#this is jenjen speaking
thetempleofnyx · 2 years
aki spits on the pussy before he eats it
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tsuku-yo-mi · 2 years
i didnt know sakusa + akaashi was a ship i needed.
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dormiloncito · 3 months
JENJEN .. FELIZ 14 DE FEBRERO 🥰🤗💖 YOURE SUCH A CHERISHED FRIEND OF MINE ILYVM!!! also te hago entrega de este Special Treat,
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shrimply spectacular
GRACIAS CRISIN, MI AMIGUIN CRISIN, espero la hayas pasado bonito hoy!!! ILYSM AS WELL 🫂😇🥰
👇🏼 i am handing those to you as we speak rn
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myboyfriendjake · 10 months
starlight - park jongseong
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summary: when your family decides to move, you're not happy at all. even though your social life is crumbling, you want to stay in new york. besides, what's to say that life in seattle will be better?
alternatively: you move to seattle and learn how to live (2521-esque)
genre: high school au, fluff, angst
pairing: jay x fem!reader
warnings: swearing
word count: 2.3 k
other characters: jake, heeseung, kim chaewon, huh yunjin, sakura, huening kai, taehyun
Chapter Two:
Days pass, and you continue getting accustomed to Seattle. By the end of your first week, you can confidently say that you think this friend group is gonna last.
It’s the Saturday after the first week of school that you get the text. It’s in the big group chat.
jjongsaeng: i’m bored. anyone up for going 2 the beach? 
jenjen: don’t you have hw?
jjongsaeng: i’m a procrastinator
heehee: i’m up for the beach
heehee: when we going?
aussie boyy: we should do hw @ the beach
zuha: that defeats the purpose of the beach
heehee: yk it’s a fact when zuha speaks on it
heehee: our fav internet grandma zuha
heehee: she probably spent an hour typing that out we should respect that effort
zuha: i resent that
chaechae: i’m in. i’m also a procrastinator. 
jenjen: *sighs* fine then
jjongsaeng: this convo is literally over text. u can’t sigh like that
jenjen: dramatic effect jjong. it’s an art. 
jenjen: anyways y/n, kai and tyun r awfully quiet. r yall hanging without us?
y/n: no never! i’m gonna have to opt out tho lots of hw
chaechae: NO
chaechae: no hw ur coming to the beach
y/n: … 
y/n: fine then but if i fail history that’s on u chae u go talk to my parents
heehee: yay! kai? tyun? 
kai: sorry can’t make it i got a coffee date
kai: no. bye. 
aussie boyy: guess we’ll have to interrogate him on monday 
aussie boyy: tyun? taehyun? kang taehyun? hello? 
tea-hyun: can’t sorry. prior commitment. next time yall
Once everyone’s decided whether or not they can come, you and the others text separately to figure out rides. Jay, Chaewon, and Jake can drive, so you assign rides based on proximity. 
jjongsaeng: alright then. so, we’ll meet at the beach. well, i’ll see y/n and jen soon. 
You see a black sedan pull up outside your house, and a head of blonde hair gets out. You grab the bag you’d prepared for the beach, run down the stairs, but fail to beat your parents out the door.
“Mom, Dad, this is Jay. Jay, these are my parents.” you say, quickly. “Great! Now that we have introductions out of the way, beach time!” 
You try to get out the door, but your dad says, “Wait, hold on a second. I want to meet your friends.”
“Another time, Dad,” you respond. 
“So, Jay,” your dad goes on, “you’re also a junior? What’re you interested in?”
Jay nods, “Yeah, I’m also a junior. In school I like English and History. Outside of that, I love the arts - singing, dancing, painting - and fashion.”
“Oh, that’s cool,” says your dad. “I have zero fashion sense. Anyways, you guys are going to the beach?”
You nod, “Yeah, I already told you, you said sure, go and have fun.”
“I know,” your dad says. “So, is it just the two of you?”
“No,” says Jay. “We’re picking up another friend, and then the others are meeting us there.”
“Nice,” says your mom. “Sounds like fun. I’ll have to meet all of you at some point. Invite them over, Y/N,” she says to you.
“I will,” you respond.
“Alright, we won’t hold you kids any longer. Go have fun. Don’t get eaten by a shark!” says your dad.
You roll your eyes, following Jay out the door and into his car. He gets in the driver’s seat, you sit in the passenger seat - perks of being the first one picked up - and he starts making conversation. It’s nice, but you’re also a bit shocked: this is the most he’s talked to you since the first day of school. 
“So, how’s your weekend been so far, Y/N?” he asks, glancing at you before looking back at the road (he’s a safe driver like that). 
“It’s been good,” you say. “I slept in, it’s Saturday so waffle day, and then I procrastinated, did homework, watched YouTube videos, procrastinated, did more homework… What about you?”
Jay chuckles, “The same, pretty much. Homework is, well, homework. Depending on the class, it’s either fun, bearable, or torture.”
“So true,” you agree, “I love English homework, it’s so fun. I’m also okay with History and Science. Hate math homework though. It’s good practice but an awful experience.”
“I love History homework,” says Jay. “I find it so cool to learn about different time periods. I also like looking at pictures and drawings, seeing what people wore, what the beauty standards were. Did you know that in Florence, back in the 1600s, women bleached their hair in the sun and dyed it with urine? Having blonde hair was the beauty standard, and that’s how they did it.”
You crinkle your nose, disgusted. “Ew.”
“They also,” Jay continues, “believed that bigger foreheads were more attractive, so they’d pluck hair to move their hairline further up.”
“Beauty at the price of pain,” you say, not knowing how to respond. “I could never do that.”
Jay laughs, “Me neither.”
You then pull up to a gorgeous house, painted light blue, with a long dark driveway. Just as Jay parks the car, Jen runs out the door, bag in hand.
“Thank God you’re here,” she says. “My parents wanted me to do homework while waiting. Math homework.” She waves towards the house, before sitting in the backseat. “I hate doing math homework with them.”
“Did your parents also ask you to memorize times tables and recite them when you were eight?” you ask, and Jen laughs, nodding. 
“Yup. Awful childhood experience. Especially because we have calculators, like I get that they grew up not using calculators, but I don’t need to memorize basic math. I’d rather memorize song lyrics.” she says. 
“Relatable,” says Jay.
You three carry on, discussing school and adults and life. Before you know it, Jay’s parking the car, and then you three get out, grabbing your bags and meeting up with the others.
“I’m traumatized,” is the first thing Zuha says. “She drives like a maniac.”
Chaewon pouts, “I’m a good driver. The state of Washington agrees.”
“Maybe back then,” says Zuha, “but not anymore. I’m never sitting in a car with you again.”
“It wasn’t that bad,” argues Chaewon, but Zuha’s shaking her head.
“You ran through three red lights, rolled through four stop signs, didn’t blink when changing lines, went 20 miles over the speed limit, yelled at slower drivers - they could hear you, Chae, calling them “fucking idiots”. I was scared someone would snap and follow us. Road rage is a very real thing.” 
Zuha looks exhausted, Chaewon is pouting, and everyone else is laughing. You included. Who would’ve guessed that Chaewon was crazy behind the wheel? Well, everyone, actually. You’d been shocked that she had her license. For good reason, you now know.
“I’m not driving back with you,” says Zuha.
“I’ll give you a ride,” responds Jake. “Your house is on my route anyways.”
Zuha breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”
“Then who will go with me? I’ll be all alone,” Chaewon whines. 
“That sounds like a you problem,” says Heeseung. “I’ll go with you though. I want to sit in a car with you. It’s like a free amusement park ride. Six Flags will be a piece of cake after sitting in a car with you.”
Everyone laughs, and you all start walking towards the sand. Jake brought a beach umbrella, and you set it up, along with some lawn chairs and towels. You all brought snacks, and Heeseung has a cooler as well filled with cold drinks.
The beach is fun. At one point, you all go in the water, splashing each other. Heeseung shoves Jay in the water, who then shoves him back. Jake is watching, laughing, until he gets dunked in the water by Jen. Everyone splashes and jumps and screams and it’s a fun time, something you had never done with your friends back home. 
You also talk a lot with Jay. It makes you happy - all of your friends are nice, but there’s something about Jay that draws you in. He’s so thoughtful, kind, funny. He tends to be quiet, but sometimes he’s extremely loud and energetic and he absolutely brightens the room. Because of his more quiet tendencies, it feels more authentic and thoughtful when he does speak and engage in conversation. It also feels more personal, private, like whatever he’s telling you is for you alone, like he’s making a special effort to tell you about a piece of him. You like getting pieces of him. It makes you feel like you’re closer to figuring him out. And you want to figure him out - he has an incredible smile, and you want to know the secret behind it. You want to make that smile happen. 
Jay sits next to you on the sand, talking about the way the sun’s light is hitting the waves of the ocean, about how it would make for such a nice painting. Not a picture, a painting. Jay’s so artistic. 
“You should paint it,” you tell him as he’s pondering out loud the different shades of blue and green that would be mixed to replicate the color of the ocean waves. 
“Should I?” he asks, “I’m not a great artist.”
“I don’t believe that,” you respond. “Paint it. I feel like you know a lot about art.”
Jay shrugs, “I like art. I think it’s because I also like history, and fashion. Art is so intertwined with both of those areas. I mean, all three are intertwined, really. There’s history and art behind fashion. There’s art and fashion throughout history. There’s art from different historical time periods, and fashion is art…” he rambles on for a bit, before blushing, “I’m probably boring you, aren’t I?”
You shake your head, “Not at all. I’ve never really thought much about any of those connections, or subject areas, so it’s interesting to learn about it. It’s cool that you think so much about it. Especially the attention to detail - details are so important, but people always gloss over them.”
Jay grins, “I feel the same way. Art without details, writing without details, anything without details, really, would be so dull, vague, uninteresting. Details give life to things.”
Through the glare of the sun, you try to focus on the details in his smile. “They really do,” you agree.
You really enjoy the beach day. It’s a good break from studying, and it’s fun to spend time with your friends. Between conversations on the sand, hanging out in the water, picnicking in the shade, you feel a sense of community and belonging. 
You’re also really happy because of Jay. You’ve talked to him so much today, and it makes you happy. It’s a weird feeling, and it makes you nervous - you feel giddy and excited whenever you talk to him, and you never feel like that around other people.
Later that night, you’re in your pajamas, getting ready for bed. You’re under your covers, about to turn your light off, when your phone buzzes. 
You’re not all that sleepy, so you pick up your phone from your nightstand, and see a notification. It’s in a group chat with Jen, Zuha, and Chaewon.
jenjen: so are we gonna talk abt jay and y/n?
y/n: ??
y/n: there’s nothing to talk abt?
zuha: yup and chae’s a good driver
chaechae: i resent that but i agree
jenjen: zuha stop talking abt chae’s driving for one second
jenjen: we have more important matters to discuss
zuha: 🙄
jenjen: do u like him back?
chaechae: that’s a stupid question it’s obvious she likes him
y/n: i don’t like him! I like being friends w him but just that
zuha: stop lying to yourself! ur acting like chaewon rn
chaechae: i’m feeling v unsafe in this gc rn
zuha: that’s how i felt in a car w u
jenjen: zuha, very kindly, shut up abt chae’s driving 
jenjen: anyways, y/n, do u like talking to jay?
y/n: yes
jenjen: do u like seeing him smile?
y/n: yes, doesn’t everyone?
jenjen: did u blush when u saw him with wet hair? water droplets falling on his skin?
y/n: … maybe. didn’t the rest of u?
jenjen: y/n, sweet sweet child, NO 
zuha: no
chaechae: no
jenjen: confirmed y/n likes jay
chaechae: and he likes her back he’s kinda pathetic abt it
chaechae: bro drove out of his way to pick her up before jennifer
y/n: he did?
zuha: he didn’t want his gf to die in a car w u
chaechae: i want to block her, can i block her?
jenjen: anyways, it’s obvious he likes u
jenjen: he wouldn’t stop talking to u today, after a week of barely talking to u
zuha: it’s cuz kai’s on a date, so he knows y/n and kai don’t have a thing
y/n: he thought kai and i had a thing?
jenjen: u didn’t know? he looked so pissed everytime u talked to the kid
jenjen: i was half expecting a fight 
chaechae: i wish there was a fight that would be funny
zuha: this is why u shouldn’t have a license
y/n: well at least he knows that kai and i aren’t a thing
y/n: speaking of which who’s kai dating?
jenjen: idk, kid refused to tell me
chaechae: i have a few ideas but i’m not sure
zuha: idk, we’ll see monday
jenjen: as long as it’s not u, it doesn’t matter
jenjen: i’m the captain of jay x y/n and i need to see my ship sail
y/n: so u guys r sure he likes me?
zuha: yes
chaechae: yes
jenjen: yes
y/n: huh
copyright: this is original work, don't copy it. just send an ask/comment to join the taglist.
taglist: @chaewon-slays
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pantheonnnn · 3 years
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“ ᴀᴛ ɴɪɢʜᴛ, ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴛᴀʀꜱ ʟɪɢʜᴛ ᴜᴘ ᴍʏ ʀᴏᴏᴍ
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my everything. my jennie. the moon to my sun, the reason i feel butterflies every day. everything you do, from your hugs to your lowkey bullying [ 😔 ] i adore. everything you say, from the d word to the l word, i adore. everyday, i wake up to you, every night, i sleep to you. your messages light up my day, brighten my morning, you're kinda like a night light :0
it's pretty ironic, isn't it, the way that i wanted to be friends with you to help out a friend be with you, but ended up wishing you were mine everyday? wishing that i could hold you in my arms and cuddle you to sleep? i started up being a friend, but ended up getting so jealous of anyone else that talked to you 😭 i'm so so so happy you're mine, my love.
i couldn't imagine being without you, i couldnt imagine living without your sunshiney presence. ever since i came on earth, ive been searching and wondering about not only what humans call the meaning of life, but also my soulmate. with you, i found both. the meaning of my life is you. you are my life. it's almost like we were meant to be together, like the stars aligned especially for us that day we first met. im looking forward to our dates, to our cuddling, or just being with you.
im in love with you, kitten.
– jisung
@emotionless-jennie 🥺
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dolcissimos-remade · 7 years
I believe user @sistarheaux is not a dork but rather a tol lovable beanstalk salt mine however it does come to my attention that user @xiubyuns is the real dork
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felsenbluete · 3 years
Mass textpost with things I was tagged in over the years (and I mean years, I think some of them might be three or more I’m so sorry lmao)
Indoor plants or gardens // cloud-watching or star-gazing // water or fire // paperback or hardcover // running or hiking // sleeping with socks or without socks // fruit or vegetables (10 yo me would shoot me on sight) // hanging plants or succulents // dark wood or light wood // handwritten or typed // instagram or pinterest // braids or pigtails // dc or marvel // books or movies // oceans or meadows // forests or fields // sweet or salty // ice cream or chocolate // hoodies or sweaters // long hair or short hair (vokuhila) // piercings or tattoos // summer or winter // boots or sneakers // cars or motorcycles // curls or straight hair // castles or cottages // sunny days or storms // reptiles or birds // disney or nickelodeon // strawberries or watermelon // essays or posters // phones or laptops // glass or stone // dark or light // photos or paintings // circuses or theatres // reading or writing // dogs or cats // poetry or novels // monsters or ghosts // thrift shops or libraries // fiction or non-fiction
@northernmoments​ Name/Nickname: Kira Jennifer, the only nick name I’ve ever had was Jenjen and that’s just a shame Pronouns: She/Her, but honestly brave of you to speak about me Star Sign: Aries Height: 178 cm Time Currently: 13:05 When is Your Birthday: 15.04. Favourite Band/Groups: die ärzte, Guns ‘n Roses, Linkin Park, Kaizers Orchestra, Fiddler’s Green Favorite Solo Artists: Howard Shore should count!, also P!nk Stuck in Your Head: Caledonia by Celtic Thunder, but that’s because I’m listening to it right now Last Movie You Watched: I Am Legend Last Show You Binged: tried Superstore, but watchseries is down rn  Last Book You Read: the last one I actually finished was Going Postal by Terry Pratchett.   When You Created Your Blog: 2013?  Last Thing You Googled: How to spell Sir Terry Pratchett’s last name  Other Blogs: about three for just different #vibes, a ski jumping side blog that has so many followers and where I’m the saltiest person on earth, also one for Naruto (don’t look at me), one “studyblr”/”langblr”/resource mine Why I Chose My Url: Wanted a Tolkien one and in the audiobooks by Bluefax the way Smaug says this “title” is one of my personal highlights  Do You Get Asks: almost never How Many People Are You Following: about 20 actually active blogs How Many Followers Do You Have: looking at my activity: 8 Average Hours of Sleep: ~8 hours Instruments: viola/violin What I’m Currently Wearing: grey sweatpants, grey socks, grey sweater, my Gollum-tshirt Dream Job: Rentner (in all honesty I would enjoy being a housewife) Dream Trip: I want to go to Iran just to eat fruit and meet potential in-laws, why is that so hard Favorite food: pannekoeken or Palatschinken, I hate American pancakes, it’s important to me to state how much I disrespect thick pancakes Top Three Fictional Universes You’d Like To Live In: 1, 2 & 3 are all Lummerland
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spell or curse ∙ abandoned mansion or haunted cementery ∙ vampire slayer or ghost hunter ∙ phoenix or griffin ∙ wrist bite or neck bite ∙ fairy godmother or evil stepmother ∙ herbs or potion ∙ ghost or wraith ∙ dragon scales or werewolf claws ∙ druid or mage ∙ elf or hobbit ∙ divination or necromancy ∙ wand magic or hand magic ∙ centaur or unicorn ∙ dark fairytale or disney-style fairytale ∙ sword or bow & arrow ∙ siren or water nymph ∙ garlic or silver ∙ talking animal or walking tree (but in a Huorn, not in a Ent way) ∙ demon trap or crossroads pact ∙ enchanted fairy forest or mermaid lagoon
first 10 songs on shuffle - note: my itunes library is very very old, but on the other hand I haven’t really listened to music in years, so here we go
1. Massachusetts - Ylvis 2. Treebeard - Howard Shore 3. Your Mother Should Know - The Beatles 4. Pushing Me Away - Linkin Park 5. Pfingsten - Christoph & Lollo 6. Out Ta Get Me - Guns ‘n Roses 7. Rage of Poseidon - Apocalyptica 8. Monster Monster - Lordi 9. Wie es geht - die ärzte 10. Forth Eorlingas - Howard Short 
@mona-liar​ only the answers that weren’t already included above
Sexuality: very deep into aspec territory and we’ll leave it at that Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw Favorite Animal: cats Number of Blankets: one, I’m German Where I’m from: Westfalen  Dream Trip: oh, also Singapoor  Why I created this account: I was really into ski jumping and Ylvis
uhh, so anyone who is tagged already choose one you wanna do? also @margalotta​ and @take-hell-with-a-smile​
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jaebeomsmullet · 4 years
Tag Game: 17 Questions
seventeen questions tag.
tagged by: @bbyunz thank you flor 💖 (one of the best baekhyun blogs go follow her pls for baekie boy posts)
1 - Nickname: jenn,jenjen, jenny from the block, hoe
2 - Zodiac: Pisces
3 - Height: 5′5
4 - Hogwarts House: idk im not in the harry potter 
5 - Last thing I googled: a street address in glasgow because im suppose to be ‘working’ lmao
6 - Song stuck in my head: shall we? cardi b and megan three stallion-wap
7 - Number of followers: 3815
8 - Hours of sleep: 7ish usually
9 - Lucky number: 6
10 - Dream job: jaebeoms mullet hairdresser lol jk idk something that doesnt involve speaking to the general public because i am DONE with them
11 - Currently wearing:adidaas leggings, nike top, nike sliders (i am dressed to impress)
12 - Favourite song: atm its raiden, chanyeol, lee hi, changmo-yours because it puts me into soft feeling hours
13 - Favourite instrument: piano because i can play like two songs on it
14 - Aesthetic: neutral colours,coffee shops, books, just all soft things because really im a softie
15 - Favourite author: Haruki Murakami
16 - Random: i like cats? idk
17 - Tagging @ahwae-hohocham, @jj-nyoung, @demongyeom, @wabisaba, @beomie-rabbit, @presenteyesonyou
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tehfootbath · 3 years
JenJen speaks out
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Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 20 people you want to know better. Tagged by @alter-j
(This won’t let me add a title? What???)
1. Nickname: Jen, JenJen, Jennay (like Forrest Gump. Very unfortunate), Peanut. I guess technically Jenny is a nickname since my legal name is Jennifer but Jenny is what I go by🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
2. Zodiac sign: Taurus
3. Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
4. Height: Roughly 5’5” I think?
5. Last thing I googled: Ummmm I think it was Canvas for school. I’m trying to get all my shit straightened out and they’ve said nothing about this semester so far🤣
6. Favorite artists: Ok so Foreigner and Def Leppard are two of my all time favorites. I have so many people or bands I could list that it’s honestly ridiculous and we would be here for the next five years.
7. Song stuck in my head at the moment: Honestly, for one in my life, there is no song stuck in my head. Give it five minutes and ask again
8. Followers: 292
9. Following: 406
10. Do I get asks: Every now and then. Not super often. I’m always open to more
11. Hours of sleep: Usually 8-9. But I can sleep like 13 hours like it’s no big deal. I’m a sleepaholic y’all
12. Lucky numbers: I don’t have any. Luck isn’t on my side
13. What am I wearing: Just some sweatpants and a t-shirt
14. Dream job: A nurse, eventually in advanced practice. I just haven’t decided what speciality area I want to go after or if I want to do advanced practice as an NP or CRNA. Basically I want to be a nirse and that’ll all the farther I’ve gotten🤣
15. Instruments: Absolutely none. I’ve always wanted to learn piano and guitar though
16. Languages: I’m fluent in English and profanity lol. Hockey, book, and Marvel speak are in there too. My main languages
17: Favorite song: I literally can’t pick one. Please don’t make me. I can’t do it🤣
18. Random fact: I can read a 500 page book in about 12 hours if you give me a whole day with nothing to do🤷🏻‍♀️
19. Aesthetic: If you’ve ever seen any of the John Wick movies, but like especially the first one, it has a lot of that kinda of soft neon glow thing going on? It’s hard to explain, but that. Or like Stranger Things season 3. Loved it. I have a lot of these too. We’d be here a while.
20. Dream trip: I think right now it would be either Italy or Greece. Both hold so much beauty and history
I tag: Don’t feel like you guys have to do this! And I know I missed some people but this was all that came to mind right away
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thetempleofnyx · 2 years
i want zhongli to push his dragon eggs inside of me
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roses-and-absinthe · 6 years
Get to Know Me Tag
tagged by: @hak-yeons Thank you for tagging me!! Sorry for the long wait.
rules: answer 20 questions then tag 20 blogs you want to know better
nickname: I’ve had several. Jen, JenJen, Nessie, Vane, Squeaky. The only ones I can currently think of.
gender: female
zodiac: Aquarius
height: 5’4”
age: 25
time: 11:38pm
fav bands/solo artists: VIXX, Mamamoo, Block B, Ailee.
song stuck in my head: too many to name lol
last movie i saw: the Princess Diaries 2 because childhood.
last thing i googled: uh.. Amazon. The website.
other blogs: @roses-and-absinthe-fics where I’ve reblogged what I’ve written though no one has ever found them :P
do i get asks: Sometimes.
following: 847…
avg amt of sleep: 6-8 hours, depending on when I go to sleep and when the kid wakes up.
lucky number: I don’t think I have any. If I do, I’ve never paid attention.
what i’m wearing: my Newt Scamander t-shirt and some yoga pants.
dream job: not a clue. I don’t like being in one place for too long, as much as I would rather settle in something.
dream trip: S. Korea, Ireland. Spain.
fav food: chicken nuggets. From McD’s. And my mom’s food. Anything my mom makes.
play any instruments: used to play the flute. That lasted about a month though so i don’t remember anything.
fav song: Merry Go Round of Life composed by Joe Hisaishi
play(ed) any sports: I’ve never been too coordinated in sports but I would like to try martial arts.
hair color: Brown.
eye color: Green.
most iconic song: Mirotic by DBSK
languages you speak/are learning: I speak spanish and english. Took french in high school. I will be trying to learn Korean because obviously
random fact: I once had a nightmare involving Jesus.
describe yourself as aesthetics/things: Coffee, pencils, piles of books, baking utensils, journals and sketchbooks, thunderstorms, chilly mornings during the fall, homemade cooking
Tag 20 people? @that-embarrassing-kpop-mom, @merlionmen, @i-am-a-death-dealer, @jedimasterjd and whoever else would like to do this. If you’ve already done this, please ignore ^^
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sm-games · 6 years
ExoSpace Lore Note #7
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[Image Reads: Lore Note #9:
While the warp engine's creation revolves around the meteor of 1982, I'm never going to give a straight answer on how it works as to not risk debate from physicists and theorists, because in the grand scheme of things, it's kinda not worth wasting brain power over and I don't consider myself intelligent enough to explain how it can function outside of being able to warp spacetime around the ship for faster-than-light travel. So, if anyone asks how they created the warp engine, tell them this is my Word of God on it.
https://youtu.be/Z8yW5cyXXRc ]
(Prophet Speaks: The links aren't included in the image, I literally just copy/paste shit and don't bother to edit it. Yes this makes me a shitty Mod/Prophet. No I dont care as long as Jenny is happy. Is Jenny Happy? Not sure. I love her anyways tho. Hey Jenjen, if you're reading this, I love you 💛 )
1 note · View note
ktrsss1fics · 6 years
Cake By The Ocean: One
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The employees of the law offices of Corningstone & Wallace are given two weeks paid vacation every year. The magic of last year’s trip had erased the memory of any other vacation from Georgina Ferguson’s mind. Roaming Aruban beaches with pineapples full of rum and making out with a cute Irish boy had ignited a spark that she had never felt before. From that moment on, she was a changed woman. She could parallel park on the busy street where her favorite ice cream shop was located. She was eating more leafy green vegetables. She could bake a Dutch apple pie from scratch. She even bought a new bike for the beach. However, the biggest change to Georgina’s life was the fact that she was head over heels in love with Niall Horan.
The love she received was unlike anything she had ever experienced. Growing up, she had read plenty of stories where men showcased their love. Paris’ love caused a war. Orpheus’ took him to hell and back. Alcyone’s went to his head. Zeus’ created a trail of broken hearts.  
But this wasn’t a mythological tale, this was real life. Niall’s love was different. His love was real. It was warm and kind and invigorating. His love made her believe in the future for the first time. His love made her realize she wasn’t broken. She was able to love. His love was the best thing that had ever happened to her.
But as of lately, that love had been neglected. He had been busy touring the globe. She had been busy saving the firm. Their phone calls were short. Their text messages were even shorter. She had been counting down the hours until she got to see him again.
Lucky for her, the countdown had made it’s way down to seven. In seven whole hours, she’d get to see the smiling face of her loving boyfriend. In seven whole hours, she’d get to hear his laugh and watch him reconnect with the rest of their friends. In seven whole hours, she’d have to pretend the boy she was in love with was just a boy that she could tolerate. In seven hours, she’d get to see him but only as a friend.
Why was that?
No one knew they were together. They had successfully kept it a secret for the past seven months. The only way they were able to last so long was the fact that he was gone for most of it. The two week trip to Greece they were about to embark on was going to put their relationship to the test. It would prove whether or not they were made to last. Having to share a house with eight of their closest friends while being in a secret relationship was going to be the ultimate test.
Their relationship status had caused plenty of arguments in the past couple weeks. From the moment he left for tour, they had gone back and forth. She didn’t want to tell anyone because she was worried she wasn’t ready to be someone’s girlfriend. Yes, they were official but Niall was the only one who knew. She was safe in this bubble, where outside eyes couldn’t harm her. What if their friends found out and things fizzled out? She’d never forgive herself. It took a few months of being on her own for her to realize that she was being ridiculous. She loved Niall and he loved her. Nothing was going to happen to them – no matter who found out. Just as fate would have it, the moment she switched teams, Niall switched too. He didn’t want anyone to know. He never told her why but he was adamant about keeping what they had a secret. He said she wouldn’t understand and that they needed to talk in person.
In seven hours, she was going to have that talk.
In the meantime, Georgina Ferguson sat on a sidewalk in the middle of a neighborhood in Mykonos while Jenna rambled on about the date she went on the night before with Stephen. She hadn’t been paying attention though. Her eyes were glued to her phone. It had been blowing up with reassuring texts from Niall since she got off the plane. Preflight jitters had gotten the best of her when she dropped Scout off at Keith’s cousin’s place so he had taken it upon himself to calm her down. For the most part, it had worked.
Another thing that helped cure her nerves was the blonde haired woman sitting beside her. Brittany knew something was bothering her but didn’t press the issue. Instead, she made sure that every preflight ritual was completed and that Georgina was given the seat by the window. She got them to the house in one piece. She put Georgina in charge of keeping an eye on the boys. They were picking up the keys to the house, the car Keith had rented, and something for the group to eat.
Brittany nudged Georgina’s leg, “Dave text back yet?”
“Should be here in fifteen minutes.” Georgina looked up. “Keith’s driving.”
“So it’ll be more like a half hour.” Jenna said making the others laugh.
Mags stretched out, leaning against her luggage. “Might as well work on our tans, ladies.”
“I hope this house is nice.” Jenna said rolling up the sleeves of her shirt.
“Neighborhood looks nice enough.” Brittany said looking around. “I think Keith did alright.”
“When are Ash and Marco getting in?” Mags asked looking up towards the sky.
“In a forty-five minutes, I think.” Georgina said.
“D’ya think they’ll actually want to spend time with us this trip?” Brittany asked.
“I’m surprised they were even invited.” Jenna said. “We never see them anymore.”
“I think the boys just wanted to be nice.” Mags shrugged.
“They’ll probably go out with us once and then stay in to shag for the rest of the trip.” Georgina said.
“You know what? That doesn’t sound half bad Ferguson. Maybe Jamie and I will do it.” Mags smirked glancing over at the blonde.
“Just keep him quiet.” Georgina fired back.
“It’s not him we have to worry about.” Jenna sniggered.
“So Jenna tell the girls how you gave Steve a blowie before he left yesterday.” Mags shot back.
“What the fuck!” Georgina squealed wide-eyed.
“Jenna! Skimping out on the details, are we?” Brittany teased.
“You bitch.” Jenna mumbled glaring at the older woman beside her.
“I’m not the one who had a stranger’s penis in my mouth less than twenty-four hours ago!” Mags said throwing her hands up dramatically.
“Margaret Fairchild! I swear to fucking God.” Jenna whined. “Stop picking on me.”
“Jens, I didn’t think you liked doing oral?” Georgina smirked. “Makes ya feel like a slag.”
“She was all about it last night.” Mags mumbled making Brittany laugh.
“Pick on Fergie instead!” Jenna said crossing her arms over her chest.
“Her time will come, my friend. Don’t worry.” Mags smiled.
“Looking forward to it, Margaret.” Georgina replied before focusing back on her phone.
“Can you check the group message to see when Ni’s getting in?” Brittany asked.
“Yeah,” Georgina said pretending to scan her inbox. She already had it memorized. “Uh says six.”
“Just in time for dinner.” Mags nodded. “Are we gonna go out tonight?”
“I’m up for it.” Jenna said.
“Want another stranger’s penis in your mouth?” Brittany joked making Mags snort.
Jenna’s entire body flushed red. “You three are such bitches.”
“You love us.” Mags said blowing her a kiss.
“So JenJen, you must be really feeling Steve then. You only do that when you are serious about someone.” Georgina said trying to salvage the conversation.
“Yeah well I was just uh reciprocating the love so to speak.” Jenna blushed.
“Oh yeah? Was he good at that?” Brittany asked.
“Better than the last one.” Jenna said.
“You lot have always been too hard on the Lizard King.” Georgina said making Brittany giggle. “At least he tried. That’s worth something.”
“Oh my god, Fergie!” Jenna squealed. “You didn’t experience it so you don’t know how fucking weird it was. No woman should ever go through that.”
“Marcus was always terrible at it so I wouldn’t know anything different.” Fergie shrugged.
“Dave’s decent. We save that stuff for special occasions though.” Brittany sighed.
“Doesn’t get a blowjob every day like our boy Chief Keef?” Jenna said dryly. “You know, I think Keith’s penis is the one penis I would never want in me mouth ever.”
The other three woman nodded in agreement.
“It’s got to be big, yeah? Or he’s got to be ace in the sack or something because the birds he pulls are way out of his league.” Georgina said putting her phone away.
“Let’s be real, I think the fact he resembles Ni helps him most days.” Jenna said.
“And there is no way he gets one every single day unless he is suckin’ himself off.” Mags said making the other girls cackle loudly.
“Every day is too much. David gets one on his birthday and our anniversary.” Brittany said. “That’s it.”
“And whenever Chelsea wins.” Georgina added.
“Jamie is the same. Birthday, Christmas, and our anniversary.” Mags explained.
“And whenever Chelsea beats Arsenal.” Georgina added.
“How do you know this?” Jenna asked confused.
“The fellas think I’m one of them.” Georgina shrugged. “They are a lot more open with each other than I thought they would be.”
“Do they talk about everything?” Mags asked sliding her sunnies down the bridge of her nose.
“Not when I’m around.” Georgina shook her head. “Your fiIthy little secrets are safe Margaret.”
“Good.” Mags winked before putting her glasses back into place.
“Ferg, we need to find you a Greek boy toy for the next two weeks.” Jenna said smugly. “Someone to have fun with.”
“Ehh, I’ll pass. Brought me vibrator. I’m set.” Georgina replied emotionless.
“Do you know what’s sad? I can never climax with one of those. I’ve got to sit through sex with James when I need to get off.” Mags admitted. “It’s dreadful sometimes — no offense to him.”
“This one’s the exact opposite.” Brittany said nodding towards her best friend.
“What!” Jenna and Mags said in unison.
Heat rushed to Georgina’s cheeks. “Never had one.”
“Marcus never—“ Mags trailed off.
“Always faked it.” Georgina sighed. “He really was a piece of shit at everything.”
“But you are twenty seven…” Jenna said wide-eyed. “A man’s never made you orgasm, really?”
Georgina shook her head trying not to act bothered by it. She knew it was a lie. Niall had proven that plenty of times before he left for tour.
“Georgina, that’s unacceptable.” Mags shook her head disappointed. “This has to change.”
“New goal of the trip: find someone to take Fergie to O-Town.” Jenna chimed in.
“Jens! I know the perfect person.” Mags smirked.
Jenna’s face lit up reading the older woman’s mind. “Oh I think I know who it is.”
“If Niall Horan’s name comes out of either of your mouths, I will suffocate you both in your sleep tonight.” Georgina glared playfully.
“Whoa! Cool the jets Fergie Ferg.” Jenna laughed.
“Babes, all we need to do is get a little bit of sangria into you and some whiskey into him, lock you in a room, and not let you out until you climax at least twice.” Mags said enthusiastically. “I’m sure Ni would be more than happy to help.”
“I reckon it wouldn’t take him long.” Jenna added. “I mean he’d be so into it he wouldn’t stop until you were able to finish more than once.”
“Exactly. Kid’s a perfectionist.” Mags nodded.
”Never quits. Be like a marathon shag session. You’d be taken care of, love.” Jenna chirped as Brittany linked her fingers with her best friend.
“You two are the worst.” Georgina blushed.
Brittany squeezed Fergie’s hand trying to show solidarity. Georgina appreciated the gesture.
“If you would have just made out with him in Vegas like we wanted, we would have moved on from this,” Mags said examining her nail beds.
“No you wouldn’t.” Georgina laughed loudly.
“Okay so maybe you’re right.” The older woman giggled. “I just can’t help it. You two would be perfect together.”
“Oh stop. We wouldn’t work out. We are both too stubborn and workaholics. And besides he doesn’t even like me like that.” Georgina blushed trying to find a way out of this conversation.
“That’s not what our group chat says.” Jenna replied smugly.
“Kid’s basically in love with ya, Ferg.” Mags smiled.
“He’d be a fool not to be.” Brittany said as she sat up. She focused on a car heading in their direction, “Looks like the boys are here.”
The group of women stood up and started putting their things together. As Keith pulled into the driveway, Georgina looked at her phone.
Only six hours and twenty-five minutes to go.
Six hours and twenty-five minutes.
She couldn’t wait.
The house Keith had picked was actually decent. It looked like it should be in a Bond film. The rooms were massive, the appliances were new, and a salt water pool took up most of the backyard. The best part was the view from the backyard. A group of bougainvillea trees framed the fence , which showcased a perfect view of the Mediterranean Sea. It was the prettiest sight she had seen since they landed.
Georgina’s room was on the first floor of the multi-tiered house. Niall’s room was a few doors down. Much like in Aruba, all the single members of the group were placed in one section of the house while the couples stayed in another. As unfair as it was, this time it worked in Georgina’s advantage. It would make her life a lot easier knowing that her best friend wouldn’t be snooping around.
As she unpacked her bag, she started to think of a way for her and Niall to spend time together. She knew it would either have to be after everyone went to sleep or before everyone woke up. There were two beds in each room so if they were careful a sleepover could take place. A nervous energy filled the pit of her stomach just thinking about it. She didn’t know if they could do this. She didn’t want to keep it a secret anymore.
Just when she was about to send a series of panicked texts in her boyfriend’s direction, a female with an American accent called out her name. Confused, the young Brit turned towards the door. Standing in the doorway in a low cut form-fitting sundress was a woman she had never seen before. Her hair was dark, her breasts were fake, and a different kind of smile was plastered across her face. She couldn’t quite tell what it meant but Georgina knew she didn’t trust it.
“Are you Fergie?” The woman said stepping inside the room.
“Ye-yeah.” Georgina stammered.
“Oh good! I’m Mar — short for Marlene. Keith said we were sharing a room.” The American giggled as she headed for the other bed in the room.
“What?” Georgina asked confused by her comment about Keith.
“Yeah, Keith said I was going to share a room with a girl named Fergie.” Mar explained sitting down on the bed. “Fergie. What’s that short for?”
Georgina tried to put the pieces together but she couldn’t. She didn’t know if it was nerves or lack of sleep but she didn’t get what was going on.
She closed her eyes. “Okay, wait so Keith said what now? What’s happening?”
The American laughed. “Oh my god! British people are so cute. I’m Mar short for Marlene. Ash and I work together. Keith invited me here.”
“He said the blonde named Jenna won’t share a room but the blonde named Fergie will.” Mar explained. “You’re the one who works a lot right? You probably just missed the message he sent.”
Georgina couldn’t believe what had come out of Mar’s mouth. Keith knew he would have had to get approval from the entire group before inviting a  complete stranger. He knew that. Mags and Britt created that rule ages ago. Everyone was overprotective of Niall and wanted him to have the chance at a normal life — especially on vacation. The fact that he had done it anyways blew Georgina’s mind.
“So you work with Ashlee and Keith invited you. Got it.” Georgina faked a smile.
“He said everyone was excited for me to join.” Mar said—the smile from earlier appeared. “Uh so Fergs, when’s the blonde one showing up?”
“Who?” Georgina asked confused. The group was made up of a handful of blondes. She could have been referring to anybody.
“Oh yeah, I guess he’s not blonde anymore. He was the last time we were together.” Mar said correcting herself.
Georgina’s face fell. That smile. That’s what it meant. This girl wasn’t here to be another one of Keith’s conquests; she was here to be one of Niall’s. The thought of this girl flying across the world to try to hook up with her best friend because he was famous made her blood boil.
“So is he still single?” Mar asked, a hopeful tone to her voice.
“Um Ash can fill you in.” Georgina said before heading for the door. “I need to go take care of something.”
With that, the blonde haired woman was gone. Her fingers were flying across the screen of her phone as she sent a message to Ni trying to explain what was happening but the rage building inside her was making her thoughts incoherent.
She knew this trip was going to be frustrating for her but she didn’t expect it to start this early. She made her way through the house looking for one specific man. She found him drinking a beer in the kitchen with David and Jamie.
“Oi! Miller!” Georgina called out from across the room.
“Hey Ferg.” Keith said raising his bottle towards her.
The other two men studied her face as she drew near. It was obvious that she was less than pleased. Jamie took a step away from Keith knowing something was about to go down.
“Mate.” Dave sighed. “What’d you do now?”
“Honestly don’t know.” Keith mumbled. “But I reckon I’m about to find out.”
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Georgina said once she made it over to the group of men.
“Um, Keith Miller?” He replied somewhat unsure of his answer.
“First of all, you can’t just invite people without asking the entire group if it’s okay.” She said crossing her arms over her chest. “And second, you can’t just give people’s rooms away. That’s bull shit.”
“Georgie, what’s going on?” Dave asked.
“Keith is more concerned with getting his dick wet than he is about anyone else this trip.” Georgina grumbled.
“Babes, it’s not like that.” Keith said moving towards her. “I promise.”
“Don’t.” She replied causing him to move back to his spot.
“Ferg, I promise that’s not what is going on.” Keith said trying to convincing.
“That’s not what fake tits over there is saying.” Georgina glared. “Apparently everyone is excited for her to be here and I must I missed the messages where she got invited because I work too much. Sound familiar?”
“Who ya talking about Ferg?” Dave asked placing a hand on her shoulder.
“Me, probably.” Mar’s American accent called out from behind them.
Their attention was now focused on the black haired woman standing near the doorway.
“Who the fuck is that?” Jamie whispered to Georgina.
“Mar. Short for Marlene. Works with Ash and was invited by this prick.” Georgina rattled off. “Oh I almost forgot, she’s apparently my roommate for the duration of this trip.”
“Mate.” Jamie sighed shaking his head at Keith.
“Honestly thought it would be a good idea.” Keith said sheepishly. “I should have planned this better.”
“I’m not sharing a room with her.” Georgina said defiantly.
“Okay well we’ll figure something out.” Dave said rubbing her back. “Don’t worry G.”
“There aren’t any rooms left.” Jamie said. “Are there?”
“I can take this one’s room and he can sleep on the couch.” Georgina nodded at Keith.
“But what if I pull? I need a room. Can’t shag someone on a couch.” Keith said — a hint of desperation in his voice.
“I mean Mar’s got an extra bed for ya in her room. You want to shag her there?” Georgina said dryly.
“Funny.” Keith said with a fake laugh.
“Honestly, that’s what should happen.” Jamie said. “Either she stays with Keith or the couch.”
“She can’t have the couch.” Dave said quietly.
Georgina shot the boy a funny look. She had her reasons for not wanting this stranger to sleep on the couch but she didn’t know why David would.
He cleared his throat, “Keith fucked up. He should be the one to suffer.”
Georgina agreed with Dave’s statement but sensed he was hiding something.
“She knows Ash. She could stay with her.” Georgina suggested.
“Ash and Marco are staying together. I’d prefer to stay away from that.” Mar stated.
Georgina rolled her eyes making Jamie laugh.
“Is she paying for a room?” Dave asked nodding to Mar.
“Well — you see…” Keith started to say.
“You were doing so well, brother.” Jamie said patting Keith on the back. “But you fucked up major with this one.”
“So you are telling me you invited this woman without proper approval, decided sticking her in with me was the best option when she didn’t want to sleep with you, and you aren’t making her pay for any of it?” Georgina asked with an incredulous look on her face. “How fucking magical is that fanny of hers?”
Jamie and Dave tried their best to keep a straight face but the pure disgust in Georgina’s voice sent them into a fit of laughter.
“You’re a legend.” Dave said squeezing her shoulder.
“Thanks.” She smiled before focusing her attention back to Keith. “How are we going to fix this mess?”
“I don’t know. Jenna won’t share. I’m not interested in sharing. So either someone sleeps on the couch or you share.” Keith said trying to think of another way he could make up for his mistake.
“Ferg can stay with Niall. He’s got two beds in his room and I’m sure he won’t mind.” Dave suggested.
Georgina’s skin grew warm. Her eyes focused on Dave’s face but he wouldn’t look at her. She knew exactly what he was trying to do but didn’t know why.
“She’d strangle him in his sleep.” Keith laughed.
“Not true, they’ve been playing nice lately.” Dave said sticking up for his best friends.
“And honestly, if we want to keep the peace those two are our ticket.” Jamie said thinking about it logically.
“I don’t want to share with Ni.” Georgina sighed. “If I’m paying for my room, I shouldn’t have to share. He shouldn’t either.”
“If it’s an option, I’ll share with Niall.” Mar chirped happily.
Georgina felt a wave of anger wash over her. This was not happening. The woman who flew all the way across the ocean to sleep with her boyfriend did not just suggest sharing the same room with him. She needed to keep her cool but didn’t know how. Dave’s grip on her shoulder grew a little tighter. As much as she wanted to keep her eyes focused on the floor, she couldn’t.
When she looked up at Dave, he gave her a sympathetic look. He didn’t know they were together but he had a feeling they were something. His girlfriend may have told him not to meddle but he couldn’t help it. He’d damned if a random woman was going to come in and steal Georgina Ferguson’s thunder. He knew she needed this – now more than ever.
Dave pulled his eyes off of Georgina and placed them on the stranger across the room, “Yeah that’s not happening.”
“It’s either Ferg or no one, sorry.” Jamie said feigning sympathy.
“I think the group should decide if it’s okay for them to share.” Keith said softly. “Right?”
Georgina rolled her eyes. “So me sharing a room with Ni deserves a meeting but you inviting a stranger doesn’t. Sounds real fair.”
“Fergs, I—“ Keith started to say but the frustrated young woman cut him off.
“If I wanted to deal with dumb shit, I would have stayed home. This is why you’re never in charge of things, Keith.” Georgina grumbled before pulling away from Dave and leaving the kitchen.
She repacked her bags and placed them in the hallway before making her way outside. Jenna and the girls were sitting around a table looking out into the horizon. A quiet conversation about a trip to a winery was being held as Georgina plopped down in the empty seat beside Brittany.
“For fucks sake Georgina, we’ve only been here five minutes. Cheer up.” Mags teased noticing the young woman’s sour mood.
“I’m going back home.” Georgina replied annoyed.
“Hey, I was only joking.” Mags said realizing something serious was going on.
“What’s wrong?” Brittany asked.
“Don’t have a room.” Georgina mumbled as she noticed Mar heading their way.
“Yes you do. We made sure there was enough.” Jenna said confused. “I watched Keith book it.”
“Didn’t take into account that Keith’s a fucking idiot that does whatever the hell he wants.” Georgina mumbled.
“Okay Ferg, I know you like being mysterious and all but like what the hell are you on about?” Jenna asked worried by her friends mood.
“Ferg!” Mar called out for sliding into the last empty seat around the table.
“Who’s that?” Jenna whispered to Mags.
“Where’s Ash?” Georgina asked quietly.
“On the phone with her brother.” Mar said. “I hope you don’t mind me hanging around.”
Georgina didn’t get a chance to respond. A devilish smirk formed on the American woman’s face before two simple sentences escaped her lips.
“You know I totally don’t get why you don’t want to share a room with Niall. I mean, yeah, he might snore a bit too much when he’s drunk but you know that’s just Niall.” Mar stated.
Jenna looked over to Mags and Brittany trying to see if they were just as confused as she was. The woman didn’t look familiar but she acted like she was.
“How long have you girls known him?” Mar asked leaning back in her chair.
“Hi, um who are you again?” Jenna asked looking the woman up and down.
“Oi Mel! Err I mean Mar.” Dave called out walking towards the group of women with glasses of wine in his hands. “Ash is lookin for ya. Something about needing help with an outfit or something.”
“Probably a bikini question.” Mar smiled before getting up. “I’ll have to catch up with you girls later.”
“Great.” Georgina replied dryly as she watched the American walk away.
When Dave reached the table, Jenna eagerly grabbed a glass and took a long sip.
“Okay, what the fuck was that about?” Mags asked turning her attention towards Georgina.
“David, just bring us the bottle.” Brittany said taking one of the glasses from him. “We are going to need it.”
“Okay babe.” Dave said before heading back inside.
“She fucked Niall.” Georgina said slowly putting the pieces together. “Or at least that’s what she wants us to think. I don’t know.”
“That makes sense. I mean, how else would she know he snores when he’s drunk?” Brittany said.
“Yeah I guess that’s true.” Jenna asked.
“He’s grown up in the spotlight so I’m sure a lot of people feel like they know him.” Mags pointed out. “He was plastered on every form of media since he was sixteen. It’s hard to miss him.”
Georgina shook her head, “She seemed like she wanted it known that she knows him on a more personal level.”
“How personal can it really be? I’ve never seen her before and we’ve been friends with him for years.” Jenna said.
“So, who is she then?” Brittany asked.
“She works with Ash. Keith invited her thinking she’d be down to be his little vacation fling.” Georgina explained. “But he didn’t take into account that Ni was going to be here and she knows him somehow.”
“Why would Keith invite someone without checking with the group first?” Mags asked.
“Because he wanted to get laid.” Georgina sighed.
“Is she the reason you don’t have a room?” Brittany asked sounding annoyed.
“He thought I’d be fine with sharing with her.” Georgina said taking a hold of the glass Dave had set down. “Didn’t ask if it was okay. Just did it.”
“That’s bullshit.” Mags said before taking drink of her wineglass. “Absolute bullshit.”
“I know.” Georgina sighed before taking a drink.
“We’ll get it sorted.” Britt smiled weakly. “Don’t worry G.”
“But first, let’s see who this girl is.” Jenna said pulling out her phone.
The next few hours were spent scouring the internet for anything they could find on the dark-haired stranger. Georgina Ferguson was nearly 100% certain that at one point in time Mar slept with Niall. The others weren’t too sure. They had been around Niall long enough to know that his fame attracted the wrong type of women. Those type of women would do anything for their fifteen minutes of fame. Mar seemed the type.
Brittany wanted it to be a lie for her best friend’s benefit. She knew Georgina had some sort of feelings for the man she once hated. She was hoping that this trip to Greece would help push her realize that being with Niall was the right direction – much like their time in Aruba had started to do. She didn’t like the idea of some random woman coming in and trying to ruin that. She knew she needed to find a way to keep Mar away from Niall for Georgina’s sake.
Brittany just didn’t know how she was going to accomplish that.
When asked if he was sad tour was coming to an end, Niall Horan would nod and formulate the perfect soundbite about wanting to continue touring for the rest of the year to give all of his fans a chance to see him perform. His dedication would be commended and another person would sing their praise about what a great artist he was.
But deep down, he knew he was lying.
He wanted to go home. He wanted to cuddle on the couch with his dog. He wanted to go to the pub with his mates and act like an idiot. Most of all, he wanted to be with his girlfriend.
The past three weeks had been the toughest three weeks he’d experienced in his solo career. The shows weren’t grueling. The interviews weren’t demanding. He just missed Georgina that much. The moment they shared in London during the holidays hung heavy on his heart. She was in love with him. She was in love with a whiskey drinking foul mouthed workaholic who spent more time on the road than in his actual house and he couldn’t believe it. She was in love with someone who couldn’t give her a proper relationship. He could count on one hand the amount of times they saw each other while he was away. She deserved so much better.
If anyone close to him asked if he was ready for tour to end, he’d say yes. He was ready to sleep in until noon and golf whenever he pleased. He was ready to not have something scheduled every second of his day. He was ready to relax. In fact, he had been counting down the hours until that flight to Greece.
When he woke up that morning, he had received a series of texts from Georgina. She was nervous. She was nervous about leaving Scout, getting on the plane, and that they wouldn’t be able to keep their relationship a secret once they were with their friends.
He had to admit he was nervous too. He was nervous about seeing her again. He was nervous that things wouldn’t be the same. He was nervous that his time apart caused their spark to fizzle out. He was nervous for the trip because it was their first trip as a couple and he didn’t know what to expect. He knew that he was being ridiculous. He knew the moment saw her face all his worries would go away. He knew he just needed to get on that flight. At the end of it, s bottle of beer and a kiss from a pretty girl had his name written all over it.
It was half past seven when Niall landed in Mykonos. His connecting flight had been delayed. Niall attempted to call Georgina when he found out the news but when he reached for his phone it was dead. He knew she’d be annoyed with him but once he told her that he had drained the battery watching all the videos of her and Scout he had saved on his phone, he figured he’d be met with heart eyes instead of one’s filled with anger.
By the time he got to the house, his nerves had completely disappeared. He was ready to relax for the next two weeks with some of closest friends. When he walked inside, he was met by the smell of David’s infamous fajitas and an old Bruce Springsteen track. He dropped his luggage by the door and headed for the kitchen.
“Nialler!” Jamie cheered from the stove top as he noticed the Irishman from across the room. He was making a pot of Spanish rice.
“Aren’t makin’ that too spicy, are ya Jim Jam?” Niall asked walking over to give his friend a hug.
“Fuck your reflux.” Jamie rolled his eyes dramatically. Niall laughed as his friend continued to speak, “Fergs already made ya some bland boring ass rice.”
Niall didn’t get a chance to respond. A damp kitchen towel whipped across the back of his neck. The Irishman turned around cautiously. Standing with a beer in hand was his best friend. Niall’s smile grew in size as the tall Brit pulled him into a hug. Dave handed over a drink before leaning against the fridge.
“Thanks for checking in you twat.” Dave said dryly.
“Me phone died.” Niall said pulling his keys out to open his beer.
David leaned in close, “There’s trouble in the Hen House.”
Niall’s brow furrowed, “What happened?”
Before Dave got the chance to explain, someone interrupted. A hand patted Dave’s stomach as they tried to get into the fridge but he couldn’t move. The kitchen was too small.
“Davey, get me a beer please.” Georgina said softly.
The sound of her voice sent shock waves through his body. Niall couldn’t believe it. This was the moment he’d been waiting for. He didn’t think it was possible but the smile on his face grew even bigger. He turned around to find irritation chiseled into the features of his girlfriend.
“Hey Ferg!” Niall said sweetly.
Georgina faked a smile as she grabbed the bottle of beer from Dave’s hand. She took a quick swig before looking between the boys.
“Did Davey tell you that Keith brought ya a toy to play with?” Georgina asked with a hint of disgust in her voice.
Niall looked up at David completely confused. When he turned to ask Georgina what she meant, she wasn’t there. She was making her way for the backyard. Without a second thought, he chased after her.
Georgina stopped a few feet from the door and waited for him.
“Babe, what’s going on?” He asked keeping his voice low.
She sighed, “Well—“
An ear-piercing shriek sounded from across the yard catching the couple’s attention. Ashlee was sitting on a pool lounger with another woman. Her face looked familiar. He had seen her around but he couldn’t quite place it.
“Oh my god, Ni!” The woman squealed, popping up from her spot. “You’re finally here.”
Their eyes locked. He knew exactly who she was. Marlene. Niall’s body stiffened as she made her way around the pool towards him.
“Fuck.” He sighed. He placed his hands on his hips and turned towards Georgina.
The young blonde just shook her head. Her face had said everything. She was upset.
“Ferg.” He whispered.
“I’m gonna go get ready for dinner.” Georgina mumbled. She watched Mar grow near. She nodded over to the dark haired woman. “Have fun with that.”
“Babe.” Niall said reaching out to keep his girlfriend from leaving but she had already slipped past him.
“Niall!” Mar said with an irreplaceable grin. “How have you been?”
“Hey Mar.” He replied with a clenched jaw.
Mar rubbed up against before forcing him into her embrace. “It’s been ages. Congrats on the solo stuff.”
“Thanks.” Niall laughed nervously as he patted her on the back.
Mar’s arms lingered on his body as he tried to pull away. Her touch was aggressive and deliberate. He didn’t like it. Once he was released from her grip, Niall stepped away putting some space in between them. She ruffled her hair before adjusting her dress.
“When Keith first asked me to come, I was a bit hesitant.” Mar said looking up at him. Her index finger poked his stomach playfully. “But then I found you’d be here and I just had to come.”
“Oh yeah?” Niall said pressing his beer bottle to his lips. “How do you know Keith?”
“Same way I know you.” She winked.
A shiver ran down his spine. The thought of him sleeping with the same woman as Keith made him cringe. He took long sip of his drink trying to find a way out of his conversation.  
“I didn’t know that you knew Ashlee and Marco too.” She said ruffling her hair once more. “They don’t mention you that much.”
“We’ve been friends for a few years now.” Niall said with a polite smile.
“Ash and I work together. That’s how I met Keith.” Mar explained. “But enough about me, let’s talk about you. How are Harry and the boys? Still keep in touch with them?”
Niall nodded, “They are all doing good. Just uh enjoying life and being solo. Nothing really new.”
“Good, good.” Mar said. “Hey quick question, is that uh Fergie girl a bit you know — not all there?”
Niall looked surprised. “What? Why?”
“Well Keith said she and I were sharing a room and I had to like explain it to her a couple times.” Mar laughed. “And she hasn’t talked much since she’s been here.”
Niall just nodded. Georgina’s mood was slowly starting to make sense. He didn’t quite understand what Mar’s comment meant but he knew David would. He needed to find him.
“She’s probably just still in work mode.” Niall replied before clearing his throat. “Mar, it’s been great seeing you but I promised Dave I’d help him season his meat. I’ll see you later.”
“Oh okay.” Mar smiled. “I’ll see you in there then.”
When Niall stepped back inside, he headed straight for the kitchen. He needed answers. The man he came to see was standing in front of the stove with a towel draped across his shoulder. He was tending to a large pan that was filled with sizzling peppers and onions.
Niall leaned against the counter. He finished off his beer in two long gulps. He set the bottle on the counter before crossing his arms over his chest.
“Am I living in a fucking alternate universe, Watson?” Niall asked.
“Tried to warn ya, Sherlock.” Dave laughed.
“Fuck, dude.” Niall sighed.
“I know.” Dave said glancing at him. “It sucks but it’s gonna be okay.”
“Fergie’s pissed.” Niall said running a hand through his hair.
“They all are.” Dave said stirring the vegetables in his pan. “But it’s not at you, it’s more at Keith and Mar.”
“No. Fergie’s mad at me. I saw it on her face.” Niall sighed.
“Well, can you see why she’d be a bit upset?” Dave asked focusing on his food. “I mean Mar’s been running her mouth about ya since she got here.”
Niall’s eye shut tight as a sigh escaped from deep within. He pinched the bridge of his nose, “Really?”
“Something along the lines of braggin’ about sleepin’ with ya.” Dave replied.
“Shit.” Niall groaned.
“It’s going to be okay. I was around during the Marcus days. I know how to fix it.” Dave said calmly. “When she found out the rumors were true, she had a complete meltdown. Tried to change everything about herself to compete with the other women.”
“Is that why she’s in this mood? Because she thinks she has to compete with Mar.” Niall said lowly.
“Don’t know mate but what I do know is that you just need to remind her that you are interested in her and only her.” Dave said.
“You think so?” Niall asked.
Dave nodded, “Women need reassurance sometimes.”
“Okay.” Niall mumbled dryly. “Should be easy enough except for the fact she won’t talk to me.”
“That won’t last long.” Dave laughed as he turned off the burner. “Hand me that dish.”
Niall handed him an empty bowl, “Why’s that?”
“You two are sharing a room.” Dave smirked as he drained the contents of the pan into the bowl.
“What!” The Irishman said in disbelief.
“You’re welcome.” Dave winked as he started to cut up the meat he had grilled.
“How’d that work out?” Niall asked.
“Keith gave her room away so I figured if anyone is gonna share it should be the two of you.” Dave shrugged.
Niall just nodded. He figured that Keith’s decision played a tiny part in Georgina’s mood. Sharing a room was sure to remedy that real quick. He started to think of a way to fix things.
“Look Ni, I don’t know what’s going on between ya but you both are actually happy and I’m happy to see it.” Dave said with a genuine smile. “If you ever need me to sub in and help out, I’m game.”
“I appreciate it brother.” Niall smiled as he patted David on the back.
“Now since you were late, you have dish duty when we are finished.” Dave said as Niall opened the fridge.
“That’s just fine with me.” He said grabbing two bottles of beer.
Dinner came and went. The entire meal was spent planning out the next day’s activities. After much debate, they decided on sightseeing. An old church was brought up as well as a few sites that held ancient ruins. Niall didn’t care what they did. He was too busy trying to think of a way to get his girlfriend to talk to him. He cracked a few jokes, addressed her directly, and even took to staring at her for five minutes straight but she never gave in. Georgina Ferguson was one stubborn woman. He knew he was in for a hell of a night.
After they ate, Niall washed the dishes while the rest of the group retreated to different parts of the house. A few people headed out to the pool. A couple others popped in a film. A certain woman headed straight to bed. Once the dishes were dried, he knew exactly where he needed to be.
When he got to their room, it was quiet. He closed the door behind him mentally rehearsing the apology he had planned. But once he saw her, his mind went blank. He found her in the bathroom drying her hair. He leaned against the door frame waiting for her to finish.
He had missed this. He had missed watching her get ready for work in the morning. He missed making dinner for her when she got home. He missed lounging on the couch as they caught up on the tv shows she liked to watch.
He missed just being with her.
The dryer turned off snapping him out of his dream. A faint smile formed on Niall’s face as he watched her reflection in the mirror. Her eyes looked sad.
“What’s wrong?” He asked gently.
Georgina spun around quickly. Her eyes grew colder as a frown formed across her lips. “You fucked her.”
Niall sighed. “Babe—“
She pressed her index finger into his chest. “You fucked her. All the others kept saying she was lying and that it wasn’t true but I could tell. I could tell because she had that little twinkle in her eye.”
“Baby.” He said stepping towards her.
“And Brittany has told me about all the other women you’ve been with and they all look like her and none of them look like me.” She rambled nervously. “Is that what you like? Is that what turns you on? Because if so, I don’t know why we are still together.”
Niall reached out and cupped her face with his hands. “Georgina, breathe.”
She attempted to continue her anxious ramble but he stopped her. His thumb stroked her cheek as he looked deep into her eyes.
“I love you. I want to be with you. I don’t want or need anybody else.” He said calmly. “I want you.”
“But she—“ Georgina mumbled.
“Fuck what she said.” Niall said annoyed. “I slept with her one time when I was drunk and I’ve regretted it to this day.”
“Harry’s friend invited us to this party in Malibu. I didn’t want to go so I invited Davey to come along and we got absolutely obliterated.” He explained. “I woke up the next morning in some random girl’s bed. I felt horrible for it. I’m not that person.”
Georgina placed her hands on her hips. “Okay.”
Niall removed his hands and placed them on top of hers. “Don’t sound too convinced there Ferguson.”
“She just made it seem like you had some raunchy sexual relationship.” Georgina explained.
“That’s just how she is.” Niall sighed. “I asked her how she knew Keith and you know what she said?”
She shook her head.
“She said verbatim,” he said before putting on an American accent, “Same way I know you.”
Georgina cringed. “Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew.”
He rubbed her hips with his thumbs. “Exactly.”
“I don’t want to picture them having sex.” She said closing her eyes making him laugh.
“See, Baby? That’s just her. She is all about shock value.” He smiled. “You— you have nothing to worry about.”
“Yeah I do.” She said quietly.
“What do you have to worry about Georgina?” He asked pulling her towards him.
She opened her eyes as tears began to form. “I can’t hold your hand in public. I can’t sit on your lap when I’m tired or too drunk. I can’t tell my best friends that I’m having the best sex I’ve ever had in me entire life and that I’ve actually had an orgasm.”
“Best sex you ever had?” He asked surprised.
The blonde haired woman nodded with a shy smile.
Niall looked impressed with himself. “I’ll take that.”
“Here she is running around telling everyone how she’s slept with the Niall Horan and I’ve just got to sit tight and bare it.” She said. “It’s just too much.”
“Baby, I promise we will tell them soon.” Niall said softly. “I just need more time.”
“But for what though?” She asked — sounding hurt. “How much more time do you need?”
“It’s just—“ He said before letting out a frustrated groan. “If we tell one person then eventually the entire world will find out and I’m not ready for that. We’re not ready for that. Everything will change.”
“Our friends wouldn’t do that to us.” Georgina said.
“Most of them wouldn’t.” Niall corrected.
“Fucking Keith.” She rolled her eyes.
“I just — I know what will happen if the public finds out. I’ve seen Tommo go through it. I’ve seen Liam go through it.” He said softly. He rested his forehead against hers, “I just need to protect you. For a little bit longer.”
“Fine.” She sighed dramatically.
“You’re a pain in the ass.” He mumbled playfully.
“Says the man who let his phone die when he’s traveling to another country.” She mumbled back.
“I’m sorry!” He said lifting his head back. “It was a good reason for it to die.”
“Oh yeah? What’s that?” Georgina asked with a bit of sass.
“I was too busy watching videos of me girls because I’ve missed them too fucking much.” He said in a matter of fact tone.
Her skin grew warm as a smile formed. “You missed me?”
“Like you wouldn’t believe.” He sighed.
“I know.” She said draping her arms over his shoulders.
“How do you know?” He asked confused.
“Gerry texted me.” She explained. “He originally asked me if I could send Scoutie girl to you because he knew you were sad. But I told him I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to send pets through the post.”
Niall laughed. “He’s such an idiot.”
“Wait, it gets better. Then he asked if I’d send ya a pic of my tits because he knew that would cheer you up.” She smirked. “Pretty sure he just wanted to see my tits.”
“That’s our Gerry.” Niall shook his head. “I should’ve known better than to give him your number. He said he had a legal question.”
“He just cares about ya.” Georgina smiled. “Gotta look out for the boss man.”
Niall tried to fight the blush from forming but he couldn’t. It was refreshing to know how many people genuinely cared about his well being. After nearly a decade of chaos, he was finally in a good place. A good portion of that was due to the woman standing in front of him.
“I love you.” She whispered making his heart skip a beat. “A lot. And I’m sorry for being mean.”
“It’s understandable. I mean when I saw Marcus, I didn’t handle it too well.” He said.
“I was two seconds away from going McGregor on her.” Georgina admitted.
Niall laughed, “Why’s that?”
Georgina looked annoyed, “She kept going on about how ‘Slow Hands’ is about her!”
This made the young man laugh even harder. “No way in hell it’s about her. It’s about you.”
“How is it about me? We never–” She said not understanding what he meant.
“Do you know how many times I’ve pictured that scenario? Then last year when you made the joke I laughed it off but I can’t lie deep down I wished it would have happened.” He admitted.
“Well it almost did.” She blushed remembering that night in Aruba.
Niall pressed his hips against hers. He brought his hands up to face once more.
“I’m gonna kiss you now, okay? It’s been the only thing I’ve wanted to do since I got off the plane.” He whispered.
Without another word, the couple’s lips connected and every ounce of anxiety left the room. They were finally back together and it felt so good.
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Dec. 01, 2008 / Jan. 26, 2019
The following text is from the first blog I ever posted over 10 years ago, and after that is not only an update but an analysis of the past blog
“HI everyone.
I've decided I'm going to stop informing people about my life one on one. Wanna know what's up in JenJen's world? Read her shiny new bloggity bloggart. Plus this'll replace private journaling, which wastes pages and pages of paper, as I seem to write stuff down and get mad then rip it all out. AND you'll get to see my fantastic skills in the written English language as I type away about my awful day, and how the bus is always late, my socks never match, and my cell always dies. (FYI, it's never my fault. I blame my faulty upbringing or something equally cliche).
Oh, this shall bring great joy to my family who never hears from me (I mean you, Greniers and Conroys). It's not my fault I have hours to spend on the computer typing up useless information rather than picking up the phone and saying hi... it's that damn faulty upbringing of mine.
So yes. Welcome and hello. Visit often, read lots. Chances are, this'll replace my Nex-us oh-blogius. If you're not English-speaking, too bad. I'm not not typing everything twice (second for the Family Frenchies and the french ESL kids from all around, noobs).
Waaaayyy too much for a first entry, my apologies.
okay. that covers it. Welcome to BAGGie's blog.
So this is interesting for more reasons than one. In late 2008, I had decided to start a blog because a person I admired at the time had one, but not a journal style blog that I ended up writing; the style of my blog came from my background of extensive journaling with a mild awareness of an audience. I was excited with the idea of digitally publishing my  verbal diarrhea and having a captive audience.
Looking back, I can see which posts I had planned and which posts I had not only winged, but shouldn't have written period, either from lack of proper judgement, or even from time to time, complete fabrications in attempt to get attention from certain folks.
This particular post was written the same hour I made my blogspot, when things were still "okay" while I was living solo at the age of 16. I think it was late 2008, so I'll say Dec 26 2008.
0 notes
chcrrybombwinwin · 7 years
another tag thing
I was tagged by @jeonjkooks
nickname: Jen or JenJen!
zodiac sign: gemini
height: 5'1 (yes im smol)
last thing you googled: “choccy milk urban dictionary”
favorite music artist(s): svt, history, b.i.g, bts, sf9, varsity, toppdogg, astro, exid, mamamoo, red velvet, etc.
song stuck in your head: Touch by A.Cian (please stan them they’re so beautiful and talented)
last movie you watched: the emperor’s new groove (i watched it 2 days in a row, too)
what are you wearing right now: orange skinny pants, and a black knit short sleeve sweater shirt thing??? (idk how to describe it)
what do you post: fanfic, memes, edits, etc. on different groups cause I’m multifandom af
why did you choose your url: taehyung once tried to speak to some american rappers and said “turn up”
do you have other blogs: I don’t have any other blogs lmao i barely post enough on this one
what did your last relationship teach you: what relationship
religious or spiritual: I’m religious, one being pastafarianism.
favorite color: mint green, lavender, pastels
average hours of sleep: 6 on weekdays, 8 on weekends
lucky number: 9, 17 
favorite characters: i love webtoons like untouchable and super secret!! i cant choose favs.
how many blankets do you sleep with: 0-2
dream job: stripper, forensic/genetic scientist, cafe owner, or a performer
i tag: @marksontrash @blueneighborhoods and anyone who wants to do it!
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