s1ater · 2 years
unprofessional help.
pairings. robby keene x fem!reader
about. you dislocated your shoulder, robby has to pop it back into place.
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warnings. injury (dislocated shoulder), swearing
ricky rocks. wrote this A LONG TIME ago, but didn’t finish. it’s basically a crack-fic because there’s no purpose to the story.
“okay, just take a deep breath, alright?”
his words didn’t stop the whining coming all the way from the back of your throat, deep breathy whines that drawed out into groans of deep, deep pain.
“y/n, breathe,” he whsipered, now looking directly into your eyes, realizing you were holding your breath, trying to make yourself pass out, trying to make it all go away.
he slowly pushed you to the ground on your stomach, making you yell, both his hands on your dislocated shoulder pressing hard but carefully.
“robby—robby, i cant do this, i cant do this,” you stuttered out his name, breathy and all caught up in your throat as your chest rumbled up in down. your eyes were wide with terror as they connected with his, just as freaked out, screaming out, but he kept it calm as he pulled it slowly, like he was preparing himself to pop it back into place.
“y/n, you have to-“
“robby no!”
“your shoulder is dislocated. i need to pop it back into place,” the reality of the situation seem to hit you the moment he said those words, his eyes piercing yours with sympathy but harshness. you winced, resisting the urge to cry as the pain surged through your body in large waves. “it’s going to hurt, but i’m trying to help you. it’ll hurt a lot less.”
you bit the inside of your cheek, slowly pulling your eyes from his, settling onto the ground. you became very hyper aware of everything that you were feeling and any slight movement that would shift through your bones.
robby was straddling, pinning you tightly to the ground as he mentally prepared for this himself. he had never put a shoulder back in its place, but he had seen it done before.
“y/n, you’ll be fine. guys at the skatepark have this happen all the time to them. once they get popped into place, they’re good as new,” his version of reassurance made your stomach slightly settle; he could tell by the way your body became more relaxed. “you ready?”
you nodded your head.
“i need you to say it aloud, are you ready?”
“yes, yes, robby, just please make the pain stop,” you spoke frantically, slightly squirming beneath his light movement. “just do it!”
he pops it into place right as you yell out your sentence, but it finishes out in a strangle cry.
“good girl,” he breathes out, relieved, placing his hand against your head in a encouraging way, “good, y/n. now let’s get you some actual medical help.”
@multifandom-obsessed @thecraziestcrayon @myalupinblack @avengersgirllorianna @beetlepussy @fruitiseavey @ishwiya @Uselesssapphickitten @skateb0red @black-rose-29 @rrosecar @hawksahandful @let-love-bleeds-red @instabull @isleofhawk @rudypankowisdaddy @rottenstyx @the-anxious-youth @itzstacie @urfavtemptress @whoreforsophialillis @andrealoveshere @wellyn06 @coral-peony-writer @nyx.midnight.mikleasion @famousgalaxytidalwave @w0nderr @bebybailey @write-from-the-heart @wiseflamingoqueen @carpioassists @simplytpwk @Skiala45 @estupidteen @torynicholsgf @LydiaAmphlett @teti-menchon0604 @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @spiderman-berries @i-love-scott-mccall @rowena-ravenclaws-diadem @dayanaralight @demigirl-with-problems @sunsetcurve-95 @nyx3028 @missaryasstuff @hizziestial @carav4l @popeheywardssecretgf @andrewgarfields-girlfriend @xivilivix @ritz-hell-hotel @alascaxq @fruitiseavey @colbysbrocks @deathtobarbie @love-marauders @areil4 @something-noir @colorfulpaperthing @ditigdisis @helloicecreamisalwaystheanswer @sunflower4 @morganaah @eichenhouseproperty @confusedchildstuff22 @savagemickey03 @liltimmyst @theresawtf @alexxavicry @esposadomd
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hey!! thoughts on the cobra kai female characters? sam, tory, aisha, amanda, carmen, you get it lmao
hi thank you so much for sending an ask i love your blog so much!!! ok this is a good one let’s go:
sam- i actually like sam. i think she’s super strong and an important character for young girls to see on screen. however, i do believe that her parents need to stop invalidating her feelings whenever she tells them she feels like something’s her fault because while she’s not entirely the cause, she usually did play a part in whatever bad thing happened. but that’s not to say she was the only one. she didn’t kiss the air. i also do wish she would have told robby about the kiss when he confessed about the metal but i can also forgive her inaction though because she’s supposed to be a 16 year old and 16 year olds make dumb decisions.
tory- ok so i also like tory. i loved how quickly she became friends with aisha in season 2 and how immediately badass she was in her initial fight with miguel at cobra kai. i truly believe that if she had a mentor/adult figure who actually cared about her and her wellbeing that she could go down a better path than the one she’s currently on. i liked seeing her home life and i think it definitely explains all of her actions/behaviour in the show, but i also believe that it doesn’t excuse it. she is also a teenager though and while her violent actions were completely uncalled for, the feelings behind them were so valid. she really just needs someone to show her that violence isn’t always the answer. i do hope we get to see more of her home life in season 4 and i’m interested to see how she changes now that her and robby are the only mains left at kreese’s cobra kai.
aisha- ugh i miss her so much. aisha was literally a queen throughout season 1 and 2. i think she was an incredibly important character so show on screen. i love how she was the first person to take initiative and join johnny’s cobra kai because she wanted a change and god she was so bad ass. i love how much she cares about all her friends, and i so wish she was in season 3, she 100% would have knocked some sense into every single person. i also kind of wish we got to see her reaction to the sam/tory part of the fight as well as the hawk/demetri and miguel/robby parts. fingers are crossed for her return before the end of the show 🤞🏼
amanda- ok what a queen. i loved her since season one, her deadpan delivery is hilarious and she has the best lines. i really love her relationship with daniel and her slapping kreese was one of the most satisfying things i’ve ever witnessed. that being said, i really hope she stops telling sam that nothing is her fault and that she actually listens to how her daughter feels. i’m excited to learn some more about amanda’s backstory in season 4!
carmen- another queen. literally the sweetest woman. i love how much she cares about miguel and johnny and how she always says exactly what he needs to hear. i do wish that she could be developed separate from her romantic storyline with johnny though.
moon- ahhhh i love her. i rewatched season 1 recently and completely forgot she was initially the ditzy stoner (“my mom got me this weed for my birthday”). i really love how she came around at the end of season 1 and apologized to aisha for bullying her. i do find it interesting though how she stayed friends with yasmine into season 3, although she probably believes that yasmine is capable of being nicer and apologizing as well. i also think her breaking up with hawk was her best moment and i literally cheered at screen. her friendship with demetri is one of the most underrated things on the show and i hope we get more of it. i also love her and piper and i think that was so cool to see and i would love for them to bring them back.
yasmine- i hated her in season 1 but in season 3, i do believe she is changing for the better. i mean i always thought that her bitchiness and bullying was a front for some deeper insecurities and it would be nice if she could share some of that/her home life with demetri if the writers do decide to move forward with their relationship. i should say that at the moment i don’t ship them, although i do love the scene where she signs his cast. i also think that regardless of if it’s in a romantic context or not, both yasmine and demetri could be really good for each other. i also don’t think that yasmine can be fully redeemed unless aisha comes back so lets see how they do with that.
rosa (yaya)- adding yaya because she’s iconic and i will never get over her showing up stoned to the all valley in season 1. icon behaviour. i would love some more scenes between her and miguel and her and carmen.
ali- i actually really loved how they brought her back and i think her scenes with johnny were super needed. i am so glad they didn’t have an unnecessary love triangle and that she was the missing piece in getting daniel and johnny on the same page. i also just think her and amanda would be the best duo if she ever came back. im obsessed with all those party scenes between the adults.
kumiko- she is such a sweetheart. they also did a great job bringing her back and i just love how much she helped daniel. i kind of think that what ali was for johnny in this season, kumiko was for daniel. i do think it’s tragic how she’s still in love with daniel because she really just deserves all the happiness. her reading mr. miyagi’s letters was one of the most emotional things in the whole show and i loved every second of it. i really hope they find a way to bring her back.
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robbyswayzekeenes · 3 years
tory nichols headcanons (being her s/o)
this took so long omg but i hope you like it!! requested by @torynicholsgf​
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first of all, all i’m going to say is that tory would be such a protective girlfriend
this girl would genuinely do anything for you
like she would straight up cut a bitch even if they looked at you funny
but when you’re out of the public eye and it’s just the two of you alone, she’s soft as anything
you two probably met through cobra kai, and if not just through school
tory was instantly drawn to you, and tried her hardest to seduce you
the girl is by no means the best flirt, but you found it endearing when she would always offer to spar against you or throw things at you playfully to gain your attention
when you do agree to go on a date with her, she’s overjoyed, though she tries to play it cool
when you do start dating, her walls are built up high and it takes a lot for you to break them down
but once she does open up to you, you’re her go to whenever she’s feeling down
tory tells you all about her mother, and even as she begins to cry a little, you just hold her and kiss her head softly
you go over to hers all the time to help her take care of her mother and brother
which means lots of sleepovers
and lots of sex
you always go visit tory during on her work shifts
so on her breaks she comes over to you and kisses you
maybe you share some fries if you like fries (i don’t i’m weird)
you are co-presidents of the sam larusso hate club
you don’t really understand their whole rivalry but you aren’t going to challenge it
you just hype up your girl when she beats sam’s ass
admit this to anyone and you’re dead, but tory loves cuddles
she adores lying on your chest whilst you play with her hair
and she always has to be the big spoon
she is 100% a jealous girlfriend though
if she sees anyone else at school or the dojo lay eyes on you (particularly hawk, he’s such a flirt-- only because he’s in denial about being in love with demetri) she gets MAD
death glares all around
raising her fists with that adorable fiery scowl on her face
you have to calm her down with a hand to her waist and a passionate kiss
she adores PDA
it lets everyone know you’re hers
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soe-leo · 3 years
Oh boy I cannot begin to explain how tired I am of the casual Tory slander on my dash every day.
People love talking about the misogyny of CK fans hating Sam, but that extends to Tory as well. Y'all love to say she's the worst character on the show because of what she did to Sam, but I will argue against that any day.
Yes, what she did to Sam was totally messed up. I would never ever ever defend those actions in a real-world scenario. But I will say that from the beginning, Tory was told (by Aisha, someone who was known to have been close to Sam at a point in the recent past) that Sam was just another snobby rich girl who made fun of Aisha. Tory also caught Miguel cheating on her with Sam, who was well aware that Miguel and Tory were together. Were her actions reasonable? No, they were outright harassment. But was the way she felt reasonable? Absolutely.
Look, I'm not saying you have to like Tory as a person. Most people probably wouldn't. All I'm saying is that calling Tory the worst character on the show is blatantly ignoring what a character is: an avenue for exploring different experiences and perspectives. Aside from a few cliches, Tory is a great character who just makes very bad decisions. She's very similar to Hawk in that way, as I would argue that his behavior was infinitely worse than hers throughout the series. I'm tired of y'all claiming to love Hawk because "uwu he's a nerdy boy with a broken heart go short king show them you can't be bullied" and then turning around and shitting on Tory. That's the real misogyny here.
In conclusion, feel free to like whichever characters you want. I know I have some hot takes that would make some people very mad. But please don't go around saying "this person is a bad character" without first examining what makes them a bad person vs what makes them a bad character. I love Sam as much as anyone else, but I don't use my distaste for Tory's decisions to articulate that. You don't need to lift one woman up by bringing another down.
This post by @torynicholsgf does an excellent job at articulating some other great points.
(P.S. What I am saying about Hawk is that he is a fantastic character & my favorite in the show, but that doesn't mean I agree with most of what he does or that I would want to be friends with him irl. It means that his arc is, imo, the most interesting out of all the characters. I love him and Tory because I'm excited to see where the next seasons take them, and I ship Hawk/Demetri because of the way their dynamic is set up to go in the future, NOT because of Hawk's poor decision-making skills. Separation of morals and objective appreciation.)
(P.P.S. I would argue that neither Hawk nor Tory are bad people, but my point still stands that bad people can be good characters. Take Kreese, for example. He's an awful person, no matter what happened in his past, but it's generally understood that he is a good character because he fulfills his function as the villain in an interesting way. I don't see y'all posting about how much you hate Kreese.)
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tylerdurdenss · 3 years
nominated by @wonderwolfballoon ! <3
daniel or johnny; robby or miguel; sam or tory (but i don’t tolerate disproportionate slander towards sam or robby either); demetri or hawk neither (i’m sorry don’t hate me); aisha or moon; bert or nate; lawrusso or kiaz; binary boyfriends or story; amanda or carmen; amanda/carmen or amanda/ali; daniel/kumiko or daniel/ali; johnny/ali or johnny/carmen; miyagi-do or cobra kai; kreese or silver; barnes or chozen; tom cole or armand; kicks or punches; paint the fence or get in the cement truck; sand the deck or break windows at the junkyard; mohawk or french braid; defense or offense; balance pond or walk-in freezer; headbutts or punches in the face
i’m tagging @lesbianelhopper, @torynicholsgf, and @keanureveslesbian !
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hunkydorkling · 3 years
Thank you for the tag, @cobraking​!! Here’s a look at my lock screen, last song listened to, and last photo saved. All righty:
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1. I don’t really mess around with my phone wallpapers nowadays but this came with the theme, so. 2. Age of Consent by New Order for (You Can’t Handle) Somebody Loving you Chapter 5 3. Tom photo just because. No real reason.
I tag: @dumpsterbab, @filmmakingismylife16, @torynicholsgf, @akw-aka-awkward, @soe-leo, @dagoth-sly​, and anyone who wants to do this! Go crazy!
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s1ater · 3 years
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the older boy, part two. eli moskowitz x reader
summary 📣: in which reader’s friends warn her about the older boy with the red mohawk but she doesn’t listen
warning/s 🚫: swearing
slater’s note 🗯: omg slater finally uploaded 😮
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part one, part two
hawk: miss me princess?
you squinted your eyes from the bright glare surfacing from the screen of your phone. it had to be about close to midnight and it was almost something you expected, this text.
he always texted late, always catching you minutes before you decided to clock out for bed, and always drawing out your sleep schedule. so instead of going to bed at 11:30 like normal, you ended up wide awake well around two hours later.
y/n: you flatter yourself too much
hawk: is that so? thought you always looked forward to our nightly convos
y/n: other than them being nightly, sure
hawk: i’m a busy man
you rolled your eyes, “sure you are.”
y/n: that’s probably why i never see you outside of school then huh
you couldn’t careless on why you never saw hawk outside of school. it seemed to be rather a blessing from all the things you had been hearing about him lately. it was just fun to tease.
he liked being teased as weird as it sounded, it fired him up as he stared at the screen of his phone, smirking. hawk knew you knew why you never saw him and why he never saw you. you guys weren’t friends, barely acquaintances, only two oblivious lonely people who wanted someone to fill their hormonal needs. 
hawk: you never see me sweetheart because you never want to
y/n: that’s a lie
hawk: is it?
y/n: i’d love to see you
hawk: i’m sure you would, but face it princess, you’d chicken out halfway through before you’d even see my face
y/n: lies, you sure you’re not talking about yourself?
but was it really a lie? you wondered, thinking whether or not your wits and nervousness would overcome you before you actually saw the face of eli if you were to ever hang out with him.
you bit your lip thinking about earlier today when moon said to stay away from eli for rather obvious reasons. one being he was violent and angry a lot of the time and two... he was a teenage asshole who’d fuck you over the minute you showed vulnerability.
hawk: let me come over if you’re not a pussy
you bit your tongue at the sight of the message. great, you thought. now you had to come up with some excuse only to prove hawk right; that you were a pussy. the thing was, you didn’t actually think he’d want to see you.
it was like a silent agreement that your relationship was flirting only, nothing else. he was like a side hustle along with all the other boys who hit you up through your snapchat.
y/n: sorry babe, i only let boys who actually talk to me in real life come over
hawk: alright, fuck you lmfao
eli mindlessly smiled at his phone screen while shaking his head. he knew you’d be a challenge, and he knew you’d turn him down any minute or mention of hanging out.
he found taunting and teasing you amusing and sometimes the highlights of his days but sometimes it also got boring with how you didn’t put out as easily as the other girls.
y/n: sorry bud
hawk: alright, goodnight princess ;)
it was uneventfully windy as you stood outside waiting for moon’s red car to pull up and drop you home. you almost swore as you came into realization that she probably forgot about you, again.
you tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear as you checked your phone once again, absent of any notifications that would relate to moon.
you were beginning to feel sick, the kind of sick that resonated in your stomach from a sprout of loneliness. you shook your head, pushing yourself off the brick high school wall deciding you better start walking now if you wanted to get home before five.
your feet begun to burn five minutes into walking the shortest route you could think of as a way home, “fucking, moon.” you shook your head, taking out your phone again. she always had the strangest memory problems and seemed to always goes m.i.a. the moments you need her the most, such as.. when you were desperately in need a ride home. 
“need a ride?”
you almost jumped in surprised, not realizing a car had pulled up next to you as you were focused on your phone. you dipped your head down to the low window of the old red cadillac pulled up next to you, their windows rolled down, old rap music turned down low in order to speak to you. 
“nice car,” you quirked your brow with a slight impressed smile. he was one of the last people on earth you would expect to give you a ride despite your conversation the last night. 
“you want a ride or not, princess?” “oh, i wouldn’t want to ruin your special me time, hawk.”
“get in the fucking car, y/n,” he rolled his eyes, quickly done with your bullshit as he put the car in drive. you reluctantly got in the nice car, swinging your bag to the floor as you couldn’t help smile to yourself. 
“you know i’ve never been in a karate kid’s car before,” you mumbled lightly, examining the interior of the car better, your fingers running against the smooth dashboard, impressed by how well restored the old car was. 
“is that so?” he glanced at you, a slight smirk on his face. 
“who restored the car?” you mumbled, your eyes still looking around almost like a kid in a candy store, only more subtle, trying to hide the fact how impressed you were with the car. 
he glanced at you again, almost taken back by the question. it was never a question he had heard before, especially by a girl. he smirked, trying to hide his own surprisal, “you know larusso? guy helped me out with it.”
“nice,” you mumbled, leaning back into the seat, done with your examination. 
it was silent now, and you almost sat comfortably if it weren't for the voice in the back of your head yelling at you that the whole thing was a bad idea. you wanted to ignore it so badly, because you had never actually ever saw a red flag from eli other than the fact that it’s basic knowledge he’d a fuck boy. 
he seemed like a generally good guy. no not a good guy, a guy that was your type. eli wasn’t at all the good guy type but more or so the douche that was only nice to certain group of people, you being on of them. 
because he wanted to fuck you. 
“got something on your mind?” he glanced at you, almost nervously like you'd hop out the window with any wrong move he made. 
“no,” you said it fast making him smirk, almost as if he knew what you were thinking, almost as if he were familiar with the typical female anxiousness. familiar with the fast talking, redden cheeks, lip bites, fingers fiddling, all of it, it seemed as if he just knew. 
and eli was, it hadn't taken him long when going through girls to pick up on the similar body language they all seemed to have. because really, down to the bottle, they all did the same thing; always rubbed their lips together prompting for kisses, using a different fragrance than usual when finally alone, fingers tapping, lessening the clothing on their body than the usual outfit. all similar, and he could almost see it in you despite this being an unintentional meet up... and you weren't trying to pounce on. 
“actually.. yeah,” you lightly bit your bottom lip as you looked at your lap, trying to think of the best way to ask him the question that had been on your mind for awhile; “what do you expect from me, eli?” wow, what kind of question was that?
it was an honest and upfront one, something he wasn't used to, practically sending him into shock as he had to look at you fully to see if you were actually serious and not pulling his leg, seeming like something you'd do. 
but you really wondered. 
“uh- i, what?”
you awkwardly laughed, looking to him, “no, i mean i really don't give a shit, i’m just not about to lead you into something you think you’re going to get nudes in, because your really not.” 
wow, really? 
he almost swore aloud, biting his lip hard, now realizing you really weren't going to be easy, not as easy as the girls who put out the moment you called them pretty, or even the ones who you had to take on a date before they even sent. 
he laughed it off, shaking his head as if you were a fool for thinking that, “you really think that low of me?”
no worries, there’s always plan b; make you feel bad. 
you laughed in return, “yeah, i really do.”
but he forgot you weren’t that stupid to fall for feeling bad just for something you weren’t about. 
“you wouldn't be the first.”
“so, I've heard,” he gripped his neck, eyes now glued to the road before turning into a neighborhood off from the main road, his mind following the map basically glued in his mind from driving past your house to dmitri’s. 
he parked, now seeming to ignore you as his whole plan begun to fall apart right before him. 
“thanks, eli,” you nodded to him, jumping out of the car with your bookbag in hand before beginning to trek up your front yard. 
“anytime, princess.” 
join the taglist lil doggy
@bigbilliamdenbro @axastasiasstuff @spiderman-berries @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @teti-menchon0604 @lydiaamphlett @notyourfuckingbusinesss @estupidteen @torynicholsgf @nessa1107 @carpioassists @vhscherry @simplytpwk @sinicalh4wk @write-from-the-heart @hawkwhore @hawkandtory @lovelyyy-luna @itsnotsoni @w0nderr @deadbeatbarb @bebybailey @mrfeenyisswag @supernaturalcat7 @hawkshairdye @amongtheweepingwillows @mya-bleu @disgustedchild @ktz-bb @venussecrets
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s1ater · 3 years
hiii i saw that you write cobra kai imagines and i was wondering if you could do a miguel imagine in which the reader is best friends with robby and has developed feelings for him while miguel still likes sam, so the reader and miguel start fake dating and emd up catching feelings for eachother?🥺💞
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failure to plan, part one. miguel diaz x reader
summary 📣: above :)
warnings 🚫: gif not mine, swearing
slater’s note 🗯: also there will be A PART TWO I PROMISE
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“i have a plan.”
you looked up from your textbooks, seeing a very hyper miguel, his hands pressed down onto the table, inches across from you. 
you press your lips into a thin line, narrowing your brows up to the boy, your head slightly quirked to the side, “what’s your plan?”
miguel pulled out the seat in front of you, causing you to begin to close your books and set them to the side, giving him your divided attention. 
“i need to be with same,” he said straight forward, folding his arms against the cold, blue plastic table, “i’m done constantly chasing after her.. wondering whether or not she likes me the way i like her still.” 
he paused giving you time to process his words as he tried to think of what to say next, how to form his words while your lips pressed back into a line. 
you didn’t know miguel that well... well you did but he was more or so an acquaintance than anything else. you had found yourself noticing him a lot more the moment him and robby had began to get along, causing your whole friend group to pull closer together, that being, sam, you, tory, robby, demetri, eli, and miguel. 
he was a funny kid, one you could put a lot of trust into if you needed to. 
“i know you like robby,” he paused, looking down at the table as if he was slightly ashamed for knowing this information, and you yourself were slightly shocked, but you stayed silent, resisting the urge to open your mouth. “i see the way you look at him, i know you like that kid just as much as i like sam.”
robby. that “kid” was your best friend and you had very valid reasons as to why you liked him, one being as to he was there for you since day one. robby didn’t have a lot of trust in people, nor did anyone seem to trust him... but you. 
you had met him at a skating rink where you had just about fallen on your ass if he hadn't swooped in and caught you by the arm, keeping you on your feet and away from falling into a deep pit of hurt and scratches. 
he taught you things, you kept him out of trouble, you kept each other alive and in your well beings. you couldn't have asked for a better friend nor would you ever think about replacing him. 
that’s why it was hard for you to realize that you thought of him more than just a friend. the thought of ruining what you had with for something that might not even be a possibility, that being; him liking you. 
“yeah, okay, so you know that, what about it?” 
“i have a proposition.”
“get to the point.”
you didn’t intend for anything that came out of your mouth to be rude, but the fact that he knew something so personal, something that you wouldn't even tell your mom or girl best friend about made you uncomfortable, on edge. what else did he know? 
it was ridiculous to feel so attacked by miguel diaz because really, the kid was sweet, he had no attentions in being harmful, but you just couldn't stop your mind from caving in on itself. 
“fake date,” he said it straight forward making you curve your head a bit in confusion and in thought, wondering whether or not your heard him right or if you were really going crazy faster than you thought. 
“huh?” “fake dating,” he repeated, “it’s the only way to tell whether or not if i’m wasting my time, but i don’t think i am, i just know she likes me back but i need to push her a bit.” “so you want to make her jealous?” he nodded his head, waiting for you to say something, waiting for you to say ‘yes’. 
“what’s in it for me?” “works both ways.” “yes, but i don’t think robby likes me like that, that’s why i haven’t said anything to him about it-”
“y/n,” he cuts you off, wanting to slow down the oncoming rambling that was about to spill out of your mouth in one big mess, “guy best friends usually like their girl best friends. robby just needs a push as well.” 
it made you bit your lip in thought, eyes racing back on the table top before you. the idea he presented before you was either a really good one... or a really, really bad one. 
“i’ll think about it,” you got up quickly, grabbing all your books before rushing out of the library. 
monday came rather fast, making you think you didn’t have nearly enough time to think about miguel’s proposition. you knew he would probably would want an answer, especially due to the fact that you had ignored all his phone calls and texts. 
hanging out with robby all weekend hadn’t necessarily gave you any clarity either. it was the only thing on your mind as you the two of you went to the skate park and his dad's apartment, and mr. larusso’s home, and the food court, and anywhere and everywhere. the only thing. 
you begun to feel bad because twenty minutes into hanging out he had noticed, giving you hard time about it as time continued on it seemed to have been a repetitive thing. 
“what’s on your mind, kid?” “uh, nothing.”
all you could say was you felt bad. 
you hustled down the hallway, trying your best to maneuver yourself around the teen bodies that filled the hallway like a small box. it was hot and stuffy and you felt your heart all high in your chest as you tried to spot for something familiar, spot robby. 
you continued down the hallway before hitting a clearing a relief hitting you and lightening up on your chest, analyzing your environment before planning out how you’d get to your next class. 
you rounded a corner, five feet away from your physics class before you felt the weight of your body being pulled back in your past tracks. 
and you almost smacked whoever did so before realizing it was miguel, a relief coming over you as you sighed, sinking your shoulders back into a more relaxed position. 
he slightly laughed, letting go of your arm, “relax, it’s just me.”
you rolled your eyes, nodding him off, “what do you want?”
“i want an answer.”
“what?” you almost resisted the urge to play dumb but the words just fell out of your mouth, think it would give you more time to make up your mind. 
“you know what.”
“yeah, i don't know,” you turned around but he grabbed onto your shoulder quickly before flipping you back around. 
“y/n,” he gave you a pointed look that made you even more anxious than you already were.
you bit the inside of your cheek, hoping the answer would just come to you right in that moment, but it didn't. there was just some part of you that just didn't understand, maybe that was what was holding you back due to the lack of clarity on the situation. what did “fake dating” even entail? what would you have to do? and why you? what was so special about you other then the fact that you were just as helpless as he was to getting the person he liked to like him back. 
but so what? there were hundreds of girls like that at your school. 
you exhaled, almost rolling your head down in shame, “you know what, fine, i’ll ‘fake date’ you... but you have to tell me why.”
“what do you mean, why?”
“why me, miguel?” 
he rolled his eyes as if it should have been the most obvious thing in the world, “i already told you, we both have people we like-”
“yeah but there’s other people in this school in that exact situation,” you extended out your arm, getting worked up for basically nothing. 
miguel rolled his eyes again before taking a step forward, “we can talk about this later, meet me in the library later.”
and he walked off. 
“hey, can i give you a ride?” 
three o’clock arrived like clock work and after seven classes of hell you walked out of your last one, completely exhausted and ready to go home, but remembered you still had to meet miguel in the library. 
it had been bearing on your mind all day, that you just wished you could forget about it and go home with robby like he offered. 
“no, i can’t,” you mumbled, diverting your body to face robby as the two of you neared the exit of the school.
“why not? got a hot date or something?”
“something like that,” you smiled just as he did. 
“alright, i’ll see you later,” he gave your arm a tight squeeze before walking out the doors, waving as he continued out onto the parking lot. 
“lord, help me.”
“no strings attached, you don’t have to call me at twelve in the morning when your crying nor do i have to call you when i get hurt or some shit,” miguel was straightforward, he pulled out his phone and began reading from a list off of it, like he had had this planned way before even deciding to talk to you about it. “we’re here to make people jealous, not get attached.”
you nodded, trying to process all the things he had said in the past ten minutes about what was to go down with the two of for however how long it would take before either sam or robby broke from underneath the pressure of you two “dating”. 
miguel already had the week planned and you were slightly grateful that he knew what he was doing because you sure as hell didn't. 
“i’ll take you out to the mini golf place so then it’s public, you know? it’ll seem more official and that way people will see us together...” he continued on by saying, “we hold hands, kiss in the hall, and do all the cheesy couple shit.” “thought you were a sucker for that stuff,” you hummed, raising your eyebrows, slightly shocked by him bad mouthing all the “cheesy shit” that couples do, the type of shit you would see him doing in the halls with sam when they were still a thing. 
he rolled his eyes, “whatever, we got a deal?” 
you watched him raise his hand, reaching across the table for your own... and you took it, nodding your head still lost, but content now. 
“we have a deal.”
taglist 🗞:
join the taglist dawg 
@bigbilliamdenbro @axastasiasstuff @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @teti-menchon0604 @lydiaamphlett @torynicholsgf @Skiala45 @write-from-the-heart @mrfeenyisswag
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s1ater · 3 years
Could you do headcannons of dating haw??
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dating hawk includes.
summary 📣: above!
warnings 🚫: uhh idk
slater’s note 🗯: hi bae ily
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➪ you’d be one of the only people to see him without his mohawk up
➪ he loves it when you play with his hair, it relaxes him
➪ you’re also one of the only people able to calm him down and prevent him from making any irrational decisions
➪ you’re literally his safe space and anytime he needs someone you’re the one he goes to
➪ miguel makes fun of him with how obsessed he is with you
➪ like eli will cancel plans with miguel just to hang out with you or even bring you along
➪ and miguel adores you but sometimes he needs his boy time with eli LMAO
➪ i feel like you guys would rough house a lot or just play fight
➪ more or so if he accidentally hits/kicks you harder then he means to he low key overreacts and will like apologize 100 times
➪ “fuck! kinda forgot you were a girl for a second.”
➪ i’m gonna be honest, you guys honestly would have some ups and downs, a lot having to do with cobra kai when kreese took over and influenced him to do stupid things, such ass breaking demetri’s arm
➪ mean to everyone but you
➪ fr has a soft spot for you and he knows he doesn’t have to have his guard up around you
➪ protective ASF
➪ will make a situation a bigger then it actually is
➪ like if a guy accidentally bumps into you he’ll make the guy go apologized
➪ “eli, i’m fine, he barely touched me”
“yeah, well he should still watch where he’s going”
➪ will also start fights and throw punches FOR NO REASON
➪ he’s super soft for pet names and will literally call you by any of them any chance he gets
➪ princess (low key personally i find this cringe but when he says it-), baby (24/7 and sometimes babe), and low key sweetheart but like in a teasing way and he doesn’t say it often
➪ he also calls you “dude”, “dawg”, “bro”, etc because it’s just a habit
➪ and i feel like for your snapchat name he’d have something funny that doesn’t imply you guys are dating (lol) like my slimeee 🤮 or bestfriend 😋
➪ but for your phone the contact name it’d be pretty face or cowgirl or pretty babe
➪ man high key LOVES pda and won’t keep his hands off you no matter where you are
➪ has to have at least a hand on you and has a one foot rule where he doesn’t want to be any further than a foot away when you guys are around each other 😭
➪ he’s obsessed 🤚
➪ will take you on late night drives just to enjoy the silence and dark with each other’s presence
➪ i feel like you guys would also get matching rings, not like a promise ring, but just matching ones
➪ he likes to play with your hair and i feel like he’d want to try and braid your hair at least once but tell you not to tell anybody about it because he HIGH KEY struggles
➪ “y/n, babe- stop recording, help me out!”
➪ posts you on his social media stories
➪ will sneak into your room at night but he’s really loud and doesn’t even care about getting caught sometimes
➪ “let’s go get snacks!”
“eli no!”
“that’s all the way downstairs.”
➪ hungry 24/7 and will make you feed him
➪ made a playlist just for the two of you to listen together on drives you guys go on
➪ also listens to the playlist whenever he misses you
➪ teases you a whole lot
➪ he did it a lot too before you two start dating but it just kept going when you guys got together
➪ he’s an overall good boyfriend who can be overprotective sometimes
@bigbilliamdenbro @axastasiasstuff @spiderman-berries @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @teti-menchon0604 @lydiaamphlett @notyourfuckingbusinesss @estupidteen @torynicholsgf @nessa1107 @carpioassists @vhscherry @simplytpwk @sinicalh4wk
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s1ater · 3 years
ugh im so stupid sorry i just left a request for hawk with prompts 22,24, and 30 but i forgot to say from the fluff section:) sorry im a dumbass
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it never snowed in new york. eli moskowitz x reader
summary 📣: in which eli has had a crush on reader since their freshman year and can’t seem to suppress those feelings anymore when they bubble up after a day of you slightly “pulling at his heart strings”
warning/s 🚫: swearing and fluff (and low key rushed)
slater’s note 🦎: i forgot to post this oops
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“are you wearing my sweatshirt?”
you turned around abruptly, slightly shocked at the sudden interruption of the silence. eli wore a confused look, his eyebrows slightly knitted together as he analyzed the familiar red hoodie hugged around your body. 
you slightly laughed nervously, confused by his reaction and facial features that seemed as if he was mad, but confused. his eyes wouldn’t leave the fabric, like he was also stunned. 
“yeah,” you laughed lightly again, “it is, i was hoping you wouldn’t have minded-”
“no, no, not at all,” he said quickly, his eyes finally meeting yours, shaking himself for whatever trance he was stuck in at that moment, a smirk soon filling his face, “looks good on you.” 
you smiled in return, now fully turning around from the homework you had been doing before eli had entered the room, fresh out of the showered with blow dried hair, the mohawk no longer tainting his hair like usual, but now more relaxed as it was laying flatly on his head. 
this was a rare occurrence, seeing eli without the mohawk, and when it happened, you made sure to always soak it up, usually going out of your way to twirl your fingers through the soft strands, and although at first he was against it, swatting your hands away or glaring, he now gave into the relaxing and comforting patterns of your fingers that swung around strands of his red hair. 
“you finish your homework yet?” he broke away from the doorway, making his way through his room while you turned back to your chem book, shaking your head. 
“no.” “i said you could’ve just copied off of mine.”
“yeah, but that’s cheating.”
“so?” “i wanna understand this shit, not just copy and move along.”
“y/n, you’re stupid,” he turned to face you, dumbfounded, “you used to copy off me and demetri all the time freshman year.”
“yeah, but that’s when i understood but was just too lazy to do the work.”
he squinted at you, “sure,” and then turned back to do whatever he was doing. 
you bit your lip, listening to him rummage through his drawers while you also had your back to him, trying to continue on with your chem homework, but couldn’t find any motivation to do so. 
he had finally stopped before tossing something your way, landing onto the spot right next to you on his bed, you glanced over to object, a snow globe, the white plastic snow flowing over to the bottom of it’s side. 
you narrowed your brows, looking up at him with a quirked brow. he made his way over to you before hopping onto the bed across from you, grabbing onto the rather large object. 
“from my trip to new york last summer, forgot to give it to you,” he mumbled, examining it, his eyes tracing over the round glass that held in all the water and fake snow and replicas of famous building in new york, “my mom thought you’d like it.” 
you smiled, taking the object from his hands before shaking it, watching the white glitter and spect of white plastic fly and swirl around the globe, slowly falling back to the bottom.
“you know it never snowed it the city while we were there, kind of disappointed about it still but-“
“thank you,” you leaned forward, pressing your lips on the side of his face, interrupting his low rambles.
eli’s cheeks grew red and eyes slightly expanded in surprise. he tried his best to keep his emotions under control, trying to not let freshman eli who had a major crush on your freak out too much, but he couldn’t suppress the color in his face that slightly began to match his hair.
you leaned back, calmly examining the snow globe and watching it with fascination and admiration as eli stared straight forward, slightly still shocked and taken back.
“what are we?”
you looked up from the snow globe, taken back by the sudden abruptness, his tone was dull and straightforward will his eyes were landed on his bedsheets, cheeks still red.
“i mean,” he licked his lips, looking up to you, “y/n i like you, i’ve liked you for a long time, but i don’t know if you know that because you’ve talking to jack but now...”
you smiled lightly, trying to suppress it as he still held a serious expression.
“now i don’t know.”
“eli,” you repeated, leaning forward once again, your hand reaching to grip the back of his neck, your smile now letting loose, “it’s you.”
you lightly scoffed in a playful, sweet way, like he should’ve known this, “it always has been, eli.” 
you laughed lightly, pressing your lips onto his. you still smiled as you kissed him, finding the whole situation amusing for some odd reason and he didn’t understand but he wrapped his arm around your waist, his hand gripping the material of his sweatshirt that you still had on.
you pulled away, a smile still on your face as he was still lost as could be.
“i like you, dumbass,” you whispered, lips still close to his. “i’ve always liked you, not jack eisenba, you.”
his lips formed into a opened mouth smile, as if slightly shocked that you were uttering those words right in front of him, and it wasn’t just a dream.
“well, that’s good to know...”
you rolled your eyes, pulling him deeper onto his bed so you were closer and more comfortable, your chest pressed against his as you now layed atop of him, your hands reaching for his hair, tangling fingers within the red mess.
“your hair is really soft.” 
he hummed, his arms reaching around you, tightly wrapping you closer to him, his chin was pressed on the top of your head while your hands were looped around his neck, one fiddling with the long strands of hair that fell low.
“so, you wanna copy my chem homework now?”
join my taglist mf
@bigbilliamdenbro @axastasiasstuff @spiderman-berries @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @teti-menchon0604 @lydiaamphlett @notyourfuckingbusinesss @estupidteen @torynicholsgf @nessa1107
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s1ater · 3 years
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like clockwork. eli moskowitz x reader
summary 📣: in which reader and eli always have the same routine
warnings 🚫: swearing, talk of abuse but it’s not actually abuse, toxic relationship like REALLY TOXIC
slater’s note 🗯: i am literally so mad, i was going to post a robby fic tonight but it didn’t save so hope this holds you guys down. also it’s short :,)
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“suck my dick!”
“you were always so dramatic.”
“just the way you like it though, huh eli?”
you had the nastiest look on your face that made him wince so hard, but he recovered, quirking an eyebrow, “you were always a brat.”
“awh,” you popped your bottom lip out, shinning the big puppy dog eyes he always fell victim to, “but what does that make you, the biggest fucking asshole to walk this earth?”
“say whatever you need to say, whatever makes you sleep at night, princess.”
clock work, just the clock work.
the only thing that kept you from ripping your hair out was the thought of this only being clock work. something that had to happen in order for you to get to the next step, to be able to be closer to the goal.
and the goal was always the same, being together.
it was rather ridiculous, but it was just how it worked, it was how your relationship with eli functioned and how you got through the days without tearing each others eyes out.
“why don’t you just... end things, y/n? for good?”
“because i love him.”
“that’s not how it should work though. y/n, if you really love him you need to just let him go... for good.”
it was a nightmare to think about life without eli though, you cared for him so much that you couldn’t imagine going a day without calling him yours, without his gaze on you, the gaze that made you feel like you were in the stars.
“fuck you.”
“that’s right, fuck me, because everything i do is my fault.”
miguel couldn’t even comprehend how the two of you even functioned with each other, it never made sense. one minute you’re all lovey dovey, on top of each other, can’t get enough of one another, but the next he has to hold back eli from choking the shit out of you.
the boy dipped his head into his hands as he continued to listen to the two of you argue back and forth in the other room. everything was going perfectly fine till the next moment he found you hovered over eli, yelling at him about whatever it was that you yelled at him about.
and it was all the same, always the same. girls, boys, girls who talked to eli, boys who talked to you, girls who flirted shamelessly with eli, boys who flirted shamelessly with you. all the same.
“why don’t you just... why don’t you care? why can’t you just fucking show emotion when i talk to you?”
“are you fucking kidding me, y/n?” he inhaled sharply, his shoulders ducking forward as did his arms, reaching out in expression, “i can barely get anything from you! show emotion? how about you take your own goddamn advice?”
“shut up!”
miguel glanced over to sam who chewed on her nail, pacing the floor as she also listened, hoping to god it’d be over soon.
“maybe if you supported-“
“maybe if i supported you? that’s all i do, what do you think i’m doing? you think i’m here just for a good time? ‘cause-“
“it sure seems like it!”
it always ended with someone crying. that someone being you. and it always ended fast, falling from the sky and out of no where. so fast it made your stomach hit your throat, guilting you into tears as he’d leave.
he’d leave, but he’d be back.
he’d always be back and it didn’t matter when or where or how, it just happened and you’d be there with open arms, welcoming him whole heartedly.
yeah, he’d be back.
taglist 🗞:
@bigbilliamdenbro @axastasiasstuff @spiderman-berries @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @teti-menchon0604 @lydiaamphlett @notyourfuckingbusinesss @estupidteen @torynicholsgf @nessa1107 @carpioassists @vhscherry @simplytpwk @sinicalh4wk @write-from-the-heart @hawkwhore @hawkandtory @lovelyyy-luna @itsnotsoni @w0nderr @deadbeatbarb @bebybailey @mrfeenyisswag @supernaturalcat7 @hawkshairdye @amongtheweepingwillows
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s1ater · 3 years
hey queen i’m gonna ask politely for a part two of “high school rivals” i just need it in my life that was one of the best hawk fics i’ve read so mrs gorl do me a solid and write a part two! i will forever be in your debt!!!! anyways love you and all the stuff you’ve written!❤️❤️
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highschool rivals, part two. eli moskowitz x reader
summary 📣: in which reader believes hawk is fucking with her when saying he does karate, but he won’t prove otherwise, no matter how much she begs.
warnings 🚫: swearing, drinking , also reader and miguel are only friends (i swear it’s not flirting), uhh
slater’s note 🗯: yuh, finally updated, sorry it took so long i’ve literally had no MOTIVATION but hey(love you bae thank you for giving me motivation to update)
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part one, part two
the weekend reached faster than you thought it would, giving you no time to think out a plan on how to set hawk off.
maybe you should’ve just gotten over it, but the urge to egg him on, to watch him snap kept a provoking feeling in the inside of your stomach to keep planning.
you didn’t understand why, but something about hawk just fascinated you, made you obsessed with thoughts of him and what he could do to you.
and maybe the thought setting him off into a rage set you off into excitement of what he would do to you.
pinning you down, overpowering your strength just so he could win, anything and everything to show the dominance he had over you.
oh it was wrong, but so so fun to think about.
saturday morning hit you hard from a rough hangover resonating from the night before with mia and harper, a lot of drinking taking place due to it being harper’s birthday and all she wanted to do was watch old movies and drink till she blacked out.
and oh boy did she really black out.
and so did mia, leaving you up and alone with edward scissor hands playing in the background as your newly drunken mind searched through your phone for something entertaining.
someone entertaining.
your first choice, miguel, him being the first one to pop up on your recently snapped on snap chat.
y/n: i’m bored, come hang out w me
miguel: u drinking yet?
y/n: ye
miguel: i’d come but i’m w people
y/n: uh fuk yow
miguel: aren’t we hanging out tomorrow anyways
y/n: yeh but everyone’s aslep now
miguel: oh facts
eli wants to talk to you
your drunken self had rolled your eyes, sliding out of the chat and into hawk’s snap user who was already typing.
hawk: can i come over?
y/n: no
hawk: awh, why not princess
y/n: shut up
people who lie about being in karate don’t get to come to drinking parties
hawk: oh?
y/n: yeah now leve me alone
hawk: miss me yet?
it was like he knew how to play the game perfectly, a game that wasn’t even really a game. just teasing being held between two hormonal teens who made out a couple of times.
he knew exactly how to get into your mind which is why it didn’t take long before he had convinced you to allow him to sneak over to harper’s house, wearing a black hoodie that was draped over his head with miguel following right behind with glasses you had never seen on him before.
“you said you were with people,” you had narrowed your brows, looking over hawk’s shoulder at miguel who was still outside due to you blocking the way in through the sliding door.
his eyes connected to yours after slowly analyzing his surroundings as if something would pop out of the dark at any moment.
“yeah,” he jerked his head a bit, “i’m with lover boy here who convinced me to drive him five miles to a drunk birthday party at two in the morning.”
you studied miguel a bit more better, realizing he had slightly smears of acne cream on his cheeks and forehead, pulling together the glasses and pajama pants look. he seemed annoyed and tired, which made sense since it actually was two in the morning.
“hi,” your eyes drew away from miguel to hawk who smiled smoothly, his red hair peaking out from underneath his hood, dipping down into a form you had never seen it; flat.
“hi,” you replied, slightly shocked before being pulled in closer to him, his cold hands rubbing up and down your waist before peaking underneath your own hoodie.
his cool finger tips pressed into your hipbones, his fingernails slightly curving and breaking into your skin as he tried to get an even tighter hold on you. the pads of his thumbs rubbed up and down against the dips of your stomach as he continued to stare straight into your eyes, calmly.
“so, can we get this train moving or are we gonna stand in the doorway for the rest of the night?”
you couldn’t recall if you had gone anywhere farther than rubbing skin against skin with the boy or his lips pressing against your forehead biding you sweet dreams as he left before the rest of the morning could catch him. the alcohol eating away at all memories and events that had happened between two and five.
y/n: hey, can i head over?
miguel: yeah, eli should be there to let you in
the weekend had entailed a lot of hanging out, saturday implying drinking and just general talking in miguel’s apartment with robby, hawk, harper, and mia.
you weren’t exactly sure if it was a good idea to be drinking day after day but it was your teenage years, whats the worst that could happen?
“you’re early.”
you frowned watching the door open to only see hawk, his expression dead, almost like he was annoyed but he still let you in, leaving the apartment door wide open.
“where’s miguel?” you asked, stepping into the cool apartment from the roasting air, a feeling of relief settling on your skin as you were no longer cooking into a chicken in the hot sun.
“what do you mean?”
“well this is his apartment... right?” you looked around analyzing the small space. it was neat but there was some kind of atmosphere filling the air making the whole area dark.
you sat on the couch watching eli as he seemed to be rummaging around the kitchen, seemingly ignoring you by not answering your question.
“what’re you doing?”
“wanna spar?”
he looks up, his eyes meeting dead in yours, “shut up.”
the apartment soon seems to fill with a silence quickly and rather awkwardly as you sat there, patting your lap with your hands, switching between each thigh as your mind raced.
do something.
but you didn’t think it was a good idea to do something, it had only been a minute into your arrival and he already seemed snappy.
it was then did you really wish you could remember everything that had happened the night before and as to why it was so suddenly awkward.
it didn’t make sense, he would always find something to talk about, that was one of the first things you had picked up on about him.
“you mad at me?”
“no,” he said it slowly, glancing over to you as you were already looking at him, how shifting your position on the couch.
“why’re you being weird.”
he laughed.
and then... ignored your question.
“what happened last night?”
he looked up from the counter again, you had noticed he was writing something down, making you guess he was doing his homework or something.
he also seemed annoyed, looking over once again to your doubtful state.
“you were drunk.”
“yeah, the killer headache i had this morning told me.”
“why’re you being to fucking weird?”
“i’m not, jesus,” he snapped at you, his face screwing up with annoyance as well as slight confusion as to wondering why you were being so anxious.
“you seem mad, man.”
“well maybe if you shut-“
“i got the alc!” the sudden noise of the apartment door opened caused eli to cut himself off, looking over to the white chipped door open, revealing miguel and robby.
you clenched your jaw, looking away from the two boys and to the floor, thinking about the sentence hawk was about to spat in front of your face before interrupted.
shut up.
“you two good?”
taglist 🗞:
join my taglist for good luck
@bigbilliamdenbro @axastasiasstuff @spiderman-berries @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @teti-menchon0604 @lydiaamphlett @notyourfuckingbusinesss @estupidteen @torynicholsgf @nessa1107 @carpioassists @vhscherry @simplytpwk @sinicalh4wk @amongtheweepingwillows @write-from-the-heart
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s1ater · 3 years
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different type of game, part one. eli moskowitz x reader
summary 📣: in which eli moskowitz is a popular hockey player, but to reader he was just a boy tory nichols had history with. but eli’s trying to erase that history, and what better way then trying to get with her best friend?
warnings 🚫: mentions of sex, swearing, vulgar language, drinking, tory and reader have a “funny” relationship, no mohawk eli‼️
slater’s note 🗯: i saw a video of hockey jacob, so this kind of inspired this fic. also is it wrong that i lowkey ship tory and hawk?
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part one, part two
“hockey boys are fun, always a good fuck.”
“jesus, tory.”
“what?” she out called innocently, leaning back from the boarder separating the two of you from the ice, “it’s true.”
“oh yeah?” you quirked a brow to tory, leaning away from the boarder as well and making your way to the entrance onto the ice.
you really wondered if tory thought about the words that came out of her mouth before they actually came out of her mouth.
the two of you had been watching the high school hockey team practice with the rest of your figure skating team when her words just popped into the air.
“who have you fucked?”
it’s silent, meaning either tory hadn’t followed you onto the ice and didn’t hear you or she was stumped.
she never got stumped, only with you really, and it was because you knew how to contradict her without fear, unlike others who would rather keep their mouths shut then receive a blade to the face from the stupid spike bracelet she kept around her wrist at all times.
you slightly glanced back, trying to see if she was following you, “tory? who’d you fuck?”
the skating rink smelt of sweat and blood, making scrunch up your nose slightly as you got farther to the center. it hadn’t ever mattered how early you got to the rink, it always smelled like that, even before the hockey practices.
“no one.”
“shut up,” you rolled your eyes, turning the heal off your skate to face her. you knew she was lying then.
“tory,” you dumbfounded, “who’d you have sex with?”
it was like she was cowering away from you, as if you were about to hit her or something and you didn’t get it.
“fine,” she nipped at her lip, eyes sliding along the ice, “miguel diaz.”
and you almost gasped, eyes widening, “tory,” but you kept it in, your hand reaching for her, almost asking her if she was serious, “no way, the kids a dork.”
“shut up, no he’s not.”
“yes he is!” you almost laughed, “he’s friends with those other dweebs, y’know? the lip kid and uh-“
“y/n, you’re stupid,” it was her turn dead stare you in the eyes with a disappointed glare in her irises, “that was freshman year, two years ago, a lot happens in two years- god haven’t you ever seen eli shotgun? he does it at almost every party.”
“lip kid.”
“oh.. huh?”
tory rolled her eyes as if she was done with your shit, “he has the rough red hair, almost looks pink... uh, hot, number 20 on the hockey-“
you gasped, it all suddenly clicking in your head, “that’s him?”
“yes, that’s him.”
tory looked at you as if you were stupid, her face blank but harsh, it almost made you laugh, but you held it in, allowing a small snide smile slide across your lips, “how was he?”
“no, eli,” you rolled your eyes, “yes, tory, the one you had sex with.”
“oh...” her teeth sunk into her bottom lip once again. her cool and rude exterior seemed to have disappeared real quick in replace of nervousness, “what if i told you i fucked the both of them?”
it was a late friday night, ten minutes after practice when you felt rushed by tory’s phone call.
“y/n, where are you?”
“tory, where are you?” you were struggling with the phone pressed up to your ear as you tried your best to pull off skates and balance yourself up.
it was nine thirty at night, practice had just gotten over and there was no sign of tory at all throughout the night.
it always seemed as though tory was a slacker, didn’t show up for school, but always showed up to figure skating practice. she always said it was her ticket to a better life, especially with finals coming up. so it was weird for her to ditch out.
“y/n, it’s larusso’s party tonight, it started half an hour ago,” you could hear an annoyance in her tone, “you said you would meet me here.”
you closed your eyes tightly, it suddenly all coming back to you. you had promised her to be her safety buddy for the night just in case any weirdos came around harassing up on her.
“fuck, tory, i forgot,” you lightly slapped your forehead as if scolding yourself, sitting down in one of the arena seats, “i’ll be there soon, practice just ended.”
“you better be,” her voice erupted through your phone speaker, “i’ve been talking to stingray for the half hour, i’m gonna shoot myself before i have another drink.”
you rolled your eyes at the exaggeration that came from her mouth, “shut up.”
and you hung up the phone.
you squinted up at the large larusso home. everyone knew daniel larusso as the ex-hockey-player-valley-championship-winner-now-super-rich-car-salesman. the people of LA worshiped the man.
trekking up the front lawn you could already smell the booze that was practically leaking past the front door.
“finally, you made it,” tory’s arm slung over your shoulder the moment you walked in, her hand shoving a red solo cup in your own, “drink up, long night ahead.”
you narrowed your brows, looking to her a bit confused at her tense posture. she should have been loosened up more, especially with how much alcohol she probably drunk.
“you alright?” you quirked a brow while taking a drink of the sour tasting liquid that you found hard forcing down your throat.
you winced, slightly tilting your head before throwing back some more into your mouth.
“nothing, just kinda... bored.”
“shut up, no you’re not.”
“can we go sit down?”
she was moving before you could say ‘yes’ and moving pretty fast as she swerved herself around the clumps of people littering the living room.
she sat down on a couch in the corner, her hands sitting gently on her lap making your brows close in on each other even more. it didn’t make sense as to why she was being so... awkward.
it was like her heart was racing and her eyes were moving fast, looking from one place to another, like she was paranoid, looking for someone.
“tory, are you on drugs?” you asked, placing your hand close to her as you took a seat next to her on the nice leather couch.
you could barely see her face by the way the only thing illuminating her features were the cheap tacky disco lights set in all the corners of the room.
“no, y/n,” she shook her head, eyes squinting slightly, “fuck you, no, i just need something to drink.”
“okay,” you nodded slightly, leaning away from her and standing up, “i’ll get you some.”
she stayed silent, not even watching you walk away but her attention being drawn toward the group of kids beginning to dance in the center of the room.
it was unsettling seeing her so on edge, so strange, it made you uncomfortable due to tory being the usual life of a party. it was so unlike her.
you grabbed one of the solo cups stacked on the counter, biting on your lip as you thought more and more about why tory would be in the mood that she was in.
you couldn’t think of anything as you leaned up on the counter, your hand reaching for the ice as you shoveled it into the red plastic cup.
maybe she was mad you were late or maybe something had happened to her while you were at practice or maybe-
“you’re tory’s friend, right?”
you looked up, pausing your actions of pouring ice into the cup. your eyes met a pair of blue ones, studying you.
“uh, yeah,” your eyebrows were furrowed again, slightly confused as to who you were looking at...
red hair, rough red hair fading into pink...
your face dropped from its confusion and you were then trying your best to bite back a wave of amusement that begun filling your stomach.
“you’re on the figure skating team too, aren’t you.”
“yeah, are you?”
he scoffed, slight amused taking a drink of the solo cup he held in his hand, “no, hockey team. don’t think i’m nimble enough to do figure skating.”
your eyes raked his body, “hm, i think you could probably pull it off.”
you now leaned away from the counter, sliding further down to the other side where the bottle of waters were. eli followed you slightly on the other end of the marble counter.
“you’re flattering, really.”
“i try to be,” you begun dumping the contents of one of bottles you picked up into the cup, your eyes not meeting his but rather focused on what you were doing.
“y/n? that’s your name, right?”
“yeah, how’d you know?” you still didn’t look up, not really interested in the fact that he knew your name.
“not hard to know about something when you really wanna know about it.”
you looked up then, watching him drink the contents of his drink as he slightly analyzed you, wanting to see your reaction.
“you’re funny...” you mumbled, as if what he said was a joke, but you knew it was a joke, you were just confused, your eyebrows slightly raised.
you didn’t know what to say, but you really wanted to say something as you stared at him and he stared back, waiting.
you didn’t know what to say.
and you wanted to think that he didn’t know what to say either but you knew better than to think that a boy like him didn’t have a million things to say, all things that could stump you even more, make you flustered, make you embarrassed, make you red in the cheeks. 
a million things to say, but yet he stood silent, as if waiting for you to say the first words to allow him to pounce. 
taglist 🗞:
join my taglist mf
@bigbilliamdenbro @axastasiasstuff @spiderman-berries @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @teti-menchon0604 @lydiaamphlett @notyourfuckingbusinesss @estupidteen @torynicholsgf @nessa1107 @carpioassists @vhscherry @simplytpwk @sinicalh4wk
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s1ater · 3 years
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old friends, part three. eli moskowitz x reader
summary 📣: in which two old friends reunite but it doesn’t end how the reader had hoped.
warnings 🚫: swearing, small amount of violence, reader is real emotional/bipolar, and writing that might not make sense/in need of writing
slater’s note 🗯: hi! LAST PART, honestly thought it would go longer but i’m pretty sure this is it, if some of y’all want a fourth part, i’ll take it into consideration :) but thank you guys
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part one, part two, part three, part four
“i fucking hate you.”
words he could barely process before you used all the force built up in your body to shove eli, not caring where he ended up and certainly not what he would do to you next.
and you grinned drunkly, watching him topple backwards into moon’s heated pool, a fulfilled smile already on your face before you could even process the grip he had ahold of on your arm.
you let out a shriek once feeling the tips of your sneakers dip out into the edge of the pool, water soon wrapping around you like a cool blanket.
it had felt like you were under there forever, the heated pool, not so heated, with bubbles flying out from underneath you, but you had resurrfaced just as fast as you went under, the boy who had pulled you in already above the green colored pool from the effect of the LEDS, the side of his face absolutely enraged.
eli turned to you quickly, grabbing onto forearm, practically dragging you out of the pool and you had just wished the water that was soaked in your clothes would have dragged you down lower, you wish the water would have prevented you from moving at all.
the crowd of teens previously surrounding you and tory’s drink off now faced you and hawk, it being completely silent to the point that you could hear the sway of pools water sloping back and forth against the pool tile walls so clearly that it hurt your ears.
you searched for miguel while being roughly pulled away from the scene and right as you did, his eyes finding yours, you were swallowed deeper into the crowd of teens and then into moon’s home before you were in the driveway where less and less people begun to appear.
you had stopped pulling once you had went out the front door, content with how he was about to beat the shit out of you for embarrassing him. for embarrassing hawk.
eli shoved you into the passenger side door of his car before getting into the drivers seat after rounding the front of his nice red car that made you wonder where he found the money to afford it.
“what the fuck is your problem?”
you flinched and maybe you shouldn’t have because his voice was rather unusually calm for someone who was soaking wet from being pushed into a pool.
he narrowed his brows at your strange reaction before flattening out into a blank expression once again, waiting for you to say something because now was your time.
“eli, i don’t-“
“shut up,” he said quickly, “you fucking humiliated me tonight for your own petty reasons, you’re giving me a reason as to why.”
an opportunity like this would never happen again, especially after tonight. and as much as you wanted to stay silent-
“speak faster.”
-he was practically breathing down your neck with how inpatient he was at that moment.
“i hate the person you’ve turned into,” you mumbled, forcing it out, avoiding his gaze that was so obviously set on you, consuming you, wanting you to look back at him.
just look.
“i hate the person you’ve turned into, and i hate the way you ignore me so easily, and i hate the way you don’t miss me, and i hate the way you act like you don’t give a fuck, i hate the way that you walk around and kiss other girls like ours meant nothing to you, like i meant nothing to you,” tears dipped out of your eyes, sending gel like orbs of clear liquid down your cheeks, your voice now raised.
“i hate you, i hate you so fucking much!”
eli slowly closed his eyes, as if it would help shield himself away from your yelling, your drunken curses and cries that so easily slipped out of your mouth and into his ears.
“you never cared about me, you never gave a fuck about me or demetri, and how could you? after all the fucking shit we’ve been through?”
he clenched his jaw, opening his eyes back up, meeting the glossy shells of yours, anger filling and pouring in and out of every feature glued onto your face.
you hated the way he stared at you, you hated the way he looked so blank, like he didn’t care, just like he never did. it hurt.
it hurt, it hurt, it hurt.
and you wanted to make him hurt.
“fuck you!” you smacked his chest, causing him to flinch back against the car door, “fuck you! you don’t even care right now, do you? you never did.”
you smacked his chest again and again and again till he stopped flinching away, absorbing the blows against his chest.
you were drunk.
he had to repeat it in his head, you were drunk. you weren’t sensible, you weren’t able to piece it all together because you were drunk.
“you stupid fucking boy,” you spat, your hits becoming harder and harder as you let the anger seep deeper into your pores, “too fucking insecure about his past that he has to make sure everything of it is eliminated. fuck you, fuck you and your stupid back tattoo.”
eli quickly grabbed onto your wrists quickly, forcing them over your head, pressing them against the passenger seat window. cold glass lightly touching your wrists as he held them their, tightly.
he was leaned over you, resisting a glare about to take over his stare, trying to hold the pointed and serious look instead. he didn’t want you to see you had strucked a nerve, he just wanted you to calm down.
he was having a hard time himself staying in that aroma.
“you done?” he raised his eyebrows, watching the tears dry on your cheeks while you still had bubbles of water glazed over your eyes, trying your best to hold it all back.
“fuck you.”
“yes, fuck me,” he whispered, “get over it, y/n.”
he paused, analyzing the position you were in before continuing, “people change, for better or for worse, they change.. so just accept it... you changed too.”
you swallowed, the amount of confrontation he had in that moment was overwhelming to your slowly sobering self, but you still were largely intoxicated, making you glare.
“okay, hawk,” you hissed, pushing against the strong hold he had on your wrists, and for that moment, he pressed harder against the glass, “i’m not the one who had to entirely change their personality just so my sensi would like me.”
“and i’m not the one who had to turn to alcohol just to cope with the fact that i had no more friends,” he shot back, completely unbothered from your words, even though it should have stung.
and it did for a second before he had to remind himself, you didn’t mean it.
you were drunk. you were drunk. you were drunk. you were drunk.
“fuck you,” you repeated but this time it came out as a whine, you tried jerking forward but you made difference to his strong hold, “you’re the reason i even started drinking in the first place, eli, you ruined me!”
his glare softened at your words, causing him to let go and pull away slowly back into the drivers seat, sitting properly.
“it’s not because i didn’t have any friends, it was because of the one friend i didn’t have,” you rubbed your wrists, “fucking you and your stupid ass.”
“y/n, i-“ eli stopped mid phrase, his lips pressed into a thin line, trying to think of how he could phrase correctly with the weight suddenly pressed onto his chest, “i didn’t know.”
“why would you?” you whispered, hurt soaking your voice, “you never answered my calls, never showed up, never-“
“i shouldn’t have ignored you,” he cut you off quickly not wanting to be reminded of all he did, his voice was so silent that you almost didn’t hear it. “i shouldn’t have done any of that to you.”
licking the inside of your cheek, you glanced over to him, hoping he wasn’t looking at you, and he wasn’t, he looked ahead straight into the dark sky, staring at the stars through his front windshield.
the stars.
they flickered and shone brightly, lighting up the sky like a lamp in a dark room. you swore you could see them move, rotating around like one of those mobiles that hung above young children’s heads, coaxing them to sleep.
dancing stars.
you let a small smile of a strange satisfaction take over your drunken state at the sight of the glowing stars, the corners of your cheeks arising and your eyes crinkling in the corners.
“i’m so sorry...” were the last words that you allowed to reach your ears, making your cheeks go red and your body go slack in content, the rest history as the car started with a hum and ended with the sound of exhaust, the stars following you all the way to the end, following two old friends to the end.
comment to be added for future works :)
@amberritonicole @rosiahills22 @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @supernaturalcat7 @alilmercy @torynicholsgf @drikawinchester @evewithluv @sarahh-wiggins
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s1ater · 3 years
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old friends, part four. eli moskowitz x reader
summary 📣: in which two old friends reunite but it doesn’t end how the reader had hoped.
warning/s 🚫: just fluff :)
slater’s note 🗯: FINAL PART, i caved and reading your guys’ comments, i agreed. hopefully this reaches your guys’ expectations! more works coming soon :)
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part one, part two, part three, part four
he was pretty when he slept.
he didn’t have as much pent up anger and smugness in his features as he usually did.
the side of your face was pressed into the soft grey pillowcase that supported your head up, allowing your to have a higher look at eli and his calm, relaxed face. a very rare sight. 
his chest steadily rose up and down, sleep still in his mind and body, not seeming to break anytime soon.
you adjusted yourself to lay on your back, staring up at the ceiling, thinking of all that had changed in the past month.
you found yourself getting trapped in that mindset of looking back at the past in the early mornings where no one else seemed to be awake.
you hated it, the reminder that you and eli weren’t exactly like this months ago, relaxed in your bed, a peaceful aroma held over the two of you 24/7 no matter where you were or who you were with.
it was a breath of fresh air every time you saw him, every time you were around him, you no longer cared for the past and how there was a period of time where he just ignored you, treating you so badly unintentionally. 
he had explained that when flipping his script, he wanted to leave all past weaknesses of him behind completely, even if that meant leaving behind some old friends. but he hadn’t realized how hard and how unfair it would be until it had actually all unfolded before him.
days didn’t go by without him apologizing, a sympathetic look usually on his face while his hand went over yours, squeezing it tightly. he was really only like that when around you. 
kisses on your cheek. holding you closely. whispering in your ear, it didn’t matter what it was, small promises, little jokes, random gossip, but whatever it was it gave you goosebumps on your arms and the back of your neck.
he started to wear that stupid blue sweater again, like he never took it off.
and you had begun to grow accustomed to the stupid tattoo on his back, tracing the ink outlines of the hawk with your cool fingerprints, relaxing him into sleep or a content state.
he’d take you on drives with that new car of his, finding glee with watching you stick your head out the window, joyful yelps coming from your mouth as the wind ran it’s fingers through your hair, waving it around, leaving it for a mess.
you didn’t drink anymore. he made sure of that. and just to make it easier on you, he wouldn’t either, partnering with you to be a designated driver for all your friends. finding much more enjoyment with watching them stumble and slur around in the backseat.
he cared about you a lot and he’d made sure you knew it every day, even more clingy than before he was ‘hawk’.
“you gonna keep staring?” he smirked up at you before inching up on his back, leaning over to you.
his slightly muscular arm reached onto the other side of you, supporting himself as he leant down lightly kissing you.
a lot of mornings would almost start like that, kisses on your face, hands holding you tightly, eli giving you moments that made you feel like you were stuck in time, stars spiraling around in the inside of your mind, butterflies swooshing through your stomach.
yeah, he made you feel pretty good, something no one else could do, only an old friend. he brought good dreams, good thoughts, good moments. he was only like that for you.
only for you, an old friend, not only living in your head, but in your bed. forever.
comment to be added to future works :)
@amberritonicole @rosiahills22 @alexmercer-reginaldpeters @supernaturalcat7 @alilmercy @torynicholsgf @drikawinchester @evewithluv @sarahh-wiggins
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robbyswayzekeenes · 3 years
miguel diaz headcanons ( best friend )
some wholesome headcanons about being best friends (definitely nothing more hehe) with miguel diaz 
requested by @torynicholsgf​
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you and miguel become friends when he first moves to west valley high
you two have science class together, and he’s assigned as your lab partner
and as it turns out, whilst miguel is smart, practical science is not his speciality
he’s so clumsy and you can’t help but find it adorable yet completely hilarious
one afternoon in chemistry, you’re doing a practical project using test tubes and he manages to drop the whole wrack, smashing them all over the floor
he’s so embarrassed but neither of you can stop laughing
the teacher, however, was not impressed
and the pair of you have to repeat the project again at home in order to get the results you need for your test
so later that evening you go over to his house
and he’s a little embarrassed at first because he doesn’t have an awful lot but you can’t help but admire how loving his family is
as soon as they meet you, his family adore you
carmen thinks you’re just the sweetest and his yaya is always telling you how attractive you are
“you know, mijo, you’re very lucky to have this one. they are too good for you, no? por favour, mi amour, please marry mi miguelito”
whenever she said this, miguel would blush profusely and reassure his yaya that you were just best friends
before each other, neither you or miguel had ever had that many friends
so soon enough you two are as thick as thieves
you trust miguel with pretty much everything and he feels the same about you
when he starts training at cobra kai, you join at his request for new students and begin to train with johnny
he definitely thinks you are dating at first, and it takes a lot of convincing for him to believe you and miguel are just friends
you are miguel’s only competition when it comes to sparring, despite the fact you two can barely get through a few moves without erupting into laughter
and when he’s trying to gain the courage to ask out sam larusso, you are his biggest hype man
and when they break up, you are there to comfort him and try make him feel better
carmen ALWAYS invites you over for dinner
and you’re welcome to sleep at miguel’s whenever you like
after winning the all valley (at which you are his biggest hype man) miguel is determined to teach you everything he knows about karate
and despite the fact you train at cobra kai yourself, you let him teach you because it makes him happy
in return, he lets you teach him about one of your interests
miguel is genuinely the most supportive best friend ever, and you’re such an iconic duo
when he gets injured in the fight and ends up in a coma, you have never been more heartbroken
you spend everyday in the hospital by his side, holding his hand and talking to him
you almost go off the rails with hawk and tory trying to get revenge on miyagi-do
but when miguel wakes up, he begs you not to
and you listen, because miguel is always looking out for your best interests, and you have to look out for him the way he wants you to
you help sensei try and get miguel back on his feet
and cry alongside carmen when you’re feeling hopeless
you care for miguel more than anyone and when he begins to walk again, you can’t resist throwing your arms around him and kissing him
which was totally an act of friendship
most definitely
everyday is a struggle trying to convince your parents and sensei and everyone else that you’re just friends
because you just have SO MUCH CHEMISTRY (hehe science pun)
but of course, you’re definitely just friends
or that’s what you tell everyone ;)
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