#this is an excellent ship and you are all just cowards
pumpkinspice-prouvaire's required les mis fic reading list
enough of u supported me in my half asleep post asking about fic recs the other day so I am providing. If you want a deep look into my inner psyche this is also the list for that hehe. I tried to be strict about only including my absolute MUST READ fics that I adore and have read and reread and reread again multiple times. Also these will be mostly ExR, to no one's surprise. But there might be a few other ships and gen fics in there too. It's under the read more because this bitch is gonna get long
Auto-read authors:
I didn't wanna rec the same authors too many times in my list proper so these are the authors whose works I have read all (or nearly all) of multiple times. The authors whose tax returns I would read if they posted them on ao3. I will be featuring my favourite fics by them in the list
loverism (all of their fics are currently in a privated bookmark but I have faith that they will someday return. loverism if u see this I miss u)
Multi-Chapter fics/Series/WIPs:
Under My Wings You Will Find Refuge- Fiver: (WIP) This is the most required reading of my required reading list. I can quote passages of this fic by heart. It's my roman empire. PLEASE check this one out if you haven't it is the best ExR fic in existence, it will change ur life I promise
Beneath a Dragon Moon- The Librarina: GOT AU, no GOT knowledge required. Lots of dramatic moments interspaced with some lovely tender ExR
Guided by a Beating Heart -torakowalski: my absolute FAVOURITE Enjolras centric angst fic. Lots of emotion, lots of friendship, will make you ugly sob
you and i walk a fragile line (is this the time it finally breaks)?- UnforgettableJoMarch: (WIP) I am so enjoying following along with this one. Heartbreaking plot with sublime execution and some brilliant lines, so looking forward to seeing this one develop
The Future's Owned By You and Me- quillsand: ENJOLRAS/FEUILLY ENJOLRAS/FEUILLY ENJOLRAS/FEUILLY WHAT MORE CAN I SAY. Absolutely fantastic rarer pair fic with as much (and maybe more) importance devoted to the activism as to the ship
Getting Fucked in Lingerie- downtheroadandupthehill: PWP. ahem. anyways.
(With a Jubilant Shout) They Will Come One and All- zade: PWP. AHEM. ANYWAYS.
True Blood AU-kjack89: Exactly what it sounds like. Vampire Grantaire and Human Enjolras shenanigans
words can be unwritten- defractum: my favourite soulmate au which makes me melt every time <3
Armillaria- RevocablePeril: THE MOST COURFIUS FIC OF ALL TIME. Lots of excellent Les Amis content in general. SUCH a good, massively underrated fic. 121 kudos??????????? You're all insane.
In An Age Without Heroes- ShitpostingfromtheBarricade: Gloryhole soulmates, the prison industrial complex, Oprah.
walls come tumbling down-reptilianraven: They're cute your honor. One of the only high school AUs I will abide by tbqh hehe
What's a Bed Between Friends?- dannyPURO: if there's one thing you should know about me it's that I ADORE the there was only one bed trope
epiphany- Abidatchery: screaming crying throwing up that this isn't the fandom's most kudos'ed fic. Every word is expertly crafted and absolutely stunning
Vienna Roast- revolutionbarbie: cosy coffee shop au with a version of Enjolras we don't get to see but that I really enjoy
A Little More Lois Lane- stellatundra: Just a really funny and silly AU in which Grantaire is Superman
Love in a Coffee Shop-tellthemstories: an absolute fandom classic and rightly so. I've read this one so many times and every time there'll still be something that makes me laugh out loud
My anaconda don't want none (at all)-vamillepudding: v funny and sweet ace enj fic with hilarious triumvirate and exr dynamics
The Waiting is the Hardest Part-samyazaz: In this house, we absolutely love a sexy bet
Between Meetings and Midnight- PieceofCait: Enjolras cries after sex send tweet
A Bad Penny- PBJellie: Gay cowboys and sickfics are the ultimate combo for SURE
Leaves in the Void- myrmidryad: lots of emotion lots of friendship this one is so heavy but SO good you guys. It's also a Space AU I know we all love that <3
my heart's been borrowed (yours has been blue)-Petr1chor: P-tri is so good at writing fics where Enjolras is a complete dumbass and he wrote this one especially for me <3 <3 <3
fire in my hands- geode: This is my go to fic if I want a laugh. "Do you like parsnips?" "Yes they're my second favourite vegetable" iconic exchange god bless
I Would Do Anything For Love- Need_to_Comment_Rising: one of my fave ace Enjolras fics with lovely tender ExR. No I'm not biased because I worked on this series, don't be silly
Like Comfort, Like Solace, Like Relief- areyoumiserableyet: The sensation of coming home to the people you love after a long day <3
Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood- sonhoedesrazao: There should be more fics with oblivious to his own emotions Grantaire that's all I'm saying
Trying to Leave the Ground-barricadeur: rly comfy cosy smut fic
YAY ENJOY I'm gonna go lie down now god I hope I haven't forgotten anything lmfao
122 notes · View notes
wolven91 · 11 months
A Warlord's Distraction
[Trigger Warning; Dubious Consent]
Dastinia the taurian prowled into her ship's hold where the latest collection of ransom prisoners were chained up. The exploratory ship that they had just finished scuttling was practically full to bursting with fresh meat that she and her raiding party could leverage for a very hefty payday. Trained specialists, all the equipment, the star charts and confirmed ‘safe’ hyperlanes? Plenty of parties would want those back. 
And if not?
She could simply threaten to release the crew into the planet's orbit, as they were and either sell or use the equipment herself. Their lifeless corpses would serve as a handy reminder not to refuse her demands in future. A brutal tactic, but an effective one. You only had to make good on your threat once before folk began to take you seriously. Would they really risk that chance?
‘Certainly not yet.’ she thought with a ‘huff’ of air through her snout. 
Her great horns nearly scraped the door frame as she ducked into the room, where she grinned a tooth smile at the nervous murmur that rippled from her entrance and deep into the cavernous room. They knew her; good. There was a wide variety of species here; some large, some small, but nothing special. Dastinia swept her gaze from one side of the room to the other, the chains that connected from the ceiling to the collars around their necks 'tinkling' quietly when they flinched. 
Excellent, the correct reaction… She straightened and held her clawed hands behind her back. 
She enjoyed surveying new stock, not just because Dastinia had a knack for finding valuable creatures hidden in the crowd, but the fear they exhibited was still delightful to the pirate. She had taken great pains to ensure her reputation was known far and wide.
She was about a quarter of the way into the room when her colossal form stopped however. She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply through her nose at a new scent that she hadn't encountered before. It was common knowledge that every species in the wider galaxy had their own 'flavour' or scent, then the individual of that species was distinct based on this unique scent. It was all so common that scents just bled into the background most days. 
This particular scent was one that was rich and delicious. It reminded her of her childhood, of simpler times, it was like; hot, melted butter on a breakfast made by someone else. It smelt decadent and naughty, like to enjoy it too much would render her immobile after gorging herself. 
The great bellows that were her lungs worked to follow the scent deeper into the crowd. Her hooves stomped as she got closer, and as she got close, the scent got stronger. She stepped off the raised gantry that cut the room in half and dropped down into the terrified crowd and sea of chains. Each step was met with a puddle of free space as the crowd cowarded away from her. She weaved between them, her large flat nose working to follow the glorious scent back to its owner.
Eventually she found a small creature, shorter than her by a couple feet, dressed in dirty, obviously unwashed clothes, its slim arms and collar also attached to the ceiling like everyone else. 
“You, stand.” she commanded, leaving no uncertain terms that this wasn't a request.
The creature stood carefully, it was thin and unassuming, but no doubt was the source of the scent. It avoided her gaze and stared at a spot between the floor and her hooves Dastinia stalked around him, ignoring the other hostages who shuffled away from her and her apparent victim. Its shivering caused its own chain to rattle quietly. 
What was odd was that she was unaware as to what this creature was. Dastinia was far more well travelled than the average citizen so why was this one unknown to her?
It was roughly the same size as a male of her kind, but not only did it not have horns, shaved or otherwise, it lacked fur as well. It had a mop of hair on top but it looked like it needed a shower. It was thin too, not the toned yet slim frames of taurian males that spend so much effort on their appearance; this creature was malnourished. Despite all of this new weirdness, its scent wouldn’t leave Dastinia’s nose. 
“I've never met one of your kind before... What are you?”
It stood with its arms still connected together with chains, a small constant tremor throughout its body rattling the links. Whether from the cold or fear Dastinia didn't know. A part of her felt a twinge of sympathy for the thing. Again, she considered that it had neither fur nor the thicker clothes of his fellow passengers. This would not normally concern her, she had murdered in the past, why would the comfort of one be different now?
“H-human. I'm a Human. Please don't kill us, I-I don't want to die."
She reached out and gave his upper arm a squeeze; ignoring the violent flinch, there were muscles there, but only slightly. He hadn’t always been this thin. His comments were a far cry from the defiance of her usual prey. He was honest it seemed... vulnerable.
“And, where do you hail from, Human?”
“I... I don't know.” An obvious lie, amusing how poor he was at this. He wasn't used to lying…
“If I have never met one of you before and you don’t recall where you came from, do you recall how you came to be part of this group?”
“I… it was dark, I was on my way home. Then there was a bright light. Then I woke up… I wasn’t home then.”
“Do you know the names of the creatures that surround you? What race am I?” Taurians were one of the three founding members of The Galactic Community. Every space faring species has at least heard of taurians, ursidains and the ssypno. Even if these humans were simply new, they still would at the very least know a taurian when they saw one.
“N-no… I-I don’t.”
The pirate cast a furious gaze around at the alien crew who had previously held this creature. It was a ‘primitive’. A pre-contact species. 
This meant that this latest ship she had raided was no mere exploration craft, they had stolen a pre-contact from its cradle world. One of the few crimes considered objectively worse than anything Dastinia had done in the past, which was a considerable list. 
“Lieutenant, retrieve this one. I will interrogate him personally.” The war-chief called out, turning on her hoof and stomping away from the 'Human' who remained standing there, eyes wide filled with fear as her crew approached it. As she left the room, her disgust for the latest batch of prisoners deepened. 
To steal a primitive from their cradle world, it was all too a common occurrence when new species appeared. It was lucrative, the primitives could resist and to the pirate; utterly unforgivable. 
“Despicable.” She growled as she stalked down the corridor. She would need to let off steam before exposing herself to the ‘human’. 
An hour or so later, the human was brought to a separate room that Dastinia had prepared beforehand. She made sure to increase the temperature slightly, it was cold in the hold and it was not dressed warmly. Not to mention it’s lack of fur.
His apparent discomfort was still upsetting her for some odd reason, but she would manage that, it would do no good to look weak now. She shook her head to clear the memory from her vision as she stood staring at the close bulkhead. 
He was facing away from the door that she entered from. He had no choice on the matter as his collar was still in place and now attached to the ceiling in this room, along with both his arms which were raised above his head. His feet still reached the floor and he could turn his head to a degree, but aside from that, he had little movement available to him.
He was breathing heavily, likely scared. The crew had trussed him up just as they were trained to, his clothes had been completely removed. Ready for interrogation. The chains tinkled with his shiver.
A frown creased Dastinia's face again, she didn't like this idea, he was too soft to be of danger to her or her crew. His obvious lack of combat prowess began an itch to offer him comfort, or even protection. The taurian stamped down this urge however, she had a job to do first. 
His lack of knowledge on something as basic as what species was what meant she could learn very little, but there was knowledge behind those eyes that he could offer her, it was just a matter of having him offer it without marring his flesh. A challenge, now the warlord loved that kind of thing. She would see what she could get from him without hurting him. 
She closed the bulkhead behind her, and noted that his head attempted to turn and glance at her, but probably could only glimpse a part of her through his peripheral vision. The taurian walked forward and considered the tray of sharp, shining tools directly behind him. The vast majority of the metallic tools were going to be unused, perhaps the clamps if she had no other options. The matt black objects however, which were usually just for show, posed more viable options she could use. 
“I hope my crew were not too rough with you... They can be... excitable.” She started, remaining out of sight at his back.
He didn't respond except for a slight flinch.
She 'huffed', she needed him to get used to her, not fear her, she'd get no information worth anything with him in this state. She approached and was over taken by the wondrous scent again, no less potent than before. She stood there a moment, just off to his left, directly behind him, eyes closed and breathing deeply, before opening her eyes again and beginning her work. 
She placed an over-sized hand on his hip against his bare flesh, just above his beltline. A flinch, but he settled again. His skin was cold still, but she could feel him warm under her touch as she held it there.
“When I ask you a question, you will need to answer me and you will answer me honestly.”
She leaned in close, bending at the hip to come down to his level, hovering her muzzle just behind him.
“Do you understand?” She asked, barely over a whisper, but close enough to ruffle the light brown hair that covered the top of his neck.
He shuddered, not a flinch; a shudder. 'Progress' she thought to herself with a mischievous smile on her face.
“Y-yes ma'am..” a shaking voice replied.
'Ma'am?' An honorific? She'd never been offered respect by a captive before in her long career. Respect was reserved for the males of her species. They were the ‘prim and proper’ ones. Yet, Dastinia felt a shiver of her own run up her spine. She liked the title. 
She straightened back up and with her hand still holding his hip, she ran the smooth crescent of her claws that tipped her other hand along his back, from hip to shoulder. She placed this hand on his shoulder and gave him, what she hoped, was a reassuring squeeze.
“Good! Now, let's start with good manners. What is your name?”
She stepped closer so her body was very nearly pressing against his back. She moved the hand on his shoulder to follow and caress his jawline. He had some sparse rough hairs there, they were a beautiful juxtaposition to the rest of his soft, smooth body. It was a certainly odd species, but not so alien that she could not appreciate it. 
“Hello Jake, I'm Dastinia, I'm your captor. And where are you from Ja-” She was interrupted as the door swung back open.
Her lieutenant stood there at attention. She felt an unnatural wave of anger and frustration by their presence. She didn’t disengage from the human, instead allowing her crew member to explain themselves.
“War-Chief, there's another transport vessel approaching, shall we prepare to board?”
She didn't want to, she wanted to spend more time bathing in the 'Human's' presence, he was turning out to be very, very interesting.
“No, our current bounty is enough. Head towards an inhabited planet and ransom only what is currently in the hold. Make it a low bounty, I want them gone sooner rather than later, I don’t want their filth on my craft any longer than I have to. ” She said dismissively, holding her subordinate’s gaze with a stare over her own shoulder. “Inform the planet that they committed the kidnapping of a primitive.”
“Right.. okay, of course my lord.” She said with hesitation. It was true that she had never declined an attack before, nor had she ever demanded anything but the highest price; this was night and day to her previous actions, but they would follow her orders to the letter.
The door closed with a 'thunk' leaving them alone again.
“Sorry about that, but I suppose I should ask that question again. Where are you from Jake?”
Her face was hovering over his shoulder now, her hands still holding him in place.
“I don't- I don't know. Honestly!” He obviously lied again.
She sighed through her nose as she disengaged from him.
From Jake's perspective, the blissful heat that chased away the cold that permeated his body was removed. She was still out of sight behind him, but he hoped she'd take his tone as actually being honest; he didn't want her knowing anything about Earth.
When what felt like a riding crop crack against his rear, he let out a startled yelp. It was more surprise than pain, but his left buttcheek tingled in the aftermath.
“I have spent the last decade raiding and pillaging to my heart's content. I’m afraid I’ve heard better liars than you and know quite well when someone isn’t being truthful.”
She stepped into view, the riding crop being bent within her palms. She released it to grab at the chain connected to his collar.
“I can dedicate myself to you if I must,” she pulled the chain closer, forcing him closer to her. “Please don't make me force an answer from you..."
"I don't want you to hurt anyone, I'm scared of what you'll do!" He replied truthfully, tears brimming at his eyes. Not from pain, but genuine fear it seemed.
Dastinia would never admit it, being such a cold heartless bitch was part and parcel of her job, but his openness, his honesty and complete lack of ego at the protection of his people whispered something unfamiliar to the warlord.
Something she wanted to hear more of, it took her by surprise completely. It had the same effect as if he had slapped her. Destinia gripped the riding crop tightly. The leather pads of her palm creaked against it and her claws pricked her palms in her unconscious reaction.
She was going to spend as much time as she needed on this new puzzle of hers.
It was no idle brag that she pillaged countless worlds. She was remarkably well travelled and had the pleasure of meeting the vast majority of The Spiral's inhabitants. None, presented her such an intriguing offer as this 'Human' did.
His scent was exotic and delicious, but his vulnerability, for a male as well, was what was drawing her in. she was used to her kind, who had thousands of protocols for interacting with others. Even the more promiscuous of the males were still a pain to handle as they were so aloof. 
She released the end of the crop and placed it against his exposed stomach. He flinched again, still wide eyed and staring at her.
"You wish to protect your people." She didn’t so much as ask, but pointed out.'Let's see where the edges of your defences are..' she thought to herself.
"Yes." The small alien replied, fear was still present, but he was resolute. The crop whipped up, but did not strike his chin so much as land against it, tilting his chin up as she leant in close. Her warm breath washed over the bound human.
"Ma'am." She stated firmly, her brow deeply furrowed.
"I-I-I mean; y-yes ma'am!" He corrected himself hurriedly. She felt the warm blanket of satisfaction wash over her again and her muzzle relaxed into an amused smirk.
"Mmm, good. Protecting one's clan is admirable..." she started, as she began to stalk around the human again. She ran the smooth edge of the riding crop over his exposed skin. He had no fur unlike the majority of the universe's inhabitants, but it allowed her to see the raised bumps ripple out from where she caressed his skin with the black leather toggle. 
"But at the cost of yourself? If I must, I will take my time Jake..."
The human whimpered quietly, almost imperceptibly. She found that she might end up enjoying his mewling, it was exciting after decades of 'you'll never break me's’. By the time she came back around to his front, there was some growing evidence that he in fact might be enjoying the experience to a degree. 
"We're not... we aren't a threat, we don't have anything worth your time." He offered to her as she began another circuit, a tactic the pirate had heard before, but always worth a shot. Make it about value or lack thereof. The human was obviously unaware of just how much primitives were worth on certain markets. 
Dastinia 'tsk'd' as she whipped the crop against his other buttock this time. The high pitched yelp caused her to shake her mane from side to side in satisfaction.
"Ma'am! Ma'am! I'm sorry!" He offered.
She placed a large hand over the reddening meat of his rear.
"Please be careful Jake, you're going to end up getting hurt if you aren't..." she asked. So close to him she could see the goosebumps ripple up his neck followed by his pale skin turning a deeper red.
"So, you have nothing of interest. Surely one-of your planets will have something of interest to me. Value is everywhere if you hunt it down hard enough..." Dastinia was having too much fun. 
Normally by now the subjects she interrogated would have gone silent or resorted to insults and threats. She would have had to bring out the sharper implements to get her prisoners to even speak, let alone engage her in conversation. And while she had no issue with this method, the clean up was always a pain. Yes here the human was, still quite vocal. 
"We don't have planets.. m-ma'am. Just the one."
She allowed his hesitation to add ma'am to slide as she observed how his muscles moved beneath the thin skin. He was wiry, probably fast. He was slender compared to her and most of the other sentient species, but in proportion to his own body. He was still skinny though, she was discovering that she liked the target of her interest skinny. 
She placed her hands on either of his shoulders, the riding crop’s thin handle between them. His shoulders flinched upwards before relaxing.
"Ah, so you're worried that I could do some hefty damage to your home world..."
She rotated her thumbs into the tensed muscles beneath the pink skin. She allowed her sentence to hang for a time while she copied something she was shown by a working male she had bought time with a few years ago. She wasn't as good, but knew the broad stories of how to ease physical tensions. She pressed and soothed the tight muscles beneath, there was barely anything to him really. 
She leaned in so her flat leather nose and mouth was mere millimetres from his ear.
"I could. I could destroy it from orbit if I was so inclined..."
"Please ma'am. Please don't. I-I-I beg you; please don't."
She grinned a sharp grin out of his sight.
"I would need something of value Jake." She released his shoulders and stalked back around to his front.
"My mercy, for something of value."
His eyes looked lost and desperate. He wasn't thinking clearly now, she'd panicked him good. She could tell just from the expressions of desperation that flitted across his features. He didn't even think about how exactly she was to find his planet when she had no idea what it was even called...
"Anything! I'll give you anything! They've done nothing! Leave them alone, please!"
She put a hand to her chin, gave it a scratch before pinching her chin in 'thought'.
"Anything ma'am!" He exclaimed, his eyes kept flitting left and right as he focused on her face and her own eyes, searching for mercy that hadn't been there for everyone who had come before.
He looked so scared. The whites of his eyes were constantly showing like a calf in panic. It almost pained her to do this, it did in a way, despite her being far harsher to so many others in the past. 
"You." Dastinia decided after a long moment.
Jake blinked for a moment, seemingly not expecting for himself to be part of the deal.
"Me...?" He added 'ma'am' after a moment for him to remember.
"Yes. You join my crew, until we can return you. 
She took a step forward into his personal space and towered over him. She gently grasped his chin and ensured he maintained eye contact with her by lifting it all the way up. She ran a thumb along the edge of his bottom lip.
"Become my crew and I will not pillage your world. That is my offer." She said, holding him firmly.
He sputtered as he thought, he had no guile or diplomatic acumen, his wheels obviously span as they tried to think or provide an out.
"My offer is time sensitive my dear Jake. I need an answer. Think of your people and I will give you a comfortable room for you to spend your time in, if that helps 'sweeten' the deal?" She stated, inwardly smiling from ear to ear at his adorable panic.
"Yes! If you promise not to go anywhere near Earth I'll agree." He finally agreed, still trying to hold her gaze. The brown pupils quivered as if it was taking every ounce of his strength to keep looking at her. 
"Earth. Very well, we have a deal." She accepted with a warm smile. She stepped away from her newest crewmember.
"Lieutenant!" She called out.
The door opened and her right hand woman stood there.
"This one is joining us for the foreseeable future. Clean up the human, I expect them at the evening meal." She commanded as she stomped past.
As she moved away she had already got her Intelligence Officer on her communicator.
"Find out everything you can on a Planet called 'Earth'."
"Dirt?" Came the incredulous reply.
"No, Earth, I want everything we can get our hands on by the morning."
"Yes commander." Came the curt response.
Dastinia couldn't help but grin as she stalked back to her quarters, she'd finally found a distraction worth her time. This 'Jake' was the most fun she'd had in years and it was only just their first day together.
‘Earth’ and the fact he was an unknown to the galaxy meant his planet was near, it was just a matter of searching for it now. 
Several days had past and Dastinia stood in the centre of her bridge as the pirate's crew silently worked around her.
Her black horns were polished to an obsidian shine, the warlord was very proud of her horns and had very carefully inlaid gold veins to the horns themselves. An excruciating trial, but the effect was a set of horns that shamed all others much to her glee. 
She had her arms held behind her back while her intense stare bore a hole through the centre viewing screen. She absently extended her claws and retracted them while she waited silently.
Her ship, an attack craft designed for combat and ambushing was being put through its hardest task yet: breaching an unidentified alien blockade round her latest acquisition's home planet. ‘Earth’. 
The warlord’s craft floated through the blockade slowly and with minimal power. Technically, the air they were breathing at that moment was finite until they turned the systems back on.
The reason for all this, the 'human' was unique as far as Dastinia could tell so far in the wider universe. When she had learnt from his initial interrogation that there were more of his kind, she had spent the following week searching for his home planet. She had initially said to her crew that they were going to go get more humans, but realistically speaking, she didn’t like that idea. 
Honestly, she wasn’t sure why she was going there. Late at night, when her mind refused to allow her to sleep so she could think about Jake more, her mind suggested getting him home and setting him free. He would be happier if he was set free, which made her stomach feel strange. 
Her hunt for his home had led her to one of the founding members of the Galactic Community known as 'Ssypno', giant serpents that enjoyed expanding their territory quite aggressively. This had also nearly led to a dead end, but whenever she asked about these new species, they claimed they had never heard of them before with a tone that she recognised as lying.
So she broke a tail or two.
All of a sudden they remembered an old folks tale of small scale-less warm aliens. Sounded like a certain human she knew. It was amazing what folk will remember when you help them along. This didn't help her pinpoint the human homeworld however, but she knew this meant it was either within the Ssypno empire or at the very edge.
All the while, she visited her human, 'Jake', no less than twice a day. He was held within an unused crew quarter close to Dastinia's own quarters. His door was locked, but he needed nothing.
His bed was soft and plush, his entertainment was anything and everything her crew had access to and he was fed three times a day.
At first he seemed restless. She would often walk in to find him pacing or sitting on his bed waiting for her. At first she made her presence known, demanding he stand for her entrance, grasping his chin between her thumb and fingers to hold his attention completely.
But when she left, she frowned at the feeling she was misstepping. It was the same indescribable feeling of when a plan of attack was doomed or weak. She trusted this feeling, it had saved her more than once.
So she adjusted, changing to asking if she can come into his room despite owning both the room and all its contents. Including him, a quiet, but cruel voice in the back of her mind reminded her.
This seemed to be rewarded, instead of the curt and clipped one or two word answers, he began to reply with more details that he volunteered.
Once she planned to eat with him for an evening meal and found one of her crew, dropping off his meal but speaking with him without her knowledge. She nearly tore the subordinate's head from her shoulder, but hesitated, letting them talk without knowledge of her presence.
"...to go for a walk or something." His voice said from within the room.
"She's adjusting right now... you're the first thing to confound her for the first time in all the time I've served with her. Give her time, she might suggest it herself."
"I don't want to give her time! I'm her prisoner, I'll never give her the time of day while I'm in a cage!" He said with a fire that the warlord had not heard from the human when she spoke to him.
When her crew stepped out of the room, closed his door and turned to discover Dastinia's scowling face mere inches from their own, they said nothing as they inched around the captain and nearly ran from the corridor.
With a huff and a sigh, she realised that he was never going to be hers in the way she quietly wanted.
She placed her forehead against the door gently and enjoyed the cool metal that soothed her growing headache. When she opened her eyes, a spike in her heart rate had her designing a plan to tear into the room and strangle the frustrating man until he loved her.
Immediately afterwards she felt a wave of an unfamiliar and horrid sensation.
Shame and revulsion.
Just as quickly as her anger and frustration had built, it drained from her in one fell swoop. He wasn't happy and she began to understand that she couldn't make him happy. 
Her. Dastinia, the warlord of over a hundred systems. She who had been one of the creatures that fathers whispered to the children to get them in line... now held no desire for cruelty.
The door opened on her command. She did not step in, but addressed him coolly and dispassionately from the corridor.
"We have a lead on where your 'Earth' is."
His pink face was drained of colour almost instantly.
"You will be left in your government's hands."
She turned from the door and stomped away. When his hand caught hers half way down the corridor she realised she never locked his door in her desperate desire to leave his presence as soon as possible.
"You're taking me home?" He asked, looking up at her, his eyes searching hers. Despite his inability to lie, she suspected he was now trying to work out if she was lying instead. She wasn’t.
She gazed at him, raised a hand to touch him before pulling away at the last moment. He wasn’t hers and never would be. 
"Yes. You wanted to go home, so you will."
Without another word the taurian pulled herself free from him with ease as she left him standing in the corridor alone and dumbfounded. She didn't care if he was loose. She couldn't look at him, it hurt too much, so she steeled her heart.
A few days later they slipped into the 'Sol' system to find it awash in alien forces. The crew never went into a system without the element of stealth, but they had to go full silent running in this case.
The engines died and the crew held their breath as the floated through the system, just an ignorable object. Several times they had to float alongside ships that had "SAR" emblazoned on their hulls before coming into view of the human home world Earth.
She called the human up to the bridge and met him outside the secure door. He looked confused, it was a departure to his routine.
"We've made it to your home, but there is something you need to see." Dastinia said with a grave tone. There was no preparing him, no warning or protection. So she keyed the bulkhead and allow the human to go first. The human entered the bridge, looking around at the crew before settling on the main screen.
"That's not Earth." He said confidently, if not slightly disappointed.
"Yes it is. There are recordings that have been captured being transmitted that contain humans in various forms of entertainment." She said coldly, disconnected as she tried to make him come to terms with what was in front of him.
They'd been listening to the Ssypno communications and had pieced together what had happened.
"Do you recognise this space station, I believe it is called the 'ISS'? Or the celestial body; ‘Moon’"
A magnified picture of a primitive space station filled the screen. The planet's corpse was visible in the background.
"That's... but it's not..."
"There are no humans alive on that planet anymore. We can leave you with the ones that are occupying the system or we can leave you in a 'safe' neutral system." Dastinia offered as she stared at the former, home planet of the human.
Jake stood still. His eyes staring at the screen unseeing, completely shell-shocked that his planet was no more.
Everything had gone from bad to worse. 
Dastinia had identified three huge carriers that had most of the remaining humans on board. It looked like enough had been saved to avoid extinction, but now they were moving off to take the humans somewhere safe. Dastinia still had every intention of ensuring that Jake was on one of those crafts as soon as possible. 
Still very much a wanted criminal, the warlord craft could not turn on its engines until they were far enough away from the crowd of ships that were crawling all over the system.to follow the carriers.
Eventually however, they had their chance and rapidly made their way to the entrance of the hyperlane the carriers had taken. It had only been an hour or so, so there was no worry of losing the carriers yet. 
It was when the pirate craft exited the hyperlane that one of the carriers nearly had a head on collision with the far smaller vessel as it apparently fled the system, using the hyperlane to escape rapidly.  
In front of Dastinia was a sea of debris, totalling two of the now destroyed carriers. 
The warlord had zero interest in hanging around to see what could have possibly taken on two of three carriers and successfully destroyed them so thoroughly and fled from the system by flying out and into the void itself where they couldn’t be tracked and could hide easily. 
It was then that the taurian had to explain the situation to her human. 
“The survivors were on board?”
“Yes… They had separated them into three, one of them survived.”
Jake had nothing else to say, his mouth opened as he perched on the edge of his bed before it closed again without a sound. The warlord stood there, unsure of what to do. She had to tell him, but knew it would devastate the human.
His people were… they weren’t gone, not yet… But their numbers would be a fraction of a fraction of what they were. A critically endangered race at the very least. 
“I can… we can still reunite you. Get you onboard that carrier.”
“And get myself killed too? God they… Can… can I stay here… with you, for a while?” Jake looked up at her, his eyes brimming with tears. “Until it’s safe?”
The taurian was presented with the truth then; he was safer with her, a thief and murderer, than with the government. She stepped forward, moving on instinct rather than conscious thought, and wrapped her arms around the male protectively. 
“Of course you can. We’ll keep our ears open, but you can stay as long as you like Jake.”
“T-thank…” but his voice was lost to a choking sob. The anguish of what he had seen and knew to be true caught up with him and he was lost to despair. Dastinia held him to herself, eventually she moved them both until he was laying on his bed next to her whilst she curled around him from behind. Her arms, densely muscled for fighting, protected him. Her claws for rending the flesh of her enemies gently stroked his hair. Her voice, feared across countless systems and used to demanding, instead soothed whispering promises that she meant and hummed shanties to lull him to sleep. 
Eventually, the quaking of his body stilled and his breathing became deep. His dreams were obviously fraught, so Dastinia the warlord, laid next to the human Jake and held him, keeping the nightmares away.
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lunaticus · 5 months
yeah zoro and luffy knew usopp would come around and apologize post-w7, but the agony leading usopp to apologize bc his friends - the friends he had just fought with against the world government, and for some minutes he had taken off his mask and been part of the crew again as himself - those friends now really set sail with their new ship and their new shipwright, two better replacements for merry and him, and they ignored him, they didn't listen to him, they didn't want him back, they didn't need a liar, a burden, a weakling, a coward, and there's shame and other emotions with anger being the easiest one to handle, they leave him they leave him they leave him, and no matter what he can't let it end like this, not after everything they went through, he had to be honest at least in the end, but honesty was hard and they were leaving without him, they didn't need him, they had a new ship, they had an excellent shipwright that would take care of their new ship, so much better than he ever could, and franky was such a great guy, they wouldn't even notice him gone, and even though there were things he could do that he others couldn't, it didn't matter in that moment bc they were leaving, without him, sick of his lies and cowardice and him, they were being attacked and finally nobody had to watch out for him, protect him, save him, he would have been no help there on the ship at all, so there was really only one thing left to do before he was all alone, alone like he had never been since his mother died and that nearly broke him but he didn't have time for that right now bc *his crew* was leaving and he had to say sorry, he had to-
and suddenly he is on the ship, with the crew, with everyone and he's crying and luffy's crying and there are a lot more other tears than anyone would have expected while fleeing from the marines attack together together together, they didn't leave him, they didn't not want him back, they wanted him-
you ever think normally about w7? :)))
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kitkatopinions · 5 months
Permission to ask about your favourite three houses ships?
Absolutely! My absolute favorite ship from Fire Emblem Three Houses/Hopes is Claude x Lorenz. I know a lot of people hate Lorenz, but I love him, and if you put in the work, his supports with Claude are just everything. They really seemed to lean into it for Three Hopes too. I mean just look at them.
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LIKE?!?!?! How can they have this much chemistry and not get married?!?!? I didn't originally ship them, but there's some excellent fanart and once I started thinking about it, it felt so obvious and now it's my OTP.
But I have other ships! My other favorites are Dimitri x male Byleth, Caspar x Lindhart, female Byleth x Mercedes, Rhea x Catherine, Catherine x Shamir, Shez x Arval. And this might sound weird but I also ship Hilda x Dedue (because I wrote a fanfic once where Claude and the golden deer teamed up with Dimitri and saved him before the time skip and Hilda wound up harboring Dimitri and Dedue in her house secretly and me and the person I was writing with wound up loving the dynamic we created for her and Dedue,) and Felix x Holst but not as he is in Three Hopes (because that same fanfic was written prior to the release of Three Hopes so I'd invented my own version of Holst and he and Felix hit it off.)
Also I casually like the ship between Dimitri and Sylvain, Caspar and Ashe, Caspar and Ferdinand, Dorothea and female Byleth, and Leonie and Seteth.
So yeah, very few of them have supports where they wind up officially married, but I love them all the same. Also almost everyone in this game is queer and the only reason why only like four of them are canonical is because the writers are cowards.
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claireclaymore · 6 months
Everlark on movies
or why I just can't hate the movies - Part 1
This post will be polemic, and I am sure everyone will disagree, but I came here to defend romance aspect on the movies.
But first, some important points:
-I do agree the books were totally better while the movies failed in insert romance organically in the storytelling.
-And yes, everlark community is right in be pissed of with the director. He really didn't get the purpose of Peeta and Katniss relationship and that's shows.
-The producers forced the Team Gale and Team Peeta thing to increase the engagement. More Gale and Katniss were their crimes.
That said, what I strongly disagree are following accusations:
-"The movies are Everthorne propaganda and made that ship more popular than the canon one."
-"Peeta and Katniss didn't have chemistry on the movies."
-"On the movies, Katniss was actually in love with Gale, Peeta was rebound."
So this post will cover this fist accusation.
The changes for the love triangule
First movie did insert hits about Gale have a crush on Katniss (the book made this too, but it was implied). In movies Gale is a decent friend (he was there with Prim wait for her, alike on canon), so he is shippable and this create a interesting conflict on the audience, cause her looks like a good match, right?
But then there is Peeta. This guy that happened to be genuinely kind, and was willing to let Katniss win. And in script was implied he did knows it was an act whole time. So in the end of story feels like the audience is strongly divided between two good men, adding the political mess, we do have an exciting cliffhanger.
Then second movies happens and all doubts go away! Again edition cut iconic lines from Peeta, but Josh killed it in all his scenes. Peeta's essential kindness was well portrayed, in my opinion, and made audience really care for him.
It was criminal that they didn't delve deeper into the everlark bed scenes and add new everthorne scenes (that no one asked for), but rewatching it I didn't see much emotions on those kisses (and thanks Liam for having the expressiveness of a door).
In the other hand, the everlark scenes during the games were EVERYTHING! All the drama that was missing in the first film came in full force in the second! The force field scene is so much more theatrical!
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And they made the beach kiss sweeter (and personally I love how heartwarming the scene was). I do remember applauding in theater (so... no chemistry my ass)
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In short, my reading of the film is that Peeta is not just a cute and passionate friend who Katniss is afraid of hurting by rejecting him. She's falling in love with him. The desperation, the devotion, all of this is perfectly translated in Jennefer's performance. I seriously don't get how someone can see their interactions on arena and think he is the third wheel (and thank you director for don't include Gale's sad face to ruin the moment here).
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Feral and in love (overdramatic? overreacted? Yes, but it follows the intensity of Katniss in canon). Will historians say that she is acting like this because of a friend?
Then the two last movies. They finally allowed show Gale being a asshole (I liked that change with calling Peeta a coward, they cut Gale's bullshit in Catching Fire, they had to put in some place). We still have to endure some Gale and Katniss scenes, but again, their ton are pale (basic soundtrack, no creative angles).
But what continues selling the ship is the adversity, the longing. Wherever Peeta appears Katniss just sees him! Gale stay on background or the camera forget him, he is just a desperate man looking at an amazing couple.
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You are excellent door Liam!
And all angst, the forbidden love thing make people root even more for Everlark! So no! The movies didnt' sell Everthone or this attempt backfired (or if you disagree, at least see Jennefer isn't on board).
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In conclusion, yes the movies made little for the ship, but this little was enough to introduce people to this amazing franchise. The details, the performing, soundtrack, edition all came together to the tip of the iceberg of everlark.
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hot-footed-heir · 5 months
It... looks like the packages have stopped for now. I think.
<Zzt, alright, let's see what all we got. This is gonna be long, zzt.>
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Excellent start. Let's just... dispose of this one.
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<Zzt! Hey, that'll be useful if you get an Ice-type Pokemon. It powers up Ice-type moves for the wielder, zzt!>
Useful indeed. Though not at the moment, of course.
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<Zzt, same as the Never-Melt Ice, but for Electric moves. Zzt!>
Ah, perfect for Nemea then! Appreciated.
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<Zzt! Hey, the best standard Pokeball. Nice stuff, zzt.>
Appreciated, stranger!
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Water from the River Styx? I... suppose that'll be good to have? Who knows, maybe I'll want a less pleasant taste of home someday.
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...I am not wearing that.
<Zzt, why not? It'd accentuate your eyes, zzt~>
No. Absolutely not. I am NOT wearing this affront to fashion. I'm not even that fashion-minded and I'm sickened by this thing's presence.
<Zzt, coward, zzt.>
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Oh! Well now, this is actually very nice. I might wear this for a while.
<Zzt, and not the outfit zzt?>
I have my reasons, Narrator.
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...Was this sent to the wrong person? This is the kind of stock you'd find in the fields of Elysium, not haphazardly shipped in offering to a god of nothing.
<Zzt, don't sell yourself short Zag. You're the god of something, zzt.>
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ilikekidsshows · 1 year
Rate Your OTP Game
Crème de la crème | Excellent Taste | A Worthy Sailing Vessal | A fine ship it is | The Finest Crack in the Den | Unorthodox yet not Unwelcome | It is a good | Overrated | It is acceptable | Forgive me but I am not familiar with the source material | I would not consider myself a fan | Just because you are contrarian doesnt make it good | What dump did you find this? | In the lowest pits of the Abyss is where your taste was forged.
Juleka is as comfortable with Rose as Adrien is with Nino. Rose knows all of Juleka's biggest insecurities and Juleka knows Rose's biggest secrets. Why is this ship not canon, we all ask, but we all know why: because the Miraculous crew are cowards.
Julerose is the most basic Miraculous ship there is, it's at least in the background of most fics, even ones about straight ships. It's the most inoffensive ship in this entire fandom, and yet the creators still insist on queerbaiting them. They'll wink wink nudge nudge the audience, but they won't confirm it. Meanwhile everyone knows that all the girls with lesbian crushes on Marinette will never get to act on them because the Love Square must reign supreme. Miraculous writers are willing to take all the risks with writing their most prominent guy character as a member of a magical slave race with no human rights, but will not budge on having all queerness in the show be easily deletable and censorable.
Like, I don't have a problem with Julerose, it's basically Adrino in a different font. I'm pretty sure no one has a problem with Julerose. But boy does the current status of Julerose remind me of stuff I utterly despise about the show.
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calliethetrekkie · 8 months
Star Trek TOS S01E12: The Conscience of the King
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Original Thoughts
"It was fine. Not too much to keep me invested compared to others, but still worth a watch. Learning some more Kirk backstory was nice and performed well by William Shatner. The climax and ending are very much tragic. A tyrant caused genocide, then tried to hide and keep that legacy out of his daughter’s touch. But it failed, and that daughter killed the survivors to keep her father from facing retribution. It’s just… sad. They’re both murderers, but clearly loved each other, and the ending where the girl accidentally kills her father is just heartbreaking (even if her reaction dragged a bit too long). Finding out that Kirk survived a freakin’ genocide was also a pretty big reveal. Not the most interesting watch, but still a good one."
(Original Post)
Rewatch Thoughts
I sometimes wonder what was going on in my head back when I did the first watchthrough. I had originally started watching TOS out of pure boredom, so maybe I wasn't giving it as much attention as I should have. I had a feeling that I would enjoy this one far more than the first time... and ho boy was I right~!
This one is... a lot. Like... a looooot. We're dealing with a Shakespearean company, murder, and past genocide. And in the middle of it is Captain James T. Kirk. We find out that he was one of the people who survived said genocide and one of the few witnesses to have seen the man who ordered it. It certainly wasn't a detail about Kirk that I was expecting when I started this show, haha...
This is such an excellent Kirk episode. This is him dealing with a situation that is incredibly personal. One that he thought that he had moved on from until one of the other witnesses involves him and ends up dead. We see Kirk investigating, changing plans and reassigning one of the other witnesses without giving any explanation to Spock or anyone else, and trying to get close to the suspect's daughter Lenore (who is 19... ugh, at least she's of legal age this time...) to find out more. This is Kirk at some of his most methodical. He is a man on a mission, and the looming question throughout is if Kirk is doing this for justice? Or is it out of vengeance? A question that even he doesn't know the answer to.
This won't be the last time we see this kind of personal conflict pop up with Kirk. Obsession next season will do something similar. But this one is much more... real, for lack of a better word. He's composed for the most part, but you can tell that what happened on Tarsus still haunts Kirk. How when presented with the fact that this dictator may be alive, he doesn't want to believe it at first, but the more he looks into it the more he has to do something. He even snaps at Spock, who has realized what's going on and points out his irrational behavior, for getting involved in his personal business despite how it's affecting the ship, and it's thus Spock's job to pry. Even at the end when he stops Riley from killing Kodos, he also makes no move to save him when Lenore accidentally kills her own father. Say what you want about William Shatner as a person and as an actor, but he did a phenomenal job as Kirk here. It's one of his best performances.
Kodos himself is complicated. I don't think anyone will argue that he's a horrible person. He didn't get the name 'Kodos the Executioner' for nothing. You can argue that he was put in a difficult situation with deciding who on Tarsus got food and who didn't... but the fact that he did it based off eugenics theories causes it to not hold water. And regardless, he killed thousands, caused immense trauma for countless others, and was so much of a coward that he faked his death and started over. A chance that none of his victims had. Twenty years later he's a shell of a man, forever haunted by what he did and the constant threat of being discovered. You know what? Good. He brought all of this onto himself, and him evading justice for so long in and of itself is terrible. And the one person he tried to shield from his horrible legacy? Went insane, murdered, and caused his own death. It's sad in a away, even pitiful. But more because of those that Kodos affected, not for Kodos himself.
And Lenore... oh God Lenore. The girl was born after the Tarsus massacre, but still ended up in her father's bloody legacy. A legacy that even he wanted to keep her out of, probably the only decency he's ever shown. But not only did he fail, but she chose to murder the people her father ruined the lives of to save him. Kirk and Riley are the only ones who survived, and that was just barely. It's clear when she confesses that she's not quite mentally stable, and she loses it completely, living in her own world where her father is able to continue with his performances. There's no justifying what she did, but it's just unfortunate to see this girl ruin her own life as she did. An utter tragedy.
Then we have Spock and McCoy. Ah, we're in that part of S1 where we start getting far more with them, and their scenes are a delight. When alarmed about Kirk's bizarre choices, who does Spock go to? McCoy. Mind you, McCoy doesn't take it seriously at first, but it's still nice to see the two talk about Kirk matters. Then as Spock uncovers more and shares it with McCoy, the latter tries to deny it... but it's clear that he realizes exactly what Spock is. And even despite that, when Kirk snaps at Spock, McCoy outright tells him that it's Spock's job. We're gonna be seeing some more tension rise between the two, especially since Galileo Seven is the next episode, but it's still nice to see McCoy defend Spock.
They're both concerned about what Kirk is doing, though ultimately McCoy has to deal with Riley while he's recovering and Spock actually helps Kirk with identifying Kodos. McCoy's also worried about Kirk's mental state and what his actual motive is. Justice or vengeance? Kirk himself has no answer... and he never does reach an answer, I don't think. He didn't get to. I don't know what's worse, finding out that the tyrant who caused you and others so much torment was alive, or watching them die and not being able to see them get either justice or get your own vengeance. He can't even feel glad that Lenore is stopped, since she both lost her mind, and he grew to at least like her despite using her. You get nothing. All that Kirk can do is have Lenore placed in proper care and go on with the knowledge that he's seen Kodos die before his eyes, but never truly have closure. Even as McCoy tries to talk to him at the end, he just stays in Captain Mode and gives orders to continue on. It says all that you need to know.
Like I said, there's a lot here. This episode is a tragedy, full stop. I don't know enough about Shakespeare to read into any of that, but it certainly feels like a Shakespearean tragedy. It's an excellent episode, and I can't believe that I thought it wasn't much of a watch the first time. There is SO MUCH to read into with Kirk, this tidbit of his history, about Kodos and Lenore, and just how horrible and senseless it all feels. So many lives ruined by one man, including his own flesh and blood, despite trying to prevent it. At least he's dead now, for all that's worth.
Original Rating: 3/5 Rewatch Rating: 8/10
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roxannepolice · 11 months
16, 22, and 23 for the choose violence ask game? always love hearing your takes :)
Aaw, thank you! 🥰
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc) I already answered this one here and I don't want to copy paste everything, but the short answer is: the vault arc 😔. I might expand by adding it breaks my little tensimm heart when s10 Saxon is viewed as either perfectly in character or even "finally enjoyable" in comparison to his s3 and 4 run.
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores 9 ISN'T RADICALLY GOOD WHEN HE CHOOSES "COWARD" IN PARTING OF THE WAYS as tends to be framed in the takes that make the Doctor 100% anti violence. He refuses to use a weapon that will kill not only the Daleks but also everyone on Earth, that's why Bad Wolf Rose manipulating reality is the morally superior option, Chibs. This is deservedly praised as one of NuWho's best moments but denying the complexity of the fact that the Doctor can't bring himself to kill innocent people that the Daleks are going to kill anyway and accepts this as a failure takes away so much weight from him. He's not morally superior in search of a better solution only actually aware of not being strong enough to take this responsibility on himself again, even though the wave would instantly kill him too, it's not like he's be left with his conscience forever again (Thus conscience does make cowards of us all)! This is such a layerd excellent moment that gets flattened into radical non-violence that I want to scream. (Incidentally, that also suggests there were innocent people on Gallifrey when the Doctor destroyed it, as another hot take I've seen is that by the time he used the Moment only corrupt Time Lord council was left)
Also, the Master actually has philosophical outlooks, or at least used to have, they aren't motivated exclusively by wanting to get the Doctor's attention. And it usually IS explained how they came back from certain death, especially if a new regeneration appears
23. ship you've unwillingly come around to I think Martha and Mickey's marriage? Not sure if they meet dictionary definition of "ship", bc if anything they tend to be dismissed as RTD ending two left behind (poc) characters' arcs in one go, and I used to agree, but upon nth Eot rewatch they grew to give me such a cool power couple that has no illusions about the Doctor vibes? Guess I just wish they had more screen time because the chemistry is really there in just one interaction!
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exhuastedpigeon · 2 months
I’m indignant on your behalf like actually it’s not the buddie fandom it’s the 911 fandom! The show that Buck is from! Where there are other characters! Like I love buddie as well but idk I enjoy joy magic and fun too and I’m having that with all the Buck/Tommy posting, it’s fun! People can ship more than one thing or have an endgame ship this whole obsession with ships having to be The Only Canon is so constricting and boring. People that send anon hate are miserable cowards.
You don’t have to reply to this I just wanted you to know there’s people that are enjoying your buck/tommy posting and think those anons are just plain wrong and mean. Sending positive vibes and hoping your day gets better <3
Anon thank you for this message, it's so kind!
This is the first fandom I've been in where people don't really seem to multiship and I think a big part of it is because the most of the main ships on 9-1-1 (Bathena, Madney, Henren, and Buddie) are canon and the ships that are canon are AMAZING. I hope buddie joins them in being canon one day, but until that day I'm gonna have fun reading and writing and sharing posts about other ships too because even if I want Buddie to be endgame, they're not there yet and they should have fun along the way.
I've always liked to multiship and I love friendships in shows and I like the 9-1-1 as a whole not just for buddie. I think if you only like the show for buddie it's hard to take off those blinders.
My day is actually pretty solid. My cold meds kicked in and I drank some weed tea and I'm feeling excellent all around, even if I've become one with my couch and my cats are smothering me.
I know that most of the anon hate comes from immature people who take joy from other people suffering. They aren't getting to me, mostly because I have so much more in my life than just fandom.
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What fic? It’s okay if you don’t want to say it or the author, though. Can you say what ship was it? That just sounds so unimaginably cruel that people would do that. People just see words on a screen sometimes and forget that there are people, with actual emotions, writing those words because they genuinely enjoy doing so. I can understand how upsetting this is for you as a fellow author. I love your writing and I hope you’re never put in this position. All my love goes out to the author
I will tell you the fic because I read it today and it's REALLY good. You know I'm not a gwynriel girlie (for Azriel related reasons), but @headcanonheadcase has a LOT of excellent Gwynriel fics that I genuinely enjoy (spreading the Azriel is hot agenda while I kick and scream and beg her to let go of my throat).
The fic is called Offer and Permission You have to log in to read it, but only cowards log out to leave hate comments. It's smutty, which I always enjoy.
But maybe you're in the mood for wolf!Az? Well, you could try By The Light Of The Moon which is monstertober approved (and was part of our unofficial line up!)
What about a hockey au? The youths LOVE a hockey au! Try The Bargain which she was working on during nanowrimo and I got to watch her write it each day because we were nanowrimo pals.
and if you don't like gwynriel, you could try Sext and the City, which is Nessian
or Dress Code, which features elucien (my loves)
or smutty elorcan, which everyone likes, In His Grip
There is a lot of good things to choose from, from a really good person I am endlessly pleased to have as a friend.
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sukimas · 11 months
7, 8, 16, 22. whatever fandom(s) you wish. follow your heart
7. Let's do Fire Emblem for this one. This would probably have to be Claude (my sincerest apologies to airlock). He has little writing in Three Houses, but what's there is inoffensive; his writing in Hopes is downright excellent. Nonetheless, the guy's so-called "fans" only want him to be the most morally upstanding guy in the history of FE who ends racism with the power of friendship despite the fact that that is so obviously not the story he is in. It's incredibly tonally inconsistent. The nail in the coffin for me was how people treated GW- "Golden Trashfire" from people who supposedly loved this schemer? Not hardly. At any rate the way that people enjoy positioning him as morally superior to the other two nutcases is exhausting, even if he became quite decent eventually in later materials canonically.
8. While Renko might be the lead on their trips, she certainly isn't wearing the pants in the Hifuus' relationship. Watch how they bicker for once, really!
16. FE again since I already did Touhou. What's the deal with all of Ishtar's shippers? Why are they so deranged? You're putting her with a guy who was twenty when she was ten, the leader of the enemy army, some guy who hates her guts and whose dad also hates her guts? At least Satan works for the drama of it all. But really her only ships with good dynamics that aren't just Hell (which can be an interesting dynamic!) are with women. Cowards, all of you.
22. Merry being just mean and rude to everyone for no reason. Like, even compared to other Touhous. She's just smug, blunt, and judgmental constantly- and that's carried on into Yukari, too. Both of them contain Mystery and Whim of course but they're just also quite spiteful and selfish. Lovely critters.
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burnwater13 · 4 months
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Boba Fett holding a LEP droid in Jabba's palace. From the Book of Boba Fett, Season 1, Episode 4, The Gathering Storm. Image from DataWorks calendar.
Grogu really didn’t understand why Mandalorians hated droids and mechs so much. Even his friend Boba Fett didn’t seem to like them very much. 
“I know it seems that way, young one. But many people use droids and mechs to fool and deceive others because they will do just as they are told. That droid knew where the Mayor of Mos Espa was, but tried to hide that fact. Was told to hide that fact. I have little patience with liars.”
The Daimyo made a point. Droids and mechs followed their programming and if it was less than stellar, well, you didn’t get what you wanted. Grogu remembered the story Kuiil told about reprogramming IG-11 to be a nanny droid. It took a lot of patience and time, but eventually, the former assassin droid had been an excellent and self-less guardian. 
Grogu and the Daimyo had been talking about how the Daimyo became, well, Daimyo. It hadn’t been easy and some people didn’t cooperate, particularly Mayor Mok Shaiz. Apparently, and Grogu didn’t quite understand this, Mok Shaiz thought that he should be the Daimyo. But he hadn’t stopped Bib Fortuna and he hadn’t worked with any of the other leaders on Tatooine and he was a coward. Who wanted a leader who wouldn’t stand up for their own people?
“Leading is not easy, Grogu. Many are not suited for the task, even though they may have the title and claim the authority. But if you do not take responsibility for your remit. For your people. Then, you are not a leader. You are a grifter. Conning people out of their hard earned credits without providing anything in return. Mok Shaiz was a grifter and Tatooine is better off without him and his flunkies.”
Grogu nodded. He did think Tatooine was better off now. The changes to the strange planet he felt so attached to had been slow, far slower than the changes on Nevarro, but they were still present. The new leadership council had been put in place, with the Mods working to keep things coordinated between the different cities, towns, and villages on Tatooine. Freetown was represented by Jo and Grogu had been happy to meet her. The Marshal was establishing a program of peace officers to coordinate information sharing and mutual aid as well as working with the Sand people outreach team. 
Grogu had tried to talk Peli Motto into representing Mos Eisley, but she declined because she had a repair and maintenance business to run. But she had recommended a person to represent Mos Eisley, claiming they were the last honest card shark in system. His name was Lando something. Not really ‘something’, but Grogu couldn’t remember the other name Peli had told him. It sounded like the name of a planet. 
Fennec was vetting them all, of course, and apparently she was happy so far and that meant a lot to Grogu and even more to the Daimyo. He and Fennec had plans of their own to work on and this system allowed him to follow his path while preserving the work he had already put into rebuilding Tatooine. Grogu thought that was commendable.
He did wonder about the little droid. Had it been dismantled or decommissioned or just scrapped?
“Oh, I put it back on the job. If it could catch rats for Bib Fortuna and Jabba, then it could catch them for a much more worthy purpose. The rancor likes rats, you know.”
Boba Fett laughed at that and so did Grogu. He didn’t know who Bib Fortuna or Jabba were, but he knew that Ranky liked all sorts of treats. He just hadn’t expected rats to be a treat. Of course, he liked frogs and gorgs and even the Daimyo didn’t find them all that much of treat. 
“One of the things you learn when you have lived as long as I have, young one, is you should never throw a tool away if it isn’t broken. Yes, that little droid annoyed me at the time. I was reclaiming my ship and hoping to find my armor. It had no idea who I was or what I was about. It was just there to catch rats. Mercy is an important quality in any leader. That is why I can count Krrsantan as a friend when he was sent to end me. He was just doing what his masters demanded. Once I freed him there was no need to hold a grudge.”
Grogu nodded his head and then coo’d a question to the Daimyo. 
“One day you may find that you are Mand’alor. There are many Mandalorians you have met who will not have done as you wished. Who were not your friends. But you will still be their leader. How you treat them will determine how you are respected as a leader. It was not an easy lesson for me to learn, but when I did, it made all the difference. 
Now, let’s see what’s for dinner. I hope we have something other than rats to eat. Fennec complains that the rancor cannot keep up with how many LEP catches. Between you and me I think the little droid breeds them in order to keep his job.”
Grogu giggled at that. If it was true it would explain that scurrying sound he heard so often in the Daimyo’s palace. Unless the rumors about spiders were true? Uff. Time to eat. He had a lot of information to digest and it all went better with a nice cup of bone broth.
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padfootastic · 2 years
Wolfstar stans always say that Remus was OOC IN Canon!!! I mean wtf?? delusional lol. Fanon Remus is a mary sue who suffers and pines after cruel hottie Sirius and then Sirius comes to his senses and runs after his moony, begging for scraps of his attention and ofc James is completely ignored by sirius or they fight over poor hurting remus lmao their Fanon is what is so OOC. I think they self insert into Remus so they can catch the popular Hot bad boy who they can "cure of his bad ways"
hello anon 💜 i see we have awoken to choose violence today (nice) so i’m putting this under a cut so remus fans can skip this one.
yeah i’ve seen that too and i always have to scroll past while making faces because,,,im not here to start shit lol but oh god it’s such an annoying position. like ok, i’ve called canonical behaviours ooc too (cough harry in CC cough) and it’s entirely possible i was wrong, but the remus thing is just. wilfully ignoring everything we know about him? (again: caveat here is if you don’t care about canon, then go for it w/o trying to do critical canon analyses. no harm, no foul)
but here’s the thing, right? remus as we know him in canon is a serial manipulator, liar, gaslighter, and coward. like, this has been shown multiple times. i’m not making it up. in my mind, his actions in dh were absolutely not ooc. they just followed the pattern that had already been established so far. and i feel like so much of his characterisation comes from not wanting to engage with that kind of darkness (because even acknowledging it means your dynamic is changed). i’ve read a few excellent fandom analysis posts on here, actually, about how characterisation of wolfstar has changed over the years (decades?) as the average readership/writer ship has gone from middle aged to younger. apparently, it used to be much more dysfunctional and grittier earlier, dealing with the darkness on both sides. it was interesting. but anyway, yeah, i see it happen with regulus/jegulus too sometimes (even if i can’t comment on it since i’ve barely interacted with that content) where you deliberately turn a blind eye to things because if remus is a coward or bad at relationships, then u can’t actually write that fluffy AU u want. which…isn’t fun. because fanfic is about writing all the fluffy AUs in the world ykno?
but what that’s ended up doing is completely transforming his character into someone barely recognisable to those who aren’t in that particular niche (although,,,it’s not exactly niche is it?) and just. idk. i’m rambling now lol but it just really frustrates me because i cannot escape it. and it always treats sirius so badly. remus is just the most sympathetically written character, even when he’s being an absolute asshole, and sirius can’t breathe without being whacked over the head with it. i hate how much he’s scapegoated, honestly. like, i think i’d be fine with the mary sue-fication of remus if sirius wasn’t so defanged in the process but alas, it isn’t to be.
also that’s such an interesting point because i’ve often thought the same about remus being a self insert tbh. i was talking to someone and they said something along the lines of ‘james & sirius as the hot, rich, privileged characters aren’t relatable as much as remus, who’s poor & tortured & misunderstood, so u have people flocking to the latter’ and that combined with the ‘i can fix him’ energy just,,,really shines through sometimes lol. not so much on tumblr (where i barely interact) but i’ve seen it so much in the mwpp fandom on twitter, and a bit on tiktok. it’s very projection-heavy imo (which like, not a judgement. i’m clearly a projection heavy writer too)
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chocobothis · 1 year
Solus and Anakin for the alt ship ask! I'm curious about this level of fuckery.
To start with they are absolutely a relationship capable of just happening in the Temple. Solus spends enough time in Just Enough Trouble that she gets various details as "punishment". Anakin is not at all any better. He may be worse because he's a self-admitted slow-learner and isn't exactly subtle. They've 100% had punishments together either working the radio transmissions or patrolling Coruscant.
She would help him cheat on his Padawan Homework. Absolutely no two ways about it because a.) She doesn't much care to be here and b.) It's not like she's not already ass deep in these history tomes anyway.
They have a general interest in flying and ships too. Also sparring because it's fun to tumble around against each other with various weapons.
Baby!Solus and Baby!Ani got to the Temple around the same-ish time. She went into Katarn Clan but he was taken as a padawan as Qui-Gon choose to exit the mortal coil. I refuse to believe Huttese isn't his first language and Basic came secondary. Meanwhile, Solus Ve'tra (now Solly Vetra) spoke almost exclusively Mando'a for the first five years of her life. So there's some Solidarity in that and both being Outer Rim Brats.
Solus discovering part of the Geonosis Buffoonery she's arriving for is because Anakin, Padme, and Obi-Wan checks out. This is now A Later Problem because hey there's Manda'lor Jango Fett (Coward and Traitor) and now there's his head on the ground. Anakin can take care of Anakin. She's got other shit to take care of.
Anakin has Interesting political views and well Solus thinks Death Watch is making sense so that's sure going to feed into each other. She's just far more Subtle in her approach because she's Total Politician. It also means she's Less Thrilled about Palpatine because Anakin talks about this like it's Totally Normal and she's just making WTF Faces. Also possibly debating if she could get away with this. Her ancestors stormed Coruscant and raided the Jedi Temple she can totally kill one dude anonymously.
You know what Family and Attachment Thing that Anakin has trouble with? Yeah, that's an Encouraged Mandalorian Trait so she's just out here like, "You know...we could just ditch the Temple and the Order and go live in the Mandalorian Sector? I'm technically a Countess on Krownest and it's all snow, no sand." Which would honestly do this child some good because play to your strengths. Also his engineering, flying, and fighting spirit are very appreciated and she absolutely brags about it. She wants him to feel good about himself.
"The Jedi aren't here to free slaves?"
Buddy you phrase it right and there's absolutely some Mandalorians itching for a fight and to tell the Jedi Order to go fuck itself. Look they just did it better. It's not at all something his tinier politician partner knows how to do. She's not good at rallying people at all. It's not like she's a born leader and trained at her grandfather, a man who served several Manda'lore as advisors, knee.
(Jai would vastly prefer Anakin to Pre. There's no question there.)
They're also kind of lean into each other's types. Anakin seems to enjoy shorter, cultured women who are excellent fighters and politicians. Solus, in her men, prefers Dumbass Blond in Armor (There's clearly other traits but like that will get her attention fast.) TCW!Anakin is hitting those requirements.
This is random but they both sky themes to their names. The tra in Ve'tra is straight up "star field".
Send me an OC + an alternate love interest for them and I’ll tell you what I think of the idea
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reddorp · 2 years
This info is outdated, check this
My Infos:
26 yo || She/Her || Central Europe GMT+2 || Highly Active || Prefered Platform : Discord
Ground Rules
Submit only if you are over 18
Please understand that, since I’m 26, roleplaying with minors (Especially difficult topics) is highly problematic for me.
Be Consistent
I understand life goes on even out of the internet, but I would highly appreciate not being ghosted for days, just warn me you’ll not be available for a period of time [I’m highly anxious, so this would help me grately]
Be Safe
Be sure to be okay with difficult topics [ gore, angst etc...] I’ll be open to discussion and always ask become dropping something in a roleplay
Roleplay Styles
A paragraph or less of text, no single phrase [My favourite]
A script-like text
[Example: A: It finally stopped raining *Close umbrella* B: Oh you are right!*take off hoodie*]
Favourite Prompts and Settings
Angst (It’s a must-have in almost all my rps…I'm a depressed mop and I live for the drama)
Classical or Modern Fantasy
Forbidden love
Found Family
Royalty/Commoner (Or lower classes)
Many more, just ask away*…
⭐️Main (I’ll absolutely do them and don’t accept compromise)
🔅 Available (Can Roleplay and have experience with them)
🔰 New (Can Roleplay them but have no experience with them)
⭐️Hizashi Yamada
🔅Aizawa Shouta
🔰 Shirakumo Oboro
🔅Toshinori Yagi
🔰 Shinsou Hitoshi
🔅 Available (Can Roleplay and have experience with them) 🔰 New (Can Roleplay them but have no experience with them)
🔅Aizawa x Yamada
🔰Toshinori x Yamada
🔰Shirakumo x Yamada
🔅Toshinori x Aizawa
🔰Shirakumo x Aizawa
Polyamorous [Avaiable in 1to1 or in a group of 3]
🔅Aizawa x Toshinori x Yamada
🔰Aizawa x Shirakumo x Yamada
You can propose new ships no problem~
Ideas available
since I'm a really creative person I often find myself into making new Aus or ideas for the characters I like, so I made a excel file with all the ideas I get and it will get updates every time I have something new, if you see something you like you can propose it as one of our rp, if you don't, I will
roleplay prompt and ideas list
Avaiable Original Characters:
None Right now For the MHA universe [Original characters for Original Universes available]
Final Notes:
-Please be mindful that I'm not a native English speaker and I have dyslexia so sometime I can’t see errors, it would be greatly appreciated not to make fun of them, just point them out and I'll fix them.
-Fell free to tell me if an idea is not up to your liking, communication is a must in this
-out of roleplay chitchatting is not a must-have, but I would love to make friends…
You can find me on Discord at ReddoDotto#2199
if you read it all to this point, when asking for a rp send me a dog pic (or a emoji~) just so I'm sure you have read it~
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