duckymcdoorknob · 6 months
Double surprise!! It’s the fic idea we had in discord ❤️❤️
Send help why is this like the only gif of these two on this site 😭
I hope this isn’t too OOC; I haven’t seen Tengen in a whole season.🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
Enjoy your novel-sized gift!!!
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Helpful Distraction
Ships: NONE! Zenitsu Agatsuma & Tengen Uzui.
Warnings: this do have tickles in it ngl, mentions of fears and sensitivity to sound.
Prompt: When Tengen notices that Zenitsu is having some trouble in the Entertainment District, he offers a distraction that he remembers from a long-time friend of his.
Tags: REITERATING WITH THE LOVELY @fanfic-chan HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! THANK YOU TO @nataliewritez FOR ALL OF THE IDEAS ❤️❤️❤️ KNY Taglist: @ticklish-n-stuff, @giggly-squiggily.
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Tengen was not anticipating having to take the three brats with him to the Entertainment District. He wanted to just take the pigtailed girl and make the mission easier. Of course, white-knight Kamado had decided to rescue the girl that he was “tormenting” so harshly… What a job this has turned out to be.
So, here he sat. The moon was high, and the four men were seated on a rooftop, enjoying some shrimp tempura that Tengen had purchased for them.
“Thank you, Mister Uzui!” Tanjiro had beamed when he was handed the small package.
The sound pillar had smiled; he liked this kid’s manners.
Inosuke was… well… Inosuke.
And the little yellow-haired kid... He had muttered a “thangkyou”, but he seemed a bit scared of the city.
Why so?
Well, it seemed like whatever was troubling young Zenitsu was long forgotten. The thunder breathing user was smiling happily on the rooftop, talking ecstatically with his friends and kicking his feet above the absence of ground below them.
All seemed to be going well until a firework went off…
Zenitsu squeaked in discomfort, hands shooting up to cover his ears. When he realized what he had done, a tiny whine of protest escaped his lips as he defeatedly watched his tempura topple off of the roof and plummet into the pit of darkness below his feet. He sighed and stared at it, watching it disappear as it was engulfed by the void. His hands were folded in his lap, his feet stopped kicking, and his eyes that had previously been crinkling shut in joy were now dull and unblinking.
Tengen frowned a bit; poor kid…
He wordlessly held out his own second tempura, shaking his wrist in front of the pouting boy.
The sound pillar was shocked at what happened next. Zenitsu looked up at him with disbelief before smiling and taking it, breaking off a small piece and handing the rest back to the hashira. “Thank you!” He chirped.
Tengen smiled, “No, no. Just take it. I ate before we left this morning.”
“Yeah, but that was this morning. You’re super strong, and you need it more than me,” the blonde argued, shaking his wrist in the same way.
The white-haired male exhaled fondly. He picked up the tempura, but chose to hide it inside of the package. He feigned eating motions, side-eyeing the young slayer, who was much happier and chatting with his friends again.
After a few more minutes, the thunder breathing user’s tummy growled loudly, causing Tanjiro to giggle. “Sounds like someone’s still hungry!”
“Tanjirooooo!” The blonde whined, “don’t embarrass me when Nezuko might hear meeeeeeee!”
The hashira broke into boisterous laughter as Zenitsu hid his face in his hands. He whined as his tummy growled once more. Tengen shook his head with a smile as he tapped the boy’s shoulder. When the blonde looked up at, he was met with a grinning Mr. Uzui offering the other half of the tempura that Zenitsu was sure he had eaten.
He was about to take it when another firework flashed across the sky, causing the blonde to flinch violently.
Tengen frowned. That bad, huh?
The thunder breathing user simply carried on and hesitantly took the tempura, munching on it silently. The other two slayers watched in awestruck silence as the colors illuminated the dark air.
Mid bite, another one crackled, and Zenitsu’s breath hitched a bit. The boy began to cough, and Tengen’s hand found itself on the small of his back, rubbing reassuringly. “Are you okay, kid?”
Before the blonde could reply, a set of three loud fireworks popped and forced the poor slayer’s eyes shut as he whimpered quietly.
A look of remorse found its way to the sound pillar’s face when he heard barely audible sniffles.
“Tanjiro, Inosuke,” he called to the two novice slayers, “here’s some money. Please go get some more food for us; it is evident that our little friend here needs more food to be as flashy as he can!” He dropped a decent amount of coins in the brunette’s hands, shooing the two off. When he could no longer hear their footsteps, he turned to the blonde. “Hey, little man… how’re you hanging in?”
Just then, a giant firework exploded before them. The tears that had been pricking the young slayer’s eyes had fallen as he covered his ears. He buried his head into Tengen’s side, seeking any immediate comfort. “Make them stop… please.”
“Shit- it’s worse than I thought…” he breathed, “It’s alright…” the sound pillar soothed as he lifted his arm to let the boy against his chest. Tengen placed his own hands atop of Zenitsu’s hoping to further muffle the sound. Neither said a word as the boy choked out a cry every time another firework would explode. “I’ve got you, it’s okay…” Tengen would repeat.
The fireworks continued at a torturous pace, with each boom being sporadic enough to keep both on their toes, but routine enough to show both slayers that there would be more coming. Zenitsu blinked away a few of his tears, noticing Tengen’s right eye squinting whenever a firework would boom.
He could hear them tenfold too… and here was Zenitsu who was crying a baby.
It was almost as if the pillar could hear his thoughts too. “Don’t worry about me, kid. I’ve heard much louder through my time as a hashira.”
Zenitsu nodded, shoulders coming up as he cringed from another torturous sound.
Minutes passed and the show seemed to be calming a bit. The sound pillar removed his hands carefully, gently cupping the young boy’s cheeks and swiping his tears away. “Are you feeling any better?”
The blonde nodded, hesitating to pull his arms down. “T-Thanks, Mister Uzui, sir.”
“Don’t mention it.”
A solemn silence passed, and a quick glance from the hashira let him know that the thunder breathing user was still shaking like a leaf in apprehension.
“You know,” Tengen mused, “Kyo has this distraction method that he uses with Senjuro all of the time. Would you like me to try it on you?”
A hesitant nod from the boy—who was still squished against the sound pillar’s side— allowed Tengen to begin to plan his course of action.
“Okay, so I’m going to have to touch you for it, that okay?”
The blonde but the inside of his cheek as he thought. “Y-Yeah,” he finally answered.
“Okay! Time for the flashiest distraction you’ve seen, little man!”
With that, an arm locked over the young slayer, and five fingers found their way to his sides, wiggling with a gentle intensity. The thunder breathing user squeaked a bit and was holding in his giggles.
“I-Is - pffehehe- this a p-part of the- ehehe- the dis-distraction?” Zenitsu managed, body squirming from the ticklish touch.
Another belly laugh erupted from the hashira. “Kid, this is the distraction.”
Zenitsu’s face flushed as he kicked his legs, resting his cheek against the arm ensnaring him. “B-But it— kyeahaha- i-it ti-hihihickles.”
The white-haired male smiled fondly. “Does it? I don’t remember that happening with Senjuro…” he feigned a bit of innocence as his hand moved over the boy’s tummy, clawing at the softness.”
The poor young slayer couldn’t hold it much longer…
“M-Mihihihisteheher Uhuhuhuzuihihihi!”
“That’s me!”
“Ihihihihit- hehehehe- ihihihit tihihihickles!”
“Aw jeez, I would hope so,” the sound pillar replied with fake relief on his tongue, “If it didn’t, I would be letting Kyo down.”
Zenitsu, cheek still resting on Tengen’s arm, giggled helplessly as the hashira prodded around his tummy. His legs were still lightly kicking, but there were no signs of protest from the boy.
“You feeling any better, little guy?”
“Good, good! We’ll get you feeling flashy as ever, and then you can-“
A loud boom penetrated the playful atmosphere, causing Zenitsu to whine and both males to rest his hands over the boy’s ears.
“Damn… I was hoping they’d be over by now,” Tengen grumbled, removing one of his hands to rub the young slayer’s back. “It’s okay… just keep your hands up, alright?”
The blonde nodded; all previous giddiness that he had seemed to have evaporated.
“You’ve never been around fireworks before…. Have you?” Tengen inquired, grabbing Zenitsu and holding him in his lap.
The boy shook his head ‘no’, and Tengen sighed.
“Why don’t I keep distracting you, hmm?” A glint of mischief laced the sound pillar’s words as a smile found its way to his face again.
Zenitsu nodded, eyes still closed.
The white-haired male chuckled at the blonde before pushing some hair out of his face. While he was fourteen, he looked so young in the moment. “Alright, I’m gonna start again…” After the warning, Tengen’s hands descended back onto the boy’s tummy, wiggling against his uniform.
Zenitsu began to giggle softly once again, squirming out of instinct. His hands remained over his ears as his eyes remained shut.
Tengen continued to prod and squeeze at the little guy’s tummy, happy to provide him any relief from the amplified sounds.
As the fireworks boomed, Zenitsu’s own hands and giggling managed to successfully block out the amplified sound. “M-Mihihihisteheher Uhuhuhuzuihihihi! Ihihihits wohohohorkihihihing!”
“Great! Now you make sure you keep your hands up, or else we’ll be back in the same spot,” the sound pillar chimed. “Yep… just keep those arms up!” With that comment, Tengen moved his hands up to scribble at the boy’s ribcage.
The young slayer curled against the hashira, his giggles growing in volume. His legs came up to meet his chest, desperately not wanting to put his hands down. “Hehehehey! Thahahats nohohohot fahahahair!”
“Fair? Oh, kid, you should know by now that not a single bit of me plays fair,” the white-haired male chimed as he lightly prodded at the sensitive bones.
“Eep! Ihihihit tihihihickles!”
“But isn’t it helping? You seem so much more relaxed, little man!”
“B-Buhuhuhut! Hyeahahaha! Tihihihickles!”
“Just keep your arms up, and it’ll be fine!”
After a few more seconds on the young slayer’s ribcage, the sound pillar moved his hands up to scribble under the boy’s arms. Zenitsu squeaked and kicked his feet to the best of his ability.
“M-MihihiHIHISTeheheher UhuhUHUHUHUZui!”
“Oooh! Bingooooo!” Tengen cooed at the blonde, “Someone’s ticklish here!”
“Yehahaha! IhiHIHIHITs sohohohoOHOHO BAHAHad!” Zenitsu wiggled about, but never putting his arms down, or asking for it to stop.
“But would you rather be listening to those fireworks? They getcha’ pretty bad, Mm?”
“NohohOHOHO Wohohohorse thaHAHAHAN yohohou!”
“Ohoho! Some lip! Little guy’s got a bit of sass to him!” Tengen’s playful side—courtesy of Kyojuro—was fully out. “Looks like I’ll have to tickle the attitude outta ya’!”
“WahaHAHAHAIt! NoHOHOHohoho!” Zenitsu’s legs were kicking more rapidly, and yet he still seemed to be completely on board with the tickles.
“Mmm, shoulda’ thought about that, kid.” The sound pillar dug in with a bit more fervor, having to work against the thick uniform. “These damn element-proof suits are annoying… they’re also Tengen-tickle-proof!”
The blonde squealed, feeling the increased sensation instantly. “OHOHOHO MY GOHOHOD. DOHOHO NOHOHOT SAHAHAY THAHAHAT.”
“Oooooh?? Looks like they aren’t quite Tengen-tickle -proof after all!”
The boy’s arm threatened to fall many times, but he kept his hands safely planted on his ears. With little legs kicking, Zenitsu squirmed and laughed with his eyes shut, cheeks dusted pink with mirth.
“Soooo… You wanna tell ol’ Tengen why you haven’t asked me to stop yet?”
Ah! He’d been caught!
“Nohohoho reheheasohohon!”
“Mmm, someone forgets where he is…” the white-haired male brought one hand down to squeeze at the blonde’s side at the same time.
Tengen’s own eyes closed and his lips fell into a pouty frown at the adorable reaction. “Well, little man, seems like you came to the right hashira. This flashy guy is happy to make you feel as safe as you need.”
With both hands returned to the young slayer’s underarms, Zenitsu chuckled a few more times before his arms finally trapped Tengen’s hands.
The sound pillar chuckled. “Hey, I need those.”
“N-Nohohoho! Tihihihickles!”
“Well duh. That’s the whole point of-“ a familiar noise caught his attention, a sense of urgency came across his tone. “Zenitsu, give me my hands.”
“Noooo! You’re gonna tickle me agaaaain!”
“I’m serious, kid, quickly.”
With a look of confusion, Zenitsu hesitatedly freed his attacker’s hands. Within a second, he felt warm palms lightly smack over his ears.
He knew Tengen seemed frantic, but was this really necessary? What was he-
At that moment, the brightest firework the two had seen all night erupted into the air, producing an ear-splitting boom.
Zenitsu looked up at the flinching sound pillar with guilt. “Mister Uzui-“
“I’m okay, I’m okay,” the man answered frantically, more worried about the boy in his arms, “Did I get you in time? I heard the fuse going off, and I knew it would be a big one.”
The boy nodded as he moved to sit up, removing the hashira’s hands from his ears. “You cover yours. I’m okay now.”
The white-haired male chuckled. “No can-do, you’re clearly affected more.”
The blonde bit the inside of his cheek as he sighed. “Yeah… sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry. We were blessed with one of the greatest heightened senses. It just sucks a bit during firework shows.”
“How’d you know what to do? I mean… you really knew how to take care of me.”
“Only a heartless human would let a little kid cry. Hina’s been helping me to be more of a caretaker; the four of us have been talking about having some kids of our own one day, and I need to be prepared.”
Zenitsu smiled at the thought of a baby Tengen toddling about. His smile soon turned to a frown when the man’s words registered. “Hey… I’m fourteen, not a little kid.”
The man chuckled and ruffled Zenitsu’s hair.
The young slayer sat between the Hashira’s open legs, his back turned while resting against the man’s torso. The two perked up when they heard Inosuke’s voice in the distance.
“You okay to be sitting here?” Tengen asked with a hand on the boy’s shoulder.
“Yeah. Inosuke shouldn’t notice, and Tanjiro won’t say a thing.”
After a few moments, Tanjiro’s chiming voice filled their ears. Zenitsu was right; Tanjiro noticed, but did not say a word about the blonde seeking comfort. Inosuke was too engrossed in getting his dinner to say anything.
“Welcome back!” The sound pillar chirped, “What did you end up getting?”
“We found so many inexpensive stalls! I got more tempura for us, mainly because Zenitsu accidentally dropped his; I got some bentos; a few orders of noodles; AND there was a dango vendor!”
The white-haired male smiled. “Is that so? Got any change?”
The sound of clinking coins and crinkling packages was soon heard, and the four were sharing a meal once again. Zenitsu was about to dive into his tempura when the fireworks began again.
The bursts were one right after another, each sound seeming to be louder than the next. He placed the bag next to him as he cried out loudly, ready to cover his ears. To his surprise, Tengen’s warm, calloused hands had covered them first. He looked back at the hashira, and was met with a patient smile. “Eat,” he mouthed.
Zenitsu sighed and slumped against the sound pillar, finally getting to eat the tempura he had been waiting for.
Inosuke looked up from his meal to see a teary-eyed Zenitsu finally enjoying his own. But… why did the god of festivals have his hands over his… his… uh… what was the word? His… um… listening holes? “TANTORO!”
“Tanjiro,” the brunette corrected, unfazed.
“Why is the god of festivals doing that to Monitsu?” A pointed finger brought Tanjiro’s attention back upon the action he had just missed.
“Oh!” he chimed, “You know how I have a really strong nose?”
Inosuke nodded.
“And do you remember how sick I feel when I smell something really strong? And how upset it makes me?”
Another nod.
“Well, Zenitsu’s ears-“
That’s it! That’s the word! Ears!
“-are really strong, maybe a little stronger than my nose. Do you think the fireworks are really loud?”
A nod.
“So if they’re loud for you and I, imagine how loud they are for Zenitsu. It hurts his ears, and it really makes him upset. It’s best for us to not take notice of it; he’s probably really embarrassed.”
A small “ohh” emitted from the blue-haired male. The two sat in silence once more, Inosuke offering Tanjiro a bite of his dango as the two never broke their gaze from the fireworks.
Zenitsu and Tengen watched as well. The colors illuminated the black sky, and to his joy, Zenitsu could barely hear the pops of sound.
He exhaled.
The colors really were beautiful… aren’t they?
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lovelymessybubbly · 1 year
I hope I didn’t miss the deadline for the event! If I didn’t, may I please request zenitsu getting wrecked?
spiders ahead !!
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"this is my blood demon art: tickle attack !!"
weheh, he is suuuuch a sweet doll !! (*¯ ³¯*)♡ i think we can all agree that zenistu-kun would totally be a screamer while tickled, right ?? so dramatic ! but, if he is really sooooo ticklish, i guess it cannot be helped (☆ω☆)
an adorable and ticklish swordsman caught helplessly in my web... what more could a demon egg want ???
i hope you enjoy !! thank you so much for your continued support !!
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infrequent-creator · 8 months
DAY 16: Unusual Spot
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DAY 16: Unusual Spot
Poor tanji & his sensitive nose can’t catch a break 🙈
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intheticklecloset · 2 years
for the demon slayer prompt #19! so sorry i forgot to add a number xjxjxjsnbk
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TickleTober Day #19: Demon
There were screams coming from a few rooms down the hall, startling Inosuke and Zenitsu into first looking at each other for confirmation they were both hearing it and then flying out of their beds in the sick ward to investigate the source.
Zenitsu fretted the whole way, worried it was a demon that neither of them were really prepared to fight in this state, but when Inosuke reached the room and flung open the door, both of them stopped short on the threshold, staring.
“GUYS!!” Tanjiro shrieked, red-faced and teary-eyed, laughing himself silly as his sister sat on his waist and danced her fingers along his torso, one hand plunged into his armpit. “HEHEHEHELP MEHEHEHEHEHE!!”
“What…?” Inosuke muttered, but Zenitsu’s eyes were wide and he couldn’t help blushing seeing the beaming smile Nezuko gave them both. Even though she couldn’t speak, it was apparent to them both how happy she was reducing her older brother to hysterics like this.
Neither of them moved.
Tanjiro continued kicking the air and pushing weakly at her hands, begging for mercy. “PLEHEHEASE, NEZUKO!! STAHAHAHAHAHAP!! I FEHEHEHEHEEL BEHEHEHEHETTER I SWEHEHEHEHEAR!!”
Zenitsu shoved past Inosuke and hurried over to them both. Nezuko watched him, curious as to which one of them he’d help. “Was Tanjiro feeling sad? Is that why you’re tickling him?”
She nodded.
He shot Tanjiro a smirk and positioned himself behind his friend’s head, reaching for his flailing wrists and pulling them away so his entire torso was opened up for Nezuko. “Then allow me to assist you, my lady!”
Nezuko beamed at him, and he felt his heart skip a beat.
“WAHAHAHAHAIT NO!! NOHOHOHO, PLEASE, I PROHOHOHOHOMISE I FEEL BEHEHEHEHETTER!!” Tanjiro cried, feeling panicked but also secretly enjoying this small return to normalcy for both him and his sister. Still, he screeched when she scribbled in both his underarms, Zenitsu’s hold on him keeping him at her mercy entirely. He suddenly remembered his other friend in the doorway and begged, “INOSUKE!! HEHEHEHEHELP ME, PLEHEHEHEHEASE!!”
Inosuke continued to stare for another few moments, then took a few tentative steps into the room. He was on Nezuko so fast no one had a chance to process it until her squealing giggles filled the air. The boar was just as surprised as the others that he’d chosen to intervene this way.
“Hey! Get your hands off her!” Zenitsu cried, lunging for him, but Tanjiro grabbed him around the waist and dug in, making the blonde shriek with laughter as well.
Soon all four of them were tickling each other wildly, not caring who was who, not taking sides. It was a rare moment of blissful fun for them all, and they took their time indulging in it while they could. When it was all over, all four of their hearts were full.
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veryblushyswitch · 2 years
If you told them you liked tickling~
✨ Demon Slayer Trio ✨
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Also tagging @giggly-squiggily just because 💖
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*Literally the sweetest thing.
*Understands how you feel for the most part. As a big brother of many younger siblings, tickling was a big part of his life and still is.
*He also tends to get into switch moods a lot. He loves being tickled and tickling his friends.
*Tanjiro likes to be the ler more often though because it’s what he’s used to.
*Made you feel so comfortable and safe when talking to him. He didn’t really say anything until you were done talking as to not interrupt you. Then he went on to tell stories about his siblings and how he still tickles Nezuko sometimes.
*From then on, gives you lots and lots of tickles.
*Especially tickle hugs.
*You’ve witnessed the Demon Slayer Trio tickle fights and it’s chaotic. But really sweet. And you can tell how much fun he’s having when they occur.
*You’re part of more of those tickle fights now because Tanjiro will drag you into them if he sees you’re in a mood.
*Speaking of which, Tanjiro always knows when you’re in a mood. Lee, ler, or switch.
*If you’re in a ler mood, he’ll gladly accept tickles if he’s in the right mood for them.
*So adorably ticklish.
*Tries his best to not push you away and instead holds onto his clothes or hugs his waist.
*Curls up into a giggly ball if you get his tummy.
*He also has a ticklish nose, and if you boop it or run a feather up and down the bridge he’ll lightly giggle and scrunch his face.
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*Was so confused-
*Didn’t know what tickling was till he met Tanjiro.
*Even when he learned what it was he saw it more as competition. But through you and Tanjiro, he’s learned to be more gentle and to even find a liking for it himself.
*Inosuke loves tickle fights. Especially with someone like you because he knows how much you love it and will totally tease you when he has the upper hand.
*He got really worried the first time told him he was tickling too rough. Since then he’s always careful and more gentle.
*Inosuke isn’t good with feelings, so he won’t admit that he likes it. What he will do is cross his arms and very quietly say, “I just didn’t want you to feel bad that I win all the time…” Sure Inosuke.
*Also not the greatest with physical affection, but he will give you random side hugs after tickle fights or hold onto your shirt when you’re tickling him if he doesn’t want to fight back.
*Wouldn’t tell you verbally, but he really appreciates it if you get him water and a snack after tickling him.
*He gets the little ✨sparkles✨ around his head.
*Oh my gosh compliment him on how awesome and strong he is while tickling him???? You’ve got a giggly Inosuke puddle of blush and happiness under your hands 💖
*He also loves tickle games. Seeing who can last the longest, try not to laugh or move, even stuff like tickle tag.
*You two make a terrifying ler duo ✨
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*Confused at first how someone could like being tickled of all things, then admits he wouldn’t really mind if Nezuko tickled him though. (Which she does sometimes and he tries to stay as still as he can because he loves the affection)
*He provokes you to get you to tickle him.
*Even though he says he totally doesn’t like it, Zenitsu is so obvious that he loves it.
*He barely fights back and even holds onto your wrists while you’re tickling him.
*He also loves tickle fights. Especially when he’s able to get you back because he’s loves the sound of your laughter.
*With his ability, he’s able to tell which spot is more or less ticklish even in the slightest. This makes him a very skilled ler.
*Zenitsu teases a lot too. Teases your laughter, how much you love being tickled, etc.
*But tease him?? Blushes nonstop.
*If you’re using one hand to tickle him, he’ll grab for your other hand to hold 🥺💖
*Raspberries kill this guy.
*His neck, stomach, and behind his ears are the best spots for this kind of attack.
*Speaking of his ears, they’re so ticklish!!!
*If you try and whisper something to him, he can’t help but scrunch his shoulders up.
*Zenitsu is also the type to cover his face when he’s tickled. But he’s a hypocrite because if you do the same thing he’ll complain about not seeing your face.
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tickle-page · 2 years
The itsy bitsy spider…🕷
🎃Tickletober day 15- Spider🕷
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Lee: Zenitsu
Ler: Inosuke
Summary: Inosuke had only one fear. A fear he dispises ever since he first became afraid of it… Once Zenitsu keeps teasing him abt it, the boar decides to take matters into his own hands.
Using this post👇
“AGH!!! SPIDER!!!” Zenitsu screamed pointing at the ground where Inosuke was currently laying.
“WHAT?! WHERE?!” He jumped up from his laying position, flailing around, running behind the other two demon slayers.
They both thought it was bizarre for the brave boar to scream like that, especially over something so small. “Inosuke? Are u scared of spiders?~” Zenitsu giggled, but honestly he had no room to judge🙄.
“It’s ok, Inosuke. It’s totally normal to be scared of spiders.” Tanjiro assured him.
The oldest out of the three smirked at the boar, “AGH, INOSUKE!!! SPIDER!!!!”
The men jumped tenfold. “WHERE!!”
“AHAHAHAH!!! U SHOULD’VE SEEN UR FACE!!!!” Zenitsu laughed, slapping a hand over his knee, and wiping a single tear that started pricking out of his eyes.
Inosuke’s head started to get red. “Ummm, Zenitsu? I don’t think that’s a good idea…”
“THIS IS WHY!!!” The boar pounced on the older one, scribbling his ribs.
“NEVER!!!” He pinned his arms above his head, tickling under his arms. “Watch out, Monichi~ There’s a spider tickling ur armpits.”
“Sorry, u brought this upon ur self.”
“NOW DIE!!!”
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mah-t-wordblog · 4 months
Demon Slayers HEADCANONS
~ Kamaboko Squad ~
This headcanon is originally in Portuguese, my English is translated using an automatic translator, if there are any big errors you can tell me so I can fix them 💛💛
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Tanjiro Kamado ☀️💦☀️💦☀️💦☀️💦☀️💦
80% ler / 20% lee
- Tanjiro often tickles people to make them happy and feel better, like that's obvious
- He loves to emphasize how beautiful someone's smile is
- Never tickle too hard because he don't have enough thought for it and feel sorry for everyone
- Love to provoke others so that they blush
- His big brother instinct makes him ruthless when he has to chase someone or arrest them
- Favorites lees: Nezuko, Kanao, Zenitsu and Inosuke obviously (I feel like he would tickle Tokito too because he deserves to smile)
- “What a beautiful smile~ I didn’t know you could do it”
- Tanjiro feels considerable ticklishness. Sensitive 80/100
- And he likes to feel ticklish skksksks
- Sometimes he asks Nezuko to tickle him a little just to make him feel better
- Several people know that he likes to be tickled and like to tickle him
- Normally during his missions
- Weakest points: sides
- Teasing that catches him: “imagine if an oni discovered that you were so ticklish? You would die”
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Nezuko Kamado 🌸🌺🌸🌺🌸🌺 🌸🌺🌸
20% ler / 80% lee
- Nezuko loves to tickle others when she thinks they are annoying her brother, or when they are sad
- Her claws hurt a little, but she learned to please her brother without hurting him
- When she was human, she loved tickling her little brothers to punish them or just to please them
- His claws have a great effect on Tanjiro as the gentle tickles are the worst for him
- Your favorite lee is just Tanjiro
- Don't tease, she kind of doesn't talk lol
- Nezuko is just a cute little baby, 80/100
- She loves when her brother tickles her and she laughs and squirms on the floor
- Another person who finds her super cute when she's tickled is Mitsuri, the hashira loves to make her laugh and see her smile
- Zenitsu also attacks her and she obviously loves it, but he's a bit exaggerated lol
- Weakest points: belly and neck
- Teasing that gets her: “you’re the cutest, Nezuko”
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Zenitsu Agatsuma ⚡️😭⚡️😭⚡️😭 ⚡️😭
50% ler / 50% lee
- Somehow good at tickling
- When I look at his face I think it's clear that he likes to come up behind people and attack them
- He's not that strong, but he uses everything he has to get on top of someone and leaves them immobilized
- Often attacks others to punish them, especially when he finds Tanjiro or Inosuke annoying
- Doesn't know how to provoke lsksksksks
- Favorite Lees: Tanjiro, Inosuke and Nezuko-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
- “I would say I got you”
- It is very sensitive, 90/100
- He doesn't love being tickled, even though he doesn't hate it
- But he just can't handle teasing, they make him blush a lot
- I like the idea of ​​imagining Zenitsu being super broken by Tanjiro and Inosuke
- It's obvious that he squeals during the tickling
- Weakest points: feet and knees and ears, right?
- Teasing that gets him: “Oh my God, Zenitsu, you look like a tomato”
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Inosuke Hashibira 🐗💥🐗💥🐗💥 🐗💥
70% ler / 30% lee
- man, it's pretty obvious that Inosuke RUNS AROUND AND JUMPS ON SOMEONE AND MAKES THEM DIE, right?
- Inosuke is ruthless, he will not leave his prey alive
- Tanjiro or Zenitsu have to jump on top of him so he can release his Lee
- He's going to scream and attack you because you said he feels ticklish, and he doesn't, right?
- He will provoke you, in fact his provocations are more insults saying that you are weak
- Favorite Lees: Gompajiro and Monitsu
- “You are my prey”
- It's also clear that Inosuke is ticklish and won't admit it
- He gets really angry when you say that to him
- he doesn't feel that ticklish, but it's enough to be broken 70/100
- He hates this so much, looking weak
- Like, when I look at his face I can see someone being cruelly tortured but resisting a lot just to prove that he’s a man
- Weak points: armpits and sides
- Teases that catch’s him: “was the wild animal that sensitive?”
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Kanao Tsuyuri 🪙🦋🪙🦋🪙🦋🪙🦋🪙🦋
30% ler / 70% lee
- Kanao doesn't usually tickle anyone
- But when she started having a relationship with Tanjiro, she developed the courage to surprise her boyfriend hehe
- Only when she started to have more courage was she able to tickle Aoi when she needed to
– She stays completely silent while tickling someone
- Only sometimes laugh with the person
- Favorite Lees: Tanjiro and Aoi
- Kanao is very sensitive 85/100
- But people never used to tickle her
- Apart from Kanae, who liked to make her laugh in times of tension
- One of the first things Tanjiro discovered was that she was very sensitive
- Running your fingers over her palms makes her shiver
- Her laugh is silent
- She blushes a lot, and hides her face when she laughs
- Tanjiro dies of love hehehehhehehe
- Let's remember that this really cute and beautiful couple exists guys
- Weak points: hands and sides
- Teasing that catches her: “where’s your laugh, Kanao?”
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Genya Shinazugawa 🔫🦷🔫🦷🔫🦷🔫🦷
60% ler / 40% lee
- Genya tickles people to punish them
- Especially when Muichiro is being annoying
- He looks angry and tough, but he feels like laughing with his lee
- Always uses the excuse that he is hungry and his victim is an oni so he can blow raspberries and use his mouth to tickle
- He loves to attack Muichiro because he thinks that he’s extremely cute
- Favorites lees: Muichiro and rarely Sanemi
- "I am hungry"
- now my friends
- Very sensitive 95/100
- Muichiro also knows his weaknesses, but Sanemi
- Genya blushes a lot when attacked
- And goes crazy when provoked
- He won't deny that he’s ticklish, he’ll just answer “maybe”
- Always runs away at the right time
- He loves, of course he doesn't admit it, raspberries
- Weak points: scars and armpits
-Teases that get him: “Now I’m the one who’s hungry~”
Thanks for reading 💛💛
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creative-kny-fics · 10 months
Kamaboko squad? :3
Lers: kanao, Inosuke
Lees: Zenitsu, Nezuko, Tanjiro
Switches: Genya, Giyuu
Yes I am including giyuu in this
Feel free to decline this ofc! :3
Well you are the first person who has asked me to perform with the Kamaboko Squad! So I don't see why not!
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Lers: Giyuu Tomioka,Genya Shinazugawa, Kanao Tsuyuri and Inosuke Hashibira
Lees: Nezuko and Tanjiro Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, Giyuu Tomioka and Genya Shinazugawa
'Ooh! Giyuu-san! Welcome! Go ahead!', Tanjiro pulled the water hashira as he sat next to him.
'Very good Nezuko! You're right, he is Tomioka!' Tanjiro clapped his hands and patted his sister's head.
That was the reason why Giyuu was there, upon finding out that Nezuko was being helped by the hashiras to recover her speech, he also offered to help them.
'Good! Congratulations Nezuko! You are advancing! Oh yes, Genya, what does offer you?'
'I, uhh, I wanted... I wanted to join us, if there was a chance,' he looked away in embarrassment and was pulled by Nezuko and sat next to him. 'And how is everything going? I found out that before everything you fought against an UpperMoon, are you alright?'
'Oh yeah! I'm better than before! It wasn't like the first time, but still, I feel happy. By the way, how is your relationship with Sanemi-Kun going?', Giyuu widened his eyes, struggling to keep his blush from being noticeable. 'I-It's going well. Thank you...'
'Giyuu - San, is something wrong?', Giyuu denied, everything was going well, it was just that he was still embarrassed to say that he had a partner
'Hmmm, Giyuu-San looks worried. I know!', Tanjiro took advantage of Giyuu closing his eyes for a moment and when he was about to poke his ribs, he was immediately pulled and sat on Giyuu's lap.
'Tanjiro, have you forgotten that you are facing a hashira? You thought you could?' Giyuu questioned as he dug his fingers into Tanjiro's armpits. 'Gihihiyuhuhu-Sahahahan! Wahahait! I juhust wahahanted to cheheheheer you uhuhuhup!'
'I appreciate the commitment, but you should have been faster', Giyuu was too gentle when it came to Tanjiro and Nezuko, but maybe this time would be the exception.
Giyuu lowered one of his hands and pressed into the young man's sides, putting a little more force into his armpits. The result did not disappoint him.
'Help!', Nezuko approached Giyuu, but was also knocked down by him and left next to her brother.
'Ehehehehe! G-Gi-Giyuu! Hahahaha!'
'There may be 2 of you, but I have 2 hands', Genya laughed at Giyuu's mockery, until some footsteps made hisn look towards the door.
'NEZUKO-CHAN! DON'T WORRY! I WILL SAVE YOU FROM THAT MONSTER!', Genya frowned, how dare he call his brother's boyfriend a monster?
In one quick movement, he grabbed Zenitsu's legs and made him fall, looking at him seriously. 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! NEZUKO - CHAN NEEDS MY HELP!'
'You'll need help too', Genya went straight to the point, digging his fingers into Zenitsu's thighs and thinking for a second that Zenitsu couldn't yell any louder, until it tickled him. 'STOP!! NOHOHOHO!! TAHAHANJIRO! HELP ME!! GEHEHET OHOHOFF!!! PLEASE!!'
'Damn! You really are very ticklish!', Genya's look changed, it seemed that it would be completely bad that day
'Hey Mokao! Did you hear that?', him companion next to him nodded, getting up and going into the estate to find out the problem. 'Hey! I'm coming after you!'
'The screams are getting louder. Wait... I hear them shouting the name of the water hashira and the name of the wind hashira's younger brother', Kanao peeked into the room followed by Inosuke, who saw the spectacle confused.
Nezuko and Tanjiro were lying on Giyuu's lap, trying to fight him while he tickled them. Centimeters away from them, Zenitsu had already given up trying to push Genya away from him. 'It looks like fun! I want to do it too!'
Inosuke rushed over and surprised Genya with an attack from behind him by flicking his fingers into Genya's sides. 'WHAHAHAT?! WHOHO ARE YOHOHOU!? QUIHIHIT IT!!'
'Mwahahaha! Another great victory for the great Inosuke!' Kanao turned her gaze towards the Kamado brothers.
She took his coin, but then she remembered her talk with Shinobu and Tanjiro, she no longer needed the coin. So she approached both siblings and poked Giyuu's ribs.
Giyuu had heard her approach, but didn't think she was capable, the only thing she heard before releasing them was: Excuse me, Water Hashira.
'Kahahanahahao! Hehehey! Why?!'
'Nezuko and Tanjiro need a break and revenge. That's why I decided to help them,' Kanao smiled as Giyuu trembled and howled after she put a little more strength into her fingers.
I guess this fight will only end until Shinobu or someone else stops them.
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yourllocalaroace · 9 months
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Day 1 Anticipation - Lee!Sanemi Ler!Giyuu
Day 2 Accidental - Lee!Tanjiro Ler!Nezuko
Day 3 Cuddles - Lee!Momo Ler!Shoji 
Day 4  Weak Spot - Lee!Bakugo Ler!Kirishima
Day 5 ‘I’m not Ticklish’ - Lee!Giyuu Ler!Tengen
Day 6 Chase - Lee!Genya Ler!Gyomei
Day 7 Flustered - Lee!Obanai Ler!Mitsuri
Day 8 Truth -  Lee!Jirou Ler!Denki 
Day 9 Lie - Switches!Ochako and Tsuyu 
Day 10 Ghost - Lee!Class 1-A Ler!Hagakure 
Day 11 Saueal - Lee!Senjuro Ler!Rengoku 
Day 12 Bites/Nibbles - Lee!Shoto Ler!Yuwai 
Day 13 Sneak Attack - Lee!Gyomei Lers!Tengen,Mitsuri,Rengoku
Day 14 Soft - Lee!Sanemi Ler!Kagaya
Day 15 Tickle Fight - Switches!Muzan,Enmu
Day 16 Unusual Spot - Lee!Todoroki Ler!Midoriya
Day 17 Interrogation - Lee!Bakugo Ler!Mina 
Day 18 Magic - Lee!Iida Ler!Villan
Day 19 Arms Up - Lee!Muichiro Ler!Tanjiro 
Day 20 Relentless - Lee!Tokoyami Ler!Ochako 
Day 21 New Discovery - Lee!Shinobu Ler!Mitsuri 
Day 22 Ticklish Kiss -  Lee!Hakuji Ler!Koyuki 
Day 23 Pinned - Lee!Genya Ler!Sanemi 
Day 24 Incoherent - Lee!Shoji Ler!DekuSquad 
Day 25 Gang Tickles - Lee!Gyomei Ler!Pillars
Day 26 Counting - Lee!Kanao Ler!Tanjiro 
Day 27 Hysterical - Lee!Kirishima Ler!Kaminari
Day 28 Massage - Lee!Kagaya Ler!Pillars
Day 29 Wake Up - Lee!Zenitsu Ler!Inoskue 
Day 30 Caught - Lee!Inoskue Ler!Aoi
Day 31 Aftercare - Lee!Midoriya Ler!Ochako 
I’m so excited for this years (my first) TickleTober (о´∀`о) 🫧🤍
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lovelymessybubbly · 1 year
tamadachiii i have blown the dust off of some more old art, to hold you over while i am working on new content c( ⁰ 〰 ⁰ )੭ these are mostly from when i was in high school, so ah, enjoy (*´3`*)ゞ
(voltron jumpscare warning, also)
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giggly-squiggily · 11 months
Headcanons To Dabbles Masterlist (A-G)
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Heyo! I've decided to divide up the Headcanons To Dabbles Masterlist up more!
Full Masterlist
Updated: 7/31/23
Black Clover
Black Bulls Tickle Royale! (Group Tickles: Black Bulls)
Commoner Life (Yunleo, Lee!Yuno, LerAsta)
Not Ticklish (Lee!Nozel, Lers!Yami, Fuegoleon)
The Better Cousin (Lees!Leopold, Noelle, Ler!Mimosa)
The Pits! (Lee!Finral, Ler!Magna)
Blue Lock
Cuddles? (Lee!Niko, Ler!Isagi)
Complimentary (Lee!Kunigami, Ler!Chigiri)
Crimes In Glam (Lee!Chigiri, Ler!Aryu)
Brat (Lee!Rin, Ler!Bachira)
Doorway (Lee!Bachira, Lers!Isagi, Gagamaru)
Looney Toon (Reo x Reader)
Moody (Lee!Chigiri, Lers!Isagi, Nagi, Barou)
Not Ticklish (Chigiri x Reader)
Nom (Nagi x Reader)
Race (Lee!Chigiri, Ler!Bachira)
Respect (Lee!Chigiri, Lers!Barou, Nagi)
Sacrificial Lambs (Lees!Isagi, Chigiri, Ler!Gagamaru)
Smile Security (Chigiri x Reader)
Simba (Lee!Chigiri, Ler!Kunigami)
Whatcha Say? (Lee!Chigiri, Lers!Bachira, Isagi, Kunigami)
Wet Willy! (Lee!Kunigami, Ler!Bachira)
Buddy Daddies
Iity Bitty (Lee!Rei, Ler!Kazuki)
Lesson Not-Learned (Lee!Miri, Lers!Rei, Kazuki)
Bungo Stray Dogs
“Back” To Work (Lee!Dazai, Ler!Kunikida)
Break Time (Kunikida x Reader)
Feather Light (Lee!Chuuya, Ler!Dazai)
Piggy Spot (Lee!Fyodor, Ler!Dazai)
The Empiricists Have No Clothes (Lee!Kunikida, Ler!Reader)
Ushanka (Lee!Fyodor, Ler!Reader)
Chainsaw Man
Suckers (Lee!Yoshida, Ler!Octopus Devil)
Wall (Switches!Denji, Beam)
Collar x Malice
Distraction! (Lee!Ichika, Ler!Takeru)
Experiment (Lee!Ichika, Ler!Kageyuki)
Multi-tasker (Lee!Ichika, Ler!Takeru)
Do The Thing? (Lee!Maki, Ler!Kaede)
Check-In! (Lee!Taka, Lers!Mondo, Leon, Chihiro)
Cheer Up, Kiyo! (Lee!Korekiyo, Ler!Gonta)
Company (Lee!Shuichi, Ler!Kokichi)
Foot Rest (Lee!Yasuhiro, Ler!Mondo)
Nails (Korekiyo x Reader)
Sibling Check (Switches!Ibuki, Hajime)
Sweet Talk (Nagito x Reader)
Demon Slayer
Air Tickles (Lee!Akaza, Ler!Hantengu Clones)
All Ears (Lee!Douma, Ler!Akaza)
Bed Time (Douma x Reader)
Challenge Accepted (Lee!Douma, Ler!Kokushibou)
Crybaby (Lee!Douma, Ler!Kokushibou)
Cupid (Lee!Sanemi, Ler!Tengen)
Douma's Army (Lee!Daki, Gyutaro, Kaigaku, Ler!Gyokko)
Drummer Boy and The Pesky Spider (Lee!Kyogai, Ler!Rui)
Elevator (Lee!Kokushibou, Ler!Douma)
Eyes On Me (Lee!Koku, Ler!Douma)
Fluster (Lee!Douma, Ler!Kokushibou)
First Aid (Lee!Tanjiro, Ler!Genya)
Five Seconds (Lee!Akaza, Ler!Douma)
Frustration Cure (Lee!Tanjiro, Lers!Rengoku, Mitsuri)
Future Sightings (Lee!Kokushibou, Ler!Douma)
Gone In The Wind (Lee!Gyomei, Ler!Sanemi)
Heat Of The Moment (Lee!Douma, Ler!Akaza)
Keen Sense Of Hearing (Lee!Tanjiro, Inosuke, Ler!Zenitsu)
Lavender Fly (Lee!Giyu, Ler!Shinobu)
Little hands, my only weakness (Switches!Gyomei, Nezuko)
Medicine (Lee!Gyomei, Ler!Shinobu)
Mending (Lee!Genya, Ler!Sanemi)
Messed With The Wrong Demon (Lee!Douma, Ler!Koku)
Mirror (Lee!Nezuko, Ler!Tengen)
Munch (Lee!Gyomei, Ler!Reader)
Off Button (Lee!Akaza, Lers!Daki, Gyutaro)
Ribs (Lee!Gyutaro, Ler!Rui)
Run (Lee!Rui, Ler!Douma)
Sit With Me (Lee!Gyomei, Ler!Kagaya)
Snowflakes (Lee!Douma, Ler!Akaza)
Spell It For Me (Lee!Sanemi, Ler!Tengen)
Stripes (Lee!Akaza, Ler!Douma)
Taisho Era Tickle Monster (Switch!Tanjiro, Lees!Zenitsu, Nezuko)
(Tickle) Fight Me! (Lee!Inosuke, Ler!Tanjiiro)
Team Work Makes The Dream Work (Lee!Tengen, Lers!Sanemi, Giyu)
Thick Skin (Lee!Douma, Lers!Daki, Rui)
Tickle Yourself (Lee!Aizetsu, Ler!Urogi)
What I Like About You (Lee!Douma, Ler!Kokushibou)
Who’s Better? (Lees!Sanemi, Muichiro, Lers!Tengen, Rengoku)
Dr Stone
Ballet (Lee!Gen, Ler!Senku)
Dad Mode (Lee!Senku, Ler!Byakuya)
Flower Language (Lee!Gen, Ler!Senku)
I Smell A Storm (Lee!Tsukasa, Ler!Ryusui)
Returning Hug (Lee!Ryusui, Ler!Tsukasa)
Traitor (Lee!Ryusui, Ler!Tsukasa)
Fire Emblem
Retainer's Contribution (Lee!Sylvain, Lers!Dimitri, Dedue)
Splitting Sides (Lee!Claude, Ler!Hilda)
Fire Force
Begone, Devil! (Lee!Shinra, Ler!Arthur)
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
Liar Liar (Lee!Rin, Ler!Sousuke)
Jog Your Memory (Lee!Rin, Ler!Nagisa)
Temper Tantrum (Lee!Rin, Ler!Nitori)
Fruits Basket
Rival (Lee!Nao, Ler!Yuki)
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intheticklecloset · 2 years
1. "Now, that was interesting." With lee Tanjiro and ler Inosuke! 💖 Stay hydrated and hope you sleep well tonight and have amazing dreams.
Order Up! Happy Hour Event CLOSED
“How could you?!” Zenitsu screamed, beginning to punch Tanjiro from behind before the poor man even had the chance to turn around.
“How could I what? Ow!” Tanjiro whined, trying to defend himself but not fighting back as his blonde friend continued to hit him. “Zenitsu, stop!”
“You told her, didn’t you?!”
“Told who what?!”
Upon hearing his sister’s name, Tanjiro was only more confused. “What about her?”
“You told her, didn’t you? You told her how ticklish I am!”
Tanjiro could only blink at him, completely lost. “Uh…” Truthfully, he hadn’t even known Zenitsu was ticklish at all, let alone how much. “Did she…?”
“Yes!” Zenitsu resumed punching him. “And it’s all your fault!”
“Stop hitting me!” Tanjiro whined, finally managing to grab his friend’s arms and stop him. It was at this point that Inosuke seemed to have overheard their ruckus and came barreling up to join in on whatever was happening. “Zenitsu, I didn’t tell her anything. But even if I did, it’s no reason to hit me.”
“Why’s he hitting you?” Inosuke demanded, bouncing on his feet. “What did I miss? Who are we beating up?”
“No one!” Tanjiro exclaimed at the same time Zenitsu cried, “He told Nezuko I’m ticklish!”
“I did not!” the swordsman was growing weary of this conversation fast. He let go of Zenitsu’s hands and rubbed his forehead.
“Jeez, I thought you’d have been happy to have her lay hands on you,” Inosuke said brazenly.
Tanjiro was indignant. “Hey! That’s my sister you’re talking about!”
Zenitsu had gone silent. Very silent. Too silent.
Both of his friends watched him, exchanging concerned glances. Tanjiro opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly the blonde had perked up again.
“You’re right! I never thought of it that way!” Zenitsu then hugged the same friend he’d been punching just seconds before and took off, shouting over his shoulder, “Thanks for telling her, Tanjiro!”
“But I didn’t!” Tanjiro insisted, sighing, knowing it was all useless.
“Now, that was interesting.” Inosuke looked at him strangely. “Bold of you to spread rumors about other people when you’re pretty ticklish yourself, Hanhiro.”
Tanjiro sighed again. “Tanjiro. And I didn’t start any rumors – eeeek!”
Inosuke’s smirk could be felt even through his boar’s mask. He started out pinching, but quickly tackled his friend to the ground and tickled with more vigor, digging into Tanjiro’s ribs and sides mercilessly. Tanjiro squealed and threw his head back with a stream of giggles, weakly kicking his legs, trying to roll away.
“Hah! See? You’re ticklish, too!” Inosuke cackled victoriously. “Not so bold anymore, huh? Don’t go around telling people how ticklish blondie is when it’s just as easy to take you down!”
Tanjiro whined through his growing laughter, shaking his head in a desperate but useless gesture. “Buhuhuhuhut I dihihihihidn’t say anythihihihihing! Ahahahahaha! Inosuke, plehehehease, stohohohohop!”
Inosuke merely snorted in a way that Tanjiro knew meant he was having fun, and the swordsman resigned himself, knowing there was no way out of this ticklish situation now…
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nataliedrawz · 2 years
If fic requests are open can I request lee muichiro and ler tanjiro for muichiro bring rude to the other demon slayers ☺️
Have a good day ☺️
Massage Madness
A/N: :o OMG HELLO THERE!! I live love laugh for Muichiro being a mindless jerk, I absolutely loved writing this!
"Are you sure you want to do this?" The cowardly electric blonde questioned, "from what I heard, his been pretty.. mean." His expression transferred into a worried one, eyes gazing up as the red head, Tanjiro, placed a reassuring hand against his friend's shoulder, a calm, collected smile easing his worries slightly, "I promise you, Zenitsu, I'll be okay!" He chuckled slightly as the other simply huffed slightly, "Just look after Inosuke and Nezuko for me, you're in charge!" He waved off, Zenitsu straightening himself as he took on his duty.
Moments of aimlessly strolling around later, he heard the angered cries of the wind pillar, sneaking over to listen to the conversation.
"You little brat, I'm going to kill you!" Barked Sanemi, fists clenched so hard that he could almost pierce his own skin, eye's darting all over the smaller male. "I don't care who you are, but shut up, your voice annoys me." Scoffed the mist pillar, arm's crossing as he walked off, making Sanemi storm off soon after, almost leaving trails of smoke in the ground from how angry he was just than. "I see what Zenitsu means now.." sighed Tanjiro, before heading over and meeting himself to the front door of Muichiro's estate. Wearily, he knocked, hearing a muffled 'come in' come from Muichiro, so, easily, he walked in, sliding the door shut behind him, his expression dropping as he saw Muichiro sitting down infront of him, his back turned. "May I?" Asked Tanjiro, soft spoken for right now. As he earned a hum of approval, he smiled cheerily and sat beside him, giving him reassuring silence as the other slowly opened up, it seemed that he was just mostly stressed, I mean, who could blame him? He was a high rank, so he is expected to work twice, not, three time's harder at most, seeing the male just speak out his heart made him realize just how tensed up he really was, his back looked all knotted behind his haori, and his hands have been blistered after the many recent fights his had, poor guy.
"Muichiro-sama, this is only an offer, but.. would you like me to at least massage your back? I'm not the best at it but, I can assure you I'll do my best to help you relax!" Merrily cheered the red head, his smile contagious as Tokito found himself smiling the slightest, "No, thanks." He said, hissing in pain as he budged to get up. His face flushed a bit as Tanjiro chuckled a bit, "Come on, you're obviously extremely tensed! Like, look at your back, it could be mistaken for onigiri soon enough." He earned a slightly wider smile of amusement from the other, sighing in defeat, "Alright then, if you insist." He replied, unable to help but feel slightly more happier from Tanjiro's sweet demeanor.
Muichiro had laid flat on his stomach, his hands cushioning his cheek as he awaited for Tanjiro to start, "Ready?" "Ready." He replied, not expecting Tanjiro to prop himself right beside him, palms kneading gently against his lower back, smiling widely as Tokito grunted and sighed happily, his pain slowly but surely being relieved. The red head continued this for a few minutes there, switching between kneading to his knuckles then back to his palms, or even his fingertips and thumbs if they were especially tensed up. After he finished with his back, he went down to his hips, Muichiro gasping, he couldn't help but panic whenever Tanjiro fluttered his finger's passed the peculiar spot, feeling unusually tingly and giddy. Tanjiro had began to notice this and took notes, when he pressed down against his hip's to massage deep within the bones, his would thrash around non-stop, his hand covering his mouth to block out any noise he could.
No way, he couldn't possibly be..
"Ticklish?" Tanjiro smiled, Muichiro nodding, hiding his hand against his hands, covering the overflowing amount of giggles that rippled out of him. Tanjiro was about to stop incase he felt uncomfortable from him knowing such discoveries before, "D-Dohon't stop, plehease." He heard, "It feels nihihice." He mumbled, the fact he trusted him so much already made Tanjiro almost sob, "Alright then, if it gets too much, tell me when to stop, alright?" He said, earning a nod before he went to work, his thumbs kneading gentle yet deeo circles into the dips of his hips, making the other buck and squeal, curling slightly, "WahaHAit, thahat-" "Tickles? Oh, we both knew that." He giggled, earning a very giddy whine from him, his expression purely bright before he went up, squeezing against his side's, "You know, I used to tickle my siblings all the time like this, especially Takeo and Shigeru when they were feeling a little grumpy." Tanjiro smiled, relishing the sweet memories to heart, his sad yet happy memory washing away as Muichiro curled up, Tanjiro having put his left hand under his arm, and the other wiggling against each rib, making Muichiro shriek, "eheHEAH!? NahAHAh! SoHOHO BAhaD!" He began to kick his legs out slightly, trying his best to pull his hand out from under his arm whilst trying not to squirm away from him at the same time.
Muichiro almost threw Tanjiro off him after he nuzzled gently against his neck, chuckling as he left two small raspberries into the sensitive area, "OHOHOH GOOHOHODNESS! H-HEHELP!" Muichiro began to squirm more, Tanjiro smiling widely as Shinobu had opened the door, "Oh my, Tokito-san seems to be enjoying himself, no?" She smiled amusingly, Tanjiro giggling, "He technically asked me too, Shinobu!" He grinned a bit as Tokito threw his head against his chest, his body quivering as he laughed from the hands that scribbled lovingly against his neck. Shinobu smiled and looked at them, "You should get away, he looks like he'll-" Tanjiro shrieked as Tokito than flipped him onto his stomach, digging into his ribs, earning happy bursts of laughter as Tanjiro uselessly flailed, "H-HEHELP MEHEHE!" Tanjiro reached out to Shinobu, only for her to wave and close the door, left to his eternal doom.
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mushyblushyredhead · 1 year
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Zenitsu with ticklish hips, anyone? 👀 Ajeksndknwks 🙈 (//∇//)
I got another Demon Slayer tk drawing✨ coming soon! Ok bye now just flustered myself with this drawing dgrkhdksh (*´ー`*)
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tickle-page · 1 year
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I’ve been requested to do this. You can totally request more fics for me to do. Anyways, this means completed, and this means in the fritz.
Tickle Prompts:
Christmas Starters
Regular sentence starters
Fandom List (updated)
Trauma dump under the cut
Domestic Ships
Get to know me tag game
Problem solved
The Abyss chapter 11 tickle scene
Affectionately- Chapter 1 Tickle scene
Affectionately- Chapter 9 Tickle Scene
Affectionately- Smthing random tickle(?)
Affectionately- Chapter 30 Tickle Scene
Encirclement Love- Chapter 6 Tickle Scene
Between the Stars- Chapter 58 Tickle Scene
Between the stars: Chapter 44
Twisted Wonderland Tickle Hcs:
School Staff(?)
Rapunzel Tangled Adventure’s: Season 3 (Kings and Queens of Hearts)
Riversxcameron (tiktok)
School for little vampires: Season 1 Episode 25
Airrack: You scream You lose, IRL: Tickletoberday 11
Sturniolo Triplets Tickle
Team Edge Tickle
The rise of the TMNT:
“Being smart is a curse” Lee: Donnie Lers: Mikey, Raph, Leo, and brief April
“Donatello’s much needed revenge on a blue ninja Turtle” Tickletober day 7 Lee: Leo Ler: Donnie
Donatello’s revenge Part 2 Tickletober day 8 Lee: Raph, Ler: Donnie
Donatello’s revenge Part 3 Tickletober day 9 Lee: Mikey Ler: Donnie
Tickletober day 22: Skeleton Lee: Mikey Lers: Donnie and Leo
Teenage mutant ninja Turtle Tickle Headcanons
Assassination Classroom:
“Teasing” Tickletober Day 1: Lee: Karma Lers: Nagisa and Terasaka
Lee: Isogai Ler: Sugino
Lee: China Ler: Yuzuki
Lee: Itona Lers: Terasaka, Takuya, Taisei, Kirara
Boy tickle hcs: Part 1, part 2, part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Saiki K:
“Come back here” Tickletober Day 2 Lee: Kaidou Ler: Nendou
Lee: Saiki Lers: Kaidou and Nendou
Saiki k tickle Headcanons
Hunter x Hunter:
“Just do it” Tickletober day 3 Lee: Killua Ler: Gon
“Killua’s revenge” Lee: Gon Ler Killua
Lee: Kurapika Ler: Leorio (ship post(?))
Tickle Headcanons
“Tickle and Ladders” Tickletober day 4 Lee: Inojin Lers: Boruto, Shikadai, Mitsuki, Iwabae, Denki, and brief Metal Lee
Tickle Headcanons part 1 and part 2
“Hide or get tickled” Tickletober day 6 Lee: Megumi Lers: Nobara and Itadori
Tickle Headcanons
“Tell us” Tickletober day 10 Lee: Dabi Lers: Aizawa, Present Mic, and Hawks
Using her quirk to good use Tickletober day 12 Lee: Rody, Bakugo, and Shinsou Ler: Hagakure
Tickle Headcanons part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Conquering your fears Tickletober day 13 Lee: Nishinoya Ler: Asahi
Tickle Headcanons part 1, part 2, part 3
Demon Slayer:
The itsy bitsy spider Tickletober day 15 Lee: Zenitsu Ler: Inosuke
Tickle Headcanons Hashiras, Demon Slayers, Demons
Ghost tickles Tickletober day 16 Lee: Kou Ler: Hanako-kun
Tickle Headcanons
Tickletober day 18: Nightmares Lee: Their son, Keith Ler: Keith and Lance (KeithxLance)
Tickletober day 20: Cirrcus Lee: Tom Ler: Marco
Obey Me:
Tickletober day 21-Surrender Lee: Beezlebub Ler: Lucifer, Mammon, and Belphegor
Teen titans go:
“Beastboy doesn’t like tickling?” Lee: Beastboy Lers: Robin and Starfire
Tickle headcanons
Truth or Dare Lee: Koga Lers: Tatsumi, Aira, Hiro, and Mayoi
Endurance training Ler: Kuro Lers: Chiaki, Madara, Tetora, and Hiro
Part 2 to Truth or Dare: Lee: Koga Lers: Karou, Adonis, Tatsumi, and Rei(?)
Feathery Touch Lee: Souma Ler: Adonis
“Enjoy your vacay” Lee: Male producer Lers: Hokuto and Hiro
“Cheer up Tickles” Lee: Male producer Ler(s): Hokuto, Hiro, and Chiaki.
“Jealousy” Lee: Male producer, Tomoya, breif Hokuto Ler: Male producer, Hokuto, brief Tomoya
Total Dramarama:
Lee: Duncan
Lee: Jude
Lee: Noah
Tickle Headcanons
Lee: Boys Ler: Girls
Camp Camp:
Tickle Headcanons
Lee Max, Ler(s): Niki and Neil
Ticklish Max: Lee: Max Ler: David
Lee: Neil Ler(s) Niki, Max(?)
Lee: Harrison Ler: Nerris
Strange World
Ticklish little Ethan: Lee: Ethan Ler: Diazo
Tickle Headcanons: (Part 1) (Part2)
Total Drama Island
How long can ya last Lee: Noah,
South Park
Domestic ships (Creek)
Bunny Tickle Fic
Main 4 Tickle Headcanons
Craigs team Tickle Headcanons
Big Mouth
Domestic Ships (Jatthew)
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mah-t-wordblog · 3 months
Demon Slayer characters but…
…you ask them if they’re ticklish
Tanjiro ☀️
“Y-yes, a little… *smiles*”
Nezuko 🌸
“Yes! Yes!” Or just “Hm!”
Zenitsu ⚡️
“Do you want to tickle me? You want? DO YOU CARE ABOUT ME? MARRY MEEEEEEEE”
Inosuke 🐗
“What the fuck is tickling? IS IT A WEAKNESS?”
Kanao 🪙
“I- I- I don’t- *stutters a lot*”
Genya 🔫
“Maybe, don’t try to find out *blushes a lot*”
Gyuu 💦
“… *keep your face straight, please keep it, don’t blush*”
Shinobu 🦋
“Don’t you dare touch me, understand, little friend? *if you try, I’ll kill you*”
Muichiro 🌫️
“Yes, isn’t this normal for any human?”
Kyojuro 🔥
“I’m not ticklish, haha! *maybe a little, haha*”
Tengen 🔊
“The king of festivals is not ticklish! *I doubt you’ll try*”
“Yes~ do you want to try? *squeals of joy*”
Obanai 🐍
“No, leave me alone *I hate this… at least a little*”
Sanemi 💨
“Fuck you *I hope they don’t try*”
Gyomei 🪨
“No, no, but I don’t mind if you try.”
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I love this 🥹
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