#this was fun to think about!
hime-bee · 8 days
how would the boys' room look like in a modern setting?
Hey there, Lacie owo Well, tbf, the only ML of mine that isn't in a modern setting is Njero. Flores is like, half and half because he spends some time in the human world as well. I'll do my best to describe their rooms, though! (Long post incoming lmao)
Lucas: Pretty minimalistic, about what you'd expect from a 40-year-old man that lives alone. His walls are lined with bookshelves and floating shelves, all containing a myriad of history, mathematics, novels, language and recipe books. The only pieces of furniture he has in his room are as follows: a king-sized bed (sheets are cream and black), a wardrobe, an ottoman, a desk (also covered in books and papers, though he does have a study too), and a large plant in the corner. If his partner were to move in, he would try to hang up more pictures and buy more decorative items!
Njero: If he were in a modern setting, I think his room would look similar to Lucas', except there would be more paintings and maps on the walls. I'd like to think he would also have a sky light in his room. His bed is probably queen-sized with dark blue and grey sheets. I imagine him having lots and lots of throw pillows lol. He would also have a cat bed and a bird perch in his room for his familiars. His bedroom floors are definitely hardwood with a large black rug in the middle of the floor.
Leumin: Since I plan to make a sequel to his game, y'all will eventually get to see what Leu's room looks like! I'll still try to explain it though- his bed is a king-sized with white and lavender-colored sheets. He sleeps with two or more pillows, and possibly a plushie or two. His walls are covered in anime or game posters for sure. He also has a shelf dedicated to figurines and statues he owns. Has a nightstand with a cute lamp and also a star projector on it. There's also a few potted plants and terrariums lining the small desk he has in the corner. More often than not, you'll find a stack of fresh clothes in the chair at his desk that he hasn't folded/hung up yet-
Flores: His room in the fairy world is kind of similar to the one he has in the human world, so I'll just explain his human world home! Flo's room is more like Leu's room, but times ten with the plants. He also has a little fish tank in the corner! His bed is definitely a king-size canopy bed and his sheets are dark green or white, he changes them often. He keeps a mini bookshelf full of children's books right beside his dresser, and he'll usually give them out to the kids at the clinic. His walls are also covered, but in paintings he's bought, and decorative vines/moss. Has a little white vanity with a cute mirror and pretty pink lights surrounding it too!
Mikka: Similar to Njero's, but a lot more messy. He's got papers, books, journals, and test tubes overflowing on his desk with a big box of papers and textbooks right beside it. He's also got a lot of bookshelves with a lot of books missing from them that he misplaces often- his bed is a queen-sized and the sheets he puts on it varies (usually ocean-themed though). He also has a large fish tank and some terrariums in the corner of his room, but the fish tank is almost always empty. The only thing he keeps tidy in his room is his dresser/wardrobe. His clothes are always ironed and hung up, shoes polished and lined up perfectly in his walk-in closet. Also has a floor-length mirror somewhere in there.
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veliseraptor · 7 months
Headcanons for the Yi City Crew’s preferred weather? 👀 (I am basking in October sunshine and completely incapable of thinking of other things, sorry orz orz)
i am deeply enjoying the present weather myself, after a long and constantly "i'm meeeeelting" summer (which tells you about my preferred weather)
but ooh this is a fun one and actually not one I'd considered too much before you asking me this. let's see here
I feel like A-Qing's preference of weather is deeply inflected by spending a lot of her life very vulnerable to it. so ideally, weather is not too hot, not too cold, mild and dry. the kind of weather one can be comfortably outside in! because odds are she's going to be outside in it a lot. :)
that being said, once she has a roof over her head and moderately more security about not having to be in the weather regardless of what it is, I think she kind of enjoys stormy weather (thunderstorms, heavy rain, etc.) even if sometimes the weather still comes indoors anyway. it can be more of a thrill and less of a threat, and a reminder that she doesn't have to live in it. haha, take that, storm, I'm warm and dry!!!
Xiao Xingchen, meanwhile, is one of those incredibly frustrating people who can find something to love in any weather. for one thing, I imagine his level of cultivation is such that he can manage a wider range of temperatures than ordinary people (I think that's a thing?), but he does genuinely just appreciate a range of weather experiences. I think he has a soft spot for rain in particular, though. he would get soaking wet in a downpour and laugh about it. this drives literally everyone else he socializes with crazy, which Xiao Xingchen just finds funnier. mild autumn days are also good, though! but so are warm spring days. and brisk snowy winter days. and hot lazy summer days. you get the idea.
Song Lan is, I think, an autumn and winter guy, and I don't say that just because of his moniker; it just feels right to me. I don't think he likes to be too hot (even if he can also, like Xiao Xingchen, probably tolerate a wider range than ordinary people), because sweat gross, and it's easier to stay warm in the cold than to cool down in the hot, as far as he's concerned. and it's not that he doesn't like spring, it's just that there's something about the kind of beauty that comes with winter and fall that I think draws Song Lan temperamentally. I think there's a cleanness to winter particularly that appeals to him. but I don't think he likes snow or rain very much. at least not being out in it. he can appreciate (and does, I think) the aftermath of snow, but when it's actually falling then it's just wet and gets down the back of one's robes.
Xue Yang is someone for whom his feelings about weather are wildly dependent on his mood, generally speaking. if he's in a bad mood it doesn't matter what the weather is, it sucks. if he's in a good mood then he's substantially more a fan of a wide range of weather. he has some of the same preoccupations as a-Qing, and I think gets particularly twitchy around cold weather and atmospheric pressure changes because that tends to trigger hand pain. in general, though, I think Xue Yang likes sunshine, and he will take a fair level of heat as long as he can be lazy during them. like a cat, he will seek out sunny spots and fall asleep in them on hot days. and he will prove very difficult to move.
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caelanglang · 11 months
Hey hey! I’m loving your art as always and I’m excited to see someone else who likes both bsd and trigun!
For your consideration: Odasaku and Wolfwood interactions. That is all. (Well perhaps Odasaku and Vash too… agh wait, Vash and Atsushi…!)
Also I’m picturing Meryl meeting Kunikida and being relieved that someone else finally takes their job seriously. They’d either get along well or totally be at each others throats after a bit hdjcbcxb
Ok I’m going to stop before I keep rambling. Hope this isn’t a bother and I hope you’re doing well! :)
hola Story!! I've been seeing some of your trigun reactions and I find myself nodding to those xD!
I swear you gave me a hard time choosing which interactions to draw be they were all equally funny in my head hhhhhhh so yes here ya go~
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Oda would be like Roberto to them but more sober (?) he would definitely have a lot to share with Vash about guns akjshdfakljdg and Atsushi and Vash giving each other the protagonist life-changing speeches then proceed to get adopted into each other's groups hhhhh Kunikida and Meryl would be civil when not in threatened situations (I feel like they would argue a lot too tho? hmm)
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marcusdoodlesalot · 2 months
Which Fairy tale would you make your favorite lu or Loz character go through?
Oh that’s a good question.
My favorite LU character is Twilight, if that isn’t obvious lmao, but as for a fairy tale? Probably a little mermaid situation. Not the original one, but one of the ones with a happy ending, Twi deserves to be happy.
As for my favorite LOZ character? I have no idea what kind of situation I would put him in. People might think it’s Shad, which is close, but it’s not. It’s the Happy Mask Salesman. Why? Because.
I would throw him into a total blender though, one of the ones that is really gorey. As a treat.
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juminies · 11 months
I can't stop thinking about the concept of Jumin with a goth mc. Especially if they're into the occult and dark magic like he is. Its so cute I think I'm gonna go insane.
Jumin doesn't go into any sort of relationship – business, platonic, romantic – expecting people to understand him nor his hobbies. Having any sort of company who merely acknowledge his interests as worth something is enough for him, and even if they don't he's not particularly one to mind. But who is any MC to be someone who conforms to anyone's expectations?
They'd actively surprised Jumin from the start. They'd captured his heart when he didn't think it was possible, been relentlessly kind to him and, admittedly, taken him rather off guard when they showed up to the penthouse dressed so unconventionally.
They'd already mentally prepared themselves on the way over for the typical questions and jabs, just in case. But Jumin isn't the typical man. It's not as though he dresses to the standard in his day-to-day life, either. He's been called overdressed more times than he cares to count. So instead, they're met with compliments. It's wonderful to him. Fascinating.
Of course, after some conversation about the fashion, Jumin brings up vampires. It's something they've heard a million times, usually a weak attempt at poking fun at their style. There it is they think. But no, it's different.
"Do you believe in them?" Jumin asks.
"Who's to say I'm not one?"
Jumin leans in, eyes wide. "Are you? If so, please trust that your secret is safe with me."
They laugh. "No. I wish."
Jumin, then, absolutely starts some passionate spiel about vampires. They're the first person to listen so intently. The first person to not just be genuinely interested, but to actually join in. The natural course of the conversation leads onto dark magic and occultism. Jumin is thrilled, and while he's away at work he makes sure they know they have free rein over his book collection.
As the relationship develops his collection becomes theirs, and vice versa. He's enthralled every time they bring home mysterious trinkets that are hopefully only a little bit cursed.
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70th · 2 months
EMOTIONAL BODY LANGUAGE .  ˎˊ˗ bold: always applies. italic: sometimes applies.
i. DEFENSIVENESS. arms crossed on chest, crossing legs, fist-like gestures, pointing index finger, karate chops, stiffening of shoulders, tense posture, curling of lip, baring of teeth.
ii. REFLECTIVE. hand to face gestures, head tilted, stroking chin, peering over glasses, taking glasses off — cleaning, putting earpiece of glasses in mouth, pipe smoker gestures, putting hand to the bridge of nose, pursed lips, knitted brows.
iii. SUSPICION. arms crossed, sideways glance, touching or rubbing nose, rubbing eyes, hands resting on weapon, brows rising, lips pressing into a thin line, strict unwavering eye contact, wrinkling of nose.
iv. OPENNESS & COOPERATION. open hands, upper body in sprinters position, sitting on the edge of a chair, hand to face gestures, unbuttoned coat, tilted head, slacked shoulders, droopy posture, feet pointed outward.
v. CONFIDENCE. hands behind back, hands on lapels of coat, steepled hands, baring teeth in a grin, rolling shoulders, tipping head back but maintaining eye contact, chest puffed up, shoulders back, finger guns.
vi. INSECURITY & ANXIETY. chewing pen or pencil, rubbing thumb over opposite thumb, biting fingernails, hands in pockets, elbow bent, closed gestures, clearing throat, “ whew ” sound, picking or pinching flesh, fidgeting in chair, hand covering mouth whilst speaking, poor eye contact, tugging at pants whilst seated, jingling money in pockets, tugging at ear, perspiring hands, playing with hair, swaying, playing with pointer or marker, smacking lips, sighing, rocking on balls of feet, flexing fingers sporadically.
vii. FRUSTRATION. short breaths, “ tsk ” sounds, tightly clenched hands, fist-like gestures, pointing index finger, running hand through hair, rubbing back of neck, snarling, revealing teeth, grimacing, sharp-eyed glowers with notable tension in brows, shoulders back, head up - defensive posturing, clenching of jaw, grinding of teeth, nostrils flaring, heavy exhales.
TAGGED BY : @mcmorare 💕
TAGGING : @65ths , @gamehaunt , @ofsoul , @fro3t , and you!
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List 5 topics you can talk on for an hour without preparing any material
tagged by: @eldritchteletubbie (thanks!)
1. The life of Mary Stuart O’Donnell and the related Irish politics of the early 1600s. I got into researching her life a few years ago and, while the project is on the back-burner, it’s still of great interest to me. After reaching out to several historians who had written about her (however small the writing), it sparked a bit more interest in said historians and more research and articles started cropping up in the subsequent years which was neat to see. There isn’t a lot recorded about her, but what we do know is fascinating: I’d love some day to travel to Ireland so I can read and transcribe her letters from the National Library. They currently don’t exist in any digitalized or transcribed format.
2. Theology, generally speaking, but recently I’ve been really digging into the theology of gender and sexuality which has been fun. I can also go on for quite a while about the necessity of reading the Bible within cultural, temporal, and textual context.
3. Most video games that I’ve played. But especially We Happy Few and Genshin Impact. WHF had me in a choke hold for over a year and still is of great interest to me. The game mechanics are janky as hell but the writing, characters, themes, and environmental storytelling are deeply compelling. Genshin is immersive, massive, emotional, character-driven, and rich with plot and lore. There’s just so much to talk about! I did actually talk for over and hour about both of these games on my first date with my now partner. That’s how you know he’s a real one.
4. Environmental activism and sustainability in all of their intertwined facets.
5. The history of vampire literature, with a focus in pre-1900 works. Der Vampire, the Vampyre, Carmilla, Clairmonde, the works of Paul Feval peré, Varney the Vampire, Dracula, etc. And the way that the cultural climate of the times influenced what fears vampires represented. Was it the seductress? The predatory man? The homosexual? The aristocracy? The con man? Humanism? Catholicism? The list goes on. Vampire literature is just so fascinating and I love researching and discussing this topic
no pressure tags for: @runawaymun @monstroso @djangodurango @wigglewyrms @exeggcute @sasusquatch @veranthia @greyjedijaneite and any one else who wants to!
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bennydwight · 11 months
you asked for asks so i shall deliver >:)
what do you think your favorite characters (across fandoms or just from tgamm) would order for drinks at a restaurant?
My brain is interpreting this as alcoholic drinks, I hope that's what you meant. I'll do the immediate McGee family! (Molly and Darryl are 21 in this scenario, of course)
Pete: Looooves the classics. Give him a simple martini or gin and tonic and he's a happy man. He's a sipper and likes to savour his drinks, basking in the nostalgia as dads often do. His favourite at-home one is Baileys and coffee (and yes, he is aware of the stereotype)
Sharon: You know after she moved out on her own she had a party phase, so now she's got a bit of a tolerance to strong flavours. She likes dark rums and whisky sours, things to swirl around in her cup as she goes 🤔 Also LOOOOOVES chocolate liqueur
Molly: Never looks at the ingredients lists, just orders whichever drink sounds 'happiest', and has thusly developed a taste for light, nuanced wines. She likes the sparkle and pop of champagne cocktails, and everything is made better with a little fruit skewer!
Darryl: Never even looks at the menu. He pulls the bartender aside and whispers, confidentially, to make him something that they'd always wanted to try. No limitations. He's always on the lookout for new flavours (and potentially a new recipe to offer to the highest bidder) and he's had just as many shining successes as he's had horrible, stomach churning mistakes. Lives for the thrill.
Scratch: Anything but soda Generally speaking, the older the better. Has expensive tastes, obviously, but really there's no way to go wrong with a neat scotch. Astonishingly good at picking up subtleties in flavour. (His second-favourite is something he calls Swamp Water, wherein he drinks the contents of the bar's dishwasher.)
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icehearts · 4 months
red rosebud ; a flower of pureness & loveliness .. for a time my muse has felt their most lovely.
Thank you for the ask! [ floral-inspired questions ]
red rosebud ; a flower of pureness & loveliness .. for a time my muse has felt their most lovely.
Wearing fine clothing, mastercraft jewelry, and other such adornments — but that's sort of expected, isn't it? It's a sort of loveliness that comes with a cost, at least for Esca. Not unlike a poisonous flower which must bloom beautifully (as an enticement as much as a warning), dressing herself in such a way is both an indulgence and a precaution.
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heatobrienswife · 6 months
I hope this is okay, but um... What would Bill do if I brought him dinner(aka a random hiker I bumped into in the woods)?
I guess it depends on how well you two would know eachother but let's see
If it's pretty much the first time you two interact he'd be very suspicious it was some sort of trap he'd be very wary n question your motivation for doing so but would accept the food
If he'd seen you around & knew you knew of his existence he might take it as you trying to pay or bribe him for something he's a big ass monster he can make people 'dissappear' so that'd be his first assumption
If you two are more familiar with eachother he'd just see it as you two hanging out n you brought food for him he'd try n get something for you next time you bumped into eachother
Tho with all 3 options he'd be very curious about you n interested in how n why you were able to bring him someone especially since you know exactly what will end up happening to them
You'd absolutely be a curiosity n enigma for him!
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orbdotexe · 1 year
i am here screaming about CSC because I went back through the whole tag again and I was thinking about the AUV! Wolf and C!Wolf swapping places again and
Osiris would be so done. He takes back everything hes ever said about HIS wolf being a lot to handle. Why is this Wolf like this. Who let them be off the child leash too early. Why did Zavala or Saladin never step in. ........Why are they livestreaming?????? meanwhile, CSC Osiris is praising every god he can think of that he FINALLY has a chill version of Wolf but also can he get HIS wolf back please, this one keeps trying to starts fights with Calus HE TOOK HIS EYES OFF OF THEM FOR A MINUTE WHERE DID THEY G O (it takes three hours for him to revise his opinion of this Wolf. Everyone else is laughing.)
I feel like CWolf is the most intimidating child that AUV Osiris has ever had the displeasure of meeting. He tries to ask them why they're livestreaming, and they just s t a r e at him. Why? What possessed them to do this? Is there a version of him that knows what to do here? If so, then what? (spoilers: it's smack them upside the head. This is also Saladin's method.) They pull out Thorn and Malfeasance, and he can't help but just... look at them. At the very least, his Wolf would try and defend themself! Even if it fails spectacularly. But this one? This one?
He already has a migraine. Sagira won't stop laughing at him.
CSC Osiris, on the other hand? At first, he's having the time of his life! Finally! He doesn't have to smack his student to get them to take something seriously! Well, vocally seriously, anyway. But then he realizes that he traded it for something much, much worse, that he has no idea how to handle. This one is an absolute dumbass. Sure, his Wolf was, too - but this one's an entirely different kind of dumbass! What the hell are they talking about half the time?? This fool has no filter-
What he wouldn't give to have Sagira with him right now.
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veliseraptor · 7 months
I have been seized by a question and need input from someone for whom Xue Yang occupies the spot of blorbo prime. What do you think would be his DND class?
first of all really enjoying "blorbo prime" and I'm adopting that into my vocabulary.
so I've been thinking about this the past couple days and have come to no definite conclusion but have some Thoughts about it, as follows.
initially my immediate thought was rogue because, you know, misbehavior and lawbreaking and such, but then I decided no, stealth is not Xue Yang's strong point, actually, he's not actually that sneaky. though I feel like if he played a DnD character he might choose rogue for his character's class. I can still see it, but also then I was thinking - what about classes that focus more on magic? I feel like Xue Yang could be a caster of some kind, which took me to wizard, sorcerer, and warlock. the arguments for each go something like:
wizard: casting relies on intelligence, and one of Xue Yang's strongest assets is his intelligence. he's clever! he's got drive and grit and the hunger for (forbidden) knowledge. he could be specced as a wizard with high constitution, too, because I feel like whatever class he is he needs to have high constitution. boy is durable, and I do love a wizard tank. also this is magic as learned rather than innate, which makes sense to me.
sorcerer: specifically a wild magic sorcerer for the volatility/unpredictability, and I like the idea of Xue Yang with inborn magic that he has to learn how to control on his own; it actually vibes very nicely with some of my headcanons about how he came to demonic cultivation initially. I also feel like while at first blush a high charisma/casting as charisma based might not seem apropos, there are ways in which Xue Yang is charismatic, and charisma in the sense of, like, force of will certainly applies to him.
warlock: the obvious here is that Xue Yang would make a pact with a being of dubious motives for power. so like, there's that, right there. his powers having an external source and being sort of the inverse of a cleric's also feels appropriate to me. and you do again have the charisma focus, which doesn't compel me quite as much as the intelligence focus but still has merit.
I mean, there's always multiclassing too, but ultimately I think I like wild magic sorcerer for him. but I'm not married to it; I think any of the above options could work. I feel like you could make interesting arguments for some others, but I don't think cleric works for him (the kind of pact of a warlock feels more like something he'd go for than a bond with a god).
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ariadne-mouse · 1 year
🌱💪 for the fic title ask meme? :)
Hiya! :D
🌱 Do you have any preferred structures/themes in your fic titles?
In general I like the title to do some work, beyond being just a label, and have a layer or two in it. Could be a double (or multiple) meaning, a pun, or the evocation of a more complicated feeling. Something at least a little chewy. For long feely fics I tend towards long feely titles, often pulled or adapted from poetry (Wikiquotes, my beloved).
For shorter or less-involved works I'm more likely to keep it simple: a spark of potential, a familiar chaos, a weird soup, Desired Qualifications, the lying game. You may notice the "An Adjective Noun" formula in several 😂 Many of them started as tumblr snippets where titles felt less important. I still like these titles, but they're more in the category of "it gets the job done".
In reviewing my own body of titles, I think I should challenge myself to do some 1-word ones!
💪Which fic title did you struggle with, and how did you decide on what you ended up using? (Or if you've never struggled with a fic title, please share your secret.)
I recall struggling with path of the traveled sun. I didn't have a title until I was fully and completely done with it and ready to post on Ao3. I wasn't finding quotes I liked, and so eventually I abandoned all my current options and sort of just threw word spaghetti at the wall until something stuck and felt like nice and fitting vibes.
I wanted something conveying warmth: aligning with the tropical setting, the joy of the party, and the underlying emotional connection between the brothers, with the side benefit of Luxon imagery for Verin's religious side: so, the sun. "Sun" then has its homophone "son", so we get both Verin and Essek as the potential "son" in the imagery. It's also one of the parts of their argument in the story: Verin describes the sun setting and each new day as a metaphor for change, while Essek reframes it as the sun always being the same, and its viewer moving. Okay - then path of the sun, the path both literal (Essek has traveled with the Nein, Verin has come to the party) and figurative (the life each brother has chosen for themselves). "Path of the sun" felt too bland so I threw "traveled" in there to emphasize the sense of movement. In my head "the traveled son" tasted sort of similar in shape to "the prodigal son" (getting very abstract here I know 😂) but that was what clinched it for me.
I really like what I landed on, but oof it was a pain to get there!
[ask me something about fic titles!]
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spider-gem · 1 year
If a Star Wars character got isekaied into MARVEL who would you pick? And then vice versa, what MARVEL character would you want to see end up in Star Wars?
Just for fun btw, doesn’t have to make sense in canon.
This is a super interesting and fun question! I've actually put together some Star Wars AU's for many Marvel characters, but all of that lives in my mind. Both fandoms have large universes and a lot of lore, so it’s fun to intertwine them!
For Star Wars to Marvel: There are a lot of characters to choose from, so it's difficult for me to decide. However, my mind went straight to Ahsoka Tano (probably because she's my favorite and I'm biased). I’d love to see her reactions to a new universe and fight alongside some of my favorite heroes. I wonder if she would create a superhero name/alias for herself...
For Marvel to Star Wars: It's hard to choose one! There are so many characters that would fit so well in the galaxy far, far away (I believe that Daredevil would be a perfect Jedi and the Punisher would be a perfect Mandalorian, but that is a discussion for another time). If I had to choose one character, I would place Spider-Man in the Star Wars universe (again, I suppose I'm a bit biased...). I feel like he would fit in well, being a snarky tech nerd and all. He’d also make a cool Jedi and I’d love to see him fight the Empire (or Separatists... Or whatever time period you’d like to place him in...)
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butchybats · 10 months
If you came home one day and found all your furniture moved two inches to the left (phased into the wall if so be it) what would you do (I ask all my mutals this)?
I am very unobservant, I take in so little information about my surroundings so I think the only thing that would tip me off is the phasing into the wall (but depending on what direction you were facing when signifying left I would definitely notice a crack in between my wall and the bed lol)
As for fixing it I would ask my family or friends to help me move stuff back! Not sure if I’d be able to deal for long with everything being shifted
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agender-pidgeon · 1 year
(Random Ask) What was Elion like in his childhood to teenage years? Did he make friends with the rowdy crowds or kept to himself?
Hmmm backstory I haven't yet processed so I'll try my best!
Elion would tend to hang around the adults mostly, his special interests being that which the children of the Brumes were just not interested in (maths, calculations and estimations, everything became mathematically interesting), but the adults? They could talk about it.
During his teenage years is where he started training as a lancer, he put the maths into his training down to a science. He would finally hang out with others his own age, mostly those who were very impressed on his skills and how he perfected them. Training partners, mostly!
Overall, he would be the lone wolf, but not by direct choice, it just worked out that way!
Thank you for the ask <3
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