whatever the hell he wants with the story (yeah and I can still call him a racist queer baiting shitty writer) 
People make mistakes and he apologized u.u
Lbr the only reason anybody defends him or kisses his ass is because they want Bellarke to happen  
Section C: Dismissal of lesbian characters/wlw relationships in general
1. Clexa: 
Was not groundbreaking or important representation 
Was fan service 
Had too much screen time 
Didn’t have enough screen time thus no proper development (often times said in tandem with point 3) 
Happened only because Clarke was rejected by Bellamy (according to metas and said nowhere in the show itself)
Was annoying/downright infuriating bc it was getting in the way of Bellarke 
Clarke should have gotten over Lexa 5 seconds after her death but for sure is going to still be in love with Bellamy (according to metas) after 6 years of no contact 
Somehow more violent than other ships when Bellarke have done things like handcuffed/drugged/shot at each other, Murphy literally shot Raven in the spine, Octavia hit Lincoln, Kane whip lashed Abby, etc.
Saying that Lexa forced herself on Clarke when they first kissed (have you watched that scene??? no seriously have you??????)
Comparing the Clexa love scene to Ontari raping Murphy 
2. Niylah/Niylarke:
Ignoring Niylah as a love interest for Clarke and dismissing Niylarke as purely “friends with benefits” when we all know people would be screaming canon if Clarke were seen cuddling in a bed with Bellamy like she has with Niylah 
Being mad that season 4 had Niylarke
Literally ignoring Niylah’s existence
Being the reason for Niylah existing to begin with because some people didn’t/refused to believe Clarke was bi after S2 
3. Lexa’s own freaking sexuality:
Writing fanfiction of Lexa having sex with a man (that I’ve seen alone, there’s fanfics of her sleeping with Bellamy, Roan and even Miller, another gay!)
Calling said fanfiction of Lexa having sex with men a “kink”
Shipping Lexa with Bellamy
Writing/drawing Lexa as part of a polyamorous relationship with Bellarke, which wouldn’t be a problem in itself if she wasn’t also often depicted as being involved in sexual activities with both Clarke and Bellamy
Getting upset when confronted, usually followed by asking why wlw shippers can take straight characters and hc them as lesbian/bi but they can’t take lesbian characters and hc them as bisexual or straight  
Section D: Biphobia/lesbophobia towards femslash shippers
1. Speaking over wlw:
Being cis straight and speaking over wlw shippers on wlw characters
Thinking that they have a license to speak over wlw/be lesbophobic bc they ship male characters together
Telling wlw that they need to care about mlm ships just as much as they do about wlw rep and/or that they don’t actually care about lgbt rep if they don’t talk about (insert mlm ship)  
Telling wlw to shut up about BYG/queer baiting bc gays are dying in Russia 
“X and Y people in the Bellarke fandom are wlw and they agree with me therefore I must be right!” 
Reacting to people bringing up the BYG and queer baiting in The 100 with “god move on already”
Telling wlw that complain about the queer baiting and BYG to “seek help” in order to get over their issues with the show, which is a pretty fucking homophobic way of wording things considering that for lgbt youth those words are usually accompanied by being sent to conversion therapy. 
2. Biphobia/Bisexual rep:
Getting angry at people that say there are bisexuals with a preference for women. Imagine that! Bisexuality in itself can be fluid and not always 50/50 attraction or dating! 
Berating bisexuals for preferring to see a femslash ship over an m/f one 
Invalidating the sexualities of bisexuals that don’t ship Blarke
Making up statistics about the prevalence of f/f ships literally to shut down  bisexuals that want to see more f/f ships
Implying that Clarke now HAS to get with a guy, aka Bellamy, for it to be bisexual rep
There you go, a whole list of reasons the Bellarke fandom is lesbophobic that is not “they don’t ship Clexa” or the outright “I hate lesbians/god hates gays” that has also been seen 
BTW, all of these are things I’ve seen multiple times over the years and many in posts with hundreds or thousands of notes, I won’t shed a single tear if you come crying to me about only a few people doing this 
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purple-urself · 7 years
Hey, I just want to let you know that I wholeheartedly support you. And that I think it was extremely gross and distasteful of those people to target you like this. I am on their discord severs called LGBT Riordan verse and pjo femslash revolution and let me tell you, those are the most toxic and annoying servers you would find anywhere. They just hate on everything and talk badly about you and other people. Their latest target is someone called Viria.
people are going after viria again?????? jesus fuckin christ, that girl is the best godamn fucking thing thats ever happened to our fandom and they’re going after her, after everything she’s been through with this fandom???????
i’m fucking mad
... but to answer the rest of your ask, i’m very glad you see things this way. i know how easy it is to fall into “mob mentality” so being on their server and still seeing thing in an objective light must mean you’re pretty level headed, so good on you!
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The Toxic State of the Homestuck Fandom (Mainly the Femslash Fandom)
Y'know, I feel like the Grimdorks Uprising is a representation of everything toxic in the Homestuck community, and it especially shows just how toxic the Femslash fandom is.
I’m not trying to resurrect a discourse here, but I am using it as an example. There’s a lot of things that showed me just how entitled, aggressive, and straight up petty the HS femslash fandom can be.
Now, disclaimer before I get started. This is very much about the extremist femslash fans who feel the need to:
1. Shit on any ship that isn’t Femslash (mostly het) because it’s not Femslash.
 2. Express Blatant Biphobia and refuse to acknowledge or outright bash Bisexual headcanons. See: constantly claiming Roxy or Terezi are Lesbians despite clearly being Bisexual and getting angry with people who headcanon Rose as Bisexual. 
 3. The rampant Misandry. I get that you’re not going to focus on men, but repeatedly bashing male character or stating they’re all incompetent while the girls are all perfect competent badasses is fucking gross. Stop it.
 4. Bully and harass fans of ships because the ships in question are ‘bad’, either because of subjective tastes or because it violates the tumblr shipping principles, mainly the ‘Don’t ship characters outside of their sexuality (unless they’re straight)’ rule. 5. Adding to the above: Spamming the tags of said ships either with passive-aggressive art or just accusing everyone who likes the ship of Then getting mad that the shippers are upset and/or retaliating, as if you didn’t just; oh, I don’t know, accuse people of being hateful or inherently awful people just because they like a ship with different characteristics from yours. 6. Acting incredibly entitled to female characters. 7. This cancer, which is a combination of the first three.
I’m certainly not trying to say that all Femslash fans are like this. In fact, I see several Femslash fans who are actually respectful, nice, and generally just cool people. But the toxic and extremist parts of the fandom is hard to ignore. It gets to the point where I’ve pretty much experienced Pavlovian conditioning to avoid nearly every Femslash fan I come across because I’ve associated them with this toxic behavior.
But what I really want to stress here that your community isn’t doomed. I mean, the more forgiving part of me even believes this Toxicity is a side effect of this hellsite we use. Not saying that the toxic aspects of the fandom is excusable, but it just explains where they may come from and why. Calling out this behavior is the first step to making sure it’s healthy and generally non-toxic to everyone involved, even to people outside the community. When you let this type of behavior go unchecked, sooner or later you’re going to have some problems. Ex: Voltron Fandom. Or, fuck, the DDADDS fandom. That game hasn’t been out a week (As of when this post was made) and look what this hellsite did to the fandom.
To Clarify one last time before I get started: It’s the Femslash extremists I have a problem with, not the lesbians or the Femslashers in general.
Now, I believe this Uprising has it’s origins in a post (That I cannot find right now, nor would want to because I don’t want the OP to be harassed) where someone basically said ‘Grimdorks works better for Jaderose because they’re both dorks who went grimdark’. I don’t think it really blew up, mostly because the last time I remembering seeing it had… maybe less then 50 notes? So the only explanation I have is that the creator or the people who interacted with the post agreed and shared it with other Homestuck fans on forums, tumblr, or discord.
Pretty harmless in and of itself, since everyone knew the ship name belonged to Johnrose (As the reasoning behind it was John and Rose were dorks and Rose went Grimdark) and it was mostly just a joke/fun little introspection by someone.
I don’t know what happened in the days leading up to the Uprising, but I imagine it went something like this (Note: Since this is me theorizing; I could always be wrong, so PLEASE understand that when reading this):
1. Some people are talking about Jaderose or just ship names in general, and someone brings up how Grimdorks would fit Jaderose. 2. Some people agree, and some point out that Johnrose is already called Grimdorks. 3. There may or may not be some people in this discussion who hate Johnrose. Perhaps they just find it boring, maybe they just don’t see it, maybe they dislike it because they feel it erases Rose’s relationship with Kanaya or her sexuality, and maybe it could be all of the above. 4. Someone with any of the reasons listed or not listed above could have suggested taking the Grimdorks ship name for Jaderose. 5. People agree, they start discussing it, and some people or just one person decides to make a blog to spearhead the Uprising. 6. Blogs similar to the original crop up. 7. Grimdorks fan wakes up and sees a random Jaderose post on their dash thanks to Tag tracker. 8. ??? 9. Shitstorm.
So, first off: I think what this best shows is this bizarre sense of entitlement Femslash extremists have. I mean seriously, the idea that you can just ‘reclaim’ a ship name that’s about 5+ years old is pretty damn entitled. You’re kind of implying that it’s stolen, even though it was possibly made by Johnrose shippers and it was certainly made for them. If anything, Jaderose shippers were the ones trying to steal it, even though they have the arguably superior stand ship name ‘Guns n Roses’.
Next is the general hypocrisy of the discourse.
Now, we can argue about Rose’s sexuality until the cows come home, but one other reason I see being touted around for why you can’t ship Johnrose is ‘Rose is married’. The main problem I have with this is how these people say this… then turn a blind eye to any other ship that includes Rose. Hell, they might even multiship Rose. I’m not saying you’re not allowed to multiship, but when you say ‘Rose is Married’ against a ship that includes Rose, then ignore another ship that includes her, how do you not see the hypocrisy? This is especially jarring since the Grimdorks Uprising was done by Jaderose shippers, or at the very least people were using Jaderose as the ‘face’ of the Uprising, so to speak.
Next up is some of the more… uh, Biphobic stuff in the uprising. Now, I understand that Rose’s sexuality is kind of vague. I mean, sure, it’s entirely in character for Rose to have been flirting with Dave ironically. But can you really blame some people for having trouble sifting through Rose’s lavender maze of irony and Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness? Even Kanaya had trouble understanding this snarky broad.
Regardless, telling people thay can’t Headcanon Rose as Bisexual because it’s ‘Erasing Lesbians’ is um… kinda… I dunno, sketchy? I mean assuming you’re not just saying it’s because lesbians untainted by men are rare, what part of ‘Bisexual’ is scary to you? It’s not like saying Rose would enjoy kissing boys is going to degrade her canon love for Kanaya. Or, hell, even that she would do so while in a committed relationship with Kanaya. So… I guess it’s just down to preference? There’s always going to be headcanons you don’t like, but I suppose the best thing to do is just leave these people to their own devices. :V
And finally, the pettiness and aggression of the whole thing.
When you look at this whole discourse, it’s just petty. You’re trying to take a ship name and claim it for a different ship, and you’re just being a giant asshole on top of that. I know it was a stupid thing to get up in arms about, but really, with all the factors I listed above, it’s a little difficult not to get annoyed. Especially when you combine it with shit like this, it’s just icing on the cake of shitty behavior! Seriously, how else is a Johnrose fan supposed to take people spamming their tag with an irrelevant ship and accusing them of being an inherently awful people just for shipping as anything other than aggressive?
Even worse, when people start calling them out for it, these people have the gall to play victim and hide behind their labels as if it justifies this behavior! Or, even worse, try to make it one big joke. Sorry, but bullying is bullying, no matter what reasoning or intentions you have behind it.
Now that we’ve reached the end, I’m sure at one of you is wondering how to fix the fandom. The most simplest solution I have?
1. Don’t partake in behavior such as the six points listed above 2. Actively discourage such behavior 3. Understand that you do not run the fandom 4. Understand that you no say in how a person wants to enjoy Homestuck 5. Understand that shipping has no bearing on canon or a person’s beliefs and morality. 6. Understand that you have the responsibility to blacklist, block and distance yourself from ships you don’t like 7. Only step in when you believe a fan is hurting others, such as harassment or bullying.
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leonharte · 7 years
This zimbio tv couples march madness thing is the most toxic thing to ever happen to the femslash community as a collective. When wlw ships are 3/4 of the top four, haven't we already proved a point? Yall are fucking toxic.
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