#this 4 page format seems popular here for some reason
obkkseeker · 2 months
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obito loves his personal space, kakashi loves obitos personal space
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local-business-seo · 1 year
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9 Benefits of using Tumblr
You've probably heard of Tumblr before, but have you ever considered using this blogging tool? Is it really worth it?
The site allows you to create blog posts, organize them into categories and share them with other users. The service is free but premium features (like custom themes) come at a cost.
"It may not seem like much, but Tumblr has a ton of benefits."
Here are 9 reasons why you should use Tumblr instead of Facebook and Twitter:
1. You can use Tumblr if you have no website.
If you’re just getting started with a business or idea, you could use Tumblr as your website until you’re ready to invest in one.
2. You will be able to customize your blog without having to learn code.
If you want to build a blog and don’t know how to code, Tumblr may be the best platform for you.
Creating a blog on Tumblr is quick and easy, so it’s perfect for beginners who don’t know much about coding or design.
3. You can create multiple blogs for free.
Once you sign up for a free account on Tumblr, you can create as many blogs as you want. This provides an advantage over WordPress, where there are costs associated with hosting multiple websites on their platform (or where there may be limits on how many websites you can create within one account).
4. You can post almost anything – text, photos, audio files and videos – directly from your phone or tablet with ease and without any programming skills required!
With its simple interface, posting content to Tumblr is easier than most other blogging platforms. As long as people have access to the internet, they can view content that has been posted on Tumblr. This means that anyone will be able to find content that has been created by someone else and post it back onto their own Tumblr page easily!
5. A wide variety of themes are available for free.
While WordPress requires some knowledge of coding before changing themes or adding customizations, Tumblr offers users a wide range of themes that they can choose from (and even change) without having any technical skills whatsoever!
And if there’s nothing quite right for what users need/want…they can always buy/create their own theme (or hire someone else to do it).
Other platforms such as Blogger/Blogspot also offer users pre-made templates/themes but none come close to offering the same number or variety of choices like Tumblr does!
6. Tumblr provides tools / features that make reblogging very easy!
Reblogging is essentially copying content from another user’s page and posting it onto your own page (with the original source still being credited).
The reblog feature is one of the things that makes Tumblr such a powerful tool for sharing information and ideas. When other Tumblr users, marketers, or bloggers reblog your content, this communicates to search engines that your content is valuable. It will then improve your ranking in Tumblr and Google search results.
7. Tumblr offers "dofollow" links.
This means that when you share content from another Tumblr blog on your own blog, the original author gets a "backlink" to their blog. Backlinks are important because they help improve the search engine ranking of the original author's blog.
8. Using Tumblr is that it's easy to go viral.
If you create a funny meme or post an interesting video on your Tumblr blog, it can quickly be shared by thousands of other users and become very popular. This can be a great way to get more exposure for your brand or website.
However the default URLs for your Tumblr posts will be long strings of numbers, which isn’t ideal for SEO. By clicking the gear-shaped icon in the top right of the post creator, you can create a custom URL ("permalink") for each individual post on your Tumblr account. Format these much like you would on your regular site as a best practice.
Plus providing easy-to-read permalinks is a simple way to improve your credibility and boost organic traffic because they show potential visitors that your page is safe and valuable. Plus, descriptive permalinks make it easier for search engines to categorize the pages on your blog because they will understand your content’s focus topic better.
9. Tumblr is also a great platform for social media marketing.
You can use hashtags to reach a wider audience, and you can also post links to your website or blog on your Tumblr posts. This can help increase traffic to your site and improve your search engine ranking.
Overall, Tumblr is a great blogging platform with many benefits. It's easy to use, it offers dofollow links, and it's a great way to reach a wider audience through social media marketing. So if you're looking for a new platform to start blogging on, be sure to check out Tumblr!
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hiphoprolli · 2 years
Clover efi download
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#Clover efi download install
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#Clover efi download full
Ability to boot previously selected boot entry after the default timeout.Press F6 to save graphics firmware into /EFI/CLOVER/misc.Press F4 to save original (OEM) ACPI tables into /EFI/CLOVER/ACPI/origin.Press F1 for multilingual help, depending on language setting in the configuration.Press Page Up or Page Down to change GUI resolution.Customizable GUI including themes, icons, fonts, background images, animations, and mouse pointers.Boot using UEFI firmware directly or CloverEFI UEFI firmware emulation.Boot OS X, Windows, and Linux in UEFI or legacy mode on Mac or PC with UEFI or BIOS firmware.
#Clover efi download full
You can also Check: WinZip Mac Pro 7.0 Full Download Clover EFI bootloader 2020 Key Features: The installer replaces the default boot loader, integrates powerful drivers, and allows you to customize both the behavior and appearance of macOS. Clover EFI is a handy tool if you’re running macOS on a non-Apple computer with an integrated UEFI motherboard.
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As a result, you can easily update your bootloader, change the Clover theme, and adjust the number of log files and backups your Clover EFI needs to keep. In addition, Clover EFI also allows you to integrate a custom settings pane into your system settings window.
#Clover efi download install
You can choose to install Clover EFI for UEFI boot only, you can install Clover EFI for ESP, apply custom themes, and decide which drives or scripts to deploy. The Clover EFI bootloader provides the option to personalize the bootloader installation. Naturally, you will have to provide the credentials for your computer’s admin account. The Clover EFI software comes with its own installer package, which means that the entire process is reduced to simply following the on-screen instructions. It is based on different projects: Clover, rEFIt, XNU, VirtualBox.
#Clover efi download drivers
Next, we’ll need to copy some kexts (kernel extensions, similar to drivers on Windows) to the USB drive.Clover EFI boot loader is specially designed for booting OS X, Windows, and Linux on a Mac or PC with UEFI or BIOS firmware.
Click Install and wait for the installation to finish.
– select “Install RC scripts on target volume” and/or “Install all RC scripts on all other boot volumes”. – check “Install for UEFI booting only”, “Install Clover in the ESP” will automatically select– check following from Drivers64UEFIĭrivers64UEFI->ApfsDriverLoader-64 -> This is the APFS file system driverĭrivers64UEFI->SMCHelper-64 (VirtualSMC.efi if using VirtualSMC.kext, SMCHelper-64.efi is not compatible with VirtualSMC.efi and must be removed)
Click Customize and check the following options:.
Click Change Install Location and set it to your formatted USB drive.
Is It Possible To Make A $400 Build Hackintosh in 2020ĭownload the latest Clover installer from here. It involves running an installation wizard and selecting some options. Installing Clover on your USB drive is relatively easy. Install Clover on Your USB Drive or EFI partition One big feature of Clover is that iMessage, iCloud, the Mac App Store works along with Find My Mac, Back To My Mac and FileVault since Clover can use the EFI partition. For many, Clover is considered the next-gen bootloader and soon it will become the only choice since BIOS is being replaced by UEFI in every new motherboard. It can emulate the EFI portion present on real Macs and boot the OS from there instead of using the regular legacy BIOS approach used by Chameleon and Chimera. It has a totally different approach from Chameleon and Chimera. How You Can Install macOS Catalina 10.15.4 on HP Pavilion 15Ĭlover is an open-source EFI-based bootloader created on Apr 4, 2011. I went with Clover as it seems to be the most popular choice among other Hackintoshers, mostly for the following reasons: There are 4 popular bootloaders to choose from. We need a bootloader that makes it possible to boot OS X on x86 and x86_64 PCs.
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strosmkai-rum · 3 years
writing resources masterlist.
i have to admit. my first reason for doing this was to spite my brain because it wouldn’t write. so, instead, i made this. 
so here. 160+ links. gathered from a million questionable google searches, and some more crawling through mobile chrome tabs for 11 hours. anyways, enjoy!
where to write!
some popular platforms:
google docs is my choice for writing. it’s free, auto saves, you can access your stuff on mobile, pc, tablet, etc., and great for multi person collabs + link sharing. but, you need internet to use it, and for big documents (upwards of 55k words) it takes a while to load on pc, and editing on mobile is damn near impossible. 
scrivener is great too, and has the binder, which is great for organizing stuff. however, the mac version is way, way ahead of the pc in terms of updated versions. i mean, the pc version is still useable. and, it’s pretty expensive at $45 usd. 
microsoft word is really popular, and used pretty much everywhere. there’s templates and you can save documents in different formats, and compatible with other microsoft office programs too. it’s also a bit complicated at the start, but tbh most software is gonna be like that. sort of in the same boat as scrivener, as in, it costs money. usually a subscription, but if you decide to buy it flat out, it’s even more pricy, but def worth it imo. 
other writing platforms:
zenwriter 3 for windows and mac - $17.50 usd
focuswriter - free
libreoffice - free
credit to @scribeofred for help with this. she has an amazing writing blog that’s super helpful, so definitely check it out! and she’s a professional editor, so it’s coming from someone who knows what they’re doing. 
writing by hand is great too. some people can focus better that way, or, if you have a drawing tablet, you can write get the feeling of writing, and have it digitally too. 
of course, you could just type into your notes app, or ao3, or a tumblr draft post, but let’s not-
spotify, youtube premium, and tidal are all great for listening to music. all of them, except for the free version of spotify, have a subscription. 
but maybe music isn’t your thing! here’s some more stuff: 
rainforme is a rain/thunder player with adjustable volume
coffitivity for café ambience
ambient mixer has a ton of different ambience, and even lets you create your own.
noisli has playlists for different situations and has a built in timer and editor.
asoftmurmur lets you make your own mixes with their own, generally nature-focused sounds. 
tabletopaudio with a focus on fantasy/noir ambience
mynoise has a lot of variety in sounds, including a...black hole
forest is an app/extension that grows a forest, for however long you manage to stay off of blacklisted sites, and dies when you revisit them. good for studying or a distraction-free writing experience (if you’ve got the restraint for it), but if you need resources on hand to write, this might not be good for you. 
wanna make a moodboard? lit! here’s some ways to get your images. 
unsplash (my journalism teacher, out of all the people recommended it to us. regardless, it’s a great way to source copyright free and not-stolen images.)
canva is much the same with no copyright issues, and actually lets you design the board on the site. 
adobe spark is also good and free.
now. pinterest. don’t get me wrong, it’s great for finding images. but it’s full of stolen images and all. so, maybe don’t source your stuff from there. 
character development!
behind the name name generator for different ethnicities, includes other character info like physical stats, language, age, blood type, cause of death, etc.
16personalities personality test
character flaws
how to create a character profile + worksheet below
big-ass character sheet (that’s the name) for making a wildly detailed overview of your character.
the most epic character chart ever (again, the name), a 12 page chart for your character.
character archetypes
character questionnaire
a super in-depth questionnaire for all stages of your character’s life
character development
creating a look for your character!
so maybe you’re not great at drawing. that’s okay! 
first off, there’s a ton of amazing, talented artists here, that you can commission to get a picture of your character done. i’d definitely point you towards them first, because you help support them, and you also get some gorgeous art too!
but if you don’t have the funds for that right now, here’s some generators, to have one regardless.
picrew’s really popular, so here’s some generators i found, with social media linked for credit:
sky: children of light character maker (i didn’t see any social media, just a link to the game’s terms of service) aka the one i use in my tumblr prof pic
among us character creator (@NetherHeartz on twitter)
icon maker (@lullindo on twitter/instagram)
another icon maker (tumblr)
character maker (tumblr, twitter, instagram)
girl maker (tumblr)
fantasy girl maker (twitter)
aesthetic girl maker (@rileydixondesign on instagram)
boy maker (@hellomadjackass on twitter/instagram)
another boy maker (tumblr, @GigiliJiggly on twitter, @gigili_jiggly on instagram)
western boys (@mosssygator on twitter)
and toyhou.se is great for storing your character.
prompt generators!
a list of different generators depending on what you need
pretty much the same as above
pretty much the same as above again
same again-
127 prompts if you’re writing about yourself
science fiction plot generator
random generators
map making!
cartographer’s guild is a website dedicated to map making, so a TON of resources on geography and landscape and whatnot.
inkarnate is for making your own fantasy maps, they have a free and a pro version but the free one is def enough to get going!
worldanvil is awesome for worldbuilding in general. 
nat geo has an awesome interactive world map, with options to see a ton more info like population density, animal populations, language diversity, and just a lot of stuff in general for irl maps. 
mapchart is great for irl custom maps. 
this one is also good, a bit laggy and auto-generates a map, but def useable. here’s a how-to for it. 
geoguesser lets you pick somewhere on the world map, and it’ll show you that location on google maps. 
and of course, there’s the classic ‘spill uncooked rice/macaroni on paper, trace the outline, and go from there’ technique. 
drug index to find specific medication and side effects
medicine name generator to make your own!
how drugs are named!
writing realistic injuries
writing realistic injuries 2
wound term definitions
wound documentation
interactive 3d human body with viewable layers
broken bones
bruise colors
entrance + exit wounds
gunshot injuries
stab wounds 
blood clotting and bleeding disorders
blood clotting and bleeding disorders 2 electric boogaloo
general info on bleeding to death
deathreference aka the encyclopedia of death and dying, alphabetized
how to write gore and examples
crime writing!
the human body after death
body changes after death
corpse decomposition
killing someone (not as easy as it seems)
three essays on political corruption
criminal law
usa state laws
an fairly simple overview of uk law
legal system in the uk
more guides to uk law
used + abused drugs
a-z list of illicit substances
paper on drug use, trade, and prices
64-page long paper on economic and social consequences of drug abuse + trafficking
70 page crime scene checklist
illustrated guide on kitchen knives
history of combat knives
more on types of guns
college of policing published research
forensic document examination + downloadable as pdfs (check the sidebars for many more topics)
more in-depth guide of forensic document examination and forgeries
more forensic science topics
crime scene investigation/forensics articles
serial murder
havocscope for black market/underground stuff, and more pages on corruption and organized crime
general overview of political corruption
homicide investigation procedures
psychology of famous criminals
faqs about human trafficking
fingerprints and black powder
pathology guides
understanding injuries
analyzing bodies
crime scene response and procedures 
the fbi can actually help you write your story as well, here.
more resources!
if you’re esl or struggle with grammar, this might help. 
fight scene advice (i see a lot of writers struggle with this, including me, but this helped a ton.)
more help on fight scenes
info on first drafts
editing vs. revising
10 things that might be stopping you from writing
language vs. dialect
a bunch of generators for cities and names
mithrilandmages name generators and lists (fantasy + modern generators)
over 100+ generators for a ton of fandoms 
medieval bestiary
greek mythology bestiary
norse gods and creatures
more norse mythology
scandinavian folklore
more scandinavian folklore
mythical creatures masterlist (not as in-depth as the bestiaries, but if you need ideas/a general overview, this is really good)
different types of povs
more pov stuff
more povs with definitions and lots of examples
how to choose your pov
gestures + body language masterlist
facial expressions masterlist
voice library with sounds according to different emotions (warning: they automatically play when you hover your mouse over them so lower your damn volume when you do, because some of them are really. uh. moany.)
printable storyboards
online storyboard making
writing, roleplaying + worldbuilding (advice on pretty much anything you could name)
some cool french phrases
harvard’s essay writing resources
tips on writing grief
a ton of different essays on writing topics
638 character traits
color shades + names 1, 2, 3, 4
alphabetical list of colors
date calculator
every literary device
animal tracking
compound bows, draw length + weight
famous last words
bite force of different animals
tips on writing accents
unique fracture patterns in glass/glassy polymers
a-z of careers
types of swords
general advice!
jot down ideas when you get them! 
don’t force yourself to write, or else you’ll burn out. and that’s never good. 
have snacks and drinks handy if you’re going to be writing for an extended amount of time. even if you’re not, your brain needs fuel to run.
so, drinks like tea and water. snacks that aren’t oily/greasy or crumbly (i mean, do you really want that on your paper or keyboard?), 
and on that note, for god’s sake use the bathroom frequently. 
if you have difficulty concentrating, get something like a fidget cube or something to help. or take a nap.
if you don’t think your writing is good at first, just keep. writing. it’s a skill, and the more you write, the better you’ll get.
beta readers and outside opinions are very helpful. and please, never antagonize them first. 
first drafts are messy! and done > perfect the first time around.
probably more stuff but it’s been 11+ hours and i want to play skyrim already so take it.  
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babbushka · 3 years
Hello! I’m in the process of trying to learn screenplay formats and stuff, I too am going to an arts college and had to take a film class last semester and I kind of want to dip my toe into it. Do you have any beginner suggestions? :)
Hello my dear anon! I can't tell you how happy I am to hear that you're starting to get into screenplay writing! If you're able to, definitely take some screenwriting classes while you're at school if they're offered, even taking one as an elective is so instrumental because of table reads! (which I'll elaborate on in a second)
Here's some tips that I have for beginners, I hope that any or all of them are helpful to you in some way!
#1 Read the screenplays of your favorite movies.
I could tell you to pick up big books that claim to have the secrets to success and how to properly write your screenplay, but there is nothing like reading the actual screenplays for movies that you love. Really look at the way the script is formatted, not just in the standard font size/spacing/etc way, but in the structure of the story itself.
Why do you love it so much? What parts of it stand out to you the most? You can often find PDF downloads of the real legitimate scripts of your favorite movies (I like to use StudioBinder's archive), sometimes you can find printed versions at your library, and if all else fails, if it's a popular enough movie you can always buy the screenplay to have on hand!
#2 Read the screenplays of movies you absolutely hate.
This might seem counter-intuitive but here me out -- when we're encountered with something that we absolutely loathe, that in and of itself is a teachable moment.
Why do you hate it? Is it the plot? Is it the pacing? The structure or the character arcs? Is it the dialogue? What about it specifically makes you cringe? Knowing these things and being able to put a pin on them is a great way for you to consciously avoid it in your own work.
#3 Read your scripts with others at round tables/table reads.
This is probably the most instrumental part of being a screenwriter -- the stories may seem fine living in your head, but ultimately, we tell stories in a communal way, and other people are bound to experience them. Joining a community like a screenwriter's club at school, or heading over to online spaces like twitter to share ideas and get feedback is absolutely crucial for you to better yourself -- both in terms of content and format.
The reason why round tables or table reads work is because when you have a story that you're harboring inside your head for so long, you can very easily become blind to its flaws, or rather, you close your mind to possibilities for edits. And believe me, every writer has this happen to them, both in terms of structure, but also content. Sharing your work and listening to the feedback given is one of the fastest ways you can grow in real time!
#4 Study the industry-standard screenplay format or use a program that automatically does it for you
One of the biggest mistakes that beginner screenplay authors make is assuming that they can get away with having the actual format of the story deviate from what is industry standard, or thinking that they don't have to worry about the specifics of it as long as the action is left-adjusted and the dialogue is center-aligned. You have to format your scripts correctly or it will be thrown away.
There are tons of templates and examples online, but typing it out plain and simple here are the requirements (taken from the John August Library archive):
12-point Courier font
1.5 inch left margin
1 inch right margin (between .5 inches and 1.25 inches), ragged
1 inch top and bottom margins
Dialogue speaker names (in all caps) 3.7 inches from left side of page (2.2 from margin)
Dialogue 2.5 inches from left side of page (1.5 from margin)
Pages should be numbered in the top right corner, flush to the right margin, a half-inch from the top of the page.
Numbers should be followed by a period.
The first page is not numbered.
The title page is neither numbered nor does it count as page one, so the first page to have a number is the second page of the screenplay (third sheet of paper, including the title page), which is numbered 2.
And all of that can be pretty intimidating feeling! So, there are a number of programs that offer either discounted or free licenses for students. I personally use the industry standard program Final Draft Pro, but others include Celtx, StudioBinder, Movie Magic Screenwriter, and if you're planning on writing with a partner, check out WriterDuet!
So there you go my dearest! I hope that you're able to take anything away from this at all, but most importantly, always remember that the best way to learn and practice is to write as much as you can, and see where it takes you :)
Sending love!
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bluesmuses · 3 years
    I’ve been asked what my general advice for a new rper would be and it got long for IMs so here’s a post instead hfkjshdf I would prefer this Wasn’t Reblogged because I’m sure it’s imperfect and I don’t want my activity notes to explode ;v; Hope it is helpful though.
    For me, personally, I consider mutual respect to be the most important thing. Most rpers have their own preferences and standards, some are rly picky, some not picky at all, some are very organized with extensive tagging systems, some blogs are not. Usually these sorts of things are listed in someone's rules/guideline page. My own rule page has gone through several revisions, and that's okay, if you have a bad experience or run into something you haven't before, grow and learn, your comfort is important! You are not obligated to anyone! Take care of yourself and if someone doesn’t treat you how you would treat them, there is no reason for you to continue to interact with that person!
    A few general rping basics that Most ppl acknowledge would be...
Godmodding: determining what another person's character does without consent. There's not rly a point to rping with someone else if person A is trying to personally direct what person B does, also it's just pretty rude hfskjhdfs but I've seen it, multiple times, not fun. Don’t do that. Respect other ppls muses and how they want to write them, not how you think they should write them for you.
In Character/Out of Character issues: Sometimes people take personal offense to what someone's character does to their character, which can lead to all kinds of problems. Even if someone is writing a 'comfort character,' they are still fictional characters, and expecting an asshole muse to not be an asshole is rly unreasonable. I've seen a lot of villain muse writers especially struggle with this, but I’ve even had this problem in writing ‘good hearted character with a difficult personality’ not catering to another character the way they apparently wanted them to, without even telling me. Also, sometimes people let the knowledge they have ooc, such as from reading a muse's about or answered asks or interactions with other characters, be known to their character. Sometimes it can be logical, but sometimes there are private things that shouldn't be common knowledge just because the mun has read it. Again, this can be mun dependent, some don't care at all about this, but some can get very agitated hkfjshdf it's a good idea to ask the mun regardless if it's questionable for your muse to know about something.
Communication: despite shyness and anxiety, if someone is worried about anything, even if it seems small, it's always a good idea to just Check with your partner. Asking or Discussing is much better than having a build up of issues down the road from not talking and assuming too much of someone else.
Blog Format: this can get messy real fast. As far as I know, there are four main types. (1) Personals who rp. Essentially, normal tumblr blogs who also dabble in rping. Not particularly popular among a lot of more serious rpers because many of us are here to avoid reality and just have fun with fictional characters, so we’re probably not going to follow-back a blog that posts a lot of pictures/politics/content unrelated to whoever they are writing. But some are fine with this, so again, that’s a personal preference thing. (2) Single-muse Blog. A whole blog made and dedicated to writing a muse, which was the most prevalent for a long time, and also what I used to do. These blogs can send ic asks and etc directly from your rp blog without any confusion. But you also have to log in and out of each one individually. Great for ppl who focus on One or just a few muses for long periods though. (3) Multi-muse Blog. A whole blog dedicated to however many muses a person wants to write. Can be a few or  m a n y. If someone doesn’t have a good tagging set up, these can be very difficult to navigate. But it can also be one of the most laid back to run, just adding and removing muses through a page or tags. (4) Roleplay Hub. Hello, it’s me. A hub is a blog dedicated being a source for sideblogs dedicated to specific muses, so you don’t have to log into multiple locations but still have individual blogs per character. I’m pretty sure I helped start this trend to be honest hfskjdhf
    There are also ask blogs dedicated to just answering asks, oftentimes with art, but I don’t see those very often anymore, and I haven’t really seen those types of blogs actually making rp threads, doing heavy plotting, etc BUT I COULD BE WRONG don’t hold me to that;;;;
    AND ADDITIONALLY I went diving and found this which seems like an in depth list of things to keep in mind / if you want additional info/advice
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radramblog · 3 years
Every Mono-Black Commander, Part 4: Designed for the Format
In what will be the penultimate edition of this weekly word stream, the cards steadily on average get better, as WoTC realises commander is the most popular format and starts designing specifically for the format. On the other hand, people don’t play lots of these cool and interesting cards because everyone’s obsessed with “multicolour”, the cowards.
Moving on.
Sidis, Undead Vizier (245 decks, 25th most played)
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Sidisi is one of those cards I’m surprised sees as much play as it does. Not because it’s bad, but because it seems to belong a lot better in the 99 than in the zone- they’re pretty much just a tutor with a body attached, after all. For a while, though, it was the only commander you could run that was a pure tutor, so if you were into just comboing people out it’s probably not a bad idea.
I think part of the reason I underrate this card is that I always assume it’s 6 mana. And it’s a lot better at 5 than it is at 6. And you can always just sacrifice itself if you really want your commander to just be an overpriced Diabolic Tutor.
 Kothophed, Soul Hoarder (29 decks, 73rd most played)
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I actually rate Kothophed a bit higher than I think most do. While as the 2nd of Lilliana’s demons he was obviously a fair bit weaker than the extremely banned Griselbrand, and the only one of the 4 not to be mythic, he does do a couple things really well.
For one, he draws a lot of cards. Things are going to the graveyard all the time, especially in multiplayer, and he makes the artifact/aristocrat decks think twice about popping off. The other is that he’s super cheap, at like 40 cents a pop. And I appreciate that, especially considering some of the cards surrounding him.
 Liliana, Heretical Healer//Liliana, Defiant Necromancer (645 decks, 9th most played)
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Baby Lilli herself looks a lot better than Ob Nixilis of the Black Oath as far as Planeswalker commanders goes, and it’s therefore unsurprising that she breaks the top 10. Everybody loves Planeswalkers, lots of people like Lilliana both as a card and a character, and the card that puts her in the zone is quite solid.
What does she do, though? Well, of the 6 Creature->Planeswalker transform cards, she’s one of the three that can theoretically flip the turn you play her without a haste effect (and Nicol Bolas is only on that list by technicality, because that’s a loooot of mana), and it’s not particularly hard to do so considering the colour she’s in. She then protects herself a little with a Zombie token and acts as basically a multiplayer-tuned Lilliana of the Veil, with a bigger number on her plus and minuses that better suit commander. This lets her work quite well for discard decks, reanimator decks, aristocrats decks, zombie decks, and of course, Lilliana decks. She’s just really solid overall, making up somewhat for the fragility of walkers in the format by being cheap and making herself a blocker.
 Drana, Liberator of Malakir (82 decks, 49th most played)
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Drana I guess could be used as a tribal or Voltron commander of some description, but to be frank, she’s here for one thing- aggro. Anthem effects are uncommon in black, and Drana just piles on so many counters in such an efficient manner that she kinda makes up for that on her own. I’ve actually never seen anyone piloting a Drana deck (of any of the three Dranas, actually), so I don’t know exactly how effective it is, but putting her at the helm of a stack of tokens or efficient threats just sounds scary. I’m pretty sure she’s only liberating Malakir from its remaining life points.
 Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet (124 decks, 38th most played)
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Kalitas seeing this much play…actually frustrates me, seeing as he’s basically just a hate piece. Like yeah, he has another ability, and he makes tokens, but come on. You’re just playing this for the exile clause, and it’s never going to make you any friends. Headcrab Vampire over here doesn’t do anything much if your opponents just wait til he’s off the field to do anything spicy, and in that case, what are you doing with him? Very inefficiently voltronning up? Gaining 3 life? It’s a bit sad. I don’t really like him.
 Gonti, Lord of Luxury (550 decks, 11th most played)
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Aww man, they’re not in the top 10 anymore? Fucking Tergrid.
Gonti is another card advantage commander, but everything on them lines up to make both a fun and a powerful effect. They’re not too expensive, and in addition to effectively drawing a card, deathtouch makes them a great way to dissuade attacks from other players. Their ETB not only acts as card selection, but it also gives you access to effects mono-black lacks, silver bullets you don’t play, or just surprise threats that vastly open up your options. They can whiff, sure, but that doesn’t happen especially often.
I’m biased, because my Gonti deck is among my favourite of my 100-card children, but Gonti is just such a fun commander that I don’t even mind the lack of direction they hand you. I run them as grindy valuey control, but they work great as the helm of flicker, theft, and even Aetherborn tribal decks as well. Just a stellar little commander.
 Yahenni, Undying Partisan (306 decks, 21st most played)
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Speaking of Aetherborn, Yahenni is also here, and I really appreciate that the two Aetherborn commanders we got are both really cool both in game and in the lore. Shame about most of the rest of the tribe being draft trash. Also, WoTC brought all sorts of old tribes back into the limelight for Commander Legends and the Modern Horizons sets, so where are the new Aetherborn at? Wizards pls.
Yahenni themselves is a pretty interesting commander. Their effects combine into a powerful package more subtle than their flavour text suggests- they not only are a threatening body, as a hasty commander that grows significantly as the game progresses, but they’re also incredibly sticky- a free sacrifice outlet that protects itself from most removal. They’re just a card where all the pieces come together just right, and I appreciate that a lot. One job and that’s aristocrats, but they’re good at it!
 Bontu, the Glorified (59 decks, 57th most played)
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When we finally got eyes on the Amonkhet gods, I think Bontu was my least favourite. Like, she’s hard to turn on, and has to be done repeatedly? A 3 mana 4/6 menace is a lot, but not enough to justify that in my opinion. And that activated ability is painfully mediocre.
At this point I like Kefnet less, but that’s just because I’ve cast him a bunch of times and I’m pretty sure he’s done nothing most of those times. Both of them are just kind of shithouse though. I expected more from the Magic equivalent of Set.
 Razaketh, the Foulblooded (74 decks, 54th most played)
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The only thing foul about Razaketh is that mana cost. 8 mana, holy shit. But you get paid off for it, don’t ya? A free-ish sac outlet that, oh, also just demonic tutors. If you have an infinite combo in your deck, this’ll get it.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Razaketh decks therefore get focussed pretty hard once people recognize the power in the zone. Like, running him as a commander is basically saying “sup once I get to 8 mana y’all are fucked”, and in that case people are going to do all they can to stop you getting to 8 mana, whether by blowing up your rocks or just killing your face and dudes. Perhaps consider an alternate route if you don’t like getting beaten up.
 Spike, Tournament Grinder (N/A)
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Aight, this is kinda cheating, but shshshsh it’s fine. Now, I’m not sure exactly how this works in the zone, but I’m just assuming it can get any “spikey” card that fits within your colour identity? Or maybe it’s just anything. Either way, this gets some bonkers shit.
Even if we assume it’s only legal commander cards in identity, Spike can still draw you some funny things. Dark Ritual, Crucible of Worlds, Bitterblossom, Demonic Tutor, Ancient Tomb, and that’s just the first page. If we do include commander-banned cards, then you can also use them as a spicy secret commander for such hits as Griselbrand, Emrakul, or Braids. Overall, they’re definitely fair and balanced. Un-Commanders when.
 Tetzimoc, Primal Death (15 decks, 86th most played)
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Oh, Tetzy. I love this stupid stupid card, one that seems to get worse the bigger the decks get. And by that I mean, it’s completely stupid broken in its original draft format, fringe playable in Standard at the time (and by that I mean… I mean I played it), and thoroughly mediocre in Commander. And that’s in the 99, because much like Haakon and Phage he doesn’t work in the zone. He’s a fair bit easier to enable than they are, but it’s for much, much less payoff. Alas poor Tetzimoc.
 Demonlord Belzenlok (110 decks, 41st most played)
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The last Lilliana contract demon, and the first Dominaria card of the 6 we got to talk about. Belzenlok’s ability is frustratingly awkward, however- while it will never draw you land, in my experience you’re rarely drawing more than two cards off it, and one is very common. Because the thing is, in order to support the dummy thick cards Belzenlok likes to see, you need a lot of cheap ramp and draw, which he does not like to see. And said ability takes up all the space on his textbox that could be used on other things. He’s basically okay, but I don’t see running this over basically any other demon.
I mean, he’s in my Gonti deck, but that’s besides the point, making a fatty and drawing cards is what that deck’s about.
 Josu Vess, Lich Knight (69 decks, 55th most played)
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Lilliana’s dead brother is an army in a can that packs a mean punch- 20 menace power is absolutely nothing to sneeze at- but 10 mana is monstrous. And casting him for 4 is just not worth it, especially since it makes that 10 into 12 next time. With that said, I recall once a Dominaria draft on arena where I used Muldrotha to cast this guy kicked twice in a row, and while this might just be magical Christmas land, getting to reroll this guy repeatedly with Disentomb effects might be spicy. You can just bury people in Zombies, ain’t that fun? I mean, it’s still 10 mana, so that’s a lot, but yknow
I guess you can also sac the tokens to some variety of altar, but that’s boooooring.
 Torgaar, Famine Incarnate (99 decks, 44th most played)
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Wait, if it’s Famine Incarnate, why is it an Avatar instead of an Incarnation?
I’m woefully unfamiliar with Torgaar, but it seems like a relatively effective general. It hits that 7 mark for a three-hit commander damage kill, while being able to cost as little as two mana, which is enough on its own- but  that chunky power also helps with that second ability, setting someone to 20, assuming other people are willing to help pick up the slack. Fuck your infinite life combo, back down to the ground with the rest of us.
Honestly, this guy just looks really fun. It’s nice that in a pinch you can just have them gain you up to 19 life (or more I guess if you’re Platinum Angel-ing), and they don’t seem broken enough to garner hate. Not bad, potentially underrated.
 Urguros, the Empty One (29 decks, 73rd most played)
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On the other hand, I’m not sure why you’d pick this of all cards to head your deck. Looking at it, though, it’s mostly just Spectre tribal, which makes sense to me. Don’t think there’s another Legendary Spectre outside of changelings, though that would at least get you Blazing Spectre.
Shoutouts for Spectre being one of the words with different spelling in America that people don’t know about as well.
Urguros is not a powerful commander. They’re slow and their effect is weak. But if you’re running them, you don’t care about power, you care about creature type, and that’s fine too.
 Whisper, Blood Liturgist (150 decks, 33rd most played)
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Oh, ok. blood liturgist.
Jokes aside, Whisper is more popular than I would have expected. Considering they’re basically reverse Victimize, I’m surprised that people are so into them when that card exists.
Ohh, wait, there’s probably a bunch of infinites with this and Thornbite Staff, huh. Yeahhh, that scans. Though even outside of combo bullshit, I bet they get a bunch of fun value stuff with army-in-a-can-type creatures like Abhorrent Overlord and Sengir Autocrat. Shame about the stats.
 Yargle, Glutton of Urborg (208 decks, 27th most played)
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A literal vanilla creature, Yargle has overcome the odds to bargle into the hearts of many. The undeniable Best Frog Commander (Gitrog players do not interact), Yargle has clearly captured as many hearts as he’s eaten, considering he got his own Secret Lair filled with cards he can’t really play. His bit in the lore was also kind of hilarious, nearly killing all the protagonists until Muldrotha deus-ex-mythic rare-d him out of there.
The thing is, Yargle is not even that bad aside from the meme. He might be literally vanilla, butt he has 9 fucking power for 5 mana. He’s probably one of the cheapest creatures that breaches the 3-hit rule, and only needs 2 more to get down to 2. And 2 power isn’t super hard. Strap this bad boy with a sword or two and you can just gettem. Let alone the fact that he one-shots things with Tainted Strike. Or Grafted Exoskeleton. Or just about anything plus Fireshrieker. Unironically one of Mono-Black’s best Voltron options.
 Isareth the Awakener (30 decks, 70th most played)
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Skipping the Battlebond cards because…who plays Virtus or Regna solo… brings us to the painfully mediocre Isareth. A 3 mana 3/3 that lets you cast one thing from your yard, and only if she risks her own life. And you still have to pay for the reanimate. And it gets the exile clause as well. Man, this was the same cycle as Goreclaw and Sai, too. Hell, I even like Lena more after I designed a deck around her. This just sucks. Like, I cannot imagine playing this over Chainer or something.
 The Haunt of Hightower (168 decks, 31st most played)
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Speaking of Voltron, this Buy-a-Box exclusive is basically a self-sufficient beast of a flyer. Cards go into opponent’s graveyards all the time, and one mass mill effect makes this thing get huge fast as fuck. Add in lifelink so it keeps you going and all it’s really missing is the ability to protect itself, and there’re equipment for that.
On the other hand, it’s 6 mana and a 3/3 base, so if you aren’t able to get things in bins (or if a Rest in Peace/Leyline of the Void is out) it basically isn’t doing anything. And Flying is a much worse keyword in commander than one would think, being probably the most common Evasion mechanic. But I think this haunty boy is still solid.
 God-Eternal Bontu (81 decks, 48th most played)
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If only the rest of us could age so gracefully. Er, die so gracefully, I guess. Zombie Set is kind of a beating, turning all sorts of useless shash into pure cash. And she can go to your deck if the zone is getting too costly, and she’s a cool crocodile zombie god.
Unfortunately, she does suffer from being an ETB-effect commander, which always feels a bit more mid than I’d like- they do their thing and then just…sit there… and unlike Gonti she doesn’t deter attacks that well. She does attack pretty alright herself, but it’s only 5 power and can’t even trade with two 3/3s. And it’s harder to fuel this all-or-nothing kind of ability repeatedly. There are a few (crocodile?) rocks to use, as well as chump creatures that crave death, but fill your deck with those and that’s all you’ll draw. It’s…fine. She’s fine.
 Massacre Girl (285 decks, 22nd most played)
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The final card under the magnifying glass today, and probably still the best boardwipe/commander combo. Massacre Girl basically just kills everything, provided things aren’t too massive and there’s fodder around to bite the dust first. If anyone played Hearthstone back when I did, she’s basically a way, way better Defile.
Wait, that’s also a Magic name now isn’t it, shit.
I still think the notorious M.G. goes better in the deck than the zone, but I suppose control decks would appreciate having one of the things they crave most- board clears- available at a moment’s notice. And if you’re building around her, then you can fill your deck with the fodder that fuels her best. But I’m not sure where you win from there.
Ehhh, probably just Revel in Riches.
This brings us to the end of this edition of Black Commanders, and to the start of 2019. Which means the remaining 21 cards all came out in the last 2.5 years, which speaks a lot to how much they were designing cards for commander, and how many sets they’ve been coming out with. Until then.
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artappreciationmdc · 3 years
Art Appreciation - First Day of Class - week One 5/11/2021
Welcome to the summer session of Arh1000- ART APPRECIATION . I have sent an email to all of you so that you prepare for the semester ahead. 9 of you will be meeting me in person in room 1331 on Thursday. The rest will join us via TEAMS so please respond to the TEAMS virtual meeting when that email is sent to you on Tuesday night. 
Please note that I have been teaching this class via Tumblr since 2013. This platform works well for adding photos, artwork along with text. It is for this reason that I prefer this format to blackboard. 
This semester  you will get to learn about Art and the importance of artworks to culture and society. Though this is a very short semester, I will also give you an opportunity to engage in different art practices. 
As we go through the semester I would like you to keep the reference related to the Visual Arts. In popular culture, the terms  art and artists encompasses many platforms. As it pertains to our class we will only be dealing with 2D and 3D Art forms. 
On your first day ( Tuesday ) I would like for you to spend some time setting up the following platforms so that we may communicate throughout the semester . 
First - Create a Tumblr handle. This will be the platform for submitting your reflection papers and artworks produced. 
Second- Create a Twitter handle . This platform will be used to document visits to outdoor spaces and other venues such as museums or galleries (virtual or in person. ) 
Try and familiarize yourself with both platforms as those will be the way you submit your work for me this semester. 
Once you have set up both you will set about reading from the class textbook “ Living with Art “  by Mark Getlein, MacGraw-Hill . For week one 5/11 /2021 , you will be responsible for reading the following :
Chapter 1  titled  ‘Living with Art’ page 3-20. 
As you read the chapter pay attention to Artworks depicted  and the terms used. 
Once you have completed reading the chapter I would like you to choose TWO ARTWORKS that jump at you. You can copy paste those images from the internet to create your first class post. Create a post that addresses your reason for choosing the artworks. 
1) Note the name of the artist, the name of the work ( most works have titles ) and date. Next explain your reason for choosing these works. 
2) What do you like about them? 
3) Is it the theme, Colors, imagery ? 
4) Next , what can you say in regards to what the artwork represents ? 
5) What story, in your *opinion is being expressed ?
 Try to touch upon those points as you write  a short reflection essay as your first Tumblr post. 
Here is an example of submitting :
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Hall of Bulls - Lascaux Cave, 40,000 BC. Paleolithic Period.
I see several animals, some are larger other smaller. The colors used are earth tones, some animals are in red other animals in black. All depicted in profile. Some of the animals seems as if they are getting ready to battle each other . This is noted in the bull on the left looking at the larger bull on the right. The artwork was created during the Paleolithic period over 40, 000 years ago. Thinking about society at that time, the artists of this time would have been hunter gatherers. It is my opinion that these where animals this society either hunted or domesticated. I love the quality of the lines used to describe the animals. The idea that such lines can define the weight , strength and variety of both fauna and other animals of the time for me is impressive. Beautiful work. 
This assignment should be posted on your Tumblr by 5 pm Friday , 5/14/21. Tweet your link to me on twitter to @Prof_AFresquet .
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fitnesmasterlab · 3 years
Cinderella Diet Solution Review 2021! Is Cinderella Scam or Best Diet System?
Cinderella Diet Solution Review 2021! Is Cinderella Scam or Best Diet System?
The Cinderella Solution is a reducing weight solution for women who already tried other systems but did not succeed. Anyone can lose some pounds. They just have to remove those belly fats.
The main challenge is that when the weight comes back. It is unusual for some people to gain more weight after doing some diet. It results in a woman being emotionally stressed because that situation can lose her confidence, self-esteem, and the need to be socially active.
Using this Cinderella Solution will help you to create healthy eating habits. Anyhow, it will also teach you about the importance of food and how it can energize your body. Click on this link to discover the right information about customizing plans in reaching your body goals.
1) What is Cinderella Solution?
The Cinderella answer diet weight loss program guarantees to assist you slim half a dozen times quicker than today’s preferred industrial diets while not one calorie count, intake “comfort-food” looks 10-20 years younger. The Cinderella answer diet may be the best setup that mixes weight loss with terribly specific exercises.
These exercises don't seem to be cardio exercises. Rather, they're terribly distinctive, during which there's plenty of fat in this part of the body, and ladies wish to slim. above all, the exercises delineate within the system transcend the abdominal tissues, buttocks, and hips. in line with the system’s creator, Carly Donovan expressed that 3 hormones are accountable for a woman’s weight gain.
The Cinderella answer weight loss twenty-eight days program on the market as a series of PDF & e-book. you'll transfer them now when buying the setup. additionally, just like the easiest method to transfer PDF files, the program is often accessed through smartphones, tablets, desktops, or alternative smartphone devise.
Carly found that girls in alternative elements of the planet were able to eat foods high in calories, fat, and carbohydrates while not losing weight. She finds out that it had been not for the ladies WHO were intake. it had been a mixture of foods.
She created a design for ladies WHO lost weight. She combined this with a delicate. low-impact exertion arranges to come back up with a good weight loss and fat reduction program answer.
Not solely this however you furthermore may get a 60-day money-back guarantee. So, If you're unsure whether or not to eat a correct diet and do a selected series of exercises to spice up your metabolism, then you've got time to check it.
Official Website: Click Here to get access
The entire Cinderella answer program for weight loss lasts twenty-eight days. Carly Donovan engineered it around the Japanese Shoku-Iko, a term that stands for biological process coming up with. Shoku-Iko sets the food and flavor pairing pointers in an exceeding thanks to facilitating come through a balance of hormones and body metabolism. Besides, the flavor pairing aims to reinforce the inner balance and make sure that the body is internally sturdy
The phases of Cinderella answer embody the subsequent
Official Website: Click Here to get access
#1 Ignite
The first fourteen days of Cinderella’s answer start with the primary section, Ignite. this is often in the Associate in Nursing educating section wherever you may learn the importance and therefore the roles of biological process food in your weight loss journey.
You will conjointly find out about a customized design wherever you'll follow within the next few days.
This design can stabilize the hormones in your body and therefore the weight loss triggers in your body square measure turned on.
The overall goal of the primary section of Cinderella answer flavor pairing pdf is for you to melt off while not having to require supplements, pills, or exercise and simply only target your food intake.
#2 Launch
The next fourteen days once finishing Ignite is introducing a good variety of food combos to your daily design.
The program then recommends you require four meals on a daily basis following the steered design of the Cinderella answer design program.
In this section, the fat burning method in your body is boosted and you're ready to melt off quickly whereas making certain your system is healthy and supported to avoid you obtaining sick or feeling weak.
3) Who is the creator of Cinderella Solution Diet?
Carly Donovan may be a marvelous girl UN agency created the Cinderella resolution weight loss Program. She may be a regular one who has done intensive analysis on fitness, nutrition, and weight loss. She has dedicated her life to serving others UN agency wishes to induce in form and keep that over the future. several weight loss programmers rent a fitness guru or celebrity to endorse their system despite ne'er truly exploiting it.
Now, She spends her days and thru this program helps thousands of ladies to try and do one thing that minimizes the consequences of secretion imbalance. one in all the only most wonderful facts concerning Cinderella Solution’s author. She isn't solely a fitness guru or professional. Rather, She is that the production of real girls, UN agency goes through the struggles of weight gain ensuing from metabolic or secretion imbalances and therefore the problems that accompany it.
Official Website: Click Here to get access
4) Benefits of Cinderella Solution
Cinderella resolution is intended specifically for ladies WHO square measure troubled to turn and troubled regarding their health and look. This straightforward to follow and property diet set up can facilitate such girls within the end of the day and alter them to not solely remodel their bodies however their lives. when consistent use of this diet, they'll a lot of assured in life.
All women, notwithstanding their age, will get pleasure from this diet. it's a secure and natural thanks to turning, and that they don't get to worry regarding any reasonably negative side-effects either. particularly those girls WHO have lost hope when attempting the normal weight loss strategies ought to do that out and see the results.
Lose weight 6 times faster than today’s most popular commercial diet without counting a single calorie…
Look and feel 10-20 years younger by eating the “comfort-food” TV Doctors are getting paid to say is unhealthy…
Official Website: Click Here to get access
5) Why is Cinderella’s solution higher than different Diet Programs?
In distinction to several ancient thought diets, Cinderella resolution is safe, easy, and effective. There isn’t any harmful merchandise concerned, and there's no have to be compelled to get exhausted for hours invaluable gyms either. simply following the easy and straightforward diet arrangement can facilitate girls’ change state with no negative aspect effects.
6) What is the key Science Behind the Cinderella Solution?
The most popular diet area unit supported a fat-blasting approach. However, Cinderella’s diet focuses a lot on why the fats area unit holds on within the body within the 1st place. analysis reveals that 3 area unit hormones in a very woman’s body have an effect on their metabolism- corticoid, insulin, and estrogen. For Carly, these areas unit Queen, beauty, and youth hormones, severally. With aging, associate imbalance in these hormones leads to weight gain, anxiety, depression, and plenty of different problems that girls face.
Official Website: Click Here to get access
7) What do can folks get with Cinderella Solution?
The Cinderella resolution contains a manual that's a 93-page eBook in PDF format. It contains all the required data folks should grasp before they begin this distinctive diet program. This manual is additionally smart to know metabolism and weight loss hormones. Besides, there's a food arrange section still that has all the necessary details regarding the food and mixtures that may be used.
Other than a manual, folks also will get a fast beginning Guide if they are doing not need to scan the manual at the start. they will use this fast begin guide to find out a couple of necessary things solely, to begin with, the diet, and that they will continue reading the manual later. Moreover, there's a Food Lover’s instruction Playbook still, alongside a 22-page course instruction book severally.
The Cinderella resolution Accelerator is additionally given as a bonus. It contains the most effective success stories and offers folks the motivation to begin and follow this diet arrangement. It comes with a 21-day Kick-Start Nutrition Guide, Accelerator Main Manual, associated with an Accelerator Movement Sequencing Book. these things facilitate girls to perceive their bodies higher and provide them a good beginning.
Lastly, there area unit some video tutorials still for girls UN agency would like a lot of facilities. It comes alongside an effort Video Library that may be accessed on-line. Any girl UN agency properly studies and understands the method and systematically follows the rules and workouts can get wonderful results. there's nothing too troublesome or difficult. simply consistency and commitment area unit all that girls would like.
Official Website: Click Here to get access
8) Is Cinderella’s solution Safe?
As already mentioned, Cinderella resolution is among the safest and however best and fast weight loss programs. it's supported the natural manner of losing weight and doesn't encourage its users to use any harmful medicine or medicines. Moreover, it's easy and straightforward to follow, which makes it property within the long.
9) What is the price of Cinderella Solution?
People attempt many alternative valuable diet plans and throw cash in futile supplements and valuable athletic facility subscriptions. In distinction, Cinderella’s resolution is well cheap, and anyone will get pleasure from it. the overall price of the fundamental package is simply $37 and comes with a 60-day “Glass Slipper” money-back guarantee. folks will learn a lot regarding totally different packages and offer on the official website of the program.
Official Website: Click Here to get access
10) Final finding – Cinderella solution Review
We can conclude that the Cinderella resolution may be safe, effective, and fast thanks to changing state. many ladies area unit benefitting from this revolutionary program. it's a far higher possibility than several different alternatives, and every one girl eager to change state ought to do that program. Visit Official Cinderella resolution web site Here
Official Website:
Click Here to get access
just looking at these stories makes me so emotional,
Thinking about all the women still struggling to lose
weight when the true solution is actually
so simple, so safe, and so effective.
Official Website: Click Here to get access
You only get one body and one life
and you deserve to have the fairy-tale ending that so many of my “Cinderella success stories” have already experienced...
You too can use the 2 simple tricks that promote shocking increases in bone-density without ever picking up a heavy set of weights, while pumping-up collagen production and skin elasticity - WITHOUT EVER going under the knife.
Such as Women in their late 40’s and 50’s and even 60’s
like Beth, Cheryl, and Kathy who turned back the clock by saying NEVER AGAIN to the fad diets that actually speed up the aging process...
.....and said, “YES PLEASE” to Cinderella’s proven Flavor-Pairing rituals that finally confirm that “age” is really just a number.
Want to see more result just click over here
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duhragonball · 4 years
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I’m gonna record some stuff for posterity, since I’ve been feeling kind of down and I want to focus on some things that have gone right lately.
First, I managed to win a Crazyhouse chess match against my hated rival, Lichess.org AI level 6.  I started trying to get serious about getting good at chess a few years ago, which eventually led me to lichess.org, which offers some variant games like Crazyhouse, where you can use captured pieces for your own.   The AI has eight levels and I decided to just start at 1 and work my way up, but around... late 2018?  I got to level 6 and it’s been kicking my ass ever since.    I think my record is like 5-3742.  
Friday night, I actually won, which is a big deal in itself, but more astonishingly, I beat it in 17 moves.  Here they are below.
1. d4 d5 2. Nf3 { D02 Queen's Pawn Game: Zukertort Variation } Bf5 3. e4 dxe4 4. Ne5 Nd7 5. Bb5 c6 6. Bxc6 bxc6 7. P@b7 Rb8 8. Nxc6 P@f3 9. gxf3 B@g2 10. Rg1 exf3 11. Nxd8 P@e2 12. Qd2 g6 13. P@c7 Bg7 14. c8=Q Rxc8 15. bxc8=Q Ne5 16. Q@a4+ P@d7 17. Nc6# { White wins by checkmate. } 1-0
I tend to write off my wins as flukes--sooner or later the AI has to make a mistake--but usually Level 6 beats me in less than 20 moves.    It had gotten to the point where I was more worried about surviving to move 21 than even hoping to win.    Full disclosure: I use the takeback function to undo serious blunders, so it’s not like I pulled this upset off in one go.    Still, I managed to put this together.  
I think this is mainly because I started reading Chess for Dummies again and there’s a part where it says that you really shouldn’t start out by moving the same piece over and over.    Instead, you should more a different piece each turn.    That forces you to think a little harder about each turn, and you won’t get stuck in a situation where you waste moves on retreats.    I’ve been making that mistake a lot lately, having like a knight or a queen running around the board, trying to avoid getting captured, and all that accomplishes is to let the AI develop their side of the board, until I run out of places to run.  
So I took this advice to heart and it paid off in a big way.   I’m sure it won’t go quite as well next time, but I’m wondering if this one mistake was holding me back this whole time.   Either way, I’m just pleased that I read something in a book and managed to apply it successfully to the thing I was trying to learn.   I can see a light at the end of the AI Level 6 tunnel.
Second, I made my first omelet last night.    I bought eggs, and thought, you know what, let’s try to make an omelet.    It’s not even that hard, it’s just that I never got serious about it.    Every time I scramble eggs I think about how easy it would be to just... not scramble them and fold it over, but I never could figure out when to do that, and I’d just break down and scramble them, because I know how to do that.   So last night I decided to look it up and make sure I knew what to do.    All I had to put in them was some Swiss cheese, but it turned out great.    Today I went to the store and got diced ham and chopped onions and shredded cheese, and I probably put too much in, but it was excellent.   
My eventual goal here is to get proficient enough to attempt the recipe printed in Way of the House Husband v.3, because it looks fancy but how hard could it be?  
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Looking at this page again, I guess what I really need to do is work on steps 1-3, which involve cooking the filling first.    Otherwise, I’m pretty close already.
Third, Dangerous Tekkers retained the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Championships yesterday.   
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Look at these distinguished gentlemen, and their beautiful IWGP championship belts.  Also, a bowl of Zima, because they’re a sponsor.   
I really thought they were in trouble, but they managed to steal a win, and that’s what matters.   Big night for Suzuki-gun in general, but I’m most proud of Taichi and Zack Sabre Junior for extending their glorious reign.    Nothing but respect for my champions.  Go back to the end of the line, Golden Ace.   Speaking of Golden Aces...
Fourth, I’ve updated my damn weinerfic yesterday.    I’ll crosspost to Tumblr eventually, but my goal was to get stuff on AO3 this month, and I figured crossposting would slow me down.    So if you read my fanfic and you made it this far down the list, Luffa’s updated to Chapter 126.
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I’ve talked about this before, but I got real bad about writing scenes without assembling them into discrete chapters, which has left me with a large backlog of material that I needed to edit and post before I could move on.    My goal for 2020 was to clear that backlog completely.    I thought the wind was at my back when I got Chapters 119-134 assembled, but editing and formatting has been a real slog this month.    Now that 126 is live, I think I’ve gotten through the worst of it, but we’ll see.   
To be honest, this whole process hasn’t been that bad.   I’m well on my way to the goal I set for the year.    It just seems to feel a lot tougher than it should.   I had lofty dreams of tackling some other projects this year, but I just don’t have the motivation, and I need to put whatever I do have into this one thing. 
And that’s the reason I wanted to write this post.   I feel like a jerk because things aren’t going as smoothly as I want them to, but the progress is still being made.   I keep looking forward, and despairing at how much further I have to go, but I need to glance backward once in a while, and appreciate how night and straight my wake is.  
I get frustrated a lot.    When I first started writing this thing, I was self-conscious about the early chapters because the real meat wouldn’t be until later, and I didn’t think the early stuff would impress anyone as standalone material.   Now I worry that it’s too damn big, and people will be turned off by the sheer size, and never get far enough in to see what I’m doing in the late game.    Or they will read that far in, only to find that I jumped the shark at some point.    I gotta get out of that mindset.    It’s bullshit and I know it’s bullshit, and I know that I know it’s bullshit, but it still pops up in my head sometimes.    The goal is to get the entire story finished.   Whether or not it gets popular is a sideshow.    I can promote the fic when I turn 50 and I’ve got nothing better to do.  This time is for writing and editing and publishing.   And right now, I’m getting it done.    That’s what’s important.   
Also, making that gangster omelet.   One step at a time.
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 4 years
Hakuoki Drama: Shinsengumi Oni-tan Track 1 Translation
Well im more or less back so I’ll start by asking you to please support me if you can either on ko-fi (https://ko-fi.com/V7V2W0HO), or through paypal (paypal.me/KumoriYami ) …. also let me know if you have any hakuoki drama cds that you’d be willing to share that are on my looking for list since i don’t have the audio for those…..
I’ve also gotten around to getting my patreon account in order (https://www.patreon.com/KumoriYami) while deleting all blog post tls here. My patreon will really only for blog post tls, of which I will be putting out at least 3 each month, and for early access to my next planned post. Right now, I can only do early access for one post since I have nothing stockpiled and since Chinese New Year is this month....I’ll be busy with stuff so I probably won’t be getting around to doing a lot for the foreseeable future.... though I intend to bump that up to 2 posts when I’m no longer as busy....
I hope everyone had a good new year’s day.... cuz im feeling exhausted and my mind feels all waaaaaugh rn cuz of beating Psychedelia of the Ashen Hawk which i keep spelling as Hawke because of Dragon Age.... especially with those endings (i surprisingly couldn’t find anything for it in Chinese but oh well)..... 
Anyway, since this drama is roughly an hour and eight minutes long... it is going to take an extended amount of time to be completely translated since this translation was taken off not exactly great quality/sized images (though i’ll be aided by JP mtl since it’s available for me) which has been a real pain given how condensed some of the Chinese words are... and because im probably going to look at doing this on an on-off basis cuz my mind doesn’t work well focusing on one thing to translate for long periods of time (you have to pay me to do that since i equate that to mental torture lol xD).
enjoy this tl~
Hakuoki Shinsengumi Oni-tan Track 1 “A certain male oni and the Shinsengumi”
Translation by KumoriYami
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Kazama: Oni. In this country of Japan, since ancient times, there have been a race known as the oni living here. Holding power that transcended that of ordinary people, no, it should be said that because of this power which transcends that of ordinary humans, they are depicted as evil creatures/beings in folklore and legends.
Sometimes, they are killed, and other times they are used by humans. (the translation of 驱逐 is "expelled" which doesn't seem right so i changed to "killed"]
For this reason we oni have chosen to sever our ties with humans and live in secluded/ hidden villages. However due to the scarcity of oni, marriage with humans has increased, and some oni have chosen to live like/as humans.
And then, there are oni who live unaware of their heritage because of their weak bloodlines.
Yes, for example, the day I met that man.
(intro music)
Flower petals scatter and leaves wither as they fall. The season has already changed to winter. The city was loud despite how cold it was [Despite how cold it was, the city was bustling with activity/ was loud].
When nightfall arrived, it became quite cold. Alright, it's done. Leave/head back before it gets any darker. If [I] return too late, Amagiri will begin preaching again, which will indeed be unbearable. [rephrase later...?]
(sound of running footsteps) But, what's that sound? It sounded like there was a disturbance from a back-alley.
Roshi: che, damn it, the shinsengumi is here!
???: Ronin, there's no escape! Stay where you are!
Roshi: Damn it---  since it's like this let's break this jar, give me some good entertainment! [take a break and get ready? check later.]
(sound of sword being drawn)
Kazama:  hn, that's the light blue haori of the shinsengumi. the bakufu's dog is fighting a wild/stray dog, really what a horrible showing/senseless game/trick.
(blades crossing)
Roshi: Heh heh.... it seems like you're out of tricks. what's wrong shinsengumi, (you're?) all talk! /you seem to be all talk!
???: Che.... Don't... get too... cocky bastard!
Kazama: Nn?
Roshi: Why, why has this guy's eye colour changed....!
(sounds of blades hitting each other again)
Roshi: Uoaaaaah!
???: (heavy breaths) finally caught, caught, caught [my] breath, i just need to wait for the captains to come over.
Kazama: Oi. you. For someone of an oni clan, what are you doing in a place like this?
???: Hm? who are you?
Kazama: Leader of the western clans, the Kazama family head, Chikage.
???: For this first meeting, I am called Sasanami Kurō. Although you speak as though you know me, however(/perhaps) you have the wrong person. [rephrase later]
kazama: it turned out to be the case. i do not recognize that name. However, as a member of an oni clan, why are you wearing the the haori(/uniform) of the shogun[ate's?]'s dog?
Sasanami: Oni clan?
Kazama: Exactly. in my eyes, there is no doubt that you are my compatriot/kin/clansman, that is to say---
heisuke: hey new guy - really , where did you [assuming *he?*] go?
Harada: I can understand how people want to show off a bit because of the team's examination, but to go off chasing someone alone is dangerous/puts one in a really dangerous situation [im assuming its to join the Shinsengumi based on the summary on the drama info page].
Heisuke: although having enthusiasm/being enthusiastic is a good thing, those guys tend to die faster.
Harada: Anyway, pray/hope that he wasn't killed due to his carelessness. Heisuke, check over there, I'll look over here.
(more footsteps)
Sasanami:  oh, Captain Toudou, Captain Harada! I'm [over] here! The roshi has already been captured/arrested.
Harada: oh, over there. It looks like there's nothing wrong...
heisuke: although being popular/recognition is good, it can cause problems...
Kazama: Che, those troublesome guys are around/nearby. No choice then, it's time to go/retreat. The reason for your position, I will listen to it in two days.
Sasanami: Wait, At the end [who are] you----- [rephrase later?]
(sound of Kazama walking away)
Kazama: That/this person, although his lineage is quite weak, there is no doubt of his bloodline. But/However why is there there an oni aside from my wife in the Shinsengumi?
final edits will be done when video is posted since im feeling lazy rn.... also i decided that i’d post this drama track by track for text. not sure bout videos yet since i wanna double check the context for what i think is the recruitment examination vs team examination. once that’s done... i think i’ll start making the videos to publish though im going to leave everything unlisted on youtube all 9 tracks of this drama are done.
on a side note, is there something about a location guide in the Hakuoki 3ds game or the ds yuugiroku english patch game (never tried it so iuno how well that worked or if that was even finished but that was one of my first google search bar suggestions)? Asking because I found a Chinese translation/summary of the Zuisouroku ds travel guide (commentary/exchange of certain locations. ex - saito’s room, hanaguri gate, fushimi magistrate)... and well, i just wanna make sure im not looking at game content that was already translated since I know Hakuoki tends to recycle a lot of their stuff before considering to translate it....
also.... this is the only drama where i might translate the interview with the cast (its 4 qs to the VAs sans roshi in text format)... though that would be after i finish this.... whenever the hell that is.
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brynwrites · 6 years
What I learned while self-publishing.
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@milkyteefs asked:
I'm unsure about the entire self-publishing world! Do you have a basic outline of the process? Some key highlights/headings of how you started and what connections you needed to make? Thanks again! <3
I went through the process of self-publishing Our Bloody Pearl this summer. Even with all the guides in the world it turned out to be a very grueling experience. I’ll be doing it again with Quasi Stellar soon, but I also hope to traditionally publish The Warlord Contracts trilogy.
First, let’s get this out of the way: Self published books are often very bad.
But they don’t have to be.
Self publishing requires you, the writer, to either wear the hat of everyone else at a publishing house, or be your own investor and pay for professionals to do the jobs you can’t. If you’re willing to put in that effort and money then you can come out with a more professional book than you might have had you published traditionally. If you’re not, then self publishing might not be the right road for you.
Now then, how do you self publish in a way that produces a professional book?
Fifteen Basic Steps to Self-Publishing:
1. Write and edit the book.
This is, understandably, the step that a lot of people get stuck at. Writing a novel is hard. Don’t worry about how or when you’ll publish it until it’s finished.
Just write it.
During this time you should also be marketing yourself as a writer. Learn more about that via my marketing tips tag.
2. Beta readers and critique partners.
Getting feedback from handpicked peers is essential for any book no matter which publishing route you choose. If these terms are new to you, learn more about beta readers here and critique partners here.
During your first book (or two) I recommend starting with critique partners and then moving to beta readers afterward, because critique partners will shred your novel down to the bare bones, which you usually really need the first few books you write. Critique partners will also generally pick at your grammar and typos though, which can be very useful at the end of the editing stage so that your manuscript looks cleaner to an editor (or agent, if you traditionally publish.)
3. Write your blurbs and summary.
While your story is in the hands of your final group of readers, you should already be working on blurbs and summaries. By the end of the publishing process you will need:
A back of the book blurb.
A one-two sentence logline style blurb.
A one page summary of the story.
Don’t put these off! They won’t get any easier if you wait. You can find tips on writing blurbs in this article.
4. Determine that you’re done making changes to the manuscript.
A writer who’s growing and learning will forever feel as though there’s something they can change in their manuscript, but at some point you have to decide that what’s done is done. You will always have another awesome book which will be even better than this one.
If you have trouble determining when this point should be, check out this explanation!
5. Make a publishing timetable.
Give yourself more time on your timetable than you think you need! Traditional publishing takes about two years for a reason. A lot of the steps below this point seem relatively simple compared to writing and editing a book, but they require you to learn new skills and spend a lot of time waiting for other people with busy schedules.
Five and a half: Start book two.
You might have already done this during the beta reading stage, but if not, start another book! Writers should never stop writing and editing (outside of planned vacations, emergencies, and mental health breaks, of course), so pick that pen back up and start pounding out another book.
6. Find a content editor.
If you ran a beta reading stage with 10-20 critical and knowledgeable beta readers in your target audience then congratulations, they served the purpose of a content editor already!
6. Find a copy editor.
A copy editor is the person who checks your grammar, sentence structure, flow, and word usage. I found my editor though the editorial freelance association directory. The main things to look for when choosing an editor:
Experience. This should include testimonies, information about any publishing companies they worked with, and the works they edited in the past. If you can’t easily access and double check these things, then keep looking.
Sample edits. Any editor worth your time will offer you a free sample edit. (For copy editing this is generally 750-1k words of your novel. I’m not sure about other types of editing.) Take advantage of this! Send the same sample to the top four or five editors who fit your price range and see who returns feedback that you jive with and feel comfortable paying.
What if I can’t afford a copy editor?
In general, you can probably get away without hiring a professional copy editor if you (a) find 3-4 solid critique partners who are willing to do a very detailed line edit and proofread of your final draft (do not take advantage of your fellow writers!! Offer them the same in return!!), (b) get free sample edits from a handful of freelance authors to see if they catch any major formatting issues you do regularly, and (c) learn what a style guide is and make at least a simple one for yourself while you do another round of proofreading.
Remember though, traditionally publishing exists specifically so that you, the writer, can get a professional edit without having to pay for it. If you want a professional book without putting in the investment, then querying an agent might be the better option for you.
7. Prepare to offer ARCs to reviewers and friends.
Getting reviews for your book is the most important marketing activity you can do. The sooner you contact reviewers about this, the more reviews you’ll have when the release date comes. Note that the large majority of book reviewers you contact will never respond. If you email 20 reviewers, expect to get one or two reviews out of it, most likely in 4-6 months. (Which is why you should email all your friends and past beta readers too.)
How do we maximize the number reviewers who will read our books?
You know those neat little lists of book blogs who will review indie books? Don’t use them. Anything that with nicely compiled and easy to get reviewer lists is going to be overcrowded with blogs who have two year wait-lists and 97% of them will never even email you back.
Instead, try searching for reviewers you already follow on twitter and tumblr. Look for semi-popular goodreads reviewers who put positive reviews on books similar to your own and check if they have a link to a blog, or an email for review inquiries. Find less well known booktubers that youtube links to off your favorite popular booktubers.
8. Format the book.
You can pay someone to format your novel, but its rather expensive for something that’s relatively easy to learn to do yourself using guides off the internet. Paperback and ebook formatting must be done separately, and your first time I would set aside a full Saturday to tackle each of them, just to be safe. If you have a program like scrivener, with a little tweaking you should be able to get a nice looking ebook with none of the hassle of learning html. There are many other options though. Do a little research to find the one which works for you!
(Note: If you’re printing a paperback you cannot get a paperback cover until you’ve formatted the book and know final page count for your print size!)
9. Hire a cover artist.
The book cover is the most important part of your book, so far as sales and success are concerned.
There’s a huge trend in self published books to skip this stage and work with photoshop or cavna instead. I would not recommend this. Cover artists for professional books do what they do full time. They know the market. They know what sells. So do some writers, but the truth is, many of the writers who think they can design covers, turn out the sorts of designs that are easily pegged as self-published books.
If you want a professional looking book that pops in the amazon charts, hire a professional.
There are a multitude of ways you can go about this. Some large cover art sites like damonza offer bundles which can get pricey, but let you back out with no charge if you don’t like their first drafts and include unlimited changes if you commit. There are also many freelancers who specialize in book covers, for a wide range of prices.
What if I don’t have the money to hire a cover artist?
If there is anything you don’t want to go cheep on, it’s your cover art. But let’s say you absolutely have to get a cover for cheap or free. There are people who do cover designs for $5 on Fiverr, and I think some of them actually turn out half decent covers for very specific genres, but its a gamble. A couple writeblrs do cover design as part of their day job and might be willing to do something cheep or for a trade. You could also learn how to design covers yourself, but if you want to compete with books whose designers went to school just to do what they now do full time, you’ll either have to put in a lot of time or be lucky enough to have a very good, easily executed idea for your particular novel, and hopefully not one with requires any stock photos unless you want to purchase rights to them.
Now, there are some exceptions. Some writers have a natural design brain, and some writers are in fact designers themselves. Sometimes you write a book where the perfect cover design is very simple and easy to produce yourself. But that won’t be most people, with most books.
So far I have seen exactly two of the hundreds of self publisher made covers I’ve seen have actually made me want to buy the story. I’m not trying to be mean. It’s just the truth.
10. Offer ARCs to more reviewers.
Now you have a nicely formatted book and everything! Who can resist that?
11. Do a cover reveal, and during the cover reveal, offer everyone there an ARC.
Cover reveals come in many different forms. Some writers just post the cover on their blog, some do livestreams on facebook, some do question and answer sessions leading up to the reveal, some even go all out and have other writers come talk about their books on their site for a full day prior to the cover reveal.
Do whatever works best for your schedule. The goal is to attract attention for the book, so make sure you link to anything you’ve already set up from #12, so people can easily find your book when you release it!
And, as always, give out ARCs.
12. Get your book and author profile set up on everything.
Prior to your book’s release you should have a goodreads author page, an amazon author page, and a bookbub author page, all with your book attached. You should also have a website and a mailing list (linked to via your ebook), prepared release announcements for every social media site you work off of, and be ready with attractive and easily noticeable links to the book’s sale page off your tumblr blog and website.
Keep in mind that some of these things will take a decent chunk of time to set up, and a few of them require a live human being to confirm you are who you say you are. Start them as early as possible!
13. Release the book!
Time to actually put the book out there for all to buy. You can do a similar hype release as you do with a cover reveal, if you so desire. Make sure you remember to post all your announcements and put up all your links.
Try not to check on the book’s sales until the following day! It does not help their growth or your mental health to constantly be haunting your sales charts. When you do check them, keep in mind that a book which sells two thousand copies in its entire life time has done well, all things considered.
The fantastic thing about self publishing is that you never have to stop selling your book. If you sell fifty copies your first month and then twenty the second and then five the third, you can always dive back into marketing, run a discount, apply for a bookbub ad, focus on marketing yourself as an author and gaining followers. You chose whether your book is done selling.
To offer pre-orders or not?
This is a toss up. In my experience, pre-orders aren’t a good idea for your debut self-published novel, even if you think you have a large audience who will buy them, because they take away from the sales you could have your release week, and the boost those sale give you on the amazon charts. If you do wish to offer pre-orders though, try going through ingramspark instead of amazon advantage, to save yourself tears and heartache.  
To go amazon exclusive or not?
Many authors claim that you have to try both to know what’s right for any particular book. Do your own research and decide what you think is best for you.
Thirteen and a half: Start book three.
At this point you should already have finished at least the rough draft of second novel, so don’t forget to start your third book at some point!
14. Offer people read for review copies.
Especially if your debut novel is aimed toward broke teenagers and younger adults, there will be a lot of people who are interested in the book but aren’t motivated enough to actually buy it on faith alone. By offering free ebooks on a read for review basis, you...
Grow your reviews.
Create fans out of people who may have never read the book otherwise.
Have higher paperback sales, because readers who loved the ebook you gave them may decide to buy themselves a paperback.
15, unto infinity: Keep promoting your book into the sunset, while writing new books!
The time to stop promoting you book is whenever you feel you’ve had enough sales and reached enough readers. Until you reach a point where you’ve published so many books that you can’t handle marketing them all, you should still be trying to expand your readership!
And don’t forget to have a little bit of fun along the way. You worked hard for this. Celebrate it.
But what if I just want to get a book out there?
If your goal is not to publish a professional looking book with will expand your fanbase and set you on a path to full time authorship, but rather to have a piece of your writing available in a book format your friends and family can buy, then there’s no reason not to publish exactly how you wish to.
Are all these steps really necessarily?
I believe they are, at least for a debut novel. In fact, there are probably more steps which I missed entirely. But, if you can find multiple self-published authors who went through a less rigorous publishing process and still received hundreds or goodreads reviews, then by all mean, follow that process instead (and let me know about it!)
So which book did you self publish?
This one here! You can support me and my ability to keep giving writing advice by purchasing a copy today =D
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dcarhcarts · 5 years
regarding recent absences
And other such updates!
If you want the tl;dr, here it is: my mental health isn’t in the greatest place right now, and I figured I ought to explain why I must ask you for continued patience for the snail speed on this blog. I’m not announcing official hiatus, but just know that I...might continue to be pretty scarce, but I’m trying my best to be here and to be writing here. To hopefully get me more active here, I plan on dropping a few threads and cleaning out my dash re: people who follow me but aren’t writing with me. You’re more than welcome to keep following me if I unfollow you, and if you want to write with me and just haven’t gotten the chance and would like me to re-follow you, pls just go ahead and shoot me an im. I will be making a separate post about both those things, it’s just that I can’t deal with how fast my dash is moving at the moment.
If you care for the long version, under the cut so as to not bother everyone else!!! Be warned that it’s uh...it’s l o n g. TW for depression and anxiety and the general things my brain does to me lolol. 
Wow I haven’t used the post title function in a l o n g time. Anyway, hi, it’s me, Ro, your friendly neighborhood mun of a 20+ muse mumu. Don’t let the kind-of-serious format scare you - nothing bad is happening. I just have a few things that I felt the need to address that have been happening either in my life or just in my screwed up brain :D Buckle in and get ready for the ride, I guess?
Starting with something y’all already know about - I’ve not been here a lot recently. I joke about that a lot, but really, if you catch the pattern, my activity here is: exclusively after 10 pm, 2 drafts at most a day, inbox straight up clogged from like a month ago. IMS basically desolate, because I haven’t worked up the courage to pick them back up since I last forgot about them in the endless stream of things I had to do about a month ago! (that being said, uh, if you want to talk to me your best bet is probably through discord. Ro#6782 - pls, mutuals only, and tell me who you are!)  
And - because I h a t e being that mun that reblogs memes and asks for for them and then never answers their askbox / puts out starter calls when she has 10000 drafts / puts out plotting calls when she has unanswered ims, (no problem at all when other people do this but somehow when it’s m e I’m like “no you’re a terrible person”???? hmmm), I’ve also been avoiding t h o s e. If you’re new and you followed me in the last month, I’ve been putting out n o t h i n g that indicates a willingness to interact with new/more people, while the opposite is true. I’m always willing to interact - if I follow back, I want to write with you, only, well, aforementioned issue aside, I also have m o r e problems.
Namely, IRL and the fucked up thing called my brain. 
As most of you know, I got a job ~end of may or early juuuune~ and....well it’s pretty damn time consuming. I can’t have my phone during the course of my job - by the way, 4 hours - and so in those 4 hours (from 4 pm to 8 pm) I can basically get nothing done here. Then there’s also the fact that the time my shift is placed mentally and physically drains me a lot. Because it starts at 4, most of my morning is spent thinking “god I don’t wanna go to work” and because it ends at 8, most of my evening is spent trying very hard not to doze off. It also drains me a lot socially - I work at a call center, and all day I’m basically calling people who don’t want me to call them and are very irate even when they pick up, and uh, that already doesn’t do well for my anxiety haha. 
The other thing, of course - is my sort-of-seasonal depression. Winter tends to equate to anxiety for me, and summer tends to equate to depression. Again, I think I’ve joked about this a lot, but I apparently can only do drafts when I have 3 finals tomorrow and I haven’t studied for any of them. When it’s break, I get into a really weird slump - when i wake up in the morning, I don’t really want to wake up, and sometimes just stare at the wall for like, an hour. Nothing that I enjoyed during the other months, I seem to enjoy doing now. There’s too much time and too little time. It’s like i spent the whole day doing absolutely nothing meaningful but I can’t break myself out of the cycle so I keep doing that, rinse and repeat day after day, and sometimes my definition of spending time is just lying down in bed again and doing nothing for an hour randomly in the middle of the day. I feel guilty for wasting time as much as I am clueless as to how to fill it in a fulfilling way. “But Ro, you could do drafts!” A Concerned Person May Say. “You like writing!” Well, Kind Person, on some of these days, absolutely n o t h i n g Sparks Joy. 
“But Ro, I follow you on your other blog too!” The Concerned Person might continue.“You’re kind of active there, aren’t you?” And the answer, Kind Person who supported my career even if that blog is mostly obscure af fandoms - is yes.  I am kind of active on my other blog, @storyblcd. This brings us to the third and final reason why I’m.....moving at snail’s speed here, and that, my good friend - is anxiety. Well, mixed with a certain amount of mental exhaustion, of course. Note: this is n o t anyone’s fault. People’s interactions with me have not been negative - and they are not responsible for how my brain chooses to reaact to it. 
I’ve not lost muse for the muses on this blog, per se - but I’m getting burned out really fast writing them, for multiple reasons. First, muse imbalance. Now I know, I definitely k n o w - that sometimes people like one muse more than another, or have more interest in writing with one or the other, and I get that. I’ve said multiple multiple times that that is p e r f e c t l y fine. But honestly the reason I’ve lasted so long on a multimuse is because I can pick which muse I have muse for when, and I can respond accordingly / ask for interactions accordingly. But when I get so many people coming at me at once for the o n e muse when I have t w e n t y it sometimes gets a little? Discouraging? It makes me question whether or not only that one muse is popular for a reason. It also exhausts me re: the portrayal of that muse, because I”m putting out so many replies for that muse in a lot of sort of similar plots/scenarios that I just get burnt right out. And then I get scared that if I keep going I’ll want to drop the muse, so I’m staying away from those threads a little bit.
Second, I’m at a point in my portrayal of certain muses where I feel like there’s a certain expectation for how it’s going to be. My personal feelings aside, I think every mun expects their own portrayal to be different and unique and exciting - and it’s not different for me, only now I feel like the expectation and the pressure of coming up with something good and meaningful outweighs the feeling of exploration as I’m “discovering” the muse. Like most writers - I still crave validation, though more and more lately, I’m at a place in my writing where I f e e l like me from 2 months ago could have probably done a better job. While it’s not necessarily true, and these pressures are coming from m e and not any outside source, I f e e l like I have to consistently Make Good Writing, and simultaneously feel like some days I sit down and I try to do drafts and all I write is garbage. It just - doesn’t feel the same? So - more and more, I’m staring at the empty drafts page and then closing it - because if I don’t w r i t e I don’t have to admit I peaked two months ago.  
Both of these reasons have made me rather a bit avoidant of my muses here / this blog. Now, I’ve been struggling with anxiety for long enough that I know that a lot of this is - well, p r o b a b l y just my brain lying to me. See even as I’m writing this post now, my anxiety is saying “haha guess what n o one cares you’ve been gone” and my rational Anxiety-is-a-stupid-asshole voice is saying “nahhhhhh your brain is probably just lying to you.” But! In the battle, anxiety is kind of pummeling me now. I will r i s e again and win the war, most likely - but for now it’s anxiety: 1 and ro: 0.
AND finally - if you made it all the way down here, you’re a c h a m p. The solution! Well, as much of a solution as I’m hoping to get anyway - we’ll have to see if it implements well. I’m going to unfollow a few blogs so I can get my dash cleaner/more organized/less fast-moving and b r e a t h e. I’m going to drop a couple of threads, I might make a couple more muses request only/exclusive only for the like 2 people that have threads with them, I might drop a couple muses (though I don’t think this will really happen, Idk tho). There will be separate posts on those things coming soon, this is just to notify y’all. Thank you for all of your patience, thank you for all the wonderful people who’ve allowed me to write with you, I love all of you!!!!
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Best Means To Convert FLAC To M4A
Methods to convert M4A to FLAC online with M4A to FLAC Converter? Step four: Return to the primary interface, then click Convert button to begin the conversion. His Convert And Export script , as an illustration, means that you could choose a number of audio recordsdata in your iTunes library after which easily convert them to an iTunes-pleasant format (AAC, AIFF, Apple Lossless, MP3, or WAV) after which save the transformed file to a different location in your arduous drive. m4a is the standard file extension for any media encoded utilizing MPEG-4. It offers a standard "container" for a wide range of formats. Its slightly complicated, I know, however the m4a container is used for each AAC (lossy) and ALAC (lossless) audio. Referring to audio knowledge as "m4a" does not therefore indicate a particular compression method. Your unique question talks about using 3rd social gathering software to convert to "ALAC or M4A" after which converting to AAC. In this case "M4A" and "AAC" are synonymous - and also you positively need to avoid anything that converts FLAC to lossy M4A and then changing this once more - each conversion to a lossy format entails quality loss. Maybe a bundle like mediainfo can tell you the codec used to compress the stream inside your m4a information. Compress FLAC files to smaller measurement without shedding any quality. Like MP3 before it, FLAC is beginning to be embraced by the music business as a cost-effective approach to distribute CD-quality-or-larger music, and it would not have the auditory problems of MP3s. FLAC is lossless. Convert FLAC to MP3, M4A, WMA, WAV, ALAC, and so on. Total Audio Converter can split FLAC and APE recordsdata by CUE (split CUE-primarily based FLAC, cut up CUE-based mostly APE). It can also convert FLAC to WAV, AIFF, AC3, AAC, WMA, and so forth audio format. Until your m4a information are lossless (and at this measurement, it is vitally inconceivable), there is no such thing as a cause to transform to FLAC. High quality won't improve; solely deteriorate.
After downloading and putting in the Apple Music converter, double click the program icon to launch this system. Click "Add" button, then you will see a pop-up window which will show you all the iTunes folders. You can add Apple Music files as you want. After deciding on the output format, click "Convert" to start converting FLAC to M4A. Just wait a number of seconds, and the FLAC file shall be converted to M4A. Apple has its own model of lossless compression files, known as Apple Lossless Audio Information (ALAC), which have an identical sonic properties to FLAC. As such, iPhone homeowners may ask: Why use FLAC recordsdata in any respect? The reasons come all the way down to content (what you already own), and sources (what you will get). There are several purveyors of high-decision audio recordsdata. The biggest, like HD Tracks , supply albums in full-measurement WAVs — and Apple's model, AIFFs — in addition to FLACs and ALACs. There are many excessive-res audio websites , however, that use FLAC information as their most popular file type. On prime of that, you (or someone you know) could already own a couple of FLAC files, making it worthwhile to incorporate them into your iOS library. FLAC is the open-source format, and subsequently, the standard. iTunes is likely one of the hottest option to grasp your music assortment on each Mac and Windows. It comes with so many options to enrich your life. But it is selective that means it doesn't simply settle for something imported to it, flac to m4a converter online mac for example, it refuses to play FLAC recordsdata, either ripped in an audio CD or sent by buddies. So many people can't help but ask Can iTunes play FLAC" or Does iTunes play FLAC". Sadly, Apple's software program and units, like iTunes, QuickTime, iPad, iPhone, iPod, do not assist flac to m4a converter online mac format. Just quit? No. You possibly can nonetheless play FLAC in iTunes by converting FLAC to iTunes compatible format at first, then import FLAC to iTunes. means that you can convert and download your favourite movies from YouTube , Dailymotion and Clipfish in a format like MP3, MP4 and more. It's quick, free and there is no registration needed. In case you have iTunes put in on your laptop, you too can use it to free convert M4A video file to MP3 format. Here are the steps that you'll want to follow for the conversion.
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Convert media information in your machine or flac to m4a converter online mac cloud storage utilizing our proprietary cloud conversion device. Merely choose a file that you simply want to convert and choose from the various audio and video format options which might be out there. It's easy to use, extraordinarily fast and completely freed from cost. There are some hybrid codecs which give lossy compression with a further file generated on the time of compression which acts as a key to restore all the discarded knowledge to allow them to be decompressed into the bit-right authentic, but I don't see the point in these myself.Once add accomplished, converter will redirect an online page to show the conversion consequence. I used to be additionally capable of convert directly from FLAC to m4a utilizing flac only, however the resulting information have been twice as massive. It seems flac does not apply any compression, whereas afconvert and ffmpeg compress the ensuing recordsdata. You can rapidly invite others to view, download and collaborate on all the information you want, no e mail attachment wanted.
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arecomicsevengood · 5 years
So, while the original idea behind this series was for me to read an acclaimed comic I expect I’ll like but had not yet actually read, or to read something I’d read a little of but not its entirety, covering E.C. Segar’s Popeye is something of a cheat. When Fantagraphics began their reprint series, a roommate had the first volume, of what would eventually be six, and I read that; I later ordered my own copy of volume 3, and I own a copy of The Smithsonian Collection Of Newspaper Comics, which reprints the “Plunder Island” series of Sunday strips covered in volume 4. I enjoyed all of it, but didn’t feel a pressing need to acquire more, and now Volumes 4 and 5 are out of print and command high prices on the secondary market. This motivated me to get a copy of the still-available volume 6, which might seem less appealing because it’s the last stuff Segar did before he died, and health issues led there to be periods of time where the strip was entrusted to his assistants, in sequences not included.
The editors say those strips aren’t good, I’ll take their word for it. Other people have tried to sell other Popeye product, and I’m sure some of it is quite good: There are some people who take pains to point out that the Segar comic strips are not similar to the Fleischer brothers cartoons, but I’m sure those cartoons are good fun, I generally like the stuff that studio produced. I have seen the 1980 Robert Altman movie, starring Robin Williams and Shelley Duvall, with a screenplay by Jules Feiffer and songs by Harry Nilsson, which is a notorious flop, but with some admirers: Still, it’s a slog, which the comic strip never is. IDW’s comic strip reprint line put out books collection the late eighties/early nineties run of former underground cartoonist Bobby London, what I’ve read of that stuff (just previews online) is unfunny garbage. I think they also were behind reprints of comic books by Bud Sagendorf, and a revival written by Roger Langridge, neither of which I’ve read, though Langridge’s work is always ok; good enough for me to think it’s good, not compelling or transcendent enough for me to spend money on it. It’s all work done by those who have rights to the license, which makes me view it as essentially merchandise, like a pinball game or something. The Segar stuff is where it all comes from.
While other masterpieces of the first half of the twentieth century comics page, like George Herriman’s Krazy Kat or Winsor McKay’s Little Nemo are definitely acquired tastes, Popeye was not only popular enough to make its creator a rich man back in the day, it remains functional as populist entertainment today. I feel pretty “what’s not to like?” about it, and would recommend it to whoever. It’s funny, the characters are good, there’s adventures. The humor is three quarters sitcom style character work and one quarter the sort of silliness that verges on absurdism.
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This light touch separates it from the first half of the twentieth century’s “adventure strips” that didn’t age as well, despite having well-done art that would influence generations of superhero artists. Segar’s art isn’t particularly impressive, but every strip tells a joke or two, and even if you don’t laugh at every joke, you’ll appreciate its readability, especially if you’ve ever tried to read a Roy Crane comic, or even Chester Gould’s Dick Tracy. I don’t want to praise E.C. Segar by merely listing works his comics read better than, but it really is notable how many people today are basically trying to do what he did, but are failing at least in part due to not understanding that’s what they’re trying to do. If you want to do a comedic adventure story that becomes popular enough for you to be financially successful, it might be worth reading a volume of Popeye and observing its rhythms. When I was reviewing Perdy a few weeks ago, I was thinking “This basically just wants to be a R-rated Popeye.” I recently found 3/4 of the issues of the Troy Nixey-drawn comic Vinegar Teeth for a quarter each; despite that comic’s high-concept pitch involving Lovecraftian monsters, it would probably have been better if it thought of itself as being a descendant of Popeye, rather than something that could be adapted into a movie. I’ll just phrase it in the format of a popular Twitter meme: Some of you have never read Popeye, and it shows.
Lesson number one, which just sort of emerges naturally from the format of the daily strip, is you’ve got to make jokes, and they can’t just be the same one, over and over again. To that end, you need a cast of characters, who each have their own bit, and who play off each other in various ways. It is easy to see why people don’t do this: Large ensembles grow organically, and most people start telling a story with either a central character or something precisely in mind they want to chronicle. The comic strip, with its long runs originating from a practitioner’s ability to tell a joke, can be a bit freer to stumble onto something that works, without even necessarily having a title character to return to.  The collections might be named after Popeye, but the comic strip being collected in these books was called Thimble Theater, which ran for a decade before Popeye showed up and circulation sky-rocketed. For a while, I think the consensus on the early stuff was it was pretty boring and hard to read before Popeye came in and livened the whole thing up, but recently there was a reprint of this earlier material, and I know the dude who reviewed it for The Comics Journal liked it, though I’m sure it’s easy to find someone at The Comics Journal who will like an old comic strip even if it’s bad. Either way, modern cartoonists don’t have Segar’s luxury, or having their work run for a half-disinterested audience until something clicks so much word spreads.
The gag-a-day pace, built around getting into new situations and adventures, itself creates a pressure to be inventive today’s graphic novelists can’t really match. After Popeye is established as a good character, prone to getting into scrapes, Segar can show us the comedy of him caring for a baby. He can also introduce Popeye’s dad, Poopdeck Pappy, that this character looks basically exactly like Popeye but is a piece of shit is a funny idea that would not occur in the early days of planning a project.
One reason why you wouldn’t necessarily do such a design choice is because, if you’re thinking of different media as a way to success, having characters with the exact same silhouette runs counter to the generally accepted rules of animation. Thimble Theatre, as per its name, is based on theater staging, rather than the more expressionist angles of film: We’re looking at characters from the side, usually seeing whoever’s talking in the same panel unless one of them is out of the room. These characters tend to have the same height, basically. Someone once said that looking at Popeye, printed six strips to a page, is kind of like looking at a page of sheet music. It’s not a particularly visually dynamic strip, the amount of black and white on a page is close to unvarying.
This is why I don’t believe in prescriptivism, or a suggestion of rules: I’m pretty sure that Popeye works because it’s not working super-hard to be visually interesting. This would be the number two lesson of what there is to learn from Popeye. I think this transparency in style is what allows this comedy/adventure hybrid to work, though I know others would blanch at this. It’s going for a big audience, and while I think this visual approach serves that end, I know why others, especially those who’ve been struck by later superhero comics or manga, would see visual excitement as the best way to achieve that goal. The audience that read newspaper comics wasn’t necessarily adept at following visual storytelling, and the sort of relationship that newspaper strips could have with a wider readership is not going to be achievable now. The folks that ride for Segar these days are mostly alt-comics people, like Sammy Harkham or Kevin Huizenga, who aren’t attempting the sort of popular entertainment extravaganzas he trafficked in.
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Reading Popeye feels like reading, basically, which is a nice, contemplative experience, that not all comics can capture. I read a few pages of it before bed. Obviously, this pace is not how people consumed it in its heyday, but the pace people took it in at, a strip a day, is even more deliberate and steady, and I think, was crucial to its popularity. For a comic to be popular, it has to have characters that are interesting, obviously; there is probably no better way for an audience to build a relationship with fictional characters than over extended periods of time. This speed corresponds to the pace it was created at, one that now seems insanely luxurious to anyone whose workflow is dictated by the internet’s demand for content. It’s a total crowdpleaser, but it existed at a time where crowds could slowly gather. Popeye’s a popular entertainment from an era of reading, listening to the radio, going to plays or movies. It holds up, owing to a basic pleasantness we can understand as low stakes, and that’s helped along by the restraint of the art. It’s telling a story. It’s not a farce, crowded with visual jokes, and it’s not dictated by characters’ emoting either. I love a visually expressive art style, but here it’s important that the visuals remain “on-model,” reinforcing the stability of the characterizations. This sort of thing is also evident in Chris Onstad’s Achewood, which I would argue is the preeminent 21st century character-driven comic strip, with an audience that feels relatively “wide” rather than pointedly “niche.”
Lesson number three to how to make a popular comic is the thought I find myself thinking all the time, which is “Everyone needs to chill out.” The number one impediment to making entertainment that just quietly works is the desire to stand out and make a name for yourself as quickly as possible. This is similar to how the number one impediment to a peaceful and contented life is the demands of a failing capitalism where we are all competing for a shrinking pile of resources. To read these books now is a luxury, an indulgence, and while I don’t much go in for those, reading older comic strips carries with it this sort of nostalgic appeal for an era where it didn’t feel like everything was screaming at you for your attention all the time. As broad as Popeye is, it now possesses a certain dignity, owing to this dislocation in time from its origin. I don’t know if this felt like a feature at the time. I do think that if you are an artist that wants to be successful now, you should do what you can for the sort of circumstances that allow for genuine, long-lasting success to build, which involves a certain degree of permission to fail. Mainstream comics companies, with their mentality of “we’re going to print hundreds of comics a month, in hopes some find a niche large enough to be briefly profitable we can then try to milk for their last dollar and they quickly become exhausted,” act against this. As in a garden, there needs to be space for things to take root and grow.
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Whats Mp3
The time required to entry and start the Wav, Mp3 and Mid files of the participant could rely upon the variety of information present within the current listing, and in addition on the settings of the PARTICIPANT AUTO LOAD function. That is MireGram Instagram Profile (@solmire). Right here you can uncover all tales, photographs, videos posted by MireGram on Instagram Profile. Click on on Select Information to Converter and add your required MP3 file. Step 4- Now click on File" > Export Audio", after which an Export Audio" window will pop up. Go to Save as kind" tab. For that reason, MIDI information are actually small and had been fashionable in the early days of the net as a approach of putting music on websites. Step 1:В Go to the Bear File Converter's MIDI Converter web page. I constructed an internet app - BitMidi - for listening to free MIDI songs. It is a historic archive of MIDI recordsdata from the early net era. You should test it out at in the event you're excited by MIDI files and wish to discover some cool ones to mess around with. Click on the Add and Convert button. A progress bar signifies the standing of the add and conversion. Direct Audio Converter and CD Ripper allows you to convert your favourite music tracks from one format to another without any high quality loss (corresponding to WAV to MP3, MP3 to WMA, MP3 to OGG, MP3 to WAV, etc.). This system helps all popular codecs, corresponding to MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG, FLAC, Monkey's Audio APE, MusePack MPC, WavPack WV, SPX, AIFF and AC3. Even higher, comfortable iPod house owners can be delighted with Apple format support for AAC, MP4 and M4A (iPod audiobooks). With Direct Audio Converter and CD Ripper, you can convert your whole music assortment to another audio format whereas preserving the original folder construction (including subfolders and preserving the unique folder construction features). And you'll make sure all audio tag data will remain unchanged after conversion. Hmm, I tried doing that and it virtually seemed to work however some notes ended up sounding a bit buggy. Did I need to change some setting first? Tested on this long midi (a minimum of the guitar solos are off-key at instances). Convert MIDI to MP3 stream audio file( or WAV, OGG, AAC, WMA codecs). MIDI file could be very small, however cannot play in most gadget. So some time you want convert it to fashionable format like mp3, wav which can play in any the place. Choose 'Media server' from the Challenge menu, select 'Internet browser' and press Okay. You should be offered with a HTTP link. Now on the opposite machine you want to access your initiatives from, open an online browser and enter the HTTP tackle. It is best to now see an online page with the Tasks folder of the app and now you can copy information to or from the machine. Be aware: When putting in the Freemake Audio Converter, make certain to uncheck what you don't need as the Freemake installer will try to put in other programs not associated to the converter. Trim, delete components, merge files, apply results with AVS Audio Converter Modify further textual content information in your audio files. of changing audio information to MIDI for your self, there is a list below. Get Whole Audio Converter to convert entire albums in one go. I simply examined this at this time, I transformed a midi into an mp3 (utilizing , thanks m4uesviecr!!!) using the EAWPats soundfont (my favourite) after which converted it to wav, trimmed the edges and converted it to ogg, and utilizing cherry's patch it ran easily, looped great and takes even much less space then mp3. MIDI to MP3 Converter converts midi to mp3 converter linux mint to MP3. It's an MULTI FUNCTIONAL audio converter that might convert more than a hundred and twenty audio and video information to MP3, WAV, WMA, AAC, M4A, M4B, M4R, OGG, and so forth. The software program is full compatible with Vista and Home windows 7. You may change encoding parameters of target information corresponding to pattern frequency, bit price, channels, and high quality. MIDI to MP3 Converter could convert a large size file to a smaller one. And, the software adds or retains ID3 tag when changing. The software helps to change sound volume as effectively. MIDI to MP3 Converter additionally helps batch conversion. You possibly can convert or resample a batch of files at a time. Next, click Output format" and enter a new window. Select MP3" underneath the Audio desk. Audials Tunebite Platinum is the most costly audio converter software in our comparability, however this software has essentially the most comprehensive function set of all the converters we tested. Combine, file or overdub as many simultaneous WAV and WMA & MP3 recordsdata as you want. Audio Converter helps such options as extract audio from dvd and convert audio to almost any generally used formats, convert audio from MIDI to WAV, convert audio MP3 to WMA, convert AVI to MP3, convert MP4 to MP3, convert audio M4A to MP3, convert WMV to MP3, convert audio WMA to MP3, convert audio WAV to MP3, convert audio FLAC to WMA, convert audio FLAC to MP3, convert audio MP3 to AAC, convert audio MIDI to MP3. Use Audio Converter to transform iTunes, convert audio MP3, convert CDA, convert OGG and convert any DRM-protected recordsdata.
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