#tmnt tartaruga brothers
tuatara-time · 27 days
TMayNT day 12: best turtle vehicle!
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All the turtle vehicles are really neat, but I personally enjoy the garbage truck from Out Of The Shadows! Believe it or not, this is the heavily simplified version…
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roxosupreme · 2 years
The Tartaruga Brothers truck.
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By me.
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verothexeno · 2 years
TMNT Out of the Shadows - Tartaruga Brothers
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all-that-tmnt-jazz · 3 years
hi!! if it's not too much trouble, could i request a tmnt matchup please? ^-^ i'm 5,4ft, chubby, a demiboy (he/him), and i look like a mix of 90's grunge and early 2000's emo. my hobbies are singing, drawing, playing football, archery and iceskating. i present myself as extremely confident, sassy, maybe slightly arrogant, sarcastic and prideful. i act like i'm the best and everyone is beneath me, when i really feel intimidated by everyone around me, and i don't particularly like myself. i do a lot of dumb stuff just for fun and i love making people laugh. i tend to use "internet language" a lot (like "it's the ... for me" or "i pretend i do not see") and i have chaotic vibes. however, i do have a strong need to defend people when they are treated unfairly. although i tend to bottle up all my feelings, to keep the edgy and larger than life persona, i still cry at the drop of a dime. i can appear rather uncaring or blunt, but it's not intentional. i have a lot of trouble opening up and trusting others. i'm really bad at expressing feelings vocally, or being emotional in general, which is why my way of comforting and showing affection is quiet, like cuddling, or acts of service. ahhh, this was really long and all over the place, so so sorry, hope it's still okay tho T-T
It’s no trouble at all, friend! It’s all okay 😁
Warnings: None.
Incarnation: Bayverse
Extra Info: I could see you being friends with Mikey
I match you with…
The first thing that drew him to you was how you stood up to Leo
He was being a bit unfair to Mikey during training one day, and you told him off
And Raph had heart eyes
He also bottles in his emotions- especially ones he deems “weak” and such
His persona in front of his brothers is always larger than life, but almost always shown via anger/frustration
But, eventually, you become the only one who sees his softer side
With that, he often picks you and just holds you
(usually alone so his brothers don’t see. also he knows that you’re not comfy showing affection in front of others)
And soon, you start opening up to him, too
It may take longer, but he’s patient with you
He also knows that the little actions you do for him are the first steps
You’re so much shorter than him, and he loves it
This man has total Chaotic Vibes
Your Chaotic Vibes mixed with his is literally legendary
He’s also one to invite you to do stupid shit with him and Mikey
(ex. taking the Tartaruga Truck for joyrides at 2 AM, or going up to the Statue of Liberty just because)
He always makes sure he tells you that he loves you because he knows you don’t say it to yourself often enough
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waterstar2016 · 6 years
“The Colours Of Twilight” Part 3
***Disclaimer TMNT is not mine. I created Skye to play in their world.***
Skye was sitting on the rooftop enjoying the warm fall evening. Taking a sip of her tea she turns a page in her book. Sighing happily she thinks ‘Yes, a vacation is just what I needed.’ The entrance door to the garden opened, and April walks out to join her. “Hey Skye, I’m going to be heading to the lair in a few minutes, wanna come?” Skye almost leaped off of the chair “Yes, I would love to go!” April smiles “Grab some workout clothes if you want, Leo mentioned that you should feel free to use the mats if you wanted to.” Skye hurried inside and tossed her shorts, sports bra, tank top and a few other items into a bag.
The two women got into April’s car and Skye turned to her. “You mentioned that the guys were helping Casey with a special assignment tonight?” As April starts the car she says “Yeah, Casey texted me and said that they’ve just about wrapped things up, and they will meet us at the lair for a late dinner.” They pull out of the apartment complex and start heading down the street. April glances at Skye. “I’ve got to do some work on a story for tomorrow, my computer is refusing to save documents right now so Donnie said I could use one of his.” Skye says, “Damn tech. While you’re working I will probably grab a workout, I’ve taken enough rest days.”
They arrive at the lair and April pushes a button on her dash and a section of the brick lifts up allowing her to drive her car in. April parks the car in a designated section and they get out. Skye takes a moment to admire the assortment of vehicles. There was the Tartaruga, Raph and Gen’s bikes, ATV’s and a couple of jeeps. April catches up with her. “The guys have always been incredibly resourceful, and Donnie can make just about anything from scraps. But, since they now actually work with the police department, it’s made things a little easier for them.”
Upon entering the living space the two women see Master Splinter. “Good evening ladies, it is nice to see you both. I was just about to put on a pot of tea, would either of you like a cup? April and Skye spend a few minutes talking with Master Splinter. April excuses herself to get started on her article and Skye finishes her tea while talking with him. She thanks him for the tea and heads to get changed. After entering the Dojo she walks around admiring all the equipment that the guys had. Arriving at the weight section her eyes widen. “Ok, this must be where Raph works out.” There were a bench and a bar that had to have close to 1500 pounds of manhole covers on it. She sputters “Holy shit.”
Skye puts in her earbuds and the sound of her favorite instrumentals fill her head. Putting on her knee wrap on she warms up, making sure to stretch. She hadn’t tumbled in a few days and felt a little stiff. After warming up she starts with a simple combo of cartwheels and flips. Soon her surroundings start to fade.
Casey sneaks up behind April and wraps his arms around her “Hey Babe.” April startles slightly turns to him “Casey, very funny.” Her tone was scolding, but she was grinning. She leans into him and gives him a hug. When she opens her eyes she sees Leo, Donnie and Mikey enter the room. “Hey, guys.” Casey releases her to stand beside her with his arm wrapped around her shoulders. Leo looked around. “Did Skye happen to come with you tonight?” Leo hoped that he didn’t sound too eager. April points her head in the direction of the Dojo. “Yeah, she’s here, she took you up on the offer to use the mats.” Nodding in thanks Leo starts heading to join her.
Leo opens the door to the Dojo and stops. There was Skye in the middle of a routine. He watched her flip through the air and land in a split. She moved like grace itself and Leo found himself admiring her finely sculpted body. She looked incredible in blue. He swallowed, unable to move.
Skye backflips to the edge of the mat and bent over to grab her water bottle. After taking a long drink she takes a breath. She raises her arms over her head and sees him out of the corner of her vision. Her heart starts breathing faster as she wonders just how long he’s been there. She takes her earbuds out. “Hey, Leo.”
“Hey Skye,” Leo said as he managed to pull himself away from the doorframe. Walking towards her smiled. “That was pretty impressive.” Skye grinned. “Thanks.” She paused as she met his gaze, lost for a moment in his blue eyes. “And thanks for allowing me to use the mats, there’s really not enough room on April's roof to really move.” Leo chuckles. “No problem, Skye, you’re welcome to come here anytime you want. Leo tries to avoid looking at her long finely shaped legs. “So, do you have time for a quick lesson?” Skye’s eyes alight with glee. “Of course.”
Leo led her through a few exercises and was once again impressed with her skill. It wouldn’t take long before her fighting skills matched her cousins. Skye was thoroughly enjoying working with Leo. She had also managed to keep the thoughts of what she did last night while thinking about him at bay, mostly. She was glad she was working out, it would give an excuse as to why she was flushed.
Mikey comes into the Dojo, “Heya Babycakes, Leo. I just wanted to let you guys know that Casey just ordered dinner and it will be here in about 30 minutes.” Leo looks at his brother thanks, Mikey. Turning back to Skye he says “Want to pick up where we left off tomorrow?” Skye grins. “Yeah, I’ll be here.” She takes her hair out of her pony and it falls around her shoulders, some of the tendrils slightly curl around her face. “Is there a place I can grab a quick shower before dinner?” Leo points to the back of the Dojo. “Around that corner are shower rooms. I’ll see you at dinner.” Skye nods her thanks and heads towards the showers.
Leo looks at Mikey and sees that his youngest brother is grinning ear to ear. Leo rolls his eyes and starts heading towards the exit of the Dojo, managing not look back at Skye. “What are you smiling about Mikey?” Mikey laughs “Duuuude, I totally saw you spying on Skye.” Leo sputters “I wasn’t spying, I was studying her form.” Mikey laughs. “I’m sure you were bro, I’m sure you were. Leo huffs and nudges his brother with his shoulder. Sighing, Leo shakes his head. He couldn’t wait to work with Skye again tomorrow.
Skye takes the second shower. Walking into the large bathroom she locks the door. She looks around. There was a huge walk-in shower with gray and green tinted cubes of glass that made up one of the walls. Two sinks lined the opposite wall and toilette was nestled into a corner. She undressed and grabbed one of the fluffy towels from the shelf, she hangs it on the hook and walks into the shower. As she’s washing her hair she notices the handrail is crushed in its center and wonders how in the hell it happened.
After dressing and drying her hair a little she heads towards the kitchen. She smiles as she sees everyone gathered around the table, laughing and talking. This was quite the tightly knit group and she felt privileged to be apart of it. April sees her approach and pulls out a chair for her. She sits down and Mikey hands her a plate with a slice of pizza and a generous helping of salad. “Thanks, Mikey, I’m starving.”
Donnie hands her a bottle of water. “Skye, I just want to say again how beautiful your voice is.” Everyone around the table agrees. Skye smiled. “Thanks, guys, I love to sing and I was so happy when Gen asked me to perform at their wedding.” Skye looks away from the group, trying to hide the small jab in her heart as she remembered Josh. “Gen and Raph have something really special. I’m glad they found each other.” Looking back to those around her she smiles.
April nudges her. “So, Skye, Leo said he was pretty impressed with your moves today.” Skye feels her cheeks warm a little. Looking at Leo she sees him smile and nod his head. “Thanks, I’ve been tumbling for a long time and think working with Leo will help me improve even more.” Leo swallows a bite of pizza. “Skye, there’s not much that you need to improve, it’s more reminding your body of the different forms of Karate. I don’t think it’s going to be very long before you could hold your own with us.” Skye beams and her smile makes his heart clench.
Skye takes a few more bites of salad. “So, when I was in the shower I noticed the handrail in there was crushed. What happened?” The room goes silent. Skye wondered if she said something wrong. Suddenly, April breaks the silence by laughing. She’s laughing so hard there are tears at the corner of her eyes. Skye looks at April with her eyebrows raised. April manages to catch her breath. “Okay, alright, I’m done now.” Taking a sip of water she explained, “You see, Raph and Gen, they um, first got together in that shower, and well, Raph’s really strong.” Skye threw back her head and laughed. “O, wow. That’s hilarious.” Leo chuckles quietly and then tries to gain control of the situation. “Yes, I agree it’s pretty funny. Now, Donnie, you were talking about some ideas for a new tracking system?” April rolled her eyes, but everyone accepted the leaders change in topic.
April, Casey, and Skye say goodnight to the guys and Master Splinter and headed back to April’s apartment. April turns in the seat and looks at Skye. “So, you’re going to be training with Leo again tomorrow?” Skye feels her cheeks warm. “Yes, and Donnie is going to show me some of the math he worked out for one of my architectural designs. I’m looking forward to both.” April turns back to Casey and they share a grin.
After Skye left Leo went to meditate. Sitting on the floor her crosses his legs, closes his eyes and starts the chant that has brought him peace so many times. His eyes open and he growls quietly frustration. Closing his eyes once more he willed his mind to quiet. After a few minutes, Leo leaped to his feet and sighed. It was no use. All that he could think about, was Skye. Her confidence and her spirit shone. She was an incredible woman. Could someone like her ever want to be with someone like him? Not having confidence in something was not something that he was used to.
Leo thought back to the dinner and remembered the brief look of sadness that crossed her face when she spoke of Gen and Raph. She had recovered quickly, but the brief shadow that crossed her eyes made him wonder. He blew out his candles. He knew he wasn’t going to be able to meditate, so he headed towards the Dojo. His Katana would be his company for the night.
To be continued...
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leogbarros · 4 years
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#26 Leonardo. Não era minha tartaruga favorita... nem meu pintor renascentista favorito também. Em ambos os casos era o Michelângelo! 😂😂 Mas ele era um bom líder. Sempre unindo os irmãos em meio ao caos e às batalhas seguindo com bravura os ensinamentos do Mestre Splinter. As TMNT trazem em mim uma memória afetiva muito bacana de quando eu desenhava os personagens (frente e costas), coloria e recortava para poder brincar com os ninjas. E fazia as arminhas, e o Mestre, e os vilões e era muito bom! Pensando bem agora, acho que eu passava mais tempo desenhando que brincando, mas tudo certo! Saudades... . #26 Leonardo. It wasn't my favorite turtle ... nor my favorite Renaissance painter either. In both cases it was Michelangelo! 😂😂 But he was a good leader. Always uniting his brothers in the midst of chaos and battles, following Master Splinter's teachings bravely. TMNT bring me a very affective memory of when I drew the characters (front and back), colored and cut out so I could play with the ninjas. And he made the little guns, and the Master, and the villains, and it was very good! Now that I think about it, I think I spent more time drawing than playing, but that's okay! Miss that time... . . #ilustração #ilustracao #illustration #tirinhas #hqs #comics #comic #arte #art #cartoon #cartoondrawing #desenhando #desenho #drawing #drawings #inktober #inktober2020 #herotober2020 #heroes #herois #herocartoon #TMNT #tmnt2012 #tartaruganinja #tartarugasninjas #teenagemutantninjaturtle #nickelodeon https://www.instagram.com/p/CG0VY6eh-I0/?igshid=slm3sg13zvee
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