#this is about bakugan
mellythedork · 1 year
gotta love that feeling of wanting to make fan things for things and then never actually making the things
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newvestroia · 4 months
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No way
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I don’t expect to be forgiven, just understood😔
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demon-ness · 1 month
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you will find out the context later
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hexados-on-a-string · 3 months
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i spent a full afternoon making various memes of varying quality instead of doing something productive. please enjoy.
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masasibling · 9 months
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Another day, another dumb things
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beast-feast · 3 months
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Stuff happened in my personal life but I'm proud to announce that I am enjoying another thing for myself :)
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gummy-sharks666 · 3 months
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shurisu · 5 months
I just realized something
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He's being illuminated by the lights
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And she's in the dark eventhough she's also under the same light
Could be a nice symbolism of
1)The "sides" they sticked with (at that moment at least, because she changes her mind later)
2)Or a foreshadowing for her death
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whatsupspaceman · 28 days
made this specifically for the 90s 2000s kids. don’t ask me why i grouped them like this i simply was going on vibes
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myriadium · 1 day
Basic Biology of Vestals | Vers. 2.0.006 - Marucho
Vestals are an extraterrestrial species with a complex and vibrant history with impressive technological developments and intricate social relations.
Vestals originated from Vestar (pDID: 4685-6684-9999), which exists in an alternate dimension (DID: P-4685-6684-9785). It is hypothesized that early quantum fractures have created access from Vestar to Vestroia only very recently. Vestar circles a weak star (sDID: P-4685-6684-9958) which plays a crucial part of life on Vestar.
It is unclear when Vestals developed into their current place in their planetary timeline due to the different way time moves in that dimension, but it is very likely that their evolutionary process occurred very quickly, leading them to take over their planet and advance technologically at an almost unprecedented speed. The current state of Vestar is quite overpopulated, creating an initiative in Vestal society to spread and occupy different worlds.
For more information on the development of Vestal society, supplemental material can be found in Marn: The Fates of Vestal Societies (translated by Ace Grit). To stay on track, this report will only detail Vestal biology.
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(pictured above is an R-Vestal)
Vestals in their natural form are quintrupedal creatures with two sets of limbs; the primary ones that are used for mobility, and secondary limbs that resemble tails, which are used for balance, as weapons, as defense, or in some groups, as communication. According to archeological finds, Vestals used to have six primary limbs, but evolutionary pressure for taller/higher reaching creatures lead to the limb developing into a vestigial stub in the chest area [1]. The added support in the back of the body allows most Vestals to be able to "stand", or rise up on three limbs to almost double their height.
Vestals range from having 1-7 secondary limbs. In most cases the more limbs a Vestal has, the weaker each individual limb is. In severe cases of hyperpolymelia, surgery may be performed to fuse the limbs and strengthen the overall structure. Mutations in the primary limbs much rarer than secondary ones, but polymelia in primary limbs almost always leads to limbs that are too weak to be used.
Most of a Vestal's important internal systems such as pulmonary, cardiovascular, and digestive track can be found in what would appear to be the "chest" or thorax of the Vestal. The head of the body is mostly empty, resembling a mouth of sorts that Vestals very rarely display publicly.
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The face of the Vestal resembles a mask of sorts, and is made of a hard, tough material that does not grow and cannot heal, meaning young Vestals' heads do not grow [2]. The faces hold a combination of optical receptors and empty holes that allow sound to pass through. Vestals' optical receptors detect the UV end of the light spectrum, like bees on Earth. Additionally, sound is generated from a Vestal's thorax and intricately moved through hollow bones and through the face to create sound.
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(pictured above, a full grown Vestal with their young. Young Vestals develop with wider primary limbs to help develop balance, which usually wilts and sheds as the Vestal grows.)
Most notably, Vestals have evolved to work symbiotically with fauna that grow on the top of the body (translation of the name of the fauna is currently being discussed). The fauna species depends on several factors from UV intake, nutrients, and heat; the appearance, length, and color of the fauna range wildly, but the most common ones are 6-12 inches and resemble blades of grass. Vestals with less efficient fauna usually develop certain organs or specialized limbs to allow the Vestal to obtain more energy.
As mentioned before, the symbiotic fauna can develop in a myriad of ways, with varying levels of efficiency at gathering energy from UV light. This is a very crucial way of generating and obtaining energy, meaning the efficiency of fauna can drastically affect the physical build of a Vestal.
It is imperative to mention that the different builds of Vestals mentioned are very uncommon. Due to the popularity of gene editing in Vestal society, an average Vestal would display a combination of traits from different builds: Technological advancements has lead to a higher standard of living, allowing more diverse and unique builds based on an individual Vestal's aesthetic or functional preference.
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(1) Tank - Certain Vestals have strong, stocky builds with unwilted wider primary limbs. These Vestals grow a tough armor around most of their bodies, giving them more protection from injuries and heat loss. These Vestals are usually found in colder environments, where the Vestals are well suited for staying warm, the wider primary limbs able to travel icy or delicate terrain. Symbiotic fauna is not as efficient due to limited access to the sun, resulting in very slow metabolism and requiring many T-Vestals to use their powerful secondary limbs to kill prey. T-Vestals with access to medics or gene editing tools usually opt for more efficient fauna implantation surgery (FIS), where spores of fauna from drier/sunnier areas are implanted into the Vestal's skin.
(2) Runner - In the parts of Vestar that are open plain, R-Vestals have developed to run from predators. They usually come with a sharper face shape and shorter neck, and the outside of their skin is smooth to avoid drag when running. The fauna of an R-Vestal is the most efficient, so much so that most R-Vestals are able to live without additional UV supplements. The primary limbs of an R-Vestal are pointed and delicate, meaning limb injuries are very common due to the amount of force concentrated into a tiny point.
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(3) Hunter - In areas of high canopy cover and low light, H-Vestals have evolved to a life of running, similarly to the R-Vestal, but instead of fleeing, H-Vestals primarily get their food source from other animals. Using their serrated primarily limbs, R-Vestals are able to climb up rocks and large flora, while also using them to spear their prey. H-Vestals usually develop more than two secondary limbs, and are able to communicate with them silently during hunts. Their secondary limbs are also noticeably sharper for maximum skewering hunting. The fauna of H-Vestals are the least effective, which is why so much of the ancient H-Vestal's diet is other fauna.
(4) Sleeper - With the highest surface area of fauna on their bodies, S-Vestals were found in the tiny pockets of Vestar that enjoyed high amount of sunlight all year round. Archeological records show that this build of Vestal almost never reproduced, possibly because of a much longer than average lifespan; almost triple that of the average T-Vestal. This is thanks to the high amount of fauna found on the Vestal's body, which increases energy production. Paired with a habitat with very little predators, S-Vestals derived their name from the society of prehistoric Vestals not doing much except enjoying their days.
[1] Although current Vestal gene editing technology allows for the removal of the vestigial limb, the influence of the existing royal families, who choose to keep the vestigial limb, has made this body part a sort of fashion statement. There are certain modifications and shapes of the limb that can go in and out of style, and this is usually affected by the appearance of royalty or, in lesser cases, celebrities. fuck Zenoheld! -D
[2] It is currently unclear how Vestals reproduce. Young Vestals are extremely rare. Interviews with Vestals show that they are confused with the idea of sexual reproduction, and it seems like they hatch from egg-like sacs produced by a single progenitor. Current hypothesis is asexual reproduction in combination with changes to genetic information brought on by natural mutation/gene editing/environmental factors/diet.
Vestals also don't believe in marriage. - Ace
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revcosmos · 3 months
who's your favorite character to write
Hi Wil :D
my favourite character to write (in the Bakugan universe) is probably Dan. Which is kinda maybe obvious considering 100% of my fics revolve around him,,, writing him gives me energy which I am sorely in need of, and also when you look deeper at him he's just really babey and i lov him and canon did him so so dirty.
If I had to choose a canon character other than Dan, then probably... oh fuck they're all so good i love them so much... Shun, honestly. He's very interesting to me and in general a good source of conflict, and I can relate to him maybe equally as much as I relate to Dan. Also he and Dan go good together, whether you ship them like I do or not :') Also also he reminds me of my OC Lyron.
thanks for the ask <3
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dragonsarecats · 1 year
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are they wearing each other's clothes? is it an elaborate roleswap au where shun gets to lie in the grass and relax for once while alice obliterates vexos ass? does shun look weirdly good in lavender?? the answer will surprise you! (yes)
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shunruno · 1 year
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i still hate the existence of new vestroia and i will never properly watch it but ig i am grateful for the existence of this scene like its too good 
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fluffomatic · 1 year
Are you trying to tell me this edgy boy with a bad haircut and God complex isn't the most ticklish person in the known universe??
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Look at this gay nightmare! Look at him and tell me he's not crazy ticklish? That he wouldn't crumble under just the dang lightest touch????
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Look at this smug son of a bitch!! Ur telling me you don't wanna just destroy him from that look alone??? I know I don't have a lot of bakugan fans here so I just need yall to understand
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This cynical bastard canonically has a god complex. And you're just gonna sit there??? And not tickle him silly???? Absurd
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hexados-on-a-string · 4 months
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ive never played defenders of the core but finding out that the core we're apparently defending is GOD HERSELF????? absolutely wild.
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