#this is okay to rb
chainmail-butch · 2 years
A speech about a nightclub
They’re killing us. They’re killing us over and over and over again and it seems like no one cares.
When I roll with the Panthers we put on pistol belts and tactical vests and act as security for left-wing events.
We oversee the displacement of the homeless.
We hire lawyers to build cases against the city.
We watch the government confidently declare that there’s no need for a government response to the cold. After all, The communists will take care of the homeless.
They have left hundreds of people to freeze to death on our watch this winter. And they will leave thousands more to die before this is over.
I watch them ignore the people they deem unworthy everyday.
I see socialist rifle associations turning out at drag shows and queer events across the country to protect people like me because the state never will.
And then I see queer people dying.
We can’t be everywhere. The Panthers have jobs. The communists have jobs. The socialists have jobs. We protest on our lunch breaks. We walk the streets and care for the homeless on our days off. We pick up rifles and stand in front of them with our vacation time. We’re doing everything we can.
And they’re still killing us.
Their voices get put out on the biggest news networks in the world as they scream their hate over and over and over again.
They’re killing us. They’ve always been killing us.
This latest shooting hit me hard. I sing karaoke at a gay bar every Friday. I’ve met so many people there. Transwomen drifting in after their pride meeting ended, old queers who like to put on suits and watch the youth dance around the bar. Young gay men who’ve never seen such a diverse place in their lives. Butches, Femmes, Faggots, Bears and even the occasional Het.
I’ve seen so many people gathered around in joy. Talking about their children and their loved ones while they stand outside and smoke a cigarette. I’ve heard people pour every ounce of their suffering and joy into the microphone and I’ve cheered them every time.
And I can’t help but hear the gunshots in my minds eye. I can hear the glass shattering. I can feel the adrenaline rushing as people begin to scream.
They’re killing us.
They. Are. Killing. Us.
And we need to fight back.
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frozenhi-chews · 1 year
I got into a religious theme mood earlier and was thinking about those themes in Spamton and Pancake's relationship. So yeah, cw religious themes. I had fun with this!!
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Spamton is the angel. He doesn't see himself as one, and even if he did he's a fallen angel. Pancake is the demon. She sees herself as a demon, and not someone to be redeemed.
Despite that, Spams calls Pancake "angel" despite this. By the time they get married, he called her "Angel" more than her actual name. He sees her as an angel, something holy, something benevolent. Even if she is typically violent, it's a righteous anger in his eyes, purifying the sin from the world (and Pancake plays OFF, she has a completely different view of the word "purify")
Pancake doesn't see that. She sees herself as an unholy demon executing vengeful wrath. She isn't cleansing the world of sin, she's punishing the sinners. Being called "Angel" seems sacrilegious, especially because Spamton is the angel. A fallen angel, yes, but one that can still reclaim his holy nature.
It's kind of that mutual "building each other up" that they do. They both give each other a sense of worth. Pancake being friends with Spamton, protecting him, making him feel wanted and that he's not a burden to her
Spamton letting her know how much he appreciates her, giving her a nickname that means a lot to the both of them, letting her know she's much more than the morally grey crisies she goes through, that she is wanted as well
Pancake is a Lightner, which automatically put her in the "holy and angelic" section of Spamton's mind. It moreso turned into a vengeful, holy and righteous anger, archangel type thing. His own protector. Someone heard his prayers, and sent him an angelic protector.
Also how would Spams feel about himself during this? Unworthy, definitely. He asked and received, and then felt like he actually isn't worthy of this. Another thing where he feels worth, he has to grow and climb over the obstacles where he feels he doesn't have any worth and he can indeed have nice things.
And Pancake herself would eventually learn to accept her role as an angel, forgiving herself in the process. If Spamton, someone she sees as the actual heavenly being, calling her an angel, maybe she can do it too. Accepting love and help from the other. (There's a reason I depicted Spamton with angel wings and a halo and Pancake with devil horns in the Valentine's drawing.)
Spamton's broken angel wings to Pancake's dulled devil's horns. Letting a demon feel worthy, and letting an angel feel holy.
In fact, inserting some I Scammed Death early relationship lore, this man is devoted to her. She's shown how much she trusts him and such, and he in turn practically worships her.
Giving her gifts out of the blue, trying to set up cute dinner dates and going all out (the best he can by some dumpsters anyway), not wanting to burden her by moving in despite the fact she literally told him he could come in and stay and eat the food in thr cupboard and whatnot. He kinda feels unworthy cuz she's a Lightner and that's her place of safety and he doesn't want to intrude on what he kinda sees as a sacred sanctuary.
But despite that, yeah he treats her like a straight-up god. Trying to show that he's worthy of her (despite the fact they're dating)
And Pancake is at first overwhelmed cuz he wasn't this intense before they started dating. Yes he gave a lot of gifts but he's treating it like a sacred offering sometimes. Eventually she sees what he's doing and tells him "yo I'm just Some Person I don't need you to be all worship-y and all that" and he relaxes some. But that pretty much tells her how much worth she has. Like no one's gone out of their way the same way Spamton had just to make her do something as simple as smile or laugh. Through him, she really does see that she's got a lot of worth
Tagging: @dwdoesarts @speedstershipping @friezaforce @eternally-smitten @shipwrights-lovewright | yeah this is a lore infodump so. Yeah. Lmk if you wanna be taken off or added on
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metallightningbug · 1 year
Send me "Merformers" for a merperson au starter!
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sunlitmcgee · 1 year
one time in preschool there was a boy who would keep biting my arms and hands so much that it left marks, and my mom was pissed that they weren't doing anything about it, so next time she sent me in she told me to bite him back as hard as I could next time he started. I drew blood at like 3 or 4.
this was the same school where I won a drawing contest that let us go to a little play about the Backyardigans. Good times.
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halorocks1214 · 1 year
it's so asinine how normalized that people who go "i LOVE characters being tortured i LOVE characters in peril i LOVE watching characters suffer and be in pain and when they are in constant agony mmm yummy delicious" are the ones that scream the loudest about how everyone else needs to examine their fictional tastes
like you don't think people can be made uncomfortable about stuff like that? you don't think the real-world connotations are worth thinking about? you don't think there's anything harmful in "romanticizing" these serious topics as if no one has been hurt by them? are people who have trauma towards these very real and painful experiences just chopped liver to your fictional fantasies?
one common trope i see written about in fic a lot is car accidents, for example. very fast and easy way to get to hurt/comfort. i understand it, but that doesn't change how i am squicked to high heaven and back by car accidents like nothing else
there are nearly 20,000 car accidents a day. nearly 20,000 separate experiences where people are hurt and even killed, and that's just in america alone! lord knows what the stats are for around the world!
and yet i don't look at people who constantly write their fics with them or topics similar to it like i expect them to secretly wish my family ends up in one. i don't yell at them and accuse them of things like them wanting public transportation destroyed or that they're against walkable cities
as someone who has been into this stuff since i was young: do fucking better. your squicks and triggers aren't magically more important than others. if we demanded that every possible trigger get removed from the internet fandom would need to literally stop existing because guess what? some people are traumatized by fandoms! it's almost as if trauma comes from everywhere and it's our job to be compassionate and not psychoanalyze what someone might be going through! holy fuck!!!
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lichdolly · 2 years
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This is the funniest hate message I have ever received for so many reasons
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so i’m getting a cane on tuesday (i’m hoping it’ll ship early) and i got a fuck-ton of stickers
honestly forearm crutches are probably a much better option for me but i won’t be able to function in my school as well so they’re not an option
does anyone know how to use a cane in a way that doesn’t put pressure on my wrists?
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whlskr · 2 years
At 21, I had my truck and what fit in it after a horrible, unfortunate series of events out of my control
At 25, I'm moving into a home I helped my father rebuild. My husband and toddler are joining me this time. There's a playhouse outback that needs a little repair. I have the skills. I see what it can be. Sleeping in my truck feels like a bad dream.
Please don't give up. Life can be really awful. It can be really, really good, too.
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himbos-hotline · 2 years
Now I am not saying that the devil doesn't bargain by alec benjaman is a one winged cowboy song and perfect for an angsty songfic. But I am just saying that Kenny is the devil in this situation and Adam has to be told that hes going to get his heart broken again but it doesnt matter because in the pain of falling in love, Adam feels found.
but im not saying that its a fanfic-
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Signs you’ve been through a lot:
Your biggest pet peeve is pity kindness
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septembersghost · 2 years
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francisforever2014 · 2 years
how do you just get up and deal with the fact that there’s a last time for everything. there was a last time you sat on your dads shoulders and there was a last time your mom tucked you into bed. there’s going to be a last time you kiss your sister on the head and there’s going to be a last time you hug your best friend. there’s going to be a last time you feel exactly as you feel right now and there’s going to be a last time that person says i love you. i need to lay down
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plangentia · 1 year
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sunlitmcgee · 1 year
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hungee-boy · 11 months
hey if you see a cute wholesome video of a wildcat being treated like a pet, being handled by humans directly, wearing collars, etc. um dont share that shit period
i understand the handling especially if its cubs and/or the animal in question is sedated for medical care but like i hope yall can discern what is proper handling and what is not
wild cats, small or big, are wild animals full stop.
wild cats can display affection towards humans HOWEVER what makes them ill suited pets is the fact that they can and WILL kill you over small inconveniences
they are like toddlers, they cant control their emotions, if theyre upset for any reason, most of the time a reason you have no idea about, they will lunge and they will attack and kill you or at best rip your arm off
theyre not your cats, theyre not your pets, theyre not your babies
i love wild cats and me and my parents all are/were super involved in our local big cat sanctuary and one of the things im forever grateful for is that that experience taught me that you SHOULD fear them first and foremost
i had a tiger lunge at me because i was filling his water and forgot he had trauma related to being sprayed with a hose, along with various mental issues caused by inbreeding, and if that fence was not there he would have killed me
and i knew that, i had a fucking panic attack after he did it and needed 30 minutes to regain myself so that the other cats didnt sense my distress and come after me too
i was not cruel to that cat and hell i didnt even talk to him or pay him any mind, he still came at me with intent to kill because i accidentally triggered his trauma
we dont allow children younger than 7 years old during usual tours because the cats see small children and their instincts tell them its food
pregnant women are also seen as food, but its easier for them to not run and jump and make themselves an easier target like kids do
you have no godamn idea what youre doing if you own a wild cat in your home it literally does not matter where you learned your shit, where you got the cat
if you own a wild animal as a pet you know nothing about them and at best you will subject that animal to a life they are not meant to live and force them to live constantly in stress
and worst case scenario they will snap and kill you
(ps i am FIRMLY pro humane sanctuary, the PETA approach to releasing all animals, including those born and raised in captivity and who do not have the skills to survive in the wild is cruel. rehab should always be considered yes, but when you have a cat that was previously owned as a pet (weve seen so much of that jesus christ) releasing them into the wild is a death sentence)
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thrashz · 1 year
-_- whatevr. *frolics off*
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