#this is loss btw
bigmfrat · 8 months
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I can not believe that this is actually a cutscene in the game and I'm not even joking
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withdenim · 1 year
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How sad to watch him grow
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shepscapades · 7 months
me seeing xisuma scared and going um! think I just discovered something new about myself uh oh
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Edit: here’s the post this ask is referencing DGBJDFGNK
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3lostyears · 3 months
until i recently read posts on here about how there is an inherent queerness to the doctor and rose's relationship in how it's unspoken and filled with yearning that i'd never really considered that element, despite knowing for ages that RTD is gay but. man. it's just reframed a lot of the series for me, like the idea that you have this lonely man who's just watched his people die and is self-destructive and misanthropic and traumatised and he can love again and he wants to but it has so many risks.
but especially S3 and how it adds even more weight to the doctor's grieving widower status. how he tells martha that he and rose were together but martha refers to rose as a friend to tallulah; the fact that he can only say they were together once she is gone; how the only other person that both can feel how he feels but also understands the depth of his feelings is jack, a queer man himself. and I've been thinking to myself lately oh, it's ok, the doctor and rose probably accidentally got married on at least one planet or something but also the point is that there was no official title that could convey to people the extent that they meant to each other, that the doctor can really only tell donna that rose was his friend even though it is so wholly inadequate and she comes to see that by the end of the episode (and martha too of course). how people who saw the doctor and rose together assumed they were a couple, like on krop tor, but once there's no more physical evidence of the relationship it becomes more vague (and simultaneously clearer).
anyway something about how christopher eccleston said he based his portrayal of nine on RTD and something about RTD saying that his husband is "in every good man i write now" and how the doctor and ruby seeing each other in the club mimics his first meeting with his husband aka the one moment he would use a time machine to go back to hmmm
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noxious-fennec · 8 months
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Hands are too shaky these days
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glsneeg-enthusiast · 2 months
your voice as i remember it
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barghest-land · 7 months
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таится чудо в любом пустяке я раньше не видел такого тумана здесь даже деревья растут как-то странно и птицы поют на чужом языке
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I adore the vibe of redeemed durge your sister killed your mind and took your place - it was the greatest gift she ever gave you
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blotomical · 3 months
The Heart of the facility
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latenightsundayblues · 7 months
going FERAL over your scarred stu design it is so ‼️‼️‼️ look at he!!
Scarred Stu 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Billy got a lot more affectionate, and all Stu needed to do was to have a brutal near-death experience
(song completely unrelated to the drawing i just really like it and listened to the whole thing in a loop while i made this lol)
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loveualottie · 2 months
Me, in a hospital bed, fading in and out of consciousness
My mother: omg what happened to her ;-;
Doctor: she misses gillion tidestrider so bad
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kaasiand · 3 months
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damn, a floor 30 loss
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canonkiller · 5 months
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do you consider your self made?
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orbmanson7 · 1 year
So here's maybe an easier way to explain why this first episode didn't seem all that spooky...
Remember the inauguration video?
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Remember how it started off with a simple, somewhat silly question of Cats or Dogs? It seems innocuous, innocent, what's the harm in just picking one, right?
When doing this kind of test, often the test starts with something simple, while also instructing you to decide quickly, they don't want you to think on it too much. So you get asked a simple question, you don't need to think about what may come of it, because what possible harm could there be in asking someone Cats or Dogs?
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But then the next question is a little deeper, Power or Wisdom? What a participant may not realize is that the true test hadn't even started until now. Now, it's possible to choose a wrong answer. Now, your choices matter, but you likely don't realize it because the first question seemed innocent enough, you've been lured into that false sense of security already.
But in reality, that first question was the control for this experiment. All it was meant to do was to get you to participate. Participating, making that decision, giving your answer was all it took and now you're locked in.
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That's what the livestreamed series is now doing on a much larger scale. You were drawn in by Showfall Media's keynote, you showed up to watch the stream and give such simple goofy answers to a clearly innocent and silly show's questions. All you did was press a few buttons and some goofy things happened, so what's the harm, right?
But when those questions change from "check the bookshelf" and "use the hair dryer" to something more sinister, like deciding which character should die or with what weapon, you're already so used to just pressing a button, it may be too late before you realize someone may actually get hurt from that decision, that this isn't just some silly game.
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They warned you not to watch. But you already have. Now, all you can do is try to save him.
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"Wait is that lore?" moments in Antoine's return stream
These ones are likely jokes, but (you can use it in your headcanons):
With Tubbo, explaining his absence by saying "I was dead, I think, but not anymore, I was tired of being dead"
"I couldn't explain to you, it's out of my understanding how I'm dressed. The human mind cannot comprehend how I'm dressed and so the human brain shows it that way, but it isn't exactly like that. It's not powerful, it's just weird"
"You know me well!" "Heh, I know you as if I made you!" *silence* (closest to maybe serious)
These ones are more serious:
He isn't romantically interested by Cucurucho, he just likes his ass (that totally a human is aro that's what I mean)
He really missed Pomme, he stopped coming because without her it wasn't interesting anymore (this one is just cute)
Very invested in knowing what happened to the eggs while they were away
Accidentally gave Pomme one of the books Ourson (I think it's this one?) gave him, immediately panicking when he realized. When Pomme asks what it was, he first tries to pretend not to understand, and is pretty serious when he tells her that it's nothing; he'll tell her about it one day, and it's his little secret garden, everyone should be allowed to have secrets, don't she think? she isn't against secrets, right?
Certain that the eggs went to some kind of other dimensions/got doubles?? I mean there was a theory inspired by Stranger Things but despite what Pomme is saying he's not letting go of the idea
After asking Pomme if she met dark Cucurucho and she talks about the Watcher: "Je crois pas qu'on parle de la même chose. Là tu me parles de l'oeil, et moi je pense que je te parle de quelque chose d'autre. Je pense que tu me parles du Watcher... là où moi je te parle d'autre chose." ("I think we're not talking about the same thing. Here you're talking about the eye, and me I think I'm talking about something else. I think you're talking about the Watcher... when me I talk about something else" again how does he know the name "Watcher".)
Knows that Maximus is dead, when all the other players seem to have decided to play the "don't know if he's alive or dead" card (bonus: Antoine and Pomme talking about telling Aypierre, and Pomme thinking she won't be able to find the right words "I don't think there are right words..." ok im sad now thanks). Since we're at it, when reading Pomme diary where she worries about Baghera and Antoine being dead, saying they can't be dead, he doesn't share that worry in the slightest, as if he knows Baghera's not dead (this one's dubious and I am very willing to put it as cc!Antoine not thinking rp)
He and Pomme are talking about what she remembers of the Watcher and honestly the whole conversation deserves to be clipped and transcribed. To go with him name dropping the Watcher, he is now only calling it the creature with one eye because that's how Pomme calls it
Pomme explains that the Watcher was observing her and Richas and there was a threatening aura to it, so they immediately fled. Antoine in a very serious voice "You were right to, you were right to, you were right to. Because I think it's this person who was at the origin of your disappearance."
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bullet-ant · 1 year
personality disorder-related identity loss is insane because three different people could ask me what my favorite color is and i would give them three different answers each time and not even realize im lying
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