#this makes me go ÒwÓ
wired-heartbeats · 2 years
I LIVE for making Self Inserts for media I don’t have any F/Os in, just throw me in there and I’ll have just as much fun as in an F/O media
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darth-bagel · 2 years
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Time to claim the Red Blade persona.
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prismuffin · 1 year
I'm very sorry Crow Anon. I did steal our brain cell, I couldn't remember how to clean my clothes and needed big brain power. ÒWÓ
👉👈 I give it back, I promise.
But, Pris I have an ask for you, that may cheer you up!!
How do you think taking care of the batboys (separately) after they got their wisdom tooth taken out, would go??!
I think it would be funny, snice they're chaotic on their own. Without any drugs in their system.
(Alfred definitely banned Dick "Its faster if I jump out the window to the floor balcony under me" Grayson from drinking caffeine until he was an adult).
- OwO
As someone who’s gotten their wisdom teeth removed quite recently I’d say I’m capable of answering this ask. Each of these scenarios has a bit from my experience ok? so—
Jason would be the type to just want to nap. Even when you successfully got him in the car to take him home all he was doing was saying how he wanted to nap but ong he never even tries to close his eyes to sleep once. After you both get home and you help him into bed the first thing he does after you change his gauze is crash. Which makes things difficult for you because now you have to undress his limp body and move it so that he's not laying down completely so that he doesn't accidentally choke since he's still rather numb. When he wakes up he's sad about the food he can't eat so he tries not to for as long as he can. Overall a very sleepy guy after getting his wisdom teeth removed.
Dick is so chaotic off the bat. Even when they were wheeling him out to the car you could tell that he was gonna be a handful. Tried to call everyone on his phone and when that failed he resorted to carpool karaoke. You tried to get him to stop since he shouldn't try talking but he just wouldn't shut up. Once you got home and tried to get him into bed he'd just be laughing at your struggle which would just make you struggle more since he'd be even harder to move while laughing. Because of the laughter he bleeds all over the floors and his shirt which he only laughs harder at. Similar to Jason kinda because once you replace his gauze he's out like a light, and finally you have a moment of silence for the time being. (this entire paragraph was just my experience and I'm not even joking LMFAO)
Tim would probably be almost the most tame, he'd be very sleepy and would start to mumble about tech he's working on. He'd ask you questions about designs and such and you'd just have to remind him to sit still and try not to talk much. Overall a sweetheart, he listens to you and doesn't try and talk while you're switching out his gauze. He sleeps, wakes up, and eats jello all day. The least of your problems honestly.
Damian would be quiet at first...too quiet, then comes the complaining. He'd be annoyed that he was in pain and numb at the same time??? Makes a song about the pain. You have to stop him from biting his lips because he's numb and is probably biting way harder than he realizes. After getting him home and changing his gauze he's very vocal about his hunger and is sad that he can't have normal food, but he likes the chocolate pudding so it's bittersweet for him. After his numbing wares off some and the pain starts hitting he's even more complainy- especially since he did bite his lip too hard and now it's bleeding which neither of you noticed until then. He's fine if you can get him to stop complaining though.
( I’m so so sorry this took me a minute to answer yesterday I woke up and my day went to shit and stuff happened and I had a mental breakdown and forgot all about this message! )
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Abdhdnsjej wait what about-
What if people's first impressions of meeting the fangless, clawless, magicless, aurmourless, squishy human, as opposed to the powerful figures of stories and myth, was like...
Them finding the human cute...
And I don't mean like 'I'd like to date them' cute, but more along the lines of 'SQUEE LOOK AT HOW ADORABLE IT IS!!!' cute.
Hell, you could even go as far as to say that this type of reaction is just... Far less likely to be encountered in NRC due to the guys being more 'hurr durr I don't wanna come across as soft' in some cases (although I can definitely see Kalim not caring as much about that - same with Lilia because grandpa bat don't give no cares)
Although if this was the case then the human could definitely get away with a buncha stuff that no one else could dream of (wanna have extra dessert? Trey's big bro instincts shall cave under human cuteness. Wanna cook but need someone to lend a hand? Some of the food plus the ability to see your victorious grin will have Ruggie up to help you out!)
And RSA would be a bit less like NRC and a bit more open about the 'SQUEE, ADORABLE' reactions. (The one thing that leads to NRC and RSA students bonding; the Human Fan Club)
And of course, Mini!Yuu is much more powerful in this regard! Itty bitty baby human with big ol' eyes that you can just scoop up and carry? (I can even see Cheka meeting the little one and insisting on acting like a big bro because he wants to keep his new human friend safe! The serious look on his face would be adorable lmao)
I hope this was coherent and wasn't weird/repeating something that had already been said xP I hope you have a nice day! Stay hydrated!
- fluff
*pterodactyl screech* Yes yes yes yessssssss!!! I love this so much! Cuteness shall rule the world~! Mwuahahahahaha~!! ÒwÓ
Ahem...sorry about that. Cute and silly things like this make me happy, and you just reminded me of the fact that elephants think we're cute! They experience the same reaction as we humans do when we see puppies and kittens, and it makes me smile~ ÓvÒ
On that note, it is safe to say that very few in Twisted Wonderland would be immune to the cuteness known as Yuu (let alone mini!Yuu). Regardless of their looks, height, weight, or any disability or scaring they may have, these monsters will find Yuu adorable--even if some of the more tsun-tsun of them may not show it so easily! >v< Based on what we know from the game, we see in Ace's dorm uniform vignette that a few of the students in his dorm baby-talk to the animals, so it's no surprise that Heartslabyul will be notorious for giving Yuu lots of affection and attention. Luckily only mini!Yuu gets baby-talked to while getting snuggles and headpats, so at lest normal Yuu doesn't have to worry--though they'll still get nicknames! 😆
Fun fact, but during one of the researcher's observational studies during exam time, stressed or burnt out students who spent time cuddling or receiving scritchies from Yuu had lower blood pressure, less anxiety, and reduced stress than those who didn't. Even the more aggressive students can't help but relax when given scritchies or hugs frm the human--fascinating!
Note: if Yuu happens to be a human who deals with sensory problems or doesn't react well to touch or random hugs, the students will (rather reluctantly and respectfully) resist the desire to hug or pet them and--instead--ask if it's okay first or allow Yuu to initiate. To put it another way, they approach Yuu the same way we would a shy or skittish cat: by respecting their boundaries and allowing Yuu to approach at their own pace. This has led to a mini competition of sorts to see who Yuu would go to for hugs the most, though it becomes a silent agreement that if Yuu falls asleep on them, they're not allowed to move. Much like how we have the pet rule "if an animal chooses to sleep or perch on you, you don't move until they do", this is NRC's "don't disturb the sleeping human" rule.
You are also absolutely right in that Yuu can get away with far more shenanigans and mischief than the others, weaponizing their cuteness to get extra snacks or to get out of a scolding frm the teachers or other dorm leaders. Even Leona can barely resist Yuu's charms! Want a certain treat or miss a specific dish from your home? Trey, Ruggie, Jamil, and surprisingly even Azul have you covered! Lilia practically adopted them, and Jamil has had to stop Kalim from flooding Ramshackle with gifts and the like!
Now as for the Human Fan Club...oh my god, that fan club is going to have a fanbase far and wide across Twisted Wonderland, both from NRC and RSA as well! 😂 It is a belssing and yet a curse as now NRC has to deal with an influx of RSA students wanting to spend time with Yuu and wanting to invite the human to spend some time at their school (which doesn't work given Crowley reminding Ambrose of the fact that Yuu belongs at the school as their responsibility and the agreement set in place).
I'm pretty sure that Cater started the fan club via his Magicam page thanks to all the likes and follows and people asking for more. XD
As for mini!Yuu...
No one can resist the little human's cuteness! Teenie tiny child wants to be high up to reach something? Someone will lift them up and hold them high or let them sit on their shoulders for a little while. Mini!Yuu wants cookies? A well placed pout and puppy eyes will be all it takes for someone to crack. Cheka meeting mini!Yuu for the first time went just about how you'd expect. >3>
Cheka: "Uncle, Uncle, look!"
Leona: "Put them down."
Cheka: *triumphantly holding mini!Yuu's with the biggest smile on his face* "Yuu wants to go visit Mom and Dad! Can we go?"
Mini!Yuu: "Pleaaaase, Uncle Leona?"
Leona: *ears go flat against his skull* "......tch...fine."
Mini!Yuu and Cheka: "Yay~!!!"
Needless to say, Leona wasn't going to win this battle, and I have no doubt his brother and sister-in-law would be smitten by the little tot. UvU
Anyway, that's all I can think of right now off the top of my head! Thank you for the well wishes and the reminder to stay hudrated, Fluff anon! I hope you and everyone else is doing okay too~! :D
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salty-croissants · 6 months
Constructive criticism is a-okay ':)
I just wanna say this (I dunno if I am doing the same thing but if I do I'm trying to avoid it as much as possible) When Bullfrog switch to talking French you can write it for unimportant topics/things we can guess without a translator. Cursing also counts ÒwÓ
This comes from real life talks. You don't say things when you know the other person need to hear/understand. Or you do if you want to be sercitive and know that other person not gonna get anything what you talking about. Or don't want them to understand you. (This is also a fun thing to write Ooo~, we shall write something about maybe Bullfrog held captive and the villain don't understand shit he is talking about-- woops get out of the topic there. Sorry. You would get it. It's a perk to being an author I guess. But I'm sure everyone does that~ Creative minds.) Especially when the other person doesn't know french. If the reader specified otherwise not all reader should know french it's unrealistic. I'm going to say it for myself, For example, I don't know French. At least too much. (But I'm learning UwU Not because of Bullfrog I swear) And I'm sure most people here don't know either.
So... yeah... That's all I wanted to say 0w0. Have a nice day/night~
Hi ! Thank you so , so much for the suggestion ! Now that you mention it , I definitely see what you mean … entirely my fault , I honestly thought I was making the whole thing more realistic by adding more French sentences in Bullfrog’s dialogues ( I don’t know French very much either , I got a whole lot to learn , so I know where you’re coming from :,)👍 ) , but it really doesn’t do much other than confuse the readers …
So yeah , I’ll be keeping that in mind from now on !
Again , thank you so much for telling me about this , I probably never would’ve noticed otherwise :,I👍
I appreciate all the help I can get , especially from much more experienced writers like you ! Hopefully I’ll be able to write better and more realistic dialogue for best murder frog now :) 💚
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I'm kinda worried about Silver learning his true family and identity. Like, what if he goes to find his bio family or his bio family finds him and tries to take him away? What if he really is a prince so Malleus can't visit him? Malleus is already losing Lilia and Yuu, I don't wanna know how he'll react to Silver potentially leaving him, too. I'm also worried about Sebek if it does turn out that Malleus gonna lose 3 people close to him
[Referencing this post!]
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I think TWST should make all of that canon 🥰 for maximum angst 💕
Imagine Silver is actually a lost prince and his people and/or his parents want to take him back… meaning another important person is leaving Malleus on top of Lilia and Yuu 👁 It would be even more delicious if whatever kingdom Silver is from has beef with the Briar Valley and/or fairies in general, because this would mean that Silver may lose contact with Malleus and Lilia, as well as expand more on the lore. We’ve yet to see any people that dislike fae despite there clearly being many examples of fae being averse to non-fae and a human-fairy that is sometimes alluded to. Wouldn’t there be more… fallout from that??
LISTEN Sebek will always be there for Malleus 😤 even if everyone else leaves… The drama of him—the one who looked up to his lord the most—being the only one left to witness Malleus’s Overblot òwó Picture Malleus just turning to Sebek and roaring, “Are you going to do it too? Are you going to leave me?! Everyone always does…” as the blot is consuming him… I think TWST should go for it 😌
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aquilacalvitium · 6 months
Hey! Tell me about your F/Os! ÒwÓ -@fantoccios-husband
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So I'm gonna bear my soul here because I have a chronic inability to Shut The Fuck Up And Stop Oversharingᵀᴹ
But when I first saw Moon in the first teaser trailer for FNAF Security Breach, I KNEW he was gonna be my favourite immediately. The same thing happened when Sun appeared in a later trailer. The game released and I was NOT disappointed! Their voices, their mannerisms, just everything about them was infatuating!
But it wasn't until around August of 2022 that I was watching a fan-made animation of them here on tumblr and a new feeling started. Something I've never felt before in my life.
I'm pretty sure I knew from the get-go what the feeling was, but it took a few days for me to admit it. I've been identifying as aromantic since I found out what aromantic was, and I was perfectly happy and confident in the knowledge that I'd be forever single. I never WANTED a partner. So getting these feelings kind of caused a bit of a crisis.
I'm so lucky that I have amazing friends I could talk to and sort my feelings out with. And over time I slowly got used to it. It wasn't until about just under a year in that I became fully comfortable with the feeling and with calling myself fictoromantic.
Now, I'm as happy as ever! I love my boyfriends so freaking much and I know they love me too 🥰
I've probably spent more money on merch for these two than on any other character ever. I bought an ITA bag, pins, a lanyard, plushes, an entire freaking body pillow! That last one has been my best purchase. Now I can actually cuddle with them ^_^
We're not really adventurous or active. We spend most of our time cuddling and watching films or series. They like to watch me play video games sometimes. Oh, and we make kandi together! It's very much their kind of thing, being lovers of arts and crafts. And the beads don't make a mess so the most I have to clean up when we're done is some stray pieces of elastic!
Oh, and I made a self-insert so I can draw and write about us together in-universe.
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Their name is Mystic and they've got their own whole story going on that I'm not gonna ramble about here. I am, however, writing a fanfic of the three of us together that I may just post when it's complete ^_^
There's no drama in it, or overarching plot and definitely no antagonists or heroes. Just three bots figuring out their feelings 💜
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anakinspraisekink · 2 years
For the Smut Prompt List: Maybe Obikin Semi-Public with no. 35 or perhaps Anakin with a voice kink and no. 47? òwó
I decided to do both hehe 🥰 The requested lines for this are "You're so hot when you're mad," and "What would they say if they knew you were such a little slut?" Check out my prompt list here!
Warning for possessive and jealous Obi-Wan, semi-public sex, and intercrural sex!!
"Fuck—you're so hot when you're mad," Anakin gasps out, arching his hips back into Obi-Wan's grip as his hands prop himself up against the wall, his trousers pulled down to his knees by Obi-Wan's rough handling. Obi-Wan doesn't respond, just continues groping Anakin's ass and his hips, his fingers pressing possessively into his flesh in a way that has Anakin shuddering.
Anakin knows Obi-Wan got jealous tonight at seeing Anakin being flirty with the diplomats at this party; he would say he's just doing his duty but he knows perfectly well how Obi-Wan gets and loves to provoke him. When Obi-Wan finally snapped at someone who had their arm around Anakin and pulled Anakin out of the hall and into a random room before capturing him in a bruising kiss, Anakin knew he was successful. Before he knew it he was spun around against the wall with his pants shoved down, Obi-Wan's hands all over him like he never wants to let go.
"It's unfortunate that I can't fuck you right here and now with so little time, but I will later," Obi-Wan says heatedly into his ear, his fingers grabbing into Anakin's cheeks and pulling them apart, thumbs dipping in to tease against his rim. Anakin whimpers at both the action and the words, trying to be quiet when the deserted storage room they're in is still so close to the hall where the party is held. Obi-Wan chuckles darkly at his reaction, fingers squeezing harder and digging in.
"What would they say if they knew you were such a little slut?" Obi-Wan teases, pulling one hand away to fumble at his own pants, the sound of his zipper coming undone and his cock being taken out making Anakin arch his back on instinct. "All those politicians fawning over you, thinking they deserve your attention, when what you need to satisfy you is my cock." A heavy pang of arousal swoops in Anakin's belly, swallowing thickly as Obi-Wan describes him so knowingly, so confidently. Obi-Wan suddenly spits in his palm and Anakin can hear him stroking his cock, getting it wet, and Anakin squeezes his thighs together, already anticipating what Obi-Wan will do.
"Only you," Anakin whispers fervently, and Obi-Wan groans softly before pressing his cock in the soft space between Anakin's upper thighs, dragging against his sensitive skin and hitting his balls as he starts thrusting his cock in that tight, slick heat.
"Say it again," Obi-Wan commands, voice getting rougher, his hands holding tightly onto Anakin's hips as he grinds into him.
"Only you," Anakin repeats, making Obi-Wan groan again and duck his head down, pressing wet kisses to Anakin's neck. One of Obi-Wan's hands moves to wrap around Anakin's cock, who has to bite his lip to not cry out as Obi-Wan starts stroking him in time with his thrusts. "Though I don't know how you can be jealous when all I was thinking about was you," Anakin says, trying to be playfully casual even as Obi-Wan takes him apart so easily. "With your voice all smooth and polite as you talk, but then how it gets sharp and dangerous when someone gets too close or too friendly with me."
Obi-Wan's hips stutter against him and his grip grows tighter on his cock, and Anakin can only grin against the wall. "So you did it on purpose, did you?" Obi-Wan growls out, the obscene sound of humid skin on skin filthy in Anakin's ears. "Naughty."
"Just needed a reminder that you're mine," Anakin gasps out, "people were looking at you too, you know. But—ah—you're mine," he repeats, finding words difficult as Obi-Wan's hand moves on him just as he likes it, enough to make him start to tremble all over.
"And you're mine," Obi-Wan replies, his thrusts getting sloppier as he nears his peak, and Anakin squeezes his thighs together even tighter.
"I'm only a slut for you, Master," Anakin pants out, his head falling back as his eyes fall closed, nearly overwhelmed.
"Good boy," Obi-Wan praises gruffly. His hand teases perfectly over the head of Anakin's cock, his own length dragging against Anakin's taint in a delicious way, and Anakin has to slap a hand over his mouth before he moans outright. "No, I want them to hear," Obi-Wan growls out, making Anakin take his hand away and let out a too-loud whimper. "I want them to hear how you're mine and they can't have you, can only listen to you falling apart so beautifully for me," Obi-Wan says, voice getting breathier and his hand getting faster on Anakin's cock even as his pace gets clumsier.
This isn't the first time they've had sex in so public a spot, but usually Obi-Wan is trying to keep Anakin quiet during those times, so Obi-Wan's possessive need to make him loud right now is even more arousing. "Yes—yes, please—" Anakin chants out before he's falling over the edge into orgasm, gritting his teeth as Obi-Wan works him through it and he shudders all over, pleasure crashing over him. Obi-Wan comes soon after with a soft grunt, streaks of come landing hot on Anakin's thighs as he slowly thrusts his cock a few more times into the wet slide of them.
They catch their breath and Obi-Wan sighs in pleasure, running soothing hands over Anakin's shaky body. Come is starting to trickle down his legs now and he notices some of his own spend has ended up on the floor, and he grimaces. "You got something to clean this up with?" Anakin asks with a pointed look back at Obi-Wan, who laughs lightly and rests his forehead on Anakin's shoulder.
"We'll figure something out."
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2sleepy4dis · 1 year
I think the best case for persona au would be a p4 or p5 awakening - yeah it's not fun to watch someone rip their face off and breaking a card is tame, but I think forcing themselves to the brink of death would be bad for the chains mental health
but what I'm curious about is if players a wild card or not, it could make them a Mary Sue sure
wild!player brings the idea of the chain being their confidants, and them being able to go to the velvet room - also monsters could be convinced to become persona if Lu exists due to cognitive pscience, plus you can excuse personas not fitting everyone who reads it
I'm so glad that this has come back now since p3p and p4g are on the switch now so I can finally get them easily, also Lu is what finally got me to buy the sksw remake
warning: mention of guns right below⬇️
I suppose for "P4" you meant "P3"! But yes, that would be totally bad for the chains' mental health. Since this is a LoZ is also a medieval setting, guns are non-existent but their instinct would keep eyeing the replica armfire with suspicion. The moment you explain it they'd be lookin' at you and the evoker with worry. And although P4 seems to be more tame, I can think of a few things to why it could also impact the story ☆~(ゝᴗ ∂)
That said,,,!!
LU x Wildcard!Reader
Wildcards are kinda mary-esque bcs blank protag vibes but hey that ain't a bad thing, especially if you manage to play with it òwó)b
~some list below contains: wildcard!reader, velvet room?, chain as the confidant yesss, cognitive as bridge between world
Since monsters in the LoZ world are mostly non-verbal and prefer to speak with their weapons, forming a contract or even trying to negotiate is rather a low possibility, so here is the break of mary-sueness!
It would take a special soul to form a contract with. Likely, those who are willing to communicate.
Easy examples are kind spirits like fairies (from the Great Fairy herself even!) or restless spirits that Reader can help along the way
bonus is this method of contract quickly gives throws Time back when he was in Termina.
So, now we have a Wildcard!Reader who have a kind of third-eye, can form contract and could summon a spirit of a deity, weakened but can still summon ÒuÓ)
As for the velvet room, this would depend on the Reader's unconscious mind since the room represents their life situation and why they ended up in Hyrule's world in the first place. Another "what if…" unless I find a fitting setting for how it'll be represented.
And the chain as confidant! Yessss! There's like 9 of them! They would totally fit a description somewhere!! Time as Hierophant Arcana? Lol *cough* jk. I might do a list about this tho!
For the LU world being connected to Modern World, it's a lot to explain but in-story, to make it short: Hyrule exist, Modern Era thinks it fictional, but collective belief of people created a bridge to connect the two worlds.
BUT what do our protags know? Are they real? Are you real? Perhaps it's even just a dream and you gonna wake up in a moment or another but HEY...
... ...You and Legend could share a story or two :)
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Hello how is the life of green and purple? ÒwÓ
[Trigger warning for blood]
Green:"I think we're on the right track... Well, I hope..." A little nervous
Purple:"Don't worry Green, we'll follow the path and find them!" Purple looked a little confident, Green has never seen them as confident as he does now, he smiles
Green:"Yes purp... We'll find them and save Sec!" Green continues running in the direction they were going, "let's go, it was getting late!" He was right, it was getting dark and it would get very dangerous very fast!
The two reach a spot in the forest where it started to rain, they go under a tree to dry themselves. Purple was a little cold and Green gives them his coat to warm them up, purp blushes and smiles, they realize that Green was cold himself and shares his coat with him smiling. Green blushes looking to the side.
Green:"Do you... Do you think we're really going to save the Sec..?" Purple looks at him, and with a determined look holds Green's face gently
Purple:"Why do you doubt yourself so much Green??" They ask looking deep into Green's eyes. Green holds his hand, she was still a little injured from having punched the ground before, Purple sees the bruise and takes Green's hand to analyze it better. "Why Green? Why do you doubt yourself..?" They take a healing potion and a cloth to soak and wrap it around Green's fingers.
Green:"I..." He sighs, "I've spent so many years letting the Sec lead agent that... I kind of don't see myself as a good leader like I was before..."He grunts in pain as Purple wraps the cloth with the potion in his hand. "I admire them... A lot... But they're stronger... Much stronger than me..." They look away. "I'm just afraid of failing... I'm afraid of losing everything if I don't find them..." Almost crying. Purple finishes wrapping the cloth around Green's hand and holds his hand tight.
Purple:"Green... I admire you a lot... a lot..." Purple approaches Green who ends up walking backwards a little hitting his head on the tree. Purple stops and starts laughing, Green blushes and laughs too, "Green, you're really nice... you're kind and a good friend and leader..." they blush, "that's why I like you a lot... " Green blushes very surprised. They realize that the rain has stopped and they saem de baixo da árvore, Purple returns Green's coat, "let's look for Second, together, like you said Green..." Purple extends their hand to him smiling, Green smiles and holds their hands with a blush on his face.
Poison:"Oh! How cute... And disgusting!!" They look up to the top of the tree, seeing the navy-blue person Stick. He jumps and lands right behind the two, his presence makes Purple horrified, they remember him and start to fuss. They remember when they were alone in the forest, he appeared to them harmlessly and then attacked them from behind wanting to take ther Elytra, They tried to run away but were caught by the other two. After that, the woman in white held him behind his head and stuck something hard in the back of his head, After that they lost consciousness, and memories. Purple screams in fear, they were very scared Green looks at them worriedly and looking at the navy blue he pulls his sword out, he wouldn't let him catch him off guard again! "Finally! A real weapon!!" Navy blue pulls out the axe, the same one he used to throw at Green the other night, Green feels his hands shake remembering the pain, sweat started to run down his face. "Woooon, are you scared..?" He laughs, "you should..." He advances towards Green who defends himself from the ax with his sword. He was pushing the ax harder against the hold and Green seeing an opening forces his foot into his chest and forced himself to push him away from him.
Green:"Purple!! Run!!" He turns to Purple and dodges a navy blue attack and tries to hit him with the sword as he attacks him with the axe. Purple starts running from them but is stopped by the woman in white who before they can reaguri she grabs them by the neck. "Purple!!!" Green defends himself by dodging but stops when he sees Purple being caught, the navy blue uses it to hit him but he dodges it taking a cut only on his arm which forms a rip in his coat. "arrg... Shit..." The one in navy blue attacks again with the axe, Green dodges back holding the sword with difficulty.
Poison:"Haha ha!! I won't miss this time..." He looks towards Purple, Green notices this and advances towards him... This is exactly what he wanted, he pretends he was going to throw the ax at Purple,but he then hits Green in the arm causing him to scream loudly in pain. The ax digs into his skin causing him to fall to the ground, Poison laughs and pulls the ax from Green's arm with force making him scream even more. Now Green had an open wound on his arm, and it was huge...
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Purple was mortified by his friend's screams and starts kicking the woman trying to get free. She raises her arm and creates her blade with the bracelet she was wearing, she points at Purple's chest with an evil grin.
Green:"N-no!!" Green, between groans of pain, crawls towards them trying to reach them, Poison kicks him hard and takes his sword stepping hard on his leg making Green scream in pain even more.Eraser laughs, she throws Purple to the ground next to Green, the one in navy blue takes Purple and drags him close to Green and plunges his sword into their leg until he reaches the ground, making Purple scream in pain. "STOP!!! stop..." Green and Purple start crying, both in pain and afraid of what these monsters can do...
Eraser:"woooon, that's cute! You know, friendship is one of the things that make you so useless and pathetic... That's why I made some changes to your little orange friend..." The two's eyes widen, She can't be talking about the Sec... She laughs seeing their discredited reaction. She knows from the front, showing the vision that horrifies Green and Purple... Second, with glowing white eyes and a hood around them...
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Green:"Sec..." Green starts crying, "what did they did to you Sec..."
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rubylarkspur22 · 9 months
Thank you for answering my previous ask.
I have read your take on main antagonist!Nezuko, and that gave me an idea. What about an AU where Nezuko is the main protagonist instead? Not role swap (or at least Nezuko remains a demon).
How do you think that would effect the plot of KNY and what do you think would Nezuko´s character arc be about?
No problem!
Funnily enough, I have an idea for something similar to what you're asking about. It's more a "Nezuko and Tanjirou Are More Co-Protags" or "Nezuko Got Her Memories and Personality Back (And Maybe Conquered the Sun) Immediately After Her Coma" AU. Basically what it says on the tin, Nezuko's pretty much back to her human self after her little coma(minus the whole demon thing), and is a lot more active as a character.
Everything past the cut is quite long, so be prepared for that!
So, Nezuko being the main main protagonist? Let me brainstorm some ideas. Starting with setup:
Nezuko still becomes a demon, as you said. However, we need to pull some strings to pull Tanjirou away from center stage. Let's say he got injured sometime between the start of Episode 1 and meeting Urokodaki(so either by Muzan or the Temple Demon). Badly enough he can't use a sword(best bet is either a respiratory injury, or some sort of paralysis. Limb loss just makes him a less edgy version of his beta self.), and his new inability to use a weapon/Breathing Style or fight altogether is noted by Giyuu and/or Urokodaki. Therefore, he's barred from training, but he still wants Nezuko to become human again.
After realizing Tanjirou is in no condition to fight demons, but still wants to cure her, Nezuko takes matters into her own hands. Starting with a coma. However, it's shorter than canon(let's go with 6 months to a year) because she pushes herself to her absolute limit to pretty much speedrun her season 1-3 development(making herself resistant to her demonic instincts and sun-proofing herself are her main priorities). When she wakes up, she gives everyone a heart attack by walking outside.
After everyone calms down when Nezuko doesn't burn, she asks to be trained. Urokodaki is hesitant, but can tell Nezuko has a very strong resolve. She wants to help her brother attain his goal of turning her back into a human, and also seeks revenge on Kibutsuji. So he agrees to train her. It's difficult to train a demon in a Breath Style, but Nezuko's will and determination makes it easier for her to perfect her moves.
Tanjirou helps where he can, maybe even remembering the Hinokami Kagura sooner and teaching it to Nezuko when he does. But he's also a worried big brother, despite Nezuko's assurances that she'll be okay. He definitely tried to take up a sword at some point, but ended up getting a hefty scolding from both Urokodaki and Nezuko when they found him.
Starting from there, what effects would there be on the story?
Demons are hella confused. Who is this girl? Why does she give off the presence of a demon, yet wield one of their blades? And if she is a demon, which some doubt she is, how dare she turn on her own kind and help those who would sooner kill her than work in tandem with her? (this is especially fun on Mount Fujikasane, during Final Selection ÒwÓ)
Muzan takes an earlier interest in Nezuko when they run into each other in Asakusa, perhaps even sending one of the Twelve Kizuki after her. Luckily, he still doesn't realize she's conquered the sun until the Swordsmith's Village, so she's just considered a rogue demon until then.
Zenitsu is far less forward with his affections, and is force fed respect women juice. His and Nezuko's relationship is a lot more mutual and starts with friendship. Inosuke tries to behead Nezuko in the Tsuzumi Mansion, but they sort it out eventually and Nezuko becomes Inosuke's favourite minion/sparring partner.
The mental breakdowns that will occur during the Hashira Meeting. A good demon? And she can walk in the sun?! Perhaps the sky is falling down, someone check!!!
Nezuko not only fighting the demons, but desperately trying to avoid capture by them. If they get her back to Muzan, it's all over.
She's also a fair bit more powerful, as I imagine her cells would start photosynthesizing after she conquers the sun. So Nezuko can gain plenty of energy from sunlight, enough to use her full demon form and Blood Demon Art for extended periods of time without a lack of usable energy making her hunger a problem. Where she could beat up Daki easily, and had a struggle against Hantengu's emotion clones in canon, I'd say she's on Douma's level (maybe Kokushibou's if she really pushes it) at her peak in this AU.
Rengoku probably won't die. Assuming Akaza gets sent to the Mugen Train. If he doesn't, that may be a different story.
While Tanjirou doesn't fight, he still keeps running into demons. Or rather, demons keep coming to him. Poor guy can't catch a break. Muzan found out about Tanjirou somehow, and thought he could either turn Tanjirou and get the same results he wanted with Nezuko, or that he could use Tanjirou as part of a trap and kill the eldest living Kamado once Muzan had Nezuko. At first, Urokodaki is protecting Tanjirou from any demons that show up. Then Urokodaki sends word to Giyuu at some point that they need to transport Tanjirou to a more secure location because demons keep knocking down his damn door looking for the poor kid and Urokodaki's too old for this BS!
As a result, Tanjirou is brought either to headquarters or the Butterfly Mansion, as both locations are top secret and surrounded by anti-demon security measures.
Nezuko might be influenced by Genya to start eating demons. She sees him chomp a tree, and decides she might as well do the same because why tf not? Demons are surprisingly nutritious. She only has a minor crisis while wondering if the humans the demons have already count for her human consumption count.
Eventually, the Infinity Castle Arc happens. Nezuko ends up against Kokushibou with Sanemi, Gyomei, and Muichirou. Genya gets sent to battle Akaza with Giyuu and Rengoku. Both battles would be hard, but they'd ultimately emerge victorious, with a couple close calls on both ends. Not sure if Mui survives, but Genya sure does!
Most of the final battle is Muzan trying to capture and absorb Nezuko, and Nezuko is using his flesh as kindling. The majority of the human Demon Slayers' injuries are far less severe thanks to Nezuko's BDA burning out Muzan's poison. And at some point, she gets the antidote, which ups the ante. She needs to finish Muzan before she turns back into a human and loses her demonic strength, but she can't get too close lest she be absorbed and all her hard work be for nothing.
As the sun rises, Nezuko become a human again just when Muzan goes to devour her. Her final attack costs her an arm, but she survives and wakes up after the battle to her teary-eyed big brother and the friends she made on her journey surrounding her.
Nezuko's arc would mostly be learning not to rely solely on the strength and power she received as a demon, as it will only last so long and will go away once she's human again. While she has no intention of taking the antidote until the final battle, it's still something she needs to remember.
She also learns to lean on others for help in this quest to restore her humanity. Whether it's asking others to help her get blood, or stepping back while others take the fight, she doesn't have to do everything on her own. Even if she's a demon, and can handle a lot more than any human, she can still let the humans handle it.
And lastly, dealing with the guilt and self-hatred she's bound to experience. Her mother and younger siblings were killed, and Tanjirou got injured, all while she couldn't do anything. As a result, in wanting to do more to protect her last living sibling and the new family she's built with the Kamaboko Squad, Nezuko overworks herself to a point that would kill her if she was human. Someone(probably Kanao, Shinobu, Mitsuri, or Muichirou) eventually has a talk with her about what she's doing, and helps her work through her trauma.
Those are all the ideas that I managed to spitball off the top of my noggin, and I am open to more.
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zackwhitefang · 2 years
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A very special package just arrived in the mail, a package that makes me want to yeah!
Go play Scarlet Hollow ÒwÓ
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zu-is-here · 2 years
Hey zu, how's it going? Sorry I couldn't stay longer for the stream
Hii Gayfish! <3 Lazzzy yet really good, thanks (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
It's alright, thank you for checking in on me! (ówò) How was your Halloween party?? *^*
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Ohh, I can feel you (ó3ò)
But don't you dare be upset about it! (òwó) They can have their fun if they decided so, while you have your own life, with your hobbies and events, for you feel good & comfortable on your own╰(*´︶`*)╯♡ It may be a good chance to make new friends? (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) Respect yourself and your time ★
The stream seemed to break twice?? xp It took me 1,5h to work on the sketch and then we finished so no big updates yet <3
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That's right! ;) Your fluffynightkiller artwork was so sweet, I'm looking forward to the next one ♪
Mine's still in progress hehe (working on two pieces at once since it's Inktobertale's last day tomorrow as well xp)
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lampmanliveblogs · 1 year
"Look at poor Raine, trying so hard to play a bad guy so the other bad guys don’t catch on and failing miserably at it. Look at them. Not an evil bone in their body. Then again, I suppose they’re the head of the Bard Coven, not the Acting Coven."- Terra Snapdragon agrees.
I tried reading that in Terra's voice... and I hate that it sounds exactly like something she could say.
More asks below
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I laughed a little.
Fun Fact: A helicopter parent is what we in Swedish call a curling parent.
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This one?
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(i've had this image sitting in a folder of "useful images" for nearly two years and now it finally pays off)
Because I guess Eda and Lilith managed to save that while the house was being ransacked? Priorities!
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There is also maybe something to be said about King up until very recently being a little guy himself. Yes, he always thought of himself as a big and important person, the King of Demons. But no one else ever believed him about that. With the revelations in Echoes of the Past, he started moving away from that, focusing more on trying to find out the truth of his past and his family.
Then, suddenly, he finds out that he's a titan. A VERY important person. Whereas before, he was relegated mostly to comic relief sidekick, he now has the ability to play a very important role in the narrative, which he does by freeing The COllector, changing the course of the story forever.
At the same time, we see how Lilith reacts to this, she begins to basically worship him like he always wanted people to do in the past. But now it makes him very uncomfortable. He connects with Steve, someone far removed from that, someone who has no idea about his "tall genes."
In an ironic twist, the fact that King no longer wishes to be a king might just be what makes him more suited to be one. You know the old saying about how the people who donät want power are always the most worthy, or something like that?
Not that I think King will literally become the King of the Boiling Isles or something. Then again... with Belos gone and the revelations of his true intentions, the government would be in upheaval...
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The circumstances and scale are different, but Camila and Eda were both, in their own ways, trying to protect Luz.
Camila sending Luz to summer camp, while misguided, was in the end for Luz' own sake. Luz' has a beautifully creative mind, but her creative energy was not being channeled properly which resulted in her bringing live snakes and fireworks to school. Which is obviously not a good thing. Furthermore, some clues hint at Luz being a victim of bullying (for example, Camila mentioned Luz doesn't really have any friends, and how apprehensive Luz was about Vee talking to the kids in the parks during Yesterday's Lie), likely due to her unique personality... as is sadly often the case in real life.
Now, the threats Eda was trying to protect Luz from were a bit more concrete and obvious: bad guys are trying to kill them. So it's a bit... itäs a lot different, but I can see the association being made in Luz' mind, though maybe not consciously.
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Eberwolf: *sees darius trying to be cool* Eberwolf: òwó
I almost feel kinda bad for Darius, because he's obviously trying so hard, but no one will let him be cool. Not only does Raine have to choose a stupid name for their little rebel group, but he can't even pose on top of a carriage in peace.
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I must've been tired when I wrote that, because I could have worded that a lot better, but whatever.
I kinda glossed over that being Raine and Luz first proper meeting because Luz has known about Raine since Follies at the Coven Day Parade. She knew who they are and what they look like, while Darius and Eberwolf (and also Amber & Derwin) would be total strangers to her.
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... the fact that this question is asked in this way makes me think that Luz' palisman is not going to be a bird at all. And I'm not sure what else it would be. I mean, it's the obvious answer... right? Luz is the main character protagonist of The Owl House. And with the whole "Eda is Luz' adopted mom" thing going on, I figured it made sense for her palisman to reflect that and be an owl, or at the very least some kind of bird to reflect that.
As for other animals I'd associate with Luz... I'm drawing a blank here.
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I ABSOLUTELY ADORE YOUR MONSTER AU ('tis the one who left copious tags on your humans is weird thing starring cater, call me fluff) AND I FIGURED ID SEND IN AN ASK BECAUSE. I LOVE YOUR AU. AND YOUR BRAIN IS AMAZING.
I'm thinking about some of the events like the Scalding sands event (or even the Harveston event) where some of the students go out away from the college and stuff - specifically the Scalding sands one because that's the one I know most about
But, like, Jamil being EVEN MORE STRESSED! Because! Not only does he have to keep an eye on Kalim, and some other classmates, but he was worried about Malleus getting into a bind... And having to bring along a HUMAN?! He'd be returning to NRC with a headache for sure lmao
Anyways I just wanted to share the fact that that was on my mind and see what you thought of it lol
- Fluff
I appreciate the spoiler warning, but while I do play the English version of the game, I am very much caught up in all the Japan server events and the shenanigans that have happened! :D Feel free to scream all the brainrot ideas at me! ÒwÓ
Thank you so much, Fluff anon~! (Though I know who you are~ >w>) It makes me so happy knowing that so many people love this AU so much, I can’t even begin to thank you all for all the love and support! QvQ
Ahem! Now then, on to the chaotic musings~ UvU
You actually touched up on a very good point: Twisted Wonderland’s events! Now, we know in the normal game that Yuu tends to get dragged into the thick of each event’s shenanigans in some way, shape, or form. However, in the Monster AU, the stakes and risks are much higher being the only human around whether they’re normal Yuu or mini!Yuu.
Halloween was even more of a nightmare for Yuu and the staff once the Magicam monsters began terrorizing both versions to post to their accounts, with several being arrested and charged by the school and research institutions for “threatening a critically endangered species” and stressing them out unnecessarily (serves them right though when they broke into Ramshackle like in the game. >.>) When it came to mini!Yuu though...let’s just say that Crowley and the rest of the school showed those Magicam monsters that it was unwise to make a scared toddler cry. Say goodbye to any social clout they had online or in real life once Mom Vil is through with them, let alone once big brothers Ortho and Idia upload crystal clear videos of their selfish and cruel disregard for the child’s comfort! >:V
Both Yuu’s are going to be very well protected and cared for once all is said and done, and they're going to get so many treats! I did, however, get a very interesting ask involving Yuu and the Halloween event, so I’m gonna play around with that idea as a scenario of sorts, as it sounds fun being “Home Alone” if you catch my drift~ >w>
Anyway, ghost Marriage, Beans Day, Fairy Gala, Harveston’s Kelkkarotu, and even the second half of the Halloween event? Yup, each one winds up being twice as chaotic than the original as it is definitely going to be hard to ignore a human walking around. Harveston will likely be the least stressful by comparison, as I’d imagine the village would be warm and welcoming to both Yuu’s as they celebrate the event together!
The Scalding Sands’ Al’ab Nariya (or “fireworks”) event, however, is going to be three times as difficult to the point it’s seriously considered that they get a bodyguard for extra security. Think Kalim’s family gets targeted a lot? Imagine a lone human in a place where thieves and criminals may be lurking in the shadows looking for a fortune! So Jamil having to worry about Malleus and Yuu? If he wasn’t stressed before, he certainly is now!
Mini!Yuu though has a much easier solution: a child harness and a carrier! The carrier would be one that can easily be swapped and worn by anyone of the group (minus Grim of course). They’ll be extra vigilant though, but rest assured they will be the safest child in Twisted Wonderland! (Also, can you imagine Malleus carrying a tiny human in a carrier on his chest or back? Adorable!)
Jamil is more than likely going to get a stress headache afterwards until they get back to school, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t have fun in the end. UvU
So yeah, any ideas for chaos or just fluff or silliness, send them my way and I shall see what I can come up with! ÒvÓ
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darkicedragon · 11 months
azure https://mobile.twitter.com/_LASDO_/status/1597212848572489728?t=cAq5ST0n_m_qar4ASm2b0w&s=33 Muzaka >w< Franken saving him darkicedragon Or frankenstein having fun 😘 azure no making Muzaka cry ū-ū unless it's evil Franken u-u darkicedragon Huehuehue. Seeing what his limit is uwu azure evilFranken hurting him enough to make him be wary of Franken Muzaka's not afraid, bc that's how he is but he's wary, cautious, unconsciously keeping his distance "You alright?" "Yeah."
darkicedragon Yessss Mostly looks at frankenstein like >n> darkicedragon Frankenstein getting his hands on the werewolf lord and being excited bc he finally gets to get data from the strongest werewolf and can compare that to nonwarriors I guess muzaka doesnt feel as much pain, so hes more down bc he doesnt get to run around or go where he wants darkicedragon Just stuck in a cell like ono azure would that make Muzaka cry 🤔 I feel like he'd cry out of 2 reasons losing someone dear like Ashleen or being rejected by his pack (I feel like in canon, Muzaka has come to terms they hate him, but maybe at first, when the pain was fresh, he hurt a lot over that) ovo Muzaka having a bad night when he cries, and Franken soothing him and grounding him darkicedragon Maybe muzaka crying bc hed been handed over to frankenstein by the other werewolves, which is another reason why he doesnt try to escape, bc theres nowhere for him to escape TO azure YESSSS ÒwÓ he's been betrayed, abandoned he lost his home, lost all the ppl he cared for darkicedragon Also werewolves handing muzaka to frankenstein, bc frankenstein was picking off werewolves anyway azure Franken is a little 'hmmm' bc if he's a werewolf willingly given away by the others, something doesn't sit right with him azure bonus points if he knows what Franken is doing but instead of fighting him he's like 'use me instead of them' 'even after they betrayed you, you still want to protect them?' '... I've a duty to them... I was their lord' '... I don't harm innocent people. I only take those that attack me or other humans.' darkicedragon muzakas mind going brrrrrr as he tries to figure out if he shld attack frankenstein or not 'and that pause tells me youre  not someone i should be angry w' azure Muzaka just sighing, bc he's tired and he just cried his eyes out 'Just... just take only my blood. Should be easier than fightin' for it, right?'
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