#tortue ninja
grassus3000 · 2 years
Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles movie 🎬
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Hamato clan new generation + Casey Jones
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Who is Casey for Leonardo ?
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It might be because of Rise, But What the heck is going with the tmnt fandom? Like where is all this hate coming from in reference to be people shipping themselves with the turtles? Like i could understand if it was about them Actually being Turtles but its not. its about aging them up, its about TMNT x Reader in any form of relationship like not even just smut and i don't understand it. I was 10 when the 2007 movie came out and i INSTANTLY fell in love with Ralph, 15 when when 2012 show came out and i shipped myself so hard with Leo Like the fanfics that I've read would make anyone blush. Now that I'm older I may not be as much of fangirl over them but like i still like reading an ''X Reader" from time to time but I've been seeing so much hate for even thinking about aging them up. Like if this is something you've grown up with you're going to age them up and see how they would live life at an older age. Besides we have multiple iterations of the Turtles as Adults sooo I just thought you might know why or could give some kind of explanation of where this distain is coming from. I feel like its because the Rise Turtles are the youngest acting iteration we've seen so far. But as a fandom elder I'm kind of confused.
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what in the tarnation...
That was quite a read this morning xD
First of all, I dunno why I would have an answer, to be honest. I'm basically just a 30 years something goblin that stays in her corner and keep on doing her things without attracting drama and hate 🤷‍♀️ I got no time and energy for that.
Second, people will be people. Simple as that. Not everyone has the same tastes. Not everyone will like the same things. For instances, I'm personally not a huge fan of nsfw content for the other iterations of TMNT - I wouldn't touch Rise with a 10 feet pole in regards to creating nsfw content. The Bayverse ones are the only ones because they appeal to my creativity. They look good. And frankly it's easier to imagine that iteration to be close to my age (personally, I HC Donnie to be my age when I write and draw stuff about him....).
I have indeed seen a lot of discourse about that matter on some corners of the internet. Both sides makes sense, but what matters most in the end is that as long as no one hurts anyone, it's all fine and dandy. Heck, we are responsible for our own internet experience. That's something a loooooot of people tend to forget, hence why they bring down the so called "hammer of justice" on others and try to control what they post about.
Bullshit on that. Do what makes you happy.
Do the stuff for you. Don't harm minors. And especially don't push your content to people who may be unwilling to accept it. As long as people are not writing and/or drawing the gang as minors, then I don't see the issue.
I've had my fair share of fandom bullshit. I now know that this experience is my own, I can shape it however I want, and I can share it however I want. People who happen to like my stuff are only a added bonus.
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Last ronin lost days
So excited for this~
Español: Emocionado por esto ^^
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sneakersculture · 6 months
Des adidas Superstar Tortues Ninja
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stories-all · 3 months
Watch the movie Tortues Ninja: Teenage Years 2024
from here You can watch the full movie https://bit.ly/3uP93MB Link to download the movie: https://bit.ly/3I3kP9c
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processusmonomaniak · 9 months
Ninja Turtles : Teenage Years
Les Tortues Ninja ont connu un grand succès en France dans les années 90 avec une vague multimédia qui ne pouvait qu’attirer le jeune public : dessin animé, film de cinéma, jouets et jeux vidéo. Chacun de ces supports a remporté l’adhésion du public grâce au traitement particulier qui lui a été associé. Le jeu vidéo reflétait bien l’univers putride et ludique des égouts des quatre héros que l’on…
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merciclubdo · 1 year
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Les fameuses 😍 #tnmt #teanagemutantninjaturtles #ninjaturtles #tortuesninja #lestortuesninja #ninja #turtle #tortues #cereal #cerealtoys #retro https://www.instagram.com/p/CoY7xzjIF6i/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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J’ai eu une idée de taré parce que tout le monde pensait que le skin d’Etoiles était une tortue ninja, alors j’ai combiné le QSMP avec le style de ROTTMNT pour mon amusement personnel.
(I had a crazy idea because everyone thought that Etoiles’ skin was a ninja turtle, so I combined the QSMP with the ROTTMNT style for my personal amusement.)
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milfromanroy · 2 years
Louis mon cher come quickly! i have found the most delightful how you say émission de télévision! it is about four brothers cast out by humanity for reasons outside of their control, comme nous, ma chérie.... their father, un rat au grand cœur, trains them in the ways of ninjutsu like his father before him et tu dis que tu veux les manger! they do this so they can defeat their greatest foe… the shredder! a man with knives for hands louisis! They call themselves les tortues ninja mutantes adolescentes! i have used your credit card to buy all 5 seasons. i hope you're not angry with me mon amour…loooiuis… loiuisis why are you laughing…..
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recapqsmp · 9 months
Jeudi 24/08 - Double code
Baghera a montré le serveur à Horty. Pomme a enfin rencontré sa tante. Horty a pu choisir son entité dans le château de Cellbit (Chaos), et a même eu la permission de Richas d'apposer son nom sur une pancarte dedans !
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- Areo
Etoiles a parlé à Forever à propos de son bouclier. Ils ont fait quelques tests dessus, notamment si un lâché d'enclume pouvait le tuer : absolument pas. Forever a aussi expliqué qu'il n'était pas rassuré des nouveaux joueurs. Etoiles a proposé de faire des backpack de bienvenu aux nouveaux joueurs qui le veuillent (car certains voudraient peut-être farmer leur stuff d'eux même), Forever n'est pas trop partant pour cette idée, sauf s'il y a un nouvel oeuf.
Etoiles, en se baladant, est tombé sur une waystone verte, comme celle que le code lui a donné avant ses vacances. En la prenant, il s'est retrouvé aux coordonnées indiquées sur le parchemin du bouclier. En fouillant l'océan, il est tombé sur une structure sous-terraine bizarre, ressemblant à un genre de maison abandonnée dans un décor ensoleillé. En fouillant le donjon, Etoiles est tombé sur 3 livres contenant chacun une énigme, ainsi que le code, qui est apparu avec son épée pour l'affronter.
Après une longue bataille, le code est parti, sans qu'Etoiles ai pu le tuer… avant de revenir, accompagné d'un deuxième code, équipé lui aussi de l'épée ! La bataille entre les 3 a été extrêmement éprouvante, mais Etoiles a fini par réussi a tuer un des codes, le deuxième s'étant enfuit avant de mourir. Il n'a pas pu récupérer l'épée sur son cadavre, mais le deuxième code est revenu momentanément pour lui donner une récompense : un sac contenant une armure en netherite (interdit de l'équiper), des pommes d'or, et .. une pomme normale. Etoiles a ensuite donné les 3 énigmes à Baghera pour qu'elle les résolve.
Cellbit a reçu la visite de Cucurucho, lui disant que "sa pause était terminée, et qu'il faut retourner au travail". Il l'a suivi, et Cucurucho lui a dit qu'ils investiguaient quelque chose, et qu'ils avaient 2 pistes qu'il devait aller voir. Cellbit a accepté, lui faisant croire qu'il était encore de son côté, qu'il faisait semblant devant tout le monde.
Quackity s'est reconnecté au serveur. Il a cassé la waystone à sa maison pour que personne ne puisse venir, et est aller miner du fer. Néanmoins, Pomme avait ses coordonnées, et est allé avec Etoiles à sa rencontre. Quackity n'a pas l'air de se rappeller de lui (et a l'air d'ignorer un maximum les oeufs), appellant Etoiles "Rafael" comme la tortue ninja. Pendant qu'ils discutaient (et se battaient contre des monstres), sa maison a pris feu toute seule, à deux reprises.
Il a ensuite dit à Etoiles qu'il devait s'absenter 5mn. Il s'est téléporté à une maison éloignée, et a utilisé un ascenseur caché pour atterrir dans une base entièrement en quartz. Il a trouvé un coffre contenant des affaires (comme des perles, et une sharestone). Il a miné à travers les murs pour regarder des salles, et est reparti voir Etoiles. Tous les deux sont ensuite allés se balader en ville, Etoiles voulant lui montrer sa base. Ils sont ensuite allé au magasins de Roier (Quackity cassant plusieurs fois son roleplay, puis se déconnectant/reconnectant pour signifier d'oublier ce qu'il venait de dire), et ont été rejoint par Cellbit et Roier. Quackity s'est ensuite déconnecté, précisant qu'il reviendrait le lendemain.
BadBoy a choisi de faire croire aux joueurs qu'il a été missionné par la fédération pour inspecter les constructions des joueurs, et faire respecter les derniers règlements du président Forever en matière de building. Il est allé voir Foolish, Cellbit, Baghera et Etoiles en leur disant que beaucoup de choses devaient changer dans leurs constructions. Les joueurs ont cru au début que Badboy travaillait réellement pour la fédération, mais ont compris la supercherie lorsque BadBoy leur a expliqué les règles totalement farfelues.
Cellbit est allé chercher les deux pistes de Cucurucho, en précisant bien qu'il allait utiliser à son avantage le fait que la fédération le considère encore comme un travailleur, mais ne se laisserait pas avoir cette fois-ci. La première coordonnée l'a emmenné vers un QRCode, contenant "1 -293". Cellbit l'a modifié, et a noté sur son livre que le code était invalide. A la deuxième coordonnée, Cellbit a trouvé un bar dont l'entrée a été condamnée. Dans les tonneaux, il y avait diverses boissons alcoolisées, ainsi qu'une pomme pourrie. En fouillant sous le bar, il a pu trouver 64 blocs de minerais de quartz cachés. Il s'est arrêté là pour la soirée, mais reviendra demain pour continuer à enquêter dessus.
Missa s'est reconnecté au serveur !
Deux nouvelles personnes vont rejoindre QSMP : Willyrex et Tubbo !
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grassus3000 · 2 years
Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles short
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okay so in french "teenage mutant ninja turtles" is not a thing, they are just called "the ninja turtles/les tortues ninja" and nothing more, so I was wondering how they managed to translate the epic scene from the movie where they are all screaming "we are the tmnt!!" since all four of the turtles needed to say one of the words. turns out they literally said "we are the ninja turtles ya hear???remember that!" and I don't know if I find it more goofy or much more threatening. like yeah don't worry I think the Krang heard. maybe calm down?
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Estoy de nuevo por el fandom para poner algunos posts para esta comunidad a la que aprecio.
Recapitulando… Antes ya había hecho un posts sobre la supuesta cancelación de Rise, si no lo has visto aquí el enlace. Por si quieres leerlo.
En mi comentario mencioné como a la serie no le estaba yendo muy bien (No como Nick quería para ser claros). Y tristemente para el fandom de Rotmnt, la cancelación se confirmó y el final de la serie ni siquiera fue anunciado como tal.
No es la primera vez que Nick va dejando atrás sus series de esta forma solo que en este caso fue de golpe. Pero al menos… ¡Una película fue anunciada!
La que creo que es canónicamente el final de la serie.
Pero hablando de la serie. La animación se lleva todo los aplausos, la trama tuvo el potencial, fue arriesgado, pero quizás no fue su momento…
Opinión final de  Rottmnt ~
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Una cosa que siempre me gusto de la serie fue su background, y la trama que se estaba armando, que era una reinterpretacion fresca e interesante, el problema es que lo más resaltante fue lo menos resaltado. Quizás planearon que esto se iba a alargar tanto como quisieran, lo que no fue así.
Hablando concretamente de los últimos tres episodios son una montaña rusa de emociones, meten toda la trama que se habían reservado. Hacen que el guion sea rápido, y se siente… apresurado, sin embargo ya que Rise siempre hizo las cosas rápidas no lo sentí tan disonante con la forma de narrar que tiene  la serie.
El aprecio inmediato de las tortugas especialmente de Leo por su tatarabuela es probablemente lo más disonante.
Por supuesto; aún así no logran meten cada detalle ya que deja muchos huecos e hilos narrativos sueltos y con suerte todo el material grabado y que no pudo usarse del resto de la segunda temporada se podrá usar en la película. *(Pd: este comentario es antiguo, de cuando terminó la serie pero puedo decir que no estaba del todo equivocado)*
Y he aquí la parte más bonita de lo que voy a decir en mi pequeña reseña:
El final de Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles es la culminación de todo el trabajo con una nota alta (A pesar de la rapidez) y cumpliendo con lo que el título decía: Rise, no solo el origen; la subida. “El ascenso” en latino. Representado por ellos subiendo el edificio al final. 
Me alegra que lo hayan dejado ir con un final digno, pudo ser peor, hay series que ni siquiera se les permitió eso, o que por recortes de presupuesto  presentaban con dolor para su fandom cierres mediocres o ninguno.
Lo dije antes y lo vuelvo a decir, Rise era preciosa en animación, valorable en su esfuerzo por ser diferente. Era el aire fresco que necesitaba la franquicia después de Tmnt 2003 y tmnt 2012, que fueron buenas a su manera, ya sabíamos que quizás no iba a durar mucho por cómo todo se iba dando.
Pero aún así entrañable. Y ojalá haya una referencia para representaciones futuras.
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PD: hey, tampoco me equivoqué en compararlo con un anime, la fuerza del amor mueve las partes importantes, y utilizan el tropo del subidón de energía característico en el anime. 
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mastrogepetto · 11 months
Some time ago, I found a post by galactic-dragoness about a Sly Cooper Coffee Shop AU where, as the name suggests, the titular gang decide to open a coffee shop to use as their base of operations in between heists as they go after the Fiendish Five.
And like most things she's posted both on tumblr and on AO3, she's put enough spin on the idea that I would be interested in reading such an AU. Not so much for the coffee shop setting itself, but the double life aspects Sly would have to balance in order to pull it off, and all the wonderful ways it can (and will) fall apart all around him. Carmelita finding out that the charming and handsome coffee shop owner she's been dating is none other than the Ringtail she's been hunting across the continent, the strain on Sly's and Bentley's relationship as the former starts considering a life outside thievery and the latter's feelings of betrayal, Clockwerk burning the cafe down because he's just that petty. There's a lot of potential here.
And since I'm trying to get back into the habit of writing again, I want to try my hand at this idea. So far, I have decided upon the following:
•Sly was inspired by Roichi's sushi shop and the stories his father would regale him with about the ninja that would sell sushi by day and steal from the shogun at night.
•Bentley is the most against the idea, because of the paperwork that would be involved and the potential drain on their time and resources the shop could pose. He relents, so long that Sly agrees to play by the rules he sets, like fake names, wearing a snowboard mask and goggles while on the job, the whole shebang.
•Murray is all for the idea of the cafe, partially because he wants to feel useful to the gang beyond just driving them places, partially because he wants to make it the home for his best friends that the orphanage never was. And although home is where your family is, the concept of safe houses always seemed too cold and impersonal for him.
•Sly and the gang start running proper heists from the ripe age of 15, dancing around the orphanage's schedules and hiding their money in an oak tree.
•Naming the shop proves almost as challenging as opening the damned thing.
•Sly keeps suggesting self-indulgent names like "Maître Voleur" et cetera.
•Bentley's suggestions are drier than flour. He doesn't get the point of atmosphere.
•Murray's suggestions are an overly long gag. I.e. he picks ridiculously long names that just wouldn't fit on any reasonable sign. His star suggestion is "Le petit café élégant et convivial aux délicieuses pâtisseries tenu par un raton laveur, une tortue et un hippopotame". It's one of the short ones.
•Eventually, they settle on "La pie en fût". The Casked Magpie. Or Cooper Thief, as Bentley interprets it. He believes that Sly is being coy again, but finds the name inoffensive enough that he lets it slide.
•Sly lets him believe that.
•They set shop somewhere along the Seine river, a short walk away from Interpol's headquarters. They hope to take advantage of the rumour mill and keep an ear open for potential heists or the fiendish five, since Interpol is still in the process of digitising and a lot of this information is still physical.
•This makes them targets for our favourite marine iguana, Dimitri Lousteau, since he had set eyes on the location for his own franchises for similar reasons. He sends goons to coerce the gang to sell him the shop first chance he gets.
•Enter Carmelita Fox. She drives the thugs away with her badge and attitude from what she assumes to be an everyday protection scheme. She meets the gang and assumes they are nothing more than a bunch of 18 year olds trying to start a business.
•Sly introduces himself as Sylvester Raton-laveur, but tells Carmelita to call him Sly.
•Bentley strangles Sly with his bare hands.
•Dimitri doesn't stop going after the shop. However, he not only realizes that he and Sly are cut from the same cloth, but that Sly is actually a Cooper. He decides to take advantage of the situation. In exchange of running the shop whenever the gang are on their little "business trips", Sly will run some jobs for Dimitri, maybe share some of the things he learns from his customers. On threat of course of revealing his operation to Interpol and blowing the whole thing sky high.
•Each of the Fiendish Five have stolen a portion of the book pertaining to their themes and interests.
•Raleigh stole the parts with the gadgets the Coopers used. Otto van Cooper's designs, Bruce O'Coop's computer science, Thaddeus's diatribes on the art of disguise and so on. Tips on basic thievery are also here.
•Muggshot stole the movement techniques. Rioichi's and Tennesse's techniques, the roll, the dive et cetera. He also purchased Slaigh McCooper's secrets to tapping into hysterical strength from the Panda King. (Infuriating Sly to no end that they would trade his heritage between themselves like baseball cards.)
•Mz. Ruby took the more mystical arts, like Invisibility and attracting coins to oneself. She has the smallest share of the Thievious Raccoonus, because Clockwerk took the parts with the real juice in them.
•The Panda King's portion deals with advanced techniques that precisely control one's mind and body. Using your fur's static electricity, accelerating and decelerating one's perception of time, controlling your body's temperature, your heartbeat, tapping into hysterical strength et cetera.
•Clockwerk stole the best parts of the book. Defying gravity, slowing and stopping time, deflecting fire, controlling the trajectory of projectiles after they have been fired and finally, teleportation. (Only a couple of feet though.) Everything that tilted the game too much in the Cooper's favour.
•Proud bastard that he is, Clockwerk never uses any of the book's techniques. After all, he is already perfect.
•His feud with the Coopers started before Slytunkhamen's time, during the Sumerian civilization's time. The son of florists, Clockwerk was an ambitious young man who wanted to become immortal through his legacy. When the gods took fire from mortals and threatened to turn them all into mindless beasts, Clockwerk was among those who made the journey for their abode to steal it back. He was the people's favourite, because he was large, strong and could fly. The winds were too cold and violent even for him though, so he failed like the rest.
•The one to succeed was his family's slave, a cooper that didn't even have the dignity of a name. He climbed the mountain, stole the fire by hiding it in a jar and brought it back to mortals.
•He didn't succeed on his first try, but every time he made the journey, he brought back survivors, among whom was Clockwerk himself.
•Hailed a hero, the nameless cooper was given freedom and a name. Although the name was lost to the annals of history, he is remembered to the present day through the myth of Prometheus and the general concept of the noble thief that steals from the rich and gives to the poor.
•Clockwerk grew to resent the first Cooper. He tried to outshine him by stealing treasures and artifacts, to prove himself the superior thief. Nothing he did seemed to measure up. His hatred reached a breaking point at the Cooper's funeral, who had lived a full life and was surrounded by friends and a large family, while all Clockwerk had to show for his life was an endless string of failures. He killed the Cooper's eldest son and ate his heart and liver. That failed to satiate his hatred though. The rest is history.
•Clockwerk managed to preserve himself through hatred alone, but his constant clashes with the Coopers took its toll over the centuries, leaving him a patchwork of scars. Until Slaigh McCooper knocked him out of the sky and tore his wing off, Clockwerk was fully organic.
Of course, this isn't everything I have in mind for the story. For example, I'm thinking of turning Mz. Ruby's stage into a genius loci of sorts that reflects the psyche of whoever it deems holds the reigns, mainly to explain away why the resident voodoo lady lives in a giant voodoo crocodile skull swamp. It could be a good opportunity for exposition. Sly sneaks in and confronts Mz. Ruby but loses the fight because of the invisibility she stole. She taunts him for burying his emotions beneath the thin veneer of a gentleman thief and throws a violin at him so that he can express himself (to mock him of course). Sly takes her up on the offer and boom, suddenly the whole swamp is a scorching vortex of fire, because of course the Fiendish Five burned his house down on top of everything else, leaving Mz. Ruby running for the hills with her hair on fire, Sly trapped and Carmelita having to rescue Sly from his own psyche. Maybe get a glimpse of the night of his parents' murder and start putting the pieces together about Sly's true identity.
I'm not too married to this particular idea just yet. Although Sly's lies will have to start to unravel eventually, with the Panda King providing the final nail in the coffin.
At the same time, I want Barkley to have a more prominent role in the story. Sow the seeds of doubt in Carmelita about how truthful Sly is being with her while quietly opening an investigation on the cafeteria shop owner that so happens to be the spitting image of Connor Cooper. (Until he can convince her though, everyone thinks Barkley is being racist. Or specist.)
(Whatever he is being, HR will have words with him over it.)
(Even if he is 100% correct.)
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littlefankingdom · 1 year
So, nobody cares, but I watch the French version of Mutant Mayhem trailer because, well, that's the version I will see in theaters in August. And I have some comments to make.
First, I keep seeing people complaining about how young the turtles sound, but I love it, and in French is even better. Sadly, I cannot find the VA's list yet.
Second, the title is a tragedy. In French, TMNT is "Tortues Ninja" which is just Ninja Turtles. They called the movie Ninja Turles : Teenage Years, and yes in English. But guys, they're teenagers EVERY TIME.
Finally, the translation of the boys' dialogue is good. Raph calls the Ninja's stars "shurikens", like any french-speaker would (unless you want to get bully by 12-year-olds) And Mikey's line "a fruit shaped exactly like my head" is so well translate! In French, we have this expression to compare an object to another, "avoir la même tête que" which is literally "to have the same head as", so they made him say "une pastèque qui a pile la tête de ma tête", literally "a watermelon who has exactly the head of my head". Only a teen would talk like this. And making him said "pastèque" instead of "fruit" makes him repeat 3 times the same sounds (/te/), which helps to make Mikey's stress more explicit. It's a very good translation.
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