dingbatnix · 4 months
I have the curiosity and wish to know about the following wips
Untitled document (X5) the 3rd one :3
This all peak my interest GREATLY!
Alright, finally getting to this one!! Letsa go!
Maneater: I think I've spoken Abt this one before, but y'know. Dream is a man eating giant, and he, George, and Sapnap run around collecting people who have been sacrificed to him. They start the smp (village in the mountains) that way, and try to live a happy life. The king of the country is amassing an army to hunt dream down, tho.
Dough: one shot, borrower Sapnap falls into some cookie dough that Dream is making. Whoops...
Untitled doc #3: Dream noms Tommy sometime after he escapes prison. Tommy spends his time cussing Dream out and listening to the man break down into panic attacks and general aftermath of torture stuff. Lost of snark and feels between the two of them.
Axolotl: Sapnap finds Dream, a small axolotl hybrid, suffering in the care of Quackity after the server deemed Dream too dangerous to run around on his own. Sapnap takes Dream to his house, puts him in one of his old fish tanks, and spends his time struggling to help Dream recover.
Hostage: (eddsworld) Edd gets kidnapped and held hostage by an unknown group with two other men, Paul and Patryck. Turns out they were all kidnapped because they're all close friends with Tord, who is the leader of an organization called the red army. The three of them need to escape together, but...an experiment gone wrong via the people that kidnapped them ends up with Paul and Patryck smaller than Edd's hand, and he needs to figure out how to get all three of them out alive.
Clingy: One shot, George is clingy when he sleeps, which ends up kind of dangerous for a borrower Sapnap. Oof.
Dragon: Sapnap is a dragon, and he has a human friend named George who freed him from captivity a long time ago. Well, George gets kidnapped by a giant named Dream (who just likes to troll people, really) and Sapnap spends months hunting them down while Dream and George end up bonding. Eventually, they'll form an odd trio that has all sorts of adventures.
Now, idk if any of these will be fully written, but hopefully one day.
Taglist cuz why not:
@brick-a-doodle-do @i-am-beckyu @da3dm @kayla-crazy-stuffs @local-squishmallow @skullsnbruises @munchkin1156 @gt-daboss
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artificialalienn · 9 months
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Sorting through old art and this made me giggle
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sug4r-sp1c3 · 1 year
May I request general dating hcs for Paul and patryck (Seperatly) from eddsworld? 💅
Paul makes me go on simp mode..
(btw, since patryck apperiances in the show where just REWARDS that the REAL patryck had for donating, i'll use the FANON patryck[the one that is used on Fanfics, comics, fan-stuff, etc.]
Paul and Patryck Dating HC!
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he's an idiot and a dummy, thats for sure
well now he's all that x73404938 JUST BECAUSE OF YOU
he will probably try to end his work at the army sooner just to see you
or if you are with him well, basically beg to the red leader to put you in missions or stuffy like that with him
he would try to hide the smell of cigarrette's
speaking about try
he would try to get you flowers or tiny stuff!
or even if he saw something shiny around the army he would pick it up and if its like a ring he would give it to you!
and if this isn't enough to you to be sure that that boy haves something with you..
after some monts!(or even a year i could say) he wil ask you out!
in his own way ofc
the current dates would be(in the case that you aren't in the army), a night dinner or just movie nights! or things like that
if you ARE in the army. The dates would be just walking around the place, going to some places to practice, or even just have a lunch together!
[just imaginated him and you on the army's like caffeteria. in a normal table but with a red blanket, like if you both where in a restaurant, hehe]
probably when he gets you flowers they would be kinda dead or even with some petals falling
and he isn't proud of it
he murmures a sorry as he insists that he will get you something better
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feeling like this bitch would deny all at the start
"i'm not doing it i'm not-"
he keeps saying until he realizes he has been doing tiny things for you..
for example: you both are in the army? he holds you doors and tells the leader to not worry about you and basically speaks good abt you
or when you pass he stares at you, not creepy, just with a tiny shine(and it isn't until Paul tells him that if he's paying attention or when you leaved)
he would start with tiny things
shinning things that he finds, flowers, coffee.
until he forces himself to ask you out
or well try
he would try to insunuate that he is in love with you like sometimes being there when you don't even need him, trying to go out in missions(if you are in the army ofc)
he's there if you are hurt
or when you are hurt he finds an excuse to go and visit you!(and brings some flowers, or even sends, but. lets keep that as a secret)
he tries to be serious or un-expressive around you
but probably fails miserably
You would have to make the first move if you both want to be something..bc it would take him like...4 dating months
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[this isn't mine! it was made by fnafhs-aesthetics ! if you are a fan of FHS and want a banner or an icon go and check their profile!]
sorry if they are any spell mistakes english isn't my original lenguage!(its Spanish lolz)
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choices-ceri · 8 months
Last post on this guy I SWEAR.
I HC that Patryck is the kinda guy to approach you on the street, shove a comically tiny microphone in your face and ask you a stupid question like "whats your biggest ick in a man?" or "what would you rate yourself out of ten?".
Patryck: What's your biggest ick in a man?
MC: This.
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blazedrawsstuff · 1 year
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Had this one planned since November, I mean come on this is just too perfect to pass up for the holiday season. Anyways, as you can see, Tom is Scrooge (because of course he is), Matt is The Ghost of Christmas Past, Edd is the Ghost of Christmas Present, and Tord is The Ghost of Christmas Future (Fun fact: Tord being the Ghost of Christmas Future is a reference to Tord Larson's voice acting role as The Grim Reaper in the "Christmas Visitor" short.). But if you're curious about the full casting:
Eduardo as Jacob Marely  Vince (OC, Dusk's Dad) as Bob Cratchit Emilia (OC, Dusk's Mom) as Ms. Cratchit Dusk (OC) as Tiny Tim Jon as Fred
Jordan (OC) as Jon's wife (I know being gay was taboo back in Dickens' day, but idc.) 
Blaze (OC) as Belle Diwi as Fezziwig Laurel as Fan(?)  and Paul and Patryck as the Two Portly Gentlemen
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third-thepeacock · 1 year
Because its a festive date I want to talk about one of my favorite AUs that I have just ended
I think I'm done with the AU planning and it's ready for the public!
Thanks to @primulatea and @shayden64 as they really helped me in the au
So now I show to you
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They all live in a single room full of wonders every kid would love, living as toys of every kind, from a piece of paper to the most fancy doll
Where is the kid? Who plays with them? Why are they alive? No one seems to know or care…
The Toys:
The Room:
They all live in a room made specially for kids. ABCs posters, planes and birds hanging from the ceiling, a bright lamp shining all over the room, a giant closet, a fancy desk,bright but calming wallpapers, colorful floor with a city carpet, a big fluffy bed, and a sofa bed with drawers below to look at the window, and so much more every kid wants!
If you look outside the window, natural provider of light, and indicator for night and day, you can observe a giant field of cotton and sunflowers, but is not the only thing visible, the sky and clouds, birds and bugs are visible too!
Some things have been modified for the toys accessibility because they are toy sized, but the furniture isn't. They have extra lego stairs, a big train track and car track for all over the room so they can travel fast, you name it
The room is divided depending on who or what is in there , so nothing is out of limits to no one. Some exampples, cotton valley or the creative plains
This toys are the one within the room, living at their fullest with every day.
Jack in the box
Can get in n out of the box
Lives in the box
Calico critter cat
Edd's royal cat
Rag Doll,1700 clothing style 
Long cat pillow
Ell’s mischievous cat
Ken doll,prince version.
Barbie doll, princess version
Anime figure
Has his own army but its more to protect the room
Anime figure
Yeah works in the army too
Porcelain doll in a sailor outfit
Has Tomme all around
Tomee is a tiny teddy bear
One girl band toy
Can put the instruments on and off
Kind of toxic.
Monster High Doll (Lizard type of monster)
Disco/Superstar Doll
Bright colors in a lot of ways
80s Style of clothing
80’s style of clothing, sometimes more of a pastel vibe
Playmobile small prince
He isn't a prince, he just has a crown. 
Polly Pocket Doll
Lives in her own small house and travels in it because going out normally could get her totally lost
Nesting doll
Precious Memories doll
Peace giver in the land
Plastic soldier
Works for Tord
Grumpy man
Bubbles blower
She uses the bubble wand as a cigarette and blows out bubbles instead of smoke
Works for Tord
Wind up toy
Works for Tord 
Likes coffee, its like extra winding up
Ballet Girl/Spinning top
Works for Tord
She can kick yo ass while twirling
Astronaut figure
Has a lot of tales about space almost no one believes
Parachute toy
Fearless of everything
His leg has been replaced by sticks many times.
Wooden skeleton figure.
Race Car racer
Hot Wheels cars and remote control cars
Has all of her cars decorated
 Likes making movies with his abilities
Robot toy
She knows how to upgrade herself
Action figure
Gives Bing Ideas
She only steals things Beth tell her to
Don't ask her to say “yo ho ho” or “arrr”
Kim n Katya:
They are physically attached, one hand to another
This is no inconvenience for them
They love each other dearly
Sun inspired doll
Only comes out at day
Loves Kate but can almost never see him
Moon inspired doll
Only comes out at night
Loves Ken but can almost never see him
Superhero figure
Fun dead kid:
Candy dispenser
The candy is suitable for humans somehow
Can't talk because of it
No one knows where he gets the candy
Zanta Claws
Old santa toy
It was destroyed mysteriously and it stays like that
Scribble Tom
Paper doll
Drawing in crayon, every movement looks like a frame in crayon
Realistic Matt
Has a cartoony body and a realistic head
NFT(Not funny Tom)
Funko Pop
It is still in the box
…What else do you want, its nft
Face changing toy
Has a face for Tom, one for Tord and one for Torm
Can manage to use a yoyo but they keep fighting frequently so its hard to
Mix n’ Match toy
Every part changes everyday
That means there's days where they are mixed perfectly or 99% percent someone and 1% other
And for now thats it! I actually love this AU, I had it since forever but now I can actually show it. Maybe someone did this already? I dont know, but I really like my au(or my version of it unless). I will make designs soon! I just wanted to show the list first
Note:There are genderbends, and the non-official names are just my headcannons of names. You can refer to thm however you want. How to know what ellsworld character is each one? The direct genderbend is below the eddsworld character, Ell below Edd, Matilda below Matt, etc. I know this should be up the list but eh
There is no ships because , well, they are toys. No, my point is not that they dont need to be shipped, is, everyone plays differently with their toys, so why not with this ones? Everyone can ship whatever they want(.....Just. Don't include the fun dead kid or something. That not. Im going with whatever that isnt problematic). Will there be "official" ships? Maybe. But its up to the viewer to ship in their way.They are toys, not books, they have nothing assigned except for whatever one wants
A part I love too its that because there are hundreds of types of toys, and they can obviously be more than one of each type of toy, theres a lot of space for more toys! New characters, Ew OCs, old characters to bring again, so many things! It's a whole new world to expand, and I really love it
So yeah...I love this AU. Thank you to the people who helped me, Tea and SHayden
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gigglynerdlogan · 2 years
Patryck rubbed his head against Logan’s chest, snuggling deeper into his arms and purring a tiny little bit. “….I love you Paul…”
Logan stayed silent, not wanting to break the illusion. He stroked Patryck's hair and hoped he'd be able to bring him comfort for as long as possible.
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phantom-howl · 2 years
I have this really weird AU... I took a bunch of Eddsworld characters, mixed them up in a weird way, then shoved them into a plotline with tiny echos of Stranger Things...
So now Edd, Jon, Tord, and Matt are all friends in middle school (although age wise Tord should still be in elementary, but skipped a few grades)
Paul, Eduardo, Tom, Patryck, Laurel, and Mark are high school friends
Paul and Pat are Tord's older brothers
Eduardo is Edd's older brother
Matt is Tord's cousin, and lives with them
For no explained reason, Edd gains powers and Tom starts turning into a monster
That's about the gist of the AU... Little weird, but I have one comic page done and three or four more drafted out....
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artistlara · 2 years
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Guys I think I have a favorite but that’s just a guess
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eddsworldrus · 2 years
I’m listening
bghjkolp; THAT WAS SO FAST like blinked and it was there
I love,,,,, lots of diff ships so yeets
Future Au
Edd/Tord - They're engaged, had a rough falling out once but have reconciled since. Tord since he's settles down likes genetically engineering weird cats for his partner when not handling leadership.
Matt/Tom - Tiny tom, giant matttt, married. Were rebels together before eventually the gang made amends and settled down to just tired old men with backpain.
Todd/Mark/Eduardo/Jon - Polypartners/married
Tord/Patryck - qpp, not romantic but extremely close/platonically attached in a very meaningful way and I love thinking about them. They tried dating once but just very close friends.
Wasteland Au
Tord/Pat/Paul a poly couple Lovey boys on motorcyles in the wasteland
Matt/Edd - ???? It's complicated
Eduardo/Mark- Not dating yet but romantic feelings, tension but very close. Kinda 'constantly waiting for the right to confess' But it's never been the right time
Space Au
Tord/Matt - Not rlly dating but close/flirting fob's. Very close buddies. Share a room and a bed 'and they were roommates'
Edd is Aro just into casual stuff
Tom/Jon - Long distance beans/complicated
Artic Au
Eduardo/Tord - Had been dating long before they came to the research station. Dynamic is 'is a lil freak' and 'obessed with that freak'
Edd/Tom - Not technically dating, but kinda just act like they are, but never really thought about it, Just close buddies and then some
????? It's a mystery if anything else is going on there
The main gang
Polyworld - Tom/Matt/Edd/Tord they're dating and brat's to each other and hijinx
Mark/Todd - engaged and both love heavy metal music and lots of sappy pda
(i do have an eduardo/Paul ship) (And another one off/crack ship I like is matt/paul)
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Eyo did another Patsworld AU Edit this time being of Fun Dead
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Also the animal in Patryck's lap is Cupcake, the Patsworld Ringo, she's supposed to be a tiny bat but I had to edit over a cat gimmie a break- Also I gave up on Bing- Sorry-
Also yeah I gave Patsworld Larry's hoodie shoulder windows cause, well, I can and I liked the look
Original shot:
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askpatsworld · 2 years
Do you have pets? Any pets. (curse you bad English)
Patryck smiled. "Don't worry your English is good enough!"
He bent over. "As for pets, we only have one but we love her."
Patryck held up a tiny vampire bat in his hand. "This is Cupcake! She was sitting on a couch cushion."
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2323ketlyisevil · 2 years
TBATF Eddsworld: Friendship (Digital Art)
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Brianna and Sarah belong to (c) Eddsworld-tbatf
Paul and Patryck belong to (c) Eddsworld
Drew them in casual clothes, I'm afraid that no one would get the tiny references. If they were just a normal group of friends like the EW Crew😄
Check the long version of backstory on Devianart if you want:
Devianart: 2323ketly
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misty-doodles · 4 years
I'll never say: Chapter 4
Paring: Tord x tom x matt x edd, Paul x Patryck.
Warning: Triggering content, mild gore
Consciousness was always a curse. It seemed like whenever the Norwegian was awake something bad happened. Considering this was the second time today he'd woken, (was it today? Or had he been asleep for more than a few hours) he knew it was probably facing his boyfriends. Opening his grey eyes to find edd, matt and tom talking worryingly over him he knew he was correct.
"Tord?" came Edd' shaky voice the moment he noticed Tord was awake. Tears already threatened to fall as he helped tord sit up. "Tord, oh my god are you okay? Please tell me you're okay, you look horrible!"
Tord opened his mouth to speak, but the voices screaming in his head shut him up. You're a burden, don't worry them by telling them things they don't need to know. Knowing what you went through will only make it worse. Don't try to comfort them, you'll only hurt them more.'
"Tord? Tord please say something" Tom urged, only to be met with complete silence. Tord couldn't even meet his eyes so he looked down at his lap, half expecting to see the damage done earlier. Oh, Edd's hoodie was back. How nice, he would focus on that now. No blood, that was great, he'd hate to get this hoodie messed up too.
"Please say something, anything... Tord.." Edds voice wavered dangerously. Still, Tord couldn't bring himself to speak. The voice was right, there wasn't anything he could say to help that wasn't a lie.
"What did they do, what did they tell you." Tom said suddenly, narrowing his eyes. "They had to say something to make you be quiet. What the hell was it!?" Tord tried to speak, to say something to ease their minds despite the voice in his own, but the only thing that left his mouth was a pitiful whimper. It hurt just to move his tongue!
"Are you not talking because you don't want to, or can't?" Matt asked, and the shameful glance away told him his answer. Matt was a lot smarter than he normally let on and it was that smartness that was going to be Tord's downfall.
"So they did do something... What? What the fuck did they do to you?" Tom looked close to tears. Actually, he did have tears in those void black eyes.
"Don't... cry my love" Tord slurred despite the pain, accent heavy. He held toms cheek gently as his lip trembled. Despite Tord's words tears still spilled down tom's face. It was painful to talk but he at least tried.
"At least there's less blood than last time." Edd said, trying to lighten the mood. Tord nodded in agreement. It was always a good day when the blood was kept to a minimum. If it meant it didn't worry them even more so.
"What did they do? I just want to know." Tom asked with a sniffle. Tord bit his lip slightly before sticking out his tongue. It was burnt and welted from the burning rod tay had pressed against it. Even his taste buds couldn't survive.
"Oh my god.." Edd whimpered, covering his mouth. It must've looked ugly so Tord quickly put his tongue back in his mouth. He knew what they wanted to ask and gave them the answer.
"Hot.. Hot coals.." Tord did his best to talk without this tongue, making his voice sound odd. Tears slipped silently down his face.
"It's... It's alright now my love. You don't need to talk if it hurts." Tom said, mimicking tord as he wiped the tears from tord's face. Tord couldn't help the tiny smirk that spread across his face.
"My, how the... tables have turned." Tord smiled lopsidedly. Tom chuckled at tord's halfhearted attempt at humor in a time like this. He plucked Tord nose playfully, quiet laughter filling the small room.
"Oh hush." It felt weird, joking around and laughing when they were literally being held captive. It felt good though, to smile, to laugh, to joke. The last time they could so freely enjoy themselves was before Tord left the first time. Maybe... Maybe it wasn't a bad idea to have at least a little fun. Gotta keep your hopes and sanity up, right?
Opening his eye tord was once again in that horrible room. It'd been a while since the last time he'd been here, but he had no way of telling just how long. He didn't even know how long its been since he was first brought here. Looking around, he saw not much new, as tay was in a corner messing with something. He was chained to a chair, which was odd as normally they just let him be, and was missing his hoodie and shirt. He hoped that Edd's hoodie was okay. When he tried to move, he found he couldn't, not even his pinky.
"What the hell..?" Tord mumbled, confusion evident. This got Tay's attention as she spun around to face him. She must've seen the look of confusion on his face because she quickly answered the question he didn't even have time to ask.
"It's a sedative," Tay said matter-of-factly. "As much as I enjoy your spunk today's activities require you to be still." She was acting calmer than usual, and it was seriously freaking tord out. He wasn't about to comments on it thought of fear she'd change her demeanor.
"Activities? Do I look like a fucking toddler?" He said once her words registered fully in his head.
"Okay, let's make an agreement. You be good and I'll go easy on you since I'm in a really bad mood." Tay said, pinching the bridge of her nose. It was a tempting offer but tord's pride refused it. What kind of war leader would he be if he just gave in to his enemy's?
"Fuck you. I'll never submit to you." tord spat.
"Of course." Tay shook his head and went back to whatever she was doing. The room fell into silence, something that never lasted in this kind of environment. But somehow it did, tord thinking about his loves and Tay setting things up. That was until she was finished, and approach tord with a heated whip. It was burning white and promised pain to the unfortunate receiver was. In this cars its be him.
"Get the hell away from me!" Tord screamed, trying desperately to move away despite the fact he couldn't feel his own body. Of course, she didn't listen, she never did. Instead, she harshly cracked the whip, leave a deep burn across tord's chest. She did this again and again, leave burns and welts forming across Tord's chest and abdomen. Tord glared at her with teary eyes when she finally dropped the wip, the heat having left it. He murmured 'bitch' under his breath as he did his best to compose himself.
"Such a dirty mouth. Why don't we fix that." She said, smiling for the first time that day. She skipped off to the corner again and tord finally notice what it was she'd been working on as she dragged it closer. A barrel of hot coals. The rod that stuck out of it was a reddish-white color, probably from the heat. Tay grabbed two metal rods that looked like big stapled and forced them onto each side of tords mouth, holding his mouth open. Tord made noises of disapproval the whole time, and for a short while after.
"Hm... Could've sworn that we had a cloth or something. I'd rather not burn myself.." Tay said, tapping her foot in thought. She began to search the room for something to protect her hands.
'Please don't find anything, please don't find anything' tord thought desperately, watching her with wide eyes. Unfortunately for him, tay did find something, letting out a happy.
"Ah-ha!" Tay popped back up with a thick towel. Picking up a large set of pliers with one hand and the rod with the other clothed one tay stood eagerly in front of Tord. She grabbed his tongue and pull it out As far as it would go, holding the rod inches from his tongue.
In great suspension, she slowly lowered it, a fascinating smile on her face. A blood-curdling scream filled the air as the rod made contact with his tongue. She pressed down hard, holding it there until the metal went cold. She tossed it to the ground with a smile and pulled out a syringe filled with a pink liquid. "Night night tord! See ya soon!"
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zombieplaguedoc · 2 years
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Been meaning to post this. 
Made Paul and Patryck from Eddsworld in Kisekae for a tiny project. It took a lot of painstaking effort but it was worth it. The only thing I don’t like is I couldn’t quite get Patryck’s hair right, so that’s the best I could do. I had some help from a lot of things, two of them being a fanart of Paul someone on Twitter drew for Paul’s hair and khalli-bug’s APH Poland export for Patryck’s hair. I couldn't do the white strap things Patryck is usually seen wearing cause every time I tried to do it with belts it either looked weird or didn't look right, so I gave up. 
But yeah, I’m actually very proud of this. Unfortunately I don’t feel like giving out their exports. 
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radwritings-blog · 6 years
The Way We Change
Rating: Teen and up
Warnings: Bullying and I think that’s all
Summary: Yuu is trying his best, Yanov wants friends, Paul is an asswipe, and Pat is playing all of them
Chapter one
Yuu let out a loud cry as he fell onto the pavement, his elbows and knees scraping against the asphalt tearing his fragile skin and beginning to bleed. One of the kids kicked him in the face, busting his lip and causing his nose to bleed. He let out another cry, the sob wracking through his body in a way that looked eerily similar to a convulsion.
“Why don’t you talk normal, huh? What’s with the lisp? Is it because your daddy beats you up? I don’t blame him, you’re pathetic,” one of the bullies taunted, the others nodding and snickering.
The fifth-grade kids were cruel, especially to the younger kids, and even more specifically the ones who already had plenty to deal with.
“Hey! Leave him alone,” a voice yelled, the voice slightly less squeaky than other second grade kids like Yuu.
The bullies whipped around, then let out a chorus of laughter at the young boy.
“Or what,” one of them called with a chuckle.
The young, dark-haired boy charged at the main bully, punching him in the jaw once he was close enough. The bully fell back from the surprise attack, his lackeys scattering away like the cockroaches they really were. The bully went to stand, but the boy put his foot on his chest, forcing him back down.
“I said to leave him alone,” he growled, digging his heel into the bully’s chest before removing his foot, “so scram.”
The bully got up quickly and ran off. The dark haired boy stood in front of Yuu and held out his hand for Yuu. Yuu grabbed it gently, and the boy pulled him up and smiled softly.
“Your name is Yuu, right? I’m Yanov. Are you okay?”
“I’m okay… thank you, Yanov,” Yuu said quietly, noticing they were still holding hands and blushed.
“Maybe we should clean you up a little, you’re covered in blood…”
Yuu nodded and Yanov used his sleeve to wipe away the blood and tears on Yuu’s face, making the blonde wince slightly.
“That should be good enough… Do you wanna go play with me?”
Yuu nodded, and Yanov smiled, pulling him in the direction of the playground. Yuu felt happy, glad to find a friend.
“Fucking nerd! Get the hell out of my way!”
There was the sound of metal rattling and grating as Yuu’s body was slammed into it by one of his bullies, one since he’d had since the beginning, Paul. Next to Paul was Patryck, his friend, and tutor. He looked uncomfortable, and Yuu understood why. Pat used to be on the receiving end of these brutes, but after he started letting Paul cheat off of him they became friends, which means no one can touch him.
“Are deaf all of a sudden? I’m talking to you, retard,” Paul shouted.
“S-sorry,” Yuu stuttered out, his lisp more apparent.
Paul laughed. Pat looked away. Yanov came running over.
But he was not Yuu’s savior this time. Instead, he looked at him with mild disgust. He quickly looked back at Paul, smiling.
“What’s up, Paulie?~”
Paul looked at him annoyed.
“Just teaching this freak a lesson,” he said, nodding his head in Yuu’s direction, his hand grabbing a fistful of his blonde hair, slamming his face into the locker.
Paul's body pressed against Yuu’s, his breath hot against his neck. Yuu muffled a cry, tears pricked the corners of his eyes when Paul yanked his hair back.
“Does this feel familiar, pretty boy,” Paul whispered through gritted teeth.
Yuu kept his mouth shut, and Paul let out a breathy chuckle, pushing away from Yuu.
“That’s what I thought,” he stated in an annoyed tone,”stay out of my way next time.”
Later that day, as Yuu tends to his wounds in the bathroom, he thinks of Yanov. Particularly of when they went their separate ways.
It was their first year of high school. He was excited to see Yanov, and when he first walked in his eyes went searching for his dark-haired friend, he was surprised. Yanov was sitting, talking, and laughing with none other than Paul and Patryck. Despite the fact that he was confused and anxious, Yuu walked over to the trio.
“Hi Yanov,” he said cheerily, getting the three’s attention. Paul scowled, Pat looked away, and Yanov looked nervous.
“Scram, loser,” Paul growled.
Yuu looked at him, then to Yanov, his eyes pleading for his friend to rescue him.
“You heard him. Scram.”
Yuu looked surprised before his surprise dissolved into betrayal. He walked away, fighting tears. Surely Yanov had his reasons, maybe he was getting revenge for all the years Paul had taunted Yuu, surely he wasn’t really abandoning him.
It wasn’t until school let that Yuu saw Yanov again. This time he was alone. He stormed over, his anger clear despite his attempts to stay calm.
“Yanov. What the hell was that about, this morning?”
Yanov snapped around, his face clearly showing his fear at being confronted in such a way. He took a step towards Yuu, his hand landing on his shoulder, he looked away guiltily.
“Listen, Yuu, we’re in high school now… This is my chance to get ahead in life, but… I can’t do that if I’m constantly having to save you. Paul and Pat have accepted me into their group, I don’t have to worry about people messing with me anymore. People basically worship me now, but that means, we can’t be seen together anymore. At least not as friends.”
Yanov smiled sadly before pushing Yuu to the ground.
“So get out of here, fag!”
Yuu stood, his face suddenly void of emotion, and stared into Yanov’s eyes. A few tears dripped down his face, the only indication of his turmoil. After a few moments of silence, he turned and left the school.
“Everybody up! Get dressed, and get in single file! Hustle, hustle, hustle!”
The yelling startled Yuu from his uncomfortable slumber, shooting straight up and leaping from his bed, he quickly got dressed in his uniform. He moved into the line and waited for inspection. The sergeant looked each person over and finally decided everyone was in perfect condition. He moved back to the front of the bunk room, this one specifically for rookies. He put his hands behind his back and stood up straighter.
“Today we will begin your first day of training.”
He made the signal to follow him, and each person fell into step behind him, being led to the training yard. In the hallways, they were met with snickers and taunts, but that was something Yuu had experience with, he could handle it.
Or so he had thought.
They had finally made it outside, and by the training yard was a group of people, likely gathering to watch the rookies make fools of themselves. Among those few was none other than Yanov.
Yuu’s heart pounded, his face turned red, and he stared at Yanov. He looked well, he was strong looking, powerful. His dark hair was slicked back some with gel. He looked good in a uniform. It hadn’t dawned on Yuu how close they were at this point, a few feet at least.
“What’re you looking at, rookie,” Yanov called to him and Yuu was snapped from his trance, his face immediately burning much brighter than before.
Yuu looked at Yanov and the group around him. He was surprised and scared to near death when he read the names of the two people closest to Yanov; Paul and Patryck. The worst part though was that clearly none of them recognized him.
The taunting continued. This time led by Yanov, which was strange to him. There were countless times where he was shoved into the dirt and called weak. Yanov attempted to start fights with him, though it was never reciprocated.
All this time and Yanov still hadn’t recognized his former best friend. Guess that showed how close they had really been.
“How does that feel, huh rookie?”
Yuu spit the blood that was pooling in his mouth, the punch had knocked him to the ground. He glared up at Yanov.
“I’m not going to lie, Yanov, I am surprised at you.”
Yanov looked taken aback, his surprise quickly melting away, anger replacing it. He grabbed Yuu by the collar of his jacket, pulling him up to be eye level with him.
“The hell did you just say to me?”
“I said I’m surprised at you. I honestly thought you would have recognized me by now. Maybe it must be spelled out for you, seeing as clearly you can’t figure it out for yourself. It’s me, Y-U-U.”
Yanov quirked an eyebrow, his head tilting slightly in confusion. It took a moment, but finally, it all clicked in Yanov’s head.
“... Yuu?”
Yuu nodded and found himself in a tight embrace.
“Good god, what’re you doing here?”
“It’s a long story…”
Yanov only held him tighter. “I’m so sorry,” Yanov said quietly, his voice breaking slightly.
“It’s okay, Yanov.”
Yuu and Yanov sat on the floor of Yanov’s quarters, blankets and pillows wrapped around them. They cuddled as they watched a movie on the tiny television, Yuu leaning it Yanov whose arms were wrapped around him. Yanov’s chin rested on top of Yuu’s head.
They acted as though this was the last time they would see each other because it really could be. Yanov was going on a mission, a dangerous one, and he may not come back. The two always spend the night together the night before one of them is sent into battle.
“Yan..? Can I tell you something”
“Of course you can!”
“I love you… a lot.”
Yanov chuckled, “I love you too.”
“I don’t want to lose you…” Yuu started, “I think you should stop going on missions. I don’t think we should be in the army anymore. I think we should run away…”
Yanov paused, his mouth agape in shock. He pulled away from Yuu and turned him around so they were facing each other. Yuu’s eyes were beginning to water, tears threatening to spill.
“We can’t do that, Yuu,” Yanov stated calmly, laying his hand on Yuu’s shoulder.
“Why not,” Yuu shouted, ripping himself from Yanov’s touch as though it had burned him.
“They’ll hunt us down and kill us!”
“We’ll die either way! I’d rather die next to you than miles apart!”
Yanov halted again, his body shaking with a wave of emotions. He looked at Yuu, his teary-eyed partner. Yuu noticed just how shaken he had become, but his gaze was cold as ever, reminding him of their high school years.
“No. We are not leaving. That’s final,” he spoke through gritted teeth.
“If I run, will you come find me?”
Yanov turned away, his jaw clenching.
“If you run, you are an enemy of this army. I will hunt you down and kill, that is my job.”
Yuu looked at him sadly, his tears finally spilling over. He took a step back as if the words had physically pushed him.
“Fine. I’ll see you around,” he slammed the door on his way out.
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