#and makes me realize how deep a knowledge I have about some hyperspecific topics
the-commonplace-book · 2 months
List 5 topics you can talk on for an hour without preparing any material
tagged by: @eldritchteletubbie (thanks!)
1. The life of Mary Stuart O’Donnell and the related Irish politics of the early 1600s. I got into researching her life a few years ago and, while the project is on the back-burner, it’s still of great interest to me. After reaching out to several historians who had written about her (however small the writing), it sparked a bit more interest in said historians and more research and articles started cropping up in the subsequent years which was neat to see. There isn’t a lot recorded about her, but what we do know is fascinating: I’d love some day to travel to Ireland so I can read and transcribe her letters from the National Library. They currently don’t exist in any digitalized or transcribed format.
2. Theology, generally speaking, but recently I’ve been really digging into the theology of gender and sexuality which has been fun. I can also go on for quite a while about the necessity of reading the Bible within cultural, temporal, and textual context.
3. Most video games that I’ve played. But especially We Happy Few and Genshin Impact. WHF had me in a choke hold for over a year and still is of great interest to me. The game mechanics are janky as hell but the writing, characters, themes, and environmental storytelling are deeply compelling. Genshin is immersive, massive, emotional, character-driven, and rich with plot and lore. There’s just so much to talk about! I did actually talk for over and hour about both of these games on my first date with my now partner. That’s how you know he’s a real one.
4. Environmental activism and sustainability in all of their intertwined facets.
5. The history of vampire literature, with a focus in pre-1900 works. Der Vampire, the Vampyre, Carmilla, Clairmonde, the works of Paul Feval peré, Varney the Vampire, Dracula, etc. And the way that the cultural climate of the times influenced what fears vampires represented. Was it the seductress? The predatory man? The homosexual? The aristocracy? The con man? Humanism? Catholicism? The list goes on. Vampire literature is just so fascinating and I love researching and discussing this topic
no pressure tags for: @runawaymun @monstroso @djangodurango @wigglewyrms @exeggcute @sasusquatch @veranthia @greyjedijaneite and any one else who wants to!
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