#tim staffell x reader
izzy-b-hands · 3 years
A Rainy Saturday Afternoon
A fic inspired by Tim’s monologue in a song called ‘The Right’ from an album he made as a part of the band Morgan (I transcribed the whole monologue last night, it is a wild and delightful trip lol.) 
Tim/Reader (gender neutral.) A hook up that’s meant to clear just general horny feelings for both of you, but instead turns into maybe something more. 
But this is also still mostly smut lmao. 
My love to all who read/like/reblog!
You didn’t make it a habit to go home with anyone. It wasn’t out of a lack of want exactly, but that you were picky and the local boys were...something, and-
None of them were this boy, that was for sure.
He was gorgeous. And, according to him:
“Painfully fucking lonely,” Tim sighed as you followed him to his room at the hotel. “Not just for things like this, I mean, though I’m very glad to have you over of course.”
He swung open the door, and immediately blushed.
You couldn’t help but do the same, giggling at the not-badly-put-together homemade blow up doll propped against the wardrobe. “Are we to have a third with us?”
“No!” Tim darted forward and tossed the doll into the wardrobe, staring at the doors of it as he slammed them shut. “I-I’m sorry. That...shouldn’t have been out and...”
He sighed and turned to you with a sorrowful look on his face. “You can leave. I understand; you’re not the first to see that when I didn’t mean you to, and any feelings you have about it are valid-”
You made sure the hotel door was locked, then strode into the room and interrupted him with a finger pressed to his lips. “I don’t care.”
“You don’t?” he asked. “Every other person I’ve brought back was...well, horrified. Found it pathetic, said awful things about me for having it.”
“Fuck ‘em,” you smiled, and pulled him towards the bed by his hips. “Well, more accurately, fuck me, and forget them. You’re a grown man, yeah? And you’ve been lonely and horny and are apparently quite creatively talented; why shouldn’t you have made your own companion for the time being?”
He grinned. “Thank you. I don’t know how honest you’re being, but-”
“I’m being honest,” you interrupted him with a quick kiss, and leaned in close to his ear. “So honest, that I ought to let you know I’d happily get myself off while watching you fuck that doll, or jack yourself off, your choice. If you’ll have me around again, that is.”
He nodded as you stepped back, and you let him help you tug off your clothes, your own hands working at his. Maybe this was moving too fast, but you didn’t care. You didn’t know for sure how long Tim would be around, or if he would keep in touch once he did leave.
You wanted this now, as close to something stable as it could possibly be, even if it was only for so many weeks. You could deal with any lingering feelings after he was gone.
Besides, you couldn’t bear the thought of stopping it all now. Of course, if Tim had asked to stop you would immediately, but luckily he was as comfortable as you were.
Comfortable being a mild way of putting it, with both of you touching every inch of bare skin as quickly as you could (there was simply no way to get your fingertips everywhere you wanted all at once, neither of you had hands enough for that) and kissing hard and hot. First at each other’s lips, then anywhere else you could get to as you flopped onto the bed together.
The mattress let out a frighteningly loud groan, and you couldn’t hold back your giggles.
“It won’t break,” Tim reassured you. “I think. It hasn’t yet, and I’ve um...given it a good workout by myself, if you know what I mean.”
“I think I get the gist,” you replied. “But you could still give me a demonstration later. I’d like that, to make sure I’m really understanding you.”
“How did I not meet you earlier?” Tim asked as he ground his cock against your thigh. “Wouldn’t have even needed the damned doll then.”
“You weren’t ready for me yet, and maybe I wouldn’t have been ready for you,” you mused, reaching a hand between the two of you to gently run your thumb over the head of his cock. “But I certainly am ready for you now.”
The condoms and lube in the drawer near the bed were still in their packaging, and you couldn’t help but smile as he fussed and swore at them.
“Will you get that upset when we have to buy more and break into them again?”
He had slipped to lay beside you as he fought with the packaging, and turned his head now. “More?”
“If I have my way, and if you want the same,” you said. “I intend to run out that supply of yours there. Likely before you leave, so we’ll need to get more.”
Tim looked excited at that prospect, but his smile faltered for a moment. “I will have to leave, is the thing...”
“I know,” you sighed. “And I’ll miss you, I’m sure. You might even miss me. We can exchange addresses and phone numbers and maybe write letters to each other. And if we find we miss each other enough, maybe we’ll have to make some travels and meet up again.”
“I barely know you,” Tim said as he finally freed a condom and rolled it on. “How on earth am I already so attached?”
You shrugged, and took the lube from him to use on yourself. “Same way I am, I suppose. I barely know you, but I know that right now, even if we weren’t going to fuck, I’d still rather be here in your room with you than anywhere else.”
He nodded, and took the bottle from you to set it back on the bedside table. “Are you alright? I mean, ready, or-”
“I am, but I like being teased,” you interrupted and lay back, gesturing for him to climb back on top of you. “So you can take your time, if you like.”
He did, the condom slicked in lube as he moved against you, and you could feel him shiver even as he tried to move slowly.
“Since we’re getting to know each other,” you murmured in between kisses to his neck and chest. “I should give you a compliment.”
“You’ve a lovely cock,” you replied, grinning as he blushed and laughed. “What? You do! And it isn’t even in me yet, that’s saying something.”
“Let me make sure you really like it then,” Tim said as he slipped gently inside you. “Still okay?”
You groaned happily into his neck as you pulled him close, wrapping your legs around his waist.
“Can I get a yes or a no?” Tim asked, and you lay your head back and opened your eyes.
He was beautiful, a halo of dark hair and eyes sweetly watching your face for any sign of your discomfort. You’d never had any such care from any of your prior rare hook ups.
But then, this didn’t feel like just a hook up anymore.
“Yes,” you replied. “I’m okay. More than okay. Or I will be, once you move.”
He kissed you hard, and answered you with the movement of his hips, meeting yours awkwardly for the first few thrusts.
But it was only a moment or two before you found rhythm with him, and moaned with the feeling of it.
There was the sound of a hand slapping at the wall near the bed, and you slapped a hand over your own mouth. “Sorry!”
“It’s alright,” Tim laughed. “Just my bandmate, ignore him.”
“Are we making him jealous?”
“Maybe,” Tim replied. “I don’t rightly care, honestly. He can deal with it, because you’re mine only.”
“Good,” you murmured, and focused back in on him.
Which frankly, was a joy. He didn’t hold back any moans or whines, kissed like he needed your touch to breathe, and nuzzled his face into your shoulder the rest of the time.
You had intended to try and hold off, to come as near to when he did as you could, but it was too much.
“You’re too good at this,” you managed to gasp out just before you came, mumbling his name and kissing him at every bit of skin you could reach.
“Fuck,” he sighed happily as he kept thrusting, working you through your orgasm. “I could feel that. I need to make you do that again.”
“I’d love that, but what about you?”
“I might need a bit after this,” Tim replied, his hips jerking against yours. “But we’ve got all night, and if you really meant it before...you know, that you’re in no rush to go...”
His eyelids fluttered shut as he came, and you pulled him in for a deep kiss, moving to meet his movements as best you could.
You waited for his eyes to open again, his head dropped against your shoulder, an adorable blissful smile on his face.
“I’m in no rush to go anywhere. I only just met you, and I feel like I ought to have known you for ages. Might be nothing more than puppy love, but I’m not going to turn that down if there’s the chance it might be more. So we’ve got time to make up for.”
He nodded. “We do. Shall I get up and clean us up, and in a little bit we can do this again?”
“Probably should, or we’ll fall asleep like this,” you replied. “I can barely keep your gaze; I’ll get lost in your eyes otherwise.”
Tim giggled as he slipped out of you and rolled off the bed. “Do you sweet talk everyone you fuck?”
“Only the ones I actually like,” you said, watching as he tossed away the condom and retrieved a few small towels from the hotel bathroom. “And I’ve not liked any of them enough to actually do that until now, so you’re the first. Congratulations, pretty boy.”
He let his towel fall to the floor and tossed yours there as well as you finished cleaning yourself, then dropped back beside you onto the bed. His arms wrapped around you, and it was delightfully warm and loving and comfortable.
“Pretty boy? I’ll have to think up something to call you,” Tim smiled.
“I’m sure you’ll come up with something,” you chuckled. “Nothing too mean though.”
“Never,” Tim sighed. “I think sweetheart is good for now.”
Your heart leaped at that. Oh, it was going to hurt when he left. For both of you.
But for now, he was safe in bed with you, and there was plenty of time to spare.
You wouldn’t waste a single minute of it.
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certifiedskywalker · 5 years
Jealous Much? (Part One) - Roger Taylor
Have a treat this Wednesday my friends with the first installment of my Roger Taylor x Reader series! Make sure to leave feedback on whether I should continue or not! Suggestions/comments are always appreciated! Love you all, have a wonderful day!
Being Brian May’s closest friend was fantastic to say the least. Having known him before you could even speak, he was without a doubt your bestest friend. So when he started to hang out with Roger Taylor, you were a little jealous…..but not for the reason you may think.
Warnings: drama(???) and cursing, Roger being Roger?
‘-’ signifies a scene change
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The best thing about sharing an apartment with Brian May was the fact that everything was always clean. No matter what day of the week or time of day, most of the flat was spotless. It wasn’t all Brian, as you would help him where and when you could; but he had a particular way of doing things. Every book had its designated place, dictated by some order that your friend had formulated in his own mind and the silverware was always in the right slot within the drawer.
So when the flat started to grow a little more cluttered than usual, you began to grow worried. Brian would come home later in the night, with the scent cigarette smoke and beer carried in on his clothes. It was hard to ignore the sharp oders when you did the wash. He also looked more tired than normal. When you asked about it, he would claim it was school and his looming thesis project.
“It’s really fine, Y/N,” he said one night, rubbing his heavy lidded eyes in a vain attempt to wake himself up. You shifted your weight, not buying into his lies.
“I’ve known you long enough to know when something is up, Bri. You know you can tell me anything, right?” You friend offered you an apt nod, his hair, which he was growing out, shaking with the movement. If it wasn’t for the hollowness of his cheeks and his defeated tone, perhaps you would have believed him when he spoke up again.
“I know, and I will when the time comes. As of right now, I’m simply just tired.” With that, he turned back to the textbook cracked open on the table before him and you let the topic die. At least, until a week later when he came home at two in the morning with an echoing crash that woke you from your slumber. He wasn’t drunk, he told you that as soon as you laid eyes on him. It was hard to believe when he was beaming like a loon and seemingly unable to find his balance.
“We did it!”
“We? Did what?” You asked, your brows knitting together. Brian smiled, setting his guitar case, which had been the source of the crash, up against the counter before walking over to you. Your tall friend placed his hands on your shoulders and laughed proudly.
“We booked our first gig!”
That was how you found yourself leaning against the polished wood of a counter top in a cramped bar late one Friday night. The day before Brian had explained everything to you. He told you of the late-night writing sessions and band practices he shared with two of his new friends Tim Staffell and Roger Taylor. When you had asked why he didn’t tell you about the band, he flushed.
“I didn’t think we were quite good enough yet,but, since we got the gig, I figured you might want to tag along,” and tag along you did. Brian had left early to help set up, leaving you to get yourself ready. Part of you was right pissed that he had kept this part of his life from you. Brian was your best friend after all; you told each other everything.
The day he told you about his new pet cat, you shared with him the lack-luster tale of your first kiss. You both were bound together, thanks to your parents, by a sense of friendship that was just as old as you were. So it irked you that he didn’t tell you and that he had been spending time he would normally spend with you, with strangers. However, you had managed to swallow your irrational jealousy by the time you made it to the bar. The drinks helped with curbing your edge too.
The air was thick as you made your way closer to the stage. You took note of the instruments already set out, a sign that the show was about to begin. As you waited patiently, you heard the overtly obnoxious laugh of a drunken lady as a long-haired long man spun her about. You rolled your eyes at the scene, ignoring the man’s pair of bright blue eyes when he caught you staring too long.
Sighing, you turned back towards the stage, eager to see your friend show you all that he had hidden from you. You didn’t have to wait much longer as a stout man with a thick beard came up on stage. With meaty hands, he gripped the microphone and tapped it a couple of times until it gave a little feedback. Clearing his throat, the man introduced the main event.
“For the first time ever I give to you, Smile.” An excited chorus of cheers and clapping ensued as the man left the spotlight to make room for the three figures entering from the backstage. You grinned as Brian waved at the crowd, scanning over faces until he noticed you. Grinning widely, you waved before looking at the two other men with him. With a similar hair length as Brian’s the lead singer with the bass seemed to be charming. From what Brian had told you the night before, he was Tim.
However, it was the ruddy blond drummer that caught your eye; just as he did before when he had been flirting with the heavily intoxicated lady. He must be Roger, you mused. You took in his lithe form, hating how handsome he looked under the red glow of a nearby lamp. As he swaggered to the drum set, Brian spoke up on the mic and pulled your attention back to him.
“Thanks for coming out tonight! I’m Brian, on bass we have Tim, and our drummer for this evening is Roger.” A few girlish giggles and wolf-whistles sounded, prompting Roger to send a few winks out into the crowd. You almost swore he winked at you, but you shook your head to focus back on Brian. “And I hope before we leave here tonight, we make you Smile.”
The show was amazing and you were still thrumming from the thrill of it all. Never before had music swayed you like the songs Smile preformed. Brian seemed so in his own element, just as he did when he rattled on about space and theoretical physics concepts. You were so proud and any residual anger you felt had nearly been rubbed off by the beat of the music. Nearly.
There was something about Roger and the way he so openly flirted with the crowd that stirred something within you. His banter was friendly at first, calling out a few people in the bar; but then it morphed into smug grins and a cockiness that set you off. He wasn’t the type of company Brian usually kept. You would know, being his longest lasting friend. Ultimately, you choked it up to some sort of jealousy; definitely not having anything to due with the fact you found Roger annoyingly attractive.
Swallowing any negativity, you waited for Brian to come find you at the bar. With your fingers tracing the rim of you almost empty glass, you didn’t see the lumbering shape of your towering friend walking over to you until you felt an arm over your shoulder.
“Bri,” you started, giving your friend a tight hug, “you were amazing! It sounded so good.” You pinched his upper arm slightly. “You didn’t tell me you could sing.” Your friend blushed and you smile, glancing over to his side to see his bandmates standing in wait.
“Y/N, this is Tim,” the brunette waved as Brian formally introduced him to you. Tim’s sharp features glowed as he gave you a bright, toothy grin.
“Brian’s told us a lot about you,” he chirped. You smiled, shaking his now extended hand.
“And this is Roger,” Brian continued and you followed his gaze to the shorter blond. His lips were upturned in that overly confident smile you had seen on stage and you began to wonder if that was how the band got its name in the first place.
“So nice to put a pretty face to a pretty name,” the drummer drawled, taking your hand and bringing it to his soft lips. You tried your hardest to overlook the blatant (and really quite excessive) line and attempted to mask the blush blooming on your cheeks.
“It’s wonderful to meet you both,” you said through slightly gritted teeth. Brian noticed your displeasure at Roger’s flirting and was about to speak up before he was beaten to it.
“Would’ve preferred to meet you sooner,” Roger cooed, still smirking. You bit the inside of your cheek to keep from combusting. He seemed to take note of your red cheeks and his closed-lip smile deepened, as if he enjoyed watching you squirm. Where did he get off?
“I should have warned you,” Brian started, “Rog here is quite the flirt.”
“Yeah, take it easy man,” Tim chimed in, “Y/N is Brian’s girl.” You would have spat out your drink if you had dared to taken a sip. Brian let out a loud laugh and you slapped his back playfully.
“You hear that, love? You’re my girl,” Brian teased. You could barely breathe as you took in Tim’s confused expression. Roger, on the other hand, seemed all too satisfied by this newly acquired knowledge. At least he could read between the lines, you had to give him that.
“We’re not dating,” you clarified to Tim, whose mouth created a dramatized ‘O’ in the midst of his realization. “We’ve just been friends for…..”
“Ever, really,” Brian finished proudly. You fawned over your friend before returning your gaze to his newest additions. Roger cocked his head to the side, blue eyes trailing up your form and taking you in. His pointed gaze made you blush a little harder, but you were certain your skin burned due to anger rather than attraction. He looked at you like Brian looks at a veggie sandwich; like he wants to devour you.
“Sorry, I didn’t know,” Tim said, breaking your attention from Roger’s eyes. You shook your head and comforted the singer, telling him it was alright and that it happened all the time. 
“It’s a problem, really,” you began, “I feel like I’m part of the reason Mr. May doesn’t get laid.” Tim spluttered out into a fit of laughter as did Roger, although he seemed more quiet which unsettled you greatly. Brian blushed, turning all sort of shades of red as you went on. “Plenty of girls on campus have talked about him. It’s all I hear. Then I mention I’m his roommate and it’s like they were never speaking in the first place. It’s a pity.”
“Wait, campus? You’re attending Imperial too?” You nodded at Tim's question, which seemed to pique Roger’s interest. Bits of blond strands had fallen in front of his face, obscuring his features; but you didn’t have to look at him to see him staring. You could feel his eyes on you.
“What are you studying?” The drummer’s voice, while raspy, held a softness to it that didn’t match up with his loud personality. You told them about your major, upon which Tim pestered you with questions about your teachers and classmates. He asked whether you knew this person and that professor, laughing when you told him you hardly knew anyone besides Brian. As the night progressed, you and the bassist talked each other’s ears off with Brian beside you, happy that you were getting along with his new friends. It had to be about an hour or so later when you heard Roger’s voice break through the conversation.
“Goin’ out for a smoke,” he shared suddenly. You turned to face him, your breath catching slightly when you found his baby blue eyes already on you. The corner of his mouth quirked upwards in a teasing manner before he began to stroll towards the door. A few long moments of silence passed as you watched him go.
“I take it he’s why your clothes reeked?” You asked Brian as you tore your eyes away. Your friend nodded quickly in response.
“I don’t know why he’s going outside,” Tim thought aloud, “he can just smoke here.” Brian shifted on his feet, his bright eyes tracing the path the drummer had left.
“Maybe he’s feeling a bit crowded.” You nodded, but noticed how the masses of people was beginning to thin out. It must be getting late.
“We should head out soon,” you suggested to Brian, “we have class earlier tomorrow morning.” Your friend nodded before turning to Tim who sighed loudly.
“But I was having such a great time,” Tim whined. You let out a small giggle and shook your head.
“This will continue, I can promise you that. Especially now that I know that you even exist,” you said, taking a light jab at Brian who rolled his eyes.
“You’re not going to let it go are you?” You raised your eyebrows at him in a ‘you-even-thought-I-would?’ type of expression that made Tim laugh. He had a nice laugh.
“C’mon, we gotta pack up before you leave.” He clapped Brian on the shoulder and hopped off the stool he had been sitting on while talking with you. Before he walked away, Tim turned back to you, “I could I trouble you to tell Rog to come pick up his oversized bongos?”
“No trouble at all,” you said smiling. Jumping off your seat, you made your way towards the door in the same direction you had seen Roger go a few minutes before. The chilled night air of London nipped at any bit of exposed skin as you pushed open the doors. Suppressing a shiver as you stepped out onto the pavement, you glanced around for the familiar head of blond hair you had be asked to find.
It didn’t take long to find Roger. He was leaning against the red brick wall of the bar’s exterior as a gaggle of scantily clad ladies crowded around him. A plume of smoke trailed from his lips as he let out a laugh. It was a higher pitch than Brian’s or Tim’s but there was something so genuine about it that your chest warmed at the sound. It reminded you of birdsongs that filtered through your window in the Summer. You waited awkwardly for either Roger to notice you or for the girls to head off. Five minutes passed until Roger looked in your direction.
As soon as his eyes found yours, Roger excused himself and made his way towards you. That signature smile was spread thickly on his pink lips as he grew closer. The scent of nicotine clung to his jacket that looked thermal and too big for his slight frame. He stopped a few inches before you, studying your features.
“Look cold, darling. Need a light?”
“No, thank you, though. Tim wanted me to tell you that they’re packing up inside.” You bit back the shiver that ran up your spine at the nickname. With the message delivered, you started back towards the bar door. If it wasn’t for the hearty chuckle from Roger, you would have continued on your path.
“You do everything a man tells you?” His words sent a flame of rage through your body, something you hadn’t felt in ages. You spun on your heels and glared at him as he took a calmed drag of his cigarette.
“No,” you spat, “how dare you-”
“You looked awfully cozy with him in there. You sure you’re not doing this for an imagined favor?” Your hands curled into fists by your sides as he continued. “Tim isn’t right for you, believe me, darling.”
“I do things to be helpful, say things that help people. Unlike you, who seems to say things just to be a dick.” You turned towards the door again, but another wave of anger overwhelmed you and drove you to face the drummer once more. You were a mere inches apart now, the tension building brick by agonizing brick. “And you don’t even know me. I feel that Tim is more right for me than you could be for anyone.”
Roger’s face burned at that, as the girls who had been ogling him earlier giggled at your words. You noticed his strong jaw clench and you knew you had struck some sort of nerve. Good, you thought, he deserved that. Pleased with yourself, you turned and sassily swung your hips as you walked back inside the bar. Roger’s eyes followed you as you disappeared inside, his mouth hanging open in a case of wonder.
“He’s coming,” you said once you found Brian and Tim inside. Tim thanked you as Brian handed your your coat. Shrugging it on, you did your best to postpone any goodbyes. You had really enjoyed your night, despite Roger’s lousy attitude.
“I hope to see you wherever we play next,” Tim hummed, “hope we made you Smile.” You grinned and nodded.
“You definitely did. I’ll see you soon!” You followed Brian as he strode outside, his hands clinging to his guitar case like a life raft. You buttoned up your coat as you walked, listening to Brian chatter on about what he could have done better. You were about to tell him he did amazing for his first live show, but a shout cut you off.
“See ya Wednesday, May!” You and Brian turned to find Roger, still smoking, waving at the two of you. A girl was leaning against him, her nose nuzzling against his neck. The sight had your stomach curling with a burning heat that rose up to your cheeks and a fury you couldn’t place.
“See ya then, mate!” Brian cheered, turning to continue walking. You should have followed him, but the view of the girl kissing Roger’s cheek, then his lips had you locked in place for a moment. He seemed to glow under her affection and it felt like someone had stabbed you in the gut. “Y/N? You coming or you gonna stand there and freeze?”
Shaking your head you trailed after you best friend. What you didn’t catch was how Roger followed you with his eyes, a frown etched into his features as you walked away. Too busy in your thoughts and half listening to Brian, you came to a startling realization. You were jealous, but not for the reason you had originally thought.
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adrenaline-roulette · 4 years
Is this just fantasy? Chapter 1
Pairing: Brian May x Reader
Warnings: None for this chapter.
Summary: Time travel reader fic (I know it’s been done before!)
"Want me to bring back some ice-cream, and you can bitch about how horrible you day was?”
The idea of ice-cream had never been more appealing. “I believe Ben and Jerry’s is on sale at the moment, I could really go from some chunky monkey.”
“I never understood why you like that one so much!”
“I try to convince myself that because it’s banana flavoured then it must be healthy.”
“As a dietitian in training, it is my duty to tell you, that that is not by any means true.”
“For a dietitian in training, you eat an awful lot of instant mac & cheese.”
“Whoa now, there is no such thing as too much mac & cheese!”
Chapter one: Wake up in the morning, see your sunrise loves to go down
Collapsing on your bed, you let out a deep sigh, feeling your muscles slowly relax against the soft mattress. It had been a long and draining week at work, not only had you been training up a new staff member, but you had had three staff quit unexpectedly leaving you and a few others to pick up the slack! You reach over to the nightstand, blindly searching for the remote for your stereo, smiling triumphantly as your fingers wrap around the thin black controller. After a few missed button mashing, you finally manage to turn on the stereo, your favourite station tuning in automatically, your housemate had never quite understood your obsession with the station, but you loved the fact that it played nothing but rock classics. You allowed yourself to fall into a peaceful state of mind, as the music washed over you, the hypnotic voice of Stevie Nicks singing Gold Dust woman beginning to lull you to sleep.
Just as you feel yourself nearing the brink of sleep, a sharp knock on your bedroom door throws you back into the present, and you blink your eyes open groggily. “Hey Y/N, sorry to wake you!” Your housemate calls from the other side of the door. “Mm, no that’s okay Sara. Come in.” The door handle twists before Sara enters your room, she smiles softly, and you can see how sorry she is for bothering you. “I’m just on my way to the shops quickly, want me to bring back some ice-cream, and you can bitch about how horrible you day was?” She grins, and honestly, the idea of ice-cream had never been more appealing. “I believe Ben and Jerry’s is on sale at the moment, I could really go from some chunky monkey.” There’s a brief look of disgust on her face, before her smile returns. “I never understood why you like that one so much!” You pause briefly before shrugging. “I try to convince myself that because it’s banana flavoured then it must be healthy.” You watch as Sara tries to conceal her laughter, shaking her head in mock disappointment. “As a dietician in training, it is my duty to tell you, that that is not by any means true.” A pout forms on your face as you look across at her, before grinning. “For a dietician in training, you eat an awful lot of instant mac & cheese.” “Whoa now, there is no such thing as too much mac & cheese!” She shakes her head, then turns on her heel to leave your room. “I’ll be back soon!” “See you in a little while.” You smile back, before flopping back into a more comfortable position, this time with your face pressed into your pile of pillows, and one-foot dangling off the side of the bed.
The last few beats of Rebel Rebel play through the speakers, before the radio announcer introduces the next song. “And now for 1970, we saw the Beatles disband, Simon & Garfunkel released their fifth and final album, Black Sabbath released their debut album, and of course Creedence Clearwater Revival released Pendulum. So, to celebrate this amazing year of music, here is Creedence Clearwater Revival, with Have you ever seen the rain. An amazing song released forty-nine years ago. The announcer slowly fades out, before the new song kicks in just as you begin to fall asleep.
Within minutes you’re dreaming, a dream you had experienced only a handful of times before. You were falling, forever falling down a narrow multicoloured tunnel which seemed to have no end in sight. Subconsciously you knew what it meant if you hit the ground, or at least what supposedly happened, but somehow this felt different. It almost seemed as if you could feel the harsh rush of wind against your skin as you fell, the warmth you had felt as you lay in your bedroom being replaced by a sharp cold, similar to pinpricks. After what felt like hours of falling, the ground suddenly comes rushing up out of nowhere, and you crash into solid earth, knocking the wind out of you. Before you have the opportunity to open your eyes, to assess what had just occurred, your vision goes black, and the world around you fades away.
Sara had arrived at the grocery store with only a short list of necessary items, including a few household essentials, some bread for lunch, and two pints of Ben and Jerry’s.  As she browsed through the aisles, she picked up a few snack items to bring back home for you, in an effort to cheer you up. Sara had no intention of being out for too long, and quickly gathered the remaining items on her list, before stopping in front of the freezer section, gazing at the wide selection of ice-cream. She took out a pint of chunky monkey, and half baked, placing them her shopping cart, then making her way to the self-serve check out. As if by a stroke of fate, the moment you hit the ground after your dream, Sara picked up the pint of chunky monkey, and scowled at it. “Why on Earth did I get this? I hate chunky monkey.” She mumbled, before turning to find the sales assistant. “Excuse me, sorry I didn’t mean to pick this one up.” “Oh, that’s ok, it happens all the time. I’ll take it back for you.” Sara smiled at the young assistant, as he took the ice-cream from her. “Thank you so much.”
As she left the store with two bags, she couldn’t shake the odd sensation that she was forgetting something, and how odd it had been for her to pick up a flavour of ice-cream she hated. Popping the boot to her car, she placed the bags inside, before heading for her apartment. Sara parked her car in the single sided garage, retrieved her bags and made her way up to her apartment. After placing the fridge and freezer items away in the kitchen, she took the remaining items into her room, passing by the spare bedroom on her way. “I really must get around to painting these walls. No one will want to rent with me if I keep them this colour.” She mused aloud, before heading into her room.
You have no idea how long you slept, and no way of telling, because the moment you open your eyes, you find yourself most certainly not in your bedroom, or any room for that matter. You sit bolt upright in a matter of seconds, your head just visible over the long grass you were surrounded by. “What the fuck?” You breathe out, looking around the vast expanse of nothing but grass around you. You’re in a field, one that you don’t recognise at all, not that you had a whole lot of experience with fields to start with. With a great deal of care, you push yourself up onto your feet, feeling you back crack slightly as you stand. You stretch your arms above your head, as the stiffness in your body slowly leaves you, all that remained now was the fog the was clouding your mind. You don’t remember having anything to drink last night, and certainly not enough to have you waking up in a bloody field with no one around! Your hands clench at your sides, before you make your way to the edge of the field, climbing over the fence that had you surrounded, there didn’t appear to be any cattle around, but you weren’t keen on being on private property, especially when you had no way of explaining how you got there in the first place.
As you walked further away from your respawn point, things only seemed to become stranger. The cars that drove past you were all vintage, the types you had watched your grandfather fix up in his garage when you were a child. They all looked practically brand new, and like nothing you had ever seen just driving around town before. The few people you saw on the streets were all dressed like they had walked straight out of Woodstock, which was both a bold and unusual fashion statement. Though the icing on the cake was when you passed and information kiosk, you made a beeline straight for it, and almost screamed. Right there, on the front of the kiosk was a sign reading, ‘What to see in London.’  Your heart was pounding in your chest, so hard you thought you were about to go into cardiac arrest. You can’t be London, that was physically impossible, you didn’t live anywhere near London, especially not close enough to have woken up in a field here! You fish out your phone from your back pocket, paying no mind the stitching that had appeared on the fabric, trying to keep your focus on one thing at a time.  It takes far too long for your phone to wake up, the screen remaining black for minutes rather than seconds. The moment your regular display appears on the screen, you scramble to type in your pin number. The first thing you see is the lack of bars you have; you have no reception whatsoever. “What?!” You cry out, causing a few people to glance at you curiously. This isn’t possible, there was no such thing as black spots with your phone, you could be at the bottom of a cave, thousands of feet below ground, and you would still be able to call someone.
You shove your phone back in your pocket, taking note that it felt as if your wallet was somehow in your other back pocket, despite it not having been there when you fell asleep. Looking around, you spot a newspaper vending machine near a pub, heading directly for it. You take out your wallet, and place a coin in the coin slot, the drawer opening as you grab out a paper. Scanning your eyes over the top of the headline, you find what you had been looking for, the date. “Get fucked. It is not 1970!” You hiss, clutching the paper between fisted fingers. You feel dizzy as you look around, desperately trying to make some sense of this situation. Not only were you now somehow in London, but to top it all off, you appeared to be forty-nine years in the past! “If this is a prank, it needs to end now.” You say aloud, keeping am eye out for anyone you recognise. Perhaps this was your housemate’s idea of cheering you up, if that was the case, then she could at least show herself!
The pub you were standing out the front of suddenly came to life, as a group of college aged students came barrelling down the stairs and onto the street. You could only pick up bits and pieces of their conversation, though it appeared to be along the lines of, which pub they should next visit, and where had the best music playing tonight. With a deep breathe, you follow along behind the group, making sure to stay back a few paces so to not draw attention to yourself. As you pass by a few shop windows, you take a moment to assess your outfit, immediately noticing how it had changed. You had fallen asleep wearing your favourite pair of ripped denim jeans, and a crimson long sleeved shirt, that was at least two sizes too large, but one of the most comfortable shirts you owned. You had noticed your clothing felt different the moment you had woken in the field, but only now did you finally see just what had changed. Your legs were now encased in a pale blue pair of denim bell bottoms, with the waist reaching your navel, and white embroider flowers decorating the back pockets. Your shirt remained the same colour, though now had a choker neckline, with a deep oval cut out over your chest. The material was skin-tight and was tucked into the waist of your jeans. Finally came the shoes, you had been barefoot since the moment you walked through your apartment door, but apparently some higher power deemed it necessary for you to have shoes while walking through 1970’s London. The black leather boots zipped halfway up your calf, and the heel gave you a whole extra four inches of height.
The group you were trailing behind finally stopped outside of a new pub, taking a moment to checkout the fliers which were displayed on the glass door. With a collective nod, they all entered, and you quickly followed them, taking no note of the fluorescent green poster advertising which band was performing late tonight. 
The moment you enter the pub, you head straight for the bar, desperate for some liquid courage, hoping that maybe it would help you understand just what was going on right now.  You settle down on one of the bar stools, taking a split second to enjoy the way the seat spun beneath you, none of the bars you lived near in your time had spinning barstools. There was only one bartender working from what you can see, but it appeared to only be early in the afternoon still, and you could only assume more staff would arrive as the afternoon progressed.
                                                                                                                        “Afternoon Miss, what can I get for you?” The bartender asks, a cheery grin plastered permanently on his face. He had a fatherly demeanour about him, and you could already tell that he had a larger than life personality. For the first time since you had woken up, you felt safe, and as if you knew exactly where you were, and were no longer lost in a year decades before you had been born, and in a city you were entirely unfamiliar with.
After a few moments of silence, the man clears his throat, though continues to smile down at you. You can only imagine how miserable you must look, as his eyes seem to soften as he takes in your appearance. “Just whatever lager you have on tap please.” He nods at your order, and goes to fill your glass, as you lean your forearms against the sticky wood of the bar. Nothing was making sense about this day, how could you fall asleep in one year, and wake up in an entirely other one. Time travel didn’t exist, in fact you seem to recall reading an article on Buzzfeed the other day, about a scientist who had proven the ability to travel forwards or backwards in time was impossible. “That’s the last time I trust Buzzfeed. Next I’ll find out they lied about what my spirit animal is.” You mutter to yourself, a small smirk tugging at your lips.
“What was that love?” The bartender quires as he places your foaming lager in front of you, lifting a bushy eyebrow down at your rambling.
You shake your head slowly, before smiling up at him. “Sorry, it’s just been an odd day.” Without thinking, you pull out your phone once again, placing it down on the counter. “You don’t happen to have a charger I could burrow, do you?”
The bartender lifts and eyebrow, his lips parting as if he were about to speak, before closing. “What do you mean, a charger? And what is that?” He asks, gesturing down to the slim phone that was waking up beside your glass. Hurriedly you slap your hand over the device, biting your bottom lip. Stupid, so bloody stupid! If this really is 1970, no one will have any idea what you’re talking about!
“Um, never mind. Thank you.” You sigh, before dropping your head down, pressing your forehead against the counter, not caring about what was currently sticking to the tip of your nose.
Across the pub, three men sat around a table for four, an overflowing ashtray positioned in the centre, as multiple glasses and bottles surrounded it, all in various states of emptiness. One of the men takes a long drag from his cigarette, the smoke curling through the air above the table. “Ten pounds says I can convince little miss single at the bar, to come home with me after the show.”
“Home or your van?” One of the other men smirks, rolling his eyes at the antics of his friend. This was hardly the first time Roger had put money on picking up a lone woman at the bar. But it was the first time he had said anything about taking her home, usually the furthest he got was into the back of his van.
The blonde man frowns, taking a large gulp of his beer, before placing the amber bottle down. “Don’t go getting all technical on me Tim, that’s not the point of a bet. The point is for me to win money.”
“I must ask Roger, are we single handedly funding your degree at the moment, through all of these pointless bets?”
Roger stands slowly from the table, shoving his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. “It’s not my fault you keep agreeing to my bets Brian!”
“I’m hoping one day you’ll raise the cost to one hundred pounds, and that will be the day you strike out.”
“As if I could ever strike out.”
Liked this chapter? Check out chapter two here! Or check out My Masterlist
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Chapters: 72/80 Fandom: Queen (Band), Bohemian Rhapsody (Movie 2018) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Jim Hutton/Freddie Mercury, Freddie Mercury/Paul Prenter Characters: Freddie Mercury, Jim Hutton, Paul Prenter, Brian May, Roger Taylor (Queen), John Deacon, Kashmira Bulsara Cooke, Mary Austin, Tim Staffell Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Ballet, in this house we hate paul prenter, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Poor Freddie, the 70s were not a fun time to be gay, Happy Ending, this is gonna be a long one, freddie finding his identity, jim being a sweetheart and cleaning up all the mess, the boys are in the band, the boys love each other unconditionally, if you like mr robot you might like this, references to restricted eating, (very very minor), Physical Abuse, Verbal Abuse, Mental Instability, Mental Health Issues, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Rape Recovery, literally just the softest boys from chap 54 onwards, smut in chapter 58, freddie dances for the royal ballet Series: Part 1 of fluorescent! verse Summary:
Everyone is born with skills. Some people can paint, some can draw, play instruments, play sports. Some can dance, some can sing, some can light up a room just by walking into it. Some people have the skill to manipulate other people's skills for their own benefit.
Freddie moves to London at 18 to pursue a career at The Royal Ballet. He is naive, optimistic, so full of love and ready to trust. He just doesn't realise that people aren't always what they seem, until one day he gets his big break.
Geniunely my favourite series on ao3. So much angst but also in turn, a lot of well-earned fluff. Updated almost every day and never fails to make me smile when it does. Legit just about to re-read it for the third time it is that good. By the wonderful @immistermercury! Is mainly about abuse though so be careful if you read it. Which you should.
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goingsllightlymad · 4 years
Baby It’s You - Part 2.
Pairing: Roger Taylor x reader, Brian May x reader
Summary: The year is 1981 and Roger Taylor is pretty sure he has made it. With the Game Tour stretching out before him and the band more successful than ever, he doesn’t think that anything can mess up the perfect picture that is his life. That is, until he receives a letter from an astrophysics PhD student studying abroad, and finds himself sucked into her world of secrets and mistaken identities. Roger Taylor is about to find out that his life is a lot more complicated than he ever thought.
Wordcount: 2392 (getting longer!). 
Warnings: I just love Roger Taylor a lot, okay? 
An hour after Brian had left, Roger was still finishing up. Bags all around him on the bottom step of the never-ending flight of stairs that lead down from their apartment, he was making sure he took as much time as he could. He was late already, so he might as well be later. It annoyed Brian and he knew it - all those threats and empty promises of kicking Roger out of the band if he wasn't get to the tour bus on time weren't entirely lost on him, just had the wrong effect.
With that last thought of Brian's agitated face in mind, and the wonderful mental image of him pacing to and fro in front of the bus the way he probably was right now, Roger dropped off the last of his bags by the door, and made his way over to the little metal letter-boxes with the apartment numbers on the front. He had never really done this kind of dull domestic thing before, truth be told, and it took him a moment to pick out their box from the rows and rows stacked on top of each other. Brian was much more domestic than he had ever been, and on a nicer day he might have admitted that he could not live without him. But this was not that kind of day, and Roger Taylor was not in that kind of mood.
There were the usual parcels and notices - a wedding invitation from one of Brian's friends, a just-saying-hi letter from Tim Staffell like there was every week (Roger never read them but he knew that Brian did), a couple of bills and an advertisement for a recording studio nearby. He kept that one, put it in his pocket to show the others if he ever decided to show up at the bus as he knew he had to soon. And then at the bottom another envelope, small and neat. He picked it up, looked a little closer at the name written on the front in neat cursive script. The right house number, absolutely not the right name. Some guy called Ben, probably someone who lived somewhere downstairs. Probably the new guy, but Roger had no idea which number he was. He cast a momentary glance at all the letter-boxes in front of him, wondered whether he had the time or the patience to go through each one and look for names. True to his character and to the extraordinary number he saw, he did not.
There was a moment or two when he had to stand and think things through. The letter had been sent to the wrong address. But what to do when you had nowhere to send it to? Leave it on the side and hope for the best? Probably not a good idea - he had had a suspicion people were stealing Queen's mail for a while now, best not to put the idea to the test when this wasn't even his letter. Find Ben? God knows how many Ben's there must be in this building, and Roger was finally coming around to the idea that sooner or later he really had to get to the bus or else they might send Brian back to drag him there by brute force. What a comically horrifying thought.
So it was without much internal conflict that Roger slipped the letter into the pocket of his coat, with the advert for the studio, and locked up the letter-box once again. He could always open it and find out who had written it, maybe write back to the address it was sent from, just to explain. He figured they ought to know, at least. And it didn't seem like there were a lot of better options opening themselves up before him. Yes, he would read it as soon as they set off, get something back quickly and have no more to do about it. Or at least, so he resolved as he found his bags again, the thought already fading into the chaos of his mind, the prospect of the tour bleeding through in its place until he had almost forgotten about the letter entirely, standing by the worn front door.
With a final sigh and a grunt as he hoisted his bags onto his back once more, Roger left the building through the front door and made his way finally to the tour bus. It had to leave soon, and he was very very late.
It was only that night, with the sun long since set and the others recently gone to bed, that Roger remembered the letter. He cursed quietly in the silence of the bed at the back of the tour bus, muttering something about the scrabble they had been playing all afternoon while the bus drove on to god knows where, and tried once more to close his eyes and fall asleep. Once more he was unsuccessful. Eyes closed and breathing slowed, the thought of the address came flooding back into his mind, insidious and unshakeable as a curse. He really had to read it now, because he was getting the idea that he could not sleep if he didn't.
He sat up, pressing his shaking hands against his thighs to steady them as he shivered in the cool night air. For the life of him he could not remember when July had got so cold. Groping around in the moonlight for his coat, he took out the letter from the pocket, straightened it out. Such pretty handwriting for someone who didn't know how a fucking address worked.
Dear Ben...
The silence in the tour bus lasted an eternity while he read, his lips moving gently as he murmured the words back to himself. From time to time he looked up from the page, lips quirking up into a soft half-smile as the words pulled him into their funny little world that he knew nothing about. And yet he had never felt as though he knew someone so well. It was almost too intimate, for a moment he had to stop and wonder if he was really doing the right thing. This was a moment when the curtain was ripped aside momentarily, and through the gap he caught a glimpse of someone else living a life that was so different to his own. He felt as though he were walking into a cinema halfway through a film, picking up a character from all the scraps of words they let him see. He could not look away if he tried.
When at last the words ran out at the bottom of the page, he blinked slowly, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness that seemed to have wrapped itself around him while he was unaware. How to tell this girl, (Y/N), that he wanted to, needed to, know more. There was something so addictive about this boring little life she lead, where the pigeons outside her window got more action than her. Roger could never understand what that was like.
Making sure not to wake the others as they sprawled out on the beds along the bus, Roger found the little scrabble table, the pencils and paper they used to score. He took a clean sheet and tried to write.
Dear (Y/N) (Y/L/N),
I must preface this letter with the sincere apology that I am not, in fact, Ben. Not through some lack of effort of yours, I am sure, this letter was addressed to entirely the wrong person, and has reached myself instead of whoever it was intended to go to. Which is fine - I certainly enjoyed reading your letter, and in fact I should hate to leave this here. You seem to lead such a more exciting life than I do!
I wish I could understand your PhD woes, really, but it is my primary flaw that I was never the most academic of all my friends. If I could do what you are doing, I would, but the problem is I just can't. I fear I would die of boredom and stress from the very get-go, and that would be a rather unfortunate situation for everyone involved, I fear. Still, I have no doubt that, whatever it is you are studying, you are coping brilliantly (albeit complainingly!). It seems I must rely upon you to live out vicariously my dreams of doing anything vaguely intellectual successfully; I hope you do not mind!
You've made me quite frantic just reading about your late night habits, my love! He's probably right, you know - you really ought to get some sleep. One of my mates keeps going on about something like that ("self care" apparently, which sounds a lot like bullshit but it seems I'll be preaching it now like the utter hypocrite that I am) to me, which of course I have never listened to because I have a horrible habit of never actually listening to my mates, but I think you need some of that. Not that you're going to listen to me. Not that you should listen to me. My advice is terrible. Just ignore me, I'm having an internal crisis here.
New York is indeed very... different to what we are used to. I used to hate it there because all I could associate it with was travelling and being away from home, but now I suppose I don't mind as much. I'm more used to travelling now. Not that that's an especially bad thing. New York does have nicer diners, and the accent makes me laugh more than I really ought to. I lose my shit every time someone orders a coffee like that. Good on your pigeons though - maybe not so good on you but good on them all the same. At least they're having a nice time. Well, at least the male pigeon is. And they say romance is dead.
How must you live without a radio? I think I would keel over and die immediately without my music. I wouldn't tell it to my friends (they'd call me a right wuss and I fear I haven't the stability of ego to withstand such a low blow) but I sometimes think my soul is made of music. That band thing sounds interesting! Maybe you should go along just in case - see if you like them. I hear they're fantastic.
Roger didn't comment on the last half of that paragraph. Something in it made him feel like he was standing in someone else's place, reading something he was never meant to see. Something he would never share, because no one had ever said those kind of things to him before. He wondered if that was love, and hoped it wasn't. He'd like to think that he had been loved before, and he knew that he had never been loved quite like this.
You know I have to ask - who on earth are Lennon and McCartney? Please god don't tell me you have half of the Beatles living in your apartment or else I really must find out who you might possibly be. Princess Bride with the Beatles... what a thought. I've never seen it - I think I should have but I haven't. Nothing personal, not really, I've just never been the sort for sappy romance films. All that nonsense about "true love" and "happily ever after", I'd feel like a 9-year-old girl with a crush. It's all just a scam, really. No way that kind of thing isn't all made up. No way at all.
A wedding? Wow, sounds nice. Sorry, I'm just not used to that kind of thing. What do you even say to it? Congratulations on not having broken up by now? Good luck doing the same things you were doing before you got married but with extra legal bindings? I can't wait until you have kids and our friendship becomes second to them? Not for me, no sir. Not for anyone like me either. Just not ideal exactly in this line of work. Think I'll have to stick with being forever alone, eh? But congratulations (or something like that) to your brother and his... spouse.
Thank you again for brightening up my boring little day, and I hope you write again "as you wish",
He didn't sign his name at the bottom - he thought perhaps it might be better to let her form her own opinions of him in her own time, instead of telling her straight away. It wouldn't let out his address, he promised himself as he slumped forwards against the table, head in his hands. Now that that was done, he suddenly felt so dreadfully tired, and he knew his sleep would only be plagued by thoughts of this mystery girl. For there was that smaller part of him, deep down in the pit of his chest where he thought his heart must be, that whispered to him that he did not want her to know who he was because for the first time in his life he had found someone who might like him for something other than that name. He found something that might stick around.
There were no envelopes in the van, and he made a quick promise to find one at the hotel the next morning, and send it out straight away, so she got the letter as quickly as possible. To send something to her boyfriend, he thought. And then, to send something to me. With a sigh and a shake of his head, he tucked the letter away in the pocket of his jeans, sleeping in his clothes as he had taken to doing on tour, and picked his way silently back to his bed. 
It was not hard to see that Roger Taylor had something to hide. Not when he broke away from the rest of the band the minute they had arrived at the hotel, not when he begged for half an hour in his room before they went out to check out the venue, and definitely not when out of the window John caught a glimpse of their drummer rushing off to the letter-box on the corner of the street, in his hand an envelope and in the envelope god knows what. 
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radiosteve · 5 years
Need Your Loving Tonight Ch. 3
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Summary: Being left alone with Roger, even for a few minutes, confirms him to be just as cocky as you thought he’d be. However, he also invokes something else within you that you never would have expected. The boys discuss what the band should be called. As the band grows in popularity, a certain feeling within your heart does as well.
Note: Sorry this part took a little longer, I barely had time to write because of the 4th of July. But, I hope you enjoy this chapter!! It goes a little more into the reader and Roger’s feelings but there is still much more to come. Freddie will actually get to talk in the next chapter, I just didn’t feel like there was a good place for him to come in. The photo is one that I found on google. I do not own any rights to it. If you want to be added to the taglist send me a message or an ask and I’ll add you!   
Warnings: Some language
Pairing: Roger Taylor x Reader, John Deacon x Reader
Words: 2.4k+
October 14, 1968
The two words echoed throughout your head immediately after they left Brian’s lips. Of course the drummer that is finally adequate enough to be apart of the band is the one that just so happened to walk in on you and Tim. It also didn’t help that Roger was extremely attractive, and from what you’ve witnessed, pretty cocky. You were snapped out of your thoughts by the ring of the landline on a desk in the corner of the theatre. Brian rushed to the phone, hastily answering it as you stood watching him from across the room. 
“Yeah, ok. I’ll be there in a second. Just hold on,” he said into the receiver before hanging up. You looked at Brian with raised eyebrows, silently asking him what the phone call was about. As if he read your mind, Brian walked towards you and his bandmates to explain. “The guy at the front desk said that his shift is up so we need to get the keys from him to lock up when we’re done. I’m going to go grab them,” he looked at you and then shifted his glance quickly over to Tim. “Tim, why don’t you come with me.”
Tim shrugged his shoulders and followed Brian to the door, knowing better than to put up a fight. Once the door was closed, you slumped back onto the couch that you practically lived on at this point. Roger came up and sat beside you, leaning back against the couch before crossing one leg over the other.
“So,” he spoke, turning his head towards you as you peered up at him. “You and Tim are quite the cute couple,” he chuckled and you narrowed your eyes at the drummer. 
“Not that it’s any of your business, but Tim and I aren’t dating. It’s just a mutually beneficial relationship that primarily consists of sexual acts,” you snapped while he just rose his eyebrows higher at every word you spoke.
“So, you’re just fucking then?” Your eyes widened at how blunt he was, but you nodded. “And you’re an American?” He asked, despite already knowing the answer. 
“Uh-huh. Grew up on the Jersey shore, not that that’s any of your business either,” You sat up as he laughed at your cheeky comment. 
“If you’re from New Jersey then why don’t you have a horrendous accent?” he leaned in closer to you, mesmerizing you with his beautiful blue eyes. They reminded you of the ocean water back home and you could practically hear the waves slamming against the sand.
“I don’t know. No one that lives near me has a thick Jersey accent. Guess you’d have to go a little farther north,” you practically whispered the end of your sentence, so enticed by everything about Roger. It wasn’t just his big, precious eyes that drew you in. It was his shoulder length hair that’s color fell somewhere between blonde and brown. It was his feminine face in combination with his rough hands and raspy voice. Everything about him seemed perfect and it almost made you feel dizzy. You were snapped out of your trance by the sound of Brian and Tim reentering the room. You and Roger pulled back from each other as Brian set the keys on the table closest to the couch. Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment as you realized how creepy it must have been for you to have been staring so intently at Roger. Little did you know that Roger had been lost in a similar train of thought about you. 
Brian took a seat in between you and Roger on the couch as Tim pulled over the drum stool and sat opposite of the couch. Tim flashed you a wide smile and you tried your best to return the favor. A wave of exhaustion flooded over you, finally feeling the effects of many drum auditions and two bouts of embarrassment. You stretched up to lean your head on Brian’s shoulder and close your eyes for a few minutes. Brian shifted his head to make you more comfortable and began to speak quietly enough to not disturb you. 
“I know this is a little premature, but does anybody have any names in mind? For the band, I mean,” He tried to move his head to look at Roger but found it rather difficult to do so without waking you up. The boys softly debated for almost an hour, while you still slept soundly on Brian’s shoulder. 
“I think it’s a great name!” Tim whisper yelled as Brian and Roger rolled their eyes. “What’s so wrong with the band being called ‘Staffell & Sons’?”
“Number one, were not your sons. And number two, we’d sound like a bloody construction company,” Roger asserted, gesturing wildly to accentuate his point. Just as Tim was about to bite back with a snappy comment, you started moving around and mumbling in your sleep.
“The hell did she just say?” Tim looked at you with curiosity and confusion etched across his face as you stopped moving. Brian turned his head the best he could to catch a glimpse of your face, bringing a smile to his lips when he saw the corner of your mouth turned up in a grin. 
“Who knows, but it would probably still be a better band name than ‘Staffell & Sons’,” Roger mocked, not noticing Brian’s shift in focus. Brian’s eyes still traced over your sleepy smile when everything seemed to click into place. 
“Smile,” he spoke gently, lifting his head up to face his band mates. “We should call the band Smile.” He looked back down at your infectious smirk, recalling that it had been one of the reasons that he took an interest in you in the first place. After another moment of adoration, Brian fixed his eye line back to his bandmates in an attempt to gauge their response.
“That’s not bad actually,” Tim agreed and Roger nodded along. “What made you think of that?” 
“Well, uh, Roger said he was a dental student,” Brian spoke, a light sheen of panic spread across his face. He didn’t want them to know that the band name would be dedicated to his best friend. Brian liked having his own little secret. 
“Alright then, Smile it is.”
It was nearly midnight when the boys had decided to depart, making their way back to their respective apartment or dorm room. Brian had woken you up right before they left, promising to walk you back to your dorm after he locked the building up. You stood outside, clutching your jacket tighter as the cold autumn air brushed through your hair. Roger and Tim stood beside you, waiting for Brian to finally lock the last door. 
“All done,” he shoved the keys back into his pockets and hopped towards you three. “I guess I’ll see you all tomorrow.” And with that you all said your goodbyes and headed in different directions. You and Brian began your long trek across campus in the cool, frigid air. 
“So you finally got the band all put together,” you bumped into Brian as you strolled, bringing a smile to his face.
“Yes, finally. If I had to sit through one more mediocre drum solo, I might have dropped out of school entirely,” Brian spoke, looking down at you as you giggled.
“Got a name in mind, Mr. Band Man?” 
“We decided on one while you were asleep. Speaking of which, how is it that you manage to fall asleep practically anywhere? First, during a riveting astronomy lecture and now an incredibly important band meeting. Do you need to see a sleep specialist? I know a guy,” Brian rambled on making you forget how cold it was as you erupted in laughter. 
“Some would call it a talent,” you offered as you tried to suppress the giggles that fled from your lips. “What name did you end up choosing?” you asked after you calmed down a little, a grin still masking your face. Brian looked down at you, knowing that he and his bandmates had made the right choice. 
“I quite like that.”
“Good, because we’re not changing it,” Brian chuckled, turning to look at the sidewalk in front of him. “Now, tell me about the situation between you and Tim,” Brian blurted out, earning a groan from you.
“Oh god.”
February 27, 1969
Throughout the months following that first initial band meeting, the boys grew closer and closer. You found yourself immersed in music as you spent copious amounts of time around them. They had their first gig only a week or two after Roger joined the band and it went off without a hitch, besides when you had to give Brian a pep talk before he went on stage. They had written a few songs and even got a record deal from Mercury Records at the beginning of the year. To say you were proud was an understatement. You went to every gig and nearly every practice, showing support for your best friends and favorite band.
You and Tim continued to fool around in spite of Brian’s threat to quote ‘beat the shit out of Staffell if he hurts you’. And even though you were thoroughly satisfied by Tim’s touch, there was always a part of you that was drawn to Roger. You don’t know what it was but his soft lips and bright blue eyes always managed to make you weak in the knees. Unfortunately, you weren’t the only girl that seemed to share this sentiment. Even your roommate Sally begged you to introduce her to the handsome drummer. Your heart panged with unwanted jealousy every time you saw him take a new girl to his van after the show. But you just brushed it off and moved on, ignoring the ache that you felt in your chest. 
Everything with the band came together beautifully, bringing you to where you were now. Standing in a parking outside the Royal Albert Hall with a cigarette hanging from your lips and two coats covering your body.
“Hey Rog, can you light me up? I can’t feel my fucking fingers,” you shivered out as he nodded and reached over to light your cigarette. Your breath hitched for a second as his knuckle brushed against your lip. “Thanks mate,” you mumbled as you puffed on the cig.
“Look at our little American, calling people ‘mate’,” Roger teased, earning an unamused glare from you.
“You try living in a different country for two years and not pick up on some of the local slang,” you countered as a shiver raked through your body. 
“Here,” Roger handed you a flask filled with whisky. “It’ll help warm you up.”
“Not to sound like your mom or anything, but you really shouldn’t be drinking before you perform,” you took the cigarette from your lips only to replace it with the warm flow of whisky.
“Yeah, well it helps to calm my nerves before I go on stage. Not all of us have our best friend to calm us down like Brian does,” he mumbled, taking the flask back from you and taking a swig for himself. Just before you were able to speak again, you were interrupted by Brian and Tim. Behind Tim stood a man that appeared to be around your age with long, dark hair and an unusually large set of teeth. You flashed a bright smile at the three men before you, your eyes lingering on the stranger behind your two friends.
“Hello love,” Tim came over and wrapped an arm around you as you took another drag from your cigarette. Tim nodded at Roger and leaned over to whisper something in your ear. His hot breath against your neck made you squirm and giggle. Tim took the cigarette from your hand to take a drag before placing it back between your lips. Roger glanced at you snuggled up against Tim before taking another quick drink from the flask in his hands. 
“The place is packed,” Brian spoke, both excitement and nervousness laced within his tone. “This might be our biggest gig yet.”
“Oh my god, that’s wonderful!” you exclaimed, meeting the gaze of your best friend. “You guys are going to do so well, I just know it.” You looked back towards Roger who seemed to be lost in thought until he noticed your eyes on him. He gave you a tight lipped smile and wiggled his eyebrows before you looked back up at Tim. 
“Oh, by the way this is Freddie Bulsara. He goes to Ealing with me. He’s a friend and a big fan of our music. You don’t mind if he stands backstage with you while we’re on, do you?” Tim said as he gestured to the black haired man beside him.
“Oh not at all! The more the merrier!” you spoke leaning to get a better look at Freddie as he gave you a wide smile. 
“Great! We’re on in four minutes, so we should probably head back inside,” Tim peered at his watch before guiding you and the others through the door. You were too busy putting out your cigarette to notice Roger taking another long sip from the flask while he looked at the way Tim held your hand. 
Once inside you gave Brian a pat on the back as you reassured him of your confidence in his musical abilities. Just before the band was announced to go on stage Tim leaned down so his face was level with yours.
“Give me a kiss so I do well,” he pointed to his mouth and you giggled. You pressed your lips firmly against his, savoring the feeling that came with it. You pulled away and he grabbed his bass as the announcer introduced the band. Brian went on stage first with his guitar strung around his torso, followed quickly by Tim. Freddie stepped up beside you, trying to get a better view of the stage. As Roger went to step from behind the curtain, you remembered what he told you earlier about his nerves in the parking lot. You grabbed his shirt, pulling him backwards, and planted a soft kiss to his cheek before releasing his shirt from your grasp. He looked at you with wide eyes, red cheeks, and a slacked jaw as he slowly walked backwards to get to the stage. His eyes never left yours, even as he approached the curtain that blocked him from the audience’s view. 
“For good luck!” you shouted as he walked on stage with a smile plastered across his face. 
Taglist: @retromusicsalad @bohemiansweede
71 notes · View notes
drunken confessions
Brian May x Reader 
  this was requested by @kazzish (btw you’re rlly pretty and my bi heart is quaking uwu) also, I can’t remember if this is fully what you requested and tumblr isn’t letting me look at your request so I’m sorry if it’s not. Also I’m finishing this at one am so it might not be the best. Pls be gentle on me I am but a creature, I cannot help this ok goodnight uwu 
BTW I have literally NEVER been drunk before, only tipsy and I don’t really remember what it was like. I was told that I apparently started literally crying when my Friends took a cooler away from me tho. So there’s that. ALSO, thoughts are like italicised or whatever you call it idk they’re like this
Okay, onward with the fic, comrades :( 
College so far was a fucking mess, weekends were filled with parties; beer bottles and the strong stench of weed. Weekdays were filled with stressful cramming for tests and projects and the nursing of regretful hangovers. You were ecstatic that summer had finally arrived and your seemingly never-ending second year had finally ended. You had plans on going back home and staying with your mother for a bit and to top it off your older brother had invited you to a show he was playing at with his band. Originally, he was in a band with his friends Tim Staffell and Brian May, which lasted until Tim left the band to join another one. Luckily, soon after, him and Brian formed a new band called Queen with another one of Rogers friends, Freddie Mercury, and later on one of his newer friends, John Deacon. 
The drive home was long and tiring, after having supper with your mum and Roger you all decided to head to bed with Roger going back to his flat he shared with his friends. Being back in your old bedroom felt weird, sure there was less stuff because most of it was at your flat; but there was still posters of bands you had liked on the walls and old clothes of yours hanging in the closet. It had been over a year since you were last in here but it looked untouched, and you wondered if your mum had come in here at all since you’d left. You could barely sleep that night, excited to see the band the next day and see Freddie and Brian. They’d always been very kind to you, Freddie always gifting you clothes he’d thought you’d liked and Brian helping you with your studies. You’d always had a bit of a crush on Brian, Freddie being the type to have some sort of weird sixth sense on these type of things, caught on right away and always relentlessly teased you about it. 
The next day, Roger picked you up to go to the flat he shared with the others; Freddie hadn’t changed a bit and greeted you with quite a dramatic “darling, it’s been so long!” John, the newest member you hadn’t met yet gave a shy smile and a quiet, polite “hello, nice to meet you.” Brian, if possible, seemed even taller and more handsome than he had the last time you saw him. Feeling bold, you gave him a hug and a smile, pulling away you could’ve sworn you saw a blush appear on his cheeks. The day was spent getting caught up and spending time with everyone until evening came and their show was soon to start. 
You watched backstage as they went on to perform, sipping a beer as you couldn’t help but stare at Brian as he played. He looked almost angelic like this, curls lightly bouncing and an intense look of concentration written on his face. You started growing nervous at the realization that maybe your teenage crush hadn’t gone away, attempting to forget about it, you started drinking more and more. By the time they came back, you were absolutely smashed. Brian gave you a worried look as he put down his guitar and walked up to you. “Now we know she’s for sure related to Roger,” Freddie joked, as Brian took the beer bottle away from you. Roger groaned in frustration as he attempted to try to get you to stand up. “Now I’ve gotta fucking take you home and mum will have a fit if she sees you like this,” he complained as you lost your balance and fell back in your seat. 
“I can take her home,” Brian offered, already putting his coat on and grabbing yours. “Are you sure?” Roger asked, “you really don’t have to do that.” Brian nodded, “I don’t really feel like drinking anyways,” he said as he helped you stand up. You held onto his arms, scared that if you didn’t you’d lose your balance again. “Don’t do anything stupid,” Roger called as you two started to head out of the pub. “Basically don’t do anything Roger would do then,” Freddie quipped, which earned him a smack to the arm from his friend. 
The drive back to their flat was peaceful, it was decided that it’d be better for you to crash there for the night rather than take you home and have poor Brian try to explain to your mother why you were incredibly intoxicated. The night sky was filled with stars, you were drifting in and out of sleep as Brian talked to you about all the constellations. You could barely understand what he was saying, especially in the state that you were in but his voice sounded soft and sweet and you couldn’t help smiling as your eyes closed. 
The car pulled to a stop and you heard Brian open and close the door, you yawned a little when he came to your side and opened the passenger door. You couldn’t help but think of how nice he is as he helped you out of the car and into the flat; an arm wrapped around your waist to keep you steady. “Thank you,” you slurred as he unzipped your coat and helped your arms out of the sleeves. “I just don’t know why you drank so much,” he chuckled, leading you to his bedroom. You shrugged, “just nervous, last time I saw you I-,” you stopped talking, a little aware that sober you wouldn’t appreciate drunk you revealing your crush. Brian raised an eyebrow, a curious expression on his face. 
“You what?”       
You sat on the bed, trying to look at anything else but him. 
The floors are carpeted, neato. There’s a sock, it’s got stripes so it’s kinda cooler than the carpet. There’s a speck of dust, not really cool. 
“Y/n, is everything okay?” Brian was sitting on the bed next to you now, you couldn’t tell if you were nauseous because of nerves or because you had chugged around three beers an hour earlier. Probably both.
“It’s really stupid,” You cringed at how shaky your voice sounded and wiped your sweaty palms on your pants. “Like really stupid, it doesn’t even matter. You’re probably tired, we should just go to sleep,” You moved to lay down, facing away from him. You felt even more stupid when you felt tears prick at the corner of your eyes. “Whatever you have to say it’s not stupid, it’s better to talk about it than keep it in,” Brian said, putting a hand on your shoulder and rubbing it softly. You exhaled shakily and wiped some tears away. 
“I like you, like more than a friend.” 
A painful silence filled the room, you pulled the covers over your head and Brian quickly pulled them away. “Piss off, I’m trying to suffocate myself,” you said, nudging him with your elbow, earning a soft chuckle from him. “I like you too,” he replied, you stopped trying to suffocate yourself with the covers; instead sitting up and turning to face him. 
“Wait, what?” 
“I like you,” Brian repeated. He was staring at you now, a mixture of sincerity and adoration in his eyes, “I really do.” You swallowed a lump that’d formed in your throat, “oh, okay,” you said, rather dumbly. Brian playfully frowned, “that’s it? Oh, okay?” he mocked. You rolled your eyes and lightly shoved him, “I’m drunk, tired and an idiot, let me be,” you whined. Brian smiled, “go to sleep, we can talk more about this later,” he promised. You frowned, wanting to argue, but found yourself too tired. “You’ll still feel the same tomorrow, right?” You asked, laying down and wrapping yourself in the covers. He nodded, moving to lay down next to you. 
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Soulmates through music; Brian May x reader
Okay everyone, now from the last Rock Angel part I know I had a lot of hearts broken and spirits crushed so along with the recent Freddie fic I just posted which I hope you all read and comment, I present to you my 2nd Brian May x reader fic. This time it has ALL THE FLUFFY FEELS that should hopefully mend the heartache that was “A family torn apart”.
Now one thing I should add is the fact I’ve put the reader as Tim’s sister, you know the first lead singer of Smile before he went to join Humpy Bong. The idea of putting the reader as Tim’s sister has crossed my mind more than once and I’ve yet to come across a fic with that description so I thought, what the hell I’ll give it a shot. And I may include a part 2&3 but that’s all I’ve had in mind for it, but first I’ll see how I am with time.
So warnings are FLUFF, FLUFF & yes MORE FLUFF, makeout sessions, Paul Prenter (yes he’s a warning as usual), bit of swearing but overall it’s as FLUFFY as you can imagine. OH ONE LAST THING AND THIS IS IMPORTANT SO LISTEN UP!!!!
I have linked a video towards the end for Brian May singing “Love of my Life.” Please please please please please PLEASE listen to that song cause it will help the story move along. I promise you. Okay hope you enjoy loveies :)
*PS AN 3-23-19*
For those who don’t know, I’ve made a little oneshot sequel to this story. Pt.3 is already done and complete, idk when I’ll do pt.2 so that way this short little mini-series can be marked as complete but for those interested until I get the time to do pt.2 have a read of this and I hope you all enjoy this next little continuation :)
Part 1.5      Part 2      Part 3       Part 4
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Taglist Queen fics
It was like any other Smile performance. Brian, Roger, Tim and I were playing at the pub, oh I’m getting a head of myself, the name is (y/n) Staffell, the keyboardist/pianist and sometimes tambourine player of Smile, but by day I do my mammalogy studies specifically in regard to carnivora species of the Eutheria subclass. In English that means I focus more on the studies of big cats, canines and bears.  
And yes as you can tell by my last name, Tim is unfortunately my older brother.  The relationship between us is…..well it’s strained at best but it’s not violent or toxic or anything like that but, we don’t get along half the time.
But he knew my potential of the piano ever since I was 3 years old I’ve been playing and I knew how to make a good rhythm or match harmony to melodies to some of the songs that Smile does.  When Brian and Roger came on board in the band, the three of us became rather close, best friends you could say, hell maybe family.
Once Brian’s guitar solo came up and he had the chance to shine, Roger and I joined behind him and the three of us made a sound so magnificent and full of rock and roll, I felt like it would be deserving of the heavens.  That is of course until Tim came back in singing and playing the bass guitar.
By the end of the show, our classmates and other young college kids applauded and my brother said into the mic.
“Thank you all. We are Smile. Goodnight everybody!” After the show I shook out my hands and flexed my fingers in and out and that’s when Roger asked me.
“You alright (y/n)?”
“Yeah just overdid it on that solo, always makes my wrists cramp up as well as my fingers. Thank god I didn’t miss a key though.”
“I thought you did amazing.” Said Brian.  I turned to him and smiled softly and thanked him.
However as the night went on, things only got worse as my idiot brother told us of this opportunity with a new band.
“Humpy Bong?” Brian said.
“Humpy Bong. There’s going places, there’s gonna be big.”
“Humpy Bong. Are you joking?” snapped Roger.
“Don’t do it Tim.” Brian begged.
“I’m sorry guys but we’re not going anywhere with this. What college gigs? Pubs? I’ve gotta give it a go. Come on (y/n) let’s go.”
“I’m not going.” I stated firmly.  Tim turned toward me holding his bass and he said.
“Don’t be an idiot (y/n). I already told them I knew of a great pianist who could put Beethoven and Mozart to shame. Don’t waste your talent by staying where you’re at.” I stared Tim down and said.
“Then find someone else with my skill set. If that’s at all possible of course. You may be a coward for ducking out but I’m not. I’m staying with Rog and Brian.” Tim rolled his eyes and muttered.
“Whatever, it’s your loss.” Then he walked away leaving Brian, Roger and myself along without a lead singer.
I just got back from the bar getting our drinks and I handed Roger his beer and I handed Brian his glass of water while I had me a beer as well.  I sat between Roger and Brian in Rog’s van.
“You didn’t have to do that you know.” I heard Brian say.
“Do what?”
“Stay with us while your brother’s off to go big.”
“Brian, if my brother and I had to be stuck in one more band together, I’d soon rather gouge my eyes out and chop off every last one of my fingers and toes just so that I couldn’t play anymore. You guys may not know this but he’s also very critical when it comes to my playing. Claiming I’m not playing the right tempo or key. I’ll make it big with my boys at my side.”
“Aww you do care for us.” Roger teased as he ruffled my hair messing it up while I let out a whine before playfully shoving him away.
As the minutes ticked by, Roger piped in again.
“Besides I think he’s right. That show really was a load of bullocks.”
“Well there—there was room for improvement yeah.” Brian tried to reason with Roger. “Right (y/n)?”
“See even she agrees with me. I’ve got better things to do with my Saturday nights. I could give you their names.” Roger grinned smugly at the last statement as he put his cigarette to his lips and as Brian and I rolled our eyes, Roger exhaled the smoke grinning at us.  It was then a boy walked right by us before stopping in front of us.
He had dark black hair, about the same length as Brian’s was, he wore a jean jacket, a stripped polo shirt and dark jeans. But what made him stand out was the fact that I could see that he had an overbite and the fact that he didn’t look British at all, it looked like he was either from the Middle East or India, I don’t know I’m always getting those places mixed up.
“En—enjoyed the show.” He said.  He was kinda awkward and shy but at least he’s not like all the other boys who come up to us and then spot me and try to get a shag from me.
“Thanks man.” Said Brian.
“Thank you.” Both Roger and I said.
“I’ve been following you for a while actually. Smile. Makes sense for a dental student.” He said shyly gesturing to Roger before turning to Brian and continuing, “And you’re astrophysics, aren’t you?”
“Yeah” Brian answered wearily.
“Makes you the clever one.” The man answered. Seeming to boost Brian’s already big ego he turned to Roger and I and said.
“Yeah I suppose it does.”
“And you dear, you’re a biologist aren’t you. Specifically for mammals. Right?” he said pointing to me.
“Yeah though I really love the big cats and canines.”
“Thought so. Fierce, clever girls such as yourself always love those kinds of animals.” I then turned to Brian and said in the same tone he had spoken to Roger and me.
“Yeah I suppose we do.”
“I study design here.” He said.
“Wow, I can tell. I love your jacket, it really goes well with your shirt.” I said to him.
“Thank you darling. Also I—” he then pulled out some sheets of paper and said, “I write songs. Might be of interest to you. It’s just a bit of fun really.” He said putting his notes away embarrassingly since we didn’t immediately take them.
“I’m sorry but I’m afraid your five minutes too late.” I said solemnly.
“Our lead singer just quit.” Brian answered. The man’s eyes widened for a brief moment and he seemed to gain some confidence as he said proudly.
“Well then you’ll need someone new.”
“Any ideas?” asked Brian with a shrug.  The man adjusted himself almost like he was about to strike a pose but chose against it as he said.
“What about me?”
“Uhhh…..not with those teeth mate.” Roger joked out. I slammed Roger over the head and I sneered at him.
“Don’t be a wanker Roger!” I faced the man to see him slightly heartbroken and as he turned away I was about to apologize on Roger’s behalf when something incredible happened.  The man turned around and sung one of the verses for “Doin Alright”.
I know what I’m doin….
I’ve got a feeling
I should be doin alright!
Oh my…..My jaw dropped at hearing this guy’s voice.  It was like hearing an angel sing from the heavens.  The boys and I looked at each other before the 4 of us sung in unison.
Doin alright.
Our voices blending together in perfect harmony. By the end of the song Brian was laughing happily and I held my hand over my mouth trying to contain my squeals but I couldn’t help it, while Roger had the biggest smile across his face.
“I was born with 4 additional incisors. More space in my mouth means more range. I’ll consider your offer.” He told us before smugly walking away with his hands on his hips.  I looked at both Brian and Roger and we silently agreed and it was then Brian called out to him.
“Uhh…Do you play bass?” He turned back toward us and stated proudly.
About six months later after getting to know Freddie Bulsara, we started looking for a bass player as well as rehearsing before our next gig at the same pub.  Finally after trying out a few bass players there came a bass player by the name of John Deacon and I could already tell that he was exactly what we needed.
Finally our next gig had arrived.  As we all walked up on stage to our positions. Roger went up to his drum set, John grabbed his bass guitar, Brian had his red special that he and his dad had made together and as Freddie and I walked up Brian introduced the new faces of our band.
Of course one bastard just had to call out just after Freddie greeted the crowd asking where my brother was and who this Pakkie was that we got.  I went up to Freddie holding my tambourine for the first bit and said to him.
“You ready Freddie?” He turned to me and said.
“Let’s do it.” It was then Brian played the first note for mine and Brian’s song that we both wrote together “Keep Yourself alive”. I slammed my tambourine at my hip, Roger kept the tempo with his drums while Freddie was struggling to get the microphone stan out of its place.  Which made that god awful feedback screech and I was looking at him oddly as well as the rest of the boys wondering just what the hell he was doing.  It wasn’t until he managed to break the microphone stand off nearly almost decapitating John’s head off and he then began to sing.
And when he performed, it was like he had no boundaries of what it was that he was doing.  He owned the stage like it was his and made every audience member feel important.  
The only downside was that he was singing the wrong lyrics and improvising what Brian and I had.  Every now and then Brian and I would pipe in telling Freddie he was singing the wrong lyric but of course when Freddie sets his mind to something, there’s no stopping.
As time passed, our band changed from Smile to Queen all because of Freddie and because of him we got the chance to record our first ever album and we soon got discovered by John Reid from EMI records and he wanted to meet with us and possible manage us.
We got on Top the Pops, did an American tour and were now going to record our next rising album.
*Rockfield farm, 1975*
After getting the approval from Ray Foster, we were sent off to a recording studio known as Rockfield farm, and I’ll definitely say it definitely suited the name.  This recording studio was all the way out of civilization’s reach and it all looked more like a farm than a recording studio with the wooden built houses.
We were lead inside by Paul Prenter who was basically our “watcher” keeping an eye on us from day to day.  Let’s just say I already do not like this guy, he gives me such eerie vibes it’s not even funny. Plus he seems to always want to be around Freddie like a little lost puppy.
“Right I know it’s not the Ritz. Not even close. Roger, you’re in here.” He said as we all followed him up the stairs of the house we would be staying in for the next several weeks if not months.
“Right.” Roger said as he went into his room.
“Freddie this is you. Biggest room.” Kiss ass. “Brian, that’s you.” As John and I trailed up behind Paul stopped us and said, “John you’re in the living room. And (y/n) you’re downstairs.”
“No! Absolutely not! She can stay in my room. I’ll take downstairs.” Roger said.  I looked at Roger in shock.  Never have I heard him wanting to pass off a good room for what could be a cold, small basement.
“Roger don’t get all…..”
“My bedroom is big enough for two. I wouldn’t mind sharing.” Brian’s voice rang up.  He turned towards me and said, “Of course if that’s alright with you (y/n). I don’t mean to speak up for you but I just thought……”
“It’s fine Brian. So long as you’re sure. I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“It’s nothing (y/n), come on in.”
“Right then, that means John you take (y/n)’s room.” Paul walked down the stairs and I looked at Deacy apologetically.
“I’m sorry Deacy.”
“It’s fine (y/n). I wouldn’t feel right if you had been booted to the basement. It makes sleeping on a couch sound like heaven. I’ll be fine love.” I smiled at him and he took his suitcase and walked back down the stairs.
“Here let me help you carry that.” Brian said as he grabbed my suitcase leaving me with my overnight bag.  I walked into his room and it was quite a big sized room, the bed however I can’t really speak for it.
“And you’re sure we both can fit on this bed?” I asked skeptically.
“I think so, we just have to make the adjustments and then….” But as Brian got on the bed, it turned out to be so springy and rickety, it bounded him back up in his seat.  He tested the bed out before tilting his head to the side raising his eyebrows.
“Seems the adjusting is going to be bigger than we thought.” I soon got on the bed sitting behind Brian to his left side and it reminded me of a bed back at my nan’s house.  As a kid I always loved jumping up and down on that bed, of course nan never allowed it and I was always caught and punished for bouncing on it.
As the day went on and after getting settled in, we all immediately went to work.  Using the barn and the scenery as a perfect place of inspiration and the quietness of all distraction minus the chickens going around and the cows mooing in the distance.
Of course Roger couldn’t help himself as he would try to bother the roosters which in turn made one of them chase him which had all of us dying of laughter.  We got some recording done just to test out how the sound system sounded and what instruments each of us would play based on the specific song of the songwriter.
Finally it was about 2am when we finally decided to call it a day and get some rest.  We all retreated to our room and got changed for the night.  Since there was a small jointed bathroom in mine and Brian’s room, he changed in there while I had the bedroom to myself to get changed.  Once we were changed, Brian and I began to think of the bed situation.
As we both got into it, it turns out that there was still some space left for the two of us in the middle but only about a full hand length space.  I slept on the right side of the bed closest to the door while Brian slept on the left near the window.
“Great work today by the way (y/n).” Brian said.
“Thanks, you too Bri. Goodnight.” I said to him with a soft smile. As I got tucked into the sheets I heard him mutter goodnight back and soon I fell into a deep sleep.
I awoke to the rooster’s crow at the butt crack of dawn and as the sun was starting to lightly come in through the curtains of the window, I let a groan and yawned softly.  I almost didn’t want to get up so I nuzzled myself further into my pillow.
Boy my pillow’s a bit sturdier than I remember it being last night, wait hold on a second.  Why is my pillow moving up and down? And what is wrapped around my waist? My eyes shot opened and my face turned bleet red as I finally realized what was going on.
I had somehow ended up intertwined with Brian. His arms wrapped securely around my waist, my head buried in his button up white night shirt that had the first three buttons unbuttoned which revealed his chest and somehow one of my hands had tucked itself underneath it and I could feel his chest hair along my palm, I could also feel our legs entangled with each other.
I guess—no I would be lying if I didn’t say that ever since forming Smile that I’ve had a slight crush on Brian Harold May.  Okay I’m lying again.
I’m crazy in love with the man.
From the first day my brother Tim introduced us together, I thought he was the cutest boy I have ever seen.  His short hair at the time, his blue eyes, and his stupid but beautiful face that looked like he had come out of a Michelangelo sculpture.
I must’ve suddenly panicked or something because next thing I knew I was down on the floor hitting my head onto the hard floor.
“(Y/n) are you okay!?” I heard Brian say above me.
“Yeah, yeah I guess I had a nightmare and fell out of bed.” I tried to cover up my embarrassing fall with the famed ‘fall out of bed because of a nightmare’ trick.  It worked all the time with Tim, why shouldn’t it work now?
Brian soon was kneeling down in front of me cupping my face checking me for any injuries.
“You sure? What was your dream about?” Ahh bullocks. What do I say to him? Come on (y/n) say something! Anything!
“I was falling off a chocolate volcano.” Really that’s the best you can come up with? Bri looked at me skeptically before laughing softly and shaking his head.
“I’ve told you many times before (y/n), too much sugar will give you nightmares.”
“And I’ve told you Bri, that I never listen to reason, especially from astrophysics majors.” I teased him.  He playfully glared at me and I grinned back at him as he went back to checking over me.
I flinched as he touched the back of my head and he apologized and said.
“Well good news you don’t have a concussion.”
“Joyous occasion.” I said sarcastically.
“Let me go down and get you some ice to bring down the swelling.”
“Brian there’s no need……”
“Please (y/n), just so that I feel better.” He cupped my gingerly in his hand.  I felt my face got slightly hot as the tingles shot up my spine from his gentle touch.
“Okay.” I breathed out.  He smiled softly and got up from the floor and left the room and I let out a deep, heavy sigh that I had no idea I was holding in.  “God why must love be so damn confusing and hard?!” I groaned.  He soon came back with a small bag of ice as well as a kitchen towel, he had the bag of ice wrapped in the towel and he gently placed it right over the bump on my head.
“How’s that feel?”
“Good. Really, really good. Thanks Bri.”
“Anytime.” He said with a soft smile.
Later on that day I was walking outside along the barn humming to myself hoping to find some rhythm to get down on the piano so that I could make a song.  That’s when I heard the sound of Brian’s red special guitar playing in the recording studio.
I followed the sound of the hypnotic guitar and I finally realized that the song that Brian was playing was Elvis Presley’s “Heartbreak hotel”.  I quietly entered the studio and there I saw on the other side of the glass window, Brian with a set of headphones and I could hear him singing the song.
Well since my baby left me
I found a new place to dwell
It’s down at the end of lonely street
At Heartbreak Hotel, and I said
I’ve always loved hearing Brian’s voice.  He just had this harmonious, angelic soft voice that he barely gave himself credit for.  While I did appreciate Freddie’s vocal range and thought he was a great front man for Queen, I just wish there would be a chance for Brian to stand out, hopefully in this album A Night at the Opera he would let Brian have a song to sing.
I’m feelin so lonely baby
I’m feelin so lonely
I’m feeling so—
I then hit the button that would allow Brian to hear me as I sung to him.
Lonely, I could die
It startled him as he looked up and stared at me.
“I thought you were supposed to be working on your own music?” He asked me.
“I could ask the same for you Mr. May.” I teased as I pressed the button again speaking into the microphone. “But you know me, I’ve always been an Elvis fan so the second I heard that opening note of my favorite song of the King, I just had to come and see what was going on.” He smiled at me and I smiled back.  “So besides trying to be like the King of Rock himself, what have you come up with for the new album?”
“Come on in and have a listen, I need your opinion on this. And you’re the only one who speaks the truth without any sarcastic response.” He said as he set down his red special.  I stood up and opened the door and soon entered the recording room.
Brian now held a 12-stringed acoustic guitar as well as a sack of papers and was sitting by the piano.
“Now I haven’t quite figured out most of the lyrics, this is just the chorus but I think it could be a hit. Or not.”
“Well let’s hear it.” He then began humming the tune as he started to play the acoustic.  I’ve always admired the way his fingers would just wrap around the neck of the guitar with such elegance and poise as he would play.  He’s always had guitar playing hands, as well as piano hands when need be.
Don't you hear my call though you're many years away
Don't you hear me calling you
Write your letters in the sand
For the day I take your hand
In the land that our grandchildren knew
I was in awe at the song already and I knew already that it would be a great song, but also it would tug at the heartstrings.
“Still a work in progress, but then again it could be rubbish.” He said.
“No, no! I love it. It’s just missing something….hold on.” I stood up from the piano bench and looked through the instruments hoping to find what I needed.  Finally after doing some literal digging I managed to find a Marx tambourine. “Okay start the chorus up again but don’t start singing just yet, let me get the beat of it.”
Brian then began to play around with the chorus part and I tried to come up with a good rhythm beat and soon I just did a basic clap, hitting my lower palm to the head of the tambourine letting the cymbals jingle.  As Brian and I kept the tempo he then began to sing the chorus again but this time I joined alongside him.  
Even after hearing the song only once, I found myself knowing the words.
And our voices blending together in a beautiful harmony, his angelic tenor voice and my mezzo soprano voice made shivers run up my spine and goosebumps pop up along my arms.
When we finished the chorus, our eyes were locked onto each other’s and that’s when Roger’s voice piped in.
“How long are you two gonna deny it? Grow a pair and kiss each other will yah! God the sexual tension between you both is disgusting!” We looked up and there standing at the door were Roger, Deacy and Freddie.  Brian and I turned away from each other blushing.
But I kept thinking to myself, did he feel the same way about me like Roger was suggesting? Or is he just pulling my leg like he usually does.
“That was beautiful Brian dear, what do you call that song?” asked Freddie.
“I—haven’t really gotten a name for it yet. It’s still a work in progress.”
“Well I love it, especially when you two sing it together. But if you don’t mind I need to steal (y/n) away and teach her the piano for the song I have in mind for the album that will change the way music can be created.” I turned to Brian and he gestured for me to go on.
I set the tambourine down and walked towards Freddie and he wrapped an arm around me and led me out of the recording studio and back up towards one of the other houses where they would have some of the pianos.
I was sitting next to Freddie observing his piano skills as he played his song which he’s decided to call “Bohemian Rhapsody.” He would cross his hands over one another for a 2 quick note playing before uncrossing them and returning to playing.
I’ll admit he’s quite the pianist. Sometimes I even wonder why I’m still even hear, if he can play even better than me.  Hell back when we were first meeting with John Reid, Paul tried to convince Mr. Reid that the band could possible be better with just the four of them but the boys had my back and told Mr. Reid that either I stay with the band or there’s no deal.
He agreed to keep me in the band and ignore Paul’s ‘opinion’ especially after I had written the hit melody for Killer Queen while Freddie wrote the lyrics.
“Okay (y/n) now let me see you try it.”
“You sure I can do this Fred?” I asked him.
“I have complete confidence in you. I’ll watch every second and show you what to play in case you miss any notes.” I then began playing the piano now and I seemed to get it, except for when it came to the hand cross over. I would either miss the keys on the cross over or mess up the rhythm when it came back to uncrossing my hands.  I was starting to get frustrated and I said.
“This isn’t working. How in the bloody hell do you do the hand cross over?”
“It just takes practice darling, here let me show you how it’s done.” He took my hands and placed them on the keys and said, “Okay start playing.” I then began playing the song and just before it came to the key change, he ordered me to stop.
It was then he took hold of my left wrist, crossed it over and said to me.
“Now with just your index and tallest finger, play the two keynotes.” I did as he asked and he immediately went back to position one. “The best way to remember where to come back to position one is to measure your shoulder length. Make sure both arms are at shoulder length and go back to playing. Now try it on your own. You’ve got this dear. Again.”
I sighed deeply and played from the top and miraculously I nailed it right then and there as Freddie sang the first few verses of his song.  At the last verse he had before a guitar solo that Brian would do, he sang with such raw passion and I followed with the piano with just as much passion before gracefully banging on the keys as he soon held out the last note and I was soon out of breath just from playing and I knew right then and there.
This would bring Queen to the top.
Freddie turned to me and he said with a grin.
“That was beautiful darling, just like you. And once Brian hears you play, he’ll fall in love with you for sure.”
“Thank you for the first note Fred, the second note I’ll have to disagree with you on that. We’re just friends.”
“Come on darling you’ve told me once before about your little crush, why are you denying it now?”
“Because—because what if he doesn’t feel the same? Or even worse what if we did work out but then hard such a fight that I would put the band at risk? I—I can’t do that to the rest of you guys.”
“Oh (y/n)~” Freddie hugged me from behind and he said. “As a mammal biologist I thought you would’ve known that when Emperor penguins find a mate, they do it through song. You and Brian….you’re voices are made for each other. Your love songs intertwine with each other so well, you wouldn’t be risking anything. The only thing you are risking is the chance at happiness you and him can have together.”  I pondered on the thought and I asked him.
“You really think that’s what I’m doing?”
“I know so. Denial doesn’t suit you dearie. Promise me you’ll tell him your feelings, for all our sakes.” I sighed deeply and said to him.
“I’ll think about it.”
“Good. Do it before the end of our recording or else I’ll tell him myself.” He pecked my temple platonically before racing out of the room.
“What? FREDDIE!!” I raced after him yelling his name, knowing that he would go about doing that and I had to do whatever it took to stop him.
As the weeks went on, A Night at the Opera was slowly coming along.  Most of the songs had been recorded, even Brian’s song that I had helped him with which he had decided to call ’39.  Now our main focus was Freddie’s piece “Bohemian Rhapsody”.
And let me tell you already, that was the song that was taking the longest to record due to Freddie’s perfectionist vision for this song.  He had us do multiple takes of each part from either voice recording, guitar playing, piano, bass, drums anything until it was up to par for his vision of the song.
Right now Brian was doing his guitar solo that he himself had actually written for the song.  He ran it by Freddie and he allowed Brian to show what he had in mind. Brian was now behind the booth playing his solo right after my piano playing and Freddie’s second verse.
Seeing Brian in his element, playing his red special and playing what he wrote, it made me just fall deeper in love with him. I bobbed my head along to the solo with my eyes closed and just let his beautiful guitar take me away to paradise.
By the end of the solo, Deacy stopped the track and Brian asked.
“What next?”
“That was pretty damn good. Brilliant. I love that.” Freddie said but he forgot to hit the button on the microphone so Brian couldn’t hear him.
“Press the button Freddie” Brian said into his guitar mic. Our music supervisor Roy who actually helped us record our first album told Freddie what to press while Freddie bragged on saying that he knew where it was before pressing the button and teased out.
“Knock, knock.”
“Good” Brian said.
“It’s good umm…you know play it like you wrote it.” Freddie said.
“Well I did I wrote that part.” Brian said.
“Taking the piss.” Brian mocked out a laugh and said.
“Okay, are you happy?”
“I think it’s beautiful, just like our lovely (y/n). It’s almost perfect.”
“Almost?” questioned Brian.
“Yes give it more rock n roll.”
“Well I’m always up for that Fred.”
“Put your body into it.”
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“Yeah okay, put my body into it. I’ve got it.” Brian said as he did a cute little wiggle of his hips as he raised a quick cup of water to drink.
“Not like that!”
“No I’ve got it, I’ve got it. Bit more soul, bit more soul.”
“Alright. Bit more heart.” Freddie answered at the same time Brian was talking.
“I’ll do that, are we good to go Roy?” Roy raised a hand up for the all clear and that’s when Freddie said.
“Oh then there’s the operatic section.” There was silence as he clapped his hands once and continued, “You’re gonna love it.”
“The operatic section?” questioned Brian.
“I know. It sounds crazy. I don’t know it could be a flop, it could work.”
“I love it Fred. I love it.” Brian said over Freddie’s word as he spoke into his guitar mic for the emphasize on him voting for the operatic section.  Freddie softly chuckled and said.
“What have we got to lose?”
“Nothing.” Laughed Brian.
“If you say so.”
“Okay let’s go.”
“Deacy.” Freddie said as he turned towards Deacy who played the tape back before the guitar solo and Brian gave the solo more soul and this time I felt shivers go up my spine.
Days passed as we kept the recording up, and just like Fred said we were now doing the operatic section of the song.  It was tedious and strainful especially for me since I couldn’t do as high as a normal soprano so that’s why for all the higher notes we left that to Roger.
Currently he was recording the Galileo parts.  At the Figaro line, the recording stopped and Roger asked us.
“How was that?” I turned to Freddie and asked.
“Fred?” He turned towards me and said.
“Higher.” Roy rewind the tape and I said into the microphone.
“Can you go a bit higher?”
“If I go any higher only dogs will hear me.”
“Try.” Freddie answered.
“Freddie’s note sorry.” Said Deacy as he pressed down onto the mic.
“Go on roll the tape.” Roger sighed.
“Overdub 24 of Fred’s….thing.” Roy said as Roger’s Galileo verse came in.  He did go higher than what he did previous doing overdramatic arm waves.  At the end he asked.
“How was that? Better?”
“Higher.” Freddie answered bluntly.  Brian poked his pen in the air signaling to Roger to go higher.
“Jesus how many more Galileo’s do you want?” Roger demanded as he removed the headphone off his head and placed them around his neck.
“Freddie wants to do a few more overdubs.” I answered him.
“Do we even have any more tape left?”
“I do have to say the tape is wearing out. It can’t take much more.” Deacy said.
“Yeah we can’t afford much more what are we? Three weeks overscheduled?” Brian answered.  In the end it took about another hour maybe even 2 of Roger repeating the same four words till it fit Freddie’s vision until he finally said.
“My nuts feel like they’re in my chest right now. Are we done?”
“That’s it honey. He loves you.” I answered him with a grin.
The recording continued and this time we were making better progress as Freddie thought that the first shot at recording the next few lines were what he imagined.
Now all five of us were surrounding one microphone, I was standing between Roger and Brian as we all took each of our operatic sections for the Bismillah and the let me/him go lines.  Finally at the last note we all had to hold out, at the rock n roll solo, we all couldn’t help ourselves as we bounced up and down knocking over the flats behind us.
Freddie and Deacy ended up falling to the ground, Roger nearly tripped over as did I but Brian quickly caught me before I fell over. And the way he was holding me, it was like he was dipping me.  Our noses almost touching each other’s as we once again were staring deeply into each other’s eyes.
Both Brian and I stood back to normal as we both chuckled nervously rubbing the back of our heads.
“Sorry bout that.” I said.
“What—what have you to be sorry for?”
“For always having to save me from nearly getting myself killed. That is after all the second time I’ve fallen near you.”
“I don’t mind saving you though.” He muttered shyly.  I turned to him and shyly smiled and that’s when Freddie said.
“Oh (y/n) darling, isn’t it about time you told something to Brian?” I glared at him and Brian looked to me and I said to him.
“It’s nothing Fred’s just pulling your leg. Much like Roger was several weeks ago. Now then, whose hungry cause I’m cooking tonight.”
Later that night after a successful recording and dinner, I was in mine and Brian’s room reading one of my favorite books when Brian knocked at the door and I looked up and said.
“Oh hey Bri, what’s going on?”
“Nothing much umm….do you have something warm to wear?”
“I—think so let me check.” I asked him why as I went over to the wardrobe and tried to find a jumper or something to wear.
“I want to show you something before we leave back for London.” He answered.  I soon managed to find me my favorite shawl and I took it out and placed it over my shoulders and Brian escorted me out of the home and out into the field.
As we walked up a hill, I soon took notice of a few lanterns that had been laid out lit up so that we could find our way as well as a blanket with a couple of thermoses probably filled with tea or coffee.
“Brian…..did you do all this?”
“Yeah, hope I didn’t go too big I just thought we’d be a little more comfortable on the blanket rather than the grass. And I thought you’d might want some coffee to help keep warm.”
“No it’s lovely. Thank you.” We then sat down on top of the blanket and I took one of the thermoses and opened it up and took a sip of the coffee inside.  It was nice and warm, just what this cool night needed. “So what is it that you needed me out here for?”
“For this.” He answered as he turned the lights from the lanterns off and he scooted over close to me.
At this point my heart was racing and I thought I was going to be ravished by Brian right here right now. “Lay back and close your eyes.” Oh my god he is going to ravish me.
“Do you trust me?” he asked.  Even through the darkness of the night, with the only light being from the full moon I could still see Brian’s eyes showing no ill intentions whatsoever. I nodded and so I did as he asked and closed my eyes and slowly lay back.
I felt Brian take hold of my biceps as he helped me lie back, I soon felt the blanket against me as I felt Brian wrap my own shawl around my tighter.  I then felt him lie next to me as he said.
“Okay, open your eyes.” And when I did, I was greeted by millions and millions of stars.  I let out a gasp.
In all my life, I have never seen these many stars up close.  Ever since I was little, my family and I used to always go up to my nan’s country home in South London but when she passed away the home had to be sold and we couldn’t go there anymore. So the last time I had ever seen this many stars’ was when I was around 10 years old.
Now I have told this story to Brian, even with our playful arguments about whether space or animal studies were more interesting to study.
“Oh Brian it—”
“Shh. Just observe. There you can see Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, and of course Orion one of my personal favorite constellations.” He began to give me a little lecture on the constellations.  Hearing him talk with such passion when it came to anything regarding of space made my heart flutter.
I kept my eyes on him as he continued talking about the stars and the cosmos but then he turned towards me.  Our eyes locked with each other and I felt this spark go up my arm as I said to him.
“Did you know that—when emperor penguins find a mate, they sing to each other?”
“Really?” He breathed out.
“Yeah, they—find each other’s love song and if the song matches with the other’s then they’re…..mated for—” As I spoke Brian’s face moved closer towards me before finally his lips were pressed against mine.
It was shy at first but soon it became deeper and more passionate as Brian cupped the side of my face and I gripped onto his shirt with both my hands.  When we separated, our breaths mixed together and I said to him.
“I love you Brian. I always have but I—I was just too shy to admit it and I didn’t want to risk our friendship or ruin the success of the band and—” I was stopped by another kiss from Brian, this time softer and more gentler but it still made my toes curl and shivers run up my spine.
“You ramble too much.” I couldn’t help the laugh that came out of me and he chuckled as well. “(Y/n) darling you don’t need to be afraid anymore. Because I’ve loved you from the day I first met you. When I first saw you I—I thought I was looking at a star straight from the cosmos.” I smiled at him and said to him.
“You are so cheesy.”
“That’s why I wrote that line in ‘Sweet Lady’ for you my bright star.”
“Well if I’m your bright star, then you are my emperor penguin.” He smiled lovingly and leaned forward and we spent the rest of the night making out and lying underneath the stars.
The next morning the guys were starting to pack up and Deacy came up the stairs as he grumbled out.
“Well I’m ready to get the hell out of here and back into my own bed. I swear that bed in the basement would be better fit for a child.” It was then he took notice of Brian and I on the couch.  His arm wrapped around me and my head resting on his shoulder. “Wait are you—you two are….”
“Yes.” I giggled while nodding frantically.
“Oh that’s great! I’m happy for you both, and about bloody time too. That means I win the bet.”
“Bet? What bet?” asked Brian.
“The lads and I have been polling on whether or not you two would get together. I said you’d be together before the end of this recording. Freddie betted by the end of it, while Roger said not in this lifetime.” Brian and I were flabbergasted by the news.
“Roger Meddows Taylor! Get your arse down here right now!!!” I cried out.  Roger soon came walking down the stairs and he said.
“Jesus woman what’s got your knickers in a twist?” I smiled snidely and walked up to him before gripping his ear tightly like how I sometimes do when he gets a little too flirty with the girls back during our smile days and I said to him.
“Did you and the rest of the boys have a bet in regard to Brian and I?”
“Jesus Christ (y/n) you know I hate it when you pull on the ear. Ow! Okay yes so what of it!” He yelped as I tugged on his ear. Hard.
“You’re unbelievable.”
“Well what else were we supposed to do. As I’ve said you two have been pining over each other since I joined Smile.”
“Well jokes on you Rog.” Stated Brian.  I released his ear and he muttered in pain as he rubbed his ear while I walked towards Brian and he stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist.
“You now owe Deacy…..how much did you guys bet?”
“100 quid.” Answered Deacy.
“Are you joking?!” snapped Roger.
“Nope.” the three of us answered.  Roger grumbled and paid Deacy the 100 quid then he finally turned to us and he said.
“But I am happy that you both are together. Truly. Just don’t let me catch you snogging or shagging each other.”
“Why? This means it’ll be payback for all the times you’ve been with your girls, don’t you think so my big penguin?” I said as I looked up to Brian.
“Yes I suppose it does, my little penguin.” He cooed as he kissed my forehead which immediately grossed both Deacy and Roger as the two of them headed out with their bags.  We both couldn’t contain our snickers and quiet laughter then I said.
“Come on, we’ve got to go pack now otherwise they’ll leave without us.”
“Why not let them? Then we’d finally have this quiet little house all to ourselves. Making beautiful music together, if you catch my drift?” he winked cheekily at me and I smacked his arm and said.
“You dirty rotter!”
“You know you love me.” He whispered seductively in my ear as he tried to seduce me with soft kisses around my upper neck and words of love.
“I’m not sure if I do after that.” I turned around and cupped his face in my hands and seductively kissed his lips.  He moaned into the kiss as his arms left my waist as his hands were now cupping my face.  Once I had him right where I wanted him, I raced up the stairs toward our room, and it only took a split second for Brian to call out.
“You cheeky little minx!” He chased after me up the stairs and into our room.  My laughter echoing through the entire hallway of the house.
*1976. Sydney, Australia*
It was now the start of our next world tour. Ever since the explosion of Bohemian Rhapsody with the public, everyone around the world knew the name Queen. After getting out of Foster’s grip when he had rejected our song and I bet right now he’s kicking himself in the balls for letting go of the biggest rock group ever rising.
As for me and Brian, well……
I was sleeping on the bed when I felt a mess of curls nuzzle into my neck and I felt soft kisses trail up and down my neck. I stirred and turned around to see him holding me close around my waist as I felt him continue his trail of kisses.
“Good morning my love.” he said as he looked up at me.
“Morning.” I moaned out tiredly as I stretched myself out. I then turned to look at Brian and I said to him, “Why did we wait so long for this to happen? We could’ve been doing this for years by now.”
“Because for scientists we are both completely incompetent. But it doesn’t matter, we’re together now though. And that’s all that matters to me.” He said as he lightly pecked my temple before taking my right hand and slowly clasping my hand with his.  He lifted our entwined hands to his lips and kissed each of my knuckles delicately. My heart was all a flutter and the butterflies (no moths would be a better term), the moths in my stomach were fluttering like hell.
Once he was done delicately kissing my knuckles, he soon came on top of me and I now lay on my back staring up at the man I’ve loved for so long.  I lifted my right hand to stroke and playfully swat with my index finger his luscious curls.
“I can’t believe I get to wake up to you every morning.” I said.
“Believe me love if anyone’s lucky here, it’s me. I get to wake up to the most beautiful girl in the galaxy.” I scoffed at his cheesy astrophysics pickup lines but I kept a loving gaze up at him.  He leaned down and softly captured my lips with his and just as he was about to deepen the kiss, a knock was suddenly heard at the door and Roger’s voice said.
“Oi you two get up! We’ve got to get to the concert hall and rehearse! You both can shag after the show!” we both glared at each other and I said.
“How much would it take to replace Roger?”
“Not a whole lot I’d wager.” Brian stated.
That night another concert began and everyone from Australia sang along to all our new songs.  Now came that time of the show for Freddie and Brian to do “Love of my Love” with Brian at the 12-stringed acoustic guitar.
As usual Brian warmed up with some chords of the song and just before Freddie was about to sing he suddenly made an announcement.
“You know this time around, we’re gonna mix things up a little bit. Can we have the lovely (Y/n) Staffell at center stage please?” My eyes widened and I turned to Deacy and Rog who only gestured me to go down.
I walked off the drum risers and a spotlight followed me as the crowd cheered.
“Ahh there you are my dear, now can we please get a seat for her?” Soon a stage handler came out with a four-legged stool much like Brian’s just a bit smaller.  “Thank you dear,” Freddie said to the handler, “Alright (y/n) you sit here,” Freddie helped me into the seat and I asked him.
“Fred what’s going on? We didn’t rehearse this.”
“Ladies and Gentlemen this time around I’d like to introduce Brian May for the lead vocals of Love of my life, and he’d like to dedicate this song to our lovely keyboardist and pianist (Y/n) Staffell.” The audience applauded loudly and I turned to Brian who only smiled at me lovingly before beginning to play the song.
After the introduction was done, Brian’s soulful voice went into the microphone as he began to sing while staring right at me, the crowd sung along.  As usual when this song was played, we had the audience sing to us loud and proud and I actually turned towards the audience hearing them sing.
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Love of my life, you've hurt me You've broken my heart
And now you leave me *Crowd*
Love of my life, can't you see? Bring it back, bring it back Don't take it away from me,
Because you don't know What it means to me
         Tears filled my eyes as I turned back towards Brian.  The crowd applauded at the end which gave Brian the time to lean towards me and whisper in my ear.
        “I love you.” He then kissed my cheek which elected into more cheers from the audience before he started up the next verse of the song.  This time he and the audience shared the song in a perfect blend.
Love of my life, don't leave me You've stolen my love, you now desert me *Brian & crowd*
Love of my life, (can't you see?) Bring it back, bring it back
Don't take it away from me Because you don't know What it means to me
*Brian and crowd*
You will remember When this is blown over Everything's all by the way When I grow older I will be there at your side to remind you How I still love you
I still love you
         As he held the note along with the crowd, they cheered but Brian suddenly stopped playing.  I looked at him confused, that was until he took the guitar off his shoulder and Freddie suddenly came in and took it as Brian now got down on one knee.
        I could hear shocked screaming from some of the audience members, but of course I was just dead frozen right there in my seat.  My heart stopped and I swore I thought I was going to pass out. Freddie handed Brian a microphone and Brian said.
        “(Y/n). I have known you all my life. You’ve been there with me since the beginning and you never once left my side. No matter how crazy things got whether our fights were about music, or whether biology or astrophysics was the better science field of study.” I choked out a laugh as the crowd merrily laughed. “You’ve been my best friend, my harmony to my melody, the love of my life. You once told me back on Rockfield farm over a year ago that emperor penguins found their soulmates through song. And now, I want to ask you through this song,”
        He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a velvet black box.  The crowd went absolutely nuts as I held my hands over my mouth as I was physically sobbing hysterically.
        He opened it and inside it revealed a beautiful diamond engagement ring.  It was a nice size rock, not too bit but not to small.  He always knew I never liked big flashy diamonds.  It was on a golden band with two smaller diamond embedded right underneath the main rock.
        “Will you, (Y/n) Staffell become Mrs. (Y/n) May?” The crowd screamed at me to say yes and all I could do was sob.  Too emotional to even say it, I nodded frantically and soon the audience was in an uproar.
        Brian smiled at me before taking the ring out and placing it on my wedding finger. Once it was on, I fell off the stool and embraced Brian as I buried myself into his neck and wept.  When we separated, he cupped my face and kissed my forehead, the tip of my nose before finally capturing my lips with his.
I wrapped my arms around his neck as we kissed each other passionately and the audience just kept cheering and awing at us.  Once air became a dire need, we were forced to separate and I took notice of the mic. I took hold of Brian’s wrist and held it up and as best I could Brian and I sung the last couple lines together.
Our foreheads touching each other’s as we stared deeply into each other’s eyes.
*Me and Brian*
Love of my life Love of my life Ooh, eh
I wept once more and Brian brought me close to him kissing my head as the audience cheered loudly.
“Ladies and Gentlemen of Sydney please give it up one more time for Mr. and Mrs. May!” Freddie’s voice said into his microphone. The crowd cheered once more but my focus never left Brian’s as he kept my face cupped in his hands and we kissed one more time.
After the concert, Brian and I were in our shared hotel room once again having a private celebration of our engagement.  I lay there in my bed, the sheets covering my body while Brian stood by the table in just his boxers pouring the champagne into two glasses for us.
“I still can’t believe one day I’m going to call myself Mrs. (Y/n) May.” I said.
“Well it’s best you believe it darling. I’m hoping we can have the wedding immediately once the tour’s done. That is if it’s not too soon for you.” He said the last part concerned.
Well we’ve got about 2 months left of the tour and after that god knows where Queen’s gonna go after that.  Might as well get it over with in case we have to keep postponing it.
“I don’t mind. I’m not looking at a big wedding anyways. Just a few friends, family and as long as I’m wearing a white dress and you’re all dapper up in a tux. That’s all that matters to me.”
“Then we’ll tell the guys in the morning. For now,” he was now lying in front of me facing me on his side as he handed me my champagne glass. “To us Future Mrs. May.”
“To us, Dr. May.” I said as we both clanged our glasses together not once breaking eye contact as we doused down our champagne like a shot of whiskey.  We set out glasses aside and Brian leaned forward and captured my lips with his.
Soon the rest of the night was spent making love to each other, feeling each other’s body and praising one another with words of love.  Of course that morning we got some complaints from Roger since he was technically our next door neighbor but both Brian and I knew that he was happy for us.
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jmeddows2 · 5 years
Purple Thunder (Roger Taylor Series) - Part 3
(present/old) Roger Taylor x  Reader
Notes: Sorry for grammar mistakes/ weird sentence structures. English is not my first language but anyways, I gave it a go. Enjoy and feel free to submit requests, feedback etc. So there’s loads of dialogue.. sorry for that??
Words: 1822
Part 1 Part 2
Part 3:
“Wtf, dad? “ Lola‘s voice filled Roger‘s apartment in Kensington, as he was sat on his huge black leather couch, watching her pace around. “What‘s wrong, honey?“ “Don‘t 'honey' me Paps. What‘s going on between you and Y/N? I’ve seen pictures!" “Nothing‘s going on. She came down to Surrey to talk music and I gave her a ride home. You’re overreacting, honey!" "I know when you‘re lying, Paps! I can see the way you’re looking at her, you used to look at mum just the same way! Dad, you’re never this affectionate, not even in public. Hell, you don‘t even properly hold Sarina‘s hand. And now this? That‘s disgusting! She could be my sister! She could be your daughter! You‘re 50 years older than her, goddamn!!!“
 Lola was now shouting at her dad, letting anger take over. Roger just sat there in silence. Listening carefully to his daughter, knowing that everything is true. Every single word. But why did he feel guilty about it? Nothing‘s happened anyway. That‘s what helped Lola calm down. Nothing‘s happened anyway. That‘s what Roger told himself when he was tossing and turning in his bed late at night, thinking about one thing only. 
 But something’s happened, deep inside of him.
But it was wrong. So wrong. His heart began to speed up just thinking about the previous day. Reminiscing. Reminiscing how your face lit up when you discovered his drum skins in the studio, or when you had heard his new song. Your sparkling eyes, getting wider and wider during the tour through his house.
You, sitting by the lake with a stern look on your face, scribbling down some lyrics. When your eyes met his, he felt it. There was an exciting feeling, deep inside of him. But he tried to shrug it off - without success.
  One look on the clock. 2 am. He couldn‘t get himself to sleep, so he decided to go for a walk. Down by the Thames on a bench was his secret hideaway spot. Roger first discovered it after he got into a heated argument with Tim Staffel, his former Smile band mate.
He found himself in that peaceful spot quite often, even when Queen started to take off, to just get some air. Arguments happened to literally be on the daily Queen agenda during those times. It‘d been a while since he had actually been here, but nothing had changed.
The night was quiet and peaceful as the moon lit up the river Thames. Slight sounds of traffic could be heard from the city. As he got closer to his secret spot, he noticed that the bench was already occupied. Roger was not sure if he should approach the bench anyway, despite not knowing if this person was a serial killer or something like that. (LOL, jk guys be careful though!)
As he got closer and closer this person looked even more familiar to him.
 “Y/N? What are you doing here?” You flinched when you saw a man approach you, until you recognized his figure. 
 “Roger?? Ahh, just couldn’t sleep. I could ask you the exact same thing” you answered as he plunged himself next to you on the bench. You sat there in silence for a few minutes, until he decided to speak up again, looking directly into yours eyes:
“Will you now tell me what’s really going on?” he put his arm around your shoulder, wiping away a few of your tears. He felt it again this incredible warmth and completeness.
 Yes. You’ve been crying. After a heated argument with Josh, you stormed out of your flat. In situations like these, your past self would have already been drugged down, drunk and fooling around with a hot stranger. But not this time.
 “Everything’s alright Roger, seriously” wiping away a few new tears. “Look, I get it if you don’t want to talk. Especially to me, but if I can help you out… You know I’m here for you, love. C’mere, at least take my coat you’re freezing”, with that he handed you his coat and even through protest, he insisted on you to take it. Being all snuggled up into his coat made you feel safe in this cold night. Surrounded by Roger’s warmth. The coat smelled just like him, heavenly.
“Now you‘re freezing, I feel so guilty“ you snuggled closer into his side. ”Love, don‘t worry I‘m more than alright like this“ wrapping his arms tighter around you. His cheeky smile made you laugh.
“You know, I used to come down here every so often when I was younger. Guess my secret spot is not much of a secret anymore.” he laughed. “You remind me a lot of my younger self. Carefree, not really giving hoot about what others think.” He was probably implying your various drug encounters and one night stands. He must have done his homework on you then, reading the daily papers. Roger was also not so innocent in the past, living life the fullest. You’d done your homework on him, considering these terms as well.
 “Those were some crazy times. I’m sure you’d have enjoyed it, it was unbelievable, really. You’d not believe my stories if I told them to you, love. You would have been a perfect fit.” “You think so?” The 70’s had always been your favorite time period, whether it was in relation to music or the lifestyle.  
“100% sure, love. I would have gone crazy to have such a beautiful girl like you on my arm and we would have done some bonkers shit.” The thought of being with Roger in the 70′s made your heart flutter. “YOU think that I‘m beautiful?“ “Obviously, love. But you most certainly don‘t need me to tell you that.“ his smile fell.
Oh right. Josh. Your boyfriend.
  "How about some tea, love? “ You could never get tired of him calling you pet names, even though it made you blush every single time. Agreeing to tea, he led you to his Kensington flat which was again very breathtaking.
Luxurious interior. Marble. Leather. You always dreamed of such a home. Not saying that your flat was packed with a bunch of old stuff. It‘s just different. Well, maybe because he had so much more money and actually could afford a place like this. Who would‘ve thought that winning a Grammy wouldn’t guarantee you unlimited money and stardom?
 Sitting on the counter, you watched Roger pour the tea from the kettle into 2 cups. “Sugar? Cream? “ “1 cube of sugar and a splash of cream, please“ “Another thing we have in common then“ he smiled at you with shining blue eyes. “And the other things in common would be? “ you asked curiously. “I don‘t know, love“ he answered “being absolutely smashing musicians, amazingly talented and wandering around Hyde Park at 2.30 in the morning, maybe?“ You now both burst into laughter when suddenly everything turned quiet again, sipping on tea. 
  “I rushed off. Didn‘t feel like arguing. Got me into some serious shit in the past“ “Huh?" “You asked me what‘s really going on earlier. Josh and me....had an argument. I had to blow off some steam and didn‘t really want to stay with him tonight" “Is it because of the paparazzi pictures? Everyone seems to freak out about them and I don’t even know why. You have a boyfriend, I have a wife. Nothing happened anyway.” Wife. It stung a little. But he was telling the truth.
“Anyway, what‘d you want to do, love? Stay on the bench in the freezing cold in your little outfit?“ Looking down on yourself you were still dressed in ripped jeans and a white bralette. “Yeah. Partly because of the pictures. No, I could get a hotel room. I should go now actually. Don’t want to bother you more than I already have and I’m also verrrryyy tired. Thanks for the tea and company, Roger. You definitely made my night“
As you made your way back to the front Roger hesitated but was quick to speak up again: “Why don’t you just stay here?”
Everything was quiet again. You didn’t know what to say.
“There’s no way I’m going to let you go out there alone at this time in the freezing cold. You could uhh, sleep in one if the guest rooms if you want? So.. uhh.. you don’t have to look around for a hotel…”
“Roger, I don’t want to bother you-“ “Stay.”
 You agreed to stay in his flat. Before settling into the room, he handed you a shirt of his to sleep in and wished you good night by hugging you and giving you a peck on the cheek. 
His shirt was baggy around you and reached your mid thighs. It smelled like him. Suddenly, inspiration struck you again as you reached for the notebook, that you always kept in your bag.
It was your lyric notebook, as you flipped through the pages, you finally landed on the lyrics you had written down at Roger’s home by the lake in Surrey. -Surrey-
Sitting on the sea Soaking up the sun
 A jaw dropper Looks good when he walks Is the subject of their talk He would be hard to chase But good to catch
 …. was already written on the page…. and you decided to add some more…
  With eyes that make you melt He lends his coat for shelter Plus he's there for you When he shouldn't be
 …. before you fell sleep clutching your notebook in your right hand…
  A loud bang woke you up. 5 am.  “Where is she, where did you keep her? I know she must be here somewhere” A unknown female voice filled the flat, full of anger and betrayal.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Sarina.” “Y/N of course! I should’ve known you can’t keep in your pants, Roger. Especially when some young slag opens her legs wide for you to shag. That’s so typical of you.”
You listened closely; tears started to form in your eyes. A slag. That’s what the papers said. But you had changed. Did you change? You tried so hard to be a better person, to improve. To prove them wrong. You didn’t even do anything wrong. Or did you? After quick consideration, you decided to change into your own clothing again, to sneak out of the window. Thank god there was a fire escape.
 The walk home seemed to take ages. It was still early, so no one recognized you walking the streets looking like a mess.
  At the same time, Roger could convince his wife, that no one was in the flat with him, still she decided to spend the rest of the night elsewhere. As Roger wanted to check in with you, the room was empty. He totally understood your actions, it saved him a lot of trouble, but still hoped you would have stayed.
As he was about to leave the room, he spotted something in the middle of the bed. It was a little notebook. Your notebook.
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deakyjohns · 5 years
Friends Will Be Friends - Ace!Reader x Queen
Based off the following prompt: Hello I’m sorry to bother you but could you please write a Queen x asexual reader please? Where the reader slowly realizes she’s asexual then is scared to admit it to the boys?
Warnings: Not a ton! Reader is anxious about coming out, so there are potential triggers there. [word count: 2,265] 
pls note: i don’t identify as ace but i am queer, so i’ve done my best to express what? coming out can be like? but everyone’s experience is different. hopefully this does some justice to that notion! <3
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You knew everyone meant well.
That when Freddie told you anyone would be lucky to have you, or when Roger jostled your shoulder, pointing out potential suitors, it was because they cared about you. They thought it was what you would want. You used to think it would be what you wanted, too.
You weren’t sure how to tell them. It had been difficult to even figure it out yourself. You always understood the feelings you had, but putting a name to them had been something else entirely. Through your teenage years, you’d begun to find slight differences between yourself and your classmates. When they got excited about dating and relationships, you found yourself more interested in the books you were reading and the music you liked. You cared about your friendships and loved meeting new people, but you never really liked the idea of dating.
You used to assume it just meant you hadn’t met the right person.
In a few attempts to give it the old college try, you had gone on dates. Once or twice you’d had nice conversations with people over dinner or a drink, but you didn’t feel yourself longing to see them again. A date that you hadn’t had a particularly good time with once tried to kiss you, and you’d pushed him away out of instinct. He’d mumbled an apology and a good night and you hardly answered before flying up the stairs back into your apartment.
You leaned against your door, letting out a long breath. Part of you wondered if you should have just tried it to see if you’d enjoy it. But the rest of you knew you wouldn’t have.
It frustrated you to no end that the world, everyone around you, really, expected you to be a certain way when you just weren’t.
You didn’t want to think there was something wrong with you, but you felt like you had to look for answers. What was it that made you different? Why, when people talked about marriage, sex, and dating, did you feel like you came from some other world?
As silly as it made you feel, you found yourself at the front desk of the nearby university’s library looking for answers. A kind-eyed and young librarian peered at you through her glasses.
“Can I help you find something?” she asked politely.
“Yes, actually. I’ve got to write a paper for my human sexuality class?” It was a bit of a shot in the dark, but you were fairly sure you could get away without too many questions.
“Oh, sure. Are you comfortable with the Dewey Decimal System? I’ve just got to log a lot of returns up here.”
“Yes, no problem!” You’d had to prowl the shelves in search of horrendously obscure books before.
“Great,” she said, relieved, “thank you. You’ll want to head down to the early 300s. It’s got sociology and all that. Try… maybe 301 or 306?”
“I will,” you said, “thank you. Good luck with all those.” You pointed to the hefty pile of books on the cart beside her and she let out a quiet chuckle.
“Thanks. Good luck with your paper.” It took you a second to remember: you’d told her you were writing a paper.
“Oh, yeah, thank you!” And with that, you shuffled off into the stacks.
It took a while before you found anything that resonated with you. But eventually, after paging through countless indexes and glossaries, you found something that resonated with you–– and deeply.
You left the library with a bit of a spring in your step, but also a sinking feeling in your stomach. It felt so good to understand yourself. But understanding yourself meant that you’d be able to tell people. And you had four dear friends that you feared might not understand you the way you did.
You’d met Brian and Roger right as Smile was falling apart. Roger had tried to chat you up at the bar and since he’d made you laugh, he thought he was getting somewhere. Right as you were about to politely decline anything beyond a friendly drink, Brian came over, distressed. He let loose that Tim Staffel was thinking of leaving before Rog could make a snide remark about being interrupted, and when you expressed your despair at the possibility of the band breaking up, they both seemed cheered. You’d greatly enjoyed the music, and told them so. The night had ended with the three of you closing down the bar and the boys walked you home (or stumbled you there, on Roger’s part). After concerts, they began to count on seeing you, and you were swiftly introduced to Freddie and later John. You came to their shows as often as you could and soon you were part of the family.
What had started as the boys inviting you to parties after gigs had blossomed into a real friendship–– one you could never imagine living without. Sometimes you’d spend time with them while they were recording, and they’d even brought you along on tour for a few weeks once. You’d shared an apartment with John for a stint when neither of you could afford rent alone, and there had been many nights when the five of you all woke up in someone’s apartment, tangled together on couches, in beds, sometimes on the floor. You’d taken shifts in Brian’s hospital room when he collapsed on their first tour of the US.
You’d been through so much with them, and there was no way they’d abandon you just because you were different. They were all different, too. It’s why people loved Queen.
Your best friend and current roommate Amy reassured you of this about a hundred times as you got ready to go see the boys at a recording session. She sat on your bed as you tugged on a t-shirt and dug around in your closet for your favorite jacket.
“Those boys adore you, Y/N. And if they’re going to stop speaking to you over something like this, then they don’t deserve to call you their friend.” You sighed, voice echoing a bit as you spoke.
“I know, I know… But if for some reason they do stop speaking to me, it’s gonna break my heart. Even if it’s not worth the pain, you know?” Finally, you felt your hand brush against denim and you pulled your coat of it’s hanger, slinging it on. Amy stood and put her hands on both of your cheeks.
“They’re not going to. I really believe that.” She pressed a kiss to your forehead and you let out a soft chuckle.
“Thanks, Ames. I love you.”
“I love you too, babe.” You smiled at her and took a breath. With that, you picked up your bag and headed for the door. Amy’s voice drifted down the hall as you made your way to the front door. “And you let me know if something happens. I don’t care if those guys are famous, I will start a brawl!”
You laughed at that despite the pit in your stomach and hopped in your car. It was now or never, you supposed.
When you arrived at the studio, they were recording a song you’d never heard before. It was fun and a bit jaunty, which eased your nerves a bit. Brian stood in the booth, playing a guitar solo, and Roger and John were sat on couches at the back of the control room. Freddie sat, enraptured at the panel as you crept in, not wanting to disturb anyone.
John was the first to look up and notice you, and just as he was about to stand and offer you a much calmer and quiet greeting, Roger was on his feet and already halfway to the door.
“Y/N,” he cried, “just who we needed to see! Do you know, it’s been bloody boring without you all day.” You couldn’t help but laugh as he pulled you into a hug. Over his shoulder, Freddie glanced up at you and smiled, wiggling his fingers in greeting. Soon though, his attention was back to Brian, who was still laser-focused on his playing.
“It’s not as if I’m here all the time, Rog,” you protested, but he waved you off as the two of you separated.
“Well, we’ve been missing you anyway.” John nodded as he came over to greet you as well.
“It’s true, we were just talking about you,” he said, giving you a quick squeeze of a hug, “How are you, Y/N?”
“I’m all right. I’ve been wanting to talk to you all.” As you spoke, the sounds of the Red Special stopped.
“Hey there, Y/N,” came Brian’s voice over the speakers. “Good to see you! We’re just finishing up.” Freddie spun around and stood, planting a kiss on your cheek and grasping both of your hands in his.
“Yes, darling, do stay and have a chat. Brian here’s just finished his solo for Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy and we’re just about to have a spot of tea.” You grinned at the name of the song.
“One of yours, Fred?”
“Who else’s?” he replied with a dazzling smile, brushing his hair over his shoulder.
Once Brian emerged from the studio, the boys led you off to a little kitchen where Freddie put on a kettle.
“We’ve missed you,” Brian said, plopping down in a chair beside you, “How is everything?”
“It’s, er–– Well, it’s been good.”
“You said you wanted to tell us something?” John added helpfully. He always seemed to know when you were nervous, and you shot him a grateful smile. The kettle began to whistle and Freddie lifted it off the stove.
“Yes, I did,” you said, voice quieting a bit. Freddie passed mugs around and took a seat on your other side–– finally all eyes were on you. This wasn’t going to be easy, you knew that, but now with all of their gazes fixed on you with varying degrees of kindness and concern, you felt a little safer.
You cleared your throat in an attempt to push down the lingering anxiety. “Well, uhm… You all know that I don’t really… well, date. And, ah… I was doing some reading because I was feeling frustrated with everything and I…” You paused and took a deep breath. “I think I’m asexual.”
Time seemed to stop after you said it. It was still one of the first times you’d said it aloud, and your heart was pounding so loudly in your chest that you were sure you wouldn’t be able to hear their reactions. All of a sudden panic took over and you felt the need to speak again, as if you owed them an explanation. “I think I’ve known for a while now, but I never really had a name for it and then I went to the library and I started reading all these books and––”
A warm hand came to cover yours as it quivered on the tabletop and it was only then that you realized you’d begun to cry a bit. You looked up and Brian was smiling at you softly.
“That’s great, Y/N. I’m sure I speak for everybody when I say we’re happy that you’ve found a way to describe who you are.” He gave your hand a squeeze. “You know we all love you, and we’ll all be here to support you.” The other three boys gave you encouraging smiles and you nodded, reaching up to wipe the tears from your cheeks.
“I’ve just always felt different, and finally it just got too much. I was so scared.”
“Aw lovie,” Freddie cooed, throwing an arm around your shoulders, “why didn’t you tell us? You know we all would have been happy to help.”
“Well,” John ventured, “I’m sure it was a bit nerve-wracking. Not everyone is kind about these kinds of things. But nothing is going to change the fact that you’re our friend, Y/N. You’ve got us, no matter what.”
“It’s true,” Roger said, “we’d all go mad without you. And besides, if you’re asexual, that means there’s just more for the rest of us, eh?” Freddie shot him a long-suffering look from beside you, but the comment made you laugh as Roger knew it would. As you let yourself laugh, you felt some of the anxiety draining out of you.
“Oh god,” you said, “I’m so relieved. I was afraid that you’d all never want to speak to me again.”
“Nonsense!” Freddie cried, “you’d have to really do something terrible for that to happen, and I happen to know you haven’t got a mean bone in your body.” He paused for a moment and then smiled, standing up and gesturing for everyone to rise with him. “I propose a toast,” he announced, lifting his cup of tea in the air. “To our darling Y/N, whom we all love so dearly, and whom we celebrate on this day of discovery.” Everyone laughed at this, and Roger added in a cheerful “Hear, hear!” as you all clinked your mugs together.
You all drank your tea and spent the next little while catching up and laughing, just as you always did when you spent time together. When it came time for the boys to begin recording again and for you to head home, everyone joined in a group hug, placing you at the center. Standing there, literally surrounded by some of your closest friends, you knew you’d always have people in your life who loved you for who you were.
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thefandomavenue · 5 years
Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Part 1
Roger Taylor x Reader
Summary: You meet at a pub and there the story begins
Warnings: none
Author‘s note: Don‘t judge me, it‘s my first fanfiction, hope you like it. Enjoy reading:) ~Jule
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Your father gave you a warm hug and wiped his tears, hoping that you didn’t see them. He has always been emotional, even if he would not admit that.
“I’m suffocating, Dad!” You coughed and pretended, that you were about to die. “Don’t be so dramatic…” he laughed “I’ll miss you, you know that!” “The last two years you survived without me too…and I’ll be there for Christmas.” You said after he hugged you again, even tighter. “But I want to see you more than just six weeks a year on your holiday. It’s really lonely at home without you” he whined.
It was your last year at university and you‘re sort of happy to start your everyday life, although it will also be stressful and you‘ll miss your dad as well.
You live five hours from London, so you can’t visit your dad often. The journey is so horrible, that you visited him only two times last year, and on Christmas day of course. It made him sad, that he saw you so rarely, but he understood, that you have to become independent, because you were always spoiled from your parents.
“So, I have to go, Dad. I have to unpack and prepare for classes. And I want to finally see my friends.“ „Okay, bye Y/N“ he said and gave you a kiss on your cheek. He turned around, waved and got in the car to drive away. You watched the car and walked over the known campus to the building, where your room is. The smell of alcohol and cigarettes came into your nose and reminded you of the the last two years and the fun you had with your friends. You‘re going to miss that next year.
You heard a high voice, that tore you from the thoughts.
„Y/N! Finally, you‘re here!“ Alice screamed and came up to you, with a big smile on her lips. „Alice!“ You was so glad to see her and you gave her a hug.
Alice was your room mate and your best friend. She grabbed your bag and you walked to your room. When you opened the door, you could see, that she already unpacked. Her clothes were lying on the floor, her books on her bed and the record player was on. You rolled your eyes.
„I missed you, Y/N“ she said „I missed you too. But I certainly did not miss your chaos“ You grinned. „Piss off“ she laughed „Soo, Robin, Stefan and Matt are on the way to our room and this evening, we want to go to this pub down the street, where „Smile“ is playing. And you’re coming with us“ she spoke.
Smile was a band with three guys, who graduated last year. Tim Staffell, the most arrogant guy you know, Brian May, the school clown, and Roger Taylor, a cute guy, but he was like the human symbol of a playboy, were already a bit famous in this area. They mostly played in some pubs, here in London, and they were really good actually. But you didn’t feel like going today.
„Oh no, Alice. Not today, can we move this plan?“ You said, hoping that she agreed, but you also knew her and knew that she did not, obviously. „Haha no, of course not. That is our last year at university together, let‘s enjoy this!“ she begged. You agreed, because it made no sense to argue with her.
You put on a short jeans skirt, a black glitter top and your high black boots. You made your hair half up and put on some natural make up. You looked in the mirror at your outfit. Your y/h/c hairs fell over your shoulders and you grinned. Not bad.
Two hours later, Alice, Robin, Matt, Stefan and you were on the way to the pub. When you walked in, „Smile“ was already playing. There wasn’t much going in the pub, except a crowd of girls in front of the stage. You headed to the bar, ordered some drinks and watched the performance. All three guys were in their element. Brian was focused on his guitar, Tim was singing and Roger… Roger looked so damn good. He was even hotter than last year, with his long blond hair and his t-shirt, that showed the traces of his sweat. He had such an amazing style and how he was absorbed in his drums. He has always looked good, but now … No wonder, that the girls in front of the stage screamed his name and constantly ran after him
You turned away and after a few drinks, you and the others danced on the floor. You actually didn‘t want to come here, but now you had a lot of fun.
After a while, the band finished their performance and got off the stage. Immediately, a group of girls ran to Roger, that made him very proud, what his big smile revealed. In this moment, you took a brake from dancing, while the band came to the bar. You looked for your friends, who also headed to the bar slowly.
Then you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around and looked into two ocean blue eyes.
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adrenaline-roulette · 4 years
Is this just fantasy? Chapter 2
Pairing: Brian May x Reader
Summary: "Want me to bring back some ice-cream, and you can bitch about how horrible you day was?”
The idea of ice-cream had never been more appealing. “I believe Ben and Jerry’s is on sale at the moment, I could really go from some chunky monkey.”
“I never understood why you like that one so much!”
“I try to convince myself that because it’s banana flavoured then it must be healthy.”
“As a dietician in training, it is my duty to tell you, that that is not by any means true.”
“For a dietician in training, you eat an awful lot of instant mac & cheese.”
“Whoa now, there is no such thing as too much mac & cheese!”
Chapter two: Listen carefully to the sound of your loneliness
If you haven’t read chapter One yet, check it out here! 
Roger sauntered his way over to the bar, his eyes focused solely on the woman who had entered the pub only minutes earlier. The fact that she was currently face planted into the counter didn’t bother him too much, his standards were relatively low tonight, he would happily take home anyone just to prove Brian wrong! He couldn’t care less if the woman he was quickly approaching was a mental case who was actually licking the counter, rather than just resting her head. Anyone would do, so long as they said yes. As he stepped up besides the woman, he cleared his throat, a coy smirk donning his boyish face. He had expected her to swoon, or perhaps blush, that’s what usually happened when he presented himself to the opposite sex. This reaction, however, was entirely unexpected, and had him fearing he had lost his charm!
You startle at the noise beside you, not having expected anyone to disturb your self-wallowing. You had found yourself spiralling into a panic attack as the realisation of what was going on around you, really began to sink in. Somehow, you really were in 1970’s London, and for the life of you, you couldn’t figure out how. The last thing you could remember, before falling asleep was talking to Sara about ice-cream flavours, after that, everything seemed to be a bit of a blur. The feeling of falling remained with you after your dream, but surely a dream couldn’t have caused this? The person clears their throat again, and his time you look up at them, your slumped shoulders lifting so you sat gracefully on the stool. Your eyes travelled up the body beside you, trailing from the feet, past the bellbottom jeans, over the masculine chest, and finally resting on the stunningly attractive face, of the one and only, blue eyed beauty, Roger Fucking Taylor.
Your face must have given away just how shocked you were, as Roger visibly stepped back, a flicker of surprise passing his baby blues. The ever so slight sliver of hope that this was all an elaborate prank, that had remained with you vanished in a matter of seconds. Your eyebrows creased together, as your mouth opened and closed in an excellent impression of a fish, as you desperately tried to form words. “You’re Roger Taylor” You breathed out, your voice raising a few octaves as you looked at him.
Roger blinked his eyes three times, before leaning his hip against the counter, grinning down at you. “Ah, you know me then do you? I’m positive that I would remember someone as lovely as you, but just in case I did somehow forget, what’s your name love?” He practically purred, trailing his index finger along your jaw. The logical part of your mind argued that you should keep quiet, there was far too much at stake, and knowing your luck, you would say something that could completely change the course of history entirely! The only problem with that however, was that you had never been a very logical person, and were more inclined to speak first, think later. This meant, the moment those thoughts entered your mind, you found yourself voicing the exact opposite.
   “What? No! You don’t know me at all. You’ve never met me, and I’ve never met you either! But I used to have your posters up in my room when I was growing up. Well not just posters of you, all of Queen! I had my first kiss to sail away sweet sister!” And there it was, the word vomit. By the time you realised what you had said, poor Roger looked utterly terrified. His eyes had grown impossibly wide, and he seemed to be shaking, and you could swear you almost heard his heart hammering away in his chest.
“I have no idea what you are talking about, but I think I’ll leave you be now. Have a lovely night Miss.” He mumbles, taking a half step backwards. The moment he moves, you leap up from your stool, clasping your hands around his biceps, unaware that the two men he had been sitting with just before were making their way towards the two of you.
Brian reaches the two of you first, he had been watching the exchange between his band mate, and the young woman with a great deal of interest. Brian knew what to expect, after having watched Roger use his charm on many a woman before. Though something was different this time, he could tell, from Roger’s expression, that things didn’t appear to be going the way he had been expecting. The poor man looked visibly shaken, and like he was about to go running out of the pub. The moment the woman stood, and grabbed Roger, he knew he had to do something. He pushed his chair away from the table, and leapt to his feet, Tim following his lead soon after. The two men appeared beside Roger in a matter of seconds, the moment they arrived Roger seemed to relax somewhat. “Miss, is everything alright?” He asked gently, as Tim stepped away a few paces with Roger. The poor woman looked terrified, and on the verge of tears, perhaps Roger had picked the wrong woman to chase tonight?
You feel like you’re about to collapse as you look up into the deep brown eyes of the world-famous guitarist before you, he’s so young, yet still so incredibly handsome. His words shake you from your thoughts as you stare up at him. “No of course I’m not bloody alright!” You practically shriek, how could any of this situation possibly make you alright? “You’re Brian May, And you! You’re Tim Staffell!”
Both men look rather surprised at your outburst, as Roger simply nods along. “That’s exactly what she said to me too! Scared the bloody life out of me.” He mutters, just loud enough so your small group could hear him. Your hands hover mid-air from where you had been clinging to Roger, and you find yourself unable to bring them down.
Brian is the first to come to his senses, stepping forwards and in-between you and Roger, he reaches out to, wrapping his long, slender fingers around each of your wrists, carefully lowering them down to your sides. “Ok, lets start slowly. Can you tell us what your name is?” He asks carefully, guiding you over to the table he, Roger and Tim had been seated at minutes before.
You sit gently down on one of the wooden seats, the leather cushion peeling at the edges of the old seat. The three men sit around you in the vacant seats, all looking at you intently. The last time you had had people looking at you like this, you were introducing yourself to your new class at school, the teacher had kept pressuring you to talk about yourself, wanting to know all about your hobbies and interests. You take a deep breath in, releasing it slowly out of your mouth, this was the tricky part. What damage would it do if you introduced yourself? Just by being here alone, you had surely broken just about every law of physics! What if by using your real name, that only caused more damage to the world as you knew it? Your breathing was becoming shallow once again, as you look frantically around at the three men before you, your eyes finally resting on Brian’s. You had never been embarrassed to admit this before, but now sitting here with the curly haired brunette, you found yourself blushing, the knowledge that he had starred in many of your late night ‘quiet’ moments, stirring something deep within you. “I’m, um, Eleanor- Eleanor Ribgy!” Perhaps that wasn’t the best name choice, but for the life of you, you couldn’t remember when the song had come out! Maybe it was yet to be released and you would be in the clear?
“Okay, so we all now that that’s a lie.” Tim smirks at you, and you find yourself wanting to slam your head against the table once again.
“How about we try this again, what’s your name? You know ours, it’s only fair we get to know yours.” Roger grins, as he takes a gulp of beer, before placing the glass back on the table with a loud clunk.
Right, well, that didn’t go the way you had hoped. Maybe you should just tell them your name, besides as Shakespeare once wrote, what’s in a name? “It’s Y/N Y/L/N.”
“See, that wasn’t so hard now was it?”
You almost glare at Roger, if only he knew how difficult all of this really was for you, maybe then he would wipe that cocky grin off his face. “You have no idea.” You mutter.
Brian twirls his glass between his large hands, frowning down at the amber liquid that was nearly gone. “Can you explain to us what happened just before?”
“Yeah! What did you mean, you had a poster of me in your bedroom? And who is Queen?” Roger butts in, causing Brian to scowl at him. Brian had been trying to approach this situation carefully, but clearly the blonde drummer had other ideas.
You groan deeply, this time, allowing your head to swing forwards and rest against the table once more. Face planting was becoming a habit of yours in the 1970’s, and you can’t help but think it’s likely not a good thing. “Honestly, I don’t even know what to tell you. It’s all too much, even for me to comprehend!”
“Try us, we’re smarter than we look!” Tim offers with a smile of his own.
Your shoulders slump down, before you pick yourself back up from the table, folding your hands in your lap. “Trust me, I know how smart you all are.” You almost whisper, before shaking your head gently. This was your chance, you could explain this bizarre situation to the men sat before you, perhaps one of them would believe you and help you find your way back? Brian has a doctorate in Astrophysics, surely, he would know what to do? But then again, that is Brian in forty plus years, and not the young man sitting with you now. “This is going to sound insane, I know that.” You begin, the three men leaning in closer to hear you quiet voice. “I woke up in the middle of a fucking field today, no idea where I was or how I got there. And now I find out I’m somehow in the 70’s.”
 Roger scratches his heads, mussing up his already messy locks. “I don’t see the problem? I’ve woken up in a field before, maybe you just had too much to drink last night”
A laugh bursts from your throat, as you shake your head no. “Oh Roger, you don’t understand! The biggest problem with this whole situation isn’t me waking up in a field, it’s the fact that it’s the 70’s!” At this, Roger returns to looking rather confused, just as Brian and Tim do. “When I fell asleep last night, it was 2019. Somehow, I’ve gone back in time forty odd years!” You raise your voice at the end, earning a few confused looks being thrown your way.
“Y/N, look I’m not trying to be rude here, but maybe you’re hungover? I mean, time travel? That isn’t possible!” Brian begins gently, reaching out and placing one of his hands over yours. The gesture sends a jolt of electricity through you, and in any other situation you would swoon, but not right now.
“Brian, I know how crazy this sounds! When I fell asleep last night, I was happily living with my housemate, stressing about work, and looking forward to her bringing me home ice-cream!”
He bites his lower lip for a moment, looking directly into your eyes as he thinks over your predicament. “I’m sorry, I just don’t think it’s possible. I of all people would know if time travel was real, I’m studying to be-“
You cut him off before he can finish, “An astrophysicist. I know, and one day, you will be Doctor Brian May.”  
“How do you know what I’m studying?”
At this, you almost wish the ground would open you up and swallow you whole. “Because I’m from the future! I know about all of you Brian, Roger, Tim, even Freddie and Deaky!”
Tim and Roger look between each other with equal looks of curiosity. “Who are Freddie and Deaky?” Roger asks.
Ah right, shit, maybe you shouldn’t have mentioned them just yet. “You’ll know them when you meet them.”
“Wow, that was cryptic.” Tim mutters, causing Roger to chuckle quietly. You shoot them both a glare, neither of them were taking this seriously! At least Brian seemed to be attempting to understand and believe what you were telling them!
“Look, I’ll prove it to you! I know just about everything there is to know about Queen, fuck, I mean Smile. Just, I don’t know, tell me what the exact date is?”
The men look between each other, before Brian shrugs and turns back to you, reciting the date to you. You nod, smiling in thanks as you go back through your mental log of notable Smile era happenings. A spark of recognition flashes behind your eyes, and you leap up from your stool, grinning broadly. “Tim! Today is the day you quit Smile to join Humpy Bong!”
Tim freezes, his hand halfway to bringing his glass to his lips. Brian and Roger and caught between looking at you and Tim. “Tim’s quitting?” Roger mumbles. Oh, okay, so that clearly wasn’t common knowledge yet.
“I- um yeah. They’re going places guys, and we really aren’t, lets be honest.” Tim sighs, drumming his fingers against his glass.
Brian turns to stare at you, a small smile spreading over his lips, you were an absolute scientific anomaly, and he loved it! “Wait, what the fuck are we supposed to do without a singer and bassist?”
You shrug lightly, not sure how much you should give away. But fuck it, you’ve likely already ruined multiple timelines by just being here, you may as well continue. “I believe, this is where Freddie and Deaky come into the picture.”
My Masterlist
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New Beginnings (Freddie Mercury x Reader)
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Summary: Your a new transfer student at The University of West London. There you meet Freddie who invites you to see the band Smile perform live. Freddie soon reveals to you something you never expected from him along with a blossoming romance.
A/N: Requests are open. Thanks for reading. As always feedback is appreciated.
F/D: your favorite drink
Arriving at The University of West London was not your initial plan. The plan was to stay for a year then transfer, but something or rather someone changed your mind. Being the new girl wasn’t new for you, you’ve been switching from place to place your whole life. Longing to fit in you stuck out. Always alone and labeled as a misfit.
Trying to find your class for first period was becoming a struggle. With your schedule in hand, you held tightly to your books which were about to hit the ground at any moment. Just when all hope seemed lost, you were approached by a young and handsome gentleman.
“You seem lost, darling.” He states as his hands slide into his pockets.
“Is it that obvious?” You ask.
“Just the right amount of obvious. Here let me help you with that.” He takes the books out of your arms. A smile spreads across your face with a hint of blush. You weren’t use to being welcomed with such open arms especially coming from a complete stranger.
“Thanks for the help. I’m Y/N by the way.”
“Freddie. So what’s your first class?”
“Art & Design.” You answer checking your schedule yet again to make sure.
“Same here, guess we’ll both be late together.” He gives you a reassuring look. Locking with his deep brown eyes you couldn’t help but stare into. His hair was messy but in a cute way. It was the color of chestnut with the perfect amount of curls bouncing on each side.
Once arriving to class Freddie insisted he vouch for you. You spent the rest of your time getting to know him better and the reason why he chose design as his major. But his true passion was music, which felt odd to you since he looked more like an artist than a musical genius. Either way you felt a strong connection.
“Are you free tonight?” Freddie asks out of the blue.
“I don’t have any plans. Why?” You ask tilting your head to the side.
“The band Smile is playing at a venue tonight. I’ve been meaning to check them out but I don’t have anyone to go with. Would you be interested?” Freddie asks, arms folded across his chest.
“Let me think... music, drinks, a handsome guy. I’m in!” You say excitingly earning a smirk from Freddie at your last comment.
“I’ll be outside your dorm by 8. Enjoy the rest of your day, sweetheart.” He says right before the bell rings leaving you frozen in your tracks. You couldn’t wait for eight o clock to come around.
Rummaging through your clothes and scrabbling to put on your makeup, you made it out of the door in time. Outside stood Freddie driving what you assumed to be his parents car. The ride wasn’t long since you spent most of it blasting music through the speakers.
Upon entering Freddie’s hand intertwined with yours as you followed him towards the bar. He ordered a vodka and tonic which had to be his go to drink since he said it so fast with no hesitation. You got yourself a F/D as you took a seat next to Freddie. Just when the bartender handed your drinks, the house lights turned on as all eyes were glued on stage.
A group of three young lads who looked to be about Freddie’s age introduced themselves to the crowd. You caught a glance from each of them, distinguishing all of their features. The guitarist was named Brian May, he too had brown curly hair like Freddie but his was much longer and thinner. The drummer was called Rodger Taylor who had beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes to match. You noticed him sneaking a peak at you every once in a while so you did the same. Lastly came the lead singer and bass guitarist Tim Staffell who started off the show by singing a song called “Doin’ Alright.”
After a while the crowd died down which meant the band was reaching there finale goodbyes. Freddie and you soon followed after them right before leaving a tip. The group were conversing in the parking lot outside the trunk of a black mini van. Tim stormed off leaving Rodger and Brian alone to smoke off a quick drag.
“We enjoyed the show.” Freddie said. You stood there quietly as you watched Brian and Rodger reply with thanks.
“I’m Freddie. This is my friend, Y/N. I also- I write songs.” He took out a piece of paper which was now folded in two.
“Well that was our last show. Our lead singer just quit.” Brian informed you as his head hanged low in disbelief.
“Then you’ll need someone new.” Freddie chimed in.
“Not with those teeth, mate.” Rodger shot back. You gave him a cold stare which he soon took notice and was about to call you out on something. But you didn’t let him get his chance.
“Well.. it’s late and we should get going. Ready Freddie?” You say turning your heel as Freddie was about to do the same. What came out of his mouth next was like nothing you ever heard of before. He started to sing with such power and emotion that it left you stunned in awe. Judging by the looks of Brian and Rodger they had to agree.
The boys discussed meeting up next week to play at the same venue. Only this time Freddie would be the lead singer along with another guitarist named John Deacon. Before leaving Rodger called out to Freddie asking if he plays any instruments to which Freddie replied with an astounding no.
Freddie took your hand into his and brought it close to his lips giving you a soft peck. Hand in hand you walked to his car as the night sky was filled with stars, each one brighter than the next.
It was like the universe was trying to tell you something. Whatever it was, you knew one thing for sure. That this was the start of something new.
Tags: @excuseyoubrothar cause they inspired me to start writing Borhap imagines. 🖤
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radiosteve · 5 years
Need Your Loving Tonight Ch.2
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Summary: About a year after you first met your best friend Brian, he tells you that he wants to fulfill his lifelong dream and form a band. After recruiting his friend Tim to join, you help them hold auditions to find the perfect drummer. Much to Brian’s surprise, you and Tim seem to be getting along a lot better than expected. 
Note: Here is part 2!! Now that we’ve got a little introduction we can start to get into the juicy stuff. I’m trying to follow along with a semi-accurate timeline so that’s why there might be a few weird time jumps. Freddie will be in the next chapter, I’m so excited! The italicized words are the readers thoughts, just like last time. I’m going to be as consistent with updates as I can, so I’ll try to have a new chapter out every few days. Also, if you want to be added to the taglist just send me a message or an ask and I’ll add you! I found the photo on google, I do not own it.
Warnings: Some language and slight smut
Pairing: (will be) Roger Taylor x Reader x John Deacon 
Words: 2.2k+
September 29, 1968
It had been a little over a year since you packed up your life and shipped yourself overseas to attend Imperial College. Your friendship with Brian only grew as the year went on. By the end of your freshman year you felt so well adjusted and comfortable with your foreign surrounds that you dreaded going back home. But, with no place to stay in London for the summer, you filled your suitcases once more and headed back to your hometown. Your mom greeted you at the airport with the biggest smile you had ever seen. 
It was difficult to tell if she actually was happy to see you or if she was just glad to have someone to fill the space between her and your father. You spent your summer like most others, working on the boardwalk and going to the beach after your shift ended. It was a lonely summer, but you knew how to adapt. All of your high school friends seemed to move on without you and all of your college friends lived in a different country, but hey that’s life. Occasionally you would go out with your friends from work when you all had time off, but you longed for the end of the summer. 
Being at home made you realize just how different New Jersey was from London. You cursed yourself from those first couple weeks of the fall semester for wishing to escape back home. Because now that you were here, it sure as hell didn’t feel like something you would call a home.The only thing that kept you sane during the warm, sunny months was the beach that was just a ten minute bike ride away. Night or day, rain or shine, it was your favorite place to hide from the lonely reality that you grew to know. It was the only thing that London lacked.
Finally the sun started to set earlier and the days quickly faded to night, bringing along the end of August and the start of a new school year. The taxi ride from Heathrow airport to campus seemed to be the longest thirty minutes of your life. But after you dragged your luggage from the taxi trunk you were nearly tackled by a hug from your best friend. After a long session of catching up and unpacking, you felt happier than you had in months. You felt as if you were laid out on the beach without a cloud in the sky. Classes went on as normal and your social life excelled along with your grades. Bringing you to where you are now. 
You and Brian had taken over your dorm for the day because your roommate Sally had gone home for the weekend. Both you and Brian were nursing pretty wicked hangovers after a very intense party the night before. You sat at your desk staring at the textbook in front of you, blinking to try and see straight. Brian sat on your bed with his guitar on his lap as he strummed softly to some tune he had made up.  
“I think I’m finally going to do it,” he spoke, pulling you from your textbook induced trance. You spun around in your chair, happy to have a distraction, but confused by the statement.
“What are you finally going to do?” You questioned, your head throbbed a little from twisting around so quickly. Brian looked up at you and slowly set his guitar down, leaning his back against the wall that your bed was pushed against. 
“I’m going to start a band, Y/n! Well, I’m actually going to put flyers up around campus and hopefully people will respond so then I can start a band,” he seemed utterly ecstatic while telling you his plans for the future. You nodded along as he talked, taking in his words and the excitement that was etched across his face. A smile overtook your expression as a thought popped into your head. This could be something big.
October 5, 1968
You stood with Brian throughout his desperate search for decent band mates. Luckily, Tim Staffell, who he had met at a concert, was all in favor of joining Brian’s new band. Now with a guitarist and a singing bassist, the duo needed a drummer. The desperate search frustrated the three of you after seeing the same mediocre drum skills over and over again. You three decided to take a break, blow some steam, and have a few drinks at Tim’s apartment. One drink turned into two and two turned into five and five became eight until you felt drunk off your ass. 
Brian had discovered early on in your friendship that you had a passion for music but you never seemed to elaborate on it whenever he brought it up. He also knew that if he got you drunk enough you would get giggly and start revealing things about yourself that you hardly ever talked about. That wasn’t his intention when he suggested to drink a few beers, but that didn’t stop him from listening when you started to giggle before you spoke.
“Guess what,” you giggled out, taking another drink from your beer bottle as the boys both turned their gaze towards you. “You guys are going to be so pissed. I can actually play the piano and the drums,” you said between giggles. Brian and Tim both sat up quickly from the couch that they rested on. 
“You’re saying that this whole time we have been searching for a drummer when we’ve had one with us the whole time?” Tim interrogated you, but his voice spoke without a hint a malice. 
“Uh-huh, I didn’t want to tell you guys though because I have no desire to be in a band. Plus I’d hate to be in a band with my best friend, break up, and then have it ruin our friendship. That would be soul crushing,” the words tumbled from your mouth before you even knew what you were saying. “Oh shit, you guys are friends, my bad,” you mumbled before draping yourself across the chair you sat on as you laughed. Brian and Tim looked at each other with raised eyebrows before looking back at you in your alcohol induced giggle-fit. Brian chuckled and took a swig from his beer bottle. Your infectious laughter and charming smile brought a grin to his lips. Tim eventually joined in on your and Brian’s giddey feeling, leaving the three of you laughing like maniacs. 
October 14, 1968
By four o’clock in the afternoon, you, Brian, and Tim felt as if you had completely lost a majority of your collective brain cells. The three of you had been stuck in a lecture theatre on campus that Brian rented out so the band could hold auditions for drummers all day. After seeing about six different people play you felt like your brain had turned to mush. Hearing the same few songs over and over was starting to give you a massive headache. You sat on a couch that Tim had managed to smuggle into the audition space as some lanky red haired boy tried, and failed, to maintain a steady tempo on the drums. 
The boy was clearly nervous, but nerves and music do not work well together. After  the three audition songs, Brian stood up and began to speak in the nicest tone he could muster.
“That was great, thank you. I think we are going to need some time to think over our decision. We’ll give you a call soon,” he said as the boy shakily stood up and grabbed his things. He responded to with only a nod and quickly fled from the room. Brian plopped back down on the right side of the couch while you sat in the middle with Tim on your left. Tim shifted his arm so that it rested across the top of the couch as he turned to look at you. 
“What do you think Y/n? In your own professional drumming opinion,” Tim asked  with a cheeky smile on his face as you turned to nudge his shoulder. 
“I’m certainly not a professional drummer, but even I can tell that whatever-his-name-is can’t drum for shit,” you signed, sinking further into the couch.
“Well, we only have one more hour and then we can leave and get some decent food. In the meantime, do you guys need anything? I’m going to run down the hall to the vending machine and get something to drink,” Brian offered, picking himself up from the couch once more. 
“Some aspirin would be great Bri,” you joked as he waved you off while walking out of the room, heading to the other side of the building. 
“Alone at last,” Tim whispered in your ear making goosebumps flourish all over your skin. “We’ve got at least five minutes,” he grabbed your cheeks and pressed his lips against yours in a rush of passion and hunger. You and Tim had secretly started hooking up ever since you woke up at his apartment the day after you got drunk and spilled the news of your secret music skills. Brian had to leave early that morning to run some errands, leaving you and Tim alone for the first time. You started of with just talking and teasing, but it soon became flirting and kissing and next thing you knew you were naked in Tim’s bed. 
You’d both promised to not tell Brian in hopes that it would prevent him from getting angry at you both. Honestly, you felt kind of bad for lying to your best friend but it seemed like the right thing to do. Plus its not like you and Tim were dating. What was going on between you two was more of a casual hookup than anything. As great as relationships may seem, you were never much of a fan of dating. 
Tim had you pinned against the couch as he brought his knee between your thighs, rubbing against your clothed core as a moan escaped your lips. He swallowed your pretty sounds as your hands traveled down his body, reached for his growing bulge. His lips traveled down your neck and towards your breasts. He stuck his face inside your shirt earning a giggle from you that soon became a moan as he sucked on the top of your left breast and gripped your hips. 
“Fuck Timmy, that feels so-”
“Hey guys-oH MY GOD,” Brian exclaimed turning around so he didn’t have to face you and shielding his eyes as you and Tim quickly pulled yourself apart. A shorter, but attractive blonde-brunette boy stood behind Brian with wide eyes and his mouth turned up in a smirk. You and Tim stood up from the couch and adjusted your clothing as Brian slowly began to turn around. “When did you guys start-” Brian began quietly but quickly cut himself off. “Nevermind, not the time. Uh this is Roger he’s here to audition.” Brian turned and gestured to Roger who waved his hand that held two drum sticks. “Roger, this is our bassist and lead singer Tim, and my best friend Y/n. Who is apparently much closer with Tim than I first thought,” He mumbled the last part more to himself, but everyone still heard it. Roger let out a small chuckle as your cheeks began to turn red. 
“You can, um, warm up or whatever you need before you start,” Tim instructed Roger, trying to cut the awkward tension in the air. You looked over at Brian who sat in the middle of the couch in order to separate you and Tim. You took a seat on Brian’s right as Roger moved towards the drumset and began to tune it.
“What are you doing,” Brian said after looking up at Roger with the drums.
“I’m tuning them,” he replied as if it was obvious. Brian turned his head towards you, with raised eyebrows and his mouth slightly agape. 
“I didn’t know that was a thing,” he muttered and you smiled at his exasperated expression. Roger finished what he had been doing and began to play the first audition song. It was by far the best rendition that you had heard all day. It sounded extremely similar to the original song but with an added dash of flair that you assumed Roger used to show off a little. When he had finished playing the three audition songs you started to clap, bringing a large smile to the blonde’s face. While Brian and Tim didn’t join in on your clapping, you could still tell that they were just as impressed as you were. 
Roger stood up, sweeping his long strands of hair behind his ears as his made his way towards where you three were seated on the couch. Brian shot up from the couch to shake Rogers hand as he approached them. Tim slowly followed and you stood soon after. A smile spread across Brian’s face after he shook Roger’s hand, earning a suspicious look from you. He’s going to say something stupid, isn’t he? Brian looked straight into Roger’s eyes and said the words you knew were coming. “You’re in.” 
Taglist: @retromusicsalad      
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